Te.161811 - Sihatul Mardiah - English Education

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Submitted to fullfilment one the requirements to obtain the Undergraduate
Degree (S1) in English Education Program of Education Faculty of The State
Islamic University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi







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Case : Official Notes

Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
The State Islamic University of
SulthanThaha Saifuddin
In Jambi

Assalamu 'alaikum wr.wb.

After reading, giving guidance and making some necessary correction, we agree that the thesis

Name : Sihatul Mardiah

NIM : TE 161811
Department : English Education Program
Title : Students’ Perception on the Use of WhatsApp Application in Teaching of English
at Eight Grade Students’ of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti
Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi.

Could be submitted to munaqasah exam (munaqasah) as one of the requirements for the
undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Program Faculty of Education and Teacher
Training, The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. So, we submit it to the
faculty for an immediate process of final examination.

Jambi, 13 November 2020

Advisor I

Dr. Mahyuzar Rahman, M.Ag

NIP.19741229 200312 1 002


Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

Alamat: Jl. Jambi – Ma. Bulian KM. 16 Simp. Sungai Duren Kab. Muara Jambi
36363Telp/Fax : (0741) 583183 - 584118 website : www.iainjambi.ac.id


Document Form code Date Valid Revision Revision Page

code Number date
In.08-PP- In.08-FM- R-0 - 1-1
05-01 PP-05-03

Case : Official Notes

Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
The State Islamic University of
SulthanThaha Saifuddin
In Jambi

Assalamu 'alaikum wr.wb.

After reading, giving guidance and making some necessary correction, we agree that the thesis

Name : Sihatul Mardiah

NIM : TE 161811
Department : English Education Program
Title : Students’ Perception on the Use of WhatsApp Application in Teaching of English
at Eight Grade Students’ of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti
Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi.

Could be submitted to munaqasah exam (munaqasah) as one of the requirements for the
undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Program Faculty of Education and Teacher
Training, The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. So, we submit it to the
faculty for an immediate process of final examination.

Jambi, 11 November 2020

Advisor II

Ayuliamita Abadi, S. Pd.I, M. Pd

NIP.19860220 201503 2 004


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Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi


Especially the most important thing is prostration and gratitude to

Allah SWT who has given the most beautiful gift in my life, giving me
strength and a bright path to complete this thesis. Hopefully prayers are
always abundant and bestowed upon the Prophet Muhammad.

With gratitude and happiness I dedicate my little paper to Father

Moh. Cholil (Alm) and Mother Patiyah to my brothers Hadi Suwanto,
Wahyu Edi M. Yusuf, Triyanda Muhammad Ihsan and my sisters Siti
Khoiriyah, Musdalifah, Siti Farida, Mutia Zahara, and the extended
family who continue to be motivators for me, I would like to thank you for all
my prayers, help, as well as support over the years.

My friends in arms who always provide motivation, support,

direction and input so that this thesis can be completed.

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

…( ١١:‫اّلل ذ ِاَّل َين آ َمنُوا ِمنْ ُ ُْك َو ذ ِاَّل َين آُوتُوا الْ ِع ْ َْل د ََر َجات)ةاجملادل‬
ُ ‫… يَ ْرفَع ِ ذ‬

“Allah akan meninggikan orang-orang yang beriman diantaramu dan

orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat”. (QS.Al-

“Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who are given
some degree of knowledge. (QS.Al-mujadilah:11)

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

Alhamdulillah, Firstly, In the name of Allah, the most gracious and

merciful, the lord of universe. Because of Her blessings, the researcher could
finish this thesis as one of the requirement for S1 degree in English Education
Programme of Education and Teacher Training Faculty of the State Islamic
University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.
Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet
Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the lightness.
The researcher realizes that this thesis would have not been completed
without the help, advice and guidance from many people. Therefore, in this
opportunity the researcher would like to express thanks and gratitude to
following parties for their contribution:
1. Prof. Dr. H. Su’aidi MA, Ph.D Rector of the State Islamic University of
Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.
2. Dr. Hj. Fadlillah, M.Pd. as Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher
Training of The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin
3. Wahyuni Fitria, M.Pd as the chief of English Education Programme.
4. Dr. Mahyuzar Rahman, M.Ag as my first advisor and Ayuliamita Abadi,
S. Pd.I, M. Pd as my second advisor.
5. All lecturers at English education program and all lecturers the Faculty of
Education and Teacher Training of The State Islamic University of
Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.
May Allah SWT always gives guidance and blessing to us. Aamin Ya
Rabbal Alamin.
Jambi,13 November 2020

Sihatul Mardiah

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

Name : Sihatul Mardiah

Study Program : English Education Study Program

Title : Students’ Perception on the Use of WhatsApp

Application in Teaching of English at Eight Grade
Students’ of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah
Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi.
This thesis discusses about the students’ perception on the use of whatsapp
application in teaching of English at eight grade students’ of Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi. The study
aimed to find out the students’ perception on the use of whatsapp application
in teaching of English at eight grade students’ of Madrasah Tsanawiyah
Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi. This research includes
qualitative research with descriptive qualitative. The subject of this research
was 30 students. Sampling in this study using purposive sampling, where the
sampling technique is to take 15 students. The data was collecting by
interview. In this research researcher analyzed data by reduction, display and
drawing conclusions. Based on the result of the research, the researcher found
that students’ perception on the use of whatsapp application in teaching of
English that the students’ who think that learning English through whatsApp
application does not give maximum results. Some students said it was
difficult to understand the teaching material provided by the teacher. So
whatsApp application less able to help in the teaching and learning process of
English lessons

Keywords: Students’ Perception, WhatsApp Application, Teaching English.

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

Nama : Sihatul Mardiah

Program Studi : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Persepsi Siswa Tentang penggunaan aplikasi whatsapp

dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pada siswa kelas
VIII Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti
Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi.

Skripsi ini membahas tentang persepsi siswa tentang penggunaan aplikasi

whatsapp dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pada siswa kelas VIII Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi. Penelitian
ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa tentang penggunaan aplikasi
whatsapp dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pada siswa kelas VIII MTs
Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi. Penelitian ini termasuk
penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini
adalah 30 siswa. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan
purposive sampling, dimana teknik pengambilan sampel adalah dengan
mengambil 15 siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara.
Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menganalisis data dengan mereduksi,
menampilkan, dan menarik kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, peneliti
menemukan bahwa persepsi siswa tentang penggunaan aplikasi whatsapp
dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yaitu siswa yang berpendapat bahwa
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris melalui aplikasi whatsapp kurang memberikan
hasil yang maksimal. Beberapa siswa mengaku sulit memahami materi ajar
yang diberikan oleh guru. Sehingga aplikasi whatsApp kurang dapat
membantu dalam proses belajar mengajar pelajaran bahasa inggris.

Kata Kunci: Persepsi Siswa, Aplikasi WhatsApp, Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris.

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

TITLE COVER .................................................................................................i

TITLE OF PAGE ..............................................................................................ii
OFFICIAL NOTE .............................................................................................iii
THESIS APPROVAL ......................................................................................v
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................vi
DEDICATION ...................................................................................................vii
MOTTO .............................................................................................................viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................ix
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................x
ABSTRAK .........................................................................................................xi
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................xii
A. Background of the Research ....................................................................... 1
B. Focus of the Research .................................................................................. 4
C. Problem of the Research.............................................................................. 4
D. Purpose of the Study.................................................................................... 4
E. Significant of the Study ............................................................................... 5


A. Theory of Perception .................................................................................. 6

1. Definition of Perception ..................................................................... 6

2. Types of Perception............................................................................. 8

3. Process of Perception .......................................................................... 10

B. Learning Media in Teaching English ......................................................... 10

1. Definition of Learning Media ........................................................... 10

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2. Smartphone .......................................................................................... 11

3. WhatsApp Application ....................................................................... 12

a. Definition of WhatsApp Application ........................................... 12
b. Steps to Use the WhatsApp Application in Teaching English ... 13
c. English Learning Materials Via Smartphone .............................. 14
d. Advantages Using the WhatsApp Application ............................ 15
e. Disadvantages Using the WhatsApp Application ....................... 15
C. Relevant Studies ........................................................................................... 16


A. Research Design ........................................................................................... 18

B. Setting and Subject of the Research........................................................... 18
1. Setting of the Research ........................................................................ 18
2. Subject of the Research........................................................................ 19
C. Types and Sources of the Data ................................................................... 19
1. Types of Data ........................................................................................ 19
2. Sources of Data .................................................................................... 20
D. Technique of Collecting the Data ............................................................. 20
E. Technique of Data Anaysis ....................................................................... 21
1. Data Reduction ..................................................................................... 21
2. Data Display ......................................................................................... 21
3. Conclusion Drawing / Verification .................................................... 22
4. Intrumentation....................................................................................... 22
F. Triangulation ................................................................................................ 22
G. Schedule of Research ................................................................................. 23

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A. Finding .......................................................................................................... 24

B. Discussion .................................................................................................... 28


A. Conclusion ................................................................................................... 34

B. Suggestion .................................................................................................... 34



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Appendix 1 List Interview ................................................................................................ 38

Appendix 2 Documentation ............................................................................................. 54
Appendix 3 Consultation Card......................................................................................... 55
Appendix 4 Curriculum Vitae .......................................................................................... 57

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A. Background of the Research

As readers can seen in the current situation, the spread of the covid 19
outbreak that has hit 215 countries in the world, presents its own challenges for
educational institutions, especially junior high schools. Physically, wear a mask,
and always wash their hands. Through the ministry of education and culture, the
government has banned all schools from elementary to tertiary level to carry out
face-to-face (conventional) learning and ordered to hold learning by ringing.
Ministry of Education and Culture, Higher Education Circular Letter N0.1 of

To prevent the spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid 19), WHO
has appealed to stop events that cause crowds to gather. Therefore, face-to-face
learning that gathers many students in the class is reviewed for its
implementation. According to Milman (2015) the use of digital technology can
allow students and teachers to carry out the learning process even though they are
in different places. Therefore, at this time, tools or tools that can help in the
learning process are needed, such as smartphones.
According to Sharples, Taylor & Vavoula (2007) Mobile phones have
been widely used as a tool for learning because they provide educators and
students the opportunity for inventive instruction. In addition, it is characteristics
allow students to participate in lessons such as accessing material from teachers
outside of class hours, so that it can be done anywhere and at any time, making
learning (m- learning) less disturbing than other forms of learning made possible
by technology (Laurillard, 2007; Beger & Sinha, 2012). Uys et al (2012) also
confirms that students spend a lot of time on social networking sites.
Various media can also be used to support the implementation of learning
by ringing. For example, virtual classes used Google Classroom services,
Edmodo, Zoom Cloud Meeting Application and Schoology (Enriquez, 2014;

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

Sicat, 2015). However, there are weaknesses that student online learning is not
properly supervised during the online learningprocess. Weak internet signals and
high quota fees pose challenges for online learning, especially for those who live
in ruralareas. Most of them use the whatsApp application to support the
implementation of learning because the signal is stronger.

