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Textbook for Class XII






Textbook for Class XII


First Edition

January 2010 Magha 1931


March 2015 Phalguna 1936

December 2015 Pausa 1937

February 2017 Magha 1938

December 2017 Agrahayana 1939


© National Council of Educational

Research and Training, 2010

Rs 180.00

ISBN 978-93-5007-026-0


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The National Curriculum Framework (NCF), 2005, recommends that

children’s life at school must be linked to their life outside the school.

This principle marks a departure from the legacy of bookish learning

which continues to shape our system and causes a gap between the

school, home and community. The syllabi and textbooks developed on

the basis of NCF signify an attempt to implement this basic idea. They

also attempt to discourage rote learning and the maintenance of sharp

boundaries between different subject areas. We hope these measures

will take us significantly further in the direction of a child-centred

system of education outlined in the National Policy on Education (1986).

The success of this effort depends on the steps that school principals and teachers will take to encourage
children to reflect on their

own learning and to pursue imaginative activities and questions. We

must recognise that, given space, time and freedom, children generate

new knowledge by engaging with the information passed on to them by

adults. Treating the prescribed textbook as the sole basis of examination is one of the key reasons why
other resources and sites of learning

are ignored. Inculcating creativity and initiative is possible if we perceive and treat children as
participants in learning, not as receivers of

a fixed body of knowledge.

These aims imply considerable change in school routines and mode

of functioning. Flexibility in the daily time-table is as necessary as

rigour in implementing the annual calendar so that the required number of teaching days are actually
devoted to teaching. The methods
used for teaching and evaluation will also determine how effective this

textbook proves for making children’s life at school a happy experience, rather than a source of stress of
boredom. Syllabus designers

have tried to address the problem of curricular burden by restructuring and reorienting knowledge at
different stages with greater consideration for child psychology and the time available for teaching. The

textbook attempts to enhance this endeavour by giving higher priority

and space to opportunities for contemplation and wondering, discussion in small groups, and activities
requiring hands-on experience.

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)

appreciates the hard work done by the textbook development committee responsible for this book. We
wish to thank the Chairperson of the

advisory group in Social Sciences Professor Hari Vasudevan and the

Chief Advisor for this book, Professor G.C. Maheshwari, Dean, Institute

of Management Studies, M.S. University Baroda for guiding the work of

this committee. Several teachers contributed to the development of this

textbook; we are grateful to their principals for making this possible.



We are indebted to the institutions and organisations which have generously permitted us to draw upon
their resources, material and personnel. We are especially grateful to the members of the National
Monitoring Committee, appointed by the Department of Secondary and Higher

Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development under the

Chairpersonship of Professor Mrinal Miri and Professor G.P. Deshpande,

for their valuable time and contribution. As an organisation is committed to the systemic reform and
continuous improvement in the quality of its products, NCERT welcomes comments and suggestions

will enable us to undertake further revision and refinement.


New Delhi National Council of Educational

December 2009 Research and Training





Hari Vasudevan, Professor, Department of History, University of

Calcutta, Kolkata


G.C. Maheshwari, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Management Studies, M.S. University, Baroda,
Vadodara, Gujarat


B.R.K. Pillai, Director, Central Water Commission, R.K. Puram, New


Sameer Kaushik, Lecturer in Commerce, C-320, Lohia Nagar,

Ghaziabad, U.P.

Sanjay Vij, Professor and Director (CE/IT/MCA), Sardar Vallabhbhai

Patel Institute of Technology, Vasad, Gujarat

R.S. Pandya, General Manager (HR), Vadodara Manufacturing Division,

Reliance Industries Limited, Vadodara, Gujarat


Shipra Vaidya, Professor of Commerce, Department of Education in

Social Sciences, NCERT, New Delhi



The National Council of Educational Research and Training acknowledges the

valuable contributions of the Textbook Development Committee which took

considerable pains in the development and review of the manuscript as well.

We are thankful to Dr. G.P. Singh, Director, Beri Institute of Information

Technology, Ghaziabad and Dr. Surrender Kumar, Reader, PGDAV College, Delhi

University for their academic support in developing this textbook.

Special thanks are due to Savita Sinha, Professor and Head, Department of

Education in Social Sciences, NCERT for her support, during the development of

this book.

We are thankful to Microsoft Inc. and Tally Solutions for permitting us to use

the templates of MS Excel and MS Access-2007 as a sample included in the text.

The Council acknowledges the efforts of Computer Incharge, Dinesh Kumar;

DTP Operators, Anil Sharma and Basudev Tripathy; and Copy Editor, Mrs. Mamta


The contribution of APC-Office, administration of DESS, Publication

Division are also duly acknowledged.



Foreword v


1.1 Computerised Accounting System 2

1.2 Components of CAS 3

1.3 Salient Features of CAS 4

1.4 Grouping of Accounts 4

1.5 Using Software of CAS 10

1.6 Advantages of CAS 10

1.7 Limitations of CAS 11

1.8 Accounting Information System (AIS) 11


2.1 Basic Concepts of Spreadsheet 18

2.2 Data Entry Text Management and Cell Formatting 47

2.3 Data Formatting 56

2.4 Output Reports 67

2.5 Preparation of Reports Using Pivot Table 69

2.6 Common Errors (Messages) in Spreadsheet 73


3.1 Payroll Accounting 87

3.2 Asset Acounting 93

3.3 Loan Repayment Schedule 99


4.1 Data Graphs and Charts 105

4.2 Basics Steps for Graphs/Charts/Diagrams Using Excel 107

4.3 Advantages in Using Graph/Chart 117


5.1 Steps in Installation of CAS 126

5.2 Use of Accounting Software 126

5.3 Need and Security Feature of the System 143


6.1 Understanding and Debining the Database Requirement 154

6.2 Identification of Data to be Stored in Tables 156

6.3 Logical Structuring of Data in Tables 158

6.4 Creating Database Tables in Microsoft Access 162

6.5 Creation of Query in Microsoft Access 170

6.6 Creation of Farms in Microsoft Access 175

6.7 Creation of Reports in Microsoft Access 178








After studying this chapter you will be

able to:

• Understand the need of

Computerised Accounting


• Appreciate the impact of

Information Technology on

Financial Accounting System.

• Describe the major

functions of Accounting

Information System (AIS).

In modern business accounting transactions are

processed through computers. Usage of computers

and Information Technology (IT) enables a business

to quickly, accurately and timely access the

information that helps in decision-making. This

sharpens the competitive edge and enhances

profitability. The computer systems (Figure 1.1)

works with the data which is processed by the

hardware commanded by the user through

software. The Computerised Accounting System

(CAS) has the following components:

Procedure : A logical sequence of actions to

perform a task.

Data : The raw fact (as input) for any

business application.

People : Users.

Hardware : Computer, associated peripherals,

and their network.

Software : System software and Application


These are the five pillars on which Computerised

Accounting System rests. This chapter discusses

the concept and components of CAS alongwith its

advantages and disadvantages. It is followed by

the discussion of software packages on CAS. In

this chapter we will also discuss the concept about

grouping of accounts and codification methods to

be used for CAS.

 


Computerised Accounting System


Computerised Accounting System refers to the processing of accounting

transaction through the use of hardware and software in order to

produce accounting records and reports. CAS takes accounting

transactions as inputs that are processed through Accounting Software

to generate the following reports:

• Day books/Journals

• Ledger

• Trial Balance

• Position Statement (Balance Sheet)

• Statement of Profit and Loss (Profit and Loss Account)

Basic flow of Accounting Transaction

Figure 1.2 : Data to Information by Business Application Software

Figure 1.1 : Components of Computer


Overview of Computerised Accounting System

The transaction transaction is a record of inflow and outflow of resources.

Data and Information

Various elements (items) of accounting transactions are essentially

the data items, which are processed through an accounting software

to generate different sets of information in the form of accounting reports

such as journals, ledger, etc.

A data-item (data element) is the smallest named unit of data in

the information system. In accounting, a transaction consists of four

data elements, such as name of account, accounting code, date of

transaction and amount.

We may observe (Figure 1.3) how data (days worked and rate per day)

is being (multiplied together) converted into information (amount to

pay). The information may be viewed as data at one level; and when it

is processed keeping in view the requirements of decision maker, it

becomes the information at another level.


The manual system of accounting is

traditionally most popular method of keeping

records of financial transactions of an

organisation. Financial statements are the end

products of the accounting process, which are

prepared in accordance with Generally

Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The

accounting cycle means the processes involved

in identifying, measuring and communicating

the information. The basic phases of the cycle

are as follows:

• Business transactions are analysed.

• The transactions are recorded in the journal.

• Journal entries are posted to the ledger accounts.

• A trial balance is prepared from balances of accounts.

• Accounts are reviewed and the necessary adjustments made.

• Adjustments are posted in the ledger to prepare adjusted trial


• Adjusted trial balance is used to prepare the balance sheet and

profit and loss account.

• Financial Statements are prepared from the finally adjusted ledger

and balancing the accounts.

The above accounting cycle can be processed through the use of


Figure 1.3


Computerised Accounting System


Following are the salient features required for CAS software:


CAS is designed to automate and integrate all the business operations,

such as sales, finance, purchase, inventory and manufacturing. CAS

is integrated to provide accurate, up-to-date business information

rapidly. The CAS may be integrated with enhanced MIS (Management

Information System), Multi-lingual and Data Organisation capabilities

to simplify all the business processes of the organisation easily and


CAS provides sufficient time to plan, increases data accessibility and

enhances user satisfaction. With computerised accounting, the

organisation will have greater transparency for day-to-day business

operations and access to the vital information.


CAS provides user -definable templates (data entry screens or forms)

for fast, accurate data entry of the transactions. It also helps in

generalising desired documents and reports.


CAS enables in changing the volume of data processing in tune with

the change in the size of the business. The software can be used for

any size of the business and type of the organisation.


CAS makes sure that the generalised critical financial information is

accurate, controlled and secured.


The increase in the number of transaction changes the volume and

size of the business. Therefore it becomes necessary to have proper

classification of data. The basic classifications of different accounts

embodied in a transaction are resorted through accounting equation.

Accounting Equation

The modern accounting is based on double-entry system, which implies

equality of assets and equities (liabilities and capital), i.e.

Where E = L + C

Now A = L + C

Where A = Assets


Overview of Computerised Accounting System

E = Equities

C = Capital

L = Liabilities

Thus, Assets = Liabilities + Capital

In this equation the Liabilities means claims on the firm by creditors

and the Capital means claims of owners. The claims of owners keep on

changing due to success (profit) or failure (loss) of the firm. This is

reflected by the income statement, which provides the summary of

income and expenses of business for a given accounting period. Keeping

this in view, the above equation can be re-written as:

Assets = Liabilities + Capital + (Revenues – Expenses)

Each component of the above equation can be divided into groups of

accounts as follows:


 Shareholder’s Funds

 Share Capital

 Reserves and Surplus

 Money Received against Share Warrents

 Share Application Money Pending Allotment

 Non-Current Liabilities

 Long Term Borrowings

 Deferred Tax Liabilities (net)

 Other Long Term Liabilities

 Long Term Provisions

 Current Liabilities

 Short Term Borrowings

 Trade Payables

 Other Current Liabilities

 Short Term Provisions

Revenue Revenue means inflow of resources, which results from the sale of goods or

services in the normal course of business and increase in capital. Expenses

imply consumption of resources in generating revenues.


Computerised Accounting System


1. Non-Current Assets

 Fixed Assets

 Tangible Assets

 Intangible Assets

 Capital Work-in-Progress

 Intangible Assets Under Development

 Fixed Assets held for Sales

 Non Current Investments

 Deferred Tax Assets (net)

 Long Term Loans and Advances

 Other Non-Current Assets

2. Current Assets

 Current Investments

 Inventories

 Trade Receivables

 Cash and Cash Equivalents

 Short Term Loans and Advances

 Other Current Assets


 Sales

 Other Income


 Material Consumed

 Salary and Wages

 Manufacturing Expenses

 Depreciation

 Administrative Expenses

 Interest

 Selling and Distribution Expenses

There is a hierarchical relationship between the groups and its

components. In order to maintain the hierarchical relationships between

a group and its sub-groups, proper codification is required to ensure

neatness of classification.

According to Concise Oxford Dictionary, the term code means “a system

of letter or figure with arbitrary meaning for brevity and for machine

processing of information”. Thus, code is an identification mark.


Overview of Computerised Accounting System

Method of Codification

The coding scheme of Account-heads should be such that it leads to

grouping of accounts at various levels so as to generate Position Statement

(Balance Sheet) and Statement of Profit and Loss (Profit-Loss Account).

For example, we may allot the codes for top-level grouping of accounts

(forming the 1st digit of the Account Code) as follows:

1 Equity and Liabilities

2 Assets

3 Revenues

4 Expenses

Under Equity and : 11 Shareholder’s funds

Liabilities 13 Non-Current Liabilities

14 Current Liabilities

Under Assets : 21 Non-Current Assets

23 Current Assets

Note: The gap in code in the 2nd digit 2nd digit2nd digit (e.g. after 1, 3 instead of 2) is used to provide


The above codification scheme utilizes the hierarchy present (used)

in grouping of accounts. Major advantage of such coding is that if the

account codes are listed in ascending (i.e. increasing) order, these will

be automatically listed as per the desired hierarchy. Sequential Codes

In Sequential Code, numbers and/or letters are assigned in consecutive

order. These codes are applied primarily to source documents such as

cheques, invoices, etc. A sequential code can facilitate document

searches. This process enables in either identification of missing codes

(numbers) relating to a particular document or a relevant document

can be traced on the basis of code.

For examples:





In a block code, a range of numbers is partitioned into a desired number

of sub-ranges and each sub-range is allotted to a specific group. In

most of the uses of block codes, numbers within a sub-range follow


Computerised Accounting System

sequential coding scheme, i.e. the numbers increase consecutively.

As an example, dealer codes for a trading firm could be as follows:

100 - 199 Small Pumps

200 - 299 Medium Pumps

300 - 399 Pipes

400 - 499 Motors Mnemonic Codes

A mnemonic code consists of alphabets or abbreviations as symbols to

codify a piece of information. SJ for “Sales Journals”, HQ for “Head

Quarters” are examples of mnemonic codes. Another common example

is the use of alphabetic codes in Railways in identifying railway stations

such as DLH for Delhi, NDLS for New Delhi, BRC for Baroda, etc.


Let us assume that we have to do coding for students in one of seven

schools run by a trust. The first step is to develop a coding structure

(scheme), which will be used to develop individual codes for each

student. Development of coding structure requires identification

(finalisation) of hierarchy of schooling system and that of various

attributes (parameters) associated with a student. A hierarchy in such

a situation could be as follows:

Trust → School → Entry-year → Stream → Class → Section → Student

The “Stream” could be science stream, commerce stream or general

Stream. A class may be divided into more than one section when the

number of admitted students increases the class capacity. We can

decide the coding structure after the following considerations:

• As there is only one Trust, no provision is required in the coding

structure to accommodate for Trust. Had there been multiple trusts

under one organisation running a number of schools, the provision

of Trust code would have been necessary in the coding structure.

• Assuming that the maximum number of Schools is not likely to

exceed 99, we can allocate 2 digits for School.

• Two digits can be allocated for the Entry-year. Entry-year is

necessary to maintain records of old students.

• For Stream, 1 digit is sufficient. If Stream is not relevant

(applicable) as is the case for primary and secondary classes, the

value 0 will be considered for Stream.

• To accommodate Classes, 2 digits are sufficient.


Overview of Computerised Accounting System

• Number of Sections in a class will not exceed 9. Hence, 1 digit is

sufficient for Section.

• Two digits will be sufficient for number of Students within a section

of a class, assuming that not more than 99 Students will ever be

put in a section of a class.

The coding structure for Students will be as follows based on the

above considerations:

School 2 Digits

Entry-year 2 Digits

Stream 1 Digit

Class 2 Digits

Section 1 Digit
Student 2 Digits

Thus, if we allocate 10 digits codes to a student, we shall be able to

get the following details of a student right from the code itself :

• Which stream in which school the student is studying (had studied)?

• What were the class and its section and in which year the student

had entered this class?

• List of all students who has entered a school in a given year, etc.

Once the coding structure is decided as described above, allotting

of code becomes easy. For example, if a student with a Roll No. 54 had

entered Section-B of Class XII in Year 2008 opting for Science Stream

(Non-Biology Group) (Stream Code: 1) in the 6th School run by the

Trust. Its code would be as follows:

06 08 1 12 2 54

Roll No of the Student in the Section of Class XII

Section Code (2 for Section-B)

Current Class (XII)

Stream (i.e. Science – Non-Bio)

Entry-year to Current Class (i.e. XII)

School Code



Computerised Accounting System


There are two basic activities in using software of CAS – One time activities

and recurring activites. One time activities include creation of

Organisation details, accounting year, type of ledger (also called “creation

of master files” ), etc. While reccuring activities include entry of

transactions and generation of reports. The transactions are recorded on

the basis of Cash Vouchers, Bank Vouchers, Purchase Vouchers, Sales

Vouchers, Journal Vouchers, etc. Reports include generation of Day books,

Ledgers, Trial Balance, Statement of Profit and Loss, Position Statement

and Cash Flow Statement. (Please refer to Chapter 5 for details)


Every accounting software ensures data security, safety and

confidentiality. Therefore every, software provides the following:

• Password Security

• Data Audit

• Data Vault

Password Security: Password is a mechanism, which enables a user

to access a system including data. The system facilitates defining the

user rights according to organisation policy. Consequently, a person

in an organisation may be given access to a particular set of a data

while he may be denied access to another set of data.

Data Audit: This feature enables one to know as to who and what

changes have been made in the original data thereby helping and fixing

the responsibility of the person who has manipulated the data and also

ensures data integrity. Basically, this feature is similar to Audit Trail.

Data Vault: Software provides additional security through data



Following are the advantages of Computerised Accounting System (CAS):

1. Timely generation of reports and information in desired format.

2. Efficient record keeping.

3. Ensures effective control over the system.

Encrypti EncryptiEncryptio n essentially scrambles the information so as to make

its interpretation extremely difficult (almost impossible). Thus,

Encryption ensures security of data even if it lands in wrong

hands, because the receiver of data will not be able to decode

and interpret it.

Password PasswordPassword is the key (code) to allow the access to the system.


Overview of Computerised Accounting System


4. Economy in the processing of accounting data.

5. Confidentiality of data is maintained.


Following are the limitation of CAS software:

1. Faster obsolescence of technology necessitates investment in

shorter period of time.

2. Data may be lost or corrupted due to power interruptions.

3. Data are prone to hacking.

4. Un-programmed and un-specified reports cannot be generated.


Accounting Information System (AIS) and its various sub-systems may

be implemented through Computerised Accounting System. The

subsystems of AIS are briefly described below (Fig. 1.4)


It deals with the receipt and payment of cash both physical cash and

electronic fund transfer. Electronic fund transfer takes place without

having the physical entry or exit of cash by using the credit cards or

electronic banking.


It deals with recording of sales, maintaining of sales ledger and

receivables. It generates periodic reports about sales, collections made,

Figure 1.4 : The sub-systems of Accounting Information System



Computerised Accounting System

overdue accounts and receivables position as also ageing schedule of



It deals with the recording of different items purchased and issued

specifying the price, quantity and date. It generates the inventory

position and valuation report.


It deals with the purchase and payments to creditors. It provides for

ordering of goods, sorting of purchase expenses and payment to the

creditors. It also generates periodic reports about the performance of

suppliers, payment schedule and position of the creditors.


It deals with payment of wages and salary to employees. A typical wage

report details information about basic pay, dearness allowance, and

other allowances and deductions from salary and wages on account of

provident fund, taxes, loans, advances and other charges. The system

generates reports about wage bill, overtime payment and payment on

account of leave encashment, etc.


It deals with the recording of purchases, additions, deletions, usage of

fixed assets such as land and buildings, machinery and equipments,

etc. it also generates reports about the cost, depreciation, and book

value of different assets.


This sub-system records expenses under broad groups such as

manufacturing administrative, financial, selling and distributions and



This sub-system deals with compliance requirement value-added tax

(VAT), excise, customs and income tax. This sub-system used in large

size organisation.


This subsystem deals with the preparation of Profit and Loss accounts,

Balance Sheet and cash flow statements for reporting purposes.


It deals with the ascertainment of cost of goods produced. It has linkages

with other accounting sub-systems for obtaining the necessary

information about cost of material, labour, and other expenses. This

system generates information about changes in the cost that takes

place during the period under review.


Overview of Computerised Accounting System



It deals with the preparation of budget for the coming financial year as

well as comparison with the current budget of the actual performances.


Management Information System (MIS) deals with generation and

processing of reports that are vital for management decision-making.

The Information system should be so flexible as to provide customised

reports to support various managerial functions such as planning,

organising, staffing, oversight, control and decision-making including

operational, functional and strategic nature.


• In Computerised Accounting System, accounting transactions are processed

using computer system. A computer system includes hardware and software.

Hardware includes Central Processing Unit (CPU), Random Access Memory

(RAM), Monitor (Screen), Keyboard, Mouse, Hard Disk and CD/DVD for mass

storage of data and Printer, etc. Software consists of set of instructions.

Software can either be a System Software (a part of Computer System) or an

Application Software. CAS uses Accounting Software. Accounting Software

(such as Tally) is an example of Application Software.

• Coding (for Account Head, Budget Head, Cost Centres, etc) is required in

CAS. Coding first requires development of its structure. Coding Structure

should be compatible with inherent structure of the element to be coded.

For example, Account Head coding requires a hierarchical structure to

progressively summarise the accounting information as per the requirements

of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account.

• Advantages of CAS include speed, efficiency, arithmetic accuracy, cost saving,

confidentiality of data.

• Limitations of CAS include provision for (a) fast obsolescence of technology,

(b) data loss due to either power interruptions or damage to hard disk,

(c) virus and other security hazards.

• Accounting Information System is an integration of various sub-systems

such as: (i) cash sub-system, (ii) sales and accounts receivable sub-system,

(iii) inventory sub-system, (iv) purchase and accounts payable sub-system,

(v) payroll accounting sub-system, (vi) fixed asset accounting sub-system,

(vii) expense accounting sub-system, (viii) tax accounting sub-system,

(ix) final accounts sub-system, (x) costing sub-system, (xi) budget sub-system,

(xii) management information sub-system.



Computerised Accounting System



1. The components of Computerised Accounting System are :

(a) Data, Report, Ledger, Hardware, Software;

(b) Data, People, Procedure, Hardware, Software;

(c) People, Procedure, Ledger, Data, Chart of Accounts;

(d) Data, Coding, Procedure, Rules, Output.

2. The Computerised Accounting System refers to :

(a) Printing of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Accounts using computer;

(b) Processing of accounting transaction through computer and produce

records and reports;

(c) Processing of accounting related data and printing reports;

(d) None of the above.

3. The components of Computerised Accounting System refers to :

(a) Business transactions are analysed, transactions recorded, prepare trial

balance, preparation of balance sheet and profit and loss account;

(b) From data entry to preparation of final statements;

(c) Transformation of manual accounting system to CAS;

(d) None of the above.

4. The CAS should be

(a) Simple and integrated, transparent, accurate, scalability, reliability;

(b) Complex, Accurate, Transparent, Faster to work;

(c) Able to transform the manual accounting system to computerised

accounting system;

(d) None of the above.

5. The Grouping of Accounts means the classification of data from :

(a) Asset, liabilities and capital

(b) Asset, capital, liabilities, revenue and expenses

(c) Asset, owners equity, revenue and expenses

(d) None of the above.

6. Codification of Accounts required for the purpose of :

(a) Hierarchical relationship between groups and components

(b) Data processing faster and preparing of final accounts

(c) Keeping data and information secured

(d) None of the above.


Overview of Computerised Accounting System


7. Method of Codification should be :

(a) Such that it leads to grouping of accounts

(b) An identification mark.

(c) Easy to understand, cryptic, and leads to grouping of accounts

(d) None of the above

8. The need of Codification is :

(a) The Encryption of data

(b) The Generation of mnemonic code

(c) To secure the accounts, reports, etc.

(d) Easy to process data, keeping proper records

9. What is the activity sequence of the basic information processing model?

(a) Organise data, process data, and collect data

(b) Collect data, organise and process data, and communicate information

(c) Process data, organise data, and collect data

(d) Organise data, collect data, and communicate information

10. What are internal controls designed to do?

(a) safeguard assets and optimise the use of resource

(b) only achieve maximum revenue

(c) only safeguard assets

(d) only ensure accurate accounting records

11. What is a firm’s payment to a supplier for merchandise inventory recorded in?

(a) Cash payment journal

(b) Purchases journal

(c) Sales journal

(d) Cash receipts journal

12. Where are amounts owed by customers for credit purchases found?

(a) accounts receivable journal

(b) general ledger

(c) sales journal

(d) accounts receivable subsidiary ledger


1. Why the computerisation of Financial Accounting is required and why is it


2. What is coding? Why codification is required for an Accounting System?

3. What are the salient features of Computerised Accounting Software?



Computerised Accounting System

4. What are the phases in an accounting cycle?

5. Write differences between data and information with examples?

6. Explain various types of coding methods and the situations where each coding
method is best suited?

7. Define the term transaction and elaborate with the help of examples how the

transaction will be shown in chart of accounts by hierarchical grouping?

8. What is a chart of accounts? How is it arranged?

9. What is meant by Revenue and Expenses?

10. What are the limitations of CAS?

11. What are the advantages of CAS?

12. What is encryption and how is it helpful in CAS?


1. Topic of debate: “Intentional manipulation of accounting records is much

easier in computerised accounting system than in manual accounting system”.

Do this exercise in the class forming group of 4 students to form a team and

do the presentation in the class?

2. Develop a coding structure for inventory items based on the following

information: There are around 7000 items, which are grouped under 37 major

categories. Each major category is further sub-divided into 15-40

sub-categories. Within a sub-category, the number of items will never

exceed 1000.


1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. a

7. a 8. a 9. b 10. a 11. a 12. d




After studying this chapter you will be

able to understand:

• Concept of Spreadsheet and its


• How to use a Spreadsheet.

 

A spreadsheet is a configuration of rows and

columns. Rows are horizontal vectors while

columns are vertical vectors. A spreadsheet is also

known as a worksheet. It is used to record,

calculate and compare numerical or financial data.

Each value can either be an independent (i.e. basic)

value or it may be derived on the basis of values of

other variables. The derived value is the outcome

of an arithmetic expression and/or a function

(i.e. a formula).

Spreadsheet application (sometimes referred to

simply as spreadsheet) is a computer program that

allows us to add (i.e. enter) and process data. We

shall understand spreadsheet with the help of

MS-Excel (or simply, Excel), which is one of the

Microsoft Office Suite of software.

The current version of Excel is Excel 2007 and

has a completely redesigned user interface. The

Excel 2007 is now designed with a series of

horizontal tabs known as “Ribbon” (Figure 2.1).

These tool bars are changed using tabs at the top.

This layout is very easy to use than the previous

Figure 2.1



Computerised Accounting System

versions of Excel. On clicking with left button of mouse at

“Office Button” ; we will be able to open an old workbook or create

a new one or can save the workbook or can print which were earlier

available in previous version of Excel in File menu.


A file in Excel is known as a “Workbook”. A workbook is a collection of

a number of “Worksheets” (Figure 2.2). By default, three sheets, namely

Sheet 1, Sheet 2, and Sheet 3 are available to users. At a time, only

one worksheet can be made as “Active Worksheet” and that worksheet

is available to a user for carrying out operations. An active worksheet’s

name will be shown in bold letters in the “Sheet Tab” at the bottom left

of the screen. Additional sheets can be added, if required, by clicking

on the icon (which works as Insert ! W ! Worksheet orksheetorksheet).

The Sheet names can be

changed, if required, by rightclicking the mouse over the Sheet1

or Sheet 2 or Sheet 3 after selecting

and pointing it on the sheet name

(which is to be changed) and selecting “Rename” option.

Box 2.1 Box 2.1

Basic and Derived Values

If quantity (Q) of an item is

purchased at a price (P), the value

of that item (V) is derived as



Here, the values P and Q are

Basic Values. While V is the

Derived Value as it is obtained

by multiplying Q with P. The

expression (Q×P) is called as

arithmetic expression. Additional examples of arithmetic

expressions are given later in this


Note: In general, an arithmetic

expression may contain one or

more functions. Figure 2.2




Figure 2.3

Rows are numbered numerically

from top to bottom while Columns Columns

are referred by alpha characters

from left to right. In Excel 2007,

there are 65536 Rows which are

numbered as 1, 2, 3, … 65,536. These

numbers are shown on the left most

portion of the worksheet. Columns Columns

(total 256 in Excel) are identified

by letters, such as A, B, C,.. AA…

IV, and are shown on the horizontal

box just above Row 1. Thus, there

are 65,536  256 = 1,65,00,000,

approximately cells, which is indeed a huge work area, sufficient for

all application requirements (Figure 2.3) in one sheet.

In a spreadsheet, a value or function or an arithmetic expression is

recorded in a cell. The intersection of a row and a column is called a

cell. A cell is identified by a combination of a letter and a number

corresponding to a particular location within the spreadsheet. For

example, the first cell of a worksheet is identified as A1 as it shown in

Figure 2.2 at row 1 and column (A). When we start Excel, the pointer

(cursor) points to the first cell, i.e. A1, and this cell is called the Active

Cell. We can move around a worksheet through four arrow keys (i.e.

left, right, up, down as shown in Figure 2.4). For example, the cell

having address as G8 correspond to 8th row under G column. Each

cell thus has a unique identification called as cell address.

Cell Reference — A cell reference identifies the location of a cell or

group of cells in the spreadsheet also referred as a cell address. Cell

references are used in formulas, functions, charts, other Excel

commands and also refer to a group or range of cells. Ranges are

identified by the cell references of the cells in the upper left (cell A1)

and lower right (cell E2) corners in Figure 2.3. The ranges are identified

using colon (:) e.g. A1: E2 which tells Excel to include all the cells

between these start and end points. By default cell reference is

relative; which means that as a formula or function is copied and

pasted to other cells, the cell references in the formula or function

change to reflect the new location. The other cell reference is absolute

cell reference which consists of the column letter and row number

surrounded by dollar ($) signs e.g. $C$4. An absolute cell reference is

used when we want a cell reference to stay fixed on specific cell,

which means that when a formula or function is copied and pasted to

other cells, the cell references in the formula or function do not change.

A mixed reference is also a cell reference that holds either row or

column constant when the formula or function is copied to another

location e.g., $C4 or C$4.



Computerised Accounting System

The mouse is used for all the operations required

and for navigation in worksheet (or workbook) except

data entry; but some of the important operations and

common navigations can be performed by using key

strokes (as given below). It is better to understand

and know all the keys of keyboard and key strokes.

Pressing a key is called key stroke but to fulfill one

command for operation in the worksheet some time

we require pressing two keys together to get one key

stroke (Figure 2.4)

Movement Movement Key Stroke (Press key) Key Stroke (Press key)

One cell down Down arrow key ( ) or Enter key

One cell up Up arrow key ( )

One cell left Left arrow key ( )

One cell right Right arrow key ( ) or Tab key

The other navigational and operational strokes are used for faster

cursor movement than one cell at a time with cluster of filled cells.

Cluster of filled cells implies a set of consecutive cells in a row or in a

column having some data.

Figure 2.4

The data that is entered in a cell may be either numeric or alphanumeric or a date. As a data is typed in a
cell, Excel is able to make

out its type (i.e. numeric or alpha-numeric or date) depending on the

nature of value typed in a cell.

Movement Movement Key Stroke (Press key) Key Stroke (Press key)

Top of Worksheet (cell A1) CTRL + HOME (i.e. Keep CTRL key

pressed and then press HOME key

The cell at the intersection of the CTRL + END keys

last row and last column containing data

Moving consecutively to the first and the last CTRL + Right arrow key ( ) or

filled cells of clusters of filled cells in a row by else END + Right arrow key ( )
successive pressing of CTRL + Right arrow

key ( ) or else END + Right arrow key ( )

Moving consecutively to the first and the last CTRL + Down arrow key ( ) or

filled cells of a cluster of filled cells in a column else END + Down arrow key ( )

by successive pressing of CTRL + Down arrow

key ( ) or else END + Down arrow key ( )

Beginning of the Row HOME key

Beginning of the Column

Navigating In (i.e. Moving around) The Worksheet orksheetorksheet




If the value is entered as 306, its type is automatically taken as Numeric;

if the value is entered as Asset, its type will be taken as alpha-numeric;

while if the value is entered as 12/07/08, its type is taken as Date.

(refer figure 2.5)

The first step required to use Excel

for a specific application is to decide

what values will be entered in which

cells and also the cells which will be

used for entering the relationships.

Once we have decided about the cells

which are to be used for the

relationships; the formulas (arithmetic

expressions) and data can be entered.

(See Box 2.1 at page18)


A value can be entered from the computer keyboard by directly typing

into the cell itself. Alternatively, a value can be based on a formula

(derived), which might perform a calculation, display the current date or

time, or retrieve external data such as a stock quote or a database value.

