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Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual

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Protel 99 SE

PCB Design
Training Manual
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1. PCB design process .................................................................................... 1

2. The PCB Editor workspace ......................................................................... 3

2.1 PCB Editor Panel............................................................................................................3
2.1.1 Browse section ..................................................................................................3
2.1.2 MiniViewer .........................................................................................................3
2.1.3 Current Layer section ........................................................................................3
2.2 Using the PCB Editor panel to browse ...........................................................................4
2.2.1 Browsing nets ....................................................................................................4
2.2.2 Browsing components .......................................................................................5
2.2.3 Browsing libraries ..............................................................................................6
2.2.4 Browsing net classes.........................................................................................7
2.2.5 Browsing component classes ............................................................................8
2.2.6 Browsing design rule violations .........................................................................9
2.2.7 Browsing design rules .....................................................................................10
2.2.8 Exercise – Browsing a PCB document............................................................11
2.3 Preferences dialog........................................................................................................12
2.3.1 Options tab ......................................................................................................12
2.3.2 Display tab .......................................................................................................15
2.3.3 Colors tab ........................................................................................................17
2.3.4 Show/Hide tab .................................................................................................17
2.3.5 Defaults tab .....................................................................................................18
2.3.6 Signal Integrity tab...........................................................................................18
2.3.7 Exercises – Exploring the preferences............................................................19
2.4 Document Options dialog .............................................................................................20
2.4.1 Layers tab ........................................................................................................20
2.4.2 Options tab ......................................................................................................20
2.5 The PCB coordinate system.........................................................................................21
2.6 Grids .............................................................................................................................21
2.6.1 Snap Grid ........................................................................................................21
2.6.2 Visible Grid ......................................................................................................21
2.6.3 Electrical Grid ..................................................................................................21
2.6.4 Component Grid ..............................................................................................22
2.7 Shortcut keys for setup options ....................................................................................22
2.7.1 Exercise – Exploring document and environment options ..............................22

3. Creating a new PCB................................................................................... 23

3.1 Printed Circuit Board Wizard ........................................................................................23
3.2 Exercise – Creating a board outline .............................................................................23

4. Transferring design information to the PCB ........................................... 24

4.1 Design synchronization ................................................................................................24
4.2 Resolving synchronization errors .................................................................................26
4.3 Summary ......................................................................................................................26
4.4 Cross Reference file .....................................................................................................27

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual i

4.5 Design transfer using a netlist ......................................................................................27
4.5.1 Loading a netlist ..............................................................................................27
4.5.2 Resolving netlist loading errors .......................................................................28
4.5.3 Netlist macro Cross Reference file..................................................................29
4.5.4 Editing netlist macros ......................................................................................29
4.5.5 Executing the netlist loading............................................................................29
4.6 Exercise – Transferring the design...............................................................................30

5. Setting up the PCB layers ......................................................................... 31

5.1 Layer definitions ...........................................................................................................31
5.2 Layer Stack Manager ...................................................................................................33
5.2.1 Adding layers ...................................................................................................33
5.2.2 Working with layers .........................................................................................34
5.2.3 Drill pairs..........................................................................................................34
5.3 Defining Mechanical layers...........................................................................................35
5.4 Internal power planes ...................................................................................................35
5.4.1 Defining an internal power plane.....................................................................36
5.4.2 Defining a split power plane ............................................................................36
5.4.3 Moving and editing split plane vertices............................................................37
5.4.4 Deleting a split plane .......................................................................................37
5.5 Exercise – Setting up PCB layers ................................................................................37

6. Setting up design rules ............................................................................. 38

6.1 Adding design rules ......................................................................................................38
6.2 Design rules concepts ..................................................................................................39
6.2.1 Object set ........................................................................................................39
6.2.2 Rule type .........................................................................................................39
6.2.3 Scope...............................................................................................................39
6.2.4 Precedence .....................................................................................................40
6.3 How rules are checked .................................................................................................40
6.3.1 Online DRC .....................................................................................................40
6.4 Where rules apply.........................................................................................................41
6.4.1 Routing rules ...................................................................................................41
6.4.2 Manufacturing rules .........................................................................................42
6.4.3 High Speed rules .............................................................................................42
6.4.4 Placement rules...............................................................................................43
6.4.5 Signal Integrity rules ........................................................................................43
6.4.6 Other design rules ...........................................................................................43
6.5 Object classes ..............................................................................................................43
6.5.1 Defining classes ..............................................................................................43
6.5.2 Component Class Generator...........................................................................44
6.6 From-tos .......................................................................................................................44
6.7 Exercise – Setting up the design rules .........................................................................46

7. Component Placement tools..................................................................... 47

7.1 Placing components .....................................................................................................47
7.1.1 Adding libraries................................................................................................47
7.1.2 Using the Place Component command...........................................................47
7.1.3 Using the Synchronizer ...................................................................................47

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual ii

7.2 Placing components with pre-determined locations .....................................................47
7.3 Moving components .....................................................................................................48
7.3.1 Component unions ..........................................................................................48
7.3.2 Rooms .............................................................................................................49
7.3.3 Component Placement grid .............................................................................49
7.3.4 Density map.....................................................................................................49
7.4 Interactive Placement commands ................................................................................49
7.4.1 Alignment commands ......................................................................................50
7.4.2 Spacing commands .........................................................................................50
7.4.3 Arrange commands .........................................................................................50
7.4.4 Move to Grid ....................................................................................................50
7.5 Auto Placement ............................................................................................................50
7.5.1 Cluster Placer ..................................................................................................51
7.5.2 Statistical Placer ..............................................................................................51
7.5.3 Shove...............................................................................................................52
7.5.4 Auto placement from a pick-and-place file ......................................................53
7.6 Re-Annotation...............................................................................................................53
7.7 Exercise – Component Placement ...............................................................................54

8. Routing ....................................................................................................... 56
8.1 Interactive routing .........................................................................................................56
8.1.1 Exercise – Interactive Routing.........................................................................58
8.2 Automatic routing..........................................................................................................58
8.2.1 Automatic routing tips ......................................................................................58
8.2.2 Setting up the Autorouter ................................................................................59
8.2.3 Autorouter options ...........................................................................................59
8.2.4 Exercise – Autorouting ....................................................................................60

9. Polygons..................................................................................................... 61
9.1 Placing polygons ..........................................................................................................61
9.1.1 Setting the polygon corner style ......................................................................62
9.1.2 Editing a polygon .............................................................................................62
9.1.3 Moving a polygon ............................................................................................63
9.1.4 Editing polygon vertices...................................................................................63
9.1.5 Deleting a polygon...........................................................................................63
9.2 Exercises – Working with polygons ..............................................................................63

10. Design Rule Checking ............................................................................... 64

10.1 Design Rules Check report...........................................................................................64
10.2 Locating design rule violations .....................................................................................65
10.3 Exercise – Running a DRC...........................................................................................65

11. Printing ....................................................................................................... 66

11.1 Using Print/Preview ......................................................................................................66
11.1.1 Print commands...............................................................................................67
11.1.2 Pre-defined printouts .......................................................................................67
11.1.3 Creating and customizing printouts .................................................................68
11.1.4 Setting scale, orientation and printer options ..................................................69

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual iii

11.1.5 Copying a print preview to the Windows clipboard .........................................69
11.1.6 PPC documents...............................................................................................69

12. CAM Manager ............................................................................................. 70

12.1 Bill of Materials .............................................................................................................71
12.2 DRC ..............................................................................................................................72
12.3 Gerber...........................................................................................................................72
12.4 NC Drill .........................................................................................................................73
12.5 Pick and Place ..............................................................................................................73
12.6 Test point report ...........................................................................................................74

13. 3D Viewer.................................................................................................... 75
13.1 Running the 3D Viewer.................................................................................................75
13.2 Changing the 3D view ..................................................................................................76
13.2.1 Highlighting nets ..............................................................................................76

14. PCB Library Editor..................................................................................... 77

14.1 The PCB Library workspace.........................................................................................77
14.2 PCB Library Editor panel ..............................................................................................78
14.3 Creating a component using the Component Wizard ..................................................79
14.4 Manually creating a component ...................................................................................79
14.5 Copying a component...................................................................................................79
14.6 Special strings in the Library Editor ..............................................................................79
14.7 Component Rule Check ...............................................................................................80
14.8 Exercise – Libraries and components ..........................................................................81

15. Shortcut key summary .............................................................................. 82

15.1 Pop-up menus ..............................................................................................................82
15.2 Interactive routing .........................................................................................................83

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual iv

1. PCB design process
The PCB Design training day covers how to use the PCB Editor to create a PCB from setup through
to component placement, routing, design rule checking and CAM output. This first section looks
at the overall PCB design process.
The diagram below shows an overview of the PCB design process from schematic entry through
to PCB design completion.

Design transfer
Create PCB
from Schematic Setup
Define PCB Requirements
Board Wizard
Outline (Design Rules)

Bring Outline &

Together Interactive Auto
Routing Routing

Define Layer


(Design Rules)
(Design Rules)

Interactive Manual
Placement Placement
Place Polygons

Verification Verification

(Design Rules) Annotate Back Annotate

Power Split Required
Planes Planes Process Decision

Multiple Optional
Documents Process Input or Output


Figure 1. Overview of the PCB Design Process

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 1

Once the PCB design is completed and verified, the Create Manufacturing Output process is used
to generate the PCB output files. This process is outlined in Figure 2. Work flow for generating PCB
output files.

Generate Output Files

Generate Create
Manufacturing Manufacturing Webquote
Info Output


Manufacturing Gerber Files


Export Mechanical

Output Files to


Assembly Bill of Materials Pick & Place

Drawing (BOM) Report

Document Required
Process Decision

Assembly Files to Multiple Optional

Manufacturing Documents Process Input or Output

Figure 2. Work flow for generating PCB output files

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 2

2. The PCB Editor workspace
This section investigates how to browse through a PCB design and how to set up the workspace
preferences and other document options, such as layers and grids.

2.1 PCB Editor Panel

The various sections of the Browse PCB tab of the PCB Editor
panel are described below.

2.1.1 Browse section

This section of the Browse PCB tab allows you to list, locate or
edit the following PCB object types in the active PCB document:
• Nets
• Components
• Libraries
• Component Classes
• Net Classes
• Design Rule Violations
• Design Rules.
When you select an object in the Browse section, you can view its
location in the workspace in the MiniViewer. Each Browse
function is described in the following pages.

2.1.2 MiniViewer
This provides an overview of the workspace. When you are
working in the PCB Editor workspace, the MiniViewer displays a
dashed rectangle to indicate where the current display window is
in the workspace. When objects are selected in the Browse
section, they are highlighted in the MiniViewer so that you can
locate them in the workspace.
The MiniViewer also has the following display control functions:
• Click and drag in the dashed rectangle to pan around the
• Click and drag on a vertex of the dashed rectangle to change
the view window of the workspace.
Figure 3. PCB Editor panel
Magnifier showing Browse PCB tab

Select the Magnifier button and then move the cursor into the main workspace. The MiniViewer
displays a magnified view of the cursor location. Set the magnification level by clicking on the
Configure button. You can also change the magnification level by pressing the SPACEBAR when the
cursor is a magnifying glass.

2.1.3 Current Layer section

This section indicates the current layer and its color and allows you to change it.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 3

2.2 Using the PCB Editor panel to browse

2.2.1 Browsing nets

• To browse nets, select Nets from the drop-down Browse
list in the Browse PCB tab of the PCB Editor panel. All nets
in the PCB are listed in the scroll box.
• Click on a net name to choose it and all the pads (or
nodes) that belong to that net are listed in the Nodes
section. Also, the net is highlighted in the MiniViewer.
• Click on the Edit button to display the Net dialog for the
chosen net, or double-click on the net name.
• Click on the Zoom button to display all the connection
lines for the chosen net in the workspace.
• Click on Select to select the chosen net in the workspace.

Nodes section
• In the Nodes section, click on a node name to choose a
node in the net.
• Click on the Edit button to display the Pad dialog for the
chosen node, or double-click on the node name.
• Click on the Jump button to zoom in on the chosen node
in the workspace.
• Click on Select to select the chosen node in the

Figure 4. Browsing nets from

the Browse PCB tab

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 4

2.2.2 Browsing components
• To browse components, select Components from the
drop-down Browse list. All components in the PCB are
listed in the scroll box.
• Click on a component name to choose it and all the pads
that belong to that component are listed (with their net
name) in the Pads section. Also, the component is
highlighted in the MiniViewer.
• Click on the Edit button to display the Component dialog
for the chosen component, or double-click on the
component name.
• Click on the Jump button to zoom in on the chosen
component in the workspace.
• Click on Select to select the chosen component in the

Pads section
• In the Pads section, click on an entry to choose a pad in
the component.
• Click on the Edit button to display the Pad dialog for the
chosen component, or double-click on the pad name.
• Click on the Jump button to zoom in on the chosen pad in
the workspace.
• Click on Select to select the chosen pad in the workspace.

