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King Laniante Sumbry El

p.o. box 3, route 021

Hammond, indiana
fN463243021 US, PAG

E-Mail: [email protected]

Date: 12'11 December 2020

The Rt Hon Suella Bravennan MP

The Attorney Genera l
5-8 The Sanctuary



Void Order Cnsc Ref. No.45d0719081ffll9839

F.A.O. The Attorney General,

I write to you in relation to the judge referred to above, their unlawful behaviour and to forward
my cl.aim for damages.
As the Attorney General, you nre responsible for the actions of the court staff that are operati
the statutory courts, these courts are committing crimes against the people on a daily basis.
have enclosed a copy of such a case where the judge has breached their oath of office and
the process , they have caused a tort upon a man. My intention is to bring this transgression
your attention for immediate remedy, should you ignore or fail to address them, then the
conclusion possible is that you are complicit in this crime.

To assist in this issue, I refer you to the following bullet points to outline my position:

I. I have confinned my position as a living man with the production of a lawfully issued
court deed (see void order).

2. I have confinned the ownership of mv property (Fictitious Name/Legal Entity) with the
✓ l (.;I
+ 0 El ' N) Read
court deed (see void order).

2. I have c?nfirmed the ow~ership of my pr?perty (Fictitious Name/Legal Entity) with the
production of a lawfully issued ownership court deed (see void order).

3. It has beeti established with a lawfully issued court order, by a jury of twelve reasonably
minded men and women that the statutory court and judges have no authority or
j urisdiction over the living man or woman (see void order).

4. The question of the mental stability for the above judge must be reviewed as when
lawful noticcconfronted with a living man, who they converse with, they seem to lack
the ability to establish that they arc in fact alive, but believe them to be dead. Any man
or woman that tal.ks to the dead cannot reasonably make informed decisions in any court
and would nonnally require help from a medical practitioner or would be sectioned
under the mental health act for their own protection.

If the judge does however have the ability to establish that they are dealing with a living
man, then their behaviour can only be described as criminal as they would be guilty of
personage. barratry, criminal coercion and breaches of the United Nations Universal
Declaration on Human Rights 1948 and the Modern Slavery Act 2015,


''It is a crime known as "personage". By arbitrarily creating an Estate trust n~med
after you and claiming to own this thing they created, they have falsely claimed
to own you and your assets and to literally buy and sell "you" on stock exchanges,
ship "you" out of ports, an d tax " you u .. .
"Hand in hand with personage comes "bnrratry" - the crime of knowingly
bringing false claims into court. So, what happens every day wi thin the statutory
system, when charges are brought against the ESTATES of ''dend men" who
are standing 1·ight in front of the judge and jury? Barratry - n crime tha t 1s
appropriately named after the "Bar Association".

Criminnl COl'rdon
A person is guilty of criminal coerc ion if, with purpose to unlawfully restrict anothc1Js
freedom of action to his or her detriment, he or she threatens to:
(1) Commit any criminal offense; or

(2) Accuse anyone of a criminal offense; or

(3) Take or withhold action as an official or cause an official lo take or withhold action.

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Ri2hts 1948

Article 4

No ~n~ sh~ll be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be
proh1b1ted m all their forms.

Article 20

2. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

Modern Slavery Act 2015

1) Slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour

( I) A person commits an offence if-
( I) 1\ p•itn•III 1·,11111llllh 1111 11110111 ll II
(H) lh•• w1n1Hl h,1lilh ,111tlfh,11 p,•1h1lll 111 hhlWl\' 1H sill 111111d,, illlll lltl' r hr 11ms(111ll'i:lh nru
tilll'II 11t,,11h,1f"'1M111 l,11111\<h 111 1111uh1 111 k11111V 1h111 !1111,11lwr 1wrH11ll Is hull! l11 ~luw ry nr

hl 1I' iflhl1
1 1

,) 11t,, ,, , M1tH 11111 p1•1n1111(111!,,1111 11111 ,1111111 ill 11,·ldld) hl 1111y 11f'llw nrlti 11llogud (o

1 11
,·,,11., 11111111h11lil111u 111,1p1llhllll 111 hl111·,11V ,11 M Ii 111111.i,,. Ill 11 1,11111111g lhl' p1Jl'SIIII 11) porlt)l'lll
1111,•,,,I ,11 ,·,1111p11lh1II\' li1h11111 , il,11 1h 11,11p1 ,1,·l11d,111.l,1(111111111111!1111(1111111111111•1r.011 is lwi11g
1t,,ld 111 hl,11·,,,v ,11 M•11111 111l, 1 , 111 1•''11111,·d 111 p111li11111 li1r ....d 111 ,·,1111p11 hH1ry l11IHiur.

, l'hcliltcr1m.'..l11tlw1-A\'.l J~J7d
( ,', .,,,,, 1d /II 1/l'/1/11111 1/1 fl) 1'/11/I '(/1/1 '//( ,,,,,1 ,,,1, 11111/011

I WorclN of' 1°11111·11111•111.

h 11•1v M' ••l lllll ,1( 1111 ;\,·1 1111.i•h ,,fl i•t'I ll h II n11hsli111l1w ,·11nl'l11lL'III wi1hn111 inlroduclory

11'1II dh

J. A1111•11ch111•111 or rq11·11I In sn1111• Sc·sslou.

/\11y /\,·1,w,y h,• 11111P111h-il ,u 1,11wnll'd i11 !hr SL•ssi,u, 11( Pnrlinmi:111i11 wh ich ii is p11ssl!d .

.I .I 111111'111 I 1101 lc-c•.

l'. vr11.Y /\,•I IN II p11hli<' /\ t'I 111 h,· j11diri11lly 11nl iced ns such, un less lhe con trnry ,s
,·xpn·st1ly prnv11h·d hy 1h,, Ad .
,I Th111· of 1·01111111·111•1•1111•111.

