MM 212 Materials Evaluation Techniques Fall Semester 2020, FMCE, GIK Institute
MM 212 Materials Evaluation Techniques Fall Semester 2020, FMCE, GIK Institute
MM 212 Materials Evaluation Techniques Fall Semester 2020, FMCE, GIK Institute
Lecture 1-4
Muzammil Irshad
Brief Introduction of the Instructor:
Muzammil Irshad
Lecturer, FMCE, GIK Institute
➢MS in Materials Science & Eng. (2016), ME Department, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
Selective Publications
• Investigation of the Structural and Mechanical Properties of Nano/Micro Al2O3and cBN Composites prepared by Spark
Plasma Sintering. (Ceramics International), May 2017, 10645-10653
• Effect of Ni content and particle size of Al2O3 on the Thermal and Mechanical properties of Al2O3/Ni composites Prepared
by Spark Plasma Sintering. (International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials), 24 May 2018, 76, 25-32
• Carbon/carbon Nano Composites as Counter Electrodes for Platinum free dye-sensitized solar cells (Organic Electronics) 35
(2016): 128-135.
• The Effect of Impingement velocity and angle variation on the Erosion-Corrosion performance of API 5L-X65 Carbon Steel
in a Flow Loop. Metals, Special Issue: Failure Mechanisms in Alloys (MDPI), 31 May 2018
• Effect of accumulation of environmental dust and subsequent mud formation on textural, chemical and optical properties of
silicon wafers for photovoltaic cell applications. Published 19 May 2018, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaic.
• Structural and Mechanical Properties of Nano and Micro Al2O3-cBN Composites Prepared by SPS. (Patent, 503462US)
• Tribological behaviour and performance of alumina-based nanocomposites reinforced with uncoated and Ni-coated cubic
Boron Nitride (August 2019) Research Aggregators: (Below links for your information and interest) 3
Contact Details
Email: [email protected]
Course Learning Outcomes
Mapping of CLOs and PLOs PLOs
1. Engineering Knowledge
Blooms 2. Problem Analysis
Sr. No Course Learning Outcomes PLOs 3. Design analysis
4. Design/Development of solutions
Be able to understand various 5. Investigation
properties of materials by C2: 6. Modern Tool Usage
CLO_1 PLO1 7. The Engineer and Society
comprehending the interaction of Comprehension
material with different energy types. 8. Environment and Sustainability
9. Ethics
Be able to distinguish different 10. Individual and Team Work
destructive and non-destructive C2: 11. Communication
techniques for the evaluation of Comprehension 12. Project Management
materials. 13. Lifelong Learning
Be able to apply different destructive Bloom Taxonomy Level (BTL)
CLO_3 and non-destructive techniques for the PLO2 C3: Applying 1. Knowledge
materials evaluation. 2. Comprehension
3. Application
4. Analysis
5. Evaluation
6. Creating
Course Grading and Assessment
Overall Grading Policy
Assessment Items Percentage CLO Assessment Mechanism
Project/Case Studies/Presentations 10%
Assessment tools CLO_1 CLO_2 CLO_3
Quizzes (scheduled) 15%
Assignments 5% Quizzes/Mid Final 100% 100%
Midterm Exam 30% Exam
Final Exam 40% Course Project 100%
Administrative Instructions
1. According to institute policy, 80% attendance is mandatory to appear in the final
2. Assignments must be submitted as per instructions mentioned in the assignments.
3. In any case, there will be no retake of (scheduled/surprise) quizzes.
4. For queries, kindly follow the office hours in order to avoid any inconvenience.
Text Book
Reference Book
Text and Reference Books:
Materials Evaluation Techniques & Instrumentation (MM212)
Credit hours: 3, Prerequisites: MM102
Brief Outlines of the Course
❑ Introduction to spectroscopy
Terminologies used in Evaluation of Materials
What is Materials Evaluation ?
Engineering Materials
Degradation of Materials
Internal wall of a carbon steel oil
sands tailings pipe
Monitoring of Welding Work
❑ Structural changes occur in a material as a result of prolonged exposure to high levels of different forms of energy.
✓ Residual Stress
✓ Embrittlement
✓ Fatigue
✓ Creep
✓ Radiation damage
❑ Mechanical Component
✓ Thermal embrittlement
✓ Radiation embrittlement. Embrittlement Oxidation/Corrosion
Testing of Materials
Materials testing can be either destructive testing (DT)or Non-
destructive testing (NDT).
1. Destructive:
✓ Either with the naked eye or under a very low magnification (5x-
10x) (e.g. Poor Weld Profile)
✓ Traditional destructive examination, which involves cutting and
polishing a material to look for macroscopic flaws and
✓ After polishing the material is often etched to emphasize
metallurgical differences.
Polished and etched grains of a Optical micrographs showing inter- Optical micrograph showing the
sample of iron granular stress corrosion cracking in brass pearlitic structure of the grains
Micro Examination of Materials (SEM)
Mechanical Component of Failure
15° 30°
Extruded lip
Elongated formation Plastic
ploughing deformation
5µ 5µ 2µ
Indentation/ Indentation/
extrusion craters
2µ 100µ 2µ
Various methods in Materials Evaluation
▪ In most cases, the evaluation of materials is through measurement of the physical properties
of materials.