Figure 5. Browsing components

from the Browse PCB tab

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 5

2.2.3 Browsing libraries
• To browse libraries, select Libraries from the drop-down
Browse list. All libraries in the current library list are listed.
• Click on a library name to choose it and all the components
that belong to that library are displayed in the Components
• Click on the Add/Remove button to display the PCB Libraries
dialog which is used to add or remove libraries from the
current library list.
• Click on the Browse button or double-click on the library
name to display the Browse Libraries dialog.

Components section
• In the Components section, click on an entry to select a
component in the library. That component is displayed in
the MiniViewer.
• Click on the Edit button to switch to the PCB Library Editor
where you can modify that component.
• Click on the Place button to place the chosen component in
the workspace, or double-click on the component name.

Figure 6. Browsing libraries from

the Browse PCB tab

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 6

2.2.4 Browsing net classes
• To browse net classes, select Net Classes from the drop-
down Browse list. All net classes in the PCB are listed.
• Click on a net class name to choose it and all nets that
belong to that net class are listed in the Nets scroll box.
• Click on the Edit button to display the Edit Net Class
dialog for the selected net or double-click on the net
class name.

Nets section
• In the Nets section, click on an entry to choose a net. The
net is highlighted in the MiniViewer.
• Click on the Edit button to display the Edit Net dialog for
the chosen net, or double-click on the net name.
• Click on the Focus button to put the chosen net into
• Click on Select to select the chosen net in the workspace.

Figure 7. Browsing net classes

from the Browse PCB tab

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 7

2.2.5 Browsing component classes
• To browse component classes, select Component
Classes from the drop-down Browse list. All
component classes in the PCB are listed.
• Click on a component class name to select it and all
nets that belong to that net class are listed in the
lower scroll box.
• Click on the Edit button to display the Edit
Component Class dialog for the selected component
class or double-click on the component class name.
• Click on Select to select the chosen component class
in the workspace.

Components section
• In the Components section, click on an entry to
choose a component. The component is highlighted
in the MiniViewer.
• Click on the Edit button to display the Component
dialog for the chosen component, or double-click on
the component name.
• Click on the Jump button to zoom in on that
component in the workspace.
• Click on Select to select the chosen component in the

Figure 8. Browsing component

classes from the Browse PCB tab

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 8

2.2.6 Browsing design rule violations
• To browse Design Rule Check (DRC) Violations, select
Violations from the drop-down Browse list. Any
violation types found in the PCB are listed, e.g.
Clearance Constraint violations.
• Click on a violation type and all violations of that type
are displayed in the Violations list.

Violations section
• Click on the Details button, or double-click on the
violation, to display the Violation Details dialog for the
chosen violation.
• Click on the Highlight button to locate the violation in
the workspace. The chosen violation will flash each
time you click this button.
• Click on the Jump button to zoom in on that violation
in the workspace.
• For more information about DRC, refer to 6.3 How rules
are checked.

Figure 9. Browsing violations from

the Browse PCB tab

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 9

2.2.7 Browsing design rules
To browse design rules, select Rules from the drop-down
Browse list. All Rules classes are listed.
• Click on a Rule Class and all rules defined for that class
are listed in the Rules list.

Rules section
• Click on the Edit button or double-click on the rule to
display a dialog to edit the selected violation.
• Click on the Select button to select all objects affected by
the chosen rule.
• Click on the Highlight button to highlight all objects
affected by the selected rule.

Figure 10. Browsing design rules

from the Browse PCB tab

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 10

2.2.8 Exercise – Browsing a PCB document

In this exercise, you will examine the various ways to browse through a PCB document.
1. Open the document Browsing.pcb, located in the PCB Practice Documents folder in
Training.ddb. This training design database is located in the Training folder of the
Design Explorer 99 SE directory.
2. In the Display tab of the Preferences dialog (Tools » Preferences), make sure the Show Pad
Nets and Show Pad Number options are selected.
3. Choose the Fit Board view command.
4. Use the MiniViewer Magnifier to display the number and net information of pads.
5. Now, browse each object type and explore the options.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 11

2.3 Preferences dialog
The Preferences dialog allows you to set up parameters relating to the PCB Editor workspace. This
dialog is displayed using the Tools » Preferences menu command. Settings in this dialog remain
the same when you change active PCB files. The dialog has six tabs. The options in each of the
tabs are described below.

2.3.1 Options tab

Figure 11. Options tab of the Preferences dialog

Editing options section

Online DRC
When checked, any design rule violations are flagged as they occur. The design rules are defined
in the Design Rules dialog (select the Design » Rules menu command).

Snap to Center
When checked, the cursor snaps to the center when moving a free pad or via, snaps to the
reference point of a component, or snaps to the vertex when moving a track segment.

Extend Selection
Selection is cumulative with this option enabled. With it disabled, all currently selected objects
are de-selected each time a new selection is made.

Remove Duplicates
With this option enabled, a special pass is included when data is being prepared for output. This
pass checks for and removes duplicate primitives from the output data.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 12

Confirm Global Edit
Displays a dialog reporting the number of objects that will be altered by the global edit and allows
you to cancel.

Protect Locked Objects

When checked, locked objects cannot be moved and are ignored if they are part of a selection
that is being moved.

Other section
Rotation Step
When an object that can be rotated is floating on the cursor, press the SPACEBAR to rotate it by this
amount in an anti-clockwise direction. Hold the SHIFT key while pressing the SPACEBAR to rotate it
in a clockwise direction.

This sets the undo stack size, i.e. the number of undo/redos available.

Cursor Type
Set the cursor to a small or large 90-degree cross, or a small 45-degree cross.

Autopan options section

If this option is enabled, Autopan becomes activated when there is a crosshair on the cursor.
There are four Autopan modes:
• Re-Center — re-centers the display around the location where the cursor touched the window
edge. It also holds the cursor position relative to its location on the board, bringing it back to
the center of the display.
• Fixed Size Jump — pans across in steps defined by the Step Size. Hold the SHIFT key to pan in
steps defined by the Shift Step Size.
• Shift Accelerate — pans across in steps defined by the Step Size. Hold the SHIFT key to
accelerate the panning up to the maximum step size, defined by the Shift Step Size.
• Shift Decelerate — pans across in steps defined by the Shift Step Size. Hold the SHIFT key to
decelerate the panning down to the minimum step size, defined by the Step Size.
• Ballistic — pans at maximum speed.
• Adaptive — pans at the rate set in the Speed field.

When Adaptive is enabled, the panning speed for Autopanning is set in mils/sec or pixels/sec.

Step and Shift Step Size

Some of the Autopan styles require step sizes. These options set the distances that define the
autopanning step distance and the step distance when you hold down the SHIFT key while
autopanning. The default distances are in mils or mms and the larger the number, the faster the
panning speed.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 13

Interactive Routing section
This drop-down list has three options as follows:
• Ignore Obstacle — If you select this option, you can place tracks anywhere in the workspace.
If the Online DRC feature is enabled, clearance violations are flagged immediately.
• Avoid Obstacle — If you select this option, you can only place tracks where they do not
violate any design rules. This feature is particularly useful when using interactive routing as it
allows you to route hard up against existing objects, without fear of violating any clearance
• Push Obstacle — If you select this option, the PCB Editor will attempt to move tracks out of
the way so that you can route the current track.

Plough Through Polygons

Marking this check box allows you to override the design rules so that the interactive routing
command can route within the area of a polygon.

Automatically Remove Loops

With this option enabled, loops that are created during manual routing are automatically

Polygon Repour
This has three options for determining whether a polygon repours when edited:
• Never — no automatic repour.
• Threshold — If selected, polygons with more than the Threshold Number of primitives will
prompt to confirm repour, before performing the repour.
• Always — polygon always repours.

Component Drag
This option determines how connected tracks are dealt with when moving a component. When
Connected Tracks is selected, tracks drag with the component; otherwise, they do not.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 14

2.3.2 Display tab

Figure 12. Display tab of the Preferences dialog

Display options
Convert Special Strings
When enabled, special strings that can be interpreted on screen are displayed. Regardless of this
setting, all special strings are visible when output is generated, e.g. printed.

Highlight in Full
Completely highlights the selected object in the current selection color. With this option
disabled, the selected object is outlined in the current selection color.

Use Net Color For Highlight

Highlights the selected net in the net color assigned in the Net dialog. Use with the Highlight in
Full option for better results.

Redraw Layers
Forces a screen redraw as you toggle through layers, with the current layer being redrawn last.

Single Layer Mode

Displays the current layer only. Provides a method of examining what will be output on each layer.
If the current layer is a signal layer, multi-layer objects are also displayed. Use the + and - keys to
toggle through the layers. Press END to redraw the screen. SHIFT + S also toggles this mode.

Transparent Layers
Gives layer colors a ‘transparent’ nature by changing the color of an object that overlaps an object
on another layer. Allows objects that would otherwise be hidden by an object on the current layer
to be readily identified. The background color automatically changes to black for easier viewing.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 15

Show section
The check boxes in this section perform the following when checked.
Pad Nets Displays net names on pads
Pad Numbers Displays pin numbers on pads
Via Nets Display net names on vias
Testpoints Displays testpoints
Origin Marker Displays the Origin Marker
Status Info Displays information about the object under the cursor in the status bar

Draft Thresholds section

Tracks of the width entered in the check box (or narrower) will be displayed as a single line; tracks
of a greater width will be displayed as an outline (when tracks are displayed in Draft Mode).

The number entered in this field determines which strings are displayed as text and which are
displayed as an outline box. Strings that are placed at or greater than the height entered in pixels
(default 11) will be displayed as text; strings that are placed at a lesser value will be represented by
an outline box.

Layer Drawing Order button

The PCB Editor allows you to control the order in which layers are re-drawn. Click on the Layer
Drawing Order button to pop up the Layer Drawing Order dialog. The order that the layers appear
in the list is the order in which they will re-draw. The layer at the top of the list is the layer that will
appear on top of all other layers on the screen.

Figure 13. Layer Drawing Order dialog

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 16

2.3.3 Colors tab
This enables you to set the display color of each layer in the PCB.

Figure 14. Colors tab of the Preferences dialog

The Default Colors button sets the colors to the default settings with a pale yellow background.
Default colors cannot be used if the Transparent Layers option (Display tab) is selected. The
Classic Colors button sets the colors to the default setting of Advanced PCB version 2, e.g. black

2.3.4 Show/Hide tab

This dialog enables you to control which object types are displayed and how they are displayed.

Figure 15. Show/Hide tab of the Preferences dialog

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 17

2.3.5 Defaults tab
This enables you to set the default properties for each primitive (object) type in the PCB Editor.
Figure 16 below shows the default setting for a track.

Figure 16. Track default settings from Defaults tab

If the Permanent option is not checked on the Defaults tab, the settings in the object’s properties
dialog will change when you change the properties of an object being placed.

2.3.6 Signal Integrity tab

Figure 17. Signal Integrity tab

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 18

To ensure the accuracy of the signal integrity analysis, you need to define the appropriate
component types.
1. Click on the Add button to display the Component Type dialog.

Figure 18. Component Type dialog

2. Enter the designator prefix (e.g. R) in the Designator Prefix field.

3. Click on the down arrow in the Component Type field to display drop-down list.
4. Select the appropriate component type (e.g. Resistor).
Note: Components that do not have a type assigned are assumed to be of type IC.

2.3.7 Exercises – Exploring the preferences

This exercise looks at various display options in the Preferences dialog.
1. Open the document Browsing.pcb, located in the PCB Practice Documents folder in
2. Choose the Display tab of the Preferences dialog and try the following steps.
3. Check the Single Layer Mode, click on OK and change active layers by selecting the various
layer tabs along the bottom of the PCB Design Window. Turn single layer mode off.
4. Check Transparent Layers then zoom in and view some pads with tracks connected to them.
Turn Transparent Layers off.
5. Choose the Colors tab of the Preferences dialog.
6. Click on the Default Colors button and choose OK.
7. Re-display the dialog, click on the Classic Colors button and choose OK.
8. Experiment with changing the colors of various layers.
9. Choose the Show/Hide tab of the Preferences dialog.
10. Observe the effect of selecting All Draft and clicking OK. Now try the All Final and All Hidden
buttons to view different display modes.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 19

2.4 Document Options dialog
The Document Options dialog allows you to set parameters relating to individual PCB documents.
This dialog is displayed using the Design » Options menu command. The settings in this dialog are
saved with the PCB file. The options in the tabs for this dialog are described below.

2.4.1 Layers tab

The check boxes in this dialog allow you to turn on or off the various PCB Editor layers.

Figure 19. Layers tab of the Document Options dialog

2.4.2 Options tab

The grid options on this tab are described below.

Figure 20. Options tab of the Document Options dialog

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 20

Snap X X value for the snap grid
Snap Y Y value for the snap grid
Component X X value for the component grid
Component Y Y value for the component grid.

Electrical Grid
When the electrical grid is enabled and you are executing a command which supports the
electrical grid and you move the cursor within the Grid Range value of an object assigned to a net,
the cursor will jump to that object.

Visible Kind
Sets the style of the visible grid to dots or lines.

Measurement Unit
Sets the coordinate system to either metric or imperial.

