Valve Final Amp (2) Part 2 - Printed Circuit Boards and Construction

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Valve Final Amp (2)

Part 2: printed circuit boards and construction
Design by Bob Stuurman

This final amp is easy to build. The stereo version essentially consists of
two amplifier boards, a power supply board for the high voltage and
negative grid voltage, two output transformers and a power
transformer. We have designed two printed circuit boards for building the
final amp, but it can also be constructed in the ‘old-fashioned’ manner
using solder turrets.

The chassis is made of

aluminium and consists of
two parts: an open-ended
U-shaped channel section
and a flat plate resting on
top of the channel section.
The channel section is fit-
ted upside down, with the
output transformers on
top and the power trans-
former underneath. The
combined weight of the
transformers alone is
more than eight kilos, and
using a channel section
gives the chassis ade-
quate stiffness.
The rear wall of
the channel section is
aligned with the rear edge
of the plate. All of the con-
nectors are mounted on
the rear wall, along with
the master volume con-
trol. An IEC appliance
socket with integrated fil-
ter, switch and fuse holder
is used to keep the 230-
VAC wiring to a minimum.
There is no need for a pilot
lamp, since the valves
glow nicely when the
amplifier is on.

24 Elektor Electronics 5/2003




C3 C8
1-170020 V3








C2 TpV3




C11 R29



R25 TpV4


Fb+ C5 C6 C12 C13 0V










6.3V H6

V4g V4a



Figure 1. Copper layout and component layout of the printed circuit board for one amplifier channel.

Safety precautions amplifier is being tested. As soon as cuit board are shown in Figure 1. The only
Hazardous voltages are present in the mains voltage is switched off, component that is not included on the board
this amplifier. The electrolytic capac- they will discharge the electrolytic is the output transformer. The circuit board is
itors in the power supply have a capacitors in a few seconds, and single-sided, and using the artwork shown
large capacity, so it takes quite a they will have practically no effect here (and available from our website) some of
while for the high voltage to drop to on the operation of the amplifier. you will be able to make it themselves. How-
a safe level after the amplifier is ever, the board it is also available ready-made
switched off. For this reason, you from Readers Services (order number 020071-
should connect two 230-V 15-watt Amplifier construction 1). Two of these boards will be needed for a
incandescent lamp bulbs in series The copper track and component stereo version of the amplifier.
across the high voltage while the layouts of the amplifier printed cir- All connections to the circuit boards are

5/2003 Elektor Electronics 25

C12 0V -55V


Amplifier (one channel)

F1 315mAF
R1 C9
Resistors: 020071-2
All fixed resistors: metal film, Beyschlag type D9
MBE0414 or BC Components type PR-02, ROTKELE )C(
C11 C10
dim. 4x12 mm.

R1,R2,R11 = 1MΩ
R3 = 4kΩ7
R4,R17,R18 = 47kΩ D2
R5 = 390Ω 020071-2
R6,R22,R28,R29 = 100Ω D1
R7 (LS = 8Ω) = 3kΩ3
R7 (LS = 4Ω) = 2kΩ2 R2

R8 = 27kΩ
R9 = 100kΩ


R10,R26,R27,R30 = 1kΩ D7

R12,R14 = 150kΩ
R13 = 82k


R15 = 15kΩ C7 C6 C5 C8 40V~

R16,R19 = 390kΩ
R20,R21 = 2kΩ2
R23 = 10kΩ
R24,R25 = 10Ω
P1 = 50kΩ preset
P2 = 10 k preset
P3 = 20 k preset
(All presets: Bourns type 3386P)

All film capacitors: Wima type MKS4, unless
indicated otherwise.

C1 = 470nF 100V, lead pitch 15mm

C2 = 100nF 400 V, lead pitch 15mm
C3 = 10µF 350V or 450V, axial,
dim. 12x25 mm
C4 = 100pF 630V, polypropylene, (C) ELEKTOR
dim. 5x11 mm 020071-2
C5 (for LS 8Ω) = 680pF 630V,
polypropylene, dim. 5.5x15 mm
C5 (for LS 4Ω) = 1000pF 630V,
polypropylene, dim. 5.5x15 mm
C6,C12,C13 = 220nF 250V,
lead pitch 15mm
C7,C14 = 470nF 630V, lead pitch 27.5 mm
C8 = 10µF 450V, axial, dim. 15x30 mm Figure 2. Copper layout and component layout of the printed circuit board for the
C9,C10 = 100nF 630V, lead pitch 22.5 mm power supply.
C11 = 470µF 63V, radial, dim. 12.5x25 mm