▪ This involves utilizing the interaction of different forms of energy with materials i.e.
Mechanical, Acoustic, Thermal, Optical, Electrical, Magnetic, Radiative etc.
Concept for Non-destructive Evaluation
▪ When a test material needs to be interrogated to assess its condition, it should be affected or impacted
appropriately (energy input) and its response (energy output) studied.
▪ General concept for NDE of materials is that relationship between the output energy and input energy gives
information about the state of the material.
▪ Different types of Non-destructive evaluation techniques are available i.e. VI, DPT, MPI, RT, UT etc.
▪ Methods or techniques are classified by the type of energy used (i.e. electrical, optical, thermal, radiation
Overview of Nondestructive Testing
▪ Introduction to NDT
▪ Selected Applications
Definition of NDT
What information you can get with use of NDE Methods ?
▪ There are NDE applications at almost any stage of the production and life cycle of component
To verify proper processing such
as heat treating
To verify proper assembly
To inspect for in-service damage
Six Most Common NDT Methods
• Visual
• Liquid Penetrant
• Magnetic
• Ultrasonic
• Eddy Current
• X-ray
Visual Inspection (Unassisted & Assisted)
• A liquid with high surface wetting characteristics is applied to the surface of the part
and allowed time to seep into surface breaking defects.
• A developer (powder) is applied to pull the trapped penetrant out the defect and
spread it on the surface where it can be seen.
• Visual inspection is the final step in the process. The penetrant used is often
loaded with a fluorescent dye and the inspection is done under UV light to
increase test sensitivity.
Magnetic Particle Inspection
The part is magnetized. Finely milled iron particles coated with a dye pigment are then applied to the specimen.
These particles are attracted to magnetic flux leakage fields and will cluster to form an indication directly over
the discontinuity. This indication can be visually detected under proper lighting conditions.
Magnetic Particle Crack Indications
X-ray Generator or
Radioactive Source
Creates Radiation
the Sample
The part is placed between the radiation source and a piece of film.
The part will stop some of the radiation. Thicker and more dense area
will stop more of the radiation.
= less exposure
= more exposure
Top view of developed film
Radiographic Images
Eddy Current Testing
Coil magnetic field
Eddy current's
magnetic field
Eddy Current Testing
Eddy current testing is particularly well suited for detecting surface cracks but can also be
used to make electrical conductivity and coating thickness measurements. Here a small
surface probe is scanned over the part surface in an attempt to detect a crack.
Ultrasonic Inspection (Pulse-Echo)
High frequency sound waves are introduced into a material and they are reflected back from surfaces or flaws.
Reflected sound energy is displayed versus time, and inspector can visualize a cross section of the specimen showing
the depth of features that reflect sound.
initial f
back surface
0 2 4 6 8 10
High resolution images can be produced by plotting signal strength or time-of-flight using a computer-controlled
scanning system.
▪ Forgings,
▪ Castings,
▪ Extrusions,
▪ etc.
Inspection Following Secondary Processing
▪ Machining
▪ Welding
▪ Grinding
▪ Heat treating
▪ Plating
▪ etc.
Inspection For In-Service Damage
▪ Cracking
▪ Corrosion
▪ Erosion/Wear
▪ Heat Damage
▪ etc.
Power Plant Inspection
Boeing employees in Philadelphia were given the privilege of evaluating the Liberty Bell for damage using
NDT techniques. Eddy current methods were used to measure the electrical conductivity of the Bell's
bronze casing at various points to evaluate its uniformity.
1. Replace
2. Repair
3. Continue service
Mechanical Testing of Materials
Mechanical Testing of Materials
❑ Stress can cause strain, which can be elastic deformation for low stress levels, and plastic deformation at
higher stress levels.
❑ Failure can be caused by a single application of stress, when it exceeds the tensile strength, whereby the
material is effectively stretched until it fails.
❑ Objective of material evaluation is to determine the condition of material, how much permanent
damage has been done to a material and how close it is to failure.
❑ One way to achieve this material evaluation objective, is through mechanical testing.
Mechanical Testing of Materials
✓ Tensile testing
✓ Hardness testing (i.e. Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers, Knoops )
✓Fatigue testing
✓Creep testing
✓Impact testing (i.e. Charpy, Izod)
❑ Elastic Moduli can be obtained from tensile tests and tell us about the deformation of material.
❑ Other mechanical properties may be of interest for materials evaluation e.g. ultimate tensile strength,
brittleness and the fracture toughness.
❑ Such properties are obtained from destructive tests performed on a selected representative group of
samples, and it is then assumed that the properties of the untested materials are the same as those obtained
with the representative group.
Mechanical Testing of Materials (Representative group of samples)
Mechanical Testing of Materials
Destructive vs Non-destructive
✓ Micro hardness tests may be regarded as non-destructive because of the very small
permanent indentations.
Mechanical Testing of Materials (Material Selection)
A particular material is selected on the basis of following considerations:
1. Properties of material
Mechanical properties - strength, ductility, toughness, hardness, strength to weight ratio etc.
Physical properties - density, specific heat, thermal expansion, conductivity , melting point etc.
Chemical properties - oxidation , corrosion, flammability, toxicity etc.
Manufacturing properties - formed, casting, machined, welding etc.
2. Cost of material
3. Availability of material (desired shape and size and quantity) & reliability of supply.