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JACKSON, C. D.: PAPERS, 1931-1967

Processed by: DJH
Date Completed: July 1973

The papers of C.D. Jackson were deposited in the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library in February
1972. On December 15, 1971, Mrs. C.D. Jackson executed an instrument of gift for these papers.

Linear feet: 36
Approximate number of pages: 77,000
Approximate number of items: 30,000

The donor reserves to herself all literary property rights in all writings of the late C.D. Jackson in
all papers donated to the United States under terms of this instrument or which may be included
in other collections of papers deposited in the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library.

By agreement with the donor the following classes of documents will be withheld from research

1. Papers relating to the family and private business affairs of the late C.D. Jackson.

2. Papers relating to the family and private business affairs of other persons who had
correspondence with him.

3. Papers relating to investigations of individuals or to appointments and personnel matters.

4. Papers containing statements made by or to the late C.D. Jackson in confidence unless in the
judgment of the Director of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library the reason for the
confidentiality no longer exists.

5. All other papers, which contain information or statements that might be used to injure,
embarrass or damage any living person.

6. Papers the opening of which might be prejudicial to the conduct of current foreign relations.

Special Restriction: Permission of Time Incorporated is required to cite or quote materials

originated by any individual in his capacity as an official of Time Incorporated.

The papers of Charles Douglas Jackson cover the period from 1931 to 1967 but the bulk falls
into the years from 1940-1964. The papers were sent to the Eisenhower Library arranged in two
series: an army file and a general file. This original order has been retained by the Library.

Almost a fourth of this collection concerns C.D. Jackson’s psychological warfare activities
during World War II when Jackson, representing the Office of War Information (OWI), served
as Deputy Chief, Psychological Warfare Branch (PWB), Allied Forces Headquarters (AFHQ) in
1943, and Deputy Chief, Psychological Warfare Division (PWD), Supreme Headquarters, Allied
Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), 1944-45. At AFHQ in Algiers, he directed OWI propaganda
leaflet and newswriting activities, and in London with PWD, SHAEF, he participated in Allied
efforts to arouse the conquered people of Europe against the Germans. During the late stages of
the war Jackson directed the Allied Information Service which distributed information about the
Allies’ war efforts to France and other liberated areas.

This portion of the collection consists of official correspondence, memoranda, cables, reports,
and propaganda leaflets which reflect the shaping of Allied psychological warfare policies, as
well as some personal correspondence, newsclippings, and miscellaneous materials. Important
subjects include propaganda methods, Allied liberation of France and relations with the French,
information control in Allied-occupied Germany, OWI functions, civil affairs, displaced persons,
and the surrender of Italy. Prominent “psychwar” personnel with whom C.D. Jackson
corresponded include Richard Crossman, Brigadier General Robert McClure, Edward Barrett,
and Fred Auberjonois.

The remainder of these papers fall into an alphabetically arranged General File or Time Inc. File
which spans Jackson’s career with Time Inc. from 1931 to his death in 1964. Following is a
partial list of his positions and functions during this period: Vice President, Time Incorporated,
1940; President of Council for Democracy, 1940; Special Assistant to the U.S. Ambassador to
Turkey, 1942-43; President of the Free Europe Committee (this directed Radio Free Europe)
1951-52; Speechwriter for Dwight D. Eisenhower during his campaign for the Presidency in
1952; Special Assistant to the President for International Affairs, 1953-54; U.S. Delegate to the
Ninth General Assembly of the United Nations, 1954; speechwriter and consultant to President
Eisenhower during the Lebanon Crisis of 1958; and unofficial consultant to the President on
other occasions.

In his long career with Time Incorporated Jackson served as one of Henry Luce’s vice
presidents; supervised overseas activities of Time Inc. during the late 1940s; became publisher of
Fortune and, later, Life; gave numerous speeches; and conducted other public relations
functions. Some of these activities are reflected in his correspondence with Henry Luce and John
K. Jessup, as well as in his extensive speech file.

Jackson was an ardent believer in the virtues of American democracy and free enterprise and a
staunch opponent of communism and fascism. As President of the Council for Democracy in
1940, he participated in an organization whose objectives were to alert American people to the
threats of Nazism and fascism and to prepare them for involvement in World War II. Included in
these papers are meeting minutes, memoranda, and correspondence concerning this organization.
After World War II Jackson became strongly sympathetic to the plight of Eastern European
countries under communist domination and was an active participant in Radio Free Europe from
the time of its founding in 1949 until his death in 1964. Folders of official Radio Free Europe
papers as well as correspondence with individuals in the organization comprise a small but
significant part of this collection.

As Special Assistant to the President for International Affairs, Jackson was concerned with
furnishing ideas to the President, the Secretary of State, and other policy makers on scoring
propaganda points against the Soviet bloc. In carrying out this role, Jackson took the lead in
preparing President Eisenhower’s Atoms for Peace speech which the President gave at the
United Nations on December 8, 1953. Jackson also helped prepare other foreign policy speeches,
participated in National Security Council and Operations Coordinating Board meetings, and
attended the Bermuda Conference in December 1953 and the Berlin Four Power Conference,
January 25 to February 18, 1954.

Although he resigned from the White House staff in 1954, Jackson continued to correspond and
occasionally consult with President Eisenhower, John Foster Dulles, and others in the
Administration and, in 1958, returned to the White House to serve as a consultant and
speechwriter for the President during the Lebanon crisis. In his correspondence, Jackson
continually pushed a plan for massive United States economic assistance to underdeveloped

In addition to his political, diplomatic, and publishing activities, Jackson participated in

numerous business, cultural, and social undertakings. For example, as a member of the Board of
Trustees for the U.S. Council of the International Chamber of Commerce he was an energetic
participant in this organization’s efforts to promote business support for the European Recovery
Program during the late 1940s and early 1950s. As a member of the board of the Metropolitan
Opera Association he helped plan for a new building site, and was involved in planning for the
construction of the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. Jackson was also on the boards of the
Boston Symphony Orchestra, the United Negro College Fund, and the Carnegie Corporation.

Jackson’s papers reflect all of the above-listed activities of Jackson as well as many others.
Types of material include official and personal correspondence, reports, memoranda, transcripts
of conversations, speeches, and some printed matter. An important segment is entitled “Log” and
is arranged by years (1953 to 1964). This log originated as a brief daily record dictated by
Jackson during his first year at the White House. After he left the government this log became
more of a file for especially important correspondence, memos, and transcripts of conversations.
It may be said that this log contains a record of the highlights of the years concerned.

A large number of photographs were removed from this collection and turned over to the Dwight
D. Eisenhower Audio-Visual Collection.
Biographical Note

March 16, 1902 Born, New York City

1924 A.B., Princeton University

1924-31 President, C.D. Jackson and Co. [marble and stone business]

1931 Appointed Assistant to President of Time Inc.

1940 President of Council for Democracy

1942-43 Special Assistant to U.S. Ambassador to Turkey [Steinhardt]

1943-44 Deputy Chief, P.W.B., AFHQ

1944-45 Deputy Chief, PWD, SHAEF

1945 Managing Director, Time-Life International

1949 Publisher, Fortune Magazine

1951-52 President, Free Europe Committee

1952 Speechwriter for Dwight D. Eisenhower

1953-54 Special Assistant to President for International Affairs

1954 U.S. Delegate to Ninth General Assembly, United Nations

1958 Speechwriter and consultant to President Eisenhower

1960 Became publisher of Life Magazine

Sept. 18, 1964 Died, New York City

Box No. Series

I. ARMY FILE, 1943-1945

1-16 Subseries A. General Alphabetical File, 1943-1945

World War II documents, including correspondence, memoranda, cables, reports,

directives, plans, surveys, propaganda leaflets, and other printed materials, arranged
alphabetically by subject or name. Materials pertain to Allied psych warfare efforts in
the Mediterranean, North Africa, Italy, France, and Northern Europe.

16-17 Subseries B. Personal War Files, 1944-1945

Personal wartime documents arranged by subject. These include correspondence, an

interview transcript, I. D. cards, bills, address files, and a log book for trips.

18-20 Subseries C. Miscellaneous File, 1939-1946

World War II documents arranged by subject. This series consists of reports,

correspondence, maps, manuals, public opinion surveys, propaganda pamphlets,
address cards, newspapers, and other printed materials. Most materials relate to psych
warfare in the Mediterranean and European Theaters.

20-27 Subseries D. Photostats, 1943-1944

Reduced photographic copies (or photostats) of official wartime documents,

including letters, cables, memoranda, reports, plans, surveys, and leaflets. These
relate primarily to psych warfare efforts by the Allies in the Mediterranean and
European Theaters.


27-115 Subseries A. Alphabetical File, 1933-1964

Arranged alphabetically by name or subject. Documents include correspondence,

memoranda, papers, reports, transcripts of conversation, a scrapbook, speeches,
speech drafts, agenda, minutes of meetings, newsclippings, telegrams, briefing
papers, notes, booklets, pamphlets, interview transcripts, radio scripts, logs,
resolutions, and additional printed materials. Oversized items are in a full suit box at
the end of the collection--Box 120. This series contains significant materials relating
to World War II, the Eisenhower Administration, and Time-Life business matters
from the 1930s to the 1960s, plus materials on a variety of subjects of personal
interest to C. D. Jackson, such as cultural affairs, the Metropolitan Opera, and the
Boston Symphony. His areas of interest for the Eisenhower Administration include
foreign policy, the Cold War, psychological warfare, and foreign economic policy.

116-118 Subseries B. Daily Calendar, 1955-1964

Daily desk calendar with annotations regarding appointments and meetings. Arranged

119 Subseries C. Marie McCrum File, 1953-1989

Arranged alphabetically by subject. This series includes correspondence, clippings,

notes, and miscellaneous printed materials. These materials were collected by Ms.
McCrum, C. D. Jackson’s personal secretary.
JACKSON, C. D.: PAPERS, 1934-1967

Box No. Contents

SERIES I. ARMY FILE, 1943-1945

Subseries A. General Alphabetical File, 1943-1945

1 Aachen--Paris [proposed Aachen newspaper, 1944-45]

Adams, Mat--Paris [equipment; newsprint supply in Europe; Information Control

Division; Psych Warfare Division--personnel, expenditures, and effectiveness]

Administration--Paris [Psych Warfare Div.(PWD)-transport needs; newsprint supply;

finances; Allied Information Service]

Algiers--London (1)-(9) [conditions in liberated Italy; organization charts for PWB

Army Group and PWB Army Combat Team; radio transmitters in Mediterranean;
Psychological Warfare Branch, Allied Forces Headquarters (PWB)--activities and
organization in Italy, Sardinia, and Mediterranean; PWB leaflet operations, mobile
units, and radio monitoring; planning for France; German leaflets in Italy; Radio

Allied Publications Board--Algiers

American Embassy--Paris

Appointments (1) [January-June 1944]

2 Appointments (2)(3) [June 1944-June 1945]

Art of War [treatise by Sun Tzu]

“A” Day--Paris (1)(2) [plans for coordination and dissemination of information and
instructions upon end of resistance in Germany]

Atrocities--Paris (1)-(6) [German atrocities in France and Belgium; report on

concentration camp]

Auberjonois, Fred [PWB outpost reports; French language personnel; Office of War
Information (OWI) publications; Koenig visit]

Baden, Colonel--Paris
Barrett, Edward--London [OWI personnel and equipment needs]

Basic PWB-AFHQ (1)(2) [operations and techniques; “black” and “white”

propaganda; influence on German home front; propaganda in Italy and North Africa;
Col. Hazeltine; goals and personnel needs; leaflet statistics; intelligence report on
France; Washington and London conferences]

3 Basic PWB-AFHQ (3)-(6) [AMGOT; situation in France and Italy; Middle East; John
J. McCloy; Gen. McClure; evaluation of different propaganda techniques; PWB
operations and personnel in Italy and Mediterranean; memo on psych warfare
operations by Gen. W. B. Smith]

Blakeney,C. C.--London

Brussels--Paris (1)(2) [German atrocities; Allied propaganda; PWD activities in

liberated territory; displaced persons in Belgium; psych warfare work in Germany;
transfer of Allied Information Service (Belgium) to civilian agencies, April 1945]

Cables-Directive AGAR-PWB AFHQ (1)(2) [political situation among French;

situation in Italy; propaganda objectives in Italy; German POWs; anti-Allied attacks
in French press; armistice in Italy; operations in Sicily; invasion of Italy]

Cables-Operation AGARR-PWB AFHQ (1)(2) [radio broadcasts from North Africa;

press summaries for Gen. Eisenhower; anti-U.S. sentiment in North Africa; prisoner
interrogations; OWI; censorship policy; Moscow conference; Radio Bari; Algiers

Cables-Outgoing AGARAR-PWB AFHQ (1)-(4) [censorship; French in North

Africa; De Gaulle; Girard; Jean Monnet; British Cabinet directive on Italy; anti-
Allied sentiment in North Africa; PWB organization and operations in Sicily and
Italy; mobile movie units; German propaganda; prisoner interrogations re Allied
radio; visit by U.S. senators to Algiers; personnel problems]

Caen--Paris [PWB detachment report]

Cairo--Algiers (1)-(3) [radio broadcasting stations; OWI; PWB; PWE (Political

Warfare Executive); leaflet and radio operations; cooperation between PWE Mission,
Middle East and PWB, North Africa; mobile film units; departmental reports; OWI
operations in Cairo; propaganda efforts in Turkey]

4 Cairo--Algiers (4)-(6) [OWI operations in Cairo; OWI and PWE cooperation; sample
leaflets in Italian, Bulgarian, and German languages; guidelines for leaflets and

Chambers, Alan--Paris [control of information services in Berlin District]

Cherbourg--Paris [operations of Allied Information Services Group, 1944]

Cheronnet, Mr.--Paris

Chevalier, Mr.--Paris

Cinema--Paris (1)-(4) [OWI film production and distribution; French film

preferences; PWD Film Section activities; public reaction to films]

Citations [Medal of Freedom]

Civil Affairs--Paris [SHAEF Military Government, Civil Affairs weekly field report
re Germany and liberated territories, April 1945]

Civil Affairs--London [situation in liberated France, June 1944]

Communications--Paris [handling and routing of messages involving PWB in Italy


Conant, Luther--Paris (1)(2) [Press Section, PWD, SHAEF; press control; German
news file; control of German publications]


Crossman, R. H. S.--Algiers [PWB organization, plans, techniques, and propaganda


Crossman, R. H. S.--London (1)(2) [PWB propaganda and German morale; prisoner

interrogation; propaganda aimed at German troops and foreign workers in Germany;
British and U.S. differences re the French]

Crossman, R. H. S.--Paris (1)-(3) [PWD-information control in occupied areas; policy

toward German civilians; displaced persons in Germany; occupied Germany; PWD
use of prisoners of war]

5 D-Day [PWD preparations for D-Day]

Davenport Piece [essay on U.S. involvement in WWII]

De Beer, Gavin--Paris [psych warfare in Overlord]

De Beer, Gavin--London [PWB plans in support of Overlord]

Deputies--London (1)-(3) [minutes of Joint Deputies Committee meetings, April-

July 1944; PWD plans, organization, and activities; consolidation propaganda; Gen.
McClure; propaganda directives; use of German POWs; leaflets for France, Germany,
and liberated areas]

Dilliard, Irving--Paris [psych warfare in occupied Germany]

Directories-Personnel--Paris and London (1)-(5) [PWB; USIS; SHAEF, PWD;

SHAEF Main Telephone Directory; lists of psych warfare personnel; McClure]

Displaced Persons--Paris (1)(2) [statistics; concentration camps; Buchenwald; DP and

refugee installations; directive re DPs; psych warfare operations aimed at DPs]

Dodds-Parker, Douglas--Algiers

Dragoon--London [PWB directive for Op. Dragoon; coordination of PWB with


Drummond-Wolff, Lt. Col.--Paris [Allied war effort in southwestern France; public

morale in Alsace; French DPs and POWs in German concentration camps]

Duff-Cooper--Paris [German atrocities]

Eisenhower, General--Paris [speech by DDE on 9-8-44; Battle of Bulge; DDE

Christmas message, Dec. 1944; speech, 6-12-45]

Executive Office--Paris [PWD personnel movement to Germany]


FFI--Paris [French Forces of the Interior, status of]

First Army--Paris [psych warfare personnel]

6 Food Rationing and Black Market--Paris [Black Market in Belgium, Holland, and
France; French resistance; intelligence report on France; hoarding]

French--London [Joint Deputy Comm. mtg.; relationship of PWD to French; French

military liaison; French underground]

French Relations--Paris (1)-(4) [French reactions to Allied landings in Normandy;

provisional French government; speech by Gen. De Gaulle; Radio Cherbourg;
intelligence contacts with French; mtg. of French Ministry of Information; FFI after
liberation; French psychosis; social aspects re to collaboration during occupation]

Fried, Major--Paris [PWD-staff work and supplies]

Galitzine, Yurka N.--Paris [postwar plan for World Information Service]

Guignebert, Jean--Paris [French Ministry of Information, Radio diffusion]

Halpern, Ensign--London [progress report of PWD activities to 4-29-44]

Halpern, Ensign--Paris [Allied Information Service report procedures]

Hamblet, Phil--Algiers [OWI personnel and operations in Mid East and North Africa]

Hamblet, Phil--London [OWI personnel and equipment]

Hart, Schaffner and Marx--Paris

Herbert, Mervyn

Holland--London [propaganda re future airborne operations in Holland]

Hollander, Richard (1)-(3) [psych warfare operations in North Africa and NW

Europe; lessons learned from PWD operations; McClure]

Hope, Lt. Col. Henry--London [intelligence reports]

Huijsman, Major--Paris [four language newsheet for DPs and POWs]

Huot, Louis--Paris [leaflets and mobile sound units; psych warfare operations in
connection with 3rd Army campaign]

Intelligence--Paris (1)-(4) [guides for questioning nationals in Belgium and Holland;

unemployment in liberated areas; situation in France; SS troops; French reaction to
Negro troops; German propaganda; OSS report on Japanese government, Germany,
USSR, etc.; labor internment camp; war profiteering; Allied military currency;
reaction of French civilians to bombing attacks; BBC broadcasts to Poland;
Scandinavia; collection and transmission of psych warfare intelligence; French
reaction to Allies; flying bombs; Vichy France; interviewing French workers and
prisoners returning from Germany; Verdun refugee camp]

7 Intelligence--Paris (5)-(7) [reports on conditions in various parts of France; FFI;

black market; poll of POWs; southern France; Ohrdruf, Germany concentration
camp; German broadcast propaganda; interrogation of German POWs; liberation of
slave laborers in Germany]

Inter-Office--London [plan for consolidation-occupation operations]

Inter-Office Memos--Paris [restrictions on military personnel; consolidation

propaganda; Allied Information Service supply section]

Istanbul--Algiers [OWI personnel and operations in Turkey and Balkans; Wm. J.


