METIS D1.4 v1.0

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Document Number: ICT-317669-METIS/D1.

Project Name:
Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for the Twenty-twenty Information
Society (METIS)

Deliverable D1.4

METIS Channel Models

Date of delivery: 28/02/2015 Version: 1.0

Start date of Project: 01/11/2012 Duration: 30 months
Deliverable D1.4
METIS Channel Models
Project Number: ICT-317669
Project Name: Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for the
Twenty-twenty Information Society

Document Number: ICT-317669-METIS/D1.4

Document Title: METIS Channel Models
Editor(s): Leszek Raschkowski, Pekka Kyösti, Katsutoshi Kusume,
Tommi Jämsä
Authors: Vuokko Nurmela (Nokia), Aki Karttunen (Aalto), Antti
Roivainen (UOulu), Leszek Raschkowski (Fraunhofer
HHI), Tetsuro Imai (NTT DOCOMO), Jan Järveläinen
(AALTO), Jonas Medbo (Ericsson), Jaakko Vihriälä
(NSN), Juha Meinilä (EB), Katsuyuki Haneda (AALTO),
Veikko Hovinen (UOulu), Juha Ylitalo (EB), Nobutaka
Omaki (NTT DOCOMO), Katsutoshi Kusume
(DOCOMO), Pekka Kyösti (Anite), Tommi Jämsä (Anite),
Aki Hekkala (Anite), Richard Weiler (Fraunhofer HHI),
Michael Peter (Fraunhofer HHI).

Dissemination Level: PU
Contractual Date of Delivery: 28/02/2015
Security: Public
Status: Final
Version: 1.0
File Name: METIS_D1.4_v1.0.docx

In this report, the end user scenarios, test cases and requirements envisioned by the METIS
project are mapped to propagation scenarios. Furthermore they are analysed for deriving a
new set of requirements relevant for radio channel and propagation modelling. Since none of
the existing channel models in the literature satisfies all these requirements, we develop new
channel models based on extensive measurement campaigns and analysis complemented by
computer simulations. The developed METIS channel models consist of a map-based model,
a stochastic model, and a hybrid model derived from both, to provide a flexible and scalable
channel modelling framework. In addition, guidelines including practical examples are
provided for utilizing the models in simulations.

5G, channel model, stochastic, map-based, propagation, propagation scenarios, test cases,
channel measurements, D2D, M2M, V2V, backhaul, BS-UE, millimetre wave.

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Document: FP7-ICT-317669-METIS/D1.4
Date: 24/02/2015 Security: Public
Status: Final Version: 1.0

Executive summary
METIS envisions a future where information access and sharing is available anywhere and
anytime to anyone and anything. The future information society will be provided with a wide
variety of applications and services including completely new industrial and professional
applications with diverse requirements. To meet these requirements, METIS sets the overall
technical goal to provide a system concept that, relative to today, supports a 1000 times
higher mobile data volume per area, a 10 to 100 times higher number of connected devices,
10 to 100 times higher user data rates, and 5 times reduced end-to-end latencies at a similar
cost and energy dissipation as today. In the early stage of the METIS project, 5 new scenarios
and 12 test cases have been identified which set new challenges for the envisioned 5G
technology components. A specific challenge is to provide the realistic and high quality radio
propagation models that a successful development and optimization of these technology
components require. The main objective of this deliverable is therefore to provide the METIS
channel models that are relevant in the future, particularly, for the 5G scenarios and test cases
envisioned by the METIS project.
To achieve this main objective, we start with the analysis of the test cases and requirements
from an end user perspective to derive a set of requirements relevant for radio channel and
propagation modelling. The identified requirements include an extremely wide frequency
range (up to 86 GHz and beyond), very high bandwidths (hundreds of MHz), fully three
dimensional and accurate polarization modelling, spherical wave modelling and high spatial
resolution, support of extremely large array antennas, dual-mobility for device-to-device (D2D),
machine-to-machine (M2M), vehicular-to-vehicular (V2V) communications, and spatial
consistency between link types (e.g. micro-/macro cellular, D2D) and between users/ devices
in a dense deployment. Through the literature study we conclude that none of the existing
channel models such as WINNER/ IMT-Advanced, COST 2100, and IEEE 802.11 fully satisfy
all these requirements and that consequently new channel models are needed.
To develop new channel models we have conducted extensive measurement campaigns. The
subsequent measurement data analyses have been complemented by computer simulations.
A comprehensive list of channel model parameters has been derived for diverse propagation
scenarios such as dense-urban macro, micro, indoor, shopping mall, D2D, and V2V links, with
a wide range of frequencies from 2 to 60 GHz based on the measurements.
The METIS channel models consist of a map-based model, a stochastic model, and a hybrid
model as a combination of both. This provides a flexible and scalable channel modelling
framework to meet diverse needs for simulations in terms of accuracy and computational
complexity. The map-based model is based on ray tracing using a simplified three dimensional
geometric description of the propagation environment and thus inherently accounts for
significant propagation mechanisms such as diffraction, specular reflection, diffuse scattering,
blocking, and so on. Therefore, the model provides accurate and realistic spatial channel
properties and is suitable for evaluating massive MIMO/ advanced beamforming, and also for
realistic pathloss modelling in case of D2D and V2V. Channel realizations are generated with
an implementation of the map-based model and are compared to the measurement results in
some selected scenarios by analysing propagation parameter statistics. The stochastic model
extends the geometry based stochastic channel model (GSCM), which has been further
developed from WINNER/3GPP, in order to provide multi-dimensional shadowing maps with
low complexity, millimetre-wave parameters, direct sampling of the power angular spectrum,
and frequency dependent pathloss models. The hybrid model provides a flexible and scalable
channel modelling framework. This is useful in balancing between the simulation complexity
and realism. For example, shadowing attenuation may be based on a map while small-scale
fading is stochastic. This deliverable also provides user guidelines for utilizing the channel
models in simulations. The guidelines include instructions on how to choose a channel model
depending on the propagation scenario of interest and the scope of the simulations by means
of some practical examples.

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Document: FP7-ICT-317669-METIS/D1.4
Date: 24/02/2015 Security: Public
Status: Final Version: 1.0

1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Objective of the document ......................................................................................... 1
1.2 Structure of the document ......................................................................................... 3
2 5G Channel Model Requirements .................................................................................... 4
2.1 Wide range of propagation scenarios and network topologies ................................... 4
2.2 Spectrum related requirements ................................................................................. 4
2.3 Antenna related requirements ................................................................................... 4
2.3.1 Very large array antennas and Massive-MIMO .................................................. 4
2.4 Spatial consistency and mobility................................................................................ 5
2.5 Propagation related requirements ............................................................................. 5
2.5.1 Diffuse versus specular scattering ...................................................................... 5
2.6 General requirements ............................................................................................... 6
2.6.1 Complexity vs. accuracy..................................................................................... 6
2.7 D2D connections ....................................................................................................... 6
3 Propagation Scenarios ..................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Specified propagation scenarios ............................................................................... 7
4 Literature Review ............................................................................................................. 9
4.1 Available channel models.......................................................................................... 9
4.1.1 WINNER / IMT-Advanced .................................................................................. 9
4.1.2 COST 2100 ...................................................................................................... 10
4.1.3 IEEE 802.11 for 60 GHz ................................................................................... 10
4.1.4 Ray tracing ....................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Deficiencies in existing models................................................................................ 10
4.2.1 2D models ........................................................................................................ 10
4.2.2 Incomplete frequency coverage ....................................................................... 11
4.2.3 Bandwidth ........................................................................................................ 11
4.2.4 Limited number of scenarios ............................................................................ 11
4.2.5 Correlation inconsistency in D2D ..................................................................... 11
4.2.6 Inconsistent small-scale parameters ................................................................ 11
4.2.7 Dual mobility .................................................................................................... 11
4.2.8 Missing large array support .............................................................................. 12
4.2.9 Performance of the METIS models as regards the deficiencies........................ 12
4.3 Comparison of the models ...................................................................................... 12
4.4 Frequency dependent propagation effects .............................................................. 13
4.4.1 Material properties ........................................................................................... 13
4.4.2 Reflection from a wall and penetration though a wall ........................................ 13
4.4.3 Effect of surface roughness on reflection ......................................................... 13
4.4.4 Diffraction from the edge/ wedge...................................................................... 13
4.4.5 Diffuse scattering ............................................................................................. 14
4.4.6 Attenuation caused by oxygen and water vapour ............................................. 14
4.4.7 Rain attenuation ............................................................................................... 14
4.4.8 Vegetation loss ................................................................................................ 14
5 Findings from METIS Investigations, Measurements and Simulations ............................ 15
5.1 ITU-R UMi pathloss model fits our LOS measurements beyond 6 GHz but not
necessarily with our NLOS measurements ........................................................................ 15
5.2 A modified ITU-R UMi pathloss model covers the frequency range between 0.8 to
60 GHz .............................................................................................................................. 17
5.3 Scattered field patterns from a periodic surface show a critical frequency and
observation distance where the scattering effects start to be visible .................................. 20
5.4 Spatial channel model parameters available for dense UMi and D2D scenarios ..... 21
5.5 Supplemental parameters are derived for the 3GPP spatial channel model in UMa
scenarios at 2.3 GHz ......................................................................................................... 22

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Date: 24/02/2015 Security: Public
Status: Final Version: 1.0

5.6 Elevation spread at the base station becomes smaller when elevating the base
station in UMi environments ............................................................................................... 24
5.7 3GPP spatial channel model parameters for inter-vehicular channels available at 2.3
and 5.25 GHz .................................................................................................................... 25
5.8 Simultaneous measurements of 10 and 60 GHz outdoor channels reveal consistent
delays of dominant propagation paths, while less multipaths were observed at 60 GHz .... 25
5.9 Diffraction can be a dominant propagation phenomenon in NLOS indoor 60 GHz
propagation........................................................................................................................ 27
5.10 Both specular and diffuse components are important in 60 GHz indoor channel ..... 27
5.11 The WINNER-type sub-path distribution model in a cluster is not suitable for 5G
channel models ................................................................................................................. 28
5.12 WINNER II channel model parameters are available for short-range 60-GHz links in
various environments ......................................................................................................... 29
5.13 Electrically very large array antenna makes the multi-user channels as ideal as the
i.i.d. condition..................................................................................................................... 31
5.14 Multiple-stream spatial transmission is possible at millimetre wave due to available
spatial degrees-of-freedom ................................................................................................ 33
6 Map-based Model .......................................................................................................... 35
6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 35
6.2 Step-by-step instructions ......................................................................................... 35
6.3 Simplifications ......................................................................................................... 50
6.4 Future work ............................................................................................................. 51
7 Stochastic Model ............................................................................................................ 52
7.1 Parameter selection and procedure......................................................................... 52
7.1.1 Generate large-scale parameters ..................................................................... 54
7.1.2 Parameterisation (based on measurements / literature) ................................... 55
7.2 Antenna modelling .................................................................................................. 57
7.2.1 Spherical coordinate system ............................................................................ 57
7.2.2 Vector field rotation / mechanical tilting ............................................................ 58
7.2.3 Polarization transfer matrix ............................................................................... 59
7.2.4 LOS depolarization........................................................................................... 59
7.2.5 NLOS depolarization ........................................................................................ 60
7.3 Modelling V2V ......................................................................................................... 61
7.4 Sum-of-sinusoids approach for LSP generation ...................................................... 63
7.5 Ideas on dynamic modelling and spherical waves ................................................... 64
8 Guidelines for METIS Model Usage ............................................................................... 66
8.1 Model usage ........................................................................................................... 66
8.2 Map-based model ................................................................................................... 68
8.2.1 Massive deployment of sensors/actuators ........................................................ 69
8.2.2 Link-level simulation with precise route ............................................................ 69
8.2.3 Drop concept and signal level evaluations ....................................................... 69
8.2.4 Parameter ranges and default values ............................................................... 69
8.2.5 Simulation modes............................................................................................. 70
8.2.6 Simulator output ............................................................................................... 70
8.3 Stochastic model ..................................................................................................... 70
8.3.1 General settings ............................................................................................... 70
8.3.2 BS and UE locations ........................................................................................ 71
8.3.3 Antenna properties ........................................................................................... 71
8.3.4 System level description................................................................................... 71
8.4 Hybrid model ........................................................................................................... 74
9 Simulation Results ......................................................................................................... 75
9.1 Dense urban / Madrid .............................................................................................. 75
9.1.1 D2D.................................................................................................................. 75
9.1.2 Micro cell .......................................................................................................... 76
9.2 Specific LOS/NLOS simulations in urban microcell ................................................. 79
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Date: 24/02/2015 Security: Public
Status: Final Version: 1.0

9.2.1 Simulation parameters ..................................................................................... 79

9.2.2 Pedestrian microcell ......................................................................................... 80
9.2.3 Pedestrian micro cell: D2D ............................................................................... 83
9.2.4 Excess pathloss ............................................................................................... 84
9.2.5 Comparison to urban microcell measurement results ....................................... 85
9.3 Summary................................................................................................................. 85
10 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 88
Appendices ........................................................................................................................... 89
Appendix A Measurement Campaigns ............................................................................. 90
A.1 Channel measurements at 2.3 GHz and 5.25 GHz in Oulu downtown ..................... 91
A.1.1 Measurement equipment and antennas ........................................................... 92
A.1.2 Measurement scenarios ................................................................................... 97
A.1.3 Measurement results...................................................................................... 106
A.2 Channel measurement in crowded areas .............................................................. 113
A.2.1 Measurement system ..................................................................................... 113
A.2.2 Measurement environment ............................................................................. 114
A.2.3 Measurement results...................................................................................... 115
A.3 High SHF/EHF bands pathloss measurement in urban area ................................. 117
A.3.1 Measurement system ..................................................................................... 117
A.3.2 Measurement environment ............................................................................. 118
A.3.3 Measurement results...................................................................................... 120
A.4 60 GHz indoor office measurements ..................................................................... 122
A.4.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 122
A.4.2 Measurement setup ....................................................................................... 122
A.4.3 Body blocking scenario .................................................................................. 123
A.4.4 Office medium range measurements.............................................................. 123
A.4.5 Office corridor long range measurements ...................................................... 125
A.4.6 Super resolved directional channel properties ................................................ 126
A.5 WINNER II parameterisation for various scenarios at 61-65 GHz.......................... 127
A.5.1 Overview and description of the measurement system .................................. 127
A.5.2 Measurement scenarios ................................................................................. 129
A.5.3 Point cloud field prediction calibration based on measurements..................... 132
A.5.4 Post-processing and detection of propagation paths ...................................... 133
A.5.5 WINNER parameters and validation ............................................................... 135
A.6 Simultaneous mm-wave multi-band channel sounding in an urban scenario ......... 145
A.6.1 Measurement equipment and antennas ......................................................... 145
A.6.2 Measurement environment ............................................................................. 147
A.6.3 Measurement results...................................................................................... 148
A.7 Plan for 14-23 GHz indoor measurement campaign .............................................. 150
A.7.1 Types of measurements ................................................................................. 150
A.7.2 Frequencies ................................................................................................... 150
A.7.3 Measurement locations .................................................................................. 150
A.7.4 Expected results ............................................................................................ 151
Appendix B Detailed Propagation Scenarios ................................................................. 152
Appendix C Technical Details on Map-based Model ...................................................... 156
C.1 Model .................................................................................................................... 156
C.1.1 LOS and diffracted pathways ......................................................................... 156
C.1.2 Determination of propagation pathways ......................................................... 157
C.1.3 Example of RX route ...................................................................................... 159
C.1.4 Shadowing objects ......................................................................................... 160
C.1.5 Scattering objects........................................................................................... 163
C.1.6 Specular paths ............................................................................................... 165
C.1.7 Diffuse paths .................................................................................................. 165
C.1.8 Diffraction ....................................................................................................... 165
C.1.9 Modelling O2I ................................................................................................. 167
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Date: 24/02/2015 Security: Public
Status: Final Version: 1.0

C.1.10 Modelling propagation over roof-tops ............................................................. 169

C.1.11 Modelling of indoor environments................................................................... 169
C.2 Discussion on modelling non-stationary objects .................................................... 170
C.2.1 The principle of the scattering/shadowing model ............................................ 170
C.2.2 State of the art ............................................................................................... 170
C.2.3 Mobility model ................................................................................................ 170
Appendix D Details on step-by-step instructions in 3GPP’s 3D channel model .............. 172
D.1 Choose the system centre frequency 𝒇𝒄 ............................................................... 172
D.2 Choose one of the scenarios (3D-UMa, 3D-UMi) .................................................. 172
D.3 Choose the number of BSs and UEs ..................................................................... 172
D.4 Choose BS and UE antenna field patterns ............................................................ 172
D.5 Generate BS locations .......................................................................................... 172
D.6 Generate UE locations .......................................................................................... 173
D.7 Generate BS antenna orientations ........................................................................ 173
D.8 Generate UE antenna orientations ........................................................................ 174
D.9 Generate UE velocity vectors ................................................................................ 174
D.10 Determine LOS/NLOS links ............................................................................... 174
D.11 Generate large-scale parameters ...................................................................... 175
D.12 Generate path delays ........................................................................................ 175
D.13 Generate cluster powers .................................................................................... 176
D.14 Generate arrival and departure directions .......................................................... 177
D.14.1 Generate azimuth angles of arrival ................................................................. 177
D.14.2 Generate azimuth angles of departure ........................................................... 178
D.14.3 Generate elevation angles of arrival ............................................................... 178
D.14.4 Generate elevation angles of departure ......................................................... 179
D.15 Coupling of angles ............................................................................................. 180
D.16 Generate cross polarization ratios ..................................................................... 181
D.17 Draw random phases......................................................................................... 181
D.18 Generate channel coefficients ........................................................................... 181
D.19 Apply pathloss and shadowing .......................................................................... 183
Appendix E Details on Frequency Dependent Propagation Effects ................................ 185
E.1 Material properties ................................................................................................ 185
E.2 Reflection and penetration .................................................................................... 186
E.2.1 Reflection and transmission at a plane interface ............................................ 186
E.2.2 Reflection from a wall ..................................................................................... 187
E.2.3 Penetration through a wall .............................................................................. 188
E.2.4 Effect of surface roughness on reflection ....................................................... 189
E.2.5 Effect of surface roughness on penetration .................................................... 190
E.3 Diffraction .............................................................................................................. 190
E.3.1 Diffraction from knife edge ............................................................................. 190
E.3.2 Diffraction from the wedge of arbitrary angle .................................................. 192
E.4 Diffuse scattering .................................................................................................. 192
E.5 Attenuation caused by oxygen and water vapour .................................................. 192
E.6 Rain attenuation .................................................................................................... 193
E.7 Vegetation loss ..................................................................................................... 194
Appendix F Discussion about Definitions & Terminology used in Propagation Modelling195
F.1 K-Factor ................................................................................................................ 195
References .......................................................................................................................... 196

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Document: FP7-ICT-317669-METIS/D1.4
Date: 24/02/2015 Security: Public
Status: Final Version: 1.0

