LESSON PLAN Personal Pronouns
LESSON PLAN Personal Pronouns
LESSON PLAN Personal Pronouns
NIM : A1B207023
Subject : English
Class : X (Ten)/ 3
Semester : I
Express the meaning in simple essay of short functional written text in recount, narrative and
Express the meaning and rhetorical steps accurately, fluency and acceptably by using variety of
written language in daily life context in recount, narrative and procedure form.
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to be able to understand the meaning and the
1. Teacher explains the material about Personal Pronoun and how to use the personal pronoun in the
1. Approach : Contextual
2. Learning Source :
Tell Me What Happened. Pages: 22, 23, 26. And Unit 4; Telling
1. Exercise :
a. Technique : Complete this text using the appropriate pronouns and Choose the
correct words.
c. Instrument :
Kiran Hasto
Kiran Hasto was born in Mojogedang on April 1st , 1930. (1) was educated
at State Senior High School Junior 37, Mojogedang and continued (2) study at the
Diponegoro University, Semarang. (3) left the university in 1952 with a second class
honors degree in chemistry. Toward the end of the year (4) applied for a job and obtained
a post as a junior research chemist in a large pharmaceutical firm. In 1954, (5) ___ met his
future wife, Aniswati, at a seminar and in 1955 (6) married. (7) now live in a Bogor
suburb and have two children.
4. Tommy and I went to the cafetaria. (They/ We) went there for eat.
5. Sally and Rian are in the class. (Them/ They) are studying English.
2. Evaluation :
c. Instrument :
Circle The right Pronoun
This was the first time 1.(I/ me)’d ever heard such a speech. No, no, it wasn’t a speech at all,
2.(I/ me) realized. 3.(They/ It) sounded like critism of someone. And 4.(mine/ I) was sure that is was
of 5.(mine / me). But why? 6.(I/ Me) had not done anything wrong or even talked very much with the
speaker. I had never disturbed 7.(she/ her), never! 8.(She/ Her) talked as if she had been here for a
long time. Oh boy! I had to asked 9.(she/ her) about 10.(them/ it). I had to know 11.(she/ her) better.
12.(Her/ She) had to explain to 13.(I/ me) why 15.(her/ she) had made such a speech. 15.(She/ Her)
had to!
16.(I/ Me) watched 17.(she/ her) some more. If only 18.(her/ she) was a boy, 19.(me/ I)
would have hit 20.(she/ her). I became more and more annoyed as some of my friends began to sneak
glances at 21.(I/ me). I only gave 22.(they/ them) a smile. I was aware that I was only a member.
Again I looked at the girl standing at the podium, the girl with the bright eyes, I became restless.
23. The ball is (I) ____.
24. This is the bank ____ was robbed yesterday.
25. The ring is (she)___.
a. Exercises :
1. He 3. He 5. He 7. He
2. His 4. He 6. He
1. My, Your 4. We
2. His 5. They
3. Who
b.Evaluation :
1. For each number , from number 1 – 25 each correct answer has score 1,
3. Minimum score :0
2. While- activities : Teacher explains the topic, shows some example of the Personal
3. Post- activities : Teacher summarizes and gives evaluation. And together teacher and
should use another word
which is refers to the word
meant, to replace it. Is it
“Good. Now, based on this
example, can you guess
what topic that we are
going to learn today?”
“Good, today we are going
to learn about Personal
Pronoun. And on this topic
I will explain you about
personal pronoun, then
show you some examples
of it. And after that, we
will do some exercises and
it is also the fun activity
based on the topic and
then we will do an
evaluation to make sure
that you have understood
what you have learned. Do
you get it class?
45’ While- # Teacher gives material # Response.
Activities about Personal Pronoun
-Teacher explains about
Personal Pronoun such as:
the meaning and the
formulas, and how to
make it. They are: “Right,
good. Now, any body
knows what pronoun is
and its formulas? Maybe
you have ever studied
about it in Junior High
“Okay, I'll tell you, the
meaning of personal
pronoun is,
@meaning: Pronoun is a
function word that is used
in place of a noun or noun
phrase. Or in Indonesian
language we call it kata
ganti benda.”