2.5 The PCB coordinate system

The PCB Editor has a coordinate system with the origin located in the bottom left hand corner of
the workspace. This point has the coordinates of (0,0) and is known as the Absolute Origin. The
workspace size is 100 inches by 100 inches. The reference point of the coordinate system can be
re-defined at any time using the Edit » Origin » Set menu command and this sets what is known as
the Origin. The coordinate readout in the status bar gives the coordinates relative to the Origin.
The Edit » Origin » Reset menu command sets the Origin to the Absolute Origin.
An Origin Marker shows the location of the Current Origin. This is displayed by checking the
Display Origin Marker check box in the Display tab of the Preferences dialog.
The coordinate system units can be either metric or imperial. The View » Toggle Units menu
command or the Q shortcut key toggles the co-ordinate system between metric and imperial.

2.6 Grids

2.6.1 Snap Grid

The Snap Grid ensures accurate movement and placement of objects. The Snap Grid causes the
coordinates of a mouse click to snap to the nearest snap grid point. The Snap Grid has X and Y
values and is set on the Options tab of the Document Options dialog (Design » Options or OB).

2.6.2 Visible Grid

The Visible Grid either displays as lines or dots when turned on. This is independent of the Snap
Grid. The PCB Editor has two visual grids that you can set and display independently. The Visible
Grids are set and turned on or off in the Layers tab of the Document Options dialog.

2.6.3 Electrical Grid

The Electrical Grid setting defines the range within which the cursor will override the Snap Grid to
jump to another object, such as a via, pad or track, when in the interactive routing command.
When the Electrical Grid overrides the Snap Grid, an octagon displays on the cursor. When you
see that octagon, you know that the cursor is precisely located on the object it has jumped to.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 21

The Electrical Grid is set and turned on or off in the Options tab of the Document Options dialog.
You can also disable the Electrical Grid by holding down the CRTL key when moving objects and
the Snap Grid becomes active.

2.6.4 Component Grid

The Component Grid is similar to the Snap Grid except that it is only active when placing or
moving components. The Component Grid has X and Y values and is set in the Options tab of the
Document Options dialog.

2.7 Shortcut keys for setup options

Pressing the O shortcut key displays a menu that provides a quick way of accessing the setup
dialogs. Combine this shortcut with the underlined letter in the menu options, e.g. OB to display
the board options. The options in this menu are described below.
Option Dialog displayed
Board Options Options tab of Document Options dialog
Board Layers Layers tab of Document Options dialog
Mechanical Layers Setup Mechanical Layers dialog
Netlist Manager Netlist Manager
Layer Stack Manager Layer Stack Manager
Classes Object Classes dialog
From-To Editor From-To Editor
Preferences Preferences dialog (Tools » Preferences)
Display Display tab of Preferences dialog
Colors Colors tab of Preferences dialog
Show/Hide Show/Hide tab of Preferences dialog
Defaults Defaults tab of Preferences dialog
Signal Integrity Signal Integrity tab of Preferences dialog

2.7.1 Exercise – Exploring document and environment options

Use this exercise to experiment with document and environment options.
1. Open Browsing.pcb, located in the PCB Practice Documents folder in Training.ddb.
2. Choose the Layers tab of the Document Options dialog (Design » Options).
3. Experiment with the Used On, All On and All Off buttons and with turning on and off
individual layers.
4. Choose the Options tab of the Document Options dialog.
5. Experiment with changing the various grid settings to see changes in the grid display and
object movement.
6. In the Defaults tab of the Preferences dialog, select Component and click on the Edit Values
button. Click on the Comment tab of the Component dialog and enable the Hide option.
Click on the Designator tab and set the Autoposition option to Left-Above.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 22

3. Creating a new PCB
This section looks at how to create a new PCB using the Board Wizard.

3.1 Printed Circuit Board Wizard

When you select File » New in the PCB Editor, the New Document dialog is displayed. If you want
to create an empty PCB file, choose the PCB Document icon on the Documents tab.
However, if you wish to use the Printed Circuit Board Wizard to create the board outline, choose
the Wizards tab in the New Document dialog and then select the Printed Circuit Board Wizard
icon to display the Board Wizard. This takes you through a series of pages. You can select from a
range of standard PCB formats and set up design rules for the technology you will be using on
that PCB. There is also an option for custom made boards.

Figure 21. Board Wizard board profiles

3.2 Exercise – Creating a board outline

This exercise creates a new board outline in the SLC1657 Evaluation Board folder of the
Training.ddb using the Board Wizard.
1. Open the SLC1657 Evaluation Board folder and select File » New.
2. Click on the Printed Circuit Board Wizard icon in the Wizards tab of the New Document
dialog and click OK.
3. Choose a custom made board and set the board size to 5000 mil wide and 8000 mil high.
4. Turn off the two cutoff options and accept all the other settings in the wizard.
5. Save the board.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 23

4. Transferring design information to the PCB
The Synchronizer is a tool that allows the transfer of design information between the Schematic
and the PCB documents.
Schematic to PCB
Component and connectivity information from the schematic is transferred to the PCB.
PCB to Schematic
Component designator, footprint and comment changes are transferred from the PCB to the
schematic. Connectivity changes are logged in a report file.
Run the Synchronizer once the schematic is finished to transfer design information to the PCB
and to place components from the available libraries. You can also run the Synchronizer to update
the PCB with any changes that have been made to the schematic after the initial synchronization
has been performed.

4.1 Design synchronization

Before you commence synchronization to transfer the design information from the schematic into
the new PCB outline, you must make the appropriate PCB footprint libraries available to the PCB
Editor. When you add a PCB library to the available library list, the footprints in that library can be
placed in the PCB workspace. Select Design » Add/Remove Library, or press the Add/Remove
button in the PCB Editor panel when Browse mode is set to Libraries. The PCB libraries are located
in design databases (.ddb) in the \Design Explorer 99 SE\Library\Pcb folder.
To synchronize the PCB from a schematic:
1. Select Design » Update PCB in the Schematic Editor. The Synchronizer dialog displays.

Figure 22. Update Design dialog

2. Select the target PCB document and click on Apply. This displays the Update Design dialog.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 24

Figure 23. Update Design dialog

• Choose the appropriate options for your project in the Connectivity section.
• The Assign Net to Connected Copper option updates the net names of existing routing to
match the net names of the connected pads.
• The options in the Components section are applicable when synchronizing a previously
placed PCB.
• The Rules section allows you to control how PCB design rules are created from Layout
Directives in the schematic.
• The Synchronization process then analyzes both the schematic and any PCB objects
present in the PCB document. For each difference detected between the schematic and
the existing PCB, a macro is created. This macro tells the PCB Editor what action must be
performed to update the PCB document to match the schematic.
• If you are synchronizing a new design, macros are created for the entire schematic. If you
are updating your design, macros are created for each design change.
• If there is a condition in either the schematic or the PCB file that prevents the
Synchronizer from generating a macro for a particular action, an error results.
3. Click on the Preview Changes button. Any errors are listed in the Error column on the
Changes tab of the Update Design dialog. The number of errors is shown in the Status field at
the bottom of the list of changes.
4. To perform the actual loading of schematic data into the PCB file, i.e. to run the macros, click
on the Execute button. Note that macros with errors do not execute.
5. Click on the target PCB to show the components ready for placement.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 25

4.2 Resolving synchronization errors
The table below explains the cause of each of the possible synchronization errors:
Error A macro is attempting to:
Net not found Add or remove a node, remove a net, or change a net name when that
net cannot be found in the PCB document.
Component not Add or remove a node when the component designator is incorrectly
found specified in the macro or the component cannot be found in the PCB
Remove a component, or change a footprint, designator or comment
when the component cannot be found in the PCB document.
Node Not found Add or remove a node from a component that does not have that pin, or
remove a node that does not exist in the specified net.
Net already exists Add a net name when a net with that name already exists in the PCB
Component Add a component when a component with that designator already exists
already exists in the PCB document.
New footprint not Change a component footprint when the used pins on the old footprint
matching old do not match the used pins on the new footprint. This can occur if the
footprint new component has fewer pins than the old, or if the pin numbering in
the schematic is different to the pin numbering on the footprint.
Footprint not Add a new component, or change a component footprint, when the
found in Library specified footprint could not be found in any of the libraries in the
current library list and no alternative library reference could be found in
the Cross Reference file (see 4.4 Cross Reference file).
Alternative Add a new component, or change a component footprint, when the
footprint used specified footprint could not be found in any of the libraries in the
instead (warning) current library list, but it has found an alternative in the Cross Reference
file (see 4.4 Cross Reference file).

4.3 Summary
Most problems with synchronizing a design generally fall into two categories:
1. Component footprints.
Missing components occur when:
• a footprint is missing from the component information in the schematic
• you have forgotten to add the required PCB libraries to the current library list (Design »
Add/Remove Library, or Add/Remove button on the PCB Editor panel when Libraries is
selected in the Browse list), or
• the footprint in the schematic does not match any PCB library component.
2. New footprint not matching old footprint.
The cause is usually that the pin numbering on the schematic component differs from the pin
numbering on the PCB footprint.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 26

4.4 Cross Reference file
When a macro attempts to load or change a component footprint that cannot be located in any of
the libraries, it then uses the component Comment to look-up the Cross Reference file
(ADVPCB.XRF in \Design Explorer 99 SE\System directory). The Cross Reference file lists
components by their type against any appropriate footprint(s) for that component. For example, if
the component U1 was a 74LS00, but you had forgotten to include the footprint, when the macro
to add this component was validated, it would look-up 74LS00 in the .XRF file. 74LS00 has DIP14
as a footprint, which would be loaded from one of the libraries in the current library list.

4.5 Design transfer using a netlist

For most situations, the Synchronizer has superseded netlist loading. In cases where the PCB is
being designed from a schematic drawn on another EDA vendor’s schematic editor, a netlist can
be used.
Netlist loading is a method by which connectivity and component information are transferred to
the PCB Editor via a netlist. If the netlist load is successful, the PCB file will contain all components
ready to be placed within the PCB outline.
Netlist loading is performed on a new PCB file once the schematic is complete and the netlist
generated. It is also performed whenever design changes have been made to the schematic which
then need to be propagated in the PCB layout. Netlist loading is also referred to as Forward

4.5.1 Loading a netlist

To load a netlist, select the Design » Load Nets menu command. This displays the Load/Forward
Annotate Netlist dialog shown below.

Figure 24. Load/Forward Annotate Netlist dialog

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 27

• Click on the Browse button, locate and select the netlist file to be loaded.
• The netlist loading process then analyzes both the netlist and any PCB design data present in
the workspace. For each difference detected between the netlist and the existing design data,
a netlist macro is created. This macro tells the PCB Editor what action must be performed to
update the design data to match the netlist.
• If you are loading a netlist for the first time, netlist macros will be created for the entire netlist.
If you are forward annotating your design, netlist macros are created for each design change.
• If there is a condition in either the netlist or the PCB file that prevents the netlist loading
process from generating a macro for a particular action, an error results. Errors are listed in
the Error column on the Load/Forward Annotate Netlist dialog. The number of errors resulting
from a netlist load is shown in the Status field at the bottom of the dialog.
• Click on the Advanced button to display the Netlist Manager where you can further specify
netlist options.
• To perform the actual loading of netlist data into the PCB file, click on the Execute button. It is
unwise to execute the netlist loading while there are macro errors, so these should be
resolved before proceeding.

4.5.2 Resolving netlist loading errors

The table below explains the cause of each of the possible Netlist loading errors.

Error A netlist macro is attempting to:

Net not found Add or remove a node, remove a net, or change a net name when that
net cannot be found in the PCB netlist.
Component not Add or remove a node when the component designator is incorrectly
found specified in the macro or the component cannot be found in the PCB
netlist. Remove a component, or change a footprint, designator or
comment when the component cannot be found in the PCB netlist.
Node Not found Add or remove a node from a component that does not have that pin,
or remove a node that does not exist in the specified net.
Net already exists Add a net name when a net with that name already exists in the PCB
Component already Add a component when a component with that designator already
exists exists in the PCB netlist.
New footprint not Change a component footprint when the used pins on the old
matching old footprint do not match the used pins on the new footprint. This can
footprint occur if the new component has fewer pins than the old, or if the pin
numbering in the netlist (which comes from the schematic
component pin numbers) is different to the pin numbering on the
PCB component.
Footprint not found Add a new component or change a component footprint when the
in Library specified footprint could not be found in any libraries in the current
library list and no alternative library reference could be found in the
Cross Reference file (see 4.5.3 Netlist macro Cross Reference file).
Alternative footprint Add a new component or change a component footprint when the
used instead specified footprint could not be found in any of the libraries in the
(warning) current library list, but it has found an alternative in the Cross
Reference file (see 4.5.3 Netlist macro Cross Reference file).

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 28

Most problems with loading a schematic netlist generally fall into two categories:
1. Component footprints. Missing components occur when:
• a footprint is missing from the component information in the netlist
• you have forgotten to add the required PCB libraries to the current library list (Design »
Add/Remove Library), or
• the footprint in the netlist does not match any PCB library component.
2. New footprint not matching old footprint. The cause is usually that the pin numbering on the
schematic component differs from the pin numbering on the PCB footprint.

