EXERCISE 1: Remembering Details From Direct Information: TOEFL Short Course

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TOEFL Short Course

EXERCISE 1: Remembering Details From Direct Information

In some short conversations in Part A of the Listening Comprehension Section, you will be
asked to remember details that are directly stated.

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TOEFL Short Course

1. (A) He is tired. 6. (A) Steve's girlfriend.

(B) He is drunk. (B) Steve's sister.
(C) He is thirsty. (C) Steve.
(D) He is busy. (D) Mary Anne.

2. (A) She wants to pay by check. 7. (A) The door is locked.

(B) She prefers to use a credit card. (B) Thee woman doesn't have the right
(C) She has cash. key.
(D) She will need a loan. (C) The door is stuck.
(D) The doorknob is broken.
3. (A) He was too short.
(B) She didn't know him very well. 8. (A) Check the calculators.
(C) The expensive gift made her (B) Use a calculator to do his test.
uncomfortable. (C) Purchase a calculator.
(D) The man never gave her gifts. (D) Borrow a calculator.

4. (A) He thought she was a thief. 9. (A) She thinks the man should pay the
(B) He wanted to secure it for her. bills.
(C) His job was to check everyone's (B) She thinks the man should ask his
belongings. family for help.
(D) He was looking for a standard size. (C) She thinks the man should contact his
roommate's family for money.
5. (A) Study with her. (D) She thinks the man should leave.
(B) Help her on the test.
(C) Take a break. 10. (A) By filling out forms.
(D) Lend her his notebook. (B) By filing his taxes.
(C) By advising him about student
(D) By completing his application.

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TOEFL Short Course

EXERCISE 2: Selecting From Similar Alternatives

In some short conversations in Part A of the Listening Comprehension Section, you will be
asked to select the correct detail from among several similar alternatives, all of which have been
mentioned in different contexts in the conversation.

1. (A) They are brothers. 6. (A) The man will probably bring her a
(B) They are good friends. size 5K
(C) They are cousins. (B) He will probably bring her a size 6.
(D) They are classmates. (C) He will probably bring her a size 7.
(D) He will probably bring her a size
2. (A) That the man live with Frank and 7.5.
(B) That the man ask Geoff to be his 7. (A) That the woman needs new glasses.
roommate. (B) That the woman has high blood
(C) That the man and Steve be pressure.
roommates. (C) That the woman has very serious
(D) That the man share a room with headaches.
Frank. (D) That the woman is suffering from
3. (A) She earned an A.
(B) She received a B. 8. (A) She must begin writing a paper for
(C) Her grade was C. her history class.
(D) She got a D or F. (B) She must start writing up her
laboratory assignments for her
4. (A) To buy the computer at a discount chemistry class.
store. (C) She must begin studying for her
(B) To put an ad in the newspaper for a English examination.
computer. (D) She must begin studying for her
(C) To go to a computer store to buy French examination.
the computer.
(D) To buy the computer at the 9.(A) In New York.
university as part of a special offer. (B) In Boston.
(C) In Michigan.
5. (A) She didn't pay her fees. (D) In Washington.
(B) She didn't register for the class.
(C) She didn't attend the class. 10. (A) First gear.
(D) She didn't have her name on the (B) Second gear.
roster. (C) Reverse
(D) Drive

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EXERCISE 3: Understanding Changes of Opinion

In some short conversations in Part A of the Listening Comprehension Section, you will be
asked to identify the speaker's final choice or decision after a change of opinion.

1. (A) She will get a ride with the man.

