Demon Proofing Prayers (PDFDrive)
Demon Proofing Prayers (PDFDrive)
Demon Proofing Prayers (PDFDrive)
Bob Larson’s Guide to
S p i r i t u a l W a r f a r e
Bob L arson
he first time I encountered a demon was in Singapore some 40
years ago. As a young single man and a comparatively new Christian,
I had embarked on a long solo trip through many countries. I ended
up in Singapore at just the right time to witness a Hindu ceremony called
Thaipusam in honor of the god Shiva and the goddess Kali.
Demons are more overt in many places in Asia and India than they are in
the United States, where they invade academia and the intelligentsia and hide
behind “scientific inquiry” and “reason.” When you talk to Asians and Indians
about the spirit world, they know what you’re talking about because demons
make their presence known there on an almost daily basis.
The day swirled with sights, sounds, and strange rituals, including the
self-mutilation of devotees. One of them took three-foot steel skewers and
pushed them all the way through one cheek and out the other. Another one
extended his tongue, took a sharp knife and pierced it vertically, and left the
knife in so he could not retract his tongue. Others took hundreds of fish hooks
and put them into their backs and chests—and then they would hang objects
from the hooks in order to rip and tear at the flesh. Some took spike shoes
with the nails pointed upward and strapped them onto their feet. Others
flailed themselves with knives or inserted huge meat hooks into the muscles
of their backs so they could tow an idol through the streets. Hundreds of
people, mostly men, were doing this. In spite of all the torture, I never saw a
single drop of blood.
I asked people, “Why don’t you bleed?” The answer was always the same:
“Our god does this to show his power.” Though I was new to my faith, that
idea seemed like the antithesis of the Gospel of Jesus. It was a bloodless gos-
pel that was not really good news to anybody. These people were so far gone
in a trancelike oblivion that they didn’t even know what was happening to
them. They would start at one temple and end up six or eight hours later at
another one miles away without any memory of the torture.
At one point, a young Indian man had been chanting ecstatically from the
sacred Hindu scriptures. Abruptly and unexpectedly, his features contorted
and his eyes bulged out unnaturally while an unseen force jerked his head
backward and he screamed, falling to the dirt in crippling spasms.
“What is happening to him?” I asked a bystander.
“The spirit of Kali has entered him,” the man stated, “and her entrance
always affects people like this.”
As unsettling as this entire experience seemed, it confirmed for me much
of what I had been sensing and learning, which was later reinforced by in-
depth study and one-on-one ministry experiences in the United States.
I began to realize that God had called me to confront the powers of dark-
ness in an aggressive way. Even though most people try to steer clear of spiri-
tual warfare, I became convinced that the Kingdom of God would never be
able to advance unless more believers came to understand that the devil and
his demons are unquestionably real and that each one of us has a personal and
vital role in taking them on.
You A r e i n a B attl e
The devil is the prince of this present age, the god of the atmosphere, and
the job of driving him out is too big for just a few people. Every single Chris-
tian has an assignment in this ongoing battle.
But they are involved by default. The first thing you need to know is that
every child of God who has confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is
involved in this battle. In fact, even if you’re not saved, you’re involved simply
by virtue of having been born on this planet. We are living on a battlefield
where conflict rages day and night between two opposing forces.
When I was a kid, I remember riding the train. It had a cord you could
pull to signal the engineer to stop. I’m sorry to have to tell you that the world
we are riding on is not like the train; you cannot pull a cord to make it stop,
and you cannot get off.
S atan I s P e rs i s te n t
P r ayi ng at Al l T i me s
We have our work cut out for us, but most people do not know how to
wage this war. They think that prayer is intended to be a way to prepare for
battle. But prayer is not merely preparation—prayer is the battle.
Paul knew this. That’s why, after describing our spiritual armor in his let-
ter to the Ephesians, he insisted that we “pray at all times in the Spirit” (Eph.
6:18 NASB). He also knew that we find ourselves in enemy territory from
the day of our birth, so that when we start praying, we are marching into ter-
ritory that already belongs to the devil. Our environment—government, cul-
ture, marketplaces of commerce and entertainment—was long ago donated
to demons. No wonder the enemy works so hard to take away our prayer
lives. Our prayers spell his doom.
We must accept the simple fact that we have a ruthless enemy, put on our
Spirit-provided armor, and start fighting. The Bible tells us that the whole
world lies in the hand of the evil one (see 1 John 5:19) and that the prince of
the power of the air is the spirit that now works in the sons of disobedience
(see Eph. 2:2). The Bible also says:
The reason that some Christians have so much trouble is because they
are ignorant of reality. Too many Christians go through their lives oblivious
to the activities of the evil one. To them, he is an abstraction, and they seldom
hear him preached about in their churches. They prefer to see the devil as a
figment of human imagination, a concept left over from less sophisticated
generations. Regrettably, as Hosea wrote, “My people are destroyed for lack of
knowledge…” (Hos. 4:6).
You H av e Be en Drafte d
You are not a volunteer soldier in this army; you cannot choose whether
or not you want to participate. You were drafted into the Lord’s army on the
day you said, “Lord Jesus, I receive You into my heart as my personal Lord and
Savior.” By confession of your belief in His virgin birth, His blood atonement
on the cross, and His resurrection from the dead, you were conscripted for
life into the army of God, like it or not. Every blood-bought believer is in this
army, so you have lots of company. There is no provision for conscientious
When you were drafted into the Lord’s army by your Commander-in-
Chief, it’s as if you suddenly switched sides. By default, you used to be on
the devil’s side, although you probably didn’t realize it, and now you’re on
the Lord’s side. That means that you have automatically, implicitly declared
war on the devil. You don’t really have a choice about it. Your only choice is
whether to go AWOL or to pick up your weapons and fight. Do you want to
run, or do you want to stand strong in the strength that your Commander
supplies? Do you want to go absent without leave from your Commander-in-
Chief, or do you want to stand up and fight in the name of Jesus?
You have been caught in crossfire—for your soul. Your decision to fight or
retreat has eternal consequences. Your salvation has been secured in any case,
but you don’t want to enter Heaven as a cowardly soldier who hid behind oth-
ers when the battle got fierce. You want to march victoriously to your eternal
destination knowing that you have fought the good fight and kept the faith.
When you become a soldier in the United States Army, you sign up for
conflict. The commanding officer never promises that you will be safe or never
shot at. He doesn’t assure you that you will never have to hurt anybody or that
you’ll never see any blood. Far from it. In fact, you are taught how to fight and
how to use weapons. It’s the same for Christian soldiers. I am glad that I’m
fighting in the Lord’s army. I’d rather be ducking enemy fire coming toward
me than getting shot in the back running away.
Picture a young, good-looking soldier. That serviceman has been sifted
and trained and tested. A recruiter didn’t simply scoop him up off the street,
give him a uniform, and send him straight to the front lines of battle. No, he’s
been thoroughly trained first. Besides being given weapons and taught how
to use them, he’s been trained in teamwork and loyalty and obedience. His
resolve has been tested and tried. What’s his commitment like? Is he will-
ing to fight for his country to the death if necessary? Besides being drafted
into the Lord’s army, you have been equipped to do the fighting you will be
required to do. Jesus’ name alone puts terror into the hearts of His enemies.
Jesus declared, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth”
(Matt. 28:18). And His Father in Heaven:
…has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is
above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should
bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under
the earth (Philippians 2:9-10).
By invoking the name of Jesus, you are praying warfare prayer, which hin-
ders evil operations in a place or in a person’s life.
But there is a difference between spiritual warfare praying and other kinds
of praying, and that difference can be seen in one particular aspect—where
your prayers are directed. When the devil has invaded somebody’s life, you do
not pray, “Lord, if it be Your will, deliver this person from the devil.” No, you
look that demon in the eye and say, “In the name of Jesus, come out—now!
Not tomorrow, but right now!” You refuse to give him in inch. Your prayers
should not sound like, “Let my people go next year”; or, “Lord, would You
please let my people go free?” Instead you charge the enemy himself, ordering
him, “Let my people go, now!” You direct your words to the devil, and you tell
him what he must do. You never tiptoe around, worried lest you offend him.
Certain prayers do not bother the devil at all, even when they are verbose,
eloquent, and deep. They may sound effective, but they don’t mean a hill of
beans to him. Direct warfare prayers, however, really worry him. And worship
(which doesn’t necessarily mention the devil, because it gives honor and glory
to God alone) really perturbs him.
You are there to exorcise demons, not to pretty them up. We already have
too many spiritual cosmetologists in the Body of Christ, people who pray pretty
prayers and put makeup on problems. What we need are warrior-surgeons who
can take the Sword of the Spirit and cut out the problem in the name of Jesus.
Most Christian leaders hold back from getting involved in deliverance
because they are too intimidated by their own demons (too bound and too
frightened to admit it) and because they just do not know how to confront
the devil. Nobody explained spiritual warfare to them in Bible school or semi-
nary. Or even if it was explained, they missed the part about Jesus’ author-
ity—which is significantly weakened if a person has unrepented-of sin in
his or her life. When you get involved in deliverance and you are practicing
hanky-panky on the side, the devil is going to call your bluff. You have to walk
the talk, live the life, and be bold with both the authority and power of Jesus
Christ, bold enough to march into the jaws of hell, look the devil in the eye,
tell him he is a loser, order him to get out now, and insist that you will never
take “no” for an answer.
Doi ng W h at J e s us Di d
ll day long, wherever He went, Jesus ministered to people. As He
walked from place to place with His disciples, He spent His time
teaching about the Kingdom of God and taking care of the needs of
the people: healing them, raising the dead, casting out demons, and more. He
was very busy, and yet He seemed to move around from place to place without
a set schedule or itinerary.
Then suddenly one day He “set His face to go to Jerusalem.” Abruptly He
had a destination and a timetable. Nothing could deter Him.
Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be
received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem,
and sent messengers before His face. And as they went, they
entered a village of the Samaritans, to prepare for Him. But they
did not receive Him, because His face was set for the journey to
Jerusalem (Luke 9:51-53).
His face was set for the journey to Jerusalem. He didn’t need a map or a
GPS to point Him there. He knew where He was going. More than that, He
had lived every moment of His adult life already knowing that the time would
come when He would set His face to go to Jerusalem, and He already knew
what would happen there. As He “went about doing good” (Acts 10:38) in the
countryside around Jerusalem, He was fully aware of what the last chapter of
His earthly life would look like. He knew what He was called to do and even
what specific city to go to. He knew His exact purpose and destiny.
It seemed as though He had scarcely begun to minister to the massive
needs of the people of the region, and yet He knew when the time was right
for Him to travel to the city of Jerusalem. There He would be arrested, get
convicted of crimes He had not committed, and be tortured and crucified.
His preaching and His works of healing and deliverance were just a taste of
the victory to come. Jesus’ destiny was to destroy the works of the devil, and
He paved the way for the rest of us to enforce His victory.
Jesus was faithful and steadfast to His calling, in spite of the fact that
it entailed greater suffering than anyone had ever endured before. Nothing
changed His mind. And once He had set His face toward the city of Jerusa-
lem, nothing else mattered to Him except getting there and accomplishing
each of the appointed tasks.
Sometimes we talk about “divine appointments.” Jesus’ destiny—to go to
Calvary and die on the cross for the sins of the world—was the most divine
appointment of all time! He showed us how to be on time for our own divine
appointments and how to carry them through.
You H av e a De s ti n y
Each of us, although we are not as likely to understand our calling as Jesus
was, has been created with a divinely appointed destiny. You and I too have
our “Jerusalem,” and we must set our determination like iron to follow God’s
will to the end. Besides acknowledging the lordship of Jesus, who went before
us to His Jerusalem, where He won for us our freedom, we rely on His Holy
Spirit to guide us and protect us as we direct our steps unfalteringly to an
unseen goal.
Do we do this very well?
Some of the choices that face us can be labeled as temptations, and yet we
are confronted with so many of them we get used to them. We become accus-
tomed to a daily barrage of distractions. Such persistent and insistent distrac-
tions represent temptations that detour us from our personal destinies.
The company we keep does not very often help us “set our face to Jeru-
salem.” Regardless of whether we examine our employment, our friendships,
or even our marriages, the people around us do not seem to see much need
for long-term loyalty to anything. This dearth of loyalty has infiltrated many
people’s faith. How can we remain committed to a God-given destiny when
everybody around us undermines commitment in the first place?
Ho w to Be a W h i n e r
Not only are we distracted from our goals and diffused in our commit-
ments, most of us also slip into “poor me” mode from time to time. Some, in
fact, have raised whining and complaining to an art form.
You are in the break room at work. Other people are there, too. Some
are reading magazines or looking at their E-mails. What kinds of comments
do you hear—and say? Most likely, grumbling, mumbling, complaining, and
whining ones. It’s been a rough day, after all. Everyone else is complaining
about their circumstances, so why not join the crowd?
Why not make your attitude contingent upon your circumstances? Why
not refuse to act upbeat until you have all your ducks lined up in a neat little
row? Why not let the world know how dissatisfied you will be until your
circumstances conform to your personal desires? “When I close this deal,
then I’ll be happy.” “When I get married, then I’ll be happy.” “When I get that
overtime pay, then I’ll be happy.” “Until X happens, I intend to act sour and
I’m sure you will be exceedingly happy when your ship finally comes in.
But if you adopt that whiner mentality, most likely you will miss happiness
when it finally arrives, having wasted your life chasing one meaningless thing
Ho w to Be a Wi n n e r
2. Constantly confess your sins. When you see that you have
missed the mark, deal with it right away. By dealing with your
“issues” as they arise, you remove every hindrance to pursu-
ing your destiny. This is the key to keeping spiritually fit and
T e ar i ng Do w n S trong holds
Some people are so scared of the devil that they think merely saying his
name gives him some kind of power over them. They think that if they get
around spiritual warfare and demons, something is going to jump out of the
dark and nab them. I tell them, “You may smell his breath, but he can’t get you
if you don’t give him any opening.” The devil does not land anywhere he’s not
welcome. If he lands on you, then you need to look for some area of your life
that has given him access.
All of our “issues” separate us from God. They are sinful. Worse than that,
they can create strongholds in our lives; strongholds are pockets of sinfulness
that provide cover for the devil to operate “behind the lines” and interfere with
everything we do.
The only stronghold you want in your life is the stronghold of Jesus Christ
enemy’s power. Ever since, the devil has had a legal right to be involved in your
life. In fact, you gave him a handshake and welcomed him in.
Wait—when you got saved, didn’t that erase those legal rights? Didn’t
all your sins get washed away? Wasn’t that a fresh start? No, it was not an
automatic clean slate. Becoming a Christian did save your soul, and it brought
you into a right relationship with Jesus Christ. But if you ever engaged the
enemy in some way, even informally, that agreement remains in force over
the circumstances of your life until you do something about it. You will still
go to Heaven. You haven’t sold your soul to the devil. But your feet will be
entangled, and your life-journey will be filled with detours. Your destiny will
always remain out of your grasp.
You want to disentangle yourself as soon as possible, so that you can get
on the winning track toward your destiny.
The devil is very legalistic. When he came before the throne of God to
attack Job (see Job 1), he did not have a legal right to attack Job. He was look-
ing for a legal right. Just as he does with us, he was looking for a loophole.
Once a legal right gets established and the devil gains access to your life,
he starts looking around for something to feed on. He may see some unhealed
rejection. So even though he cannot rob you of your ultimate salvation, he can
make your life a hell on earth, filled with rejection and pain. Far from being a
winning spiritual warrior, you will remain a whining spiritual wimp.
You can break off the legal access, though, and it’s not a complicated pro-
cess. To break off satan’s legal access to your life, you need to determine the sin
you need to renounce and repent of. Even if it was your parents’ sin, you can
renounce and repent of it. (Your parents’ authority over your life gave them
what we call “spiritual power of attorney,” and their decisions can allow evil
into your life.)
Renouncing and repenting means that you turn away from a sin and
declare that you will never do it again. You say, “This is something I want to be
free from.” You then make steps to modify your behavior in the future. If you
can successfully modify your behavior and correct it by adopting right think-
ing and making right choices, that is all you need to do.
De moli t ion Ti me
But if you find yourself hitting some kind of a wall when you try to stay
free of that particular sin, when you have tried to get fixed and you cannot
stay fixed no matter how much you pray and read your Bible, then you may
be dealing with something more entrenched—a stronghold.
A demonic stronghold is different from human immaturity. You can
grow out of immaturity, but you can never grow out of a stronghold. A young
Christian may not have graduated from milk to meat yet, and as a result lots
of things in his life may still be “off,” but many of those things will resolve
themselves over time as the process of sanctification proceeds.
A stronghold, on the other hand, has a deep grip on a person’s psyche.
When a person comes into a situation that triggers a negative internal reac-
tion that is too intense to be managed by quoting a Bible verse or calling on
the Lord for help, then most likely the person is dealing with a stronghold. It
is a supernatural impediment, and it requires the application of supernatural
I loose the power of the Holy Spirit to bring love, joy, and peace to my heart.”
If you have somebody to help you pray, so much the better, since where two
or more agree in prayer, more power is released (see the next verse, Matthew
By intentionally praying this way, you will have pulled down that strong-
hold. You are free now. However, you are going to have to hold your ground.
You’re still going to have to keep doing the right things and repenting of more
sin. You would be wise to keep involving yourself in healthy Christian activi-
ties, reading your Bible, and going to church. You want to replace the former
stronghold with the Stronghold of your Savior.
blame them on your parents. He also knows you will leave him alone if you
feel ashamed of your behavior, so he makes sure you feel vulnerable and fear-
ful about sharing your need with others.
The devil will lie to you. He will say, “You are a Christian, so you should
be able to handle this.” Sure enough, you tried putting it at Jesus’ feet, but it
seems to jump back into your life, and you’re still wrestling with it. Yet instead
of saying to your Christian friends, “Guess what? I’m still struggling. Can you
come around me and help strengthen me?” you run from it even more. You
can’t deal with it, so you hide your weakness and pretend that you are free.
If you had a broken foot, you would go to the doctor and get a cast put
on it. Your pain would force you to do that. By the same token, your internal
pain should force you to find help. You are weak, and you do need Jesus to be
your strength. But you are so weak that you end up failing to get the help you
need because you are unable to admit it to someone.
Quit making excuses and stop living in denial. You have a problem, and
you need help. The Bible puts it this way: Confess your faults one to another,
and you will be healed (see James 5:16).
G e t t i ng He l p
You can’t pull down your strongholds by yourself. Let’s say you have
a problem with a satanic stronghold of self-hatred. You despise yourself.
You also know that Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself ” (see Matt.
19:19; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27). There’s only one problem: You can’t love
your neighbor because you don’t even love yourself. You can’t have positive
and healthy relationships, because you hate who you are. You are carrying a
stronghold of self-hatred, and you keep feeding on it. Self-hatred is mess-
ing with your psyche, your feelings, your mind, your thought processes. You
have already tried to take care of it yourself, but you ended up feeling worse.
You feel stuck.
Finally, in desperation, you seek out someone in the Body of Christ who
knows about strongholds. You tell that person that you have a real problem
with self-hatred and that in fact you are in bondage to it. You tell him or her
that you want to pull that stronghold down and dismantle it, because you
want to have spiritual freedom.
Then that person (or group of persons) speaks truth to your spirit.
Speaking to you by name, they say, “I/we love you. We are sorry that you have
grown to hate yourself, but we love you no matter what, unconditionally. We
are going to battle for you in the name and authority of Jesus. Spirit of self-
hatred, you do not have a right to control our friend. Be gone from his/her
life right now. We completely dismantle the stronghold of self-hatred. Self-
hatred no longer has validity in this life….”