Ho (2011) state that whatsApp (WhatsApp Messenger) is a free

synchronous messaging application that can be used to send and receive instant
messages between individuals and in groups.
Bouhnik and Deshen (2014) defines WhatsApp as smartphone application
used for instant messaging. Recently, the application has become extremely
popular that it attracts attention, responsiveness, and students based learning. This
allows students to express their thoughts and ideas through various whatsApp
application platform features such as attaching images, sharing videos, sharing
web links, recording videos, and much more. Students can express their responses
freely and the teacher responds to students' questions and comments, starts new
problems, or sends questions (Dunlap, 2006).
Students can communicate with teachers and other students in real time
with the availability of Wi-Fi and cellular data connections because it is far
cheaper to communicate through social networking sites. WhatsApp can cover a
large number of students in a short amount of time. Students from the same class
can easily communicate on certain topics through this application because it
provides direct responses within group members to join in the chat so as to make
communication effective (Trentin & Repetto, 2013). In other words whasApp is
very helpful in communication and also facilitates the dissemination of
information about learning so students do not miss learning related information.
Most students previously stated that learning in class was boring and made
them feel stressed. For this reason, researcher are trying to find new ways of
teaching English that help students make the learning process enjoyable and help
them continue learning after they leave class through using their smart phones. In

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi


this study, the researcher sought to know the students’ perception toward the use
of whatsApp application in learning English Teaching among students.
The use of whatsApp it self has actually been used by the school since the
beginning of the covid 19 took place, while the government conducted online
classroom regulations for all educational instituations during the three months of
the pandemic. Nadiem Anwar Makarim(2020), as minister of education and
culture of the Republic of Indonesia, has issued a policy to regulate learning
activities during the pandemic.
But apparently there are some communication problems and the spread of
learning information that occurs, namely for parents of students who do not have
whatsApp have difficulty in getting information related to the development of
their children at school. In addition, students who do not use whatsApp social
media or are less active on whatsApp social media are also experiencing
difficulties due to the loss of information related to learning. In fact, when Group
members are discussing, many students are passive so the discussion becomes less
than optimal. Although whatsApp social media makes it easy for schools,
teachers, and students to communicate, but based on the observations of
researcher there is still often a miss communication or misunderstanding in
receiving information from the school to students, teachers to students, or students
with students. This makes the dissemination of learning information less than the
maximum despite using whatsApp.
English as one of the subjects taught from elementary school level to
tertiary education must be presented as interestingly as possible, of course as an
educator it is very instrumental to make it interesting. What is more this subject is
sometimes considered trivial because everyday language is sometimes considered
boring. It takes effort and high creative power to change that impression in order
to foster a love for learning English. Therefore it is necessary to use whatsApp
application to help students learn English so it is fun.
This research is to know the students’ perception toward the use of
whatsApp application in learning English Teaching at the Madrasah Tsanawiyah
(MTS). Previously, researcher had made observations in Junior High School Satap

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi


8 Tanjab Timur in the area and found information that currently schools, students,
and teachers had communicated and disseminated information related to learning
activities through whatsApp application.
After all, based on observations made by researcher in previous studies it
was found that the English learning using whatsapp application can facilitate
students more active in the learning process. Therefore, this study aims to know
the students’ perception on the use of whatsapp application in teaching of English
at eight grade students’ of MTs. Therefore the researcher considers that the
subjects of the study are Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman
Tanjab Timur Jambi.
Based on the background described above, the researcher is interested in
doing a research entitled:



B. Focus of the Research

This research only focuses on the Students’ Perception on The Use of
Whatsapp Application in Teaching of English at Eight Grade Students’ of
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi.

C. Problem of the Research

What is the students’ perception on the use of whatsapp application in teaching of

English at Eight Grade Students’ of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti
Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi?

D. Purpose of the Study

To know the students’ perception on the use of Whatsapp application in teaching

of English at eight grade students’ of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi


E. Significances of the Study

1. For the teacher

It is hoped that this research can be useful for teachers as a medium for
evaluating students’ in the online teaching and learning process, as well as
seeing the activitiness of students’in distance learning.
2. For the students
Hope to provide motivation and good experience to students when using
the whatsApp application in English lesson online.
3. For the researcher
Hopefully this research can be useful for anyone and can be a reference in
increasing knowledge on students' perceptions in using whatsApp application
in teaching English.

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In this chapter, the researcher elaborated about some theories connected to

the thesis.

A. Theory of Perception
1. Definition of Perception
Understood the perception is the end of perception process which
begins the process of sensing, is process receipt of stimulus by means of
senses, then there are individual attention, and then forwarded by the brain,
and then the individual is aware of something about something called

According to Nasution (2004) perception is the stimulation received

someone, and the observations of the person. With individual perception can
understand the state of the environment that is around her and also about
things in from the individual concerned (Sunaryo, 2004). In other words,
perception is when individuals get stimulation and the results of observations
in understanding the surrounding environment and the side related to it.

According to Bimo Walgito (2004) perception is organization, stimuli

received by the organism or individual that is something that is meaningful
and is an activity that is intregrated inside of the individual. It means the
stimulus by received by regulators or individual for something that has
meaning and is united whitin them.

According to Slameto (2010: 102) perception means a process which

correlates with the delivery of message of information to human’s brain,
through perception human making correlation with their environment
continuously. This correlation is done through their senses that are: sense of
sight, hearing, touch, and sense of smell. Perception is the set of processes by
which an individual becomes aware of and interprents information about the

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi
environment, perception point out to the way us try to understand to world
around us we gather information through our five sense organ. Therefore,
Perception is experience of the information content this representation us can
compare them with previous experience and ways to pay attention or
understand something using their five senses.

Suggested by Kuncoroningrat (2011: 99) perception is the whole

process conscious human mind in drawing on the surrounding environment.
Therefore, the perception can be summed as the process of understanding the
stimulus obtained from the sensing of object, event, and relationship between
symptoms which are then precessed by brain process cognition starts from

According to Dedy Mulyana (2008:171-172) human perception is

actually divided into two, namely the perception of the object physical
“environment and perception humans”, perception of human is often called
social perception.

a) The perception of the physical environment

The perception of the physical environment is not same, in the sense

that different, because it is influenced by some factors, among others:

1. Background experience
2. Cultural background
3. Background phsychological
4. Background values, beliefs, and expectation
5. Condition the tools factual senses in which the information is up to the
person it is through that door.

b) The perception of the human

Perception of the human or social perception is the process of

capturing the sense of social object and event that we experience in our

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi


environments. Everyone has a different view of the reality around

them, in other word, every person has a different perception of their

Perception of the human or social perception is the process of

capturingthe sense of social object and event that we experience in our
environments. Everyone has a different view of the reality around them, in
other word, every person has an different perception of their environment.

In this research the researcher defines perception is the stimulus that a

person receives in interpreting information about the environment through
their for senses, namely: the senses of sight, hearing, touch, and smell so that
them can draw the surrounding environment.

2. Types of Perception
According to Suemanto (in rohani, 2009: 7) perception does not only
happen in one time, but it can happen in the past, present and future. He
divides perception into three types: the past, present, and future perception.
The past perception is a reaction to stimulus by developing personal
impression oriented to the past observation. The next perception is present
perception or imagination perception. The last is future perception or initiative
perception. Future perception means a reaction to stimulus by developing
personal impression oriented to the future observation.
Suemanto (in Rohani, 2009: 7) states that perception does not only
happen in one time, but it can happen in the past, present and future. He
divides perception into three types: the past, present, and future perception.
The past perception is a reaction to stimulus by developing personal
impression oriented to the past observation. The next perception is present
perception or imagination perception. The last is future perception or initiative
perception. Future perception means a reaction to stimulus by developing
personal impression oriented to the future observation.

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi


Sujanto (in Rohani, 2009:8) says that each individual has her/his own
types of perception which are grouped into five such as visual, auditive,
motorical, tactile and mixed perception. Visual means that one has a good
memory of what he saw and auditive means that one can remember well what
that they heard, motorical means that one has good memory of what he felt,
tactile means has a good memory of what he touched, and mixed means that
the fower for everything that they have sensed.
To conclude, perception can be devided into time oriented perception
“past, present, future perception” and individual’s own perception “visual,
auditive, motorical, tactile, and mixed perception”.
According to Homby (2000:997) in Oxford Advance Learner’s
Dictionary, perception is the way you notic things especially with the senses,
the ability to understand the nature of something, an image, an idea or a belief
you complain to change public perception that standards in schools are falling.
In other words perception is produced through our senses. Moreover,
the meaning of the perception is the respond or judgment of anyone toward an
event, object, or attitude as the agreement or disagreement statement. In the
perception of the ability to distinguish groupings, focus ect. Which means
students must know how to differentiate ways of grouping or differentiating
focus in learning. For example in groups with other students in learning, they
can distinguish their through about the material and also they can focus on
learning goals and can not be influenced by other friend.
In this research the researcher defines perception that is a way of
response or assessment of individuals in interpreting the impressions of their
senses to give meaning to their environment. In other words, each individual
has a different perspective with other individuals. This is influenced by several
factors namely psychology, family, culture, and motivation.
In this description above this study concludes that perception has many
types, including perception not only happening at one time, but can also occur
in the past, present and future. In addition, individuals provide responses or
judgment in interpreting sense impressions to give meaning to their

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi


environment. In other words, each individual has their own perceptions which
are grouped into such as visual, auditive, motorical, tactile and mixed
3. Process of Perception

Perception is not happening directly. There are some psychological

processes in influencing a perception. According to Toha (in Rohani, 2009:9)
There are four processes of perception, they are: stimulation, registration,
interpretation and feedback. Accepted, the next process will take important
rules. Each learner has different process of cognitive in interpreting the
stimulation, it happens because this process is influenced by motivation,
experience, and personality of each learner. So that, each of them has his/her
own perception toward a thing or things.

