Door & Ladder Annual Report 2009
Door & Ladder Annual Report 2009
Door & Ladder Annual Report 2009
The Door and Ladder Society of the MJCCA instills in teens the
responsibility and importance of collective philanthropy through
active participation in Jewish educational and hands-on experiences.
Suppose someone gave you $20,000 and said, “Use this to make our
Jewish Community a better place.” What would you do?
On behalf of our committee, Staci Brill, Ina Enoch, Lynne Halpern, Joel Marks, Eileen Snow Price and Jerry Weiner, we are proud to
help steward this incredible hands-on philanthropy program for Jewish teens.
After a careful selection process, these teens, who range from Orthodox to secular and come from many different high schools, both
public and private, are given the privilege of giving away a total of $20,000 to local Jewish charities. During their 12 week course,
which includes a curriculum of Jewish learning, interaction with local philanthropists, and hands-on workshops, they collaborate with
their peers to explore the meaning of philanthropy and their responsibility to the community. They learn how to write mission
statements that reflect their values; go on site visits to Jewish agencies all over Atlanta and agonize over the final decision of where
to allocate the money.
We have been thrilled to see these wonderful young people engage in such good work and after going through a program like this,
we are sure that we will be watching them take their places in our community for many years to come. Atlanta is one of only 10
communities in the nation chosen by The Jewish Teen Funders Network to receive a matching grant for this program. We want
to express our gratitude to to The Weinstein Foundation who matched the JTFN grant and the many generous donors who have
helped to make this important program a reality.
This program truly is one of the most exciting and engaging programs we involve ourselves in
and we can’t say enough how wonderful it is to meet with the kids, hear their stories and watch
the thoughtful process unfold as they work through the program.
Ellen Arnovitz
Lois Kuniansky
Co-Chairs, 2008-2009
These texts have guided our discussions and influenced us along every step we’ve taken. When Janel Margaretta Schwartz,
Chief Development Officer of the MJCCA, came to speak with us about the inner workings of a non-profit organization, the
Rambam was alongside her, reminding us all the ways in which we can and should help. When Carol Cooper and Rabbi Lou
Feldstein of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta spoke with us about their experiences with philanthropy, Rabbi
Joseph Karo reminded us that no one is exempt from the responsibility of giving. And when our parents joined us for a
special family session, the Talmud taught us that there is no better time for family than helping others and continuing the
cycle of education.
“The Door and Ladder Society is an opportunity
unlike many others. This organization is great
for Jewish Teens as a way to give back to
the community.
– Bradley Maran, The Galloway School
(Top Row, L-R) Benjamin Harris, Noah Adler, Erin Smith, Aaron Maslia, “At that moment when we were discussing the
(Bottom Row, L-R) Committee Member Ina Enoch,
MJCCA Teen Services Director Kelly Brown, Co-Chair Ellen Arnovitz strategies I truly felt like an adult making a decision.”
– Ryan Goldstein, Riverwood High School
The Door and Ladder Society The Door and Ladder Society
Cohort 2, Fall 2008 Cohort 3, Spring 2009
By supporting the Door and Ladder Society you have not only helped make our Jewish community a better
place, you have helped impact the future of Jewish giving. Because of your generosity our teens have been
given the opportunity to begin their own careers of giving.
Committee Members:
Staci Brill, Ina Enoch, Lynne Halpern, Joel Marks,
Eileen Snow Price, Jerry Weiner
Sherie B. Gumer
MJCCA President
Michael D. Wise
MJCCA CEO/Executive Director
Robert Medwed
MJCCA Teen Community Outreach and Education Director