The value rule according to computer scientist Alan Kay Alan KayAlan Kay implies in

spreadsheet. It states that a cell’s value relies solely on the formula

that user has typed into the cell. The formula may rely on the value of

other cells, but those cells are likewise restricted to user-entered data

or formulas. There are no ‘side ef ‘side ef‘side effects’ to calculating a formula: the

only output is to display the calculated result inside its occupying cell.

There is no natural mechanism for permanently modifying the contents

of a cell unless the user manually modifies the cell’s contents. Sometime

it is called a limited form of first-order functional programming.

A simple example of a spreadsheet application (Figure 2.6) is to

calculate compound interest and maturity amount to be paid on fixed

deposit. The first step (i.e. the Planning Step) is to define six cells with

column headings:

• Principal Amount (PA in column B)

• Rate of Interest (r in column C)

• Period in years (NY)

• Period of Compounding (CP in column D)

• Compound Interest (CI in column F)

• Maturity Amount (MA in column E)

The formula for Maturity Amount (MA) and

Compound Interest (CI) computations

considering yearly compounding of interest are

as follows:

Figure 2.5

Figure 2.6



Computerised Accounting System

MA = PA * (1 + R / (100 * CP)) ^ (R * CP)


Now, we can decide the layout of the worksheet for (compound)

interest calculation as shown in Figure 2.6.

It may be observed that the basic values are entered in cells (as in

figure 2.6 the cells are B4, C4 and D4); the derived values (as in Figure

2.6 the cells are E4 and F4) are automatically computed (using above

formula) and shown in formula bar. In case any basic values are

modified, the derived values as a result are revised accordingly. This

feature of Spreadsheets enables us to study various what-if scenarios.

A what-if scenario is used to generate a number of alternatives to

examine the cause (if) and effect (what). Thus, it helps in analysing the

impact of changes due to variations in one or more input values. Taking

the above example, if all the other values are kept same, one can see

how different rates of interest and different periods of compounding

would affect the Compound Interest and the Maturity Amount to be


Before proceeding further for the above example we have to

understand some of the basic terminologies and features of the

spreadsheet such as:

2.1.1 LABELS

A text or especial character will be treated as labels for rows or columns

or descriptive information. Labels cannot be treated mathematicallymultiplied, subtracted, etc. Labels

include any cell contents beginning

with A-Z e.g., in the above Figure 2.6 Principal Amount, Rate of

Interest, Maturity amount, etc. will be taken as labels.


The formula means a mathematical calculation on a set of cells. Formulas

must start with an = sign (equal to sign), e.g. in the Figure 2.7 the cell

E3 will have formula = D1+E1/F1*G1 which gives value 16.

When a cell contains a formula, it often contains references to

other cells. Such a cell reference is a type of variable. Its value is the

value of the referenced cell or some derivation of it. If that cell in turn

references other cells, the value depends on the values of those.

By convention, the left hand side of equal

to sign in a formula is normally considered

is calculated and displayed in cell E3.

A formula identifies the calculation

needed to place the result in the cell it is

contained within. A cell E3 containing a

formula, therefore it has two display Figure 2.7



components; the formula itself and the resulting value. The formula is

shown only when the cell is selected by “clicking” the mouse over a

particular cell; otherwise it contains the result of the calculation (in

this case 16).

The arithmetic operations and complex nested conditional (whatif scenario) if scenario) operations can
be performed by spreadsheets which follow

order of order oforder of mathematical (expression) operations rules.

A spreadsheet without any formulas is a collection of data which

are arranged in rows and columns (a database) like a calendar, timetable

or simple list, etc. There is a Formula tab on Excel ribbon (Figure

2.8(a) which contains four sections, functions library, defined names,

formula auditing and calculation.


A function is a special key word which can be entered into a cell in

order to perform and process the data which is appended within


Figure 2.8(a)

Order of mathematical operations (expressions)

Computer math uses the rules of Algebra. Any operation(s) contained in brackets .

will be carried out first followed by any exponents.

After that, Excel considers division or multiplication operations to be of equal

importance, and carries out these operations in the order they occur left to right

in the equation.

The same goes for the next two operations – addition and subtraction. They are
considered equal in the order of operations. Whichever one appears first in an

equation, either addition or subtraction is the operation carried out first.

Three easy ways to remember the order of operations is to use the acronym:


( ) Grouping Please - ( )parenthesis ( ) Brackets

^ Exponents Excuse - ^ exponents ^ Exponents

* Multiplication : My - * multiply * Multiplication

/ or Division : Dear - / divide / Division

- Subtraction : Aunt - + add + Addition

+ or Addition : Sally - - subtract - Subtraction



Computerised Accounting System

There is a function button on the formula toolbar (fx) (figure 2.8(b);

when we click with the mouse on it; a function offers assistance and

useful prompts into a spreadsheet cell. Alternatively we can enter the

function directly into the formula bar. A function involves four main


• Name of the function

• The purpose of the function

• The function needs what

argument(s) in order to

carry its assignment.

• The result of the function.

A function is a built in set of formulas which starts with an =

“equal to sign” such as = FunctionName(Data). The data (or argument

in proper terminology) includes a range of cells.

SUM (), AVERAGE () and COUNT () are common functions and

relatively easy to understand. They each apply to a range of cells

containing numbers (or blank but not text) and return either the

arithmetic total of the numbers, the average mean value or the quantity

of values in the range.

For Example: The SUM or AutoSum () function is the most basic

and one of the common user functions. It is used to get the addition of

various numbers or the contents of various cells. On the ribbon (Figure

2.9(a)) the AutoSum () button can be use directly for summation of

values from cells. Once we click the AutoSum () at cell H1, the function

adds the contents of cell range D1 to G1 and displays the answer that

we want to get the sum of. If we want answer in the cell G5 (Figure

2.9(b) use the mouse to click in the cell G5 and click AutoSum button

then from keyboard type range of the cells D1:G1; the answer 17 will

appear in cell G5; or we can write directly the complete function =

SUM (D1: G1) appears in the formula bar above the worksheet. The

AutoSum function also includes other series based functions such as


Figure 2.8(b)

Figure 2.9(a) Figure 2.9(b)



There are twelve different categories of functions available in Excel

2007 displayed on the ribbon (Figure 2.8) which are classified as per

the usage e.g. The Financial, Date and Time, Lookup and References,

Database, Text and Logical functions are useful in Computerised

Accountancy and will be explained later subsequently.

Naming Ranges – IF Functions – Nested IF Functions

As mentioned earlier, we will now learn the arithmetic operations and

complex nested conditional (what-if scenario) (what-if scenario) using name ranges,

absolute cell references and mixed references in following sections.

Naming Cells and Ranges

Naming ranges in Excel will save time for

writing complex formulas. The name can be

used in place of cell range whenever reference

it e.g. in D3 we have = SUM (B1:F1)

(Figure 2.10)

The cell referenced in the function B1:F1

can be replaced with a descriptive name

say Numbers (name range) which is

easier to remember and in D3 it will be

= SUM (Numbers)

Behind the Numbers Numbers Numbers Excel is hiding cell references, we will see how

it works now.

The steps are for defining Name Ranges are as


1. Select the cell(s) which are to be named

(such as B1:F1 in Figure 2.10(a)).

2. Click on the ribbon on formula tab.

3. Select Define Name (Figure 2.10(b) option

on the ribbon and click it.

4. This will provide a dialogue box will be

opened as shown in Figure 2.10(c) to click

Define Name (another option Apply Names is for previously created

Range Names to select) (Figure 2.10(d)).

Figure 2.10

Figure 2.10(a)

Figure 2.10(b) Figure 2.10(c)



Computerised Accounting System

5. This will display a dialogue box as New

Name shown in Figure 2.10(d). It will

provide a window “Name” in which type

“Numbers” which will represent cell

ranges $B$1:$F$1 as shown in be

“Refers to” window.

6. Click OK on the New Name dialogue box

which returns to the spreadsheet. Notice

that the Name Box having our heading


7. To apply this name in cell D3 for summation from

B1:F1 click on Apply Name and a dialogue box will

be opened then click on a Name Range – Numbers

(Figure 10(e)). The D3 will be having =SUM (Numbers)

And will display the result (Figure 10(f)). The named

range can be used with other Functions such as

AVERAGE (), SUMIF () etc.

Now we will use a summation of numbers using condition

in the cell D3. Type the formula = SUMIF (Numbers,”<6)

and the answer will be 9 (for the Numbers less than 6 in

the named range B1:F1) (Figure 2.10(f)).

Let us understand with the help of another

example in which we will be using two Named Ranges

(Figure 2.11) namely Monthly_Totals for cells B2:B5

Figure 2.10(d)

Figure 2.10(f)

Figure 2.10(e)

Figure 2.10(g)

Figure 2.11

and Monthly_Tax for cells C2:C5

respectively created as described above.

The cell B6 will have value 1158

by using function as =SUM


Similarly in Figure 2.11(a) if we

use Autosum Function () from the

formula tab of the ribbon at the cell

C6; the function will include the

Named Ranges as an argument and

gives the result 238.




We will now use these two Named

Ranges to calculate the Balance (in cell

B7) after using the formula tax from

monthly totals. Let us give

Total_of_Month is the Named Range for

cell B6 and similarly, the Total_of_Tax

is the Named Range for cell C6. With these

two Named Ranges; the cell B7 will have

the difference of these two amounts and

will be written (Figure 2.11(b)) as

= Total_of_Month – Total_of_Tax .

To prevent its recalculation and

maintain the present calculated value as

shown in the cells B6, C6 and B7

respectively (Figure 2.11(b) we can freeze

the formula using Paste Special

command. The following steps are

1. Select the cell (s) that contains the

formula e.g. B6:C6, B7 (Figure 2.11(b)

2. Click on Home Tab and select Copy

symbol (Figure 2.11(c)) to click, this

will copy the values and formulas of

the cells (Figure 2.11(d)).

3. Click on Paste tab and select Paste


4. In the Paste Special box (Figure 2.11

(d)), under paste select the radio

button next to Values and click OK.

This will permanently remove the

formula from the workbook.

In continuation to our need of what-ifscenario now we will learn about an

important logical function IF Function.

This function can be evoked from formula

tab on the ribbon. This function returns

one value if a specified condition evaluated

to TRUE and another value if it evaluates

to FALSE. We will learn more about the

usage of functions in the business

applications subsequently; there are a

large selection of if functions available.

An IF function has the following format:

IF (logical_test, value_if_ture,
value_if_false) where

Figure 2.11(a)

Figure 2.11(b)

Figure 2.11(c)

Figure 2.11(d)



Computerised Accounting System

logical_test : the value or expression that is determined to be true or

false; this requires the usage of a logical operator. A logical operator is

one used to perform a comparison between two values and produce a

result of true or false (there is no middle result: something is not half

true or half false or “Don’t Know”; either it is true or it is false). For

example, A1 < 20 could be used as a logical test, where symbol “<“ is a

logical operator “less than”. (There are many more logical operators

such as =, <=, <>, >, >= etc.)

value_if_true : The value returned if the test is determined to be true.

This value can be a value, text, or expression, formula, etc. or it can be

return the value of another cell.

value_if_false : The value returned, if the test is determined to be

false. This value can be a value, text, or expression, formula, etc. or it

can return the value of another cell.

e.g. i. = IF( A1 < 20, “Yes”, “No”) this function will return Yes if cell

A1 < 20 and o for anything else.

ii. = IF (C2 > B2, (C2+D2)/2, (B2+D2)/2) this function will compare
both cell C2 > B2 and will calculate and return (C2+D2)/2 if it

is true else it will calculate and return (B2+D2)/2.

Example : Let us calculate the amount of saving (Cell address ”value”) on

the basis of percentage value (Cell address “saving”) shown in figure 2.12(a)

Creating IF function using the Formula Tab and dialogue box.

1. Select the cell F4 (Figure 2.12(a) where the function is to be introduce

2. Click at the Formula tab on the ribbon and click logical option.

3. Select IF function which will provide

Function Arguments dialogue box

(Figure 2.12(b).

4. Type an appropriate condition in the

logical_test box ( e.g. E4 > 10000 )

5. In the value_if_true box type the

require value (e.g. 10%) if the logical

test condition is met.

6. In the value_if_false box type the

value (e.g. 5%) if the logical test

condition is NOT met.

7. Click OK, the answer for the

condition will be displayed (in cell

F4 it will be 5%). Copy the function

from F4 to all other cells F5:F11.

In the Formula Box the function will be displayed as

=IF (F4>10000, 10%, 5%)

This is simple use of IF function. The nested IFs can be used to

look for several conditions and to look at different types of functions.

Figure 2.12(a)




e.g. = IF (AVERAGE (A2:A6) > 10, SUM

(B2:B6), 0)

This function will be able to look at

the average of cells A2 to A6 and if the

average is higher than 10 it will sum

the value of the cells B2 to B6, if the

average is equal to or less than 10 it

will return to 0.

In some cases, we need to check

more than one condition. In other

words, check the first condition; if that

condition is false, check another

condition. If a nested function is used as an argument it must return

the same type of value that the argument uses. For example, if the

argument returns a TRUE or FALSE value, then the nested function

must return a TRUE or FALSE otherwise MS Excel will display an

error message #Value! in the cell.

This way we can check as many conditions as we need to. The

truthfulness of each condition would lead to its own statement. If none

of the conditions is true, then it executes the last statement. To

implement this scenario include an IF() function inside of another.

Such as :

= IF (logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false) simple if statement.

Let us substitute other IFs

IF (logical_test, IF (logical_test, IF (logical_test, value_if_true,

value_if_false), value_if_false), value_if_false)

e.g. Suppose E2 cell contains marks of a test and cell F2 will have

result based on following nested IF () condition.

= IF (E2<96, IF (E2<91, IF (E2<55,”Fail”,”C Grade”), “B Grade”),

“A Grade”)


In business applications the input

of data usually contains dates (date

of invoice preparation, date of

payment, payment received date, or

due date etc.), rate of interest, tax

percentage and output information

may require age calculation,

duration, delays in payment,

accumulated interest, depreciation,

future value, net present value, etc.

The MS Excel provides library of

such functions in which input data

Figure 2.12(b)

Figure 2.13


Computerised Accounting System

can be worked as arguments and result available from the function

will be output information. On the ribbon of MS Excel, the formula tab

contains categorised function libraries (Figure 2.13).

a. Date and Time Function.

b. Mathematical Function.

c. Text Manipulation function.

d. Logical Function (other than IF).

e. Lookup and Reference Function.

f. Financial Function.

The complete details of each function from a

range of above categories including examples are

available through Help (?) on the Ribbon. The

quickest way to get help on a function whose name

(e.g. SUMIF) when we entered on formula bar

followed by equal to sign then double-click the

function’s name that appears in the strip (as shown in the figure 2.14).

We will learn some of the useful function with the help of examples. Date and Time Function

1. TODAY () is the function for today’s date in the blank worksheet.

TODAY – Returns the serial number of the current date. The serial

number is the date-time code used by Excel for date and time

calculations. Times are represented as fractions of a day. By default

January 1, 1900 is serial number 1. Thus, January 1, 2009 is serial

number 39814 (because it is 39814 days after January 1, 1900).

2. NOW () is similar function but it includes the current time also

(Figure 2.15).

3. DAY(serial_number) function returns the day of a date as an integer

ranging from1 to 31. For example, if A5 = 16-Apr-2009 then = DAY (A2)

will be 16. Similarly, two other functions MONTH(serial_number)

returns month of a date as an integer ranging from 1 (January) to 12

(December) (Figure 2.16) and YEAR(serial_number) returns the year

corresponding to a date as an integer ranging from 1900 – 9999.

4. DATEVALUE (date_text) converts a date in the form of text to a

serial number e.g. =DATEVALUE(“16-04-2009”) will return a value


Figure 2.14

Figure 2.15 Figure 2.16




Example: To find out the age of an employee

as on today is a very simple mathematical

calculation in the spreadsheet, e.g. the age

of a person on 16-Apr-2009 whose Date of

Birth is 16-Apr-1980 can be calculated as

per Figure 2.17. The difference of two dates

(in D3) is divided by 365.25 to convert days

into years (considered the fractional value

for leap years). Mathematical Function

In business applications some of the

Mathematical Functions are very useful,

such as:

1. SUMIF is the function which adds the cells as per given specified

criteria the syntax of this is as follows:

SUMIF (range, criteria, sum_range) where

Range it is the range of cells to evaluate.

Criteria it is the criteria in the form of a

number, expression, or text that defines which

cells will be added, e.g. criteria can be

expressed 1500, “1500”, “>1500” or “Books”.

Sum_range are the actual cells to sum.

e.g. There are sum Asset Values (D2:D5)

and related to each asset values there

are deprecation values (E2:E5). Using

SUMIF function we have to calculate the

sum of depreciation for those Asset Values which are more than 1,


The function is written in the cell E7 like =SUMIF (D2:E5,”>150000,

E2:E5) which gives result 63,000/- (Figure 2.18)

2. ROUND is the function to rounds a number to specified number of

digits. The syntax of this function is as follows:

ROUND (number, num_digits) where

Number Is the number to round (preferably

fractional number)

Num_digits specifies the number of digits to

round the Number. There may be some

different situations for Num_digits as follows:

a. If Num_digits is greater than 0 (zero),

then number is rounded to the specified

number of decimal places.

b. If Num_digits is 0, then number is

rounded to the nearest integer.

Figure 2.17

Figure 2.18

Figure 2.19



Computerised Accounting System

c. If Num_digits is less than 0, then number is rounded to the left of

the decimal point.

Example - refer Figure 2.19

i. to round the number 21.5 by 1 digit ( result is 2.2)

ii. to round the number 2.149 by 1 digit ( result is 2.1)

iii. to round the number -1.475 by 2 digits ( result is -1.48)

vi. to round the number 21.5 by -1 digit ( result is 20.0)

To round a number to the nearest whole number because decimal

values are not significant or round a number to multiples of 10 to

simplify an approximation of amounts. There are several ways to round

a number other than ROUND are:

ROUNDUP (number, num_digits) which rounds a number up, away

from 0 (zero) e.g.

= ROUNDUP (3.2, 0) Rounds 3.2 up to zero decimal

places and the value is 4.

= ROUNDUP (76.9, 0) Rounds 76.9 up to zero decimal

places and value is 77.

= ROUNDUP (3.14159, 3) Rounds 3.14159 up to three

decimal places; value 3.142.

= ROUNDUP (-3.14159, 1) Rounds -3.14159 up to one

decimal place; value -3.2.

= ROUNDUP (31415.92654,-2) Rounds 31415.92654 up to 2

decimal places to the left of the

decimal; value 31500.

ROUNDDOWN (number, num_digits) which rounds a number down,

toward zero.

= ROUNDDOWN (3.2, 0) Rounds 3.2 down to zero decimal

places; value 3.

= ROUNDDOWN (76.9, 0) Rounds 76.9 down to zero

decimal places; value 76.

= ROUNDDOWN (3.14159, 3) Rounds 3.14159 down to three

decimal places; value 3.141.

= ROUNDDOWN (-3.14159, 1) Rounds -3.14159 down to one

decimal place; value -3.1.

= ROUNDDOWN (31415.92654, -2) Rounds 31415.92654 down to 2

decimal places to the left of the

decimal; value 31400.


This function counts the number of cells that contain numbers and

counts numbers within the list of arguments. COUNT is use to get the

number of the entries in a number field (including date also) i.e. in a

range or array of numbers.




In Excel other than counting function COUNT; other functions are


which enable us to count the number of

cells that contain values, are nonblank (and

thus contain entries of any kind), or count

only the cells in a given range that meet

the user defined criteria.

The syntax for COUNT is COUNT (value1,

value2…..,) where value1, value2, ... are

1 to 255 arguments that can be a variety

of different types of data(logical values

represented in numbers, numbers, dates,

or text representation of numbers), but only

numbers are counted.

Arguments that are error values or text

that cannot be translated into numbers are ignored.

If an argument is an array or reference, only numbers in that array or

reference are counted. Empty cells, logical values, text, or error values

in the array or reference are ignored.

COUNTA function will be count logical values, text, or error values.

The Figure 2.20 contains a named range for cells A1:B9 as Count_Data

There are other functions also such as ROWS and COLUMNS are used.

The syntax is as follows:

ROWS (array)

The function returns the number of rows in a reference or array; where

an Array is an array, an array formula or a reference to a range of

cells for which we want the number of rows.

COLUMNS (array)

This function returns the number of columns in an array or named

range reference; where an Array is an array or array formula or a

reference to a range of cells for which we want the number of columns.

Figure 2.20

Array: Used to build single formulas that produce multiple results or that operate on

a group of arguments that are arranged in rows and columns. An array range shares

a common formula; an array constant is a group of constants used as an argument.

Array for Array forArray formula: A formula that performs multiple calculations on one or more sets of

values, and then returns either a single result or multiple results. Array formulas are

enclosed between braces { } and are entered by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.

COUNTIF (range, criteria) (Figure 2.21)

This function counts the number of cells within a range that meet the

given criteria; in this function the Range is one or more cells to count,

including numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain

numbers. The blank cells and text values are ignored. (e.g. A2:B5)



Computerised Accounting System

Criteria are the form of a number, expression,

cell reference, or text that defines which cells

will be counted. For example, criteria can be

expressed as 32, “32”, “>32”, “apples”, or B4. Text Manipulation Function


This function converts a numeric value to text

in a specific number format; and the syntax is :

TEXT (value, format_text) where,

Value is a numeric value, a formula that evaluates to a

numeric value, or a reference to a cell containing a numeric value.

Format_text is a numeric format as a text string enclosed in quotation

marks. We can see various numeric formats by clicking the Number,

Date, Time, Currency, or Custom in the Category box of the Number

tab in the Format Cells dialog box, and then viewing the formats


This function is useful in situations where we want to display

numbers in a more readable format, or want to combine numbers with

text or symbols. For example, suppose cell L1 contains the number

23.5. Suppose we want to format this number by adding with “Rs.”

and convert into amount using this function:

=TEXT L1,”Rs. 0.00") which will be displayed as Rs. 23.50 (Figure


We can also format numbers by using the

commands in the Number group on the Home

tab of the Ribbon. However, these commands work

only if the entire cell is numeric. Refer Figure

2.22(a); you will find in cell A5(A6) using

function combined with ‘$’ sign which can be

used with other functions (such as logical).


This function joins two or more text strings into one text string and its syntax is


text2,...) where

text1, text2, …. are 2 to 255

text items to be joined into a

single text item. The text items

can be text strings, numbers, or

single-cell references.

Example combining First Name,

Figure 2.21
Figure 2.22

Figure 2.22(a)




Middle Name and Surname of the employees into Full Name using

CONCATENATE Function (Figure 2.22(b). Logical Function

We have learned earlier about

IF functions in this chapter. Let us

understand two more other logical

functions which are very useful.

When a situation arises to compare

more than one condition and the

result of joint conditions is used

for further operations.

Figure 2.22(b)

1. AND function gives only a TRUE or FALSE answer.

To determine whether the output will be TRUE or FALSE, the AND

function evaluates at least one mathematical expression located in

another cell in the spreadsheet. The syntax for the AND function is:

= AND (logical-1, logical-2, ... logical-255 )

where logical-1 , logical-2 , ... - refers to the cell reference that is

being checked. Up to 255 logical values can be entered into the function.

Returns TRUE if all its arguments evaluate to TRUE; returns FALSE

if one or more arguments evaluate to FALSE.

Example Example

1. In the following example the outcome of two logical values is given

in Result

Formula Description Result

a.= AND (TRUE, TRUE) all arguments are TRUE TRUE

b.= AND (TRUE, FALSE) One argument is FALSE FALSE

c.= AND (2+2=4, 2+3=5) all arguments evaluate to TRUE TRUE

2. In these example there are two cell values cell A2 contains 50 and

cell A3 contain 104 then :

Formula Description Result

a. =AND (A2>1, A2<100) Displays TRUE if the number TRUE

in cell A2 is between 1 and 100.

Otherwise, it displays FALSE.

b. =IF(AND(A3>1, A3<100), Displays the number in cell “The value is

A3,“The value is out of if it is between 1 and 100. out of range.

Otherwise, it displays the


c. =IF(AND(A2>1, A2<100), Displays the number in cell A2, 50

A2, “The value is out of if it is between 1 and 100.

range.”) Otherwise, it displays a message.

A logical value (true or false) outcome is the comparison of data values

or results of arithmetic expressions compared with another data values

or results of another arithmetical expressions using logical operator.


Computerised Accounting System

One common use for the AND function is to expand the usefulness of

other functions that perform logical tests.

In the above example, the IF function performs a logical test and then

returns one value if the test evaluates to TRUE and another value if the

test evaluates to FALSE. By using the AND function as the logical_test logical_test

argument of the IF function, we can test many different conditions.

2. OR function is like other logical functions, the OR function gives

only a TRUE or FALSE answer. To determine whether the output will

be TRUE or FALSE, the OR functions evaluates at least one

mathematical expression located in another cell in the spreadsheet.

This function returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE; returns FALSE

if all arguments are FALSE.

The syntax for the OR function is:

= OR (logical-1, logical-2, ... logical-255 )

Logical-1, logical-2 … - refers to the cell references that are being

checked. Up to 255 logical values can be entered into the function.

Example Example

Formula Description Result

a.= OR (TRUE, FALSE) One argument is TRUE TRUE

b.=OR ((1+1)=1,(2+2)=5) All arguments evaluate to FALSE FALSE

c.=OR (TRUE,FALSE,TRUE) At least one argument is TRUE TRUE Lookup and References Function

The LOOKUP function returns a value either from a one-row or onecolumn range or from an array. The
LOOKUP function has two syntax
forms: vector and array.

The Look Up function can be used as an alternative to the IF function

for elaborate tests or tests that exceeds the limit for nesting of IF


The vector form of LOOKUP looks in a one-row or one-column range (known as a

vector) for a value, and then returns a value from the same position in a second onerow or one-column

The array for array forarray form of LOOKUP looks in the first row or column of an array for the

specified value, and then returns a value from the same position in the last row or

column of the array.

1. LOOKUP 1. LOOKUP (Vector Form)

The syntax is LOOKUP (lookup_value, lookup_vector lookup_vector, result_vector)

• Lookup_value is a value that LOOKUP searches for in the first

vector. Lookup_value can be a number, text, a logical value, or a

name or reference that refers to a value.




• Lookup_vector is a range that contains only one row or one

column. The values in lookup_vector can be text, numbers, or

logical values.

It is important to know that the values in lookup_vector must be placed

in ascending order. For example, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 or A-Z or FALSE, TRUE

else LOOKUP may not give the correct value.

• Result_vector is a range that contains only one row or column. It

must be the same size as lookup_vector.

• If LOOKUP cannot find the lookup_value, it

matches the largest value in lookup_vector that

is less than or equal to lookup_value.

• If lookup_value is smaller than the smallest value

in lookup_vector, LOOKUP gives the #N/A error


Example Example (Figure 2.23)

Column (A) and Column (B) dipicts the frequency and

name of Colour respectively. The results of the use of

LOOKUP function.

Function Description (Result)

=LOOKUP (4.19, A2:A6, B2:B6) Looks up 4.19 in column (A), and returns

the value from column (B) that is in the

same row (orange).

=LOOKUP (5.00, A2:A6, B2:B6) Looks up 5.00 in column (A), and returns

the value from column (B) that is in the

same row (orange).

=LOOKUP (7.66, A2:A6, B2:B6) Looks up 7.66 in column (A), matches the

next smallest value (6.39), and returns the

value from column (B) that is in the same

row (blue).

=LOOKUP (0, A2:A6, B2:B6) Looks up 0 in column (A), and returns an

error because 0 is less than the smallest

value in the lookup vector A2:A7 (#N/A).

2. LOOKUP (Array Form)

The syntax is LOOKUP (lookup_value, array)

• Lookup_value is a value that LOOKUP searches for in an array.

Lookup_value can be a number, text, a logical value, or a name

or reference that refers to a value.

 If LOOKUP cannot find the lookup_value, it uses the largest

value in the array that is less than or equal to lookup_value.

 If lookup_value is smaller than the smallest value in the first

row or column (depending on the array dimensions), LOOKUP

returns the #N/A error value.


1 Frequency Colour

2 4.14 red

3 4.19 orange

4 5.17 yellow

5 5.77 green

6 6.39 blue

Figure 2.23



Computerised Accounting System

• Array is a range of cells that contains text, numbers, or logical

values that we want to compare with lookup_value.

 If array covers an area that is wider than

it is tall (more columns than rows),

LOOKUP searches for lookup_value in the

first row.

 If array is square or is taller than it is the

wide (more rows than columns), LOOKUP

searches in the first column.

Example Example Example (Figure 2.23(a))

Column (A) contains a, b, c, d some text values and Column (B)

contain 10, 20, 30, and 40 some numbers. The Array is A1:B4.

The LOOKUP function used for different alpha character as follows:

Function Description (Result)

=LOOKUP (“c”, A1:B4) Looks up “C” in first row of the array

and returns the value in the last

row that is in the same column (30).

=LOOKUP (“b”, A1:B4) Looks up “b” in first row of the array

and returns the value in the last column

that is in the same row (20).


The VLOOKUP function, which stands for vertical lookup, helps us to

find specific information in large data tables such as an inventory list

of parts or a large employee contact list. The VLOOKUP function

searches and matches first the required value from the column of a

range of cells, and then returns a value from any cell on the same row

of the range. The syntax is

VLOOKUP (lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, range_lookup)


Lookup_value - The value to search in the first column of the table.

Lookup_value can be a value or a reference. If lookup_value is smaller

than the smallest value in the first column of table_array, VLOOKUP

returns the #N/A error value.

Table_array - Two or more columns of data. Use a reference to a

range or a range name. The values in the first column of table_array

are the values searched by lookup_value. These values can be text,

numbers, or logical values. Uppercase and lowercase texts are


Col_index_num – The column number in table_array from which the

matching value must be returned. A col_index_num of 1 returns the

value in the first column in table_array; a col_index_num of 2 returns


1 a 10

2 b 20

3 c 30

4 d 40

Figure 2.23(a)




the value in the second column in table_array, and so on. If

col_index_num is:

• Less than 1, VLOOKUP returns the #VALUE! error value.

• Greater than the number of columns in table_array, VLOOKUP

returns the #REF! Error value.

Range_lookup – A logical value that specifies whether we want

VLOOKUP to find an exact match or an approximate match:

• If TRUE or omitted, an exact or approximate match is returned.

If an exact match is not found, the next largest value that is less

than lookup_value is returned. The values in the first column of

table_array must be placed in ascending sort order; otherwise,

VLOOKUP may not give the correct value.

• If FALSE, VLOOKUP will only find an exact match. In this case,

the values in the first column of table_array do not need to be

sorted. If there are two or more values

in the first column of table_array that

match the lookup_value, the first

value found is used. If an exact match

is not found, the error value #N/A is


In the following examples we will explain

the steps how the VLOOKUP function to

find the specific information from the

spreadsheet table.

Example -1 (Refer Figure 2.24) to find out

employee’s Basic Pay

=VLOOKUP (A3, A1:D7, 4, FALSE)

Lookup the Basic Pay for Employee Code

3456 (A3) in the first column and return

the matching value in the same row of the

fourth column i.e. 3453.00(d3).

Example - 2 (Refer Figure 2.25)

In this example we search the column ItemID of baby products from the table A2 :D6

and match the values in the Cost (column

number 3) and Markup (column number 4) columns to calculate prices

and with different test conditions. The final result of the function is

also given after description.

Function Description

= VLOOKUP (“DI-328”, A2:D6, 3, Calculates the retail price of diapers by

FALSE) * (1 + VLOOKUP (“DI-328”, adding the markup percentage to the

A2:D6, 4, FALSE)). cost. Result Rs. 28.96

Figure 2.24

Figure 2.25



Computerised Accounting System

= (VLOOKUP (“WI-989”, A2:D6, 3, Calculates the sale price of wipes by

FALSE) * (1 + VLOOKUP (“WI-989”, subtracting a specified discount 4,

A2:D6, FALSE))) * (1 - 20%). from the retail price Result .Rs. 5.73

= IF(VLOOKUP(A2, A2:D6, 3, If the cost of an item is greater than

FALSE) >= 20, “Markup is” and or equal to Rs. 20.00, displays the

100 * VLOOKUP (A2, A2:D6, 4, string “Markup is nn%”; otherwise,

FALSE) and ”%”, “Cost is under displays the string “Cost is under

Rs.20.00”). Rs. 20.00”.

Result: Markup is 30%

= IF (VLOOKUP (A3, A2:D6, 3, If the cost of an item is greater than

FALSE) >= 20, “Markup is:” and or equal toRs.20.00, displays the string

100 * VLOOKUP (A3, A2:D6, 4, Markup is nn%”; otherwise, displays

FALSE) and”%”, “Cost is Rs.” and the string “Cost is Rs.n.nn”.

VLOOKUP (A3, A2:D6, 3, FALSE)) Result: Cost is Rs. 3.56


The HLOOKUP function (short name of Horizontal Lookup), searches

for a value in the first row of a table array and returns the corresponding

value in the same column from another row of the same table array.

The syntax for HLOOKUP is as follows:

HLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, row_index_num,

range_lookup) where

• Lookup_value – The value to search for in the first row of the

table array.

