Socio 101 - Semi-Finals
Socio 101 - Semi-Finals
Socio 101 - Semi-Finals
Banilad Campus
Socio 101: The Contemporary World
Instructor: Neil Bryan N. Moninio
Name: _____________________________________ Date:_________________
Schedule: __________________________________ Score: _______________
General Instruction: The examination is good for one (60) minutes only and is equivalent of 100 points. The
questionnaire consists of _ pages. Read each question very carefully. A point will be deducted every erasure which
includes superimposition and white ink marks. A point will also be deducted for every question without any
answer. An additional 5 points will be given to students without any erasures. CHEATING IS A GROUND FOR
EXPULSION. Please refrain from talking, peeking nor glancing your classmates’ test papers. If you are caught doing
such, it will be construed as cheating and will be dealt with necessary repercussions.
Part 1 – ACRONYMS (2 point each)
Instruction: Give the complete meaning of the following acronyms.
1. NGO -
2. UN-
4. GA-
5. SC-
7. ICJ-
8. ICC-
9. ILO-
10. ASEAN-
11. OPEC-
12. NAM-
13. IMF-
14. NAFTA-
15. CARAM-
16. APEC-
17. WHO-
18. EU
19. IO -
20. NATO-
Part 2 - Multiple Choice Questions (2 point each)
Instruction: In circle the letter of the best answer among the choices.
1. The term is commonly used to refer to international intergovernmental organizations or groups that are
primarily made up of member-states.
a. International Inter-government
b. International Organizations
c. International Groups and Associations
d. International Member-states
2. It refers to the power of the international organizations to invent and apply categories, they can create powerful
a. Power of Stratifications c. Power of Categorization
b. Power of Classification d. Power of Standardization
3. This is a broader function related to the first power of international organizations. Various terms like “security”
or “development” need to be well-defined. States, organizations, and individuals view international
organizations as legitimate sources of information. As such, the meanings they create have effects on various
a. Power of Security c. Power of Development
b. Power to Fix Meanings d. Power of Information
4. Norms are accepted codes of conduct that they may not be strict law, but nevertheless produce regularity in
behavior. International organizations also spread their ideas across the world, thereby establishing global
standards. Their power stems from the fact that international organizations are staffed with independent
bureaucracies, who are considered experts in various fields.
a. Power to establish norms c. Power to staff with independent bureaucracies
b. Power to diffuse norms d. Power of the experts in various fields
6. The most powerful organ of UN. This body consists of 15 member states elected by the GA with the other
permanent five who takes the lead in determining the existence of threat to the peace or an act of aggression. It
calls upon the parties to a dispute to settle the act by peaceful means ad recommends methods of adjustment
or terms of settlements.
a. GA c. UN Peace and Aggression Organ
b. SC d. UN Permanent Five
7. The principal body for coordination, policy review, policy dialogue, and recommendations on social and
environmental issues, as well as the implementations on social and environmental issues, as well as the
implementation of and environmental goals.
a. UNCHR c. International Coordinator and Policy Reviewer
b. ECOSOC d. International Social and Environmental Warriors
8. The UN organ whose task is to settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted to it by
states and to give advisory opinions referred to it by authorized United Nations organs and specialized agencies.
a. ICC
b. ICJ
c. International Legal Dispute Settlement Organ
d. International Advisory Opinion Provider
9. Are group of countries located in the same geographically specified area or are an amalgamation of two regions
[or] a combination of more than two regions.
a. Religion
b. Region
c. Regionalism
d. Regionalization
11. A political process characterized by economic policy cooperation and coordination among countries.
a. Religion
b. Region
c. Regionalism
d. Regionalization
12. Tiny associations that include no more than a few actors and focus on a single issue, or huge continental unions
that address a multitude of common problems from territorial defense to food security.
a. Regionalism c. Territorial Defense Associations
b. New regionalism c. Food Security Associations
15. The Napoleonic Wars lasted from 1803-1815 with Napoleon and his armies marching all over much of Europe. In
every country they conquered, the French implemented the _______________ that forbade birth privileges,
encouraged freedom or religion, and promoted meritocracy in government service.
a. New Civil Code
b. Napoleonic Code
c. Revise Penal Code
d. European Constitution
16. Statement no. 1 : Religion is concerned with the sacred , while globalism places value on divine wealth.
Statement no. 2: Religion follows divine commandments, while globalism abides by God-made laws.
a. Both statements are true
b. Both statements are false
c. Only statement 1 is true
d. Only statement 2 is true
17. Statement no. 1: Religious people are less concerned with wealth and all that comes along with it like higher
social status, a standards of living similar with that of the rest of the community, exposure to culture, top-of-the-
line education for children etc.
Statement no. 2: Globalists are less worried whether they will end up in heaven or hell. Their skills are more
pedestrian as they aim to seal trade deals, raise the profits or private enterprises, and improve government
revenue collections, protect the elites from being excessively taxed by the state , and , naturally, enrich
a. Both statements are false
b. Both statements are true
c. Only statement 1 is false
d. Only statement 2 is false
18. A means of conveying something, such as a channel of communication.
a. television
b. media
c. telecommunication
d. cable channel
19. By this, he meant that, as more and more people sat down in front of their television sets and listened to the
same stories, their perception of the world would contract. If tribal village once sat in front of fires to listen to
collective stories, the members of the new global village would sit in front of bright boxes in their living rooms.
a. Global Television
b. Global Village
c. Global Collective Stories
d. Global Living Room
20. Media globalization coupled with American hegemony would create a form of ____________ whereby
American values and culture would overwhelm all others.
a. American globalization
b. Cultural imperialism
c. American Media globalization
d. American Values Integration
1-10- Enumerate the 10 ASEAN member countries provided in your reference book
11-15- Enumerate 5 active Organs of UN. (Do not provide the acronyms only, hence give the complete name of the