4.5.3 Netlist macro Cross Reference file

When a netlist macro attempts to load or change a component footprint that cannot be located in
any of the libraries, it then uses the component Comment to look up the Cross Reference file
(ADVPCB.XRF in Design Explorer 99 SE\System directory). The Cross Reference file lists
components by their type against any appropriate footprint(s) for that component. For example, if
the component U1 was a 74LS00, but you had forgotten to include the footprint, when the macro
to add this component was validated, it would look-up 74LS00 in the XRF file. 74LS00 has DIP14 as a
footprint that would be loaded from one of the libraries in the current library list.

4.5.4 Editing netlist macros

The Load/Forward Annotate Netlist dialog provides the capability to edit the netlist macros. If you
are driving your design from the schematic via the netlist, you will not need to use these options.

4.5.5 Executing the netlist loading

If you have resolved all the netlist macro errors, you can execute the netlist loading by clicking on
the Execute button. All the components to be placed are placed at the center of the PCB outline.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 29

4.6 Exercise – Transferring the design
In this exercise, you will transfer the design data from the schematic into the new PCB that you
have created.
1. Make sure the library SLC1657 Evaluation Board - pcb.lib (stored in
Training.ddb) has been added to the PCB’s library list.
2. Open all the six schematics in the SLC1657 Evaluation Board folder.
If you did not complete the exercises during the Protel 99 SE Schematic Capture training
session, make a copy of Parallel Interface.sch, Processor.sch and SLC1657
Evaluation Board.prj (located in the Backups folder of the Training.ddb). Paste the
copies in the same folder as the new PCB that you created in the last example, i.e. in the
SLC1657 Evaluation Board folder. Click Yes to overwrite Processor.sch.
3. Select Design » Update PCB from the schematic menus. Select Sheet Symbol/Port
Connections as the connectivity option. Disable all other options, except for Update
Component footprints and Delete components.
Note: If there is no PCB in the main folder, SLC1657 Evaluation Board, you will be
prompted to choose a PCB from all available PCBs in design database.
4. Preview changes. There will be five errors caused by special components that have been
placed on the schematic for circuit simulation and are not part of the PCB. These include two
add new component errors and three add node errors for IC1 and VCC. Ignore these errors.
5. Click on Execute to transfer the design data.
6. The components will be placed on the new PCB, positioned to the right of the board outline.
7. Save the board.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 30

5. Setting up the PCB layers

5.1 Layer definitions

The PCB Editor has a concept of layers to represent the various elements of a printed circuit
board. When placing objects using the PCB Editor, you need to consider which layer they are to
be placed on. Objects are placed on the current layer. The display of layers is controlled using the
Layers tab of the Document Options dialog (Design » Options).

Figure 25. Layers tab of the Document Options dialog

The current layer is set by any of the following:

• clicking on the appropriate Layer tab, or
• pressing the + or – keys on the numeric pad, or
• accessing the drop-down box in the Current Layer section of the PCB Editor panel.
Each of the PCB Editor layers is described below.

Signal Layers
There are 32 signal layers that can be used for track placement. Anything placed on these layers
will be plotted as solid (copper) areas on the PCB. As well as tracks, other objects (e.g. fills, text,
polygons, etc.) can be placed on these layers. The signal layers are named as follows:
Top Layer Top signal layer
MidLayer1 to MidLayer30 Inner signal layers
Bottom Layer Bottom signal layer
Signal layer names are user-definable.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 31

Internal Planes
Sixteen layers (named Internal Plane 1–16) are available for use as power planes. Nets can be
assigned to these layers and multi-layer pads and vias automatically connect to these planes.
Internal Plane layer names are user-definable.

Silkscreen layers
Top and Bottom Overlay (silkscreen) layers are typically used to display component outlines and
component text (designator and comment fields that are part of the component description).

Mechanical layers
Sixteen mechanical drawing layers are provided for fabrication and assembly details, such as
dimensions, alignment targets, annotation or other details. Mechanical layer items can be
automatically added to other layers when printing or plotting artwork. Mechanical layer names are

Solder Mask
Top and bottom Solder Mask layers are provided for creating the artwork used to make the solder
masks. These automatically generated layers are used to create masks for wave soldering, usually
covering everything except component pins and vias. You can control the expansions for these
masks when printing/plotting by including a Solder Mask Expansion rule. Refer to the Design
Rules section for more information on the Solder Mask Expansion rule.

Paste Masks
Top and bottom Paste Mask layers are provided to generate the artwork which is used to
manufacture stencils to deposit solder paste onto surface mount pads on PCB’s with surface
mount devices (SMDs). Refer to the Design Rules section for further information.

Drill Drawing
Coded plots of board hole locations are typically used to create a drilling drawing that shows a
unique symbol for each hole size at each hole location. Individual layer pair plots are provided
when blind/buried vias are specified. Three symbol styles are available: coded symbol;
alphabetical codes (A, B, C etc.) or the assigned size.

Drill Guide
A drill guide plots all holes in the layout. Drill guides are sometimes called pad masters. Individual
layer pair plots are provided when blind/buried vias are specified. These plots include all pads and
vias with holes greater than zero (0) size.

Keep Out layer

This layer is used to define the regions where components and routes can validly be placed. For
example, the board boundary can be defined by placing a perimeter of tracks and arcs, defining
the region within which all components and tracks must be placed. No-go areas for components
and tracks can be created inside this boundary by blocking off regions with tracks, arcs and fills.
Keepouts apply to all copper layers. The basic rule is that components cannot be placed over an
object on the Keep Out layer and routes cannot cross an object on the Keep Out layer.

Objects placed on this layer will appear on all copper layers. This is typically used for through-
hole pads and vias, but other objects can be placed on this layer.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 32

System section
The options described below cannot have objects placed on them but they are turned on or off in
the Layers tab of the Document Options dialog.

DRC Errors
This option controls the display of the Design Rule Check (DRC) error marker.

This option controls the display of the connection lines. The PCB Editor displays connection lines
wherever it locates part of a net that is unrouted.

Pad and Via Holes

Controls the display of pad and via holes. To be able to distinguish pads from vias in draft mode,
pad holes are outlined in the current Pad Holes color (set in the Colors tab of the Preferences

Visible Grids
Controls the display of the two visible grids.

5.2 Layer Stack Manager

The Layer Stack Manager provides an easy-to-use, graphical method of defining, naming and
editing layers. It is displayed by selecting the Design » Layer Stack Manager menu command (DK).

Figure 26. Layer Stack Manager dialog

The Layer Stack Manager allows you to visualize the ‘stack up’ of your PCB, i.e. the relationship
between copper, substrate and prepreg. A picture of your layer stack can be copied to the
Windows clipboard and pasted into project documentation by right-clicking and selecting Copy
to Clipboard.

5.2.1 Adding layers

Adding a Signal layer
To add a layer to your PCB, click on the name text of an existing layer displayed in the Layer Stack
Manager and then click on the Add Layer button, or right-click and choose Add Signal Layer. This

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 33

adds a new layer with a default name allocated to it. Double-clicking on the name text for that
layer enables you to edit the name or the copper thickness of that layer.

Adding an Internal Plane layer

To add an Internal Plane layer to your PCB, click on the name text of an existing layer adjacent to
where you want the plane inserted. Then click on the Add Plane button, or right-click and choose
Add Internal Plane Layer. This procedure adds a new Internal Plane layer with a default name
allocated to it. Double-click on the name text for that Internal Plane layer to edit the name, the
copper thickness or the name of the net assigned to that layer.

Adding Insulation layers

As additional layers are added to the PCB, insulation layers are automatically added. The insulation
layer can be either Core or Prepreg and this is determined by the Stack Up style setting. Double-
clicking on the name text sets the properties of the insulation layers. These properties are
material, thickness and dielectric constant. The Signal Integrity software uses these properties.

5.2.2 Working with layers

Deleting a layer
To delete a layer, click on the name text of an existing layer and then click on the Delete button,
or right-click and choose Delete from the right-click menu.

Editing the Stack Up order

To change the order in which layers are defined in your PCB, click on the name of the layer and
click on the Move Up or Move Down buttons, or right-click and choose Move Up or Move Down.

Editing the Stack Up style

The Stack Up style defines the order in which the PCB substrate, copper and prepreg insulation
layers are fabricated as well as the finish on the PCB. The style is set in the top left-hand corner of
the Layer Stack Manager. The Stack Up is specified in the drop-down list. The choices are:
• Layer Pairs
• Internal Layer Pairs
• Build Up.
The board finish is defined by selecting the buttons next to the Top and Bottom Dielectric check
boxes. Click on these to set the material, thickness and dielectric constant for the finish.

5.2.3 Drill pairs

The term drill pairs refers to the two layers that a drilling operation starts from and finishes at. By
default, drill pairs are defined as Top and Bottom layers. If blind or buried vias are to be used on
your PCB, layer pairs must be defined for these. Click on the Drill Pairs button in the Layer Stack
Manager to display the Drill Pair Manager.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 34

5.3 Defining Mechanical layers
Before a Mechanical layer can be used, it must be enabled in the Setup Mechanical Layers dialog
that is displayed by selecting Design » Mechanical Layers. Marking an Enabled check box enables
a Mechanical Layer. Once enabled, the layer name is displayed and can be edited.

Figure 27. Setup Mechanical Layers dialog

The Visible check box allows you to control the display of its mechanical layer.
When checked, the Display In Single Layer Mode check box causes its layer to be displayed when
Single Layer Mode is invoked (SHIFT+S).

5.4 Internal power planes

• The PCB Editor allows for up to sixteen power planes.
• A power plane is defined by assigning a net to an internal plane layer.
• The PCB Editor automatically connects pins that belong to the power plane net and isolates all
other pins from the plane.
• Internal power planes are output as photographic negatives (compared to other layers that are
output as positives).

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 35

5.4.1 Defining an internal power plane
An internal power plane is added, named and assigned to a net using the Layer Stack Manager.
When a net has been assigned to an internal plane layer, pins in that net automatically connect to
that plane layer using thermal relief connections. The style of these is defined in the Power Plane
Connect Style rule class in the Manufacturing tab of the Design Rules dialog. Nets that are not
connected to the plane are isolated from it by a clearance that is defined in the Power Plane
Clearance rule class in the Manufacturing tab of the Design Rules dialog.

5.4.2 Defining a split power plane

Internal power planes have the capability to have multiple nets on the same internal plane layer
by splitting the plane. A power plane is split by placing a split plane object. This object creates a
boundary of no-copper, electrically separating the split region from the rest of the plane. The
additional nets must be within enclosed areas on the internal plane as shown in Figure 28.

Internal plane

Split plane

Split plane

Figure 28. Split planes on an Internal plane layer

To define a split plane, select the Place » Split Plane menu command. This displays the Split Plane
dialog shown in Figure 29 where you enter the track width, internal plane layer and net for the
split region. The track width you key in is actually the width of the isolation region between the
internal plane net and split plane net.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 36

Figure 29. Split Plane dialog

5.4.3 Moving and editing split plane vertices

You can move the split plane by clicking and holding anywhere within the split plane and moving
it to a new position. You can move and insert vertices on the split plane using the Edit » Move »
Split Plane Vertices menu command.

5.4.4 Deleting a split plane

To delete a split plane, select the Edit » Delete command and then click on the split plane to be

5.5 Exercise – Setting up PCB layers

In this exercise, you will add two power plane layers to the new board.
1. Select Design » Layer Stack Manager and add two plane layers between the two signal layers.
2. Set the net of InternalPlane1 to 5VDC.
3. Set the net of InternalPlane2 to GND.
4. Save the board.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 37

6. Setting up design rules
Traditionally, the term design rules referred to PCB Editor functions that ensured that your design
complied with predetermined manufacturing requirements, e.g. minimum clearances in copper.
In addition, they were applied globally to the PCB. In recent times, the concept of design rules
has expanded so they now apply to every aspect of the PCB design. Design rules can be set to
apply to specific objects as well as globally.
This section describes how design rules are defined and how to check for design rule violations.

6.1 Adding design rules

Design rules are defined in the Design Rules dialog that is displayed by selecting Design » Rules.

Figure 30. Design Rules dialog

To set up a design rule in the Design Rules dialog:

1. Click on the tab to select the general category for the rule.
2. In the Rule Classes list, click on a specific rule to display a definition of the rule.
3. Double-click on a specific rule to display the dialog where you can set the Rule Scope and
Rule Properties for that rule.
To see the objects affected by a rule, click on the Select Affected Objects button at the bottom of
the Design Rules dialog. This highlights the affected objects.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 38

6.2 Design rules concepts
To effectively apply the design rules, the concepts of object set, scope, rule type and precedence
need to be understood. These are described in the following sub-sections.

6.2.1 Object set

This refers to the object or group of objects to which a rule applies. The object set can be a single
object or a group of objects determined by the rule scope.

6.2.2 Rule type

There are two types of design rules – unary and binary.

Unary design rules

These apply to one object, or each object in a set of objects. Unary rules have one section on the
left-hand side of the Edit Rule tab of their dialog.
Example: Solder Mask Expansion.