• Table_array – Two or more rows of data. The values in the

first row of the table_array are the values searched for the

lookup_value. These values can be text, numbers, or logical

values. Uppercase and lowercase texts are equivalent.

• Row_index_num – The row number in table_array from which

the corresponding value must be returned. A row_index_num

of 2 returns the value in the second column in table_array; a

row_index_num of 3 returns the value in the third column in

table_array, and so on.

• Range_lookup – A logical value that specifies whether we

want HLOOKUP to find an exact match or an approximate

match. If set to “FALSE”, a corresponding value will be returned

only if an exact match is found. If set to “TRUE”, the nearest

match will be considered if an exact one is not found.

Let us take a simple example to understand the HLOOKUP function:

In the following two different worksheets:

Example Example Example (Figure 2.26 and 2.27)

Worksheet 1 - The values for Budget are in Row 2 corresponding to

each Quarter in Row 1.




Worksheet 2 - Corresponding to each Quarter

(column (C)); some part of budget is Spent

(column (E)) – which is listed vertically. We

want to pick the budget for each quarter from

the Worksheet 1 and put it in column (D) of

Worksheet 2 and then calculate the amount

Pending (column (F)) correspondingly. In cell

D2:D5 we will enter the HLOOKUP function

as follows: (as shown for D4 cell) = HLOOKUP

(C4; Budget! $A$1:$E$2; 2; FALSE) where in

this function.

C4 lookup value, for the


budget!$B$1:$E$2 Table array, found in worksheet 1: named


2 Row_index_num, is the row 2 in worksheet

1: named Budget

FALSE We want to find an exact match

Pending = D4-E4 Copy both the functions from

D4 to the Cells D2, D3 and D5 and from

F4 to Cells F2, F3 and F5 can be copied.

It is important to note that whenever any table array (or array) is

referred in lookup functions the cell address referred (normally it is

relative) must be converted in to absolute cell addresses. Financial Functions


This function returns the accrued interest for a security that pays

periodic interest. The syntax of this is as follows:

ACCRINT (issue, first_interest, settlement, rate, par, frequency, basis,


Dates should be entered by using the DATE function, or as results

of other formulas or functions. For example, use DATE (2008, 5, 23) for

the 23rd day of May, 2008. Problems can be occur if dates are entered

as text.

Issue is the security’s issue date.

first_interest is the security’s first interest date.

Settlement is the security’s settlement date. The security

settlement date is the date after the issue date when

the security is traded to the buyer.

Rate is the security’s annual coupon rate.

Par is the security’s par value. By default Par is 1000

Figures 2.26 and 2.27



Computerised Accounting System

Frequency is the number of coupon payments per year.

For annual payments, frequency = 1; for Semiannual, frequency = 2; for quarterly, frequency = 4.

Basis is the type of day count basis to use.

Excel stores dates as sequential serial numbers so they can be

used in calculations. By default, January 1, 1900 is serial number 1,

and January 1, 2008 is serial number 39448 because it is 39,448 days

after January 1, 1900; in Excel for the ACCRINT is calculated as follows:


rate A ACCRINT par frequency NL λ



This function returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods

(Refer Figure 2.28). The syntax of the function is:

CUMIPMT (rate, nper, pv, start_period, end_period, type)

Rate is the interest rate.

Nper is the total number of

payment periods.

Pv is the present value.

Start_period is the first period in the

calculation. Payment

periods are numbered

beginning with 1.

End_period is the last period in the


Type is the timing of the payment (which may be either 0 or 1)

0 (zero) means Payment at the end of the period

1 means Payment at the beginning of the period.

3. PV

This function returns the present value

of an investment. The present value is

the total amount that a series of future

payments is worth now. For example,

when we borrow money, the loan amount

is the present value (Figure 2.29). The

syntax of the function is :

PV (rate, nper, pmt, fv, type) where

Rate is the interest rate per period.

For example, for an automobile loan at a

Figure 2.28

Figure 2.29



10% annual interest rate and installments are made the monthly

payments, then the interest rate per month is 10%/12, or 0.83%. The

value for rate into the function will be 10%/12, or 0.83%, or 0.0083.

Nper is the total number of payment periods in an annuity. For

example, if this loan is a four-year car loan and makes monthly

payments, then loan has 4*12 (or 48) periods. The value for nper will

be 48.

Pmt is the payment made each period and cannot be change over

the life of the annuity. Typically, pmt includes principal and interest

but no other fees or taxes. For example, the monthly payments on an

Rs.10, 000, for four-year car loan at 12 per cent are Rs. 263.33. We

have to enter -263.33 into the function as the pmt. If pmt is omitted,

then fv must be included in the argument.

Fv is the future value, or a cash balance to attain after the last

payment is made. If fv is omitted, it is assumed to be 0 (the future

value of a loan, for example, is 0). For example, if we want to save

Rs. 50,000 to pay for a special project in 18 years, then Rs. 50,000 is

the future value. Then it is necessary to guess an interest rate and

determine how much to save each month. If fv is omitted, then pmt

must be included as the argument.

Type is the number 0 or 1 and indicates when payments are due.

The fv and type arguments are optional. The fv argument is the future

value or cash balance that we want to have after making last payment.
If we omit the fv argument, Excel assumes a future value of zero. The

type argument indicates whether the payment is made at the beginning

or end of the period: (0 or omit the type argument when the payment is

made at the end of the period and use 1 when it is made at the beginning

of the period).

When using financial functions, keep in mind that the fv, pv, and

pmt arguments can be positive or negative, depending on whether we

are receiving the money or paying out the money. It may be noted that

if we want to express the rate argument in the same units as the nper

argument, so that if we make monthly payments on a loan and we

express the nper as the total number of monthly payments, as in 360

(30×12) for a 30-year mortgage, we need to express the annual interest

rate in monthly terms as well. Excel solves for one financial argument

in terms of the others. If rate is not 0, then:

If rate is 0, then:

(pmt * nper) + pv + fv = 0



pv * (1 rate) pmt(1 rate * type)*

(1 rate) 1 fv C rate

+ ++




Computerised Accounting System

An annuity annuity is a series of constant cash payments made over a

continuous period. For example, a car loan or a mortgage is an annuity.

4. FV

This function returns the future value of an investment based on

periodic, constant payment and a constant interest rate (Figure 2.30).

The syntax of the function is :

FV (rate, nper, pmt, pv, type) where

Rate is the interest rate per period.

Nper is the total number of payment periods in an annuity.

Pmt is the payment made each period; it cannot change over

the life of the annuity. Typically, pmt contains principal

and interest but no other fees or taxes. If pmt is omitted,

then include the pv value in the argument.

Pv is the present value, or the lump-sum amount that a

series of future payments is worth right now. If pv is

omitted, it is assumed to be 0 (zero), and then include

the pmt value in the argument.

Type is the number 0 or 1 and indicates when payments are

due. If type is omitted, it is assumed to be 0.

Example Example

Figure 2.30

In the function FV (rate, nper, pmt, pv, type); the values are

substituted as given in different cells of the worksheets and the result

cell A8 is having Rs. 2581.40 first worksheet for type is 1 while in

second worksheet shows the value of result Rs. 2571.18 for type is 0.




5. PMT 5. PMT

The PMT function calculates the periodic payment for an annuity,

assuming equal payments and a constant rate of interest (Figure

2.26(d)). The syntax of PMT function is as follows:

= PMT(rate, nper, pv, [fv], [type]) where

rate is the interest rate per period,

nper is the number of periods,

pv is the present value or the amount the future payments

are worth presently,

fv is the future value or cash balance that after the last

payment is made (a future value of zero when we omit this

optional argument)

type is the value 0 for payments made at the end of the period

or the value 1 for payments made at the beginning of the


The PMT function is often used to calculate the payment for mortgage

loans that have a fixed rate of interest.

Example Example (Figure 2.31)

In the sample worksheet that contains a

table using the PMT function to calculate

loan payments for interest rate 8% per

annum and principal amount Rs. 1000/-

Here we have used both values of type

= 0 and 1


This function returns the interest rate per period of an annuity. RATE

is calculated by iteration and can have zero or more solutions. If the

successive results of RATE do not converge to within 0.0000001 after

20 iterations, RATE returns the #NUM! error value (2.32). The syntax

of the function is as follows:

RATE (nper, pmt, pv, fv, type, guess) where.

Nper is the total number of payment

periods in an annuity.

Pmt is the payment made each period

and cannot change over the life

of the annuity. Typically, pmt

includes principal and interest

but no other fees or taxes. If pmt

is omitted, then include the fv

as argument.

Figure 2.31

Figure 2.32



Computerised Accounting System

Pv is the present value — the total amount that a series of

future payments is worth now.

Fv is the future value, or a cash balance attain after the last

payment is made.

If fv is omitted, it is assumed to be 0 (the future value of a

loan, for example, is 0).

Type is the number 0 or 1 and indicates when payments are due.

0 or omitted means payment is due at the end of the period 1

means payment is due at the beginning of the period.

Guess is the guess for what the rate will be. If omitted, it is assumed

to be 10 per-cent.

7. NPV 7. NPV

This function calculates the net present value of an investment by

using a discount rate and a series of future payments (negative values)

and income (positive values). The syntax for the function is:

NPV (rate, value1, value2,…. ) where

Rate is the rate of discount over the length of one


Value1, value2, ... are 1 to 254 arguments representing the

payments and income. Value1, value2, ... must

be equally spaced in time and occur at the end

of each period. NPV uses the order of value1,

value2 …., to interpret the order of cash flows.

It is essential that entry for payment and income

values are in the correct sequence.

The NPV investment begins one period before the date of the value1
cash flow and ends with the last cash flow in the list. The NPV

calculation is based on future cash flows.

If n is the number of cash flows in the list of

values, the formula for NPV is:

NPV (Figure 2.33) is similar to the PV

function (present value). The primary

difference between PV and NPV is that

PV allows cash flows to begin either at

the end or at the beginning of the period.

Unlike the variable NPV cash flow values,

PV cash flows must be constant

throughout the investment.

NPV is also related to the IRR function

(internal rate of return). IRR is the rate for

which NPV equals zero: NPV (IRR (...),) = 0.



(1 rate) −



Figure 2.33





In any computerised business application, the basic requirement is to

input data; which may be either for processing parameters e.g. input of

data parameters such as month number and name of the month or number

of working days, DA%, etc. for the processing of payroll of the company

or to update various data elements. In both the cases data should be

correct, accurate and should be in proper format. This means that data

should be validated, corrected and can be display in proper format.

By default in spreadsheet the numbers are right aligned and texts

are left aligned. The spreadsheet can distinguish different types of

numbers; recognise a date, a currency, or a percentage value or text

etc. For example, if we type 16/04/1980 in a cell, spreadsheet will

recognise it as a date and act accordingly. The software processes the

data and generates the output; which should be in specific format.

For example 1.5 might represent a value for one and half teaspoon in

one spreadsheet while the same 1.5 would represent constant multiplier

for age in another spreadsheet etc.


Excel also facilitates fast data entry; and automatically repeats data

or can fill data in different cells (column wise or row wise.) For example,

if we repeatedly type the days of the week in different cells instead of

that we could use the built-in data fill options to fill the different
cells with the days automatically. Some of the methods for data entry

are mentioned below: The data fill options

The Fill command can be used to fill data into

worksheet cells (Figure 2.36 & 2.37. The Excel

provides for entering data automatically to

continue a series of numbers, number and text

combinations, dates, or time periods, based on

a pattern that we require. However, to fill

quickly in several types of data series, we select

cells and drag the fill handle ( A Fill

handle is the small black square in the lowerright corner of the selection. When we point to

the fill handle, the pointer changes to a black

cross (Refer Figure 2.34 and 2.35).

The fill handle is displayed by default, Click the Microsoft

Office Button , and then click Excel Options.

1. Click Advanced, and then under Editing options, clear or select

the Enable Fill handle and cell drag-and-drop check box to hide or

display the fill handle.

Figure 2.34

Figure 2.35



Computerised Accounting System

2. To avoid replacing existing data when we drag the fill handle, to

make sure that the Alert before overwriting cells check box is

selected. If we don’t want to receive a message about overwriting

non-blank cells, we can clear this check box.

After we drag the fill handle, the Auto Fill Options button appears

so that we can choose how the selection is filled. For example, we can

choose to fill just cell formats by clicking Fill Formatting Only, or we

can choose to fill just the contents of a cell by clicking Fill Without


Option -1 Drag the fill handle to fill data into adjacent cells

(Figure 2.38)

For example, we want to enter

data in A1:A10 starting value

from 10 and in step of 10 we

will get 10, 20, … 100 by using

drag option as shown in the

Figure 2.34 and Figure 2.35


1. Select the cells that contain the data that we want to

fill (A1:A2) into adjacent cells (A3:A10).

2. Drag the fill handle across the cells that we want to


3. To choose how we want to fill the selection, click Auto Fill

Options, and then click the option that we want.

Figure 2.36

Option - 2 fill the active cell with the contents of an adjacent cell Option - 2 fill the active cell with the
contents of an adjacent cell
1. Select an empty cell (A1) enter the value 10.

2. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Fill, and then click

on Series option.

Figure 2.38

Figure 2.37




3. The option window provides direction (row wise i.e., B1:J1 or column

wise i.e., A2:A10) selection. The main option is Step Value (i.e.

increment to the previous cell values in linear form) it is 10 in this

example with respect to cell A1 and while another option is Stop

Value ( i.e. last value of the data when it is achieved the data fill

stops) is 100 which may be in cell A10.

4. Once we enter the all the options and click OK, we get data filled in

the series A1:A0 as 10:100 in step of 10.

Observe the another example for Date data we can use fill handle

(it is important to note that all the cells of the columns or rows should

be defined in (required) date data format using Format Cells). In this

example we will enter date 24-11-1952 (or 24-Nov-1952) in cell A1 and

24-12-1952 (or 24-Dec-1952) in cell A2 and then use Auto Fill Options

button between cells A3:A10; find the changes? Import/Copy Data from other sources

One more method for data entry for any application we can use the

following easiest method which will transfer data into required cells
by copying or importing to Excel worksheet. These data files may be

either in text files or non-text files format.

Text files can be directly read using a text editor such as Note pad

in MS Windows. These files often have extension .txt but can have

other extensions (such as .csv known as Comma Separated Values

text file), easily read into Excel.

To import the data from a text file following steps are important for

Figure 2.39.

1. Create data file using Notepad program of MS Windows (to get

Notepad screen on desktop; click on Start button -> All Programs -

> Accessories -> Notepad).

2. A comma-separated data values in one line of this text file is a row

in a spreadsheet and each entry, separated by a comma, is a column

entry for that row.

3. In the first line provides names for

the columns of the spreadsheet.

4. In the next line onward start

entering the data separate by

comma as per the names given in

first line.

5. It may possible that every data

may not be of similar length but

each data (even a blank data)

should be separated by comma as

per the names of the column.

6. Open a new Excel worksheet from the Office Button.

Figure 2.39



Computerised Accounting System

7. Select Data Tab on the Ribbon.

8. On Data tab; an option Get External Data having From Text option.

9. Click on “From Text” which will allow selecting a Notepad file (Figure

2.40 & 2.41) saved as .cvm into Excel format directly and data will

be copied into respective columns and rows.

10. Each and every data from Notepad file can be saved as an Excel

data file This provides a lead that Excel worksheet consists of four

types of data in cells: labels, values, date and formulas and data


Figure 2.40 Figure 2.41

• Labels (text) are descriptive data such as names, months and

usually include alphabetic characters. Excel aligns text to the

left side of the cell.

• Values (numbers) are generally raw numbers or dates.

 Whole value: If the data is a whole value, such as 34 or 5763,

Excel aligns the data to the right side of the cell.

 Vale with a decimal: If the data is a decimal value, Excel

aligns the data to the right side of the cell, including the

decimal point, with the exception of a trailing 0. For example,

if we enter 246.75, then 246.75 displays; such as 246.70, will

display as 246.7. We can change the display appearance,

column width, and alignment of data.

• Formulas are instructions for Excel to perform calculations.

• Date: If we enter a date, such 16/12, Dec 16, or 16 Dec, Excel

automatically returns 16-Dec in the cell, but the Formula bar

displays 16/12/2008. (The Date format is dependent to Country

Specific Format selection).


Data validation is a feature to define restrictions on type of data entered

into a cell. We can configure data validation rules for cells data that

will not allow users to enter invalid data, There may be warning

messages when users tries to type wrong data in the cell. The messages

also guide users to what input is expected for the cell, and instructions

to correct any errors.




Data validation is invaluable because it is necessary that data must

be accurate and consistent. The different methods for data validation

are as follows:

• Create a Drop down List – By this option pre-defined items names

list is referred and restrict the users to select accordingly – e.g. In

the organisation for a business application we want to restrict the

Figure 2.42

users not to enter the names of departments other than Sales,

Finance, R&D, Operation, HR and IT, etc.; for qualification of each

employee not to enter other than MBA, PHD, CA, MCA, ARCHITECT

and MBBS, etc., and the Sex Code should be either “Male” or

“Female” for the employees. Following are the steps described how

to use drop down list: A drop-down list can be prepared in three

different ways which can be used for data validation (Figure 2.42).

• Type a list of values separated by commas, i.e. using delimited

list e.g. Male, Female

• Select the cells on the worksheet

whose values can be used directly

typed in a single row or single


• Select the data in cells and create

a Named Range to refer

 Open a blank worksheet

 Enter the column titles e.g

Employee Name (cell A1),

Department (cell B1), Qualification (cell C1) and Sex Code

(cell D1) in the first row and four

different columns respectively

(Figure 2.42). Figure 2.43



Computerised Accounting System

 Enter the Names of Employees in the

column (a) (cells A2:A10).

 Prepare a list of department names

some where in the worksheet (say


 Define the Named range ( using

Formula Tab ->Define Name on the

ribbon) say DEPT .

 Select the column (b) e.g. Department

Figure 2.44 (data to be validated in whole column).

 In the Data Tab of the ribbon click Data Validation on Data

Tools opens three Data Validation Tabs (Figure 2.43). The first

tab is Setting Tab select List for drop down list option.

 This option will display Validation Criteria and to provide valid

data List in the Source where we have to type Name of the

Range as =DEPT (Figure 2.44). The two more options also

required clicking here one Ignore Blank box then empty or

blank values won’t be allowed and other is In-cell drop down.

 To display an input message when a cell (e.g. B2 later B3:B10) is

selected, click the second tab on data validation option, i.e. Input

Message Tab (Figure 2.45) and enter the desired text in the Title

(e.g. DEPT_T) and provide an input short message for the user

(e.g. SELECT/ENTER DEPARTMENT). Also tick the option to

display this message when the cell is selected (Figure 2.46).

 To set the response settings when invalid data is entered into

the cell click on the third tab of data validation option (Figure
2.46) i.e. Error Alert Tab. This tab enables :

(a) To display the error alert after invalid data is entered in

the box.

(b) Enter message allows to type the desired message for

user and title for reference purpose.

Figure 2.45 Figure 2.46




(c) In Style drop-down menu select Information, Warning or

Stop as per the severity and accuracy requirement for

data where.

(i) Information: displays a message but will prevent

entry of invalid data.

(ii) Warning: displays a warning message but will not

prevent entry of invalid data.

(iii) Stop: will prevent invalid entry of data.

The steps discussed above are shown below in different diagrams

(Figures 2.47(a) to 2.47(d)) which are self explanatory when data for

Department are to be entered in the worksheet:

Figure 2.47 (a) Figure 2.47(b)

Figure 2.47(c) Figure 2.47(d)

To select data or reefing the limited number of data items we can

type the list in the Source Box, separated by commas (Figure 2.43) e.g.

as to enter the Sex Code either Male of Female for an Employee we can
type as =Male, Female. This method of data validation is case sensitive;

if a user types MALE, an error alert will be displayed.

• Setting Limits – As mentioned earlier in the Allow drop-down menu,

select Whole Number, Decimal, Date, Time, or Text Length.



Computerised Accounting System

For example in the same worksheet we can restrict the minimum

age of an employee should be 18 and maximum age should be 58 (Age

can be entered as Whole Number or can be entered Date of Birth as

Date selection then age is calculated).

In this example if Age is a data

element to be entered for every

employee we will validate the Age

as whole number and outside a

specified range in a particular cell

providing value in Setting tab

(Figure 2.48) and data in between

of minimum 18 and maximum 58


Similarly we can check the

number of text characters required

in Employee Name column (for

every employee) i.e. the cell should

not contain blank data; and error message should be displayed e.g.,
we can limit the minimum number of characters in the Employee Name

cell to 10 or less.

• Setting Limits with a Formula – To validate data based on formulas

or values entered in other cells (Figure 2.49). The steps are as:

• In the Allow drop-down menu, select Custom.

Figure 2.48

Figure 2.49 Figure 2.50

• In the Formula box, enter a formula that calculates a logical value.

If the formula calculates TRUE entry will be valid. If the formula

calculates FALSE entry will be invalid. The cell gives error message

if the values are not meeting the conditions Some of the examples

are as follows:

 We can prevent duplicate entries in a range on the worksheet

(Figure 2.50) i.e. suppose we check duplicate employee number

or duplicate product code in the asset ledger or duplicate account




code for the same item entered by user

it shows the error.

 We can limit the sum value for a range

which will cause error if sum of the

values exceeds the given total, i.e.

suppose the total amount of budget is

fixed and sum of the distribution of

the amount for different items in the

range exceeds then it shows the error

(Figure 2.50(a)

 We can prevent user from adding

spaces before or after the text in entry. The TRIM function

removes spaces before and after the text. This formula checks

that the entry is equal to trimmed entry (Figure 2.50(b).

Figure 2.50(a)

 We can prevent entry of dates that falls on (weekends or

holidays) Saturday or Sunday (or any other day). The WEEKDAY

function returns the number for the date entered in the cell. If

the value is 1(it is Sunday) and 7 (it is Saturday) then data entry

is not allowed (Figure 2.50(c) and error message will be displayed.


To input data into a spreadsheet, often we type the data into cells

directly. That’s where data validation comes in handy. Instead of typing

the same thing again and again, we can enter data into cells using

Figure 2.50(b) Figure 2.50(c)

A form, whether printed or online, is a document designed with a

standard structure and format that makes it easier to capture, organise,

and edit information. A data form is a dialog box that displays one

complete record at a time. Data forms can be used to add, change,

locate, and delete records.


Computerised Accounting System

drop-down lists or using data input form. Using a data form can make

data entry easier than moving from column to column when we have

more columns of data than can be viewed on the screen. To create

input data form it is necessary that all the data names must be entered

in the first row of the worksheet, because the input form refers these

data names. To create input data form we have to select the tool

as Form button to the Quick Access Toolbar .

The Form button has not been included on the user interface Ribbon,

but we can still use it in Excel 2007 by adding at Quick Access Toolbar

using following commands:

1. Click the arrow next to the Quick

Access Toolbar, and then click More


2. In the Choose commands from box,

click All Commands.

3. In the list box, select the Form

button, and then click Add.

The data form is useful, when data are

of in a simple form of text boxes that

list the column headings as labels is

sufficient and don’t required

sophisticated or custom form features,

such as a list box or spin button.

Excel automatically generates a built-in data form (Figure 2.51).

The data form displays all column headers as labels in a single dialog

box. Each label has an adjacent blank text box in which we can enter

data for each column, up to a maximum of 32 columns. In a data form,

we can enter new rows, find rows by navigating or (based on cell

contents) update rows and delete rows. If a cell contains a formula,

the formula result is displayed in the data form, but we cannot change

the formula by using the data form.


Formatting of spreadsheets makes easier to read and understand he

important information (e.g. conditional formatting, number formatting,

text and general spreadsheet formatting etc.). On the Ribbon there are

several tools and shortcuts to format spreadsheets effectively. Some of

them are described as follows:


The formatting tools for:

• Number formatting – Number formatting includes adding per cent

symbols (%), commas (,), decimal places, and currency signs ($,

Figure 2.51




Rs. etc), date, time, scientific values and as well as some special

formats to a spreadsheet. The type of number format can be

determined once the data is entered into the cell. Here are some

 Currency: If we enter a financial

value complete with the dollar/

currency sign and two decimal

places, Excel assigns a Currency

format to the cell alongwith the


 Percentages: If we enter a value

representing a percentage as a whole

number followed by the per cent sign

without any decimal places, Excel

assigns to the cell the percentage

format that follows this pattern along with the entry.

 Dates: If we enter a date (dates are values, too) that follows one

of the built-in Excel number formats, such as 16-04-2009 or 16-

Apr-2009 the program assigns a Date format that follows the

pattern of the date.

Example – Explaining below the steps to format range B4:E7 as

currency with zero decimal places using negative preset format.

The sample unformatted worksheet is shown in the Figure 2.52(a)

Select the range to format, i.e.


From the Ribbon select, Home

Tab with Number option, click

on (Figure 2.52(b) to display

Format Cells dialog box and

choose Number tab.

The Category list shows all

the preset formats available

in Excel, grouped into

categories. A sample

corresponding to the current

selection is shown at the top

of the box.

Select the Category required

i.e. Currency. The right hand

side of the box shows the

different symbols of

currencies. It also shows the

preset for negative values

either minus sign (-) or red

Figure 2.52(a)

Figure 2.52(b)



Computerised Accounting System

coloured number (if we do not want to display negative sign


Change the number of decimal places to Zero (0).

Click OK accept this format.

The output of these steps is shown in the Figure 2.52(c).

Similarly if we select the Category for the range H4:H8 as

Percentage with Decimal Places to 2 digits. The Figure 2.52(d)

will show the effect of this change.

Figure 2.52(c) Figure 2.52(d)

• Special Format Category

Special category data (special numbers)

such as phone numbers, zip codes, and

Social Security numbers which require

different format in a certain way (Figure

2.52(e). From the Category option we select

Special and from corresponding drop-down

box under the Locale we select format special

numbers appropriate to specific countries.

Figure 2.52(e)

• Changing cell colours -

Select the range to format (e.g. B4:E7 –

Figure 2.52(c).

From the Ribbon select Home Tab with

Number option, click on (Figure 2.42(b)

to display Format Cells dialog box and

choose Fill tab.

Fill tab provide Background Colour,

Pattern Colour and Pattern Style options

for the cell (or cell range to fill).

Select the colour required with desired

pattern style and pattern colour from the

Colour pallets (Figure 2.52(f).

Click OK and we see the result as given

in Figure 2.52(g).

Figure 2.52(f)




There is other number a format tool on

the Ribbon for which allows number s to

format aesthetically such as :

In the Number section, click the Comma

Style button. Then the thousand digit

numbers or one hundred digit numbers will

be display with a comma

sign which makes it

easier to read. Excel also

allows more precise with these numbers, that’s why

it added two decimal values.

To remove the decimal values, in the Number

section of the Ribbon, click the Decrease Decimal

button. That removes one decimal value. Click the

Decrease Decimal button again to remove another

decimal value. Similarly we can use to Increase Decimal button twice.

To create own custom format, from the

Format Cell dialog box, click the Custom

category (Figure 2.52(h), select one of the

existing formats, and then proceed to create

by adding appropriate or subtracting

undesired characters.

We can find out the format used in a cell

or some cells of unknown worksheet and can

be changed by using the Format Cells dialog.

In this case Right-click the mouse button

for appropriate cell (s) or column (s) and

choose Format Cells. In the Category list,

select one of the formats as per

characteristics from the right list or select

the custom format.

Adding text formatting – The text formatting is mostly required

for presentation of final output and aesthetically reading of the

information. There may be display of the text or numbers in different

Fonts; Aligning in Cells,

Changing Colour of Fonts,

Merging of cell ranges to

accommodate data etc.

(Figure 2.52(i & j)) When we

insert a Text box, it looks

quite plain. We can format

text boxes to make them

stand out on the worksheet;

using the options from the

Ribbon; on Insert Tab with

Figure 2.52(g)

Figure 2.52 (i)

Figure 2.52 (j)

Figure 2.52(h)



Computerised Accounting System

the Text dialog box. We can use these drawing tools in dressing them

up with special formatting commands (Figure 2.52(j)). These tools allow

us to add decorative and explanatory material to worksheet and chart.

How the Illustrations Tools or Text Tools can be used; let us

understand from the example using both the tools bars together.

• Change the font or font size in a worksheet (Figure 2.52(j)) and

Figure 2.52(j)

1. Select the cell, range of cells, text, or characters that we want to


2. On the Home tab, in the Font group, we will do the following:

 To change the font, click the font

that we want in the Font box.

 To change the font size, click the

font size that we want in the Font

Size box , or click Increase Font

Size or Decrease Font Size

until the size we want is displayed in the Font Size box.

• Change the cell border (Figure 2.52(k))

1. On a worksheet, select the cell or range of cells that we want to add

a border to, change the border style on, or remove a border from.

2. On the Home tab, in the Font group, we will do one of the


 To apply a new or different border style, click the arrow next

to Borders , and then click a border style.

 To remove cell borders, click the arrow next to Borders, and

then click No Border.

The Borders button displays the most recently used border style. We

can click the Borders button (not the arrow) to apply that style.

• Create a custom cell border (Figure 2.52(j) Figure 2.52(i)

We can create a cell style that includes a

custom border, and can apply to that cell style

when we want to display the custom border

around selected cells.

1. On the Home tab, in the Styles group,

click Cell Styles.

2. Click New Cell Style.

3. In the Style name box, type an appropriate name for the new

cell style.

4. Click Format.

Figure 2.52(k)
Figure 2.52(l)




5. On the Border tab, under Line, in the Style box, click the line

style that we want to use for the border.

6. In the Colour box, select the colour that we want to use.

7. Under Border, click the border buttons to create the border

that we want to use.

8. Click OK.

9. In the Style dialog box, under Style Includes, clear the check

boxes for any formatting that we do not want to include in the

cell style.

10. Click OK.

11. To apply the cell style, do the following:

12. Select the cells that we want to format with the custom cell


13. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Cell Styles.

14. Click the cell style that we want to apply.

• Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting helps us for specific questions about data. We

can apply conditional formatting to a cell range, a table, or a PivotTable

report. There are important differences to understand when we use

conditional formatting on a PivotTable report (Figure 2.52(k).

• The benefits of conditional formatting (Figure 2.52m)

To analyse data, we often ask ourselves some questions,

such as:

Where are the exceptions in a summary of data

over the past five years?

What is the trend in data over the past two years?

Who is responsible for such results during this


What is the overall age distribution of employees?

Which products have greater than 10% revenue

increases from year to year?

Who are the highest performing and lowest

performing students in the class?

Conditional formatting helps to answer these questions by making it

easy to highlight interesting cells or ranges of cells, emphasise unusual

values, and visualise data by using data bars, colour scales, and icon

sets. A conditional format changes the appearance of a cell range based

on a condition (or criteria). If the condition is true, the cell range is

formatted based on that condition; if the conditional is false, the cell

range is not formatted based on that condition.

Figure 2.52(m)



Computerised Accounting System

• Format all cells by using a colour scale

Colour scales are visual guides that help us to understand data

distribution and their variation. A colour scale helps us to compare a

range of cells by using a gradation of different colours. The shade of

the colour represents higher or lower values. For example, in a green

colour are higher value cells and red colour for lower value cells.

If one or more cells in the range contain a formula that returns an

error, the conditional formatting is not applied to the entire range. To

ensure that the conditional formatting is applied to the entire range, use

an IS or IFERROR function to return a value other than an error value.

1. Select one or more cells in a range, table, or

PivotTable report.

2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the

arrow next to Conditional Formatting, and then

click Colour Scales. (Figure 2.52(n).

3. Select a two-colour scale.

• More than the two colours (Figure 2.52(o)

1. Select one or more cells in a range, table, or

PivotTable report.

2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the

arrow next to Conditional Formatting, and then

click Manage Rules. The Conditional Formatting

Rules Manager dialog box is displayed. Do one of

the following:

 To add a conditional format, click New Rule. The New

Formatting Rule dialog box is displayed.

 To change a conditional format, do the following:

Figure 2.52(n)

Figure 2.52(o)




1. Make sure that the appropriate worksheet, table, or PivotTable

report is selected in the Show formatting rules for list box.

2. Optionally, change the range of cells by clicking Collapse Dialog

in the Applies to box to temporarily hide the dialog box, by

selecting the new range of cells on the worksheet, and then by

selecting Expand Dialog.

3. Select the rule, and then click Edit rule. The Edit Formatting

Rule dialog box is displayed.

4. Under Select a Rule Type, click Format all cells based on

their values.

5. Under Edit the Rule Description, in the Format Style list box,

select 3-Colour Scale.

6. To select a Minimum and Maximum Type do one of the following:

 Format lowest and highest values Select Lowest Value and

Highest Value. In this case, we do not enter a Minimum and

Maximum Value.

 Format a number, date, or time value Select Number, and

then enter a Minimum and Maximum Value.

 Format a percentage Select Per cent, and then enter a

Minimum and Maximum Value. Valid values are from 0 (zero)

to 100. Do not enter a per cent sign. Use a percentage when

we want to visualise all values proportionally because the

distribution of values is proportional.

 Format a percentile Select Percentile and then enter a

Minimum and Maximum Value. Valid percentiles are from 0

(zero) to 100.

Percentile is usually used we want to visualise a group of high

values (such as the 20th percentile) in one colour grade proportion

because they represent extreme values that might skew the visualisation

of the data.