(B) She will ride the airport shuttle. 6. (A) One dollar a minute.
(C) She will drive her car. (B) One dollar a page.
(D) She will rent a car. (C) Two dollars and fifty cents a
2.. (A) She would like eggs and potatoes. (D) Two dollars and fifty cents a
(B) She wants eggs and pancakes. page.
(C) She wants to eat potato pancakes.
(D) Pancakes is what she would like to 7. (A) See a documentary.
eat. (B) Change the channel.
(C) Watch television.
3. (A) The man bought one box of cookies. (D) Go to a movie.
(B) The man ordered four boxes of
cookies 8. (A) He wants all twenty-dollar bills.
(C) He purchased five boxes of cookies. (B) He wants all fifty-dollar bills.
(D) He did not order any cookies this (C) He wants all large bills.
year. (D) He wants some twenty and some
fifty dollar bills.
4. (A) The number is 6-9-1.
(B) The area code is 1-9-6. 9. (A) The Country Kitchen
(C) 9-1-6 is the area code. (B) The Country Home.
(D) , 6-1-9 is the correct number. (C) The Old House.
(D) The Old Kitchen.
5. (A) She will pay five cents per
page. 10. (A) He will be home at six o'clock.
(B) The price is ten cents a copy. (B) He will not be home late.
(C) She owes fifteen cents per (C) He will be home a little after seven
copy. o'clock.
(D) Twenty tents per page is the price. (D) He will be home earlier than usual.
EXERCISE 4: Recognizing the Meaning of Idiom

In some short conversations in Part A of the Listening Comprehension Section, you will be
asked to paraphrase idiomatic expressions.

I. (A) She does not think that the man is 6. (A) That the sign has Mickey Mouse on
serious. it.
(B) She thinks that the man is going (B) That they do not believe the sign.
to take her to Florida. (C) That the course is very easy.
(C) She thinks that the man has a (D) That they did not register for the
good idea. course.
(D) She thinks that the man does not
have any money. 7. (A) She does not want the man to
come for her.
2. (A) That she needs one more semester. (B) She thinks that the man is a bother.
(B) That she needs a hundred dollars. (C) She does not want to go to class.
(C) That the increase will be (D) She accepts the man's offer.
difficult for her.
(D) That the paper is not dependable. 8. (A) The man likes ice cream.
(B) The man will tell the woman
3. (A) He has left the lecture. later whether he wants ice
(B) He has used his last piece cream.
of paper. (C) The man does not want to say
(C) He has said goodbye to the whether he likes ice cream.
woman. (D) The man will get some ice
(D) He has finished giving the cream for the woman.
9. (A) That she is glad Joan is moving.
4. (A) He feels that the test was fair. (B) That she does not believe that
(B) He agrees with the woman about Joan will move.
the test. (C) That she saw Joan move.
(C) He does not want the woman to (D) That she believes Joan is moving
tease him about the test. because she saw her.
(D) He is not worried about the test.
10. (A) He is angry with the woman.
5. (A) That the man does not pay (B) He wants to talk with the
attention. woman.
(B) That the man is very honest. (C) It was a bad day for the man.
(C) That the man has gone away. (D) He does not know what
(D) That the man needs to repeat. day it is.
EXERCISE 5: Solving Computations in Conversations

In some short conversations in Part A of the Listening Comprehension Section, you will be
asked to perform simple mathematical computations like adding, subtracting, multiplying, or
dividing. In other conversations, you will only need to listen for the answer

1. (A) The man's mileage is half that of the

woman. 6. (A) He did not have time to talk to the
(B) The woman's mileage is the same as woman.
that of the man. (B) He was not wearing his watch.
(C) The woman's mileage is twice that (C) It is exactly 1:15.
of the man. (D) It is a little before 1:15.
(D) The man's mileage is twice that of
the woman. 7. (A) He may write a check for ten
2. (A) At 10:00. (B) He may not pay by check.
(B) At 9:00. (C) He may write a check for the
(C) At 9:15. amount of purchase.
(D) At 9:30. (D) He may write a check for twenty-
five dollars.
3. (A) The man will pay ten dollars.
(B) The man will pay twenty dollars. 8. (A) $5.45.
(C) The man will pay thirty dollars. (B) $1.00.
(D) The man will pay forty dollars. (C) $ .95.
(D) $2.05.
4. (A) Twenty dollars.
(B) Twenty-five dollars. 9. (A) They cost $13.
(C) Forty dollars. (B) They cost $3.15.
(D) Fifty dollars. (C) They cost $19.
(D) They cost $8.
5. (A) He will pay $65.
(B) He will pay $10.00. 10. (A) At nine o'clock.
(C) He will pay $9.55. (B) At eleven o'clock.
(D) He will not pay for the call. (C) At twelve o'clock.
(D) At four o'clock.
EXERCISE 6: Drawing Conclusions About the Place

In some short conversations in Part A of the Listening Comprehension Section, you will be
asked to draw conclusions about where the conversation is taking place. Words and phrases in
the conversation will provide information for your conclusions.

