I shall show in this chapter how astrology can help people in finding out which profession would suit
them best. Likewise we can read from a person's horoscope what profession his would be father-in-
law is following. As you are aware the 10th house is called the house of profession or Karma, which
forms the very foundation, as it were, of the edifice of human life. It should be borne in mind that
man is nothing without action. Action is the be-all and. end-all of human existence. Man takes birth
only to work out his past Karma and to do better Karma in this life in preparation for a better life
hereafter. Accordingly, the Isavasyopanisad declares, "One should wish to live for a hundred years
here only performing actions." It is through action, therefore, that we judge a man. Hence, Karma,
action or profession, forms one of the most fundamental factors of man's mundane life. Accordingly
the 10th house is called the Meridian, highest point. It is also designated as Mana, self-respect,
honour or pride. Among the Kendras too the 10th house is important from another point : The Lagna-
Kendra is known as Brahma-Kendra, place of creation; it is the East; it is the Head of Kalapurusa.
Now the 10th signifies Paurusa or manliness or martial power. It is, therefore, Ksatriya-Kendra. It is
based on Rajoguna which goads man into action. When man renounces all activities, he attains purity
of Satva which makes him eligible for entering the portals of self-realization or the Summum Bonum
of existence. Students of astrology are aware that the general method of reading a person's profession
is through the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 10th house. But this is not a sure and
infallible method. There are many other factors which go into the making of profession. Man follows
some avocation because he likes it and through that he wishes to earn his livelihood. If one gets a
good deal of honour and wealth from his profession, he is said to have a good and comfortable
profession. So generally professional success is measured in terms of lucre. In other words, it
revolves round Artha and Kama, wealth and enjoyment of pleasures. There are also several grades of
professional status. One may be a menial, another a clerk, yet another a minister, and so on. How are
we to judge whether a person's profession is high, moderate or low ? First of all we have to consider
the Ascendant, its lord, aspects and planets posited in it. For, the first Bhava represents the Body with
which we have to perform all our actions. Accordingly says Kalidasa, "Sariramadyam khalu
dharmasadhanam" — The body is the first and foremost means of achieving Dharma. Then the posi-
tion and strength of the Moon also have to be taken into consideration, as the Moon represents the
Cosmic Mind — Can-drama manaso jatah — the Moon was born of the Mind of the Creator, and
consequently is the significator for the human mind. Then we have to note the strength and position
of the Sun who is the Soul of the universe — 'Surya atma jagatas tasthusasca.' The strength and good
positions of the benefics also are essential for ensuring a good and happy life. Benefics should
generally occupy in strength Kendras and malefics the 3rd, 6th and llth receiving benefic aspects. It
is also important that benefics should generally be more powerful than malefics. But the lord of
Bhagya — fortune — whoever he might be, must be strong, well-aspected and well-situated. The
lord of Karma too must be similarly placed in a Kona, which is at least a friendly house. It is better if
there is connection betwe.en the lords of the Lagna, Bhagya and Karma. Similarly the lords of wealth
and gain (2nd and llth) among others must be strong and well placed. The same remark applies to the
lords of happiness and intelligence (4th and 5th). If all these conditions are satisfied, the subject is
sure to occupy a high position of honour, getting plenty of money and homage. He will also
discharge his duties efficiently and honourably. In fact, when you consider a particular Bhava, all the
other Bhavas also come into the picture in some relationship or other, as they are all intrinsically
connected with it. For example, the 6th house becomes the 10th from the house of Fortune. Hence no
Bhava examined in isolation could give an accurate account of itself. It is not these Bhavas and their
lords alone that give us a clue to a man's position, mode of life and activities.' There are certain
positions of planets in the Signs of the zodiac and Yogas which at once tell you whether the subject
is a prince or peasant, wealthy or bankrupt, physician or patient, and so on. For example, it is said
that one would be seated on a throne, if it be the 6th of the Candra-Kriyas. Similarly, when the full
Moon occupying Pisces is aspected by a friendly planet, a preeminent monarch delighting the world
is born. When all the planets occupying the Navamsa of Jupiter are situated in Kendras 9th or 2nd
house, the subject becomes an ascetic from his boyhood. If Jupiter be posited in the 8th house, the
native would be poor and earn his living as a menial. On the other hand, should he be in the 9th, he
could aspire to become a minister. So too Venus occupying the 2nd house makes one a poet and