You achieve freedom by allowing someone to minister to you such as a
pastor, priest, a Christian mental health professional, or some other caring
trained person, someone skilled to know how to reach the hidden strongholds
and touch the part of your life that you do not know how to touch. (Our min-
istry has scores of Do What Jesus Did, DWJD®, deliverance teams located
worldwide. Simply contact our offices at for a referral.)
Alone, your chances of being able to pull down a personal stronghold are
very slim. By yourself, you are too disabled by the very issue to take authority
over it, at least at first. With help, you can make that prayer your own, and
you can break free from the stronghold of self-hatred. You can walk out of
that jail.
And yet you will continue to need the support of your brothers and sis-
ters in Christ as you re-learn how to love. You will need lots of coaching and
lots of practice. You cannot coach yourself, and you cannot practice by your-
self. In fact, you may find it hard to remember that you are no longer the same
person. You may indeed have stepped free of a stronghold, but you are not
automatically knowledgeable about how to walk in freedom.
S tan di ng i n t h e Wi n n e r’s C i rc l e
Your goal is to reach your Jerusalem, where your destiny can be fulfilled.
Before you battle your way forward past external foes and obstacles, you need
to vanquish internal enemies, who often occupy strongholds deep inside your
being. Before you can complete your journey and stand in the winner’s circle,
you need to join yourself to others who are on the same road. Like a heavenly
army, you can move forward together toward the ultimate goal—winning
more souls and more territory for the Kingdom of God. Helping each other,
we all become winners.
Winners allow their weakness to be turned into strength. They look
to Jesus’ example. When He set His face toward Jerusalem, He did not let
encumbrances entangle His feet. Neither can you.
Go into battle with the attitude, I’m a winner, not a whiner. Satan’s a
loser; he is defeated. I am more than a conqueror with and for Jesus Christ.
e was nine feet, nine inches tall, and his bronze helmet and scale
armor weighed 125 pounds. He carried a bronze sword and an
oversized spear as big as a weaver’s beam; the iron spear-tip alone
weighed at least 15 pounds. As he strode from place to place, shaking the
earth with each step, his shield-bearer, a strong warrior in his own right, pre-
ceded him.
You know who this is. I am describing Goliath, whose very name has
become synonymous with arrogant antagonism. (See First Samuel 17:4-7.)
Yet his name would not be remembered at all if a ruddy-faced youth called
David had not confronted him with his simple slingshot.
David had come to bring lunch to his older brothers on the battlefield
when he first heard of this intimidating Philistine named Goliath. The army
of Israel was quaking in their sandals when the giant mocked them and roared
his challenge:
Then he stood and cried out to the armies of Israel, and said
to them, “Why have you come out to line up for battle? Am I
not a Philistine, and you the servants of Saul? Choose a man for
yourselves, and let him come down to me. If he is able to fight with
me and kill me, then we will be your servants. But if I prevail
against him and kill him, then you shall be our servants and serve
us.” And the Philistine said, “I defy the armies of Israel this day;
give me a man, that we may fight together.” When Saul and all
Israel heard these words of the Philistine, they were dismayed and
greatly afraid (1 Samuel 17:8-11).
David, who was used to being the sole protector of his father’s sheep and
who had confronted attacking lions and bears by himself, was ready for the
challenge. If these grown men were so terrified that they could not even open
their mouths in reply to Goliath, he was going to find a way to step up and
fight himself. Who else was going to do it? He could not let fear cripple his
resolve. He would not allow doubt into his mind. David recognized that the
living God, whom Goliath had defied, would fight with him:
Then David spoke to the men who stood by him, saying, “What
shall be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away
the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine,
that he should defy the armies of the living God?” And the people
answered him in this manner, saying, “So shall it be done for the
man who kills him.” Now Eliab his oldest brother heard when he
spoke to the men; and Eliab’s anger was aroused against David,
and he said, “Why did you come down here? And with whom
have you left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know your pride
and the insolence of your heart, for you have come down to see the
battle” (1 Samuel 17:26-28).
David did not allow even his brother’s insulting retort to breed self-doubt
or self-condemnation. He simply went for it—and won not only the battle,
but an enduring place in the history of God’s people. That day, fortified by
the Lord God, to whom he had written psalms while he tended his father’s
sheep, he stepped forward to meet his destiny and the calling for which he
had been created.
W i m p y Warriors
The rest of those fighting men turned out to be wimps (although you
won’t find that word in the Bible account!). Yet their response seems some-
what excusable. Was it not reasonable to stay safe? King Saul had not ordered
any of them to take Goliath’s challenge. Surely that meant they were exempt,
at least for the moment, from risking their lives so foolishly.
These grown men may have been part of a standing army, but they were
wimpy warriors because of three factors: (1) the intimidation of the enemy,
(2) self-doubt, and (3) self-condemnation. They did not think they would
win. They forgot about God.
David didn’t forget. That’s why he said, “Who is this uncircumcised Phi-
listine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?” And that’s why one of
King Saul’s servants said, “Look, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who
is skillful in playing, a mighty man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and
a handsome person; and the Lord is with him” (1 Sam. 16:18).
God is bigger than any enemy, and true warriors—I mean spiritual war-
riors now—never forget that fact. Even though the shepherd David was a
mere lyre-playing youth, he knew that his real strength came straight from
God. This confidence made him able to prevail against a truly formidable
military foe. In every case, only God’s strength can sweep us to victory against
unseen, spiritual forces of evil. His supernatural might can make even the
weakest Christian a powerhouse of spiritual strength.
C hr i st i an S i s s i e s ?
Too often the followers of Christ are portrayed as the wimpiest individu-
als of all, spiritual geeks wearing dark-rimmed glasses and pocket-protectors,
softies both physically and spiritually who subscribe to nonviolence—even
when confronted by a malevolent devil. In the name of a “gentle Jesus, meek
and mild,” they prefer to allow somebody else to get their hands dirty fighting.
What it comes down to is that they don’t know the real Jesus at all. Jesus
is a warrior and He has commissioned us as spiritual warriors too. He is our
Commander-in-Chief who has conscripted us for spiritual warfare.
True warriors are bold. They step up to meet every challenge. True war-
riors have left their legacy throughout history. They have been rich or poor,
learned or unlearned, trained or untrained. They have come from every race,
language, and culture of the world. Some sought the spotlight, while many
had no ambition to be judged great or to become renowned. Most were ordi-
nary people who were victims of circumstances, violent circumstances that
put demands on the hidden qualities of their character. A few were driven to
fight by personal, passionate goals.
It’s time for the world to find out that the Body of Christ is an army of
true warriors who fight relentlessly against an insidious foe.
T r ai n i ng f or t h e War
When people undertake military training, they learn basic strategies and
techniques, some of it from books and in classrooms, but much of it by means
of hands-on practice. In fact, any amount of book-learning is useless without
practical application.
In the case of Christian warriors, the Bible is our training manual, and
daily life provides us with plenty of practice. Ordinary events become our
boot camp and our target range. Daily life teaches us to assemble and main-
tain our weapons. Our rehearsals prepare us for action.
That’s how it worked for David. His long days and nights tending his
father’s sheep had provided him with plenty of preparation for taking on
Goliath, although he had to persuade Saul that he knew what he was doing:
David, you see, had learned how to go after an enemy. He had learned that
successful defensive action involves aggressive offensive action. He didn’t wait
for somebody else to take care of things. He not only rescued the sheep that
were being victimized by the predator, he grabbed attacking lions with his
bare hands and put them out of commission.
His experiences in the sheep pastures made him view Goliath as a preda-
tory lion, and he had the courage and boldness to take him on in one-on-one
combat. We tend to minimize its importance, but in fact outright aggression
plays a vital role in our spiritual battles.
I’m grateful for anybody who will minister healing and deliverance, but I
find that some people minister what I call “Deliverance Lite.” They murmur
a prayer for healing and then expect that the devil will “just go away” now, in
Jesus’ name, amen. Do you think that works? Simply because he’s been shown
the door, the enemy of our souls will not exit gracefully. Satan will not give an
inch unless he’s hunted down, persistently.
Like David, we need to put pressure on our Goliaths as soon as we find
out about them. We can’t afford to wait. The passage of time will not solve the
problem; it will only get worse and worse.
We can’t wait until the devil is inside the front door. We need to start
fighting now. Sometimes parents come to me and say, “Deliver my child.”
They don’t understand that they are partly at fault. They are the ones who let
the lion and the bear in the front door in the form of the unsupervised video
games, movies, television, music, and so on. And now they want me to kick
the devil out of their family? They have welcomed all kinds of evil into their
home instead of seizing them by the hair as David did. They need to become
more spiritually vigilant themselves before they resort to outside help.
Those who are spiritually successful in battle get to their troubles before
their troubles get to them. Or, as I tell people all over the world, “Get your
stuff before your stuff gets you. Get your demons before your demons get
Never start your training in the midst of the battle. How dumb would it
be to send a raw recruit into a battlefield when the bullets are flying, and then
hand him a boot camp manual? Sometimes we do the spiritual equivalent.
People come for ministry, desperate. “I need help. Satan is attacking me.” We
ask them where they go to church. “Well, I don’t go anywhere right now.” In
fact, in most cases they haven’t gone anywhere for a long time. They’re not
reading their Bible. They’re not praying. As a result, they were not in a posi-
tion to deal with their troubles while they were still manageable. They weren’t
building up their spiritual muscles. The next thing you know, they’ve become
a casualty of accumulated “stuff,” and they want me, or you, to perform a
miraculous cure or a one-size-fits-all deliverance.
Always underlying our training and motivating us to vigilance are three
essential facts: The enemy is powerful. He is not more powerful than God
Himself, but he is definitely no wimp. His malice motivates him to attack on
many fronts, some obvious and some subtle. Sometimes what you call a “bad
day” or blame on unkind people is really a heavy undercover assault from the
devil. Our authority is unlimited. All power under Heaven has been given to
Christ Jesus, and He has commissioned us to use the authority of His name
wherever we go. The consequences are eternal. We do not fight spiritual battles
in order to improve our quality of life for only a day or a week or a month, but
rather to affect the destiny of souls for ever and ever.
We need to develop a warrior’s mindset that will keep us on the alert at
all times.
And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who
is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he
was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down
with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now
the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and
the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our
brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before
our God day and night” (Revelation 12:9-10 NASB).
Satan often uses human beings to perpetrate his lies. Jesus addressed
those who were collaborating with the evil one. He spoke harshly to the Phar-
isees and diagnosed their evil motivations:
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out
your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not
holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies,
he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies
( John 8:44 NIV).
The devil is a liar. He has always been a liar, and he always will be a liar.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t sometimes resort to the truth—which he will
subtly mix with a lie so that you can’t figure it out, as he did with Eve in Eden:
“…Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the
trees in the garden?” “Of course we may eat fruit from the trees
in the garden,” the woman replied. “It’s only the fruit from the
tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat…”
(Genesis 3:1-3 NLT).
the building blocks of decisions and that if the devil stages an attack on their
minds, he can snare them. Jesus warned us against lustful thoughts (see Matt.
5:28). He said, “Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, forni-
cations, thefts, false witness, blasphemies” (Matt. 15:19).
Along with evil thoughts come feelings. Satan wants to invade your every
state of conscious awareness: your sentiments, your convictions, your atti-
tudes, your opinions, and your emotional reactions. If he can’t capture you by
means of your thoughts, he will ambush your feelings. Paul referred to this
tactic when he admonished the Ephesian church not to walk as the Gentiles
walk: “Who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all
uncleanness with greediness” (Eph. 4:19).
What can you do in the face of such an assault? Your ability to wage war
against the evil one is directly related to your ability to distinguish truth
from error. Paul told Timothy that a mature and committed Christian is
“a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of
truth” (2 Tim. 2:15 NASB). A spiritual warrior can be no less and ought to
be more.
Warriors guard their souls. They weigh their thoughts carefully, subject-
ing them to God’s scrutiny, “casting down arguments and every high thing that
exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to
the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5). Spiritual warriors gauge their feelings by
the Word of God, and they temper their emotions by the Holy Spirit.
De f i n i ng a Warrior
losing is not an option. Let’s explore these, so that we can assess our personal
fitness to be spiritual combatants.
The best place to get our hearts right with God is in the Church. Getting
our hearts right with God includes overcoming sin and strongholds in our
lives, including ancestral curses and other hidden time bombs. Only in the
context of the Body of Christ can this happen to the fullest extent.
Warriors stay right with God by absorbing the teaching of the Word and
letting it have its full effect in their hearts. This is how they keep the devil
David learned how to fight where the sheep were grazing, and then he was
willing to take on Goliath on the dusty plain. Later, he fought from caves and
hiding places. He was familiar with psychological warfare too—remember
his experiences with eluding Saul’s murderous rages?
We need to realize that much of our spiritual warfare is psychological
warfare. So many battles are fought in our minds, because the enemy of our
souls can infiltrate our minds with lies and fears. We need to learn to fight on
that battlefield before we can fight on any other turf.
At the same time, I’m not saying that a warrior should be out there fight-
ing on every battlefield. The word warrior gets used in a figurative sense for
all sorts of conflicts, from politics to the football field to the stock market.
Those battles will rage on until the Lord comes again. Our war is against the
unseen forces of hell that are bent on our destruction now and to eternity. The
spiritual battle rages on too many fronts for one person to be able to count.
Many Christians think that the future of the United States rises and falls
on who is in the White House. I believe that some political and moral battles
are worth fighting with conventional rhetoric and the ballot box, but that can
be a distraction from the real war, which is the war against the devil. The goal
of the real war is to win the war for truth, righteousness, justice, and goodness
to reign in your spheres of influence. You’re fighting to hold the ground you’ve
already won, and you’re fighting for lost souls. You’re not fighting for fame,
wealth, power, or territory. You’re not fighting for the polar bear or against
greenhouse gasses, either. Your battlefield commander is not the loudest or
best-funded voice on the airwaves or Internet. Your commanding officer is
not being interviewed at all by the news media, but that does not mean that
you cannot tell who you are fighting under.
Although warriors know that they are not going to win every battle 100
percent, the outcome of the war of your soul was decided at the cross. There-
fore, losing is not on your radar. You can go AWOL if you really want to, but
if you remain in the battle for life, as true soldiers of God must do, you cannot
and will not lose:
But in that coming day no weapon turned against you will succeed.
You will silence every voice raised up to accuse you. These benefits
are enjoyed by the servants of the Lord; their vindication will
come from Me. I, the Lord, have spoken (Isaiah 54:17 NLT).
You have no room for compromise or negotiation with this enemy. Your
Commander doesn’t, so you shouldn’t, either. You are policing the victory that
Jesus won with His own blood. The occupying enemy hasn’t yet accepted the
message that he must leave, but it is your job to persuade him—with force:
“From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers vio-
lence, and the violent take it by force” (Matt. 11:12).
You war on the winning side. You may be fighting against an insidious foe
who, as soon as you have won a decisive victory, shifts his efforts to another
front, but you must commit yourself to this war knowing that He who leads
you into one battle after another is far greater than he who opposes you.
’m sure it seemed kind of dumb to the children of Israel, especially after
several days of it. Joshua had told them to walk silently around the city
carrying the ark of the covenant—while the people of Jericho probably
laughed at them over the wall as if they were an army of nutcases.
To their credit, though, none of them broke rank. They plodded around
the periphery of the city walls once a day for six days. None of them grumbled
or retaliated. Nobody so much as spat in the direction the mockery was com-
ing from. In the midst of the troops, seven priests trumpeted on their seven
ram’s horns, but the men of war were forbidden from uttering a single word.
God’s angel had told Joshua exactly what to do, and it was not anything
that he could have learned in a military academy. He was to lead the children
of Israel around the outside of the city walls of Jericho once a day for six
days and then make seven complete circles on the seventh day. (See Joshua
5:13-15; 6:1-5.) After seven circuits had been completed, Joshua would say
to the people, “Shout, for the Lord has given you the city!” and the priests would
accompany their deafening shouts with sustained blasts on their ram’s horns.
(See Joshua 6:16.)
For the first six days, the strategy was not making an obvious difference.
The men would file back into their camp and wait for the dawning of the next
day to march around the city again. Six times they did it. But the seventh day
And the people shouted with a great shout, [and] the wall fell
down flat. Then the people went up into the city, every man
straight before him, and they took the city ( Joshua 6:20 NIV).
Th e G r e at e st O v e rcome r of A l l
The Greek word nikao means one who prevails, conquers, and gets the
victory over an insurmountable difficulty. In English translations of the Bible,
nikao is translated as “overcome.”1 Jesus used the word when He declared to
The throne is the place of God’s authority, where we shall reign with
Him for eternity—if we have spent our earthly lives pressing forward in the
We have been elevated to rule and reign with Him. We don’t have to wait
for Heaven. It begins now, right where we are.
While I realize that succumber is not an actual word, it does convey the
sense of what I want you, the reader, to understand. One who succumbs sur-
renders, and thus a succumber (used as a noun) yields to defeat and despair, as
opposed to an overcomer, who conquers and prevails over life’s vicissitudes.
If you decide that this idea of being an overcomer sounds intimidating
and you’d rather not risk your neck, you can take the “easy” way out. You can
quit trying, stop asking the Holy Spirit for help, abandon your efforts to
understand God’s will and ways, and just succumb to the forces around you.
You will never get commended at the throne, but perhaps you would rather
have a less risky life on Earth. Jesus does not force anybody to come to Him.
Even once we have come to Him, He does not compel us to follow. Each of us
has free will, and He wants us to use it.
If you choose to be a succumber, you will give up under the weight of the
pressures of life. A succumber yields, buckles under, gives in, and panders to
insistent forces and pressures. Where do such pressures originate? With the
prince of darkness himself, the one who exerts constant pressure against us
because he is so desperate to derail God’s plan.
A succumber succumbs to the pressure of the anti-God forces. A suc-
cumber allows him- or herself to be bulldozed. Still, as I said, you can be a
succumber if you want to. In fact, if you want to be a highly successful suc-
cumber, I have some advice for you. Here (just a little tongue in cheek) are ten
guaranteed steps to succeeding as a succumber:
4. Believe that the successes of others are due to the lucky breaks
they get.
5. Become convinced that your best efforts will not succeed
T e n De c l ar at ion s of an O ve rcome r
I want to take each of those ten “succumber” statements and turn them
around. Here are ten faith-building, Bible-based declarations that you can
speak out. They will help you suppress your succumber tendencies and trust
God to make you a full-fledged overcomer:
2. If God is for me, who can be against me? (See Romans 8:31.)
4. I will follow the Golden Rule and look out for the interests of
others. (See Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31.)
7. I will ask God for wisdom, and He will give it to me. (See
James 1:5.)
10. I know that whatever I sow, that I will also reap. (See Gala-
tians 6:7.)
O v e rc om e rs Guar d
Th e i r M i nd s a n d E motion s
Satan wants to attack your mind, your thoughts, your feelings, and your
emotions. He realizes that this is the easiest way to make inroads. The devil
wants to corrupt your emotions, especially, because they can flip a negative
coin in your soul. Emotions are more easily manipulated than cognitive
thoughts are. Love becomes lust. Anger becomes vengeance. Fear becomes
incapacitation. Sorrow becomes uncontrollable grief.
What started out as a simple, honest emotion, not evil at all, soon begets
sin. I hope you know that your emotions are not evil in and of themselves.