I . (A) In a bakery.
(B) In a restaurant. 6. (A) In a bakery.
(C) In a bank. (B) In a taxi.
(D) On a farm. (C) In France.
(D) In a post office.
2. (A) In a dentist's office.
(B) In a drugstore. 7. (A) At a church.
(C) In a dress shop. (B) At a library.
(D) In a restaurant. (C) In England.
(D) At a theater.
3. (A) At a wedding.
(B) On a honeymoon. 8. (A) In a doctor's office.
(C) In Florida. (B) In a professor's office.
(D) At an airport. . (C) In a lawyer's office.
(D) In a businessman's office.
4. (A) In a laundry.
(B) In an elevator. 9. (A) At a bookstore.
(C) In a library. (B) At a bank.
(D) In a bakery. (C) At a club.
(D) At a grocery store.
5. (A) At a hospital.
(B) At a political convention. 10. (A) On an Indian reservation.
(C) At a graduation. (B) At a party.
(D) At a funeral. (C) At a restaurant.
(D) On the telephone.
EXERCISE 7: Drawing Conclusions About Feelings and Emotions

In some short conversations in Part A of the Listening Comprehension Section, you will be
asked to draw conclusions about the feelings or emotions expressed by the speakers. Words
and phrases as well as the tone of voice of speakers in the conversation will provide
information for your conclusions.

1. (A) He is worried.
(B) He is happy. 6. (A) He is surprised.
(C) He feels confident. (B) He is confused.
(D) He feels tired. (C) He does not agree.
(D) He does not want to know.
2. (A) He thought it was a very
unrealistic movie. 7. (A) He does not care.
(B) He was impressed with the movie. (B) He does not like the lab assistant.
(C) He agreed with the woman about (C) He does not like the grading
the movie. system.
(D) He liked the movie because it was (D) He does not agree with the woman.
a fairy tale.
8. (A) He feels protective of Terry.
3. (A) She does not know (B) The man is supportive.
whether she did well., (C) He has his doubts about Terry.
(B) She thinks that she improved (D) He feels hostile toward Terry.
her score.
(C) She believes that she scored 9. (A) He wants to go, but he won't.
about 490. (B) He does not want to go, but he will.
(D) She is concerned about the (C) He wants to go, and he will.
reading comprehension (D) He does not want to go, and he
section. won't.

4. (A) She believes that he is having a 10. (A) He thinks Janine would be
bad day. difficult to live with.
(B) She does not like the man. (B) He thinks Janine and the woman
(C) She thinks that he never pays will like living together.
attention. (C) He thinks it would be better to
(D) She likes to help the man every live with Janine than with Carol.
day. (D) He thinks that Janine and Carol
should live together.
5. (A) He forgot who he was.
(B) He thinks that Rick and Lucy will
forget to come.
(C) He likes Rick, but not Lucy.
(D) He does not want to invite them.
EXERCISE 8: Making Predictions About the Future

In some short conversations in Part A of the Listening Comprehension Section, you will be
asked to make predictions about the future activities of the speakers. Your prediction should
be based on evidence in the conversation from which you can draw a logical conclusion.

1. (A) He will probably leave. 6. (A) Get directions.