 Format a formula result Select Formula, and then enter a

Minimum and Maximum Value.

The formula must return a number, date, or time value. Start the

formula with an equal sign (=). It’s a good idea to test the formula in the

worksheet to make sure that the formula doesn’t return an error value.

• Changing the alignment of data in cells (Figure 4.52(p)

There are several options to change the alignment of text (data) in cells

Text layout Text layout

Vertical alignment – To specify the vertical position of the text in a

shape, select an option from the list (or from the tool box).

Text direction – To specify the orientation of the text in a shape, select

an option from the list.



Computerised Accounting System

2. Autofit 2. Autofit

Resize shape to fit text - To increase the size of the shape vertically

so that the text fits inside of it, click this button.

3. Inter 3. Inter3. Inter 3. Inter3. Internal mar nal mar gin

The internal margin is the distance between the text and the outer

border of a chart element. We can increase or decrease the amount of

this space by using the following options.

Left – To specify the distance between the left border of the selected

chart element and the text, enter the margin number that we want in

the Left box.

Right – To specify the distance between the right border of the selected

chart element and the text, enter the margin number that we want in

the Right box.

Top – To specify the distance between the top border of the selected

chart element and the text, enter the margin number that we want in

the Top box.

Bottom – To specify the distance between the bottom border of the

selected chart element and the text, enter the margin number that we

want in the Bottom box.

Columns – To specify the number of columns of text in a chart element

and the spacing between the columns, click this button.

The commands for this

 Select the range.

 Click on Home tab for Alignment options

which displays the dialog box and select

the alignment tab (Figure 2.38(n)(1).

 Select horizontal and vertical as alignment


 There are other options to display text at

angular orientation or text to be control

within cell or to spread within the cell.

 Click OK.

• Merging a range of Cells

Merged cells are a single cell that is created by combining two or more

selected cells. The cell reference for a merged cell is the upper-left cell

in the original selected range. When two or more adjacent horizontal

or vertical cells are merged, the cells become one large cell and

displayed across multiple columns or rows. The contents of one appear

in the centre of the merged cell.

Figure 2.52(p)




1. Select two or more adjacent cells that we want to merge.

2. On the Home tab, in the Alignment group, click Merge and

Centre. (Or button).

3. The cells will be merged in a row or column, and the cell contents

will be centered in the merged cell. To merge cells without

centering, click the arrow next to Merge and Centre, and then

click Merge Across or Merge Cells. The cell address of merge

cells will be the address of lower active cell.

4. To change the text alignment in the merged cell,

select the cell; click any of the alignment buttons

in the Alignment group on the Home tab.

• Split a merged cell (Figure 2.52(q)

1. Select the merged cell.

2. When we select a merged cell, the Merge and Centre button

also appears selected in the Alignment group on the Home tab.

3. To split the merged cell, click Merge and Centre. The contents

of the merged cell will appear in the upper-left cell of the range

of split cells.

• Formatting a Table

There are predefined table styles (or quick styles) that we can use to

quickly format a table. If the pre-defined table styles don’t meet our

needs, we can create and apply a custom table style.

The table formatting by choosing Quick Styles options for table

elements, such as header and total rows, first and last columns, and

banded rows and columns.

• To choose a table style to create a table (Figure 2.52(r))

1. On the worksheet, select a range of cells that we want to quickly

format as a table.

Figure 2.52(r)

Figure 2.52(q)


Computerised Accounting System

2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Format as Table.

3. Under Light, Medium, or Dark, click the table style that we

want to use.

Apply a table style to an existing table

1. On the worksheet, select the table to which we want to apply a

table style.

2. On the Design tab, in the Table Styles group, do one of the


 Click the More button, from the dropdown menu, click the

table style (Light, Medium or Dark) that we want to use.

• Using the NOW function to add the current date to the


NOW ( ) is the function returns the serial number of the current date

and time. If the cell format was General before the function was entered,

the result is formatted as a date.

Excel stores dates as sequential serial numbers so they can be used

in calculations. By default, January 1, 1900 is serial number 1, and

January 1, 2008 is serial number 39448 because it is 39,448 days after

January 1, 1900. Numbers to the right of the decimal point in the serial

number represent the time; numbers to the left represent the date. For

example, the serial number 0.5 represents the time 12:00 noon.

• Adding Headers and Footers to Excel Spreadsheet

In spreadsheet, headers and footers are lines of text

that are printed at the top (header) and bottom (footer)

of each page in the spreadsheet. They contain

descriptive text such as titles, dates, and/or page

numbers and are used to add information to a printed


The headers and footers options are available in

Page Layout view (Figure 2.53(a). For other sheet

types, such as chart sheets or for embedded charts

we can work with headers and footers in the Page

Setup dialog box.

Add or change the header or footer text for a

worksheet in Page Layout view

1. Click the worksheet to which we want to add/change headers or


2. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Header and Footer.

(refer Figure 2.53(b)) Or Do one of the following:

 To add a header or footer, click the left, centre, or right header or

footer text box at the top or at the bottom of the worksheet page.

Figure 2.53(a)




 To change a header or footer, click

the header or footer text box at the

top or at the bottom of the worksheet

page that contains header or footer

text, and then select the text that we

want to change.

3. Type the text that we want.

• Use Format Painter

To copy quickly formatting from one cell or group of cells to another

part of the spreadsheet uses the format painter. This feature is

very useful when extending a spreadsheet and we need to format

the newly added cells to match the original ones.

• Use of AutoFormat Option

To quickly apply a number of formatting features to a spreadsheet

we can use one of the 17 AutoFormat styles available (in Excel

2007). These styles combine a number of formatting options that

will instantly give our spreadsheet a professional look.


We can print entire or partial worksheets and workbooks,

one at a time, or several at once. The MS Excel can

print just the Excel table or also it provides to:

(a) Print a partial or entire worksheet or


(b) Print several worksheets at once.

(c) Print several workbooks at once.

(d) Print an Excel table.

(e) Print a workbook to a file.

(f) Print a graphic Charts and Pivot Tables.

We can also print a workbook to a file instead of to

a printer. This is useful when we need to print the

workbook on a different type of printer from the one to

another printer. The printing option is available to print

quickly or to preview the printout before printing, click

Microsoft Office Button, click the arrow next to Print, and then click

Quick Print or Print Preview (Figure 2.54). To print worksheet or

table; basic preparation for printing is required and describe below:


By default, Excel prints all data on the current worksheet but for

specific and formatted print we have to define print area from the Page

Setup dialog box or the Print Area command from the Page Layout

option of the Ribbon (Figure 2.55).

Figure 2.54

Figure 2.53(b)



Computerised Accounting System

• The Print Area using Dialog Box Option

1. Select the Page Layout command tab

on the Ribbon.

2. In the Page Setup group, click Page

Setup. The Page Setup dialog box


3. Select the Sheet tab.

4. In the Print Area text box, type the

range of cells you want to print or to

select the area –

a. Click Collapse Dialog

b. Select the desired range of cells

c. Click Restore Dialog

5. Click OK and the print area is defined.

• The Print Area using Print Area Option

Excel keeps the print area defined until it

is cleared or replaced. To set the print area:

1. Select the range of cells to print (e.g. A1:H10 of Figure 2.55)

2. Select the Page Layout command tab

3. In the Page Setup Page Setup group, click Print Area» select Set Print

Area. The print area is set.

4. OPTIONAL: To add more data to the print area

a. select a range of cells

b. In the Page Setup group, click Print Area» select Add to Print

Area; the selected cells are added to any previously selected


c. Repeat steps a and b as necessary.

• To clear the print area

1. In the Page Setup Page Setup group, click Print Area» select Clear Print


Printing Ranges of Cells

We can manually select ranges of cells for printing and also have the

option of selecting multiple non-contiguous ranges for printing.

• To select Print Range manually (using key board only)

1. Select the range of cells to be printed


From the Name Box pull-down list, select the range name to be


Figure 2.55




2. In the top left corner of the Excel window, click the Office Button»

select Print or Press [Ctrl] + [P] the Print dialog box appears.

3. In the Print what section, select Selection. Selection.

4. Click OK. The specified range of cells is printed.

• To select Print Multiple Ranges

Excel facilitates to print non-contiguous ranges. Selected ranges

will print on separate pages.

1. Select the first range to be printed.

2. Press [Ctrl] + select the second range to be printed .

3. For each additional range to be printed, repeat step 2.

4. In the top left corner of the Excel window, click the Office Button

– select Print OR Press [Ctrl] + [P]. The Print dialog box appears.

5. In the Print what section, select Selection. Selection.

6. Click Print. The specified range of cells is printed.


A Pivot Table is way to present information in a report format. A

PivotTable report often provides enhanced layout, attractive and

formatted report with improved readability. This report is prepared

from the spreadsheet once we add the fields with appropriate level of

details, calculations and group the data as per required information.

The Pivot Table uses a List Data Table (Database).


• C1 cell is an input cell. We will create one-variable data table

which calculates the increase in the budget corresponding to

each of the possible increase in costs.

• If the data table is column-oriented, type the formula (=A2*C1) in

the row (row number 4) above the first value (in cell B5) and one

cell to the right (in cell C4) of the column of values (Figure 2.56).

A data table is a range of cells that shows the results of substituting different values

in one or more formulas. There are two types of data table: One-variable and twovariable.

One-variable data table (Figure 2.56(a) Formula used in a one-variable data table

must refer to an input cell. The input cell is a cell used by Excel in which each input

value from a data table is substituted (column-oriented, i.e. input cell down one

column or row-oriented, i.e. across one-row).

Two-variable data table (Figure 2.56(b) use only one formula with two lists of input

values. The formula must refer two different input cells.



Computerised Accounting System

• Enter a column of values from B5:B10.

• Select all cells in the range B4:C10(Fig 2.56(a).

• On the Data tab on the Ribbon, in the Data

Tools group, click What-if-Analysis, and

then click Data Table (Figure 2.56(b).

• In the Row input cell box no entry.

• In the Column input cell box, enter $C$1

• Click OK to generate table.

2.5.2 TWO-VARIABLE DATA TABLE (Figure 2.57)

This we will learn by one simplest example

generating a mathematical table in which two

input cells uses B1 and C1 to generate a 15×15

multiplication table by multiplying each other.

• In a cell B2 on the worksheet, enter the formula

(= B1 *C1) that refers to the two input cells.

Figure 2.56 Figure 2.56(b)

Figure 2.56(a)

Figure 2.57 Figure 2.57 (a)




• Type one list of input values in the

same column below the (or fill the

series from 1 to 15 in B3:B17).

• Type the second list in the same row

( or fill the series from 1 to 15 in

C3:Q3), to the right of the formula.

• Select the range of cells that

contains the formula and both the

row and column of values i.e.


• On the Data tab on the Ribbon, in

the Data Tools group, click Whatif-Analysis, and then click Data Table.

• In the Row input cell box enter $B$1.

• In the Column input cell box, enter


• Click OK to generate table (Figure 2.57(a))


The Pivot Table feature allows us to create a

cross tabulation summary of data in which

heading can subsequently moved to give

different views of the data. We will understand

with the help of following example.

Example: A spreadsheet (Figure 2.58)

provides the data for consumption from D2:D37

(in Metric Tons) of three different vegetables

namely Carrot, Onions and Potatoes during the

three days of the week in four different metro

cities. The quota of consumption is fixed by

Food Department to supply of these vegetables

in the city. The spread sheet shows the Actual

Consumption and Surplus (i.e. = actual –


• Click the data from A1: E37

• On the Insert tab on the Ribbon, in the

Tables group, click Pivot Table, and

then click Pivot Table to start Pivot Table

Report interactive options (Figure 2.58(a)

as Create Pivot Report (Figure 2.58(b).

• Enter the data location

• Choose to place the Pivot table on an Existing worksheet (say


Figure 2.58(a)

Figure 2.58

Figure 2.58(b)



Computerised Accounting System

• Click OK to display a blank Pivot table and filed list (Figure

2.58(c) and Excel displays the Pivot Table Toolbar

1. Drag the Field Names (From

location number 1) to the

require positions in the pivot

table (location Number 6).

2. Report Filter “Day”

3. Column Label “Vegetable”

4. Row Label “City”

5. Values “Sum of Actual” and

the final result will be

displayed (Figure 2.58(d).

6. In the above selections at Row

Label we give “City” and then

“Vegetable”; while in column

Label if we do not enter any

selection. The Pivot Report will

be as shown in Figure 2.58(e).

The Pivot Table tool bar (Figure 2.58(f) provides various flexibility to

work on data.

Figure 2.58(c)

Figure 2.58(d) Figure 2.58(e)

Figure 2.58(f) : Pivot Table Toolbar




Advantages of Pivot Table (Report)

A PivotTable report is an interactive way to quickly summarise large

amounts of data. Use a PivotTable report to analyse numerical data in

depth and to answer unanticipated questions about data. A PivotTable

report designed for:

 Querying large amounts of data in user-friendly ways. Sub totaling

and aggregating numeric data, summarising data by categories and

subcategories, and creating custom calculations and formulas.

 Expanding and collapsing levels of data to focus on results, and

providing from details to the summary of data for areas of interest.

 Moving rows to column or columns to rows (or “pivoting”) to see

different summaries of the source data.

 Filtering, sorting, grouping, and conditionally formatting the most

useful and the interesting subset of data to enable us to focus on

the information that we want.

 Presenting concise, attractive, and annotated online or printed


 The use of a PivotTable report is to analyse related totals, when we

have a long list of figures to sum and to compare several facts

about each figure.



1. Click the Microsoft Office Button, click Excel Options, and then

click the Formulas category.

2. In the Error Checking section, select the Enable background error

checking check box.

3. To change the colour of the triangle that marks where an error

occurs, in the Indicate errors using the colour box, select a new


4. Select a cell with a triangle in the top-left corner of a cell.

5. Next to the cell, click the Error Checking button that appears, and

then click the option that we want. The commands are different for

each type of error, and the first entry describes the error. If we click
Ignore Error, the error is marked to be ignored for each consecutive


6. Repeat the two previous steps.

• Correct an error value

If a formula cannot properly evaluate a result, e Excel will display an error

value. Each error type has different causes, and different solutions. Some

are discussed here to understand them properly before redo the operation

Figure 2.59



Computerised Accounting System

• Correct a ##### error

This error occur when a column is not wide enough, or a negative date

or time is used.

Reason: The column is not wide enough to display the content

1. Select the column by clicking the column header.

2. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Format, and then

click AutoFit Column Width. Alternatively also we can doubleclick the boundary to the right of the
column heading.

3. Select the column.

4. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Format, click Format

Cells, and then click the Alignment tab.

5. Select the Shrink to fit check box.

Apply a different number format

In some cases, we can change the cell’s number format to

make the number fit within the existing cell width. For
example, we can decrease the number of decimal places

after the decimal point.

• Correct a #DIV/0! Error

This error occurs when a number is divided by zero (0).

1. Optionally, click the cell that displays the error, click the button

that appears, and then click Show Calculation Steps if it is appears.


a. Entering a formula that contains explicit division by zero (0) —

for example, =5/0.

Dates and times are negative numbers

When a date or time is typed in a cell, it appears in a default date and time format.

The default date and time format is based on the Regional date and time settings that

are specified in Windows Control Panel, and changes when changes are made to

those settings. We can display numbers in several other dates and time formats, most

of which are not affected by Control Panel settings.

 If we are using the 1900 date system, dates and times in Excel must be positive


 When we subtract dates and times, make sure that we build the formula correctly.

 If the formula is correct but the result is still a negative value, we can display the

value by formatting the cell with a format that is not a date or time format.

1. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Format, click Format Cells, and

then click the Number tab.

2. Select a format that is not a date or time format.

Figure 2.60



b. Using the cell reference to a blank cell or to a cell that contains

zero as a divisor.


 Change the cell reference to another cell.

 Enter a value other than zero in the cell used as a divisor.

 Enter the value #N/A into the cell referenced as the divisor,

which changes the result of the formula to #N/A from #DIV/0!

To denote that the divisor value is not available.

 Prevent the error value from displaying by using the IF worksheet

function. For example, if the formula that creates the error is

=A5/B5, use =IF (B5=0,””, A5/B5) instead. The two quotation

marks represent an empty text string.

• Correct a #N/A error

This error occurs when a value is not available to a function or formula.

1. Optionally, click the cell that displays the error, click the button

that appears, and then click Show Calculation Steps if it appears.

Reasons and Solutions

a. Missing data, and #N/A or NA() has been entered in its place.

b. Giving an inappropriate value for lookup function as an argument

such functions may be HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP, MATCH or LOOKUP.

c. Using these lookup functions to locate the value in an unsorted


d. Using an argument in the array formula that is not in the same

number of rows or columns as the range that contains the array


• Correct a #NAME? Error

This error occurs when Excel doesn’t recognize text in a formula.


a. The EUROCONVERT function without the Euro Currency Tools

add-in being loaded.


1. Click the Microsoft Office Button , click Excel Options, and

then click the Add-ins category.

2. Select Excel Add-ins in the Manage list box, and then click Go.

3. In the Add-Ins available list, select the Euro Currency Tools

check box, and then click OK.

• Correct #NULL! Error

This error occurs when we specify an intersection of two areas that do

not intersect. The intersection operator is a space between references.



Computerised Accounting System

1. Optionally, click the cell that displays the error, click the button

that appears, and then click Show Calculation Steps if it appears.

2. Possible causes and solutions.

Incorrect range operator

 To refer to a contiguous range of cells, use a colon (:) to separate

the reference to the first cell in the range from the reference to
the last cell in the range. For example, SUM (A1:A10) refers to

the range from cell A1 to cell A10 inclusive.

 To refer to two areas that don’t intersect, use the union operator,

the comma (,). For example, if the formula sums two ranges

make sure that a comma separates the two ranges (SUM (A1:A10,


Ranges do not intersect

 If there are no squares at each corner of the colour-coded border,

then the reference is to a named range.

 If there are squares at each corner of the colour-coded border,

then the reference is not to a named range.

5. Double-click the cell that contains the formula we want to change.

Excel highlights each cell or range of cells with a different colour.

6. Do one of the following:

 To move a cell or range reference to a different cell or range,

drag the colour-coded border of the cell or range to the new cell

or range.

 To include more or fewer cells in a reference, drag a corner of

the border.

 In the formula, select the reference, and type a new one.

7. Press ENTER.

8. Do one of the following:

 Select the range of cells that contains formulas in which we

want to replace references with names.

 Select a single cell to change the references to names in all

formulas on the worksheet.

9. On the Formulas tab, in the Defined Names group, click the

arrow next to Define Name, and then click Apply Names.

10.In the Apply Names box, click one or more names.

• Correct#NUM! Error

This error occurs with invalid numeric values in a formula or function.

1. Optionally, click the cell that displays the error, click the button

that appears, and then click Show Calculation Steps if it appears.

2. Review the following possible causes and solutions:




 Using an unacceptable argument in a function that requires a

numeric argument.

 Make sure that the arguments (argument: The values that a

function uses to perform operations or calculations. The type of

argument a function uses is specific to the function. Common

arguments that are used within functions include numbers, text,

cell references, and names.) used in the function are numbers.

For example, even if the value we want to enter is $1,000, enter

1000 in the formula.

 Using a worksheet function that iterates, such as IRR or RATE,

and the function cannot find a result.

 Use a different starting value for the worksheet function.

 Change the number of times Microsoft Office Excel iterates


1. Click the Microsoft Office Button , click Excel Options, and

then click the Formulas category.

2. In the Calculation options section, select the Enable iterative

calculations check box.

3. To set the maximum number of times that Excel will recalculate,

type the number of iterations in the Maximum Iterations box.

The higher the number of iterations, the more time that Excel

needs to calculate a worksheet.

4. To set the maximum amount of change that we will accept between

calculation results, type the amount in the Maximum Change

box. The smaller the number, the more accurate the result and

the more time that Excel needs to calculate a worksheet. Entering

a formula that produces a number that is too large or too small

to be represented in Excel.

• Correct a #REF! Error

This error occurs when a cell reference (cell reference: The set of

coordinates that a cell occupies on a worksheet. For example, the

reference of the cell that appears at the intersection of column B and

row 3 is B3.) is not valid.

1. Optionally, click the cell that displays the error, click the button

that appears, and then click Show Calculation Steps if it appears.

2. Review the following possible causes and solutions:

 Deleting cells referred to by other formulas, or pasting moved

cells over cells referred to by other formulas.

 Change the formulas, or restore the cells on the worksheet by

clicking Undo immediately after we delete or paste the cells.

 Using an Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) link to a program

that is not running.

 Start the program.



Computerised Accounting System

 Linking to a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) topic such as “system”

that is not available.

 Make sure that we’re using the correct DDE topic.

 Running a macro that enters a function that returns #REF!

• Correct a #VALUE! Error

This error occurs when the wrong type of argument (argument: The

values that a function uses to perform operations or calculations. The

type of argument a function uses is specific to the function. Common

arguments that are used within functions include numbers, text, cell

references, and names.) or operand (operand: Items on either side of

an operator in a formula. In Excel, operands can be values, cell

references, names, labels, and functions.) is used.

1. Optionally, click the cell that displays the error, click the button

that appears, and then click Show Calculation Steps if it appears.

2. Review the following possible causes and solutions.

 Entering text when the formula requires a number or a logical

value, such as TRUE or FALSE.

 Microsoft Office Excel cannot translate the text into the correct

data type. Make sure that the formula or function is correct for

the required operand or argument, and that the cells that are

referenced by the formula contain valid values. For example, if

cell A5 contains a number and cell A6 contains the text “Not

available”, the formula =A5+A6 will return the error #VALUE!.

 Entering or editing an array formula, and then pressing ENTER.

 Select the cell or range of cells that contains the array

formula (array formula: A formula that performs multiple

calculations on one or more sets of values, and then returns

either a single result or multiple results. Array formulas are

enclosed between braces { } and are entered by pressing

CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.), press F2 to edit the formula, and then


 Entering a cell reference, a formula, or a function as an array


 Make sure that the array constant (constant: A value that is not

calculated and, therefore, does not change. For example, the

number 210, and the text “Quarterly Earnings” are constants.

An expression, or a value resulting from an expression, is not a

constant.) is not a cell reference, formula, or function.

 Supplying a range to an operator or a function that requires a

single value, not a range.

 Change the range to a single value.

 Change the range to include either the same row or the same
column that contains the formula.





• Setting up a spreadsheet can be fairly time consuming, although templates,

or sample spreadsheets, are available with most of software packages. The

computeried spreadsheet can be formatted with different print layouts. It

allows working with rows and columns of numbers and use formula to do

“what if” calculations. The spreadsheet gives considerable power and

flexibility in entering and editing information, setting up calculations with

formula and functions, and printing the results. It has rows that are

horizontal lines of information that are numbered on the left-hand side of

the Excel workbook. Columns are vertical lines of information and are

identified by letters along the top of the spreadsheet. Rows and columns

intersect to form cells. A cell is addressed by the column and row position,

for example B4 is the intersection of column b and row 4.

• In the earliest spreadsheets, cells were a simple two-dimensional grid.

Over time, the model has been expanded to include a third dimension, and

in some cases a series of named grids, called sheets.

• In any worksheet or spreadsheet a cell is the smallest element which may

contain a value or a formula or a function or it may simply be left empty. To

use formula or function in the cell; usually begin with = sign by convention.

• A cell reference is the name cell in the spreadsheet. Most cell references

indicate another cell in the same spreadsheet, but a cell reference can also
refer to a cell in a different sheet within the same spreadsheet or to a value

from a remote application. A typical cell reference consists the column

followed by a row number is called relative cell reference. Both column

and row number; either part can be relative changes when the cell or

formula in it is moved or copied from other cell or absolute (indicated with

$ in front of the part concerned of the cell reference). The older “R1C1”

reference style consists of the letter R, the row number, the letter C, and

the column number; relative row or column numbers are indicated by

enclosing the number in square brackets. Most current spreadsheets use

the A1 style, some providing the R1C1 style as a compatibility option. When

the computer calculates a formula in one cell to update the displayed value

of that cell, cell reference(s) in that cell, naming some other cell(s), cause

the computer to fetch the value of the named cell(s).

• A reference to a range of cells is typically of the form (A1:A6) which specifies

all the cells in the range A1 through to A6. A formula such as “=SUM

(A1:A6)” would add all the cells specified and put the result in the cell

containing the formula itself.

• A function is a special key word which can be entered into a cell in order to

perform and process the data which is appended within brackets. There is

a function button on the formula toolbar (fx); which function offers assistance



Computerised Accounting System

and useful prompts into a spreadsheet cell. Alternatively we can enter the

function directly into the formula bar. A function involves four main issues:
• Name of the function.

• The purpose of the function.

• The function needs what argument(s) in order to carry its assignment.

• The result of the function.

• Formatting of spreadsheets makes easier to read and understand the

important information (e.g. conditional formatting, number formatting, text

and general spreadsheet formatting etc.). A cell or range can optionally be

defined to specify how the value is displayed. The default display format is

usually set by its initial content if not specifically previously set, so that for

example “24/11/1952” or “24 Nov 1952” would default to the cell format of

“date”. Similarly adding a % sign after a numeric value would tag the cell

as a percentage cell format. The cell contents are not changed by this

format, only the displayed value.

• To print an entire spreadsheet choose Page Setup from the File Menu,

Choose the appropriate options in terms of horizontal (landscape) or vertical

(portrait) printing, Excel prints entire spreadsheet document, if the document

is too wide to fit on a page, Excel will print the remaining columns on

subsequent pages before continuing to print the remaining rows.

• We can save our document every 5 minutes. The first time we save, go to

the File Menu and pull to Save, make sure the document is in the correct

folder and on the correct drive, type the name for what we want to save it

as, and click in the save box.





1. The best way to get started in Excel 2007 is to click the _____.

a. View toolbar.

b. Home tab.

c. Microsoft Office Button.

d. None of the above.

2. Which key combination collapses the ribbon?

a. [Ctrl]+[F1]

b. [Ctrl]+[F3]

c. [Ctrl]+[F5]

d. [Ctrl]+[F7]

3. Which view shows margins and the rulers?

a. Normal

b. Page Layout

c. Page Setup

d. Review

4. As you type a number in a cell, what mode appears in the status bar?

a. Enter mode

b. Ready mode

c. Edit mode

d. Record mode

5. Where is the address of the active cell displayed?

a. Row heading

b. Status bar
c. Name Box

d. Formula bar

6. Which command reverses the last action performed in the worksheet?

a. Cut

b. Undo



Computerised Accounting System

c. Redo

d. Paste

7. When navigating in a workbook, which command is used to move to the

beginning of the current row?

a. [Ctrl]+[Home]

b. [Page Up]

c. [Home]

d. [Ctrl]+[Backspace]

8. Which key when pressed displays the access keys?

a. [Alt]

b. [Ctrl]

c. [Shift]

d. [Esc]

9. Which command allows you to reverse an Undo command?

a. Redo

b. Repeat

c. Reset
d. Reverse

10. Which function results can be displayed in AutoCalculate?


b. MAX and LOOK


d. MIN and BLANK

11. Which cell alignment is assigned to most values by default?

a. Right

b. Left

c. Centre

d. Decimal

12. Which function automatically totals a column or row of values?


b. ADD

c. SUM

d. AVG




13. Which mathematical operator is represented by an asterisk (*)?

a. Exponentiation

b. Addition

c. Subtraction

d. Multiplication

14. Which step completes an entry and moves the pointer to the cell to the right?
a. Pressing [Enter]

b. Pressing [Tab]

c. Pressing [Shift]+[Tab]

d. Pressing [Shift]+[Enter]

15. How many blank worksheets are shown when a new workbook is created?

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. Four


1. Define spreadsheet and its salient features?

2. Write any five advantages using electronic spreadsheet in place of manual


3. Define workbook and worksheet. What is the difference between them?

4. Explain active worksheet?

5. Using Fill: Series command in Excel write down the steps to fill data from

120,320…..2300 in Column A.

6. Define Data Range, Name Range and How these are created and selected?

7. Write down the steps for the use of Custom Lists.

8. Explain the purpose of Format, Conditional Formatting and Auto Format.

9. What is Wrap Text feature of Excel, Merging of Cells and what will be the cell

address of merged cells?

10. Explain the purpose of using Print Preview?

11. Explain difference between relative reference and absolute reference?

12. Discuss IF function and nested IF functions giving example?

13. Write down examples for any two financial functions you know with their proper




Computerised Accounting System

14. What is the use of PMT function?

15. How many ways Data Entry is possible in Spread Sheet?

16. Define one-variable Table and Two-variable table. Explain these with examples.

17. Define Pivot Table and explain usage?

18. What are formulas and how they are created?

19. Write down the differences between formula and function?


A. You had started your own online business to sale and find out the sales for the

first week is as follows:

Monday Rs.120.45

Tuesday Rs.187.43

Wednesday Rs.106.87

Thursday Rs.143.69

Friday Rs.117.52

Saturday Rs.87.93

Sunday Rs.92.12

Use a function to work out how much you earned, on average, each day.

B. Use a Days360 function to work out how many days are left before your next

birthday. Instead of typing out the current date in say cell A2, you can use this

inbuilt function:
=Now ( )

The Now function doesn’t need anything between the round brackets. Once

you have today’s date, you can enter your birthday in say cell B2.

C. Create an Activity Report (Weekly) for a Sales Representative working in a

reputed home appliances manufacturing company. Details recorded should

contain Date of Visit, Day of Visit, Name of Shop/Dealer Visited, Address, Phone

Number, Name of Product (Dealing), Type of Response (by the Dealer), Demand

of Product and Duration Spent (in hrs)..

a. Fill data in Date of Visit, Day of Visit using Fill Series.

b. Name the worksheet created above as Weekly Visit Report.

c. Cerate Product-wise, Dealer-wise Monthly Report which should include Total

Hours Spent.

d. Count total number of dealers visited and dealers who gave positive





Create a worksheet to record sales of home appliances sold by M/s Home Maker

Ltd. In the following format:

Date of Name of Name of Make Quantity Sales

Sales Customers Products Amount

The product lists includes Television sets, Refrigerators, Micro wave ovens,

Water Coolers, Air Coolers, Geezers and Air conditioners of different Makes

(and models). The cost of price of television is ranging from Rs. 10,000 to

Rs. 56,000; refrigerator is Rs. 13,000 to Rs. 45,000, micro wave ovens, water
coolers, geezers and air coolers are from Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 25,000 and Air

Conditioners are from Rs. 18,000 to Rs. 55,000. The shopkeeper sales these

products adding 17.25% more on cost price. He provides a discount of 4.35%

on total amount if any customer purchases two products on the same date.

Enter 30 records of different dates (for a month) and different customers

accordingly. Calculate the following:

a. Product wise weekly sales and discount.

b. Calculate the profit of shopkeeper.

c. Product wise total sales of the month and discount offered.

D. Create a worksheet to keep track of revenue collected and expenses done in

conducting tour programs at different tourist places during 2004 to 2008.

Format the numeric data in currency format, prepare year wise columns for

revenue and expenses for each tourist place and calculate the difference. The

calculated difference may be negative, the format of negative balance may be

red coloured. Use conditional formatting for higher and lower values of revenue

and expenses. Align entire text in centre. The font of tourist place is Arial with

14 point while the font of year is Times Roman with 14 points.

(Amount in lacs)

Tourist 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Place

Rev Exp Rev Exp Rev Exp Rev Exp Rev Exp

Manali 123 55 234 123 345 333 333 365 365 453

Kashmir 234 123 123 55 365 453 345 333 333 365

Shilong 345 333 333 365 123 55 234 123 456 233

Kerala 333 365 365 453 234 123 123 55 345 333


Computerised Accounting System


1. c 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. b

7. c 8. a 9. a 10. a 11. b 12. c

13. d 14. b 15. c


Use of Spreadsheet in Business Application






After studying this chapter you will be

able to use spreadsheet for:

• Computing employee’s gross

salary. Making necessary

deductions to calculate net

salary, payroll accounting.

• Calculation of deprecation by

various methods.

• Loan repayment, interest


 
In the previous chapter, we have learned about

the spreadsheet and its several features that can

be used in business applications. In this chapter,

we shall discuss the applications of spreadsheet

(using Excel) to Payroll Accounting and some other

select applications (Asset Management, and Loan



Every employee is paid salary on a pre-determined

date within the framework of employee contract

and related personnel policy in force from time to

time in an organisation.

The computation of salary payment is based

on the number of days an employee has worked,

rate per grade of pay, rate of applied allowances

and deductions to be made therefrom.

The preparation of salary bill should provide

for the following :

• Maintaining payroll related data such as

Employee No., Name, Attendance, Basic Pay,

applicable Dearness and other Allowances,

deductions to be made.

• Periodic payroll computations: the payroll

computation includes the calculation of various

earning and deduction heads, which are to be

derived from basic values (such as basic salary,

number of days under leave without pay (LWP)

and unauthorised absence, etc) as per the




Computerised Accounting System

• Preparation of salary statement and employees salary slips

• Generation of advice to bank: It contains the net salary to be

transferred to individual bank account of employees and other salary

related statutory payments such as provident fund, tax, etc.


Every employee is under contractual relationship of service with an

organisation, and is paid salary accordingly. The following elements

are important for salary computation and its payment:



 Basic Pay (BP) : It is the pay in the pay scale plus Grade Pay,

but does not include Special Pay.

