Ludhiana Case Study
Ludhiana Case Study
Ludhiana Case Study
The present study was undertaken with the objectives to identify the types and extent of job constraints faced by
women employees in the banking sector and to associate the components of job constraints with socio-economic
profile of female employees. The women job-seekers find jobs in banks more attractive and more suitable to their
nature. Banks not only hire them massively but also welcome their entry because women have certain innate traits
which fit in with the job requirements. Indian women is distinct from their western counter parts in that they do not
shed their conventional roles as mothers and house wives in spite of their professional responsibilities. They are
skilled at blending professional excellence and traditional love for home harmoniously. The job constraints were
categorized into four categories i.e., Gender specific constraints, Performance and role related constraints, Timings
and technological constraints and Emotional constraints. Overall, the banks were found to be providing adequate
facilities to the female employees.
Keywords: job constraints, working women, gender specific constraints, performance and role related constraints
The constitution of India provides equal status to men and women. problems and challenges for them which still need to be taken up
Women have become active participants in all walks of life. Women seriously.
not only have become an important unit of the society but have also
become the driving force towards making social change. They no
Review of literature
more believe in superstition, ort0hodoxy and conservatism. Such A brief review of literature is of immense importance with respect to
changes in the attitudes of women are attributed to the rising costs of any research. Following are the excerpts of relevant literature, taken
living, reduction in size of families, breaking up of joint family from various articles in different journals, books, newspapers,
system, increase in the age of marriage, gainful use of spare time, websites and magazines so as to give a positive direction to this
career consciousness and various job opportunities for women in study.
different fields, etc. Ali (2011) studied the challenges faced by women employees in
Most of the efforts to raise the status of women have centred on career development. The study found that women employees got
education. Many efforts have been done to do the same. But still, a less promotion opportunities and training among women employees
large part of the female population remains uneducated. Women in was minimal. Most women employees were not satisfied with career
the urban areas have a high literacy rate than the females in the rural development programmes also women were discriminated against
areas. This still remains an area of concern for the society. Women in career development opportunities. The study recommended that
not only want to get educated instead they want to enjoy an equal organizations should try hard to ensure that career development
status in the society. They are becoming more career conscious and programmes were set to improve career development amongst
professional in their approach. Women's participation in the work women employees. Top management should also be committed to
field has been quite low in the Indian society. This low participation the career development of women and organizations should also
is due to the old traditions of the society. Women are, till today, not introduce confirmatory action to address career development of
considered as the bread-winners instead they are treated as mere women. Ferguson and Cheek (2011) found the situational
helpers of the men folk. They are expected to be good wives, loving constraints perceived among the work setting accounted for over
mothers and obedient home-makers. Higher education and twenty Seven Hills of Rome (27 percent) of job satisfaction
technological developments have changed the social perceptions to variations, once dominant for demographic factors that may
some extent. Due to this change, more and more women are entering influence job satisfaction. Results purpose to direction as a result of
into the work-field than before. The Indian society has started the exclusively significantly potent situational constraint on job
accepting the women workers up to some extent. Women have satisfaction, providing the most effective potential for rising
started choosing the modern areas of work instead of the traditional employee job satisfaction. Thus, these findings counsel that
occupations. Certainly, without the active participation of women management interested in getting the foremost “bang for his or her
the social, economic and political growth of a nation could not have buck” relative to dominant or influencing discourse structure things
been possible. But ironically, women employees are facing a lot that may fully influence job satisfaction maybe got to specialize in
many problems at workplace these days. Career poses many exclusively one dimension direction. Kumar and Sundar (2012)
concluded that India may be a country with various traditions and
Correspondence should be sent to Dr. Sukhmani customs, where females hold a venerable position. Sadly, since ages,
Assistant Professor, School of Business Studies the role of females was confined to social unit chores and restricted
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab to domestic problems. Within the male-dominated Indian society,
E-mail: [email protected] females suffered to extreme levels of exploitation. Some factors like