Kaufman, Frank [PWD-proposed leaflet program for D-Day]

Kehm, Colonel--London [PWD personnel]

Kehm, Colonel--Paris [internal PWD reports by different sections; information

targets in Berlin area; information control in Germany]

Krimsky, John--Paris [French audience reaction to films]

Leaflets, SHAEF (1)(2) [leaflets dropped to German troops and translations]

Leaflets, SHAEF Paper--Paris (1)(2) [published in four languages]

Leaflets--Algiers (1)-(7) [PWB Leaflet Section-personnel and operations; distribution

statistics; leaflet effects; German leaflets; propaganda shell; leaflet directive; combat
propaganda; sample PWB leaflets in Italian, German, Greek, Rumanian, Bulgarian,
and Russian with some English translations]

8 Leaflets--Algiers (8)-(18) [sample PWB leaflets in German, Greek, and Italian with
English translations]

Leaflets--Paris (1)-(4) [leaflet plan for D-Day to D+7; leaflets in German and French;
German propaganda; distribution plans; themes for leaflets; sample leaflets and
translations, some aimed at specific military units or general public]

9 Leaflets--Paris (5)-(11) [sample leaflets and newsletters; leaflet warning about

treatment of Allied airborne troops; PWB, Italy; PWD Leaflet Section; use of POWs
in leaflet preparation; newsbulletins in five languages; concentration camps]

Leaflets-Garey Report-Western European Theater

Leaflet Shell--Algiers

Lee, Brig. S. S.—Paris

Le Mans--Paris [Allied Information Service consolidation team-operations and

conditions in Le Mans area]

Le Petre, J.--Paris [French Ministry of Information]

Linen, James--Algiers [OWI personnel and activities in North Africa and Middle
East; lend lease program; Radio Bari; psych warfare in Balkans]

Lockhart, Bruce--London [PWE report re warning people of France and Belgium to

leave target areas; sample leaflets]

London--Algiers (1)-(3) [PWB personnel and operations in North Africa; anti-Allied

propaganda in Italy; radio broadcasts to France; military situation in Balkans; radio
facilities in Italy; intelligence reports; leaflet distribution in Italy; plans for psych
warfare in European Theater]

Luxembourg--Paris [Radio Luxembourg, broadcasts to German people, German

troops, foreign workers in Germany, and DPs]

Lyon, Fred--Algiers [PWB in North Africa; OWI]

Mayer, Gerald--Paris [Allen Dulles; PWB activities in Switzerland; German radio

system; Nazi Werewolf Plans; intelligence reports; education plans for German

McClure, General--London [proposal re psych warfare agents behind enemy lines]

McClure, General--Paris (1) [PWD personnel, operations, and organization; public

opinion surveys in France; transfer of psych warfare responsibility from PWD/AIS to
French Ministry of Information and OWI; participation of French in PWD operations]

10 McClure, General--Paris (2)-(5) [Allied Information Service, consolidation activities

in France and low countries; OWI and PWD in France; consolidation teams in
Germany; press control in Germany; William S. Paley; Richard H. S. Crossman;
Adlai Stevenson; bombing survey of Germany; public opinion surveys in Germany;
PWD organization and personnel; POWs; information control; censorship; SHAEF

McClure, Robert A.--Party File

Middle East--Algiers

Mitchell, Innes, Col.--London [PWD publications and display]

Morgan, Lt. Gen. F.--Paris [DPs and POWs]

Neville, Brig. A. G.--Paris [psych warfare directive; combat and consolidation

propaganda in France and low countries]

New York Times -CDJ Piece [article on psych warfare]

New York-Trip from Paris--Paris (1)-(3) [Allied treatment and interrogations of

German POWs; conditions in France; aid to France; German atrocities; PWD
operations in Germany, information control; early history of PWB, AFHQ, 1943;
OWI in Germany]

Newspapers--Paris [French language press]


Norway--Paris [film distribution in Norway; leaflet for Allied POWs and DPs in

Norwegians--London [Op. Rankin case]

Overlord--London (1)-(3) [political warfare plans; leaflet distribution on D-Day;

PWE, OWI, PWB, and PWD; BBC; interview German POWs re radio propaganda;
consolidation activities; public relations plan; combat propaganda; Operation
Talisman; Allied Information Service; directive; operations in France]

11 OWI-Paris--Paris (1)-(4) [OWI operations in France; U.S.-French relations;

American material for French press; German POWs; French economy; USIS; rumor

OWI-Paris Minutes--Paris [coordinating committee on Franco-American relations;

USIS meeting]

OWI-USA--London (1)(2) [OWI personnel and operations; Balkans; Cairo; North

Africa; air attack on Germany; German civilian morale]

OWI-USA--Paris (1)-(3) [PWD-use of films in France; USIS; Norway; U.S.- French

relations; OWI operations in Turkey; coordination between PWD Main and OWI
London; Wm. Paley; newspapers in Allied controlled Germany; DPs; leaflet drops
and reports; use of German POWs; directive on information in Germany]
OWI-London--Paris (1)(2) [changeover in France from PWD/AIS to OWI/MOI;
information control in Germany; liberated French radio; Norway; German atrocities;
strategic bombing survey; Allied Press Service]

OWI-Misc. (1)-(4) [German atrocities; Polish DPs; problems between OWI and
State Dept.; information control in Germany; State Dept.-cultural relations and
international information policy; U.S. Information Services Abroad-1946]

Paley, William--Paris [U.S.-French relations; Dieppe; control of information services

in Germany; radio propaganda to occupied Germany; DPs]

12 Paris City--Paris [plan for PWD participation in liberation of Paris]

Parker, Robert--Algiers [OSS and leaflets in Greece; OWI activities re to Italy and
southern Europe]

Personnel--Paris (1)-(5) [AIS and PWD units, missions, and assignments;

consolidation activities in Western Europe; need for German-speaking personnel]

Photo Section--Paris [AIS Group HQ, Photo Section, organization and operations]

Policies--Paris [directive for psych warfare in Operation Overlord; PWD; AIS]

Powell, Colonel--Paris [PWB organization; radio broadcasts; behavior of American

troops; OSS-“black” radio project in Paris; Radio Luxembourg; information from
foreign workers and DPs]

Press--Paris (1)-(4) [newsprint and equipment needs in France; free press in liberated
France; consolidation activities; surveys of Paris press and attitude toward U.S.
Army; AIS publication and radio operations; press control]

Proclamation--London [proclamation by Gen. De Gaulle on D-Day; Eisenhower

proclamation re liberation of France; D-Day statements by heads of Allied

Psych Warfare [cross reference sheet only]

Publications and Display--Paris (1)-(3) [French reaction to Allied posters and

publications; AIS; French Ministry of Information; PWD; information control in
Germany; books in Germany; switch from PWD/AIS to OWI/MOI]

13 Publications and Display--Paris (4)-(6) [Allied Information Service Group, report of

Publication and Display Section, June 1944 to April 1945]

PWB-AFHQ--Paris (1)-(4) [PWB operations in Italy and North Africa; situation in

France; French Ministry of Information, control of news and radio in liberated areas;
French distrust of Allies; United Nations Radio ; Service Metropolitan Francois
(SMI); FFI; Allied propaganda; German controlled radio to France; USIS; radio
monitoring; mobile press; sample leaflets; PWB in Seventh U.S. Army]

PWB-PWD Story--Paris [progress of mission]

PWD Reports--Paris (l)-(4) [progress reports of PWD sections, Main and Rear]

PWD Reports-CDJ--Paris [liaison section; DPs; program for U.N. POWs and
DPs in Germany]

PWD Rear--Paris (1)-(3) [PWD organization and activities; revolt of German

generals; Goering; Joint Deputies Committee; Op. Talisman; speech by Hitler and
Doenitz; French press and radio; newsprint; negotiations with French; intelligence
surveys; AIS in France; Allied Press Service-news file for occupied Germany; Radio
Luxembourg; DPs; POWs]

PWE--Algiers (1)(2) [Political Warfare Executive (Br.); Reoccupation Committee;

plans for France, Holland, and Belgium; public opinion; news dissemination;
information control; PWE/OWI plan for psych warfare toward German troops and
people and occupied countries]

Pye Receivers--Paris [radio receivers for D.P. camps]

14 Radio and Public Address--Paris (1)-(5) [mobile radio transmitters; Radio Cherbourg;
PWB operations; Allied relations with French; Radio Rennes; negotiations with
French re control of radio; tactical use of PA systems; “black” radio-OSS; program
material; censorship; radio personnel and equipment; Holland Radio; Radio diffusion
Francaise; survey of French liberated radio; broadcasts to French prisoners, refugees,
and workers in Germany; radio monitoring; Pye receivers to liberated countries and

Rennes--Paris (1)-(3) [PWD personnel and equipment; impending trial of

collaborators and traitors; radio operations; intelligence reports; weekly activity
reports; AIS]

Routh, Dennis--Paris [AIS office in London; DPs and POWs]

Salembier, Mr.--Paris (1)(2) [Nazi propaganda; situation in France in 1916; French

propaganda; Note: See folder, “Section GLE Information” for items removed from
this folder]

Scheftel, Stuart--Paris [Red Ball Highway radio campaign; Paris radio programs]

Schneider, Douglas--Paris [psych warfare paper, Votre France]

Scott-Bailey, Col. [empty; cross reference sheet only]

Section GLE Information [removed from folder, “Salembier, Mr.--Paris”; French

propaganda plans]

SHAEF Mission--Paris [PWD/AIS operations in Paris, report by CDJ]

Sherwood, Robert--Algiers [cross reference sheet only]

Sherwood, Robert--London [cross reference sheet only]

Smith, Hamilton K.--London (1)(2) [PWD consolidation/occupation operations in


Smith, Gen. Walter Bedell

Spain [situation in Spain; French-Spanish border]

Special Operations Committee--London [OSS proposals for France]

Stars and Stripes

Stone, Thomas--London [German POWs]

Strasbourg--Paris [PWD Combat Team report on situation in Strasbourg; German


15 Survey--Paris (1)(2) [public opinion surveys in liberated France; attitudes of Normans

toward Allied landings and Germany; survey of German POWs re combat leaflets]

Talisman--London (1)(2) [PWD plans for Operation Talisman]

Taylor, Davidson--Paris [PWD radio section and entertainment control section-

personnel and activities]

Telecon--Paris [messages from SHAEF Forward PWD to SHAEF Main PWD from
April-May 1945; D.P. and POW problems; German atrocities]
Tripartite Committee--London [PWD, OWI, and PWE--directive]

Twelfth Army Group [propaganda newspaper in Polish]

Twenty-One Army Group--London [combat zone propaganda for Op. Overlord]

UNRRA--Paris [OWI moving picture team; camps in Belgium and Holland]

U. S. Group Control Council--Paris [control of information in occupied Germany]

Vanier, General--Paris

Wingerter [transfer sheet only; see folders, “Needed from War Files”]

Needed from War Files (1)-(5) [PWB organization, personnel, and operations in
North Africa, the Balkans, and Italy; cartoons; Middle East; Eisenhower re PWB;
Fred Auberjonois; Philip Hamblet; Richard Hollander; mobile loud speakers; PWD
organization, personnel, and problems in different countries; Allied propaganda in
North Africa; intelligence material; Gen. Le Clercq; OWI; plans for occupation of
Germany; OSS; news distribution in France; Russian DPs and POWs]

Needed from War Files (6)-(9) [Robert Sherwood; OWI and PWB in North Africa;
Washington and London conferences; AMGOT; intelligence surveys in France and
Germany; war loan speech by Eisenhower; Sec. of Treasury Henry Morgenthau; visit
by U.S. senators to North Africa; handbook for military occupation of Germany;
combat propaganda, leaflet distribution]

16 Le Peuple Russe et La Guerre Par Jean Champenois (1)-(9) [book manuscript]

Subseries B. Personal War Files, 1944-1945

Personal Addresses and Cards [log book for trips, 1943-45]

Personal Photographs

Chase Bank

Personal Identification Cards, etc. (1)-(3) [U.K. ration book]

Personal Bills (1)(2)

Personal Government (1)(2) [assignment in North Africa; role in operations of OWI

and PWB]
17 Personal Miscellaneous (1)-(4) [OWI; Patton; declaration by Allies re defeat of
Germany; psych warfare personnel and operations]

Personal Correspondence, Time, Inc. (1)-(4) [Pony edition of Time; Republican

politics; Life and Time personnel and business activities; proposed German edition of
Time; Life camps; National War Labor Board; Bill Paley; Henry Luce]

Personal Correspondence (1)-(6) [psych warfare in North Africa and Italy; Turkey;
PWD SHAEF organization; Clare Booth Luce-speeches on foreign policy; marble
business; Frank Kaufman]

Psych Warfare Interview with CDJ [transcript of interview of CDJ by Harris Huey]

Subseries C. Miscellaneous File, 1939-1946

18 Les Atrocities Commises Par Les Polonais Contre Les Allemands de Pologne
[German propaganda written in French re alleged atrocities in Poland]

Manual for the Control of German Information Services (1)-(4)

Newspapers [December 1944 and June 1945]

Final Report, Publications and Display Section, 6805 Allied Information Service
Group (1)-(3)

Psychological Warfare in the Mediterranean Theater (1)-(3) [enemy reactions to

Allied propaganda]

19 Air Objective Folder, Manchuria Areas [bombing targets, 1944]

Air Objective Folder, Tokuyama Area, Japan [bombing targets, 1944]

Camp de Juifs, Flossberg, 1945 (1)(2)

News Accounts of V-E Day

Distribution of “Overt” Publications in Germany [1946]

The German News Agency and the News [compares UP and AP reports on the 1939
Graf Spee incident to reports by official German news agency]

Surveys of Public Opinion Held in Sicily, Nov. 1943-Jan. 1944 (1)-(3) [PWB]
La Beta est Morte [1945 color cartoon book]

P.W.B. Combat Propaganda Pamphlets (1)(2)

London Addresses (1)(2)

20 London Addresses (3)(4)

Addresses, Africa-Paris (1)-(3)

Addresses-Paris (1)-(4)

Subseries D. Photostats, 1943-1944

Admiralty (1)(2) [message from Royal Navy to Italian Navy; PWB]

Allied Control Commission [est. to advise Italian govt. and enforce surrender]

Allied Publications Board

AMGOT (1)(2) [Allied Military Government; Washington and London conferences;

press views; plan for PWB operations in occupied territory]

21 15th, 8th, 7th Army Group [functions of psych warfare units in field; Moscow

Auberjonois, Fred [PWB; broadcasts to Balkans]

Austrian Propaganda

Avalanche-Baytown (1)(2) [leaflets for Italy; radio broadcasts; PWB combat and
occupational teams]


Bari [PWB; Radio Bari; interrogation; leaflets; food rations]

Bari Mission [Radio Bari; Balkan broadcasts; PWE]

Barrett, Edward [PWB personnel and operations]

BIGOT, PSYCHE, HUSKY (1)-(3) [PWB propaganda plans and operations]

Bing, Major

Blankenhorn, Major [PWB leaflet program]

Bogomolov, Alexander [intelligence report on Capt. Stalin, son of Joseph Stalin]

Brazilian Military Mission

British War Office [proposed occupational propaganda for Italy]

Bureau of Budget

Cameron, Norman [leaflet operations; “black” leaflet]

Casablanca [U.S.-French relations]

Catania [PWB unit; radio listening survey]

Civil Affairs [propaganda in Italy and French Morocco; Combined Civil Affairs

Commissaire a L’Information (1)(2) [Radio France broadcasts; French Commissioner

of Information; coordination of PWB and French propaganda services]

22 Corsican Leaflets

Cosgrove, George W. [PWB operations and organization]

CYCLONE [PWB plan for propaganda and publicity for Avalanche]

De Chassey, Colonel

Dodds-Parker, Lt. Col. D. [plan for psych warfare for Baytown and Avalanche,
invasion of Italian mainland; Mediterranean radio and leaflet plan]

Eisenhower, General (1)(2) [Milton Eisenhower-OWI; PWB, Radio Monitoring Div.-

Italian fleet; work of PWB and OWI in North Africa; weekly reports; message to
Allied forces in Mediterranean, 1-1-44]

Film, Sicilian and Italian (1)(2) [propaganda film and orientation film for troops]

Food Situation in Italy [1943]

Foord, Lt. Col.

Frantz, Jules [PWB; Sicily and North Africa]

French Comite of National Liberation [relationship with PWB; Radio France;

promoted itself as government of France]

French Propaganda (1)(2) [PWB operations and propaganda control in North Africa;
need for radio jamming equipment]

Fyvel, Tosco [withdrawal sheet only]

Galsworthy, Major

German Leaflet [PWB dissemination of tactical leaflets]

Gilmore, Otto

Hagelin Machines [PWB code traffic; crypto machines]

Hazeltine, Colonel (1)(2) [PWB personnel, organization, plans, and operations in

Italy and North Africa]

Head, Major [PWB personnel needs]

Herz, Captain

Holmes, Brig. Gen. J. C. [military govt. section of AFHQ; PWB role; censorship]

Howard, Hubert [Tunis PWB, intelligence material and interrogation reports; Col.
Pedersoni re Italian unity and cooperation with Allies]

Inter-Office Administration (1)(2) [PWB organization and personnel]

23 Inter-Office Administration (3) [PWB combat and propaganda teams; personnel]

Inter-Office Basic News [PWB cipher communications; News Div. personnel]

Inter-Office “D” Section (1)-(3) [POW interrogations; intelligence on Italy;

provisional assembly in Algiers]

Inter-Office Film (1)-(3) [ PWB North Africa film activities; film operations in Sicily
and Italy]
Inter-Office Hamilton [French political situation in North Africa; PWB; Radio
France; German forces in France]

Inter-Office Monitoring [Radio Monitoring Div., use of POWs, transmission reports]

Inter-Office Photo Shop (1)(2) [photo operations in London, Cairo, and Italy]

Inter-Office Print Shop [PWB printing operations]

Inter-Office Publications [PWB Publications Section, leaflet operations in Italy]

Inter-Office Radio (1)(2) [PWB Radio Division; programming; Radio France; Radio
Bari; scripts; material aimed at France and foreign workers and POWs in Germany]

Inter-Office Radio Technical (1)-(3) [PWB radio operations; frequencies for

broadcasting; list of stations; North Africa; radio jamming; Italian Radio; Radio Bari;
programming and schedules]

24 Italian Armistice (1)-(3) [terms of armistice; message by Eisenhower; draft plan for
Cyclone (psych warfare part of Avalanche); propaganda directive; PWB activity with
regard to armistice; Marshal Badaglio]

Italian Declaration of War

Italian King Speech [Sept. 1943]

Italian Radio [PWB Italian radio operations and facilities]

Italian Restoration of Territory

Italian Situation (1)-(3) [OWI plan for Bulgaria; psych warfare plan for Italy; reports
on situation in Italy from propaganda viewpoint; Italian opinion on surrender and
Allied bombing; German broadcasts to Italians; Italian Communism; Italian broadcast

Kennedy, Edward [situation in Italy, 1943]

Lehrman, Hal


Madrid [North Africa radio photo service]

Martelli, George [military situation in Sicily and Italy; use of tactical leaflets in Italy]
Mathieu, G. A. [Italian propaganda situation]

McChrystal, Col. [censorship; jamming of broadcasts; radio broadcasts and leaflets

in Italy; theaters in Italy]

McClure, R. A. [PWB operations and personnel; Pres. Roosevelt re surrender of Italy;

Radio France; use of POW material; films and theater facilities; paper stocks;
pictorial coverage of war]

Middle East Broadcasting Coordinating Board [North Africa radio facilities]

Military Government Section [censorship; BBC broadcast; directive on use of

intelligence; civil affairs in Mediterranean]

25 Mobile Units [mobile radio units in North Africa-schedules, equipment, and


Morgenthau, Henry [cross reference sheet only]

Munro, Ian

Naples [BBC re food situation in Naples]

Newspaper Censorship [in Sicily and Italy]

O. S. S. [proposed leaflets for Italy]

O. W. I., New York (1)-(4) [report on Iraq; leaflet distribution in North Africa; PWB
in Morocco; North Africa psych warfare operations; broadcasts to France; survey of
Italian psychological situation; broadcasts to Germany; Turkey; Algiers; relationship
of OSS to OWI overseas; list of radio stations; German POW pictures; reorganization
and move to Italy; personnel]

Pales Press Company, Ltd. [American books and magazines-limits on exports]

Paley, William [OWI assignment in Italy; radio operations]

Panella, Virgilio

Prisoner Interrogation [PWB interrogation of POWs]

P.W.B. Mentions [leaflet about Axis propaganda]

P.W.B. Results [Italian situation; Allied bombing; Italian railway sabotage; Allied
invasion of Italy; surrender of Italy]

Radio Bari [radio broadcasts to Italy; PWB]

Radio Palermo

Radio Tunis [PWB control; equipment, broadcast schedule, personnel, news sources]

Reader’s Digest [PWB]

Rhythm [plan for propaganda offensive against Italian morale-leaflets and radio
broadcasts; situation in Italy]

Salerno [PWB team]

Sardinia [PWB control of radio broadcasting]

Senators [U.S. senators visit North Africa; OWI-PWB operations and organization in
North Africa]

Sicily [occupation plans]

Soresi, Carl [Radio Palermo]

Soong, Norman [Chinese war correspondent]

Stars and Stripes [psych warfare leaflets get printing priority]

26 Survey (1)-(6) [PWB occupation work in North Africa and Sicily; survey of public
opinion in Sicily]

Taylor, George F.

Terraccini, Enrico

Thornhill, Colonel

Torris, Monsieur

Two Generals [opinions on De Gaulle and Girard]

Tyler, William [PWB, Casablanca; interrogating refugees from France]

Tunis (1)-(4) [PWB propaganda policy for Italy; leaflets-tactical and strategic; radio
schedule and programming in Italian, German, and French]

United Nations Radio

Waldberg, Patrick [OWI]

27 Walmsley, A. [PWB North Africa, Intelligence or “D” section]

Whitaker, John [PWB operations with 7th Army in Sicily; 5th Army]

Williamson, David

War Criminals (1)-(5) [hearings re Italian war criminals, charges and proceedings;
PWB publicity re war criminals]

Sample Copies


Subseries A. Alphabetical File, 1933-1964

AA-AJ-Misc. [international development; French relief, 1941]

AL-Misc. [George V. Allen; Truman speech, 4-20-50]

AM-AZ-Misc. [investment in undeveloped countries; situation in Venezuela]

Abu Simbel-American Comm. to Preserve and Misc. [Egyptian temples threatened by

Aswan High Dam]

Action-American Council to Improve Our Neighborhoods, Inc. [draft speech for

President, Nov. 1954]

28 Adamic, Louis (1)-(3) [situation in Yugoslavia, 1942; Hitler interview]

Adams, Mat [Voice of America (VOA)-Liberia]

Adams, Sherman, Book and Life Neg. (1)-(3) [events of Eisenhower Administration;
Salk vaccine; 1955 heart attack; Atoms for Peace Speech; 1952 campaign; Bill
Knowland; Emmet Hughes; outline of book; chapter drafts]

Adams, Governor Sherman (1)(2) [Aug. 1958-CDJ working on speech for Pres.;
disarmament; postal rates for magazines; Israel-water project; Sam Waugh; Eliot
Richardson; Emmet Hughes; presidential powers during Eisenhower’s illness; UN
duty; candidates to replace CDJ; attitude toward U.S. in Europe; McCarthy;
accomplishments and plans of Eisenhower Administration]

Adenauer, Konrad [Germany-U.S. relations; U.S.-Europe relations]

Adler, Larry

Advertising Council, Inc. [world trade and travel campaign, 1946-48; Marshall Plan]

Agar, Herbert [mutual security bill; attitude toward U.S. in France; foreign trade
policy; British loan]

Airplane (1)-(4) [CDJ-pilot’s log book, 1952]

29 Airplane (5) [Aero Commander]

Alexander, Roy [organized labor in politics; U.S. overseas bases; Herbert Hoover Jr.;
Chip Bohlen-Geneva II; NATO; Quemoy and Matsu]

Allyn, A. Merrill

America (n) Misc.