Binary design rules

These apply between two objects, or between any object in one set to any object in the second set.
Binary rules have two sections, designated A and B, in the Edit Rule tab of their dialog.
Example: Clearances that apply between any copper object in the first set and any copper object
in the second set, as identified by the two rule scopes.

6.2.3 Scope
This allows you to determine how the rule is applied. Some rules do not support all scopes. The
options for scope are listed below.
Scope Description
Region A rectangle within the board area defined by diagonal co-ordinates
Pad A specific pad on the board (e.g. U2-4)
Pad Specification Pads defined by their properties (e.g. size, hole size, net)
Pad Class A user-defined group of pads
Via Specification Vias defined by their properties (e.g. diameter, hole size)
From-To A specific connection from one pad to another (defined in Design » From-
To Editor)
From-To Class A user-defined group of From-Tos (defined in Design » Classes)
Footprint A specific library component designated by footprint
Footprint Pad A specific pad of a footprint
Net A specific net
Net Class A user-defined group of nets (defined in Design » Classes)
Component A specific component
Component Class A user-defined group of components (defined in Design » Classes)
Object Kind A type of primitive object
Layer A routing layer (Top, mid 1-30 or Bottom)
Whole Board Applies to the complete PCB design
Multiple scopes can be applied to the same object, set by clicking on the And tab for the object set.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 39

6.2.4 Precedence
By using different scopes, it is possible to have multiple rules applied to the same object. There is
an order of precedence of scope that applies to resolve this situation. The order of precedence of
scope is listed below:
• Region (highest priority)
• Pad
• Footprint-pad
• Via specification
• Pad specification
• Pad class
• From-To
• From-To Class
• Net
• Net Class
• Component
• Component Class
• Footprint
• Object Kind
• Layer
• Whole Board (lowest priority).

6.3 How rules are checked

Design rules are checked by the Design Rule Checker (DRC) either online as you work or as a
report (batch). The report option is usually run as a final verification check when the board is
completed. Refer to 10.1 Design Rules Check report for more information on Batch DRC.

6.3.1 Online DRC

If the Online DRC option is turned on, any DRC violations caused are marked as you create them.
This is especially helpful when manually routing to immediately highlight clearance, width and
parallel segment violations.
Checking the Online DRC check box in the Options tab of the Preferences dialog (Tools »
Preferences) turns on the Online DRC.
You can configure which design rules are checked by the Online DRC from the Online tab of the
Design Rule Check dialog shown in Figure 31. This dialog is displayed by selecting the Tools »
Design Rule Check menu command. Enable each rule that you want to have automatically
monitored as you are working.
The DRC errors display in the color set in the Colors tab of the Preferences dialog (TP) and will
only appear if the DRC Errors option is enabled in the Document Options dialog (DO).

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 40

Figure 31. Online tab of the Design Rule Check dialog

The interactive routing command has additional Online DRC functions in the Options tab of the
Preferences dialog, as listed in the table below.

Interactive Routing Mode Online DRC action when rules are violated
Avoid Obstacle Prevents track being placed
Ignore Obstacle Places DRC marker
Push Obstacle Moves obstacle

6.4 Where rules apply

6.4.1 Routing rules

Rule Class Manual Auto Route Online Batch Other

Clearance Y Y Y Y Place Polygon
Routing Corners Tools » Miter Corners
Specctra DSN export
Routing Layers Y
Routing Priority Y
Routing Topology Y
Routing Via Style Y Board scope only
SMD Neckdown Y Y
SMD To Corner Y Y

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 41

Rule Class Manual Auto Route Online Batch Other
SMD To Plane Y Y
Width Constraint Y Y Y Y

6.4.2 Manufacturing rules

Rule Class Auto Online Batch Output Other

Route DRC DRC Generation
Acute Angle Constraint Y Y
Hole Size Constraint Y Y
Layer Pairs Y Y Manual route
Minimum Annular Ring Y Y
Paste Mask Exp Y
Polygon Connect Style Place Polygon
Power Plane Clearance Y Internal Planes
Power Plane Connect Y Internal Planes
Solder Mask Exp Y
Testpoint Style Y Y Y Y Find Testpoint
Testpoint Usage Y Y Y Y Find Testpoint

6.4.3 High Speed rules

Rule Class Auto Online Batch Output Other

Route DRC DRC Generation
Daisy Chain Stub Length Y Y
Length Constraint Y Y
Matched Length Nets Y Y Equalize Net Lengths
Maximum Via Count Y Y
Parallel Segment Y Y
Vias Under SMD Y Y

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 42

6.4.4 Placement rules

Rule Class Auto Online Batch Output Other

Route DRC DRC Generation
Component Clearance Y Y Cluster Auto Placer
Component Orientation Cluster Auto Placer
Nets To Ignore Cluster Auto Placer
Permitted Layers Cluster Auto Placer
Room Definition Y Y Arrange within room

6.4.5 Signal Integrity rules

All Signal Integrity rules apply only to Signal Integrity Analysis and Batch DRC.

6.4.6 Other design rules

Rule Class Auto Online Batch Output Other

Route DRC DRC Generation
Short Circuit Constraint Y Y
Unconnected pin Constraint Y
Unrouted Net Constraint Y Y

6.5 Object classes

6.5.1 Defining classes

Classes are provided to enable various commands to operate on sub-sets of object types, e.g. a
group of components. Any object of a particular type can belong to more than one class.
Commands will operate on a class if a design rule for that class has been defined.
Classes can be applied to:
• nets
• components
• pads
• from-tos.
To assign an object type to a class, select Design » Classes. This displays the Object Classes dialog
shown in Figure 32 below.
Click on the tab for the object type you want to assign and click on the Add button. This displays a
dialog, such as the Edit Component Class dialog shown below. You enter a new name for the class
to be defined in the Class Name field. The Non-Members scroll box lists all the objects (of that
object type) in the PCB file. Objects are assigned to the class by clicking on the object name and
then clicking on the > button which transfers the object name to the Members scroll box. Objects
can be removed from the class by clicking on the name in the Members scroll box and clicking on
the < button.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 43

Figure 32. Assigning Object Classes

Once classes have been defined, objects can be added or removed by clicking on the class name
and clicking on the Edit button on the Object Classes dialog. Classes can be deleted by clicking
the Delete button. Each object class tab provides the option to add or remove objects from a class
based on selection.
Objects in the PCB document can be selected by class by choosing the class and clicking on the
Select button in the Object Classes dialog. You can also select objects by class by choosing a
class-related Browse mode in the Browse PCB tab of the PCB Editor panel (e.g. Net Classes) and
clicking on the Select button. Objects in the chosen class are selected in the PCB.

6.5.2 Component Class Generator

The Edit Component Class dialog contains the Class Generator button, which, when clicked,
displays the Component Class Generator dialog. This allows you to define a component class
containing components based on selected properties.

6.6 From-tos
The PCB Editor allows commands to operate on a particular pin-to-pin connection in a net, in a
different manner to the rest of the net. A specific pin-to-pin connection is defined as a from-to.
Commands will operate on a from-to if a design rule for that from-to has been defined.
A from-to is defined using the From-To Editor. Select Design » From-To Editor to display this
editor (Figure 33).

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 44

Figure 33. From-To Editor

From the net you want to assign from-tos in, you click on that net name in the drop-down list in
the Net section. This displays the pads assigned to that net in the graphical window. The display
color of the pads shows their electrical type as indicated to the right of this window, e.g. green
means Load.
To assign a from-to, click on the ‘to’ pad in the graphical window, then click on the ‘from’ pad and
then right-click and choose Add From-To from the menu that pops up. This adds a new from-to to
the From-Tos list and displays the from-to in the graphical window.
When you move the cursor over a pad in the graphical window, the part and pad designators (e.g.
U12-10) are displayed immediately below the graphical window. Double-click on a pad to edit its
To remove a from-to, click on the from-to name or the from-to in the graphical window, then
right-click and choose Remove From-To from the menu that pops up.
The Auto Generate section allows you to assign from-tos for a complete net or to a specific

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 45

6.7 Exercise – Setting up the design rules
This exercise looks at setting up the required design rules.
1. Create a Net Class called Power, which includes the following nets:
To do this, select Design » Classes and click the Add button on the Net tab of the Object
Classes dialog. In the Edit Net Class dialog, name the class, move the selected nets to the
Members list by clicking on the > button, and click OK.
2. Confirm that the basic Board scope clearance constraint design rule is set to 8mils.
3. Add a second clearance constraint to keep polygons at least 15mils from other copper objects.
To do this:
- add a second clearance constraint rule
- set the A rule scope set to Object Kind and the Polygon object kind enabled
- leave the B rule scope set to whole board
- set the minimum clearance to 15mils
- set the rule name to PolyClearance.
4. Confirm that basic Board scope width constraint is set to Min 8, Max 20 and preferred 8.
5. Add a new width constraint for the Power class of nets, with settings of Min 8, Max 100 and
preferred 20. Name this rule PowerNets.
6. Save the board.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 46

7. Component Placement tools

7.1 Placing components

Components can be placed on a PCB board manually from the PCB libraries. Alternatively,
components will be placed to the side of the board when the Synchronizer is run from a
schematic document, ready for moving to their correct locations.

7.1.1 Adding libraries

To access the component footprints, the correct libraries must first be added to the current library
list in the PCB Editor. Select Design » Add/Remove Library, or press the Add/Remove button in the
PCB Editor panel when Browse mode is set to Libraries. The PCB libraries are located in design
databases (.ddb) in the \Design Explorer 99 SE\Library\Pcb folder.

7.1.2 Using the Place Component command

Component footprints can be placed in a PCB document from any open footprint library using the
Place » Component command or clicking on the Place Component toolbar button. During
placement the component may be moved, rotated (press SPACEBAR), or mirrored (press X or Y).
Press TAB to manually change the default values of the component by typing new values directly
into the Component dialog. Position the cursor and click where the component is to be placed.
You can also place components from the Browse PCB tab of the PCB Editor panel by clicking the
Place button when Browse mode is set to Libraries. You can also place components while
browsing the current libraries in the Library Browse dialog or while editing components in the
PCB Library Editor.

7.1.3 Using the Synchronizer

Once components are placed in the PCB document after running the Synchronizer (Design »
Update PCB in the Schematic Editor), you can make use of all the following placement tools to
achieve a final placement:
• Move Component
• Auto Placement
• Interactive Placement.
The quality of the component placement may determine whether your design can be routed.

7.2 Placing components with pre-determined locations

Almost every PCB will have some components that must be placed in a specific location. These
typically include connectors, switches and indicating lights.
If you can visually locate such components, click and hold to move them. Otherwise, select Edit »
Move » Component (M C) and click where there are no objects. This displays the Choose
Component dialog in which you could enter the designator of the component to be placed.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 47

Figure 34. Choose Component dialog

From this list, you can select the component to be placed and that component will appear on the
cursor ready to be placed. Press the TAB key to display the Component dialog and in the
Properties tab, check the Locked check box. This will lock the component so that it will not be
moved by other placement commands. Repeat this for all components with pre-determined

7.3 Moving components

Click and hold on a component to move it. While you are moving the component, the connection
lines directly connected to it will drag with it while all other connection lines are not displayed. As
you move the component, connection lines are dynamically optimized so that every connection
line is following the shortest path to any other object with the same net name.
Also, while you are moving a component, pressing the N key will toggle the display of
Pressing the L key while moving a component toggles the component between the top and the
bottom layer of the PCB.

7.3.1 Component unions

The Union feature allows you to group components together so that they can be moved as a
group, i.e. as if they were a single component. Multiple unions can be defined.
To create a union of components, select the components then choose the Create Union from
selected components icon on the Component Placement toolbar.
To remove a component from a union, or to remove the union, choose the Break Component
from Union icon on the Component Placement toolbar. This displays a dialog that lists all
components in the union. From here, select the component(s) to be removed from the union.
Selecting all components removes the union.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 48

7.3.2 Rooms
A room is a rectangular object that defines an area where components can either be kept within
or kept out. These rectangular objects are called room definitions. They are placed using the Place
» Room menu command, or click on the Place Room icon from the Placement toolbar.
A Room Definition design rule is created for each room that is placed. Once a room definition
object is placed, you define the components associated with it and whether they are to be kept in
or kept out. To do this, double-click on the room to display the Room Definition dialog. This
dialog can also be accessed from the Placement tab of the Design Rules dialog. Add a new Class
rule and set the scope of the rule to the required component, component class or footprint.
There is also a Tools » Interactive Placement » Arrange Within Room command that places
components within the room to which they have been assigned.

Moving components into a room

The components that are assigned to a room can be moved into that room by clicking on the
Arrange components within room icon on the Component Placement toolbar. You will be
prompted to click on the room.

Moving rooms
Once component(s) have been assigned to a room, they move when the room is moved. To move
a room without moving the components, temporarily disable the Room Definition rule in the
Placement tab of the Design Rules dialog.
If a component is moved such that it is in violation of the Room Definition rule, it is displayed with
a Design Rule Check (DRC) error marker.