(B) He will probably order the size (B) Make a call.
orange juice they have. (C) Make a reservation.
(C) He will probably not have any (D) Talk to the woman.
orange juice.
(D) He will probably have orange 7. (A) Walk to the mall
juice instead of hot tea. ' (B) Get on the bus.
(C) Cross the street to wait for the
2. (A) Go to the kitchen to study. bus.
(B) Go to her chemistry class. (D) Take a taxi to the mall.
(C) Go to the library to look for her
book. 8. (A) Leave at once
(D) Go to the table to eat. (B) Call the highway patrol.
(C) Go home with the man.
3. (A) Call London about the charges. (D) Drive carefully.
(B) Accept the charges for the call.
(C) Refuse the call from London. 9. (A) Take the delivery to the
(D) Charge the call to someone in university.
London. (B) Refuse to make the delivery to
the woman.
4. (A) Ask the woman to make a copy for (C) Make the delivery to the woman
him. if she is close to the university.
(B) Go across the street to make a copy. (D) Deliver to a main location three
(C) Ask the woman for directions to the miles from the university
building. where the woman can pick it
(D) Take his copies to the other up.
10. (A) Wait twenty minutes to be seated.
5. (A) Join the club. (B) Wait five minutes to be seated.
(B) Pay five dollars for a video. (C) Go right in to be seated.
(C) Rent ten videos. (D) Smoke while he waits to be
(D) Go to the video store. seated.
EXERCISE 9: Drawing Conclusions From Implied Information

In some short conversations in Part A of the Listening Comprehension Section, you will be
asked to draw general conclusions about the speakers or the situation. Words and phrases and
the tone of voice of speakers in the conversation will provide information for your

1. (A) That he will not use the book.

(B) That he will use the book in the
library for two hours.
(C) That he will check the book out
before closing.
(D) That he will reserve the book.

2. (A) That the woman cannot get a soda.

(B) That he will go downstairs to get
the woman a soda.
(C) That the woman should go
downstairs to get a soda.
(D) That he does not know where to
get a soda.

3. (A) She thought she had applied to the

right school.
(B) She attends an American
university now.
(C) She does not have to take the
(D) She graduated from an American
high school.
4. (A) That the woman was in line for
a long time.
(B) That the man was in line longer
than the woman.
(C) That the man registered quickly.
(D) That the woman did not register.

5. (A) He prefers staying at home

because he doesn’t like to
(B) He prefers taking a plane because
the bus is too slow.
(C) He prefers taking a bus because
the plane makes him nervous.
(D) He prefers traveling with the
6. (A) She will probably pay twenty-six (B) Political systems.
dollars for the gloves. (C) Employment.
(B) She will probably buy the (D) Money.
leather gloves.
(C) She will probably buy both pairs 9. (A) That she will go away.
of gloves. (B) That she will be sorry.
(D) She will probably buy the vinyl (C) That she will not quit her job.
gloves. (D) That she will not buy him a
7. (A) That Sally is serious about Bob.
(B) That Bob is serious about Sally. 10. (A) That she does not like plays.
(C) That Sally is not serious about (B) That she went to see the play
Bob. with the man and woman.
(D) That Bob is not serious about (C) That she had not planned to
Sally. attend the play.
(D) That she was not at the play.
8. (A) Weights and measurements.


Part A-Short Conversation

EXERCISE 10: Part 1

In each problem in Part A of the Listening Comprehension Section, you will be asked to
respond to a question about a short conversation. These cumulative exercises include a variety
of short conversations.
1. (A) She wants to be a mathematician. to that of the psychology
(B) She wants to be an engineer. department.
(C) She wants to teach in a college.
(D) She wants to go into business. 5. (A) One o'clock this afternoon.
(B) One-forty-five this afternoon.
2. (A) Twelve hundred dollars. (C) In twenty minutes.
(B) Eleven hundred dollars. (D) In thirty minutes.
(C) Fifteen hundred dollars.
(D) Sixteen hundred dollars.

3. (A) Seven o'clock.

(B) Seven-fifteen.
(C) Seven-thirty.
(D) Seven-fifty.