wealthy. The same planet in the 10th enables one to have a comfortable . Saturn in the Lagna
identical with his own or exaltation house produces one equal to a king, or a mayor. Birth in the
several Lagnas indicates some sort of al leanings. For example, one born in the Vrsabha Lagna
would be engaged in agriculture. One born in Mithuna could read other's thoughts or become a
psychologist, and take interest in dancing and music. Birth in Virgo gives the power of interpreting
Sastras or scriptures. Libra makes one clever in trade; Scorpio a government servant or an employee
in a palace; Capricorn a religious hypocrite. Similarly different constellations produce different
leanings. The existence of excellent Yogas like Mahayogas, Rajayogas, Mahapurusa Yogas,
Mahabhagya, Kesari, Adhiyoga, Vasumat, Puskala, Laksmi, SarasvatI etc. contributes to great
fortune, eminence and certain al bias. All these things drive us to the conclusion that the whole
horoscope should be judged as a single unit and its status ascertained before venturing on a
prediction. Even in the horoscope of a beggar there might be some kind of Rajayoga. In that case
how could he be in that position ? The idea is that he may become the leader of beggars. I am giving
hereunder some Yogas which indicate al aptitudes :— When all the planets occupy Kendras and
Panapharas only, the person will become a king or landlord. It is to be noted here that the benefics
and the Moon should be strong and free from the aspect of or conjunction with malefics. (a) If the
full and strong Moon is situated in her exaltation, own house or friend's house identical with the 9th,
4th, 7th or 10th and is aspected by or conjoined with Jupiter or Venus; (b) if Mars and Saturn are
similarly endowed with strength and benefic aspect etc., and occupy the 2nd and 10th houses, the
person will become illustrious, almost omniscient, a paragon of virtues, munificent and beloved of
the people. If the lord of the Ascendant should occupy the 1st, 2nd or 3rd decanate of the Lagna, the
native would be a judge, governor or village-headman, as the case may be. If on the other hand, the
planet concerned should be aspected by or conjoined with Venus, Jupiter or Mercury, and be situated
in a benefic Varga or in his exaltation, he would become an emperor. The Moon occupying different
signs and aspected by the several planets also shows some kind of al inclination : (i) In Gemini she
being aspected by Mars and Saturn makes one a blacksmith and a weaver respectively. In modern
world the appellation blacksmith would include mechanical engineer, worker in a type foundry, iron
works etc. (ii) In Leo she being aspected by Mercury makes one an astrologer, and by Saturn a
barber. (iii) In Scorpio aspected by Venus, she makes one a soldier. The Navamsa occupied by the
Moon gives some guidance in this direction :— (i) The Moon in a Navamsa of Mars being aspected
by the Sun produces a policeman. (ii) In the Amsa of Venus the Moon being aspected by Mercury
makes one a good poet; by Jupiter, an author of excellent literary works. Conjunctions of planets also
give some clues to al tendencies :— (i) The Sun & Moon in conjunction make one skilled in
machinery and stone-work. (ii) Venus and the Moon conjoined produce an adept in weaving,
tailoring or dyeing of clothes. (iii) Mars & Mercury conjoined make one a druggist or physician. (iv)
Mars & Venus joined together make one a wrestler or gambler. (v) Gulika posited singly or in
conjunction with others in different Bhavas also indicates some avocations. Many a time the planets
occupying or aspecting the Ascendant contribute their qualities for the formation of avocation. Still
the most common and popular method is to read the from the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the
lord of the 10th house counted from the strongest of the three viz. Ascendant, Moon, and Sun. The s
and evocations belonging to the several planets have been already enumerated in Chapter II.
Regarding the 10th house too there are several factors to be taken into consideration : lord of that
Bhava lord of the Sign occupied by the lord of the 10th, planets in the I0th house, planets aspecting
the 10th, lord of the Navamsa forming the cusp of the 10th, and lord of the Navamsa occupied by the
lord of the 10th. All these planets or the strongest of them will contribute his share to formulate the
native's . According to some authorities, if the 10th house is not tenanted by any planet, then the
owner of that house should determine the . In all cases, if the planet concerned be very strong, the
subject would be able to earn wealth without much effort and be quite happy. Otherwise the result
will vary according to the planet's strength. If the sign mentioned above is occupied or aspected by
its own lord, the person will earn his living in his own country. On the other hand, if the planet
owning the Rasi or Amsa is in a movable sign, he will earn money in a foreign country. If the said
lord is retrograde, he will earn money from various sources. But one's measure of wealth entirely
depends on one's fortune—9th house, its lord etc. A single benefic in the 10th from the Moon or
Lagna without contact with or aspect of inimical planets will usher into the world a person enjoying
the company of a large family and ever-lasting fame.
