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Dr. Timothy R. Mckinney Mus 3301 Theory V: Assignment #1

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MUS 3301 Theory V Assignment #1 Dr. Timothy R.

Each excerpt below contains a single musical phrase. For each phrase, provide the following analyses:
1. A complete roman numeral analysis beneath the score; include inversions and label non-chord tones by type.
2. Underneath your roman numeral analysis, show the primary harmonic functions (T PD D). As a general rule, PD and D
should be used only once per phrase, though either function might receive its own prolongational progression. Other
apparent pre-dominant or dominant chords might be participating in a tonic prolongation.
3. Above the score, bracket and label each prolongational, cadential,or sequential progression and identify its type (pedal,
passing, pedal, substitute chord; PAC, IAC, HC, etc.).
Remember that it is primarily the bass voice that determines the type of prolongational progression.
4. If an example modulates, watch for a T=PD pivot chord (T of old key becomes PD in new key).

1. Beecher

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2. Hamburg

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