P.E. 8 Module 1
P.E. 8 Module 1
P.E. 8 Module 1
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Health- Related Fitness
Physical Education – Grade 8
Self-Learning Module (SLM)
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Health – Related Fitness
First Edition, 2020
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Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Health – Related Fitness
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both
from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping
the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming
their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and
accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner
is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and
skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the
Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your
level of mastery in achieving the learning
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What I Need to Know
Hello, learners! How are you today? Let me share to you ideas and skills that
can be applied in our daily lives.
What I Know
Pre- Assessment
Hello learners! Read each statement and identify which word in the choices
refers to. Write the letter of your choice in your activity notebook.
Very Good! You did a great job. Thank you for answering honestly. You are
now ready for the discussion.
What’s In
Hello learners! In this stage, you will reflect on how well you understand the
concept of health- related fitness and your expectations about the topic. You are
encouraged to do this simple activity.
The following activities will assess your knowledge about health- related
fitness exercises. This will give you opportunities to identify and clarify
misconceptions you may have about the lesson.
Activity 1: Where Am I?
Let’s do this activity. Read and identify what the statement is referring to by
arranging the scrambled letters given in each question. Write it on your activity
5. It is the ability to use the different senses together with body parts in performing
Notes to the Teacher
What’s New
Hello learners! Do you want to learn something new today? Let’s start with a short
Choose one nursery rhyme or a song then create and perform combinations
of locomotor and non- locomotor movements.
Ex. “Ako ay May Lobo” Identify movements being used. Invite one of your
family members to do this activity. If you will rate your performance 1-10 and 10 is
the highest, what is your score?
Are you done doing this activity? What are the basic movements you have
done from the activity? Did you apply the locomotor and non-locomotor movements?
How did your body respond to the activity?
Before we are going to discuss our lesson for today, here are some questions
for you to ponder on.
- What is fitness?
- What is Physical Fitness?
- What are the components of health -related fitness and skill related fitness?
- Describe the difference between health-related fitness and skills related
- Why is it important to be physically fit?
Now, let us discuss this lesson as you go on with the next pages of this module.
What is It
A person who is physically fit is able to maintain his most optimum weight
and is away from sickness. He has a relaxed state of mind is, physically strong and
mentally active in facing challenges in everyday life.
What is Fitness?
Fitness, aside from being physically fit, it also refers to a person’s mental state
as well. If a person is physically fit, but mentally unwell or troubled, he or she will
not be able to function optimally. Mental fitness can only be achieved if your body is
functioning well. You can help relax your own mind and eliminate stresses by
exercising regularly and eating right.
A person who is physically fit is able to maintain his most optimum weight
and is also not prone to cardiac arrest and other health problems. In order to
maintain a relaxed state of mind, a person should be physically active. A person who
is fit both physically and mentally is strong enough to face the ups and downs of life,
and is not affected by drastic changes that take place.
Physical Fitness is divided into four (4) Health –Related Fitness (HRF)
components and six (6) Skills- Related Fitness (SRF) components.
A. Health –Related Components focus on factors that prevent the onset of
disease and problems associated with an activity. The components are:
3. Flexibility. It is the ability of the body part to move at the joint in full range
of motion (ROM). The most common test is the sit and reach.
4. Body Composition. It is the ratio of the body fat to lean body mass, inclusive
of bones, water, muscles, and connective tissues which is a risk factor for
diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and other cardiovascular diseases.
1. Agility. It is the ability to shift your body in different directions quickly and
3. Power. It is when you perform a task as quickly and as forcefully as you can.
It is the product of strength and speed e.g. a 10-meter sprint or performing a
long jump.
5. Coordination. It is the ability to use the senses e.g. sight, hearing, breathing,
together with body parts in performing motor tasks smoothly and accurately.
• decreases risk of diabetes and some cancers;
• improves self-esteem and self-confidence
• decreases body fat and improves metabolism; and
• increases energy level and academic achievement
In many cases, endurance and strength are the components used to assess
fitness. But utilizing the other components offers a more complete picture of overall
fitness, along with health and athleticism.
What’s More
Hello learners! Do you still follow through our lessons? Let us find out more.
Interview the members of your family using the activity sheet below.
Interview each family member using this activity sheet as your guide. Fill out
the chart with their responses.
Note: Do you know that doing household chores helps a lot in maintaining physical
fitness? Think about a day what do you have been sitting in the classroom, listening,
and writing notes which do not require you to move too much. So, find time doing
household chores as part of your daily routine to improve physical fit.
