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Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification

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Behavioural Competency

Assessment and Verification

for Vessel Operators
(First edition 2018)
Issued jointly by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum and INTERTANKO
Oil Companies International Marine Forum
29 Queen Anne’s Gate
London SW1H 9BU
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7654 1200
Email: [email protected]

St Clare House
30–33 Minories
London EC3N 1DD
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7977 7010
Fax: +44 (0)20 7977 7011
Email: [email protected]

First Edition 2018

© Oil Companies International Marine Forum

Figure 1.1 is reproduced with permission of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).
Material from the 2002 Joint Aviation Requirements: Translation and Elaboration of Legislation (JAR-TEL)
WP7 report has been adapted for this publication with permission of the European Commission.
Material from the International Maritime Organization (IMO) document ‘HTW 4-3-6-Add.1’ and/or the IMO
website www.imo.org is reproduced with the permission of the IMO, which does not accept responsibility for
the correctness of the material as reproduced: in case of doubt, IMO’s authentic text shall prevail. Readers
should check with their national maritime Administration for any further amendments or latest advice.
International Maritime Organization, 4 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7SR, United Kingdom

The Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF)

is a voluntary association of oil companies having an interest in the shipment and terminalling of crude oil
and oil products. OCIMF is organised to represent its membership before, and consult with, the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) and other government bodies on matters relating to the shipment and
terminalling of crude oil and oil products, including marine pollution and safety.

is the International Association of Independent Tanker Owners, a forum where the industry meets, policies
are discussed and best practices developed. INTERTANKO has been the voice of independent tanker owners
since 1970, ensuring that the liquid energy that keeps the world turning is shipped safely, responsibly and

Terms of Use
While the advice given in this information paper (“Paper”) has been developed using the best information
currently available, it is intended purely as guidance to be used at the user’s own risk. No responsibility
is accepted by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (“OCIMF”), the membership of OCIMF or
by any person, firm, corporation or organisation (who or which has been in any way concerned with the
furnishing of information or data, the compilation or any translation, publishing or supply of the Paper)
for the accuracy of any information or advice given in the Paper or any omission from the Paper or for any
consequence whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from compliance with, or adoption of or reliance on
guidance contained in the Paper even if caused by a failure to exercise reasonable care.
Glossary iii
Abbreviations v

1 Introduction 1

2 The importance of behavioural competency

in the maritime sector 3
2.1 Why competencies? 3
2.2 Defining competencies 3

3 Competency domains, elements and behavioural indicators 4

4 Implementation of the competency framework 13

4.1 Example scenario 13
4.2 Performance review templates 17
4.3 Methods for competency-based assessment 20
4.4 Competency assessment definitions 20
4.5 Follow up of identified training needs 21

5 Training assessors 22
5.1 Overview 22
5.2 Considerations for assessment 22
5.3 Behavioural indicators 22
5.4 IMO model course 1.30 structure 23
5.5 Outline of the assessment process 24

6 Implementation challenges 25

7 Using competencies in promotion or recruitment 26

7.1 Indicative assessment tools for evaluating technical and
behavioural elements 26

Appendix Examples of observation opportunities/scenarios

in the four operational areas 27

ii OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

The following are agreed definitions for terms used within this paper.
Assessment The action of assessing someone, or the act of judging and observing behavioural
Assessor A person who can assess officers’ competencies according to this competency
assessment and verification system and in line with the relevant requirements of the company’s
management system.
Assessor training A structured training programme for assessors that is based on the
International Maritime Organization (IMO) model course 1.30 or equivalent.
Auditing or external verification The process, either internal or external, of auditing and
verifying the proper implementation of the system presented in this paper, in accordance with the
company’s management system.
Behaviour The way in which a person acts or conducts themselves and interacts with other
people, systems and equipment, procedures and the environment, especially in terms of safety.
Behavioural competency Competency related to observable behaviour.
Benchmarking Evaluation by comparison with standard or industry data.
Best practice Methods of working or procedures to aspire to as a part of continuous
Competency The combination of skills, knowledge and behaviours that a person brings to a
position that enables them to perform their tasks efficiently, safely and effectively.
Competency domain The broadest categories of competency.
Competency elements Narrower categories of competencies that form part of the higher-level
Competency framework A reference document that provides a common language or
understanding of the competencies required.
Guidance Provision of advice or information.
Human element The effective interaction of people with procedures, equipment and each other.
Often referred to as human factors.
Negative behavioural indicators Observable behaviours that have a negative impact on a
particular competency.
Performance appraisal/review A systematic general and periodic process that assesses an
individual’s performance and productivity in relation to certain pre-established criteria and
organisational objectives.
Positive behavioural indicators Observable behaviours that have a positive impact on a
particular competency.
Psychometric tests A standard and scientific method used to measure individuals’ cognitive
capabilities and behavioural style.
Recommendations Support and endorsement of a particular method of working or procedure.
Safety culture A philosophy promoting safety as the ultimate consideration for all company
personnel and applied to all activities undertaken, both ashore and at sea.
Simulation A virtual medium through which various types of skills can be acquired and/or
Situation awareness The ability to accurately perceive the immediate environment (system or
task) and external factors that may have an impact, understand surroundings and predict their
status in the near future, and develop effective strategies to manage threats.

iii OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators
Soft skill An ability to interact successfully with other people, systems and equipment,
procedures and their environment.
Specialised training Requiring or having detailed training or expertise in a particular field.
Stakeholders Individuals, groups or organisations that have an interest in or are affected by the
activity of a business.
Team working Co-operation and willingness of a group of people to work together to achieve a
common aim.
Technical skill (hard skill) An ability to perform a task safely, efficiently and effectively using
qualifications, knowledge and experience.
Toolbox talk The safety briefing that takes place before an activity begins that informs all
participants of expectations and possible hazards.

iv OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System
IMO International Maritime Organization
ISM Code International Safety Management Code
OOW Officer of the Watch
SMS Safety Management System
SPM Single Point Mooring
STCW Convention The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping for Seafarers
TSS Traffic Separation System
VTS Vessel Traffic Service

v OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

1 Introduction
The shipping industry continues to face challenges in safely moving environmentally sensitive
cargo around the world. Since 1970 the industry has made great strides in reducing the number of
incidents, presenting a remarkable safety and environmental record.
Unfortunately, many incidents still occur despite rules and regulations. Analysis of the
contributing factors in all shipping sectors shows that the major factor is the human element.

Figure 1.1: Groups of contributing factors 2011–2018 (Source: EMSA 2017)

Conducting operations safely and without incidents relies on human competency, which
comprises both technical skills (hard skills) and non-technical skills (soft skills).
The industry’s main focus until now has been on developing and assessing technical skills,
with the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping
for Seafarers (STCW Convention) being the main international convention addressing the
competencies of seafarers. Any officer who holds a certificate of competency issued by a proper
authority that meets STCW Convention requirements is qualified to serve in that rank. Since 2010,
the STCW Convention also refers to soft skill competencies such as leadership and managerial
skills, decision making, teamwork and communication.
The tanker industry recognises that more focus should be placed on soft skills. Personnel
behaviour and attitude are key elements of a positive safety culture that promote a safe work
environment and helps reduce incidents. This document serves as a best practice guide for
assessing officers’ soft skills by monitoring their behaviours.
The aim of this document is to:
• Highlight the importance of the soft skills dimensions of competency in performing operations
safely and incident-free.
• Describe the variety of soft skills and their associated behaviours.
• Identify behaviours to be adopted and those to be avoided.
• Explain the value of having a variety of soft skills and behaviours in a team, which when
harmonised can improve performance.

