Openbot: Turning Smartphones Into Robots

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OpenBot: Turning Smartphones into Robots

Matthias Müller Vladlen Koltun

Intel Labs Intel Labs

Abstract: Current robots are either expensive or make significant compromises on

sensory richness, computational power, and communication capabilities. We pro-
pose to leverage smartphones to equip robots with extensive sensor suites, pow-
erful computational abilities, state-of-the-art communication channels, and access
to a thriving software ecosystem. We design a small electric vehicle that costs
$50 and serves as a robot body for standard Android smartphones. We develop a
software stack that allows smartphones to use this body for mobile operation and
demonstrate that the system is sufficiently powerful to support advanced robotics
workloads such as person following and real-time autonomous navigation in un-
structured environments. Controlled experiments demonstrate that the presented
approach is robust across different smartphones and robot bodies.

Keywords: mobile robots, smartphones, autonomous navigation, learning

1 Introduction

Robots are expensive. Legged robots and industrial manipulators cost as much as luxury cars, and
even the cheapest robots from Franka Emika or Clearpath cost at least $10K. Few academic labs can
afford to experiment with robotics on the scale of tens or hundreds of robots.
A number of recent efforts have proposed designs for more affordable robots. Kau et al. [20] and
Grimminger et al. [14] proposed quadruped robots that rely on low-cost actuators and cost $3K and
e4K. Yang et al. [40], Gupta et al. [15], and Gealy et al. [11] proposed manipulation robots that
cost $2K, $3K, and $5K respectively. A number of mobile robots for hobbyist and researchers have
been released which fall in the $250–500 range. These include the AWS DeepRacer [1], the DJI
Robomaster S1 [9], the Nvidia JetBot [24], and the DukieBot [28]. In order to achieve this price
point, these platforms had to make compromises with regards to the physical body, sensing, com-
munication, and compute. Is there an alternative where robots become extremely cheap, accessible
to everyone, and yet possess extensive sensory abilities and computational power?
In this work, we push further along the path to highly capable mobile robots that could be deployed
at scale. Our key idea is to leverage smartphones. We are inspired in part by projects such as Google
Cardboard: by plugging standard smartphones into cheap physical enclosures, these designs enabled
millions of people to experience virtual reality for the first time. Can smartphones play a similar role
in robotics?
More than 40% of the world’s population own smartphones. Commodity models now carry HD
cameras, powerful CPUs and GPUs, advanced IMUs, GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, 4G modems, and more.
Modern smartphones are even equipped with dedicated AI chips for neural network inference, some
of which already outperform common desktop processors [18].
We develop and validate a design for a mobile robot that leverages a commodity smartphone for
sensing and computation (Figure 1). The smartphone acts as the robot’s brain and sensory system.
This brain is plugged into a cheap electromechanical body that costs less than $50.
Using off-the-shelf smartphones as robot brains has numerous advantages beyond cost. Hardware
components on custom robots are quickly outdated. In contrast, consumer-grade smartphones un-
dergo generational renewal on an annual cadence, acquiring higher-resolution and higher-framerate
cameras, faster processors, new sensors, and new communication interfaces. As a side effect,
second-hand smartphones are sold cheaply, ready for a second life as a robot. In addition to the
rapid advancement of hardware capabilities, smartphones benefit from a vibrant software ecosys-
Figure 1: OpenBots. Our wheeled robots leverage a smartphone for sensing and computation. The
robot body costs $50 without the smartphone. The platform supports person following and real-time
autonomous navigation in unstructured environments.

tem. Our work augments this highly capable bundle of sensing and computation with a mobile
physical body and a software stack that supports robotics workloads.
Our work makes four contributions. (1) We design a small electric vehicle that relies on cheap
and readily available components with a hardware cost of only $50 as a basis for a low-cost wheeled
robot. (2) We develop a software stack that allows smartphones to use this vehicle as a body, enabling
mobile navigation with real-time onboard sensing and computation. (3) We show that the proposed
system is sufficiently powerful to support advanced robotics workloads such as person following
and autonomous navigation. (4) We perform extensive experiments that indicate that the presented
approach is robust to variability across smartphones and robot bodies.
Our complete design and implementation, including all hardware blueprints and the software suite
will be made freely available to support affordable robotics research and education at scale.

2 Related Work
Wheeled robots used for research can be divided into three main categories: tiny robots used for
swarm robotics, larger robots based on RC trucks used for tasks that require extensive computation
and sensing, and educational robots. Swarm robots [3, 33, 23, 38] are inexpensive but have very
limited sensing and compute. They are designed to operate in constrained indoor environments with
emphasis on distributed control and swarm behaviour. On the other end of the spectrum are custom
robots based on RC trucks [13, 6, 36, 25, 1, 12]. They feature an abundance of sensors and com-
putation, supporting research on problems such as autonomous navigation and mapping. However,
they are expensive and much more difficult to assemble and operate. Educational robots [29, 28]
are designed to be simple to build and operate while maintaining sufficient sensing and computation
to showcase some robotic applications such as lane following. However, their sensors and compute
are usually not sufficient for cutting-edge research. Some robots such as the DuckieBot [28] and
Jetbot [24] try to bridge this gap with designs that cost roughly $250. However, these vehicles are
small and slow. In contrast, our wheeled robot body costs $50 or less and has a much more powerful
battery, bigger chassis, and four rather than two motors. The body serves as a plug-in carrier for
a smartphone, which provides computation, sensing, and communication. Leveraging off-the-shelf
smartphones allows this design to exceed the capabilities of much more expensive robots.
Contemporary smartphones are equipped with mobile AI accelerators, the capabilities of which are
rapidly advancing. Ignatov et al. [18] benchmark smartphones with state-of-the-art neural networks
for image classification, image segmentation, object recognition, and other demanding workloads.
Not only are most recent smartphones able to run these complex AI models, but they approach the
performance of CUDA-compatible graphics cards. Lee et al. [21] show how to leverage mobile
GPUs that are already available on most smartphones in order to run complex AI models in real
time. They also discuss design considerations for optimizing neural networks for deployment on
smartphones. Our work harnesses these consumer hardware trends for robotics.
There have been a number of efforts to combine smartphones and robotics. In several hobby
projects, smartphones are used as a remote control for a robot [27, 32]. On Kickstarter, Botiful [8]
and Romo [30] raised funding for wheeled robots with smartphones attached for telepresence, and

