Axway Datasheet Api-Gateway en
Axway Datasheet Api-Gateway en
Axway Datasheet Api-Gateway en
Axway API Gateway is a leading API runtime delivery and governance solution that enables organizations to deploy APIs connecting back-end
applications and third-party systems, cloud apps, mobile devices, and the Internet of Things (IoT), using a graphical “configure-not-code”
approach. This next-generation technology makes it easy to develop, orchestrate and integrate APIs of all types, across a wide range of
protocols and formats – including REST, SOAP Web Services, XML, messaging and WebSockets – protected from attack and authenticated
by a wide variety of identity management mechanisms.
Additionally, Axway API Gateway provides real-time operational monitoring and analytical reporting, in order to provide IT, business and
operational users with visibility into API usage. Integration with Axway Sentinel combines API usage data with information from other Axway
products to provide end-to-end visibility into data flows across B2B and APIs.
Security and Identity Authentication, including API Keys, multi-factor and contextual
Protect APIs at all levels: interface, Authorization, including fine-grained and contextual
access, identity and data
Federated Identity, including OAuth 2.0, SAML, Kerberos
Integration with identity management platforms: CA, Entrust, IBM, Oracle, RSA
Data monitoring, redaction, encryption and signing
Protection against attacks 1
Data Sheet
Control and Governance Rate-limiting and quota plan configuration for API usage
Monitor and manage APIs for Alerting of API usage and security events
quality and access control
Quality-of-service monitoring and adjustment
Service Level Agreement (SLA) monitoring and enforcement
Traffic throttling, smoothing and load balancing
Content-based routing, blocking and processing
Cloud Connectivity Cloud connectivity to Salesforce and Google REST APIs, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Use Axway API Gateway as an Connectivity with Amazon Simple Queuing Service (SQS), Simple Storage Service (S3) and Simple Notification
OAuth 2.0 client to Salesforce, Service (SNS)
Google and Amazon
Internet and Enterprise Messaging WebSockets: Full-duplex asynchronous communication between clients and back-end servers
Support end-to-end Embedded Apache ActiveMQ: Native JMS provider to support end-to-end asynchronous APIs and integration between
asynchronous messaging external-facing REST APIs and SOAP Web Services and back-end systems and applications.
Fast, Easy and Secure API Development and Delivery
Axway API Gateway enables enterprises to standardize the API development and delivery capabilities required to provide business services
via cloud, mobile and partner channels. Encapsulating application gateway, cloud service broker and identity middleware functionality in a
unified platform, it provides an agile, graphical configure-not-code API environment that leverages existing back-end applications, services
and data to help speed time-to-market for new business services while ensuring high security, performance, and availability.
Core Functionality
Configure-not-code approach
The Policy Studio development environment is an Eclipse-based drag-and-drop
interface where policy developers can create policies simply by configuring and
wiring components together. API owners and IT professionals alike will appreciate
the rich analytics module with easy-to-navigate reports. The unified administration
console makes managing even the largest and most complex API environments easy
through interactive wizards and visualization tools that put all management tasks at
the administrator’s fingertips: APIs, servers, policies, transactions, reports and logs. 4
Data Sheet
Integration with Axway 5 Suite
Axway 5 Suite enables organizations to integrate and govern the flows of data that Identity management: CA, Entrust,
drive business interactions so they can deliver new services securely via APIs, IBM, Oracle, RSA, others
Application and SOA infrastructure:
streamline data exchange with partner communities via managed file transfer and
HP Systinet, IBM, JBOSS, .NET,
B2B integration, and ensure SLA and regulatory compliance with complete visibility
Oracle, Progress, Software AG,
and control.
TIBCO, others
Axway API Gateway integrates with other components of Axway 5 Suite, including: 5
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