7.3.3 Component Placement grid

When components are placed or moved, they snap to the Component Placement grid. This grid
has an X and a Y value and they are set in the Option tab of the Document Options dialog (Design
» Options).

7.3.4 Density map

The Density Map command is provided to allow you to evaluate the quality of your component
placement. It generates a graphical display of the connection density of the PCB layout. It is
analogous to a thermal contour map. The ‘hot’ areas, which display in red, indicate areas that are
too dense to successfully route. Look at any red areas and try to create more routing space.
To display the Density Map, select the Tools » Density Map command. When you are finished with
the density map, select the View » Refresh command or the END shortcut key to display the PCB
Editor workspace.

7.4 Interactive Placement commands

There are a number of semi-automated tools that allow you to edit the placement of your PCB
design. They are accessed via the Tools » Interactive Placement menu and the Component
Placement toolbar. These are described in the following sub-sections.

Figure 35. Component Placement toolbar

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 49

7.4.1 Alignment commands
The Alignment commands (Tools » Interactive Placement » Align) operate on any selected
components to fine-tune placement.

7.4.2 Spacing commands

Using the Spacing commands, Tools » Interactive Placement » Horizontal and Vertical Spacing
you can make the horizontal and vertical spacing between selected components equal, increased
or decreased.
Increasing and decreasing the horizontal (or vertical) spacing for selected components means the
horizontal (or vertical) distance between the component reference points is increased (or
decreased) by the amount specified in the X (or Y) component placement grid.

7.4.3 Arrange commands

These commands automatically move components as follows:

Arrange Command Behavior

Arrange Within Room Components assigned to the nominated room are placed
within that room.
Arrange Within Rectangle Selected components are placed within a defined area.
Arrange Outside Board Selected components are moved outside the board area.

7.4.4 Move to Grid

All unlocked components are moved to the closest Component Placement grid point.

7.5 Auto Placement

Automatic Placement attempts to optimally place all unlocked components in the PCB file. It uses
the largest enclosed shape on the Keep Out layer to determine the space available for placement.
Components will not be placed in any enclosed shapes on the Keep Out layer within the board
outline. The PCB Editor provides two options for auto placement, both using a different method
of calculating and optimizing component positions to suit different board densities. These
options are:
• Cluster Placer
This auto placer groups components into clusters based on their connectivity and then places
these clusters geometrically. The algorithms in this auto placer are more suited to designs
with a lower component count (less than 100).
Note: The Cluster Placer adheres to the Placement rules defined in the Design Rules dialog.

• Statistical Placer
The Statistical Placer uses a statistical algorithm to place the components in an attempt to
minimize the connection lengths. As it uses a statistical algorithm, it is best suited to designs
with more than 100 components.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 50

7.5.1 Cluster Placer
Before running the Cluster Placer:
• make sure you have defined the board area within which all components will be placed by
creating a boundary of tracks on the Keep Out layer. Also, create keepout zones within the
board, if necessary.
• set the current origin to the Absolute Origin (Edit » Origin » Reset)
• set up the appropriate Placement design rules in the Design Rules dialog (Design » Rules)
To run the Cluster Placer, select Tools » Auto Placement » Auto Placer. The Auto Place dialog
displays. Click on the Cluster Placer button.

Figure 36. Auto Place dialog

7.5.2 Statistical Placer

To run the Statistical Placer, select Tools » Auto Placement » Auto Placer. This displays the Auto
Place dialog. Click on the Statistical Placer button.

Figure 37. Auto Place dialog showing Statistical Placer options

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 51

The parameters you can set for the Statistical Placer are:

Group Components
Components that are tightly connected are grouped together and effectively treated as one
component for auto placement.

Rotate Components
Allows components to be rotated during auto placement.

Power Nets and Ground Nets Fields

As a power net is typically connected to most components, little is achieved by attempting to
optimize it. Any nets entered in these fields will not be considered by the Auto Place process.
Using this option will speed up the Auto Placement.
Any components connected to both these nets will be considered to be de-coupling capacitors
and will be grouped with large components (greater than 14 pins).

Grid Size
Each component reference point will be placed on this grid.

Running the Statistical Auto Placer

Before running the Statistical Auto Placer, you should set the origin to the Absolute Origin (Edit »
Origin » Reset).
Once the parameters have been set in the Auto Place dialog, click on OK. This launches the Auto
Placer, which runs in a separate editor window.
You can stop the Auto Placer at any time by closing the Auto Placer window. You are then
prompted as to whether you want to update the PCB file with the current placement.

7.5.3 Shove
This command allows you to place a component on a PCB so that it slightly overlaps other
components on the board, and then automatically shoves the overlapping components to allow
the new component to fit. The Shove commands are located in the Tools » Auto Placement menu.
To do this, select from the Tools » Auto Placement » Shove menu. The cursor will change to a
crosshair. Position the cursor over the component that is to be positioned on top of other
components and left-click or press ENTER. All the components that surround the selected
component and are in contact with it will be moved aside to make room for the component,
clearances permitting.
If a shoved component hits the edge of the Keep Out perimeter, there will be a ‘bounce back’
effect and that component will back away from the edge and shove the other components until
there is no overlap. To avoid shoving a particular component, enable its Locked attribute.

Setting the shove depth

To control the ‘ripple’ effect that shoving can produce, you can limit the number of subsequent
component shoves (those produced by the initial shoved components) by setting the Shove
Depth (Tools » Auto Placement » Set Shove Depth).
A setting of ‘1’ means that only the components that directly violate the target component will
move until they are clear of the target. Setting the depth to ‘2’ means that the process is repeated,
allowing the newly shoved components to shove any components that they now overlap. Setting
the depth to higher numbers allows more iterations of the process.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 52

To avoid unpredictable results on complex and dense designs, it is advisable to set the shove
depth to a low number (the default is 1).

7.5.4 Auto placement from a pick-and-place file

The PCB Editor can position components on the board based on the locations specified in a pick-
and-place file. This will move components that have already been loaded into the workspace to
the location specified for their designator in the pick-and-place (.PIK) format file. You should
first lock any components that are not to be moved by setting the Locked option in the
Component properties dialog.
Select Tools » Auto Placement » Place From File and enter a .PIK file name. Any components
listed in the .PIK file will have their positions updated, if different from the current position.

7.6 Re-Annotation
The PCB Editor provides the Re-Annotation command to re-number component designators, so
that they are numbered in some kind of order. To do this, choose the Tools » Re-Annotate menu
command. This displays the Positional Re-Annotate dialog shown in Figure 38. You select the
method by which you want the re-annotation to be performed and then click OK.
Alternatively, you can edit individual component designators by double-clicking on the

Figure 38. Positional Re-Annotate dialog

Note: You can update the Schematic with the designator changes using the Synchronizer. To do
this, select Design » Update Schematic.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 53

7.7 Exercise – Component Placement
In this exercise, you will position the Parallel Interface components. To speed the positioning
process, we will pre-place the other components, based on settings in an external Pick and Place
(.PIK) file.
1. Confirm that the snap grid and the component placement grid are set to 10 mils and 25 mils
respectively (i.e. X and Y are the same). Select Design » Options, click on Options tab.
2. Export the PIK file, Pick Place for SLC1657 Evaluation Board.pik, found in the
SLC1657 Evaluation Board folder, from the design database to the Training folder in
the Design Explorer 99 SE directory (right-click and select Export).
3. With the new PCB as the active document, select Tools » Auto Placement » Place From File. In
the Load File Name dialog, browse and locate the PIK file you just exported and click the
Open button to place from this file.
4. When the placement process has finished, press the END key to refresh the display.
All the components, except for the components in the parallel interface, will be correctly
positioned on the board. To group these parallel interface components together, select them,
then click the Arrange Selected Components within Area button on the
ComponentPlacement toolbar (or choose Tools » Interactive Placement » Arrange within
Rectangle), then follow the prompts on the Status Bar to group them in a rectangle.
5. Position the parallel interface components based on the placements shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39. Positioning the Parallel Interface components

Following are some placement tips:

• Connector placement is often critical, in this case set the location of J2 to 5100, 10400,
rotation 90 degrees.
• Use the connection lines to guide the placement process.
• Most of the components are going to be placed under U4, so lock this component
(double click to do this in the Component dialog). To protect the locked option so that
you will not get prompted each time you move a component beneath U4 or other locked
primitives, enable Protect Locked Objects (Tools » Preferences, click on Options tab.)
• Zoom in to show the correct area of the board.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 54

• Start by positioning the four diodes next to J2. To do this, select Edit » Move » Component
(shortcut M C). When the crosshair appears, click in free space to display the Choose
Component dialog. Set the Movement option at the bottom of the dialog to Move
Component to Cursor, then type in D2 and press ENTER.
• After positioning D2, the crosshair cursor will reappear, click in free space again to display
the Choose Component dialog, type in D3, and then press ENTER.
6. Continue to position the remaining components in the Parallel Interface. Do not attempt to
route them at this stage.
7. Save the board.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 55

8. Routing

8.1 Interactive routing

The Interactive Route command has some very powerful features that are available when placing
tracks. These are described below. Select Place » Interactive Routing to start routing. Refer to the
Protel 99 SE Design Explorer and Document Editor Basics training session for more information
about placing tracks and placement modes. Interactive routing shortcuts are listed on page 83 of
this manual.

Managing connectivity
Once components are placed into a PCB file, connection lines display to indicate unconnected
nets. Whenever there is an operation on a copper layer that affects connectivity, the PCB Editor
analyzes the PCB to determine if any connections have changed. If any connections have been
made by tracks, connection lines are no longer displayed. Also, if a shorter path for any
connection is created by a new connection, a shorter connection line is displayed.

Track width
When using the Interactive Routing command, the track width is determined by the setting for
Preferred Width in the Width Constraint design rules.

Interactive Routing mode

The Interactive Routing mode is set in the Options tab in the Preferences dialog (Tools »
Preferences). The Ignore Obstacle option allows you to route anywhere on the board. If it is set to
Avoid Obstacle, you cannot place a track in violation of the design rules. If it is set to Push
Obstacle, tracks in the path of the track being placed are automatically pushed aside to allow it to
be routed.

Look-ahead routing
The PCB Editor incorporates the ‘look-ahead’ feature that operates as you place tracks. The track
segment that is connected to the cursor is a look-ahead segment and displays in outline/draft
mode. The segment between this look-ahead segment and the last-placed segment is the current
track that you are placing and displays in final mode.
Use the look-ahead segment to work out where you intend to place the next segment and to
determine where you wish to terminate the current segment. When you click to place the current
segment, its end point will be positioned exactly where you need to commence the next segment.
This feature allows you to quickly and accurately place tracks around existing objects and plan
where the next track segment can be placed.
As you use the look-ahead segment to guide your routing, you will notice that the track end does
not always remain attached to the cursor. It avoids electrical objects that belong to another net.
This feature prevents you from violating any clearance constraints.

Interactive Routing properties

When using Interactive Routing, track width is determined by the Width Constraint design rules.
Pressing the TAB key while routing, displays the Interactive Routing dialog where you can set width
and via properties.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 56

Figure 40. Interactive Routing dialog

Loop Removal
Loop removal automatically removes redundant track segments as you re-route a track.
To enable the Loop Removal feature, select Tools » Preferences and choose the Automatically
Remove Loops option in the Options tab of the Preferences dialog.
To edit a track using the Loop Removal feature:
1. Select Place » Interactive Routing.
2. Position the cursor on the section of track you wish to edit.
3. Click to initiate the starting point of the new track section.
4. Place the new track segments.
5. Click on the existing track section to finish placing the new track section. Notice that the old
track disappeared when you clicked to place the finish point of the new track!
If you do not want this function to operate while you are placing tracks:
1. Press the OP shortcut keys to display the Preferences dialog (Tools » Preferences)
2. Uncheck the Automatically Remove Loops option in the Options tab.

Electrical Grid
When in the interactive routing command, an octagonal graphic displays on the cursor whenever
the Electrical Grid snaps the cursor to an object assigned to a net.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 57

8.1.1 Exercise – Interactive Routing
In this exercise, you will route all the connections associated with the Parallel Interface
1. First route the GND plane connections for the capacitors, as shown in Figure 41. Select Place »
Interactive Routing and click on a pad to start routing. As you move the cursor away from the
pad, press the / key on the numeric keypad to add a via that will connect to the power plane.
To create the via this way, make sure you are not in ‘any angle’ track placement mode.

Figure 41. Routing the Parallel Interface components

2. Route the rest of the connections, as shown in Figure 41.

3. Save the board.
Tip! If you want to change some of the routing you have placed, it is better to reroute it rather
than trying to drag the track segments.
To reroute, select Place » Interactive Routing, click anywhere on the existing routing, route the
new track segments, coming back to meet the existing routing at some point. The old redundant
track segments will be automatically removed if you ensure Automatically Remove Loops is
enabled in the Preferences dialog (Tools » Preferences, Options tab).

8.2 Automatic routing

• The automatic router is a shape-based router that assigns routing parameters to each
• Where appropriate, design rules are adhered to by the Autorouter.