1 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

In addition, it provides a simple and flexible tool for the assessment of soft skill competency
along with the assessment of technical skills during routine vessel operations.
This best practice guide provides guidance on why, how, when, where and by whom this
assessment can be done. The system can be adopted by all companies and incorporated into
their existing assessment or appraisal systems. If properly adopted, it can also be used to assist in
promotion and recruitment processes.
The overall aim is to develop and improve officers’ technical and soft skills for the benefit of each
individual and the onboard team. The soft skills assessment should be seen as an opportunity to
improve everyone’s behaviour. The associated assessment is part of a continuous improvement
process rather than another exam that officers need to pass. In this way, it differs from technical
competency systems such as those in the STCW Convention.
Companies would benefit from involving their assessors in implementing this system, which
may include marine and technical superintendents, as well as training assessors on behavioural
competencies and assessment follow-up. This in return will bring onshore personnel and
seafarers closer and will help to improve a safety culture. Through the full implementation of this
system, companies will increase operational efficiency and reduce the number of incidents. This
system represents something new and aims to achieve a step change in safety management at
sea. Therefore, the role of the assessor is important and specialised training is recommended.
This best practice guide has been developed by a joint OCIMF and INTERTANKO initiative.

2 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

2 The importance of behavioural competency
in the maritime sector
Seafarers work in one of the most risk-aware environments. They are trained to a very high
technical standard and are therefore able to contemplate risks and prevent them from becoming
potential incidents. However, a focus on soft skills would enhance overall safety and further
reduce incident rates.
When reading any incident investigation report, causes are very often related to behaviour and
performance, such as:
The main cause of the casualty of … in January 2012 is attributed to “the Master’s
unconventional behaviour”.
The main cause for the collision of … in Feb 2015 was inadequate coordination and
communication between all parties involved.
AA’s master assumed that BB would keep clear and he didn’t take it upon himself or task
the third officer to closely monitor the tanker.
The remainder of the watch team on the bridge failed to provide situational awareness and
input to the officer in charge on deck.
The communication from the pilot on … to … was less than optimal.

2.1 Why competencies?

Skills, abilities and motivation play a key role in performance at both the individual and
organisational level. Soft skills and the ability to realise an organisation’s strategy and vision are
what set excellent performers apart.
High-performing organisations increasingly recognise that it is not just what people do but how
they do their jobs that makes the difference in achieving objectives. It is crucial to have systems
and practices in place that are geared towards defining, assessing, maintaining and developing
the soft skills that contribute to a culture of high performance, which can be observed through
people’s actions and behaviours.
Competency frameworks offer a structured approach to managing, appraising and improving
performance by reinforcing values and encouraging a common culture. A competency framework
signals to personnel what the expected performance areas and levels are and which behaviours
are valued and recognised.

Competency frameworks provide clarity and focus through a common language and
understanding of behaviours required.

2.2 Defining competencies

Competencies can be difficult to define and assess, so the competency framework set out in the
following section provides a common language and understanding of the types of behaviours
(behavioural indicators; see section 3) expected in order to ensure successful performance in
different types and levels of tasks.
Whether or not someone displays a particular competency will depend on their ability (do they
know how to act in that way?) and their motivation (do they desire to act in that way?), as well as
the opportunity (when or in what situations they can demonstrate that behaviour).

3 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

3 Competency domains, elements and
behavioural indicators
In the following tables, the behavioural competencies vital for safe and efficient vessel operations
are defined. The behaviours have been organised in a hierarchical structure:
1. Competency domains: broad categories of behaviour.
2. Elements: narrower categories of behaviour that form part of the higher-level domains. For
example, participation is an element in the competency domain team working.
3. Behavioural indicators: the positive and negative observable behaviours associated with
each element.
The competency framework consists of six competency domains:
• Team working.
• Communication and influencing.
• Situation awareness.
• Decision making.
• Results focus.
• Leadership and managerial skills.
Each of the above domains has been defined with elements identified for each domain. Each
element has a non-exhaustive list of behavioural indicators, i.e. observable behaviours that relate
to the competency. A list of negative behavioural indicators has been provided for companies that
will also adopt negative marking.

This system is designed to suit the company that is implementing it. It provides guidance
on how to assess soft skills and so it should fit within a company’s management system.
Therefore, when implementing the system, a company may combine or delete parts and
so reduce the domains to suit their system. The essential concept is that this system can
achieve an objective assessment of seafarers’ soft skills. Indicators are there to help the
assessment by providing examples of some behaviours that are easy to understand and
observe and therefore help the assessment of competency domains and elements.

4 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

A Team Working
Works effectively in a team, building productive working relationships through cooperation
with colleagues, treating others with respect, resolving conflicts among team members and
balancing individual and team goals.

A1 Participation
• Actively participates in team tasks.
• Establishes an atmosphere for open communication and participation.
+ • Encourages input and feedback from others.
• Builds rapport and establishes a common bond with others.
• Encourages idea generation.

• Blocks open communication.

• Creates barriers between crewmembers.
− • Competes with others.
• Supports individualistic or silo ways of working.

A2 Inclusiveness and Consideration of Others

• Helps others feel valued and appreciated.
• Welcomes and includes others.
• Demonstrates respect for others and their differences.
+ • Shows understanding of others’ perspectives and personal situations.
• Notices the suggestions of other crewmembers.
• Gives detailed and constructive personal feedback.

• Displays little appreciation for others’ contributions and perspectives.

• Ignores suggestions of other crewmembers.
− • Shows a lack of concern for others’ problems.
• Shows a lack of respect.
• Treats some crewmembers more favourably than others.

A3 Supporting Others
• Helps other crewmembers in demanding situations.
+ • Shares expertise with others.

• Hesitates to help other crewmembers in demanding situations.

• Creates reasons resources and support cannot be shared.
− • Withholds information and refuses to share knowledge that would help others do a
better job.

A4 Conflict Resolution
• Keeps calm in conflicts.
• Suggests solutions to resolve conflicts.
+ • Expresses disagreement constructively by giving alternative or different

• Overreacts emotionally in interpersonal conflicts.

• Reluctant to consider a compromise or solution to a conflict, thus allows it to escalate.
− • Blames other crewmembers for the conflict situation.
• Unable to deal objectively with conflicts and disputes when they arise.
• Avoids challenging inappropriate language or behaviours.

5 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

B Communication and Influencing
Gives and receives communication clearly, precisely and in a convincing way to groups as well
as individuals at all levels, including senior/line managers, colleagues and subordinates.
Interacts with others sensitively and effectively in a risk- and time-sensitive environment.

B1 Shared Understanding
• Clearly explains plans, expectations and roles to each person, ensuring that they
understand them.
• Gives clear and concise briefings and updates at appropriate times.
+ • Asks questions and observes others to confirm their understanding.
• Uses a range of communication methods (such as spoken, written, hand signals,
etc.) to suit the message and the intended recipients.

• Does not clearly communicate plans, expectations and roles.

• Briefings are unclear, lengthy and/or delivered at inappropriate times.
− • Does not check whether plans and expectations have been understood.
• Communication is one-way and does not seek feedback or encourage questions.

B2 Style of Communication
• Uses language appropriately, e.g. clear phrasing, terminology and speed of
• Acknowledges cultural diversity in communications.
+ • The amount of communication is appropriate for the situation.
• Clearly puts forward views and personal position while listening to others.
• Uses the right medium to deliver the message (face-to-face, radio, email,
telephone, etc.).