Ethos [39] for a drone powered by a smartphone. Most related to our work is Wheelphone [10],
where a smartphone is mounted on a robot for autonomous navigation. Unfortunately, this project
is stale; the associated Github repos have only 1 and 4 stars and the latest contribution was several
years ago. The robot has only two motors, a maximum speed of 30 cm/s, and is restricted to simple
tasks such as following a black tape on the floor or obstacle avoidance on a tabletop. Despite these
drawbacks, it costs $250. Our robot is more rugged, can reach a maximum speed of 150 cm/s, costs
$35-50, and is capable of heavy robotic workloads such as autonomous navigation.
Researchers have also explored the intersection of smartphones and robotics. Yim et al. [41] detect
facial expressions and body gestures using a smartphone mounted on a robot to study social inter-
action for remote communication via a robotic user interface. DragonBot [35] is a cloud-connected
5-DoF toy robot for studying human/robot interaction; a smartphone is used for control and a visual
interface. V.Ra [4] is a visual and spatial programming system for robots in the IoT context. Humans
can specify a desired trajectory via an AR-SLAM device (e.g. a smartphone) which is then attached
to a robot to execute this trajectory. In contrast to our work, the navigation is not autonomous but
relies on user input. Oros et al. [26] leverage a smartphone as a sensor suite for a wheeled robot.
The authors retrofit an RC truck with a smartphone mount and I/O interface to enable autonomous
operation. However, the key difference is that they stream the data back to a computer for process-
ing. Moreover, the proposed robot costs $350 without the smartphone and does not leverage recent
advancements that enable onboard deep neural network inference or visual-inertial state estimation.
The project is stale, with no updates to the software in 7 years.
In summary, the aforementioned projects use the smartphone as a remote control for teleoperation,
offload data to a server for processing, or rely on commercial or outdated hardware and software. In
contrast, our platform turns a smartphone into the brain of a fully autonomous robot with onboard
sensing and computation.

3 System

3.1 A Body for a Low-cost Wheeled Robot Component Quantity Unit Price Bulk Price
3D-printed Body 1 $5.00 $5.00
A brain without a body cannot act. In order to lever- Speed Sensor 2 $2.00 $1.00
age the computational power and sensing capabilities of Motor + Tire 4 $3.50 $2.00
Motor Driver 1 $3.00 $2.50
a smartphone, the robot needs an actuated body. We de- Arduino Nano 1 $8.00 $3.50
velop a body for a low-cost wheeled robot which only Battery 18650 3 $7.00 $4.00
Miscellaneous 1 $5.00 $2.00
relies on readily available electronics and 3D printing
for its chassis. The total cost is $50 for building a sin- Total $50 $35
gle body, with 40% of that cost due to good batteries. If
building multiple robots, the cost further decreases, for Table 1: Bill of materials. Unit price is
example by 30% for 5 units. Table 1 shows the bill of the approximate price per item for a sin-
materials. In the following, we discuss the mechanical gle vehicle. The bulk price is the approx-
and electrical design in more detail. imate price per item for five vehicles.

Mechanical design. The chassis of the robot is 3D-printed and is illustrated in Figure 2. It consists
of a bottom plate and a top cover with LEGO-like connectors that click into place. The bottom
plate features the mounting points for the motors and electronics. The four motors are fixed with
eight M3x25 screws. The motor controller and microcontroller attach to the bottom plate. There
are appropriate openings for the indicator LEDs and grooves for the encoder disks mounted on the
front wheels. The top plate features a universal smartphone mount which uses two springs to adjust
to different phones. There is also an opening for the USB cable that connects the smartphone to an
Arduino microcontroller and grooves for the optical wheel odometry sensors.
With standard settings on a consumer 3D printer (e.g. Ultimaker S5), the complete print requires
13.5 hours for the bottom plate and 9.5 hours for the top cover with the phone mount. It is possible
to print at a faster pace with less accuracy. The material weight is 146g for the bottom and 103g for
the top. Considering an average PLA filament price of $20/kg, the total material cost is about $5.
Electrical design. The electrical design is shown in Figure 3. We use the LM298N breakout board
as motor controller. The two left motors are connected to one output and the two right motors to the
other. The battery pack is connected to power terminals to provide power to the motors as needed.

Top Front Side Back

Figure 2: Mechanical design. CAD design of the 3D-printed robot body.