8.2.1 Automatic routing tips

• The board must include a closed boundary on the Keep Out layer.
• You can protect pre-routed connections, fan-outs and entire nets by enabling the Lock all Pre-
routes option in the Autorouter Setup dialog (Auto Route » Setup). This option also protects
fan outs and partially routed connections.
• Objects with a net name that are not locked may be moved/ripped up during routing.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 58

• Objects placed on the Keep Out layer create blocks for the router on all layers.
• Signal layer objects with no net name create blocks for the router on that signal layer.
• The router does not consider objects on the mechanical layers.

8.2.2 Setting up the Autorouter

The Autorouter requires minimal set up. Select Auto Route » Setup to display the Autorouter
Setup dialog shown below. Simply click on the check boxes next to the Router Passes you would
like performed.

Figure 42. Autorouter Setup dialog

8.2.3 Autorouter options

Once the Autorouter has been set up, you can choose any of the following options in the Auto
Route menu:
All Routes the complete PCB.
Net Routes a complete net. Click to select the net in the workspace.
Connection Routes a connection within a net as defined by a connection line. Click
to select the connection.
Component Routes all connections to a component. Click to select the component.
Area Routes all connections within an area. Click and drag to define the area.

At any time while the PCB is being routed, you can temporarily stop it using the Auto Route »
Pause menu command and re-start it using Auto Route » Start.
The routing can be terminated using the Auto Route » Stop command. Any connections made by
the Autorouter are kept.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 59

Any or all of the connections made by the Autorouter can be removed using the Un-Route
commands in the Tools menu.

8.2.4 Exercise – Autorouting

Now, you can finish routing the board using the Autorouter.
1. Select Autoroute » Setup, and turn on all passes except the Add Testpoint pass.
2. Make sure Lock All Pre-Routes is selected to protect the pre-routed connections.
3. Set the routing grid to 1mil. Boards with a mixture of metric and imperial components can give
better results routed on a 1mil grid.
4. Click Route All to route the board. Select No to choose the 1mil gird over the suggested grid
in the popup dialog. Choosing Yes may increase the speed of the Autorouter but may also
give lower quality results.
5. When the router stops, it will report the completion status. Attempt to complete any unrouted
connections and clean up untidy routing.
6. Save the board.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 60

9. Polygons
• A polygon is an area of copper on a signal layer, usually connected to a net, which is poured
over existing objects, such as tracks and pads.
• They can be solid or hatched.
• They maintain a clearance, set in the design rules, away from other copper objects.
• Polygons are made up of tracks and arcs but are recognized as a single object.
• They can be any enclosed shape comprising lines and arcs.
• They can be placed on other layers. Polygons, however, do not pour around other objects
unless they are placed on signal layers.

9.1 Placing polygons

Place a polygon using the Place » Polygon Plane menu command or the toolbar icon. This
displays the Polygon Plane dialog in which you set up the parameters for the polygon. Once the
parameters are set up, click OK and draw the polygon plane in the workspace.

Figure 43. Polygon Plane dialog

The parameters for Place Polygon are listed below.

Net Options
• Connect to Net — select the net to be connected to the polygon.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 61

• Pour Over Same Net — existing tracks within the polygon which are part of the net being
connected to will be covered by the polygon.
• Remove Dead Copper — removes any part of the polygon that cannot connect to the plane

Plane Settings
• Grid Size — spacing between tracks that make up the polygon.
• Track Width — width of tracks that make up the polygon. If Track Width is equal to the Grid
Size, the polygon ends up as solid copper. If Grid Size is greater than Track Width, the
polygon ends up as hatched.
• Layer — select the signal layer that the polygon is to be placed on.
• Lock Primitives — if unchecked, individual objects (i.e. tracks or arcs) that make up the plane
can be deleted.

Hatch Style
• 90-Degree Hatch — Polygon is hatched with horizontal and vertical tracks.
• 45-Degree Hatch — Polygon is hatched with tracks at 45 degrees and 135 degrees.
• Vertical Hatch — Polygon consists of only vertical tracks.
• Horizontal Hatch — Polygon consists of only horizontal tracks.
• No Hatching — Only outlines are poured.

Surround Pads With

• Octagons — Places a track to form an octagon around pads.
• Arc — Places an arc around pads

Minimum Primitive Size

Tracks or arcs below this setting are not placed when pouring a polygon.

9.1.1 Setting the polygon corner style

As you place the polygon, press the SPACEBAR to cycle through the four polygon corner styles of
any angle line, 90-degree arc, 45-degree or 90-degree line as shown below.

Figure 44. Polygon Plane corner styles

9.1.2 Editing a polygon

To change any of the parameters once a polygon has been placed, double-click on the polygon, or
select Edit » Change and click on the polygon. This displays the Polygon Plane dialog where you

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 62

can change any of the parameters and then click OK. You are then prompted to re-pour the

9.1.3 Moving a polygon

Move a polygon as you would any other object. Click, hold and move it to the next location. When
you release the mouse button, you are prompted to re-pour the polygon.

9.1.4 Editing polygon vertices

To move or insert vertices on a polygon, select the Edit » Move » Polygon Vertices command and
click on the polygon to be modified. This polygon will display handles at each vertex and a small
cross at the center point of each line segment of its border. To move a vertex, click and drag on
the handle for that vertex. To insert a vertex, click and hold on the cross in the line segment and
drag it to where the vertex is required.

9.1.5 Deleting a polygon

To delete a polygon, select the Edit » Delete command and then click on the polygon to be

9.2 Exercises – Working with polygons

In this exercise, you will place a polygon plane under the crystal oscillator, U8, as shown in Figure
45 below.

Figure 45. Placement of a solid polygon under the crystal oscillator

1. If necessary, reroute any top layer routing that passes under the crystal oscillator before
placing the polygon.
2. Place a solid polygon on the top layer under the crystal oscillator, U8, connected to net GND,
with the Pour Over Same Net option enabled. To create a solid fill, set the grid size to 10mil
and the track width to 10mil. Select Horizontal Hatching to conserve the number of tracks
placed to fill in the polygon.
3. Save the board.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 63

10. Design Rule Checking
• The Design Rules Checking (DRC) functions are provided to check that your design conforms
to the design rules.
• There are both Online and Batch DRC functions. See 6.3.1 Online DRC for more information
about Online DRC.
• A design should only be submitted for manufacturing when all DRC violations have been
• DRC violations can be located using the Violations browser in the Browse section of the PCB
Editor panel.

10.1 Design Rules Check report

The DRC report is often referred to as the Batch DRC. This performs design rules checks based on
the options selected and marks any violations found. Selecting the Tools » Design Rule Check
menu command runs the DRC. This displays the Design Rule Check dialog shown in Figure 46.

Figure 46. Report tab of the Design Rules Check dialog

The Rules sections of this dialog enable you to select which design rules the DRC will check for
violations. Click on the Run DRC button to start a DRC check on the PCB. A report (.DRC) is
generated and displays in the Text Editor.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 64

10.2 Locating design rule violations
The following are provided to locate DRC violations:
• Violations browser in the Browse section of the PCB Editor panel.
• Jump to Error Marker (Violations browser)
Select this command using Edit » Jump » Error Marker. When invoked, the PCB Editor locates
the next DRC violation and zooms in on it and displays in center screen. Each time this
command is selected, the next error marker is displayed. You can also use the Jump command
to jump to components, nets, pads, strings or coordinates.
• Details button (Violations browser)
This button displays more information about which primitives are violating. Alternatively,
right-click and select Violations in a PCB document to display details.
• Cross Probing
To use Cross Probing, switch to the DRC report file in the Text Editor. Select the text relating
to the object that you would like to locate in the PCB Editor. This can be any of the following:
• designator
• designator-pin
• coordinate
• string.

Then select the Cross Probe icon in the Text Editor toolbar. Switch to the PCB Editor and
the selected object will be displayed center screen.

10.3 Exercise – Running a DRC

In this exercise, you will run a Design Rule Check (DRC) to check for PCB design violations.
1. Open DRC.pcb in PCB Practice Documents folder.
2. Confirm that the DRC Errors option in the Document Options dialog (Design » Options) is
enabled to see any violations appear on screen.
3. Run a DRC and review the violations in the PCB Browse panel.
4. Resolve violations one by one.
Tip! Use the Measure Primitives feature (Reports » Measure Primitives) to determine actual
clearances between violating primitives, such as a pad and a track.
5. Save the board.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 65

11. Printing
Printing from your PCB document is performed using Protel 99 SE’s Print/Preview utility. This
allows you to control the complete printing process from the definition of layers to be printed
through to previewing and final output.

11.1 Using Print/Preview

Print/Preview is invoked by clicking on the Printer icon on the Main toolbar or by selecting
File » Print/Preview. This launches the Print/Preview server that creates a new PowerPrint
Configuration document (Preview <filename>.PPC) as shown below. A .PPC can contain
multiple printouts that may contain different combinations of the PCB layers to be printed.

Figure 47. Print/Preview window with all layers displayed

A print preview of your PCB is displayed in the Design window. A list of printouts in this document
is displayed in the Browse PCBPrint tab of the PCB Editor panel. Click on the required printout
name in the Browse PCBPrint tab to make it current and display the preview.
Clicking on the + next to the Printout icon expands out the list of layers that comprise that
printout. For example, clicking on + next to the default Multilayer Composite Print will display all
the layers used in the PCB.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 66

The actual PCB data is not stored in the PPC document so it must be extracted from the PCB when
you open, create or modify a PPC document. This analysis happens automatically but, if you
prefer, you can disable Perform Automatic Rebuild for Changes in the Preferences dialog. Then
use the Rebuild button (when you change the preview configuration) or the Process PCB button
in the Browse PCBPrint tab (when you modify the PCB) to update the previews.

11.1.1 Print commands

To send printouts straight to the designated printer, choose from the following options available
from the File menu:
• Print All — prints all printouts
• Print Job — prints all printouts as a single print job
• Print Page — prints the currently displayed preview
• Print Current — prints the current printout.
Clicking on the Printer icon on the Main toolbar also performs Print All.

11.1.2 Pre-defined printouts

The Tools menu contains the following commands for creating pre-defined printouts:
• Create Final
• Create Composite
• Create Power Plane-Set
• Create Mask Set
• Create Drill Drawings
• Create Assembly Drawings
• Create Composite Drill Guide.
Note that new configuration sets will overwrite any existing printouts.

Figure 48. Assembly drawings created using the Tools » Create Assembly Drawings command

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 67

11.1.3 Creating and customizing printouts
To create a printout:
1. Select Edit » Insert Printout. This displays the Printout Properties dialog.

Figure 49. Printout Properties dialog

2. Enter a new Printout name and click on Add to nominate the layers you want to print. This
displays the Layer Properties dialog. The Top Layer is automatically added.
3. In this dialog, you can set the PCB layer to be printed by selecting the layer name from the
Print Layer Type list. Also, set the display mode properties of each object type on that layer.
This determines how they will print — full, draft or hidden.

Figure 50. Layer Properties dialog

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 68

Adding layers
You can also add a new layer to an existing printout by choosing the printout name in the Browse
PCBPrint tab and selecting Edit » Insert Layer. Then set the properties of the new layer in the Layer
Properties dialog.

Modifying layer properties

To change layer properties, right-click on the layer’s icon in the Browse PCBPrint tab and choose

11.1.4 Setting scale, orientation and printer options

To set up printing options, choose the File » Setup Printer command to display the PCB Print
Options dialog or right-click on the Printer icon in the Browse PCBPrint tab.

Figure 51. Setting the printer options

11.1.5 Copying a print preview to the Windows clipboard

You can copy the current Printout preview to the Windows clipboard by clicking on the Copy icon
on the Main toolbar or the Edit » Copy menu command. You can also save the image as a
Windows Metafile (.wmf) by choosing File » Export.

11.1.6 PPC documents

The Print/Preview documents (.PPC) can be renamed and copied either within the current design
folder or to other folders. You can use a Print/Preview document with another design by copying
it to the appropriate folder and changing the PCB to be printed by choosing the Tools » Set Target
Board menu command. You can also create multiple .PPC documents by closing and renaming
an existing .PPC before running Print/Preview again.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 69

12. CAM Manager
The CAM Manager gives you total control over the setup and creation of the manufacturing
output files, including Gerber, NC Drill and Pick and Place. The setups are saved with the design
in a CAM Output Configuration document and can be modified at any time. CAM documents can
also be copied from one design to another, making it easy to transfer your preferred output file
To create a new CAM document for the current PCB, select File » CAM Manager. A blank .CAM
document is created and the Output Wizard will automatically start. Using the Wizard, you can
create an Output Setup for each type of output.
CAM Manager supports the following outputs:
• Bill of Materials
• Gerber
• NC Drill
• Pick and Place
• Test Point Report.