List of Figures
Figure 5-1: Measurement environment and routes (left) and picture of LOS route from TX
antenna (right). ...................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 5-2: Comparison of measurement and M.2135 results. .............................................. 16
Figure 5-3: Frequency dependency of break point (BP) scaling factor (left) and pathloss offset
(right)..................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 5-4: Example fits of the modified M.2135 UMi LOS model (5-4) and (5-5) at 26.36 GHz
(left) and 60 GHz (right); red curves are model, black dots are measurements. .................... 19
Figure 5-5: Example fits of the modified M.2135 UMi NLOS model (5-6) and (5-7) at
26.36 GHz (left) and 37.07 GHz (right). They were measured in two different streets with 𝒅𝟏
being 248 m (left) and 59.5 m (right); red curves are model, black dots are measurements. . 19
Figure 5-6: Frequency dependency of the pathloss offset (left) and shadow fading (right)..... 19
Figure 5-7: Analysis model (top left), frequency dependency with h = 0.1 m (bottom left), and
scattering effect on rough surface (right). .............................................................................. 21
Figure 5-8: Measurement environment during day- (left) and night-time (right)...................... 21
Figure 5-9: Received power in UMa O2I at 2.3 GHz; a prediction by a ray-tracing model is
overlaid. ................................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 5-10: ESD UMi O2O at 2.3 GHz (left), UMi O2I corridor at 2.3 GHz and 5.25 GHz
(right)..................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 5-11: Location map (left), APDP in dBm for LOS measurement from P1 to P2 (right). 26
Figure 5-12: APDPs in dBm for LOS measurement from P3 to P1 (left) and NLOS
measurement from P1 to P4 (right). ...................................................................................... 26
Figure 5-13: Measurement scenario (left) and signal strength (right) relative to free space at
1 m distance for isotropic antennas measured and modelled at 2.4 GHz (blue dots) and
60 GHz (red dots) in a corridor of an indoor office scenario. .................................................. 27
Figure 5-14: Directional spread and angular spectra shown for delays indicated with numbers
1-5......................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 5-15: Real measured [MAB+12] path directional distribution compared with WINNER
type (left) of distribution. The photograph (right) shows the measured paths (circles) as seen
from the base station location. ............................................................................................... 29
Figure 5-16: Power ordered MIMO channel eigenvalues for two different array antenna sizes
based on the WINNER model and the measured data. ......................................................... 29
Figure 5-17: Channel sounding with massive array antenna at the base station: array
antennas at the base station (top left), user terminal antenna (bottom left), and measurement
campaigns (right). ................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 5-18: Correlation properties of closely spaced devices under LOS condition; no user
proximity (top) and sum of normalized singular values with respect to the # of users (bottom
left). User and antenna numbering (bottom right). ................................................................. 32
Figure 5-19: CDF of the condition number for single-user MIMO channels (top) and channel
power variation over base station antenna elements and users (bottom). ............................. 33
Figure 5-20: SDoF of millimetre wave indoor channels: variation of the SDoF over different
antenna aperture size (left) and variation over different communication distances (right). ..... 34
Figure 5-21: Capacity for the single- and multi-stream spatial transmission for LOS channels
with 1λ2 (left) and 9λ2 (right) TX and RX antenna apertures. .................................................. 34

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Date: 24/02/2015 Security: Public
Status: Final Version: 1.0

Figure 6-1: A block diagram of METIS map-based model...................................................... 36

Figure 6-2: Example of possible pathways with diffraction based on Berg’s model and
diffraction based on UTD (right)............................................................................................. 38
Figure 6-3: Shadowing screen model. ................................................................................... 40
Figure 6-4: Shadowing of multiple screens. ........................................................................... 41
Figure 6-5: Shadowing of multiple screens when both TX and RX are at low height.............. 41
Figure 6-6: Specular reflection on a wall. ............................................................................... 42
Figure 6-7: Example of a street corner acting as a node (left). Manhattan map (middle).
Topological example with four nodes (right). ......................................................................... 44
Figure 6-8: Example of a path with diffraction, specular reflection and object scattering. ....... 45
Figure 6-9: Model for canonical problem of diffraction. .......................................................... 46
Figure 6-10: Schematic drawing of the scattering model (left). Random point sources
approximating a rough surface (right). ................................................................................... 49
Figure 6-11: Illustration of the impact of Fresnel zone simplification. ..................................... 51
Figure 7-1: Site-specified LSPs based on explicit building/scene models. ............................. 54
Figure 7-2: Spherical coordinate system. .............................................................................. 58
Figure 7-3: Deterministic LOS depolarization. ....................................................................... 60
Figure 7-4: Example of 3D shadowing map, colour indicates shadowing value in dB. ........... 64
Figure 7-5: Illustration of FBC, LBC, and SBC. ...................................................................... 64
Figure 7-6: Propagation parameter drifting due to small movement of the UE. ...................... 65
Figure 8-1: Drive-by scenario (with multiple mobile stations). ................................................ 72
Figure 8-2: Multihop and relaying scenarios. ......................................................................... 73
Figure 9-1: Modelled pathloss in Madrid D2D scenario at 5 GHz (left). Layout with TX
locations denoted with blue circles and RX locations denoted with green dots (right). ........... 75
Figure 9-2: Comparison of modelled and measured V2V LOS pathloss data measured by Oulu
University at 5.25 GHz (left) and at 2.3 GHz (right)................................................................ 76
Figure 9-3: Layout of dense urban micro cell with TX locations denoted with blue circles and
RX locations denoted with green dots (right). ........................................................................ 76
Figure 9-4: Modelled pathloss in Madrid micro scenario with a TX height of 10 m at 5 GHz (left)
and at 26.45 GHz (right). ....................................................................................................... 77
Figure 9-5: Measured and modelled pathloss at 26.45 GHz in NLOS condition (left) and LOS
condition (right). .................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 9-6: Transition scenario layout (left) and resulting path length with the colour indicating
the path gain in dB. ............................................................................................................... 78
Figure 9-7: Resulting AOA (left) and AOA (right) for the transition scenario with the colour
indicating the path gain in dB. ............................................................................................... 79
Figure 9-8: Resulting EOA (left) and EOD (right) for the transition scenario with the colour
indicating the path gain in dB. ............................................................................................... 79
Figure 9-9: Basic simulation test scenario for typical pedestrian user scenario with AP
connections and for D2D connections in an urban microcell (Madrid grid). ............................ 80

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Document: FP7-ICT-317669-METIS/D1.4
Date: 24/02/2015 Security: Public
Status: Final Version: 1.0

Figure 9-10: Reference pathloss plots between the access point and RX positions with no
obstructing/shadowing objects for AP antenna heights of 5 m (blue) and 10 m (red). ............ 81
Figure 9-11: Pathloss between access points and RX positions in the basic pedestrian
scenario for AP antenna heights of 5 m (blue) and 10 m (red). .............................................. 82
Figure 9-12: Mean pathloss between access points and RX positions in the basic pedestrian
scenario for AP antenna heights of 5 m (blue) and 10 m (red). .............................................. 82
Figure 9-13: Pathloss between the reference point (AP position in Figure 9-9) and RX
positions in the D2D user scenario. ....................................................................................... 83
Figure 9-14: Mean Pathloss between the reference point (AP position in Figure 9-9) and RX
positions in the D2D user scenario. ....................................................................................... 84
Figure A-1: PropSound system architecture. ......................................................................... 92
Figure A-2: TX ULA antenna for ME3, ME4 and ME5 scenarios at 2.3 GHz (left) and 5.25 GHz
(right)..................................................................................................................................... 93
Figure A-3: RX antenna for 2.3 GHz. ..................................................................................... 94
Figure A-4: RX antenna for 5.25 GHz. ................................................................................... 94
Figure A-5: Measurement setup for ME1. .............................................................................. 98
Figure A-6: TX leading and RX follows, vehicles move in the same directions. ..................... 98
Figure A-7: RX leading and TX follows, vehicles move to the same directions. ..................... 98
Figure A-8: TX (blue line) and RX (red line) routes moves to the opposite directions. ........... 99
Figure A-9: TX/RX (blue/red dot) stationary position and RX/TX (red/blue line) moves on the
cross street............................................................................................................................ 99
Figure A-10: TX antennas: 5.25 GHz dipole (SIMO) and 2.3 GHz ULA (MIMO). ................... 99
Figure A-11: RX measurement routes 1 and 2. ................................................................... 100
Figure A-12: RX measurement routes 3 and 4. ................................................................... 100
Figure A-13: RX measurement routes 5 and 6. ................................................................... 100
Figure A-14: RX (red line) measurement route 7. ................................................................ 100
Figure A-15: TX antenna on the top of building. .................................................................. 101
Figure A-16: Measurement spots in the hotel room for the ME3 scenario. ........................... 101
Figure A-17: The floor plan of the hotel with the measurement spots in the corridors on floors 3
to 5. ..................................................................................................................................... 102
Figure A-18: Magnified floor plan of the hotel corridors on floors 3 to 5. .............................. 102
Figure A-19: Measurement example, TX was located on the roof of neighbouring building. 103
Figure A-20: Views from the TX site towards the target building: from position 2 (left) and from
position 1 (right). ................................................................................................................. 103
Figure A-21: The hotel layout and measurement spots on the corridor of 2nd floor (left) and
6th floor (right). .................................................................................................................... 103
Figure A-22: Measurement spots in the hotel room and in the end of corridor at 2.3 GHz and
5.25 GHz. ............................................................................................................................ 104
Figure A-23: TX antenna distances at different heights in room measurements. ................. 104
Figure A-24: The TX mounted on an articulated crane at a height of 5 m (left) and 15 m (right).
............................................................................................................................................ 105

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Figure A-25: TX antenna distances at different heights in corridor measurements. ............. 105
Figure A-26: Measurement spots on the hotel corridor for ME4 at 2.3 GHz and 5.25 GHz. . 105
Figure A-27: Measurement routes for ME5 at 2.3 GHz and 5.25 GHz. ................................ 106
Figure A-28: Pathloss, vehicles are moving to the same directions. .................................... 106
Figure A-29: Pathloss, vehicles are moving to the opposite directions................................. 106
Figure A-30: Received power, RX in the hotel room. ........................................................... 108
Figure A-31: Angular spreads for OLOS and NLOS cases. ................................................. 108
Figure A-32: UMi O2O pathloss at 2.3 GHz. ........................................................................ 111
Figure A-33: ESD vs. link distance in LOS scenario, TX height 5 m (left), TX height 10 m
(right)................................................................................................................................... 112
Figure A-34: ESD vs link distance in NLOS scenario, TX height 5 m (left), TX height 10 m
(right)................................................................................................................................... 113
Figure A-35: Measurement equipment: transmitter (left) and receiver (right). ...................... 114
Figure A-36: Measurement environment in front of Shibuya station. .................................... 115
Figure A-37: Measurement results. ..................................................................................... 116
Figure A-38: Pathloss measurement system at 26.35 GHz. ................................................ 118
Figure A-39: Map of Nihonbashi in Tokyo (typical Manhattan grid layout environment). ...... 119
Figure A-40: Photographs of the measurement environment. .............................................. 119
Figure A-41: Comparison of measurement and M.2135 results for multiple frequencies (same
as Figure 5-2). ..................................................................................................................... 120
Figure A-42: TX antenna height influence on the pathloss; M.2135 and measurement results
are compared at 37 GHz for different antenna heights. ....................................................... 121
Figure A-43: TX antenna height influence on the pathloss; M.2135 and measurement results
are compared at 4.7 GHz for different antenna heights. ...................................................... 121
Figure A-44: Measurement antenna patterns. ..................................................................... 122
Figure A-45: Measurement setup. ....................................................................................... 123
Figure A-46: Human body shadowing: Measurements vs. model at 60 GHz. ...................... 123
Figure A-47: Measurement locations for medium range measurement. ............................... 124
Figure A-48: Measurement setup for medium range measurement. .................................... 124
Figure A-49: Measured loss through door and window. ....................................................... 125
Figure A-50: Measurement locations for long range corridor measurement. ........................ 125
Figure A-51: Relative RX power measured and modelled at 2.4 GHz and 60 GHz for the long
range corridor measurement. .............................................................................................. 126
Figure A-52: Directional spread and angular spectra shown for delays indicated with numbers
1-5....................................................................................................................................... 127
Figure A-53: Measurement system and sounder configuration (left) and photograph of TX and
RX antennas (right). ............................................................................................................ 129
Figure A-54: Photographs of the measurement sites of the 60 GHz channel measurements at
the first and third floors of the Sello shopping mall............................................................... 129

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Figure A-55: Floor plan of the 1st floor of the Sello shopping mall with TX and RX locations.
............................................................................................................................................ 130
Figure A-56: Floor plan of the 3rd floor of the Sello shopping mall with TX and RX locations.
............................................................................................................................................ 130
Figure A-57: Number of measurements as a function of the TX-RX distance. ..................... 130
Figure A-58: Indoor cafeteria. .............................................................................................. 131
Figure A-59: Floor plan for cafeteria measurements. ........................................................... 131
Figure A-60: Open square measurement site. ..................................................................... 132
Figure A-61: Floor plan for open square measurements. ..................................................... 132
Figure A-62: Point cloud for open square in Kamppi, Helsinki. ............................................ 133
Figure A-63: Comparison of measured and predicted PDPs. .............................................. 133
Figure A-64: Examples of measured LOS and OLOS PDP’s with the detected peaks in the
shopping mall. ..................................................................................................................... 134
Figure A-65: Example of angular distribution of the detected peaks. ................................... 135
Figure A-66: Measured pathloss and pathloss model in shopping mall as a function of the link
distance............................................................................................................................... 135
Figure A-67: Simulated pathloss and pathloss model in cafeteria (left) and square (right) as a
function of the link distance. ................................................................................................ 136
Figure A-68: A CDF comparison to WINNER; measured delay spread in shopping mall LOS
(left) and OLOS (right). ........................................................................................................ 136
Figure A-69: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated delay spread in cafeteria LOS. ..... 136
Figure A-70: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated delay spread in square LOS (left) and
OLOS (right). ....................................................................................................................... 137
Figure A-71: A CDF comparison to WINNER; measured K-factor in shopping mall (left) and
cafeteria (right). ................................................................................................................... 137
Figure A-72: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated K-factor in square LOS. ............... 137
Figure A-73: A CDF comparison to WINNER; measured ASD in shopping mall LOS (left) and
OLOS (right). ....................................................................................................................... 138
Figure A-74: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated ASD in cafeteria LOS. .................. 138
Figure A-75: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated ASD in square LOS (left) and OLOS
(right)................................................................................................................................... 138
Figure A-76: A CDF comparison to WINNER; measured ASA in shopping mall LOS (left) and
OLOS (right). ....................................................................................................................... 139
Figure A-77: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated ASA in cafeteria LOS. .................. 139
Figure A-78: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated ASA in square LOS (left) and OLOS
(right)................................................................................................................................... 139
Figure A-79: Simulated ESD (left) and ASA (right) in cafeteria LOS and square LOS and
OLOS. ................................................................................................................................. 140
Figure A-80: Measured XPR, cross-polarisation measurement noise limit, and mean (black
solid line) and the 95 % tolerance interval limits (black dashed lines) fitted normal distribution.
............................................................................................................................................ 140

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Figure A-81: a) Example of a measured power and b) cluster power over about 12 wavelength
long measurement path. ...................................................................................................... 141
Figure A-82: Average standard deviation and maximum-to-minimum difference of the cluster
power within 20 dB dynamic range as a function of cluster AS over a) four wavelengths and b)
12 wavelengths. .................................................................................................................. 141
Figure A-83: CDF of delay scaling parameter and per-cluster fading in shopping mall. ....... 142
Figure A-84: CDF of delay scaling parameter and per-cluster fading in cafeteria. ............... 142
Figure A-85: CDF of delay scaling parameter and per-cluster fading in square. .................. 142
Figure A-86: A CDF comparison to WINNER; measured maximum excess delay in shopping
mall LOS (left) and OLOS (right). ........................................................................................ 143
Figure A-87: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated maximum excess delay in cafeteria
LOS. .................................................................................................................................... 143
Figure A-88: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated maximum excess delay in square
LOS (left) and OLOS (right). ................................................................................................ 143
Figure A-89: Simulated correlation distances in cafeteria LOS. ........................................... 144
Figure A-90: Simulated correlation distances in square LOS (left) and OLOS (right). .......... 144
Figure A-91: A CDF comparison to WINNER; measured number of propagation paths in
shopping mall LOS (left) and OLOS (right). ......................................................................... 144
Figure A-92: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated number of propagation paths in
cafeteria LOS. ..................................................................................................................... 145
Figure A-93: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated number of propagation paths in
square LOS (left) and OLOS (right). .................................................................................... 145
Figure A-94: Channel sounder overview. ............................................................................. 146
Figure A-95: Horizontal (top) and vertical cuts (bottom) of the normalized antenna power
patterns in dB at 10 (left) and 60.4 GHz (right). ................................................................... 146
Figure A-96: Measurement environment including TX locations and RX routes. .................. 147
Figure A-97: On-site measurement setup. ........................................................................... 148
Figure A-98: Pathloss results at 10 and 60.4 GHz for LOS (left) and NLOS (right) condition.
............................................................................................................................................ 148
Figure A-99: Exemplary normalized APDP for 10 (left) and 60 GHz (right). ......................... 149
Figure A-100: Delay spread CCDF for LOS (left) and NLOS (right) condition. ..................... 149
Figure A-101: Planned measurement locations. .................................................................. 151
Figure B-1: Indoor office. [MET13-D61] ............................................................................... 153
Figure B-2: Madrid grid for Urban Micro and Urban Macro. [MET13-D61] ........................... 153
Figure B-3: Shopping mall. [MET13-D61] ............................................................................ 154
Figure B-4: Stadium [MET13-D61]. ..................................................................................... 154
Figure B-5: Highway. ........................................................................................................... 155
Figure C-1: Example of a street corner acting as a node (left), Manhattan map (middle),
topological example with four nodes (right). ........................................................................ 157
Figure C-2: Determination of interaction nodes. .................................................................. 158

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Figure C-3: Determined pathways for the Berg recursive diffraction model. Here up to four
interactions of specular reflection and diffraction have been accounted for. ........................ 159
Figure C-4: Diffracted paths between TX and RX (left) and relative power over the RX route
(right)................................................................................................................................... 160
Figure C-5: Received power over the RX route for isotropic antennas and 0 dBm transmit
power. ................................................................................................................................. 160
Figure C-6: Path angles and propagation distances at RX along the route for direct paths only.
The power scale is relative to the strongest path for each RX location. ............................... 160
Figure C-7: Shadowing screen model.................................................................................. 161
Figure C-8: Diffracted paths between TX and RX (left), and, relative power over the RX route
(right). Obstructing objects are shown with black dots. ........................................................ 162
Figure C-9: Body blocking loss for a LOS link (4 m distance) at 60 GHz. ............................ 162
Figure C-10: Received power at 2 GHz over the RX route for isotropic antennas and 0 dBm
transmit power for 1.5 m RX height. The upper curve (blue) corresponds to the case with no
obstructing objects and the middle curve (red) to the case with obstructing objects when the
TX is at 10 m height and the lower curve (green) to the case when TX is at 1.5 m height. .. 163
Figure C-11: Schematic drawing of the scattering model. .................................................... 164
Figure C-12: Paths between TX and scatterers around one RX location (upper left) and paths
between one RX location and scatterers around TX (upper right), and, relative power over the
RX route due to scatterers around RX (lower left) and scatterers around TX (lower right). .. 164
Figure C-13: Distributions of path angles (left) and propagation distances (right) at RX for
paths between TX and scatterers around RX (lower) and paths between RX and scatterers
around TX (upper). The power is relative to the strongest path (LOS or diffracted) shown in
Figure C-6. .......................................................................................................................... 165
Figure C-14: Model for canonical problem of diffraction ....................................................... 166
Figure C-15: Example of determination of outdoor to indoor paths. In a) the paths are
identified with the building removed. In b) and c) the building is reintroduced in order to
determine penetration loss due to walls and floors. ............................................................. 168
Figure C-16: Combination of an outdoor map with an indoor layout. a) Example of
determination of outdoor to indoor paths. b) Virtual office layout (red drawing) inside a building
block of Madrid map. ........................................................................................................... 169
Figure C-17: Example of determination of over roof-top paths. In a) the paths are identified in
the horizontal plane assuming the building where the access point is located is removed. The
3D paths are blocked by the building and corresponding diffraction points are found at the
roof-top edge as shown on in b). ......................................................................................... 169
Figure D-1: Channel coefficient generation procedure [3GPP14-36873]. ............................ 172
Figure D-2: Cellular grid layout [ITUR09-2135]. ................................................................... 173
Figure D-3: 2D and 3D distances for outdoor (left) and indoor (right) UEs. .......................... 175
Figure D-4: Implementation of Laplacian shape. ................................................................. 178
Figure E-1: Reflection from a wall and penetration through a wall. ...................................... 187
Figure E-2: Reflection coefficient for concrete (45 deg incident angle). ............................... 188
Figure E-3: Penetration loss for a concrete wall of 5, 10 or 15 cm as a function of frequency for
three different angles of incidence. ...................................................................................... 189
Figure E-4: Attenuation due to knife-edge diffraction as function of 𝝂. ................................. 191

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Figure E-5: Knife-edge diffraction. ....................................................................................... 191

Figure E-6: Frequency dependency of wedge diffraction. .................................................... 192
Figure E-7: Rain attenuation. ............................................................................................... 194