Our battery consists of three USB-rechargeable

18650 Lithium cells connected in series, pro-
viding a voltage between 9.6V and 12.6V de-
pending on their state-of-charge (SOC). An Ar-
duino Nano board is connected to the smart-
phone via its USB port, providing a serial com-
munication link and power. Two LM393-based
speed sensors with optical sensors are con- USB

nected as input to two of the digital pins. The

two front wheels are each equipped with a disk
that interrupts the optical signal: these interrup-
tions are detected and counted by the Arduino,
providing a wheel odometry signal. Two fur-
ther digital pins are used as outputs to switch
the indicator LEDs on and off, providing visual
means for the robot to communicate with its en- Figure 3: Connection diagram. Top: Electri-
vironment. We also use one of the analog pins cal connections between battery, motor controller,
as input to measure the battery voltage through microcontroller, speed sensors, indicator LEDs,
a voltage divider. Finally, four PWM pins are and smartphone. Bottom: Optional custom PCB
connected to the motor controller. This allows to reduce wiring.
us to adjust the speed and direction of the mo-
tors according to the control commands received from the smartphone. We have also designed
a PCB with integrated battery monitoring and two TI-DRV8871 motor drivers for increased effi-
ciency. The Arduino, motors, indicator LEDs, speed sensors, and an optional ultrasonic sensor are
simply plugged in. When building multiple robots, the PCB further reduces setup time and cost.
OpenBot - Software Design
3.2 Software Stack
Android Arduino
Our software stack consists of two components, Interface with game
Data Logger PWM control of motors
illustrated in Figure 4. The first is an Android controller (e.g. PS4/Xbox)
➔ vehicle control

IMU, GPS, etc.

application that runs on the smartphone. Its ➔
vehicle modes
➔ control, indicator Operate indicator signals

purpose is to provide an interface for the op- Graphical user interface Run neural network Measure wheel speed
erator, collect datasets, and run the higher-level
Audio feedback for user Process network output Monitor battery voltage
perception and control workloads. The second
component is a program that runs on the Ar- State estimation Serial communication Serial communication

duino. It takes care of the low-level actuation

and some measurements such as wheel odom- Figure 4: Software design. Our Android applica-
etry and battery voltage. The Android applica- tion is responsible for high-level computation on
tion and the Arduino communicate via a serial the smartphone and the Arduino program provides
communication link. In the following, we dis- the low-level interface to the vehicle.
cuss both components in more detail.
Android application. We design a user interface which provides visual and auditory feedback for
interaction with the robot. We use Bluetooth communication to interface with common game con-
sole controllers (e.g. PS4, Xbox), which can be used to teleoperate the robot for data collection. (The
use of a controller is optional and is not needed for autonomous operation.) To collect data, such
as demonstrations for imitation learning, we use the joystick inputs to control the robot and use the
buttons to trigger functionalities such as toggling control modes, logging, running a neural network,
etc. We derive our graphical user interface from the Android Tensorflow Object Detection appli-
cation [37] and extend it. Our GUI provides the camera feed and buttons to toggle data logging,

control modes, and serial communication. It also allows switching between different neural net-
works to control the vehicle and provides relevant information such as image resolution, inference
time and predicted controls. We also integrate voice feedback for operation via the game controller.
The Android ecosystem provides a unified interface to obtain sensor data from any Android smart-
phone. We build a data logger on top of that in order to collect datasets with the robots. Currently,
we record readings from the following sensors: camera, gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer,
ambient light sensor, and barometer. Using the Android API, we are able to obtain the following
sensor readings: RGB images, angular speed, linear acceleration, gravity, magnetic field strength,
light intensity, atmospheric pressure, latitude, longitude, altitude, bearing, and speed. In addition
to the phone sensors, we also record body sensor readings (wheel odometry and battery voltage),
which are transmitted via the serial link.
We leverage the computational power of the smartphone to process the sensory input and compute
the robots’ actions in real time. While there are many classic motion planning algorithms, we focus
on learning-based approaches, which allow for a unified interface. In particular, we rely on the
Tensorflow Lite infrastructure, which integrates seamlessly with smartphones [18, 21]. Our Android
application features model definitions for object detection and autonomous navigation. These define
the input and output properties of the neural network. We build on top of the Tensorflow Object
Detection application [37] to detect people and perform visual servoing to follow them. We also
integrate a model for autonomous navigation inspired by Conditional Imitation Learning [6]. The
deployment process is simple. After training a model in Tensorflow, it is converted to a Tensorflow
Lite model that can be directly deployed on the smartphone.
Arduino program. We use an Arduino Nano microcontroller to act as a bridge between the vehicle
body and the smartphone. Its main task is to handle the low-level control of the vehicle and provide
readings from low-level vehicle-mounted sensors. The program components are shown on the right
in Figure 4. The Arduino receives the vehicle controls and indicator signals via the serial connection.
It converts the controls to PWM signals for the motor controller and toggles the LEDs according to
the indicator signal. The Arduino program also keeps track of the wheel rotations by counting the
interrupts of optical sensors on the left and right front wheels. It calculates the battery voltage by a
scaled moving average of measurements at the voltage divider circuit. These measurements are sent
back to the Android application through the serial link.
Setup Time [h]

Battery [min]

Speed [m/s]
Weight [kg]
Retail Cost


Size [cm]




AutoRally [12] $10,000 100 100x60x40 22 25 20+ BLDC+Servo 3 3 7 3 3 3 7 7 7 7 7 Mini-ITX PC ROS
F1/10 [25] $3600 3 55x30x20 4.5 18 20+ BLDC+Servo 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 7 7 7 7 Jetson TX2 ROS
RACECAR [19] $3400 10 55x30x20 4.5 18 20+ BLDC+Servo 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 7 7 7 7 Jetson TX1 ROS
BARC [13] $1000 3 54x28x21 3.2 - 20+ BLDC+Servo 3 3 7 3 7 3 7 7 7 7 7 Odroid XU-4 ROS
MuSHR [36] $900 3 44x28x14 3 11 20+ BLDC+Servo 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 7 7 7 7 Jetson Nano ROS
DeepRacer [1] $400 0.25 - - 6 15+ BDC+Servo 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 7 7 7 7 Intel Atom Custom
DonkeyCar [31] $250 2 25x22x12 1.5 9 15+ BDC+Servo 7 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Raspberry Pi Custom
Duckiebot [28] $280 0.5 - - - - 2xBDC 7 3 7 7 7 3 7 7 7 7 7 Raspberry Pi Custom
Pheeno [38] $270 - 13x11 - 0.42 300+ 2xBDC 3 7 7 3 7 3 3 7 7 7 7 ARM Cortex-A7 Custom
JetBot [24] $250 1 20x13x13 - - - 2xBDC 7 3 7 7 7 3 7 7 7 7 7 Nvidia Jetson Custom
Create-2 [7] $200 - 34x34x9 3.6 - - 2xBDC 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Custom
Thymio II [29] $170 - 11x11x5 0.46 0.14 - 2xBDC 7 7 7 3 7 7 7 7 3 3 7 Microcontroller Custom
AERobot [34] $20 0.1 3x3x3 0.03 - - 2xVibration 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Microcontroller Custom
OpenBot $50? 0.5 24x15x12 0.7 1.5 45+ 4xBDC 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Smartphone Android

