Curtain Grouting Deep Pile
Curtain Grouting Deep Pile
Curtain Grouting Deep Pile
Liu Hui
Sichuan College of Architectural Technology, Deyang, Sichuan, 618000, China
[email protected]
The difficulty of hole forming during pile foundation construction in strata with high permeability
coefficient and artesian head can be solved with curtain grouting method which strengthens all
kinds of stratum and decreases permeability coefficient obviously. Combined with a real project,
the design keys, construction technology as well as the in-situ test method for judgment of water
resisting result are discussed. The practice shows that the water resisting result of curtain grouting
is obvious and it ensures the smooth construction of the pile foundation.
KEYWORDS: Curtain grouting; Water resisting; Piles construction; Packer permeability
test; Permeability coefficient
The main bridge of Caiyuanba Yangtze Bridge is 800m long whose main span and north
approach bridge is 420m and 886m respectively. The main bridge adopts the pattern of half-
through tied arches with steel-box ribs, and the bridge deck is a double layer bridge with six lanes
in both directions. The upper layer are 6 automobile lanes while the lower layer are 2 light rail
lanes. The 9# pier of the bridge’s north approach bridge and ramp lies on the shore protection
engineering area of Yangtze River where the geological condition is complicated. The
construction was done with manually excavation firstly and then with drilling when the hole
depth entered the underground water level. In order to ensure the construction period, the curtain
grouting technology was finally selected after plan comparison and consideration from multiple
aspects to consolidate the foundation around the pile so as to achieve the goal of resisting water
and controlling the quicksand.
Geological condition
The 9# pier on the inner side of the embankment of Yangtze river, where the strata are
constituted by 3 parts: the surface layer is large amount of miscellaneous fill of sand and cobble,
rock block of mudstone, gravel and construction waste and so on, of which the structure is
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Vol. 22 [2017], Bund. 07 2690
slightly dense to medium dense and the thickness is between 16 to 28m; the layer below is sand
and gravel of flood plain, of which the cobble content is 60 to 70%, the structure is slightly dense
to medium dense and the thickness is between 8 to 12m; the third layer is sandy mudstone which
is selected as bearing layer of the foundation. See Fig. 1.
consolidation of different slurry with different mixing formula and solidification agents can be
different and controlled. Besides, the slurry mixed with sodium silicate has very good groutability
and is suitable for seepage control project in many types of stratum. Finally, the slurry
consolidates with the rock and soil and forms an integral whole as a sealed curtain to prevent
quicksand and water penetration. The plan applied in this project has advantages as follows: ①
the construction equipment is not limited by space; ② it is unnecessary to deal with large amount
of back flow slurry and waste liquid; ③it can achieve relative good water resistance effect in the
layer of sand and weathered bedrock as well as soil reinforcement effect in the layer of sand and
cohesive soil; ④ it has no pollution to the underground water and environment.
The physical and mechanical properties of the soil after grouting are enhanced obviously on
following aspects: ① the water content of the soil body decreases; ② the permeability of the soil
is weakened and the test result of the permeability coefficient reduces; ③the strength of the soil
increases obviously especially the cohesive force.
soil pressure
Pore water pressure
0.6 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6
Grouting pressure(MPa)
0.09 0.19 0.29 0.39
Grouting volume(m3)
when the water pressure is high, retrograde grouting should be replaced by forward grouting.
However, no matter which grouting method is used, reliable drill sealing device must be equipped
to realize the solid connection between grouting casing and wall. The design grouting pressure is
1Mpa, and the maximum water inflow pressure is 0.277MPa, based on which the hole sealing and
slurry ceasing system can be designed.
After the hole is formed, pump-in test must be carried out before grouting as the unit water
absorption obtained from the test will determine the concentration of the slurry. Before the test,
residue in the hole should be removed until the rock powder thickness is less than 0.2m and then
the hole is washed with pressured water for 5 min until the water back flowing is clean. The
pump-in test should be carried out strictly according to the code.
The grouting should be done with pump form bottom to the hole opening, which means the
grouting pipe is lowered to the bottom, continuously grouting upwards. During the grouting, the
slurry is gradually changing from low concentration to high concentration and grouted to about
1m above the underground water level.
The grouting technological process is:
Lowering the grouting pipe in the hole → washing the hole with pressured fresh water →
residue removing → check valve installing → cement slurry mixing → high pressured grouting at
the bottom → grouting pipe lifting → high pressured grouting ceasing → grouting device cleaning
The initial grouting pressure is 0.6 MPa and the ceasing grouting pressure is 2.0 MPa . The
ceasing criterion is: if the slurry back flowing changed from low concentration to high
concentration, and the grouting amount is less than 1L/min in three tests at the interval of every
10 min, the grouting can be ceased after the grouting lasts 30min under the pressure of 1MPa.
control criterion of the water pressure is: 0.3Mpa for the former method; for the latter method,
0.6Mpa was chosen in the medium and strong weathered bedrock and 0.3Mpa in other strata.
Pump-in test at hole opening and result analysis
Pump-in test at hole opening was carried out at 2 holes. As shown in Fig.6 and 7, the P-Q
curve of the hole A and B(shown in Fig.3) are fundamentally laminar flow. Fracturing only
appeared when the water pressure was bigger than 0.3Mpa in hole B which reflected good
grouting, good fractures and voids closing effect and low permeability. Following rules can be
gained from the test results: ①under ordinary pressure, the comprehensive permeability
coefficient of strata is at magnitudes of 10-5cm/s; ② the curtain may be hydraulic fractured under
more than 0.3 MPa water pressure, resulting in increased permeability coefficient.
Injection pressure P(MPa)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Injection volume of water Q(L/min)
Injection pressure P(MPa)
0 3 6 9 12
(1) The result of the test shows that the curtain grouting improves the engineering properties
of the foundation with good water resistance effect. It achieves the expected objectives.
(2) The curtain grouting resists water and prevents quicksand which helps avoiding potential
safety hazard to the bank arising from excessive water pumping during the construction. The
curtain of grouted strata's hydraulic fracturing pressure is larger than0.3Mpa which satisfies the
water resistance requirement of the deep pile foundation below the water level (27.7m)in this
project; during the grouting, only a little waste water was discharged from the drilled hole and
generally no waste slurry needed to be dealt with which is an obvious advantage.
(3) The curtain acts well as retaining wall during the hole forming.
(4) The adoption of curtain grouting technology ensured the construction period and
redeemed great economical losses; the grouting machine is small in size and easy to operate, and
thus, it could satisfy the requirement of limited space downtown.
(5) The double liquid grouting technology with cement and sodium silicate achieves the goal
of greatly reducing the permeability (the permeability coefficient is smaller than 10-5cm/s ) and
enhancing the strength of the strata in this project.
1. JGJ94 (2008) “Technical code for building pile foundations,” Industry standard of
the people's Republic of China.
2. JGJ 79(2013) “Technical code for ground treatment of building,” Industry standard
of the people's Republic of China.
Vol. 22 [2017], Bund. 07 2699
© 2016 ejge
Editor’s note.
This paper may be referred to, in other articles, as:
Liu Hui: “Application of Curtain Grouting in the Pile Foundation
Construction in Watery Strata” Electronic Journal of Geotechnical
Engineering, 2017 (22.07), pp 2689-2699. Available at