Engineer :—If a benefic is in the sign and decanate belonging to Mercury and if the lord of the 10th
is aspected by Saturn (or if Mercury is in the 2nd and in his own decanate), the subject will be an
Landlordship :— One will own plenty of lands if the lords of the 4th and 10th houses are in mutual
reception, and if Mars is possessed of strength; if the owner of the sign occupied by Mars be
conjoined with the lord of the 4th or is in the 4th house; if Mars is aspected by the lord of the 4th; or
by those of the 9th and 10th houses; if the lord of the 4th house occupies in strength the 10th house
which is a friendly sign; if the lord of the 10th house is aspected by or conjoined with the Moon and
Earning by Self-Effort :—The following planetary combinations lead to this effect : When the Lagna
lord is in the llth aspected by benefics and the lords of the 2nd and llth houses; when the lord of the
ascendant is in the 2nd, 9th or 10th identical with his exaltation or friendly house, aspected by the
lord of the llth; when the lagna-lord is in the 10th, or in a Kendra from the lord of the 9th or 10th, or
in his exaltation, and conjoined with the lord of the llth house.
Cruel Command :— One gives cruel orders if the Sun or Mars be in the 10th and its lord in a Kendra;
if the 10th house is occupied by Rahu and Saturn; if Rahu or Ketu be in the 8th and the lOth-lord in
debilitation; if the lord of the 10th be conjoined with Saturn and aspected by the lord of the 8th and
be posited in a malefic Navamsa. One performs meritorious deeds if benefics occupy the 10th house
counted from the Lagna or the Moon, or its Navamsa. Malefics in the above positions make one
commit evil deeds. So does one, if the lord of the sign occupied by owner of the 10th house or its
Amsa be malefic and conjoined with an Upagraha like Dhuma.
I am giving below the effects of the presence of the several planets in the 10th house counted from
the Moon :— If it be the Sun, the subject becomes a great administrator who succeeds in all his big
undertakings; if it be Mars, he will be adventurous and of a sinful disposition; if it be Mercury,
learned; if Jupiter, equal to a king; if Venus, enjoy comforts; and if Saturn, sorrow-stricken. If in the
above house the Sun be conjoined with Mars, the person will be addicted to wine and other women;
with Mercury, he will be well-versed in astrology and be fond of his wife, wealth, ornaments and
trading with foreign countries; with Jupiter, he will be blessed and honoured by Kings; with Venus,
possessed of royal favour, women and wealth; and with Saturn, wretched and indigent. If in the
above house Mars be conjoined with Mercury, the subject will live by means of his knowledge of
Sastras i.e. be will be a teacher; with Jupiter, he will be the leader of low-class people; with Venus,
he will be doing business in foreign countries; and with Saturn, he will do daring deeds and be
childless. If in the above house Mercury be conjoined with Jupiter, he will be impotent, of servile
speech, famous and in royal favour; with Venus, he will be blessed with learning, wealth and wife;
and with Saturn, he will be a writer (copyist or clerk) of books, and be engaged in perverse activities.
If in the above position Jupiter be conjoined with Venus, he will be the protector of Brahmins,
favourite of kings and very learned; and with Saturn, he will succeed in giving trouble to one and all,
and tenaciously cling to his undertakings. If Venus and Saturn are together in that house, he will
become a pharmacist manufacturing scents etc., and be a physician and merchant.
I. A Very Successful Doctor :— (The figures represent Navamsa. Rasis) Ascendant Cancer 5 with
Mars 8; Venus 5 Leo; Sun 10 and Mercury 6 Virgo; Rahu 8 Libra; R. Sat. 9 Sagittarius; R. Jup. 2
Capricorn; Moon 8 Pisces. The lord of Lagna is in Bhagya whose lord is in the 7th (Kona-lord in
Kendra) and being retrograde becomes strong. Lord of the 8th is in the 6th in strength and
Vargottamamsa thereby producing Viparita JRajayoga. The Sun with Mercury (lord of the sign
tenanted by him) is in the house of power and influence which is aspected in its turn by Fortune-lord,
who aspects the Lagna, and lord of Karma as well as the house of acquisition. Mars, Yogakaraka,
with his own Amsa, though debilitated has attained Nicabhanga Rajayoga. Note also that he as the
lord of 10th is in the Ascendant, which is very significant from the point of . The Lagna-lord is full in
the 9th. Even the cusp of the 10th house is the 1st Navamsa of Aries. Mars, you know, has the
portfolio of a surgeon. Note also that both the 10th house and its lord are in movable houses. Hence
the subject is living in a foreign country. Note also the lords of 9th and 10th are in watery signs.
II. An Officer of Air Force :— Lagna Taurus 1 with Jup. 1; Moon 11 Ketu 9 Gemini; R. Saturn 10
Cancer; Mars 10 Virgo, Sun 5, R. Mercury 8, Sagit.; Venus 5 Capricorn. Benefic lord of gain is in
the Lagna; Yogakaraka Saturn is in the 3rd, a watery sign, (in own Amsa) whose lord is full. Lord of
Lagna is in Fortune with the Amsa of Happiness. The Yogakaraka and Lagna-lord are in mutual
Kendra and aspect. No doubt this chart is not free from blemishes i.e. weaknesses. The of this chart
should be one relating to Saturn and Mars, the former presiding over wind and the latter" over
weapons and machines.
