COVID Vaccine Memo

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‘The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety L Security toe Department of Correction Wy 50 Maple Street, Suite 3 Milford, MA 01757 (CHARLES D.BAKER ‘el: (508) 422-3300 ‘CAROL A.stct ‘Gener www.massgou/doc ter acre STEMNIFER A‘CATHNEY 4 PAUL) HENDERSON ‘HoMAS a. TURCO PA HN a ne Dat cousins To: All nmates/Patients Vey From CavlA. Mic cmnbiya Date: January 28, 2021 Subject: Earned Good Tinse Opportunity ‘Lam proud that the Massachusetts Department of Correction (DOC) is one of only a few states throughout the country to offer the COVID-19 vaceine to the inmate population in Phase I. Thus fa, over 3,500 DOC inmates have received thir first dose of the vaccine. Thave determined that receiving the vaccine is significantly valuable to rehabilitation and will therefore be offering Eamed Good Time (EGT) pursuant to G.L. c. 127, see.129D. Inmates will be required to read educational flyersiterature, watch relevant videos and receive both vaccine doses to receive said EGT. ‘Upon receipt ofthe second dose, inmates will be required tallest in writing that they have viewed und read the required videos and educational materials. Subsequently, a total of 7.5 days of EGT will be awarded to ‘nmates/patients for their satisfactory performance in the Vaccine Rehabilitative Program. This will be the sole opportunity to earn ECT inthis progeam category forthe remainder of the COVID-19 pandemic, ‘While we are working together t stifle this virus through “herd immunity,” we are not there yet. We must remain vigilant by properly wearing our masks, regularly hand washing/stnilizing and social distancing, as these practices continue to be our best defense, and social outlets ook forward to the day when we ean return to our normal acti De eee eee oy Ree Carrie By signing below, | attest that | have: > Watched the Wellrath public service announcement on UNDERSTANDING THE COVID-19 VACCINE. Watched Parts 1, ? and 3 of THE MESSAGE ABOUT THE COVID-19 VACCINATION produced by Commonwealth Medicine, > Read or had read lo me the fact sheet for THE MODERNA COVID-19 VACCINE TO PREVENT CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019. | was administered the first dose of the Vaccine on: (ate at Fai iy) | was administered the second dose of the Vaccine on: at Faeiityy Inmate Name: Commitment Number: 1 _ Ezamed Good Time approved 1D _Eamed Good Time denied based on the following Staff Verification Date: Please submit completed form to your respective Director of Treatment for processing,

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