What I Have Learned
What ideas have you grasp from our lessons? Is it applicable in our daily lives?
There is no easy way to do Physical Activity and benefits from it. This is
contrary to the hype from some fitness commercials and products whose benefits
associated with regular activity that requires real effort maintained over time.
Advertisements from some of fitness devices claim that 5 minutes on their product
is as good as 30 minutes on another product. The benefits of any activity depend on
the relevance and duration and not on the equipment and some products promise to
enhance the metabolism in the same way does.
Do you agree or disagree on the statement? Support your answer. Write your
answer on your activity notebook.
Activity 2.
Choose a word inside the box that is referred to in each statement below. Write
your answer on your activity notebook.
1. A person has is if he fit and is capable of living life to its fullest extent.
2. It refers to being physically fit and also refers to a person’s mental state.
5. It is typically measured by how quickly an individual can move from one point to
another. The 40-yard dash is often used to assess its speed.
What I Can Do
Reflect on your daily activities and write them on the table below. Focus your
attention on activities that will help improve your Health-Related Fitness and
maximize your body potential. Write it on your activity notebook.
My Daily Routine/ Tasks HRF Components
Write a reflection on your activity notebook. What have you learned from the lesson
and what is its importance to your life?
Activity 2. Talk Show
You are a guest a trainer in a TV talk show sponsored by RBB- BRB network.
The episode entitled Family Fitness Challenge aims to promote fitness and wellness
to the families. In a 15-minute talk show, share your views, insights and opinions
through a video presentation on how the family adapts to and quest for fitness. Your
AVP will be evaluated through scoring rubric found below. You can share or upload
using the YouTube channel or send it to your teacher through her/his personal
AVP Rubric
Criteria Better Good Fair
Content Complete Almost accurate No attempt was
accurate, content with a few made to check the
was precise and inconsistencies accuracy of
Explicit; all and errors in information
components information.
Organization Engaging, clear Ideas flow in No clear main
and logical ideas logical sequence idea, without
but only linked to conclusion
the introduction
Creativity Presented with Thoughtfully and No real effort to
originality; uniquely presented include
Engaging to the but needing some transitions or
audience; improvements graphics within
excellent use of the presentation
graphics to make
Time Frame Time limit is used Some video clips Most video clips
effectively with no are edited to need to be edited.
slack time remove slack time
A. Multiple Choice. Read each statement. Write the letter of your choice on your
activity notebook.
5. It is the ability of the body part to move at the joint in full range of motion.
a. flexibility b. coordination c. strength d. speed
7. It is the ability to use the different senses together with body parts in performing
motor tasks smoothly and accurately.
a. coordination b. reaction time c. endurance d. exercise
10. It refers to the maximum amount of force a muscle can exert against opposing
a. muscular strength b. muscular endurance c. balance d. strength
B. Find out how well you know and understand the importance of physical
movements in your daily life. These activities will assess your knowledge and
skills on Health-Related Fitness (HRF). Write on your activity notebook.
A. Identify and classify the pictures shown in the following based on the
components of health-related fitness.
B. Explain briefly how these HRF activities can benefit your family in terms of
physical wellness.
1. 2.
4. 5.
Additional Activities
Variation: Create a collage in an A4 size bond paper or bulletin board display of cut-
out pictures from newspapers or magazines that illustrate the benefits of being active
and submit it together with the activity sheets. (Creativity, Craftsmanship, Neatness,
and effort should be observed).
Answer Key
Benavinte, Renato Jr. P. et. al. Physical Education and Health. Learners Module.(1st
Ed.). edited by Liberty A. Mangaluz. Pasig City: Department of Education – Bureau
of Learning Resources, 2013.
Copiaco, Hazel P. et. al. Our World of MAPEH: Music, Arts Physical, Education and
Health. Quezon City: Vibal Publishing House, Inc., 2014.
Lacia, Gerardo C. et.al. The 21st Century MAPEH in Action Grade 8. Quezon City: The
Phoenix Publishing House Inc., 2018.
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) was developed by DepEd
SOCCSKSARGEN with the primary objective of preparing for and addressing
the new normal. Contents of this module were based on DepEd’s Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). This is a supplementary material
to be used by all learners of Region XII in all public schools beginning SY
2020-2021. The process of LR development was observed in the production of
this module. This is version 1.0. We highly encourage feedback, comments,
and recommendations.