The last process of perception is feedback, which the information is

interpreted. As the result of interpretation, learner makes a reaction towards
the stimulation. In this case, both negative and positive reactions could
happen. It depends on many factors that influence the process of
interpretation. If the reaction is negative, learner will have bad attitude toward
that stimuli such as rejection, disagreement, prejudice or even a rebellion. On
the other hand, if that learner has positive interpretation, she or he will have
good manner or attitude towards the stimuli. She or he will accept and please
or even respect to the stimulation the she perceives or interprets.

To summarize perception involves very complete process is started

from the stimulation, registration of the information accepted and inner ability
(motivation, experience, et) and finally decision on the reaction of feed back
towards stimulation.

B. Learning Media in Teaching English

1. Definition of Learning Media
According to Adam & Syastra (2015:79) learning media is everything
in the form of physical and technical learning processes that can help teachers

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to make it easier to convey subject matter to students so as to facilitate the

achievement of learning objectives that have been formulated.
According to Sutrisno & Siswanto (2016:114) learning media is a tool
with certain characteristics that can be adjusted depending on the context of
the lesson desired to convey the message in order to achieve the learning
objectives effectively and efficiently.
The role of learning media in the process of learning and teaching is a
unity that cannot be separated from the world of education. According to
Fafanao (2018) media is everything that can be used to channel the sender's
message to the recipient, so that it can stimulate the thoughts, feelings,
attention, and interests of students to learn.
Sadirman (1993: 6) stated that the media are intermediaries or
deliverers of messages from the sender to the recipient of the message.
According to Raharjo (1989: 25) explains that the media is a container of
messages by the source to be forwarded to the target or recipient of the
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the media is a
tool or intermediary to convey information so that it is more easily accepted
by the recipient of information while the learning media is a tool or tool used
by educators in delivering learning material to be more easily accepted by
students and helps the process to achieve learning objectives effective and

2. Smartphone

According to Daeng (2017: 1) new media theory is a theory developed

by Pierre Levy, who argues that new media is a theory that discusses media
development. There are two dominant views in new media theory, namely the
social interaction approach and the social integration approach. Smartpone is
said to be one of the new types of media because it can access information

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quickly through internet facilities. Besides that humans can also communicate
remotely using smartphones that have various facilities.

According to Sharples, Taylor &Vavoula (2007) smartphone have

widely been used as a tool for learning as it grants both educators and students
with opportunities for inventive instruction. In other words, in addition to
cellphones used for communication tools but can also be used by educators
and students as a tool for learning.

3. WhatsApp Application
a. Definition of WhatsApp Application
Fogg (2010) asserts that knowledge can be found everywhere,
anytime and in many settings. One format that can be used is WhatsApp.
So using whatsApp is very helpful for students to get knowledge related to
learning in the classroom, but also outside the classroom.
According to Dunlap (2006), students can express their responses
freely and the teacher responds to students' questions and comments, starts
new problems, or sends questions". WhatsApp is one of the most
interesting teaching methods that attracts attention, responsiveness, and
student-based learning. This allows students to express their thoughts and
ideas through various whatsApp application platform features such as
attaching images, sharing videos, sharing web links, recording videos, and
much more.
In the official whatsApp page in the Appstore (whatsAppinc, 2018)
the features and advantages explained using whatsApp services namely:
1. No Additional Costs : WhatsApp uses connection internet
telephone (4G/3G/2G/ EDGE or Wi-Fi, available) to send message and
call other users, so no additional fees are needed for each messages or
calls except fees for internet connetions.
2. Multimedia : The ability of multimedia to send and
receive photos, videos, documents and voice messages.

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3. Whatsapp calls : Free calls that can be utilized users for free
even for calls between countries.
4. Group Chat : Which allows users have a group
conversation with several contacts whatsApp so you can easily
establish communication with several users at on.
5. whatsApp Web : Can send and receive whatsApp messages
directly from the browser or computer browser.
6. No interpersonal fees : There are no additional free for send
international whatsApp messages.
7. Absence of Username and PIN: No pin code is required because
whatsApp works exactly like texting with use telephone numbers and
integrate with the addres book on the telephone.
8. No Log in or Log out Required : Because it is on the device whatsApp
is always connected to the network.
9. Connect With Contacts: Read contact saved on the phone
automatically can be easily and quickly connected to contacts who
already use whatsApp.
10. Other Features such as sending location based on the phone’s GPS,
exchange contacts, special notification tones, save history chat, and
broadcast messages to several contacts at the same time.
Based on the description of whatsApp services and features it has,
it can be seen that the whatsApp service application provides instant
messaging services that run on multiple platforms like Android, iOS, and
Windows that allow users to send messages, pictures, videos, documents
to one another with international reach, without being charged extra fees,
instead using an internet connection.

b. Steps to Use the WhatsApp Application in Teaching English

Johnsons (2014) mentioned that since whatsApp is apparently a
new phenomenon, only a few researches could be found about the

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whatsApp usage as a communication platform between students and the

teachers. Therefore, as for the steps in using the whatsApp application:
1. Download and then open the whatsappmessager application on the
Google Play Store or Apple Store.
2. The teacher creates a study group. This group is what we will use as an
online class, both for the activities of providing material, training,
assignments etc.
3. The teacher invites students to join online classes that have been
created, can enter one by one or invite students through a link.
4. The teacher makes attendance online by using google form.
5. The teacher makes a schedule and learning plan.
6. Teachers and students engage in online learning activities.
7. The teacher provides material and assignments to measure the extent
of students' understanding.
8. The teacher gives an assessment of student learning outcomes.

c. English Learning Materials Via Smartphone

As of April 17, 2020, it is estimated that 91.3% or around 1.5

billion students worldwide cannot attend school due to the emergence of
the Covid-19 (UNESCO, 2020). This number includes approximately 45
million students in Indonesia or about 3% of the total student population
affected globally (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2020). The widespread spread of
Covid-19 has forced the government to close schools and encourage
distance learning at home. Various initiatives were undertaken to ensure
learning activities continued even though there were no face-to-face
sessions. Therefore, the school recommends using a smartphone as a
means of teaching and learning. The learning material has a very
important role in the learning process.
According to Prastowo (2015) learning material is all materials (be
it information, tools, or text) that are arranged systematically that displays
a complete figure of competencies that will be mastered by students and
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used in the learning process so that students are able to master basic
competencies in order to achieve competence. the core of each subject in
a particular educational unit.
In this case the researcher asked the teacher how their teaching and
learning process was during the Covid-19. The teacher gives instructions
to students to open the English textbook / worksheets, then reads it after
which he is given an assignment in the form of questions. After that they
are asked to write the answers on a sheet of paper, then when the answers
are finished in the photo, then send them via whatsApp to the teacher.

d. Advantages Using the WhatsApp Application

According to Hendro and Eko (2016). There are 4 advantages of
using the whatsApp application, namely:
1. The exchange of information is faster and easier between teachers and
2. Interaction on social media encourages the emergence of new public
spaces and new communication patterns between teachers and students
as producers of information itself.
3. Changes in practices and communication spaces that were previously
democratically managed.
4. Utilizing the whatsApp app students can study anywhere and anytime.

e. Disadvantages Using the WhatsApp Application

According to Nur Lia Pangestika (in Jakarta: 2018). There are 5
disadvantages using the whatsApp application, namely :
1. WhatsApp among high school level students is more dominantly used
for non-formal communication or outside of learning.

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2. Not all students become active users of whatsApp.
3. Miss communication are often occurs in receiving information.
4. Not all students are active in discussion activities in whatsApp group.
5. Network disruptions often occur in the use of whatsApp social media.

C. Relevant Studies

Research using the whatsApp application has been used by provious

research. With the existence of provious research, it can be show that whatsApp
application can be used as a media for student learning, evidence of success from
this has been proven from several researchers including:

The first thesis was written by Izyani Binti Mistar (2006) Students'
Perceptions of Using Whatsapp as a Learning Tool in ESL Classrooms. She
discussed that using whatsApp is very important in helping students learn the
language better and improve their proficiency in using English. The difference
between Izyani Binti Mistar and this research is shefocused on students'
perceptions of the use of whatsApp as a learning tool in the ESL classroom and
whether or not, whatsApp is important to use in the future in helping students
improve their language learning and the instrument she used was questionnaires.
But in this study only focused on students' perception on the use of whatsapp in
teaching English and use instrument interview and documentation to retrieve
data. The similary of the two studies is to use the whatsApp application to help
students improve English learning.

The second thesis was written by Mona M. Hamid (2017) Using

WhatsApp to Enhance Students’ Learning of English Language “ Experience to
Share”. She discussed using whatsApp to enhance students' enthusiasm and
learning, using whatsApp to help students develop skills in English, enriching
them in their vocabulary and learning from the mistakes of their partners. The
difference between Mona M. Hamid's thesis and this research is supported using
whatsApp to enhance students learning and enthusiasm, using whatsApp helped

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students to develop English skills, enriched their vocabulary and learn from their
mates mistakes, although the study laid out some disadvantages of the experience
such as preparing the materials and having discipline in the group. The similary of
the two studies have in common is that using whatsApp helps students develop
English language skills.

The third thesis was written by Nchindo Richardson Mbukusa (2018)

Perceptions of students’ on the Use of WhatsApp in Teaching Methods of
English as Second Language. He discussed using whatsApp presents itself as one
of the inventive teaching methods that can attract students and provide them with
opportunities for further learning. WhatsApp increases helps students to work
smarter and more effectively. The difference between Nchindo Richardson
Mbukusa’s thesis and this research is the students’ perceptions towards using the
whatsApp application as a learning tool for Teaching Methods of English as
Second Language on a Bachelor’s degree programme. To achieve this, about 99
students in the same cohort completed the self-administered questionnaires. The
study revealed, amongst many, that whatsApp can impact negatively on the
performance of tertiary students, especially those who do not own smartphones.
The similary of the two studies have in common is that using whatsApp as a tool
for learning and to help students raise their interest in learning.