A.N.T.A. [American National Theater and Academy; international exchange

program; Porgy and Bess; Robert Shaw Chorale]

Anderson, Dillon [cross reference sheet only]

Andrews, Paul Shipman [Communist China; peace plan; Eisenhower’s illness]

Anthony, Edward

Arab Affairs

Ardrey, Robert

Asia Foundation

Atlantic Council [unity of Atlantic community; Lauris Norstad]

Atomic Fund (1)-(3) [Fund for Peaceful Atomic Development; use of CDJ’s name;
Atoms for Peace]
Atomic Industrial Forum [peaceful uses of atomic energy]

Atoms for Peace-Evolution (1)(2) [writing drafts of speech; Lewis Strauss; Lord
Cherwell; Churchill; Gen. Cutler; chronology for development of Candor/Wheaties;
USIA plans; OCB Working Group; memo by Eisenhower on disarmament; State
Dept. vs. Defense re disarmament; Soviet response to speech; British input]

30 Atoms for Peace-Evolution (3)-(7) [speech drafts and editings; Ambassador Bohlen;
discussion of State Dept. draft; Candor breakfast-Wheaties]

Auberjonois, Fernand (1)-(3) [European interest in McCarthy-1953; Voice of

America; Roy Cohn; French press and newsprint shortage; Charles De Gaulle; 1948
U.S. elections; U.S.-French relations; conditions in France; French press]

Ba-Misc. (1)(2) [Dixon-Yates; U.S.-Soviet policy, 1954; charge of Communist

infiltration of Radio Free Europe; Hungarian revolution; U.S. cold war policies]

Be-Misc. (1)(2) [U.S. Soviet policy; East-West trade; U.S. trade; communists in S. E.
Asia; VOA; Krishna Menon; U.S. information program]

Bi-Misc. [U.S. press re Britain; Rudolf Bing; Freedom House; John Birch Society]

Bl-Misc. [Red China; OWI-WWII]

31 Bm-Bo-Misc. [Chip Bohlen; 1934 national product capacity survey; Chester Bowles
correspondence re racial problems, Montgomery bus boycott, Martin Luther King,
Jr., agricultural policy, politics]

Br.-Misc. (1)(2) [Free Europe Comm.; Radio Free Europe; Russian emigres;
Amcomlib-American Comm. for Liberation from Bolshevism; Allen Dulles; Willy
Brandt; Venezuela; Yugoslavia; Export-Import Bank loan policy]

Bu-By-Misc. (1)(2) [National Comm. for a Free Europe, Inc. (NCFE)-refugee

program; McGeorge Bundy; mutual security program; Drew Pearson; U.S. foreign
economic policy]

Baker, Edgar [Sprague Comm.-political warfare; Communist threat in Africa, Latin

America, Near East, Asia, and Europe; Jackson Comm.; cold war planning]

Baldwin, Joseph Clark

Baldwin, William H.
Barnard, J. L. [1933 piracy case involving Chinese ship held by Japan; American
evangelist, Sister Aimee McPherson, in Shanghai, 1935; 1935 movie reviews]

Barnard, T. L. [UNESCO]

Barnett, Frank-Richardson Foundation (1)(2) [Institute for American Strategy;

addresses on cold war strategy]

Barrett, Edward W. (1)(2) [press censorship; psych warfare; cold war propaganda;
Korean War propaganda]

Barringer, John Paul [International Chamber of Commerce; USO report for 1941]

Beau, Gen. and Mrs. Lucas V.

32 Beaver-Foreign Economic Policy (1)-(11) [Soviet Union; CDJ letter to Dulles re

World Economic Policy; correspondence and draft proposal; drafts of speech for
President; paper by Max F. Millikan and Walt Rostow]

Beekman, Frederick W. (1)(2) [American Students’ and Artists’ Center in Paris; role
of church leaders in WWII; 1941 address on war in Europe; sermon on war and

33 Bell, Dan

Belmont, Mrs. August [Metropolitan Opera; propaganda in U.S.]

Benet, Stephen Vincent [correspondence; “Dear Adolf” letters-wartime broadcasts;

labor’s lack of good publicity, 1942]

Benetti, Mr. Jean

Benton, William [U.S. propaganda operations, 1952]

Bergman, Alfred [threat of USSR]

Berkshire Evening Eagle [biographical material on CDJ; OWI]

Berle, Adolf A., Jr. and Mrs. [Guatemala, 1963; press coverage re Guatemala]

Berlin--Austrian Negotiations [Austrian State Treaty, 1954; briefing paper; speech

drafts for Dulles]
Berlin--Basics and Working Papers (1) [meetings of foreign ministers, January-
February 1954; Dulles and Molotov negotiations]

Berlin--Basics and Working Papers (2)-(4) [14th Quadripartite Plenary Session,

transcript of foreign ministers’ meeting; Eastern Europe; U.S.-USSR negotiations re
Germany and Austria; psychological aspects of conf.; Dulles and Molotov; expellees
and refugees in W. Germany]

Berlin--Directories and Misc. (1)-(3) [U.S. delegation to conf.; Germany; refugees,

expellees, and POWs]

34 Berlin--Directories and Misc. (4)(5) [1939 speech by Molotov on foreign policy of

Soviet Union]

Berlin--Dulles’ Post-Conference Report to Nation

Berlin--Plenary Session Transcripts (1)-(13) [Austrian State Treaty; German problem;

European security; NATO; EDC]

35 Berlin--Plenary Session Transcripts (14)-(16) [China; proposed five-power conf.;

disarmament; world trade; Korea; reducing world tension; Germany; Austria;
European security; Molotov; Asia; China; Yalta and Potsdam]

Berlin--Restricted Session Transcripts [proposed five-power conf.; Far East;

disarmament; China; Korea; Indochina]

Bernhard, H. R. H. Prince (1)-(4) [ecology; World Wildlife Fund; Bilderberg

Conferences; Aeronautics Congress; Dean Rusk; W. B. Smith; U.S.-Europe relations;
McCarthy; NATO; EDC; communism; coexistence; Molotov; colonialism; East-West

Bernstein, David (1)(2) [WWII-OWI]

Biddle, Anthony J. Drexel and Mrs. [WWII-De Gaulle relations with Allies; psych
warfare in Europe, 1952; National Comm. for a Free Europe]

Biddle, Eric H. (1)-(3) [biographical notes re Biddle]

36 Bilderberg-1964 (1)-(3) [A Choice Not An Echo by Phyllis Schlafly-ref. to CDJ; list

of participants at Bilderberg meetings; history of Bilderberg meetings; extremists and
“communist” label; steering comm.; Marshall Shulman]
Bilderberg-1963 (1)(2) [agenda and minutes of meetings; list of participants]

Bilderberg-1962 (1)(2) [Atlantic or European unity; agenda, reports, and minutes

of meetings; lists of participants]

Bilderberg-1961 (1)(2) [agenda, reports, and minutes of meetings; addresses on

disarmament, U.S.-European relations, and Communist economic penetration]

Bilderberg-1960 (1)(2) [agenda, reports, and minutes of meetings; CDJ-summary and

notes re discussions]

Bilderberg-1959 [agenda, minutes, and summary of meetings]

Bilderberg-1958 [report; NATO; Western economic cooperation; EEC; Soviet Union;

speech by CDJ]

Bilderberg-1957 (1) [agenda, reports, and list of participants]

37 Bilderberg-1957 (2)(3) [agenda, reports, notes, and list of participants; paper by CDJ
on neutralism and nationalism within the Western Community; U.S.-Europe relations;
political and economic institutions in the West; diplomacy of liberation]

Bilderberg Group (1)-(3) [meetings in 1955-56; reports and list of participants; papers
on struggle with Communists for uncommitted peoples and economic aspects of
competitive coexistence; Dean Rusk]

Bishop, Amb. Max [criticism of, U.S. Amb. to Thailand]

Bogdan, Norbert (1)(2) [Metropolitan Opera; Pakistan radio; German problem;

China; Comm. to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, 1935-42; Council for
Democracy; South America; national defense; trade; Argentina; Fortune]

Bohemian Grove [1952 cabin assignments and guest list]

Bolander, Tage [Time-Life International activities]

Books Dept.

Boston Symphony Orchestra-1964

Boston Symphony-1963 (1)(2) [tour of Europe]

Boston Symphony-1962
Boston Symphony-1961 [cultural exchange]

Boston Symphony-1960 [problems on tour]

Boston Symphony-1959 [Oriental tour; cultural exchange; ANTA]

38 Boston Symphony-1958

Boston Symphony-1957 [cultural exchange]

Boston Symphony-1956 [European tour, USSR]

Boston Symphony-1955 [international cultural exchange]

Boston Symphony-1952-54 (1)(2) [European tour; Metropolitan Opera]

Boston Symphony-1951 [European tour; National Comm. for Free Europe; VOA

Brant, Joseph E. [farming in Brazil; conditions in Brazil, late 1940s]

Breck, Henry (1)(2) [attitude of troops in Germany, 1945; situation in Europe,

1939; Stalin and Hitler; interview with Pres. Masaryk of Czechoslovakia, 1927]

Brookings Institution-Admin.-Changeover [study of presidential transition]

Browder, Edward

Brown, Earl [candidate for city council in Harlem, NYC; fund raising]

Brown, Irving [Congress of Journalists in Exile, Berlin, 1952; conditions in Europe,

1952; NCFE]

Brown, John Mason [remarks on the “New South”]

Brown, Lt. Col. Robert [occupation troops in Germany, 1946; end of war and
peacetime duty]

Brownell, Herbert

Bruckberger, R. L.-1964 [Free French chaplain; Kennedy assassination; De Gaulle;

French politics]
Bruckberger, R. L.-1961-1963 [J. F. Kennedy; American Round Table; People’s
Capitalism; Common Market; Yalta; Suez; U.S. vs. European interests; De Gaulle;
Adenauer; French politics; Adolf Eichmann]

Bruckberger, R. L.-1960 [Kennedy’s election; Nixon; De Gaulle; Pinay incident;

French politics]

Bruckberger, R. L.-1959 [De Gaulle; situation in France]

39 Bruckberger, R. L.-1958 [book on U.S.A.; Nelson Rockefeller; De Gaulle; situation

in France; Quemoy-Matsu; July 1958-CDJ to Washington, DC for summit

Bruckberger, R. L.-1957 [book on U.S.A.; Soviet Union]

Bruckberger, R. L.-1956

Bruckberger, R. L.-1955

Bruckberger, R. L.-1953-1954 [De Gaulle; Gen. Pierre Koenig; situation in France]

Bruner, Jerome [psych warfare in WWII; Russia]

Bryson, Lyman

Bufalini, Alberto [CDJ-WWII activities; situation in Ethiopia and Europe, 1935;


Burnett, Leo [magazine costs for subscribers and advertisers; Time-Life business
practices; origins of Sports Illustrated; Republican personality or image]

Burt, Hardy (1)(2) [H. L. Hunt; radio-TV series on struggle with Communism;
“extreme right”; Radio Free Europe]

Byrd, Richard [Council for Democracy; Hitler]

Ca-Misc. (1)(2) [proposal for psych warfare in Latin America; Ecumenical Council in
Rome, 1962; Republican Party activities-1956 campaign]

Cf-Ch-Misc. [International Rescue Comm.]

Ci-Cl-Misc. [Theodore Streibert; U.S.-British relations; world situation, 1955; U.S.

foreign policy]
40 Co-Misc. (1)(2) [emigre group; trade policy; Suez Crisis; Soviet invasion of Hungary;
relations between U.S., British, and French; French politics, 1939; Henry Kissinger;
Middle East]

Cp-Cu-Misc. (1)(2) [Lt. Gen. Willis D. Crittenberger-Free Europe Comm., Radio

Free Europe, and U. S. foreign policy; China, 1949; Israel, 1953; Palestine-Arab
refugee problem; Council for African Training; Crusade for Freedom, Inc.]

Canfield, Cass, Jr.

Carnegie Corporation [National Cultural Center]

Carroll, Pete [EDC; Trieste; Italy; OCB and NSC organization; Korea; Asia; psych
warfare; Jackson Comm.; psychological aspects of foreign policy; Indochina; China]

Carter, Edward E.

Catholic Church [Italian politics; authority and organization of Church]

Centre de Relations Internationales

Century Club (1)-(3)

Chace, William

Chadsey, Carl [Freedom Fund, Inc.; Bolshoi group in U. S.; Russian history; Russian
emigre activities]

Chavchavadze, David

Chiang Kai-Shek, Mme. Chiang (1)(2) [Quemoy; book by Chiang; U.S. policy
toward Taiwan and China; Macmillan; Chinese history and revolution]

China-America Council [Time Inc. relationship with council]

41 Churchill, Winston (1)(2) [notes on conversations with Churchill re WWII, the

atomic bomb, summit meetings, diplomacy, and Asia; visits to U.S. in 1946 and


Citizen’s Committee for the Public Schools

Citizens for Victory (1)-(4) [World War II home front activities; Council for
Democracy; C. Lindbergh; origins and organization of Citizens]

Citizens Union [1956 campaign]

Civil Defense [civil defense preparations at Time, Inc., 1954]

Cleveland Forum [forum on world affairs sponsored by Time Inc., 1947]

Coatesville Conference [economic freedoms; modern capitalism]

Codes [list of code names used by White House, Caliban, Candor, Wheaties]

Cohrssen, Hans (1)(2) [international information exchange proposed; Abbott


Coleman Committee-see also Bernhard, H.R.H. Prince [Comm. for National Trade

Colonial Club

Colony Manufacturing Co.

Columbia Broadcasting Co.

Committee for a Free Asia

Committee for a Jewish Army [Zionist organization; Palestine-homeland for Jews]

Committee on Foreign Trade Education [national trade policy; GATT; trade

cooperation; tariff policy; org. for trade cooperation; problems of Coleman Comm.]

42 Communications Committee (Time Inc.) (1)-(3) [Time Inc. business,

communications, and organization; statistics on magazine circulation; U.S. economy;
radio and TV references to Time; advertising]

Comte, Gilbert

Cone, Fairfax [good and bad advertising; Life magazine; speech by Edward R.
Murrow; evaluation of television]

Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion

Corbett, Leonora [American Friends of Ichud (org. in Israel); U.S. foreign policy]
Council for Democracy Files [out card only]

Council for Democracy-“America’s Free Schools” [booklet]

Council for Democracy-Angell, E. ‘45 (1)(2) [criticism-a “Luce front” org.; goals
of Council; war poster competition; fundraising; Black Americans in WWII; changes
in activities and goals after Pearl Harbor]

Council for Democracy-Board of Directors’ Meeting, 3/18/42

Council for Democracy-Broadcasts (1)-(3) [radio scripts, including “Dear Adolf”

series by Stephen Vincent Benet]

Council for Democracy-Bryson, Lyman [financial problems of Council]

43 Council for Democracy-Clippings (1)-(3) [WWII home front; news and propaganda,
ads, and cartoons]

Council for Democracy-“Defense on Main Street” (1)(2) [booklet]

Council for Democracy-Executive Committee (1)-(3) [minutes of meetings; fund

raising; Better Business report; treatment of Black Americans during war; home
front; labor relations-strikes; anti-Semitism study; radio programs; German
broadcasts; advertisements; rallies; Comm. to Defend America by Aiding the Allies;
criticism of Council in Chicago Tribune]

Council for Democracy-“A Fighting Faith” [booklet]

Council for Democracy-“Financing Defense” [booklet]

Council for Democracy-Friedrich (1)(2) [survey of European experts in U. S.; Harry

Luce; private organizations vs. government activity]

Council for Democracy-Fund Raising (1)-(3) [report on work of Council; radio and
press services; minority groups; broadcasts; material by CDJ]

44 Council for Democracy-Future Plans [role of private organizations; Council

activities-radio broadcasts, advertising, press service, aliens, blacks in industry]

Council for Democracy-Misc. (1)-(4) [postwar program; skilled black labor; role of
Harry Luce; civil defense; total war notes; pro-democratic organizations; report on
public opinion trends re Europe, defense, racial discrimination, and strikes, 1941;
criticism of Council; Pittsfield Project; activities of Council, 1940-41]

Council for Democracy-Pamphlets-Misc.(1)-(7) [home front propaganda; censorship;

radio broadcasts; Carl Sandburg; first annual report; script by Stephen Vincent Benet;
employment problems; booklet, The Negro and Defense; strikes; U.S. as food
arsenal; German propaganda]

45 Council for Democracy-Scrapbook [oversized item, transferred to Box 120]

Council for Democracy-Speeches [1940-41]

Council for Democracy-Voorhis Act

Council for Democracy-Watt, Robert [charge of Communist influence on Council;

pamphlet by S. V. Benet; speech by Archibald MacLeish; speech by Benet]

Council on Foreign Relations (1)-(3) [memo on foreign policy and public opinion by
CDJ; International News Service; American private enterprise in Europe and Mid
East; United Press; State Dept. overseas information program; speech by CDJ; study
of public opinion and foreign policy; propaganda and foreign policy]

Council for International Progress in Management, Inc. (C.I.P.M.) (1)(2) [Soviet

economic aid]

Cross and Co.-See Webb and Knapp [empty folder]

Crossman, R. H. S. (1)-(4) [U.S. policy; cold war; defense; psych warfare; Radio Free
Europe; Yugoslavia; Korea; elections in England; U.S.-British relations; Israel;
social, economic, and political situation in England; Palestine problem; Russia;
strikes and labor problems in U.S.; Lend-Lease; U.S. politics; 1945-1950s]

Cruikshank, Robin [British politics, late 1940s; U.S.-British relations; anti-U.S.

sentiment in England]

Cutler, General Robert [situation in USSR and E. Europe; Volunteer Freedom Corps;
Streibert; Washburn; USIA; Indochina; Korea; psych warfare]

46 D, De, Del, Del la-Misc. (1)-(4) [Hungarian refugees; psych warfare, 1952]

Da-Misc. (1)(2) [radical right and fundamentalist minority, 1962; peoples capitalism;
foreign economic policy; Randall Commission; U.S. foreign policy; USSR; Western
Europe; food supplies in Germany-1946]
De-Misc. [U.N. Law of the Sea Conf., 1958; National Comm. for a Free Europe;
U.S.-Brazil relations]

Di-Misc. [CDJ-reasons for leaving government in 1954; psych warfare; Gen.

McClure; treatment of Jews and Arabs in Time]

Do-Misc. [U.S.-Vatican relations; Time coverage of events in Asia and China, 1937]

Dr-Dy-Misc. [American Council on NATO; West Berlin, 1956; 1952 campaign-radio

plan for DDE; Angier Biddle Duke; Eleanor Lansing Dulles; China]

Daily Worker [1951-attacks on CDJ and National Comm. for Free Europe]

David, Jean Paul [anti-Communist French posters]

de Benouville, Gen. Pierre

de Fels, Marthe

De Gaulle, Charles [U.S. relations with France and De Gaulle; French nuclear force;
WWII background; Common Market; Gen. Girard; French premier Georges
Pompidou; European politics and diplomacy]

Dejanikus, Dimitri

Dennon, Leon [French politics; Algeria; U.S.-French relations; situation in Europe-

socialists and Communists]

Dept. of Commerce-Committee on Latin America [1951]

Dept. of State-See also: Foreign Service League [org. of State Dept.]

De Pury, Edward [price of gold; French Canada; Atlantic Pact; Soviet propaganda,
1949; China; Dean Acheson; Chiang Kai-Shek; U.S.-Spanish relations]

der Spiegel

de Saxce, Francois

47 de Vogue, Cte. and Ctesse. Robert [experiences in WWII; social utopia; pacifism;

Dickinson College
Dillon, C. Douglas [Marshall Plan; OEEC; GATT; IMF, International Monetary
Fund; Common Market; free trade area; European Six and Seven; orchestra tour of
South America]

Dimick, John [Egyptian monuments threatened by Aswan Dam, efforts to save]

Disarmament (1)-(5) [Russian nuclear tests; AEC; drafts of speech; letter to

Bulganin; British views on disarmament; Rapacki (Polish) Plan; USIA exhibit; report
to Pres. on U.S. disarmament policy and negotiation efforts; OCB Group; CIA
proposal to OCB re peace initiative]

Divina, Vaclav and Family [situation in Czechoslovakia]

Dixon, George F.

