RMC No. 7-2021
RMC No. 7-2021
RMC No. 7-2021
Quezon City
December 28,2020
This Circular is hereby issued in order to inform all concerned taxpayers that the updated
version of the Alphalist Data Entry and Validation Module (Version 7.0) is now available for
use and can be downloaded from the website of this Bureau at www.bir.gov.ph.
The enhanced version now includes the alphalists for BIR Form Nos. 1600-PT, 1600-
V.T, 1604-C, 1604-F, 1604-E,aswellasforthenewBlRFormNo. 1621 (QuarterlyRemittance
Return of Tax Withheld on the Amount Withdrawn from Decedent's Deposit Account)
prescribed under Revenue Memorandum Circular Nos. 62-2018 and 76-2019. In addition, the
generation process of the annual alphalists for 1604-E and 1604-F has been simplified under the
Quarterly Alphalists of Payees, thus eliminating the need of manual re-enconding the
In this connection, the revised file structures of the alphalists enumerated below, the
revised standard file naming convention, and the revised job aids are contained in Annexes ooA".
"B", and "C" of this Circular.
l. Monthly Alphalist of Payees under BIR Form Nos. 1600-VT and 1600-PT
2. Quarterly Alphalist of Payees under BIR Form Nos. 1601-FQ, 1601-EQ, and l62l
3. Annual Alphalist of Payees under BIR Form Nos 1604C,16048, and 1604F
All concerned taxpayers using their own extract program shall strictly observe the
revised file structures and standard file naming convention prescribed under the said annexes.
All internal revenue officers, employees, and others concerned are hereby enjoined to
give this Circular as wide a publicity as possible.
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