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Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur

B Tech / B Arch Programs

S No. Title of Program Duration Intake for

year 2009-10
1 Architecture 5 years 56
2 Civil Engineering 4 years 81
3 Chemical Engineering -,,- 81
4 Computer Science Engineering -,,- 81
5 Electronics & Communication Engineering -,,- 81
6 Electrical & Electronics Engineering -,,- 81
7 Mechanical Engineering -,,- 81
8 Metallurgical & Materials Engineering -,,- 81
9 Mining Engineering -,,- 29
Total 652

All the above programs are run on semester basis. All B Tech programs are of 4 years i.e. 8 semesters
duration and Architecture program of 5 years i.e. 10 semesters duration and can be completed in maximum of
6 years and 7 years respectively. Odd semester runs between July to Nov and Even semester between Dec to
April. In addition to regular semesters, during the winter and summer vacation period, winter and summer
terms offer limited courses to help students lagging behind. Evaluation is credit based grade point system on
a ten point scale. Students are awarded grades and not marks for their performance in courses registered.
Division / percentage of marks are not awarded in grading system. Institute observes practice of continuous
evaluation for all courses. Only lecture (L) type of courses have end semester examination in addition to
continuous evaluation. Evaluation of lecture type of courses is based on the performance in continuous
evaluation and end semester examination taken together. In case of failure, re-examination within two weeks
is permitted for end semester component only. There is no re-examination for other type of courses. Students
who fails i.e. awarded FF grade are required to repeat the course.

Admission Procedure for B Tech / B Arch programs

Admission to Indian nationals (on the sanctioned intake given above) are done through AIEEE qualified
candidates under Home State and All India quota through centralized admission process by Central
Counseling Board (CCB) constituted by Govt. of India, Ministry of HRD. Reservation of Seats is as per Govt.
of India rules.

Admission to Foreign Nationals / Children’s (studied abroad) of Indians working abroad are processed
through Educational Consultant’s of India limited (EDCIL), A Govt of India Enterprise, Noida 201 301 under
the DASA scheme. For details please contact their website www.edcil.co.in.

Admission to Foreign Nationals under 1) ICCR scholarship are processed through Govt. of India, Indian
Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR), New Delhi. For details please contact their website www.iccrindia.org.
2) Self Financing scheme of Govt. of India are processed through Govt. of India, Ministry of External Affairs
(MEA), Akbar Bhavan, New Delhi.

Fee Structure (B Tech Program) :

S No. Description of heads 1 2
(Annum basis)
1st Year 2nd Year and
1 Tuition Fees 10000 10000
2 Registration Fees 250 250
3 Library Deposit 500 --
4 Library Fees 500 500
5 Gym. Annual Day & Magazine 400 400
6 Physical Education & Medical 50 50
7 Identity Card 50 50
8 Internet & Computer Maint. 500 500
9 Training & Placement Fees 250 250
10 Student Aid Fund 25 25
11 Inter Univ. Cultural Activity 10 10
12 Industry Institute Interaction 200 200
13 Development Fees 3000 3000
14 End Semester Examination 800 800
15 Convocation Fees (for final - -
year students)
16 Grand Total Rs. 16535 16035
Fees to be paid Odd Term - 10635
Fees to be paid Even Term - 5400

B. Arch. Program students are required to pay Rs 50/- in addition to above fees towards the membership of
National Association of Students of Architecture (NASA) Students of final year of the program are required
to pay Rs 300/- additionally towards the convocation fees.

• Above amount is to be paid in single installment and payment of fees within due dates / period is
essential. Course registration during Odd / Even term will be valid only on payment of fees.
• Above amount should be deposited either in cash or by crossed demand draft payable to the Director,
VNIT, Nagpur of State Bank of India, VRCE Branch, Nagpur or on any Scheduled Bank at Nagpur.
• Student who belongs to SC/ST Category and admitted under Home i.e Maharastra State quota and
having caste and validity certificate issued from the authority of Maharastra state will be eligible to
receive of GOI Scholarship/Free ship. Students fulfilling the criteria of GOI post–matric scholarship
will be exempted from payment of fees. Exemption in fees shall be extended only if required
information in prescribed form is submitted to scholarship desk every session. Please note on
admission to the institute, students falling under above category will be required to submit
applications in prescribed form along with desired documents/certificates about their claim. Failing to
submit the information in prescribed form, student will be required to deposit the requisite fees of the
• Student who belongs to SC/ST Category admitted under All India quota and having caste certificate
issued from respective state authority are required to apply to the social welfare office / authority of
their district/state in prescribed form through institute. Such candidates will be required to bring the
form from their state govt. social welfare offices located in their district. Such candidates are given
refund of their fees deposited after receiving of the same from concerned agency.
• In addition to above fees every student is required to pay charges towards insurance premium.
Insurance is compulsory for all the students. Students are insured with United India Insurance Co.
under their UNI-STUDY CARE POLICY. Every student is required to register under the insurance
scheme. This insurance premium is valid for a full duration of program i.e. 4 years for B Tech and 5
years for B Arch. Approximate premium for policy shall be Rs 3000/- to 3500/- and will have to be
paid after joining the classes.
Features of Policy –
1. Capital Sum Insured – Personal Accident of Parent / Guardian : Rs. 100000/-
2. Capital Sum Insured – Personal Accident of Student : Rs. 100000/-
3. Sum Insured for Hospitalization Benefits : Rs 50000/- per Annum
4. Personal baggage Rs 2500/- per Annum
In case of death of earning parent, the entire educational expenses will be borne by Insurance Co. for
the remaining period of study.
• Student will be bound by institute rules in force and amendments if any in the future in regard to
academic rules and fees.
• Vehicles are not permitted on campus
• Maintaining the discipline and code of conduct is essential on campus. Failure in compliance will
result in disciplinary action against the student. Institute decision shall be final and binding upon the
• Candidates admitted through DASA/MEA/ICCR scheme of Govt. of India will be required to pay
tuition fees equivalent of USD i.e. USD 2000 for candidates from SAARC countries and USD 4000
for candidates from Non-SAARC countries. All other fees will remain same.

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