• Uses inappropriate or unacceptable language or communication methods, e.g.

jargon, body language, tone.
• Fails to consider cultural diversity in communications.
− • Provides too much, too little or vague communication.
• Communication is one-way and fails to allow or encourage questions or feedback.
• Communication is not tailored to individual needs, e.g. style, method, timing.

B3 Feedback
• Actively seeks and acts upon feedback.
+ • Receives feedback constructively.

• Does not seek or welcome feedback and does not take action on feedback.
− • Reacts defensively or aggressively to feedback.

B4 Persuasion
• Influences others in a way that results in acceptance, agreement and/or behaviour
+ change.
• Communicates in a way that elicits appropriate action from others.

• Fails to gain buy-in to important messages.

− • Pushes through own agenda, rather than acting in line with company objectives.

6 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

C Situation Awareness
Accurately perceives the immediate environment (system or task) and external factors that
may have an impact. Understands surroundings and predicts their status in the near future.
Develops effective strategies to manage threats.

C1 Awareness of Vessel Systems and Crew

• Monitors, cross-checks and reports changes in vessel system states.
• Monitors, probes and reports signs of changes in the state or behaviour of other
+ crewmembers.
• Acknowledges entries and changes to vessel systems.

• Does not ask for updates on different vessel systems and other crewmembers.
• Does not signal awareness of changing systems.
− • Does not look for or signal awareness of crewmembers’ deteriorating state or

C2 Awareness of External Environment

• Maintains awareness of the present state of the vessel systems and environment
(position, weather, shipping traffic, terrain).
+ • Contacts outside resources about the environment when necessary.
• Shares information about the environment with others.

• Does not enquire about environmental changes and their impact on vessel
• Unaware of changes in the external environment.
• Does not seek regular and timely updates on position, weather, traffic or terrain.
− • Ignores external reports about changes to the environment or status of other
• Does not interrogate, verify or cross-check external information about the
environment against information from internal vessel systems or crewmembers’

C3 Awareness of Time
• Anticipates future states, threats and their consequences.
• Discusses contingency strategies.
+ • Uses all available resources to manage threats.
• Takes timely and mindful actions.

• Unable or unwilling to make predictions of future states and threats.

− • Does not discuss the relationship between past events and the present/future.
• Is surprised by outcomes of events, with little or no contingency planning.

7 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

D Decision Making
Reaches systematic and rational judgements or chooses an option based on relevant
information by analysing issues and breaking them down into their discrete parts.
Demonstrates readiness to make decisions and take action.

D1 Problem Definition and Diagnosis

• Gathers information and identifies the problem.
+ • Reviews causal factors.
• Consults those with specialist expertise or local knowledge when required.

• Does not clearly state or define the problem.

• Fails to diagnose the problem correctly.
• Does not discuss probable causes with crewmembers.
− • Allows commercial pressure (whether real or perceived) to influence course of
• Makes decisions without recognising or acknowledging own limitations or lack of

D2 Option Generation
• Generates multiple responses to a problem.
+ • Encourages idea generation and challenges existing norms.
• States alternative courses of action.

• Focuses on a narrow range of responses to problems

− • Does not search for alternative courses of action.

D3 Risk Assessment and Option Selection

• Assesses and shares the risks and benefits of different courses of action through
• Selects the best response to the problem.
+ • Confirms selected course of action and implements in a timely manner.
• Considers options from external advisers, e.g. Pilot, but retains decision-making
responsibility and accountability.

• Evaluation of possible actions is inadequate.

• Selects a course of action without a clear risk analysis.
• Fails to inform crew of decisions taken.
− • Has difficulty making decisions when faced with complex or ambiguous data.
• Constantly changes decisions when not justified by new information.
• Normalises risk (“This is the way it has always been done here”).
• Risk assessment of options from external advisers, e.g. Pilot, is inadequate.

D4 Outcome Review
• Checks the outcome of a solution against goal or plan.
+ • Reviews the quality of the decision made.

• Fails to check selected outcome against goal.

− • Shows little consideration for the quality of decisions made.

8 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

E Results Focus
Focuses on achieving desired results and how best to achieve them.
Takes conscientious action to get the job done, using initiative and energy, and demonstrating
flexibility and emotional toughness.

E1 Initiative
• Identifies what needs to be done and initiates appropriate action.
• Implements new ideas and better ways to do things; finds solutions to problems.
+ • Puts in extra effort to achieve objectives.
• Challenges accepted risks, processes or measurements.

• Seldom takes action to improve outcomes, processes or measurements.

• Seldom seeks out or accepts additional responsibilities in the context of the role.
− • Avoids all but what is directly asked of them.
• Frequently requires supervision to complete routine tasks.

E2 Determination
• Pushes self and others to reach milestones.
• Renews and increases effort to achieve goals, persisting in the face of problems.
+ • Has a sense of urgency about solving problems and getting work done.
• Looks for opportunities to help achieve team objectives.
• Willingly puts in extra time and effort in crisis situations.

• Fails to sustain pace and progress over a period of time.

− • Performance suffers substantially when working long hours.
• Allows work to drift away from priorities.

E3 Flexibility
• Responds positively to change, embracing new ideas or practices to accomplish
goals and solve problems.
• Adapts to changing business needs, conditions and responsibilities.
+ • Adapts approach, goals and methods to achieve solutions and results in a changing
• Shows others the benefits of change.

• Sticks to outdated methods, puts off making changes for as long as possible or finds
excuses for not doing things differently.
− • Does not respond to the changing demands of the situation.
• Makes little or no attempt to promote change positively.

E4 Emotional Toughness
• Recovers quickly from setbacks and responds with renewed and increased effort.
• Persists in the face of difficulty and finds alternative ways to complete tasks and goals.
+ • Handles high workloads, competing demands, vague assignments, interruptions and
distractions with composure.
• Stays calm and maintains focus in emergency situations.

• Constantly thinks about past disappointments or failures.

• Struggles to maintain focus and perseverance in the face of obstacles.
− • Is unable to perform mentally or physically taxing work effectively.
• Panics, reacts inappropriately or with hostility to stressful situations.
(continued next page)

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E Results Focus (continued)
E5 Accountability and Dependability
• Effectively manages their time and resources to accomplish tasks, prioritising the
most important ones.
• Takes personal responsibility for the quality and timeliness of work and achieves
results with little need for supervision.
+ • Shows up to work on time and follows instructions, policies and procedures.
• Stays focussed on tasks and meets productivity standards, deadlines and work
• Acknowledges and corrects mistakes, taking personal responsibility when

• Struggles to use time efficiently.

• Fails to prioritise or plan ahead; completes least important tasks first.
• Often slow to respond or to adjust priorities.
− • Becomes distracted or unable to complete tasks when confronted with challenges.
• Misses deadlines or leaves tasks unfinished.
• Defers authority and decision making to others, e.g. terminal staff/pilots, rather
than take responsibility.

10 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

F Leadership and Managerial Skills
Inspires, motivates and empowers personnel to perform at their best to achieve goals.
Adjusts leadership style to situations, including those that develop suddenly or change rapidly.

F1 Setting Direction
• Communicates clear expectations.
• Considers the bigger picture and long-term needs before committing to a course of
+ action.
• Translates the vision into clear strategies and work programmes.

• Fails to create direction for the team.