Table 2: Robots. Comparison of wheeled robotic platforms. Top: Robots based on RC trucks. Bot-
tom: Navigation robots for deployment at scale and in education. ”–” indicates that no information
is available. ? The cost of the smartphone is not included and varies.

3.3 Comparison to Other Wheeled Robots

We compare to existing robot platforms in Table 2. In contrast to other robots, our platform has an
abundance of processing power, communication interfaces, and sensors provided by the smartphone.
Existing robots often rely on custom software ecosystems, which require dedicated lab personnel

who maintain the code, implement new features, and implement drivers for new sensors. In contrast,
we use Android, one of the largest constantly evolving software ecosystems. All the low-level
software for sensor integration and processing already exists and improves without any additional
effort by the robotics community. All sensors are already synchronized on the same clock, obviating
what is now a major challenge for many existing robots.

4 Validation

This section outlines the experiments we conduct with the presented platform. We validate that
smartphones are suitable to provide sensing, communication, and compute for interesting robotics
applications. We first discuss our general evaluation setup and procedure that ensures a fair compari-
son. Then, we present the experimental setup for two applications, person following and autonomous
navigation. The results are reported in Section 5.

4.1 Evaluation

Smartphones. We validate the presented approach with a variety of popular smartphones from the
past two years with prices ranging from $120 to $750. The smartphones are carefully selected to
cover different manufactures, chipsets, and sensor suites. Detailed specifications and benchmark
scores of the smartphones are provided in the Appendix B.
Evaluation metrics. In order to streamline our evaluation while providing a comprehensive per-
formance summary, we use three metrics: distance, success rate, and collisions. The distance is
continuous and we report it as a percentage of the complete trajectory. The distance measurement
stops if an intersection is missed, a collision occurs or the goal is reached. The success rate is binary
and indicates whether or not the goal was reached. We also count the number of collisions. All
results are averaged across three trials.
Evaluation protocol. Since our experiments involve different smartphones, cheap robots, and a
dynamic physical world, we make several considerations to ensure a fair evaluation. We divide each
experiment into several well-defined segments to ensure consistency and minimize human error. To
ensure that the robots are initialized at the same position for each experiment, we use markers at
the start and end position of each segment. We also align all phones with their power button to the
phone mount to ensure the same mounting position across experiments. Since the inference time
of smartphones can be affected by CPU throttling, we check the temperature of each smartphone
before starting an experiment and close all applications running in the background. We use several
metrics to provide a comprehensive performance analysis.

4.2 Person Following

Network. We use the SSD object detector with a pretrained MobileNet backbone [17]. To in-
vestigate the impact of inference time, we use two different versions of MobileNet, the original
MobileNetV1 [17] and the lastest MobileNetV3 [16]. We use the pretrained models released as part
of the Tensorflow object detection API. Both models were trained on the COCO dataset [22] with
90 class labels. The models are quantized for improved inference speed on smartphone CPUs.
Experimental setup. We only consider detections of the person class and reject detections with
a confidence below a threshold of 50%. We track detections across frames, and pick the one with
the highest confidence as the target. We apply visual servoing with respect to the center of the
bounding box, keeping the person centered in the frame. We evaluate both the MobileNetV1 and
MobileNetV3 variants of the object detector across ten different smartphones. For fair comparison,
we only use the CPU with one thread on each phone. Using the GPU or the NNAPI can further
improve the runtime on most phones. We provide a quantitative evaluation in a controlled indoor
environment. The route involves a round trip between an office and a coffee machine and includes
four left turns and four right turns. We average results across three trials for each experiment. In
addition, the supplementary video contains qualitative results in unstructured outdoor environments.

4.3 Autonomous Navigation

Network. We design a neural network similar in spirit to the command-input variant of Conditional
Imitation Learning [6]. Our network is about one order of magnitude smaller than existing networks
and is able to run in real time even on mid-range smartphones. We train this network using a
novel loss function and validation metrics. We obtain successful navigation policies with less than
30 minutes of labeled data and augmentation. The network architecture, dataset acquisition, loss
function, training details and validation metrics are further discussed in Appendix C.
Experimental setup. The robots have to autonomously navigate through corridors in an office
building without colliding. The driving policy receives high-level guidance in the form of indicator
commands such as turn left / right at the next intersection [6]. Each trial consists of several segments
with a total of 2 straights, 2 left turns, and 2 right turns. More details on the setup including a map
with dimensions are provided in Appendix C.