Every one of them can be used for good. God gave you your emotions, and
He declared them good. All emotions? What about jealousy? That has got to
be an exception. Well, God is known as a “jealous God,” isn’t He? (See Exodus
20:5; 34:14; Deuteronomy 4:24; 5:9; 6:15; Joshua 24:19.) What about fear?
Perfect love is supposed to cast out fear, correct? (See First John 4:18.) Well,
fear of God Himself is a very good thing, and fear helps keep you safe in dan-
gerous situations. For example, when my family went on an African safari, our
Land Rover was surrounded by lions and elephants. A healthy fear kept us
safely inside the vehicle at all times.
While your emotions are not evil, what you channel them into may be.
The devil wants to take a clean emotion such as fear and corrupt it. An over-
comer sees it coming and refuses to cooperate. Like Jesus in the desert, a
spiritual warrior can counter the lies of the enemy with the truth (see Matt.
O v e rc om e rs Take Ri s k s
The 13th chapter of the Book of Numbers tells the story of the 12 spies,
one to represent each tribe of Israel, who were chosen by Moses to go and spy
out the Promised Land. Evidently, they were aware of the potential risks when
they undertook the assignment, and they were gone for over a month. Upon
their return, as you know, only Caleb and Joshua felt certain that the Israel-
ites would be fully capable of overcoming the daunting odds and substantial
obstacles. But they were outvoted by the other ten men. (See Numbers 13.)
When I look at the situation, I see ten men who were hearty enough to
spy out the land for a month, but who became succumbers after their mission
was complete. They succumbed to their fear of the strong and well-armed
foes they had observed with their own eyes, and they succumbed to their
fear of the unknown. Apart from this spying assignment, they had enjoyed a
lifestyle of minimal commitment. They had grown accustomed to living in the
wilderness, and it had treated them fairly well. All they had to do was to sit
back and wait for more manna to fall from Heaven.
If they launched an offensive military action against the well-established
residents of the land of Canaan, they would have to work hard. They would
have to fight. They would have to shoulder responsibility. They would have to
assume great risks.
“No, thanks,” they declared. “Let’s stay right where we are. Sure, the land
is rich and tempting. Great blessings await whoever will fight for them. But
count us out.”
O v e rc om e rs Fi n d Solution s i n P robl e ms ,
not P roble m s i n Solution s
The ten reluctant spies were the type who undermine every opportunity
with a “yes, but.” The obstacles loomed larger in their minds than the bless-
ings, and they could see only the problems at hand. Milk and honey? Yes, but
those people are giants….
They lost sight of the fact that God had already done the impossible in
bringing them to the border of the land He had promised to give them. God
had led them every single step of the journey, turning all of their problems
inside out, drawing out the solution to every problem from the midst of the
urgent need. Look what God had done in relation to their hard slavery in
Egypt, the pursuit of the Egyptian army, their lack of water and food in the
desert, and more.
With God’s help, they had always overcome problems by finding a solu-
tion in the midst of the problems. Granted, their human tendency was to
find problems in the solutions, for example, when they got tired of the God-
provided manna and complained about it.
O v erc om e rs De bu g t he B ug Sy ndrome
The land through which we have gone as spies is a land that devours
its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in it are men of
great stature. There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak
came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own
sight, and so we were in their sight (Numbers 13:32-33).
Grasshoppers. In other words, if you think you are like a bug, you will be
a bug. There’s a proverb about that: “For as [a man] thinks in his heart, so is he”
(Prov. 23:7). If you lack the confidence to believe that God wants to use you
in His Kingdom, then you will never be used. If you consider yourself to be as
insignificant and helpless as bugs, then bugs you will be, not only in your own
sight, but also in the opinion of others (see Num. 13:33).
If you want to be an overcomer, you must debug the Bug Syndrome. Spell
it out for yourself so you know what you’re dealing with. In what way do
you feel insufficient for the tasks before you? Have ever wondered why you
were not promoted in your work for God’s Kingdom? It could be because you
come across to other people as helpless and faithless as a “grasshopper.” You
may have capitulated to your low confidence level. Your reluctance to take
necessary risks may have relegated you to tending the home campfires.
O v e rc om ers Know
W h e r e to F i n d the En e my
Some Christians get it backward. They won’t utter the name of the devil
because they are afraid. They have become convinced that saying his name
somehow conjures him up. How utterly ridiculous. I’ve had people tell me,
“Oh, don’t ever rebuke the devil, because bad things will always happen.”
I tell them, “Bad things may well happen, but only if you don’t rebuke the
enemy. If you remain silent, he’ll stay right where he is, making trouble.”
Overcomers know where to find the enemy, and they stay alert. When
they see evidence of his undercover operation, they speak up right away with-
out worrying what other people might think.
If only we had had some soldiers like that at Pearl Harbor on December
7, 1941. The Japanese attack was not completely unexpected on that sunny
Sunday afternoon, but only a minimal number of soldiers were on duty. Many
of them were on leave, and most of the military offices were closed for the day.
Although it was new technology at the time, radar was in place, and it was
functioning well. The soldiers manning it detected some incoming planes, but
they thought it must be a contingent coming from the mainland of the United
States to Hawaii. An American destroyer spotted a Japanese submarine try-
ing to sneak into the harbor, but after firing on it and reporting it, for some
reason no further action was taken. Why was everybody afraid to talk about
it? Were they afraid of raising a false alarm?
The enemy slipped in and calamity ensued, with torpedo attacks from the
water and bombing raids from the air. Not only did the attack itself do great
damage, but think of the subsequent declaration of war and tremendous loss
of life that followed—all because too many soldiers and their commanders
failed to take the warning signs seriously.
The same thing happens all the time in spiritual warfare. But overcom-
ers who know who their enemy is and where to find him will not be caught
unprepared. You don’t need to be intimate with the enemy to know this infor-
mation. You do, however, need to know a little bit about his habits. You need
to know more than the fact that the devil exists.
I have made repeated trips to Hollywood to discuss potential television
shows with various production studios. Before I went, I made the typical
were off duty some pretty, sunny morning when the enemy chose to slip past
your defenses.
I am not suggesting that you call everything demonic. Overcomers know
what the devil and his demons really are. They will not designate every unre-
solved issue as being “from the devil.” They do not look at somebody’s inner
inability to deal with life and automatically label the person demon-possessed.
Consequently, they will call it as they see it. If it really is demon possession,
they won’t assume it’s harmless. They know better than to look for a wicked-
looking little guy in a red suit with horns and a pitchfork and a forked tail. But
they do not give the devil extra credit for human foibles and bad hair days.
F ig h t i ng to Wi n
Spiritual warriors who are overcomers declare war all the time, but they
do not waste their time declaring war against the wrong things. They refrain
from declaring war on other Christians. They avoid fighting straw men.
They don’t see the point of blaming Hollywood or Washington, D.C., or the
Republicans or the Democrats. They refuse to blame the devil for things he
didn’t do.
Unfortunately, a lot of Christians are like politicians. They are single-issue
candidates. And just as single-issue politicians usually don’t win elections, so
single-issue Christians don’t win spiritual battles.
There are too many fronts for a single-issue Christian. The enemy wears
too many disguises. In order to fight to win, you need to be alert at all times.
You need to stay in continual touch with your Commander-in-Chief. You
expect to go to sleep with your weapon beside you, so you can fight at a
moment’s notice.
You cannot take time off. Once you have declared war against the enemy
of our souls, you cannot ask for a timeout. Do not look for a halftime or a
recess or a star break or a vacation. It’s all war, all the time. Overcomers are
warriors who, even when they need to regroup and step back from the front
lines, do not let their guards down. They maintain a fighting spirit at all times.
They’re in this war to win it, not to wait it out.
Spiritual fighters never negotiate with the devil. This is war, not a nego-
tiating table. Overcomers are not looking to reach a settlement. They are in
the fight against the devil to achieve the all-out, total annihilation of every-
thing satanic forces throw at them. They are not in the war to occupy, but
to conquer. They know that Jesus, their supreme commanding officer, came
from Heaven to destroy the works of the devil (see 1 John 3:8) and that they
have been hand-selected to continue the combat. Why should they settle for
anything less than victory?
As a spiritual warrior, you know when you are winning. How do you
know? You know you’re winning as long as you’re not retreating, as long as
you are staying right in the thick of the battle, come what may. After all, the
only team that will score at all is the one that stays in the game until the end,
without forfeiting. You cannot lose if you stay in this game. You may not be
able to see the scoreboard, but, in fact, you’re always winning if you’re hang-
ing onto the Lord, who is the mighty Victor. He already has won; you are just
part of the clean-up effort. You’re winning as long as you stay on His side,
walking with Him. Don’t walk off the field. Stay on the winning side against
the forces of darkness by reading your Bible, praying, and staying true to the
C an an O v e rcome r Fai l ?
Jesus never failed, but the rest of us would-be overcomers certainly tend to.
If you have fallen short on a few occasions, do not become discouraged.
“For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again…,” Solomon wrote
(Prov. 24:16). Failure is never final. Success, though, is never-ending. You can
learn from your failures, and God’s grace can redeem your mistakes. Repent
if you need to, walking with increasing integrity and honesty, admitting your
mistakes quickly and restoring what you may have fouled up if possible.
The Lord will help you treat failures as learning experiences. He will use
them like fertilizer to help you grow. Some of your failures will become more
valuable than your victories in that regard.
If you have succeeded, remember that you will have many more battles
ahead. Never rest on your laurels. With the Lord’s help, try to treat your suc-
cesses and failures alike—as temporary experiences that can lead you closer
to Him. Our great joy is to be molded into the image of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the greatest overcomer of all. I want whatever it takes to achieve that, don’t
Overcoming warriors sing a song of victory, no matter what happens. The
reason David was summoned to play his harp and sing to soothe the tortured
spirit of King Saul was because David was “skillful in playing, a mighty man of
valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a handsome person; and the Lord is
with him” (1 Sam. 16:18). His warring and his singing went together. When
Saul’s javelin sailed toward him, he was singing (see 1 Sam. 18:10-11). When
the bear and the lion attacked his sheep, young David was singing. Like Paul
and Silas in jail, the song in the heart of a warrior cannot be silenced. It’s a
song of victory and a song of gratitude to the greatest Victor of them all.
You, too, can sing the overcomer’s song. You don’t have to be a Pavarotti or
an American Idol winner. Sing because you can do all things through Christ
who strengthens you (see Phil. 4:13). Sing because you are more than a con-
queror through Jesus Christ (see Rom. 8:37). Sing because greater is He who
is in you than he who is in the world (see 1 John 4:4). Sing in the face of the
fiery darts of the devil. Sing the Lord’s praises. Sing about who He is. Let the
song come up out of your heart. Your song lyrics are music to angels’ ears, and
they make the devil want to run away screaming. Sing a song of triumph to
our God!
E n dnote
1. See Thayer’s Greek Definitions and Smith’s Bible Dictionary. Greek lexicon
entry for Nikao, The New Testament Greek Lexicon (Strong’s number
atan does not want to draw attention to himself as he builds nuclear
bombs in Iran, as he sentences thousands to die in Darfur, and as he
ravages Africa with AIDS.
Satan would like to convince us that we really can sit down to talk with
Hamas, that these people who want every Jew dead really somehow have a
compassionate interest in the welfare of all people. He is constantly on the
prowl, doing his dirty work without being noticed as the instigator of evil
and often without being branded as malevolent. He is always lurking in the
shadows of the heart of some ungodly world leader, prepared to plunge the
world into Armageddon.
The devil’s greatest strategy is to hope that we will completely ignore him.
For a fact, he has convinced millions of “enlightened” people around the world
that they can write him off as a fairy tale, a throwback to medieval ideas about
ghosts and goblins. Meantime, these same people assume that natural human
goodness should be able to prevail over horrific national crimes and ubiqui-
tous wickedness.
The very last thing the enemy wants is to be caught in the light of God’s
Word, because the Bible reveals what his true agenda is all about. He prefers
to keep people at each other’s throats, opposing each other with harsh rhetoric
and guns. He convinces whole nations that the answer to every problem lies
in the ballot box or in whomever occupies the highest office of the land.
Let me assure you, if I were ever elected President of the United States,
I would not be sitting down for friendly talks with the leaders of Fatah or
the president of Iran until they renounced their genocidal aims upon God’s
people. I would not be communicating with rogue outlaw states or accepting
their hospitality. The world could complain all they want. They could brand
me as an unreasonable hard-liner. But I understand that world governments
are under the thumb of evil principalities and powers and that no amount
of negotiation will ever result in peace. Very real demonic forces control the
thinking processes and the ideologies of masses of people all over the world,
largely by possessing the governmental and academic leaders.
To bring the matter closer to home, we can limit our discussion to the
ongoing moral and ideological conflicts that flare up every day in our own
country. This culture war is all-encompassing and never-ending. It touches
every area of life: families, friends, churches, neighborhoods, communities,
places of employment. No part of our existence as a nation has been held
exempt from the evil one’s perverse influence.
Spiritual leaders wage war on behalf of their nation’s soul. They are ready
to fight the forces of evil anytime and anywhere, and they are not deceived by
popular, secular arguments. A real spiritual warrior can see the devil at work
within both the Democrat and Republican parties, with both the rich and the
poor, with the whites and blacks, with everybody. A spiritual warrior knows
that the devil is an equal opportunity antagonist. Satan lies to everybody.
The devil doesn’t care about your income or your skin color or your politi-
cal party as long as he can get you to murder the unborn or demean tradi-
tional marriage or tolerate the encroachment of crass and crude expressions
of culture.
Nowhere are the devil’s devices directed with more relentless cunning
than within the Church. That’s why people say that the safest place for him
to hide out is in a church at 11:00 o’clock on a Sunday morning—because it’s
the last place anybody expects to find him. Where does he show up? He is in
the gossip that splits churches, in the pride and ego trips that cause people to
form factions, and in the denial of his existence by preachers who refuse to
speak his name. He is in some of the classes and small groups that promote
yoga or singles hooking up sexually. He’s behind some of the “enlightened”
views about alcohol and money that have made their way into the evangelical
Your own experience may be limited to your own church, and you may
not see any problems there, but take a little trip to other parts of your region
or other cities, and you will find pastors who tell their people that the answer
to their highly stressed lifestyles is to try to awaken their chakras through yoga
postures. I have ministered to Christians who suffer from spiritual bondage,
but who have been told that they don’t need deliverance as much as they need
a reiki massage. Most of us have heard the statistics about how little distin-
guishes the sexual mores of Christian youth from those of the secular com-
munity. I should not have to convince you further that we have a war going on.
We have been called to fight in the culture wars of our country, and we have
been called to fight within the Body of Christ to stop the intrusion of that
which is demonic into the realm of the sacred and set-apart Kingdom of God.
We need to put a halt to complacent and compromised thinking and take
the lead in spiritual warfare. Instead of saying “Oh, whatever,” we need to strap
on our spiritual armor and prepare for war in a corrupt society. “Oh, what-
ever” needs to change to “Satan, no! Not here in my family, my church, my
neighborhood, my city, my culture, my country. You are not welcome here. I
am stepping up. I am taking the lead. I am going to stand against you. When-
ever I see you raise your ugly head, I’m going to take the sword of the Spirit
and chop it off.”
We must stop shrinking back like timid crime victims. If nothing else,
take the lead in helping other people. Start praying for them. Start serving
their needs. Soon you will notice that you are not so intimidated by your own
personal challenges and that the enemy has less success in luring you into self-
pity or self-protection.
Whether we’re looking at world governments or local authorities, national
culture or neighborhood life, global Christianity or your local church body,
we need to make a difference by means of our prayers and our actions. In
short, a spiritual warrior must be a spiritual leader, with a leader’s grasp of the
issues and dynamics of life.
There are a lot of books out there on leadership, both Christian and secu-
lar, but the Bible is the finest leadership book ever published. The Bible not
only gives us principles of leadership and guidelines for identifying true lead-
ers, but numerous examples of leadership in action. Some of the characters in
the stories demonstrate good leadership, even great leadership. Some of them
show us leadership in action that is very, very poor. We can learn from both
extremes, as we do our best to rise to the level of leadership that matches our
A good leader does not necessarily possess exceptional spiritual gifts. And
yet the excellence of a leader’s character will win many spiritual battles.
In the third chapter of First Timothy, we find Paul’s list of qualities of
commendable leadership. He’s writing about how the church should deter-
mine which of their members should become deacons. Deacons were men
who served the Body in practical ways, without whom the Body could not be
strong enough to stand up to the challenges of being outposts of the King-
dom of God in a hostile environment. Their wives, if they were married, also
needed to have irreproachable character, as did women who served as female
The core of the passage reads as follows:
Do you see how the criteria for the selection of deacons mentions nothing
about how talented or anointed these people should be, but rather focuses on
their behavior and conduct over the long haul? The important things must be
well-proven over time: how they treat others, how they conduct their daily
affairs, how their families are turning out. It is much less important to see
whether or not they can preach, teach, sing, exhort, inspire, or get people
excited about something.
True spiritual leadership, in other words, is a lot more about your tenac-
ity than it is about your talents. It’s more about how you reflect the character
traits of Jesus Christ than how you manifest His miracles. These standards
for leadership in the Church have been given as a reference point for all believ-
ers in the Body.
Each Christian, whether a deacon or not, exercises a degree of leadership.
Certainly each one of us needs to manage our households and take care of our
families and others who are close to us. Wherever we find ourselves, all of us
need to follow the example of Jesus’ leadership as He cast out the kingdom of
darkness and replaced it with the Kingdom of light, even if we lead lives that
are modest and hidden and our influence appears to be minimal.
As Paul wrote to his young friend Timothy, the following personal char-
acteristics are crucial for any potential leader:
When we read the Book of Acts, we see the early church in action. They
chose their first deacons by following a commonsense course of action:
word of God and serve tables. Therefore, brethren, seek out from
among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit
and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business; but we
will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the
word” (Acts 6:1-4).
did great wonders and signs among the people” (Acts 6:8). Eventually, he became
one of the first leaders in the Church to be martyred for his faith (see Acts 7).
Persecutions drove them far and wide. The deacon Philip took initiatives
to spread the Gospel, and his preaching was very successful. Accompanied
with signs and wonders, miracles of deliverance and healing occurred:
These men were true leaders. When presented with challenges, they lis-
tened to the Holy Spirit and did whatever He told them to do. They were
unafraid, committed, steadfast.
These character traits are all-important for any Christian to emulate and
cultivate. They are the opposite of the ungodly characteristics that the devil
would like to instill in us.
Lose r Lot
At the beginning of the chapter, I wrote that the Bible provides numerous
examples of leadership in action, some good, some poor, and that we can learn
from both extremes. To draw lessons from a true loser, I like to point to the
example of Abraham’s nephew Lot. Don’t emulate Lot! Instead, look at his
life and do everything you can to avoid his mistakes.
We learn most of what we know about Lot and his family in Genesis 13
and 19. He was a wealthy man who traveled with Abram, and both of them
had a large retinue of extended family and servants. The Bible tells us:
Lot also, who went with Abram, had flocks and herds and tents.
Now the land was not able to support them, that they might dwell
together, for their possessions were so great that they could not
dwell together (Genesis 13:5-6).
So they went their separate ways, and Abram, who was the older one,
allowed Lot to choose the best-looking land and the finest city, Sodom (see
Gen. 13:8-12).
From this we can see that Lot was convinced that the value of his life
depended upon his possessions and wealth. He could have become a vener-
ated patriarch, as Abraham did, starting out as he did on even financial foot-
ing with his uncle. But he saw that the plain of Jordan was well watered and
lush, “like the garden of the Lord,” whereas Canaan was less hospitable (Gen.