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List of Tables
Table 3-1: Propagation scenarios. ........................................................................................... 8
Table 4-1: Comparison of different models. ........................................................................... 12
Table 5-1: Summary of major findings from METIS measurements and simulations. ............ 15
Table 5-2: Measurement results in the Tokyo downtown crowded area for UMi and D2D
scenarios............................................................................................................................... 22
Table 5-3: Parameters for UMa O2O scenario. ..................................................................... 23
Table 5-4: Spatial parameters for V2V scenario. ................................................................... 25
Table 5-5: WINNER parameterisation for 60 GHz range; parameters affecting validity range of
the derived parameters. ........................................................................................................ 30
Table 5-6: WINNER parameterisation for 60 GHz range; channel model parameters............ 30
Table 6-1: Parameter table for the map based model. ........................................................... 35
Table 7-1: Recommended PL and fading models for each propagation scenario. ................. 53
Table 7-2: Parameter ranges for UMi and UMa. .................................................................... 55
Table 7-3: Parameter ranges for D2D&V2V and Indoor. ........................................................ 56
Table 7-4: V2V channel model parameters for highway and rural scenario. .......................... 62
Table 8-1: Applicability of METIS channel models. ................................................................ 67
Table 8-2: Comparison of METIS models. ............................................................................. 68
Table 9-1: Cross-correlations of LS parameters (UMi LOS). .................................................. 77
Table 9-2: Cross-correlations of LS parameters (UMi NLOS). ............................................... 78
Table 9-3: Parameter table for the specific LOS/NLOS simulations with the map-based model.
.............................................................................................................................................. 80
Table 9-4: Excess pathloss due to obstructing/shadowing objects in Madrid grid scenario. ... 85
Table 9-5: Pathloss comparison between simulations and measurements in urban microcell.85
Table 9-6: Model parameter used in simulations. .................................................................. 86
Table 9-7: Simulation results for Madrid D2D and Madrid Micro scenario. ............................. 87
Table A-1: Overview of measurement campaigns within METIS............................................ 90
Table A-2: The summary of the measurement environments at 2.3 and 5.25 GHz in Oulu
downtown. ............................................................................................................................. 91
Table A-3: TX antenna properties.......................................................................................... 93
Table A-4: RX antenna properties. ........................................................................................ 93
Table A-5: Settings for measurements at 2.3 GHz................................................................. 94
Table A-6: Settings for measurements at 5.25 GHz............................................................... 96
Table A-7: V2V measurement results (ME1). ...................................................................... 107
Table A-8: Parameter for UMa O2I corridor scenario at 2.3 GHz (ME3). ............................. 108
Table A-9: Parameters for UMi O2I room scenario. ............................................................. 109
Table A-10: Parameters for UMi O2I corridor scenario. ....................................................... 110
Table A-11: Parameters UMi O2O scenario at 2.3 GHz. ..................................................... 111

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Table A-12: ESD distance dependency. .............................................................................. 113

Table A-13: Measurement parameters. ............................................................................... 114
Table A-14: Large-scale parameters of measured data (same as Table 5-2). ..................... 117
Table A-15: Measurement campaign overview. ................................................................... 122
Table A-16: TX and RX antennas. ....................................................................................... 122
Table A-17: Measurement campaign overview. ................................................................... 128
Table A-18: Channel sounder parameters. .......................................................................... 147
Table A-19: Pathloss results. ............................................................................................... 149
Table B-1: Refined test cases. ............................................................................................ 152
Table B-2: Mapping of propagation scenarios on test cases................................................ 152
Table B-3: Highway cases. .................................................................................................. 155
Table D-1: 3D-UMi LOS link probabilities [3GPP14-36873]. ................................................ 174
Table D-2: 3D-UMa LOS link probabilities [3GPP14-36873]. ............................................... 175
Table D-3: Scaling factors for AOA, AOD generation. ......................................................... 177
Table D-4: Ray offset angles within a cluster, given for 1 RMS angle spread [WIN208-D112].
............................................................................................................................................ 178
Table D-5: Scaling factors for EOA, EOD Generation. ......................................................... 178
Table D-6: 3D-UMa ESD and EOD offset parameters [3GPP14-36873]. ............................. 180
Table D-7: 3D-UMi ESD and EOD offset parameters [3GPP14-36873]. .............................. 180
Table D-8: Sub-cluster information for intra cluster delay spread clusters. .......................... 182
Table D-9: 3D-UMi pathloss models [3GPP14-36873]......................................................... 183
Table D-10: 3D-UMa pathloss models [3GPP14-36873]. .................................................... 184
Table E-1: Material properties [ITUR13-2040]. .................................................................... 185
Table E-2: Additional material properties. ............................................................................ 186
Table E-3: Attenuation caused by oxygen and water vapour (rounded maximum values
visually estimated from [ITUR13-67610]. ............................................................................. 193

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List of Abbreviations
3GPP 3rd generation partnership project METIS Mobile and wireless communications
APDP Average power delay profile enablers for the twenty-twenty
AOA Azimuth angle of arrival information society
AOD Azimuth angle of departure MIMO Multiple input multiple output
AP Access point MMC Massive machine communications
ASA Azimuth Spread of Arrival MoM Moment method
ASD Azimuth Spread of Departure MPC Multipath component
BS Base station MU-MIMO Multi-user MIMO
BH Backhaul NLOS Non line of sight
CDF Cumulative density function O2I Outdoor to indoor
D2D Device-to-device O2O Outdoor to outdoor
DS Delay spread OLOS Obstructed LOS
EOA Elevation angle of arrival PDP Power delay profile
EOD Elevation angle of departure PL Pathloss
ESA Elevation Spread of Arrival PS Propagation scenario
ESD Elevation Spread of Departure RX Receiver
FBC First bounce cluster SAGE Space alternating generalized
GSCM Geometry based stochastic channel expectation-maximization
model SBC Single bounce cluster
HT Horizontal topic SCM Stochastic channel model
H-pol Horizontal polarization SDoF Spatial degrees of freedom
I2I Indoor to indoor SF Shadow Fading
IEEE Institute of electrical and electronics SS Small-scale
engineers TC Test case
i.i.d. Independent and identically distributed TX Transmitter
IMT- International mobile UE User equipment
Advanced telecommunications-advanced UMi Urban micro
ISD Inter-site distance UMa Urban macro
ITU International telecommunication union UTD Uniform geometrical theory of
ITU-R ITU radiocommunication sector diffraction
KF K-Factor V2V Vehicle-to-vehicle
LBC Last bounce cluster VNA Vector network analyser
LOS Line of sight VPL Vertical plane launch
LS Large-scale V-pol Vertical polarization
LSP Large-scale parameter WINNER Wireless world initiative new radio
M2M Machine-to-machine WLAN Wireless local area network
MED Maximum Excess Delay WP Work package
XPD Cross polarization discrimination
XPR Cross polarisation ratio

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1 Introduction
1.1 Objective of the document
The main objective of the METIS (Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for the
Twenty-twenty Information Society) project is to lay the foundation of 5G, the next generation
mobile and wireless communications system for year 2020 and beyond. The project provides
technical enablers needed to address the requirements foreseen for this time frame.
METIS’ vision is a future where access to information and sharing of data is available
anywhere and anytime to anyone and anything. The future information society of private and
professional users will be provided with a wide variety of applications and services, ranging
from infotainment services, through increased safety and efficient usage of transportation, to
completely new industrial and professional applications [MET13-D11]. Realizing this vision
calls for solutions to challenges such as the provisioning of very high data rates, and the
handling of very dense user crowds, with higher requirements on the end-to-end performance
and user-experience. Other challenges that arise from new application areas are the
requirement on very low latency, very low energy consumption, hence cost, as well as the
support of a massive number of devices. As a consequence, the METIS overall technical goal
provides a system concept that, relative to today, supports 1000 times higher mobile data
volume per area (10 to 100 times higher number of connected devices and 10 to 100 times
higher user data rate), 10 times longer battery life for low power massive machine
communication (MMC), and 5 times reduced end-to-end latency, all of them at a similar cost
and energy dissipation as today.
To meet these demands, today’s spectrum can be used more efficiently, e.g. through higher
spectral efficiency in bits/s/Hz and increased spectrum utilization through dynamic spectrum
access. New frequency bands on cm-waves and millimetre waves (above 3 GHz up to 86 GHz
[MET13-D51]) provide much more spectrum than available today for 4G. Furthermore, system
capacity and coverage can be improved via new network topologies and technologies such as
moving networks, multi-hop communications, self-configuration networks, and direct device-to-
device (D2D) communications.
All the above-mentioned aspects set new requirements for radio channel and propagation
modelling as follows (more detailed requirements are described in Section 2).
 Extremely wide frequency range from sub-1 GHz to 86 GHz and beyond
 Very high bandwidth (> 500 MHz)
 Full 3-Dimensional and accurate polarization modelling
 Massive-MIMO: spherical waves instead of plane wave assumption and very high
spatial resolution
 Extremely large arrays even beyond stationarity interval
 Direct D2D, M2M and V2V Communication
 Wide range of propagation scenarios and network topologies (from stationary to very
high speed, outdoor-to-indoor, from single antenna to massive arrays, from single link
to mesh network etc.)
 Spatial Consistency between topologies and between users
o geographical locations of first and last bounce scatterers
o birth-death process and/or visibility regions for clusters
 Importance of diffuse vs. specular scattering, especially in the high frequency domain
Currently recognized and widely used channel models, e.g. 3GPP/3GPP2 Spatial Channel
Model (SCM) [3GPP03-25996], WINNER [WIN208-D112; WIN+10-D53], and ITU-R IMT-
Advanced [ITUR09-2135], 3GPP 3D-UMi and 3D-UMa [3GPP14-36873], and IEEE 802.11ad

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Status: Final Version: 1.0

[MEP10] were found to be inadequate for 5G requirements [MBH+14]. The main deficiencies
of the existing models are in spatial consistency, frequency range, massive-MIMO support,
dual-mobility in moving environment (e.g. V2V communications).
While common channel models such as SCM, WINNER, and IMT-Advanced were designed
for frequencies of up to 6 GHz, there are other models available such as IEEE 802.11ad that
focus on the 60 GHz band. Whereas those models are only applicable for a specific frequency
range, the final METIS channel model shall cover the full frequency range from cellular bands
of below 6 GHz up to 86 GHz, which sets additional challenges to the propagation modelling.
The channel model investigation in the METIS project comprises the analysis of propagation
measurements conducted by METIS partners, extensive literature reviews, and ray tracing
simulations. The objective of the propagation research in METIS project is to ensure the
availability of relevant propagation models, especially for the new scenarios defined in METIS.
The radio channel and pathloss models should have the appropriate level of detail based on
the new scenarios defined in [MET13-D11] and meet the purpose of performance evaluation
of the technology components of respective horizontal topics (HTs) and system concepts in
the other work packages (WPs). Some of the models are derived from propagation
measurements conducted for relevant scenarios.
The key results of the METIS channel model investigation are as follows.
 Identified 5G Requirements
 Performed channel measurements at various bands between 2 GHz and 60 GHz
 Provided channel model considering the requirements
o Map-based model
o Stochastic model for different frequency bands, including frequency-agile
pathloss model
 Scalable (hybrid) channel model
o From accurate geometry specific to generic statistical model
o From high complexity to medium complexity
Key technical findings are discussed more in details in this deliverable, especially in Section 4.
The results of the measurement campaigns from the METIS project are provided based on the
propagation scenarios derived from the METIS scenarios and Test Cases in [MET13-D11].
The channel model consists of a stochastic model and a map-based model. The former model
is geometry-based stochastic channel model (GSCM) further developed from WINNER and
IMT-Advanced. The latter is ray-tracing model based on a simplified map. Scalability of the
model means a possibility in which users of the model may combine elements from map-
based model and partly utilise the stochastic model. Channel models are parameterised
based on propagation measurements, literature, and ray tracing simulations.
This deliverable is an updated version from the Initial channel models described in D1.2
[MET14-D12]. The updates are corrections and additions based on the feedback received
from other work-packages during the progress of the METIS project, analysis of measurement
data and literature studies. More specifically, the map-based model is extended to cover
indoor office, open air festival and highway scenarios. The map-based model is also simplified
to reduce the complexity, and partially validated via measurements and simulations. The
stochastic model is extended to provide a low complexity multi-dimensional shadowing map,
millimetre wave parameters (60 GHz), direct sampling of power angular spectrum and
frequency dependent pathloss models. A hybrid model providing scalability between the map-
based model and the stochastic model is also introduced. This report includes additional
measurement results to D1.2.

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1.2 Structure of the document

This deliverable is organised as follows:
 Section 2 defines the requirements for 5G channel models.
 Section 3 determines the propagation scenarios used in the channel modelling work.
 Section 4 summarises the literature review done during the project especially in the
context of 5G and frequency dependency of propagation parameters.
 Section 5 explains the key findings from METIS investigations, propagation
measurements and simulations.
 Section 6 specifies the map-based model and explains how to implement it via step-
by-step guidelines
 Section 7 specifies the stochastic and hybrid models.
 Section 8 helps user in understanding when and how to use map-based and stochastic
 Section 9 provides simulation results from the map-based model.
 Section 10 concludes the main part of the deliverable.
 Annexes cover detailed reports from measurement campaigns, the propagation
scenarios, the map-based model, and 3GPP 3D channel model.

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2 5G Channel Model Requirements

There are two main factors determining requirements on the propagation modelling. The first
is the scenarios from the environment and user perspective and the second is the technology
components envisaged to provide the required end user services. The usage scenarios
include new aspects compared to 3G/4G, such as ultra-dense networks, car safety, and
emergency scenarios. A detailed description of the propagation scenarios is given in Section
3. From a technology perspective, the propagation challenge is mainly higher frequencies and
wider bandwidths, together with much larger array antennas in terms of number of elements
and in terms of physical size with respect to the wavelength. Combining these two factors the
following main challenges have been identified.

2.1 Wide range of propagation scenarios and network topologies

As the METIS vision is the future where access to information and sharing of data is available
anywhere and anytime to anyone and anything, it leads to requirement that a wide range of
propagation scenarios and network topologies have to be modelled. The wireless network has
to serve from stationary users to mobile users, and the mobile-to-mobile links. The wireless
system should work reliably in any environment, including indoor, outdoor-to-indoor, dense
urban, wide area, highway, shopping mall, stadium, etc. The network topologies should
support not only cellular, but also direct device-to-device (D2D), machine-to-machine (M2M)
and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) links as well as full mesh networks.

2.2 Spectrum related requirements

The METIS Project has defined prioritized frequency bands from current cellular spectrum up
to 86 GHz. The medium and high priority bands are 10 GHz, 28 – 29 GHz, 32 – 33 GHz,
43 GHz, 46 – 50 GHz, 56 – 76 GHz, and 81 – 86 GHz [MET13-D51].
The millimetre wave frequencies have very promising prospects of providing substantial
additional amount of spectrum. Additionally, the millimetre wave frequencies make it possible
to implement very small antennas and even massive array antennas in relatively small
volume. Although millimetre wave propagation has been investigated quite extensively,
particularly at 60 GHz, crucial characteristics such as highly resolved angular properties and
NLOS pathloss are not well known.
The ultimate goal for 5G channel model is to define continuous functions for all channel model
parameters and propagation effects for the full frequency range from 350 MHz up to 100 GHz.
Available bandwidth at higher frequencies is very wide. Due to the available bandwidth and
capacity requirements, it is assumed that bandwidths above 500 MHz will also be used.
Therefore, the bandwidth of the 5G channel model should be more than 500 MHz.

2.3 Antenna related requirements

2.3.1 Very large array antennas and Massive-MIMO
Current channel models [ITUR09-2135; WIN208-D112] assume plane wave propagation (far
field) and that the size of an array antenna is small (i.e. the propagation characteristics are
similar at both ends of the array antenna). Only phase difference is caused due to different
locations of antenna elements and direction of arrival/departure. An important technology
component of 5G mobile communications is the use of very large array antennas (which even
may extend over large-scale fading regions) for e.g. massive MIMO and pencil beamforming.
For these highly directive antennas or large array antennas substantially non-realistic
performance will be achieved using present modelling. Current channel models need to be
improved in angular resolution as well as sub-path (ray) amplitude distribution. Furthermore,
these large arrays require non-planar wave modelling replacing the commonly used plane
wave approximation. Very large arrays may lead to a situation where propagation conditions
vary over the array, i.e. the array is larger than the consistency interval of the channel. For
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very large arrays and Massive-MIMO the following parameters have to be modelled
accurately: azimuth and elevation angles of paths, angle distributions, distance of the
first/large bounce scatterer for non-planar waves, correlation distance of large-scale
parameters, and polarization.

2.4 Spatial consistency and mobility

The 5G communication system is going to consist of various link types. An important aspect is
the expected decrease of cell sizes from traditional macro- and microcells to pico- and femto-
cells, and, future nomadic base stations and direct D2D connections between user terminals.
These various types of links will co-exist in the same area. The traditional models with one
end of the link fixed and only one end at an arbitrary location are not applicable in the case
where both ends of the link are moving, and hence can be at arbitrary locations. Also the
density of the links is expected to grow tremendously. All these features set new requirements
to channel modelling.
The current most commonly used channel models [ITUR09-2135; WIN208-D112] are drop
based, meaning that the scattering environment is randomly created for each link. The
corresponding performance of spatial techniques like MU-MIMO is exaggerated, because the
model assumes independent scatterers also in the case of nearby mobiles, which is not the
case in reality. As the importance of spatial transmission techniques, as well as the density of
links is expected to increase, it is even more important to model these links in a consistent
manner. A spatially consistent model can also inherently support mobility of users.
The term spatial consistency means that the channel evolves smoothly without discontinuities
when the TX and/or RX moves or turns. It also means that channel characteristics are similar
in closely located links, e.g. two close-by UEs seen by the same base station. Large-scale
spatial consistency is the most important in many cases, and it refers to consistent total
power. Small-scale spatial consistency on the other hand refers to small-scale parameters like
angular properties, polarization state and so on.
In order to create a spatially consistent model, geometric locations of the first and last bounce
scatterers of each path (transmitter-to-scatterer and scatterer-to-receiver) have to be defined.
Moreover, a death and birth process of rays has to be defined according to the visibility of the
scatterers. Dual mobility in the D2D and V2V cases causes different Doppler models, different
spatial correlation of large-scale (LS) and small-scale (SS) parameters than in the
conventional cellular case.

2.5 Propagation related requirements

2.5.1 Diffuse versus specular scattering
Due to the higher bandwidth and higher number of antennas, both delay and spatial resolution
of the receiver increases. Visibility based channel models (e.g. COST 2100 [VZ12]) assume
scattering by geographically fixed clusters. On the contrary, a GSCM based model assumes
fixed AOA/AOD with certain angular spread. These models assume diffuse scattering, and
mirror-like specular reflection is ignored. It is necessary to clarify the dominant propagation
effects and differentiate between diffuse and specular scattering. Literature ([MAB+12;
PSH+11]) and measurements performed in METIS (Appendix A.5) indicate, however, that
specular paths may dominate in many scenarios especially in higher frequencies. The
characteristics of specular paths are very different from diffuse paths regarding apparent
scatterer locations which are not fixed for specular propagation. As 5G transmission schemes
are expected to utilize steerable highly directive and/or very large MIMO antennas the channel
modelling should take into account realistic modelling of specular paths. The power ratio
between specular and diffuse scattering depend on carrier frequency and may be affected by
the receiver delay resolution (system bandwidth).

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2.6 General requirements

The model should be realistic, i.e. based on real propagation measurements or physical
propagation studies. It should be validated against measurement results. The model should
be implementable based on the unambiguous model description.
2.6.1 Complexity vs. accuracy
Simulations of wide range of propagation scenarios and network topologies (from stationary to
very high speed, from single antenna to massive arrays, from single link to mesh network etc.)
set different requirements to model accuracy and complexity. For example, a massive sensor
network may be based on very simple transceivers with one antenna each. For that case, the
model can be simplified in angular domain. On the contrary, angular information is crucial in
Massive-MIMO simulations, but the number of radio links in one simulation is limited.
Therefore, different simplifications may be considered depending on the simulation
requirements or test case.

2.7 D2D connections

The D2D connections are today an important part of modern radio communications. Such
connections can be used for the emergency purposes but also commercially. There has been
a need for comprehensive and realistic channel models for D2D connections. Such models
will be presented later in this document.
The D2D connections between users (UEs) are such that, unlike the normal cellular
connections, base stations (BS) are not used at all, or they are used only in a minor extent,
e.g. for signalling. The fact that no BSs are used makes that:
- The antenna heights of the UEs are typically low, 1 – 2.5 m. This restricts the coverage
area smaller than in a normal cellular connection.
- Both link ends (UEs) are able to move at the same time, although one or both of the
UEs can also be immobile.
The two UEs can be outdoors or indoors. If the two UEs are in cars, the connection can be
called V2V connection. If one of the terminals is static and located by the street or road we
speak about Vehicle-to-infra (V2I) connections.