5 Results

5.1 Person Following

In this experiment, we investigate the feasibility Distance ↑ Success ↑ Collisions ↓ FPS ↑

of running complex AI models on smartphones. MobileNet V1 V3 V1 V3 V1 V3 V1 V3
We use object detectors and apply visual servo- Huawei P30 Pro 100% 100% 100% 100% 0.0 0.0 33 30
ing to follow a person. Our experiments show Google Pixel 4XL 100% 100% 100% 100% 0.0 0.0 32 28
that all recent mid-range smartphones are able to Xiaomi Mi9 100% 100% 100% 100% 0.0 0.0 32 28
Samsung Note 10 100% 100% 100% 100% 0.0 0.0 16 22
track a person consistently at speeds of 10 fps or OnePlus 6 100% 100% 100% 100% 0.0 0.0 11 15
higher. The cheapest low-end phone (Nokia 2.2) Huawei P30 Lite 100% 99% 100% 83% 0.0 0.3 9 11
performs worst, but is surprisingly still able to fol- Xiaomi Note 8 100% 100% 100% 100% 0.0 0.0 9 11
Xiaomi Poco F1 98% 100% 83% 100% 0.3 0.0 8 12
low the person about half of the time. We expect Samsung Note 8 58% 100% 33% 100% 0.0 0.0 6 10
that even low-end phones will be able to run com- Nokia 2.2 37% 50% 0% 0% 0.0 0.3 4 5
plex AI models reliably in the near future. The
Huawei P30 Pro was the best performer in our Table 3: Person following. We use MobileNet
comparison, closely followed by other high-end detectors and visual servoing to follow a per-
phones such as the Google Pixel 4XL and the Xi- son. All results are averaged across three trials.
aomi Mi9. All recent mid-range phones (e.g. Xiaomi Note 8, Huawei P30 Lite, Xiaomi Poco F1)
clearly outperform the Samsung Galaxy Note 8, which was a high-end phone just two years ago.
This is due to dedicated AI accelerators present in recent smartphones [18] and highlights the rapid
rate at which smartphones are improving. Please see the supplementary video for qualitative results.

5.2 Autonomous Navigation

We train a driving policy that runs in real time on most smartphones. Our learned policy is able
to consistently follow along corridors and take turns at intersections. We compare it to existing
driving policies and achieve similar performance as the baselines while requiring about one order
of magnitude fewer parameters. We also successfully transfer our driving policy to different smart-
phones and robot bodies. When training on data acquired with multiple smartphones and robots, we
observe increased robustness. We show that our driving policy is able to generalize to previously
unseen environments, novel objects, and even dynamic obstacles such as people even though only
static obstacles were present in the training data.
Comparing driving policies. OpenBot enables Distance ↑ Success ↑ Collisions ↓ FPS ↑ Params ↓
benchmarking using real robots. We compare our
PilotNet [2] 92±0% 83±0% 0.0±0.0 60±1 9.6M
policy to two baselines across three trials in Ta- CIL [6] 94±5% 89±10% 0.0±0.0 20±1 10.7M
ble 4. To ensure optimal conditions for the base- Ours 94±5% 89±10% 0.0±0.0 47±2 1.3M
lines, we use the high-end smartphone Xiaomi
Mi9. Our driving policy network is smaller by a Table 4: Baselines. We compare our driving
factor of 7 or more than the baselines. Yet it out- policy to two baselines. All policies are trained
performs PilotNet [2] and achieves similar perfor- for 100 epochs using the same data and hyper-
mance to CIL [6] while running at twice the speed. parameters.

Generalization to novel phones. Table 5 shows that Distance ↑ Success ↑ Collisions ↓ FPS ↑
our navigation policy can be trained with data from
Xiaomi Mi9 94±5% 89±10% 0.0±0.0 47±2
one phone and generalize to other phones. How
well the generalization works depends on the tar- Huawei P30 Pro 97±5% 94±10% 0.0±0.0
Google Pixel 4XL 92±0% 83±0%
0.0±0.0 51±0

get phone, especially its processing power and cam- Samsung Note 10 92±0% 83±0% 0.0±0.0 38±8
era placement. We observe a degradation in perfor- OnePlus 6T 89±5% 78±10% 0.1±0.1 32±0
mance for phones unable to run the driving policy Xiaomi Note 8
Huawei P30 Lite
92±0% 83±0%
92±0% 83±0%
0.0±0.0 31±0
0.0±0.0 30±1
in real time. Differences in camera placement af- Xiaomi Poco F1 86±5% 72±10% 0.1±0.1 26±8
fect qualitative driving performance; for tasks that Samsung Note 8 83±0% 67±0% 0.2±0.0 19±3
require high precision this may need to be accounted
for. The differences in camera sensors (e.g. color re- Table 5: Novel phones. We train our driving
production and exposure) are largely overcome by policy using one phone (top) and then test it
data augmentation. on other phones (bottom).

Generalization to novel bodies. Table 6 shows that Distance ↑ Success ↑ Collisions ↓

our navigation policy can be trained with data from
Robot Body 1 94±5% 89±10% 0.0±0.0
one robot body and generalize to other robot bod-
Robot Body 2 94±5% 89±10% 0.0±0.0
ies. Due to the cheap components, every body ex- Robot Body 3 92±0% 83±0% 0.0±0.0
hibits different actuation noise which may change Robot Body 4 89±5% 78±10% 0.1±0.1
over time and is observable in its behaviour (e.g. a
tendency to pull to the left or to the right). We ad- Table 6: Novel bodies. We train our driving
dress this by injecting noise in the training process policy using one body (top) and then test it
[6]. Further details are provided in Appendix D. on other bodies (bottom).
Generalization to novel obstacles. Even though our driving policies were only exposed to static
obstacles in the form of office chairs during data collection, they were able to generalize to novel
static obstacles (potted plants) and even dynamic obstacles (people) at test time. The low image
resolution, aggressive downsampling, and small number of parameters in our network may serve
as natural regularization that prevents the network from overfitting to specific obstacles. Since the
network processes camera input on a frame-by-frame basis, static and dynamic obstacles are treated
on the same basis. We also conjecture that the network has learned some robustness to motion
blur due to vibrations of the vehicle. Our navigation policy is also able to generalize to novel
environments within the same office building. Please refer to the supplementary video for qualitative
Learning with multiple robots. We also investigated the impact of using multiple different smart-
phones and robot bodies for data collection which is relevant for using our platform at scale. We
provide detailed results in Appendix D and summarize the findings here. Training the driving poli-
cies on data acquired from multiple smartphones improves generalization to other phones; every
manufacturer tunes the color reproduction and exposure slightly differently, leading to natural data
augmentation. The driving policy trained on data acquired with multiple robot bodies is the most
robust; since the smartphone was fixed, the network had to learn to cope with noisy actuation and
dynamics, which we show to be possible even with relatively small datasets.