4. (A) Because he wanted to

make an appointment
with someone in the
(B) Because the psychology
department and the
chemistry department have
the same number.
(C) Because he did not know the
number of the psychology
(D) Because the number he was
trying to call was similar
6. (A) A few minutes before two
(B) Exactly closing time.
(C) A few minutes after two o'clock.
(D) Two minutes after closing time.

7. (A) At a grocery store.

(B) At a restaurant.
(C) At a fast-food drive-through.
(D) At a cafeteria.

8. (A) That the man does not know

the woman.
(B) That the woman wants to
meet the man.
(C) That the woman is late.
(D) That the woman is not a

9. (A) Leave a message on her

answering machine after nine
(B) Call her at home before
nine o'clock.
(C) Call Jack back at nine
(D) Call 674-9521 before
nine o'clock.

10. (A) That they go to the cafeteria to

(B) That the man go home to
get his lunch.
(C) That they go to her house
for lunch.
(D) That they skip lunch.
EXERCISE 11: Part 2

1. (A) At the bookstore.

(B) At a Christmas store. 6. (A) On Circle Drive
(C) At a pizza place. .(B) Just inside the entrance to the
(D) At a dormitory. university.
(C) At the first stop light.
2. (A) August 25. (D) One block away.
(B) August 20.
(C) August 15. 7. (A) She wants to find the college.
(D) August 5. (B) She wants to locate a bank close
to campus.
3. (A) Hawaii. (C) She wants to apply for a grant at
(B) Los Angeles. the college.
(C) St. Louis. (D) She wants to get to First Street.
(D) Atlanta.
8. (A) He does not drink.
4. (A) That she is a dean. (B) He is not pleased.
(B) That she works in the dean's (C) He does not want to cause more
office. work for the woman.
(C) That she is a good student. (D) He does not want the woman to
(D) That she was not in school last bother him.
9. (A) She likes him better than she likes
5. (A) At a photographer's studio. Randy.
(B) In a classroom. (B) She does not know him.
(C) At an optometrist's office. (C) She is not interested in him.
(D) At the Bureau of Motor (D) She does not know where he is.
10. (A) That the man was not going with
(B) That the man had changed his
(C) That the trip had been canceled.
(D) That the man was going to meet
them after they returned.
EXERCISE 12: Understanding and Interpreting Conversations Between

In some extended conversations in Part B of the Listening Comprehension Section, you will
be asked to recall information exchanged in conversations on different topics among friends in
a variety of settings.

Conversation One Conversation Two

1. (A) The man's graduation. 1. (A) The use of photographs in painting.

(B) The couple's engagement. (B) The tv program about Norman
(C) The man's smoking. Rockwell.
(D) The man's stress. (C) The Saturday Evening Post
2. (A) That the man rethink their plans. (D) Exhibits of art on magazine
(B) That the man see a family doctor. covers.
(C) That the man see a psychiatrist.
(D) That the man concentrate on his 2. (A) He imagined them.
studies. (B) He used magazine covers.
(C) He hired models.
3. (A) Patient. (D) He read stories.
(B) Surprised.
(C) Worried. 3. (A) He was a prolific painter.
(D) Irritated. (B) He was an eccentric person.
(C) He was an avid reader.
4. (A) That she has stopped smoking. (D) He was a good teacher.
(B) That she does not want to get
married. 4. (A) They will probably go to the
(C) That she has asked the man to exhibit.
quit smoking many times. (B) They will probably see the
(D) That she is not in love with the special on television.
man. (C) They will probably turn off
the TV.
(D) They will probably go to
Conversation Three
Conversation Four
1. (A) The man is learning how to use a
computer. 1. (A) Bill got hungry.
(B) The woman is showing the man (B) John noticed the time.
how to put page numbers on a (C) John had an exam.
document. (D) John decided to go home.
(C) The man is printing a document.
(D) The man is using his computer to 2. (A) Because he has a test that night.
do mathematical functions. (B) Because he plans to go home for
the weekend.
2. (A) He needs to press F-7 to return to (C) Because he has not studied at all
the document before he prints it. during the semester.
(B) He has to print the document to see (D) Because he is helping his friend.
the page numbers.
(C) 'The printer is not working correctly. 3. (A) At six o'clock.
(D) The numbers are on the screen but (B) At six-thirty.
they don't print out. (C) Over the weekend.
(D) On Monday.
3. (A) She wants the man to listen to the
instructions and observe. 4. (A) Bill wants John to study with him.
(B) She wants the man to watch (B) Bill wants John to go home with
while she performs the him for the weekend.
operations. (C) Bill wants John to let him know if
(C) She wants the man to ask questions he orders a pizza.
so that she can help him. (D) Bill wants John to find out what is
(D) She wants the man to try to do it being served in the cafeteria.
while she gives him instructions.