− • Demonstrates a lack of knowledge and insight into wider issues, developments
and long-term impact.

F2 Empowerment
• Supports others to have a level of independence in how they do their work.
• Creates and maintains an environment of open and frequent communication with
clear and direct flow of information.
• Encourages others to acquire new skills and develop themselves.
+ • Recognises, appreciates and supports others’ contributions.
• Develops cooperative and respectful relationships with others.
• Understands the needs of crewmembers and cares about their welfare.
• Creates a feeling of achieving results together as one team.

• Micromanages direct reports.

• Does not support crew to develop their own initiative and judgement.
• Fails to motivate or support the team or applies inappropriate pressure.
− • Does not show appreciation for others.
• Takes credit for others’ achievements.
• Delegates without giving responsibility or authority.

F3 Authority and Assertiveness

• Creates a culture that enables challenge and participation while maintaining
command authority.
• Encourages crewmembers to review, raise concerns or challenge plans of actions.
• Creates a safe and trusting environment for crewmembers, supporting them to
+ openly share lack of knowledge and to speak up without hesitation.
• Takes decisive action as required.
• Takes command if the situation requires.
• Advocates own position.

• Avoids challenging inappropriate language or behaviours.

• Hinders or withholds crew involvement.
• Is passive and waits for others to take the lead or make decisions.
• Does not take a clear stand, with own position not recognisable.
− • Blames the team if things go wrong.
• Leaves team members to cope alone in difficult situations.
• Tolerates behaviour that negatively affects the performance, development and
morale of others.
(continued next page)

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F Leadership and Managerial Skills (continued)
F4 Providing and Maintaining Standards
• Demonstrates high ethical and moral standards, setting a personal example of
what is expected from others.
• Ensures compliance with policies and procedures and intervenes if crewmembers
+ • Uses appropriate tools and notifications when dealing with non-routine
• Challenges current processes to find new and innovative ways to improve the
team’s work and vessel operations.

• Is a poor role model to others in terms of personal ethics and standards, e.g. does
not comply with company policies and procedures.
• Does not monitor crew for compliance or intervene when crewmembers deviate.
− • Applies non-standard procedures without thorough risk assessment or
communicating with crewmembers.
• Sets standards that are unclear, unrealistic or too challenging.
• Avoids tackling performance issues or sticks to ineffective ways of working.

F5 Planning and Coordination

• Organises tasks, activities and resources.
• Sets achievable goals, makes plans and establishes measurable milestones with
timescales and quality standards.
• Encourages shared understanding and participation among crewmembers of
+ planning and task completion.
• Monitors plans for achieving targets.
• Delegates to achieve top performance and to avoid workload peaks and troughs.
• Reviews and communicates plans and intentions clearly to the whole crew,
changing plans if necessary.

• Plans only for themselves and does not involve crew.

• Changes plans without informing crew.
− • Follows plans strictly despite circumstances demanding a different approach.
• Panics about deadlines.
• Makes short-term demands.

F6 Workload Management
• Defines clear roles and responsibilities for crewmembers for both normal and
abnormal situations, including workload assignments.
• Prioritises and manages primary and secondary operational tasks.
• Distributes tasks appropriately among the crew, balancing the needs of every team
+ member.
• Recognises work overload and signs of stress and fatigue in self and others; acts
promptly to deal with it.
• Uses available external and internal resources to complete tasks on time.

• Inadequate workload planning.

• Delegates work unequally across the team.
− • Sets unrealistic deadlines.
• Lacks awareness or consideration of how much pressure team is under.

12 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

4 Implementation of the competency framework
This chapter gives guidance on how to bring the competency framework to life. The purpose of
this system is to ensure that officers’ behavioural competencies are fully and objectively assessed
for the job they do on board. There are four key principles of assessment:
• Each officer is to be individually assessed.
• It is recommended that assessors are appropriately trained and qualified.
• The system should be open to auditing or external verification. Those verifying should be
appropriately qualified.
• The system must be easily incorporated into the company’s existing system, e.g. a Safety
Management System (SMS), training system, appraisal system, etc.
The assessment of behavioural competencies is recommended to be done during these four
operational areas:
• Navigation.
• Mooring.
• Cargo operations.
• Engineering.
This will provide many opportunities to carry out the assessment. These four operational areas
can be simulated in all modern simulators ashore, allowing even more assessment opportunities.
Once a behavioural competency is assessed during an operation, there is no need for this specific
competency to be assessed again during another. However, the system should not be regarded as
a tick box exercise where as soon as one part is assessed, it can be forgotten about. The system
will work best when it is understood as an ongoing process aimed at the continual improvement
of seafarers’ soft skills. This does not apply to the assessment of technical competencies, which
have to be assessed separately.
In general, behavioural competencies apply to all seafarers. Good communication, situation
awareness and accountability are elements that all officers should demonstrate. However, the
level depends on rank, e.g. a different level of leadership is expected from the Master compared
to the 2nd Officer. This should be taken into account when developing assessment scenarios.
Examples of opportunities/scenarios in the four operational areas can be found in the appendix.
These are examples and are not prescriptive. More than one competency domain can be
represented in an example scenario. A competency domain can also be demonstrated in a variety
of situations and scenarios other than those given.

13 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

4.1 Example scenario
Scenarios can be developed to assess any of the four operational areas. The following scenario
is a worked example for assessing the 2nd Officer’s behavioural competencies during a mooring
operation, while leading the aft mooring team. The assessor will need to determine whether the
officer has the right behavioural competencies for his role as mooring team leader.
The key to safe and efficient mooring operations is planning and ensuring that all procedures are
followed, according to the company’s SMS. Before starting any mooring operations, the ISM Code
requires a proper risk assessment to be conducted.
• During mooring operations, there should always be enough seafarers available both forward
and aft of the vessel to ensure safety.
• An officer should be in charge of the mooring party and suitable means of communication
between responsible individuals and the vessel’s bridge team should be established. If
communication involves portable radios, then the ship should be identified by name to prevent
confusion with other users.
• All seafarers involved in such operations must wear protective clothing, including a safety
helmet, safety shoes and gloves, and be fully briefed on the berthing plan.
• After operations, any lessons learned and areas for improvement/best practices should be
communicated to the Master and then the company and the fleet.
The assessor can observe and assess the officer during the whole mooring operation and should
conclude with a debrief and feedback session. Oral questioning techniques can also be used in

14 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

Phase of the Opportunities for Relevant Behavioural
Operation Observation Competencies
Prior to mooring During the pre-mooring A Team working
meeting with the Master A1 Participation
and officers for planning the A3 Supporting others
B Communicating and influencing
During pre-mooring B1 Shared understanding
meeting between Pilot, B2 Style of communication
Master and officers. B3 Feedback
During pre-mooring D Decision making
toolbox meeting and risk D3 Risk assessment and option selection
assessment review with
F Leadership and managerial skills
their team.
F1 Setting direction

During mooring During mooring to follow B Communicating and influencing

the plan; observe any B1 Shared understanding
changes; give instructions if B2 Style of communication
needed; communicate with
C Situation awareness
C1 Awareness of vessel systems and crew
How the officer ensures that C2 Awareness of external environment
crew stands well clear of tug
D Decision making
rope and snap-back zone.
D1 Problem definition and diagnosis
D4 Outcome review
E Results focus
E1 Initiative
E1 Determination
E3 Flexibility
F Leadership and managerial skills
F2 Empowerment
F3 Authority and assertiveness
F5 Planning and coordination
F6 Workload management

Oral questioning Why do you conduct a A Teamwork

techniques toolbox meeting before the F Leadership and managerial skills
B Communication and influencing skills

How do you evaluate the F Leadership and managerial skills

mooring team’s rest hours?