6 Conclusion
This work aims to address two key challenges in robotics: accessibility and scalability. Smartphones
are ubiquitous and are becoming more powerful by the year. We have developed a combination of
hardware and software that turns smartphones into robots. The resulting robots are inexpensive but
capable. Our experiments have shown that a $50 robot body powered by a smartphone is capable of
person following and real-time autonomous navigation. We hope that the presented work will open
new opportunities for education and large-scale learning via thousands of low-cost robots deployed
around the world.
Smartphones point to many possibilities for robotics that we have not yet exploited. For example,
smartphones also provide a microphone, speaker, and screen, which are not commonly found on
existing navigation robots. These may enable research and applications at the confluence of human-
robot interaction and natural language processing. We also expect the basic ideas presented in this
work to extend to other forms of robot embodiment, such as manipulators, aerial vehicles, and

A System Overview

Figure 5 depicts the high-level overview of our system. It comprises a smartphone mounted onto
a low-cost robot body. The smartphone consumes sensor data (e.g. images, IMU, GPS, etc. ) and
optionally user input in order to produce high-level controls for the vehicle such as steering angle
and throttle. The microcontroller on the robot body applies the corresponding low-level actuation
OpenBot - System
signals to the vehicle.

Game controller control input a = (al, ar) corresponding to the left and right throttle
Data collection
Manual control
Failsafe aleft

User interface
Sensor logger
State estimation

Produce vehicle
controls based on
sensor input

Figure 5: System overview. Our wheeled robot leverages a smartphone for sensing and computa-
tion. The robot body costs $50 without the smartphone. The platform supports person following
and real-time autonomous navigation in unstructured environments.

B Smartphones

Table 7 provides an overview of the smartphones we use in our experiments. We provide the main
specifications along with the Basemark OS II and Basemark X benchmark scores which measure
the overall and graphical performance of smartphones. We also include the AI score [21] where

Mobile Phone Release Price Main Camera Memory/RAM CPU GPU Overall Graphics AI
Samsung Note 8 09/17 300 12 MP, f/1.7, 1/2.55” 64GB, 6GB Exynos 8895 Mali-G71 MP20 3374 40890 4555
Huawei P30 Pro 03/19 650 40 MP, f/1.6, 1/1.7” 128GB, 8GB HiSilicon Kirin 980 Mali-G76 MP10 4654 45889 27112
Google Pixel 4XL 10/19 750 12.2 MP, f/1.7, 1/2.55” 64GB, 6GB Qualcomm SM8150 Adreno 640 5404 – 32793
Xiaomi Note 8 08/19 170 48 MP, f/1.8, 1/2.0” 64GB, 4GB Qualcomm SDM665 Adreno 610 2923 17636 7908
Xiaomi Mi 9 02/19 380 48 MP, f/1.8, 1/2.0” 128GB, 6GB Qualcomm SM8150 Adreno 640 5074 45089 31725
OnePlus 6T 11/18 500 16 MP, f/1.7, 1/2.6” 128GB, 8GB Qualcomm SDM845 Adreno 630 4941 43886 18500
Samsung Note 10 08/19 750 12 MP, f/1.5-2.4, 1/2.55” 256GB, 8GB Exynos 9825 Mali-G76 MP12 4544 45007 24924
Huawei P30 Lite 04/19 220 48 MP, f/1.8, 1/2.0”, 128GB, 4GB Hisilicon Kirin 710 Mali-G51 MP4 2431 20560 -
Xiaomi Poco F1 08/18 290 12 MP, f/1.9, 1/2.55” 64GB, 6GB Qualcomm SDM845 Adreno 630 4034 43652 6988
Nokia 2.2 06/19 120 13 MP, f/2.2, 1/3.1” 16GB, 2GB Mediatek MT6761 PowerVR GE8320 848 5669 –

Table 7: Smartphones. Specifications of the smartphones used in our experiments. We report the
overall, graphics, and AI performance according to standard benchmarks. Top: six smartphones
used to collect training data. Bottom: smartphones used to test cross-phone generalization. ”–”
indicates that the score is not available.

Autonomous Navigation - Training Pipeline

Control signal by Record control signal Yes

START human operator via and sensor data Add noise to control Apply control to robot
game controller (image, imu, etc.)

Dataset Collection No

Preprossing: Normalize Sample Augmentation:

Remove steering bias: Update driving policy
Sync images, images batch from adjust saturation,
Dataset flip images and labels by optimizing our
sensor data, and controls to dataset hue, contrast,
with probability 0.5 novel loss function
control the range [0,1] (image, label) brightness

Training Process

Figure 6: Driving policy: Training pipeline. The flowchart explains the complete process for
obtaining our autonomous navigation policy. There are two main components, dataset collection
and training the driving policy which is represented by a neural network. 1

C Autonomous Navigation: Driving Policy Details

Figure 6 depicts the pipeline for obtaining our driving policy. We discuss the details of its different
aspects in the following.

C.1 Dataset Collection

We record a driving dataset with a human controlling the robot via a game controller. In previous
works, data was often collected with multiple cameras for added exploration [2, 6]. Since we only
use one smartphone camera, we inject noise during data collection and record the recovery maneu-
vers executed by the human operator [6]. We also scatter obstacles in the environment, such as
chairs, for added robustness.