4. (A) She is the man's girlfriend.

(B) She works in a computer lab.
(C) She does not want to help the man.
(D) She does not know what to do.

EXERCISE 13: Understanding and Interpreting Conversations .
With Service Personnel

In some extended conversations in Part B of the Listening Comprehension Section, you will
be asked to recall information exchanged in conversations with service personnel from stores,
restaurants, airports, and other settings where services are performed.

Conversation One Conversation Two

1. (A) The man wants to obtain an 1. (A) The man wants to place a
international driver's classified ad in the newspaper.
license that he can use (B) The woman wants to find an
both in the U.S. and in apartment.
his country. (C) The man wants to pay for a
(B) The man wants to take a newspaper subscription.
driver's test to get an (D) The woman wants to fill out an
Arizona driver's license. application for employment.
(C) The man wants to know
whether he can use his 2. (A) Furniture.
international driver's (B) Books.
license in Arizona. (C) Garden supplies.
(D) The man wants to fill out an (D) An apartment.
application for an Arizona
driver's license. 3. (A) He will pay by check.
(B) He will have the amount billed to
2. (A) Show his student ID and pay ten his home address.
dollars. (C) He will give the woman cash.
(B) Use his international driver's (D) He will come back to pay when
license. he is billed.
(C) Take a driver's test and apply for
a limited license. 4. (A) To make it clearer to understand.
(D) Show proof of temporary (B) To make it longer to read.
residence. (C) To make it cheaper to print.
(D) To make it easier to use.
3. (A) Less than one year.
(B) Four years
(C) Five years
(D) Ten years

4. (A) Fill out an application.

(B) Go back to the university
to get his ID.
(C) Go to see his friend.
(D) Take a written exam and an eye
Conversation Three (D) A bank teller.
Conversation Four
1. (A) To help the woman make a
purchase. 1. (A) In Pittsburgh.
(B) To request the woman's (B) At two o'clock.
identification. (C) At the bus station.
(C) To show the woman how to make (D) Because the woman needed a
out a check. ticket.
(D) To register the woman for a course
at City College. 2. (A) At 2:15 P.M.
(B) At 11:00 A.M.
2. (A) Money. (C) At 2:00 P.M.
(B) Money or credit cards. (D) At 1:45 P.m.
(C) Credit cards or checks.
(D) Checks or money. 3. (A) One.
(B) Two.
3. (A) She used her student ID card and a (C) Three.
charge card. (D) Four.
(B) She used her credit card.
(C) She used her driver's license and her
student ID card. 4. (A) That she has taken this trip
(D) She used her telephone number and before.
her student ID card. (B) That she does not like to travel.
(C) That she is traveling with a
4. (A) A clerk. friend.
(B) The woman's husband. (D) That she will take the bus
(C) A police officer. again this month.
EXERCISE 14: Understanding and Interpreting Conversations
With University Personnel

In some extended conversations in Part B of the Listening Comprehension Section, you will
be asked to recall information exchanged in conversations with personnel in offices on a
university campus.

Conversation One. Conversation Two

1. (A) A sick friend. 1. (A) A notice on the bulletin board.