 Grade Pay (GP) : It is the pay to be added to the Basic Pay

according to the Designation of the employee and applicable pay

band or scale of pay.

 Dearness Pay (DP) : It is that portion of Dearness Allowance,

which has been declared and deemed to have been merged with

the Basic Pay.

 Dearness Allowance (DA) : It is a compensation for erosion in

the purchasing power of wage earner due to price rise. It is granted

by the Government periodically as a percentage of (Basic Pay +

Dearness Pay, if applicable).

 House Rent Allowance (HRA) : It is an amount paid to facilitate

employee in acquiring on lease of residential accommodation.

 Transport Allowance (TRA) : It is an amount to facilitate commuting

to the the place of work, i.e. Delhi, Bhopal, Haridwar, etc.

 Any Other Earning : It may include any other allowance not

included above but declared from time to time, such as Education

Allowance, Medical Allowance, Washing Allowance, etc.


 Professional Tax (Applicable in some states) (PT) : It is a

statutory deduction according to the legislature of the State


 Provident Fund (PF) : It is a statutory deduction, as part of

social security. It is decided by the Government under the

Provident Fund Act and is computed as a percentage of (Basic

Pay + Dearness Pay, if applicable).

 Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) : It is a statutory deduction,

which is deducted monthly towards Income Tax liability of an

employee. It is essentially an apportionment of yearly Income

Tax liability over 12 months.


Use of Spreadsheet in Business Application


 Recovery of Loan Instalment (LOAN) : Any amount signified by

the employee for deduction on account of any loan taken up by


 Any Other Deduction : It may include any other deduction not

included above such as Recovery of “Advance against Salary”,

deductions on account of “Food Grain Advance”, “Festival

Advance”, etc.


Basic Pay Earned (BPE) – Basic Pay Earned of an employee is the

Basic Pay calculated with reference to Number of Effective Days present

(NOEDP) during the month.


Dearness Allowance (DA) –

DA = BPE * (Applicable Rate of DA for the Month)

House Rent Allowance (HRA) –

HRA = BPE * (Applicable Rate of HRA for the Month)

Transport Allowance (TRA) –

TRA = (Fixed Amount) or (On Percentage Basis)

Total Earnings (TE) – It is the aggregate of all the above earning

elements. Thus,


Provident Fund (PF) : This can be calculated as PF = BPE * PF Rate PF = BPE * PF Rate

Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) : It is usually a fixed amount deducted

every month on account of TDS. In the last quarter of a year, the

investment details, which are permissible for tax deduction, are

received from employees to compute the quarterly and yearly income

tax liability more accurately.

Recovery of Loan Instalments (LOAN) : It is a fixed amount to be

deducted on account of Loan Installment as part of loan recovery.

Total Deductions (TD) : It is the total of all the above deductions.



Number of Effective Days Present (NOEDP) Number of Effective Days Present (NOEDP) – is the Number of

in a Month Minus Leave without Pay minus Unauthorised Absence, i.e.

NOEDP = (Number of Days in a Month) NOEDP = (Number of Days in a Month) – (Leave without Pay) –

(Unauthorised Absence) ; where (Number of Days in a Month) may be

denoted by NODM.



Computerised Accounting System

The Net Salary (NS) is the amount payable to an employee. It is obtained

by deducting Total Deductions (TD) from Total Earnings (TE) as given

below :

Net Salary (NS) = Total Earnings (TE) – Total Deductions (TD) Net Salary (NS) = Total Earnings (TE) – Total
Deductions (TD) Template Design

Whenever we have to use a spreadsheet for any computations, the first

step is to plan its layout and the template specifying the sequence of

various columns, etc. The template also includes identification of cells,

which will contain formulae. The advantage of preparing the template

is that as a user puts in the values in the spreadsheet, the calculated

results are shown correspondingly. A table giving the contents of various

columns is a helpful tool to represent the template of a spreadsheet.

The following example will explain this process.

Example Example

There are 14 employees in M/s XYZ Enterprise. The payroll calculations

of these employees are given in the spreadsheet shown in Figure 3.3 (a)

and Figure 3.3 (b). These figures show the layout of the spreadsheet. In

a column, either a value is entered directly or else it is computed using

a formula. Such data are given in Figure 3.1. The rules for computing

some of the payroll elements used above are given in Figure 3.2.

Different data elements are arranged in the spreadsheet as follows:

• No. of Days in a Month (NODM) is entered in the cell G3

• DA Rate (in %) is entered in the cell G4

• HRA Rates (in %) for Supervisory (Emp Type = “Sup”) and Nonsupervisory (Emp Type = “Nsup”) are
entered in the cells G5 and

G6, respectively.

• Transport Allowance for Supervisory (Emp Type = “Sup”) and Nonsupervisory (Emp Type = “Nsup”) are
entered in the cells G7 and

G8, respectively.

• PF Rate (in %) is entered in the cell G9.


• In columns I and J, nested-if function (i.e. an “IF” function within

another “IF” function) has been used. If function has been introduced

in Chapter 2.
• The formulae in column-F and column-G use absolute address ($G$3)

for cell G3 rather than using the relative address (G3). The absolute

address is used for those cells whose reference should not change

while the formula is to be copied into other cells. The concept of

relative and absolute addressing of cells has been explained in

Chapter 2 earlier. Absolute addresses are also used in the formulae

used in columns H, I, and J.


Use of Spreadsheet in Business Application


Column Column Heading Abbrev Ref First line shows Required Formula

Second line refers the cell content

A Employee No Emp No Value entered directly

B Employee Name Emp Name Value entered directly

C Employee Type Emp Type Value entered directly

D Deduction Days Ded Days Value entered directly

E Basic Pay BP Value entered directly

F No. of Effective Days NOEP = NODM – (Ded Days)

Present = $I$3-D12

G Basic Pay Earned BPE = BP * NOEP/NODM = E12*F12/$I$3

H Dearness Allowance DA = BPE * DA Rate (in %) = G12*$I$4

I House Rent Allowance HRA = If (Emp Typ = “Sup” then 40% of BPE

else if (Emp Typ = “Nsup” then 30% of

BPE else 0))

= IF(C12=”Sup”, G12*$I$5,
IF(C12 =”Nsup”, G12*$I$6,0))

J Transport Allowance TRA = If (Emp Typ = “Sup” then 1000 else if

(Emp Typ = “Nsup” then 500 else 0))

= IF(C12=”Sup”,$I$7,IF(C12


K Gross Salary TE = BPE + DA + HRA + TRA

= G12+H12+I12+J12

N Provident Fund PF = BPE * PF Rate (in %)

= G12*$I$9

O Tax Deduction at Source TDS Value entered directly

P Loan Repayment Inst. LOAN Value entered directly

Q Total Deductions TD = PF + TDS + LOAN= N12+O12+P12

R Net Salary NS = TE – TD= K12-Q12

Figure 3.1: Spreadsheet Columns and the Cells Content in Spreadsheet shown in Figure 3.3 A

Variable/T ariable/Tariable/Type of Employee Value in % or Fix Value Remark

Dearness Allowance (DA) 35% of Basic Pay I4

House Rent Allowance (HRA) –:

Supervisory Employee (Sup) 40% of Basic Pay I5

Non-supervisory Employee (Nsup) 30% of Basic Pay I6

Consultant or Contract Employee Nil

Provident Fund (PF) 12% of BP +DA I9

Figure 3.2: Rules for Computing Some of Payroll Elements



Computerised Accounting System

The following spreadsheet shows columns A to K in Figure 3.3 a; while

columns L to P are shown in Figure 3.3 b. For reference, columns A

and B are repeated in columns L and M in Figure 3.3 b for reference


Figure 3.3 a : Partial Spreadsheet Showing Payroll List upto Gross Salary

Figure 3.3 (b) : Partial Spreadsheet for calculation of Deductions & Net Salary


Use of Spreadsheet in Business Application



In this section, we shall be discussing the computation of amount of

depreciation to be charged on assets.


Assets are resources of the organisation, which can be classified into

fixed and current assets. Fixed assets are long-term assets and provide

productive capability to the firm. The examples of fixed assets are

land, building, plant & machinery, etc. It includes both tangible and

intangible assets. Tangible assets are physical in nature, which have

form, shape and size. Intangible assets are resources capable of adding

value but do not have a physical dimension such as patents, copyrights,

trade mark, etc.

The depreciation on fixed assets is provided to recognise the cost of

the asset consumed during an accounting period since the life of such

assets extends beyond single accounting year. Usually, depreciation is

not provided on free hold land.

Total Amount of Depreciation = Acquisition Cost – Salvage Value

(Over Life of the Asset)

Year-to-date depreciation is the accumulated depreciation from the

date to which the asset is put to use till the current accounting year.

Depreciation is calculated according to the policy of the organisation.

There are basically two methods, namely the Straight Line Method

(SLM) and the Written Down Value Method (WDV). We had studied

depreciation in our previous standard (XIth Standard) in Accountancy

Book Part I.

We will recall that asset accounting requires maintenance of asset

register, computation of depreciation and preparation of schedule of

fixed assets for reporting in the balance sheet as part of the annual

accounts. In order to prepare this report the depreciation calculation

sheet is also to be prepared.


Assets are classified into the following categories:

• Goodwill

• Land: Free-hold land and Lease-hold land

• Building: Factory building, Office building, and Residential building

Year-to-date depreciation is the accumulated depreciation from the

date to which the asset is put to use till the current accounting year.



Computerised Accounting System

• Plant and Machinery

• Furniture and Fixtures

• Vehicles

• Capital work in progress

• Others

The Companies Act, 1956 in Schedule-14 lists the rate of depreciation

to be used for different class of assets under Straight Line Method

(SLM) and Written Down Value Method (WDV). The prescribed rates

are different under two methods. For reporting purposes, corporate

enterprises may use either of the method and applicable rates. Let us

now understand the computation of depreciation using the two methods. Straight Line Method (SLM)

The following is the formula for computation of depreciation:

• Acquisition Cost = Purchase Value + Other expenses, such as

Transportation Expenses, Installation Expenses and Pre-operating


• Total Depreciable Amount = Acquisition Cost - Salvage Value

• Total Depreciable Amount Straight Line Depreciaion = Expected Useful Life

• Straight Line Depreciation Rate of Depreciaion = × 100

Total Depreciable Amount

Example Example

The depreciation calculation (using SLM) is done using the Excel

spreadsheet, which is shown in Fig. 3.5 a and Fig. 3.5 b in two parts

due to the limitation of the page width. In each of the spreadsheet

column, either a value is entered directly or else it is computed using

a formula. Such data are given in Figure 3.4.

Different data elements are arranged in the spreadsheet as follows:

• Year Beginning Date is entered in cell-C3

• Year End Date is entered in cell-F3

• First-Half Year End Date is entered in cell-E3

The salvage value of an asset is the value, which is realisable at the

end of its useful life.


Use of Spreadsheet in Business Application


Figure 3.5(a) : Partial Spreadsheet Columns for Calculation of Depreiation by SL Method

The depreciation is computed by straightline method using the builtin spreadsheet function SLN in
column-K. The spreadsheets are shown

in Figure 3.5(a) and Figure 3.5(b).

The above-mentioned computations and spreadsheets (shown in two

parts due to the constraint in the page width) give an idea of the

process of depreciation calculation using SLM function. The spreadsheet

Figure 3.4: Column Items and their contents referred to in the Spreadsheet

Column Column Heading Abbrev Ref First line shows Required Formula

Second line refers the cell content

A Asset Name Asset Name Value entered directly

B Date of Purchase Pur. Date Value entered directly

C Date of Installation Inst. Date Value entered directly

D Cost of Purchase Pur. Cost Value entered directly

E Installation Expenses Inst. Exp. Value entered directly

F Pre-operating Pre-op Exp Value entered directly

G Cost to Use Cost to Use = (Cost of Purchase) + (Installation Expenses)

+ (Pre-operating Expenses) = D5+E5+F5

H Salvage Value Salvage Val Value entered directly

I Life of Asset in Years Life in Yrs Value entered directly

K Depreciation Amount Depr. =SLN(G5,H11,I11)

Figure 3.5(b) : Partial Spreadsheet Columns for Calculation of Depreciation by SL Method




Computerised Accounting System

calculation includes “Salvage Value”, “Life in Years”, “Allowed

Depreciation”, and “Depreciation” Columns with previous spreadsheet

“Asset Name” Column for Reference. Written Down Value (WDV) Method

Written Down Value (WDV) method uses the current book value as the

base for computing the depreciation for the next period. It is also called

Declining Balance (DB) method and uses the Excel function DB to

compute the depreciation. The parameters of the function DB are as

follows (Figure 3.6):

In a column, either a value is entered directly or else it is computed

using a formula. Such data are given in Figure 3.7.

Different data elements are arranged in the spreadsheet as follows:

• Year Beginning Date is entered in cell-C3

• Year End Date is entered in cell-F3

• First-Half Year End Date is entered in cell-I3

Column Parameter Explanation

G Cost Initial cost of the asset

H Salvage Salvage value

I Life Life (in years) of the asset

J Period Period (in years) for which the depreciation

is calculated

K Month No. of months in the 1st year

Figure 3.6: Column Items and their contents referred in the Spreadsheet

Column Column Abbre. Ref First line shows Required Formula

Heading Heading Second line refers the cell content

A Asset Name Asset Name Value entered directly

B Date of Purchase Pur. Date Value entered directly

C Date of Instalation Inst. Date Value entered directly

D Cost of Purchase Pur. Cost Value entered directly

E Instalation Inst. Exp. Value entered directly


F Pre-operating Pre-op Exp Value entered directly


G Cost to Use Cost to Use = (Cost of Purchase) + (Instalation

Expenses) + (Pre-operating Expenses)

= D5+E5+F5

H Salvage Value Salvage Val Value entered directly


Use of Spreadsheet in Business Application

Column Column Abbre. Ref First line shows Required Formula

Heading Heading Second line refers the cell content

I Life of Asset in Life in Yrs Value entered directly


J Period (in Years) Period If (Instalation of asset was done after

for which Depr. March) then take (Current Year) – (Year of

is to be computed Instalation) else take one addl. Year.

= IF (MONTH(C5) > 3,(YEAR($F$3)-


K Months in 1st Year Months in No. of months between (Yr-End-Dt in 1st Yr)

(i.e. the year of 1st Yr & (Inst.Date)

installation) = ROUND((L5-C5)/30,0)

L Year-end Date in Yr-End-Dt If (Inst. Date) was Between Jan and Mar,

1st Year (Reqd. in 1st Yr Take it as 31st Mar of (Year of Inst. Date)

to compute Else Take it as Next Year.

column-K) = IF(AND(MONTH(C5)>0,MONTH(C5) <4),



M Depreciation Depr. Parameters of DB function as explained


= DB(G5,H5,I5,J5,K5)

Figure 3.7: Column Items and their Contents used in Spreadsheet (in Figure 3.8 a and b)

The spreadsheet is divided in two parts; first part shows columns A to

G in Figure 3.8 a; while second part shows columns H to M are shown

in Figure 3.8 b. The “Asset Name” is repeated in both the figures:

Figure 3.8 b : Partial Spreadsheet Columns for Calculation of Depreciation by WDV Method

Figure 3.8 a : Partial Spreadsheet Columns for Calculation of Depreciation by WDV Method



Computerised Accounting System

The above-mentioned computations and spreadsheets (shown in two

parts due to the constraint in the page width) give an idea of the

process of depreciation calculation using WDV function. The

spreadsheet calculation includes “Salvage Value”, “Life in Years”,

“Allowed Depreciation”, and “Depreciation” Columns with previous

spreadsheet “Asset Name” Column for Reference. Schedule Forming Part of the Balance Sheet

The details of various columns are given in the following table:

The spreadsheet is divided in two parts; first part shows columns A to

E in Figure 3.10 a; while second part shows columns F to K are shown

in Figure 3.10 b. The “Asset Name” is repeated in both the figures:

Column Column Under First line shows Required Formula

Heading Heading Second line refers the cell content

A Description Value entered directly

B As at Apr 1, 2008 Gross Block Value entered directly

C Additions/Adjustments Gross Block Value entered directly

D Deductions/Adjustments Gross Block Value entered directly

E As at Mar 31, 2009 Gross Block = Op. Bal + Additions/Adjustments

= B8+C8-D8

F As at Apr 1, 2008 Depreciation Value entered directly

G Additions Depreciation Value Transferred from Depreciation

Computation Spreadsheet

H Deductions Depreciation Value entered directly

I As at Mar 31, 2009 Depreciation = Op. Bal + Additions – Deductions

= F8+G8-H8

J As at Apr 1, 2008 Net Block = Gross Block – Depreciation as on

Apr 1, 2008

= B7–F7

K As at Mar 31, 2009 Net Block = Gross Block – Depreciation as on

Mar 31, 2009

= E7-I7

Figure 3.9: Column Items and their Contents used in Spreadsheet (in Figure 3.10 a and b)

Figure 3.10 a: Spreadsheet Containing Fixed Asset Schedule Showing Gross Block


Use of Spreadsheet in Business Application


Figure 3.10 b: Spreadsheet Containing Fixed Asset Schedule

Showing Depreciation and Net Block

The above-mentioned computations and spreadsheets (shown in two

parts due to the constraint in the page width) give an idea of the

process of Schedule Forming Part of the balance sheet.


3.3.1 LOAN

Loan is a sum of borrowed money (termed as principal amount) for a

specified period at a pre-specified rate of interest. The loan is repaid

through a number of periodic (usually monthly) repayment instalments

over the loan repayment period. Calculating Interest and Repayments of Loan

Computation of repayment installments is an iterative process. The

Excel’s built-in function, PMT can be used to compute monthly

instalments of repayment of loan. The parameters of the function PMT

are as follows:

The layout of the spreadsheet for loan repayment calculation is given

in Figure 3.13. In each column of the spreadsheet, either a value is

entered directly or else it is computed using a formula. Such data are

given in Figure 3.12.

Parameter Explanation

Rate Interest rate per period for the loan

Nper Total number of payments for the loan. Its unit (e.g. year)

should match with the unit of the interest rate.

Pv Present value, i.e. the loan amount

Fv Future value, which is taken as 0, is the balance at the

end of the loan period

Type Whether payment is made at the beginning (value=1) or

at the end (value=0) of the period

Figure 3.11 Explanation of Parameters of Excel’s PMT Function



Computerised Accounting System

The following two examples are considered for computation of repayment

schedule in the spreadsheet shown in Figure 3.13.

Example 1

A bank has given loan of Rs. 1, 00,000 to a customer for the purchase

of a Plasma TV on April 1, 2007 @ 10% interest rate for a period of two

years. The loan is to be repaid in 24 monthly instalments.

Example 2

Ajay has been sanctioned the bank loan of Rs. 2, 50,000 for the purchase

of a car on May 15, 2008. The loan carries the rate of interest @ 11%

and it is to be repaid in 36 monthly instalments.

Figure 3.12: Column Items and their Contents in Spreadsheet

Column Column Heading First line shows Required Formula

Second line refers the cell content

A Loan Amt. Value entered directly

B Loan Disbursement Date. Value entered directly

C Period of Loan (in Yrs). Value entered directly

D Rate of Interest. Value entered directly

E Future Value. Value entered directly

F Yearly Installment Amt. = PMT(D6,C6,-A6,0,1)

G Monthly Installment Amt. =F6/12

Figure 3.13: Spreadsheet Containing Loan Repayment Schedule

Why is FV taken as zero (0) in the above calculations?

At the end of the loan period, the (balance) amount payable will be

zero assuming that the repayments are made on regular basis.

Therefore, the future value (FV) is taken as zero.

Use of Spreadsheet in Business Application



• MS-Excel is an easy and useful tool for various calculations carried out on spreadsheets.

In this chapter, three examples have been taken to illustrate the ease and utility of

spreadsheets. These examples are Payroll Calculation, Fixed Asset Accounting, and Loan

Repayment Schedule.

• The first step in using spreadsheet is to list out the elements of the application. For each

element, it is determined whether a direct value is to be entered or else it is to be computed

using a formula.

• Excel has a rich library of various built-in functions including financial functions, which

can be directly used to carry out various (otherwise complex) calculations. A formula may

use one or more such functions.

• In these applications, some of the formulae use absolute address. The absolute address is

used for those cells whose content should not change while the formula containing such

cells is copied to other cells.

• If-function is also used in these applications. If-function is used to implement different

action corresponding to different conditions.

• The Excel functions SLN and DB are used for computation of depreciation using Straight

Line Method (SLM) and Written Down Value Method (WDVM), respectively. WDV Method is

also termed as declining balance (DB) method.

• The function PMT is used to compute the loan repayment schedule.



1. Which of the following options in a financial function indicates the interest for
a period?

a. FV.

b. PV.

c. Nper.

d. Rate.

2. Which of the following arguments in a financial function represents the total

number of payments?

a. FV.

b. PV.

c. Nper.

d. Rate.



Computerised Accounting System

3. What category of functions is used in this formula:


a. Logical.

b. Financial.

c. Payment.

d. Statistical.

4. When Extend Selection is active, what is the keyboard shortcut for selecting

all data up to and including the last row?

a. [Ctrl]+[Down Arrow].

b. [Ctrl]+[Home].

c. [Ctrl]+[Shift].
d. [Ctrl]+[Up Arrow].

5. Which formula would result in TRUE if C4 is less than 10 and D4 is less than


a. =AND(C4>10, D4>10).

b. =AND(C4>10, C4<100).

c. =AND(C4>10, D4<10).

d. =AND(C4<10, D4<100).

6. Which of these is not an argument of the IF function?

a. Logical_test.

b. Value_if_false.

c. Value_when_false.

d. Value_if_true.

7. In what cell is the Rate for PMT function where = PMT (C8, C9, C10, C11,


a. C8.

b. C9.

c. C10.

d. C12.


1. What is the meaning of PV?

2. State the usage of FV?

3. What is the purpose of DB function?


Use of Spreadsheet in Business Application

4. If an investment of Rs. 1,000 is made today, ascertain its Future Value (FV)

after 2 years if the rate of interest is taken as 10%?

5. If a sum of Rs. 1000 is likely to be earned after 3 years, calculate its present

value (PV).

6. What is the difference between WDV method and SLM method of depreciation?

7. Describe the two basic methods of depreciation. What functions of Excel are

used for computation of depreciation?

8. Explain the importance of absolute and relative addresses. What is the basis

of using relative address and absolute address?


1. In columns F, G, H, I, J, and N of the Payroll spreadsheet shown in Figure

3.3 (a) and Figure 3.3 (b) the absolute addresses are used. What will happen

if relative addresses are used instead of absolute addresses?

2. In columns g of the spreadsheet shown in Figure 3.8 b for the depreciation

calculation using WDV method (i.e. using DB function), the absolute addresses

of cell F3 is used. Taking relative address of F3 instead of its absolute address

will lead to wrong result when the formula is copied. Explain the reason and

write down the values copied along with the correct values, which should

have been copied.

3. Prepare attendance record in a spreadsheet for a class of 25 student’s month

wise for 10 months. Calculate the percentage of presence for each student

every month. Prepare a month wise summary of every student and calculate

the overall percentage of presence.

4. Use spreadsheet to prepare class timetable. It should compute and check the

total number of lectures, tutorials and lab practical sessions allocated for
each subject. It should also compute and check the total number of hours of

engagement for each teacher.

5. Prepare the worksheets yourself for examples used in sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

and 3.4 respectively. Add two new more records in each worksheet (with your

own assumed values) and verify whether the computations are correct.

6. Create a worksheet to keep a record of employees of M/s Opportunities

Company. Employee details should include Name of Employee, Designation

and Basic Salary. Enter 50 records. Calculate Dearness Allowance (DA) as

37.5% of Basic Salary, House Rent Allowance (HRA) 22.5% of Basic Salary,

Provident Fund (PF) as 12% of Basic Salary, Gross Salary as Basic Salary +

DA+HRA. The Income Tax (IT) as 20% of Gross Salary and Net Salary is Gross

Salary – (PF+IT) for each employee. Calculate also Total Salary, Average Salary,

Maximum Salary and Minimum Salary paid by the company.

7. In Section-3.3, the loan instalment is computed for a given amount of loan

repayable over a specified period at a specified rate of interest. Modify this

exercise by fixing the loan instalment amount and compute the loan period

using the PMT function.



Computerised Accounting System


1. b 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. d 6. c 7. a





 

In the previous chapter, you were introduced to

the basic features of spreadsheet and use of

spreadsheet in accounting. Quite often, we have

to present the data for communication of the

accounting information. If mass of data is presented

in the raw form, it may not be easily

understandable. It is rightly said, “A picture is

worth more than thousand words”. This chapter

seeks to explain the method of preparing graphs,

charts and diagrams showing the data through

the use of Excel as a tool.


A graph is a pictorial representation of data, which

has at least 2 dimensional relationship. Therefore,

a graph has at least two axes, X and Y. X-axis is

usually horizontal while Y-axis is vertical. A graph

may either be a singleline graph or a multipleline graph. For ease and enhancing of clarity,

different types of lines and different shades of

Colours can be used for preparing a multiple-line


A pie chart represents multiple sub-groups of

single variable. A bar diagram depicts two or more


After studying this chapter, you will be

able to:

• represent data in graphical form

in charts & diagrams through


• use accounting data for graphical




Computerised Accounting System

Figure 4.1 shows different types of graphs and charts which can be

prepared with the help of the commands or standard tools given in


Figure 4.1: Various types of graph and charts

Using the MS Excel 2007 we can create a basic chart by clicking

the chart type that we want on the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface

Ribbon, as shown in Figure 4.2. Remember these following steps which

are already explained in previous chapter.

Figure 4.2: Tools for various types of graphs


Graphs and Charts for Business Data


1. On the screen of the computer mouse

click on Start Icon

2. On clicking of Start symbol we will get

Programs option; which will provide us

access to a list of programs installed on

the computer.

3. On selecting MS Excel 2007 program it

will provide a blank workbook with a

Ribbon displayed at the top as shown in Figure 4.2.

4. Click on Insert tab to get tools for chart as shown in Figure 4.3.

We will learn how to draw graphs, charts and diagrams for the

following worksheet data see Figure 4.4.

Using the following two steps we can create any type of chart /

graph that displays the details that we want.





Step - 1

To create a chart in Excel; we will enter

sales related data for each quarter

sales (namely QTR1 to QTR4) of the

year 2007-08 for six different products

manufactured by ABC Manufacturing

Company Ltd. (as given in Figure 4.4)

The row totals (row number 11) gives the quarter wise total sales of

products and the column totals (column number G) gives product wise
total sales. The cell G11 gives over all total sales of the

products for the year are entered in a worksheet.

Step - 2a

In this step we will select to plot the data Product wise

Total sales (see in Figure 4.4 and independently shown

as Step 2a) into a chart by selecting the chart type that

we want to use from the Ribbon. The steps are also

described earlier in section 4.1 (use Insert tab and

click on Charts group). Let us draw the Bar Chart for

the data of step - 2a.

Step - 2b

To draw a chart/graph for the given data by Excel

the above steps are essential and important. From the

tab on the ribbon we can see that Excel supports many

Figure 4.3 Tools for various types of graphs

Figure 4.4 Quarterly Sales of Product

No caption ???



Computerised Accounting System

types of charts to display data in

meaningful ways.

Let us prepare a new chart from the

same worksheet to display total sales for

each quarter. The data in the worksheet is

to be reorganised for the purpose of chart

preparation and as mentioned above,

graph/chart will be prepared in similar two

steps as described above (Figure 4.5).

Period Total Sales

Qtr1 25844

Qtr2 11295

Qtr3 14744

Qtr4 21886

Total 73769

To create a chart

or to change an

existing chart, we

select variety of

chart types (such as

a column chart or pie chart) and their sub-types (such as a stacked

column chart or a pie in 3-D chart) from the ribbon. We can also create

a combination of chart by using more than one chart type in any chart.

This could be possible once we understand the elements of the chart

and the formatting of the chart.


Figure 4.5

A chart/graph are a pictorial

presentation of data. To understand

and explain the chart/graph we will

learn all basic elements of the

chart. These chart/graph elements

are given in Figures 4.6 and 4.7.

1. The chart area: The entire chart

including all elements.

2. The plot area: In a 2-D chart,

the area is bounded by the X and Y

axes. In a 3-D chart, the area is

bounded by the three (X, Y and Z)


Figure 4.6


Graphs and Charts for Business Data


3. The data points: Individual values plotted in a chart and represented

by bars, columns, lines, pie or various other shapes are called data

markers. Data markers of the same colour constitute a data series.

The data series are related data points that are plotted in the chart/

graph. Each data series in a chart is shown in a unique colour or

pattern or both. Its identification is given by the legend. There may be

more than one data series in a chart/graph.

4. The horizontal (category) and vertical (value) axis: The x-axis is

usually the horizontal line which contains categories (independent

values or categories) and y-axis is usually the verticals which contains

data (dependent values).

5. The legend: It is an identifier of a piece of information shown in the

chart/graph. The legends are assigned to the data series or different

categories in a chart (Figure 4.7).

6. A chart and axes titles: Descriptive text for chart title (6-A) and

axis title (6-B) as shown in Figure 4.6.

7. A data label: This provides additional information about a data

marker to identify the details of data point in a data series.

Some of the elements are displayed by default when we prepare the

chart/graph; others can be added as needed. It is also possible to

change the format or display of the chart/graph as desired.

Figure 4.7

4.2.2 FORMATTING OF CHART Formatting the Chart (using design option)

As referred in earlier section 4.2.1 above; in this section we will learn

how the elements of a chart such as plot area, X-axis, Y-axis, data,



Computerised Accounting System

titles, labels, legends and gridline as shown in Figure 4.7 can be

formatted and edited as per the requirement. Click anywhere in the

chart. This will display the Chart Tools, adding the Design, Layout,

and Format tabs (Figure 4.8a).

Using Design option we can change the look of a chart. In the

Design dialog box, we can click to change chart type, chart layouts
and chart styles. One of the options provide for 2-d chart to swap the

column data to row data and row data to column data. The steps are

as follows:

In a chart (Figure 4.7) click the chart element to change, or do the

following to select the chart element from a list of chart elements:

Figure 4.8 (a)

1. Click anywhere in the chart

(Figure 4.7). This will display

the Chart Tools, adding the

Design, Layout, and Format


2. On the Design tab, in the

Data group, click the arrow

at the Switch Row/Column


3. This will swap the chart/

graph from X-axis (Product)

to X-axis (Quarterly)(Figure

4.8(b). Changing the format of a selected chart element

In the same chart, click the chart element to change, or do the following

to select the chart element from a list of chart elements:

Figure 4.8 (b)

Figure 4.8 (c)

1. Click anywhere in the chart. This will display the Chart Tools,
adding the Design, Layout, and Format tabs (Figure 4.8(c).


Graphs and Charts for Business Data


2. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group,

click the arrow next to the Chart Elements box, and

then select the chart element which requires to


3. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group,

click the Format Selection (Figure 4.8(d)).

4. In the Format <Chart Element> dialog box, click a

category, and then select the formatting options.

Changing the shape style

1. On the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, do one of the


• To see all available shape styles,

click the More button.

• To apply a pre- defined shape

style, in the shape style box, click

the style that we want.

• To apply a different shape fill, click Shape Fill, and then do one

of the following: (Figure 4.8(e))

 To use a different fill Colour, under Theme Colours or Standard

Colours, left click the select Colour.

 To remove the Colour from the selected chart element, click

No Fill.

 To use a fill Colour that is not available under Theme Colours

or Standard Colours click More Fill Colours. In the Colours

dialog box, specify the Colour that we want to use on the

Standard or Custom tab, and then click OK. Custom fill

Colours are added under Recent Colours can also be used.

 To fill the shape with a picture, click Picture. In the Insert

Picture dialog box, click the picture to use, and then click


 To use a gradient effect for the selected fill Colour, click

Gradient, and then under Variations, click the gradient style

to be used. For additional gradient styles, click More

Gradients, and then in the Fill category, click the gradient

options that to use.

 To use a texture fill, click Texture, and then click the texture

to use.

Changing the Shape Outline

• To apply a different shape outline, click Shape Outline, and then

do one of the following:

 To use a different outline Colour, under Theme Colours or

Standard Colours, click the Colour to use.

Figure 4.8 (d)

Figure 4.8 (e)


Computerised Accounting System

 To remove the outline Colour from the selected chart element,

click No Outline. If the selected element is a line, the line will no

longer be visible on the chart.

 To use an outline Colour that is not available under Theme

Colours or Standard Colours click More Outline Colours. In

the Colours dialog box, specify the Colour that to use on the

Standard or Custom tab, and then click OK. Custom outline

Colours are added under Recent Colours can be used again.

 To change the weight (thickness) of a line or border, click Weight

option, and then select the line that we wish to use. For additional

line style or border style options, click on More Lines, and then

click the line style or border style options.

 To use broken line (dash–dash) or border, click Dashes, and

then click the dash type to use. For additional dash-type options,

click on More Lines, and then click the selected dash.

 To add arrows to lines, click Arrows, and then click the arrow

style for borders cannot be used. For additional arrow style or

border style options, click More Arrows, and then click the arrow


To apply a different shape effect, click Shape Effects, click an

chosen effect, and then select the type of effect.