Table 4.1: Example for assessment during mooring operation

15 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

When developing scenarios, the critical technical operations should be considered and as
practicable as possible, scenarios should closely simulate them. Examples of critical operations are:
• Navigation: navigation in congested waters or anchorages, passage plan and monitoring,
approach to pilot stations, entering or leaving a port, crossing a Traffic Separation System (TSS),
bridge equipment failure, etc.
• Cargo operations: cargo plan and operations, use of various pumps, inert gas system, tank
cleaning, ballast/de-ballast during cargo operations, etc.
• Mooring: berthing, unberthing, use of tugs, anchoring, Single Point Mooring (SPM) operation, etc.
• Engineering: stand by, routine maintenance and repairs, bunker operations, change of fuel, use
of emergency systems, etc.

4.2 Performance review templates

To facilitate the use of the system, two templates have been developed to illustrate how the
assessment results can be recorded. These templates are far from exhaustive and can be
amended to suit every company’s existing assessment or appraisal system.
These templates are for documenting an actual performance review and should be a summary
of observations made over the performance review period. The first, simpler version is designed
for assessment at the competency domain level. The second template is designed for assessing
performance at a more detailed level and includes elements as well as domains.
A detailed reading of the performance review should always provide enough information for
constructive feedback, both for the management and for creating a personal learning and
development plan. Assessor’s comments should be clear and precise, with identification of any
strong points or training needs.
The template should also be user friendly and allow the results to be used for benchmarking or
statistical analysis.

The idea is that assessors check how good the answer/responses are (or if there are
contra-indicators) but they do not have to assess/observe every competency element and
their associated indicators, nor would anyone necessarily demonstrate every indicator.

16 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

Name: A B C D E Comments
Record strengths and

Exceeds Expectations

Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Rank: areas for improvement.

Area (navigation, mooring, cargo
operations, engineering):

Team Working
Inclusiveness and consideration of others
Supporting others
Conflict resolution
Communication and Influencing
Shared understanding
Style of communication
Situation Awareness
Awareness of vessel systems and crew
Awareness of external environment
Awareness of time
Decision Making
Problem definition and diagnosis
Option generation
Risk assessment and option selection
Outcome review
Results Focus
Emotional toughness
Accountability and dependability
Leadership and Managerial Skills
Setting direction
Authority and assertiveness
Providing and maintaining standards
Planning and coordination
Workload management

Assessor name:
Date: Location:

Table 4.2: Performance Review Template 1

17 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

Review period from: to: Review date(s): Review by:

Name: Rank: Fleet:

Competency Exceptional Exceeds Meets Needs Unsatisfactory Comments on Achievement
(for ratings above or below Meets
Expectations Expectations Improvement

Team Working
Inclusiveness and consideration of others
Supporting others
Conflict resolution
Communication and Influencing
Shared understanding
Style of communication
Situation Awareness
Awareness of vessel systems and crew
Awareness of external environment
Awareness of time
Decision Making
Problem definition and diagnosis
Option generation
Risk assessment and option selection
Outcome review
(continued next page)

18 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

Competency (continued) Exceptional Exceeds Meets Needs Unsatisfactory Comments on Achievement
(for ratings above or below Meets
Expectations Expectations Improvement
Results Focus
Emotional toughness
Accountability and dependability
Leadership and Managerial Skills
Setting direction
Authority and assertiveness
Providing and maintaining standards
Planning and coordination
Workload management
Comments on overall performance (highlight key achievements; describe specific areas/behaviours where performance needs improvement or exceeds expectations)

Employee name: Manager name:

Signature: Signature:

Date: Date:

Table 4.3: Performance Review Template 2

19 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

4.3 Methods for competency-based assessment
While observation will usually be the main method of assessment, a number of different methods
can be used (either individually or in combination) to assess a behavioural competency.
These include:
• Observation of work activities on site or in a simulator (if in a simulator, the assessor should
have received appropriate guidance in instructional techniques involving the use of simulators).
• Questioning techniques (oral and written).
• Projects and assignments.
• Computer-based questions or tests.
The appendix includes examples of observation opportunities/scenarios in the four operational
areas (navigation, mooring, cargo operations and engineering) which may be used during the
assessment process. Real-time audits also usually take place during critical operations in all four
operational areas. Therefore, they are an opportunity for observation and assessment of both
technical and soft skills of various crewmembers at both management and operational levels. A
pertinent example is also included in the appendix.

4.4 Competency assessment definitions

A levels-based rating system is recommended, which encourages objective identification of
training needs, proper follow up and continuous improvement of all involved. Every company can
choose a rating system that best suits their purpose and conforms to their management systems.
The table below uses a five-level rating scale and provides definitions for each level to aid

20 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

Competency Assessment
Exceptional • Recognised within the company as outstanding in this
(consistently exceeds competency.
expectations) • Almost always exceeds expected results.
• Is a clear role model or mentor and helps others develop this
Exceeds expectations • Exceeds the expectations of the position.
(meets all and often • Frequently exceeds expected results.
exceeds expectations)
• May be viewed as a role model or mentor and helps others
develop this competency.
Meets expectations • Demonstrates this competency at a level appropriate for the
(consistently meets position.
expectations) • Meets and sometimes exceeds expected results.
• Is reliably and consistently successful.
Needs improvement • Needs further development, guidance or evaluation to
(sometimes meets consistently demonstrate this competency at a level appropriate
expectations) for the position.
• Needs to strengthen this competency to achieve results.
• Does not always learn from feedback, coaching or training.
Unsatisfactory • Regularly fails to achieve results.
(does not meet • Regularly demonstrates behaviours inconsistent with this
expectations) competency.
• Does not follow through on feedback, coaching or training.

Table 4.4: Competency assessment definitions

4.5 Follow up of identified training needs

The purpose of any assessment is to identify specific areas of improvement in order to optimise
the person’s performance. These improvement areas can be technical skills, soft skills or both.
Once a specific area of improvement has been identified, the best way to address the need, as
well as its priority, has to be decided based on each company’s training and development culture.
In most cases, the area of improvement is translated into a tangible training need, the need is
prioritised and a timeframe is established.
As with technical skills, the ongoing monitoring and strengthening of soft skills plays an integral
part in ensuring continual improvement for the individual as well as developing a safety culture
on board. Hence, it is recommended to include a soft skills assessment section within the
standard seafarer performance evaluation.
Regardless of the soft skills assessment outcome, any officer who holds a certificate of
competency that meets the requirements of the STCW Convention is qualified to serve in that
rank. If the assessment process identifies areas for soft skills improvement, appropriate next steps
should be planned for the officer involved, as described above and in line with company policy.
Where competency gaps are identified in entire teams or in multiple individuals, company-wide
training programmes focusing on specific competency domains may be appropriate, such as
leadership development or communication and influencing.