Figure 52. CAM output setup in the CAM Manager window

You can add a new output setup to your CAM Output Configuration document using Edit » Insert
commands or by right-clicking in the CAM Manager window and choosing an Insert command,
e.g. Insert DRC. Once an output setup is created, it can be edited by double-clicking on its entry
in the list of output setups. Each output setup is described later in this section.
CAM Outputs are generated while in the CAM Manager by:

• clicking on the Generate CAM Outputs icon on the CAM Manager Main toolbar, or
• selecting the Tools » Generate CAM Files menu command, or press F9.
The data is output into appropriate documents in a CAM folder within the same folder as your
PCB file or in separate folders for each output type. This is determined by settings in the CAM
Options dialog (Tools » Preferences).

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 70

Figure 53. CAM Options dialog

12.1 Bill of Materials

This option produces Bill of Materials reports (parts lists). Double-clicking on a Bom Output Setup
displays the Bill of Materials Setup dialog. Output format options are Text, CSV (Comma Separated
Variables) and Spreadsheet.

Figure 54. Bill of Material Setup dialog

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 71

12.2 DRC
This option produces a Design Rules Check report. Double-clicking on a DRC Output Setup in
the CAM Manager window displays the DRC Setup dialog.

Figure 55. DRC Setup dialog

12.3 Gerber
This option produces a Photoplotter output in Gerber format. Double-clicking on a Gerber
Output Setup displays the Gerber Setup dialog. Consult your PCB manufacturer for their
preferred settings.

Figure 56. Gerber Setup dialog

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 72

12.4 NC Drill
This option produces a NC drill output in an industry standard format. Double-clicking on a NC
Drill Output Setup displays the NC Drill Setup dialog. Consult your PCB manufacturer for their
preferred settings.

Figure 57. NC Drill Setup dialog

12.5 Pick and Place

This option produces component data that is used to program a Pick and Place machine. Double-
clicking on a Pick Place Output Setup displays the Pick and Place Setup dialog shown.

Figure 58. Pick and Place Setup dialog

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 73

12.6 Test point report
This option produces information on the location and size of Testpoints for use in fabricating test
fixtures and programming testers.
Double-clicking on a Testpoints Output Setup displays the Test Point Setup dialog.

Figure 59. Testpoint Setup dialog

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 74

13. 3D Viewer
The 3D Viewer allows you to generate a 3D model of your PCB that you can view from any angle.
This enables you to visualize what the PCB will look like. To model components in 3D, the 3D
Viewer uses a run-time component modeling algorithm that uses the component designator
prefix, footprint and outline shape to automatically select model and texture information and
construct a suitable component model. Components that cannot be recognized are automatically
The benefits of the tool are to help locate design errors very early in the design process. Some
examples are:
• component placement problems
• mechanical interference problems
• assembly problems.

13.1 Running the 3D Viewer

To run the 3D Viewer, click on this icon on the Main toolbar, or select View » Board in 3D.

Figure 60. PCB 3D Viewer

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 75

The 3D Viewer has a separate tab from the PCB Editor, the Browse PCB3D tab. You control the
view of the PCB using the Display options in this tab. Options for the 3D Viewer can also be set
using View » Preferences in the 3D Viewer. This displays the Preferences dialog (Figure 61).

Figure 61. 3D Viewer’s Preferences dialog

13.2 Changing the 3D view

To change the view of the PCB, you position the cursor in the MiniViewer in the Browse PCB3D
tab of the Design Manager panel. You then click and hold and move the cursor to rotate the view
of the PCB.

13.2.1 Highlighting nets

To highlight the tracks belonging to selected nets in the 3D Viewer, choose net names from the
Browse Nets list in the Browse PCB3D tab and click on the Highlight button. The chosen net(s) will
be highlighted in the color selected in the Preferences dialog. Choosing Animated Highlighting in
the Preferences dialog causes the selected tracks to ‘pulsate’.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 76

14. PCB Library Editor
The PCB Library Editor is provided to create and modify PCB components and manage PCB
component libraries. In addition to enabling you to build components as required, it also provides
a Component Wizard to guide you through the creation of most common PCB component types.

14.1 The PCB Library workspace

An existing PCB library can be accessed by first selecting Libraries from the Browse list in the
Browse PCB tab of the Design Manager panel. Then select the library document you wish to open
and click on Edit. The Browse PCBLIB tab displays and PCB Library Editor workspace is shown
below. Click on the required component in the Components list.

Figure 62. PCB Library Editor workspace

The view commands, primitive objects, layers, selection and focus, grids and general editing
functions are all identical to the PCB Editor.
Settings in the Preferences dialog and Document Options dialog also apply in the PCB Library

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 77

14.2 PCB Library Editor panel
The Browse PCBLIB tab of the PCB Library Editor panel provides a number of facilities for working
with PCB components. These are described below.

Component section
The top section of the panel comprises a scroll box that
lists all the components in the active library. The Mask
field allows you to selectively list components.
The buttons at the bottom of the Component list do the
< Move the cursor up one component in
the list
<< Move the cursor to the top of the list
>> Move the cursor to the bottom of the list
> Move the cursor down one component
in the list
Rename Renames the selected component
Place Places the selected component into the
active file in the PCB Editor
Remove Deletes the selected component from
the library
Add Creates a new component and launches
the Component Wizard.

• The scroll box in the lower part of the Components

section lists the pin numbers of the pads in the
selected component.
• Click on a pin number to select it and then click on
the Edit button (or double-click on the pin number
text) to display the Pad dialog.
• Click on the Jump button to zoom in on the selected
pad in the display window.
• The Current Layer section displays the current layer
Figure 63. Browse PCBLIB tab
and allows you to change the current layer by clicking
on the down arrow.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 78

14.3 Creating a component using the Component Wizard
The PCB Library Editor includes the Component Wizard. This Wizard allows you to select the
component category and fill in appropriate information and then builds the component for you.
To launch the Component Wizard, click on the Add button on the Browse PCBLIB tab of the PCB
Library Editor panel or select the Tools » New Component.

14.4 Manually creating a component

Components are created in the PCB Library Editor using the same set of primitive objects available
in the PCB Editor. In addition to PCB components, corner markers, phototool targets, mechanical
definitions, etc. can be saved as components.
The typical sequence for manually creating a component footprint is:
1. Open the desired library in the PCB Library Editor.
2. Select the Tools » New Component menu command. The Component Wizard will
automatically start, click on Cancel to manually create a component. You will be presented
with an empty component footprint workspace, called PCBComponent_1. Select Tools »
Rename Component to change this to the required name. Component names can be up to
255 characters.
3. Use tracks or other primitive objects to place the component outline on the Silkscreen layer.
4. Place the pads according to the component requirements. When a pad is floating on the
cursor, select Edit » Jump » Reference to position the cursor at the workspace 0, 0 coordinate.
Prior to placing the first pad, press the TAB key to define all the pad properties. Make sure you
set the designator property correctly. Typically, the first pad you place is pin 1, so the set
designator to '1' for the first pad. The designator automatically increments.
The 0,0 coordinate is the point where the component is ‘held’ during placement. Always confirm
that it is set to a suitable location. Select Edit » Set Reference to change the location.

14.5 Copying a component

There is often the requirement to copy components, either from one library to another or within
the same library. To achieve this use Edit » Copy Component. This command copies any
components that are selected in the Components list in the Browse PCBLIB tab to the Protel 99 SE
clipboard. To select a component, click on the name text of that component. To select additional
components, use CTRL+click.
You then use Edit » Paste Component to paste components on the Protel 99 SE clipboard into the
active PCB Library document.

14.6 Special strings in the Library Editor

There are two special strings that are active in the Library Editor which are provided to allow you
to control the positioning of the designator (.Designator) and the comment (.Comment).
Place these in the PCB Library Editor workspace at the location relative to the component where
you would like the designator or comment to be placed.
When you use these, you can hide the default designator and comment that are added when the
component is placed in the PCB file.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 79

14.7 Component Rule Check
The Reports » Component Rule Check command allows you to check either the current
component or the whole library for any of the objects selected in the Component Rule Check

Figure 64. Component Rule Check dialog

The results of the component rule check are displayed in a text document.

Figure 65. Library Component Rule Check report

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 80

14.8 Exercise – Libraries and components
In this exercise, we will create a new PCB library and a new component footprint called DIP8SOCK.
1. Create a new PCB library document, PCBLIB1.lib, using File » New.
2. While in the PCB Library Editor, use the Component Wizard (Tools » New Component) to
create the new component. Choose a DIP type, imperial units and pad dimensions of 60x60
with 30 mil hole. Top, middle and bottom layers have the same pad dimensions. Relative
positioning of the pads (or ‘pitch’ between pads) is 300 mil across and 100 mil down. Choose
an outline width of 12 mil, 8 pads and name the component DIP8SOCK.

Figure 66. Footprint for DIP8SOCK created using the Component Wizard

3. The Wizard has created a basic component to your specifications. Now we need to enlarge the
component outline to 500x500 mil, keeping the square pad (pin 1) centered on 0,0. The top left
corner has coordinates -100, 100 relative to the origin. The arc radius needs to be increased to 50

Figure 67. Modified footprint for DIP8SOCK

4. Save and close your completed component and new library.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 81

15. Shortcut key summary
L Layers tab of Document Options
Q Toggle Units (imperial/metric)
PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN View » Zoom In, View » Zoom Out
CTRL+ PAGE UP / PAGE DOWN Zoom maximum/minimum
SHIFT+ PAGE UP / PAGE DOWN Zoom at 0.1 step rate
HOME View » Pan
END View » Refresh
CTRL+HOME Jump to Absolute Origin
CTRL+END Jump to Current Origin
CTRL+INS Edit » Copy
CTRL+DEL Edit » Clear
SHIFT+INS Edit » Paste
SHIFT+DEL Edit » Cut
* Toggle active signal layers
+ or - Next / previous active layer
F1 Help

15.1 Pop-up menus

B View » Toolbars submenu

G Snap Grid pop-up menu
J Edit » Jump submenu
M Edit » Move submenu
O Options pop-up menu
S Edit » Select submenu
U Tools » Unroute submenu
X Edit » DeSelect menu
Z Zoom pop-up menu

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 82

15.2 Interactive routing

BACKSPACE Removes the previously placed track segment while routing a

* Toggles through the routing layers while routing.
/ Places a via connecting to a power plane, except when in ‘any angle’
track placement mode.
TAB Pop up the Track Properties dialog to edit track attributes while
SHIFT+R Cycles through the interactive routing modes.
SHIFT+S Toggles single-layer display mode on and off.
SPACEBAR Changes between track placement start and end angle modes.
SHIFT+ SPACEBAR Cycles through the track placement modes.
CTRL+ SPACEBAR Cycles through the connection lines connecting to a pad.
CRTL Temporarily suspends the electrical grid.
ALT Temporarily switches from Avoid Obstacle to Ignore Obstacle mode.
END Refreshes the display while routing.

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 83

Solutions to Design Rule Check (DRC) exercise

Violation Solution
Protel Design System Design Rule Check
PCB File : PCB Practice Documents\DRC.pcb
WARNING: Primitives found on Internal Planes Warnings are caused by
InternalPlane1 tracks placed around the
InternalPlane2 edge of plane layers. Ignore
this warning.
Processing Rule : Clearance Constraint (Gap=8mil) (On the board ),(On the board ) Re-route tracks from POT1-1
Violation between Pad Free-(3450mil,10750mil) MultiLayer and to R1-2 adhering to clearance
Track (3395mil,10795mil)(3585mil,10795mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad POT1-1(3550mil,10750mil) MultiLayer and of 8mil.
Track (3395mil,10795mil)(3585mil,10795mil) TopLayer
Violation between Track (5582mil,7908mil)(6348mil,7908mil) TopLayer and
Track (5306.1mil,7891.93mil)(6433.07mil,7891.93mil) TopLayer Re-route tracks from U9-138
Violation between Track (6348mil,7908mil)(6390mil,7950mil) TopLayer and to P1-7 adhering to clearance
Track (5306.1mil,7891.93mil)(6433.07mil,7891.93mil) TopLayer
Violation between Track (5519.33mil,7970.67mil)(5582mil,7908mil) TopLayer and of 8mil.
Track (5306.1mil,7891.93mil)(6433.07mil,7891.93mil) TopLayer
Rule Violations :5
Processing Rule : Width Constraint (Min=8mil) (Max=20mil) (Prefered=15mil) (On the Adjust track size to 8mil.
board )
Violation Track (4805mil,10320mil)(4900mil,10225mil) TopLayer Actual
Width = 6mil
Rule Violations :1
Violation Net GND is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 99.42% Route C17-2 to existing GND
Subnet : C20-2 C21-2 J3-1 etc. pad or new fan out (free pad
Subnet : C17-2
and track) to GND internal
Processing Rule : Broken-Net Constraint ( (On the board ) ) Route entire net.
Violation Net PRD3 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : J2-5
Subnet : D5-2
Rule Violations :2
Processing Rule : Hole Size Constraint (Min=1mil) (Max=140mil) (On the board ) Adjust hole sizes to 125mil.
Violation Pad J2-(6285mil,10567.5mil) MultiLayer Actual Hole Size = 245mil
Violation Pad J2-(3915mil,10567.5mil) MultiLayer Actual Hole Size = 245mil
Rule Violations :2

Violations Detected : 10
Time Elapsed : 00:00:02

Protel 99 SE PCB Design Training Manual 84

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