CAR Worksheets 2020-2021
CAR Worksheets 2020-2021
CAR Worksheets 2020-2021
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This form aims to help you to develop the structure of your research and to ensure alignment of your overall
approach to your research problem.
DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions in bullet form. Once you have decided a clear outline of your research,
convert each row into paragraph/s to serve as one subheading in your action research.
What is the title of your research? Pictoword Application: A Strategy to Enhance
Be creative with title. the Vocabulary and Spelling Skills of Grade
Make it catchy and interesting. Six Maya Pupils of Muntinlupa Elementary
Answer this later based on the problems/ School.
issues/ relationship you want to solve/
establish/ and explore.
Reflect on your experiences and identify the most In my previous teaching experiences, I have
critical problem that affects your students learning. seen and observed that most of my students
are facing difficulties in their spelling, which
What is the issue/ problem/ relationship you want to makes it even harder for them to construct
solve/ establish/ explore? simple sentences.
I wanted to do something about it so I
decided to use Pictoword Application to
solve this problem since most of my students
are visual learners.
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This form aims to help you to develop the structure of your research and to ensure alignment of your overall
approach to your research problem.
DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions in bullet form. Once you have decided a clear outline of your research,
convert each row into paragraph/s to serve as one subheading in your action research.
What is the general situation/ circumstance that Most of my students find it difficutl to write
makes you develop your research proposal? words correctly. Their difficulty in spelling
made me develop this research. Improving
Why is this situation/ circumstance important? their vocabulry will help boost their spelling
skills and eventually be able to construct
simple sentence.
What do you intend to do? Developing my students spelling skills is my
This is the aim of your study. This should also main goal. When this happens, my students
be embedded in your main arguments above. will be able to participate actively in all the
activities in the classroom.
Significance of your study The use of Pictoword Application to teach
Why is your study important? spelling is important to a student who is not
Who or what industry will benefit? How? so good with spelling. This is a good start for
them to improve their vocabulary and
spelling skills.
What would be the potential contribution or insight My research is so relevant these days
of your research? because I have personally observed that
Will it solve a particular problem? most of our students reached Grade 6 and
Will it offer a new way of thinking? their vocabulary and spelling skills is still an
Will it add evidence to a developing body of issue. Once a Grade 6 student learns to spell
knowledge? correctly, everything follows. He/She can
Will it prove/ disapprove something? work well individually. He/She can perform
Will it develop a new theory, prototype, well in class because he/she already knows
model, process, tool, etc.? the correct and proper words to use.
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This form aims to help you to develop the structure of your research and to ensure alignment of your overall
approach to your research problem.
DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions in bullet form. Once you have decided a clear outline of your research,
convert each row into paragraph/s to serve as one subheading in your action research.
Who or what will be the sample for your I will be administering this study to my
study? advisory class in Grade V1, around 25-30
How many? students.
How will you select your sample? Based on written works, students that have
spelling difficulties will be the sample of my
Research Methodology study.
What is the design of your study? Formative Assessment Methods will be
Descriptive utilized for my Research paper.
Theoretical/ philosophical
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This form aims to help you to develop the structure of your research and to ensure alignment of your overall
approach to your research problem.
DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions in bullet form. Once you have decided a clear outline of your research,
convert each row into paragraph/s to serve as one subheading in your action research.
Ethical Issues
Think of the circumstances in which your First, I will inform the parents of my
respondents/ samples’ participation will respondents about my study so that in the
compromise their rights to privacy and future there will be no problems.
confidentiality. Also, consider the data
gathering method. Avoid intrusion and do
not put them at risk.
Consider your respondents. Yes, I need to get the names of my
Do you need to obtain informed consent respondents. My research is about
from the parents, DSWD, and other vocabulary and spelling skills, therefore I
agencies? should know the names of the students who
Do you need to get the name of your were not able to spell properly.
Do you need to label your subjects (schools, Yes, I need to put the name of the school,
barangays, region, etc.) barangay and region.
Data Analysis
How would you analyse your data? I would use Qualitative Data Analysis. This
Briefly describe your data analysis technique method is used to analyze content from
through the use of appropriate statistical various sources such as open-ended
tool. questions, interview of respondents and
observations. It will also develop concepts in
the minds of the participants.
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This form aims to help you to develop the structure of your research and to ensure alignment of your overall
approach to your research problem.
DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions in bullet form. Once you have decided a clear outline of your research,
convert each row into paragraph/s to serve as one subheading in your action research.
CONDUCT OF THE STUDY (Research Questions)
Search the literature or interview your colleagues for In this research study, I will be using related articles,
previous strategies/ interventions used to solve this books, internet references and interviews done to
problem. colleagues while undergoing the observation and
investigation which will help me understand and
implement an intervention for the problem.
There could be more than one question for study, I will be using activities and other means for my
depending on the complexity and breadth of your research.
Your research question should be clear and specific. Through interviews, I will be able to develop a
Refer to the problem or phenomenon strategy to apply to the participants. I will be
Reflect an intervention gathering informations to prove the study.
Note the target population or participants
Based on previous studies, along with your I will look into previous studies for me to be able to
experiences, develop a strategy/ intervention to develop a strategy to solve the problem before
solve the problem. Then implement the strategy/ implementing it to the participants.
intervention in your classroom.
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This form aims to help you to develop the structure of your research and to ensure alignment of your overall
approach to your research problem.
DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions in bullet form. Once you have decided a clear outline of your research,
convert each row into paragraph/s to serve as one subheading in your action research.
CONDUCT OF THE STUDY (Scope and limitation)
This section sets the restrictions of your study due to This classroom action research will study the
time, budgetary requirements and your capability. capability of Grade 6 learners to retain the spelling
of words through pictoword application.
What are the parameters of your study? In this study, the researcher will interview, survey,
Data collection method observe and use questionnaireS to get the important
Analysis informations from each participant. In addition, the
Discussion researcher will analyze the data in reference with
her research problem. She will discuss it thoroughly
and carefully.
Boundary is the limitation of the study which The boundary will only affect this research for the
sometimes affects the results and conclusions that covered period of time.
can be drawn.
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This form aims to help you to develop the structure of your research and to ensure alignment of your overall
approach to your research problem.
DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions in bullet form. Once you have decided a clear outline of your research,
convert each row into paragraph/s to serve as one subheading in your action research.
Results/ Discussion/ Reflection
Analyse your data-looking for findings with practical The researcher will be dealing with qualitative datas.
significance. If you are dealing with quantitative I will be analyzing all my findings from my
data, simple statistical tools are enough. If dealing observations, discussions and the interviews I’ve
with qualitative data (interview, observation, conducted.
discussion) then look for recurring themes or
Use your findings to make decisions related to the From my findings, I will be making decisions related
learning of your students to the learning of my students to be able to help
them with their vocabulary and spelling skills.
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