Dodds-Parker, Douglas [Bermuda Conf.; Eisenhower as Pres.; U.S.-British relations]

Dodge, Joseph M. [Dixon-Yates; foreign economic policy; Mutual Security Act of


Dohrn, Klaus (1)-(5) [German politics; U.S.-French relations; De Gaulle; USSR;

Catholicism; Khrushchev; Adenauer; Austrian politics and foreign relations; Richard
Nixon; Syria, Iran, and Middle East; Eisenhower Doctrine; Yugoslavia; German
reunification; Aswan Dam-U.S. and Egypt; church-state relations in Poland and
Hungary; Suez Crisis; socialists in Europe; French-German relations; Polish riots;
anti-Stalinist trend in Socialist parties; interviews with key German officials]

48 Dohrn, Klaus (6)-(10) [the Catholic Church in Europe; developments in Germany,

Russia, Poland, France, Hungary, Italy, and Austria; French-German relations;
EURATOM; Vatican and Moral Rearmament; Geneva II-German reunification;
Adenauer; strengths and weaknesses of U.S. and USSR; leftist Catholicism; Ludwig
Erhard; UN; Eisenhower as President; German rearmament; Saar issue; U..S.
isolationism in 1930s]

Dolan, Patrick [Nigerian politics and developments]

Doorly, John W.

Doris Duke Foundation, 1953-1957

Dougherty, William [observations on life in Russia; trip to USSR and Poland in 1957;
Suez Crisis; Aswan Dam; Dulles; Soviet tactics, economic offensive; Sino-Soviet
Douglas-Hamilton, Natalie [N.Y. World’s Fair, 1964; political campaigns]

Drogheda, Earl of (Garrett Moore) [British politics; Tory Party]

Duchadcek, Ivo [psych warfare in Asia and Africa; Czech relations with Russia;
Radio Liberation]

Dulles, Allen (1)-(4) [outline of proposed book by Dulles on U.S.-Soviet relations;

psych or political warfare; Berlin situation; Eastern Europe; Free Europe Comm.;
Radio Free Europe; Hungary-Kadar regime; UN; Pro Deo, international university for
Social Studies; balloon operations over Russia; Bulganin; defectors; speech by A.
Dulles; nuclear power]

Dulles, John Foster (1)(2) [U.S. response to Hungary; Free Europe Comm. and Radio
Free Europe; situation in Poland; Near East; Berlin; Africa; Eisenhower’s speech on
Near East; Eastern Europe; Palestine refugee problem; De Gaulle; Eisenhower-
Macmillan talks, 1957 re communism and NATO]

49 Dulles, John Foster (3)(4) [World Economic Policy; policy on travel to Communist
China; news conf. transcript, ll-29-55; Berlin Conf., 1954; economic policy; Marshall
Plan; U.S.-Soviet relations; Germany and Austria; EDC; Korea; speeches by Dulles,
Sept. 1952]

“Dunkirk” and Related Projects, 1947 (1)-(6) [private aid to Europe from U.S. cities;
National Conf. on Town Affiliations, 1948; Dunkirk Society, “Dunkirk Plan”,
people-to-people, city-to-city movement; list of 8 city to city relationships]

Dupuy, Jean

E-Misc. (1)(2) [Eastern Europe; containment; Milton Eisenhower; Korean War; Sino-
Soviet relations, 1951; Hungary; WWII psych warfare efforts; India; Gen. Robert
McClure; J. Edgar Hoover; Soviet threat overstated]

Edman, George

Eisenhower, Pres. Dwight D.-Speeches and Messages (1)-(4) [draft of speech to UN,
8-23-60; Atoms for Peace speech, 12-8-53; speech re Near East, 8-13-59; drafts of
speeches re mutual security and peace; foreign economic policy; speeches and press
conf. statements, 1953-60]

50 Eisenhower, Dwight D.-Correspondence, 1952 [CDJ to DDE re psych warfare, Dec.

1952; Jackson Comm.; trip to Korea, Dec. 1952; 1952 campaign; speech draft, 6-20-
Eisenhower, Dwight D.-Correspondence, 1953 (1)(2) [security problems in armed
forces; psych warfare; appointment of Warren to Supreme Court; public opinion poll
re DDE; Trieste problem; Cold War victories by U.S.; T. Streibert; Germany,
Adenauer; U.S. information service; Soviet germ warfare]

Eisenhower, Dwight D.-Correspondence, 1954 (1)(2) [De Gaulle; Gen. Koenig; U.S.
delegation to UN and response to Soviet attacks; world economic policy; Clare Booth
Luce; draft of proposed speech for Pres., March 1954; Berlin Conf.; Soviet policy and
vulnerabilities; psych. warfare; Jackson’s resignation; work of OCB, NSC, and USIA;
evaluation of DDE as president]

Eisenhower, Dwight D.-Correspondence, 1955 [Eisenhower’s heart attack; NATO;

Quantico Conf.]

Eisenhower, Dwight D.-Correspondence, 1956 [situation in Hungary and Austria;

USIA; Ann Whitman; ditch Nixon movement]

Eisenhower, Dwight D.-Correspondence, 1957 [party platform; mutual security

program; budget]

Eisenhower, Dwight D.-Correspondence, 1958 (1)(2) [Kadar regime in Hungary;

Colombo Plan conf.; speech ideas on foreign affairs; draft of UN speech; Walt
Rostow; De Gaulle; recession; DDE-use of certain words in Life editorial; Cold War;
educational system; foreign aid; State of Union message]

Eisenhower, Dwight D.-Correspondence, 1959 (1)(2) [Good Will Trip; Emmet

Hughes; speech draft; Khrushchev’s visit; Radio Free Europe; J. F. Dulles; De
Gaulle; political warfare; Rostow; Ann Whitman-Marie McCrum correspondence]

Eisenhower, Dwight D.-Correspondence, 1960 (1)(2) [Khrushchev visit to UN;

Soviet propaganda; mutual security program; Paris summit; DDE speech, 5-2-60;
statement re Berlin and E. Europe; Rostow notes]

Eisenhower, Dwight D.-Correspondence, 1961 [Berlin; Heidi (dog); economic issues;

farm programs; Sherman Adam’s book, role of Cabinet]

Eisenhower, Dwight D.-Correspondence, 1962 [Free Europe Comm.; Gen.

MacArthur; People to People program; Project HOPE]

Eisenhower, Dwight D.-Correspondence, 1963 [UN; Freddie Morgan; HOPE;

Mandate for Change drafts]

51 Eisenhower, Dwight D.-Correspondence, 1964-1967 [death of CDJ; 1964 political

situation and campaign; presidential incapacity]

Eker, Max

Emmet, Christopher (1)(2) [U.S. policy on Berlin; Germany-Austria-Finland

developments; American-German conf.; H. Kissinger; U.S.-Soviet policy; American
Council on Germany; Adenauer; J. F. Dulles; H. C. Lodge; Hungary issue-UN]

English Speaking Union

Epstein, Julius [refugee problems; forced repatriation]

Ewing, Rev. J. Franklin (Fordham)

Fa-Misc. [Facts Forum-H. L. Hunt; Guatemala, 1962; Cuba, Castro, 1961]

Fe-Misc. [USSR, 1946; situation in Albania, Yugoslavia, and Austria, 1946; Stephen
Vincent Benet]

Fi-Misc. [Radio Omega-broadcasts behind Iron Curtain; Cuba, Castro; WWII- civil

Fl-Fo-Misc. [Metropolitan Opera Assoc.; Foreign Policy Assoc.]

Fr-Misc. (1)(2) [France-America Society; U.S. foreign trade policy; Korean War,
psych warfare]

Fu-Misc. [Council for Democracy, 1942; WWII-OSS; De Gaulle and Giraud; French

Fabian, Dr. Bella (1)(2) [Radio Free Europe and Hungarian Revolt; USSR; Soviet
labor camps]

Fairlee, Joe (Gerard)

Far East-America Council (1) [aid to Asia; China; U.S. mission to Greece]

52 Far East-America Council (2) [China-America Council, mission to China]

Fehr, Joe [WWII psych warfare; Radio Free Europe; VOA; USSR-foreign trade
policy, 1947]

Fellowship of U.S.-British Comrades

First Aid for Hungary

Fistere, John [Arab-Israeli problem; Arab refugees from Palestine; UNRWA projects
in Mid East; Eric Johnston]

Foreign Service Educational Foundation (1)-(4) [proposal for anti-Communist

educational program; Christian Herter; U.S. policy re Latin America; School of
Advanced International Studies]

Foreign Service League

Fox, Matthew [opportunities in Indonesia, 1950]

France and EDC [Howard K. Smith broadcast; Molotov and Soviets]

Free Cuba Committee [1963]

Free Europe Committee, 1965 [Radio Free Europe; CDJ memorial]

Free Europe Committee, 1964 [Soviet jamming; letters by JFK and LBJ re Radio Free

Free Europe Committee, 1963 (1)(2) [Czechoslovakia; Radio Free Europe objectives;
U.S. sale of grain to Communist countries; FEC and partisan politics; survey of
Bulgarian listeners to RFE; U.S. policy on Eastern Europe; nuclear test ban; NATO;
survey of Polish listeners to RFE, VOA, and BBC]

53 Free Europe Committee, 1963 (3) [U.S. policy re E. Europe; JFK; RFK]

Free Europe Committee Budget, etc., 1963 (1)(2) [International Development

Foundation in Latin America; Foreign News Service; Assembly of Captive European
Nations; budget and program proposals]

Free Europe Committee, 1962 [Hungarian refugee athletes]

Free Europe Committee, 1961 (1)-(3) [Stalin; Soviet nuclear tests; Berlin and East
Germany; U.S. public opinion and Berlin Crisis; Gallup Poll on foreign policy; RFE
fund raising and leadership; Radio Freedom, Latin America]

Free Europe Committee, 1960 (1)-(3) [Khrushchev and Soviet policy; U.S. policy
toward Poland; Czechoslovakia; Hungary; defection of athletes; exile groups and
organizations; RFE in W. Germany; psych warfare, changes caused by 1956
uprisings; RFE broadcast policy toward Poland]
Free Europe Committee, 1959 (1)(2) [U.S.-Polish relations; situation in Poland; RFE
broadcasts to Poland; East-West contacts; FEC organization and operations]

Free Europe Committee, 1958 (1) [personnel and management]

54 Free Europe Committee, 1958 (2) [situation in Poland; VOA and RFE; RFE influence
in Poland; E. Europe]

Free Europe Committee, 1957 (1)-(3) [charges against RFE by Fulton Lewis Jr.;
Hungary; RFE in Germany; political warfare in E. Europe; European attitude toward
RFE; situation in Poland; China; Bulgarian redefections; Hungarian revolt; RFE
broadcasts to Poland and Hungary; survey of Hungarian refugees; causes of revolt]

Free Europe Committee, 1956 (1)-(6) [criticism of RFE and VOA re Hungarian
revolution; RFE scripts and policy and reports re broadcasts to Hungary; events in
Hungary; Czechoslovakia; report on Polish riots and RFE response; FEC leaflet and
balloon operations]

Free Europe Committee, 1955 (1)(2) [situation in Poland; USSR atomic test; exiles
and defectors; role of RFE; Rumania; Malenkov resignation]

Free Europe Committee, 1954 [leaflet balloons over Hungary]

Free Europe Committee--See Also National Comm. for a Free Europe--Radio Free
Europe [report on RFE, Dec. 1952]

55 Free Europe Committee--Munich Thumbnails, 1951 [RFE’s Czech programs]

Free Europe University in Exile-Scholarship Gift

Freedom Academy--See Orlando Group, Also National Academy of Foreign Affairs

[empty folder]

Freedom House (1)-(4) [promotes domestic support of war effort, WWII; farm prices;
Herbert Agar; radio broadcasts; wartime housing shortage; Black Americans and the
war; war bond campaign; Jews]

French Hospital

French Institute

French, Paul Conly

Friedrich, Carl J. [U.S.-Europe relations; Palestine and Jewish refugees]

Friends of Democracy [extremist groups; black listing of “leftwing” performers,


Fry, Dr. Charles

Ga-Misc. (1)(2) [nuclear weapons issues, test ban, surprise attack, Chinese, Russian
missiles; psych warfare in Vietnam]

Ge-Misc. [threats to the West; Foreign Service]

Gi-Misc. [reaction in Europe to U.S. nuclear tests]

Gj-Gl-Misc. [Radio Free Europe; Comm. for a Free Europe]

Go-Misc. [Middle East; 1942, anti-anti-American broadcasts; WWII-story on secret

U.S. plan to attack Germany; pro-Nazi propaganda; Council for Democracy]

56 Gr-Misc. [readiness of military for Korea; 1948, psych warfare training]

Gu-Misc. [Zionism in U.S.]

Gaede, Hannah

Gault, Brig. Sir James F. [Freddie Morgan]

Geffroy, Robert (1)-(3) [situation in France; U.S. relations with France; Cold War;
capitalism; French politics; France-U. S.A. Assoc.]

Goldberg, Arthur J.

Goodfriend, Arthur, 1949-50, 1959-63 [USIA; SS Hope; Time-Life activities; U.S.

foreign policy]

Goodfriend, Arthur, 1946-48 [Time-Life activities; situation in Europe, 1946]

Goodfriend, Arthur, 1943 [developing instructional materials for Army]

Goodfriend, Arthur, 1942 (1)-(3) [Army instructional materials; graphic portfolio

method of instruction; combat morale program; total war; role of Life and Time in
assisting in development of Army training materials]

Goodpaster, Andrew
Gowen, William (1)(2) [Philadelphia politics; U.S.-Soviet relations; Rostow re
spread of Communism in Asia and Africa; Indochina; New York politics; Italy-
Communists, U.S. propaganda, political parties, and Vatican]

57 Graebner, Walter (1)-(3) [Time-Life business; view of life in England; 1952

campaign; Prince Bernhard; Harry Luce; U.S.-Soviet relations; industrial production
in Europe; British politics and business; Churchill]

Great Island Conference [private organization to work for peace, 1947-48]

Great White Fleet (Project Hope), 1964 (1)(2) [medical education programs abroad;
SS Hope; People-to-People program]

Great White Fleet (Project Hope), 1963 (1)(2) [SS Hope; fundraising]

Great White Fleet (Project Hope), 1962

Great White Fleet (Project Hope), 1960-61 [SS Hope; fundraising]

Great White Fleet (Project Hope), 1959 [fundraising; Dr. Wm. Walsh; origins of fleet
concept; role of Time-Life; People-to-People Health Found.]

Grew, Joseph C.

Griffith, W. E. (1)(2) [situation in Poland; RFE; Fulton Lewis Jr.; FEC-balloon/leaflet

operations; political developments in Germany, 1952; German criticism of RFE; RFE
Polish broadcasts; VOA]

Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M. [failed 1960 summit; aborted presidential trip to Japan;
travel of journalists to Communist China]

Ha-Misc. (1)(2) [postwar Germany; training for political warfare; 1946 dinner for
Averell Harriman]

58 Ha-Misc. (3)(4) [1952 Eisenhower campaign]

He-Hi-Misc. (1)(2) [U.S.-India relations; Harry Luce-cigarette and liquor ads and Al
Smith; Republican Party politics in Penn., 1956; U.S.-British relations re Suez and
Communist China; Kennedy assassination; situation in Britain, 1963]

Ho-Misc. (1)-(3) [Guatemala, 1962; USSR and satellites, 1957; Middle East; Soviet
economic challenge; Cold War; international economic developments, 1961; 1952
campaign-“Holy Crusade”]

Hu-Misc. (1)(2) [Operation Crossroads Africa, Inc.-student aid project]

Habe, Hans

Hackett, Helen (1)(2)

Hadley, Arthur (1)(2) [postwar Army psych warfare programs; tactical propaganda
company-personnel and equipment needs; theater reorientation bn.]

59 Hagerty, James C.

Hale and Dorr (J. N. Welch) (1)(2)

Halpern, Nathan (1)(2) [theater TV]

Halsey, E. P. (1)(2) [investment advice on stocks, 1930s; discussion of stock and

bond prices and inflation and government programs, 1930s]

Hamblet, Philip [OWI, USIS, 1945]

Harrison, Wallace K.

Hauge, Gabriel [proposed Canadian tax on U.S. magazines; U.S. foreign trade policy;
Atoms for Peace; political warfare; CDJ memo on his role in DDE Adm.; Rosenberg
case; McCarthy hearings]

Hausenstein, Renee-Marie (1)(2) [character of Conrad Adenauer]

Haven, Malcolm D. [1964 Republican Party politics; South Carolina politics; racial
unrest in S. Carolina, 1963]

Heinz, H. J. [cancellation of ad business in Life]

U.S.S. Helena (1)(2) [guest book for Dec. 8-14, 1952; DDE trip from Guam to
Hawaii, schedule for Eisenhower party]

Hendel, Charles W.

Herling, John

Herter, Chris (Sr.-Jr.) [Atlantic Council, 1961; U.S. image abroad; Soviet propaganda
re U.S. in Korea; U.S.-Soviet relations]
Hertzberg, Sidney [admission of China to UN; proposed Time Inc. UN bureau]

Hill, Ambassador Robert [criticism of Time reporting on events in El Salvador and

Latin America, 1955]

Hobbing, Enno

60 Hoffman, Paul [foreign economic policy; U.S. economic aid policies; subversion and
McCarthy; Eisenhower as candidate, May 1952; U.S. trade balance, 1950]

Hollander, Richard [psych warfare; Psychological Strategy Board; Gen. McClure and
CDJ in WWII; R. H. S. Crossman; 1948 possible Republican presidential candidates;
Republican politics, 1946; U.S. occupation of Germany]

Holmes, Ann C. [anti-American sentiment in France, 1948]

Holmes, Ambassador Julius [Britain and Common Market]

Holtzmann, Fanny E. [American image abroad]

Hoover, Herbert, Jr. [proposed world economic policy]

Hornbeck, Stanley [U.S. policy toward China; Far East]

Horodecki, Zygmunt

Hughes, Emmet J. [1956 assisting at White House; CDJ recommends ideas for
foreign policy speech by president; world economic policy; Time-Life business,
1955; comments on White House staff members and changes, 1956; situation in
France, 1956; running for 2nd term; 1955-dump Nixon group; UN speech; speech to
Republican Convention, 1956]

Hughes, John C. [Hungarian delegation to UN; Vatican contacts; Prince Bernhard and
conf.; Free Europe Comm.]

Humphrey, George M. [world economic policy]

Hungarian Olympic Team [defectors]

Hungarian Play--See “Shadow of Heroes” [empty folder]

Hungary [delegation to UN]

Huot, Louis [OSS booklet re supply operations in Yugoslavia, 1943-44; U.S. foreign
policy and W. Europe]

Hyla Process (1)(2) [process for water purification]

Hynes, Joseph (1)(2) [OEEC operations, 1950; ECA; Marshall Plan]

I- Misc. (1)(2) [attitude of Italians toward U.S. and USSR; heroin traffic]

Ilma, Viola (1)(2) [Ethiopia, political and economic situation, 1959-60]

61 Imer, Oscar [CDJ’s French teacher-1915]

Independent Aid--Oct. 1951--See Doris Duke Foundation [empty folder]

Independent Aid--Peter Sager Material

Independent Aid, 1951

Independent Aid, 1950 (1)(2)

Institute for Democratic Leadership--Plans [Council for Democracy, 1941]

Institute of Pacific Relations-Misc. [1945-47; criticism of Inst.]

Institute of Pacific Relations-Report (1)(2) [U.S. China policy, 1940s]

International Executive Service Corps--Correspondence-Misc. (1)(2) [provide aid and

instruction in managerial techniques to developing countries, 1964; foreign aid;

International Executive Service Corps-Organization (1)-(6) [IESC problems,

procedures, and financial matters; comments by Pres. re IESC; State Dept.-A.I.D.]

62 International Executive Service Corps-Organization (7)-(9) [role of State Dept. and

A.I.D.; evaluation and recommendations re Corps; 1963-4]

International Executive Service Corps-Candidates, Assistance, etc. (1)(2)

International Federation of the Periodical Press

International Hudson Corp. (1)-(3) [trade with Argentina; economic development of

underdeveloped countries; foreign policy and trade, 1948-49; Economic Cooperation
Act and American private investment abroad; Defense Dept. organization]

International Rescue Committee

International Sports [1954-56; sports and political competition with USSR; A.

Washburn, USIA, international athletics-cold war battleground; training of Soviet
athletes; role of Sports Illustrated]

Israel [Jewish emigration from Poland]

Italian Businessmen [1954-55, group touring U.S.]

Italian Project [Allen Dulles-anti-Communist program in Italy; democratic


J-Misc. [voting record of Congressman Byron Johnson (Colo.); CDJ to White House
to draft UN speech, Aug. 1958; selection of U.S. delegation to UN]

Jackson, Charles W. [War Advertising Council in WWII; postwar Advertising


Jackson Committee (1) [international information activities; cold war strategy; VOA;

63 Jackson Committee (2)(3) [Soviet drive for world domination; witnesses at hearings;
Rostow; Nov. 1952-proposal to DDE for survey of U.S. cold war efforts; DDE’s
authorization for Comm.]