That was his first bad decision, and others followed. As it turned out,
his selfish effort to secure the best land for himself meant he had sacrificed a
chance to dwell with godly family members. Instead, he had chosen to make
his home with licentious, violent strangers. The environment of Sodom took
a further toll on him. You could almost say that “like attracts like” as Lot the
loser accommodated himself to the losers around him. He lost his spiritual
discernment and even his common sense.
When two angels of the Lord came to him, disguised as ordinary men, to
warn him to flee before God destroyed the evil city, Lot showed them Eastern
hospitality—even to the point of protecting them from a mob of city resi-
dents who wanted to molest them. The only trouble is how he chose to pro-
tect them—by offering his own two virgin daughters to them instead! (See
Genesis 19:8.)
The angels protected the daughters, and then they renewed their urgent
pleas to Lot that he gather up his entire family and flee. He complied, but
his sons-in-law laughed at him. Only his wife and two virgin daughters went
with him, and they all had to be pulled out of the house by the angels (see
Gen. 19:12-16). Even once they had escaped, Lot ill-advisedly bargained to
be allowed to take refuge in the little city of Zoar, but that was not far enough
away to keep his wife from disobeying the specific command of the angels not
to look back. We all know what happened to her! (See Genesis 19:20-27.)
Alone in a cave with his two daughters, Lot had lost everything. At that
point, he lost his last remaining shreds of respectability when his daughters
decided to get him drunk and cause him to commit incest with them so that
they might have children by their own father. (See Genesis 19:30-38.)
This is a portrait of an extreme loser! Meantime, back in Canaan, his
uncle Abram met with angels as well, had his name changed to Abraham, and
followed the Lord’s commands to the best of his ability (with a few missteps,
but which of us can claim perfection?). And he became the patriarch that we
still admire today, one of the most successful and faith-filled leaders of all
L e a de rs A r e Not Q ui tte rs
All day long, every day, you need to lead “raids” against the enemy camp.
Never leave the job to someone else. Even when you are on a vacation, you
cannot take a vacation from spiritual warfare. In fact, sometimes, that’s when
you need to fight more, depending on where your vacation plans take you.
At first, people think you have to be half-crazy to want to wage spiritual
warfare day in and day out. But once you make it a lifestyle, you will see, as I
have, the rewards of seeing people set free. Nothing is more wonderful than
seeing broken lives put back together and injured lives healed.
Remember the words of Peter:
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around
like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him,
standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of
Not only did Peter urge his listeners and readers to take the threat of the
enemy seriously, he reminded them that everybody in the worldwide Body
of Christ faces the same threat, day and night. Peter, one of the apostles of
the early church, sent this letter off to be hand-delivered by Silas, who was
another leader in the early church. It was sent to people who were suffer-
ing, from leaders who were suffering also. The recipients of the letter were in
pain; they were frightened; they were uncertain about their future. And Peter
wanted them to realize that they were part of a larger flock and that every-
body was being subjected to the same challenges, worldwide.
The flock, under constant attack, must resist, Peter said. Using the spiri-
tual weapons at their disposal and the ever-present power of God, they could
survive any trial or tribulation the devil instigated against them, no matter
how long it lasted. The same advice applies to us today. To “resist him” implies
perseverance in the face of satanic onslaughts, and part of the perseverance
comes from knowing that we do not resist alone.
Besides, continuing to stand firm in spiritual battle guarantees that the
devil and his demons will flee. So your Christian life becomes a series of vic-
tories rather than a long string of defeats.
Caving in to fatigue or fear, however, guarantees that the enemy’s attacks
will intensify. He does not fight fair. He will kick you when you’re down. And
the sweet taste of victory will turn bitter in your mouth.
Which would you rather have: victory after victory or one defeat after
another? Volunteer for active duty. Step up and take responsibility for the
people and places around you. Lead out in confronting the devil. Do it your-
self, even if others abandon you. You are still in good company, always. The
mighty “cloud of witnesses” will cheer you on (Heb. 12:1).
When it comes to fighting the spiritual battle, you can’t get religious and
“leave it at the cross.” You’re carrying your cross, remember? It’s one of your
weapons, to be sure, but you can’t shrug off the responsibility to confront the
forces of evil whenever they cross your path. A good soldier considers every
possibility of attack. Will it be by air? By sea? By land? Stay alert. You need
to get so good at anticipating the enemy’s next move that you can beat him to
the punch and cut him off.
Peter tells us to “be sober” and “alert.” Yes, the enemy has power and intel-
ligence and malice. Satan has billions of demons at his command, too. Don’t
joke about him or mock him as if he were a comic-book character. But don’t
ignore him, either, and don’t ever underestimate him. Be ready for him, by
land or by sea. Keep your flesh and your mind under control and expect God’s
Spirit to assist you as you do battle—today, tomorrow, next week, next year,
and for the rest of your blessed life on Earth.
In that short passage, Peter urges the members of the Church of Jesus
Christ to get used to the idea that spiritual warfare will continue until death.
Until the moment you go home to glory, you are going to be waging war. You
are not going to get an honorable discharge until you breathe your last breath.
On that day, may you find that you have earned the praise of the Lord
Himself. May He tell you, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been
faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the
joy of your lord” (Matt. 25:23).
he TIME magazine cover picture caught my eye—a giant-sized
Prozac pill in Army-drab “camo” and the cover story blurb: “The
Military’s Secret Weapon. For the first time in history, thousands
of U.S. troops are being given antidepressant drugs to deal with battlefield
stress. Is that any way to fight a war?”1
As it turns out, the U.S. Army is using not only Prozac, but prescriptions
for other antidepressants as well as sleeping pills to keep the troops on the
No one would question the fact that our troops function in very perilous
situations and that it makes sense to use the latest survival tools to help main-
tain their ability to fight. But doesn’t it seem like an extension of our society’s
attitude that we must take a pill for every ill and solve all of our problems with
The article made me think about how we in the Body of Christ may be
doing the same thing. Are we, in a metaphorical sense, prescribing our own
version of Prozac and Zoloft for the Christian troops who ought to be fight-
ing in the spiritual war? Are we “popping pills” ourselves, so to speak? What
would we call our drugs of choice?
One of the mostly widely used ones must be the drug of denial. Wide-
spread denial makes zombies out of too many people in the Body of Christ.
Here we are on a spiritual battlefield, and the soldiers are saying, “Who, me?
I’m a Christian soldier, but you must be talking to somebody else. You want
me to go fight a devil? Me?”
Our denial extends to the fact that we don’t really believe the devil is active
today. Try talking about spiritual warfare or demons with a group of ordinary
Christians. When you bring up the subject, they’ll look at you like you just
stepped off the battleship Galactica. Although the newspaper headlines prove
the reality of evil in our age, people won’t face up to it. We have managed to
explain it away. It’s a fact: Christians don’t like to use the “D” word.
Another “drug” we dispense to the soldiers in the Body of Christ is the
drug of instant expectation. The message we preach gives people the idea that
the power of God should hit you—zap! bam! pow!—in such a way that your
problems will be solved instantly. Now, while it is true that sometimes we do
feel His power, I don’t care how much heat or electricity or tingly feeling you
get in some experience with God, you will still have to get your feet back on
the ground and pick up your weapons and fight the enemy.
Even if you get yourself into just the right place and the right time with
the most anointed person on the planet, you should not expect to have your
whole existence altered in a split second. A supernatural encounter will not
solve all your problems. Most life problems are a complicated mixture of
human sinfulness, circumstances, and demonic influence. We should not be
giving the impression that God’s power will give us an instant personality
I watched a healing evangelist minister to a man on the platform. The man
said he had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder (manic depression), and it
was pretty obvious from the way he walked onto the stage and expressed him-
self that he was suffering from severe mental illness. Yet the evangelist and his
team were saying that if he could just get a jolt of the power of God it would
fix everything. To make sure something happened, they cajoled, pushed, and
shoved the poor guy. He ended up flat on his back, ostensibly in the midst of
a supernatural experience that was going to transform him into a new person.
When he got up, though, not much seemed to have changed.
The Holy Spirit is not an “instant fix” for the human condition. When
people in profound mental distress come for ministry, you shouldn’t sell them
spiritual blue sky. You need to let them know that they will need some con-
tinuing professional help and that you may not be in a position to provide it.
They need to know that even though they may truly experience God’s super-
natural power, including deliverance, they will have to walk out their healing.
A broken mind takes time to heal. Mentally ill people do not need some kind
of Christian alchemist to prescribe an instant cure. In the Middle Ages, alche-
mists kept searching for the magic formula that could change base metals into
gold. Too often, we’re doing a kind of spiritual alchemy.
I’m not saying that God cannot heal or that His power is insufficient. Not
at all. His power is more than sufficient, and He can do whatever He wants,
however He wants to do it. I’m saying that we actually limit Him when we
boil everything down to human formulas. God’s power cannot be reduced to
a system or a procedure. Even when deliverance from evil spirits is introduced
appropriately into the mix, all of our problems do not instantly vanish.
God does, however, want to help us. He does not want us to be left for
dead on the spiritual battlefield. He wants us not only to survive spiritual
warfare, but also to thrive in the battlefield environment. Without masking
Jesus has created a bridge for you to walk over. You have a destiny to ful-
fill. He knows that to fulfill your destiny as a child of God you must thrive, not
merely survive. As you engage the enemy in battle, God stands ready to heal
your “battle wounds.” It will take some spiritual warfare, often in the form of
inner healing or deliverance, but every single person who wants restoration
can have it.
I commend anybody who has survived physical mistreatment, sexual abuse,
emotional deprivation, neglect and rejection, or satanic or cult abuse. Survivors
are the people who continue to function despite adversity. I admire the determi-
nation of survivors to carry on in spite of impossible odds against them.
But surviving is not good enough. At some point, you have to take the
courage that got you this far and walk past the wreckage of the past. You must
quit focusing on the hurtful and unfair and even outrageous things that have
happened to you and leave behind your victim mentality. You need to go to
the point of the pain, seek out inner healing from God, and learn how to walk
into restoration.
If you do not get free (and the sooner the better), you will find yourself
under the thumb of the enemy more and more. He will have plenty of “dirt”
on you. He will take advantage of your every emotion. You will feel like a
magnet for trouble. You may realize that something is wrong, but you won’t
know what to do about it.
R e n e w e d f or a P ur p os e
that we allow to usurp God’s Lordship. We came to see how step one of spiri-
tual warfare is breaking free from the bondage that hampers us so greatly.
Since most people do not get free all at once (in fact, I don’t think any-
body does), we need to keep walking out our freedom. Your eternal salvation
can be achieved in a moment of decision, but your salvation from the bond-
ages of your past—and the past generations of your family—can take a long
time. So just because you read Chapter 1 (“Your Destiny: Seizing the Reason
You Are Here”) and prayed the Declaration of a Spiritual Warrior does not
mean that you will not need to revisit the subject anymore.
Life is like a road trip. Many routes can get you from where you are to
where you want to end up. Your journey toward your Heaven-sent destiny
began the day you were born. Whether you realize it or not, God has mapped
out a plan for your life, and His plan for you is not merely to see you live “the
good life,” to prosper and be happy. As you grow and mature, you will discover
more about your life-purpose and your destiny. Your life goals will become
Sad to say, our society has schooled us in self-sufficiency and self-reliance.
God is somewhere off to the side. The people around us never think about
asking Him for help. Although God is the author of our lives and the only
One who knows how to help us thrive, we think we personally know more
than He does! As a result, we find ourselves stymied and stalled. We can only
see a few inches ahead of our feet as we journey along in the dark.
S tart W i t h a R e n e w e d M i n d
If you want to know the “good, acceptable, and perfect will of God” for your
life, you need a mind that has been renewed to match the mind of Christ. You
need to be able to see things the way He does. You need His thoughts to infuse
yours as He helps you see your relationships, your health, your finances, and
everything else with new eyes.
The apostle Paul wrote to the Roman church, whose members were
learning how to become established in the Gospel: “Do not be conformed to
this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove
what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Rom. 12:2).
He also wrote to the church in Philippi,
L e ar n i ng F rom Jos h ua
Joshua had a destiny, and it was a major one. It took him more than 80
years to fulfill it. Having outlived most of his friends and family, he became
the leader of the people of Israel upon the death of Moses, and God gave him
some strong advice:
After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, it came to pass
that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ assistant,
saying: “Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over
this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving
to them—the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your
foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses. From
the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the
River Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the Great Sea
toward the going down of the sun, shall be your territory. No man
shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was
with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake
you. Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall
divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers
to give them. Only be strong and very courageous, that you may
observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant
commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the
left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This Book of the
Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate
in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all
that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous,
and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” ( Joshua
Success was assured (and Joshua’s destiny was within reach) only as long
as the Book of the Law remained first and foremost. Joshua was supposed to
meditate on it day and night.
The word meditate means “to dwell on in thought; to ponder; to bring
before the mind’s eye; to turn and roll over in the mind.”3 When you focus on
God’s Word to this degree, you position yourself to receive clear instruction
from Him concerning His will for your life. In other words, you can deter-
mine God’s purpose for you and receive His step-by-step guidance by means
of daily reading, hearing, and confessing the truths and promises that you find
in the Word of God. If you keep it before your eyes, in your ears, and on your
tongue, you will align your thoughts and actions to His thoughts and actions.
Joshua did it. The best example, of course, is what happened at Jericho.
His assignment was to conquer Canaan. His destiny was to lead the people of
Israel straight into the Promised Land after their 40 years of wandering in the
wilderness. Jericho was going to be a tough city to conquer. Joshua struggled.
Wouldn’t it be great to know in advance that victory was assured?
Immediately afterward, God spoke to Joshua and gave him the winning
strategy (see Josh. 6). Under his leadership, the people of Israel persevered,
marching around the city for seven days before they could claim the victory.
In the same way, we too should persevere. After having immersed our-
selves in the Word and after having submitted ourselves to the truth that
God brings us (whether or not He stops us with a sword-bearing angel!), we
must simply and doggedly persevere. Never mind that our “Jericho” walls still
appear to be standing. Persevere.
Let’s say your “Jericho” is clinical depression. That is a tough city to con-
quer. The walls are high and well fortified. Statistically speaking, did you know
that the number of Americans on anti-depressant drugs is three times what it
was less than ten years ago? (It makes you wonder if that many more people
are depressed, or more of them are being diagnosed. But either way, a whole
lot of people are very depressed.) We can’t make a blanket statement and say
that all depression is demonic, because it isn’t. However, depression is the
opposite of faith. In other words, you cannot walk in faith and be depressed at
the same time. And as the Bible states, “Without faith it is impossible to please
Him [God]…” (Heb. 11:6).
The Word also tells us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but
rather “against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of
this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph. 6:12).
By the power of the Holy Spirit, you will be destroying the dwelling place
of the evil spirit of depression. Depression will not be happy about losing its
former home. It will try to resurrect the walls, or at least make do with some
of the old furniture. With the formerly strong walls in a tumbledown condi-
tion, actually like rubble, it will take a long time to rebuild, but perseverance
pays off there, too. Put a sign up on the wreckage of your Jericho that says,
“Under New Management.” It took a long time to conquer the city, and it will
take a long time to secure it under God’s control, but you will have made a
Getting free is not like microwaving an instant dinner. Once in a while
it happens miraculously and instantaneously, but honestly, most of the time,
we need to wrestle down our foes and occupy the conquered territory with
vigilance. We need to pay attention to God’s instructions and directions. We
need to discern His warnings.The enemy is still a roaring lion, even if he no
longer roars at you from your fortress of depression. After you have pulled
down your own fortifications, you will be positioned to help others pull down
theirs, routing the devil from more of his strongholds and hiding places.
Be c om e a W ou n de d He al e r
You do have to decide to act. After you accept the “prescription” that God
gives you, you have to take it according to His instructions. As you learn to
walk with a renewed mind and heart, you can expect to see great and unusual
results, measureless blessings. The rewards are out of proportion to both the
original damage and the amount of effort you contributed.
Here is a simple example of two men who chose to follow God all the way.
Paul and Silas, you will remember, were thrown into a dungeon (see Acts 16).
This wasn’t the first time, and it wouldn’t be the last. They could have decided
to keep their heads down, licking their wounds, so as to not attract any further
unwelcome attention. They could have taken matters into their own hands,
attempting to notify friends in high places who could secure their release.
They could have succumbed to self-pity—this never-ending cycle of abuse
and persecution was taking its toll. But instead of choosing those options,
they chose the option they had adopted as their “default”—they chose to wor-
ship, out loud and at length.
Their “crime,” by the way, was that they had performed a deliverance, an
exorcism. Here is what had occasioned their visit to the prison:
are not lawful for us, being Romans, to receive or observe.” Then
the multitude rose up together against them; and the magistrates
tore off their clothes and commanded them to be beaten with rods.
And when they had laid many stripes on them, they threw them
into prison, commanding the jailer to keep them securely. Having
received such a charge, he put them into the inner prison and
fastened their feet in the stocks (Acts 16:16-24).
They had been victimized for setting someone free, and they had the
bruises and bleeding wounds to prove it. They decided to ignore their throb-
bing body parts and their concerns for their well-being and simply praise
God. Shackled, they were free in spirit already. The rest of the prisoners lis-
tened, mystified, but grateful for this pair that had been thrown into the dun-
geon with them. Suddenly, improbably, an earthquake rattled the foundations
of the jail. The doors flew open and everyone’s chains fell off. The jailer, who
knew he would be held personally responsible for the prisoners’ escape, was
about to commit suicide. But Paul stopped him. Instead of witnessing a sui-
cide, he presided at a new birth—not only of the jailer, but also of all of the
members of his household. They were baptized before daybreak, all of them.
(See Acts 16:25-34.)
S t rong i n t he Lord an d
i n th e P ow e r of Hi s Mig ht
You never know when you will have to be ready to engage in spiritual war-
fare. You need to fight every day of your life, but you won’t always be fighting
on the same front or with the same allies. Paul and Silas were ready for what
happened to them in the prison because they had prepared beforehand. The
way they lived their whole Christian life was both preparation and implemen-
tation for their effective spiritual warfare.
The sixth chapter of Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians, his description of our
spiritual armor, details six distinctive actions we must take against the devil,
daily. The first one is easy to miss. “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord
and in the power of His might” (Eph. 6:10). Before we concern ourselves with
weapons or strategies, we need to adopt a warrior’s mindset. “Be strong in the
Lord,” Paul says. He did not say, “be passive” or “be complacent” or “be pru-
dent.” Something tough and fierce and enduring needs to rise up inside you. It
can’t wait until you are in just the right mood, after three good worship songs
and the pastor’s prayer. It can’t depend upon having had some recent successes
on the battlefield. The advice itself is strongly worded: “Be strong in the Lord.”
No wimps allowed.
All Christians need to be strong in the Lord. We need to build and main-
tain our strength with some heavy weightlifting. Warfare is not for the faint of
heart or mind. You cannot be a strong warrior if you watch pornography on
the Internet or get drunk on Saturday night or surrender yourself to practic-
ing yoga or some kind of non-Christian meditation. You cannot do spiritual
warfare unless you are strong in the Lord and His mighty power. You can’t
even walk around wearing all that heavy armor without being strong, physi-
cally, mentally, and spiritually.
Why wear spiritual armor? Because we fight spiritual foes:
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand
against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh
and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of
wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole
armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand (Ephesians 6:11-13).
