Lab 02 Amplitude Demodulation: ELE3203 Communication Systems

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ELE3203 Communication Systems

Lab 02
Amplitude Demodulation

Student name: _____________________________

Student ID: ________________________________


To study the function of Amplitude Demodulation. Also to vary the modulation index and see how it
affects the output signal.

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

Apparatus Required
a) Hardware Tools: Computer system

b) Software Tool: MATLAB 7.0 and above version.

Demodulation is a process in the reception of any Amplitude Modulated (A.M) signals whether used
for broadcast or two-way radio communication systems. Demodulation is the process by which the
original information bearing signal, i.e. the modulation is extracted from the incoming overall
received signal.

The demodulator is the circuit, or for a software defined radio, the software that is used to recover the
information content from the overall incoming modulated signal.AM demodulators are found in many
items of radio equipment: broadcast receivers etc.

Fig 1: Demodulator Signal

Methods of AM Demodulation

1. Envelope detector is a very simple method of the demodulation that does not require any
coherent demodulator.
2. Product detector multiplies the incoming signal by the signal of a local oscillator with the
same frequency and phase as the carrier of the incoming signal. After filtering, the original
audio signal will result.

The following blocks are required to draw the block diagram as shown in the Figure 1.

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

1. Carrier Signal Source
2. Message Signal Source
3. Blocks for viewing the signals – Scope
4. Product Block

We can find these blocks in the following locations of Simulink Library.

Carrier, Message, Constant blocks

 Simulink –> Sources –> Sine wave

 Simulink –> Sources –> Constant

View Block

 Simulink –> Sink –> Scope

Product and Summer Block

 Simulink –> Math Operations–> Product

 Simulink –> Math Operations–> Summer

Analog Filter Design

Simulink–> DSP System Toolbox–> Filtering–> Filter Implementations–> Analog Filter Design

Figure 2: Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation Block Diagram

Block parameters can be changed by selecting the block and parameter to be used are given below:

 Carrier Signal frequency = 2*pi*25 and sampling time=1/5000

 Message Signal frequency = 2*pi and sampling time=1/5000
 Amplitudes of Message Signal is 1 and Carrier Signal is 3
 Analog Filter Design Filter Order= 4


Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

The amplitude modulated signal can be expressed as:

Where u is modulation index, which may vary:

Demodulation by Squaring

The high frequency component will be removed after the filtering:

Synchronous Demodulator

After the multiplication,

The low pass filter will remove high frequency components, so that we may recover m (t).

Diagram and Explanation

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

Fig 3: Amplitude Modulation and Demodulated Signal Block Diagram

In Fig 3, we can see the Amplitude Modulated Signal being implemented on Simulink whereas the
various blocks of this diagram are described underneath with their implementation.

Message Signal:

The message signal in this Simulink diagram is implemented through Sine Wave which can be
extracted from Simulink –> Sources –> Sine wave whereas sine wave amplitude and frequency can
be altered as per requirements resulting into “Message Signal”.

Attributes of Message Signal

Message Signal frequency = 2*pi

Sampling Time= 1/5000
Message Signal = Vm sin(2πfmt) # fm must be smaller than fc
Message Signal Amplitude = Vm = 1
Carrier Signal:

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

The carrier signal in this Simulink diagram is implemented through Sine Wave which can be extracted
from Simulink –> Sources –> Sine wave whereas sine wave amplitude and frequency can be put to
generate the “Carrier Signal”.

Attributes of Carrier Signal

Carrier Signal frequency = 2*pi*25

Sampling time= 1/5000
Carrier Signal = Vc sin(2πfct)
Carrier Signal Amplitude = Vc = 3

Modulation Index:

In this experiment of AM, the

constant block is also very useful which has been used two times where we may assign any constant
value, and we may extract them from Simulink –> Sources –> Constant.

When carrier amplitude is altered with respect to message signal,

Modulated Signal = (Vc+ Vmsin(2 πfmt))*sin(2 πfct)

In terms of modulation index (m=Am/Ac) the equation becomes

Modulated signal = Vc (1+ msin(2 πfmt))*sin(2 πfct)


 Vc = Carrier signal amplitude

 Vm = Message signal amplitude
 fc= Carrier frequency
 fm =Message frequency


This block is used to multiply the two signals “Message Signal” and the “Carrier
Signal” which results into the “Amplitude Modulated Signal” as can be extracted
from Simulink –> Math Operations–> Product.


Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

This block is used to add the two signals or constant values in this construction and can be extracted
from the Simulink –> Math Operations–> Summer.


This block in Simulink is used to display the signals output in virtual environment, and can
be extracted Simulink –> Sink –> Scope.

Butterworth Filter:

This Simulink block is being used to filter high frequency components as the

“Low Pass Filter”, and can be extracted from Simulink–> DSP System Toolbox–>
Filtering–> Filter Implementations–> Analog Filter Design

Results and Discussions

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

1. Comment on your results.

Fig 4: Amplitude Modulation and Demodulated Signal Block Diagram

As it can be seen from Fig 4, that message signal has been recovered from the Amplitude modulated
signal having modulation index of 0.5 from the implementation of Butterworth filter.

2. Upload your Simulink file.

Yes, the Simulink file has been attached with this Lab report.

3. Explain your result. (Identify each block function)

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

The detailed explanation has been provided in “Diagram and Explanation” section stated above
which clearly signifies the importance of “Butterworth filter” that how through its implementation the
“high frequency components” have been removed, and we have gotten the “AM Demodulated
Signal” which is the key requirement in this lab.

4. What will happen to the waveform when the modulation index m=1. Attach the scope results
and Comment on your result.

Fig 5: Amplitude Modulation and Demodulated Signal Block Diagram with m= 1.0

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

Fig 6: Amplitude Modulation and Demodulated Signal Block Diagram with m= 1.0

The numeric value of efficiency when m = 1.0 is about 33 %. AM has a maximum practical efficiency
of about 33 % due to the limitations placed on modulation index.

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

5. What will happen to the waveform when the modulation index m<1. Attach the scope results
and Comment on your result.

Fig 7: Amplitude Modulation and Demodulated Signal Block Diagram with m= 0.8

Fig 8: Amplitude Modulation and Demodulated Signal Block Diagram with m= 0.8

The efficiency of AM transmission is limited by the restraint to keep m < 1.0 in order to have a valid
results while for maximum efficiency, the modulation index should be equal to 1.0.

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

6. What will happen to the waveform when the modulation index m>1. Attach the scope results
and Comment on your result.

Fig 9: Amplitude Modulation and Demodulated Signal Block Diagram with m= 1.2

Fig 10: Amplitude Modulation and Demodulated Signal Block Diagram with m= 1.2

The conclusion is that efficiency may be increased by increasing the value of the modulation index,
m, but if you use a value > 1.0 there will be distortion introduced in the receiver.

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

Conclusion and Observation
In this lab, we have learnt about the implementation of Amplitude Demodulation in Simulink using
the “Butterworth filter” which is one of the important filters in the DSP signal block, and learnt
about that how the variations in modulation index will vary the “Demodulated Signal” and it physical

Note: please upload your Simulink file with the lab report (as prove of
your work), without it your report will be considered as a copy.

Include a Lab Report with

1) Introduction
2) Procedure
3) Calculations
4) Diagram and explanation

Note: the Lab Report has to be typed and not handwritten

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

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