Jackson, William H. (1)(2) [Hungary; OCB and NSC org.; cold war; Atoms for
Peace; Tito; Dr. Bela Fabian; Nagy, former prime minister of Hungary; situation in
USSR and East Europe; CDJ to Pres. re comm. report]

Jacob, Betty (Mrs. Philip) [Time-Life business; proposed conf. on Asian assistance;
proposed conf. on international affairs]

Jalet, Marius (Jack)

Japan International Christian University

Jessup, John K. (Originals in Time Inc. Archives) [suggestions for editorials re Cuba;
USIA; communism; foreign aid and politics; U.S.-USSR relations; UN and
colonialism; De Gaulle; Common Market; world economic policy; relationship of
DDE to American people]
John Paul Jones [re film “John Paul Jones”, founding of American Navy;
correspondence from Admiral Chester Nimitz on script]

Jones, George

Ka-Misc. [communism; 1952 campaign train and campaign speeches]

Ke-Misc. (1)(2) [Middle East; Anglo-Iran dispute, 1957; WWII; communism]

Kh-Ki-Misc. [radio broadcasting to USSR; H. Kissinger]

Kn-Ko-Misc. [Gen. Koenig; VOA; JFK assassination and Warren Commission]

64 Kr-Misc. [WWII, OWI and OSS; Austria]

Ku-Misc. [right-wing of Republican Party; economic program of DDE Adm.; politics

and election of 1954]

Kw-Ky-Misc. [DDE reaction to use of atomic bombs in 1945]

Kaufman, Frank

Kersten, Charles

Kirkpatrick, Lyman

Korowicz, Marek (1)(2) [Crusade for Freedom; RFE; FEC; Polish defector]

Kyes, Roger [discussion of world issues and U.S.-Soviet conflict; discussion of

international business agency as force of stabilization]

La-Misc. (1)-(3) [European economy; 1944, the Maquis; psych warfare in WWII;
effects of Soviet jamming on BBC broadcasts, 1952; U-2 incident]

Le-Misc. (1)-(3) [A.I.D.; foreign aid; Life business, operations, and advertising;
WWII; Northern Ireland]

Li-Misc. [Middle East policy; Israel; Zionists; Communist threat; psych warfare in
WWII; tourism in U.S., 1955; responsibilities of U.S. communications media]


Labin, Suzanne [political warfare with Soviets; propaganda techniques; Formosa
Straits; U.S.-USSR relations]

65 Latin America (1)(2) [Latin American Information Comm.--counter Communist

propaganda and promote free enterprise; speech by J. Dulles, 8-6-58, in Brazil]

Laubach, Dr. Frank C. [world friendship; World Literacy Inc.]

Lazareff, Pierre [U.S. foreign policy; UN; Soviet penetration of Mid East; Suez
Crisis; U.S.-French-British relations]

Lazo, Mario [Castro and Cuba]

Lenox Library, 1957-1964 [Lenox Library Assoc.-fund raising]

Lenox Library, 1950-1956 [CDJ, chairman of Music Comm. of Library Assoc.]

Lenox Library, 1949

Lenox Library, 1948

Lenox Library, 1947

Lerner, Daniel [psych warfare in WWII; OWI problems in North Africa; Council for
Democracy; psych warfare “black” operations; evaluation of psych warfare]

Leslie, S. C. [trade with British and other economic matters]

Levine, Isaac Don [criticism of Life; Russia-secret police under Czar]

Lewis, Charles S. [Berlin and E. Germany; U.S. Information Program; VOA]

Life, “Package” [Life advertising, rates, and merchandising]

Lincoln Center, 1964 [Lincoln Center for Performing Arts Inc.-fund raising]

Lincoln Center, 1963--Correspondence [Philharmonic Hall-acoustical changes]

Lincoln Center, 1963--Misc. [annual budget; construction budget; office space]

Lincoln Center, 1961-1962--Correspondence [marble from Italy; Mrs. Astor; Nehru]

66 Lincoln Center, 1961-1962--Misc. (1)(2) [memo of understanding between Lincoln

Center and Metropolitan Opera Assoc.]

Lincoln Center, 1960--Correspondence (1)-(3) [N.Y. Worlds Fair Corp.; John D.

Rockefeller; Robert Moses; design of Center; role of CDJ]

Lincoln Center, 1960--Misc. [zoning map; design of Philharmonic Hall]

Lincoln Center, 1959 (1)(2) [design of Center; draft of speech for groundbreaking]

Lincoln Center, 1958 (1)(2) [design of Center; tenant relocation report; CDJ to White
House for summit preparations, Aug. 1958]

Lincoln Center, 1957 (1)-(3) [agreement between New York City and Lincoln Center;
NYC Planning Commission, Robert Moses; slum clearance issue; fund raising; floor

Lincoln Center-Day and Zimmerman Report, 1956 (1) [feasibility study]

67 Lincoln Center-Day and Zimmerman Report, 1956 (2)-(6) [facility needs and space
requirements; parking and transportation surveys; potential revenues and expenses]

Lincoln Square Community Council, 1964 [agenda and minutes of meetings]

Lincoln Square Community Council, 1963 [minutes]

Lincoln Square Community Council, 1962 [Council and Planning Commission mtg.;
tenant relocation; minutes of meetings]

Lincoln Square Community Council, 1960-61 (1)-(3) [conf. on Lincoln Center and

Lincoln Square Community Council, Board of Directors-Basic and Misc. (1)-(3) [list
of members, by-laws, certificates, and correspondence]

68 Lincoln Square Community Council, Board of Directors Meetings Minutes, 1960-


Lindsley, Fanshawe [discussion re advertising]

Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr. (1)(2) [Atlantic Institute; UN; Free Europe Comm.;
Hungary; U.S. policy re delegates from Hungary to UN; Atoms for Peace]

Lodigensky, Alexis A. (1)(2) [Communists-redefection drive; RFE; Russian Political

Comm. in NY; U.S. psych warfare; USIA; Radio Liberation; Abbott Washburn]

Log-1953 (1) [Psychological Strategy Board (PSB)-U.S. human rights position; NSC
mtg.-“Seven Wise Men”; H. C. Lodge-UN; psych warfare program; Ukranian
situation; Advertising Council; Volunteer Freedom Corps-Gen. Crittenberger;
Hungary; PSB-balloon project; Latin America; J. Stalin; CIA; NSC-PSB org.; VOA;
Mid East; S. Adams; G. Hauge; Emmet Hughes; President’s speech problems;
Guatemala; Sen. Knowland; McCarthy; military aid; A. Dulles; mutual security; Sen.
Fulbright; Jackson Comm.; R. Cutler; W. B. Smith]

Log-1953 (2) [Guatemala; Bermuda-3 power mtg.; Costa Rica; McCarthy; Korean
POW matter and Syngman Rhee; Jackson Comm.; A. Dulles and CIA; psych warfare;
Yugoslavia; Volunteer Freedom Corps-Kersten; mutual security; Korean truce
negotiations; Op. Candor; Rosenberg case; Churchill; W. Rostow; Bermuda Conf.;
Eric Johnston; PSB plans and operations; Cutler; RFE; John Hughes; Berlin riots;
Solarium session]

Log-1953 (3) [Operations Coordinating Board and PSB; UN charter and Malenkov;
U.S.-British relations; Eisenhower as a leader; Germany and Berlin; A. Dulles;
Solarium meetings; Cabinet and NSC meetings; Korean negotiations; Jackson Comm.
report; E. Hughes; Volunteer Freedom Corps; International Information Agency;
Georgescu matter; McCarthy; Norman Cousins; psych warfare; Alice Longworth;
Op. Candor; Streibert and Washburn; CIA; W. B. Smith; Soviets-H-bomb; Carl
McCardle; J. F. Dulles; Polish exiles; Baltic states]

Log-1953 (4) [Streibert, Washburn, and USIA; Candor; PSB balloon plan; E.
Hughes; Gordon Gray; NSC and OCB meetings; continental defense; Nationalist
China; CIA, A. Dulles; Wheaties; Sec. of Def. Wilson-U.S. troop withdrawal from
Europe; U.S.-Israel relations; Ezra Taft Benson; postal rates; Latin America; Fred
Warring; H. C. Lodge; Bermuda Conf.; S. Adams]

Log-1953 (5) [A. Dulles; Wheaties-UN speech; J. F. Dulles; Harry Dexter White
matter; N. Cousins; NSC meetings; McCarthy; DDE’s strategy re McCarthy; J.
Hagerty; “Black Monday”; Bermuda Conf.; EDC; Atoms for Peace Speech; NATO;
Cutler; Rostow; Nixon; Washburn; Streibert; W. B. Smith]

Log-1954 (1) [Clare Booth Luce; Berlin Conf.; State vs. Defense on disarmament;
Indochina; troops in Europe; J. F. Dulles; McCarthy; CIA; foreign policy; H. Luce]

Log-1954 (2) [CIA plans; McCarthy; Time Inc. business; Fred Seaton; Cutler;
Hagerty; J. F. Dulles-foreign policy; USIA; world economic plan; Washburn;
Streibert; defectors; OCB; Prince Bernhard-Bilderberg Conf.; W. B. Smith]

Log-1954 (3) [Citizens for Eisenhower; DDE; political situation; J. F. Dulles; Time-
Life business; intelligence estimates; Berlin Conf.-Dulles speech; military budget-
long range radar and Sea Wolf submarines; containment; threat of Communist
subversion; Korea; North Africa; Indochina problem; Diebienphu; W. B. Smith; A.
Dulles; Cutler; Churchill and Eden; U.S. foreign policy; G. Humphrey and
protectionism; Jackson Comm.; USIA; psych warfare; Philippines; OCB; EDC; C. B.
Luce; anti-colonialism; Lewis Strauss; H. Luce]

Log-1954 (4) [NSC and OCB org.; trade fairs; Cutler; psych and economic warfare;
Korea; Indochina; Washburn; W. B. Smith; EDC and France; U.S. relations with
Europe; Pete Carroll; refugee question at UN; CDJ delegate to UN; anti-U.S.
resolutions at UN; world economic policy; Nelson Rockefeller; 9th General
Assembly of UN; H. C. Lodge; White House dinner discussion re 2nd term , need for
young Republican leaders, McCarthy, Knowland, and national political strategy;
Joseph Dodge; Harold Stassen; S. Adams; H. Brownell; J. Persons; Soviet psych
warfare; Oppenheimer hearings; Pete Carroll; H. Luce; DDE; A. Dulles; H. Hoover,

Log-1955 (1) [Dept. of Justice and security risks in govt.; J. F. Dulles; Chiang Kai
Shek; Quemoy-Matsu; W. B. Smith; Scott McLeod; McCarthy; C. McCardle; Chip
Bohlen; Austria; Cold War; Soviet Union and U.S.; Geneva Conf.; Quantico
meetings-Soviet Vulnerabilities Panel; Rostow; N. Rockefeller; Zhukov; Bulganin;
Prime Minister Eden; H. Luce; Hadley Donovan; A. Washburn]

69 Log-1955 (2) [Geneva Conf.; J. F. Dulles; Eden; Germany; Bricker Amendment; U.S.
foreign policy; Zhukov; Boston Symphony; Metropolitan Opera Co.; world economic
policy; OCB; Soviet economic expansion in Mid East and Asia; Herbert Hoover, Jr.;
Chip Bohlen; Greece; Formosa; tariffs; Middle East; foreign aid; NATO; UN; Atoms
for Peace; Berlin; Soviet satellites; POWs and divided countries; DDE’s illness;
Guatemala; DDE; Streibert; N. Rockefeller; H. Luce; Nixon; Lucius Clay; G.

Log-1956 (1) [DDE-running for 2nd term; N. Rockefeller; Wm. Jackson; J. F. Dulles;
Soviet Union; foreign aid; admission of China to UN; NSC Planning Group; Rostow;
Korean War; balloon operations; anti-Nixon movement; Bermuda Conf.; Bricker
Amendment; H. Hoover, Jr.; C. Wilson; Dillon Anderson-security problems; Cutler;
Hagerty; H. Luce; A. Dulles; Lewis Strauss]

Log-1956 (2) [Soviet Union under Stalin; Wm. Jackson; E. Hughes; J. F. Dulles re
U.S. foreign policy; U.S. missions abroad; C. Wilson; State Dept.; Soviet economic
warfare; Middle East; G. Humphrey; Dodge; France-De Gaulle; Atoms for Peace;
Lewis Strauss; OCB org.; world economic policy; Tito; Soviet satellites; Cutler;
foreign aid; India; Pakistan; NATO; J. Jessup; H. Luce; W. Persons]

Log-1956 (3) [Atoms for Peace; budget cuts; Wm. Jackson; DDE; Nehru visit;
Twining trip to Moscow; Formosa; Middle East; Aswan Dam-Nasser; Soviet Union;
Communist China; UN; anti-colonialism; E. Hughes; 1956 campaign; China holding
U.S. flyers; world economic policy; L. Strauss; H. Luce; E. Hughes; J. F. Dulles;
Michael Heilperin]

Log-1956 (4) [Israel and Middle East; Suez Crisis; Hungary and Poland; Republican
candidates in 1952; 1954 and 1956 elections; Hungarian Olympic athletes; Volunteer
Freedom Corps; U.S. reaction to Hungarian situation; Austria; Nasser; world
economic policy; H. Luce; S. Adams; DDE; W. Jackson; Tracy Voorhees; J. F.

Log-1957 (1) [Middle East; radio broadcasting to Hungary; Hungarian revolution;

Hungarian athletes; Cyprus problem; McCarthy; G. Hauge; budget; C. Randall,
foreign economic policy; Cutler; NSC operations; W. Jackson; OCB; Dulles and
foreign policy; U.S.-British relations; nationalism and neutralism; Germany; NATO;
France; Soviet Union and satellite countries; Crittenberger; Joseph Swing; H. Luce]

Log-1957 (2) [world economic policy; OCB; Suez and Mid East Crisis; Senators
Johnson, Fulbright, and Humphrey; “brinkmanship”; anti-American sentiment in
Canada; C. Randall; Hedley Donovan]

Log-1957 (3) [Senate hearings on foreign policy in Mid East; J. F. Dulles; Suez
Crisis; Vietnam; DDE; H. Luce; Klaus Dohrn]

Log-1957 (4) [UN; USSR in Mid East; Suez Crisis; J. F. Dulles; C. Herter; mutual
security program; draft speech for Pres. re politics and programs; Hungary; OCB;
Korea; Communist China; Soviet Union-Khrushchev, Stalin; Lincoln Center; NY
slum clearance; Laos; Sputnik and Soviet achievements; psych warfare; State Dept.;
NATO; Paris Conf.; Macmillan; Adenauer; H. Luce; DDE; A. Dulles; S. Adams;
Crittenberger; J. Jessup]

Log-1958 (1) [J. F. Dulles-Russians, foreign policy; NSC; C. Herter; anti-Dulles

sentiment; DDE-speech problem; CDJ-his position in DDE Adm. and operational
problems; U.S. economy; disarmament; politics and Congress; U.S. position on
disarmament; foreign aid; distribution of magazines, AMERIKA and USSR; Lodge;
Catholic Church developments; Time vs. Saturday Review; Macmillan; nuclear
testing; WWII story re Churchill and French general in Morocco; Hungary; DDE; S.
Adams; Herbert Agar; H. Luce; A. Dulles]

Log-1958 (2) [Near East Crisis-Lebanon; Summit preparations-CDJ back to

Washington; Khrushchev; Rostow; J. F. Dulles; C. Herter; DDE’s speech to UN; D.
Dillon; Palestine Conciliation Commission; E. Europe; S. Adams-memoirs; UN-
credentials of Kadar govt. in Hungary; elections in Calif. and NY; Germany, Berlin;
Free Europe Comm.; Lodge; advertising in Time; DDE; Rostow; J. Jessup; A. Dulles;
Log-1959 (1) [J. F. Dulles; Kadar delegates at UN; Free Europe Comm; RFE; Near
East; Africa; 1952 campaign and decision on Korea speech; Berlin; Germany; A.
Dulles; C. Herter; political warfare; S. Adams; DDE; Ann Whitman]

Log-1959 (2) [psych warfare; Jackson Comm.; De Gaulle and France; George Allen;
RFE; Time Inc.; dinner at White House-political warfare and diplomacy; RFE in
Poland; Khrushchev’s visit to U.S.; draft speech for Pres.; Nixon]

Log-1960 [Nixon; steel settlement; N. Rockefeller-politics; Free Europe Comm. and

Radio Free Europe; draft remarks for Pres. at future summit; proposed trip to USSR;
operations of NSC and OCB; canceled trip to Japan; Time-Life business; Rostow;
DDE, Dulles, State Dept. re psych warfare; Sprague Comm.; correspondence with
DDE, Gen. Gruenther, and Rostow]

Log-1961 [evaluation of cold war efforts during DDE Adm.; Communist threat;
psych warfare; Jackson Comm.; world trade and U.S. trade policies; Berlin; Rostow]

Log-1962-1964 [Communist infiltration of black organizations in U.S.; foreign aid;

Common Market; People-to-People; Latin America; Catholic Church-Pro Deo
movement; FEC; foreign policy; Cuba; Monroe Doctrine; Berlin; RFE; Quemoy; De
Gaulle; E. Europe; dev. of atomic bomb; Malaysia; French diplomacy; H. Luce;

Log, All Trips and Speeches, 1937-1964 (1)

70 Log, All Trips and Speeches, 1937-1964 (2)

Lowen, Walter A.

Lowry, Dr. Charles [Adenauer; spiritual foundations]

Luce, Clare [attack on C. Luce and mission to Brazil in 1959]

Luce, Henry R., 1943 [situation in London; OWI and PWB personnel and operations;
U.S. foreign policy; U.S.-French relations in North Africa; De Gaulle; Darlan-Giraud
episode; Churchill]

Luce, Henry R., 1944 [situation in France; PWD operations in France; criticism of
war correspondents; De Gaulle; G. C. Marshall; DDE arrival in England; British
politics; U.S.-British-French relations]

Luce, Henry R., 1945 [U.S.-British relations; Churchill and Roosevelt; atomic bomb;
U.S. policy toward China; Russian policy; Chungking Diary, Oct.1945, by Luce; org.
of Time International; British politics and elections; U.S.-French relations]
Luce, Henry R., 1946 [A. Harriman; Palestine-Jews and Arabs; U.S.-USSR relations;
1946 political campaign; role of Republican Party]

Luce, Henry R., 1947 [displaced persons; Sen. Taft; DDE as a political candidate;
Russia; Latin America-Brazil; Marshall Plan; U.S. relations with British and French;
ambassador to France]

Luce, Henry R., 1948 [A. Harriman; De Gaulle and govt. of France; situation in Japan
and occupation]

Luce, Henry R., 1949-50 [Republican Party platform; magazine sales in Germany;
trip to Europe; OEEC; Communism; defense; Marshall Plan; England; French press]

Luce, Henry R., 1951-1952 [Free Trade Project; McCarthy; U.S. trade policy; C.
Randall; Vietnam, Bao Dai, Ho Chi Minh; world trade; England; Time Inc . business;
qualifications for CDJ’s job]

Luce, Henry R. and Clare, 1953 [Trieste issue; Italy-U.S. relations; Italian politics;
Streibert; DDE]

Luce, Henry R. and Clare, 1954 (1) [UN; White House dinner-2nd term, youth, 1956
candidates, labor, and general outlook; national political strategy; H. C. Lodge; Tom
Stephens; J. Dodge; State of Union Message; World Economic Policy; G. Humphrey;
H. Stassen and FOA; mutual security; Time-Life Inc. business; Sen. Knowland; John
Hughes; EDC; domestic politics; N. Rockefeller; French politics and govt.; Krishna
Menon; Vishinsky; Joe Alsop; UN - issue of colonialism; Italian politics; Churchill;
U.S.-British-French relations]

Luce, Henry R. and Clare, 1954 (2) [French politics and govt.; Mendes-France;
Russian atomic power; U.S.-Soviet relations and issues; Sports Illustrated]

Luce, Henry R. and Clare, 1954 (3) [Indochina-role of DDE, W.B. Smith, Dulles, and
French; Adm. Radford; A. Dulles; Dienbienphu; Cutler; U.S. foreign policy; trade
and world economic policy; military programs; containment; colonialism; communist
subversion; Soviet capabilities; Berlin Conf.-Molotov and Dulles; Nationalist China;

Luce, Henry R. and Clare, 1955 (1) [N. Rockefeller; foreign policy; H. Hoover Jr.;
Mid East; Soviet Union; 1955 Geneva Summit; DDE and Bulganin; disarmament;
NATO; Formosa; Atoms for Peace; Berlin; world economic policy; POWs; divided
countries; J. F. Dulles; Communist China-admission to UN; Bohlen]

Luce, Henry R. and Clare, 1955 (2) [China; 2nd term question; feud-H. Hoover, Jr.
and N. Rockefeller; McCarthy; DDE’s heart attack and health; S. E. Asia; Italy; food
surplus problem; Time Inc. business; Rostow; U.S.-Chinese relations]