III. A Major in the Army :— Lagna Cancer 11; Sun 8 Leo; R. Venus 11, Rahu 2, Mere. 4 Virgo; Mars
4 Scorpio; R. Saturn 1 Capri.; R. Jup. 2 Aquarius; Moon 11 Taurus. Look at the fine dispositions of
planets in this chart. The Lagna-lord is exalted in the llth. There is Kesari Yoga. Mars, Mercury and
Saturn are in their own houses. The Moon is at the apex of an equilateral triangle. There are many
kinds of Rajayoga and two Mahapurusa Yogas, Rucaka and Sasa. The 10th-lord is Mars and he is the
lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lOth-lord from the Moon. The Bhagya-lord, though posited in
the 8th, aspects the lord of wealth. The lords of 10, 2, 9 and 1 are in mutual Kendras.
IV. An Astrologer of Note :— Lagna Gemini 10 with Saturn 2; Rahu 1 Leo; Jupiter 9 Libra; Mercury
9 Pisces; Sun 4, Mars 4 Aries; Moon 11, Venus 2 Taurus. Mercury has Nica-bhanga. Lord of 10th
aspects llth with two planets, one of whom is exalted and the other though in his own house is corn-
bust, Lagna and Bhagya. Venus in Vargottamamsa in own house is conjoined with the exalted Moon,
lord of wealth, though in 12th. The Ascendant and the lord thereof in Pisces indicate this . So too
does Jupiter, lord of the Navamsa occupied by him. For both Mercury and Jupiter have the portfolio
of Astrology.
VI. Scholar Administrator :— Cancer 6 Ascendant with Ketu 10; R. Jup. 4 Leo; Saturn 6 Scorpio;
Mercury 6 Capri.; Sun 1 Moon 1 Aquar.; Venus 2 Aries; Mars 6 Taurus. Mars and Venus are in
mutual reception. The presence of Ketu in Lagna tends to give the gentleman a philosophica! outlook
on life. Venus in his own Amsa in the 10th conduces to an aesthetic disposition. Lord of Bhagya in
the 2nd aspects the lords of both Lagna and 2nd house. lOth-lord is in the llth. There is Kesari Yoga.
Jupiter, Mars, Sun and Moon and Saturn are in mutual Kendras. Presence of Venus in the 10th
suggests authorship of works of cultural interest. The house of speech is well entrenched by the
presence of the strong Jupiter. Hence his reasoned and seasoned speeches. Though lords of 1st and
2nd are in the 8th, yet they receive the aspect of Jupiter, lord of 9th. The luminaries are in the house
of gain from the house of Command. The complete surrender of the Moon to the Sun suggests the
sublimation and subjugation of the mind by the Atman. It also shows that he is a true servant of the
State. As Mars is in the 11th, we can say that his gain is through a position of command. Both Lagna-
lord and 2nd-lord are in the Amsa of Mars. The lord of 10th, Mars, aspects the house of wealth.
Mercury, lord of the concerned Navamsa, is not generally associated with administrative powers.
Still in the Uttara-kalamrta the word Mahatantra occurs in the list of Mercury's portfolios. That word
means among other things "great administrative status".
VII. A Great Sage :-— Libra 9 Lagna; Mars 5 Scorpio; Moon 2 Capri.; Sun 3 Mere. 11, Rahu 2
Aquar.; Venus4 Pisces; Jup. 7 Aries; Saturn 3 Gemini. Look at this marvellous horoscope of a Great
Seer. Jupiter is in 7th Kendra aspect! ng its lord Mars. The Yogakaraka is in Bhagya; lord of the
Lagna is exalted; there is exchange'of positions between the lords of 5th and 9th; Mars is in his own
house. The great spiritual planet has considerable influence on this chart. The Moon has exaltation
Amsa. Saturn, the planet of renunciation is in the house of Purvapunya. That shows that he was born
for Sannyasa and spiritual ministration of the people. In Bhava Saturn comes to the 10th. There are
many good Yogas such as Kesari. Out of 7 planets 5 are in Kendras and Konas. Lord of Bhagya,
Mercury, has Vargottamamsa. The Moon is in the house of Saturn, which is significant. The house of
intellect is occupied by Aditya, the ideal of Brahmacarins and Brahma-vadins, along with Mercury,
the scholar. The lord of Penance is in the house of Happiness, thereby indicating that he took to
penance as duck to water. Saturn's aspect over Labha shows the maxim, "Adanam hi visargaya" —
Acquisition is only for bounteous gifts.