Benefits of Communication

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Communication Skills




“Benefits of Communication”

Submitted To:
Ms. Fiza Batool

Submitted By:
Abbas Faheem (Uw-19-CHM-BS-102)

BS Chemistry

3rd (C)
Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages through verbal or
nonverbal means, including speech, or oral communication; writing and graphical
representations (such as infographics, maps, and charts); and signs, signals, and behavior. More
simply, communication is said to be "the creation and exchange of meaning."
Media critic and theorist James Carey defined communication as "a symbolic process
whereby reality is produced, maintained, repaired and transformed" in his 1992 book
"Communication as Culture," positing that we define our reality via sharing our experience with
Importance of Communication
Communication is fundamental to the existence and survival of humans as well as to an
organization. It is a process of creating and sharing ideas, information, views, facts, feelings, etc.
among the people to reach a common understanding. In personal life, we need to communicate to
deal with various concerns and problems of daily life. In professional life also, it is
communication that helps us to build healthy relations and credibility with our co-workers.
Benefits of Communication
Some of the best communicators of all time include people like Prophet Muhammad
(P.B.U.H), Jalal Uddin Rumi, Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Martin Luther King, Jr.,
Oprah Winfrey, Winston Churchill and Steve Jobs. Their messages have inspired people and
changed the world. By thinking about what they achieved, we can start to understand the
importance of good communication and the huge impact it can have on those around us, if we get
it right.
Our entire life revolves around communicating with our family, friends and other human
beings. Communication relies a lot on the environment where it takes place. For example, two
friends talking informally to each other is different from business communication where an
employee may be communicating with his/her boss. So, we will be discussing both situations
A) Benefits of Communication in Informal Environment
The Informal Communication is the casual and unofficial form of communication wherein
the information is exchanged spontaneously between two or more persons without conforming
the prescribed official rules, processes, system, formalities and chain of command.

1) Social cognition
Social cognition is our ability to understand other people, and it enables us to predict their
behavior and share experiences.
As the communication is a two-way process involving both a sender and a receiver, it brings
forward effective understanding of beliefs, feelings, experiences and intentions of others. We can
empathize and think about things from another point of view. It also allows us to move flexibly
between our own perspective and another. It develops in us the ability to better understand the
many nuances underpinning everyday speech, because people frequently mean something
different to what they actually say.
“It’s hot in here”, for example, may be a statement of fact or a request to open a window. To
understand the speaker, we need to guess the intention behind their remark. All of this can be
achieved through frequent communication with others.

2) Better Decision making

A decision is a choice among two or more alternatives. For example, a hiring committee
makes a decision when it chooses one of the five candidates under consideration for a new job
opening. Communication plays a central role in group decision making. Group decisions
primarily result from the opinions that group members have about an issue or course of action. A
decision can only be made if all of the members of a group share a common interest. A person
who is able to better convey his idea influences the decision making of that group. For example,
the leaders of political parties, representators of a company, ambassadors of different countries

3) Group Problem solving

Problem-solving in modern organizations is a team sport. Success as a team comes from
cooperation (sharing insights and information), collaboration (developing shared ideas),
decisiveness and coordinated action. Communication is the glue that binds the team together and
enables them to work as a unit. Nowhere in a company is this more critical than the problem-
solving process. Effective communication is very crucial when the stakes are high and peak-
performance is needed. Communication is critical, not only to ensure that everyone’s
perspectives are captured, but to demonstrate that everyone’s contributions are appreciated and
encourage further participation in the problem-solving process. When you work in a team, you
need to be able to regularly communicate with others. You need to listen to other people’s ideas,
whilst being able to clearly and effectively communicate your own.
Good communication can also help to build a positive working relationship, so your team
works more effectively and productively together. Through effective communication and
working as a team, even the most difficult problems can be solved with ease.