Luce, Henry R. and Clare, 1955 (3) [redefection efforts by USSR; K. Dohrn; H.
Hoover, Jr.; Geneva summit; Haiti; leftist Catholicism; Advertising Council; Soviet
Union; world banking operations]

Luce, Henry R. and Clare, 1955 (4) [European situation; U.S. policy towards Europe;
U.S.-Soviet relations; E. Hughes; Austria; France; Vatican; evaluation of DDE as
Pres.; Italy; German rearmament; USSR-agriculture, economics, and internal politics]

71 Luce, Henry R. and Clare, 1955 (5) [E. Hughes; Taiwan, Chiang Kai Shek, and
Quemoy-Matsu; NATO; EDC; Austria; disarmament proposals; summit mtg.; U.S.
relations with Europe; DDE-Zhukov; Italy, elections and govt.; Bandung Conf.; U.S.
vs. communism; Time Inc. business]

Luce, Henry R. and Clare, 1955 (6) [Animal Farm; Communism; C. D. Dillon; U.S.
embassy in France; J. F. Dulles; atomic weapons; Joe Alsop; Sports Illustrated; Time
Inc. business]

Luce, Henry R. and Clare, 1956 (1) [Israel and Arabs; UN cease fire; Gaza Strip; Free
Europe Comm.; RFE; ideas for Time and Life articles; OEEC; Suez Crisis; U.S.-
British-French relations; CIA; Soviet troops in Hungary; Egypt-Nasser; results of
1956 election and Republican Party; BBC; Ben Gurion; E. Europe; U.S. foreign
policy; developments in Hungary and Poland]

Luce, Henry R. and Clare, 1956 (2) [Suez Crisis; Nasser; Israel-water project; E.
Hughes; election and DDE campaign; J. F. Dulles; China-visas for U.S. journalists;
U.S. Mid East policy-role of oil; U.S.-British-French relations]

Luce, Henry R. and Clare, 1956 (3) [Sec. of Labor Mitchell; move to replace Nixon
with Herter; H. Stassen; socialism; VOA; Abba Eben; Arab-Israeli relations; U.S.
policy on Mid East; Nehru; Joe Alsop; U.S. relations with Turkey; C. Randall; Sino-
Soviet relations; neutralism; economic policy; foreign aid; Cyprus; Nasser; NATO;
Atoms for Peace-Strauss roadblock]

Luce, Henry R. and Clare, 1956 (4) [Mid East; Saudi Arabia; Iraq; Arab-Jewish
relations; Syria; Nasser; refugees; oil; NATO; EDC; U.S.-system of alliances; Korean
War; U.S. relations with Israel; CDJ-J. F. Dulles discussion re Soviet behavior, de-
Stalinization, economic competition, presidential follow-through, Sec. of Def.
Wilson, H. Hoover, Jr., OCB Policy Planning Bd., NATO, size of govt., Humphrey-
Dodge axis, and economic warfare; S. Adams-DDE’s speech problems-E. Hughes]

Luce, Henry R. and Clare, 1956 (5) [Khrushchev; Mid East; Japan; French politics;
Soviet Union; Humphrey-Dodge axis; E. Hughes; Britain; Sports Illustrated; Cutler;
D. Anderson; J. F. Dulles; New Bricker Amendment]

Luce, Henry R. and Clare, 1956 (6) [E. Hughes; dump Nixon movement; UN; balloon
and redefection campaigns; U.S. foreign policy; Asia policy; “New Look”; military
preparedness; Bob Bowie; Greece; nuclear policy; speech by DDE; 2nd term issue]

Luce, Henry R., 1957 (1)-(3) [Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship Program; Sputnik
impact; People-to-People; journalists visiting China; France-Algeria; Supreme Court-
Earl Warren and Walter Brennan; Israel; Vietnam; World Economic Policy; foreign
aid; USIA; Anglo-French planning and invasion of Egypt; Lebanon; U.S.-French
relations; U.S.-Soviet cultural relations; Cyprus; Middle East]

Luce, Henry R., 1958 [J. F. Dulles; Catholic Church; Brussels World’s Fair exhibit;
Italy; recent Time articles; Crusade for Freedom; Libya]

Luce, Henry R., 1959-1960 [testimony before Senate Subcommittee on national

policy machinery; cold war; org. and leadership of Eisenhower Adm.; foreign policy;
trade with Europe; Moscow Exhibition]

Luce, Henry R., 1961-1962 [State Dept.; speeches by Luce re Time-Life matters and
foreign affairs]

Luce, Henry R., 1963-1964 [Pro Deo, Catholic org.; Time Inc. business; CIOS conf.]

72 Ma-Misc. (1)-(3) [UNRRA mission in Russia; U.S.-Europe economic relations; RFE;

U.S.-Soviet relations; UN report on Hungary; WWII psych warfare; CDJ role on
DDE’s staff; disarmament]

Mc-Misc. (1)(2) [International Monetary Fund; John McCone; Goldfine Case; mutual
security program; 1961-Vietnam; Lebanon Crisis, 1958]


Mi-Misc. [Cuba refugee program; Yugoslavia; Fulton Lewis, Jr.; 1960 politics and
campaign; decentralization drill]

Mo-Misc. (1)(2) [Life magazine articles and subjects; JFK assassination; 1963 visit
by Iranian princess; 1964 presidential race; Bill Scranton; De Gaulle; Common

Mu-Misc. [Jamaica; Cuba; Eichmann trial; James Murphy; draft of speech by DDE to
Citizens for Eisenhower Group, 9-30-54; 1952 campaign; USIA-Edward R. Murrow]

Macapagal, Pres. Diosdado

MacArthur, Gen. Douglas [publishing his memoirs; speech at West Point, 1962]

MacMillan, Harold [WWI experiences; political situation in Britain, 1962]

Malagodi, Giovanni [political parties in Europe; politics in Italy]

Manhattan School of Music

Marshall, Edison [WWII, Hitler; Council for Democracy]

Martin, David [Alger Hiss; U.S. foreign policy]

Masson, Jean [correspondence in French; radio program, 1946; P. Laval trial in


73 Mathewson, Richard

Mayer, Gerald

Mayer, Herbert [Army camps in Japan; Council for Democracy; Berlin Blockade]

McArdle, Kenneth

McChrystal, Arthur J. (1)(2) [New York and immigration, 1840; Austria during
occupation; Hungarian refugee; 1952 campaign; Mutual Security Agency; U.S.-
Soviet relations, 1951; CIA; Italy; WWII PWB personnel; postwar business
conditions in Europe]

McCloy, John J. [Germany; world trade]

McClure, Robert A., Brig. Gen. (1)-(4) [Iran, 1954; Shah’s takeover in Iran; Korean
War-psych warfare; speech on “Current Army Policies,” 1950; evaluation of WWII
psych warfare; information control in occupied Germany; Gen. Clay and military
govt. of Germany; displaced persons; POWs; food and radios in Europe]

McKinney, Robert [atomic policy; peaceful uses of atomic energy]

Merlin (1)(2) [proposed drafts of speech by DDE at 10th anniversary of signing of

UN charter; Big Four Talks, 1955; W. Rostow]

Metropolitan Opera Assoc.-Joint Committee (New House and Rehabilitation),

Correspondence, 1950
Metropolitan Opera Assoc.-Joint Committee (New House and Rehabilitation),

Metropolitan Opera Assoc.-Misc. [program for Royal Opera in Britain; criticism of

Met. and its problems, 1947-48]

74 Metropolitan Opera Assoc.-New House Committee-Audience Surveys [1949]

Metropolitan Opera Assoc.-New House Committee-Background, 1949 (1)-(3)

[history of Met.; fund raising; problems and future of Met. Opera Assoc.; TV space
needs; population changes in NYC]

Metropolitan Opera Assoc.-New House Committee-Correspondence, 1950 [cost of

rehabilitation vs. cost of new facility]

Metropolitan Opera Assoc.-New House Committee-Correspondence, 1949 (1)(2)

[new facility vs. rehab of old; possible sites]

Metropolitan Opera Assoc.-New House Committee-Reports (1)-(4) [pros and cons of

new opera house]

Metropolitan Opera Assoc.-New House Committee-Sites-Central Park South

Metropolitan Opera Assoc.-New House Committee-Sites-Misc. [Washington Square

Site; Columbus Circle site; Robert Moses]

Metropolitan Opera Assoc.-New House Committee-Sites-Washington Square

[drawings; maps; site plans; cost estimates]

Metropolitan Opera Assoc.-New House Committee-Transportation

Metropolitan Opera Assoc.-Rehabilitation Committee (1)(2) [cost estimates]

75 Metropolitan Opera-Architects and Architecture

Metropolitan Opera-Columbus Circle Funds (1)(2) [fund raising; R. Moses]

Metropolitan Opera-Confidential Reports and Studies Concerning the Opera House

Problem (1)-(3) [report of rehab comm.]

Metropolitan Opera-Development Committee

Metropolitan Opera-J. G. White Reports-1952 [report on repairs and alterations]

Metropolitan Opera-Misc., 1964 [fund raising; national role; problems]

Metropolitan Opera-Misc., 1962-1963 (1)(2) [proposed film about new Met.;

financial statements; membership of Met. Opera Assoc.]

Metropolitan Opera-Misc., 1960-1961 [criticism of opera; integration problem at

Atlanta theater; Rudolf Bing; negotiations with musicians]

Metropolitan Opera-Misc., 1957-1959

Metropolitan Opera-Misc., 1954-1956 [T. Streibert, USIA; possible foreign tour;

Rockefeller donation]

76 Metropolitan Opera-Misc., 1953 [proposed European tour; presidential visit to opera]

Metropolitan Opera-Misc., 1951-1952 [cost estimates of improvements to old opera

house; fund raising; budget]

Metropolitan Opera-Misc., 1949-1950 [union negotiations; Rudolf Bing; problems

and physical needs]

Metropolitan Opera-New House-Lincoln Center, 1957 (See Lincoln Center--Empty


Metropolitan Opera-New House-Music Center, 1955-1956 (1)(2) [Lincoln Center;

development of Lincoln Square area; map of proposed site]

Metropolitan Opera-New House-Rockefeller

Metropolitan Opera-Sites [Washington Square site; R. Moses; 1952]

Metropolitan Opera-Sites-Columbus Circle [R. Moses; John D. Rockefeller, Jr.]

Metropolitan Opera-Sites-Columbus Circle-ANTA [R. Moses; 1952]

Metropolitan Opera-Sites-Columbus Circle-Elliman [maps of site]

Metropolitan Opera-Sites-Columbus Circle-Misc. [problems with old house, reasons

for new one; map of site]

Metropolitan Opera-Sites-Columbus Circle-Moses (1)-(3) [report by New House

Comm.; problems in dealing with Commissioner Moses re site]
Metropolitan Opera-Sites-Columbus Circle-Rockefeller

Mexican Trip, 1940 [report on trip; Pres. Cardenas; Mexican politics; internal
situation in Mexico]

Meyer, Cord, Jr. [Vienna Youth Festival; UN-Hungarian delegation credentials]

77 Middle East Crisis-Presidential Speech to U.N., 8-13-58-Drafts (1)-(7) [Memo, CDJ

to JFD re U.S. strategy in UN Gen. Assembly, 1958]

Middle East Crisis-Working Papers, Results, etc. (1)-(5) [desalination project in

Tunisia; CDJ-memo of telephone conversation with Pres., 8-10-58; economic aid to
Arabs; King Hussein; economic dev. in Mid East; draft of report, “The Hydrological
Future of the Middle East”; role of Soviet Union in Mid East; Lebanon problem;
Lewis Strauss-memo re need for water in Mid East and economic development;
health program for Mid East; draft statement by Pres.; notes on U.S. Middle East

Millikan, Max [W. Rostow-India, economic aid; world economic policy; Randall

Millis, Walter

M.I.T. Misc.-Visiting Committee

Minary, John

78 Moore, (Mrs. Leon) Sonia [Stanislavski acting technique; Stalin]

Moral Rearmament (1)(2) [unauthorized use of people’s names in ads; attitude of

State Dept. and congressmen; Catholic Church in Italy; criticism of Moral
Rearmament; Chiang Kai Shek]

Moreau, Mrs. Pierre (1)(2)

Morgan, Lt. Gen. Sir Frederick [CDJ-illness, death, and family situation; WWII and
Cornelius Ryan; British atomic energy program; British politics and elections; DDE’s
book, Crusade in Europe]

Morlion--See Pro Deo [Empty Folder]

Morris, Newbold [campaign for mayor of New York]

Moses, Robert, Commissioner (1)(2) [1942 postwar city study; 1938 booklet on
housing and recreation]

Multilateral Force (MLF) [1964; mixed manned vessels; joint maneuvers]

Murphy, George [1964 campaign in California; Robert Welch and John Birch
Society, 1961]

N-Misc. (1)-(3) [Hungarian revolution; Ferenc Nagy; India; Bandung Conf.;

Bilderberg II Conf.; VOA and RFE re Hungary; Quemoy; 1960 campaign; campaign
contributions; China]

Nabokov, Nicolas [Congress for Cultural Freedom; events in Hungary; refugee


National Academy of Foreign Affairs [W. Rostow, 1963; JFK and Dean Rusk]

79 NATO, 1960-1961 [American Council on NATO, Inc.; Atlantic Treaty Assoc.]

NATO, 1959 (1)(2) [American Council on NATO, Inc.; 10th anniversary of NATO]

NATO, 1958 (1)(2) [American Council on NATO, Inc.; military problems; nuclear
free zone; disengagement; disarmament]

NATO, 1956-1957 (1)-(2) [American Council on NATO, Inc.; non-military

cooperation in NATO; Atlantic Treaty Assod.; Ad Council campaign; USIA-promote
NATO to Europe; Robert Anderson]

NATO, 1955 [American Council on NATO, Inc.; Atlantic Treaty Assod.; Ad

Council; Robert Anderson; James Lambie; Gen. Al Gruenther]

National Committee for a Free Europe-“”Black Book” (1)-(4) [Communist attacks on

NCFE re emigration, riots, economic matters, balloon project, defectors, espionage,
militarism, and Nazism; reports by Czech Section]

National Committee for a Free Europe-Operation Marshmallow [crisis in

Czechoslovakia; situation in Central Europe]

National Committee for a Free Europe-RFE Policy Handbook (1)-(3) [RFE policies
re peace, disarmament, Communism, socialism, European unity]

80 National Committee for a Free Europe-RFE-German Problem [RFE re policy re

Oder-Neisse, Sudeten, and displaced people; German problem; U.S.-German

National Planning Assoc. [discussion of limits of government, 1949-50]

New Leader [relationship between Time Inc. and New Leader Publication Assoc.;
USIA; forum for anti-Communist intellectuals]

Newsome, Noel [British politics; rearmament; cost of living]

Newton, Ray [exchange program]

Nichols, William I. [Metropolitan Opera]

Nixon, Richard, Vice President [Khrushchev visit; speech using CDJ’s ideas; political
warfare; Rostow; Far East- America Council; Eisenhower’s illness; Big Four Conf.;
Republican senatorial behavior; McCarthy]

O-- Misc. (1)-(3) [J. F. Dulles papers, disposition of; discussion of play, “The
Deputy”; Italian paper, charges against Time, Inc. and H. Luce; CDJ memo on psych
warfare; Puerto Rico; Philippines]

O.I.C. (1)-(4) [State Dept.-foreign information program, budget cuts for O.I.C., late
1940s; radio broadcasting; VOA; information and cultural activity in France, India,
Middle East, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Britain, Germany, and Italy; reaction to O.I.C.
programs; USIS activities, 1947]

Oldano, Paolo

“Operation Alert, 1957”-Literature for Members of the Executive Reserve [relocation

information, continuity in government program]

Operation Democracy, Inc. [town to town aid affiliations, 1949; forerunner of People-
to-People Sister Cities program]

Oppenheimer, J. Robert [role of Lewis Strauss in Oppenheimer case; facts of case

summarized by CDJ; J. Edgar Hoover]

81 Orlando Group (1)-(4) [Freedom Academy; Sen. Carl Mundt; cold war academy,
National Academy of Foreign Affairs; training in political warfare; CDJ statement
supporting Freedom Academy; Herlong-Judd Bill]

Orlando Committee (Lincoln-Petkov) [plan for free world academy, teach ideas and
methods for countering Communism; Freedom Academy; political warfare]
“Otter” [world economic policy; U.S. foreign aid; Soviet aid to underdeveloped
areas; G. Humphrey; Nelson Rockefeller]

Pa-Misc. (1)-(3) [consumer buying patterns, 1955; world economic policy; role of
Dodge, Stassen, Rockefeller, Humphrey, and State Dept.; Dr. D. E. Trueblood;
Morehead Patterson; Lewis Strauss; Soviets and disarmament; UN Disarmament

Pe-Misc. (1)(2) [U.S.-British relations, WWII; situation on Cyprus; national opinion

poll; Op. Candor and Atoms for Peace and disarmament]

Ph-Pi-Misc. [National Comm. for a Free Europe; occupied countries; Philippine

situation, 1954; U.S. relations with Asia; radio broadcasts to Russia; VOA and FCC]


Po-Misc. [Moral Rearmament tactics; RFE; De Gaulle; use of films in educational

and scientific worlds, 1936]


Paepcke Project-Aspen [Aspen Institute for Humanities Studies]

82 Page, Arthur W. [Free Europe Comm.; RFE; Crusade for Freedom; NCFE; Spencer

Paine, Natalie (See Douglas-Hamilton, Natalie) [Common Cause; world trade]

Paley, William S. [1940s-list of French daily and weekly newspapers]

Panguian, H. [correspondence re Greece and France in 1947; publishing business in

Britain and U.S.; UNESCO; Marshall Plan]

Parsons College [Council for Democracy; 1941 commencement speech by CDJ]

Payne, Frederick B. [ambassador to NATO, 1956-57; Egypt; Aswan Dam; Mid East
Crisis; Christian Herter appointment; J. F. Dulles illness; 1956 campaign]

Pearson, Drew [misquote of CDJ re J. F. Dulles]

Pennink, Karel B. [Comm. for a Free Asia Inc.; situation in Korea and Indonesia;

People-to-People (1)(2) [Sister City program; USIA; Charles Wilson; People-to-

People Magazine Comm., CDJ member of]

Permanent Exhibitions for International Trade

Persons, Jerry [Far East-America Council Conf.; world economic policy; foreign aid]

Pickett, Clarence E.

Pictures-C. D. Jackson

Pictures-(Early) CDJ

Pictures for Publicity

Pictures-Free Europe

Pictures-Misc. [eulogy to CDJ]

Pictures-South American Trip, April 1939

Pine, Diana

Polish Medical Projects (see also Richardson)

Poll-Russia [proposed U.S.-Russian public opinion poll]

Poor, Alfred

Port, Tyler [Dept. of Army-psych warfare planning for Korean War; sources on
WWII psych warfare materials]

Possony, Stefan [Soviet Union; nuclear weapons]

Powell, R. W. [situation in Egypt, 1950]

President’s Committee on Information Activities Abroad (see Sprague Committee)

[empty folder]

Princeton-Advisory Council Misc. [1947-1950]

Princeton Economic Conf., 5/54-Draft Papers [world economic policy; foreign

economic policy]

Princeton Economic Conf., 5/54-Memo to Sec. of State [cold war; Soviet

propaganda; Soviet expansion; nuclear weapons; Marshall Plan; Randall
Commission; world economic plan]

83 Princeton Economic Conf., 5/54-Misc. Correspondence, etc. (1)(2) [memo

summarizing five key reports to govt.--Gray Report, Rockefeller Report, Paley
Report, Bell Report, and Randall Report; W. Rostow; M. Millikan; world economic
policy; President Eisenhower; J. F. Dulles]

Princeton Economic Conf., 5/54-Transcript (1)-(8) [proceedings of conf.; CDJ,

Robert Cutler, Allen Dulles, Arthur Flemming, Gabriel Hauge, Max Millikan, Walt
Rostow, Harold Stassen, Abbott Washburn, and others-participants; Asian economic

Princeton Economic Conf., 5/54-Follow Up [Crisis of 1954; foreign economic policy

and national interests; Millikan and Rostow]

Princeton Meeting, May 10-11, 1952 (1)-(5) [RFE-political warfare and U.S. interests
in E. Europe; crisis in Czechoslovakia; psych warfare conf.; A. Washburn to DDE re
psych warfare program; summary and transcripts of meetings; U.S. plans for psych
warfare; containment]

Princeton Meeting, Digest Only, May 1952

Princeton-Misc. (1) [alumni business]

84 Princeton-Misc. (2)-(4) [alumni business; class of 1924; CDJ’s college transcript;

CDJ proposal for Institute for Democratic Leadership]

Pro Deo-1964 (1)(2) [American Council for the International Promotion of

Democracy Under God, Inc., or C.I.P.; Father Felix Morlion; International University
of Social Studies (Pro Deo); minutes of meetings; reorganization of Pro Deo
University; support of H. Luce and Time Inc. for Pro Deo]

Pro Deo-1963 (1)-(6) [objectives of Pro Deo and CIP; F. Morlion; fund raising;
Morlion-spiritual contribution of American way of life to European unity;
background, organization, and expansion plans for Pro Deo; CDJ speech; CIP
officers, including H. Luce and Peter Grace]

Pro Deo-1962 (1)(2) [report by CDJ as president of CIP; agenda and minutes of

85 Pro Deo-1962 (3)-(9) [CIP org. and by-laws; Pro Deo University; F. Morlion;
International Alliance for Democracy Under God; situation in Latin America; role of
Vatican; Catholic Church in Latin America; social message of Pope John the

Pro Deo-1961 (1)-(6) [Father Morlion; Cardinal Cushing; CIP and Pro Deo Univ. in
Rome; Pro Deo incorporation papers; CIP meetings and org.; Pro Deo project in
Venezuela; French and German Pro Deo groups; national social-economic
committees of Pro Deo]

Pro Deo-1960 (1) [French and German groups; Father Morlion-biog.; CIP activities]

86 Pro Deo-1960 (2)-(4) [CIP and Pro Deo org.; fund raising; mission to U.S.]

Pro Deo-1959 (1)(2) [Morlion; background on Pro Deo; Morlion-spiritual

contribution of American way of life; USIS]

Pro Deo-1958 (1)-(3) [CIP and Pro Deo; situation in Near East and Vatican concerns;
reaction of Europeans to race problem or intergroup conflict in U.S.; Cardinal
Spellman; international relations; Vatican diplomacy]

Pro Deo-1957 (1)-(5) [CIP meetings and activities; org. of Pro Deo University; fund
raising; Morlion; H. Luce; America’s stake in Pro Deo program]

Pro Deo-1956 (1)-(3) [CIP fund raising strategy; H. Luce; CIP purpose; methods used
in Catholic countries to educate for democracy; role of Pro Deo Univ.; Pro Deo

87 Pro Deo-1955 (1)-(3) [Morlion and Pro Deo movement; CIP and Pro Deo org.;
Vatican; H. Luce; Catholic Intercontinental Press, Inc.; courses at Pro Deo

Pro Deo-1952 [paper by Morlion, “Americans in the Psychological Battle Against

European Marxism”; speech by Morlion]

Pro Deo, International Univ. of Social Studies-Morlion (Russell Bourne File), Mar.-
Dec. 1956 (1)-(3) [fund raising in U.S.; H. Luce correspondence; CIP; methods to use
in Catholic Church to educate for democracy; Pro Deo efforts in Latin America for
social reform and trade union training of leaders; Communist activity in S. America]

Project Hope, See Great White Fleet [empty folder]

Pulis, Esther

Putnam, Carleton [racial matters, 1963]

Quellennec, J. (1)(2) [U.S. politics, 1940s; labor legislation; Advertising Council;
U.S. economy; Communist propaganda; death of Pres. Roosevelt; comments on war
and labor problems; situation in defeated France, 1940]

Quantico Meetings (1)-(5) [3rd draft of panel report, “A Concept of U.S.