Figure 7: Training Routes. We collect data on three different routes: R1, R2 and R3 (from left to
right). R1 is composed of 5 bi-directional segments with a total of 20 intersections: 8 left turns, 8
right turns, and 4 straights. R2 and R3 are two different T-junctions each with two bi-directional
segments with a total of two right turns, and two left turns.

We show a map of our training environment in Figure 7 and several images in Figure 8. We define
three routes and call them R1, R2 and R3. R1 consists of 5 bi-directional segments with a total of
20 intersections: 8 left turns, 8 right turns, and 4 straights. One data unit corresponds to about 8
minutes or 12,000 frames. R2 and R3 both consist of 2 bi-directional segments with a total of two
left turns, and two right turns at a T-junction. One data unit corresponds to about 70 seconds or
1,750 frames.
For the experiments in the paper, we collect a dataset with the Xiaomi Mi9 which consists of two
data units from R1 and six data units from both R2 and R3. Half of the data on R1 is collected with
noise and obstacles and the other without. Half of the data on R2 and R3 is collected with noise and
the other without. The complete dataset contains approximately 45,000 frames corresponding to 30
minutes worth of data.

Figure 8: Training Environment. The images depict the environment where the training data was

C.2 Network

Our network is visualized in Figure 9. It takes an image i and a command c as inputs and pro-
cesses them via an image module I(i) and a command module C(c). The image module consists
of five convolutional layers with 32, 64, 96, 128 and 256 filters, each with a stride of 2, a kernel
size of 5 for the first layer, and 3 for the remaining layers. We apply relu activation functions,
batch-normalization, and 20% dropout after each convolutional layer. The output is flattened and
processed by two fully-connected layers with 128 and 64 units. The command module is imple-
mented as an MLP with 16 hidden units and 16 output units. The outputs of the image module and
the command module are concatenated and fed into the control module A which is also implemented
as an MLP. It has two hidden layers with 64 and 16 units and then linearly regresses to the action
vector a. We concatenate the command c with the hidden units for added robustness. We apply 50%
dropout after all fully-connected layers.




Figure 9: Driving policy: Network architecture. Our compact neural network for autonomous
navigation runs in real time on most smartphones we tested.

We use an image input size of 256x96, resulting in 1.3M parameters. At the same input resolution,
PilotNet [2] has 9.6M parameters and CIL [6] has 10.7M parameters. Our network runs in real
time on most smartphones we tested. The average inference times on the Samsung Galaxy Note
10, Xiaomi Mi9, Xiaomi Pocofone F1, and Huawei P30 Lite are 19ms, 21ms, 29ms, and 32ms,
respectively. Further speedups are possible by quantization of the network weights and by leveraging
the GPU or the recent neural network API (NNAPI) [18].

C.3 Loss function

When training end-to-end driving policies on autonomous navigation datasets, one common chal-
lenge is the huge label imbalance. The majority of the time, the vehicle is driving in a straight line,
resulting in many images with the same label. One common approach is to resample the dataset or
carefully craft individual batches during training [6]. However, this usually requires a fixed dataset

or computational overhead. If the dataset is dynamically changing or arrives as a continuous stream
these methods are not feasible. Instead, we address this imbalance with a weighted loss. The intu-
ition is simple: the stronger the steering angle, the more critical the maneuver. Hence we use a loss
with a weighted term proportional to the steering angle combined with a standard MSE loss on the
entire action vector to ensure that throttle is learned as well:

L = w2 · MSE st , sp + MSE at , ap ,
t p t
where a is the target action, a is the predicted action, s is the target steering angle, and w =
(st + b) with a bias b to control the weight of samples with zero steering angle. Since our vehicle
uses differential steering, the action vector consists of a two-dimensional control signal a = (al , ar ),
corresponding to throttle for the left and right wheels. We compute the steering angle as s = al −ar .

C.4 Training Details

We use the Adam optimizer with an initial learning rate of 0.0003 and train all models for 100
epochs. We augment the images by randomly adjusting hue, saturation, brightness and contrast
during training. In addition, we flip images and labels to increase our effective training set size and
balance potential steering biases. We normalize images and actions to the range [0, 1].

C.5 Validation Metrics

Another challenge in training autonomous driving policies and evaluating them based on the training
or validation loss is the lack of correlation to the final performance of the driving policy [5]. Different
action sequences can lead to the same state. The validation loss measures the similarity between
target and prediction which is too strict. Hence, we define two validation metrics which are less
strict and reduce the gap between offline and online evaluation. The first metric measures whether
the steering angle is within a given threshold, which we set to 0.1. The second metric is even more
relaxed and only considers whether the steering direction of the target and the prediction align. We
find empirically that these metrics are more reliable as the validation loss. However, the correlation
to the final driving performance is still weak. We pick the best checkpoint based on the average of
these two metrics on a validation set.

C.6 Evaluation Details

We design an evaluation setup that is simple to set up in various environments in order to encourage
benchmarking using OpenBot. The only thing needed is a T-junction as shown in Figure 10. We
define one trial as six segments comprising two straights, two right turns, and two left turns. We
distinguish between closed and open turns, the latter being more difficult. To ensure a simple yet
comprehensive comparison, we adopt the following metrics: success, distance, number of collisions
and inference speed. Success is a binary value indicating weather or not a segment was completed.
The distance is measured along the boundary of a segment without counting the intersections. This
way, every segment has a length of 10m and the metric is invariant to different corridor widths. If an
intersection is missed, we measure the distance until the beginning of the intersection (i.e. 5m). The
number of collisions is recorded per segment. We measure the inference time of the driving policy
per frame to compute the average FPS. All measurements are averaged across the six segments to
obtain the results for one trial. We report the mean and standard deviation across three trials for all
metrics. All results in the paper are obtained using this evaluation route.