4) Develops Professionalism
With good professional communication skills, we can ensure to pick the appropriate
communication channel for the specific audience. For example, in some cases, it may be
appropriate to send a quick email, however, by reading the situation we may realize that for
certain messages, it’s more appropriate to arrange a call or even meet face-to-face.
With poor communication, it’s easy for messages to get misunderstood. By mastering
professional communication, the potential for misunderstandings occurring can be minimized.
5) Clarity and Coherence
Achieving consistent clarity in professional communication reduces friction in other areas of
organizations. With clear communication, many issues and interpersonal conflicts never have an
opportunity to manifest. Likewise, clear communication at the outset of a project can help set
more realistic expectations for its outcome. Clarity builds trust that can be leveraged in ways that
benefit both individuals and organizations. Those people who hold themselves accountable to
achieving two-way clarity take pressure off their audience, while maintaining even more control
over the direction of a conversation. Spending time on achieving clarity builds rapport that can
lead to long term trust in professional relationships.

6) Resolving Problems
Clear and transparent communication is an essential tool to resolve any conflict or problem
that may arise between multiple individuals. Without effective communication, a crisis can grow
legs and have a broader effect. By listening to others and their side of story while being
nonjudgmental in the process, and then keeping in mind the feelings and emotions of others we
can communicate with them more effectively and hence can resolve a problem without it
escalating further.

B) Benefits of communication in Business Environment

The sharing of information between people within an enterprise that is performed for the
commercial benefit of an organization is known as business communication. It mostly relies on
formal way of speaking and communicating with other. Communication again has many benefits
in this regard which are explained as following.

1) Fewer Misunderstandings

Effective communication among formal employees means everyone will be on the same
page. There will be fewer misunderstandings about project statuses, division of labor, and the
timeframe for project completion. Misunderstandings in any of these areas can lead to work not
being done at the appropriate time, or not being done at all.
For instance, if a manager does not communicate effectively with an employee about what
tasks that employee has been assigned, then the employee may misunderstand the expectations
and fail to complete all of the necessary tasks. In this case, the failure is not due to a lack
of motivation, or a lack of competency.
The employee may be an excellent worker with a strong desire to do the job well, but they
can’t get their work done unless they fully understand what that work entails.
Clear communication helps everyone in the business — clients, managers, employees —
understand what is expected of them, leading to fewer misunderstandings and greater

2) Better cooperation
Encouraging better communication between employees means that people will understand the
work that they are doing. This communication should take place even when employees aren’t
collaborating on a project.
Communication tears down the barriers between departments and groups, and allows people
from across the company to work together. Because a wide variety of skills and perspectives are
often needed to complete a project in a timely manner, greater cooperation across departments
can only increase your company’s productivity.

3) Building Good Public Relations:

Good public relations comprise relations of an enterprise with outside agencies, particularly
consumers and the public at large. Many business enterprises, now-a-days, maintain a separate
‘public relations department’; which basically entertains problems, complaints of the public and
assures them of their solution. The process that public relations department follows in building
good public relations, is largely a process of entering into effective communication with the
public and giving them a platform to be understood better.

4) Increased Accountability and Productivity

When good communication skills are present in a company, workers tend to keep one another
accountable. Just because effective communication in the workplace provides clear instructions,
workers know exactly what is expected from each of them. This helps improve accountability,
which in turn increases productivity.

5) Healthy Company Environment

Healthy and productive work environments are founded on effective and positive
communication. When leaders, managers and staff members have good and healthy working
relationships, they are more likely to be engaged in the work they do, and this commitment
pushes them to be more productive at work. In turn, when employees trust their leaders and feel
that they are valued and respected in the workplace, they are more likely to do their utmost best
and are more likely to stay with the company for a long time.
6) Encourages Innovation
When employees are encouraged to be open with their ideas and opinions this can create the
perfect environment for innovation to thrive. Being free to provide feedback and to communicate
without the restrictions of confidence, people feel comfortable thinking outside the box and
voicing those ideas and strategies to their co-workers and managers.

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