Psychological Strategy,” 10-21-55, summary, recommendations, and main report;
Nelson Rockefeller, Special Assistant to the President, convened the panel in fall of
1955; “Report of the Quantico Vulnerabilities Panel” (June 1955)-objects and
principles of U.S. strategy, estimate of situation, proposal re disarmament; Soviet
estimate of situation]

88 Quantico Meetings (6)-(8) [arms race; comparative military technology of U.S. and
USSR; NATO; Asia policy; Japan policy; nuclear weapons; air defense of U.S. and
W. Europe; morale of Allies; Sino-Soviet alliance; minutes and summaries of
meetings, notes, and drafts of reports]

Quantico Meetings (9)-(12) [political strategy; defense effort; U.S. policy; free world
development; long-range psychological plan; economic policy as instrument of
political and psychological policy; estimate of Soviet intentions; problems in Far
East; policy and opinion in South and Southeast Asia; Latin America-U.S. foreign
policy; arms control]

Quantico Meetings (13)(14) [published panel reports--Psychological Aspects of

United States Strategy, and Psychological Aspects of United States Strategy: Source
Book of Individual Papers (Nov. 1955)]

Quantico Meetings (15)-(18) [drafts of panel report, Psychological Aspects of U.S.

Strategy, as of January 1996--all classified]

89 Quantico Meetings (19)-(22) [drafts of individual papers for panel’s report]

Quantico Meetings (23)-(27) [drafts of individual papers for panel’s report; panel

Quantico Meetings (28)-(30) [objectives of Panel; minutes or summaries of meetings;

international security; U.S. objectives for W. Europe, Africa, Middle East, Far East,
Latin America, and Pacific areas; draft papers “Truth, Hope, and Common Action,”
and “A Free World Policy”; militant liberty project]


Re-Misc. [French magazine in U.S.; RB 47 case; Radio Free Europe; Scotty Reston
fable and Bilderberg meeting]
Rh-Ri-Misc. [Radio in American sector of Berlin, RIAS; McCarthy charges; East
German riots and demonstrations, 1953; Hungary]

Ro-Misc. (1) [Project Hope; Albert Schweitzer; Eisenhower Library, Bilderberg

Group-Mid East project; U.S. Trade Center Program in Europe]

90 Ro-Misc. (2) [1941-views of Catholics on war and Russia; E. Roper-1948 election;

American Council for Judaism; public relations business; Radio Free Europe]

Ru-Misc. [Defense Production Board]

Rabb, Stuart

Radio diffusion Francaise [transcript of radio broadcast on Marshall Plan]

Radio Free Cuba [proposal for, 1962]

Radio Free Europe (1)(2) [minutes of meetings, CDJ member of Radio Comm., 1950;
Yugoslav broadcasts; Korea; European situation; goals of RFE; National Comm. for a
Free Europe; Frank Altschul; relationship with exiles; psych warfare; Soviet
propaganda; broadcasting to E. Europe; programming]

Radio Luxembourg (1)-(3) [USIS; programming; frequency allocation; map of

coverage area; program schedule; listener survey, 1947]

Randall, Clarence [world economic policy, 1957; foreign aid; Turkey; foreign
economic policy]

Reading, Dowager Marchioness of [carpet donated by Queen]

Refugees (1)-(3) [Arab refugee problem in Palestine; White Russian refugees in

China; UN High Commissioner for Refugees; Soviet redefection campaign; Ford
Foundation grant for refugees; U.S. Mission to UN; U.N. Refugee Emergency Fund

Reinkemeyer, Hans-Albert [Soviet foreign policy; western policy toward USSR;

German-Polish relations; German embassy official in Moscow]

Rennie, Jack [U.S. imports and exports; trade between U.S. and Britain; tariffs]

Rerrich, Bela [propaganda aimed at USSR; defected Hungarian athlete]

91 Rieber, Capt. Torkild [occupied Germany, 1945; Czechoslovakia; U.S. troops-
fraternization; Walter Winchell]

Rittersporn, B. A., Jr.

Rivers, Tom [International Recreation Assoc.]

Rockefeller, Nelson A. [Quantico II papers; Soviet Union; Middle East; arms trade;
economic policy; Khrushchev; Stalin; world economic policy; World Trade Fair; Big
Four Conf.; Bandung Conf.; Atoms for Peace; Porgy and Bess; India; East-West
trade; Hungary; Point Four Program]

Rodgers, Richard C., M.D. [UN; world peace; Quemoy and Matsu; J. Dulles]

Rommel, Field Marshal [account of his death by his son, Manfred Rommel]

Roosevelt, Archie

Roosevelt, Theodore-Centennial

Rosenbaum, Samuel [psych warfare against Germany in WWII]

Rosenberg, James (1)(2) [U.S. policy toward Israel; role of UN in Middle East; U.S.
China policy; foreign aid; Council for Democracy]

Rosenwald, Lessing [American Council for Judaism]

Ross, George Taylor

Rostow, Walt W., 1953-54 [economic development; India; Japan; China; Dodge and
Humphrey- economic policy; political warfare; Jackson Comm.; Stalin; U.S.-Soviet

Rostow, Walt W., 1955 (1)(2) [Soviet activities in Mid East and Asia; U.S. as leader
of Free World; cold war; Geneva Conf.; U.S.-Br.-Canadian Conf., 1955; Atlantic
Alliance; defense issues; Asia policy; U.S. tariffs; Geneva Conf., 1955; U.S. policy
toward China and USSR]

Rostow, Walt W., 1956 [draft of paper re challenges the U.S. faces; foreign policy;
limited war; China; Soviet objectives; arms control; de-Stalinization; arms race]

Rostow, Walt W., 1957 [foreign aid; crisis in Poland]

Rostow, Walt W., 1958 (1)(2) [cold war policy; U.S. leadership; 1958 elections;
Lebanon crisis, speech by DDE; Hungarian delegates to UN; Dean Acheson-China;
Mao Tse Tung; foreign economic policy; U.S. Mid East policy; draft of president’s
speech at UN re Mid East, 1958; Free World Economy]

Rostow, Walt W., 1959 (1)(2) [U.S.-Soviet relations; paper-“The Stages of Economic
Growth and the Problems of Peaceful Coexistence”; U.S. policy re Germany, Berlin,
E. Europe, and Mid East]

92 Rostow, Walt W., 1960-61 [Berlin Crisis; Free Europe Comm.; speech on guerilla
warfare; E. Europe; J. F. Dulles; psych warfare; Sprague Comm.]

Rostow, Walt W., 1962 [speech by Rostow-“The Present Stage of the Cold War”;
Cuba-Monroe Doctrine; Berlin Wall; Lucius Clay; E. Europe; Quemoy and Red
China; WWII; speech, “American Strategy on the World Scene,”; Africa; trade
policy; Common Market]

Rostow, Walt W., 1963 [speech by Rostow, “The Nationalization of Take-Off”;

economics of underdeveloped areas; Latin America; economic map of Mexico; Free
Europe Comm.]

Rostow, Walt W., 1964 [National Market Concept-foreign economic aid (AID);
speeches by Rostow on development of markets in underdeveloped nations;
multilateral nuclear force (MLF)]

Rueff, Jacques (1)-(3) [Malaysia; paper by Michal Heilperin on Second Rueff Plan or
Rueff Armand Report--re obstacles to economic growth in France and need for
reforms; financial situation in France, 1958; NATO; speeches by Rueff; paper on
Rueff as mastermind of French reconstruction program; French economist]

Rusk, Dean

Sa-Misc. (1)(2) [David Sarnoff-political warfare; nuclear testing]

Sc-Misc. (1)(2) [Radio diffusion Francaise; RFE; Liberal International; loan to

Britain, 1946; U.S.-British relations, 1945]

Se-Misc. (1)(2) [U.S. trade, 1950; National Comm. for a Free Europe; CDJ-need for
coordination of propaganda and public relations in U.S. govt.; OEEC]

Sh-Misc. [Comm. for Liberation; RFE; NCFE; mutual security; Dead Sea Scrolls
story; Moral Rearmament, 1939; Korean War]

Si-Sk-Misc. [Soviet Union, desalinization; CDJ-trip on USS Skipjack, 1960;

93 Sm-Misc. (1)(2) [RFE; Stassen; nuclear powered submarines; Time Inc. vs. Hearst

Sn-So-Misc. [anti-Communist org. in Italy]

Sp-Misc. [Council for Democracy; World Literacy Inc.; U.S. foreign aid; Communist

St-Misc. (1)-(4) [Kennedy administration and E. Europe; situation in Little Rock,

Ark., 1959; Gloria Steinem; Khrushchev’s visit, 1959; Britain limiting imports of
magazines and newspapers, 1946; Cold War; U.S. relations with Asia; Streibert and
USIA; Atlantic unity]

Su-Sw-Misc. [Arthur Hays Sulzberger-speech, 1948; 1952 Eisenhower speech uses

quote attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville]

Sandburg, Carl [Council of Democracy]

San Francisco Chronicle [1952 convention and campaign; postwar loan to Britain;
Council for Democracy; U. S. foreign policy, early 1941; pacifism and isolationism in
U.S., 1941]

Sanger, Margaret [birth control]

Santa Clara Youth Village (1)-(3) [defected Hungarian athletes; Free Europe Comm.]

Sargeant, Howland [radio broadcasts to USSR]

Sarrazac-Soulage, Robert (1) [situation in Hungary, 1956]

94 Sarrazac-Soulage, Robert (2)(3) [expansion of Communism and USSR; Russia’s

psychological campaign and strategic situation in West, 1953]

Scheftel, Stuart

Scherman, David E.

Schneider, Douglas

School of Advanced International Studies-See Foreign Service Educational


Schwarz, Dr. Fred (1)(2) [Christian anti-Communist Crusade; John Birch Society;
Life’s image among ad men; CDJ speech; Robert Welch, George Murphy]

Schwarz, Dr. Fred-“Basic Sets” [Christian anti-Communist crusade; John Birch

Society; G. Murphy]

Scott-Bailey, Col. V. E. [U.S.-British relations, 1949]

Scudder, Townsend [The Center for Information on America, Inc.; Grass Roots
Guides on democracy, politics, and federalism; “Vital Issues”-discussion guides;
Guide for 1960 campaign; 1954, discussion guides on Indo-China and world trade]

Seaman, Richard

Settel, Arthur

“Shadow of Heroes”-Hungarian Play (1)(2) [play about Hungarian Revolution]

Shulman, Marshall D. [Council for Democracy, 1942]

Sloan, George A.

Smith, Blackwell (1)(2) [Point IV Program; importing newsprint; foreign trade and
investment plan; Liberia]

Smith, Francis [shortage of newsprint in U.S., 1947; Council for Democracy; Army
life, 1941]

95 Smith, G. E. Kidder [U.S. relations with and attitude toward Moslem world]

Smith, Paul C. See San Francisco Chronicle [empty folder]

Smith, Robert L. [Czechoslovakia, 1948; Gen. Arthur McChrystal]

Smith, Gen. Walter B. [National Comm. for a Free Europe]

Speeches, Comments, Misc., 1962-64 [biographical material on CDJ; 1962 speech

excerpts re Common Market, psych warfare, and east-west conflict]

Speeches, Comments, Misc., 1961 [psych warfare]

Speeches, Comments, Misc., 1960 [speech at Leavenworth on psych warfare]

Speeches, Comments, Misc., 1959 [speech on psych warfare]

Speeches, Comments, Misc., 1956 [National Conf. of Christian and Jews; U.S.
elections; U.S. capitalism]

Speeches, Comments, Misc., 1955 [list of speeches made by CDJ; West Point
Student Conf. on U.S. affairs; national security policy of U.S.]

Speeches, Comments, Misc., 1954 [National Recreation Assoc.; President’s Science

Advisory Comm.]

Speeches, Comments, Misc., 1953 (1)(2) [NATO Defense College, lecture on psych
warfare; Army War College-cold war tactics; A. Washburn; National War College-
psych strategy]

Speeches, Declined, 1964

Speeches, Declined, 1963

Speeches, Declined, 1962

Speeches, Declined, 1961

Speeches, Declined, 1959-60

Speeches, Declined, 1956

96 Speeches, Declined, 1955 (1)(2)

Speeches, Declined, 1954

Speeches, Declined, 1953 (1)-(3)

Speeches, Declined, 1952

Speech Texts, 1964 (1)(2) [transcript of conf. on international economic and social
development; notes on Executive Service Corps; diplomacy]

Speech Texts, 1963 (1)(2) [speeches, “Politics, Economics, and Psychology in W.

Europe,” and “The Responsibilities of Magazines to their Readers, to their
Advertisers”; notes re Chile; speech, “Food-One Weapon for Freedom”]

Speech Texts, 1962 (1)-(3) [speeches, “New Weapon in the Free World Arsenal”,
“Obligations of News Media to Humanities”, and “Diplomacy and Economics -
World Partners”; Post Office rate bill and Life situation]
97 Speech Texts, 1962 (4) [lecture at National War College, “Cold War”]

Speech Texts, 1961 (1)-(5) [speech, “Communications and World Health”; National
War College; speeches, “Conflict Between Diplomacy and Political Warfare”,
“Hollywood’s Answer to Communism”, and “Communications”; interview with CDJ
re influence of printed word on formation of American character; speech,
“Communications in the Cold War”; world affairs; Ft. Leavenworth, Staff College]

Speech Texts, 1960 (1)-(4) [speeches, “Food and the Revolution of Expectations”,
and “The Need for a National Purpose”; notes for political speeches; statement for
Bilderberg meeting; conf. on mass communications and intergroup relations; Ft.
Leavenworth, Staff College]

Speech Texts, 1959 (1)-(3) [National War College lecture on “Cold War”; panel,
“The Revolution of Expectations”]

98 Speech Texts, 1959 (4)-(9) [speech on revolution of expectations; lecture on psych

warfare at Ft. Leavenworth Staff College; speeches on Berlin and Africa; National
War College lecture, “Social-Psychological Aspects of the World Conflict”; speech,
“The Close of the Decade of Decision”; speech re culture]

Speech Texts, 1958 (1)-(4) [list of speeches; political warfare; NATO, Berlin Conf.;
role of advertising in world trade; psych warfare; taboos in journalism; speech, “The
North Atlantic Community-The Bulwark of the Free World”; Cold War]

Speech Texts, 1957 (1)(2) [psych warfare and Sputnik; U.S.-Soviet relations; NATO;
Hungary; USIA; political warfare]

99 Speech Texts, 1957 (3)-(6) [psych warfare; political warfare; Pro Deo; Hungary;
Crusade in Europe; Radio Free Europe; Middle East; Eastern Europe]

Speech Texts, 1956 (1)-(6) [economic situation; importance of communication;

Middle East; world economic policy; cold war; Air War College, “Political Warfare”;
editorial policy of Life; changes in USSR; NATO; RFE and balloon project and
Hungary; psych warfare]

Speech Texts, 1955 (1)-(3) [world situation; West Point, psych warfare; cold war]

100 Speech Texts, 1955 (4)-(7) [destiny of U.S.; ABC America’s Town Meeting of the
Air, transcript re tariff reduction, CDJ a participant; world economic policy; political
warfare; situation in Europe and U.S.-Soviet relations]
Speech Texts, 1954 (1)-(4) [world economic policy; interview with CDJ on NBC
program, “Youth Wants to Know”; atomic matters; recreation; USIA; National War
College, re Berlin Conf. and cold war; CBS “Man of the Week” interview; NATO
Defense College, lecture on psych warfare]

Speech Texts, 1953 (1)-(7) [CDJ on ABC program re Atoms for Peace and Soviet
reaction to it; civil defense; psych warfare; cold war; Soviet strategy; U.S. foreign
policy and strategy; National War College, “The Role of Psychological Strategy in
National Security,”; notes re follow-up to Chance for Peace speech; speeches to PSB
group and NSC consultants and Cabinet presentation on psych warfare; Radio
Budapest message re Pres. Eisenhower, CDJ, and NCFE; speech to New England
Sales Conf., 1-10-53 has reference to DDE trip to Korea and cruise on Helena in
December 1952; U.S. foreign policy]

Speech Texts, 1952 (1) [press conf. notes; speech, “The Magazine”]

101 Speech Texts, 1952 (2)-(7) [political scene; world situation; foreign policy; political
warfare; speech, “Rust Holes in the Iron Curtain”; NCFE]

Speech Texts, 1951 (1)-(4) [psych warfare; Crusade for Freedom; RFE; NCFE;
balloon program; speech for United Negro College Fund; ideological war with world

Speech Texts, 1950 (1)-(7) [speeches, “American Business in Today’s Crisis”, “The
Normalcy of Crisis”, “The Battle for Men’s Minds”, and “The Challenge of
Communication”; comments on Korea, W. Europe, RFE, and foreign trade; speeches,
“Total Business Diplomacy” and “The Decade of Decision”]

102 Speech Texts, 1949 (1)-(4) [speeches, “The Public Relations of Survival,” “Crisis or
Crusade,” “Who Will Win the Cold War,” and “Neither Government Nor Business
Can Do It Alone”; U.S. Economic policy; publishing business; political or psych
warfare; democracy]

Speech Texts, 1948 (1) [cold war; politics; speeches, “The Public Relations of
Survival” and “Great Britain as an Exporter to the U.S.A.”]

Speech Texts, 1948 (2)(3) [speech on sale of British goods in U.S.; memo re survey
on U.S.-British trade; role and responsibility of business men; international
publishing; article on support for stronger U.S. information program overseas]

Speech Texts, 1947 (1)-(4) [freedom; Marshall Plan; production and distribution
statistics for Time-Life International, also sales restrictions and world trade
campaign; speeches on world trade, tariffs, responsibility of U.S. businessmen, and
East-West struggle]

Speech Texts, 1946 (1)-(3) [speeches on world trade and international publishing]

103 Speech Texts, 1945 (1)-(3) [postwar situation in Europe and the U.S.; American
businessman and foreign customer; U.S. opinion re France]

Speech Texts, 1941 (1)-(3) [work of Council of Democracy; business; democracy;

background materials on anti-war rallies, Senators Wheeler and Nye, isolationism,
and America First Comm.]