This research focus on students' perceptions on the use of whatsapp

application in teaching of English at eight grade students’ of Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi in the academic
year 2020/2021.

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A. Research Design
The purpose of the research to know the students’ perception on the use of
whatsApp application in teaching of English at eight grade students’ of Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur. Based on the general
porpose of the research, the study is classified as qualitative descriptive.

According to Michael Patton and Michael Cochran (2002:3) qualitative

research is characterised by it is aims, which relate to understanding some aspect
of social life, and it is methods which (in general) generate words, rather that
numbers, as data for analysis. It means, which relates to understanding some
aspects of social life, and uses the method of words not numbers.

Moreover, zuriah (2007:82) claimed that data in qualitative research is

obtained qualitative in nature. It is so called naturalistic research because the
research is conducted in natural setting. In addition, in accordance with the use of
qualitative research, the analysis approach of this research depends on the
descriptive one, a research that describe phenomenon, fact, and events of
individual or groups sysytematically (Zuriah, 2007:47).

Based on the qualitative research, it can be seen that the qualitative is

used to describe research and also to take samples from the population using
interview as a data collection tool.

B. Setting and Subject of the Research

1. Setting of the Research

In this study, the researcher chose the setting at Madrasah Tsanawiyah

Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi. While the reason the

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

researcher chosed this location because researcher considers necessary to

know the students’ perception toward the use of whatsApp application in
learning English Teaching English at Eight Grade Students’ of Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi. Because the
term of the basic education of the students who are still common in the
students’ understanding of English education.

2. Subject of the Research

Subject of this research is students at Eight Grade Students’ of
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi.
There is one class in odd semester of students at Eight Grade Students’ of
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi.
There are 30 students. The research used purposive sampling, where the
technique only took 15 students’. The researcher only chose one class that is
eight class at Eight Grade Students’ of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah
Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi in with the consideration that the students
often use whatsApp in teaching English. So that is why the researcher chose
this class to be subject of the research.

C. Types and Sources of the Data

1. Types of Data
a. Primary Data
Sugiono (2008:225) stated that primary source is source which can
give valuable information directly. It means, the primery source is to give
prominent data relate to problems of the research. For the primary source,
the researcher used interviews. The researcher collected students contact
information, then took turns contacting students for interviews and
recording ongoing conversations.

b. Secondary Data

Secondary data is the data that got directly by researcher, but it is

got through help of second of third source. Secondary data is also know as

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supporting data or complement of main data that is used by researcher.

Kind of secondary data can be picture. In conclusion, a data is an
information proof which empirically found by a research using primary or
secondary data. In this research, the researcher uses primary data the data
taken is based on rect, interview result from students.
2. Sources of Data

According to Mukhtar (2013:107) Data source are sources which a

researches is able to get some information or data needed in a research the
data consist of primary data and secondary data. The research concluded that
data sources are all sources which got from research. That main source of data
in this research is taken from the interview of the students in teaching English.
The sources of data in this study are people, situation, picture,
methodological interview notes and historical by Students’ of Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi.
a. People
1. The students’ perception toward the use of whatsApp applicationin
Teaching of English.
2. 1 class
b. Situations

Students’ situation procces in use of whatsApp application in Teaching of


c. Source data

Interview at Eight Grade Students’ of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul

Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi.

D. Technique of Collecting the Data

Technique of collecting data used in this research is Interview. This
research use structured interview. According to Margono( 2009, p. 167)
“Structured interview is the question alternative answer that is given to interview

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must be decided first unstructured interview is an informal interview. The

questions is about view of life manner, subject’s information, etc.
According to Rahma and Kurniawati (2020) In the Indonesian context,
various models show that the COVID-19 will not end immediately. Because of
the prohibition of direct contact between the researcher and the subject to be
examined in situations where implementing remote communication, therefore the
researcher conduct the interview by using telephone call dan also record it.
This research used the open question model. According to Worley and
Peter (2015:11-29) Open questions are questions that can nit be answer with a
“yes” or “no” response, or with a static response. Open questions are expressed as
statements that require a response. However, researcher only took a few students’
for the sample who showed their low, middle, or high learners response the
learning process. There were 15 students chosen purposive sampling to be
interviewed. Then each level has 5 response.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

The process of arranging data colled data analysis, in this research the data
analysis use:

1. Data Reduction
According to Iskandar (2009:140) data reduction is the process of
collecting research data. Sugiono (2009:338) mentioned the data obtained
from the field is quite a lot: it should be noted for accurately and detailed. The
data reduction is summarize of data, choose things that are basic, focussing on
things that are important, searched themes and patterns and discard
2. Data Display
According to miles and Huberman (1984) the most frequent from of
display data for qualitative research data in the past has been narrative text.
According to sugiyono (2014:249), themfuther point out the in the qualitative

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research, the presentation of data can be done in the form of brief

descriptions, charts, flow carts connections between categories and like.
The researcher concluded that to display data, the researcher will
explicity provide all the record-keeping during the interviews in the order to
draw the first approach of analyzing data.
3. Conclusion Drawing / Verification
According to Iskandar (2009:142) conclusion is further analysis of the
data reduction, and display data so that data can be inferred. Thus, conclusions
in qualitative research might to able to answer the formulation of the problem
is formulated from the beginning. But maybe not because the formulation of
the problem in qualitative research is temporary.
4. Instrumentation
According to Gulo (2000) research instrument are written guidelines
about interview, or observation, or lists of questions, which are prepared to
obtain information. To know students’ perception toward the use of
whatsApp application in teaching of English, the writer give instruments in
the form of interviews as a tool to collect data from information sources
F. Triangulation
According to Cohen (2000:112) tringulation may be as the use of two or
more methods of data collecting in the study of some aspect of human
behaviour. Thus, triangulation technique means the researcher uses two or more
techniques in the collecting data to get validity. The purpose of triangulation is
to increase the credibility and validity of the findings.
In order check the validity and reability of data, the writer will use
triangulation method. Here, that writer will compare the finding obtained by
interview . By doing so, validity of data can be achieve.

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G. Schedule of Research
No Activities Months / 2020
Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 Consult the title of
2 Arranging proposal
3 Consult to the
4 Seminar proposal
5 Revising the
6 Preparing of the
7 Research
8 Analysis data
9 Writing the result
of research
10 Consult to the

11 Arranging of thesis
12 Final report

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This chapter elaborates the reseach findings and the discussion of the
research. The findings included the descriptive analysis of students’
perception on the use of whatsApp application in teaching of English at eight
grade students’ of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman
Tanjab Timur Jambi .

Students' perceptions can be applied as the ability of students tojustify
their own opinions. In this research, researcher tried to know students’
perception on the use of whatsApp application in teaching of English at eight
grade students’ of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman
Tanjab Timur Jambi. Based on the result of interview from students’ that
have been conducted by researcher about students’ perception on the use of
whatsApp application in teaching of English at eight grade students’ of
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi.
The students’ who think that learning English through whatsApp application
does not give maximum results. Some students said it was difficult to
understand the teaching material provided by the teacher. Below are question
about students’ perception on the use of whatsApp application in teaching of
English are:
1. Do you have a whatsApp application on your mobile?
2. Do you often use the whatsApp application as a communication tool?
3. Did you spend a lot of internet quota to join activity in whatsApp group?
4. Is the internet network in your area running well?
5. Do you think the various activities carried out through whatsApp are
interesting? Why?
6. What do you think about whatsApp as a medium for learning English?

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

7. Did whatsApp group activity easy the way of students in learning English?
8. Do you have difficulty using whatsApp in learning English? Why?
9. Does using whatsApp give you motivation in learning English?
10. Do you feel happy using whatsApp to learn English? Why?
11. Were your assignment technically easy to do when using whatsApp?
12. Do you like learning English?
13. Do you have guidebooks, dictionaries, in learning English?
14. What motivates you to be able to speak English?
15. Is English easy to understand? Why?
16. Have you ever spoken English with your a teacher or a friend?
17. Are you interested in the way teachers tech English when teaching
18. What language is used by the teacher as the language of instruction when
teaching English language?
19. Do you understand when the teacher explains the lessons English
20. Do you have difficulty when the teacher explains all the lessons in
English? if so, what were the difficulties?

Interview Result

The result for question interview number 1, “Do you have a

whatsApp application on your mobile”. The result of 15 students answered“
yes they have”.

The result for question interview number 2, “Do you often use the
whatsApp application as a communication tool”. The result of 15 students,
most of them or 13 students answered “yes often”. Then, 2 students answer“
not often”.

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The result for question interview number 3, “Did you spend a lot of
Internet quota to join activity in whatsApp group”. The result of 15 students,
most of them or 12 students answered “ no”. Then, 3 students answer“ yes”.

The result for question interview number 4, “Is the internet network
in your area running well”. The result of 15 students, most of them or 10
students answered“ unstable”. Then, 5 students answer“ stable”.

The result for question interview number 5, “Do you think the
various activities carried out through whatsApp are interesting? Why”. The
result of 15 students answered “ yes interesting”.

The result for question interview number 6, “What do you think

about whatsApp as a medium for learning English”. The result of 15 students,
most of them or 11 students answered“ a little difficult”. Then, 4 students
answer“ good”.

The result for question interview number 7, “Did whatsApp group

activity easy the way of students in learning English”. The result of 15
students, most of them or 6 students answered“ yes”. Then, 4 students
answer“ no”.

The result for question interview number 8, “Do you have difficulty
using whatsApp in learning English? Why”. The result of 15 students
answered“ yes”.

The result for question interview number 9, “Does using whatsApp

give you motivation in learning English”. The result of 15 students, most of
them or 3 students answered“ yes”. Then, 12 students answer“ no”.

The result for question interview number 10, “Do you feel happy
using whatsApp to learn English? Why”. The result of 15 students, most of
them or 11 students answered“ no”. Then, 4 students answer“ yes”.

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The result for question interview number 11, “Were your assignment
technically easy to do when using whatsApp? Why”. The result of 15
students, most of them or 10 students answered“ yes”. Then, 5 students
answer“ no”.

The result for question interview number 12, “Do you like learning
English”. The result of 15 students answered“ yes they like”.