21 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

5 Training assessors
This chapter provides guidance on how assessors should be trained and how the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) model course 1.30 (On-board assessment) can be applied to fulfil
requirements for assessor training. It is recommended that assessor training is based on the IMO
model course 1.30.
The IMO model course addresses the training requirements of onboard assessors and was
developed to support the implementation of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended, and
in particular, regulation I/6 of the STCW Convention and section A-I/6 of the STCW Code. The
duration of the model course is 16 hours (two days). Management-level deck and engine officers
and shore-based personnel with sufficient onboard expertise (for example, marine and technical
superintendents) are eligible to attend the course.
While the IMO model course system gives either a competent/not competent outcome, this best
practice guide recommends a sliding scale and relies on the assessor’s knowledge and experience
to ensure the candidate is properly assessed. It also identifies training needs and areas for

5.1 Overview
The purpose of assessments is to confirm that seafarers are fully assessed for their behavioural
competency for the role on board. Assessments can be carried out both on board and ashore.
Both have equal validity in this system, but a combination allows the assessor to cover a greater
range of scenarios.
The best assessments are properly organised and recorded, and completed by well-trained and
motivated assessors. Care should be taken during in-service training or assessment on board to
avoid adversely affecting normal operations.

5.2 Considerations for assessment

If an assessor observes a potentially hazardous situation developing, they should not hesitate to
intervene, as safety takes priority over an assessment. The assessor should identify and report if
assessed persons are not receiving appropriate support and mentoring on board.
The following factors are known to affect performance during assessment and should be taken
into consideration:
• Type of task (theoretical/practical).
• Limited knowledge and technical skills.
• Language and cultural barriers (ability to understand instructions).
• Guessing answers.
• Fatigue or ill health.
• Morale or motivation levels.
• Previous training.
• Experience in the role.
• Safety and contextual factors, e.g. when assessed following a major incident such as a fatality,
collision or grounding, etc.
• Personal issues outside of work.

5.3 Behavioural indicators

A defined set of behaviours related to the task should be observed during the assessment.
This will give important information about the assessed person’s understanding of their own
communication, role and behaviour and its influence on safety and performance.

22 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

The IMO model course 1.30 describes six behaviours to look for during the assessment.
• Team working.
• Communication and influencing skills.
• Situational awareness.
• Decision making.
• Results focus.
• Leadership and managerial skills.

5.4 IMO model course 1.30 structure

Section Heading Contents

Part A Course framework The aims, objectives, entry standards, staff
requirements, teaching facilities and equipment,
teaching aids, text books, IMO references,
computer-based references and Internet website
Part B General outline Outline of lectures, demonstrations and exercises for
the course and a suggested timetable is included.
Part C Detailed teaching Detailed outline and topics with specific learning
syllabus outcomes (defined by standards of knowledge,
understanding and proficiency) for Part B.
Part D Instructor manual Guidance notes and additional explanations to the
instructor on the material that is to be presented
during the course.
Part E Evaluation and A generic guide for effective evaluation and
assessment assessment.
Appendix A Activities Detailed outline of the activities defined in Part C.

Attachment 1 Example of Ready-made templates for sample tasks/topics

competence-based highlighting the possible methods of assessment to
assessment use and the related performance criteria.
Attachment 2 Guidance on the General guidance on the implementation of model
implementation of courses.
model courses
Attachment 3 Instructor feedback Feedback format for comments and suggestions
on model course regarding the model course and its implementation.

Table 5.1: IMO model course 1.30 structure

23 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

5.5 Outline of the assessment process
The key steps for conducting an onboard assessment are shown in the flowchart below. Please
refer to the IMO model course 1.30 for further details.

Figure 5.1: Outline of the assessment process

24 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

6 Implementation challenges
Care should be taken when implementing any new system and stakeholders at every level should
be included in discussions. Several issues that organisations need to be aware of are:
• This system should be seen as a strategic tool for developing seafarers and should reflect both
current and future needs.
• A phased introduction at the senior level first will help to iron out the main problems and
encourage buy-in from staff in other roles, such as operational-level staff. This is part of
good management of change practice and should prevent resistance to the new system. Not
expecting perfection right away will help reduce the shock to existing structures and allow
people time to adjust.
• As the system establishes, it is important to review and adjust to ensure it still fits with
the company’s vision and goals. It is also important to ensure particular groups are not
being disadvantaged, and that safety is improving. Companies should consider integrating
the behavioural competency system into the organisation’s quality assurance and safety
management processes. Implementing the system will also demonstrate the company’s
maturity in marine human resource management. The system could be open to auditing or
external verification, and this could help satisfy third-party requirements and evaluations. It
is recommended that vessel operators undertake a proper management of change process,
including a risk assessment, prior to adopting and implementing the behavioural competency
assessment system.

25 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

7 Using competencies in promotion or recruitment
This section illustrates how the behavioural competency framework can be used for promotion or
recruitment, and considers assessment methods and tools.
In order to assess a candidate for promotion or recruitment, a process needs to be in place
that evaluates and validates their relevant technical and behavioural skills in line with a clearly
defined job description.
The behavioural competency domains and elements to be assessed can be all or some of
those described in this manual (see section 3), or different ones in line with each company’s
competency model.

7.1 Indicative assessment tools for evaluating technical

and behavioural elements
The assessment process and methodology can use a variety of tools, depending on company
needs and specifications.

7.1.1 Psychometrics: cognitive ability tests and personality tests

Cognitive ability tests may include verbal, numerical, spatial and logical reasoning ability tests.
A psychometric personality questionnaire provides information on individual, work-related and
personality attributes that do not depend on technical expertise or work experience.
Care should be taken when interpreting the results from a psychometric test and this should only
be undertaken by trained professionals. Furthermore, psychometric testing is not always allowed
in some countries due to personal data legislation.

7.1.2 Role play/simulation

Incident simulations can be designed to examine candidates’ ability to deal with specific
problems they may encounter in their role. They are designed to assess technical skills
(specialist knowledge) as well as competencies, such as situation awareness, decision making,
communication, priority setting and problem solving.

7.1.3 Group exercise

Candidates are asked to work collaboratively as a group to address a given topic in order to assess
capabilities in leadership, teamwork, analytical skills and influence. Assessors will observe, for
example, how information is shared and how the group divides tasks and processes.

7.1.4 Briefing exercise

A briefing exercise is a prioritisation exercise where a candidate is given a selection of tasks
relevant to the role and is asked to create a schedule and present the results. The exercise tests
a wide range of skills and knowledge including thinking and prioritisation competencies such as
results focus; decision making; verbal presentation; the ability to react/respond and specialist
On completion of the assessment, each candidate is scored on their performance (with scores
totalled across all the different tools). Once all the scores have been gathered, the assessor
completes a report. The candidate is entitled to feedback regarding their performance, regardless
of whether or not they were successful.

26 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

Appendix Examples of observation opportunities/
scenarios in the four operational areas

A1 Example with management and operational levels

A Team Working
A1 Participation
A2 Inclusiveness and consideration of others
A3 Supporting others
A4 Conflict resolution
Operational Area Management Level Operational Level
Navigation The chief officer relieves the The Officer of the Watch
second officer and coaches them (OOW) actively participates in
on Electronic Chart Display and watchkeeping during increased
Information System (ECDIS) features bridge watch levels by providing
beyond those required for shipboard timely information to the con
familiarisation. according to their instructions.
Cargo operations During start of load/discharge After successfully completing
operations, the chief officer ensures a specific function, e.g.
all watchkeepers are fully engaged, hose connection, the OOW
with a common understanding of all communicates their appreciation
operational requirements, by going to relevant watch ratings.
through the checklist aloud.
The chief officer demonstrates respect The OOW invites further
for all watchkeeper regardless of rank information when a watch rating
by addressing them courteously and reports a potential problem,
acknowledging their input to the e.g. a mooring line requires
discussion (either verbally or non- attention, and thanks them for the
verbally). information.
Mooring Before mooring operations, the chief The officer in charge demonstrates
officer ensures that all personnel are awareness and consideration for
fully engaged and are encouraged the needs of the other mooring
to provide input to the mooring stations throughout the mooring
plan by asking them to repeat their process; for example, by simply
understanding of what the plan is and asking, “All OK?” and asking again
their role in it. if no reply received.
Engineering The 2nd Engineer successfully The 3rd Engineer cooperates
resolves a disagreement within the effectively with engine ratings
team assigned for maintenance work. and gives them guidance during
routine maintenance work.
During a major repair, the Chief The 3rd Engineer encourages
Engineer encourages teamwork, feedback from juniors and cadets
monitors and evaluates engine and has a constructive attitude
officers and ratings, assists them to any changes suggested by
in case of difficulties and increases responding positively, e.g. “That’s
their morale by giving praise and a good idea”.
encouragement. Ensures that tasks
are fairly divided between team
members and responds positively to
suggestions from team members.