The shape effects depend on the chart element that we select such

as Pre-set, reflection, and bevel. The shape effects are not available

for all chart elements.

Changing the text format

To format the text in chart elements, we can use regular text formatting

options, or we can apply a WordArt format.

1. Click the chart element that contains the text to format.

2. Right-click the text or select the text to format, and then do one of

the following:

 Click the formatting options that we want on the Mini toolbar.

 On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the formatting buttons

that we want to use.

To use WordArt styles to format text use chart elements in the

following steps: (Figure 4.8(f)

1. In a chart, click the chart element that

contains the text to be changed, or do the

following to select the chart element from a

list of chart elements:

2. Click anywhere in the chart.

3. This displays the Chart Tools, adding the

Design, Layout, and Format tabs. Figure 4.8 (f)


Graphs and Charts for Business Data


4. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click the arrow

next to the Chart Elements box, and then select the chart element

that to format.

5. On the Format tab, in the WordArt Styles group, do

one of the following: (Figure 4.8(g))

• To see all available WordArt styles, click the More


We get options for Text related formatting

 Text Fill

 Text Outline

 Shadow

 3-D Format

 3-D Rotation

 Text Box Changing the layout of the chart element

In the same chart, click the chart element to change, or do the following

to select the chart element from a list of chart elements:

1. On the Layout tab, we can insert different Clip Arts, Picture, data

labels, grids etc.

2. In the Format <Chart Element> dialog box, click a category, and

then select the formatting options.


A chart can be changed to another type of

chart to get different look and purpose. For

example, the chart shown in Figure 4.5 can

be changed to Pie a chart (Figure 4.9) by

using the chart tool as given on the Ribbon

interface and in Figure 4.2. The every Pie of

the chart represents the size of total sales in

each quarter proportionately and whole Pie

chart displays sum of all the Pies equals to


This is the easiest method to change from

column chart or bar chart to Pie chart because

Figure 4.8 (h)

Figure 4.9

Figure 4.8 (g)



Computerised Accounting System

• Only one data series is

used to plot.

• The plotted data values

are positive.

• The data values are not

equal to zero also.

Note that in Excel software Pie chart cannot plot

more than seven catgories. The categories represent

the parts of whole Pie.

Steps for creating a Pie Chart Steps for creating a Pie Chart

1. Enter the data in a worksheet.

2. Select the data from two (consecutive) columns


3. Select the chart type Pie from the ribbon.

4. Under Pie types select 3-D Pie option

5. Click the plot are of Pie chart this displays the

Chart Tools, adding the Design, Layout, and

Format tabs.

6. On the Design tab, in the Chart Layouts group,

select the layout to use.

7. On the Design tab, in the Chart Styles group,

click the chart style.

8. On the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group,

click Shape Effects, and then click Bevel.

9. Click 3-D Options, and then under Bevel, click

the Top and Bottom bevel options.

10.In the Width and Height boxes for Top and

Bottom bevel options, type the point size.

11.Under Surface, click Material, and then click

the material option.

12.Click Close.

13.On the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group,

click Shape Effects, and then click Shadow.

14.Under Outer, Inner, or Perspective, click the

shadow option.

15.To rotate the chart for a better perspective, select

the plot area, and then on the Format tab in the

Current Selection group, click Format

Figure 4.9 (a)

Figure 4.9 (b)

Figure 4.9 (c)

Figure 4.9 (d)

Figure 4.9 (e)

Figure 4.9 (f)

Figure 4.9 (g)


Graphs and Charts for Business Data


16.Under Angle of first slice, drag the slider to the degree of rotation

that you want, or type a value between 0 (zero) and 360 to specify

the angle of the first slice to appear, and then click Close.

17.Click the chart area of the chart.

18.On the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click Shape Effects,

and then click Bevel.

19.Under Bevel, select the bevel option.

20.To use theme colors that are different from the default theme that

is applied the workbook, do the following:

a. On the Page Layout tab, in the Themes group, click Themes.

b. Under Built-in, click the theme to use.


Resizing of the chart means changing size of the chart as desired. This

option can be used independently for the fonts, title, legends easily.

The first step is to select the chart by clicking the left button of the
mouse. Move the cursor on the corners or middle of the borders of the

chart/graph which will provide the figure (the cursor will take the

shape of a two headed arrow). By pressing the left button and drag/

pull as desired to resize the chart as shown by the red circle in the

Figure 4.9a.


To create graphs we use data which are plotted in two

dimensional (2D) format ( X- axis and Y-axis) as shown

in the Figure 4.7. Where as

• Horizontal dimension is X-axis(contains categories)

• Vertical dimension is Y-axis(contains data)

When we plot the data on 2-D type of graph; the

known value goes on the X-axis (independent) and

derived (dependent variable) value on Y-axis. For

example monthly demand of products (in Rs.); then on

X-axis we will put Month and on Y-axis we will put the

data values for demand.

In the graph sometimes we have to present negative

values also, which can be put on the opposite side of the

axes from origin (Figure 4.10). The intersection of both

the axes (X-axis and Y-axis) is called the origin (O) of the

graph. We can put on the right side of the origin positive

values and on left side of the origin negative values of

data on X-axis. Similarly upper ward side of origin shows

positive values and down ward side of the origin shows

negative values of data Y-axis. For example, if we have

data about monthly profit and loss to be plotted on graph;

Figure 4.10

Figure 4.11(a)



Computerised Accounting System

here profit will be positive data

values and loss will have negative

data values.

2-D types of graphs/charts are

line graphs, bar, area, surface

column (horizontal or vertical),

multiple line charts, radar chart,

XY (scatter) or bubble chart.

The 2-D Charts typically have

two axes (axis: A line bordering the

chart plot area used as a frame of

reference for measurement. The Y

axis is usually the vertical axis and

contains data. The X-axis is usually

the horizontal axis and contains

categories.) that are used to measure and categorise data: a vertical

axis (also known as derived value axis or Y axis), and a horizontal axis

(also known as category axis or X axis).

Sometimes graphs/charts can be prepared with three dimensional

(3-D) effects. 3-D charts have a third axis, the depth axis (also known

as series axis or Z axis), so that data can be plotted along the depth of

a chart. In this type the third dimension is represented by Z-axis (Figure

4.11(a) & (b)).

For example to represent the volume we require three parameters

height (Y-axis), length (X-axis) and breadth (Z-axis).

Figure 4.11(b)

Product Lowest Highest

Toothpaste 2345 12344

Toothbrush 500 5415

Hair Oil 988 3678

Shampoo 2900 3770

Toilet Soap 1122 3861

Bath Soap 952 2344

Total 8807 31412

1. Vertical (derived value) axis –


2. Horizontal (category) axis –


3. Depth (series) axis – (Z-axis).

Sometime we would like to draw

the charts for comparison of

values. Data that is arranged in

columns or rows on a worksheet

can be plotted in a radar chart.

Radar charts do not have

horizontal (category) axes, and similarly pie and doughnut charts do

not have any axes. In Figure 4.12 radar chart is drawn for the

comparison of highest and lowest values of sales of different products.

Radar charts compare the aggregate values of a number of data

series (data series: Related data points that are plotted in a chart.

Each data series in a chart has a unique color or pattern and is

represented in the chart legend. You can plot one or more data series

in a chart. Pie charts have only one data series.).


Graphs and Charts for Business Data


Similarly data can be arranged in columns

or rows only on a worksheet and can be plotted

in a doughnut chart. Like a pie chart, a doughnut

chart shows the relationship of parts to a whole,

but it can contain more than one.

Doughnut charts (Figure 4.13) are not easy

to read. We may use a stacked column or stacked

bar chart instead.

Doughnut charts have the following chart Doughnut charts have the following chart

subtypes subtypessubtypes subtypessubtypes

Doughnut Doughnut charts display data in

rings, where each ring represents a data series.

For example, in the previous chart, the inner

ring represents gas tax revenues, and the outer

ring represents property tax revenues.

Doughnut Chart Doughnut Chart

Exploded Doughnut Much like exploded pie

charts, exploded doughnut charts display the

contribution of each value to a total while

emphasising individual values, but they can

contain more than one data series.



Help to Explore: Many times we would like to see if there is a

relationship between variables. Suppose, that we wanted to determine

if there is a relationship between: a country’s GNP and the infant

mortality rate, between age and between genders. It may be quicker

and easier to create a chart immediately to see the possible relationship

of variables to one another, rather than paging through raw data.

Help to Present: We want to provide information in as little time

as possible. Graphing plays a key role. It seems that there is no longer

any time to sit and read a newspaper in order to find out what is going

on. However, newspapers, such as The Economics Times and India

Today magazines (which were early users of charting techniques), seem

to understand this phenomena and provide graphs to convey and sum

up ideas that they are making in their articles.

Help to Convince: The same way that a graph can be used to

present and explore different characteristics of data, it can also be

used to convince. Graphs have the ability to take large amounts of

information and make them into exhibitions that are easily used to


Figure 4.13

Figure 4.12



Computerised Accounting System


• A graph is a pictorial representation of data. Graphs are usually

2-dimensional. Sometimes 3-dimensional graphs are also used.

• A graph may be either a singleline graph or a multi-line graph. Multi-line

in a graph are distinguished either by using different shapes of line or

different shapes and colors.

• Other popular pictorial representations include Pie Chart and Bar Chart.

Pie charts depict relative share of different elements. Bar charts are used

to depict the comparison of absolute values of data (e.g. sales, production,

etc.) at discrete points (e.g. time intervals, products, etc.).

• MS-Excel 2007 (or simply Excel) provides a convenient facility to draw graphs

and charts. The nomenclature used in Excel for charts (charts include

graphs) is as follows:

a. The Chart Area,

b. The Plot Area covering the plot of values in the selected type of chart,

c. The Data Points,

d. The Horizontal (Base Values, e.g. category) and Vertical (Derived Values)


e. The Legend to specify distinguishing criteria in case of multiple lines,

pies, bars, etc.

f. Chart and Axes Titles

g. Data Labels

• Every elements of a chart – such as plot area, X-axis, Y-axis, data, titles,

labels, legends, and gridlines – can be formatted using the Design, Layout

and Format dialog box in Excel.

• Chart’s size can also be changed as per requirements.

• For multiple visualisations of the same data through different typs of charts,

we can change the chart type (say, from line graph to barchart, or bar

chart to pie chart, etc) wherever required for better presentation as per the

nature of data.

• Graphs and charts help in easy visualisation of any trends present in data.

In highly random data such as stock prices, textual description may not be

easily possible to explain the price or other fluctuations, but graphs and

charts overcome this constraint as they can be comprehended more easily

by human beings.


Graphs and Charts for Business Data


Following are the steps prepare a chart :

Step – 1: Enter data in a worksheet with proper column and row titles.

Step – 2: Create a basic chart using the pattern from the panel available on
top of worksheet in Chart groups’ option.

Step – 3: Change the layout or style of chart.

Apply a predefined chart layout.

Apply a predefined chart style.

Change the layout of chart elements.

Change the format of chart elements.

Step – 4: Add or remove titles or data labels.

Add (Remove) a chart title.

Add (Remove) axis titles.

Link a title to a worksheet cell.

Add (Remove) data labels.

Step – 5: Show or hide a legend.

Step – 6: Display or hide chart axes or gridlines.

Display (hide) primary axes

Display (hide) secondary axes

Display (hide) gridlines

Step – 7: Move (resize) a chart

Step – 8: Save a chart



Computerised Accounting System



1. To change the location of a chart, right-click the chart and select:

a. Chart Type.
b. Source Data.

c. Chart Options.

d. Move here.

2. The Ribbon allows us to:

a. Create either an embedded chart or a chart sheet chart:

b. Create only an embedded chart.

c. Create only a chart sheet chart.

d. Change the data values used to create the chart.

3. Once we have created a chart we may change _____:

a. the formatting for text like titles and data labels.

b. only by going back through the ribbon.

c. everything about the chart.

d. the data series patterns only.

4. In Excel the chart tools provides three different options ______, ________ and

_______ for formatting:

a. Layout, Format, Data Marker.

b. Design, Layout, Format.

c. Chart Layouts, Chart Style, Label.

d. Format, Layout, Label.

5. Pie chart don’t have more than ________ categories:

a. Ten.

b. Twenty Five.

c. Seven.

d. Three.

6. Column charts are useful for ____________________:

a. Showing data changes over a period of time.

b. Illustrating comparisons among items.

c. Both a and b.

d. None of the above.


Graphs and Charts for Business Data


7. Doughnut charts:

a. Contains more than one data series.

b. Comparable with Pie chart.

c. Both a and b.

d. None of the above.

8. The 2D graph using _______ , _________ axes and in 3D graph ______ axis is

also used.

a. Category, value, vertical.

b. Horizontal, vertical, depth.

c. Category, value, series.

d. b and c both.

9. Excel automatically redraws the chart ___________:

a. If any change is made in data.

b. If any change is made in the range data.

c. a and b both.

d. None of the above.

10. Legend can be repositioned on the chart:

a. anywhere.
b. on right side only.

c. on the bottom of X-axis.

d. on the corner only.

11. Which chart element details the data values and categories below the chart?

a. Data point.

b. Data labels.

c. Data marker.

d. Data table.

12. From what command tab is the font size for an axis in a chart changed?

a. Home.

b. Insert.

c. Format.

d. Design.



Computerised Accounting System

13. Which of these purposes does not pertain to charts?

a. Identifying trends.

b. Selecting values.

c. Recognising patterns.

d. Making comparisons.

14. What do you see if you move over the mouse over a chart object?

a. KeyTip.

b. ScreenTip.

c. ChartTip.
d. ChartKey.

15. Which group on the Chart Tools Format tab shows the name of the selected


a. Arrange Objects.

b. Chart Objects.

c. Choose Selection.

d. Current Selection.


1. Define charts, graphs and how they are useful in business decisions?

2. Write down the usage and purpose of column chart, pie chart and line chart.

3. Describe about data series, legend, and data labels??

4. Describe use of Excel for preparation of chart.

5. Differentiate between pie charts, line charts and column charts respectively?

6. Described the steps to move, resizing and reposition a chart.

7. What does percentage in chart represent and how it being calculated by the


8. What are the differences between

a. Area, XY chart and doughnut

b. 2-D Charts and 3-D Charts

9. What is pie chart and what are percentage values means in pie chart?

10. Different types of charts which can be prepared using Excel?


Graphs and Charts for Business Data



A. Create a trend chart after filling data in to the worksheet.

(Population of India/State in Millions to be enter)

Year Male(1) Female (2) Total(3)

Literate Illiterate Literate Illiterate Literate Illiterate









Note: Total Literate = Values of Male Literate + Values of Female Literate

Total Illiterate = Values of Male Illiterate + Values of Female Illiterate

B. Create a Pie chart to compare data from above table for Total (column number


C. Draw a Trend charts for each male, female and totals separately.

D. Draw a Column Chart for the above data for each (male, female and total)

separately for Literate and Illiterate.

E. Prepare a Pie chart and Column chart for the 10 different plots areas 5, 7, 8, 9,

8, 10, 4, 6, 7 and 3 hectares respectively.

F. Draw a Pie chart for the following data on vehicles registered in the RTO

department during 2007-08 in your city.

Vehicle Bus Trucks Auto Rixa Cars Two Heavy

Type Wheelers Vehicles

Number of 575 5889 12345 9765 23456 65


G. Draw a Column chart for the following data.

Marks 0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 Total


of 113 180 350 232 125 1000




Computerised Accounting System


1. d 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. c

7. c 8. c 9. c 10. a 11. b 12. a

13. b 14. c 15. d






 

After studying this chapter you will be

able to use Tally Accounting Software


• Creating Book of Accounts.

• Print Profit and Loss Account

• Print Balance Sheet as on date

• Prepare Bank Reconcilation

statement as on date

• Print MIS Reports on Accounting

We have discussed various aspects of

computerisation of Accounting in earlier previous

chapters. Here, we will discuss one of the general

two accounting software packages, which are often

used in the business applications. They are Tally

9.0 by Tally Solution Pvt. Ltd. and EX Next

Generation by Tata Consultancy Services. The aim

of this chapter is not to teach an accounting

package, but to focus on how the features of

accounting software are implemented in each of

these packages.

The Tally Accounting package has different

modules related to Accounting Systems in the

package. It also describe as to how various phases

of accounting cycle can be incorporated in the flow.

It also co-relates the manual phases of accounting

cycle with each of these modules and describes

how different reports can be generated at the end

of each of these modules.

Features of accounting software

Tally is an accounts and inventory management

software which has many other features too. With

the latest version of this software Tally 9 you can1. do all basic accounting functions,

2. manage your stores,

3. do the job costing,

4. manage payroll,



Computerised Accounting System

5. get many MIS (Management information reports which are useful

for day-today functions,

6. file your tax returns like prepare balance sheet, profit and loss

statement, VAT forms, TDS returns, Service tax returns, e-TDS filing,

Excise forms, FBT reports and forms,

7. maintain budgets, scenarios,

8. calculate interest on pending amount,

9. manage data over different locations and synchronize it and many

more other features.


For installation of computerised accounting system the following steps

are required:

1. Insert CD in the system ;

2. After inserting CD select the option in following steps ;

a. Select any (C: or E: or D: ) from My Computer icon on the desktop.

Double click on install.exe


b. Select start > run > type the file name E:\install.exe

3. After the above process the default directories of application , data

and Configuration opens in a window. In case, the user wants to

change the default directories then it can be changed by providing

the desired drive and file name/directory name for example :

D:\software name, instead of C :\accounting software (default name)

4. Click on install and installation process begins, accounting software

displays the Message of successful installation, then this CD can

be removed.


Tally is a widely used accounting software which can be used for book

keeping purposes by any size of organisation. In the accounting software

Tally user can create any independent set of accounts to be maintained

Figure 5.1 : Tally Software


Accounting Software Package : Tally


by a company, partnership firm, individual or even a Branch account.

To work with Tally first you will start with Gateway of Tally as it is the

control centre of the software. Here under, now we explain various

components of Gateway of Tally.


Gateway of Tally is the control centre of Tally. Following are the

components of gateway (Figure 5.2).

• Product Info: Software name & version (eg: Tally 9.0)

• Horizontal Button Bar: It contain two sets of Button with hot key.

 Report management: Print, e-mail etc.

 Language: To set up language for display.

• Current status: It means current date, current period, selected

company etc.

• Tally Menu: At right part of the Gateway screen of Tally menu

shows the list of options. We can select an item to initiate a task.

• Vertical Button Bar: The button bar shows several buttons with

function key/hot key to provide quick and direct access to various

options and tasks.

Figure 5.2 : Gateway of Tally



Computerised Accounting System

• Tally Calculator/Command Line: While working with Tally, if we

press Ctrl+N Calculator is activated to make arithmetical

calculations. The same can also be pasted in any numerical field.

• Current Screen Bar: At the bottom, you get the Current Screen bar

showing the following details about the current screen being display.

Starting date

of the period

Ending date

of the period Current date

Figure 5.3: Periods and date Entries

• Current Period: In the current period user enters the starting date

of the financial year and closing date of the financial year. The

Figure 5.3 shows how user enters starting opening and closing

date of accounting period.

• Current Date: Current date is date of your last working. It is also

known as voucher date. In the Figure 5.3, on the left side of Gateway

you can get the following information about Current Period, Date,

Active Company and Selected Company (Figure 5.4).

• Active Company: When you have selected multiple companies, the

last selected company becomes the active company.

• Selected Companies: In selected companies Tally displays the list

of all selected companies along with the date of last voucher entered.

Figure 5.4 : Active and Selected Companies


Accounting Software Package : Tally



In order to create a Company by using Gateway of Tally, initiate the

following steps:

• Click on the <Select Cmp>

• You get Company info and click on <Select company>

• If you click on <Shut Cmp> option, then you click on <Create


To create a Company profile in Tally, click Create Company at

Company info menu (Figure 5.5) to get Company Creation screen

(Figure 5.6).

In the Company Creation screen (Figure 5.6) the user should fill

the necessary information:

• COMPANY NAME: Enter the Name of the Company at Name field.

This name is displayed at all company selection lists and internal


• COMPANY MAILING ADDRESS: Enter the Name of the Company

at Name field (same as Company Name) which is printed in all

External documents.

Figure 5.5: Company Creation



Computerised Accounting System

• COMPANY ADDRESS: Enter the Complete mailing address line by

line which is mentioned in internal and external document of the


• I.T. NUMBER: Enter the Income Tax number allotted by Income Tax


• ACCOUNTING MODULE: To maintain Financial Accounts only, at

Maintain field, Select Accounts Only.

• FINANCIAL YEAR: At the Financial year field; entered the Beginning

and closing date of the financial year.

• SAVING THE COMPANY PROFILE: Finally, Tally ask for your

confirmation to save the Company Profile. Tally Save the Company

Profile in data bank.



The last selected company (Figure 5.2) becomes the Active Company

and such company is shown in the bold letter of Gateway screen and

we start creation chart of Accounts. (Figure 5.7)

Figure 5.6: Screens for Company Creation


Accounting Software Package : Tally



Chart of Accounts is the segmentation of Liabilities and Assets of

Balance Sheet and Income & Expenses of Profit and Loss Account. In

the accounting software such chart of accounts is classified into two

categories, such as Ledger Accounts, Accounts Group.

• Ledger Account: Ledger Accounts represents the assorted,

summarised and balanced transactions of similar nature. For

example, the ledger account Conveyance represents the set of

transaction related to conveyance expenses and their summarised

net figure. All Accounting transactions are linked to Ledger account.

• Account Group: Account Group is a convenient method of

organising the Ledger Accounts into a tree-structured hierarchical

view for better the understanding and interpretation. Hierarchy of Account Head

In the accounting system accounts is the segmentation of liabilities

and assets of balance sheet and income and expenses of profit & loss
account. It represents the hierarchical arrangement of account groups

and ledger accounts. Group of Account

Group of account is a method of organising the large number of ledger

accounts into sequential arrangement for recording and summarisation

of accounting data.

Figure 5.7: Selections for Data Entry Options for Active Company



Computerised Accounting System

In accounting software the pre-defined groups and these existing

groups cannot be altered. In the account groups there are 28 predefined groups, out of these groups 15
are primary groups and 13 are


• Primary Group: It is a basic grouping of the set of sub-groups into

major account heads according to their listing in balance-sheet

and profit and loss account.

• Sub-Group: A sub-group is a set of accounts opened in the ledger of

recording of related transactions. For example, to record a refund

of loan accounting to Rs. 1,000 to Ansal first click on <Loan

Liabilities> and the <list of ledger> will appear . Here we click on

<Ansal> to open this account for recording. Account Group of Balance Sheet


 Capital: Ledger Account for Owner’s Capital may be placed under

the capital group, for example, Partners capital account, Equity

share capital, Preference share capital.

Figure 5.8 : Groups and Ledger


Accounting Software Package : Tally


 Reserves and Surplus: It is a sub-group of capital account. All

reserves are placed under Capital group, for example, General.

Reserve, Capital Reserve, etc.

• ACCOUNT GROUP – LOANS (LIABILITIES) – It contains following


 Bank Overdraft: In computerized accounting system, Current

Bank Account, Bank Overdraft, and Cash Credit is sub-group of

Loan (Liabilities) because Bank Overdraft and Cash Credit

operation on day-to-day basis should be placed under this group.

 Secured Loans: Secured Loan’s are fully secured loan against

security like (mortgage, hypothecation, pledge, etc ) should be

placed under this group .

 Unsecured Loans: Such loan’s are without any security: Example

of such loans are: Loan from outside parties, Directors, Friends

and Relatives, etc.


 Duties and Taxes: Under this head all duties and taxes that

you collect or pay through sales service and purchase


 Provisions: In this head all provisions made for meeting the

future liabilities such as provision for tax , proposed dividends

(like Bad Debts, etc ).

 Sundry Creditors: Sundry Creditors are all trade creditors/

suppliers and creditors for expenses. For example, if you

purchase, on credit basis then create one ledger account for

sundry creditors.

 Other Current Liabilities: Place all other current liability

account like employees contribution for Employees State

Insurance/Provident Fund/Tax Deducted at Source (TDS), etc.



 Fixed assets: Fixed assets directly related with immovable

properties like Patent, Trade Right, W.I.P, Goodwill, Building,

Plant, Equipment, Furniture, etc


 Investment: Investment ledger account relates to the investment

in Share Bonds, Govt. Securities and Investments in other company


consumed in operations are known as current assets. Examples of

current assets are Stock on hand, Deposits, Loan and Advances,

Sundry Debtors, Bank Account, Cash in hand.



Computerised Accounting System

 Stock on Hand: Such ledger accounts show Raw Material, Work–

in-Progress and Finished goods.

 Loans and Advances: Such loans and advances are of nontrading nature, for example, Advance against
Salary, Loan to

employee, Advance for Fixed Assets.

 Sundry Debtors: Sundry Debtors are directly related to the parties

to whom goods has been sold on credit.

 Bank Account: It includes bank deposits made by the company

such as balance of current and saving account, fixed deposits

security deposits, rental deposits, etc.

 Cash in Hand: Cash Ledger account directly relates with cash

transactions, Cash in transit, patty cash, and cash at bank.

 Miscellaneous Expenditure: For limited company, preliminary,

pre-operative and similar expenses (to the extent not written-off

to the profit and loss account placed here. Also the accumulated

loss as of the company and negative balance of profit & loss

account is also placed in this category.


 Sales Account: For different sales accounts, the segregation is

based on tax slabs or type of sales. This also becomes a simple

mechanism for preparation of tax returns. For example, Sales

account is classified as following such-groups: domestic sales,

export sales, You may even open sales returns account under

the group domestic sales to view net sales after returns (or the

returns may be directly recorded through journal against the

specific sales account).

 Purchase Account: This is similar to sales accounts, except for

the purpose of the transaction.

 Direct Income [Income Direct] All trade income accounts fall

under sales accounts. You may wish to use this group for

accounts like servicing contract charges that follow after the

sales of equipment.

 Indirect Income [Income Indirect] These are the miscellaneous

non-sale income accounts, e.g., rent received and interest


 Direct Expenses [Expenses Direct] These accounts determine

the Gross Profit of the company.

 Indirect Expenses [Expenses Indirect] - These include all other

administrative, selling or non-direct expenses.

 Tally automatically opens the profit and loss account which is a

reserved primary account. You may use this account to record

adjustment entries through journal vouchers.e.g., transfer of profit

or loss to capital or reserve account.


Accounting Software Package : Tally




Select Accounts info at Tally Main Menu (Figure 5.9) to get <Accounts

info Menu>, which contains options for all Accounts Masters.

After selecting Create option under Single Group to reach to the

Account Group creation screen. Now enter as shown in Figure 5.10,

 Account Group Name: At name field, enter unique Account

Group Name.

 Parent Group Name: At under field, select the Parent Group

from list of Group.

Figure 5.9 Account Groups

Figure 5.10 : Account Group



Computerised Accounting System

• ACCOUNTS LEDGER CREATION: Tally automatically creates two

ledgers, one Cash and another Profit and Loss Accounts. You have

to create all other Ledger Accounts (Figure 5.11).

 Account Ledger Name: - Enter a unique Name of the ledger

 at Under field select the parent Group of the ledger from list of


 In the Opening Balance field enter the opening balance at the

Books Beginning from Date .

Figure 5.11 : Account Ledger

Figure 5.12 displays the user Account Group and Ledger after

creation. The next step is the Creation of necessary ledgers. via creation

of vouchers.


After creation of accounts the user enters accounting voucher entry in

the books of accounts. In the computerized accounting system, the

transactions are recorded through a voucher entry. Normally, a

transaction is supported by a document that may be a supplier’s bill,

pay-in-slip, pay register entry of cheque book, etc. Thus, basically

voucher contains details of a transaction. In accounting software,

Voucher creation displays its own screen which is self-explanatory.

The vouchers are three types —:

 Memo Voucher: Memo voucher is a non accounting voucher.

It does not affect accounts of the user. These entries are stated/

recorded in a separate register, but not as a part of ledger.


Accounting Software Package : Tally


 Post Dated voucher: Some accounting software allows the user

to enter the voucher for future transactions which are usually

similar as the previous once.

 User defined Voucher: In accounting software there are 23 predefined vouchers. It allows the user to
define or create new

accounting or inventory vouchers as per the requirement. In the

voucher entry, entry can be classified into three basic categories.

• Opening Entry: In order to begin the new financial year, balances

of accounts of the previous year are brought forward. For this opening

entry in the journal is recorded. It is to record the opening balance

of various accounts that are being transferred from the books of the

previous year to the books of the new financial year. All those

accounts which shows the assets of a business are debited and all

the accounts showing amounts owed by the business (liabilities)

are credited. If capital amount is not given, it can be easily as

certained by deducting liabilities from assets (capital = assets –

other liabilities) and Capital account is also credited. The entry

would be :

• Closing Entry: The closing entries for completing the profit and

loss account are :

1. Debit Profit and Loss account.

Credit the various Expenses account appearing in the Trail


2. Debit account showing incomes or gains

Credit the profit and loss account

This will close the profit and loss account. Entries required to make

the trading account and profit and loss account are known as closing

entries because their effect is to close the books of account for the year


Cash account Dr

Cash at Bank account Dr

Sundry Debtors account Dr

Stock account Dr

Furniture account Dr

Office Equipment account Dr

To Sundry Creditors account

To Capital account



Computerised Accounting System

• Adjusting Entry: The Adjusting entry is recorded to relate the

figures to the trading period. Suppose, premises have been sublet

on March 31, and three months’ rent, has been received in advance

amounting to Rs. 9000. While preparing accounts up to 31st March,

one should take into account only one month’s rent for preparing

the profit and loss account (accounting period concept); the rest

two month’s rent, already received is for the next year and will be

credited to profit and loss account next year. The adjusting entry

will be :

Rent Account Dr.

To Advance Rent Account

Rent Received in advance Account is a ‘Liability’ and is shown in

the balance sheet.

Method of Voucher Numbering: This is, perhaps, one reason for

your opting for a new voucher type. For this purpose, the following

medhods are available:,

• Manual

This method will allow you to number vouchers yourself. However

it does not check for sequence of the numbers and permits you to

specify anything you wish in the voucher number field. However,

you may choose to prevent entry of duplicate numbers. If you do,

enable the next field ‘Prevent Duplicates’ — options Prevention of

Duplicates is possible if you enable the option at the time of creation.

You may enable it later (by alteration) only if there are no

transactions of this voucher type.

• Automatic

This method is both; flexible and exhaustive. Automatic system

instructs Tally to number the vouchers of this type incrementing


Starting number

Give the number for the first voucher. Usually it is 1. You can set it to

any number you want. Tally will auto-increment from this number for

subsequent vouchers. However, the numbering of vouchers also depends

on other variables supplied by you, which follow hereafter.

In the voucher entry, Tally create certain rules to trap mistakes.

These rules are validated during voucher entry and any violation is

trapped immediately. Tally divides a voucher in three basic categories,

• Contra Voucher: Contra voucher is used for Fund Transfer between

Cash and Bank account only. For example, Rs 5,000 Cash withdrawn

from Bank of India .

Cash A/C Dr 5,000.00

To Bank of India 5,000.00

(Cash withdrawn from bank )


Accounting Software Package : Tally


• Receipts Voucher :- All Inflow of money is recorded through Receipt

Voucher. Such receipts may be towards any Income such as receipts

from debtors, loan/advance taken or refund of loan/advance for

example: Rama and Co. to whom goods were sold earlier on Credit,
paid against Bill No 54 for Rs 4,500 Cash Discount is Rs 500.

Cash A/C Dr. 4,500.00

Cash Discount A/C Dr. 500.00

To Rama & Co. Cr. 5,000.00

(Cash Payment Received against Bill no 54)

• Payment Voucher: All Outflow of money is recorded through

Payment Voucher. Such payment may be towards any purchase,

Expenses, due to creditors, loan/advances, etc. For example: - Salary

paid to A.K Gupta through Bank.

Salary A/C Dr 15,000.00

To Bank Cr 15,000.00

(Salary Paid to Mr A.K Gupta through Bank)

• Journal Voucher: Journal is an Adjustment voucher, normally used

for non cash transaction like adjustment between the Ledgers. For

example :-

Deprecation A/C Dr 5,000.00

To Machinery 5,000.00

(Being Deprecation charged on Machinery)

Display: Some top level reports like Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss

Account etc may be available at main menu, while other reports are

available through Display option at main menu .

Figure 5.12 Voucher Entry



Computerised Accounting System


This report shows the trial balance of a Primary Group.

Select Display > Trial Balance.

In Primary Group trial balance (Figure 5.13), Click F1: obtain detail

trial balance and trial balance shows the closing balance of accounts

group/Ledger. After all voucher entry have been done, it can be seen

how every amount that is placed on the debit side of an account has a

corresponding entry on the credit side of some other account. This is

the technical aspect of the principle of double system. This being the

case, that the total of the debit balances hold agree with the total of all

the credit balances. In fact all businesses periodically tabulate the

debit and credit balances separately in a statement to find out whether

the total of debit balances agree with the total of credit balances or

not. Such a statement is known as the trial balance.