The result for question interview number 13, “Do you have
guidebooks, dictionaries, in learning English”. The result of 15 students,
answered “ yes”.

The result for question interview number 14, “What motivates you to
be able to speak English”. The result of 15 students, most of them or 5
students answered “ they want to be able to speak English”. Then, 3 students
answer“ in order to easily communicate with foreign nationals” and 7
students answer “ they want to master a foreign language other than their
own country”.

The result for question interview number 15, “Is English easy to
understand? Why”. The result of 15 students, most of them or 13 students
answered “ yes”. Then, 2 students answer “ no”.

The result for question interview number 16, “Have you ever spoken
English with your a teacher or a friend”. The result of 15 students answered “

The result for question interview number 17,“ are you interested in
the way teachers tech English when teaching class”. The result of 15 students,
most of them or 13 answered “yes”. Then, 2 students answer “no”.

The result for question interview number 18, “What language is used
by the teacher as the language of instructionwhen teaching English language”.
The result 15 students answered “ Indonesian and English language”.

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The result for question interview number 19, “Do you understand
when the teacher explains the lessons English language”. The result of
15students, most of them or 5 students answered “ yes”. Then, 10 students
answer “ no”.

The result for question interview number 20, “Do you have
difficulty when the teacher explains all the lessons in English? if so, what
were the difficulties”. The result of 15 students, most of them or 13 students
answered “ yes”. Then, 2 students answer “ no”

The result of interview from students’ that have been conducted by

researcher about students’ perception on the use of whatsApp application in
teaching of English at eight grade students’ of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul
Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi. The students’ who think that
learning English through whatsApp application does not give maximum
results, because it is difficult for students to understand the teaching materials
given by the teacher. However, there are also a number of things that can
make it easier for students to do the teaching and learning process through the
whatsApp application such as collecting assignments.


The whatApp application is used as an application that helps students

in the learning process when a pandemic occurs. However, during the activity,
students experienced many obstacles such as limited quota so that it was
difficult for them to follow the lessons, lack of understanding instructed by the
teacher, and also other difficulties that made them think that using whatsApp
in English lessons was less interesting and the teaching and learning process
was less optimal.

In this case, the researcher has conducted research through interviews

to find out students' perceptions about the use of the whatsApp application in
learning English.

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Based on the results of research conducted by researcher, it shows that

students' perceptions of the use of the whatsApp application during the
pandemic are one of the learning media that students are not interested in.
Because they are not satisfied with the learning outcomes they get on this
learning. However, some students said they were interested in using the
whatsApp application for communication tools only because it offered
interesting features, but it was less helpful in teaching and learning activities
in English.

In this study, researcher only monitored students' teaching and learning

activities through the whatsApp application media. The results of this
monitoring, the researcher assessed which students were active, moderate, and
also who did not interact with the teacher.

First, the results of the interviews by researcher with students

regarding the ownership of the whatsApp application for supporting facilities
in the learning process, all students stated that they had the whatsApp
application. In this case, the researcher concluded that the students were ready
to use the learning facilities using the whatsApp application.

Second, the results of the researcher interviews regarding how often

they used the whatsApp application as a means of communication in learning,
most students stated that they had often used the whatsApp application as a
means of communication in learning. However, only a small proportion of
them still cannot use the whatsApp application as their communication tool. In
this case the researcher concluded that students often use the whatsApp
application as a means of their communication.

Third, the results of interviews with researcher regarding the internet

quota spent during the activities in the whatsApp application group. Most of
the students stated that using the whatsApp application did not consume too
much quota. However, a small proportion stated that they spent their internet
quota while participating in activities on the whatsapp group. In this case the

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researcher concluded that the use of the whatsApp application did not
consume much of their internet quota.

Fourth, the results of interviews with researcher regarding whether the

internet network in your area is running well, most students stated that it was
unstable because when the power went out, the internet connection was lost.
In this case, the researcher concluded that when the power went out, the
internet network was lost, making it difficult for students to connect to the

Fifth, the results of interviews with researcher regarding learning

activities through whatsApp, most of them stated that they were happy and
interested in learning to use whatsApp. In this case the researcher concluded
that only some students were happy to learn to use whatsApp.

Sixth, the results of the researcher interviews regarding students'

opinions about whatsApp as a medium for learning English, most of them
stated that they had a little difficulty in learning English because the material
presented was difficult for students to understand. However, only a small
number have no difficulty understanding English lessons through whatsApp
media. In this case the researcher concluded that students only felt a little
difficulty in learning English because the material presented was difficult to
understand by students.

Seventh, the results of the researcher interviews regarding student

group activities on whatsApp were that most students stated that group
activities on whatsApp made it easier for them to learn English. However,
only a small proportion of students said whatsapp group activities made it
difficult for students to learn English. In this case the researcher concluded
that only some students felt made easy by the group activities on whatsApp in
learning English.

Eighth, the results of the researcher interviews regarding the

difficulties of students using whatsApp in learning English were that they

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stated that they had difficulty learning English using whatsApp. In this case
the researcher concludes that students find it difficult to learn English when
using the whatsApp application.

Ninth, the results of the researcher interview regarding the use of

whatsApp can motivate students to learn English, a small proportion of them
stated that whatsApp provides motivation in learning English. However, most
students stated that using whatsApp did not provide motivation in learning. In
this case the researcher concluded that using whatsApp lacks motivation for
students in learning English.

Tenth, the results of the researcher interview regarding their pleasure

in using whatsApp to learn English are that some students stated that they
were not happy using whatsApp to learn English. However, a small proportion
of students said they enjoyed using whatsApp because it was interesting.In
this case the researcher concluded that only some students felt unhappy when
using whatsApp to learn English.

Eleventh, the results of the researcher interview regarding the ease

with which students’ complete assignments using WhatsApp was that most
students stated that using whatsApp could make it easier for students to
complete their assignments. However, a small proportion of students stated
that they did not make it easy for students to complete the assignment. In this
case the researcher concluded that using whatsApp can make it easier for
students to complete their assignments.

Twelfth, the results of the researcher interview regarding the students'

preferences or interests in learning English were that all students stated that
they liked learning English. In this case the researcher concluded that the
students' interest in learning English was very high.

Thirteenth, the results of the researcher interview regarding the

ownership of manuals and dictionaries in English showed that all students
stated that they had learning support tools such as manuals and English

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dictionaries. In this case, the researcher concluded that all students have
guidebooks and dictionaries in English as a support tool in learning English.

Fourteenth, the results of the researcher interview regarding the

motivation of students to be able to speak English, a small proportion of
students stated that the motivation of students in learning English was to easily
communicate with foreign citizens. Then most students also said their
motivation in learning English was to want to master a foreign language other
than their own country language.In this case the researcher concluded that
students have high motivation in learning English because they want to master
a foreign language and also be able to communicate with foreigners.

Fifteenth, the results of the researcher interview regarding students'

understanding in learning English were that most students stated that English
was easy to understand. However, only a small proportion stated that
understanding English lessons is not easy. In this case the researcher
concluded that the understanding of English lessons by students was still
difficult for students to understand.

Sixteenth, the results of the researcher interviews regarding the

practice of speaking directly in English with teachers or friends, they stated
that they had practiced speaking English directly with their teachers and
friends. In this case the researcher concluded that the students had spoken
English with their teachers and friends during class.

Seventeenth, the results of the researcher interview regarding students'

interest in the way the teacher uses English when teaching is that some
students stated that they felt interested. However, a small proportion of
students stated that they were not interested in the way the teacher explained
in English. In this case the researcher concluded that the students were
interested in the way the teacher taught in English during the class.

Eighteenth, the results of students interviews regarding the language

of instruction used by the teacher when teaching English are that all students

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi


stated that their teacher used Indonesian and English as the language of
instruction in learning English. In this case the researcher concluded that the
language of instruction used by the teacher when teaching English was
Indonesian and English.

Nineteenth, the results of students interviews regarding students'

understanding when the teacher explained English lessons was that a small
proportion of students said they understood. However, most students stated
that they did not understand when the teacher explained English lessons. In
this case the researcher concluded that most of the students did not understand
when the teacher explained English lessons.

Finally, the results of the researcher interviews regarding their

difficulties when the teacher explained all the lessons in English was that most
of the students stated that they had a lot of difficulty understanding the lessons
given by the teacher. However, a small proportion of students said they had no
difficulty listening to the teacher explain lessons in English. In this case the
researcher concluded that there were many difficulties faced by students when
understanding English lessons.

Based on the findings above that students still have a lot of difficulty
in understanding English lessons through the whatsApp application. So in this
case, the teacher must further increase his creativity in teaching so that
students understand more easily English lessons.

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi



A. Conclusion

Based on the result of research at chapter IV, the researcher can take
conclusion of students’ perception on the use of whatsApp application in
teaching of English at eight grade students’ Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul
Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi.

The research finding from interview, most of respondents stated the use
whatsApp application are not good .The students’ who think that learning
English through whatsApp application does not give maximum results,
because it is difficult for students to understand the teaching materials given
by the teacher. However, there are also a number of things that can make it
easier for students to do the teaching and learning process through the
whatsApp application such as collecting assignments.

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the study, there are suggestions that can be
consideration to the students’:

1. For the students

Suggestion for the students, the result of this research hopefully
students’ can interact more with the teacher so that they have no difficulty
in teaching and learning activities.
2. For the teacher
Suggestion for the teacher, I hope the research the teacher can
provide more motivation so that students can be more active in learning.
Teachers should also reconsider the online teaching and learning process
because of the difficulty of students understanding the subject matter.

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

3. For the school

Suggestion for the school, hopefully this research can be usefull to
anyone reference in increasing the researcher knowledge to students’
perception on the use of whatsApp application in teaching of English at
eight grade students’ Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman
Tanjab Timur. The school should make a policy to use other better media.

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi


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Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi





1. List of Interview

Students’ Perception on The Use of WhatsappApplication in Teaching of

English at Eight Grade Students’ of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah
Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur.