Speech Texts, 1938 [U.S. business; development of Life magazine]

Speeches-Background Material (1)-(4) [1963-Test Ban Treaty; JFK statements in

Berlin; Common Market; article by H. Kissinger re the Alliance; text of De Gaulle’s
press conference re Common Market, French-German relations, and nuclear
disarmament; Harold Macmillan and WWII; K. Adenauer; cold war; Monroe
Doctrine; memo re Afro-Asian Bloc in U.N. and voting record, 1962; speech by Jack
Jessup re challenge of our time; speech by John Exter re international balance
payments and the U.S.; People to People; 1938 copy of British paper with headline
announcing “Peace with Honor”; article by Z. Brzezinski re change in Soviet Bloc]

Speeches-Background Material (5)-(8) [Dulles statement in Berlin, 1954; FDR

statement to Pan American Union, 1942; Soviet propaganda; New South; U.S.
economy in 1960s; John J. McCloy re balance of payments; 1959 speech by Nixon re
U.S.-Soviet relations; speeches by Lodge and W. Brandt to U.N., 1959; State Dept.
material on Berlin situation, 1958; defense; Marshall Plan; NATO]

104 Speeches-Background Material (9)-(11) [comments re Stalin, 1949-50; International

Labor Org.; George Kennan and cold war; Molotov re foreign policy of USSR, 1939;
dollar gap; 1950 speeches by Sec. Acheson re U.S. foreign policy and U.S.-Soviet
tensions; article by Russell Davenport re alternative to “welfare state”]

Spofford, Charles [NCFE]

Sports Illustrated-Hungarian Olympic Team Defectors

Sprague, Mansfield-Sprague Committee (1)(2) [correspondence re report; A.

Washburn; psych warfare; list of questions for OCB; recommendations of comm.;
RFE, Radio Liberty, and VOA]

Stalin’s Death-Speech Text and Comments, Full Evolution (1)-(4) [background and
development of Chance for Peace Speech, 3-16-53; drafts of speech; efforts to
publicize speech by USIS, RFE, etc.; notes by J. F. Dulles; letter from CDJ to J.
Dulles re speech; draft of letter from DDE to Churchill; plan for psych warfare

State of Union-Jan. 1954 (1)(2) [drafts of sections of speech on world affairs,

military and defense matters, Commerce, Labor, and Treasury; statement by H. C.
Lodge re U.S. mission to U.N.]

State of Union, Jan. 1953 (Evolution) (1)-(4) [Rostow to CDJ, letter re origins of
President’s speech of 4-16-53; press release, drafts, and outline of State of Union
Speech; list of topics; fiscal policy; past statements by DDE on various topics]

105 State of Union, Jan. 1953 (Evolution) (5) [notes and memos re speech ideas and
topics, incl. foreign policy, farm policy, loyalty issue, budgets, and military;
Truman’s 21 Point Program and Congress, 1945]

Steinhardt, Laurence A. and Family [conditions in Czechoslovakia, late 1940s; James


Stillman, Charles L. [situation in Dominican Republic, 1963; Cuba and Bay of Pigs,

Stokes, Anson [correspondence re Truman and Acheson, 1951; Japanese Treaty]

Strauss, Adm. Lewis L. [A.E.C., Atoms for Peace; Soviet atomic weapons tests;
chronology of Atoms for Peace program, 1953-56]

Swing, Raymond G.

Symington, C. J. [Trade Agreements Act, 1948; support for Marshall Plan;

Advertising Council; newsprint shortage in France; world trade]

Szilard, Leo (1)(2) [peace proposals]

Ta-Misc. [H. Talbot re WWI and WWII aircraft production]

Te-Misc. [National Comm. for a Free Europe, 1952; U.S.-Soviet economic war;
situation in Bulgaria, 1955; Chiang Kai Shek threat to invade China, 1962]


To-Misc. [Operation Democracy, 1949; Nigerian politics, 1958]

Tr-Ty-Misc. [TWA and international flying; Taiwan]

Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D. [Vietnam, 1964; Berlin Crisis, 1961]

Taylor, William E. [cigarettes for RAF Eagle Squadron in England, 1941]

Teppema, S. th. J. [economic relations between Netherlands and Germany; Marshall

Plan; postwar European recovery; postwar U.S.; Truman Doctrine]

Thompson, Edward [Tractors to Cuba program, 1961]

Thornley, George [big business, 1949-50]

Tibetans-U.S. Advisory Committee for [student aid]

Tolstoy Foundation

Toothache (U.N. Speech, Sept. 22, 1960) (1)(2) [drafts of speech; proposed letter
from DDE to Bulganin re U.S.-Soviet relations and arms control; notes for inclusion
in speech; correspondence with Pres. re theme for trip to USSR; world hunger;

106 Toothache (U.N. Speech, Sept. 22, 1960) (3)(4) [paper by W. Rostow re USSR and
changes in Communist system; McGeorge Bundy; industrial uses of nuclear

Trager, Frank [censorship issue]

Truman, Harry S. [National Comm. for a Free Europe]

Turkey-OWI (1943) [CDJ’s appointment as deputy director of OWI operations in

Mediterranean Theater; objectives of OWI and operations in Africa, Mid East, and
Turkey; memo, Robert Sherwood to Milton Eisenhower and etc. re psych warfare in
North Africa]

Turkey-State Department [CDJ in American Foreign Service Auxiliary at American

Embassy, Ankara, 1942-43; problem of supply and transportation for Turkey during
WWII; situation in Turkey and Middle East]

Tyler, Royall [refugee and escapee problems, 1952]

Tyler, William R. [Berlin issue, 1960; U.S.-French relations, 1950; State Dept.,
U- Misc. (1)(2) [Belgian Congo, 1953-54; U.S. Comm. for the U.N., later U.N.; We
Believe, 1963; United Fruit Co.-Guatemala]

Underhill, Garrett [German psych warfare; Soviet military leadership; OCB; Red

Union Settlement (1)-(4) [org. in E. Harlem; settlement house; social work agency;
community centers; CDJ on board; neighborhood centers; problems in Harlem;
reports and plans, late 1940s to 1951]

U.N. Czechoslovak Item, 9th Gen. Assembly, 1954 (1)-(4) [Prague radio broadcasts
to Italy; VOA; Soviet Bloc jamming; Soviet propaganda; Czech resolution on
propaganda; USIA; peaceful coexistence; U.N. General Assembly; preventive war;
Radio Prague attacks on RFE]

U.N. Misc., 9th General Assembly, 1954 (1)(2) [complaint of acts of aggression
against China by U.S. Navy; complaint re violation of freedom of navigation in China
Seas; resolution on propaganda favoring a new war]

107 U.N. Misc., 9th General Assembly, 1954 (3)-(7) [complaint of piracy in China Seas;
Communist Imperialism; Czech resolution on propaganda; French politics; North
Africa, Algeria; China-U.S. airmen on trial; Atoms for Peace program; preparation
for TV appearance; China reps. in U.N.; disarmament; defection of crew of Polish
ship, “Praca”; Molotov re Poland and Baltic countries; Soviet views on the U.N.;
draft speech by Lodge re peaceful uses of atomic energy; Formosa and Quemoy; U.N.
problems-Southwest Africa, Trust Territories; L. Strauss; speech by J. Dulles, Sept.
1954; Soviet propaganda]

United Negro College Fund, 1958-1963 (1)(2) [fundraising and Time-Life Inc.
contributions; correspondence re Pres. and integration; Dr. Fred Patterson, former
Pres. of Tuskegee Institute re need for presidential leadership on civil rights and

United Negro College Fund, 1957 [CDJ member of Steering Comm.]

United Negro College Fund, 1955-1956 [John D. Rockefeller, Jr.]

United Negro College Fund, 1954 [segregation issue]

United Negro College Fund, 1953 [John D. Rockefeller, Jr.]

United Negro College Fund, 1952 [paper re communist propaganda and treatment of
Negroes in U.S.; list of colleges and numbers of graduates]
United Negro College Fund, 1949-1951 [John D. Rockefeller, Jr.]


United Service to China [aid to China, late 1940s]

U.S. Council, 1953 [U.S. Council of the International Chamber of Commerce; CDJ
resigns membership in July 1953]

U.S. Council, 1950-1952 (1)(2) [East-West trade; economic conf. in Moscow; CDJ
on board of trustees of U.S. Council; commercial and monetary policy; dollar gap;
world’s resources; ECA and OEEC]

U.S. Council, 1949 (1)(2) [Quebec Conf., issues-world expanding economy, trade
practices, foreign economic development, and monetary relations]

108 U.S. Council, 1949 (3)

U.S. Council, 1947 (1)(2) [reports on maximizing employment, Germany, European

recovery, world trade, commercial policy, and trade restrictions]

U.S. Council, Atlantic Trade, 1950 [promotion of multilateral trade to close dollar
gap; Economic Cooperation Adm.; Havana Charter; imports from Europe]

U.S. Council, Full Employment Committee, 1950 (1)(2)

U.S. Council, Future of ECA, 1951 [report, “The Specter of 1953”; report on
economic cooperation by Michael Heilperin]

U.S. Council, Future of ECA, 1950 (1)-(5) [future course of ECA and OEEC in a
rearming world; currency convertibility; tariffs; U.S. policy on trade restrictions]

U.S. Council, Future of ECA, 1949 (1)(2) [European Recovery Program; Economic
Cooperation Adm.; U.S. foreign aid policy]

U.S. Council-Information Advisory Committee [promote understanding of U.S.


U.S. Council-O.E.E.C. and “Specter of 1953” (1)(2) [British economic policy, 1949;
European recovery; economic integration of Europe; Marshall Plan; Europe’s

109 U.S. Council-O.E.E.C. and “Specter of 1953” (3)(4) [report on “Specter of 1953”--
end of Marshall Plan; role of Organization for European Economic Cooperation;
integration of European economy; report on European recovery program]

U.S. Council-Organization (1)-(4)

U.S. Council-Point IV [1950 draft report, “Recommendations for Stimulating Private

Foreign Investment”; Point Four of Pres.’s Inaugural Address]

U.S.I.S. Surveys [evaluation report on USIS-Vietnam, 1950-1957; background,

functions, and duties; cultural programs]

V- Misc. (1)(2) [study on policy of Catholic Church in selection and training of her
leaders; Gen. James A. Van Fleet, 1956 report on trip to Korea, Japan, and Formosa;
Dept. of State, Office of International Information and Cultural Affairs; Canada-U.S.
relations; VOA; T. Streibert; A. Washburn]

Van Der Beugel, Ernst [correspondence re Bilderberg Conf.]

Van Vleck, Joseph [South Vietnam, 1964; international understanding]

Vickers, Merion [UN-Congo; criticism of Time-Life treatment of British

Commonwealth and Empire]

Villamin, Vincente

Viner, Frank [USIS; NCFE; plan for anti-communist publicity in Europe]

Volman, Sacha (1)-(3) [Institute of International Labor Research; schools for political
training in Dominican Republic and Costa Rica, 1962; U.S.-Latin America relations;
political developments in Latin America; Cuba and Dominican Republic; Tanganyika
and Julius Nyerere; 20th Congress of Communist Party and worldwide Communist-
controlled front; NCFE]

110 Volunteers for Freedom [Hungary; AFL and CIO; agenda; Kermit Roosevelt;
Komichak resolution; Crusade for Freedom; proposed govt. in exile for East Europe;
agenda for Congress of ]

Volunteer Freedom Corps [Soviet redefection campaign; Dillon Anderson; A. Dulles;

N. Rockefeller; R. Cutler; German rearmament; H. C. Lodge; EDC; 1954-1955]

Voorhees, Tracy [Hungarian athletes; Gen. J. M. Swing; Hungarian refugee problem;

White House psych warfare position-CDJ, N. Rockefeller]

Wa-Misc. (1)(2) [1940-sending British children to U.S.; Great Britain in 1940-1941;

Prince Bernhard, Bilderberg Conf., 1962; World Assembly of Youth; World
Federation of Democratic Youth; 1963-Bobby Baker scandal; Marshall Plan; U.N.
admission of Outer Mongolia, 1955; tariff on bicycles]

We-Misc. [NATO, Lord Ismay; Lowell Weicker]

Wh-Misc. [WWII home front; Council for Democracy; CDJ comments on French
and American intellectuals]

Wi-Misc. (1)(2) [refugees; Kadar regime in Hungary; Sen. Alexander Wiley; U.S.
relations with Latin America]

Wo-Misc. [role of scientists; Boy Scouts in Germany and Sweden]

Wr, Wy-Misc. [interview of Winston Churchill with press, l-5-53]

Wadsworth, James J. [Bermuda meeting, Dec. 1953; CDJ comments on Candor or

Atoms for Peace and Lord Cherwell]

Walker, Sam [Vienna Youth Festival; Free Europe Comm.]

Wallach, Sidney (1)(2) [chess; American Institute for the Tropics, Inc.; FOA; VOA;
Malaya; African policy; American Jews, Palestine, and Zionism; United China
Relief; March of Time films; Council for Democracy]

Wanger, Walter [motion picture industry, 1950]

“War By Cease Fire” [Communist truce violations in Korea , Indochina, and China]

War College-Washington [CDJ comments on psych warfare principles; RFE; WWII-

PWB, value of propaganda shells]

Warburg, James P.

Warden, George [WWII chief press censor for SHAEF; McClure; McChrystal]

111 Washburn, Abbott (1)-(5) [Kennedy visit to Berlin, 1963; trip to U.S. by Iranian
princess; People-to-People movement; USIA; Moscow Fair Exhibit, 1959; cultural
exchange; memo on wartime org. for foreign information and psychological
operations; National Defense Executive Reserve; aid for Hungary; competition
between USIS and news services; American economy; Geneva Conf., 1955;
American capitalism; Soviet propaganda and U.S. response; international athletics-
Soviet offensive; Foreign Journalists Liaison Office]
Watson, Adam [East-West struggle; W. Rostow; G. Kennan; containment; NATO]

Watt, Robert J. (1)(2) [National War Labor Board, 1942; labor and management
during the war; Council for Democracy; FBI investigation of Watt; Wayne Morse;
Francis Biddle; A.F. of L. business]

Weaver, John O. (“Buck”)

Weiner and Gossage [billboards]

Western World [magazine]

Wheaties-Evolution (See Atoms for Peace) [empty folder]

Whiteley, Major-General J. F. M. [CDJ notes on speech on psych warfare; Bob

McClure; Dick Crossman]

Wierzbianski, Boleslaw [International Cultural Cooperation Comm. and Foreign

News Service Inc.; International Federation of Free Journalists; Congress of Free

Wierdsma, Fred

Willauer, Whiting [memo on U.S. interests in Caribbean, 1959; U.S. relations with
Latin America; Cuba-Castro]

Wilson, Harold [Life International publication and distribution plans in England,


Wisner, Frank [refugees and escapees from Communist dominated Europe; U.S.
policy re Berlin, E. Germany, and European satellites, 1954]

World Economic Policy (W.E.P.) to Dec. 1956 (Forward) (1)-(4) [U.S. foreign
economic policy; correspondence with H. Luce and W. Rostow; paper by Max F.
Millikan and W. Rostow, “An American Policy For the Next Decade,” 1956; paper,
“The Foreign Economic Policy of the U.S.” (Jessup draft); foreign aid; Soviet
economic offensive; mutual security program; status of House and Senate members re
mutual security]

112 World Economic Policy from Dec. 1956 to Feb. 1958 (1)-(6) [mutual security
program; private investment in world economic development; Development Loan
Fund; C. Douglas Dillon, 1957; International Cooperation Adm.; International
Development Corp.-promotes private investment abroad; response to Pres.’s
broadcast on mutual security; statement by J. F. Dulles re mutual security, defense
assistance, economic development assistance, and technical assistance; Harold
Boeschenstein; current adm. thinking re economic policy and foreign aid-different
views of Dulles, Randall, and Herter; loan to Poland; China trade; agricultural surplus
disposal; development projects; notes on Millikan-Rostow draft re foreign aid and
economic policy; notes, mtg. report, and ltr. to Dulles on world economic policy;
Jessup memo on foreign economic policy]

World Trade Campaign (1)-(3) [World Trade Foundation; National Foreign Trade
Council; Advertising Council; campaign on world trade and travel; internationalism;
CDJ-coordinator of Advertising Council world trade campaign; tariff policies]

World Trip, 1962 (1)-(5) [East-West trade; USIA; Iran; itinerary and schedules;
Germany; Paris; Vietnam; Pres. Diem; Singapore; Laos; lists of ambassadors in
various countries and list of Time-Life representatives in different countries]

World Trip, Reports Mailed, 1962 (1)(2) [England; Common Market; British
politics; Macmillan; Germany, Chancellor Adenauer; French-German relations;
French politics; Algeria; Italy-politics, business, and Catholic Church; Iran, Shah,
U.S. aid; Quemoy and Taiwan, interview with Gen. and Madam Chiang Kai Shek]

113 World Trip, Reports Mailed, 1962 (3)-(8) [Thailand; Vietnam; Laos; Japan; Hong
Kong; economic development; responses and comments on CDJ’s reports]

World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-A, B

World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-B

World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-C

World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-D, E

World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-F

World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-G

World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-H

World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-I-K

World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-L

114 World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-M

World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-M, Mc

World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-N, O

World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-P

World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-Q, R

World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-S (1)(2)

World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-T-V

World Trip, Responses to Reports, 1962-W-Z

World Trip, Transcripts, France, 1962 (1)(2) [situation in France and Algeria; French
politics; Gen. De Gaulle]

World Trip, Transcripts, Germany, 1962 [Adenauer; Berlin morale; Common Market;
German politics; relations between Germany, France, and Britain; Willy Brandt]

World Trip, Transcripts, Iran, 1962 [Shah of Iran and P.M. Amini]

World Trip, Transcripts, Italy, 1962 [Italian politics; meeting with Pope; Catholic
Church and Vatican-changes; trade and economic matters]

World Trip, Transcripts, Japan-Asia “Wind-Up,” 1962 [Thailand; India; Laos;

Vietnam; China; economic developments; Asian irrationality; Japan]

115 World Trip, Transcripts, Quemoy-Taiwan, 1962 (1)(2) [situation on Quemoy;

interview with Gen. and Madame Chiang Kai Shek; mutual defense treaty]

World Trip, Transcripts, “Scar Tissue”-De Gaulle, Adenauer, Macmillan, 1962 [De
Gaulle and Girard, 1943; Macmillan-WWI experiences]

World Trip, Transcripts, Tunisia, 1962 [Bourguiba]

World Trip, Transcripts, United Kingdom, 1962 (1)(2) [British politics; Macmillan;
Kennedy; De Gaulle; Adenauer; Common Market; Hugh Gaitskell; George Ball;
Lord Gladwyn; Sir Harold Caccia; Roger Makins; European Defense Community]

XYZ-Misc. [European Reconstruction Program, 1948; U.S. aid to Europe; economic

development in Taiwan; Frank Stanton and television]

Youth Festival, Vienna, Financial, 1959

Youth Festival, Vienna, General Correspondence, 1959 (1)-(6) [publication of daily
multi-language newspaper during 7th World Youth Festival, first Communist-
dominated youth festival held in Free World; Gloria Steinem-American activities at
Festival; U.S. delegation to Festival; Independent Service for Information on the
Festival; daily newspaper and book distribution; Frank Stanton; USIA; Z. Brzezinski;
M. Harrington; political crisis in Austria; Alfred Korn-Austrian Information Service;
Klaus Dohrn; Hungarian delegation; preparations for Festival by U.S., Austrian
Govt., and Austrian orgs.]

Subseries B. Daily Calendar, 1955-1964

Daily Calendar, 1955 (1) [occasional references to trips to Washington and meetings
with members of the Eisenhower Adm.--this note applies to 1955 through 1960]

116 Daily Calendar, 1955 (2)-(4)

Daily Calendar, 1956 (1)-(4)

Daily Calendar, 1957 (1)-(4)

Daily Calendar, 1958 (1)

117 Daily Calendar, 1958 (2)-(4)

Daily Calendar, 1959 (1)-(4)

Daily Calendar, 1960 (1)-(4)

Daily Calendar, 1961 (1)

118 Daily Calendar, 1961 (2)-(4)

Daily Calendar, 1962 (1)-(4)

Daily Calendar, 1963 (1)-(4)

Daily Calendar, 1964 (1)

119 Daily Calendar, 1964 (2)-(4)

Subseries C. Marie McCrum File, 1953-1989

Bermuda Conference, Dec. 1953 [scrapbook notes and photos]

Biography of C. D. Jackson, and Eulogy, Obituary, Memorials, 1962-1966

Clippings, c 1976 [CDJ; DDE; cold war; Bilderberg; Bernhard; CIA]

Correspondence re C. D. Jackson’s Papers and Life, 1964-1989 [description of

papers; missing Churchill letter; W. Rostow; M. Medhurst]

Eisenhower Correspondence, 1957, 1959 [copies of DDE letters to CDJ]

Humanitarian (“Joey”) Award, Dec. 13, 1961

120 [Full Suit Box for Oversized Items]

Council for Democracy-Scrapbook [transferred from Box 45]

Goodfriend, Arthur, 1946-48 [book mockup, “Report from Latin America” by

Goodfriend, transferred from Box 56]

Speeches-Background Material (4) [British newspaper, Daily Mail, Oct. 1, 1938,

headline, “Peace with Honor”, transferred from Box 103]


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