You have to reach out and take the armor in order to put it on. God
will not just dump the armor onto you. You weren’t born wearing it already.
It didn’t get engrafted onto you when you were born again. The armor of
God does not automatically become part of your equipment just because you
believe in Jesus and you’ve been filled with the Spirit. No matter how much
you read your Bible and go to church, you will not thrive as a warrior unless
you act.
You have to be intentional about warfare. In case you have not yet learned,
the devil does not like Christians. When you stand against him, he will not
silently slink away. He will fight you. In fact, sometimes all hell will break
loose. If you really go nose-to-nose with the devil, he’s going to throw every-
thing at you including the kitchen sink—with all your dirty dishes in it. You
need to be ready for him.
When he reminds you of how weak you are, you need to be strong in the
strength that God supplies. Yes, you are weak. All by yourself, in your own
strength, you are pathetic. Without God’s strong armor, your battles will be
over with in a hurry—and you will not survive more than a couple of them.
So stand firm—in the strength that God supplies.
Satan will level every ugly accusation against you that he can think of. “I’m
going to take you out.” “I’m going to ruin your reputation.” “I’m going to drive
you around the bend.” Along with the lies, he will send confusion into your
mind. Don’t be caught unawares. Get your helmet of salvation on (see Eph.
6:17). You need to make sure you have it on every day—before the devil starts
to wear you down.
A r m e d an d Dange rous
When Paul wrote this letter, he was thinking of the armor and equip-
ment of a Roman soldier. For a Roman soldier, the helmet was a sturdy cap
made of thick leather or brass, and it had been created for that soldier. It
fit him perfectly. The helmet guarded the soldier’s head against blows from
swords, clubs, battle-axes, knives, whatever weapon might swing his way. In
your spiritual armor, the helmet of salvation is just that—your strong, indi-
vidual identity in Jesus Christ. Confidence in your salvation and an ongoing
relationship with Jesus keeps the helmet positioned where it should be—over
your vulnerable thoughts and emotions. Keeping your mind centered on Him
means that the discouraging and disparaging lies of the enemy will glance off
without harming you. As you well know, a blow to the head can be fatal. Keep
your helmet on at all times.
To protect the rest of your body, you need an assortment of armor. You
need the belt of truth and the “breastplate of righteousness” (see Eph. 6:14).
You need to protect your feet so you can walk, run, and stand on tough ter-
rain (see Eph. 6:15). In one hand, you carry the shield of faith, and in the
other, you wield the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (see Eph.
The belt of truth is a lot more than a skinny strip of leather. In the old
days, the belt, or girdle, served as a man’s pockets where he could carry por-
table items such as money. It was more of a waistband, and he could tuck his
flowing garments into it when he needed to take action or fight. God’s truth
never changes. Jesus said, “I am…the truth” ( John 14:6), and “Jesus Christ
is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Heb. 13:8). With the belt of truth
buckled around you, the lies of the enemy can’t distort the truth of God’s
Word in your life.
Like body armor, the breastplate of righteousness extends from your neck
down to your thighs, with flexibility to allow for movement. Like the helmet,
it protects the wearer from injurious or even fatal blows to the vital organs.
Jesus Himself, who lives in your heart, is your righteousness. You clothe your-
self in His righteousness; you put on Jesus Christ (see Rom. 13:14). “For He
made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteous-
ness of God in Him” (2 Cor. 5:21). The body armor of righteousness covers
your heart so that your feelings don’t have to be yanked this way and that.
Wearing Jesus’ righteousness, you can stand securely against whatever your
enemy throws your way. You won’t need to stand naked, in your own puny
strength. You won’t need to take a stand based on hallucinogenic visionary
experiences. Your stance will be solid because He is.
What your righteousness in Christ can’t defend you from, your shield of
faith can. An ancient shield was not a flimsy thing. It measured about two feet
wide and about four feet tall, either oblong or rectangular, and it was made
of heavy wood covered with canvas or leather and soaked in water. Why did
the Romans soak their shields in water? Because their opponents would often
use flaming arrows. The Bible refers to the fiery darts of the enemy. The “darts”
were full-sized arrows, tipped with fire. Flaming darts of doubt, discourage-
ment, and despair will be launched at your faith.
If a flaming arrow strikes a water-soaked shield, it gets extinguished on
the spot. If the soldier held it above his body, the arrows raining down from
the sky would never penetrate. (That’s why Paul wrote “above all,” in Ephesians
6:16. He didn’t mean that the shield of faith was the most important part of
your armor. He meant that you should hold it above yourself. The arrows will
never come from below, but always from above.) So “above all,” take “the shield
of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.”
Remember, you do not stand on the battlefield alone. Your faith is not an
individual endeavor. Just as the Roman soldiers fought as an army, so do you
and the rest of the Body of Christ. History shows that a Roman contingent of
soldiers would move forward by linking their shields together like a portable
roof. If only the Body of Christ would march as one unit, we would have so
many fewer casualties!
A soldier uses one hand to hold his shield high, which frees his dominant
hand to hold his sharp sword at the ready. A Roman soldier’s sword was a
two-edged affair, anywhere from 6 to 22 inches in length. Used in close com-
bat, it was the only offensive weapon the soldier carried. All the rest of his
armor was meant for defense. A sword wasn’t much of a defense compared to
a shield, a helmet, a breastplate, and so on. But of course those items were not
of much use to inflict actual damage on the enemy.
In the armament of God, the sword is the Word of God. As a spiritual
warrior, you don’t go into battle yelling “Confucius says…!” You don’t find
your offensive strategy in a fortune cookie. You get it from the pages of the
Holy Bible. Jesus underlined for us the importance of parrying the devil’s lies
with selected Scriptures: “It is written…” (see Matt. 4; Mark 1; Luke 4). It
doesn’t take many words to thrust the sword into the enemy. One blow is all
it takes, if you aim it right.
It should go without saying that you will not be able to stand firm for very
long if you are barefoot. Battlefields are rocky and rough. Sooner or later, you
are going to take a fall, and your feet are going to get lacerated if you do not
protect them. Paul urges every warrior to put on the “shoes of the gospel of
peace” (see Eph. 6:15). Again, he had Roman soldiers in mind. Their shoes
may have looked like sandals, but they weren’t like the flimsy flip-flops you
see in a bin at Walmart. Their soles were made of thick leather, and they were
studded with nails. Like the steel-studded tires that people used to put on
their cars in snowy climates, their sandals were meant to provide traction. A
soldier in battle needs the equivalent of four-wheel drive. He does not want to
be driven backward, and he can’t stand firm or advance without good traction.
The shoes of the peace of the Good News equip you to engage the enemy
rather than fleeing from him (or falling before him). They keep you alive
because they keep you on your feet, letting everybody know that Jesus is alive
as you move forward. If you could not hold your ground, you would start
compromising, and you would end up backpedaling. Eventually you would
lose out with God.
Tak e Action
Throughout this passage of Scripture, we can pick out the verbs of action:
(1) “be strong,” (2) “put on,” (3) “stand firm,” (4) “take,” (5) “pray in the Spirit,”
and (6) “be alert.” A spiritual warrior is ready for action:
Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body
armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that
comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared
(Ephesians 6:14-15 NLT).
Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to
quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet
of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God
(Ephesians 6:16-17).
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers
and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on
praying for all the Lord’s people (Ephesians 6:18 NIV).
In order to stand firmly and strongly, you need to take up your entire spir-
itual armory, and you also need to stay alert and pray. Get up on your tiptoes
and keep your discerning eyes peeled for suspicious signs of enemy activity.
Pray all the time, all kinds of prayers. Don’t forget that one kind of prayer is
rebuke. Rebuke the devil. (See James 4:7.)
In the entire passage from Ephesians 6, Paul tells us to “stand” four times.
I have learned something about standing—literally. I’ve prayed deliverance
prayers both standing and seated, and somehow standing works better. It’s
not just that the physical posture makes me feel stronger. I feel linked with
the biblical soldiers of old when I stand up. They were not firing bullets from
a bunker somewhere, dropping bombs from an airplane, or firing torpedoes
from a submarine.
Like those warriors, we are not sitting down at a negotiating table with
the enemy. We are not spiritual couch potatoes, watching the battle on televi-
sion. We’re not having a summit meeting with the devil or sitting cross-legged
smoking a peace pipe together.
We are standing eyeball to eyeball with him, demanding nothing short of
a full and complete surrender.
Like those ancient soldiers, we are not removed from the action. They
grappled in hand-to-hand combat. They tried to cut each other down. Once
you were down, no longer standing, you were out of commission. In those
battles, as in ours, the last man standing wins.
Four times, Paul repeats it: Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand firm! You will do
more than just survive; you’ll thrive!
E ndnote s
1. View cover for June 16, 2008 issue in Time magazine’s online archive at,16641,20080616,00.html.
hen you do spiritual warfare, you’re not standing in some ivory
tower, pontificating to an enemy army. You’re not teaching a safe
little Sunday school class. You are standing in the middle of a
combat zone, and it’s a no-man’s land until the warfare is over. The outcome
depends on who’s standing up spiritually at the end of the day. Will it be you,
or the devil?
That does not mean, however, that part of your warfare might not involve
preaching and teaching. You need to utter declarative prayers that tell the
enemy his time is short. You need to quote the Word in every way possible.
Paul charged the young man Timothy: “Preach the word! Be ready in season
and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching”
(2 Tim. 4:2).
The apostle Paul was both a preacher and a teacher:
that preaching was essential to bring people to faith in their Savior (see Rom.
10:14.) He modeled the value of God-inspired preaching.
Paul’s courage and integrity provide us with much to study and emulate.
Sadly, in the centuries since his time, many who call themselves preachers
have failed to live up to his ideal.
Ho w Do P r e a ch e rs G e t a B a d R ap ?
When people fill out surveys about the Church, over half have had a bad
experience with a preacher. Some are genuinely traumatic, but for the most
part the complaints fall into predictable categories:
On the other side of the coin, people don’t respect preachers because they
carry a false conception of what they are supposed to do…He preaches 20
minutes and solves all your problems. He condemns sin, but never hurts any-
one’s feelings. He works 14 hours a day and makes $200 a week. He lives in
a modest home, drives a sensible car, has no need to send his kids to college,
and gives half of his income back to the church. He is smart, but not more
intellectual than the congregation. He is serious about his work, but he keeps
smiling all the time. He knows every church member—and their kids—and
remembers their birthdays and latest illnesses. He stays all day in his office
studying and yet manages to meet every personal need of every member of his
congregation on their own turf. He is young enough to attract the youth and
old enough to engage the seniors.
On top of the false conceptions, people already know that words can be
cheap. Therefore, they classify preachers with used car salesmen and politi-
cians. They have seen too many high-profile preachers who “talked the talk,
but didn’t walk the walk,” who have been caught publicly in scandals. The
general public can undoubtedly name more bad preachers than good ones
because of the proportion of publicity given to disgraced men of the cloth.
“They are hypocrites, that’s what they are, dabbling in sins they keep tell-
ing others to avoid. They live in a fish bowl instead of fishing for men. They
drive the sheep instead of leading them. They’re pompous, way too impressed
with themselves.”
And anyway, what’s so impressive about a guy in a nice suit standing
in front of a bunch of people sitting in rows? Both in presentation and in
content, the preacher’s message fails to connect with the needs of the people
who spend most of their time in a secularized culture. No matter how hard a
church may strive to compete in this media-saturated age, the act of preaching
ends up resembling a lecture dressed up as a pep rally. People find their smart
phones more interesting.
For a fact, many pastors and preachers were never called by God in the
first place. Some are just plain lazy, and they thought that the ministry might
provide an easy way to improve their golf game. Others are constitutionally
ill-suited for leadership and responsibility, and they haven’t studied hard
enough to be properly prepared. A large number have too many of their own
problems, including problems with personal demonic strongholds, to pre-
sume to solve other people’s problems.
teaching at such great length, evidently, that people fell asleep on him! (See
Acts 20:7-10, the story of Eutychus.)
What made him a good teacher as well as a good preacher?
Interestingly, one of the primary characteristics of a good teacher is that
of being a good learner. Good teachers never stop educating themselves. They
know that the more they know about something, the more there is to know.
Nobody can learn everything; there’s always room for improvement. Paul
scolded self-styled teachers, saying, “You, therefore, who teach another, do you
not teach yourself? You who preach that a man should not steal, do you steal?”
(Rom. 2:21). The very act of teaching models a lifestyle of learning to the
people you want to teach. Teachers who grow continually in mental, emo-
tional, and spiritual maturity will teach their students by their example, and,
as Jesus pointed out, pupils tend to become like their teachers: “…Everyone
who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher” (Luke 6:40).
Good teachers are good communicators. They may not have a perfect
vocabulary or perfect diction, and their voices may not resonate, but they have
learned how to present the truth in such a way that their listeners can identify
their own mental, emotional, social, attitudinal, physical, or spiritual needs
and find out how to connect with the power of God to get them met. Great
teachers help their students search the Scriptures with clarity, transmitting
truth through the many “filters” that people bring with them. Good teachers
can really reach both the minds and hearts of their listeners.
Besides modeling a lifestyle of learning, as I mentioned above, good teach-
ers model the very principles they teach and preach about. They themselves
are “doers,” not merely hearers (see James 1:22). They exemplify their own
teaching. As much as possible, they give their students supervised oppor-
tunities to learn through real-life experiences. Especially when it comes to
spiritual warfare and praying for deliverance from evil spirits, good teachers
explain what to expect and then they send people out to “do what Jesus did.”
Jesus Himself did this: “And He called the twelve to Himself, and began to
send them out two by two, and gave them power over unclean spirits” (Mark 6:7).
After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also, and
sent them two by two before His face into every city and place
where He Himself was about to go. Then He said to them, “The
harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the
Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. Go your
way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves….Then the
seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are
subject to us in Your name” (Luke 10:1-3,17).
As I teach weekly seminars around the world (in more than 100 coun-
tries), I’m trying to equip as many people as possible to take their place as
spiritual warriors in the army of God. In Eastern Europe, for example, we
have trained entire denominations how to wage spiritual warfare. We have
established more than 100 highly trained Do What Jesus Did/DWJD® inner
healing and deliverance teams worldwide. My daily schedule includes many
personal one-on-one Encounter and Intensive deliverance sessions that last
from one hour to an entire day. My constant compulsion is to duplicate my
calling in the lives of others. I strive to do what Jesus did so that others will
do what I do and will teach others to do the same. In this way we all do what
Jesus did.
This vision extends to our own family. My wife is often at my side com-
bating evil spirits during exorcisms. When our oldest daughter was 12 years
old, she performed an exorcism in front of 3,000 people in Africa. Our other
two girls have stared down the devil on more than one occasion. They were
able to do this because their father and mother showed them how and also
because they have given their lives to the same Jesus who came to destroy the
works of the devil on Earth. Just because they’re not yet adults does not limit
the Spirit of God within them. And no matter who you are, how young or
old you are, if you can speak words of healing to the brokenhearted and have
faith to look the devil in the eye, you too can set the captives free! You will
move beyond mere “preaching” and pontificating to teaching others how to
overcome every work of satan. When I say, “Be a teacher, not just a preacher,”
I mean don’t just say it; do it, demonstrate it, live it.
For the sake of illustration, I want to give preachers a black hat right now
and teachers a white one. (This is meant to show up the negatives in a memo-
rable way, not to criticize preachers; after all, I am a preacher as well as a
teacher, and I strive with God’s help to be good at both.)
How can we paint the differences between preachers and teachers? Here
are seven ways:
1. Preachers tell you what to do. Teachers show you how to do it.
The world and the Church need more good teachers, not more pompous
preachers. The ongoing spread of the full Gospel message depends on it.
A Doe r as a Warrior
An active spiritual warrior proves to be a doer who takes action, the kind
of person James was describing: “He who looks into the perfect law of liberty and
continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be
blessed in what he does” ( James 1:25). In the context of spiritual warfare, a doer
is a spiritual warrior, standing ready on the battlefield, taking action.
In the previous chapter, we looked at the passage from Ephesians that
describes the various components of the armor of a spiritual warrior. I failed
to mention that the armor you wear for the Lord is not shiny bright and
It may go without saying, but then again, maybe you never thought about
it. Once you have wielded your sword against a foe, it will need some atten-
tion. It will need to be cleaned up and re-sharpened. Once you’ve worn your
belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of the gospel of peace, shield
of faith, and helmet of salvation in a battle or two, they will start to show
some battle scars. You will have a dent here and a scratch there. Some parts
might be scorched with fire or punctured with some direct hits. You may see
stains from the blood of combatants. After a little longer, the whole outfit will
get tarnished by long use in trench warfare.
The important thing is not how it looks, but how it works. Does it still
protect you, and can you still use that sword? Good, because that’s all that
counts. The Christians who parade around in burnished, new-looking armor
don’t know if it works or not because they have never tested it.
The problem with that beautiful, bright, shiny armor is that when the
real attack comes, the wearer is not going to be battle-hardened enough to
fight back effectively. Somebody needs to get their attention before that hap-
pens. Some teacher—who keeps his battle-worn armor on even while he’s
One time, I sat down with a woman and her pastor husband and the
leader of one of our Do What Jesus Did teams in their geographical area. She
explained that she and her husband worked with the team, and that they had
been using our training videos. She said, “I’ve been trained, but my life isn’t
working. In fact, just a couple of months ago I started to think again about
killing myself, which I tried to do when I was a young adult.”
As she proceeded to share the litany of horrible things she had gone
through in her life, I listened for a while, and then I stopped her. “Ma’am,” I
said, “you may be a pastor’s wife, and you may be doing spiritual warfare, but
when somebody tells me they’ve had that many bad things happen to them, I
know one thing: there is a curse somewhere in your family line.”
Sure enough. Within the hour, we had figured it out, and she was com-
pletely delivered. Here was this sweet Christian lady, standing alongside her
husband ministering healing and deliverance to people, the whole time car-
rying a 12-generation curse that went back to ancestors who had performed
a blood sacrifice to the Egyptian sun god, Ra. This woman is not an isolated
case. I constantly encounter sincere soldiers of the faith whose own personal
lives are crumbling because an ancient evil was never discovered and eradi-
cated. Some evil generational, family curse is still ongoing. Being a teacher of
spiritual warfare does not exclude anyone from needing victory on their own
personal battlefield of the soul.
G e t F r e e an d S tay F re e
Even good soldiers can have issues. Each one of us has a choice.
You can take a pill of denial and say, “Well, this is messy. I’m just going to
ignore it. I’m not going to deal with it. Who knows? It may go away.” You can
consult some preacher who will wham you and bam you and slam you and
supposedly get you fixed in the blink of an eye. You can swallow the pill of
extrasensory validation and shop around for an otherworldly experience that
will block out the reality of your life.
Or you can buckle down and get serious. You can find a fellow warrior
who really knows what to do, who will help you discern the root of the prob-
lem. Your freedom will be worth working for and waiting for. Look for some-
one who knows how to minister good, old-fashioned, devil-kicking deliver-
ance if you want to banish the devil out of your life.
Then stand up, strap on your armor, and get back to work. Others are
depending on you to be God’s hands and heart to them. Because you have
personally experienced the war and the victory, you will be more than a pre-
tentious preacher, a dispenser of untested opinions; you will be a teacher with
the wisdom of experience on your side.
was alone in a Colorado cabin, working hard on the writing of the first
edition of my book, Larson’s Book of World Religions and Alternative
Spirituality. It was a good day for holing up indoors writing; rain clouds
covered the mountain, and the downpour was relentless.