made using solder posts with a widened somewhat by (mis)using a
D1 = 200 V 1.3 W zener diode
diameter of 1.3 mm and matching circuit board drill as a routing bit.
Valves: connectors. Noval valve sockets are The circuit board has six mount-
V1 = EF86 (US: 6267) used for V1 and V2. These sockets ing holes, which allow it to be firmly
V2 = ECC83 (US: 12AX7) are available in plastic and ceramic attached to the base plate. This pro-
V3,V4 = EL34 (US: 6CA7), matched versions; the circuit board has been vides extra support for the portion
designed for the ceramic version. holding the output valves.
Miscellaneous: Ceramic octal sockets are used for If you stick to the parts shown in
2 noval (9-way) valve sockets, ceramic V3 and V4, the EL34s. They have sol- the components list, building the
2 octal (8-way) valve sockets, ceramic der tabs with a width of 2 mm and a printed circuit board is a breeze;
Tr1 = output transformer, Lundahl type
thickness of 0.5 mm. In order to everything fits perfectly. The PR-02
LL1620 P-P
PCB, order code 020071-1 (see Readers allow the sockets to be fitted flat resistors from BC Components (for-
Services page) against the circuit board, the drilled merly Philips) are 1% types and
holes for the solder tabs must be have four colour-coding bands.

26 Elektor Electronics 5/2003

Power supply

R1,R2 = 47kΩ (Beyschlag type MBE0414 or
BC Components type PR-02, dim. 4x12

C1-C4 = 100nF 400V, lead pitch 15 mm
C5-C8 = 100 n/1000 V, lead pitch 22.5 mm
C9 = 470µF 63V, radial, lead pitch 5 mm,
dim. 12.5x25 mm
C10,C11 = 470µF 400V, radial, lead pitch 10
mm (e.g., Roederstein series EYS)
C12 = 100nF 630V, lead pitch 22.5 mm

D1-D4,D9,D10 = 1N4007
D5-D8 = BYW96E

Fuse, 315 mA (fast) with PCB mount holder
Mains transformer, secondaries 340V at
0.7A, 6.3V at 6.8A and 40V at 0.1A
(Amplimo # 7N607)
PCB, order code 020071-2

Miscellaneous parts
IEC mains appliance socket with integral
Since it can be difficult to read their (Figure 3). The channel section is filter, switch and fuse holder, fuse 1.5A(T)
values from these bands, it’s a good made from a piece of aluminium (time lag)
idea to always check them with an sheet 370 mm long and 290 mm 2 NTC-resistors, 5 Ω 5 W (Amplimo or
ohmmeter. wide, with its long edges folded to Conrad Electronics)
The valve sockets are soldered to form a U-shaped channel with 80- Audio potentiometer, 100kΩ stereo,
the copper side of the circuit board. mm walls. logarithmic law (e.g., Alps type RK-27112)
In order to align the individual con- The convenient feature of this with knob
2 cinch sockets, chassis mount (isolated)
tacts properly while soldering them chassis is that the channel section
2 binding posts, red (isolated)
in place, you should insert the valves and plate can be prepared sepa- 2 binding posts, black (isolated)
in the sockets. When fitting the octal rately. However, some of the holes Terminal block strip
sockets, be careful to orient the must be made in both the channel Covers for output transformers
notches properly. The sockets will section and the plate, which requires
‘fit’ in all possible orientations, and the two parts to be temporarily
it’s next to impossible to remove a bolted together. For this purpose, SUGGESTED SUPPLIERS
socket once it’s been soldered in you can drill holes for 2-mm screws Lundahl transformers
place. inside the outlines of the transformer Lundahl Transformers AB, Tibeliusgatan 7,
The single-sided printed circuit covers. SE-761 50 Norrtälje, SWEDEN. Tel. +46
board for the power supply (Fig- For the next stage, you will need 176 139 30, Fax +46 176 139 35.
ure 2) is available from Readers Ser- paper templates, preferably made Distributor overview at
vices under order number 020071-2. from tracing paper. The templates for
Valves and valve sockets
Here again, 1.3-mm solder posts the amplifier boards and the power Chelmer Valve Co.
with matching connectors are used. supply board can be made by simply (,
Building the power supply board is copying the component layouts, Conrad Electronics (,
so simple that we don’t need to say since they show the dimensions of Amplimo (
anything about it, except to remind the circuit boards and the locations
you to watch the polarity of the of the mounting holes. For the output PR-02 resistors
diodes and electrolytic capacitors. transformers and their covers, you Farnell (,
will have to make a drawing show- C-I Electronics (
ing the outside dimensions (of the
Building the amplifier cover) and the locations of the drilled
MKS capacitors
Farnell (,
The dimensions of the chassis plate holes. The template for the power C-I Electronics (,
and channel section are shown at transformer consists of a circle and Conrad Electronics (
the lower left of the wiring diagram its centre point. Make templates for

5/2003 Elektor Electronics 27


Figure 3. Sample wiring diagram and mechanical layout (bottom view) for a stereo amplifier.