An At:1 ill 1u11v1hi1111 ,11'1111 Al'! c,uni:s i111l1 lim:l'

(11) whl'l'll pmv1si,u1 is 11111di: fi ,r ii to i.:rnnc i11tll lim.:e 111111 pnrlicul11r d11y, nt the beginning
,11' 1h111 d11y;

(h) where no provision is m11dc for its coming into force, nt the beginning of the day on
(h) where 110 provision is made fo r its coming into force, at the beginning orthe day on
wlrn:h the Act rc1.:e1ves the Royal Assent.

12 C'onthmify of pmnrs nnd dufit•s.

(I) Whl'I\J 1111 Act w nfors II power or imposes II duty it is impl ied, unless the contnuy
intention 11ppL'11rs, 1h11t the power mny he exercised, or the duly is to he performed, from
t1nw Ill tirnl.! ns on:nsion requires.

( 2) Whl.!ll' 1111 Act wnfors n power or imposes II duty on the holder or an office ns such,
it 1s implil.!d, unless the rnntrnry i11tenli u11 uppcars, that the power may be cxcrciscc.l, or
the duly is to be performed, by the holder fo r the time being of the office.

h. Tht• ( 'rnwn Prnt·rt•dlnii:s Act 1947

2) Li11hill1y of the Crown in tort.

(2) Where the Crown is bound by u statutory duty which is binding also upon persons
other than the Crown and its officers, then, subject lo the provisions of this Act, the
Crown shall, in respect of a fai lure to comply with that duty, be su~jecl to all those
liabilities in torl (if any) to which it would be so subject if it were a private person of
full age nnd capacity.

(3) Where any functions are conferred or imposed upon on officer of the Crown as such
either by any rule of the common law or by statute, and that officer commits a tort whi le
perfom1ing or purporting to perform those functions , the liabilities of the Crown in
respect of the tort shall be such as they would have been if those functions had been
conferred or imposed solely by virtue of instmctions lawfully given by the Crown.

7. The original issued order was void ab initio (from the beginning) due to a 'fumhtmcntal
tlefcct' in the proceedings, the reasons for which are outlined in the attached void order.

8. Having been affected by the original order, I have the right - ex debito j ustitine - to
have the order set aside (which mem,s tlwt the Court does 1,ot have ,liscretio11 to refuse
to set asif/e the ortler or to go i11to the merits of the case) (Lord Greene in Craig v
Kanssen [ 1943]).

9. The application to set aside the void order was made lo the issuing court, they have
signed for and acknowledged receipt of the declaration of void order, yet they refuse to
~ \1,1, 111\1111,1\1\ 1\li i'-1-hJd l1v lhµ 1111 u 1111d 111<ll!1, 1 lrn v~ thi-: light 1.;x dehito jusliliae to

h,,, ,· 1h1 111, h 1 -.,,I ,1'1 1\IP (whlrh mciu,1., thot th,· ( 'om·t ,/tJe,\' ,wt lu01e 1/1:if'relltm 1,, rejiu,i!
1 1

iv \ f'J cHM•· t hf µ1·,lf, 01 It• 1i;o 1,,10 the merit., tfll,11 ,·ww) (1.rnd <lrc:~ne in Crnig v
\i.. il\\'>WI\ [ \I) 11ll

\ \'I ,,, ill'Ph1,11\1111 11, 'l1il 11b llhi 11\1; v111d 11111\.-l t WHti 11111d1i l(l lltt ibh11111g court, they ha ve
, 1~i11111l l\ 11 ,11111 ,11 ~ 111 1 \\'l1,d1.wd 1\11-,~lpl 111 tliu 1hd h1111111111.i· void <i1de1, yc;I they rcfwic lo
I 11111ph \\'llh 1h11 ,,1,11111111 V d111 v Ill b1}I II IH,ldu

yours sincerely,

king larriante sumbryel©

subject solely to the authority and jurisdiction of the common law court

l\1 d, 1 111~ w 111111 1hi~11' lh 1 h,11111, hn11nd by 11 1i111111101 y d111 y, lht, C'rown i~; now liable for
1\1\\\\1\~ \l:\ \II \lltl.

11, ,', 11\\' h1:-.n111, I 11~11111\i tlh1 1111g 1rntl 111<ha lo h1> H1~1 11sidu immediately und your rewrds to be
111 1d ,1l1'\I 11 1 1,1 tk,·11111:-. with 11ntil'lrnl11111 ~amt 1mnnHli11tuly, hut will allow II period of seven (7)
d,-,v: ,. t\, 1lll llH' \\1n 111'l ,\f 1111:-. Not11 11 111 rnnf,nn 1h11t this h11 ~i been wmplicd with. If this order

h,,s \,,,,,,1 :..,,, i1:-.1d,, \\ 1lh111 tlw, pu, i11d 1111d co11finn111ion provided, there will be no daim made
111n1,,, tlw \ \ ,1\\ 11 1'1, 11·,·,,1h11~~- f\1•1 I1,.17 fo1 d11n1agt,s.

U\ h11\\ ,, , ,11 tlw ,.,,,d ,,r<h,r lms lll\l hcon sut 11side within the Ncven (7) day period nnd
,·,1~1 hi 11111\1,111 I'"'' 1d, d, I 1,·11u11\l II paynwnt for [20,000 pounds stcrl ing, for the tort caused,

\h1:- :-\\111 h1 tw 1){11d 111 !\di iinuwcli11h,ly 11ncl by b11nk truniil'cr into the following nccount:



1l-18061 211

Na1m1<111 Account 1.AIUUAN'l'E .I SUMBRY

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