Suddenly a sharp knock at the door startled me. I opened the door to see
two rain-soaked and mud-covered Japanese-American girls on the doorstep.
The car in which they had been passengers had just slid off the slick muddy
road and had been totaled. They needed a ride to a nearby lodge so they could
call a tow truck. No one had been injured, but they had left their friends with
their wrecked vehicle and come to find help.
How could I say no? Putting aside all thoughts of losing valuable writing
time, I ushered them into my car, muddy clothing and all. My car’s upholstery
was not the only casualty of the undertaking. As we drove through the storm,
the fan for the heater stopped working and, as I fiddled with the knob, it
fell off and rolled under the front seat. The car windows began to steam up
We reached the lodge safely, and they asked me for another favor. After
they had placed the call for the tow truck, could I please drive them back up
the road to wait with their friends? That took another half hour.
They were not too open to my strong assertion that Jesus was the only
way to Heaven. As we reached the end of our drive and also our conversation,
one of the girls summed it up: “Well, I guess we won’t really know who’s right
until we’re both dead,” she said.
“But if I am correct about Jesus,” I had to add, “it will be a little too late
for you to find out.”
Afterward, I thought about the incident. I could have argued that point
on an intellectual or theological level. After all, I was engaged in writing a
book about world religions. But from God’s point of view, that would have
been useless. Their minds were made up—for now. Yet in all likelihood, the
willing assistance I had extended to them spoke volumes about the love of
Jesus and planted a seed in their hearts.
A G i v e r Me n tal i t y
People find it easy to agree with the desirability of charitable acts of mercy.
But what happens when you try to extend that spirit of generosity to a discus-
sion about money? Suddenly you ignite a controversy. It’s as if the clamor of
worthy causes has hardened our hearts and closed our fingers tightly on our
pocketbooks. In self-defense, Christians say, “God does not need my money;
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He made everything, and He owns
it all.”
But I say, “Stop focusing on the dollars alone. Instead, focus on the entire
realm of giving.” Giving time and talent and energy to God is on the same level
as giving financial resources. It’s the only way to produce fruit in the Kingdom
of God:
Your heart matters the most. How have you responded to your extraor-
dinarily generous God, who has not only sent His Son to redeem you from
destruction, but who provides for your earthly needs? Have you allowed His
generosity with you to overflow into generosity with others? Sometimes a sin-
gle big-hearted gesture does more to defeat the enemy than extended prayers
of direct conflict. Your giving expresses the loving heart of your Father in
What you do with your money is a telling expression, but only one
expression, of a generous heart. When it comes to giving, your person is just
as important as your pocketbook:
Each one of us has been given a chance to give back to God out of grati-
tude for His magnificent gifts to us. How will you do it? Will you give your
time, your energy, your talents, your money? Will you keep on giving year in
and year out? Are you a giver—or are you still more of a taker?
2. Givers give until it hurts, but they do not hurt after they give.
4. Givers give out of the essence of who they are, not just out of
their possessions.
5. Givers desire to give more; they do not wish they had given
Givers are always well supplied with more grace to keep on giving. They
illustrate the scriptural principle for giving: You get what you give. Remember
Jesus’ familiar words:
Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap
a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running
over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you
in return (Luke 6:38 NASB).
The apostle Paul, who received much in his lifetime, but who also gave
even more, wrote,
He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows
bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he
purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves
a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward
you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have
an abundance for every good work (2 Corinthians 9:6-8).
From what you hear from many pulpits and on most Christian radio and
television shows, you would get the impression that the number-one priority
of a Christian should be giving money. Not true. God wants you more than
He wants your money. He wants you to focus on where you’re called to serve
first of all. Then He will show you where to give your money. If you gave to
every good cause that came along, soon you would be in the red. There are
thousands and thousands of good causes, but God wants your life before He
wants your check.
Have you learned to stay close to Jesus and to lay down your life? Here is
Jesus’ own perspective:
I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and
I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and
is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire,
and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in
you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By
this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will
be My disciples. As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you;
abide in My love…These things I have spoken to you, that My
joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. This is My
commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for
his friends ( John 15:5-9;11-13).
Often preachers tell us that if we give, we will receive, which can cause
people to give with the idea of receiving. That won’t work. If you give a certain
amount because you are aiming for a certain reward, you might as well forget
it. Your giving will be in vain. Give as God guides and enables you to give, and
let Him decide how best to return the blessing to you.
When the members of the church at Philippi trusted Epaphroditus to
carry much-needed funds to Paul, he thanked them and simply reminded
them that God would freely provide for the wide variety of their own needs
in the same way. “All your need” means much more than monetary repayment:
Don ’ t Be a Sc rooge
Some people do not seem to have a giving bone in their bodies. They are
takers, not givers, like bottomless pits that can never be filled. If you offer
them two, they want three, and then they have the audacity to come back
wanting four. No matter how many times you reach out to them with help,
they insist that you somehow failed them by not going the extra mile.
Their insatiable quest for fulfilling their own desires includes very little
inclination to repay a debt in measure or kind. No matter how much time
you’ve given them, they never have time for you. When they’re in need, they
plead and cry out for instant intervention, but they never offer assistance to
anyone else.
Takers are seriously self-centered. They may talk about God, but not
because He is the center of their lives. They focus on what they wish God
had done for them, not on what He can do. If you quote Scripture to them,
they may brush it off as inconsequential, because it does not square with their
personal experience. They talk about “I,” “me,” “mine,” and their own problems
with scant concern for you and your problems.
Often, they complain that the help they received was insufficient. The
$100 you loaned them in a pinch should have been $200, and the advice you
gave (and which they ignored) should have been different. Narcissistic, they
see only their own interpretation of their lives.
Be a L e n de r , Not a Borrow e r
Aim to be a giver and a lender, not a taker and a borrower. When giv-
ers are not giving outright, they are lending. You won’t find givers or lenders
sponging off their friends and family.
Naturally we will find ourselves in need from time to time. It’s not a sin to
be in need and to adopt a receiving mode from time to time. In fact, learning
to receive graciously and humbly may help us become better givers and lend-
ers in the long run.
The principles for good lending are similar to those for good giving, and
they apply not only to money, but also to your time and your talents. Good
lenders have generous hearts and they have learned to invest wisely, save
wisely, and spend wisely. They know how to control their money instead of
allowing their money to control them. They realize that everything is a gift
from God, and they also realize the importance of stewarding their money,
time, and talents.
Good lenders know when to take a risk on someone; they can spot bad
borrowers. A bad-risk borrower will never be able to pay back the lender,
because he either hoards or overextends his resources. Whether we’re talking
For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have
worked for Him and how you have shown your love to Him by
caring for other believers, as you still do (Hebrews 6:10 NLT).
I t ’s T ime
Did you know that you can—and should—be generous with the devil
too? In one important and specific way only, I believe we do need to give gen-
erously to the enemy.
What in the world am I talking about? Give to the enemy of our souls?
Are we supposed to set up missions to hell?
I’m not talking about giving money or service to the devil. Not at all. I’m
still talking about declaring war on him.
What I mean is this: It’s time to give it to the devil and all his demons. It’s
time to not take it anymore.
It’s time to pick up the sword of the Spirit and start slicing and dicing the
devil. It’s time to give him something to worry about. It’s time to stand up,
strap on your armor, and give him some grief, generously!
Every day, you can say, “I’m not going to take it anymore. I’m going to give
it to the enemy! I’m going to give him something to remember. I’ll keep strik-
ing him until he has been destroyed.” We must be more vigorous than ever in
our warfare. Every man, woman, and child who names the name of Jesus must
fight. Our fighting needs to be more belligerent than ever.
Don’t give up before you’ve started. Do not listen to the people who say
spiritual warfare ended with the apostolic age. The devil is just as real today as
he was 2,000 years ago. In fact, he’s had 2,000 more years to perfect his battle
plan. It’s time to do something about it. Fight as if eternity depends on it. It’s
a matter of Heaven and hell.
I have made the point many times: spiritual warfare is not a quiet, healing
time of soaking prayer. There is nothing wrong with quiet healing and soak-
ing prayer as the precursor to real warfare, not as a substitute for engagement
with the demonic.
Spiritual warfare is not worship, though worship may precede warfare.
It is not fasting alone, though fasting may prepare the spiritual warrior for
battle. It is not praise, though praise gets the heart ready for engaging evil
spirits. None of these things by themselves—healing, prayer, worship, fasting,
praise—constitutes warfare. They are aspects of warfare, but not an alterna-
tive to rolling up your spiritual sleeves and duking it out with the devil! And
one of the best ways to land a knock-out punch to the devil is by giving, all
that you have and all that you are. Takers enable the devil. Givers disable the
forces of darkness.
War is not conducted by organizing committees and self-help groups.
Spiritual warfare is, to put it bluntly, kicking devil butt. It’s time to declare
war on the real devil, not the people he has captured or the political and social
systems they have set up. It’s time to receive your marching orders, declare
war on the enemy, and send him packing back to hell where he belongs. One
of the best ways to do that is by the giving of tithes and offerings to the King-
dom and avoiding the curse of disobediences with your resources (see Mal.
Get your armor adjusted. Get ready to give everything in spiritual war-
fare. Heavenly provisions will be your supply line. Expect joy and peace to fill
your heart in the midst of this conflict, because you are abiding in the Victor,
Jesus Christ. Give it your all!
ne of my pet peeves is Christians who come to church on Sunday,
warm a seat, maybe contribute a little to the offering, smile on their
way out—and feel as if they have just done their good Christian
duty. They have missed their high calling in Christ Jesus, and they are likely to
keep missing it unless something jars them out of their complacency.
Not many Christians have accepted their calling in Christ. They just go
about being good Christians and good citizens in their communities, assum-
ing that’s the whole point. They are just putting in their time. They remain
uncommitted to their calling because they do not even know they have a call-
ing in the first place. They are saved, but they don’t serve.
What do I mean by “calling”? Every single believer has one, and it’s not
just to occupy space and suck air. Your calling is the compulsion to do some-
thing with your purpose. Not to think about doing something, but to really
achieve something. Not to be an idle dreamer who never gets his head out of
the clouds or a spectator who watches life go by until it’s too late to make a
difference anymore, but to participate.
You find your calling in a number of ways. Maybe someday you’re sitting
in your room, reading the Word. Suddenly something jumps off the page,
and you’ll know—this is my calling. This is how I’m compelled to serve in the
Body of Christ. Other people get one of those so-called “aha” moments when
they receive an insight of direct revelation. You could be doing almost any-
thing when the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart and shows you what you’re
supposed to do. More likely, it may “grow on you” gradually, as you serve in
various capacities and discover what you were created for. You may discover
your calling seemingly by trial and error, “blooming where you’re planted” in
the Body of Christ, trying this, trying that, serving here, serving there. Finally,
you find a fit.
If you don’t already know your calling, don’t worry about it. You do not
have to discover your calling today. But you do need to take the idea seriously.
Your willingness to pursue your calling is more important than finding it.
Seek the Lord about it. Ask Him to show you your calling, and don’t give
up until you know what it is. God will reveal it if you ask Him. “…He is a
rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Heb. 11:6).
God will not force you into your calling. He will provide a door for you,
but you will have to walk through it. Your calling was established before you
were conceived. You have always had it, although you were largely unaware
of it. You may never fulfill it, but God will not revoke it. “For the gifts and the
calling of God are irrevocable” (Rom. 11:29).
You may miss your calling, but it is never going to leave you. In fact, you
can’t drive it away. No sin you can commit will change it. That should reas-
sure you if you feel you have somehow disqualified yourself by your multiple
failures in life. Your calling remains in place even though you may not feel
worthy of it.
Sp i r i t ual Warfare Is
th e C alli ng of E ve ry Ch ri s ti an
Some callings concern a finite season only. Others encompass your entire
lifetime. But spiritual warfare is the calling of every Christian, and every
calling has something to do with it. That’s why I spend so much time talking
about each and every one of us being spiritual warriors. We don’t have a choice
about it.
Soldiers have differing assignments and specialties within their units, but
they serve in the same military body. In the Body of Christ, all members auto-
matically become warriors upon being saved, and, if they listen to God’s word
of direction, they will find their personal calling or assignment.
Granted, many Christians become casualties early on. They spend so
much of their lives licking their wounds and picking up the pieces that most
of their fighting energy goes into recovering. They can’t do much fighting for
the Kingdom because they’re still fighting their way out of the mess they have
gotten themselves into. Far from being conquering victors, they are defeated
before they get started. They’re struggling with their marriages, their finances,
their children, their health, and their general oppression.
They may have figured out their calling, but they are not walking in their
anointing. Your calling is your compulsion to serve, and your anointing is
your power from God to perfect your calling. Just as everyone has a calling,
so every believer has an anointing just waiting for him or her. Satan knows
about it even if you do not, and he does his best to make you lose it. I have had
evil spirits tell me that they knew from the moment somebody was conceived
what that person’s anointing was. From the womb, they perfected a plan to
stop it and steal it.
Your anointing is like Esau’s birthright (see Gen. 25:29-34). Your choice
is to treasure your anointing or to squander it, and too often Christians
squander their anointing simply because they’re ignorant about it—and
ignorant of the enemy’s schemes. Instead of warring to lay hold of their
anointing, they wallow in “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride
of life…” (1 John 2:16). They stumble from one crisis to another, never sus-
pecting that the enemy is behind so many of their struggles.
The devil never rests for a moment from his task of befouling your anoint-
ing, because he knows it gives you the power to fulfill your purpose in Christ
and to complete your calling. He knows it is sacred—but only if a person
treats it as such by walking in it and using it. The anointing becomes a sign
of your consecration. The degree of your consecration and dedication will
determine the power of your anointing.
In other words, you can make the difference. Your diligent pursuit of your
calling and anointing will enable you to walk out your commitment to Jesus
Christ with faithfulness. The closer you walk with the Lord in your heart, the
greater your anointing will be and the more effective your actions. You will
begin to walk in your calling—and your spiritual warfare will pay off with a
powerful, fulfilling life.
by the inconsistencies of their Christian walk and the lack of fruit in their
lives. The Bible refers to such people:
In contrast, a true achiever will be someone who has embraced his or her
calling and anointing and who has pursued God’s desires. This is the person
who can properly and successfully carry out the achievement of a definite
goal. It starts with standing up and volunteering for active duty.
An achiever is willing to take more than a few risks and can handle public
criticism without losing his or her self-esteem. Like Peter, achievers are will-
ing to get out of the boat and at least attempt to walk on water (see Matt.
14:25-31). Their egos are not at stake. They do not equate a temporary defeat
with a permanent character flaw. They can keep achieving great things for
God even when they are hidden from adulation or from the notice of other
people. They are performing for the “audience of One”—the Lord Himself.
As they test their strengths in the crucible of real conflict, they discover their
limitations, and they learn from this discovery. They never expect to win every
single time, but they fully believe that having some wins with losses is better
than never having ventured forth onto the battlefield in the first place.
Learning from their experiences, they methodically build upon their past
successes, one at a time. They never promise more than they can produce;
they are reasonable about their expectations; and they do not pridefully over-
reach. In spiritual warfare, as in all other aspects of life, achievers give credit
to others who have helped them along the way. They realize that God is the
one who has given them their gifts and talents and that He has opened the
doors before them.
Dreams are the stuff from which great ideas are forged. Watching the
world go by and dreaming of personal achievement are good beginnings. But
to be fulfilled, dreams require action, implementation, and hard work. Last-
ing achievements are always built on a solid foundation of tried and tested
theories, ideas which have proven to be durable and down-to-earth, even
when they originate in Heaven.
As a spiritual dreamer who makes a real difference in the world, you can
be encouraged by the seeming failure of Walt Disney, who wanted to build a
utopian “city of the future” in Florida on land that was useless for agriculture.
He tried. He poured money into the development of “Epcot,” an acronym
for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. He quietly acquired
about 25,000 acres of the swampy land, but failed to persuade the local
authorities to issue the necessary permits. The holdup was this: the authori-
ties wanted him to develop a theme park first, bigger and better than Disney-
land in Southern California.
He reoriented to build the park first. Marketed as “Disney World,” its
name on official documents was the Reedy Creek Improvement District.
Before Disney could turn his attention back to the development of his dream
community, he died. The Disney corporation did not share his dream, so they
concentrated all of their attention on the “Magic Kingdom,” which is now a
worldwide magnet for tourism from families who want clean entertainment.
What happened to the town of Epcot? An article in National Geographic
My point is a simple one: You can still achieve great things even if you
meet with roadbloacks on the way. And believe me, you will meet roadblocks.
Jesus did. Paul did. You will not always end up with what you thought you
were aiming for. But if you make the effort to try, you end up with something
that God can bless.
If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all His
commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you
high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come
upon you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God:
You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. The
fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land
and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and
the lambs of your flocks. Your basket and your kneading trough
will be blessed. You will be blessed when you come in and blessed
when you go out. The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise
up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you
from one direction but flee from you in seven. The Lord will send
a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to.
The Lord your God will bless you in the land He is giving you.
The Lord will establish you as His holy people, as He promised
you on oath, if you keep the commands of the Lord your God
and walk in obedience to Him. Then all the peoples on earth will
see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they will
fear you. The Lord will grant you abundant prosperity—in the
fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of
your ground—in the land He swore to your ancestors to give you.
The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of His bounty,
to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of
your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from
none. The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay
attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you
this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top,
never at the bottom. Do not turn aside from any of the commands
I give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods
and serving them (Deuteronomy 28:1-14 NIV).
If you faithfully obey the voice of your Commander, you will have success
on any battlefield. Your heavenly rewards will accompany you wherever you
go, and they will not be contingent upon your circumstances. Blessings will
accrue both to your possessions and your progeny, both to what you own and
what you claim as your family bloodline. You will be blessed in who you are,
regardless of where you are. Your enemies will be defeated supernaturally, as
divine favor follows you through your abundant life. You will call the shots,
rather than having shots find their mark in you. Your multi-faceted prosperity
will exceed your expectations, allowing you to share with others.
“Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or
brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for
me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in
this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and
fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal
life” (Mark 10:29-30 NIV).
Which will you be—a dreamer who fantasizes about spiritual warfare, or
an achiever who wins real victories against the powers of evil?
E n dnote
ore than 20 years ago, I faced a long “dark night of the soul.” I
had one friend who determined that he would not allow me to
succumb to discouragement or abandon my hope in God or my
calling. He phoned me every single day, long distance, at his own expense, for
several years. He listened to me. He advised me. He encouraged me. I will be
immeasurably grateful to him as long as I live.
As I look back, I have had many friends, but almost none like that one.
Not one of my childhood friends knows me anymore. After high school com-
mencement and college, we all went our separate ways. In early adulthood, I
thought of many people as my friends, and yet none of them has any signifi-
cance in my life today.
Some friendships are significant for only a season. I have had friends who
opened doors for me—or who forced me to walk through open doors. (I’m
thinking of the man who forced me to do my first public deliverance.) One
friend made it possible for me to begin to publish books. A couple of fellow
pastors defended me and my calling in the face of fierce opposition from their
own congregations, and one of them did not even completely approve of my
calling. They were my friends, and they believed in me.
A friend attaches himself or herself to you by affection and esteem. A
friend, without compulsion, necessity, or self-aggrandizement, promotes you
Not J u st M e an d J e s us
As I have been saying throughout this book, you must accept the fact that
you have been conscripted into the army of God on Earth, and you can never
opt out of spiritual warfare. In terms of friendship, that’s just the point—
we are talking about an army, not just “me and Jesus.” None of us is a Lone
Ranger, or even a Lone Ranger with a devoted buddy named Tonto. We can
never stand on the battlefield by ourselves. Spiritual warfare will go much
better for us if we have not only a loyal spouse or best friend, but we stand
shoulder to shoulder with many others.