Name :

Class :

1. Do you have a whatsApp application on your mobile?

2. Do you often use the whatsApp application as a communication tool?
3. Did you spend a lot of Internet quota to join activity in whatsApp group?
4. Is the internet network in your area running well?
5. Do you think the various activities carried out through whatsApp are
interesting? Why?
6. What do you think about whatsApp as a medium for learning English?
7. Did whatsApp group activity easy the way of students in learning English?
8. Do you have difficulty using whatsApp in learning English? Why?
9. Does using whatsApp give you motivation in learning English?
10. Do you feel happy using whatsApp to learn English? Why?
11. Were your assignment technically easy to do when using whatsApp? Why?
12. Do you like learning English?
13. Do you have guidebooks, dictionaries, in learning English?
14. What motivates you to be able to speak English?
15. Is English easy to understand? Why?

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

16. Have you ever spoken English with your a teacher or a friend?
17. Are you interested in the way teachers teach English when teaching
18. What language is used by the teacher as the language of instruction when
teaching English language?
19. Do you understand when the teacher explains the lessons English language?
20. Do you have difficulty when the teacher explains all the lessons in
English? if so, what were the difficulties?

Adapt by: Septi Riana Dewi, (2019) Utilizing WhatsApp Application for Teaching English.

KosmasSarkol, (2016) Students’ Perception of Learning English.

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

2. Interview for Students
October, 21th 2020
Students Eight grade of I
Interview with student who high learner in class group whatsApp application
 Hello, how are you today? Do you have a whatsApp application on your
mobile? What is your name?My name is Nur haliza, I’m fine. Yes I have.
 Apakah kamu sering menggunakan aplikasi whatsapp sebagai alat
komunikasi ?Iya sering.
 Apakah kamu menghabiskan banyak kuota internet untuk mengikuti
aktivitas di grup whatsApp?Tidak.
 Apakah jaringan internet di wilayah kamu berjalan dengan baik? Ya,
tempat tinggal saya, jaringannya sangat stabil.
 Apakah menurut kamu berbagai aktivitas yang dilakukan melalui
whatsApp menarik? Mengapa?Iya, karena sangat menyenangkan.
 Bagaimana pendapat kamu tentang whatsapp sebagai media belajar bahasa
Inggris?Menurut saya belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan whatsApp sangat
 Apakah kegiatan whatsApp group memudahkan siswa dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris?Tidak.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan ketika menggunakan whatsApp dalam
belajar bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?Iya, karena sulit untuk memahami tugas
yang di berikan guru melalui group whatsApp.
 Apakah menggunakan whatsApp memberikanmu motivasi dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris?Tidak.
 Apakah Anda merasa senang menggunakan WhatsApp dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?Tidak, karena saya tidak mengerti bahasa Inggris,
jadi ketika belajar menggunakan whatsApp membuat saya semakin tidak
 Apakah tugas kamu secara teknis mudah dilakukan saat menggunakan
WhatsApp? Mengapa ?Iya, karena saya bisa mengirim tugas secara online.
 Apakah kamu suka pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Iya suka
 Apakah kamu punya buku panduan, kamus, dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris?Iya punya.
 Apa yang memotivasi kamu ingin bisa berbahasa Inggris? Agarbisa
berinteraksi dengan orang asiang/ luar negeri.
 Apakah bahasa Inggris mudah di mengerti? Mengapa? Iya , kerena saya

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

sedikit tahu vocab , jadinya saya mudah memahami bahasa Inggris.
 Apakah kamu pernah berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan guru atau teman
kamu? Iya, pernah.
 Apakah kamu tertarik dengan cara guru mengajar bahasa Inggris ketika
mengajar di kelas? Iya, tertarik.
 Bahasa apa yang di gunakan oleh guru sebagai bahasa pengantar ketika
mengajar bahasa Inggris?Menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan bahasa
 Apakah kamu mengerti saat guru menjelaskan pelajaran dalam bahasa
Inggris? Iya, sedikit-sedikit saya mengerti.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan saat guru menjelaskan semua pelajaran
dalam bahasa Inggris?jika ada, apa saja kesulitannya? Iya, kesulitannya
ketika guru menjelaskan pelajaran dengan bahasa inggris yang terlalu cepat,
sehingga saya kurang mengerti apa yang sedang di jelaskan.

Interview with student who middle learning in class group whatsApp

 Hello, how are you today? Do you have a whatsApp application on your
mobile? What is your name?My name is Amda Ramadani, I’m fine. Yes I have.
 Apakah kamu sering menggunakan aplikasi whatsapp sebagai alat
komunikasi ?Iya sering.
 Apakah kamu menghabiskan banyak kuota internet untuk mengikuti
aktivitas di grup whatsApp?Iya, banyak.
 Apakah jaringan internet di wilayah kamu berjalan dengan baik? Ya, tempat
tinggal saya, jaringannya sangat stabil.
 Apakah menurut kamu berbagai aktivitas yang dilakukan melalui whatsApp
menarik? Mengapa? Tidak.
 Bagaimana pendapat kamu tentang whatsapp sebagai media belajar bahasa
Inggris? Menurut saya menggunakan whatsApp membuat saya kesulitan untuk
cepat memahami pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
 Apakah kegiatan whatsApp group memudahkan siswa dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris? Iya, kadang-kadang.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan ketika menggunakan whatsApp dalam
belajar bahasa Inggris? Mengapa? Iya, karena saya tidak mengerti maksud
atau perintah yang di berikan oleh guru ketika mengajar di group whatsApp.

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

 Apakah menggunakan whatsApp memberikanmu motivasi dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris? Tidak.
 Apakah Anda merasa senang menggunakan whatsApp dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris? Mengapa?Tidak, karena saya tidak terlalu mengertibahasa Inggris,
jadi ketika belajar menggunakan whatsApp saya kesulitan dalam belajar bahasa
inggris melalui whatsApp.
 Apakah tugas kamu secara teknis mudah dilakukan saat menggunakan
whatsApp? Mengapa? Tidak, karena keterbatasan kuota membuat saya sulit
mengikuti materi pelajaran yang sedang berlansung sehingga saya tidak
mengerjakan tugas saya dengan baik.
 Apakah kamu suka belajar bahasa Inggris? Iya, suka.
 Apakah kamu punya buku panduan, kamus dalam belajar bahasa Inggris?
Iya, punya.
 Apa yang memotivasi kamu ingin bisa bebahasa Inggris? Saya ingin
menguasai bahasa asing selain bahasa Negara sendiri( Indonesia)
 Apakah bahasa Inggris mudah di mengerti? Mengapa?Iya, karena saya tahu
sedikit vocabulary dalam bahasa Inggris, maka saya mudah mengerti ketika
belajar bahasa Inggris.
 Apakah kamu pernah berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan guru atau teman
kamu?Iya pernah.
 Apakah kamu tertarik dengan cara guru mengajar bahasa Inggris ketika
mengajar di kelas?Iya tertarik.
 Bahasa apa yang di gunakan oleh guru sebagai bahasa pengantar ketika
mengajar bahasa Inggris?Menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia.
 Apakah kamu mengerti saat guru menjelaskan pelajaran dalam bahasa
Inggris?Iya, saya mengerti.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan saat guru menjelaskan semua pelajaran
dalam bahasa Inggris?jika ada, apa saja kesulitannya? Tidak, karena saya
mempunyai beberapa vocabulary dan saya memperhatikan selama pelajaran
berlangsung dengan baik, jadi saya tidak mengalami kesulitan ketika belajar
bahasa Inggris di kelas.

Interview with student who low learning in class group whatsApp application.
 Hello, how are you today? Do you have a whatsApp application on your
mobile? What is your name?My name is Sekar Nilam Sari, I’m fine. Yes I have.

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

 Apakah kamu sering menggunakan aplikasi whatsapp sebagai alat
komunikasi ?Tidak sering.
 Apakah kamu menghabiskan banyak kuota internet untuk mengikuti
aktivitas di grup whatsApp?Tidak.
 Apakah jaringan internet di wilayah kamu berjalan dengan baik? Ya, tempat
tinggal saya, jaringannya sangat stabil.
 Apakah menurut kamu berbagai aktivitas yang dilakukan melalui whatsApp
menarik? Mengapa?Iya, karena bisa terhubung dengan orang- orang penting
bagi kita, serta keluarga dan teman.
 Bagaimana pendapat kamu tentang whatsApp sebagai media belajar bahasa
Inggris? Menurut saya sangat sulit.
 Apakah kegiatan whatsApp group memudahkan siswa dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris? Iya.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan ketika menggunakan whatsApp dalam
belajar bahasa Inggris? Mengapa? Tidak, karena menurut saya tidak terlalu
sulit dan bisa dikatakan mudah
 Apakah menggunakan whatsApp memberikanmu motivasi dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris?Iya.
 Apakah Anda merasa senang menggunakan whatsApp dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris? Mengapa? Iya, karena mudah belajarnya.
 Apakah tugas kamu secara teknis mudah dilakukan saat menggunakan
WhatsApp? Mengapa ?Iya, karena sangat mudah dan praktis.
 Apakah kamu suka belajar bahasa Inggris?Iya, suka.
 Apakah kamu punya buku panduan, kamus, dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris?Iya punya.
 Apa yang memotivasi kamu ingin bisa berbahasa Inggris?Saya ingin
menguasai bahasa asing selain bahasa Negara sendiri( Indonesia)
 Apakah bahasa Inggris mudah di mengerti? Mengapa?Iya, karena saya tahu
sedikit vocabulary dalam bahasa Inggris, maka saya mudah memahami ketika
belajar bahasa Inggris.
 Apakah kamu pernah berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan guru atau teman
kamu?Tidak Pernah.
 Apakah kamu tertarik dengan cara guru mengajar bahasa Inggris ketika
mengajar di kelas?Kurang tertarik.
 Bahasa apa yang di gunakan oleh guru sebagai bahasa pengantar ketika

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

mengajar bahasa Inggris? Bahasa Indonesia.
 Apakah kamu mengerti saat guru menjelaskan pelajaran dalam bahasa
Inggris?Tidak, saya tidak mengerti.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan saat guru menjelaskan semua pelajaran
dalam bahasa Inggris?jika ada, apa saja kesulitannya?Iya, karena ketika guru
menjelaskan pelajaran di depan kelas, berbicaranya terlalu cepat, sehingga saya
tidak paham apa maksudnya.