“Now, I'll show you about
the formulas follow by
some examples of them by
using this caption, so, look
at this caption, and write
down it on your
note.”(While explaining
about it).
# Asks the students about # Response.
whether they have
understood or not yet.
# Gives Exercise to the # Response.
students, while it is also
the role play (with the
“Allright students, I have
exercise for you, in order
to help you in
understanding this topic.
Here they are (distributes
the paper).”
25’ Post- # Summarizing: # Response
activities Together teacher and
students summarize the
“Students, now tell me,
what have we learned
# Evaluation: # Response
Teacher gives evaluation
to the students
“Okay, good, now I will
give you evaluation.
(Teacher distributes the
“Have you finished?”
“All right, now collect
your works and we will
check them together.”
# Closing: # Response
“Okay Students, before “Wa’alaikumsalaam Wr.
we close our lesson today Wb.”
let’s pray together. And
don’t forget to learn more
at home.”
“All right, Thank you for
your attention. And see
you. Have a nice day.
Assalamu’alaikum Wr.
Kiran Hasto
Kiran Hasto was born in Mojogedang on April 1 st , 1930. (1) He was educated at State Senior
High School Junior 37, Mojogedang and continued (2) his study at the Diponegoro University,
Semarang. (3) He left the university in 1952 with a second class honors degree in chemistry. Toward
the end of the year (4) he applied for a job and obtained a post as a junior research chemist in a large
pharmaceutical firm. In 1954, (5) he met his future wife, Aniswati, at a seminar and in 1955 (6) he
married. (7) He now live in a Bogor suburb and have two children.
I me My mine myself
Relative Pronoun:
People Things
Subject Who (that) That (which)
Object That (whom) -----
Possesive whose Of which (whose)
Name: Class:
Kiran Hasto
Kiran Hasto was born in Mojogedang on April 1st , 1930. (1) was educated at State Senior High School Junior
37, Mojogedang and continued (2) study at the Diponegoro University, Semarang. (3) left the university in 1952
with a second class honors degree in chemistry. Toward the end of the year (4) applied for a job and obtained a post
as a junior research chemist in a large pharmaceutical firm. In 1954, (5) ___ met his future wife, Aniswati, at a seminar
and in 1955 (6) married. (7) now live in a Bogor suburb and have two children.
Name: Class:
Kiran Hasto
Kiran Hasto was born in Mojogedang on April 1st , 1930. (1) was educated at State Senior High School Junior
37, Mojogedang and continued (2) study at the Diponegoro University, Semarang. (3) left the university in 1952
with a second class honors degree in chemistry. Toward the end of the year (4) applied for a job and obtained a post
as a junior research chemist in a large pharmaceutical firm. In 1954, (5) ___ met his future wife, Aniswati, at a seminar
and in 1955 (6) married. (7) now live in a Bogor suburb and have two children.
Name: Class:
Kiran Hasto
Kiran Hasto was born in Mojogedang on April 1st , 1930. (1) was educated at State Senior High School Junior
37, Mojogedang and continued (2) study at the Diponegoro University, Semarang. (3) left the university in 1952
with a second class honors degree in chemistry. Toward the end of the year (4) applied for a job and obtained a post
as a junior research chemist in a large pharmaceutical firm. In 1954, (5) ___ met his future wife, Aniswati, at a seminar
and in 1955 (6) married. (7) now live in a Bogor suburb and have two children.
Name: Class:
Circle The right Pronoun
This was the first time 1.(I/ me)’d ever heard such a speech. No, no, it wasn’t a speech at all, 2.(I/ me)
realized. 3.(They/ It) sounded like critism of someone. And 4.(mine/ I) was sure that is was of 5.(mine / me).