(B) A math class. (B) A book for a class the man is taking.
(C) School policy. (C) A chemistry class that is being
(D) The man's test. taught.
(D) The library reserve desk.
2. (A) Because it is against the law.
(B) Because the man is not a member of 2. (A) He is starting the course late.
Terry's family. (B) The subject is difficult for him.
(C) Because the woman cannot find the (C) The professor is very reserved.
test. (D) The book is difficult to read.
(D) Because Terry was too sick to take
the test 3. (A) Check out a chemistry book.
(B) Make copies of all the pages in
3. (A) Young. the book.
(B) Purcell. (C) Put a notice on the bulletin
(C) Raleigh. board.
(D) Kelly. (D) Look for a copy of the book on the
reserve shelf.
4. (A) Call his friend.
(B) Go to the office to get his test. 4. (A) In the library.
(C) Send the woman a letter. (B) In a bookstore.
(D) Take the test later. (C) In a clothing store.
(D) In a dormitory.
Conversation Three Conversation Four

l. (A) The man wants to get 1. (A) The work-study program.

authorization for a room (B) Financial aid for international
change. students.
(B) The man is worried about his (C) The Williams Memorial
friendship with his Scholarship.
roommate. (D) Part-time employment for
(C) The man needs a scholarship to foreigners on a student visa.
continue living in the
dormitory. 2. (A) The man.
(D) The man wants the head resident (B) The man's friend.
to talk to David for him. (C) The woman.
(D) The woman's friend. ;,
2. (A) That David is not a serious
student. 3. (A) Because there is very little
(B) That David doesn't need to worry competition.
because he has a scholarship. (B) Because the student's grades
(C) That David won't speak with him. are very high.
(D) That David wants to move back (C) Because the scholarship is open
to his home town. to students from every country.
(D) Because the student is from
3. (A) His roommate is noisy. Chicago.
(B) He isn't speaking to his roommate.
(C) He does not like his roommate. 4. (A) Librarian.
(D) He doesn't know his roommate (B) Financial aid officer.
very well. (C) Engineer.
(D) Secretary.
4. (A) Return on Monday.
(B) Go home for a week.
(C) Try to talk to David.
(D) Speak with the head resident.
EXERCISE 15: Understanding and Interpreting Conversations
With University Professors

In some extended conversations in Part B of the Listening Comprehension Section, you will
be asked to recall information exchanged in conversations with university professors in their
offices or classrooms.

Conversation One Conversation Two

I. (A) The man's last appointment. 1. (A) To take her final exam.
(B) Professor Invin's office hours. (B) To apologize to the professor.
(C) Student advisement during (C) To change the date of her exam.
registration. (D) To schedule her flight.
(D) The man's health problems.
2. (A) She is taking too many classes.
2. (A) Tuesday at two o'clock. (B) She lives too far from her
(B) Thursday at two o'clock. family.
(C) This afternoon at three o'clock. (C) She made an error when she
(D) Now. scheduled her trip.
(D) She did not do well on her final
3. (A) He should have made an exam.
(B) He should have called to cancel his 3. (A) To allow the woman to repeat the
appointment. exam.
(C) He should have come for his (B) To reschedule the woman's exam
appointment. for another day.
(D) He should have stayed at home (C) To let the woman skip the final
until he was well. exam.
(D) To give the woman a grade of
4. (A) Uninterested. incomplete.
(B) Apologetic.
(C) Sick. 4. (A) In March.
(D) Annoyed. (B) In May.
(C) In November.
(D) In December.
Conversation Conversation four

1. (A) The woman's performance in her 1. (A) To register the student for classes.
classes. (B) To register the student for
(B) The woman's nomination for an placement tests.
award. (C) To help the student change his
(C) The professor's offer to help major field of study.
prepare the woman for an (D) To advise the student about the
interview. orientation to engineering program.
(D) The results of the professor's
meeting with the woman's other 2. (A) Two.
teachers. (B) Five.
(C) Three.
2. (A) He did not see her. (D) Seventeen.
(B) He was busy answering his students'
questions. 3. (A) A driver's license.
(C) He was receiving an award. (B) A permission slip.
(D) He was collecting signatures from (C) A registration card.
three other faculty members. (D) Nothing.