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3 Propagation Scenarios
Propagation scenarios (PSs) define types of physical environments and relevant radio
propagation mechanisms that we need to consider. In order to classify the PSs, a number of
basic propagation environments, link types and topologies are defined as follows:
 Basic propagation environments
o dense urban
o urban
o rural
o indoor (office and shopping mall)
o highway
 Link types
o cellular base station to user equipment (BS-EU)
o backhaul (BH) BS-BS
o device-to-device (D2D)
 Link topologies
o outdoor to outdoor (O2O)
o outdoor to indoor (O2I)
o indoor to indoor (I2I)
In addition to the basic propagation environments there are also more exceptional
environments such as stadiums, outdoor festivals and disaster environments, e.g., due to
earthquakes. For each propagation scenario, the following parameters defined:
Cell type, e.g., micro-cell, macro-cell, indoor, outdoor-to-indoor, and so on,
BS location(s) and antenna height(s) in relation to the local roof-top heights (outdoor),
and corresponding indoor parameters in relation to the building dimensions,
 UE antenna height and location range(s) within the environment and UE velocity
The requirements for the PSs are based on those for the corresponding METIS test cases
(TC1 – TC12) stated in [MET13-D11], which define the baseline propagation scenarios for
simulations. The detailed mapping between PSs and TCs are presented in Appendix B. The
usage of the test cases and PSs has been expressed in detail in [MET13-D61]. The text in this
section has been aligned with these documents.

3.1 Specified propagation scenarios

One TC can cover one or more PSs. This fact can be fulfilled by specifying the concept of a
propagation scenario set. It means defining the set of all the needed propagation scenarios to
cover a specific test case. Usually one to three propagation scenarios are used in the system
performance simulations. The selection of those propagation scenarios in METIS has been
performed in accordance with [MET13-D61].
The proposed PSs covered in the final METIS channel model are listed in Table 3-1, which
also includes references to channel measurements that have been performed for the PSs. If
no measurement campaign is performed for a specific PS and frequency or if the METIS
model is not available, it is marked with NA. When needed, the same PS can usually be used
in e.g. D2D links as well as in the corresponding BS-UE links by using different TX and/or RX
antenna heights.

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Table 3-1: Propagation scenarios.

Campaigns Geometry-based Stochastic
Propagation Map-based Model
Model Supported Model Supported link
< 6 GHz > 6 GHz
description link types description types
Madrid Grid
Urban Micro Sections Sections BS-UE,
specified in any Section 7
O2O, O2I 5.1, 5.6 5.8, 5.12 D2D/V2V
Section 6
Madrid Grid
Urban Macro Section
NA specified in any Section 7 BS-UE, BH
O2O, O2I 5.5
Section 6
Rural Macro BS-UE,
NA NA NA NA Section 7
O2O, O2I D2D/V2V, BH
Section Sections
Office I2I Section 6 any Section 7 BS-UE
5.9 5.9, 5.12
Shopping Section
NA Section 6 any Section 7 BS-UE
mall I2I 5.12
Highway NA NA Section 6 any Section 7 BS-UE, V2V
Open Air BS-UE, BH,
NA NA Section 6 any Section 7
Festival O2O D2D
NA NA Section 6 any NA NA

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4 Literature Review
This section, firstly, discusses available channel models in the literature with respect to the 5G
channel model requirements as described in Section 2. Available models like WINNER / IMT-
Advanced, COST 2100, and IEEE 802.11 are first discussed. Then the shortcomings of the
available models are emphasized.
In the METIS channel model, higher frequency bands up to millimetre wave should be
considered. Therefore, a general overview on the frequency dependency of propagation
parameters is given in this section.
The modelling of the vehicles and human beings as non-stationary (moving) objects are
needed for obtaining accurate channel modelling, especially in open air festival, stadium and
dense urban scenarios, which are summarized in Appendix C.2.

4.1 Available channel models

We will discuss below the available (or existing) channel models, their properties and possible
deficiencies. By the wording available/existing models we actually mean the models below
(and comparable):
- WINNER channel model [WIN208-D112] and its extension WINNER+ channel model
- IMT-Advanced channel model [ITUR09-2135],
- 3GPP-3D channel model [3GPP14-36873],
- COST 2100 channel model [VZ12],
- QuaDRiGa channel model [JRB+14a; JRB+14b]
- IEEE 802.11ad channel model [MEP10].

4.1.1 WINNER / IMT-Advanced

The radio channel models specified in [ITUR09-2135; WIN208-D112; WIN+10-D53] describe
various environments, outdoor, indoor and outdoor-to-indoor. The models are parameterized
using results from an extensive set of measurement campaigns, and they are widely used and
The WINNER family is a set of geometry-based stochastic channel models. The channel
parameters are determined stochastically, based on statistical distributions extracted from
channel measurements. There are several randomized values, e.g. delay spread, delay
values, angle spread, shadow fading, and cross-polarisation ratio. For each channel snapshot
the channel parameters are calculated according to the distributions. Channel realisations are
generated by summing up contributions of rays with specific properties like delay, power,
angle-of-arrival and angle-of-departure. Different propagation scenarios are modelled by using
the same approach, but with different parameters. Although the WINNER models were
originally designed for 2D propagation, further development has led to extensions like
WINNER+ [WIN+10-D53], QuaDRiGa [JRB+14a; JRB+14b] and 3GPP-3D [3GPP14-36873],
which handle radio propagation in 3D.
As the models are designed for cellular communication between a fixed base station and a
mobile user terminal, they are not as such applicable to situations where both link ends can be
at arbitrary locations, like D2D or in case of moving base station, or even ultra-dense
deployment, where closely located BSs see partly the same environment. Another known
defect of the WINNER approach is the lack of support for spherical waves and consistent
modelling of closely located users. In particular, poor realism is provided when high spatial
resolution is needed for e.g. massive MIMO and pencil beamforming.

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4.1.2 COST 2100

Unlike in WINNER / IMT-Advanced models, in COST 2100 model [VZ12] the clusters (i.e.
scattering objects) are defined as being present in the environment and are not specific to one
single link. Each cluster has a visibility region, and is visible to the UEs located inside its
visibility region. This enables closely located users to see partly similar environments. Also
spherical waves and smooth time evolution of the channel is supported because the clusters
have their locations fixed.
Like the WINNER family, the COST 2100 model is also designed for cases where one end of
the link is fixed, and thus is not adequate for all 5G propagation scenarios defined in Section 3.
Furthermore the parameterizing the COST 2100 model to different environments is
challenging, because the cluster characteristics cannot be easily extracted from propagation
4.1.3 IEEE 802.11 for 60 GHz
The IEEE 802.11ad channel model is intended for 60 GHz Wireless Local Area Networks
(WLANs), where very high data rates are required [MEP10]. The model is cluster-based and
describes the channel by providing accurate space-time characteristics including polarisation
and supports non-stationary characteristics of the channel. The paths considered by the
model include the line-of-sight and first and second order reflections. As a result of
experimental measurements and ray tracing simulations, the model is parameterised for three
indoor scenarios, namely a conference room, a cubicle and a living room. Since the model
parameters are created deterministically, the parameterisation for each scenario is site-
specific and may not be valid for other similar environments.
4.1.4 Ray tracing
Ray tracing is a method for approximating the propagation of a wave in an environment using
discrete rays. The discrete rays are traced either by determining all possible specular images
of TX/ RX or by launching rays into different directions. In both cases the possible pathways
and their corresponding interactions, such as reflections, diffraction and diffuse scattering, are
determined. For accurate simulation results multiple rays need to be launched from the
transmitter using a dense angular grid. In the case of specular images the complexity grows
exponentially with the number of interactions.
As such, ray tracing requires knowledge of the environment as well as knowledge on the
material parameters of the objects. As the simulation approach relies on the environmental
knowledge, this approach is inherently environment specific and as such deterministic. The
approach supports different transmitter and receiver locations, i.e., macro-, microcellular, or
D2D and it is spatially consistent.
Although ray tracing is a very accurate way of simulating radio wave propagation, it suffers
from mainly two aspects; 1) knowledge of the environment is required, and 2) the
computational burden is high.

4.2 Deficiencies in existing models

Some important features are missing from the existing models. In the future various types of
links (e.g. traditional cellular, D2D, movable base stations, etc.) will co-exist in the same area,
and they need to be described in a consistent manner. Most current channel models fail doing
so at least partially for reasons explained below.
4.2.1 2D models
Current models are mostly 2D models, except 3GPP-3D. This is a limitation in cases where
the elevation dimension is planned to be utilised, like in 3D beam-forming. Another example is,
e.g., the stadium scenario, where the BSs are mounted above the spectators. In general the
requirements for the future channel models include the requirement for it to be three

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4.2.2 Incomplete frequency coverage

In the future new frequency bands will be utilised for radio communications. Existing models
cannot adequately describe propagation at frequencies beyond the current cellular bands.
Most of the radio propagation measurements conducted so far, have been concentrating on
frequencies below 6 GHz and around 60 GHz. For frequencies between 6 GHz and 60 GHz
and above 60 GHz there are only a few models available. The available models are
furthermore restricted to pathloss models, e.g., [TCS94; MKA02; RBM+12], and the models
for spatio-temporal characteristics above 6 GHz are still limited to a few examples [ALS+14;
KKY+14; SR14].
4.2.3 Bandwidth
Current models are specified for a certain frequency bandwidth. Often the bandwidth is
adequate for the currently used frequency range. However, at higher frequencies broader
frequency ranges are available and the used bandwidths can also be higher. Therefore the
channel model bandwidth has to be wider as well.
4.2.4 Limited number of scenarios
Some important propagation scenarios are missing in the current models. Such cases are e.g.
the mass events like sport and festival happenings where the density of people may be very
high. Shopping mall is another mostly missing scenario.
4.2.5 Correlation inconsistency in D2D
A traditional model with base stations at fixed locations is not always adequate. For D2D
connections both ends of each link can be at arbitrary locations, consistent modelling is
difficult to achieve with the existing models. In the WINNER and IMT-Advanced channel
models good (realistic and spatially consistent) correlation properties of large-scale (LS)
parameters could be achieved by pre-calculating a map for each location (x,y) of the simulated
world. If both TX and RX can be at any location, the required map would be 4-dimensional
(xTX, yTX, xRX, yRX), or even 6-dimensional, if height is also included. For a typical size of the
simulated world (few hundred meters to kilometres) and typical required resolution of the LS
parameter map (few meters to tens of meters), the size of this table grows too large and is not
computationally feasible in practice, and thus a different approach is needed. Anyhow,
ignoring the correlation of LS parameters, especially shadowing, can lead to incorrect
conclusions, as demonstrated in [AP09]. This problem present in current models will now be
solved using the sum-of-sinusoids method in the METIS channel model, cf. Section 7.4.
4.2.6 Inconsistent small-scale parameters
For some applications the current modelling of small-scale parameters is also inadequate. A
spatially consistent model is required to describe time evolution of the channel in dynamic
simulations. It is also required to describe close-by links in a realistic manner, because if two
radios are located close to each other, they should see similar scattering environment, and
thus have similar directions of arrival (DoA) and departure (DoD). Ignoring this can
overestimate the performance of spatial multi-antenna techniques.
4.2.7 Dual mobility
Dual mobility that is present in D2D connections and the corresponding Doppler spectrum and
characteristic fast fading distribution (worse than Rayleigh) have not been extensively
modelled in the current channel models, except in some specialised cases like [KTC+09] and
[BV11]. Same is true for the equal and low antenna heights for both link ends.

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4.2.8 Missing large array support

Current models provide poor accuracy of the spatial channel characteristics. Typically the path
amplitude distributions are arbitrary and the path direction distributions poorly validated. Large
array antennas require both high resolution and realistic distributions. Moreover the
propagating waves need to be modelled spherical for the large arrays and this is not the case
with the current channel models. This property is important for the massive MIMO concept.
4.2.9 Performance of the METIS models as regards the deficiencies
There are two METIS channel models, map-based and stochastic (and their hybrid model).
They are 3D models with a frequency range from 0.45 GHz to 70 GHz and beyond. The
channel bandwidths should be sufficient for the needs now and in the near future. See e.g.
Table 8-1. The stochastic channel model is specified in separate frequency bands in the
frequency range, where measurement results have been available. The map-based model is
based on the environment and its material properties. Assuming the required parameter
values are known, the map-based model is specified for the frequency range from 0.45 to
100 GHz. Due to the same reason, the lack of measurements, there are less scenarios for the
stochastic model. The map-based model is specified in more numerous scenarios than the
stochastic model. Together the models cover the required scenarios specified in METIS
The inconsistency of the correlations in D2D connections as well as the inconsistency in the
small-scale parameters is overcome in the map-based model. The stochastic model functions
satisfactorily with the correlation of the D2D connections, but not with the small-scale
parameters. Dual mobility is supported by the map-based model and by the stochastic model.
Very large arrays are supported by the map-based model. For the stochastic model future
development is needed in this respect.

4.3 Comparison of the models

This section compares METIS model with existing models. The comparison table shows the
main differences between METIS models and SCM, WINNER, IMT-Advanced, 3GPP, and
802.11ad models (Table 4-1).

Table 4-1: Comparison of different models.






stochastic map-based

1–3 1–6 .45 – 6 1–4 1–4 60 – 66 up to 70 GHz up to 100 GHz
Range (GHz)
Bandwidth 100 MHz < 6 GHz, 10 % of the
5 100 100 100 100 2000
(MHz) 1 GHz @ 60 GHz centre frequency
no limited no no limited yes no yes
no no no no no no no yes
spherical waves
extremely large
arrays beyond no no no no no no no yes
Support dual
no no no limited no no limited yes
Support Mesh
no no no no no no no yes
Support 3D
no yes no no yes yes yes yes
Support mmW no no no no no yes partly yes
Dynamic very
no no no no limited no yes
modelling limited

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no no no no no no SF only yes

4.4 Frequency dependent propagation effects

In this section, electrical material properties and frequency dependent propagation effects,
such as reflection, diffraction are briefly explained based on the literature review. Note that
more details are described in Appendix E.
4.4.1 Material properties
The electrical material properties (relative permittivity and conductivity) are given for some
common materials up to in the frequency range from 1 to 100 GHz [ITUR13-2040]. Some
materials necessary for the channel model are missing in [ITUR13] e.g. asphalt, metal coated
glass and human body. Values for those materials and some additional materials proposed by
METIS partners are included (based on literature) in Appendix E.1. Values for asphalt have
been discussed in [Saa06]. Metallised glass has been investigated in [KKO+08] and
[KOK+11]. Human body material parameters have been discussed e.g. in [MPH06].
4.4.2 Reflection from a wall and penetration though a wall
The reflection and penetration phenomenon is frequency dependent because of:
1. Frequency dependent material properties: reflection in wall surfaces and loss in the
2. Interference effects due to multiple reflections inside the slab.
3. Frequency dependent roughness of the material (wall/floor) boundaries.

The loss through a wall has been discussed in [ITUR13-2040] and consists of the
transmission through the air – wall surface, the attenuation due to the finite conductivity of the
wall material and the transmission through the wall – air surface on the opposite side. In
addition it is assumed that the effect of surface roughness in both of the surfaces affects
similarly as in the reflection.
4.4.3 Effect of surface roughness on reflection
Surface roughness is inversely proportional to the wavelength. This means that the effective
surface roughness is proportional to the carrier frequency. There is a critical height ℎ𝑐 that
divides the surface to smooth (ℎ < ℎ𝑐 ) and rough (ℎ > ℎ𝑐 ) when ℎ is the deviation of the
highest and lowest values of the surface height. In general, so-called Rayleigh criterion is
considered as the value of the critical height [LFR96]. In addition, when the height deviations
are assumed to follow the normal distribution (Gaussian rough surface), surface roughness
attenuation factor that is used to multiply the result for smooth surface reflection has been
clarified in [LFR96]. In [LFR93] and [LFR96] reflection from three different walls consisting of
different materials, brick wall, limestone and metal coated glass, were measured and
compared with theoretical values.
4.4.4 Diffraction from the edge/ wedge
The diffraction phenomenon can be understood as a shielding of the Fresnel zone, thus it is
frequency dependent. In [MH13] there is an approximation for the attenuation caused by one
knife-edge. It is used in the METIS map-based channel model and the equation can be found
in Section 6.2 Equation (6-6). Calculation of diffraction from the wedge is compared with
measurement at 5 GHz in ITU-R [ITUR13-2040] where the calculations of uniform geometrical
theory of diffraction (UTD) wedge diffraction have good matching with measurement results.
Material characteristics can be included in UTD calculation. Map-based model utilizes the
capability of UTD calculation with frequency dependent material properties. The details of
implementation are described in Section 6 and Appendix C.

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4.4.5 Diffuse scattering

As radio frequency becomes high, wavelength becomes small; therefore roughness of
material or surface roughness should impact the property of scattering phenomenon.
Using a Gaussian rough surface scattering model as described previously the surface
roughness and the reflection coefficient derived from the model are based on Rayleigh or
Fraunhofer criteria. The reflection coefficient can express power reduction of specular
reflection. Reflected radio waves from a building wall should consist of not only specular
reflection but also diffuse scattering. In order to model frequency dependent channel
properties realistically, for example, in urban environment, surface roughness of building walls
should be taken into account.
In [MEE+14], measurements were conducted to evaluate the effect of specular reflection and
diffuse scattering quantitatively. Building walls generally consist of concrete and window
periodically. In literature [PB04], periodic surface structures of wall and window is investigated.
4.4.6 Attenuation caused by oxygen and water vapour
It is often said that the curve proposed by ITU [ITUR13-67610] guarantees that attenuation by
oxygen and water vapour prevents communication at higher frequencies. However, we should
take the scale of this graph into account. At 60 GHz the oxygen attenuates signals by 15 –
20 dB/km, although millimetre wave systems are usually planned for much smaller distances.
4.4.7 Rain attenuation
Rain attenuation is strongly frequency dependent, and should therefore be taken into account
in METIS channel modelling. According to ITU-R Recommendation P.838-3 [ITUR05-8383]
the attenuation caused by rain rate is given as an equation with frequency as one of
parameters. Based on the equation, we can calculate frequency dependency of rain
attenuation. These curves show the extra attenuation caused by rain and should not be mixed
up with pathloss model.
4.4.8 Vegetation loss
Attenuation through vegetation has been actively investigated, and several models have been
reported [Qin02], [ITUR03-8334]. In [ITUR03-8334], an empirical model of propagation
through vegetation that is developed for frequencies above 5 GHz is provided.

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5 Findings from METIS Investigations, Measurements and

The channel modelling activities in the METIS project have been based on extensive
measurement campaigns covering different scenarios at various radio frequencies. While
these measurement campaigns add diversity to the radio frequencies and scenarios in which
the future radio communications systems are to be deployed, the measurement data are
somewhat scattered mainly due to differences of capabilities in channel sounders. For
example, outdoor vehicular measurements have been performed only at 2 and 5 GHz, while
short-range millimetre wave measurements are available only for indoor and outdoor hotspot
scenarios. This section therefore highlights major findings and outcomes, e.g., channel model
parameters and link design guidelines, from the analyses on measured channels and
electromagnetic simulations. The major findings and their relevance on METIS channel
models are summarized in Table 5-1, and their details are described in the rest of the section.