Although each and every one of us needs to make a personal decision to
take an active part in the spiritual battle, absolutely no one can prevail alone in
spiritual warfare. On the battlefield, you need the strong arms, the alert eyes,
and the attentive concern for your welfare that your fellow soldiers can sup-
ply. You need wisdom, love, and words of encouragement from more than one
other person. Other people need what you have to offer, as well.
Several Hebrew and Greek words have been translated as “friend” in the
Bible. The Hebrew word raáh, pronounced “ray-ah,”1 means an associate with
whom we have a reciprocal relationship. It is used in many passages of the Old
Testament, including Proverbs 18:24: “One who has unreliable friends soon
comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (NIV). The
Greek word philos conveys endearment and close comradeship.2 The apostle
John, who was one of Jesus’ closest companions himself, uses the word philos
over and over in his Gospel. Consider these familiar passages:
He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the
bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of
the bridegroom’s voice… ( John 3:29).
In the Bible, a friend loves dearly and expects nothing in return. If you
stop and think about it, you realize that the truest friendship is only possible
for those in whose spirits the Holy Spirit, the truest Love of all, dwells.
J e su s’ F r i e n d s
Jesus said, “You are My friends if you do whatever I command you” ( John
15:14). At the same time, He took the initiative to befriend people who did
not yet obey Him in the least. Some of them became His disciples.
For example, Peter followed Jesus and declared his undying devotion,
only to deny Him before the crucifixion. He ran out of Pilate’s judgment hall
weeping profusely because he knew that he had betrayed his dearest friend
in the moment of His direst need. In response, did Jesus deny Peter? No, as
proved by the touching scene on the shores of the Sea of Galilee after Jesus’
know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep” ( John
After all that had happened, was Peter still His friend? Yes. Jesus wanted
him to be sure of it.
Jesus befriended the disciple Judas Iscariot as well. That friendship did
not work out as well as the others. As he embezzled donation money, Judas
betrayed his friendship even before he betrayed his Master to the authorities.
And yet down to the last moments of His life, Jesus loved Judas as a friend,
giving him an opportunity to change his mind. (See John 13:18-30.)
Jesus not only befriended men; He also defied the conventions of the day
to befriend women. He reached out to the Samaritan woman at the well, chal-
lenging her to give up her sinful lifestyle and drink the living water that would
satisfy her every need. (See John 4.) He honored her above even His disciples
by revealing first to her that He was indeed the promised Messiah. (See John
Jesus was not afraid to identify with the outcasts of society. He offered—
and still offers—His friendship to people who do not deserve it. As He put
it, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance” (Luke 5:32).
Jesus was and is the truest friend a sinner can have (see Matt. 11:19).
T ru e F ri e n d s
The most famous friendship in the Bible is the friendship between two
young men, David and Jonathan. David, the former shepherd who had come
to King Saul’s court after killing Goliath and whose lyre-accompanied psalms
had supernatural power over Saul’s fits of raging, met Saul’s son Jonathan,
who was about the same age as David. Their friendship was not a casual one;
in fact, soon it became a matter of life and death for David. (These days, con-
servative Christians tend to disparage close male friendships such as theirs,
lest they be considered homosexual in nature.)
In due time, both men were surrounded by armies of loyal soldiers, but
at one point when David was defenseless, Jonathan proved his friendship in
a unique way. When Jonathan’s father Saul discovered that God’s hand was
upon David to become king in his place, he did everything he could think of
to run him off, even to the point of trying to kill him. Jonathan sought David
out and helped him to slip away secretly, making excuses for him, providing
for his needs, and making sure he was safe. (See First Samuel 18–20 and 23.)
As the years went by, although the two men were grieved by their forced
absence from each other, they remained steadfast friends. Years later when
Jonathan was killed in battle, David’s grief was hard to bear:
How the mighty have fallen in the midst of the battle! Jonathan
was slain in your high places. I am distressed for you, my brother
Jonathan; you have been very pleasant to me; your love to me was
wonderful, surpassing the love of women (2 Samuel 1:25-26).
Later, David made a place at the royal table for Jonathan’s crippled son,
Mephibosheth, purely out of loyalty to his father’s lineage. (See Second Sam-
uel 9.) He didn’t have to do that. Most victorious kings would not have done
it. But Jonathan had been the truest friend he ever had.
True friends will stick with you. They will come through thick and thin
with you. Phony friends will not. Phony friends just talk about being friends.
Sometimes, they become more like enemies. (After all, you only have to drop
the “r” from friend to make it the word fiend.)
When Jesus walked the Earth, phony people definitely did not endear
themselves to Him, especially those who claimed a false spirituality. In the
case of the temple money changers in Jerusalem, His reaction was violent:
So they came to Jerusalem. Then Jesus went into the temple and
began to drive out those who bought and sold in the temple, and
overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those
who sold doves. And He would not allow anyone to carry wares
Jesus could not tolerate such travesty in the place that had been built by
David’s son Solomon a thousand years earlier. From having once hosted the
Shekinah glory of God, His Father’s house had become a dirty, noisy market-
place where dishonesty ruled. You see, the people could not pay the temple tax
with just any kind of money. It had to be paid in temple coinage, which meant
that money changers had set up shop to exchange the people’s ordinary cash,
for a price. Others, with the approval of the priests, had set up concessions
where you could purchase “spotless” animals to be used as sacrifices—also at
a profit, of course. Every single person in the place, from the priests to the
dove-sellers, was a hypocrite. They were doing their deceitful business and
performing their ceremonies without knowing or heeding the holy God in
whose house they were doing business.
Jesus also expressed how He felt about phonies when He cursed the fruit-
less fig tree, and He meant it as a lesson for His disciples. The story carries
some interesting implications:
Now the next day, when they had come out from Bethany, He
was hungry. And seeing from afar a fig tree having leaves, He
went to see if perhaps He would find something on it. When He
came to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season
for figs. In response Jesus said to it, “Let no one eat fruit from you
ever again.” And His disciples heard it (Mark 11:12-14).
The story mentions that it was not yet the time for figs. Fig season was
about five weeks away. Everybody in those days knew what a fig tree looked
like. The disciples walking with Jesus knew that fig trees produce their fruit
before they are completely leafed out. This particular tree sported luxuriant,
green foliage, which was what caught Jesus’ eye. Because this tree was already
in full leaf long before the other fig trees, Jesus went up to it expecting to find
some ready-to-eat figs on it. Such a vibrant specimen of a tree should have
produced a great harvest of fruit, more than enough for a hungry man. But
His inspection proved the worst—the tree was barren. It only looked good. It
promised figs, but failed to deliver on the phony promise.
Woe unto the people of God who are like barren fig trees—long on prom-
ises and short on obedient follow-through.
How utterly important it is for us to look out for each other as we engage
in the spiritual warfare that is entailed in the Christian life! The battles can
get ugly. We need allies. And as most of us discover early in life, most friend-
ships will be temporary or seasonal. Only in rare instances will friendships
last a lifetime.
The friendships that matter the most are the deepest ones, whether they
are lifelong or somehow curtailed by life circumstances. A trustworthy friend
will walk the rugged road of life with you, with all its ups and downs. You
can trust a true friend with your deepest secrets. A true friend, genuine in
his or her own right, accepts you as you are, without trying to modify you. A
trustworthy friend is both uncritical and unafraid to intervene when needed,
even if it means confronting you with your inconsistencies. A friend who is
trustworthy and true will remain available to you at any time or in any place.
A choice friend is worth going to war for. You can’t find another one easily.
For many people, their very best friend is their spouse. Being married to
your best friend is wonderful when you’re trying to stand against the powers
of darkness. A husband and wife who are not only united in their commit-
ment to marriage and to the Lord, but who are the closest of friends, can
make the devil’s job very difficult indeed. Being united in marriage and in
trust means you are double trouble to the enemy.
In fact, I would go so far as to say that a genuine Christian family is the
single most powerful institution on the face of the Earth for opposing the
Surrounded by friends who are trustworthy and true, you can fight to the
finish with passion.
What kind of a friend are you? On the spiritual battlefield, your welfare
and the welfare of others may depend on the bonds and partnerships you
have developed over time. In spiritual warfare, the outcome may hinge on the
quality of your relationships with other warriors.
Make it your goal to become a true and valued friend, not a fruitless phony.
E ndnote s
2. See Thayer’s Greek Definitions and Smith’s Bible Dictionary. Greek lexicon
entry for Philos. The New Testament Greek Lexicon (Strong’s number
3. Martin Luther, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” c. 1521; words in the public
omewhere in the hidden recesses of our religious history, we have
gotten the idea that being a good Christian means, “Smile a lot and
be really nice. Then you will never have to go through really difficult
times.” If we do face a tough time, we learn to pretend that we’re OK. Other-
wise, people will accuse us of having a weak faith or falling prey to self-pity.
We have made being a good Christian synonymous with pulling our-
selves up by our own bootstraps. We have learned to pretend to be something
we are not, and we confuse non-Christians with our inconsistencies. It’s as if
we wear masks, like the gala throng in that scene from Phantom of the Opera.
We put on masks that will beautify our sinfulness and help us to attain higher
levels of approval and influence.
What specific masks do we most often choose in our dance of pretense?
The mask of tradition ensures that we will fit in with the accepted sta-
tus quo. Wearing it implicitly endorses the importance of institutions over
individual men and women; it elevates time-honored doctrines over compas-
sionate responses to human needs. Jesus was not too fond of the way people
use their traditions as an excuse for not carrying out obedience to God. He
blew apart the mask of traditions as sacred within themselves, and He blasted
those who wore such a mask for holding their traditions higher than the ora-
cles of God. “Hypocrites,” He called them:
Instead of the mask of tradition (or any other mask), we need to get
real. Instead of putting on masks or putting on airs or putting on a show, we
should put on the girdle of the truth. We need to put on Jesus Christ Him-
self: “…Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor
of light….put on the Lord Jesus Christ…” (Rom. 13:12,14).
The mask of tradition is similar to another mask, the mask of position.
People in the Church world, just as in the secular world, scramble to acquire
positions of power, influence, and status. They assign themselves impressive
titles as they groom themselves for success. A prerequisite for wearing this
mask includes wealth or the appearance of wealth. A movie-star smile and a
handsome family help, too.
Too often, those in high positions of authority do not practice what they
preach. This was also true in Jesus’ day:
The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official
interpreters of the law of Moses. So practice and obey whatever
they tell you, but don’t follow their example. For they don’t practice
what they teach. They crush people with unbearable religious
demands and never lift a finger to ease the burden. Everything
they do is for show. On their arms they wear extra wide prayer
boxes with Scripture verses inside, and they wear robes with extra
long tassels. And they love to sit at the head table at banquets
and in the seats of honor in the synagogues. They love to receive
The mask of position drops off in a hurry when the wearer stumbles. Just
look at the track record of many leaders, within the Church and outside it,
and you will see what I mean. The mask of position provides scanty coverage
over the long term.
A third well-known mask is the camouflage of false spirituality. People
who wear it want to appear to be spiritual by the standards of those they are
trying to impress and even intimidate. They assume “holy” facial expressions
and adopt demeanors that match their idea of the holy man or woman of God
they want people to think they are. Jesus brushed such impostors off:
P r e t e n de rs C an not P rovi de
People who wear such masks can talk a good game, but they never really
contribute much. They concentrate on their own welfare at the expense of
others. They will tell you, “I’m here for you,” but they’ll never show up when
you’re in need. They profess to want to help the church, but when an oppor-
tunity arises, they are not the ones toting that barge or lifting that bale. They
talk about how they witness for Christ, but they never win a soul to Him.
They claim to be sharing in the labor of the ministry, but they find ways to
wiggle out of the real work involved.
Do you know somebody like this? Have you worn one of those masks
yourself from time to time?
Pretenders have to put all their energy into trying to look good. They can-
not provide for the needs of others, especially their families and those who are
closest to them. At home is where the mask most often slips off. What does
the person really look like? You can tell me, I’m sure, possibly from firsthand
Under the masks, you’ll find everything from humdrum personal weak-
nesses to horrific crimes. Behind the cover-up, you will see:
That’s a lot to try to cover up! All of these things are the opposite of the
fruit of the Spirit. At best, they are like cheap, fruit-shaped ornaments hang-
ing on the tree of your life. Needless to say, they don’t do anybody any good.
To replace the fake fruit (not to mention the masks) with the real thing,
we must allow ourselves to be truly grafted into Jesus. We must allow His
pruning to make us healthy and productive. Then, if we continue in Him, our
branches will be able to provide abundant fruit for others:
But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the
desire of the flesh.…But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control;
against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to
Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us not
become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another
(Galatians 5:16, 22-26 NASB).
Those who have crucified the flesh and who walk by the Spirit are the
only ones who are true-hearted enough to be spiritual warriors. Sure, you
may be able to pass for the real thing. Fooling people isn’t all that difficult. But
if, in your lifetime, you do not perform Jesus’ will by doing His works, it won’t
matter how many demons you cast out of people.
In contrast to the inconsistency, secretive behavior, and unhealthy inde-
pendence of a pretender, the fruit of humble, obedient love will make you a
true spiritual provider and take you all the way to Heaven:
So then, you will know them by their fruits. Not everyone who
says to Me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven,
but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will
enter. Many will say to Me on that day, “Lord, Lord, did we not
prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and
in Your name perform many miracles?” And then I will declare
to them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice
lawlessness” (Matthew 7:20-23 NASB).
F ru i t O u t st r i p s Supe rn atural
E ncou nte rs
I have to wonder sometimes if people are pulling the “God card” in their
attempt to regain standing and status. They claim to have visited the throne
room in Heaven, the fires of hell, or both. Some have had legitimate near-
death experiences and some (like the apostle Paul himself ) may have had
“third heaven” experiences (see 2 Cor. 12:2), although it is impossible to
objectively prove such claims one way or another.
But I personally have never been to Heaven, and I have never met the
apostle Paul. Jesus has never come into my bedroom, sat on the edge of my
bed, and had a casual conversation with me. Could it happen to someone?
Absolutely. But if it ever happens to you, I’d like to hear about it person-
ally. While you’re taking a lie-detector test, I would have you sit down and
describe your experience in detail so that I could determine the facts and the
circumstances. My point is that we must be very careful of accepting spiri-
tuality by pretense and instead objectively test the validity of extra-biblical
I would also ask you about your history of drug usage, what you’ve smoked
in the past, and what you have been smoking lately…
Why do I seem so dubious? Because so much of this kind of thing can
be found in New Age circles as well. While the devil may be only dupli-
cating spiritually authentic experiences, I think that sometimes Christians
are trying to duplicate them as well. The human mind has its strange and
unplumbed aspects. We can come up with some good tales. When you hear
people who are involved in the occult telling the same stories, you know you
can’t believe every story you hear, even if it comes from the mouth of a fellow
Christian. Everyone seems to go through the same tunnel; they see the same
white light at the other end. People interpret their experiences through their
own philosophical and theological paradigms. Could it be that human beings
are wired in such a way as to allow for some universal experiences that hap-
pen under stress?
I n t e g r i t y i n E ve ry thi ng
People have the idea that spiritual warfare is this exotic thing where
mighty, faith-filled, prophetic men and women of God wearing Superman
capes are doing all these exploits. In actual fact, the most effective spiritual
warfare is being fought by ordinary men and women and children at home, in
their families. That is where the values of true faith are instilled and acted out.
That’s where you take down your mask long enough to see what’s underneath.
Hopefully, home is where you decide to take God up on His promises to set
you free indeed, even if you have to seek outside help to get there.
Your full victory over the devil will never occur unless you embrace integ-
rity in everything. Holiness of life and spiritual power will only become linked
in your experience if you accept the hard work of growing to full maturity.
Your character should not require a mask in order to look like Him.
As with so many other things, Paul put it best:
The more “real” you become in Christ and the less often you resort to your
old “good Christian” masks, the more effective you will become as a spiritual
James, the brother of Jesus, wrote,
But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not
boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend
from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and
self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. But
the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle,
willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality
and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in
peace by those who make peace ( James 3:14-18).
Ironic as it may seem, you may achieve some of your most ferocious
moments on the battlefield in an almost bloodless manner. Your most tell-
ing spiritual victories may well occur as you walk in the peace-filled grace of
God’s Spirit, day in and day out. Paul wrote to the Roman Christians:
But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for
those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than
an unbeliever.
As you take hold of these prayers and proclamations, you will be taking
strong offensive action against the enemy—to the point that, as the title indi-
cates, you will be able to make your life genuinely “demon-proof.”
With every breath you take, you engage a world where a battle rages at all
times. As you know (though it is easy to forget), that means you need to pray
all the time. The Bible says, “Never stop praying” (1 Thess. 5:17 NLT). As the
forces of darkness wage tumultuous and vindictive war against the forces of
the Kingdom of God, each one of us needs to do his or her part.
Every one of us has been born into this battle, and we must participate,
whether we want to or not. No one can remain neutral as a malicious devil
strives to undermine the loving goodness of God. His forces of darkness
attempt to mask the light of God. His wicked counterfeits try to replace the
reality of Heaven, and his iniquitous injustice endeavors to trump what’s right.
Satan, who is an intelligent strategist and an obstinate fighter, refuses to
acknowledge defeat. Our task, as soldiers in the army of God, is to recover
lost territory and stolen possessions from the evil one and to defend vulner-
able ground in Jesus’ name.
As I have made clear throughout the chapters of this book, we fight and
stand strong purely because of our position in Christ. We are “strong in the
Lord, and in the power of His might” (Eph. 6:10). We fight in the strength of
God’s authority. Our spiritual influence is much greater than we realize most
of the time. It can be summed up in these words: “All authority has been given
to Me in heaven and on earth” (Matt. 28:18), and “The Lord said to my Lord,
‘Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool’” (Ps. 110:1), and
“Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above,
where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God” (Col. 3:1 NASB).
God’s Word declares:
Ask Me, and I will make the nations Your inheritance, the ends of
the earth your possession. You will break them with a rod of iron;
You will dash them to pieces like pottery (Psalm 2:8-9 NIV).
And He promises:
He will guard the feet of His saints, but the wicked shall be
silent in darkness. “For by strength no man shall prevail. The
adversaries of the Lord shall be broken in pieces; from heaven
He will thunder against them. The Lord will judge the ends of
the earth. He will give strength to His king, and exalt the horn of
His anointed” (1 Samuel 2:9-10).
Your success in waging this war will depend on the level of your obedi-
ence to the One who sits on the throne of authority. As a representative of
the victorious Christ Jesus, whose Holy Spirit dwells in your heart, you will
be able to wield the sword of the Word of God with effectiveness. Evil spirits
will flee before you just as they fled before Jesus. They will recognize you as
one of His own.
T e n P r e pa ration s
f or Sp i r i t ual Warfare Pray e r
You may have launched into spiritual warfare prayer, only to discover that
you have slammed into an invisible blockade. Don’t quit. Take it as an indica-
tion that you need to do some further preparatory, prayerful examination of
your own life. I have identified ten primary preliminaries that deserve your
You cannot defeat the devil, get out of your personal misery into freedom,
and help others with spiritual warfare prayer until and unless you know Jesus
Christ as Savior and Lord. In other words, if you’re going to pray spiritual
warfare prayers, first you must make a declaration of faith. Having discovered
your identity in Jesus Christ, you declare to others that He is their Savior and
That may sound too simple and basic, but without a declaration of faith,
you are still on the devil’s side of the equation. You cannot pray a spiritual
warfare prayer unless Jesus Christ is your personal Lord and Savior. Unless
you’re in an ongoing relationship with Him, abiding in Him and allowing His
Spirit to abide in you, your prayers and proclamations will be empty words.