The Profit and Loss account is constructed by simply posting all items

of income and expense from the journal entry. The current year’s profit

is determined by balancing the accounts and carried forward to the

appropriation section of the profit and loss account. All balances

remaining in any ledger account after the profit and loss account is

drawn up are listed in the balance sheet .Generally the assets and

liabilities are stated in decreasing order of permanence.

All expenses (direct or indirect) are related to profit and loss account

and revenues and incomes are credited to it. If an expense has been

incurred but not yet paid for, is a liability for the unpaid amount and
must be created before the account can be said to show a true picture.

Figure 5.13 : Trial Balance


Accounting Software Package : Tally



Figure 5.14 : Balance Sheet

Description Amount Description Amount

Share Capital Fixed assets

Authorised Capital Goodwill

Paid up Capital Land and Building

Reserve and Surplus Plant and Machinery

Capital Reserve Furniture and Fixture

Other Surplus Investment

Secured Loans Govt securities

Debentures Share Bond and Debenture

Loans from Bank Current Assets

Other Loans Loan and Advances

Unsecured Loans Sundry Debtors

Fixed Deposits Cash and Bank

Advances from Bank Stock in Trade

Other Loans Accrued Interest

Current Liabilities Loan and Advances

Sundry Creditors Bill of Exchange

Advances from Bank Miscellaneous Expenditure



Computerised Accounting System

Provision for Tax Commission on Underwriting

Provision for P. dividend Discount on Share

Other Provision Development Expenditure

Profit and Loss Account (loss)

Total Liabilities Total Assets


Once all the transactions are entered, you can generate different

statements like trial balance, balance sheet and profit and loss account.

There are no intermediate steps of entering subsidiary books and

ledgers. Thus the process of accounting becomes quite easy and simple.

At the same time speed also improves and consistency is maintained.

Also no redundant data is stored at multiple places. Also the respective

register such as purchase register, sales register, journal proper are

automatically maintained on the basis of data entered in the form of

vouchers. These registered can be viewed by

• Selecting Gateway of Tally > Report >Display>Accounts Books >Sales


• Selecting Gateway of Tally > Report >Display>Trial Balance.

• Selecting Gateway of Tally > Report >Display>Cash flow.

• Pressing Alt + P or selecting print option for button bar


The following are the steps to construct BRS in Tally:

• Bring up the monthly summary of any Bank Book. (You can do this

from the Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, or Display/Account Books/

Bank Books, and selecting a Bank).

• Bring your cursor to the first month (typically April), and press

Enter. This brings up the Vouchers for the month of April. Since

this is a Bank Account, an ‘additional’ button F5: Reconcile will be

visible on the right, Press F5.

• The display now becomes an ‘Edit’ screen in ‘Reconciliation’ mode.

The primary components are: A column for the ‘Bankers Date’.

• The ‘Reconciliation’ at the bottom of the screen,

• Balance as per Company Books

• Amounts not reflected in Banks

• Balance as per Bank


Accounting Software Package : Tally


Gateway of Tally>Display>Accounts Books>Cash and Bank

Book>Bank Account>Ledger>Press F5

The Balance as per Company Books reflects your Balance as on the

last date (in our example case, April 31).

The amount not reflected in bank is the debit and credit sums of all

those vouchers whose Bank Date in either BLANK, or GREATER that

April 30 (i.e. these vouchers have not yet been reflected in the bank

The Balance as per bank is the Net Balance.

You will find, as you mark of the individual vouchers by setting the

‘Bank Date’, that the Reconciliation at the bottom of screen keeps

reflecting those changes instantly.

Upon completion, press+A (or press Enter as many times as necessary

to skip over the unmarked vouchers), and accepted the screen. The

next time you reconcile, you will be presented only with those vouchers

with remain unrecognised. Thus, the task keeps becoming simpler.



Every accounting software provides data security; safety and

confidentially; so every software provides of data security in three ways:

• Password security

• Data Audit

• Data Vault

Figure 4.15 : Bank Reconciliation Statement

Particular of


Mention the date

of Cheque cleared





Computerised Accounting System

Password Security Password is widely accepted security control to

access the data. Only the authorised person can access the data. Any

user who does not know the password cannot retrive information from

the system. It ensures data integrity. It uses a binary encoding format

of storage and offers access to the database.

Data Audit: Audit feature of accounting software provides the user

with administrator right in order to keep track of unauthorised access.

to the database. It audit for the correctness of entries. Once entries

are audited with alternations, if any the software displays all entries

along with the name of the auditor user and date and time of alteration.

Data Vault: Software provides additional security for the inputed

data and this feature is referred as data vault. Data vault ensures

that original information is presented and is not tampered. Data vault

password cannot be broken. Some software uses data encryption


Function Key Combination

Windows Functionality Availability

F1 To select a company At all masters menu screen

To select the Accounts Button At the Accounting/Inventory

and Inventory buttons Voucher creation and

alteration screen

F2 To change the menu period At almost all screens in TALLY

F3 To select the company At almost all screens in TALLY

F4 To select the Contra voucher At Accounting/Inventory

Voucher creation and alteration


F5 To select the Payment voucher At Accounting/Inventory

Voucher creation and alteration


F6 To select the Receipt voucher At Accounting/Inventory

Voucher creation and alteration


F7 To select the Journal voucher At Accounting/Inventory Voucher

creation and alteration screen

F8 To select the Sales voucher At Accounting/Inventory Voucher

creation and alteration screen

F8 To select the Credit Note voucher At Accounting/Inventory Voucher

(CTRL+F8) ercreation and alteration screen

F9 To select the Purchase voucher At Accounting/Inventory Voucher

creation and alteration screen

F9 To select the Debit Note voucher At Accounting/Inventory Voucher

(CTRL+F9) creation and alteration screen


Accounting Software Package : Tally


F10 To select the Reversing Journal At Accounting/Inventory Voucher

voucher creation and alteration screen

F10 To select the Memorandum voucher At Accounting/Inventory Voucher

creation and alteration screen

F11 To select the Functions and Features At almost all screens in TALLY

F12 To select the Configure screen At almost all screens in TALLY

Special Key Combination

Windows Functionality Availability

ALT + 2 To Duplicate a voucher. At List of Vouchers – creates a voucher

similar to the one where you positioned

the cursor and used this key


ALT + A To Add a voucher. At List of Vouchers – adds a voucher

after the one where you positioned

the cursor and used this key


ALT + C To create a master at a voucher At voucher entry and alteration

screen (if it has not been already screens, at a field where you have to

assigned a different function, as in select a master from a list. If the

reports like Balance Sheet, where it necessary account has not been

adds a new column to the report). created already, use this key

combination to create the master

without quitting from the voucher


ALT + D To delete a voucher. At Voucher and Master (Single)

To delete a master. alteration screens. Masters can be

(if it has not been already assigned deleted subject to conditions, as

a different function, as explained above). explained in the manual.

ALT + E To export the report in ASCII, SDF, At all reports screens in TALLY.
HTML OR XML format.

ALT + I To insert a voucher. At List of Vouchers – inserts a voucher

before the one where you positioned the

cursor and used this key combination.

ALT + O To upload the report at your website. At all reports screens in TALLY.

ALT + M To Email the report. At all reports screens in TALLY.

ALT + P To print the report. At all reports screens in TALLY.

ALT + R To remove a line in a report. At all reports screens in TALLY.

ALT + S To bring back a line you removed At all reports screens in TALLY.

using ALT + R.

ALT+ V From Invoice screen to bring At Invoice screen/Quantity Field/

Stock Journal screen. Press Alt + V to select the Stock Journal.



Computerised Accounting System

Windows Functionality Availability

ALT + W To view the Tally Web browser. At all reports screens in TALLY.

ALT + X To cancel a voucher in Day Book/ At all voucher screens in TALLY.

List of Vouchers.

ALT + R To Register Tally. At Licensing Menu in TALLY.

CTRL + A To accept a form – wherever you use At almost all screens in TALLY, except

this key combination, that screen or where a specific detail has to be given

report gets accepted as it is. before accepting.

CTRL + B To select the Budget. At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/

Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/
Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and

alteration screen.

CTRL + C To select the Cost Centre. At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/

Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/

Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and

alteration screen.

To select the Cost Category. At Stock Groups/ Stock Categories/

Stock Items/ Reorder Levels/ Godowns/

Voucher Types / Units of Measure

(Inventory Info) creation/alteration


CTRL+ E To select the Currency. At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/

Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/

Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and

alteration screen.

CTRL + G To select the Group. At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/

Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/

Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and

alteration screen.

CTRL + I To select the Stock Items. At Stock Group/ Stock Categories/ Stock

Items/ Reorder Levels/ Godowns/

Voucher Types / Units of Measure

(Inventory Info) creation/alteration


CTRL + L To select the Ledger. At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/

Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/

Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and

alteration screen.

CTRL + O To select the Godowns. At Stock Group/ Stock Categories/ Stock

Items/ Reorder Levels/ Godowns/

Voucher Types / Units of Measure

(Inventory Info) creation/alteration



Accounting Software Package : Tally


Windows Functionality Availability

CTRL + Q To abandon a form – wherever you At almost all screens in TALLY.

use this key combination, it quits that

screen without making any

changes to it.

CTRL+Alt+R Rewrite data for a Company. From Gateway of Tally screen.

CTRL + S Allows you to alter Stock Item master. At Stock Voucher Report and Godown

Voucher Report.

CTRL + U To select the Units. At Stock Groups/Stock Categories/

Stock Items/Reorder Levels/Godowns/

Voucher Types/Units of Measure

(Inventory Info) creation/alteration


Ctrl + V To select the Voucher Types. At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/

Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/

Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and

alteration screen. Special Function Key


Special Key Combination

Windows Functionality Availability

ALT + F1 To close a company. At all the menu screen.

To explode a line into its details. At almost all report screen.

To view detailed report. At almost all screens in TALLY.

ALT+ F2 To change the system period. At almost all screens in TALLY.

ALT + F3 To select the company info menu. To create/alter/shut a Company.

At Gateway of Tally screen.

ALT + F4 To select the Purchase Order At Accounting/Inventory

Voucher Type. Voucher creation and alteration screen.

ALT + F5 To select the Sales Order At Accounting/Inventory Voucher

Voucher Type. creation and alteration screen.

To view monthly and quarterly At almost all report screens in

report. TALLY.

ALT + F6 To select the Rejection At Accounting/Inventory Voucher

Out Voucher Type. creation and alteration screen.

To change the Sales Order

Voucher Type.

ALT + F7 To select the Stock Journal At Accounting/Inventory Voucher

Voucher Type creation and alteration screen.

To accept all the Audit lists At TallyAudit Listing screen

ALT+ F8 To select the Delivery Note At Accounting/Inventory Voucher

Voucher Type. creation and alteration screen.

To view the Columnar report. At Ledger Voucher screen.



Computerised Accounting System

Windows Functionality Availability

ALT + F9 To select the Receipt Note At Accounting/Inventory Voucher

Voucher Type. creation and alteration screen.

ALT + F10 To select the Physical Stock At Accounting/Inventory Voucher

Voucher Type. creation and alteration screen.

ALT + F12 To filter the information based At almost all report screens.

on monetary value.

CTRL+ Advanced Config. At Gateway of Tally.


Key Combination used for navigation

Windows Functionality Availability

PgUp Display previous voucher during At voucher entry and alteration

voucher entry/alter. screens.

PgDn Display next voucher during At voucher entry and alteration

voucher entry/alter. screens.

ENTER To accept anything you type You have to use this key at most

into a field. areas in TALLY.

To accept a voucher or master. At the receivables report – press

Enter at a pending bill to get

To get a report with further transactions relating to this bill (e.g.,

details of an item in a report. original sale bill, receipts and payments

against this bill, etc.).

ESC To remove what you typed into a field.

To come out of a screen. At almost all screens in TALLY.

To indicate you do not want to

accept a voucher or master.

SHIFT + Collapse next level details. At Voucher Register screen and

ENTER Trial Balance report.

SHIFT + To explode a line into its details. In almost all Reports: At a Group/

ENTER Stock Group/Cost Category/Godown/

Stock Category – displays Sub Groups

and Ledgers/Stock Items/Cost Centres/

Secondary Godowns/Secondary Stock

Categories. At a Voucher – displays its

entries and narration.At a Stock Itemdisplays its godowns and batch details.At

Voucher Register screen – displays the

next level details.At Trial Balance report

- displays the next level details.

CTRL + To alter a master while making At voucher entry and alteration

ENTER an entry or viewing a report. screens At all reports.


Accounting Software Package : Tally


• In computerised accounting system, accounting transactions are journalised

by two methods (1) manually (2) computerised. In the present computerized

accounting system are more and more effective in comparison of manual

system of accounting. There are different type of accounting softwares in

market but Tally 9.0 is more effective accounting software. Tally 9.0 software

have a different features these are :

i) Gateway - Gateway is the starting of Tally. In other words we can say

that gateway is the gate to enter in Tally.

ii) Company creation - Before inputing accounting transactions, first we

create a company through company creation.

iii) Chat of accounts - Chart of accounts is the segmentation of Liabilities

and Assets of Balance Sheet and preparation of Profit and Loss account.

iv) Account master - Account master basically used for account group

and ledger .

v) Voucher entry - After creation of account user inputs accounting

voucher entry in the book of accounts. In computerised accounting

system all entries are inputed through a voucher entry.

vi) Trial Balance - Trial balance is the statement of different closing

balances of ledger.

vii) Balance Sheet - The balance sheet is constructed by simply posting all

items of liabilities and assets for the finalisation of journal entry.

• Report printing - Report printing is the last step of accounting process.

• Accounting software can be used to successfully maintain the financial

transactions of any organisation. Besides data maintenance, these prove to

be very efficient when we have to generate accounting reports, which are

crucial for decision making in an organisation. These software packages

have many more features, which can be explored and used depending on

the type of transaction details you require.



Computerised Accounting System



A. To create group which menu is used?

a. Gateway of Tally > master >accounts info > create

b. Gateway of Tally > master >accounts info > alter

c. Gateway of Tally > master >accounts info > display

d. Gateway of Tally > master >accounts info > edit

B. To create ledger which menu is used ?

a. Gateway of Tally > master >accounts info >ledger > create

b. Gateway of Tally > master >accounts info > ledger >alter

c. Gateway of Tally > master >accounts info > ledger >display

d. Gateway of Tally > master >accounts info > ledger>edit

C. Which short cut is used to shift “company information menu” form gateway of


a. Alt + F3

b. Alt + Escape

c. Shift + F3

d. Shift + F1

D. In which group will you record the expense of light bill of Factory?
a. Direct income

b. Direct Expense

c. Indirect income

d. Indirect Expense

E. While recording the voucher entry if it is necessary to create a new ledger for

that which commands is used in Tally?

a. Ctrl + C

b. Ctrl + G

c. Alt + C

d. Alt + G

F. While creating ledger if you want to create new group which key is pressed?

a. Ctrl + C

b. Ctrl + G


Accounting Software Package : Tally


c. Alt + C

d. Alt + G

G. ……………… works as a platform to work with Tally

a. Gateway of Tally

b. Outway of Tally

c. Company information

d. All the above

H. How many characters are used to create company’s short name?

a. 2
b. 4

c. 3

d. 5


1. How do you begin using Tally accounting software?

2. What menu option is available on the gateway of Tally screen?

3. What is the use of Button bar in Tally accounting package?

4. What are the contents of Balance Sheet in Tally?

5. What do you mean by Account Info?

6. Explain the process of Company Creation?

7. “Report generating is not a easy task” Is this statement true or false Explain?

8. Describe the various contents of Profit and Loss Account?

9. Describe the process of creating a Group company and how would you Display

and Alter a Group account?

10. Describe Tally 9.0 and what are the new features of 9.0, and explain the various

items of the Tally screen?


1. From the following transactions of Ashirwad Ltd, post the voucher entries in

the respective ledger accounts, prepare a trial balance and balance sheet.

i. Started a business with cash Rs 40,000

ii. Goods of Rs 10,000/- were purchased at 10% trade discount

iii. Goods of Rs 5,000/- were sold with a profit of 40% to Arjun

iv. Commission received Rs 500

v. Cash deposited Rs 7,000 in a bank


Computerised Accounting System

vi. Return of goods Rs 1,500

vii. Salary paid Rs 2,500

viii. Wages paid Rs 350


1. a 2. a 3. a 4. d 5. c 6. b

7. a 8. b






After studying this unit you will be able


• Understand how to Structure

database as per requirement.

Design and create database


• Make use of Microsoft Access for

simple database applications

involving creation of back-end

database and the front-end

forms for capturing, processing

and retrieval of data.


 

One of the major factors for realising the need of

Computerised Accounting System is the

overwhelming quantity of data in our

organisations. The conventionally used paper filing

system, text documents, and even spread-sheets

may not suffice for the growing needs of tracking

this voluminous and critical information. A simple

solution to this situation is available in the form

of a Database Management System (DBMS) (e.g.

‘Access’, ‘Oracle’, ‘SQL Server’, etc.) that provides

a variety of software tools for organising,

processing and querying data in a flexible manner.

As we now proceed to look into practical

applications of computers in generating, storing,

processing, and retrieving of accounting

information, we will make an assumption that you

are fairly conversant with the accounting framework

and operating procedure – i.e. you have the required

domain knowledge. We also assume that you have

adequate exposure to handling of computers and

the concepts of database. However, we do not wish

to make knowledge of the database management a

pre-requisite for understanding of this chapter,

and hence, we will restrict ourselves to the simpler

and easy to comprehend ‘MS Access’ program for

developing some practical accounting applications.

In doing so, we will focus on the three major

components of Access, namely, ‘tables’, ‘queries’

and ‘forms’. Having done that, we will examine

the methods of generating reports. This basically

builds on the concepts of DBMS already learnt by

you in class XI.



Computerised Accounting System



With the continuous improvements in computer’s processing speed,

storage capacity, networking techniques, operating systems, etc, the

capabilities of computer applications have also gone up many folds.

Various computer applications that are commercially available today

not only provide fairly comprehensive tools for all conceivable needs

but also have become extensively user friendly. So, when we look

forward to putting into use database applications such as ‘Access’, we

really do not need much of programming skills. Nevertheless, any

programming knowledge may improve our efficiency and effectiveness

in handling such applications. On the other hand, before we develop

any database application, we ought to have a complete understanding

of our requirements expected from the application. This is one area

where application itself may not extend much help. Further, the correct

understanding of our requirement also has a bearing on the choice of

Database Management Systems (DBMS) - i.e. whether to go for a ‘desktop

database’ or to choose the ‘server database’.

Box - 6.1 Box - 6.1Box - 6.1

In most of the cases, database is not directly accessible to users. Any

addition, modification or retrieval of information from database is done

by the user-friendly programs. Database is thus rightly referred to as

‘back-end back-endback-end’ while the interactive program is termed as ‘front-end ont-end’ of a

database application.

While the desktop databases – residing on standard personal computers

– are oriented toward single-user applications, ‘server databases’ are

geared toward multi-user applications. Understandably the ‘server

database’, containing additional provisions for ensuring reliability and

consistency of data in a multi-user environment, are substantially costlier

than the ‘desktop database’. Hence, it is imperative to do a careful

analysis of our requirements before investing in a database solution.

Some of the questions that need to be answered in this regard are:

• What all data is required to be stored in the database?

• Who will capture or modify the data, and how frequently the data

will be modified?

• Who all will be using the database, and what all tasks will they


• Will the database (backend) be used by any other front-end


• Will access to database be given over LAN (Local Area Network)/

Internet, and for what purposes?

• What level of hardware and operating system is available?



With the continuous improvements in computer’s processing speed,

storage capacity, networking techniques, operating systems, etc, the

capabilities of computer applications have also gone up many folds.

Various computer applications that are commercially available today

not only provide fairly comprehensive tools for all conceivable needs

but also have become extensively user friendly. So, when we look

forward to putting into use database applications such as ‘Access’, we

really do not need much of programming skills. Nevertheless, any

programming knowledge may improve our efficiency and effectiveness

in handling such applications. On the other hand, before we develop

any database application, we ought to have a complete understanding

of our requirements expected from the application. This is one area

where application itself may not extend much help. Further, the correct

understanding of our requirement also has a bearing on the choice of

Database Management Systems (DBMS) - i.e. whether to go for a ‘desktop

database’ or to choose the ‘server database’.


Database Management System for Accounting

If our requirement entails approach to database by many users, or if it

involves simultaneous updating of data by different users, then perhaps

server databases such as ‘Microsoft SQL Server’, ‘Oracle’ or ‘IBM DB2’

will provide desired solutions.

Although carrying high price tags, a server-based database can

give you several advantages in terms of flexibility for the choice of

front-end applications, powerful performance independent of platform,

and scalability to handle rapidly expanding number of users as well as

amount of data.

Box - 6.2 Box - 6.2Box - 6.2

Quite often, same database is required to be used by different

applications. For example, an organisation may have automated

attendance recording system which will record the arrival and

departure time of employees. A variety of such systems (e.g. Cardswipe, Biometric, etc.) are available in
the market, and all of them

come with their own (back-end) database and requisite (front-end)

programs. This attendance information may be required for generating

salary bills of the employees. The payroll application of the organisation,

with its own (back-end) (back-end) database and (front-end) (front-end) program, will also

access the database of attendance recording application.

Box - 6.3 Box - 6.3Box - 6.3

Access 2007 usually comes as part of Microsoft Office 2007. However,

it can also be purchased separately as a standalone program. In order

to run this program, your computer should have a minimum configuration

of 500 MHz Processor, 256 megabyte RAM, 1.5 gigabyte Hard disk,

and Windows XP Operating system.

Comparatively, the desktop databases offer an inexpensive and simple

solution to many of our business data storage and processing

requirements. The ‘Microsoft Access’ is one such database - which

comes with the licensed copy of Microsoft Office Professional – providing

one of the simplest and most flexible DBMS solutions today, besides

giving the advantages of familiar ‘Windows’ look and integration with

other Microsoft Office products such as ‘Excel’.

Before opting for any of the database management system, it will be

necessary to ensure that your hardware as well as operating system

meets the minimum system requirements of the desired DBMS. As

stated earlier, we will be enumerating examples of ‘Access’ applications,

and hence it is imperative that your computer lab is equipped with the

licensed copy of ‘MS Access’ with compatible configuration of the

hardware. The illustrations contained in this book are based on Access2007, which may feel a little
different from what you are working with

in case your application is of a different version.



Computerised Accounting System

Even on same version of the ‘Access’, marginal differences may

appear in the illustrated diagrams and the views on your computer

and this may happen on account of variations in the customised settings

of the application. However, these variations are not expected to hamper

your understanding of the contents of this chapter.


By now we understand that a database is simply an organised collection

of data with ‘tables’ as its fundamental building blocks. Tables allow

us to create the framework for storing information in the database.

Each column (also called ‘field’) of the table corresponds to a specific

characteristic (or ‘attribute’ in database terms) of the stored

information. Each row (also called ‘record’) corresponds to a particular

instance of the information.

Box - 6.4 Box - 6.4Box - 6.4

In Access 2007, the entire database is encompassed in a file (with

extension .accdb) which can be stored in your hard-drive or CD. There

can be multiple tables (each storing a specific set of data) with in this

file. Then there are multiple fields in each table according to different

categories (types) of data within the table. And at every instance

(occurrence) of a collection of data covering all fields, a row/record

gets created.

Box - 6.5 Box - 6.5Box - 6.5

Identification of various attributes of a database is generally considered

as part of requirement analysis. requirement analysis. Such a process may entail database

designer to elicit needed information from those with the domain


We may get a better understanding of database design by referring

to practical example of an accounting problem. We may take up the

case of payroll accounting, concepts of which have already been examined

while studying spreadsheet applications in the earlier chapter(refer

chapter 3). You have already seen how different employees draw
different amounts of pay based on the nature and levels of their

employment, even while subjected to a definite pattern of ‘pay rules’

prevalent in the organisation. Since pay rules vary widely from

organisations to organisations, the database design for them will also

A set of tables often with well established relationships between

them constitutes the database covering total spectrum of stored

information. The term ‘database design’ can be used to describe the

structure of different parts of the overall database.


Database Management System for Accounting


differ considerably. For our illustration in this chapter, we will consider

the simplified pay pattern for an assumed organisation XYZ Pvt. Ltd.

Let us begin by identifying various attributes of information that

are required to be stored in our Payroll database. We may have a set of

attributes pertaining to employee’s personal details such as: ‘Employee

ID’, ‘Name’, ‘Designation’, and ‘Location’. On the other hand we may

also deal with such attributes pertaining to employee’s pay as: ‘Basic

Pay’, ‘Dearness Allowance (DA)’, ‘House Rent Allowance (HRA)’,

‘Transport Allowance (TA)’, ‘Provident Fund (PF) Deduction’, etc. We

may also want to know the attributes of ‘Gross Salary’ and ‘Net Salary’

which is obtained by subtracting ‘PF Deductions’ from ‘Gross Salary’.

However, ‘Gross Salary’ and ‘Net Salary’ attributes may not require

being stored in the database as they are merely computational outcomes

from other attributes. We may also require some attributes concerning

pay formulations such as ‘% Rate of DA’ which may fluctuate month to

month, ‘% Rate of HRA’ varying with the location of employee, and ‘TA

Slabs’ varying with the designation of employee.

Box - 6.6 Box - 6.6Box - 6.6

At this stage you may like to know the limitations of ‘Excel’ in payroll

accounting. If you look back at payroll example in Excel spreadsheet,

you will notice that you have created pay information of a set of

employees for a particular month. For generating information concerning

next month, you will have to change employee specific data such as

‘Actual Basic Pay’, ‘days of attendance’, etc in respective cells.

However, the moment you do this, the information of previous month

will be lost. Understandably, ‘Excel’ is merely providing a template for

certain calculations concerning salaries, and storing single (monthly)

instance of the derived information. Excel eliminates redundant data

and hence multiple instances of information cannot be stored in a

single Excel sheet. You may avoid this situation by effecting changes

in a different copy of the sheet. In this manner you are creating different

spread sheet for different months. This is a cumbersome task, and

furthermore the information in such a case will not be residing in a

single table, or a set of related tables, from where it may be retrieved

for generation of ‘annual income’ or ‘income tax’ information.

Now the main question is how to store these attributes in our

database tables. Shall we make all of above attributes as part of one

table, or shall we opt for multiple tables. The ‘Access’ as such will not

put any constraint on the number of tables we opt for, or the type of
data we chose to put in any table. It will have to be entirely our decision,

based on logical structuring of data that we seek to apply. You may

also apreciate the fact that the purpose of a database is not so much

for the storage of information, as for its quick retrieval. Hence, you

ought to structure your database in such a manner that it can be

queried quickly and efficiently.



Computerised Accounting System


Suppose, we seek the simplest structure of a single table containing

all attributes listed above. The rows of this table (see Figure-6.1) will

contain both employee’s personal details as well as employee’s pay

details for every instance of the salary drawn by him or her. Since, the

information will be generated on monthly basis, multiple records will

be created for each employee in the table. Understandably for any

particular employee, we may expect variations in the pay attributes

recorded under different rows - i.e. different pay components and the

resulting gross/net salary may vary from month to month. However,

we do not expect monthly variations in the personal attributes of the

same person under different rows. Evidently thus, the structure of

single table may not be an efficient one as it will entail unwarranted

recording of the same personal data multiple times.

Month Emp Desig. Locat. %DA %HRA Basic DA HRA TA Gross PF Net

& Y ear Name Rate Rate Salary Ded. Salary

Nov. Ram Chief Delhi 26 30 25000 6500 7500 7000 46000 5000 41000

2007 Kishore Manager

Nov. Kishan Manager Faridabad 26 20 22000 5720 4400 5000 37120 3000 34120

2007 Sharma

Nov. Rupali Senior Meerut 26 15 20000 5200 3000 3500 31700 2000 29700

2007 Varma Engineer

Nov. Surjeet Engineer Meerut 26 15 16000 4160 2400 3500 26060 2000 24060

2007 Singh

Dec. Ram Chief Delhi 26 30 25000 6500 7500 7000 46000 7000 39000

2007 Kishore Manager

Dec. Kishan Manager Faridabad 26 20 22000 5720 4400 5000 37120 3000 34120

2007 Sharma

Dec. Rupali Senior Meerut 26 15 20000 5200 3000 3500 31700 3000 28700

2007 Varma Engineer

Dec. Surjeet Engineer Meerut 26 15 16000 4160 2400 3500 26060 3000 23060

2007 Singh

Jan. Ram Chief Delhi 30 30 25000 7500 7500 7000 47000 6000 41000

2008 Kishore Manager

Jan. Kishan Manager Faridabad 30 20 22000 6600 4400 5000 38000 2000 36000

2008 Sharma

Repeating personal data Pay formulation parameters Pay data

Figure 6.1: Single table for all attributes

With the understanding of the limitations of a single table, let us

now examine a better approach involving creation of multiple tables.

For example, we may have separate tables for personal attributes (i.e.
name, designation, location etc.), pay formulation parameters (i.e. %

DA rate, % HRA rate, etc.) and the pay attributes (i.e. basic pay, DA,


Database Management System for Accounting


HRA, TA, etc.). Personal details table may be used for recording personal

attributes of every employee, consuming only one row of data (i.e. record)

for each employee. The pay details table may contain records of pay

attributes for all employees, with a new row of data created for an

employee for every instance of the monthly salary drawn by him or

her. Other tables may also be created for recording different parameters

used in pay formulations of employees. Thus, we may have separate

tables for storing the ‘% DA rate’ for different months, ‘% HRA rate’ for

different locations, and the fixed quantum of ‘Transport Allowances’

for different designations of employees.

In order to establish relationship between any two tables, we will

have to insert columns with matching values in the two related tables.

Thus, we may have ‘employee name’ appearing in both ‘personal table’

as well as in ‘pay table’. After establishing a relationship between

these two tables, rows with a common value in ‘employee name’ field of

both the tables get related. The two common fields used in a relationship

between tables are called the key fields. In our example, any ‘employee

name’ in the personal table appears only once (i.e. unique row); and

hence this field of personal table is a primary key of the relationship.

On the other hand, an ‘employee name’ in the pay table appears in

multiple rows; and hence this field of pay table is a foreign key of the

relationship. The Figure-6.2 below illustrates the relationship of some

such tables, wherein the lines connecting rows of two tables represent


Month % DA

and Y ear Rate

Nov. 2007 26

Dec. 2007 26

Jan. 2008 30

Figure 6.2: Multiple tables for different attributes

Locat. % HRA Rate

Delhi 30

Faridabad 20

Meerut 15

Emp Name Desig. Locat.

Ram Kishore Chief Manager Delhi

Kishan Sharma Manager Faridabad

Rupali Varma Senior Engineer Meerut

Surjeet Singh Engineer Meerut

Month Emp Basic DA HRA TA Gross PF Net

& Y ear Name Salary Ded. Salary

Nov. Ram 25000 6500 7500 7000 46000 5000 41000

2007 Kishore

Nov. Kishan 22000 5720 4400 5000 37120 3000 34120

2007 Sharma
Nov. Rupali 20000 5200 3000 3500 31700 2000 29700

2007 Varma

Nov. Surjeet 16000 4160 2400 3500 26060 2000 24060

2007 Singh

Dec. Ram 25000 6500 7500 7000 46000 7000 39000

2007 Kishore



Computerised Accounting System

For our practical example, let us take the multiple-tables route. We

will have altogether five tables. Our first table, with the name

‘TabEmpDetails’, will store employee’s personal attributes in the fields

of ‘EmpName’, ‘Designation ID’ and ‘Location ID’. In addition we will

also have a field of ‘EmpID’ for storing unique values of employee

number. So this field will be identified as Primary Key for the

‘TabEmpDetails’ table; and thereby database will not permit storing of

two similar values in this field. The ‘DesignationID’ field will merely

store the ID of employee’s Designation, further details of which will be

stored in a separate table. Understandably, this field will have multiple

repetitions of some of the values. This field will form one of the foreign

keys of ‘TabEmpDetails’ table with the establishment of its relationship

with the table containing details of Designations. The ‘LocationID’ field

will get similar treatment with another table containing details of


You may notice that we have used combinations of shortened words

for identification of table name and the names of its different fields.

This is done so as not to make headings of the table unnecessarily

long, at the same time leaving sufficient scope for easy identification

of intended attributes. You may also mark that no blank (gap) is left in

between a name. We have also used both upper and lower cases for

improving our readability of these names, though Access program as

such is case insensitive. Read Box-6.9 to know more about the naming


Our second table will be named ‘TabDesignations’ containing fields

of ‘DesgID’, ‘Designation’, and ‘TA’. Evidently, the field of ‘DesgID’

will form the Primary Key for this table. The third table with the name

of ‘TabLocations’ and containing fields of ‘LocationID’, ‘Location’ and

Box - 6.7 Box - 6.7Box - 6.7

Avoiding duplication of information is key criteria of database design,

which is achieved by breaking up of information into separate but

related tables; and this process is called normalisation. We will

also have to establish links between different tables so as to reconstruct

the original information; and these links in database terms are called

relationships. The database created on the basis of such relationships

between different data tables is called relational database.

Box - 6.8 Box - 6.8Box - 6.8

The process of matching rows in two tables based on their primary

and foreign keys is called a Join. Joins along with Structured Query

Language LanguageLanguage (SQL) serve as valuable tools for manipulating tables. But,

these topics are beyond the scope of this book, and hence not
elaborated further.