LS+ LS- Volume Mains LS+ LS-


7N607 appliance
NTC white
* -55 V black *
R30 40 V ~ NTC brown R30
0V black
Tr1 Tr1
A* A*
G* G*
Tr+ blue Tr+
red yellow grey
G 340 V ~ G
+440 V


V4a V4g V3g V3a

-55V pos 1
Fb0 +440 V
80 80 TpV4 0V IN TpV3
Fb+ Tr+
Elektor Electronics

U-shaped channel Fil34 Tp0 Tp0 Fil34 pos 2

(section) GND
1.5 mm Alu Tr+ Fb+ 0V
length 370 mm TpV3 IN TpV4
+440 V Fb0 -55V

V3a V3g Fil12 V4g V4a

Alu sheet
6.3 V
1.5 mm thick
400 x 240 mm
020071 - 2 - 11

An 8-Ω or 4-Ω load, as appropriate, must be connected Tp0
to the loudspeaker output of the amplifier during align-
ment and whenever measurements are being made on
the amplifier. Several power resistors attached to a heat
sink can be used for this purpose. If the amplifier is not TpV3 P1
loaded, arcing can occur in the output transformer, pos-
sibly resulting in a defective transformer. 5k

The output valves are not self-biasing, since a nega- DC CURRENT

tive grid voltage is used instead of cathode bias resis- DC BALANCE

tors. Consequently, they should preferably be pur-
chased as matched pairs.
The following items must be aligned in the order
listed: DC current, DC balance and AC balance. The R1
characteristics of the valves change as they age, so it is

advisable to check the settings every two weeks at first,
and after that every two months. The current through M1
the output valves fluctuates somewhat, which makes it
difficult to use a digital voltmeter to make the adjust- 100µA 020071 - 2 - 12
ments. An analogue moving-coil meter is much easier to Ri = 1k

use for this purpose. Since the adjustments need to be

made repeatedly, an alignment aid is a handy accessory. For this purpose, a pair of three-way female headers (one for each ampli-
fier board) can be fitted in convenient locations using double-sided adhesive strips. The middle contact is connected to Tp0, and
the outer contacts are connected to TpV3 and TpV4, respectively. The alignment aid can then be connected using a length of cable
with a 3-way circuit-board header.
The current flowing through each EL34 should be 50 mA (combined anode and screen-grid currents). This yields a power dis-
sipation of around 22 W for each valve. At this level of current, the voltage across the cathode resistor of each valve will be 0.5 V.
The circuit diagram of the alignment aid is shown next to this box. It also has to be aligned before it can be used. To do so, con-
nect a DC voltage of 0.5 V to terminals Tp0 and TpV3 of the alignment aid and set S1 to the topmost position (‘DC current’).
Then adjust P1 until the meter shows a value of 50 (read mA for µA).
When S1 is in the ‘DC balance’ position, the circuit measures the voltage between TpV3 and TpV4. If the currents through the
two valves are equal, the meter reading will be 0. The nice feature of this circuit is that it has higher sensitivity for this adjustment,
since the only series resistance is provided by R1.
When S1 is in the ‘AC balance’ position, TpV3 and TpV4 are tied together and connected to a headphone plugged into K1. The
alignment signal can be heard using the headphone.

Adjusting the DC current and DC balance

On each amplifier board, first set P1 and P3 to their midrange positions and rotate P2 fully counter-clockwise, so that the negative
grid voltage has its maximum negative value. Connect the alignment aid with its switch set to ‘DC current,’ and then switch on the
power. Wait a few minutes, and then adjust P2 for a meter reading of 40 mA. Next, change S1 to the middle position (‘DC bal-
ance’) and adjust P3 to obtain a meter reading as close as possible to 0. After the amplifier has warmed up for ten minutes, you can
increase the DC current to 50 mA and tweak the DC balance as necessary.

Adjusting the AC balance

The AC balance of an amplifier is usually adjusted using a distortion meter. Mr Byrith has devised a method to allow this be done
using an audible signal. Set the switch to the ‘AC balance’ position and connect a sine-wave signal to the input of the amplifier
(1 kHz / 100 mVrms). While listening to this signal with the headphones, rotate P1 until the 1-kHz tone is as weak as possible. You
will also hear mains hum and harmonics of the sine-wave signal, and the loudness of the signal will fluctuate, but it is certainly possi-
ble to find a setting where the 1-kHz tone is at a minimum. The signals on the cathodes have opposite phases, and when they are
in balance they have equal amplitudes. Clever thinking!

Square-wave alignment
Capacitor C5 in the feedback loop corrects the phase lag. If its value is a bit too small, the corners of a square-wave signal will be
rounded off, and if its value is a bit too large, the corners will have overshoots. You need to have access to a square-wave genera-
tor and an oscilloscope if you want to check and/or adjust the square-wave response.