You can tell the devil to leave you alone all you want to, but he won’t go any-
where unless you know Jesus.
Once in a seminar in California, a woman who had seen me on televi-
sion came to me for help. She had a “ghost” in her house, she told me, and she
wanted me to get rid of it. I don’t think she realized that the evil entity she was
calling a ghost was really a demon, not some dearly departed person whose
spirit was wandering in limbo. She didn’t like the first question I asked her:
“Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior?”
She said, “Oh, I just want you to get rid of this ghost. I don’t want to talk
about all this religious stuff. I don’t want to hear about that born-again stuff.”
I had to tell her, “Lady, Jesus makes the ghosts go. I don’t make the ghosts
go. I may be the exorcist, but no ghost or demon is going anywhere because I
say so. It’s my say-so empowered by the authority of Jesus Christ within me
that makes them leave. They won’t leave your house until you have the same
Jesus in you.” That’s as far as we got with it. She refused to make any kind of
a declaration of faith.
The first preparation for prayer is to make your own confession of faith in
Jesus. “Through the blood of Jesus, I am justified by faith. Through His sacri-
fice on the cross, I have peace.” Your authority stems from identifying yourself
100 percent with Him.
R e si st t he De vi l
C on f e ss Your Si n s
A third step of preparation for prayer against the devil is simple: confess
your sins. As I mentioned already, unconfessed sins give the devil a foothold
in your life. Confessing your sins to the Lord and repenting of them will leave
the devil nowhere to hide in your life.
Ask the Lord to help you see your sins as sin, so that you can confess
them. Tell Him you are sorry for them. Be specific. Confess often—morn-
ing, noon, and night, if necessary. You are a sinner, and you need the Savior.
Confess your sins and allow His blood to cleanse them from you. The people
who get slammed by the devil are the ones who don’t deal with their stuff, the
people who hide things, who are not willing to face the truth about the past.
Root out your sins and ask God to repair the damage. Then you can get on
with the business of praying effectively against the devil. As I tell people over
and over, and as I pointed out earlier, “Get your stuff before your stuff gets
F org i v e t h e S i ns of Oth e rs
Along the same lines, you need to forgive the sins of others. That is the
fourth step in preparation for praying spiritual warfare prayers. Many of us
find it easier to confess our own sins and ask for God’s forgiveness than we do
to forgive someone else who has hurt us. And yet the Word tells us:
If you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your
brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the
altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and
then come and offer your gift (Matthew 5:23-24).
You must forgive other people if you’re going to pray aggressive and effec-
tive prayers of spiritual warfare. If you lack a forgiving heart, the devil will
exploit that fact. You can’t just put a Band-Aid on hurtful situations. You need
to really go back and forgive the other person and get cleansed. This may
require some time of inner healing. But if you don’t do this work, your prayers
won’t work.
Your forgiveness doesn’t even have to be emotionally complete. Sometimes
the wounds are still fresh. Here is a prayer I often have people pray: “Lord, I
know that I need to forgive. I don’t feel like forgiving, but I acknowledge it’s the
way of the cross. It’s what You did to Your tormentors. So, Lord, I speak for-
giveness by faith, and I await the confirmation of my feelings that Your Holy
Spirit has allowed me to emotionally grasp the forgiveness in my heart.”
Br e ak U ng odly Soul Ti e s
Fifth, you need to break ungodly soul ties, and you need spiritual warfare
prayers to do it. Your soul is the real “you,” your individuated identity, the
seat of your thoughts, emotions, and decisions. When you tie your soul in an
ungodly way to another person, you compromise your freedom. Many people
carry soul ties with old boyfriends or old girlfriends, ex-spouses, abusive for-
mer pastors, and sometimes with satanic priests or fake prophets. It might
have been a professional relationship. You may have been part of a church
where you lived under constant intimidation from the pastor. Even if you
leave the situation, your soul can remain bound to the pressure or to the bad
doctrine that the pastor has come to represent.
If you have become enmeshed with any person, walking with him or her
in unity of purpose and decisions, you are no longer free to stand up in the
freedom of an exclusive bond with Jesus. The tie can consist of sexual, emo-
tional, or spiritual bonds. You came together with someone, and your souls
mingled and meshed. Unintentionally, you situated the bond in your soul
with that person higher than your bond with your Lord.
The healthy soul tie we are to engage is an intimate relationship with
Jesus. In several places, Paul described this as a servant-master relationship
(see Rom. 1:1; 1 Cor. 9:19; 2 Tim. 2:24). You can’t get much closer than that,
You can break soul ties by praying declaratively: “I break the soul tie
with __________________, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
In addition to breaking soul ties, you must consider how to release your-
self from inherited bondage. You cannot pray effective spiritual warfare prayers
until you have broken generational curses and until you have cleansed the
evil out of your bloodline. Again, you need to pray spiritual warfare prayers
for your own freedom in order to go on to pray successful spiritual warfare
prayers on behalf of others.
You must leave no stone unturned; often you will need the help of others
to discern what has been buried in the past, lost to living memory, but still
working its damage in your life to this day. Each of us has many ancestors, and
all of them were sinners. With the help of the Holy Spirit, identify all vows,
oaths, blood covenants, ceremonies, sorceries, witchcraft, false gods, and so
forth, and break each bondage in the name of Jesus.
Br e ak Occ u lt C urs e s
If you or your family members have been involved with occult practices
in the past, you have contracted relationships with the kingdom of darkness.
Those agreements with darkness will not go away until you make them go
away. They will not fade with the passage of time or disappear simply because
you no longer engage in the occult practices. You can’t assume immunity from
harmful effects from even one-time actions such as reading your horoscope,
having tarot cards read, or consulting a psychic or a fortune-teller.
Any occult activities, regardless of how fleeting, can hinder your prayer.
You may not notice any significant hindrance to your daily life, but when you
start to pray prayers of spiritual warfare, you may come up short and wonder
what’s wrong.
Break occult curses and spells, release yourself and your property from
bewitchment, command charms to become powerless, and decree that jinxes
should not continue to operate. Pray, “Lord, if any of these things—[make a
list]—are hindering my prayers in any way, I break their hold over me and put
them under Jesus’ shed blood.”
Jesus said,
do your sons cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges.
But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom
of God has come upon you. Or how can one enter a strong man’s
house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man?
And then he will plunder his house (Matthew 12:25-29).
The only way you can dismantle this superstructure is to deal with the
strongman who’s behind it. Who is in charge of the operation? It’s as if you
wanted to dismantle the Ford Motor Company. Would you visit a local
assembly line and confront a worker who was putting bolts on car doors, or
would you go straight to the top, to the chief executive? Obviously, you would
go straight to the strongest authority in the company.
In the same way, you need to locate and go after the strongman who has
engineered the unwelcome superstructure inside you. You may have to wear
down some of his minions first, but eventually you need to go after the one who
is calling the shots. Once you have weakened and dismantled the work of the
evil one inside, your spiritual warfare praying will be unbound and powerful.
C om m an d Satan to
R e le ase W h at He Has Stol e n
Think about spiritual and temporal resources that once belonged to you.
Figure out what to call them: “health,” “family unity,” “marital happiness,”
“peace,” “joy,” et cetera… What happened?
You need to command satan to release what he has stolen from you and from
others. Get aggressive. For everything the enemy has stolen from you, you can
say, “Yes, I want it back now, sevenfold, in the name of Jesus.”
The Bible principle is that when a thief gets captured, he must repay sev-
enfold what he has stolen. “If he [a thief ] is caught, he must pay sevenfold,
though it costs him all the wealth of his house” (Prov. 6:31 NIV). Don’t settle
for less.
C l ai m B a c k Los t G roun d
Claiming back what the devil has stolen from you is similar to the tenth
preparation for spiritual warfare prayer: claim back lost ground.
The only way to get it back is through spiritual warfare praying. Satan is a
thief and a robber. He came into your life without invitation, and he took ter-
ritory from you—health, money, friends, family, and more. He may have con-
quered territory from your ancestors, and you may have suffered as a result.
Claim it back, with interest.
T e n R e ason s to
P r ay Sp i r i t ual Warfare P ray e rs
I can think of at least ten good reasons to pray spiritual warfare prayers.
Every follower of Jesus prays for the same basic reasons.
Pray to get ready to fight. It’s too late to start praying when the enemy has
a gun to your brain. Begin to pray before the bullet is in the chamber. Pray
to put on the armor of God. You need to put it on before you step onto the
battlefield. Jesus prayed in preparation for His death. Before He went to the
cross, He prayed His heart out in the Garden of Gethsemane. His prayers
won Him the supreme grace He needed in order to endure the abuse and go
through with the torture of death by crucifixion.
When the disciples failed to cast out some demons, Jesus told them, “This
kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting” (Matt. 17:21). Sometimes,
in other words, the devil will only obey commands that have been reinforced
with prayer ahead of time. Remember also the power of agreement when two
or more people pray for the same thing. (See Matthew 18:19-20.)
Some people get hung up on the fasting word. They assume that if they go
without eating, they can get rid of demons as if it’s some kind of a guarantee.
They don’t understand the purpose of fasting. Fasting is supposed to change
your mindset, to focus your attention, to get your spirit in the right place for
spiritual warfare. It’s not about the lack of food; it’s about you being ready to
Joshua blew the trumpet, but he also took up the sword. (See Joshua 5
and 6.) Prayer and spiritual warfare empowers the work, but the battle may
also entail going out into the trenches and engaging in hand-to-hand combat.
You pray to take possession of the promises, but you have to get out and take
the land. You have to pray and fast to get the job done, often. The devil won’t
give up just because you use Jesus’ name or because you got born again. He’s
not going to flee because you prayed the sinner’s prayer back in 1979, and he’s
not going to leave you alone because you are busy serving in your church. You
have to pray yourself into action.
You have to have passion, and the only way to get enough passion is to
pray for it. You have to pray as if you really mean it. The devil won’t take
you seriously if you pray passive, pathetic, whiny prayers. (“Pretty please,
God, help me do this. If it be Your will….”) You don’t have to wonder if it’s
God’s will to, for example, protect your children from harm. Go ahead and
get worked up about it: “Satan, keep your hands off my kids! Get out! Now!”
Hear what the unjust judge said. And shall God not avenge His
own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears
long with them? (Luke 18:6-7).
Intercede to scatter the agents of evil who may come against you physi-
cally or spiritually. Command their opposition to be broken up and neutral-
ized, not out of personal antagonism, but out of godly determination to suc-
ceed in your divine assignments. Yes, the Bible tells us to turn the other cheek
and to go the second mile, but there’s a time not to do it, too. When the devil’s
trying to do a number on you and he’s using some human being to do it, you’re
not supposed to roll over like a circus lion. You won’t have to become nasty or
difficult. Just resist the devil. Keep him out of your family and out of your life.
Come against evil accusations that have been brought against you ille-
gitimately by the kingdom of darkness. Cancel them, in the name of Jesus.
Satan, the accuser, planted them. Root them up as soon as you become aware
of them in the conduct of people around you.
The forces of darkness are assembled against the forces of the Kingdom
of light, and they fire their arrows at God’s people day and night. Pray against
the withering rain of fiery arrows that otherwise will deplete and dishearten
you. Take hold of your faith, which is your shield. Get it up! Hold high “the
shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked
one” (Eph. 6:16).
T e n C h ar a ct e ri s tics of
Sp i r i t ual War fare Pray e rs
As you can see from everything I have been telling you, your spiritual
warfare prayers cannot be considered true spiritual warfare prayers unless
they are:
One day Jesus told His disciples a story to show that they should
always pray and never give up. “There was a judge in a certain
city,” He said, “who neither feared God nor cared about people.
A widow of that city came to him repeatedly, saying, ‘Give me
justice in this dispute with my enemy.’ The judge ignored her for
a while, but finally he said to himself, ‘I don’t fear God or care
about people, but this woman is driving me crazy. I’m going to
see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her
constant requests!’” (Luke 18:1-5 NLT)
You need to pray with aggression because you are in a fight. Satan will
not back down because you whispered, weeping, “Please…if it be God’s will.”
He has no compassion whatsoever. He knows only the language of warfare.
This means that most of your prayers should be loud, although not always.
Whether loud or not, spiritual warfare prayers exert pressure on the enemy.
They never, never, never give up.
Patience is not an attribute of a spiritual warrior. Perseverance is, but
patience implies acquiescence to a situation. Your prayers demand; they do
not request. Your prayers demand action now, not later on today or sometime
Some Christians seem to think that eventually the devil will get tired of
hearing Jesus’ name, and he’ll go away. I don’t know where they get that idea.
Satan will not go anywhere until he’s told to go, in no uncertain terms. He
never leaves a place until he gets kicked out.
Militant prayers are imperative. They are not suggestions. They sound
combative. They get in the devil’s face. They come up against him. They chal-
lenge. They insist, unapologetically, that something needs to change imme-
diately. Spiritual warfare prayers sound urgent, because the need is pressing.
You can’t wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow may be too late.
Spiritual warfare prayers are tenacious, and spiritual pray-ers have a repu-
tation for hanging on unrelentingly. They know that unbelief and its resulting
passivity are their worst challenges. They know that doubt kills faith. They
build themselves up in their faith, and they surround themselves with fel-
low warriors who will reinforce their belief in the saving, restorative power of
Jesus Christ: “But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy
faith, [and] pray in the power of the Holy Spirit” ( Jude 20:20 NLT).
Breathlessly, we await the desired result. As if we’re jumping up and down
with eagerness inside, we hold onto our expectant faith. “It’s coming! It’s
almost here! It’s going to happen soon!” With that attitude, spiritual warfare
prayers never go unanswered.
T e n T i m e s to P ray
Sp i r i t ual War fare Pray e rs
When family members and friends walk apart from God, you must con-
tend for their salvation. Well-directed spiritual warfare prayers will find their
mark regardless of how hopeless the situation may seem. Jesus said:
Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are
sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance
(Mark 2:17).
Before sinners can be born again, somebody must pray to heal their spiri-
tual blindness and deafness, so that they:
…no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of
their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated
from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them,
because of the blindness of their heart (Ephesians 4:17-18).
Your prayers may be all that stand in the way of harmful assaults of the
enemy. As you know, the devil roams around like a hungry lion (see 1 Pet.
5:8). He sets his sights on anybody who appears to be vulnerable. When you
have raised up spiritual protection on behalf of your loved ones, your prayers
and faith-declarations stop the enemy in his tracks. You defeat him before
he gets started. Satan complained to the Lord God that Job (before his trials
began) was untouchable:
So Satan answered the Lord and said, “Does Job fear God for
nothing? Have You not made a hedge around him, around his
household, and around all that he has on every side? You have
blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased
in the land” ( Job 1:9-10).
Satan wanted to bring Job to ruin, but as long as God’s hedge of protec-
tion remained, he could not do anything to him.
Part of the role of a soldier is reassurance for the ones he is protecting and
defending. They need to know that somebody is looking out for them. As you
stand firm on the spiritual battlefield on behalf of your children, tell them
what you are doing. Expose them to your faith. Make conversation about God
a normal part of your family life. Teach your children how to trust God them-
selves. Demonstrate how faith in God is like a strong guardrail to keep His
faithful ones on the track, out of trouble, and safe.
This one is obvious enough. When you find yourself under pressure,
bowing under the weight of condemnation, confusion, negative thoughts,
He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be
blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful,
who has called you into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ
our Lord (1 Corinthians 1:8-9 NIV).
Too often, spiritual attacks take the form of temptation to sin, and your
habitual, familiar sins will seem the most tempting to you. In your own
strength, resisting such temptations will seem impossible. You don’t even
want to resist them.
Pray spiritual warfare prayers to get God’s help. Cry out to Him. He will
hear and respond.
Jesus is the Great Physician, able to heal any ailment, major or minor.
To judge by His responses to people in the Bible accounts, He likes to have
people demand His healing attention. The blind beggar Bartimaeus cried out
so loudly that the other bystanders tried to hush him. What did he do then?
He cried out even more loudly. And Jesus healed him. (See Mark 10:46-52.)
A Gentile mother was unreasonably insistent:
When you need money and the provisions that money can supply, you
can use the words of the mighty warrior-king, David, who prayed for protec-
tion for himself and his people and for prosperity:
In the spirit of David’s psalms, the apostle John knew that prayer was the
only way to approach practical needs: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in
all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2:2).
9. When you are not certain of God’s will for your life.
How many times do we say, “If it be Thy will, Lord”? If you really do want
to know the will of God, you will have to seek it out. You will have to pursue
it. Ask confidently:
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all
liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But
let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like
a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind ( James 1:5-6).
Pray for doors to open—and to close. With God, a door is a door of guid-
ance, whether He permits you to enter through it or prevents you from mak-
ing a mistake by doing so. You belong to Him now, and you want His will, not
your own, to direct your life. In all likelihood, you won’t be able to step onto
the path of God’s will until you pray as Jesus did: “…not My will, but Yours, be
done” (Luke 22:42).
Your future as a spiritual warrior is in your own hands. Take your calling
seriously, yet with profound joy. The happiest people are always the ones who
are the freest inside their spirits and souls. Like the apostle Paul, make it your
goal to step free of the devil’s entanglements and to stay free:
…You are now ashamed of the things you used to do, things that
end in eternal doom. But now you are free from the power of sin
and have become slaves of God. Now you do those things that lead
to holiness and result in eternal life (Romans 6:21-22 NLT).
You are striving for a heavenly crown. Paul tells you to run the race like a
well-trained soldier:
Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one
receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And
everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now
they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable
crown. Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight:
not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring
it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself
should become disqualified (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).
Make it a race that the “great cloud of witnesses” (see Heb. 12:1) will
appreciate seeing—bring as many others with you as you can. Paul wrote to
the Christians in Rome, “Now I am going to Jerusalem to minister to the saints”
(Rom. 15:25). May you set your face like flint and go to your “Jerusalem,”
which could be anyplace in the world, to minister to your fellow believers and
to bring unbelievers to faith.
A tormented world needs you, now. Jesus sends you, saying, “Behold, I
send you out as lambs among wolves” (Luke 10:3). Have you heard His call?
Are you ready and willing? The rewards of obedience lie straight ahead.
I’m on my feet now, ready to go. Are you? Get those warfare prayers ready.
Let’s roll!
Jesus Christ is my Commanding Officer.
The Bible is my code of conduct.
The Word of God is my weapon of warfare.
I volunteered to serve and enlisted for eternity.
I will not get out or sell out.
I am faithful and reliable.
I do not need to be pampered.
No one has to encourage me.
I salute my King and obey His orders.
My foe is satan.
I won’t be bullied by his threats or fooled by his distractions.
I see his evil all around me, but I will not retreat from battle.
I pledge to fight, with victory as the only option.
My battle isn’t for an hour or a day.
I know the struggle will be relentless as long as I live.
I am committed to keeping my eye upon the enemy.
I pledge to wield my sword until my last breath.
I’m not fighting for a truce or treaty.
I don’t need rest to escape the battle.
For if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare for battle?
(1 Corinthians 14:8)
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand
against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11).
Bob Larson’s resources are available online. Let Bob’s DVD’s, books, and
specials help you in your journey to spiritual freedom!