Omd551/Basics of Biomedical Instrumentation Two Marks With Answer Unit I Bio Potential Generation and Electrodes Types
Omd551/Basics of Biomedical Instrumentation Two Marks With Answer Unit I Bio Potential Generation and Electrodes Types
Omd551/Basics of Biomedical Instrumentation Two Marks With Answer Unit I Bio Potential Generation and Electrodes Types
12. Name the electrodes used for recording EMG and ECG.
Electrodes used for recording EMG are
Needle electrodes
Surface electrodes
Electrodes used for recording ECG are
Limb electrodes
Floating Electrodes
Pregelled disposable electrodes
Pasteless electrodes
13. What are the basic components of biomedical systems?
The basic components are
Signal processing equipment
Control unit
14. List the lead systems used in ECG recording.
The lead systems used in ECG recording are
Bipolar Limb leads or Standard leads
Augmented unipolar limb leads
Chest leads or precordial leads
15. Define – Conduction Velocity
Conduction velocity is defined as the rate at which an action potential moves down a
fiber or is propagated from cell to cell. It is also called as Nerve conduction rate.
16. Give the disadvantage of using surface electrodes with EMG
• Surface electrodes can be used only for superficial muscles
• They are sensitive to electrical activity over too wide area.
17. Draw the Wave form of the resting and action potential.
Generally, for ECG signal, the frequency range is 0.05 to 100 Hz and amplitude
is 10 – 5000 µV.
7. What are the important parts of ECG recorder?
Patient cable and defibrillator protection circuit.
Lead selector switch
Bio- amplifier
Auxiliary amplifier
Isolated power supply
Output unit
Power switch
8. What is Electroencephalography?
It deals with the recording and study of electrical activity of the brain. By
means ofelectrodes attached to the skull of a patient, brain waves can be picked up
and recorded.
9. What is Electromyography?
It is the science of interpreting and recording the electrical activity of the
musclesaction potentials. Meanwhile, the recording of the peripheral nerve’s
actionpotential is called electroneurography.
10. What is Electrooculography?
It deals with the recording of the corneal- retinal potentials associated with
eye movements
11. What is Electroretinography? (MAY 2013)
It deals with the recording and interpreting of the electrical activity of the eye.
If the illumination of the retina is changed, the potential changes slightly in a
complexmanner. The recording of these changes is called Electroretinograph.
12. List the brain waves and their frequency.
Frequency Range of ECG Brain Waves:
Alpha 8 t-13 Hz
Beta 13 - 30 Hz
Theta 4-8 Hz
Delta 0.5-4 Hz
13. What is Electrocardiography? (MAY 2012)
It deals with the study of the electrical activity of the heart muscles. The
potentials originated in the individual fibres of heart muscle are added to produce the
ECG waveform.
14. What are the different sounds made by the heart?
Valve closure sounds, Ventricular filling sounds, Valve opening sounds, Extra
cardiac sounds
15. Name the parts of the heart conduction system.
Sino atrial node, Atrio ventricular node, Bundle of His , Purkinje fibres.
16. What is the color coding of the different leads?
White –RA, Black- LA, Green- RL , Red- LL, Brown- Chest
17. Mention any four specifications of the ordinary ECG recorder.
Maximum sensitivity – 20 mm/mV,
Input impedance –5 mega ohms,
Output impedance -<100 ohms,
CMRR- 10000:1.
18. Draw the electrode configuration of aVr output. (NOV 2011)