5/2003 Elektor Electronics 29


Figure 4. Bottom view of the fully assembled amplifier.

the IEC appliance socket and the Alps vol- diagram). Make feedthrough open- fier boards, it’s convenient to first
ume control as well. ings at the positions of the filament assemble the power supply portion.
Tape the templates to the chassis plate connections on the circuit boards. Fit the power transformer and the
such that the amplifier boards are spaced Run the wiring for 0 V, –55 V and power supply circuit board to the
13 mm from the front and side edges (this +440 V in a second small cable duct channel section, along with the IEC
clearance is required for the supporting strips located at ‘pos 2’. appliance socket. Install a 1.5-A
in the case). The fixing nuts for the trans- Attach the amplifier boards to slow-blow fuse. In our amplifier, we
former covers must fit inside the channel sec- the chassis plate using 10-mm fitted two four-way connector strips
tion. Align the C cores with each other, and standoffs. Adjust the separation to a piece of epoxy board using
position the power transformer in the middle between the boards and the plate countersunk 3-mm screws, and then
of the channel section. using shim washers so that the secured this board to the fitting
Now you can centre-punch and drill all of sockets for the output valves are screw for the power transformer
the holes. For each output transformer, two firmly pressed against the top plate. using an extra nut. The lower set of
holes are needed to allow the wiring to pass Fit the power supply board using terminals (as shown in Figure 3) is
through the chassis. If they are drilled within standoffs as well. for the filament wiring.
the outline of the cover, they will be hidden Fit an aluminium screening plate Practically all of the wiring,
when the assembly is finished. between the amplifier boards, and except the heavy leads for the loud-
Drill six holes with a diameter of 8 mm use a sheet-metal enclosure to speaker terminals, consists of 0.5-
around the openings for the output valves to screen the Alps volume control. mm2 flexible hookup wire with vari-
allow cooling air to flow past the EL34s, since ous colours of insulation. Three such
they become rather hot. wires can be easily fitted into a con-
Run the wiring for the filament supply in a Testing nector strip terminal.
length of small cable duct stuck to the inside As long as the amplifier boards are The four upper connector-strip
of the front wall of the channel section (‘pos not yet fitted, everything is easily terminals are used to connect the
1’ in the detail at the lower right of the wiring accessible. In order to test the ampli- primary leads of the power trans-

30 Elektor Electronics 5/2003

former to the IEC appliance socket. Next, switch off the power and and channel section. There are two rectan-
An NTC resistor is placed in series remove the output valves, and then gular openings in the back of the case for the
with each lead, in order to reduce connect the high voltage leads. connectors and volume control. Our case is
the switch-on surge. They are not Switch on the power and allow the finished with veneer, but it would naturally
absolutely necessary, but they are a EF86s and ECC83s to warm up, and also be possible to build a case using solid
simple and effective way to achieve a then check the voltages on these wood. Self-adhesive feet are fitted below the
‘soft’ switch-on. valves. Small variations from the channel section.
Once the wiring interconnecting nominal values are possible, but a Even without a case, the amplifier sits
the IEC appliance socket, mains major deviation means that there is quite stably on the walls of the aluminium
transformer and power supply board probably an incorrect resistor value channel section. If strips of wood are taped
is finished, you can begin testing by somewhere. onto the transformer covers, the completed
checking the power supply by itself. If everything is OK, switch off the amplifier, with the valves installed, can also
First connect the two 230-V/15-W power and plug in the output valves. be placed upside down on top of a table.
incandescent lamps in series Now you can perform a preliminary This makes it easy to access all of the cir-
between the +440 V and 0 V termi- alignment of the amplifier (see the cuitry, and it is also convenient for fitting a
nals, and then switch on the power. If ‘Alignment’ box). After this, you can wooden case.
the lamps light up brightly, you can fit the amplifier circuit boards in the The bottom of the case can be closed with
then (carefully!) check the high volt- enclosure and route the rest of the an aluminium plate if desired. If you use such
age and negative grid voltage. wiring. a plate, be sure to earth it, and drill openings
After switching off the power, for cooling airflow.
connect the loose amplifier boards to It’s a good idea to switch on all the other
the power supply and output trans- Finishing equipment in your audio system before
formers. Before applying the high Such a nice amplifier naturally switching on the final amp, in order to avoid a
voltage, first check that the filaments deserves an attractive wooden case. switch-on ‘thump’.
of the valves light up. With the EF86, We made our case from lengths of 9- (020071-2)
you can see this by looking in from mm multiplex board, after finishing
the top, although it is a bit tricky. off the openings in the chassis plate


5/2003 Elektor Electronics 31

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