Table 5-1: Summary of major findings from METIS measurements and simulations.
Findings Measurements Relevance
5.1 ITU-R Urban Microcellular pathloss model fits our LOS
Explained in the
measurements beyond 6 GHz but not necessarily with our NLOS Stochastic model,
measurements. Section 7, Table
5.2 A modified ITU-R UMi LOS pathloss model covers the Appendices A.1, 7-1
frequency range between 0.8 to 60 GHz. A.3
5.3 Scattered field patterns from a periodic surface show a Diffuse scattering
critical frequency and observation distance where the scattering N/A in the map-based
effects start to be visible. model, Section 6.
5.4 Spatial channel model parameters available for dense-
Appendix A.2
urban microcellular and device-to-device scenarios.
5.5 Supplemental parameters are derived for the 3GPP spatial
channel model in urban macro cellular scenarios at 2.3 GHz. Stochastic model
5.6 Elevation spread at the base station becomes smaller Section 7,
when elevating the base station in urban microcellular Appendix A.1 Table 7-2.
5.7 3GPP spatial channel model parameters for inter-vehicular
channels available at 2.3 and 5.25 GHz.
5.8 Simultaneous measurements of 10 and 60 GHz outdoor
Stochastic model
channels reveal consistent delays of dominant propagation paths, Appendix A.6 Section 7
while less multipaths were observed at 60 GHz.
5.9 Diffraction can be a dominant propagation phenomenon in
NLOS indoor 60 GHz propagation. Map-based
5.10 Both specular and diffuse components are important in model, Section 6.
Appendix A.4
60 GHz indoor channel.
5.11 The WINNER-type sub-path distribution model in a cluster Stochastic model
is not suitable for 5G channel models. Section 7.
Stochastic model
5.12 WINNER II channel model parameters are available for
Appendix A.5 Section 7, Table
short-range millimetre wave links in various environments.
7-1 and Table 7-2.
5.13 Electrically very large array antenna makes the multi-user Massive MIMO
channels as ideal as the i.i.d. condition. link design
5.14 Multiple-stream spatial transmission is possible at Millimetre-wave
millimetre wave due to available spatial degrees-of-freedom. MIMO link design

5.1 ITU-R UMi pathloss model fits our LOS measurements beyond 6 GHz but
not necessarily with our NLOS measurements
The first finding concerns the applicability of the ITU-R pathloss model to wider range of radio
frequency beyond the present definition, i.e., 6 GHz. A multi-frequency pathloss measurement
was conducted in Hatchobori, Tokyo. Ten storey (approximately 40 m high) buildings surround

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this area along the streets. A transmitter (TX) antenna was installed on a car roof with an
elastic pole to adjust the height while a receiver (RX) antenna was fixed on the roof of another
car. The received instantaneous power level was measured while driving the car with the RX
antenna along the routes of LOS, NLOS1, 2 and 3 as shown in Figure 5-1 (left). Frequencies
of 0.8, 2.2, 4.7, 8.45, 27 and 36 GHz and TX/ RX antenna heights of 10 m and 2.5 m with
omni-directional pattern in horizontal plane were used for the measurement. Figure 5-1 (right)
shows pictures of the measurement site where tall buildings surround the street.

32 m 15 m 32 m

Hatchobori- 10 m 5m 10 m
ni chome


intersection Kayabacho

LOS Tx 32 m
12 m 10 m

242 m
57 m 169 m

Figure 5-1: Measurement environment and routes (left) and picture of LOS route from TX
antenna (right).

The measured data was post-processed in the following manner: (1) Reference points were
established every meter. (2) The data at the reference point and other data recorded within
5 m before/after the reference point were considered as a data set for the reference point. (3)
The median of the data set was determined as the measurement results at the reference point.

60 60 60
80 80 80
Path loss [dB]
Path loss [dB]

Path loss [dB]

100 100 100

120 120 120
140 140 140
160 160 160
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Total distance [m] Total distance [m] Total distance [m]
(a) 800 MHz (b) 2.2 GHz (c) 4.7 GHz
60 60 60
80 80 80
Path loss [dB]
Path loss [dB]
Path loss [dB]

100 100 100

120 120 120
140 140 140
160 160 160
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Total distance [m] Total distance [m] Total distance [m]
(d) 8.45 GHz (e) 26 GHz (f) 37 GHz
M. 2135 red-solid blue-solid green-solid gray-solid
Measurement ○ red-circle  blue-diamond   green-plus  gray-cross

Figure 5-2: Comparison of measurement and M.2135 results.

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In Figure 5-2, the measurement and M.2135 [ITUR09-2135] results are shown for each
frequency. M.2135 shows decent matching with measurement in LOS route, even though the
model was originally developed for below 6 GHz frequencies, while large deviations are
observed in NLOS routes at all frequencies. As an example, the predicted pathloss is too high,
whereas for NLOS 2 route the prediction is too low for NLOS 1 and 3 routes. The result
supports the use of the M.2135 UMi LOS model even for the higher radio frequencies than
6 GHz (see Table 7-1 for a list of recommended pathloss model in METIS).

5.2 A modified ITU-R UMi pathloss model covers the frequency range between
0.8 to 60 GHz
Inspired by the applicability of the ITU-R M.2135 UMi pathloss model [ITUR09-2135] to a
diverse range of radio frequencies summarized in Section 5.1, the model is further tested with
additional channel measurement sets detailed in Appendices A.1, A.3 and A.6 that cover a
radio frequency range from 0.8 to 60 GHz obtained from three cities. The nominal gain of the
TX and RX antennas was subtracted from the measured pathloss. For the LOS scenario,
comparison of the model with the extended channel data sets suggests slight modifications of
the pathloss model with respect to the following aspects.
 Break point distance: the breakpoint distances were found to be much smaller than that
specified in the M.2135 model in many cases, and therefore, a breakpoint scaling factor
𝛼BP is introduced; 𝛼BP is a function of the radio frequency as illustrated in Figure 5-3 (left)
and given by
log 10 ( )
1 GHz
𝛼BP = 0.37 exp (− 1.13
). (5-1)

The breakpoint is then given by

2𝜋ℎBS ℎUT
𝑑BP = 𝛼BP . (5-2)

It must be noted, however, that (5-1) is only valid for elevated base stations above 5 m.
Figure 5-3 (left) shows that the V2V measurements did not follow this trend and hence
was not taken into account in deriving (5-1). In case of the V2V scenario, the BP scaling
factor was 7.5 and 1.3 at 2.3 and 5.25 GHz, respectively.
 Pathloss offset: adding an offset, 𝑃𝐿1 , to the model improved the overall agreement with
measurements. Since the original M.2135 model is close to the free space pathloss, the
initial pathloss reflects the effect of surrounding scattering environments. The offset is
given by

𝑐 𝑓
𝑃𝐿1|dB = −1.38 log10 (1 GHz) + 3.34. (5-3)

as shown in Figure 5-3 (right). The offset tends to decrease as the frequency increases,
showing that the higher frequency tends to follow the free space loss better.
Other parameters of the model such as power decay constant before and after the breakpoint,
𝑛1 = 2.2 and 𝑛2 = 4.0, and the shadow fading 𝜎S = 3.1 are found almost frequency
independent for the tested sets of the measurements. The modified pathloss formula is
defined as:
𝑑1 𝑐 𝑓
𝑃𝐿(𝑑1 )|dB = 10𝑛1 log10 (1 m ) + 28.0 + 20 log10 (1 GHz) + 𝑃𝐿1|dB (5-4)

for 10 m < 𝑑1 < 𝑑BP and

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𝑑1 ℎ ℎ 𝑓
𝑃𝐿(𝑑1 )|dB = 10 𝑛2 log10 (1 m ) + 7.8 − 18 log10 (1 BS
UT 𝑐
) + 2 log10 (1 GHz ) + 𝑃𝐿(𝑑BP )|dB (5-5)

for 𝑑𝐵𝑃 < 𝑑1 < 500 m where (5-4) and (5-5) represent before and after the breakpoint,
respectively. It is important to note the valid TX-RX distance range since the METIS
measurements do not necessarily cover the entire distance range of the original M.2135
model, leading to the valid range only up to 500 m. The last term 𝑃𝐿(𝑑BP ) in (5-5) is derived
from (5-4) by substituting 𝑑BP into 𝑑 to ensure consistency of the pathloss at the breakpoint.
Exemplary comparison of the modified pathloss model with measurements is shown in Figure
5-4. The fitting at 26.36 GHz shows significant underestimation of the pathloss for the TX-RX
distance shorter than 40 m. This is because of the model assuming close to free space while
the measurements having a large difference in TX and RX antenna heights, leading to a
mismatch in antenna directivities.

Figure 5-3: Frequency dependency of break point (BP) scaling factor (left) and pathloss offset

We based our NLOS pathloss model on the Manhattan grid layout given by
𝑑2 𝑓c
𝑃𝐿|dB = 𝑃𝐿LOS (𝑑1 )|dB + 17.9 − 12.5𝑛𝑗 + 10𝑛𝑗 log10 ( )+ 3log10 ( )+ 𝑃𝐿2|dB (5-6)
1m 1 GHz

for 10 m < 𝑑2 < 1000 m and

𝑛𝑗 = max(2.8 − 0.0024 𝑑1 , 1.84), (5-7)

where 𝑑1 and 𝑑2 are the distances from the BS to a cross section of streets and from the UE
to the cross section. The BS and UE are located in the two crossing streets; 𝑃𝐿LOS (𝑑1 ) is the
pathloss between the BS and the cross section derived from (5-4) and (5-5), and the last term
𝑃𝐿2 is the pathloss offset. The model (5-6) is simplified relative to the original model; while the
original model calculates the pathloss from BS to UE and from UE to BS, and takes the
smaller of them [ITUR09-2135], the present model calculates the pathloss from BS to UE only.
Though the pathloss between BS and UE must be the same regardless of the direction of
signal transmission due to reciprocity, the pathloss models do not necessarily hold the
reciprocity. It was found that the simplified model works as good as the original model
according our available data sets. Figure 5-5 shows exemplary fits of the measured pathloss
with the simplified NLOS model. The right figure shows significant overestimation of the
measured pathloss, suggesting a room for improvement of the power decay constant.

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Figure 5-4: Example fits of the modified M.2135 UMi LOS model (5-4) and (5-5) at 26.36 GHz (left)
and 60 GHz (right); red curves are model, black dots are measurements.

Figure 5-5: Example fits of the modified M.2135 UMi NLOS model (5-6) and (5-7) at 26.36 GHz
(left) and 37.07 GHz (right). They were measured in two different streets with 𝒅𝟏 being 248 m
(left) and 59.5 m (right); red curves are model, black dots are measurements.

Figure 5-6: Frequency dependency of the pathloss offset (left) and shadow fading (right).

Finally, Figure 5-6 shows the estimated pathloss offset 𝑃𝐿2 and shadow fading 𝜎S . Different
marks represent estimates from different streets. The figures reveal that the pathloss offset
and shadow fading does not change over frequencies, while shows notable dependence on
streets, reflecting the fact that the coupling from the main to perpendicular streets depends
highly on the artefact and vegetation at the street crossing. It is therefore possible to model
these parameters as random variables representing different streets. The mean and standard
deviation of the pathloss offset are -9.1 and 6.1 dB, while those of the shadow fading are 3.0
and 1.3 dB, respectively. A normal distribution may work as a distribution to reproduce the
parameter values, but needs more datasets to ensure statistical validity.

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5.3 Scattered field patterns from a periodic surface show a critical frequency
and observation distance where the scattering effects start to be visible
The literature review in Section 3 shows inadequacy in the knowledge of frequency
dependence in scattering. To fill the knowledge gap, frequency dependency of scattering
effect from rough surface is investigated. Since the electrical size of scatterer becomes large
in high frequency bands, the effect of surface roughness may impact scattering phenomena
which may be diffusing rather than specular reflection. Figure 5-7 (top left) shows the analysis
model. The overall size of a plate is 10 m by 10 m, surface roughness is considered as
periodical structure where 1 m by 1 m tiles are arranged with (grey tile) and without (white tile)
a height offset Δℎ, which appears periodically.
Figure 5-7 (right) shows the calculation results when normal plane wave incidence of 𝜃0 =
0 deg and scattering 𝜃𝑠 = 0 deg. The horizontal axis represents frequency. The vertical axis
represents distance D from the origin in Figure 5-7 (bottom left). Note the distance D is a
variable identical to the distance along z axis from the origin. The colour represents scattered
field strength from rough surface with 𝛥ℎ = 0.1 m. Here, the scattered field is normalized by
the scattered field strength from smooth surface aligned in xy plane (equivalently all tiles with
Δℎ = 0 𝑚) and is illustrated in relative level. The physical optics is used for the calculation. 𝑅1
and 𝑅2 are radii of the first and second Fresnel zones, respectively. The radius of the 𝑛-th
Fresnel zone, 𝑅𝑛 , is defined by 𝑅𝑛 = √𝑛𝜆𝐷 (here 𝜆 is wave length). That is, the Fresnel radius
becomes large as distance D increases. Figure 5-7 (right) illustrates that relative level is very
small when 𝑅2 < 0.5 m. This means that the size (or diameter) of the second Fresnel zone is
smaller than the size of a roughness element (a 1 m by 1 m tile in our model). The scattering
behaves similarly to specular reflection.
Furthermore, frequency 𝑓0 is illustrated at the relative level of 3 dB when 𝐷 = 0.1 m. The
scattering can be considered as specular reflection for lower frequencies than 𝑓0 . In other
words, the frequency 𝑓0 indicates a boundary that the surface with 𝛥ℎ is considered as rough
surface or not.
In general, when 𝜃0 = 0 deg and 𝜃𝑠 = 0 deg, the surface roughness is described as [MEE+14]:
𝜆 𝐶
𝛥ℎ < 𝛼 (= 𝛼𝑓) (5-8)

where 𝐶 indicates speed of light.

In case of Δℎ = 0.1 𝑚, it is evaluated as 𝑓0 = 0.0375 𝐺𝐻𝑧 based on Rayleigh criterion ( = 8)
and 𝑓0 = 0.093 𝐺𝐻𝑧 based on Fraunhofer criterion (  = 32). The value 𝑓0 derived from the
simulation result is an intermediate value between these two criteria as indicated in Figure 5-7
In conclusion, the scattering characteristics depend on size and height of roughness. Hence,
in order to investigate frequency dependency of scattering from rough surface at high
frequencies, the detail of the surface structure should be understood. Furthermore, the
investigation of the scattering effect from random rough surface is important [TIO14]. These
insights are essential in determining a spatial segment, so called “tiles” to produce diffuse
scattering, in the map-based model detailed in Section 6.

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y 100

x R1=5m

Relative level (dB)

z 10

Distance, D (m)
1m Top view 1
1m x R1=0.5m
D R2=0.5m
q0 qs 0.1
Incident wave 0.1 1 10
Observation point f0 Frequency (GHz)

Figure 5-7: Analysis model (top left), frequency dependency with h = 0.1 m (bottom left), and
scattering effect on rough surface (right).

5.4 Spatial channel model parameters available for dense UMi and D2D
Spatial channel models need to be complemented as new test cases and propagation
scenarios emerge. To this end, wideband radio channel measurements were performed in one
of the most crowded areas in the vicinities of Shibuya railway station in Japan, for METIS’
dense urban test case (TC2). Here, in order to analyse influence of shadowing of pedestrians,
the measurements were performed in daytime and midnight-time as shown in Figure 5-8. In
the investigated area, there were few pedestrians in midnight-time. The measurements were
conducted by DOCOMO channel sounder [KSO+09] at 2.225 GHz centre frequency for urban
microcell (UMi) and D2D scenarios. The user equipment (UE) antenna height was set to 1.5 m
and the base station (BS) antenna heights for UMi and D2D scenarios were set to 3 and 1.5 m,
respectively. A sleeve antenna and a slotted cylinder antenna were used to transmit vertically
and horizontally polarized wave, respectively. Here, these antennas were manually switched.
The signal was received by cylindrical array antenna, which has 96 dual-polarized patch
antenna elements (192 feeds) that allows directional analysis. The distribution both at UE and
BS side were measured by placing the cylindrical receive array antenna on the intended side.
In data processing, space alternating generalized expectation-maximization (SAGE) algorithm
was applied to extraction of paths on the angular-delay-polarization domain. Details of the
measurement campaign are described in Appendix A.2.2.
In both UMi and D2D scenarios, the average received power in daytime is about 5 dB lower
than that in midnight-time (here, TX and RX polarizations are vertical). In UMi scenario in
daytime, the median cross polarization ratio (XPR) from V-pol. to H-pol. was 8 dB, and the
median XPR from H-pol. to V-pol. was 5 dB. The other obtained results are shown in Table
5-2, which are usable directly in a spatial stochastic channel model detailed in Section 7. The
angular spread values are shown in a log-scale in the table because of the compatibility with
the 3GPP and WINNER models. The values in a linear-scale are summarized in Appendix

Figure 5-8: Measurement environment during day- (left) and night-time (right).

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Table 5-2: Measurement results in the Tokyo downtown crowded area for UMi and D2D

ITU-R Small Cell D2D



UMi (LOS) day night day night

Polarization V-V H-H V-V V-V V-V

𝜇lgDS -7.19 -7.42 -7.24 -7.29 -7.59 -7.50

lgDS = log10(DS/1 ns)
𝜎lgDS 0.4 0.18 0.41 0.17 0.21 0.19
𝜇lgASD 1.2 1.86 1.86 1.85
lgASD = log10(ASD/1 deg)
𝜎lgASD 0.43 0.08 0.08 0.08
𝜇lgESD 0.90 0.90 0.88
lgESD = log10(ESD/1 deg)
𝜎lgESD 0.30 0.22 0.25
𝜇lgASA 1.75 1.70 1.65 1.73 1.61 1.62
lgASA = log10(ASA/1 deg)
𝜎lgASA 0.19 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.16
𝜇lgESA 1.00 1.02 0.91 1.16 1.07
lgESA = log10(ESA/1 deg)
𝜎lgESA 0.31 0.28 0.32 0.31 0.31

ASD vs DS 0.5 0.07 0.23 0.27

Cross correlations
ASA vs DS 0.8 0.21 0.52 0.46 0.41 0.18
Cluster ASD in deg 3 5.56 5.14 5.99
Cluster ESD in deg 3.64 3.53 3.42
Cluster ASA in deg 17 5.91 6.63 6.04 5.26 5.23
Cluster ESA in deg 4.50 4.57 3.72 6.08 4.85

5.5 Supplemental parameters are derived for the 3GPP spatial channel model
in UMa scenarios at 2.3 GHz
Spatial channel model parameters for three-dimensional radio propagation are complemented
through extensive outdoor macro cellular measurements. The measurements were conducted
for outdoor to outdoor (O2O) and outdoor to indoor (O2I) scenario by EB PropSound channel
sounder [Ele04] at 2.3 GHz in downtown Oulu, Finland. The height of TX antenna was 18 m.
The RX antenna was installed on the rooftop of car at the height of 2.5 m in O2O
measurements. In O2I measurements, the RX antenna was located 1.6 m above floor level on
the different floors of Hotel Scandic Oulu. The antenna configurations were 30 (TX) x 16 (RX)
and 30 x 56 for O2O and O2I measurements, respectively. Details of the measurement
campaigns are summarized in Appendix A.1. Table 5-3 summarizes new parameters obtained
from UMa O2O measurements for the 3GPP channel model framework. These parameters
are seen as a supplement to the already available parameters in [3GPP14-36873] intended
for the spatial channel model detailed in Section 7.

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Table 5-3: Parameters for UMa O2O scenario.

Parameter Symbols [3GPP14- [3GPP14-
Measured Measured
36873] 36873]
lgDS = 𝜇lgDS -7.5 -7.03 -7.26 -6.44
log10(DS/1 ns) 𝜎lgDS 0.23 0.66 0.35 0.39
lgASD = 𝜇lgASD 1.15 1.15 1.17 1.41
log10(ASD/1 deg) 𝜎lgASD 0.39 0.28 0.26 0.28
lgESD = 𝜇lgESD 0.61 0.7** 0.38 0.9**
log10(ESD/1 deg) 𝜎lgESD 0.21 0.2** 0.27 0.2**
lgASA = 𝜇lgASA 1.43 1.81 1.38 1.87
log10(ASA/1 deg) 𝜎lgASA 0.38 0.2 0.4 0.11
SF in dB 𝜎SF 3 4 6 6
𝜇KF 8.5 9
KF in dB
𝜎KF 5.7 3.5
ASD vs DS 0.4 0.4 -0.2 0.4
ASA vs DS 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.6
ASA vs SF -0.2 -0.5 0 0
ASD vs SF 0.1 -0.5 0.4 -0.6

DS vs SF -0.3 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4

ASD vs ASA -0.3 0 0 0.4
ASD vs KF -0.1 0
ASA vs KF -0.5 -0.2
DS vs KF -0.4 -0.4
SF vs KF 0.5 0
ESD vs SF -0.3 0 -0.2 0
ESD vs KF -0.2 0
ESD vs DS 0.3 -0.2 0 -0.5
ESD vs ASD 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.5
ESD vs ASA 0 -0.3 0 0
Delay Distribution Exp.
AOD and AOA distribution Wrapped Gaussian
EOD and EOA distribution Laplacian
Delay Scaling
𝑟𝜏 2.1 2.5 1.9 2.3
𝜇XPR 12 8 10 7
XPR in dB
𝜎XPR 9 4 10 3
Per cluster
𝜁 6 3 6 3
shadowing in dB
EOD in deg 𝜇EOD -24.6 -11.8
** Parameters taken from [WIN+10-D53]
ASD = Azimuth angle Spread of Departure ,ESD = Elevation Spread of Departure, ASA =
Azimuth Spread of Arrival, DS = delay spread, XPR = cross polarisation ratio, EOD =
Elevation angle of Departure
Note that only the lowest ring of dual polarised patches in the azimuth domain was used in
the RX array antenna, therefore the elevation spread of arrival (ESA) cannot be analysed.