27 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

B Communication and Influencing
B1 Shared understanding
B2 Style of communication
B3 Feedback
B4 Persuasion
Operational Area Management Level Operational Level
Navigation The Master asks for opinions and The OOW respects cultural
feedback from bridge officers at any diversity and communicates
stage of the passage plan execution information simply, directly
to verify understanding. and comprehensively. Requests
clarifications and further
explanations whenever a vague
order is received.
The Master conducts briefings Handover process is effectively
during critical stages of passage followed by both officers, having
plan execution; e.g. thinks aloud communicated all essential
to ensure watchkeepers share elements and confirmed the
understanding. relieving officer’s understanding.
Cargo operations The chief officer conducts a pre- During a cargo watch, the OOW
cargo operations meeting with the clarifies and challenges plans and
watch team in a clear, concise and decisions.
unambiguous way.
During pre-cargo operations meeting OOW conducts clear radio
with terminal representative, communications with
the chief officer challenges and watchkeepers, and positive
questions all areas of concern. feedback is actively used to ensure
understanding and acceptance.
Mooring The Master conducts a pre-mooring At the mooring station, the officer
operations meeting and briefing in charge positively ensures that his
with all key shipboard personnel in a team all understand the mooring
clear, concise and unambiguous way. plan by asking each in turn whether
they have questions or things to
During the mooring operation, the OOW clearly communicates
Master’s instructions are clearly messages received from the
conveyed to the mooring stations. bridge to the mooring team and
uses positive feedback to ensure
understanding and acceptance.
Engineering The Chief Engineer organises The engineering officers clarify and
meetings to discuss maintenance ensure all ratings know and are
work. Encourages sharing of ideas familiar with their assigned duties
and experience with engine crew and during operations. They give good
confirms a shared understanding and detailed explanations of all
of how the work will be done; for aspects of operation to ensure that
example, by pausing after asking a ratings understand their duties and
question, or letting the team do the who to contact for assistance.
talking (but without talking over one
During a bunkering operation,
the Chief Engineer ensures that
communication between everyone
involved is clear and that everyone
affected has been correctly notified
and kept up to date.

28 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

C Situation Awareness
C1 Awareness of vessel systems and crew
C2 Awareness of external environment
C3 Awareness of time
Operational Area Management Level Operational Level
Navigation The chief officer monitors, plans The OOW verifies navigational
and responds appropriately to equipment status during
changes in machinery status (engine, handover process, ensuring full
steering, etc.) relevant to prevailing understanding of the bridge team
navigational conditions (traffic, and monitoring any changes
shoals, etc.). throughout their watch.
The Master ensures collision The OOW verifies information
avoidance manoeuvring is exercised received from navigational aids
well in advance, taking into with actual visual observations and
consideration all available factors takes action in a timely manner if
and sources of information (traffic, needed.
manoeuvring characteristics,
weather, etc.).
Cargo operations During a critical ‘topping off’ During routine cargo watch, the
operation, the chief officer maintains OOW retains awareness of vessel
awareness of other operations, e.g. moorings and gangway security
taking stores on board. watch.
During cargo operations, the chief The OOW assesses a changing
officer is able to identify and react situation, e.g. an unplanned
to potential changes in cargo plan stoppage of loading, and takes
due to unexpected influences, e.g. action as appropriately.
deteriorating weather.
Mooring The Master monitors the The officer in charge anticipates the
coordination of pilot, bridge team, potential effect of a passing vessel
mooring teams and tugs during or changes in tidal height on the
mooring operations and reacts to mooring operation and takes action
potential changes. as appropriate.
Engineering Following a full or partial crew In anticipation of a vetting
change, the Chief Engineer maintains inspection, the 3rd Engineer will
awareness of the engine crew’s skills familiarise themselves with the
and experience, especially regarding starting and operate procedures
their knowledge and experience with for emergency systems, such as
the equipment on board the vessel. the emergency generator and
emergency fire pump.
During an emergency situation that Engineers carrying out maintenance
requires a vessel’s stoppage, the are aware of the limitations
Chief Engineer is aware of risks and imposed by equipment being taken
can identify potential hazards, e.g. out of service and communicate
traffic and weather conditions. Can any potential delays in returning
quickly assess the situation and equipment to service in a timely
advise the Master on the best course manner and to all those affected.
of action in both the short and
medium term.

29 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

D Decision Making
D1 Problem definition and diagnosis
D2 Option generation
D3 Risk assessment and option selection
D4 Outcome review
Operational Area Management Level Operational Level
Navigation The Master evaluates all information Bridge team members are familiar
collected by the bridge team to with equipment operations and
consider alternative solutions, and limitations, allowing them to
shares the decision with the rest of clearly state or define a problem
the bridge team. and possible solutions and make
appropriate decisions.
Cargo operations When a problem is encountered Cargo line pressure feedback
with stripping a cargo tank, the chief radioed in from a watch rating is
officer gathers information and listens inconsistent with other readings.
to the advice of team members. Before a decision is made, the
OOW verifies the questionable
When a problem is encountered with The gangway watch reports an
a shore cargo hose connection, the unexpected visitor at the gangway.
chief officer makes a full evaluation The OOW verifies the visitor’s
with the terminal representative and arrival with the relevant senior
considers all risks. officer before deciding to allow the
visitor onboard access.
Mooring During the mooring operation, and The deck watch reports a winch
following a change in the external brake unexpectedly rendering.
environment, the Master gathers The OOW calls for appropriate
information and listens to the advice assistance to quickly evaluate the
of other team members when making reasons and to determine the most
a decision; for example, by asking, “Is appropriate course of action.
there anything I have overlooked?”.
Engineering During an unexpected total loss of In case of a developing problem,
power, the Chief Engineer gathers such as a noisy electrical motor,
information and listens to others’ the Engineering Officer decides
opinions while continuing to filter and on the best immediate course
analyse information to determine the of action by evaluating the risks
root causes of the problem. The Chief of taking the equipment out of
Engineer makes a timely decision to service.
resolve it.
When routine onboard oil analysis When working under a permit,
shows a small increase of water for instance in an enclosed space,
content of an auxiliary engine, the Engineering Officer reacts
the Chief Engineer evaluates the decisively to any changes in
condition, determines the cause of conditions that might affect the
the water contamination and takes validity of the permit.
appropriate counter-measures.

