NCM 101
NCM 101
NCM 101
Nursing interventions can be:
ie: giving the patient a medication (the scientific manner. The Assessment first and
nurse is dependent on the physician to most critical phase of the nursing process.
write the medication order.)
Assessment Is the systematic and
2. COLLABORATIVE continuous:
A problem focus assessment collects data § includes past health history of client
about a problem that has already been (allergies, past surgeries, chronic diseases,
identified. This type of assessment has a use of folk healing methods)
narrower scope and a shorter time frame § includes current/present problems of
than the initial assessment. In focus client (pain, nausea, sleep pattern, religious
assessments, nurse determine whether the practices, medication or treatment the client
problems still exists and whether the status is taking now)
of the problem has changed (i.e. improved,
worsened, or resolved). This assessment Types of Data
also includes the appraisal of any new,
overlooked, or misdiagnosed problems. In When performing an assessment the nurse
intensive care units, may perform focus gathers subjective and objective data.
assessment every few minute. Subjective data (symptoms or covert data):
Emergency assessment are the verbal statements provided by the
Patient. Statements about nausea and
Emergency assessment takes place in life- descriptions of pain and fatigue are
threatening situations in which the examples of subjective data. Objective data
preservation of life is the top priority. Time (signs or overt data), are detectable by an
is of the essence rapid identification of and observer or can be measured or tested
intervention for the client’s health against an accepted standard. They can be
problems. Often the client’s difficulties seen, heard, felt, or smelt, and they are
involve airway, breathing and circulatory obtained by observation or physical
problems (the ABCs). Abrupt changes in examination. For example: discoloration of
self-concept (suicidal thoughts) or roles or the skin
relationships (social conflict leading to
violent acts) can also initiate an emergency. Objective Data
Emergency assessment focuses on few Data Collection Methods
essential health patterns and is not
comprehensive. 1. Observing: to observe is to gather data by
using the senses.
Time-lapsed assessment or Ongoing
assessment 2. Interviewing: an interview is a planned
communication or conversation with a
Time lapsed reassessment, another type of purpose.
assessment, takes place after the initial
assessment to evaluate any changes in the 3. Examining: Performance of a physical
clients functional health. Nurses perform examination. The physical examination is
time-lapsed reassessment when substantial often guided by data provided by the
periods of time have elapsed between patient. A head-to-toe approach is
assessments (e.g., periodic output patient frequently used to provide systematic
approach that helps to avoid omitting E.g.: the nurse record the client's breakfast
important data intake as" coffee 240 mL. Juice 120 mL, 1
egg". Rather than as "appetite good".
Physical assessment
Purposes of documentation
• Head – to - Toe Assessment
• Provides a chronological source of client
• Body Systems Assessment assessment data and a progressive record of
4. Organizing data: The nurse uses a written assessment findings that outline the client’s
or computerized format that organizes the course of care.
assessment data systematically. The format • Ensures that information about the client
may be modified according to the client's and family is easily accessible to members
physical status. of the health care team; provides a vehicle
Body System Model for communication; and prevents
fragmentation, repetition, and delays in
The Body systems model (also called the carrying out the plan of care.
medical model or review of systems)
focuses on the client’s major anatomic • Establishes a basis for screening or
systems. validation proposed diagnoses.
The framework allows nurses to collect data • Acts as a source of information to help
about past and present condition of each diagnose new problems.
organ or body system and to examine • Offers a basis for determining the
thoroughly all body systems for actual and educational needs of the client, family, and
potential problems. significant others. • Provides a basis for
The client’s strengths, talents and functional determining eligibility for care and
health patterns are an integral part of the reimbursement. Careful recording of data
assessment data. can support financial reimbursement or
gain additional reimbursement for
An assessment of functional health focuses transitional or skilled care needed by the
on client’s normal function and his or her client.
altered function or risk for altered function.
• Constitutes a permanent legal record of
• Health perception-health management the care that was or was not given to the
pattern. client.
• Nutritional-metabolic pattern • Provides access to significant
epidemiologic data for future investigations
• Elimination pattern
and research and educational endeavors.
• Activity-exercise pattern Guidelines for documentation
• Sleep-rest pattern • Document legibly or print neatly in
unerasable ink
• Cognitive-perceptual pattern
• Use correct grammar and spelling
• Self-perception-concept pattern
• Avoid wordiness that creates redundancy
•Role-relationship pattern
• Use phrases instead of sentences to record
• Sexuality-reproductive pattern data
• Coping-stress tolerance pattern • Record data findings, not how they were
• Value-belief pattern Gordon’s Functional obtained
Health Patterns: • Write entries objectively without making
Documenting Data: premature judgments or diagnosis
Guidelines for documentation
To complete the assessment phase, the
nurse records client's data. Accurate • Record the client’s understanding and
documentation is essential and should perception of problems
include all data collected about the client's • Avoid recording the word “normal” for
health status. Data are recorded in a factual normal findings
manner and not interpreted by the nurse.
• Record complete information and details • Pattern of health care – includes all health
for all client symptoms or experiences care resources: hospitals, clinics, health
centers, family doctors.
• Include additional assessment content
when applicable Psychological And Social Examination
• Support objective data with specific • Client’s perception (why they think they
observations obtained during the physical have been referred/are being assessed;
examination what they hope to gain from the meeting)
Nursing Assessment • Emotional health (mental health state,
coping styles etc)
• Assessment is the first stage of the
nursing process in which the nurse should • Social health (accommodation, finances,
carry out a complete and holistic nursing relationships, genogram, employment
assessment of every patient's needs, status, ethnic back ground, support
regardless of the reason for the encounter. networks etc)
Usually, an assessment framework, based
on a nursing model is used. • Physical health (general health, illnesses,
previous history, appetite, weight, sleep
• The purpose of this stage is to identify the pattern, diurinal variations, alcohol,
patient's nursing problems. These problems tobacco, street drugs; list any prescribed
are expressed as either actual or potential. medication with comments on
For example, a patient who has been effectiveness) Psychological And Social
rendered immobile by a road traffic Examination
accident may be assessed as having the
"potential for impaired skin integrity related • Spiritual health (is religion important? If
to immobility". so, in what way? What/who provides a
sense of purpose?)
Components of a nursing assessment
• Intellectual health (cognitive functioning,
• Biographic data – name, address, age, sex, hallucinations, delusions, concentration,
martial status, occupation, religion. interests, hobbies etc
• Reason for visit/Chief complaint – primary Physical examination
reason why client seek consultation or
hospitalization. • A nursing assessment includes a physical
examination: the observation or
• History of present Illness – includes: usual measurement of signs, which can be
health status, chronological story, family observed or measured, or symptoms such
history, disability assessment. as nausea or vertigo, which can be felt by
the patient.
• Past Health History – includes all previous
immunizations, experiences with illness. • The techniques used may include
Inspection, Palpation, Auscultation and
• Family History – reveals risk factors for Percussion in addition to the "vital signs" of
certain disease diseases (Diabetes, temperature, blood pressure, pulse and
hypertension, cancer, mental illness). respiratory rate, and further examination of
• Review of systems – review of all health the body systems such as the cardiovascular
problems by body systems or musculoskeletal systems.