D Additional Experiments
For the following experiments, we collect multiple data units along route R1 in the training environ-
ment (Figure 7) with multiple robots and smartphones. We consider a total of four datasets; each
dataset consists of 12 data units or approximately 96 minutes of data, half of which is collected with
noise and obstacles. Two datasets are used to investigate the impact of using different phones and
the other two to investigate the impact of using different bodies.
Since these policies are trained on more data, we design a more difficult evaluation route as shown
in Figure 11. The route contains the same type of maneuvers, but across two different intersections

closed right turn straight #1 open right turn closed left turn straight #2 open left turn

5m 5m 5m 5m

5m 5m

5m 5m
5m 5m 5m 5m

Figure 10: Evaluation Route 1: T-junction. Our evaluation route consists of six segments with
a total of two straights, two right turns, and two left turns. We report mean and standard deviation
across three trials.

and divided into less segments. As a result, small errors are more likely to accumulate, leading to
Evaluation - Route 2
unsuccessful segments and a lower average success rate.

right-left turn closed left turn double straight open right

7m 7m

5m 5m

6m 6m


7m 7m

Figure 11: Evaluation Route 2: Double T-junction. Our evaluation route consists of four segments
with a total of two straights, two right turns, and two left turns across two intersections. We report
mean and standard deviation across three trials.

D.1 Learning from data collected with multiple robots

Learning from data collected with multiple smartphones. We investigate whether training on
data from multiple phones helps generalization and robustness. We train two identical driving poli-
cies, one on data acquired with six different phones (Table 7, top) and another with the same amount
of data from only one phone, the Xiaomi Mi9; we keep the robot body the same for this set of
experiments. We evaluate both policies on the common training phone, the Mi9. We also evaluate
both driving policies on three held-out test phones that were not used for data collection and differ
in terms of camera sensor and manufacturer (Table 7, bottom). The P30 Lite has the same camera

sensor as the Mi9, but is from a different manufacturer. The Pocofone F1 has a different camera sen-
sor, but is from the same manufacturer. The Galaxy Note 10 differs in both aspects, manufacturer
and camera sensor.

Evaluation Mi9 P30 Lite Pocofone F1 Galaxy Note 10

Training All Mi9 ∆ All Mi9 ∆ All Mi9 ∆ All Mi9 ∆
Distance (%) ↑ 97±5 94±5 3 85±19 80±6 5 79±7 73±1 6 87±11 69±7 18
Success (%) ↑ 92±14 83±14 9 75±25 50±0 25 42±14 42±14 0 67±14 42±14 25
Collisions ↓ 0.0±0.0 0.0±0.0 0.0 1.0±1.0 0.0±0.0 1.0 0.3±0.6 1.3±0.6 -1.0 1.7±0.6 1.3±0.6 0.4

Table 8: Autonomous navigation: Transfer across smartphones. We report the mean and stan-
dard deviation across three trials. Each trial consists of several segments with a total of 2 straights,
2 left turns, and 2 right turns.

The results are summarized in Table 8. We find that the driving policy trained on data from multiple
phones consistently outperforms the driving policy trained on data from a single phone. This effect
becomes more noticeable when deploying the policy on phones from different manufacturers and
with different camera sensors. However, driving behaviour is sometimes more abrupt which is
reflected by the higher number of collisions. This is probably due to the different field-of-views and
positions of the camera sensors making learning more difficult. We expect that this will be overcome
with more training data.
We also performed some experiments using the low-end Nokia 2.2 phone, which costs about $100.
It is able to run our autonomous navigation network at 10 frames per second. Qualitatively, the
driving performance is similar to the other phones we evaluated. However, since it was unable to
make predictions in real time, we did not include it in our main experiments, which were focused on
the impact of camera sensor and manufacturer.

D.2 Learning from data collected with multiple robot bodies

We also investigate whether training on data from multiple robot bodies helps generalization and
robustness. One policy is trained on data collected with three different bodies and another with the
same amount of data from a single body; we keep the smartphone fixed for this set of experiments.
We evaluate both policies on the common training body, B1, which was used during data collection.
We also evaluate on a held-out test body, B4.
The results are summarized in Table 9. We find that the driving policy that was trained on multiple
robot bodies performs better, especially in terms of success rate, where small mistakes can lead to
failure. The policy that was trained on a single body sways from side to side and even collides with
the environment when deployed on the test body. The actuation of the bodies is noisy due to the
cheap components. Every body responds slightly differently to the control signals. Most bodies
have a bias to veer to the left or to the right due to imprecision in the assembly or the low-level
controls. The policy trained on multiple bodies learns to be robust to these factors of variability,
exhibiting stable learned behavior both on the training bodies and on the held-out test body.

Evaluation Body 1 Body 4

Training B1-B3 B1 ∆ B1-B3 B1 ∆
Distance (%) ↑ 97±5 94±5 3 94±5 92±8 2
Success (%) ↑ 92±14 83±14 9 83±14 75±25 8
Collisions ↓ 0.0±0.0 0.0±0.0 0.0 0.0±0.0 0.7±0.6 -0.7

Table 9: Autonomous navigation: Transfer across robot bodies. We report the mean and standard
deviation across three trials. Each trial consists of several segments with a total of 2 straights, 2 left
turns, and 2 right turns.

Despite the learned robustness, the control policy is still somewhat vehicle-specific, e.g. the differ-
ential drive setup and general actuation model of the motors. An alternative would be predicting a
desired trajectory instead and using a low-level controller to produce vehicle-specific actions. This
can further ease the learning process and lead to more general driving policies.


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