October, 22th 2020

Students Eight grade of II
Interview with student who high learner in class group whatsApp application.
 Hello, how are you today? Do you have a whatsApp application on your
mobile? What is your name?My name is Nada Nabila, I’m fine. Yes I have.
 Apakah kamu sering menggunakan aplikasi whatsapp sebagai alat
komunikasi ?Iya sering.
 Apakah kamu menghabiskan banyak kuota internet untuk mengikuti
aktivitas di grup whatsApp? Tida.
 Apakah jaringan internet di wilayah kamu berjalan dengan baik? Ya,
tempat tinggal saya, jaringannya sangat stabil.
 Apakah menurut kamu berbagai aktivitas yang dilakukan melalui whatsApp
menarik? Mengapa? Iya, karena saya bisa mengirim foto, video, dll.
 Bagaimana pendapat kamu tentang whatsapp sebagai media belajar bahasa
Inggris?Menurut saya menggunakan whatsApp untuk media belajar agak sulit,
apalagi pelajaran bahasa Inggris saya kurang paham.
 Apakah kegiatan whatsApp group memudahkan siswa dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris?Kadang-kadang memudahkan, tapi juga kadang-kadang sulit ketika
sedang memahami materi yang di ajarkan di group.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan ketika menggunakan whatsApp dalam
belajar bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?Iya, karena saya kurang paham atau kurang
jelas dengan materi yang di jeaskan di goup whatsApp.
 Apakah menggunakan whatsApp memberikanmu motivasi dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris?Tidak.
 Apakah Anda merasa senang menggunakan WhatsApp dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris? Mengapa? Tidak, karena saya lebih paham ketika belajar di

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

kealas daripada di group whatsApp.
 Apakah tugas kamu secara teknis mudah dilakukan saat
menggunakan WhatsApp? Mengapa ?Kadang-kadang karena saya
merasa terbantu atau tidak perlu dating kesekolah untuk mengumpulkan
tugas, saya hanya perlu mengirim foto tugas saya di group.
 Apakah kamu suka belajar bahasa Inggris?Iya, suka.
 Apakah kamu punya buku panduan, kamus, dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris?Iya punya.
 Apa yang memotivasi kamu ingin bisa berbahasa Inggris?Saya, ingin
bisa berbahasa Inggris.
 Apakah bahasa Inggris mudah di mengerti? Mengapa?Iya, karena
saya sangat tertarik belajar bahasa Inggris, dan juga menguasai vocab,
jadi saya mengerti bahasa Inggris.
 Apakah kamu pernah berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan guru atau teman
kamu?Iya pernah.
 Apakah kamu tertarik dengan cara guru mengajar bahasa Inggris
ketika mengajar di kelas?Iya tertarik.
 Bahasa apa yang di gunakan oleh guru sebagai bahasa pengantar
ketika mengajar bahasa Inggris?Menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan
bahasa Indonesia.
 Apakah kamu mengerti saat guru menjelaskan pelajaran dalam
bahasa Inggris?Iya, sedikit tidak mengerti.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan saat guru menjelaskan semua pelajaran
dalam bahasa Inggris? Jika ada, apa saja kesulitannya? Iya, kesulitannya saat
guru menjelaskan materi pelajarannya terlalu cepat, sehingga membuat saya
kurang paham apa maksud dari perjelasan guru tersebut.

Interview with student II who middle learning in class group whatsApp

 Hello, how are you today? Do you have a whatsApp application on your
mobile? What is your name?My name is Suryati, I’m fine. Yes I have.
 Apakah kamu sering menggunakan aplikasi whatsapp sebagai alat

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

komunikasi ?Iya sering.
 Apakah kamu menghabiskan banyak kuota internet untuk mengikuti
aktivitas di grup whatsApp?Tidak.
 Apakah jaringan internet di wilayah kamu berjalan dengan baik? Ya, tempat
tinggal saya, jaringannya sangat stabil.
 Apakah menurut kamu berbagai aktivitas yang dilakukan melalui whatsApp
menarik? Mengapa? Iya, karena kita bisa membuat group satu kelas dan bisa
mengirim video, foto dll.
 Bagaimana pendapat kamu tentang whatsapp sebagai media belajar bahasa
Inggris? Menurut saya menggunakan whatsApp membuat saya kesulitan untuk
cepat memahami pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
 Apakah kegiatan whatsApp group memudahkan siswa dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris? Iya.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan ketika menggunakan whatsApp dalam
belajar bahasa Inggris? Mengapa? Iya, tidak paham/ kurang jelas dengan
materi yang di jelaskan di group whatsApp
 Apakah menggunakan whatsApp memberikanmu motivasi dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris? Tidak
 Apakah Anda merasa senang menggunakan whatsApp dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris? Mengapa? Iya,karena menarik.
 Apakah tugas kamu secara teknis mudah dilakukan saat menggunakan
WhatsApp? Mengapa ?Iya, karena bisa mengirim soal online dan bisa
mengantar tugas lewat whatsApp.
 Apakah kamu suka belajar bahasa Inggris? Iya, suka.
 Apakah kamu punya buku panduan, kamus, dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris?Iya punya.
 Apa yang memotivasi kamu ingin bisa berbahasa Inggris?Saya ingin bisa
berbahasa Inggris.
 Apakah bahasa Inggris mudah di mengerti? Mengapa? Iya mudah, karena
ada penjelasannya, dan langsung ada pembahasan pada materinya.
 Apakah kamu pernah berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan guru atau teman
kamu? Iya pernah.
 Apakah kamu tertarik dengan cara guru mengajar bahasa Inggris ketika
mengajar di kelas?Iya tertarik.
 Bahasa apa yang di gunakan oleh guru sebagai bahasa pengantar ketika
mengajar bahasa Inggris?Menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia.

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

 Apakah kamu mengerti saat guru menjelaskan pelajaran dalam bahasa
Inggris?Insya’Allah saya mengerti.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan saat guru menjelaskan semua pelajaran
dalam bahasa Inggris?jika ada, apa saja kesulitannya? Iya, seperti mencari
arti dari bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan kata tambahan

Interview with student II who low learning in class group whatsApp application.
 Hello, how are you today? Do you have a whatsApp application on your
mobile? What is your name?My name is Ira rianti, I’m fine. Yes I have.
 Apakah kamu sering menggunakan aplikasi whatsapp sebagai alat
komunikasi ?Iya sering.
 Apakah kamu menghabiskan banyak kuota internet untuk mengikuti
aktivitas di grup whatsApp?Tidak.
 Apakah jaringan internet di wilayah kamu berjalan dengan baik? Tidak,
tempat tinggal saya, jaringannya tidak stabil.
 Apakah menurut kamu berbagai aktivitas yang dilakukan melalui whatsApp
menarik? Mengapa? Iya, karena saya bisa mengirim foto, video,dll.
 Bagaimana pendapat kamu tentang whatsapp sebagai media belajar bahasa
Inggris? Menurut saya menggunakan whatsApp untuk media belajar agak sulit
apalagi pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
 Apakah kegiatan whatsApp group memudahkan siswa dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris? Kadang-kadang memudahkan, tapi juga kadang-kadang sulit ketika
sedang memahami materi yang di ajarkan di group.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan ketika menggunakan whatsApp dalam
belajar bahasa Inggris? Mengapa? Iya, karena saya kurang paham/ kurang
jelas dengan materi yang di jelaskan di group whatsApp.
 Apakah menggunakan whatsApp memberikanmu motivasi dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris? Tidak.
 Apakah Anda merasa senang menggunakan whatsApp dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris? Mengapa? Tidak, karena saya lebih paham ketika belajar di kelas, dari
pada belajar di group whatsApp.
 Apakah tugas kamu secara teknis mudah dilakukan saat menggunakan
WhatsApp? Mengapa ?Kadang-kadang, karena saya merasa terbantu ketika
mengumpulkan tugas ke guru, tidak perlu dating ke sekolah, saya hanya perlu
mengirim foto tugas saya di group.

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

 Apakah kamu suka belajar bahasa Inggris? Iya, suka.
 Apakah kamu punya buku panduan, kamus, dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris?Iya punya.
 Apa yang memotivasi kamu ingin bisa berbahasa Inggris?Saya ingin bisa
berbahasa Inggris.
 Apakah bahasa Inggris mudah di mengerti? Mengapa? Iya mudah, karena
ada penjelasannya, dan langsung ada pembahasan pada materinya.
 Apakah kamu pernah berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan guru atau teman
kamu? Iya pernah.
 Apakah kamu tertarik dengan cara guru mengajar bahasa Inggris ketika
mengajar di kelas?Iya tertarik.
 Bahasa apa yang di gunakan oleh guru sebagai bahasa pengantar ketika
mengajar bahasa Inggris?Menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia.
 Apakah kamu mengerti saat guru menjelaskan pelajaran dalam bahasa
Inggris?Agak sedikit tidak mengerti.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan saat guru menjelaskan semua pelajaran
dalam bahasa Inggris?jika ada, apa saja kesulitannya? Iya, ketika guru
menjelaskan materi tersebut terlalu cepat, sehingga saya kurang paham apa yang
di jelaskan.

