Saint Anthony Academy Batuan, Bohol Philippines: Curriculum Map
Saint Anthony Academy Batuan, Bohol Philippines: Curriculum Map
Saint Anthony Academy Batuan, Bohol Philippines: Curriculum Map
Mathematics 9
S.Y. 2020 - 2021
Inspired by the direction and spirit of the Bohol Association of Catholic Schools (BACS) in the Diocese of Tagbilaran, we envision ourselves as a Christ-
centered, academically advance, socially responsive community, committed in living out the Gospel values towards the realization of God’s reign here and now.
Moved by the spirit of Jesus Christ as our Model Teacher, we commit Ourselves to;
The Integrating and strengthening the Gospel values in every curricular and co- curricular activities;
The practicing of responsible stewardship of God’ s creation;
The achieving of academic excellence; and
The giving of genuine service to the less fortunate brothers and sisters.
Conscious of our present realities and inspired by our Vision and Mission, we aim to:
Content Quadratic Equation in
Quadratic Standard the Real World
WEEK 1 Equation The learner illustrates Concept Note Short Quiz The learners are
demonstrates quadratic (JOB HIRING) responsible
understanding equations. individual by
Extracting GOAL: following rules
of key
Square Roots solves quadratic Mathematical I-Can-Solve- The student will and regulations
concepts of equations by: (a) Investigation That! investigate and analyze and be patience Math
Completing quadratic extracting square functions algebraically. Key Word 9;
the Square equations, roots; (b) factoring; (c) Offline Virtual Problem concepts include a) Wise Decision- page 27
inequalities completing the Discusion Solving domain and range, Making
and functions, square; and (d) using including limited and
Quadratic the quadratic formula.
and rational discontinuous domains
algebraic and ranges; b) zeros; c) x-
equations. and y-intercepts.
Performance ROLE:
Standard Businessman/Manager
The learner is is
able to AUDIENCE:
characterizes the The teacher will ask the
Discriminant investigate roots of a Concept Note I-Can-Solve- parents that they will
WEEK 2 and Roots of thoroughly quadratic equation That!
guide their students to
and 3 Quadratic mathematical using the Offline Virtual Peace of Mind Math
make sure each stay on
Equation relationships in discriminant. Discusion Word 9;
task. page 39
various Applicant
describes the Mathematical
situations, Short Quiz
relationship Investigation
formulate reallife between the SITUATION:
problems coefficients and Written You are interviewing an
involving the roots of a Exercise applicant for a sales agent
quadratic quadratic position in your company.
equations, equation.
Problem Solving
solves equations
and functions, transformable to PRODUCT:
and rational quadratic Present your answer,
algebraic equations justification and explanation
(including rational in a clean long bond paper.
equations and algebraic
solve them Your answer and the data
equations). used should be accurate,
using a variety
while the justification and
of strategies. explanation should be valid
solves problems and organized. Your product
involving Problem Short Quiz
Rational presentation must also be
WEEK 4 Algebraic quadratic creative and clear. Math
Equation equations and Word 9;
rational algebraic STANDARD: page 45
(Stated in the Learning
illustrates Illustration Plan)
Concept Note Short Quiz
WEEK 5 Quadratic Math
Inequalities solves quadratic Word 9;
inequalities. Offline Virtual page 54
Discusion Word Problem
solves problems Solving
involving Written
quadratic Exercise
models real-life
Concept Note Word
WEEK 6 situations using Problem
transforms the Concept Note Short Quiz
quadratic function
WEEK Quadratic Offline Virtual
7 and 8 Function defined by Math
y = ax2 + bx + Word 9;
c into the form page 2
y = a(x – h)2 + k.
operations on Board Works Written Test
Week 7 Math Word
Operations 9;
on Radical expressions.
page 152
Third Quarter
Standard • determines the Concept Notes True or False Tile Flooring The learners are
Week 1 Parallelogram The learner conditions that make a Calculation responsible
demonstrates quadrilateral a individual by Math Word
understanding parallelogram. GOAL: following rules 9;
of key The goal of this activity is and regulations page 238
concepts of • uses properties to Offline Virtual Written Test able to investigate, and be patience
find measures of Discusion
parallelograms analyze, and solve
and triangle angles, sides and problems involving Wise Decision-
other quantities Parallelograms. Making
similarity. Exercises
parallelograms. ROLE: Patience
Performance Engineer/Carpenter
The learner is AUDIENCE:
able to The teacher will ask the
investigate, parents that they will
analyze, and guide their students to
solve problems make sure each stay on
• proves theorems on task.
involving Concept Notes
the different kinds of
Rhombuses, parallelograms parallelogram Written Test Math Word
Week 2 Rectangles, and and triangle (rectangle, rhombus, 9;
You need to calculate
Squares similarity square). Offline Virtual page
and analyze how many
through Discusion 250
tiles used in the living
appropriate room.
and accurate • proves the Midline
representation. Theorem. Concept Notes PRODUCT:
Floor plan sketch with
Week 3 Trapezoids and • proves theorems the tiles (living room
Kites on trapezoids and Written Test only). Math Word
kites. 9;
Offline Virtual STANDARD: page 256
Week 4 • solves problems Discusion Problem Solving Stated in the Learning
involving Plan)
and kites.
similarity of
solves problems
that involve Concept Notes Written Test
Week 9
triangle similarity
Offline Virtual
and Problem Solving
right triangles.
Exercises Quarterly Exam
Fourth Quarter
Content illustrates the six Concept Notes Written Exam Tile Flooring
Standard trigonometric Calculation The learners are
The learner responsible
ratios: sine,
demonstrates GOAL: individual by
Week 1 cosine,
understanding Offline Virtual The goal of this activity is following rules
and 2 The six tangent, secant,
of the basic Discusion able to investigate, and regulations Math Word
Trigonometric cosecant, and 9;
Ratios concepts of analyze, and solve and be patience page 286
cotangent. Exercises
trigonometry. Written Exam problems involving
finds the Wise Decision-
Performance trigonometric Making
Standard ratios of special
The learner is angles.
able to apply illustrates angles Concept Notes Written Exam Engineer/Carpenter
the concepts of of elevation and Patience
trigonometric angles of AUDIENCE:
Week 3 Problem Solving The teacher will ask the
to 5 ratios to depression.
Offline Virtual parents that they will
Application of formulate and uses Discusion Math Word
guide their students to
Trigonometry solve real-life trigonometric 9;
make sure each stay on
problems with ratios to solve Exercises Page
precision and real-life problems 301
accuracy. involving right SITUATION:
triangles. You need to calculate
and analyze how many
tiles used in the living
Floor plan sketch with
the tiles (living room
Stated in the Learning