Database Management System for Accounting


‘RateOfHRA’ will have ‘LocationID’ as its Primary Key. Our fourth

table will be used for storing the percentage rate of DA for different

months of salary and it will be named as ‘TabDARates’. It will have

fields of ‘MonthID’, ‘SalMonth’ and ‘RateOfDA’ with the field of

‘MonthID’ forming the Primary Key. Now our last table will be used for

storing the salary information that will be generated for different

employees in different months. This table, named as ‘TabMonthlySalary’

will contain fields of ‘SalaryID’, ‘MonthID’, ‘EmpID’, ‘Basic’, and

‘DedForPF’ (Deduction for Provident Fund). The field of ‘SalaryID’ will

be used for making each salary record as unique data and hence it will

form the Primary Key of the table. The ‘MonthID’ (forming relationship

with ‘TabDARates’) and ‘EmpID’ (forming relationship with

‘TabEmpDetails’) will be the two foreign keys of this table. In this

table, the field of ‘Basic’ will be entered by the Pay-clerk for every

instance of salary generation for an employee, depending upon the

level of employee and his or her attendance record for the month. The

Pay-clerk will also record the amount of PF deduction based on the

choice given by individual employee, subject to prevalent rules. You

may notice that out five tables, only the ‘TabMonthlySal’ table will

grow every month with the addition of as many records as the number

of employees drawing salary for the given month.

By now, you may have noticed that we have not given any fields in

any of the table for storing attributes of ‘DA’, ‘HRA’, ‘TA’, ‘GrossSalary’

and ‘NetSalary’. These fields are computed fields; and as such the

Pay-clerk is not required to enter any data for these fields. Then why

store them unnecessarily. Rather we will generate these fields in a

Query, which is another Access object designed to extract data form

one or more tables. Queries also allow computational facilities and

present the outcome in a tabulated manner, as we shall see in a short


Box - 6.9 Box - 6.9Box - 6.9

For writing a field name you can use up to 64 characters including

letters, numbers and blank spaces. However it is advisable to avoid

blanks as it entails irritating and unnecessary use of additional

identifiers while using names in SQL and programming components

(e.g. “Emp ID” will be written as [Emp ID] or Emp_ID, whereas it could

have been easily written as EmpID in both database as well as

programming). A name cannot start with a blank. You can include

punctuation characters except a period (.), an exclamation mark (!), or

brackets ([]). You cannot use a field name twice in the same table. It is

also advisagle to avoid use of standard words that define Access

functions and properties or are part of VB language. Same rules apply

for naming objects like Tables, Queries and Forms; however, no two

objects of the same type can have same name.


Computerised Accounting System



Before we take up the task of database design using Access, we will

have to first start up the Microsoft Access Application. For this, click

on the Start button on the Windows Taskbar. Now point to All

Programs; then point to Microsoft Office; and then click Microsoft Microsoft

Office Access 2007. (Henceforth in this chapter we will notify such

sequential operations in a simplified manner as: Start > All Programs

> Micr > Microsoft Of osoft Ofosoft Office > Microsoft Access 2007). You will be taken to the

‘Getting Started with Microsoft Access’ Screen as shown in Figure-6.3.

This screen is divided into three sections. The ‘Template Categories’

section on the left is for previewing and downloading standard database

templates. In the centre you will see the ‘New Blank Database’ section

for starting straightaway with a new database. On the right side is the

‘Open Recent Database’ section for opening the existing database files.

Click on Blank

Database under

central section. This

will open up a dialogue

box on the right

section asking for

database file name.

This dialogue box

could have also been

opened by Clicking on

the Office button

located at the upper

left corner of the

screen and then

Clicking New at the

drop down menu (see

Figure - 6.3). Enter the

file name ‘PayRollApplication’ and then click on the Create button as

shown in Figure – 6.4.

Box - 6.10

If you have so far worked only with Microsoft Office 97-2003 or its

earlier versions, then the window style that you may find now may

look little unfamiliar. However, this style is now common in all Microsoft

Office 2007 applications. Herein Microsoft makes use of a new resultsoriented user interface through
which commands and features that

were often buried in complex menus and toolbars are now easier to

find. The user interface now includes task-oriented tabs that contain

logical groups of commands and features in a standard area called


Figure 6.3: Getting started with Microsoft Office Access


Database Management System for Accounting


Instead of the default location

for your database file, you can

also identify your own location

by clicking on the Browse icon

given on the right side of file

name. In New File dialogue box,

you can also accept the

suggested name (in default

folder My Documents) and later

on rename the file and move it

to any other folder of your choice.

File name can be of any length,

and it can include spaces and

even most of the punctuation

marks. Also note that even if you do not type the default extension

“.accdb” with the file name, it will be automatically added by the


Clicking Create button

on the New file dialogue

box takes you directly to

the new database window

with the Tab for

DataSheet DataSheet opened up.

The Figure 5 illustrates

different components of

this active database

window of Access. In the

left side Navigation Pane

you will see that a default

table (Table 6.1) has

already been created and

the same is also opened up

in the working area of the


Figure 6.4: Dialogue Box for Creating New

Database File

Box - 6.11

‘Access’ as such is a fully complete application development system

that includes Visual Basic (VB) Programming language and several

other tools for setting up sophisticated applications. Even if you do not

know many of the programming concepts, you can still maximise use

of Access with the help of Access Wizards that will guide you through

several steps for automatic creation of a database of your choice as

well as linked queries and forms. For better understanding of underlying

concepts, we will mostly use the design tools, and in some cases the

route of Wizards as well as.

Figure 6.5: Illustration of the Active Database Window



Computerised Accounting System

We can straight away start working on this table assuming it to be

our first table. All we have to do is to type an employee name (say ‘Ram
Kishore’) in the second column and click enter (or use Tab) to move to

third column; type a designation ID (say ‘1’) followed by enter; and

finally move to fourth column and type a location ID (say ‘1’) - as

illustrated in Figure - 6. In this case, Access will automatically set a

data type for each field based on the type of data entered into each

column. You will see that headings of these colums are named as

‘Field1’, ‘Field2’ and ‘Field3’. Move the mouse pointer over the column

heading ‘Field1’ and then double-click to select the column heading.

Type ‘EmpName’ and press enter to change the column name from

‘Field1’ to ‘EmpName’. Similary, change the names of columns ‘Field2’

and ‘Field3’ to ‘DesgID’ and ‘LocationID’. You might have noticed by

now that the first column of the table has the name ‘ID’ which was

created automatically. This is an AutoNumber field in which the field

value is assigned automatically by Access as we enter a new record.

You may see your first record starting with a number different from

the expected ‘1’. Even this number will be replace by the next number

if you delete the record and start afresh. Ignore this limitation as it

may not have any impact on our application. Move the mouse pointer

over ‘ID’ heading; double click to select this heading, and change its

value to ‘EmpID’.

The structure of the ‘Table1’ that you see presently in the Datasheet

View is already complete. At this stage, you can chose to enter the

values of the other records as well. If you are not contended with the

width of any column in your table then with the insertion point

positioned in any record of this column click Home Tab > More (under
Records Gr oup) > Column W oup) > Column Width. In the dialogue box that appears

with the present value of column width, you can enter a different

value and click Ok; else click BestFit to set the width of column to

Figure 6.6: Creating a Table by Adding Records


Database Management System for Accounting


accommodate the longest entry (See Figure 6.7). You can also do this

operation in a simple manner using mouse while in Datasheet View.

Position the pointer on the right column boundary of the selected

column in the header row till the pointer changes to a vertical line

with a left-right-pointing arrow; then double click the left mouse-button

to get the best fit.

Figure 6.7 : Column width adjustment

Did you notice that our first table is still named ‘Table1’ and it has

not been saved yet. Click on the Save button on the Quick Access

toolbar on left hand top corner of window. A Save As Save As dialogue box will

Figure 6.8 : Saving of the Table with intended Name



Computerised Accounting System

appear with the default table name of ‘Table1’ as shown in Figure - 6.8.

Replace the name with ‘TabEmpDetails’ and press enter or clik OK

button to save the table with the intended name.

Now let us look at this table in Design View. Click on the View
button placed on the left end of the ribbon (in View group) under the

Datasheet Tab as indicated in Figure - 6.8. The design view of the

current table will appear in the working area of the window as shown

in Figure – 9. In Design View, you can tell Access which all fields will

go into the table by entering desired attributes in the column titled

‘Field Name’. The type of data corresponding to each attribute can be

identified in the column ‘Data Type’. Presently in our case for

‘TabEmpDetails’ table, the field name as well as data type are already

filled up for all intended fields. You may also notice a icon of ‘Key’

appearing before the ‘EmpID’ field indicating it to be the Primary Key

of the table.

For the benefit of laterday referencing, you may choose to record a

brief description of different attributes in the column ‘Description’.

Filling up of description of fields is optional, and has no bearing on the

design of table. Even then it is desirable, especially if your database is

likely to be used by other programers as well. Besides the data type,

there are several other properties that can be set independently for

each field. Appearing as ‘Field Properties’ at bottom part of the design

Figure 6.9 : Design View of the Table


Database Management System for Accounting


view, these parameters of a field will vary with the choice of data type.

A narration of each property (when you click the desired property) also

appears in a hint box on right hand side, which makes understanding

of field properties quiet simple. However, we will stick to default

properties of all fields, and ignore this area altogether.

Having fully completed the structure and data of our first table and

also having understood the various conccepts related to its design, we

can now move on and create rest of the four tables. Click on Create

Tab > Table Button as illustrated in Figure – 10. The Data Sheet view

of the default table (Table1) will appear again. You can choose this

view or the Design View to create the rest of the tables and save them

under intended names. For your conveniene, the field names and data

types of all five tables are summarised as under:

Sl. Field Name Data Type Description


1. TabEmpID

EmpID AutoNumber Unique employee ID – Primary Key.

EmpName Text

DesgID Number

LocationID Number

2. TabDesignations

DesgID AutoNumber Unique Designation ID – Primary Key.

Figure 6.10 : Creating New Table



Computerised Accounting System

Designation Text

TA Number Transportation Allowance – fixed as per


3. TabLocations

LocationID AutoNumber Unique Location ID – Primary Key.

Location Text

RateOfHRA Number % Rate of House Reent Allowance.

4. TabDARates

MonthID AutoNumber Unique MonthID – Primary Key.

SalMonth Text With values as ‘Jan-2007’, “Feb-2007” etc.

RateOfDA Number % Rate of Deanress Allowance.

5. TabMonthly Salary

SalaryID AutoNumer Unique SalaryID – Primary Key.

MonthID Number

EmpID Number

Basic Number Basic pay based on level & attendance of


DedForPF Number Deduction for PF opted by employee & as

per rules.

Having completed the designs of all data tables, we will now move on

to the task of establishing relationships between different tables. Click

on the Databse Tools Tab and then Relationships button under Show/

Figure 6.11 : Creating Relationship between Table


Database Management System for Accounting


Hide group as shown in Figure - 6.11. In the working area, a Show

Table dialogue box will appear as shown in Figure - 6.12. In case you

do not see this dialogue box click on Design > Show Table. In the

Show Table dialogue box, select a table and clik Add button to add it

in the relationship window. Add all the five tables in this manner.

Close the Show Table dialogue box by clicking on Close button.

Figure 6.12 : Adding of Tables for Establishing relationships between them

In the working area you will see all five table objects, each detailing

the fields within them. You can reposition these table objects any

where within the relationship window. To do this, point the mouse

pointer in the caption area of the selected table object, hold down the

left mouse button and then drag the mouse to shift table to its new

location as shown in Figure -6.13. Now to create a relationship between

TabMonthlySalary and TabDARates, position the mouse pointer over

MonthID in the TabMonthlySalary table object, hold down the left mouse

button, drag the pointer right to MonthID in the TabDARates, and

then release the mouse button. A Edit Relationships dialogue box

will appear as soon as you release the mouse button. You will notice

that the dialogue box shows relationship type as One-To-Many

(see Figure-6.13).



Computerised Accounting System

Access has determined the relationship type based on the fields

selected for joining the two tables. Click on the Create button. A black

line will appear joining the two tables at the common field. This line,
also referred to as Join Line, establishes the relationship between

TabMonthlySalary and TabDARates using the common field of MonthID.

Remember, MonthID forms Primary Key in TabDARates and Foreign

Key in TabMonthlySalary and hence is the relationship One-To-Many

type. You may now repeat above steps to establish other relationship

between the tables as indicated in Figure - 6.13. The overall relationship

between different tables are summarised as under:

Figure 6.13 : Relationship between different Tables

Table Related Table Common Field Relationship Type

TabDARates TabMonthlySalary MonthID One-To-Many

TabEmpDetails TabMonthlySalary EmpID One-To-Many

TabDesignations TabEmpDetails DesgnID One-To-Many

TabLocations TabEmpDetails LocationID One-To-Many


As discussed in Section 4.0, we will now get on to the task of handling

computational fields of ‘DA’, ‘HRA’, ‘TA’, ‘GrossSalary’ and ‘NetSalary’

using Queries. The Queries provide the real power to a database in

terms of its capabilities to answer more complex requests (or

queries). In case of Access, Queries provide the capability of combining

data from multiple tables and placing specific conditions for the


Database Management System for Accounting


retrieval of data. In its simplest form, you may consider a Query to be

another tabular view of your data showing information from one or

more tables.

Click on Create > Query Design. A Show Table dialogue box will

appear with a Query Table in the background as shown in Figure – 6.14.

In case you do not see this dialogue box click on Design > Show

Table. In the Show Table dialogue box, select a table and clik Add

button to add it in the relationship window. Add all the five tables in

this manner. Close the Show Table dialogue box by clicking on Close

button. In working area above the Query Table, you will see all five

table objects (with complete list of their fields) along with the one-toone relationship that has been
established between tables earlier. You

can reposition these table objects in the manner discussed earlier. In

the portion below Table objects, you will see blank columns that

represent columns in the Query results datasheet. These columns (see

Figure – 6.14) are also referred to as the Design Grid.

Figure 6.14 : Creation of Query



Computerised Accounting System

In the first column of the design grid, click on the Table row. A

dropdown button will appear on this cell. Click on the button to get the

dropdown list of tables and click on ‘TabMonthlySal’. Now in the same

column, click on Field row and get the dropdown list of all fields in

‘TabMonthlySal’. Click on the ‘SalaryID’ field. In this manner the

SalaryID (from TabMonthlySal) has been selected for view in the Query.

The above operation could have also been done simply by double clicking

the ‘SalaryID’ in the list box of TabMonthlySal object. You could have
also done this by positioning the mouse pointer on the identified field

of a table object, held down the left mouse button, and dragged it to

the field row of the desired column of the design grid, and then released

the mouse button.

You shall take care to fill different fields from Table object into the

Design Grid in the same order in which you want to display these

fields in the Query Results data sheet. Now select any of the described

methods to fill other columns of the design grid in the specified order

with fields of Month ID (TabMonthlySalary), SalMonth (TabDARates),

EmpName (TabEmpDetails), and Basic (TabMonthlySalary) as

illustrated in Figure - 6.15. In case you may not require the need of

displaying MonthID, you may click on this field at the row marked as

‘Show’ to uncheck the show-check-box. At this stage, if you click on

the Run button under Results Results group of Design Tab, you will see the

result of Query displayed with the fields of SalaryID, SalMonth,

EmpName, and Basic. Clicking of ‘Run’ actually tells the Access to

Figure 6.15 : Creation of different Fields in the Query Table


Database Management System for Accounting


execute all instructions stored by you in the Query, and to display the

results. You may adjust the column widths by any of the methods

described earlier for Tables. Click on the Save button on the Quick

Access toolbar. At the Save As disalogue box, type QueryMonthlySalary

and click OK to save our Query.

Evidently our Query is not complete as we are not seeing the

computational fields and the field of DedForPF in the DataSheet View.

Go back to the Design Grid view by clicking on Design View under

Home Tab. In the Design Grid, Click on the Field row of the first balnk

column (after Basic) and type ‘DA: [Basic]*[TabDARates.RateOfDA]/

100’. In this expression, the word ‘DA’ coming before the colun(:) will

be treated as the name of the computational field which will appear as

heading of the column. The rest of the typed part will form the actual

expression which will be evaluated and its value displayed on clicking

of Run command. You may notice that in our expression for ‘DA’, we

have made use of ‘Basic’ field which is already forming a part of Query

by taking it within the square parenthesis ([ ]). We have also made use

of ‘RateOFDA’ field which is not appearing in the Query columns; and

for this we recorded the corresponding Table name as well as Field

name separated by a period (.) within the square parenthesis. It may

be easily comprehendable that the operator ‘*’ and ‘/’ stand for

multiplication and division respectively. At this stage if you click on

the ‘Run’ command, you will notice the last field for ‘DA’ with its

computed values for different employees as per the % DA Rates for

different months.

Come back to the design view (by Clicking Design View button

under Views Group) and repeat above listed procedure to fill up the

next field of Query for computing HRA using the expression ‘HRA:

[Basic]*[TabLocations.RateOfHRA]/100’. The next column in the

Query is for the TA field, which is to be included as such from the

Table ‘TabDesignations’ using any of the methods enumerated earlier.

Next, create the field for ‘Gross Salary’ by typing the expression

‘GrossSalary: [Basic]+[DA]+[HRA]+[TA]’. Now we can also include the

field of ‘DedForPF’ from the ‘TabMonthlySalary’. Finally, we shall

include the field of NetSalary using the simple expression ‘NetSalary:

[GrossSalary]-[DedForPF]‘. At this stage, save your Query as instructed

earlier and also run the ‘Run’ command to look back the outcome of

your effort in the Data Sheet View.

While Figure -6.15 gives an illustration of the Design View of our

Query, the Figure - 6.16 shows the Datasheet View of the Query. Your

view may be little different based on the actual data that you have

entered in different tables. As shown in Figure 6.16, you may notice

that the total dataset of the Query is composed of all data rows

corresponding to the Table ‘TabMonthlySalary’. You may restrict the

dataset to any restricted values for any of the specified field. For

example, we may want only the data corresponding to November 2007,



Computerised Accounting System

for which the MonthID is ‘6’. With this objective, click on the Criteria

row under MonthID field and type ‘=6’ as shown in Figure - 6.17. Now

if you click on ‘Run’ command, you will see the data records

corresponding only to the month (SalMonth) of Nov 2007’.

Figure 6.16 : Datasheet View of the Query

Figure 6.17 : Setting of Criteria and Sorting of Data in a Query


Database Management System for Accounting


For a better presentation, you may also like to sort the records in

ascending or descending order against a chosen field of the Query.

Thus, we may like to arrange the records of Nov.2007 as per

alphabatically ordered names. For this, click on the Sort row below

the EmpName field. Now Click on the pull down button that appears

on the end of the cell and select Ascending (see Figure – 6.17). Run

the Query and notice that the records are alphabatically arranged as

per names of the employees.


So far, we have learned the concepts behind organising the information

in a database using Tables and retrieving such information using

Queries. Now we will look into the mechanisms for placing information

into the tables as and when the need arises. The Microsoft Access

provides two primary mechanisms to achieve this goal. The first method,

which we are already familiar with, is to simply bring up the table in a

window by double-clicking on it and adding information to the new

blank row at the bottom. We can also make changes in any other row

as one would do in case of a spreadsheet. You can save the changes in

the table by clicking on the Save button on the Quick Access toolbar.

Box - 6.12

The Access 2007 provides facility for creation of a Simple Form

wherein you can enter information for one record at a time. Access
also provides tools for creation of a Split Form which shows the

underlying datasheet in one half of the section and a Form in other

half for entering information in the record selected in the datasheet.

The two views in this form are synchronised so that scrolling in one

view causes the scrolling of other view to same location of the record.

As second mechanism for information handling (i.e. for addition,

modification and deletion), the Access provides a user-friendly Forms

interface that allows users to enter information in a graphical form,

and this information transparently passes to the underlying

database. This method is more user-friendly for the data entry operator,

though it may entail a little more work on the part of the database


For our Pays Roll Application, let us create a simple Form for the

Table TabMonthlySalary – which is one table likely to be used more

frequently by the bill clerk. In the Navigation Pane of

PayRollApplication, Click once on the TabMonthlySalary. Having

selected the intended Table thus, Click on Create Tab and then on

Form under Forms Group. The Form View of the TabMonthlySalary

will appear in the working area of Window showing first record of the

Table as illustrated in Figure 18. At the bottom of the Form you will

see Navigation bar with buttons for ‘First Record’, ‘Previous Record’,



Computerised Accounting System

‘Next Record’, ‘Last Record’ and ‘New Record’. In the middle of Navigation
bar, you will also see the number of current record (e.g. 1 of 24). Click

on the buttons for Next Record a few times to scroll through a few

records in Form View. You may also click other buttons to understand

their functions. If you click on New Record button, you will notice that

a new record will get displayed with ‘SalaryID’ SalaryID’SalaryID’ displaying (New) while

all other fields remaining blank. You may recall that SalaryID is the

Primary Key of this table with AutoNumber as its data type.

Figure 6.18 : Creation of Forms

We can make some changes in the size of data boxes and their

location within the Form. With this objective, let us first change the

view of Form to Design View by clicking on Home > Design View. In

the Design View, click on any of the Text Boxes. Move the mouse pointer

to right end of the highlighted boundary of the Box till a Left-Right

arrow appears. Press the Left Mouse button, and holding it there move

the mouse towards left to reduce the width of Text Box to desired size.

You will notice that the sizes of all Text Boxes have reduced

automatically. Now select all text boxes by clicking once on each box

while pressing the Shift key. Now move the Mouse pointer over any of

the box till a sign with four arrows (similar to a + sign) appears. Press

the Left Mouse button, and holding it there move the mouse towards

right to shift the Text Boxes to a more central location.


Database Management System for Accounting


We know that in TabMonthlySalary, the field of MonthID is a Foreign

Key. In order to have meaningful values in our final Query (i.e.

QueryMonthlySalary), this field shall contain only those values that

are already stored in TabDARates. We can impose this condition in the

Form while we are in Design View. Click and select the MonthID Text

Box. Keeping the mouse pointer within this Box, click the right mouse

button and select Change To > Combo Box Change To > Combo Box as illustrated in Figure –19.

You will notice that the Text Box of MonthID field will change to a

Combo Box with a pull down button appended at the end of box. With

the MonthID MonthID MonthID ComboBox still selected, click on the Property Sheet Property Sheet

Button under Tools Group. This will open up the Property Sheet of the

MonthID Combo Box as shown in Figure - 6.20. In the Data Tab of

Property Sheet (which may be already open before you), click on the

combo button against ‘Row Source’ property to see the pull down list

of Tables; and select ‘TabDARates’. Note that you will be able to see

the Combo option under ‘Row Source’ property, only if, the ‘Row Source

Type’ property is selected as ‘Table/Query’. Ensure that the ‘Bound

Column’ property has a value of ‘1’, which corresponds to the First

Column – i.e. ‘MonthID’ – of the ‘TabDARates’. Having thus reset the

property of MonthID field of the form, change the view to Form View.

You will notice that the Form now shows a Combo Box against the

MonthID field and in its pull down list only those MonthIDs will appear

which are already stored in the TabDARates. You may realise that in

TabMonthlySalary, the field of EmpID also needs to be given similar

treatment; and its values shall be restricted to the values of ‘EmpID’

given in the TabEmpDetails.

Figure 6.19 : Changing of Textbox to a Combo Box in the Form Design View



Computerised Accounting System

Many more changes can possibly be done in our Form to make it

more user-friendly. However, these may entail the use of ‘Macro Builder’,

‘Query/Expression Builder’ and ‘Code Builder’. These topics are beyond

the scope this book, though you may explore them gradually after

developing familiarity with presently covered areas of Access

programming. You may also develop suitable designs of Forms for other

Tables of the Payroll application.



Information stored in a Table or Query can be easily printed while it is

in Datasheet view. This can be done by using Print command given

under Office Button on left hand top corner of the window. Even a

Form view can be directly printed in similar manner. A Report is also

used for the print purpose, though it allows for more flexibility in

selecting the fields to print, and to have more control on the overall

layout and format of the print output. The Report in Access is thus

another object which is designed to print information from the database

on to the screen, or to a file or directly to the printer.

Here also you can take the elaborate route of step-by-step design as

was done in case of Tables, Query or Form. However in this case, you

may find the Report Wizard becoming a more favorable tool as it

guides the designer through a series of dialogue boxes to create the

most suitable Report.

Figure 6.20 : Setting the Properties of Combo Box


Database Management System for Accounting


Evidently in our case, we will be interested in generating the Report

for the ‘QueryMonthlySalary’. With this intent, Click on

‘QueryMonthlySalary’ in the Navigation Pane, then click on Create

Tab, and then on Report W Report WReport Wizard under Reports Group. In the dialogue

box that appears with QueryMonthlySalary Query already selected,

move all fields from the Available Fields List Box to the Selected Fields

List Box using appropriate Arrow button as shown in Figure - 6.21.

Click Next to see the second dialogue box asking for Grouping Levels.

Here select ‘SalMonth’ and click on the Arrow button (else double click

the ‘SalMonth’) to print data in groups of different salary months (See

Figure – 6.21). Click Next to reach the third dialogue box asking for

sorting order of the records. Here you can click on the Pull-down Arrow

next to the first text box and then select ‘SalaryID’ from the drop down

list so as to arrange the records in ascending order of the salary ID

within each data group - as illustrated in Figure - 6.22. Click Next to

see the dialogue box for layout of the Report. Retain the default ‘Stepped’

layout but change the orientation of Report to ‘Landscape’ so as to see

all the columns of the Report in a single page view (see Figure - 6.22).

Again Click Next to see the dialogue box for selecting style of Report.
You may choose any style and later on experiment with the others as

well. One more click of Next will take you to the dialogue box seeking

the name of Report object. Type ReportMonthlySalary and click on

the Finish button to see the Report appearing in working area of window

in its Print Preview form.

Figure 6.21 : Report Wizard Dialogue Boxes



Computerised Accounting System

You may notice that the extent of data in above designed Report is

limited as per the Criteria laid down in our Query

‘QueryMonthlySalary’. By changing the Query suitably, we can modify

the Report for generating monthly as well as annual Pay Rolls. We can

also change the Criteria of our Query to get individual Report for each

month (i.e. Pay Slip) or for the whole of year (i.e. Annual Statement).

Figure 6.22 : Report Wizard Dialogue Boxes

Figure 6.23 : Adding of Sum Expression in the Report


Database Management System for Accounting


We may like to improve the Report further by getting sum total of

all the values under different columns for each group. For example,

we may want to see the total Basic of all employees for November 2007

group. For such modification, open the Report in Design View by Clicking

on Home Tab and then clicking on Design View under Views Group.
In the design view as shown in Figure - 6.23, select the field Basic by

clicking it once. Now click on Totals under ‘Grouping and Totals’

Group of Design Tab. In the pull down menu that appears, click on

‘Sum’. You will notice that an expression ‘=Sum([Basic])’ will appear

below the Basic Text Box. You can repeat above steps with other fields

containing numerical (both stored as well as computed) values. Now if

you click on View button (i.e. click Design > Report View), you will

see the sum total of each column (with in each group) appearing in the

report as illustrated in Figure 6.24.

Figure 6.24 : Print Preview of Monthly Salary Report

At this stage, close the Report by clicking on the Cross button

immediately above the report. Save the application once again by

clicking on the Save button under Quick Access Bar. Our PayRoll

Application in Access has been completed and saved. You may now

close your application by clicking on the Close button under ‘Office

Button’ or by simply clicking on the Cross button at right-hand top

corner of the window.



Computerised Accounting System


• Database Management System (DBMS) provides a variety of software tools

for organising, processing and querying data in a flexible manner.

MS-Access, Oracle, SQL Server, IBM-DB2 are examples of DBMS software.

• In DBMS, data is organised in tables (similar to a file). A table has a

number of rows (or records) and columns (or fields or attributes). Each

row contains a record of information, for example of an account head or a

party or a transaction as per the need. The information in a row consists

of a sequence of columns or attributes, such as transaction number,

transaction date, etc, or it could be party’s name, party’s address, etc.

• One of the tasks in analysis of requirement is to identify and list out the

information required including its elements. These elements of information

become columns (attributes) in appropriate tables.

• Data (set of attributes) should be logically structured so as to put them in

various tables. The goal of such structuring is to reduce data redundancy,

to achieve data consistency as well as to enhance efficiency for adding,

updating and querying operations on database.

• Normalisation is the process for removing data redundancy.

• Since the data stored in different tables may be related, such relationship

is implemented by establishing links between tables. The database created

on the basis of such relationships between different tables is called

relational database.

• Relationship between tables is established with the help of primary key

and foreign key. Primary key consists of minimum possible one or more

than one attributes of a table, which uniquely identifies each row of that

table. Foreign key consists of set of attributes, which from primary key in

another (related) table.

• Most of Computerised Accounting Systems are multi-user systems. These

systems use ‘server database’ unlike single-user (or desktop) systems using

‘desktop database’. In a multi user system, a user interacts with the

software though the user interface, which is also termed as ‘front-end’.

Database, which is kept on a server, is termed as a ‘back-end’.

• MS-Access is an example of ‘desktop database’. Oracle, SQL Server, IBMDB2 is examples of ‘server
databases’, Desktop databases may be satisfactory

for SOHO (Small Office Home Office) organisations as they offer inexpensive

and simple solutions to many of business data storage and processing


• In order to provide security and consistency of data, database is not directly

accessible to users. Any addition or retrieval of information from database

is done by user-friendly programs. Database is thus rightly referred to as

‘back-end’ while the interactive program, that includes user interface, is

termed as ‘front-end’ of a database application.


Database Management System for Accounting




1. ‘DBMS’ stands for:

a. Drawing Board Management Software

b. Dividend Based Marking System

c. Data Base Management System

d. Data Base Marking Software.

2. MS Access is a:

a. Word processing Software

b. Presentation Software

c. Spread sheet Software

d. Data Base Management Software.

3. The term ‘field’ as applied to database table means:

a. Vertical column of the table

b. Size of the table

c. Horizontal row of the table

d. Name of the table.

4. The term ‘record’ as applied to a database table mean:

a. Vertical column of the table

b. Size of the table

c. Horizontal row of the table

d. Name of the table.

5. The common fields used in a relationship between tables are called:

a. Joint fields

b. Main fields

c. Key fields

d. Table fields.

6. The existence of data in a Primary key field is:

a. Not necessarily required

b. Required but need not be unique

c. Required and must be unique

d. All of above



Computerised Accounting System

7. The existence of data in a secondary key field is :

a. Not necessarily required

b. Required but need not be unique

c. Required and must be unique

d. All of above

8. SQL stands for:

a. Simple Questions Language

b. Simple Que line up

c. Singular Quantity Loading

d. Structured Que Language

9. The default extension of MS Access (2007) file is :

a. .accbd

b. .exl

c. .doc

d. .exe

10. Wizards in MS Access means

a. Person who developing progamme

b. Tools for simplifying the programme usage

c. Relating between tables

d. Reporting generated by programme.

11. ‘Join line’ in the context of Access Tables means:

a. Graphical representation of relationship between tables

b. Lines bonding the data within table

c. Line connecting two fields of a table

d. Line connecting two record of a table.

12. In order to retrieve select data meeting a specified criteria from two different
tables of Access database, we may make use of :

a. Table

b. Query

c. Form

d. Report.


Database Management System for Accounting


13. To expect a well formatted printable data from Access database, we may use:

a. Table

b. Query

c. Form

d. Report.


1. What do you understand by DBMS. Give names of two commarly available

DBMS softwares?

2. Differentiate between ‘Desktop database’ and ‘Server database’. List the

criteria that may help you in selecting appropriate database?

3. With suitable example illustrate the meaning of ‘attributes’ as applied to


4. Why do we seek to split up in formation into different tables rather than

confine it to a single table?

5. What do you understand by terms ‘key field’ , ‘primary key’ and ‘secondary

key’ in a database?

6. List the conventions that you will follow, while naming different fields of a table?
7. What are the uses of ‘query’ object in Access program?

8. What do you understand by ‘Form’ object in Access and how are they useful?

9. What is the purpose of ‘report’ object in Access program?

10. What do you understand by database? What are the ways in which data is

stored and queried in an Access database?

11. What are the advantages of Access over Excel?

12. Describe in brief the function of ‘Table’, ‘Query’, ‘Form’ and ‘Report’ object of

Access program?


1. You are starting to plan ahead for you job search. You decide to maintain a

database of company information in Access.

2. Search for at least eight companies. You wish to apply for include company

name, address, telephone and fax numbers. If possible, also include the name

of contact person in their human resorce department.

3. Create job search company safer, accounting database.

4. Open the company information table.

5. Enter at least records for the companies you researched.

6. Adjust column widths, as necessary.

7. Sort the records in ascending order of Name of Company.

8. Preview Table



Computerised Accounting System

9. Format all record to a smaller font size.

10. Change the page layout so that entire table fit on the page.
11. Close company information table.

12. Close Job Search Company, acedb database.



1. c. 2. d. 3. a. 4. c 5. c 6. c. 7. a

8. d. 9. a. 10. b. 11. a. 12. b. 13. d.


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