October, 22th 2020

Students Eight grade of III
Interview with student who high learner in class group whatsApp application
 Hello, how are you today? Do you have a whatsApp application on your
mobile? What is your name?My name is Nur saidah, I’m fine. Yes I have.
 Apakah kamu sering menggunakan aplikasi whatsapp sebagai alat
komunikasi ?Iya sering.
 Apakah kamu menghabiskan banyak kuota internet untuk mengikuti
aktivitas di grup whatsApp?Tidak.
 Apakah jaringan internet di wilayah kamu berjalan dengan baik? Ya,
jaringan di tempat tinggal saya stabil.
 Apakah menurut kamu berbagai aktivitas yang dilakukan melalui whatsApp
menarik? Mengapa?Iya, karenasaya bisa mengirim foto, video, dll.
 Bagaimana pendapat kamu tentang whatsapp sebagai media belajar bahasa
Inggris?Menurut saya menggunakan whatsApp untuk media belajar agak sulit

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

apalagi untuk pelajaran bahasa Inggris, itu membuat saya kurang paham.
 Apakah kegiatan whatsApp group memudahkan siswa dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris?kadang-kadang memudahkan, tetapi juga kadang-kadang sulit ketika
sedang memahami materi yang di ajarkan di group.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan ketika menggunakan whatsApp dalam
belajar bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?Iya, karena saya kurang paham/kurang jelas
dengan materi yang di ajarkan.
 Apakah menggunakan whatsApp memberikanmu motivasi dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris?Tidak.
 Apakah Anda merasa senang menggunakan WhatsApp dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris? Mengapa?Tidak, karena saya lebih paham ketika belajar di kelas dari
pada di group whatsApp.
 Apakah tugas kamu secara teknis mudah dilakukan saat menggunakan
WhatsApp? Mengapa ? Kadang-kadang, karena saya merasa terbantu atau tidak
perlu dating ke sekolah untuk mengumpulkan tugas saya, hanya perlu mengirim
foto tugas saja group kelas.
 Apakah kamu suka belajar bahasa Inggris? Iya, suka
 Apakah kamu punya buku panduan, kamus, dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris?Iya punya.
 Apa yang memotivasi kamu ingin bisa berbahasa Inggris? Saya ingin bisa
berbahasa Inggris.
 Apakah bahasa Inggris mudah di mengerti? Mengapa? Iya
 Apakah kamu pernah berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan guru atau teman
kamu? Iya, pernah.
 Apakah kamu tertarik dengan cara guru mengajar bahasa Inggris ketika
mengajar di kelas? Iya, sangat tertarik.
 Bahasa apa yang di gunakan oleh guru sebagai bahasa pengantar ketika
mengajar bahasa Inggris?Menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.
 Apakah kamu mengerti saat guru menjelaskan pelajaran dalam bahasa
Inggris? Saya kurang mengerti.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan saat guru menjelaskan semua pelajaran
dalam bahasa Inggris?jika ada, apa saja kesulitannya? Iya, yang pertama
karena tidak mengerti apa yang dibicarakan. kedua, kurangnya kebiasaan
berbicara bahasa Inggris sehingga sulit memahami apa yang di bicarakan guru
ketika di kelas, dan terakhir kurangnya vocab membuat saya semakin sulit

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

Interview with student III who middle learning in class group whatsApp
 Hello, how are you today? Do you have a whatsApp application on your
mobile? What is your name?My name is Shopia Apriani, I’m fine. Yes I have.
 Apakah kamu sering menggunakan aplikasi whatsapp sebagai alat
komunikasi ?Iya sering.
 Apakah kamu menghabiskan banyak kuota internet untuk mengikuti
aktivitas di grup whatsApp?Tidak
 Apakah jaringan internet di wilayah kamu berjalan dengan baik? Jaringan
di wilayah saya kurang stabil.
 Apakah menurut kamu berbagai aktivitas yang dilakukan melalui
whatsApp menarik? Mengapa?Iya, karena saya bisa mengirim foto, video dll.
 Bagaimana pendapat kamu tentang whatsapp sebagai media belajar bahasa
Inggris?Menurut saya, menggunakan whatsApp untuk media belajar agak sulit
apalagi digunakan untuk pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Saya kurang paham.
 Apakah kegiatan whatsApp group memudahkan siswa dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris? Kadang-kadang memudahkan, tetapi juga kadang-kadang sulit
ketika memahami materi yang di ajarkan di group whatsApp.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan ketika menggunakan whatsApp dalam
belajar bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?Iya, karena saya kurang paham/kurang jelas
dengan materi yang di ajarkan di group.
 Apakah menggunakan whatsApp memberikanmu motivasi dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris?Tidak.
 Apakah Anda merasa senang menggunakan WhatsApp dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris? Mengapa? Tidak, karena saya lebih paham ketika belajar di
kelas dari pada belajar di group whatsApp.
 Apakah tugas kamu secara teknis mudah dilakukan saat menggunakan
WhatsApp? Mengapa ?kadang-kadang, karena saya merasa terbantu atau tidak
perlu dating kesekolah untuk mengumpulkan tugas, saya hanya perlu mengirim
foto tugas saja di group kelas.
 Apakah kamu suka belajar bahasa Inggris? Iya, suka
 Apakah kamu punya buku panduan, kamus, dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris?Iya punya.
 Apa yang memotivasi kamu ingin bisa berbahasa Inggris? Saya ingin bisa

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

berbahasa Inggris.
 Apakah bahasa Inggris mudah di mengerti? Mengapa? Iya.
 Apakah kamu pernah berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan guru atau teman
kamu? Iya, pernah.
 Apakah kamu tertarik dengan cara guru mengajar bahasa Inggris ketika
mengajar di kelas? Iya, sangat tertarik.
 Bahasa apa yang di gunakan oleh guru sebagai bahasa pengantar ketika
mengajar bahasa Inggris?Menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.
 Apakah kamu mengerti saat guru menjelaskan pelajaran dalam bahasa
Inggris? Tidak.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan saat guru menjelaskan semua pelajaran
dalam bahasa Inggris?jika ada, apa saja kesulitannya? Iya, yang pertama
karena tidak mengerti apa yang dibicarakan. kedua, kurangnya kebiasaan
berbicara bahasa Inggris sehingga sulit memahami apa yang di bicarakan guru
ketika di kelas, dan terakhir kurangnya vocab membuat saya semakin sulit

Interview with student III who low learning in class group whatsApp application.
 Hello, how are you today? Do you have a whatsApp application on your
mobile? What is your name?My name is M. Alfi, I’m fine. Yes I have.
 Apakah kamu sering menggunakan aplikasi whatsapp sebagai alat
komunikasi ?Iya sering.
 Apakah kamu menghabiskan banyak kuota internet untuk mengikuti
aktivitas di grup whatsApp?Tidak.
 Apakah jaringan internet di wilayah kamu berjalan dengan baik? Ya,
jaringan di wilayah saya stabil.
 Apakah menurut kamu berbagai aktivitas yang dilakukan melalui whatsApp
menarik? Mengapa? Iya, karena bisa untuk berkomunikasi dengan keluarga dan
 Bagaimana pendapat kamu tentang whatsapp sebagai media belajar bahasa
Inggris? Ya, sangat bisa membantu untuk belajar.
 Apakah kegiatan whatsApp group memudahkan siswa dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris? Lumayan bisa membantu.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan ketika menggunakan whatsApp dalam
belajar bahasa Inggris? Mengapa? Tidak terlalu sulit atau bisa di katakana

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

 Apakah menggunakan whatsApp memberikanmu motivasi dalam belajar
bahasa Inggris? Iya.
 Apakah Anda merasa senang menggunakan whatsApp dalam bahasa
Inggris? Mengapa? Iya, saya sangat senang.
 Apakah tugas kamu secara teknis mudah dilakukan saat menggunakan
WhatsApp? Mengapa ?Ya,karena sangat bisa membantu saya dalam
mengumpulkan tugas lewat online.
 Apakah kamu suka belajar bahasa Inggris? Iya, suka
 Apakah kamu punya buku panduan, kamus, dalam belajar bahasa Inggris?
Iya punya.
 Apa yang memotivasi kamu ingin bisa berbahasa Inggris? Saya ingin bisa
berbahasa Inggris.
 Apakah bahasa Inggris mudah di mengerti? Mengapa? Menurut saya lumayan
tidak mudah atau sulit.
 Apakah kamu pernah berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan guru atau teman
kamu? Iya, pernah.
 Apakah kamu tertarik dengan cara guru mengajar bahasa Inggris ketika
mengajar di kelas? Iya, saya tertarik.
 Bahasa apa yang di gunakan oleh guru sebagai bahasa pengantar ketika
mengajar bahasa Inggris?Menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
 Apakah kamu mengerti saat guru menjelaskan pelajaran dalam bahasa
Inggris? Terkadang mengerti.
 Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan saat guru menjelaskan semua pelajaran
dalam bahasa Inggris?jika ada, apa saja kesulitannya? Iya, saya menyebutkan
kata( pronunciation) itu kurang tepat.

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi


Screenshots of teaching and learning activities using the whatsApp application

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi


Name : Sihatul Mardiah

Student ID : TE. 161811

Advisor I : Dr. Mahyuzar Rahman, M. Ag

Title :Students’ Perception on The Use of WhatsApp Application in

Teaching of English at Eight Grade Students’ of Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi.


1 19 August 2020 Revise chapter 1

2 20 August 2020 Revise chapter 2 and 3

3 21 August 2020 Acc Proposal

4 17 September 2020 Seminar Proposal

6 26 September 2020 Acc Research

7 12 November 2020 Revise chapter 4 and 5

8 13 November 2020 Acc Munaqosah



Jambi, 13 November 2020

Advisor I

Dr. Mahyuzar Rahman, M. Ag

NIP.19741229 200312 1 002

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi


Name : Sihatul Mardiah

Student ID : TE. 161811

Advisor II : Ayuliamita Abadi, S. Pd.I, M. Pd

Title : Students’ Perception on The Use of WhatsApp Application in
Teaching of English at Eight Grade Students’ of Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi.


1 18 June 2020 Consult the title of proposal

2 7 July 2020 Revise chapter 1

3 25 July 2020 Revise chapter 2

4 16 August 2020 Revise chapter 3

6 19 August 2020 Acc Seminar Proposal

7 17 September 2020 Seminar Proposal

8 17 October 2020 Acc Research

9 9 November 2020 Revise chapter 4 and 5

10 11 November 2020 Acc Munaqosah


Jambi, 11 November 2020

Advisor II

Ayuliamita Abadi, S. Pd.I, M. Pd

NIP.19860220 201503 2 004

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi



Nama : Sihatul Mardiah

Birthday : Ponorogo, June 8th 1995

Gender : Female

Address : Rt 012, Desa. Talang Jambe, Kec. Sukarami, Kab.Kota

Palembang, Sumatera Selatan .

Email : [email protected]

No. Contact : 0812-1384-7604

Education Background

No Graduated Education Place

1 2006 SD Negeri 155 Kota Palembang

2 2009 SMP Negeri 49 Kota Palembang

3 2012 MAS Aulia Cendekia Kota Palembang

4 2020 UIN Sulthan Thaha Kota Jambi

Saifuddin Jambi

Jambi, 13 November 2020

The Researcher

Sihatul Mardiah
Te. 161811

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

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