30 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

E Results Focus
E1 Initiative
E2 Determination
E3 Flexibility
E4 Emotional toughness
E5 Accountability and dependability
Operational Area Management Level Operational Level
Navigation The Master stays focussed and calm The relieving shows up with
with sound judgement in critical enough time to allow for
stages of passage execution, without familiarisation and adapting to
being distracted by any other external prevailing conditions before taking
influences. over the watch.
The Master properly identifies the The OOW takes initiative to
resources required to adequately report any fact or ambiguous
crew the bridge according to situation, regardless of whether
prevailing conditions and company this falls within the range of their
requirements. responsibility.
Cargo operations The vessel experiences a cargo The OOW fully understands the
pump malfunction. The chief officer cargo plan and is focussed on
explores all possibilities to maintain maintaining the cargo discharge
effective pumping and meet the rate to achieve the vessel’s
vessel’s estimated time of departure schedule.
while also considering all risks.
During completion of the pre-cargo The OOW maintains regular
operations checks, the chief officer communication with other
verifies each requirement before watchkeepers to ensure
proceeding. watch-related priorities, e.g.
mooring and gangway safety, are
being addressed and achieved.
Mooring The Master proactively suggests The officer in charge at a mooring
alternative ideas to pilot during station remains focussed during
berthing if he sees a potentially better an extended mooring operation
solution. taking place outside of their usual
hours of work.
The Master remains calm and The OOW maintains regular
focussed when the mooring operation communication with watch ratings
deviates from the plan. to ensure watch-related priorities,
e.g. mooring and gangway safety,
are being addressed and achieved.
Engineering The vessel encounters a problem with The 4th Engineer reacts positively
the main engine in a high-risk area. to changes in tasks assigned or
The Chief Engineer remains calm, work programme and suggests
focussed and takes the necessary ways in which new targets for
measures in order to maintain completion of maintenance tasks,
propulsion and exit the high-risk area. for instance, can be met.
When unexpected problems occur The 3rd Engineer accepts
during main engine maintenance responsibility for a specific range
that might delay sailing, the Chief of duties, e.g. auxiliary engine
Engineer takes initiative to try to meet maintenance, and requires
deadlines. With safety paramount, minimal supervision. Develops
the Chief Engineer acknowledges new initiatives and is not afraid
commercial pressures and takes to challenge the way things have
responsibility, but does not take been done in the past.
actions that would put the crew or the
vessel at risk.

31 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

F Leadership and Managerial Skills
F1 Setting direction
F2 Empowerment
F3 Authority and assertiveness
F4 Providing and maintaining standards
F5 Planning and coordination
F6 Workload management

Operational Area Management Level Operational Level

Navigation The Master strictly follows the agreed The OOW delivers tasks within
passage plan and documentation predefined and agreed time
required (checklists, cards, etc.) limits. (e.g. passage plan ready
without allowing shortcuts or for appraisal before anticipated
unjustified changes. departure time).
The presence of the Master on the The OOW involves and promotes
bridge does not dissuade the BTM active participation of deck
from performing their duties, e.g. ratings to enhance navigational
free use of navigational equipment as effectiveness, e.g. lookout
deemed necessary. information provided.

Cargo ops The chief officer spends time with the At all times during the cargo
OOW during the operation to clarify operation, the OOW takes time
and explain all operational decisions to effectively listen to their watch
and changes to ensure the OOW has a team.
full understanding.
The Master effectively liaises with the When carrying out a routine cargo
cargo operations team to understand tank atmosphere test, the OOW
the latest situation and workload, and includes other personnel in order
to offer guidance/support as required. to develop their skills.

Mooring The Master provides opportunities The officer in charge thanks the
for the chief officer and other officers team for their contribution at
to practice and experience ship the end of a successful mooring
handling techniques during mooring operation.
The Master challenges the Pilot’s The officer in charge intervenes if
decision if he is unsure or unclear of an unsafe action is performed by
the action proposed. terminal staff.
Engineering The Chief Engineer delegates specific Engineers are assertive and
duties to others while setting realistic challenge unrealistic or potentially
and challenging targets and ensuring unsafe instructions from superiors.
that standards are maintained. They also intervene in a positive
Empowers subordinates but monitors way if the work of juniors does not
progress and assists if necessary. meet the required standard.

The Chief Engineer follows up on The engine crew intervenes if

defects by detecting and reporting. an unsafe action is performed
Targets are set for rectification, by appointed sub-contractors
with proper planning and workflow onboard.
management, including rescheduling
of other planned work.

32 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

A2 Example with combined levels
B Communication and Influencing
B1 Shared understanding
B2 Style of communication
B3 Feedback
B4 Persuasion
Operational Area Combined Management Level and Operational Levels
Navigation During a real-time navigational audit when approaching a port, the
assessor can observe and assess communication between the Master
and bridge team members, including how orders are given, understood
and followed; how traffic information is communicated and shared; how
passage plan monitoring is reported; communication with the engine room
and via VHF radio with other vessels, pilots, Vessel Traffic Service (VTS), the
team on deck, etc.

33 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

A3 Example with combined domains
The vessel is idle and awaiting orders at safe anchorage one Thursday. The operations
department confirms to the Master that there is no indication of when it will be fixed. The fleet
superintendent steps in and instructs the Master to liaise with the Chief Engineer to proceed
with the Diesel Generator (D/G) no.1 overhaul, since is already overdue and since the other D/G
is shortly due and only two D/Gs serve the vessel’s power management. The Master wants the
vessel readily available as soon as voyage orders come, but still the Chief Engineer should take
this opportunity for D/G no.1 overhaul. The 3rd Engineer will do the job with a fitter and under
the supervision of the Chief Engineer. The 2nd Engineer will be occupied with the oiler and
electrician on routine main engine and boiler maintenance.
Management level Operational level KPIs
Observing the Chief Engineer as leader of the Observing the 3rd Engineer as
2nd and 3rd Engineers for maintenance tasks. leader of the maintenance team
(oiler, fitter).
During the planning meeting the Chief During the planning meeting, the F1, F2, F3
Engineer remains calm and defines the task 3rd Engineer defines the task in
B1, B2
in an accurate and simple way, due to time an accurate and simple way, asks
constraints and commercial pressures. The open questions and discreetly D1, D2
Chief Engineer asks open questions and invites silent team members to
discreetly invites silent team members to contribute their views on options
contribute their views on options for planning for planning (pre-meeting) or
(pre-planning) or evaluating performance evaluating performance
(post-meeting). (post-meeting).

During the pre-meeting the 2nd Engineer During the pre-meeting the oiler F3, F4, F5
proposes that they remove all cylinder heads proposes that they remove all
B2, B3, B4
at once so that the oiler can deal with the cylinder heads at once, so that he
cylinder heads overhaul, while the other can then deal with the cylinder C1, C2, C3
two will dismantle and assemble the pistons heads overhaul, while the other D1, D2
cylinder by cylinder, so that they will finish two will dismantle and assemble
earlier. The Chief Engineer appreciates the the pistons cylinder by cylinder, E1, E2
feedback from team members, while putting so that they will finish earlier.
forward his position for maintaining and The 3rd Engineer appreciates the
assembling cylinder by cylinder and adjusting feedback from the oiler, while
it so that the team is convinced of the way putting forward the position
forward for this task, as well as highlighting agreed with the Chief Engineer
the HSE and time elements due to the and adjusting it so that team is
uncertainty of voyage orders and time for convinced of the way forward,
sailing. as well as highlighting the HSE
and time elements due to the
uncertainty of voyage orders and
time for sailing.

34 OCIMF–INTERTANKO – Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators

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