Partly insufficient SNR, and therefore the loss of multipath components, causes smaller
angular statistic in the NLOS case than the LOS case.
Figure 5-9 presents the received power for the measurement over the building rooftop in O2I
scenario. The TX antenna had two different positions. The results are overlaid by ray-based
prediction that considers the knife-edge diffraction at the building rooftop and the transmission
loss caused by a window.

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Figure 5-9: Received power in UMa O2I at 2.3 GHz; a prediction by a ray-tracing model is

5.6 Elevation spread at the base station becomes smaller when elevating the
base station in UMi environments
Three-dimensional spatial channel model also requires insights into the dependence of
channel model parameters on the height of base station antennas. To clarify the height
dependency, especially with respect to the elevation angular spread at the base station, urban
microcell (UMi) measurements were performed for O2O and O2I scenarios at 2.3 GHz and
5.25 GHz at downtown Oulu, Finland. The antenna configurations were the same as in UMa
scenarios at 2.3 GHz as described in the previous section. For 5.25 GHz, the antenna
configurations were 30 (TX) x 18 (RX) and 30 x 50 for O2O and O2I measurements,
respectively. Details of the measurements are available in Appendix A.1.
Figure 5-10 (left) presents the cumulative density function (CDF) for the ESD for O2O
measurements at 2.3 GHz. The difference between the LOS and the NLOS scenario is clearly
seen from Figure 5-10 (left). The contribution of direct path in the LOS propagation condition is
significantly higher that of multipath components, which leads to smaller ESD in the LOS
scenario. In the NLOS scenario, the ESD differs remarkably between the two TX antenna
heights. One reason for this is the fact that the stronger MPCs are detected from the ground
reflection with the lower TX antenna height. Figure 5-10 (right) presents CDF for the ESD for
UMi O2I corridor measurements at 2.3 GHz and 5.25 GHz. The heights of TX antenna were
5 m, 10 m and 15 m. The RX was located on the different floors of Hotel Scandic Oulu and
several measurement spots were recorded in each floor. It can be seen that ESD decreases,
when the TX antenna height increases. Partly insufficient dynamic range in the measurement,
and therefore a loss of multipath components, causes smaller ESD at 5.25 GHz than at
2.3 GHz.

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Figure 5-10: ESD UMi O2O at 2.3 GHz (left), UMi O2I corridor at 2.3 GHz and 5.25 GHz (right).

5.7 3GPP spatial channel model parameters for inter-vehicular channels

available at 2.3 and 5.25 GHz
Parameters of the spatial channel model are complemented for vehicle-to-vehicle access
scenarios. The vehicle-to-vehicle measurements were conducted at 2.3 GHz and 5.25 GHz
centre frequencies in Oulu city centre, Finland. The antennas were installed on the roof of the
vehicles and the measurements were performed for single-input multiple-output (SIMO)
antenna configuration. The data analysis is divided into line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-
sight NLOS cases. The vehicles were moving simultaneously either in the same direction or in
the opposite directions along same streets. The measurement campaign is summarized in
Appendix A.1. Table 5-4 summarizes spatial parameters obtained from V2V measurements.

Table 5-4: Spatial parameters for V2V scenario.

Parameter Symbol
2.3 GHz 5.25 GHz 2.3 GHz 5.25 GHz
𝜇lgASA 1.55 1.63 1.52 1.6
lgASA = log10(ASA/1 deg)
𝜎lgASA 0.14 0.13 0.22 0.11
𝜇lgESA 1.28 1.36 1.14 1.33
lgESA = log10(ESA/1 deg)
𝜎lgESA 0.15 0.11 0.23 0.11
𝜇EOA -4.8 -2.1 -3.6 -2.3
EOA in deg
median -2 -4.9 -0.8 -4.9
𝛿ASA 4.4 3.5 5.2 2.5
Decorrelation distance in m
𝛿ESA 6.1 3.7 4.5 2.5
ESA vs ASA 0.5 0.3 0.3 0
ASA vs DS 0.3 0.1 0 0.2
Cross-Correlations ESA vs DS 0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2
ASA vs SF 0 0.2 0 0.2
ESA vs SF 0 0 -0.4 -0.4

5.8 Simultaneous measurements of 10 and 60 GHz outdoor channels reveal

consistent delays of dominant propagation paths, while less multipaths
were observed at 60 GHz
In this section we present channel measurements that have been performed in a dense,
outdoor access scenario. The propagation channel was measured at 10 GHz and 60.4 GHz
simultaneously at the same transmit and receive positions. The results of this campaign can
serve as a starting point to develop a model that is able to describe the channel behaviour
over a large frequency range.

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The measurement campaign was conducted in Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany. This is a typical
residential and commercial area. The streets are limited by 5 to 6 story buildings to both sides,
thus forming a street canyon. The transmitter was placed on the sidewalk at a height of 5 m
above ground. The receiver was mounted on a mobile cart at a height of 1.5 m. Figure 5-11
(left) shows a map of the scenario and the positions P1 to P4 where the transmitter and
receiver were placed during the campaign.
Measurements were performed with obstruction-free line-of-sight (LOS) between the
transmitter and the receiver as well as with blocked LOS (NLOS). For the LOS measurements
the transmitter was placed at P1 and the receiver at P2 at a distance of ca. 28 m. Another
LOS measurement was performed with the transmitter at P3 and the receiver at P1 at a
distance of ca. 142 m. A NLOS measurement was performed around the corner of a house
with the transmitter at P1 and the receiver at P4 at a distance of ca. 28 m. Details of the
measurement campaign is available in Appendix A.6.
Comparing the average power delay profile (APDP) magnitudes between the two frequencies
can be misleading due to the difference in the effective antenna aperture. When considering
the free space pathloss (according to the Friis transmission equation), one obtains a
difference in pathloss of 15.6 dB for a given reference distance.

Figure 5-11: Location map (left), APDP in dBm for LOS measurement from P1 to P2 (right).

Figure 5-12: APDPs in dBm for LOS measurement from P3 to P1 (left) and NLOS measurement
from P1 to P4 (right).

Comparing the LOS measurements reveals some similarities between the measurements.
The peaks of the LOS multipath component (MPC) in Figure 5-11 (right) at 122 ns differ by
15.5 dB between 60 GHz and 10 GHz. In Figure 5-12 (left) the difference is 15.7 dB. This is in
line with the predicted difference. The MPCs with a greater delay are being caused by
reflections from buildings, cars and other objects. Some of these components are clearly
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visible at both frequencies. In both measurements, however, overall there appear to be less or
weaker multipath components at 60 GHz than at 10 GHz, partly due to smaller dynamic range
of the 60 GHz measurements.
The NLOS scenario in Figure 5-12 (right) exhibits a larger difference between the two
frequencies. While some MPCs are clearly visible at 10 GHz and 60 GHz, some others are
only present at one frequency. In this case as well there seem to be less or weaker MPCs at
60 GHz than at 10 GHz.

5.9 Diffraction can be a dominant propagation phenomenon in NLOS indoor

60 GHz propagation
A millimetre-wave medium-range pathloss measurement including corner diffraction and a
massive antenna measurement has been performed in indoor environments. A vector network
analyser (VNA) operating in the 2-4 GHz range was used in combination with up- and down-
converters providing 58.68 GHz centre radio frequency over the air. For details see Appendix
Figure 5-13 (right) demonstrates that there is clear frequency dependency as the excess loss
in NLOS is about 15 dB larger at 60.GHz than at 2.4 GHz. The difference in loss is close to
what is expected assuming that the corner is a diffraction edge. This result is interesting as
other results indicate that diffraction is not significant in urban outdoor environments

Figure 5-13: Measurement scenario (left) and signal strength (right) relative to free space at 1 m
distance for isotropic antennas measured and modelled at 2.4 GHz (blue dots) and 60 GHz (red
dots) in a corridor of an indoor office scenario.

5.10 Both specular and diffuse components are important in 60 GHz indoor
In Figure 5-14 are shown results from a directional channel measurement and modelling using
an extremely large array antenna. The array antenna was realized using a virtual array
antenna principle, where a single antenna element was placed at 25 different positions on the
x-, y-, and z-axes to form a cubic array collectively consisting of 253 = 15625 antenna
positions. The measurement was performed in LOS condition in a large office room with 1.5 m
distance between the transmitter and receiver. The results are based on the same
measurement set-up as described in Section 5.9 and Appendix A.4.2. Full space angle
directional spectrum is provided by Fourier transformation from space to direction domain.
Interesting findings are that there are some distinct spikes in the power delay profile (PDP) for
which the directional spectrum also consists of single spikes. This is interpreted as specular
reflections. Between the spikes of the PDP the directional spectrum is rich and substantially
spread out suggesting that the scattering is due to a multitude of smaller objects or rough
surfaces. Moreover, the directional spread (according to the definition by Fleury as described
in Appendix A.4.2) with respect to the vertical z-axis and one horizontal y-axis decays faster

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than with respect to the horizontal x-axis. The x-dimension is the largest and the z-dimension
the smallest of the room which may explain the different decay times. More details are
provided in Appendix A.4.2.

Figure 5-14: Directional spread and angular spectra shown for delays indicated with numbers

5.11 The WINNER-type sub-path distribution model in a cluster is not suitable

for 5G channel models
The path amplitude distribution within each cluster in presently used channel models
[WIN208-D112; WIN+10-D53; ITUR09-2135] is not suitable for 5G channel models. Each
cluster consists of a fixed number (typically 20) of sub-paths. Moreover, the angle distribution
within a cluster is according to a fixed table. Proposed transmission schemes (e.g. massive
MIMO and beam-forming) for 5G utilize large number of antenna elements and are critically
dependent on that the high resolution spatial properties of the channel model are realistic.
Analysis of measurement data using super resolution channel estimation in the spatial domain
reveals that real channels do not have the same properties as the WINNER type of channel
models. In Figure 5-15, a real measured channel from an urban macro-cell scenario [MAB+12]
is compared with the WINNER channel. The real channel demonstrates a large spread in
amplitudes which is in contrast to the WINNER model.

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Figure 5-15: Real measured [MAB+12] path directional distribution compared with WINNER type
(left) of distribution. The photograph (right) shows the measured paths (circles) as seen from
the base station location.

Further analysis of corresponding MIMO channel has been performed as shown in Figure
5-16. Here the super resolved path estimates from [MAB+12] and the WINNER channel
model, using the same angular spread and a single cluster, is used for determination of the
corresponding MIMO channel singular value distributions. Two different array sizes, 30x30 cm
and 4x4 m, with half wavelength element spacing have been simulated at 2 GHz carrier
frequency. The resulting MIMO channel eigenvalue distributions are similar for the small array
antenna size. However, for the larger array a drastically better performing MIMO channel is
provided by the WINNER channel model. This is an effect of that each single sub-path is
resolved by the large array antenna which has a dramatic impact on the MIMO channel
characteristics. Furthermore, this result clearly demonstrates that the WINNER channel model
is not realistic for 5G in the case of large array antennas.

Figure 5-16: Power ordered MIMO channel eigenvalues for two different array antenna sizes
based on the WINNER model and the measured data.

5.12 WINNER II channel model parameters are available for short-range 60-GHz
links in various environments
Present spatial channel model lacks parameters for higher frequencies than 6 GHz. To fill the
gap, millimetre wave spatio-temporal radio channel measurements have been performed in
the 60 GHz band in an indoor shopping mall, an indoor cafeteria, and on an outdoor open
square, that correspond to TC3 "Indoor shopping mall", TC1 "Indoor office", and TC2 "Dense
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urban". A full WINNER II [WIN208-D112] parameter table is derived for shopping mall LOS
and obstructed-LOS (OLOS) due to pillars, cafeteria LOS, and square LOS and OLOS due to
lampposts and human bodies. Additionally, the elevation parameters for the WINNER+
[WIN+10-D53] are provided for the cafeteria and for the square. The parameter tables are
given in Table 5-5 and Table 5-6. The parameterisation is based on channel measurements
with a 4 GHz bandwidth which gives good delay resolution and allows us to detect the
propagation paths directly from the measurement results. Furthermore, it is assumed in the
parameterisation that the each propagation path is considered as a single cluster because we
did not find clustering effects of propagation paths. For the cafeteria and the square, the point
cloud field prediction method [JH14], calibrated with the measurement results, is used to
generate the channel data used in the parameterisation. Detailed procedure of the
measurements and parameterisation is given in Appendix A.5. The parameters are fully
compatible and hence usable with the METIS stochastic model detailed in Section 7 to
reproduce 60 GHz double-directional wideband channels.
Table 5-5: WINNER parameterisation for 60 GHz range;
parameters affecting validity range of the derived parameters.
Shopping mall Cafeteria Square
min 1.5 4.0 1.0 6.4 6.4
BS-MS distance [m]
max 13.4 16.1 13.1 36.3 36.3
BS 2 2 2 6 6
Antenna height [m]
MS 2 2 1 1 1
Bandwidth [GHz] max 4 4 4
Centre frequency [GHz] 63 63 63
Dynamic Range [dB] 20 20 20

Table 5-6: WINNER parameterisation for 60 GHz range; channel model parameters.
Shopping mall Cafeteria Square
2D 3D 3D
A 18.4 3.59 15.4 20.3 26.2
PL =A log10(d/1 m) + B
B 68.8 94.3 67.1 67.5 70.5
𝜇lgDS -8.28 -7.78 -8.24 -8.82 -7.72
lgDS = log10(DS/1 ns)
𝜎lgDS 0.32 0.10 0.18 0.37 0.32
𝜇lgASD 1.09 1.61 1.63 1.10 1.49
lgASD = log10(ASD/1 deg)
𝜎lgASD 0.43 0.11 0.25 0.75 0.35
𝜇lgASA 1.19 1.62 1.56 0.24 1.31
lgASA = log10(ASA/1 deg)
𝜎lgASA 0.47 0.14 0.19 0.54 0.44
𝜇lgESD N/A N/A 1.31 0.43 0.74
lgESD = log10(ESD/1 deg)
𝜎lgESD N/A N/A 0.16 0.29 0.32
𝜇lgESA N/A N/A 1.28 0.77 0.95
lgESA = log10(ESA/1 deg)
𝜎lgESA N/A N/A 0.23 0.96 1.19
SF in dB 𝜎SF 1.2 2.1 0.9 0.3 3.5
𝜇KF 7.9 -2.5 8.4
KF in dB
𝜎KF 5.8 2.4 2.2
ASD[°] vs DS[s] 0.4 0.5 0 -0.1 0.4
ASA[°] vs DS[s] 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3
ASA[°] vs SF[dB] 0 0.1 0.2 -0.2 0.1
ASD[°] vs SF[dB] 0 -0.1 -0.3 -0.6 0
DS[s] vs SF[dB] 0.2 -0.4 0.5 0.1 0.5

ASD[°] vs ASA[°] 0 0 -0.2 -0.3 -0.2

ASD[°] vs K[dB] -0.4 -0.7 -0.5
ASA[°] vs K[dB] -0.3 -0.1 -0.2
DS[s] vs K[dB] -0.2 -0.1 -0.1
SF[dB] vs K[dB] 0.2 0.7 0.9
ESD[°] vs DS[s] N/A N/A -0.6 0 0.1
ESA[°] vs DS[s] N/A N/A -0.5 -0.2 -0.2
ESA[°] vs SF[dB] N/A N/A -0.1 0 0.3
ESD[°] vs SF[dB] N/A N/A -0.3 -0.5 -0.1
ESD[°] vs ESA[°] N/A N/A 0.5 0.1 0.2
ESD[°] vs ASD[°] N/A N/A -0.2 0.4 0.6

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ESD[°] vs ASA[°] N/A N/A -0.4 0 -0.2

ESA[°] vs ASD[°] N/A N/A -0.6 -0.4 -0.1
ESA[°] vs ASA[°] N/A N/A -0.1 0.2 -0.2
ESD[°] vs K[dB] N/A 0.3 -0.5
ESA[°] vs K[dB] N/A 0.5 0.2
Delay distribution Exp
AOD and AOA distribution Wrapped Gaussian
Delay scaling parameter 𝑟𝜏 2.6 5.6 5.2 1.9 4.8
𝜇XPR 29 29 29 29 29
XPR in dB
𝜎XPR 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5
Number of clusters 6 18 42 4 25
Number of rays per cluster 20 20 20 20 20
Cluster ASD in deg 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Cluster ASA in deg 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Cluster ESD in deg N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 0.5
Cluster ESA in deg N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 0.5
Per cluster shadowing std ζ in dB 2.5 6.3 4.2 4.9 4.9
DS [s] 1 0.5 4.8 1.3 1.4
ASD [°] 2 0.5 1.1 23 3.2
ASA [°] 1 1 1.4 1 8.1
Correlation distance in m ESD [°] N/A N/A 1.7 15 1.8
ESA [°] N/A N/A 2.9 17 0.8
SF [dB] 0.5 0.5 1.5 7.8 3.6
K [dB] 1 4.6 7.9

5.13 Electrically very large array antenna makes the multi-user channels as
ideal as the i.i.d. condition
Finally, we present two link design guidelines that we learnt from METIS channel
measurements. The first guideline described in this section concerns user separability in
massive antenna channels [MCN14; SCP14]. A channel sounding campaign at 5.8 GHz was
performed to investigate the impact of the size of a massive array in a large indoor
environment having high ceiling. The massive array comprises 64 antennas arranged in three
different shapes of different size: 1) a linear array with very large aperture (6 m), 2) a linear
array with large aperture (2 m), and 3) 2D compact array (25cm x 28cm). Eight user terminals
equipped with two antennas are considered. Both LOS and NLOS channels were covered,
and furthermore, various separation distance and orientations of the user terminals were
considered as shown in Figure 5-17.

Figure 5-17: Channel sounding with massive array antenna at the base station: array antennas
at the base station (top left), user terminal antenna (bottom left), and measurement campaigns

Figure 5-18 (top) shows channel correlation properties for inter- and intra-device settings. The
inter-device correlation (numbered 1 to 8) was much higher for the compact array and for

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aligned devices in the elevation domain. The intra-device correlation (indexed as a and b)
shows that the very large array resolved the two antennas in the same user terminal, while
that was harder in the large and compact arrays. Figure 5-18 (bottom left) depicts the sum of
normalized singular values to discuss inter-link orthogonality. The impact of antenna aperture
size is mainly visible when the users are closely grouped. Even if the number of users
increases, the very large array is able to hold performance as close as the i.i.d. channel.

Free Space in front Free Space in front Free Space in front

Very Large array Large array Compact 2D array
1 ab 1a 1a 1
b b
2a 2a 2a
b b b
3a 3a 3a
b b b
4a 4a 4a


b b b
5a 5a 5a 0.5
b b b
6 ab 6a 6a
b b
7a 7a 7a
b b b
8a 8a 8a
b b b
ab ab a b a b a b a b a b ab a b a b ab a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b ab a b a b a b a b 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
User User User

Antenna a and b of user 2

Figure 5-18: Correlation properties of closely spaced devices under LOS condition; no user
proximity (top) and sum of normalized singular values with respect to the # of users (bottom
left). User and antenna numbering (bottom right).

Figure 5-19 (top) illustrates the condition number of various single-user MIMO channels to see
potential of capacity increase through spatial eigenmode transmission. The condition number
remains low for the very large array thanks to its excellent spatial channel resolvability.
Furthermore, our measurements found that the condition numbers are largely affected by the
user hand grip. Finally, Figure 5-19 (bottom) shows channel power variations across the array.
The largest variations are seen in the very large array, suggesting that different parts of the
array antenna see a different propagation environment, notably different shadowing. In
contrast, even for the compact array, we can see power variations by greater than 10 dB.

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Spread LoS Parallel Spread LoS Parallel

Very Large array Compact 2D array
1 1
8 8
15 15 -60
Access point
Access point

22 22
29 29
36 36
43 43
50 50 -70
57 57
64 a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b 64 a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
User User
Figure 5-19: CDF of the condition number for single-user MIMO channels (top) and channel
power variation over base station antenna elements and users (bottom).