But why? 6.(I/ Me) had not done anything wrong or even talked very much with the speaker. I had never
disturbed 7.(she/ her), never! 8.(She/ Her) talked as if she had been here for a long time. Oh boy! I had to
asked 9.(she/ her) about 10.(them/ it). I had to know 11.(she/ her) better. 12.(Her/ She) had to explain to 13.(I/
me) why 15.(her/ she) had made such a speech. 15.(She/ Her) had to!
16.(I/ Me) watched 17.(she/ her) some more. If only 18.(her/ she) was a boy, 19.(me/ I) would have
hit 20.(she/ her). I became more and more annoyed as some of my friends began to sneak glances at 21.(I/
me). I only gave 22.(they/ them) a smile. I was aware that I was only a member. Again I looked at the girl
standing at the podium, the girl with the bright eyes, I became restless.
23. The ball is (I) ____.
24. This is the bank ____ was robbed yesterday.
25. The ring is (she)___.
Name: Class:
Circle The right Pronoun
This was the first time 1.(I/ me)’d ever heard such a speech. No, no, it wasn’t a speech at all, 2.(I/ me)
realized. 3.(They/ It) sounded like critism of someone. And 4.(mine/ I) was sure that is was of 5.(mine / me).
But why? 6.(I/ Me) had not done anything wrong or even talked very much with the speaker. I had never
disturbed 7.(she/ her), never! 8.(She/ Her) talked as if she had been here for a long time. Oh boy! I had to
asked 9.(she/ her) about 10.(them/ it). I had to know 11.(she/ her) better. 12.(Her/ She) had to explain to 13.(I/
me) why 15.(her/ she) had made such a speech. 15.(She/ Her) had to!
16.(I/ Me) watched 17.(she/ her) some more. If only 18.(her/ she) was a boy, 19.(me/ I) would have
hit 20.(she/ her). I became more and more annoyed as some of my friends began to sneak glances at 21.(I/
me). I only gave 22.(they/ them) a smile. I was aware that I was only a member. Again I looked at the girl
standing at the podium, the girl with the bright eyes, I became restless.
23. The ball is (I) ____.
24. This is the bank ____ was robbed yesterday.
25. The ring is (she)___.
Name: Class:
Circle The right Pronoun
This was the first time 1.(I/ me)’d ever heard such a speech. No, no, it wasn’t a speech at all, 2.(I/ me)
realized. 3.(They/ It) sounded like critism of someone. And 4.(mine/ I) was sure that is was of 5.(mine / me).
But why? 6.(I/ Me) had not done anything wrong or even talked very much with the speaker. I had never
disturbed 7.(she/ her), never! 8.(She/ Her) talked as if she had been here for a long time. Oh boy! I had to
asked 9.(she/ her) about 10.(them/ it). I had to know 11.(she/ her) better. 12.(Her/ She) had to explain to 13.(I/
me) why 15.(her/ she) had made such a speech. 15.(She/ Her) had to!
16.(I/ Me) watched 17.(she/ her) some more. If only 18.(her/ she) was a boy, 19.(me/ I) would have
hit 20.(she/ her). I became more and more annoyed as some of my friends began to sneak glances at 21.(I/
me). I only gave 22.(they/ them) a smile. I was aware that I was only a member. Again I looked at the girl
standing at the podium, the girl with the bright eyes, I became restless.
23. The ball is (I) ____.
24. This is the bank ____ was robbed yesterday.
25. The ring is (she)___.
He He
He 12 He
He His
My, your
His Who
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran ini telah dikonsultasikan dengan guru Pembimbing pada tanggal
Maskunah, S. Pd. Nurul Risa F.
Rencana Pelaksanaan pembelajaran ini telah diserahkan kepada Guru Pembimbing pada tanggal _______
dan dengan demikian siap untuk dipakai latihan pada hari tanggal jam pelajaran ke dan merupakan
Guru Pembimbing,
Maskunah, S.