Mid-Term Test I: Semester Ii 2018 2019
Mid-Term Test I: Semester Ii 2018 2019
Mid-Term Test I: Semester Ii 2018 2019
SEMESTER II ~ 2018|2019
You are strictly obliged to adhere to all the examination regulations.
This paper consists of FIVE questions.
Answer ALL the questions with a total of 100 marks.
Maximum allowed time is 90 minutes.
Mobile phones and any other data storage devices are NOT allowed.
All answers are to be written in the answer sheets provided.
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Question One
Describe the standard sheet sizes of A4 to A0 as international (20 Marks)
standard drawing paper sizes.
Question Two
Write short description of each of the following engineering drawing’s (20 Marks)
terms: -
Question Three
Describe the concept, need, content and format of title block content. (20 Marks)
Question Four
Explain the idea of lettering and the use of lettering guide in (20 Marks)
controlling lettering.
Question Five
A solid take-away Coca-Colla bottle of 10 cm diameter and 30 cm (20 Marks)
height standing on its base has been sectioned vertically and
horizontally at the centre. With the upper and from parts removed.
Draw both the front view and the plan/aerial view assuming that the
bottle is filled with Zinc.
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