3. (A) A certificate signed by three 4. (A) That he is majoring in mathematics.

professors. (B) That he has never taken a chemistry
(B) A cash award and a certificate. course.
(C) A medal worth five hundred (C) That he is a freshman.
dollars. (D) That he does not like his advisor.
(D) An opportunity to interview
for an excellent position.

4. (A) Worried.
(B) Surprised.
(C) Flattered.
(D) Confident.
EXERCISE 18: Understanding Announcements and Advertisements

In some mini talks in Part C of the Listening Comprehension Section, you will be asked to
understand announcements of services or events and advertisements of products or opinions.
Be sure to listen for the topic, date, time, and sponsor of the announcement or advertisement.
It will help you to practice listening to announcements and advertisements in English on radio
and tv.

Mini Talk One Mini Talk Two

1. (A) To encourage correspondence by I . (A) To inform the public about a

mail. new air service.
(B) To persuade people to use (B) To advertise for Charlotte's
Southern Telephone Company. finest restaurants.
(C) To help callers save money. (C) To recommend large airplanes.
(D) To inform the public about direct (D) To encourage the use of travel
dialing. agents.

2. (A) After five o'clock in the morning. 2. (A) Appalachian Airlines is very
(B) After eleven o'clock in the large.
morning. (B) Appalachian Airlines is
(C) After five o'clock in the evening. comfortable.
(D) After eleven o'clock at night. (C) Appalachian Airlines is
3. (A) $2.17. (D) Appalachian Airlines is new.
(B) $2.70.
(C) $2.07. 3. (A) Only in the morning.
(D) $2.77. (B) Only in the afternoon.
(C) Only on Thursday.
4. (A) Dial the operator. (D) Every morning and afternoon.
(B) Check the phone book for the
overseas operator's number so 4. (A) 800-565-7000.
that he can help you. (B) 800-575-7000.
(C) Check the phone book for (C) 800-565-6000.
overseas area codes so that you (D) 800-575-6000.
can dial direct.
(D) Call the Southern Telephone 5. (A) Travel agents in Atlanta.
Company. (B) Residents of the Charlotte area.
(C) Employees of Appalachian
5. (A) Daytime calls do not require Airlines.
an operator. (D) Travelers to Florida.
(B) Daytime calls have the most
expensive rates.
(C) It is not very common to make
calls during the day.
(D) Daytime calls are limited to ten
Mini Talk Three Mini Talk Four

1. (A) If you drink, don't drive. 1. (A) To advertise a football game.

(B) If you drink, drive carefully. (B) To sell tickets for a concert.
(C) If you drink, don't invite your (C) To provide a weather report.
friends to ride with you. (D) To inform listeners about
(D) If you drink, drive slowly. activities at the University.

2. (A) One thousand. 2. (A) By calling Walter Murphy.

(B) Fifty percent of all fatal (B) By going to the box office at
accidents. the Student Union.
(C) Approximately five hundred. (C) By mailing ten dollars to the
(D) Two thousand. Student Union.
(D) By going to the ticket office at
3. (A) Three days in jail and a thirty- the sports arena.
dollar fine.
(B) Six days in jail and a thirty- 3. (A) For early paintings.
dollar fine. (B) For rocks and minerals.
(C) Thirty days in jail and a thirty- (C) For exhibits of American Indian
day suspension of one's art.
driver's license. (D) For collections of pottery.
D) Three days in jail and a thirty-
day suspension of one's 4. (A) Poor-fair.
driver's license. (B) Fair-good.
(C) Good-very good.
4. (A) Three days. (D) Very good--excellent.
(B) Thirty days.
(C) Sixty days. 5. (A) A student at the University of
(D) Six months. Colorado.
(B) A radio announcer at WKID.
5. (A) At a friend's party. (C) A meteorologist with the
(B) In a courtroom. Colorado weather service.
(C) On a television station. (D) A clerk at the ticket office at the
(D) In a classroom. Student Union.

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