5.14 Multiple-stream spatial transmission is possible at millimetre wave due to

available spatial degrees-of-freedom
The second radio link design guideline is inferred from the multipath richness of millimetre
wave spatial radio channels. Millimetre wave radios have huge potential in smart use of spatial
domain for user coexistence and spatial multiplexing. However, the potential is not well
investigated due to lack of channel measurements showing the multipath richness at
millimetre wave.
In [HGW13], potential of channel capacity improvement in multi-stream eigenmode spatial
transmission and conventional single-stream gain focusing are compared at 60 GHz using
measured indoor channels. The comparison assumes a multi-carrier radio transmission such
as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing. In order to make the comparison generic with
respect to the TX and RX antenna configuration, an intrinsic channel capacity originally
proposed in [WJ02] is evaluated. The intrinsic capacity depends only on the multipath richness
of the propagation channel and the antenna aperture size, but is otherwise independent of the
realization of antenna elements on the aperture.
The analysis also reveals the spatial degrees-of-freedom (SDoF) of the radio channel, which
is the maximum number of antenna elements on the aperture for efficient multi-stream spatial
transmission. The SDoF is defined as the number of singular values of the propagation
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channel matrix that exceed a noise level [HGW13]. The noise level is determined to be 5, 10,
15, or 20 dB below the strongest singular value. Figure 5-20 (left) shows the SDoF of a single-
polarized 60 GHz radio channel measured in a conference room environment. Identical
antenna aperture size is assumed for the TX and RX sides. The SDoF is plotted for four
different SNR levels ranging from 5 to 20 dB with 5 dB steps. The result shows that increasing
the antenna aperture size leads to larger SDoF of the channel, more apparently in NLOS
Figure 5-20 (right) illustrates the SDoF of LOS channels with varying communication distance,
showing that more than two SDoFs are available if the distance is beyond 2 m and the SNR is
higher than 15 dB. The results demonstrate that the mm-wave radio channel offers multiple
SDoFs both in LOS and NLOS scenarios such that the spatial multi-stream transmission can
improve the channel capacity, provided that the SNR is sufficiently high to utilize them.
With -10 dBm of the transmit power and 2 GHz of signal bandwidth, Figure 5-21 plots the
capacity for the single-stream gain focusing and multi-stream Eigenmode transmission for
measured LOS channels labelled “BF” and “MUX”, respectively. The figure indicates that the
multi-stream eigenmode transmission outperforms the conventional gain focusing when high
receive SNR is guaranteed, i.e., the antenna aperture size is as large as 9λ2. When the link
budget is limited due to electrically small antennas and/or long TX-RX distances, the
conventional single-stream gain focusing approximates the capacity of the multi-stream
transmission as shown in Figure 5-21 (right).
5dB Solid lines: LOS
10dB Dashed lines: NLOS
15 15dB


0 2 4 6 8
Antenna aperture size [l ]
Figure 5-20: SDoF of millimetre wave indoor channels: variation of the SDoF over different
antenna aperture size (left) and variation over different communication distances (right).

Figure 5-21: Capacity for the single- and multi-stream spatial transmission for LOS channels
2 2
with 1λ (left) and 9λ (right) TX and RX antenna apertures.

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6 Map-based Model
6.1 Introduction
The map-based model is intended for cases where accurate and realistic spatial channel
properties are required, for example when studying massive MIMO and advanced beam-
forming techniques. It is also suitable for realistic modelling of pathloss in the case of D2D and
V2V. The model is based on ray tracing using a simplified 3D geometric description of the
propagation environment. The significant propagation mechanisms i.e. diffraction, specular
reflection, diffuse scattering, blocking are accounted for. Building walls are modelled as
rectangular surfaces with specific electromagnetic material properties. The complexity is
scalable as different components, like specular paths and diffuse scattering, may be turned on
or off. A simplified diffraction modelling is also provided in order to further reduce the
complexity. It should be noted that the map based model is significantly less complex than
corresponding stochastic modelling in terms of inter-parameter correlations (i.e. correlation
between path-loss, angle distributions, delay distributions etc.).

6.2 Step-by-step instructions

This model is based on a specified geometrical environment. The model applies to the
following propagation scenarios that provide the necessary geometry data:
 PS1: Urban Micro cell
 PS2: Urban Macro cell
 PS4: Indoor Office
 PS5: Indoor Shopping Mall
 PS6: Highway
 PS7: Festival (open air)
 PS8: Stadium

The model parameters are given in Table 6-1 below and are explained in the following step by
step description.
Table 6-1: Parameter table for the map based model.
Symbol Propagation scenario
[unit] PS1 PS2 PS4 PS5 PS6 PS7 PS8
2 0.1 (traffic 0.1 (traffic
Object density D [1/m ] 0.1 0.05 0.05 4 4
jam) jam)
Object height h [m] 1.5/4 1.5/4 1.5 1.5 1.5/4 1.5 1.5
Object width w [m] 0.5/3 0.5/3 0.5 0.5 3 0.5 0.5
Scatterer absorption
𝛼 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Specular/ diffuse power ratio 𝛽 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Angle dependency factor 𝑞𝜆 [m−1 ] 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 - 0.031
Angle dependency exponent v 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 - 3.5
Angle dependency factor
𝛾 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 - 0.95

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Creation of the environment: Determination of propagation pathways:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Define map Draw random Define point Define Tx and Rx Determine pathways: Calculate path
objects source distribution locations interaction types and lengths and arrival&
for diffuse coordinate points departure
scattering directions

xyz coordinates of interaction points, interaction type per path segment, arrival & departure wave vectors, path lengths

Determination of propagation channel matrices

Compose radio channel
for path segments: 8. transfer function:
direct LOS
7. 2x2 polarization matrices
per path segment,
9. Embed antennas
Determine shadowing loss per path,
reflection arrival & departure wave vectors, and calculate
shadowing loss path lengths composite radio
due to objects channel impulse
diffraction responses


Figure 6-1: A block diagram of METIS map-based model.

Creation of the environment:

Step 1: Define the map in global xyz coordinate system. Give each wall start and end xy
coordinates and a height (z coordinate). For simplicity assume the map spans an area on the
positive x and y quarter, i.e. the origin is in the lower left corner of the map. For METIS
scenarios Madrid (PS1&2), virtual reality office (PS4), and shopping mall (PS5) the wall
layouts are defined in Appendix B. For the open air festival and stadium scenarios (PS7, PS8)
no walls are modelled. For the highway scenario (PS6) a simplified wall layout is given in
Appendix B. In outdoor-to-indoor case define both outdoor and indoor maps and the location
of indoor walls within a building block.
Step 2: Define xyz coordinates of shadowing/scattering objects. They can be either defined
based on a known regular pattern, for example seats of a stadium, or drawn randomly from
the uniform distribution as

𝑜𝑛 (𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧) = (𝑋𝑛 , 𝑌𝑛 , 𝑍𝑛 ) (6-1)

where 𝑋𝑛 ~𝑈(0, 𝑋𝑚𝑎𝑥 ), 𝑌𝑛 ~𝑈(0, 𝑌𝑚𝑎𝑥 ), 𝑍𝑛 = 1, 𝑛 = 1, … , (𝑋𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑌𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝐷), 𝑋𝑚𝑎𝑥 and 𝑌𝑚𝑎𝑥 are the
edges of the map on x and y axis, respectively. Different distribution densities are used for
streets (Madrid grid), indoor office, shopping mall, stadium and outdoor festival. Prevent
objects being too close, i.e. closer than half object width, to the TX, the RX, walls or to each
other. The shadowing screen sizes (object height & width) correspond to different objects, i.e.
humans, vehicles, trees, lamp posts and so on (the values provided in Table 6-1 correspond
to people and vehicles).
If a moving environment is considered, define the motion of each object. For the case of true
motion, specify the trajectory and the speed for each object. In case of virtual motion, allocate
only a velocity vector for each object in order to model Doppler shift component for a possible
scattering interaction.
Step 3: Define point source distributions for diffuse scattering over planar surfaces i.e. exterior
and indoor walls, floors, ground etc. These distributions should be as dense as required by the
angular resolution (aperture) of the antenna used in the simulations. For low resolution a tile
size of 10 m x 10 m is used and for high resolution a tile size of 5 m x 5 m is used. For each
surface specify xyz coordinates of point sources. They can be either drawn randomly or based
on a regular pattern (tiles) as shown in Figure 6-10.

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The centre points of the tiles, for a rectangular wall, can be determined, e.g., as follows. The
number of tile centres in vertical (z-axis) direction and that in horizontal direction are
wall height
𝑁𝑧 = ⌈ ⌉
{ wall width
𝑁𝑥𝑦 = ⌈ ⌉

where ∆𝑆 is the upper limit of tile area. The z-coordinates of tile centres are determined by
dividing the range of z coordinates of the wall to 𝑁𝑧 equal segments and taking the centre of
each segment as a z coordinate of a tile. The same procedure is followed for the x- and y-
coordinates using 𝑁𝑥𝑦 segments. Finally the wall contains 𝑁𝑧 𝑁𝑥𝑦 tiles and tile centres, new tile
wall height∙wall width
area is calculated as ∆𝑆 = 𝑁𝑧 𝑁𝑥𝑦

Steps 1-3 are performed only once. After this step the procedure is fully deterministic.

TX and RX locations:
Step 4: Define a single location or a trajectory, in xyz co-ordinates, for each transmitter and
receiver antenna element. The roles of TX and RX are interchangeable, but for simplicity we
use terms TX and RX throughout this description. Multiple radio links can be modelled
consistently to the environment specified by Steps 1-3 by repeating Steps from 4 to 12. To
simplify the notation the following steps are described for a single radio link only.
Define position vectors for receiver antenna elements 𝑢 and transmitter antenna elements 𝑠

𝐫𝑢RX = [𝑥𝑢 𝑦𝑢 𝑧𝑢 ]𝑇
{ (6-3)
𝐫𝑠TX = [𝑥𝑠 𝑦𝑠 𝑧𝑠 ]𝑇

where 𝑢 = 1, … , 𝑈 and 𝑠 = 1, … , 𝑆. 𝑈 and 𝑆 denote the total number of antenna elements at

receiver and transmitter, respectively.
Note that if the array antennas are small and the radiation patterns are defined with a common
phase centre (or a measurement centre) it is adequate to specify only locations of TX and RX
antenna phase centres, not locations of individual elements. In this case antenna indices 𝑢
and 𝑣 can be dropped from location vectors and the path coefficients defined in the coming
steps. Finally the spatial separation of antennas is taken into account in Step 12.
Determination of propagation pathways:
Step 5: a) Starting from the TX and RX locations, all possible secondary nodes visible to the
TX / RX node either with a LOS path or via a single specular reflection are identified. Possible
secondary nodes are diffraction points like corners, scattering objects or diffuse scattering
point sources. Furthermore, specular images of TX / RX are also considered as secondary
nodes. The coordinates and interaction types of interaction points (diffraction nodes and
specular reflection points) are then determined. Possible pathways are identified by checking
whether any wall is blocking direct or single order reflected paths. For specular image nodes
blocking occur also if the path does not intersect the corresponding reflection surface (See
Figure 6-2, Figure C-2 and Figure C-3). This procedure may be repeated to achieve any
number of diffraction and specular reflection interactions. When repeated, the nodes of
previous steps act as TX / RX in the first step.

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Figure 6-2: Example of possible pathways with diffraction based on Berg’s model and diffraction
based on UTD (right).

The output of Step 5 is a set of parameter vectors 𝛙𝑘 = {𝜓𝑘𝑖 } = {𝑥𝑘𝑖 , 𝑦𝑘𝑖 , 𝑧𝑘𝑖 , 𝑇𝑘𝑖 }, 𝑘 = 1, … , 𝐾,
𝑖 = 1, … , 𝐼𝑘 , where 𝐾 is the number of pathways, 𝐼𝑘 (max 5 recommended for reduced
complexity) is the number of path segments, 𝑥𝑘𝑖 , 𝑦𝑘𝑖 , 𝑧𝑘𝑖 are x, y and z coordinates of 𝑖 th
interaction point of 𝑘th pathway, 𝑇𝑘𝑖 is the interaction type {direct, reflection, diffraction, object
scattering, diffuse scattering}. The last path segment ends always to a terminating node (RX /
TX) and the zeroth node is TX (or RX).
Determination of different interaction types is described here with more details:
1) Determine specular paths according ray optics principles. These paths are equivalent
to the “direct paths” using specular images of the TX and RX nodes. Use single order
reflection of TX and RX. All surfaces seen by either RX or TX will result in respective
mirror images. Combining single order of both TX and RX provides second order
specular paths.
2) Identify building corners for diffraction at vertical edges based on a 2D layout as
demonstrated in Figure 6-2. Corners either in LOS or accessible via single specular
reflection, to both TX and RX node, are taken into account. When a diffracting corner is
identified the z-coordinate of the actual diffraction point can be determined with basic
trigonometry only after the whole pathway from TX to RX is identified. Notice that
different pathways are allowed whether diffraction model of Berg’s recursive model or
uniform theory of diffraction UTD is utilized. In the former only diffraction to the shadow
region is allowed. In the latter diffraction also to the lit region is enabled which typically
results a higher number of pathways. The difference in possible pathways between the
two methods is illustrated in Figure 6-2, where cyan lines represent pathways between
example TX and RX locations in the Madrid layout.
3) Identify building roof top edges for diffraction at horizontal edges if either TX or RX is
above surrounding buildings. Follow here the principles of the vertical-plane-launch
(VPL) method described in [LB98]. The principle is simple if only diffraction and
reflection in vertical direction are accounted for. This is done by launching a vertical
plane via TX and RX locations. Then diffraction point coordinates are obtained by
identifying crossing points of the plane and horizontal edges of roof tops (See Figure
C-17). Reflection points from opposite buildings or the ground can be found utilizing
ray optics principles assuming diffraction points as a source radiating to all directions
within the plane. VPL supports also multiple successive diffraction and reflection both
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in vertical planes and in 2D (horizontal) dimensions. For simplicity this option is left out
from the proposed model.
4) Identify pathways: 1) via scatterers (both on diffusing wall surfaces and other objects)
which are in LOS and near to either TX or RX node, and 2) via scatterers, which are in
LOS to two nodes, which are in NLOS should be accounted for. For case 1) discard
pathways via weak scatterers i.e. those for which
𝑅 𝑑direct
20 log10 ( 2𝑑1 𝑑2
) < −30 dB (6-4)

where 𝑅 is the radius of the scatterer, 𝑑direct is length for the segment of line between
the node before (node 1) the scatterer the node after (node 2) the scatterer, and 𝑑1 and
𝑑2 are the distances for the two path segments from node 1 to the scatterer and from
the scatterer to node 2, respectively.
Step 5:b) Repeat Step 5 a) for each identified secondary node treating them as TX nodes.
Step 5:c) Repeat Step 5 a) for each identified third node treating them as TX nodes, but find
pathways only to the RX location. Pathways not terminating to the RX location are discarded.
Principles of determining pathways for outdoor-to-indoor case are described in Appendix B.
Step 6: Determine arrival and departure directions for each path 𝑘 in form of wave vectors
from the geometry. Wave vector 𝐤 TX 𝑘,𝑢,𝑠 is pointing from TX to the first interaction point and
𝐤 RX
𝑘,𝑢,𝑠 from the last interaction point to RX. Determine the length 𝑑𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 of each segment 𝑖 of
each path 𝑘 by calculating the Euclidean distance from the previous interaction point to the 𝑖th
interaction point. Determine the total path length 𝑑𝑘,𝑢,𝑠 = ∑𝑖𝑘 𝑑𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 and propagation delay
𝜏𝑘,𝑢,𝑠 = 𝑑𝑘,𝑢,𝑠 /𝑐 for each path 𝑘, where 𝑐 is the speed of light.
Determination of propagation channel matrices for path segments:
Notice that when the Berg’s recursive model is utilized Steps 8, 9 and 11 are not performed for
any path 𝑘 containing diffraction (see details in Step 10a).
Step 7: Determine shadowing due to objects for path segments. Each blocking object is
approximated by a rectangular screen as illustrated in Figure 6-3. The screen is vertical and
perpendicularly oriented with respect to the line connecting the two nodes of the link in the
projection from above. This means that as either node is moving the screen turns around a
vertical axis the centred at the screen so that it is always perpendicular to the line connecting
node 1 (before the screen) and node 2 (behind the screen). The corresponding shadowing
loss is modelled using a simple knife edge diffraction model for the four edges of the screen

𝐿𝑠ℎ|dB = −20 log10(1 − (𝐹ℎ1 + 𝐹ℎ2 )(𝐹𝑤1 + 𝐹𝑤2 )) (6-5)

where 𝐹ℎ1 ,𝐹ℎ2 and 𝐹𝑤1 ,𝐹𝑤2 account for knife edge diffraction at the four edges corresponding
to the height, ℎ, and width, 𝑤, of the screen (see Figure 6-3). The shadowing for a single edge
is given by

𝜋 𝜋
atan(± √ (𝐷1 +𝐷2 −𝑟))
2 𝜆
𝐹= 𝜋

where 𝜆 is the wave length, 𝐷1 and 𝐷2 are the projected distances (according to the
projections from side and from above in Figure 6-3) between the nodes and the edges of the
screen and 𝑟 is the projected distance between the nodes. The plus sign refers to the shadow
zone for each projection (i.e. it is possible that one projection is in LOS and the other in
NLOS). When the link is in NLOS the plus sign apply to both edges. For LOS conditions the
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edge farthest from the link is in the shadow zone (plus sign) and the other in the LOS zone
(minus sign) as shown in Figure 6-3.

Projection from above


Projection from side


Figure 6-3: Shadowing screen model.

For a sparse distribution of shadowing objects, e.g. cars in a street, the pathloss due to
multiple screens is simply given by the sum of the individual losses of all screens in dB units.
In case of a dense distribution of screens, e.g. in the open air festival scenario, the
corresponding sum will result in unrealistic excessive loss. For this case the blocking model is
complemented with the Walfisch-Bertoni model [WB88]. First the dominating shadowing
screen in the vicinity of the RX is identified as shown in Figure 6-4. For this screen the
shadowing 𝐿sh1 is determined as described above. Then the additional loss due to multiple
screens is determined. For this purpose all the screens, which are blocking the LOS between
the RX and TX are identified. The additional diffraction loss 𝐿md due to multiple screens is
given by

𝐿md|dB = −20log10 (2.35 𝑔𝑝0.9 ) (6-7)


𝜃 𝑑
𝑔𝑝 = √ (6-8)
𝜃0 𝜆

with 𝜃0 = 1 rad and 𝑑 is the average distance between the screens and 𝜃 ∈ [0, 𝜋/2] is the
elevation angle from the upper edge of the main blocking screen and the TX. The total
resulting shadowing loss is then given by

𝐿sh_tot|dB = 𝐿sh|dB + 𝐿md|dB (6-9)

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Figure 6-4: Shadowing of multiple screens.

In the case where both TX and RX are low in height, as illustrated in Figure 6-5, a modified
model is used. In this case the angle has a lower limit
max(ℎoff ; ℎTX −ℎsc )
𝜃= 𝐷2𝑅𝑋
𝜃0 (6-10)

𝑑 −0.9
ℎoff = (2.35 𝜆 ) 𝑑0 (6-11)

and 𝑑0 is the distance between the TX and the closest blocking screen. Again, the loss due to
the screens closest to RX and TX are added to the multiscreen loss, resulting in

𝐿sh_tot|dB = 𝐿sh_tx|dB + 𝐿sh_rx|dB + 𝐿md|dB (6-12)



Figure 6-5: Shadowing of multiple screens when both TX and RX are at low height.

Step 8: For LOS path segments 𝑘, 𝑖 the 2x2 polarization transfer matrix is given by

1 0
𝐡𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 = [ ] (6-13)
0 −1
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The divergence factor for LOS path is 𝐹 LOS = 1⁄𝑑𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 .

Step 9: Accounting for all path segments 𝑘, 𝑖 with specular reflection the 2x2 propagation
matrix at node 𝑖 is given by

𝐡𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 = 𝛽𝐀ref
𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 (6-14)

where 𝛽 is the ratio of reflected and scattered power. The 𝛽 parameter can be either taken
from Table 6-1 or alternatively calculated based on the surface roughness effect as defined in
Appendix E.2.4. The divergence factor for reflection is 𝐹 ref = 𝑠𝑟 ⁄(𝑠in + 𝑠𝑟 ) , where 𝑠in is the
distance from the TX to the reflection point, and 𝑠𝑟 is the distance from the reflection point to
the RX node. The 𝐀 matrix is the polarimetric reflection coefficient defined as follows:
In Figure 6-6 point A is a transmitter, B is a reflection point on a surface (plane W), and C is a
receiver. Vector ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐴𝐵 is the direction of the incidence ray and vector ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐵𝐶 is the direction of the
reflected ray.

eq i eq r
e i e r
e ||
e C
A (rx)

Figure 6-6: Specular reflection on a wall.

⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ‖ + ‖𝐵𝐶
ray. The total path length is ‖𝐴𝐵 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ‖. Angles of arrival and departure, composed of the
azimuth and elevation directions, are given by the vectors ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ 𝐴𝐵 and ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐶𝐵. The polarimetric
reflection coefficient matrix
𝛼𝜃𝜃 𝛼𝜃𝜙
𝐀 = [𝛼 𝛼𝜙𝜙 ] (6-15)

defines the relation between the incidence and reflected electric field components as follows

𝐸𝜃𝑟 𝐸𝜃𝑖
[𝐸 ] = 𝐀 [𝐸 ] (6-16)
𝜙𝑟 𝜙𝑖

where 𝜃 and 𝜙 denote the polarization components in 𝒆𝜽 -direction and 𝒆𝝓 -direction with
respect to the propagation direction 𝒆𝒓 of the path. Entries of matrix 𝐀 are calculated as

𝛼𝜙𝜙 = (𝒆𝜙𝑟 ∙ 𝒆⊥𝑟 )(𝒆𝜙𝑖 ∙ 𝒆⊥𝑖 𝑅⊥ ) + (𝒆𝜙𝑟 ∙ 𝒆∥𝑟 )(𝒆𝜙𝑖 ∙ 𝒆∥𝑖 𝑅∥ )

𝛼𝜃𝜙 = (𝒆𝜃𝑟 ∙ 𝒆⊥𝑟 )(𝒆𝜙𝑖 ∙ 𝒆⊥𝑖 𝑅⊥ ) + (𝒆𝜃𝑟 ∙ 𝒆∥𝑟 )(𝒆𝜙𝑖 ∙ 𝒆∥𝑖 𝑅∥ )
𝛼𝜙𝜃 = (𝒆𝜙𝑟 ∙ 𝒆⊥𝑟 )(𝒆𝜃𝑖 ∙ 𝒆⊥𝑖 𝑅⊥ ) + (𝒆𝜙𝑟 ∙ 𝒆∥𝑟 )(𝒆𝜃𝑖 ∙ 𝒆∥𝑖 𝑅∥ )
{ 𝛼𝜃𝜃 = (𝒆𝜃𝑟 ∙ 𝒆⊥𝑟 )(𝒆𝜃𝑖 ∙ 𝒆⊥𝑖 𝑅⊥ ) + (𝒆𝜃𝑟 ∙ 𝒆∥𝑟 )(𝒆𝜃𝑖 ∙ 𝒆∥𝑖 𝑅∥ )

where the unit vectors and Fresnel reflection coefficient are defined as

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 𝒆𝑟𝑖 = [𝑦𝑖 ] is the unit vector in the direction of the incidence ray (𝒆𝑟𝑖 ∥ ̅̅̅̅
 𝒆𝑟𝑟 = [𝑦𝑟 ] is the unit vector in the direction of the reflected ray (𝒆𝑟𝑟 ∥ ̅̅̅̅
𝐵𝐶 )
𝑥𝑒𝑛𝑑 − 𝑥𝑏𝑒𝑔𝑖𝑛 0 𝑥𝑒𝑛𝑑 − 𝑥𝑏𝑒𝑔𝑖𝑛 0
 𝒏 = [𝑦𝑒𝑛𝑑 − 𝑦𝑏𝑒𝑔𝑖𝑛 ] × [0]⁄‖[𝑦𝑒𝑛𝑑 − 𝑦𝑏𝑒𝑔𝑖𝑛 ] × [0]‖ is the unit normal vector of the
0 1 0 1
surface to direction of the incidence plane, × is the vector cross product

√𝑥𝑖 2 +𝑦𝑖 2

 𝒆𝜙𝑖 = 𝑥𝑖
and 𝒆𝜃𝑖 = 𝒆𝑟𝑖 × 𝒆𝜙𝑖 are unit vectors representing the directions of
√𝑥𝑖 +𝑦𝑖 2

[ 0 ]
incidence for polarized electric fields 𝐸𝜙𝑖 and 𝐸𝜃𝑖 at the reflection point B
𝒆 ×(𝒏×𝒆 )
 𝒆⊥𝑖 = 𝒆𝑟𝑖 × 𝒆∥𝑖 and 𝒆∥𝑖 = ‖𝒆𝑟𝑖×(𝒏×𝒆𝑟𝑖)‖ are unit vectors of incident rays that have electric
𝑟𝑖 𝑟𝑖
fields perpendicular and parallel to the plane ABC
𝒆 ×(𝒏×𝒆𝑟𝑟 )
 𝒆∥𝑟 = ‖𝒆𝑟𝑟 and 𝒆⊥𝑟 = 𝒆𝑟𝑟 × 𝒆∥𝑟 are unit vectors of reflected rays that have
𝑟𝑟 ×(𝒏×𝒆𝑟𝑟 )‖
electric fields parallel and perpendicular to the plane ABC
√𝑥𝑟 2 +𝑦𝑟 2

 𝒆𝜙𝑟 = 𝑥𝑟
and 𝒆𝜃𝑟 = 𝒆𝑟𝑟 × 𝒆𝜑𝑟 are unit vectors representing the directions of
√𝑥𝑟 2 +𝑦𝑟 2

[ 0 ]
reflection for polarized electric fields 𝐸𝜙𝑟 and 𝐸𝜃𝑟 in the reflection point B
𝜖𝑟 sin 𝜓−√𝜖𝑟 −cos2 𝜓
 𝑅∥ = denotes the Fresnel reflection coefficients for electric fields
𝜖𝑟 sin 𝜓+√𝜖𝑟 −cos2 𝜓
parallel to the plane ABC, where 𝜓 is the grazing angle, i.e. the angle between the
plane W and the incidence ray and 𝜖𝑟 is the relative permittivity of the plane (See
Table E-1 and Table E-2) [VA03]

sin 𝜓−√𝜖𝑟 −cos2 𝜓

 𝑅⊥ = denotes the Fresnel reflection coefficients for electric fields
sin 𝜓+√𝜖𝑟 −cos2 𝜓
perpendicular to the plane ABC [VA03]

Step 10a (Berg’s recursive option): For path ways 𝑘 with diffraction calculate 2x2 propagation
matrices with simplified method called the Berg’s recursive model

𝜃𝜃 𝜃𝜙
𝑘 e
𝐿𝑘 𝑒 𝑗Φ𝑘,𝑖
𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 = [ 𝜙𝜃 𝜙𝜙 ], (6-18)
𝜙𝜃 𝜙𝜙
𝐿𝑘 e𝑗Φ𝑘,𝑖 𝐿𝑘 e𝑗Φ𝑘,𝑖

where terms 𝐿𝑘 are defined below and i.i.d. random phases Φ follow uniform distribution in
range [0,2𝜋]. Notice, if a pathway 𝑘 contains more than one diffraction, the effect of all
diffractions is calculated jointly and set to the first diffraction segment. Furthermore, specular
reflection points are neglected in this step, i.e. the path distance between diffraction nodes is
based on all (if any) intermediate specular reflections. For the successive diffraction segments
Equation (6-18) is substituted by unit matrices (all one entries for diagonal elements,
otherwise zero). Notice, as mentioned in the Step 5a) this simplified method can be utilized
only for diffraction producing paths to the shadow region.
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The LOS and diffracted pathways are described by the Berg recursive model [Ber95]. It is
based on the assumption that a street corner appears as a secondary source when a
propagating radio wave turns around it. The corners of buildings and the antennas represent
nodes (See Figure 6-7 left).
Along a propagation path each node contributes a loss which depends on the change in
direction 𝜃. The total loss at a specific node 𝑗 is given by the well-known expression for free
space loss between isotropic antennas where a fictitious distance 𝑑𝑗 is used, i.e.

𝐿𝑗|dB = 20 log10 ( 𝜆
) (6-19)

where  is the wave length. It should be noted that the fictitious distance corresponds to the
real distance but multiplied by a factor at each diffraction node. The result is that the fictitious
distance 𝑑𝑗 becomes longer than the real distance meaning that it accounts for diffraction loss
when used in the free space loss, cf. Equation (6-19). An example with four nodes is shown in
Figure 6-7 (right). At each node 𝑗, the fictitious distance is given by the following recursive

𝑑𝑗 = 𝑘𝑗 𝑠𝑗−1 + 𝑑𝑗−1 (6-20)


𝑘𝑗 = 𝑘𝑗−1 + 𝑑𝑗−1 𝑞𝑗−1 (6-21)

where 𝑠𝑗 is the real distance between node 𝑗 and its following node (𝑗 + 1), 𝑞𝑗 is a function of
𝜃𝑗 (See Equation (6-22) and Figure 6-7 middle). The initial values are 𝑑0 = 0 and 𝑘0 = 1.

y [m]

x [m]

Figure 6-7: Example of a street corner acting as a node (left). Manhattan map (middle).
Topological example with four nodes (right).

The angle dependence for the fictitious propagation distance extension is given by the
following expression

𝜃𝑗 𝑣
𝑞𝑗 = 𝑞90 (90 deg) , (6-22)

where 𝜃𝑗 ∈ [0, 180] deg , 𝑞90 and 𝜈 are parameters determined by fitting the model to
measurement data. The parameter 𝑞90 accounts for the amount off diffraction loss caused by
each node. A larger value results in larger diffraction loss. The corresponding frequency
dependency is given by

𝑞90 = √ 𝜆𝜆 (6-23)

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where 𝑞𝜆 is a model parameter given in Table 6-1. The parameter 𝜈 accounts for how fast the
loss changes in the transition zone between LOS and NLOS. Further, there is a corresponding
depolarization matrix:

1 ∞
𝐐90 = 𝑞90 [ ], (6-24)
∞ 𝛾

where 𝑞90 is the corresponding co-polarized (𝜃𝜃) depolarization coefficient and 𝑞90 𝛾 is the co-
polarized (𝜙𝜙) coefficient, 𝑞90 and 𝛾 are both given in Table 6-1 (for rooftop diffraction the
diagonal elements should be swapped).
The Berg recursive model ignores all types of interactions except diffraction, i.e. if a pathway
contains diffraction, no reflection or scattering is calculated in Steps 9 and 11. This is
illustrated by Figure 6-8 where the corresponding distances 𝑠𝑗 for the segments 𝑠𝑔𝑖 , are
𝑠0 = 𝑠𝑔1 , 𝑠1 = 𝑠𝑔2 + 𝑠𝑔3, 𝑠2 = 𝑠𝑔4 and 𝑠3 = 2𝑠𝑔5 𝑠𝑔6⁄𝑅, where 𝑅 is the scatterer radius used
in Equation (6-44). Then the resulting set of segments 𝑠𝑗 , is used in Equation (6-20) for
providing 𝐡dif
𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 in Equation (6-18).

Figure 6-8: Example of a path with diffraction, specular reflection and object scattering.

Step 10b (UTD option): Determine a diffractions coefficient matrix 𝐀 with the uniform theory of
diffraction (UTD) formulas and calculate 2x2 propagation matrix as

𝐡dif dif
𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 = 𝐀 𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 . (6-25)

The divergence factor for diffraction is 𝐹 dif = √𝑠in⁄𝑠D (𝑠in + 𝑠D ), where 𝑠in is the distance from
the TX to the diffraction point, and 𝑠D is the distance from the diffraction point to the RX node.
Calculation of the diffractions coefficient matrix 𝐀 is described in the following. Figure 6-9
illustrates canonical model for wedge diffraction where the spread angle of the wedge is
(2 − 𝑛)𝜋 with the incident ray impinges at skew angle. A unit vector 𝒍 parallel to the direction
of the wedge is also defined. Unit vectors 𝒔in and 𝒔D indicate direction of propagation for the
incident ray and the diffracted ray with respect to diffraction point D, respectively. These unit
vectors are related based on the Fermat principle:

(𝒔in − 𝒔D ) ∙ 𝒍 = 0. (6-26)

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Equation (6-26) indicates the extended Snell`s law of 𝛽D = 𝛽in . The diffracted ray should be
defined within a cone of the spread angle 𝛽D with an apex at D: the diffracted ray propagates
with arbitrary angles on the xy-plane (Figure 6-9 right). Hence the unit vector of direction of
propagation for diffracted ray can be determined by

sin 𝛽in cos 𝜉D

𝒔D = [ sin 𝛽in sin 𝜉D ]. (6-27)
− cos 𝛽in

lˆ 2  n x
 in “0” 面
sin “n”面
 in z
 in 2  n
“0” 面 D D D
“n” 面
y sD D
Figure 6-9: Model for canonical problem of diffraction.

The polarimetric diffraction coefficient matrix

𝐷 𝐷𝑏
𝐀=[ 𝑎 ] (6-28)
𝐷𝑐 𝐷𝑑

defines relation between the incidence and diffracted electric field components as follows

𝐸𝛽D 𝐸𝛽in
] = 𝐀[ ]. [ (6-29)
𝐸𝜉D 𝐸𝜉in
The unit vectors of electric filed are defined as
𝒍−𝒔in cos 𝛽in
 𝒆𝛽in = sin 𝛽in
is unit vector representing the directions of incidence for polarized
electric fields 𝐸𝛽in at diffraction point D
𝒍−𝒔in cos 𝛽in 𝒔 ×𝒍
 𝒆𝛽in = sin 𝛽in
and 𝒆𝜉in = sinin𝛽 are unit vectors of polarized electric fields 𝐸𝛽in and
𝐸𝜉in of incidence ray at D, respectively,
𝒍−𝒔D cos 𝛽D 𝒔 ×𝒍
 𝒆𝛽D = sin 𝛽D
and 𝒆𝜉D = sinD 𝛽 are unit vectors of polarized electric fields 𝐸𝛽D and 𝐸𝜉D
of diffracted ray at D, respectively.

There are various expressions of the diffraction coefficient. Especially UTD is well-known
method formulated by R. G. Kouyoumjian and P. H. Pathak [KP74] where the wedge is
considered to be conductor. In this section, one of the practical methods by Luebbers [Lue84]
is described. His expression of diffraction coefficient accounts for finite conductive wedge
which extended the capability of UTD for more practical use. When the wedge is long enough
compared to wavelength, the diffraction coefficient in Figure 6-9 of the canonical problem is
defined as

𝐷𝑎 𝐷𝑏
[ ] = 𝑰2×2 (𝐷+ (𝜉D − 𝜉in ) + 𝐷 − (𝜉D − 𝜉in )) + 𝐑 0 𝐷 − (𝜉D + 𝜉in ) + 𝐑 𝑛 𝐷+ (𝜉D + 𝜉in ) (6-30)
𝐷𝑐 𝐷𝑑


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− exp(−𝑗 ) 𝜋+Δ𝜉
𝐷 ± (Δ𝜉) = 4
cot ( ) 𝐹 (𝑘𝐿𝑎± (Δ𝜉)), (6-31)
2𝑛√2𝜋𝑘 sin 𝛽in 2𝑛

Here 𝑰2×2 is the 2x2 identity matrix, and 𝐑 0 and 𝐑 𝑛 are matrices of reflection coefficient for
“0”face and “n” face defined in Figure 6-9 respectively as expressed by
𝒆𝛽in ∙ 𝒆⊥𝑟 𝒆𝛽in ∙ 𝒆∥𝑟 𝑅⊥ 0 𝒆⊥𝑖 ∙ 𝒆𝛽in 𝒆⊥𝑖 ∙ 𝒆𝜉in
𝐑 0 = [𝒆 ∙ 𝒆 𝒆𝜉in ∙ 𝒆∥𝑟 ] [ 0 𝑅∥ ] [ 𝒆∥𝑖 ∙ 𝒆𝛽in 𝒆∥𝑖 ∙ 𝒆𝜉in ], (6-32)
𝜉in ⊥𝑟

𝒆𝛽D ∙ 𝒆⊥𝑟 𝒆𝛽D ∙ 𝒆∥𝑟 𝑅⊥ 0 𝒆⊥𝑖 ∙ 𝒆𝛽D 𝒆⊥𝑖 ∙ 𝒆𝜉D

𝐑 𝑛 = [𝒆 ∙ 𝒆 𝒆𝜉D ∙ 𝒆∥𝑟 ] [ 0 𝑅∥ ] [ 𝒆∥𝑖 ∙ 𝒆𝛽D 𝒆∥𝑖 ∙ 𝒆𝜉D ], (6-33)
𝜉D ⊥𝑟

where definitions of unit vectors 𝒆⊥𝑖 , 𝒆∥𝑖 , 𝒆⊥𝑟 , 𝒆∥𝑟 and reflection coefficients 𝑅⊥ , 𝑅∥ are same as
in Step 9. 𝐹(𝑥) in Equation (6-31) and denotes the Fresnel integral
+∞ 2
𝐹(𝑥) = 2𝑗√𝑥𝑒 𝑗𝑥 ∫√𝑥 𝑒 −𝑗𝜏 𝑑𝜏 (6-34)

where 𝐿 and 𝑎± are defined as

𝑠D 𝑠in
𝐿= sin2 𝛽in , (6-35)
𝑠D +𝑠in

2𝑛𝜋𝑁 ± −Δ𝜉
𝑎± (Δ𝜉) = 2 cos2 ( ). (6-36)

Further on Δ𝜉 = 𝜉D ± 𝜉in and 𝑁 ± is given as

𝑁± = . (6-37)

Here the closest integer value satisfying the equation is chosen. Note, a method for numerical
approximation of the Fresnel integral is described in [ACL12].

In a special case when TX and RX are under Shadow Boundary (i.e. 𝜉D = 𝜉in + 𝜋 ) or
Reflection Boundary (i.e. 𝜉D = 𝜋 − 𝜉in ) condition, the cotangent function in Equation (6-31)
becomes singular. In this case, the term containing cotangent function should be replaced by
𝜋±𝜉 𝑗𝜋 𝑗𝜋
cot ( 2𝑛 ) 𝐹 (𝑘 𝐿 𝑎± (𝜉)) ≈ 𝑛 [√2𝜋 𝑘 𝐿 sgn(𝜀) − 2 𝑘 𝐿 𝜀 exp ( 4 )] exp ( 4 ) (6-38)

with 𝜀 defined by

𝜀 = 𝜋 ± (𝜉 − 2𝑛 𝜋 𝑁 ± ). (6-39)

For further explanations, the terms in (6-31) – (6-37) and their formulations can be also found
in [Bal89].

Step 11: For path 𝑘 with scattering from objects or diffuse scattering point sources calculate
2x2 propagation matrices as follows

𝜃𝜃 𝜃𝜙
exp(𝑗Φ𝑘,𝑖 ) exp (𝑗Φ𝑘,𝑖 )
𝐡𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 = √𝐺𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 [ 𝜙𝜃 𝜙𝜙
] (6-40)
exp (𝑗Φ𝑘,𝑖 ) exp (𝑗Φ𝑘,𝑖 )

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where random phases Φ follow uniform distribution in range [0, 2𝜋]. The divergence factor for
scattering is 𝐹 sc = 1⁄𝑠𝑠 , where 𝑠𝑠 is distance from the scattering point to the receiver node.
The scattering gain 𝐺𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 of the scattered wave from an object is modelled based on the
scattering cross section for a perfectly conducting sphere as

𝑅𝐶𝑆 = 𝜋𝑅 2 . (6-41)

The power density at the scatterer, according to Figure 6-10, is given by

𝑃𝑡 𝐺𝑡
𝑆 𝑠𝑐 = . (6-42)

The power density at the receiver is then given by

1 𝑃 𝐺𝑡
𝑆𝑟 = 𝑆 𝑠𝑐 𝑅𝐶𝑆 4𝜋𝑅22
= 𝑅𝐶𝑆 (4𝜋𝑅𝑡 2. (6-43)
1 𝑅2 )

The received power when substituting the effective aperture 𝐴𝑒 = 𝐺𝑟 𝜆2⁄4𝜋 of the RX antenna
is given by

𝑃 𝐺𝑡 𝐺𝑟 𝜆2 𝜆𝑅 2 1 2
𝑃𝑟 = 𝑆𝑟 𝐴𝑒 = 𝜋𝑅 2 (4𝜋𝑅𝑡 2 = 𝑃𝑡 𝐺𝑡 𝐺𝑟 (8𝜋) (𝑅 ) . (6-44)
1 𝑅2 ) 4𝜋 1 𝑅2

Considering the right most term as a multiplication of squared divergence factors

1 2 2
(𝑅 ) = (𝐹 LOS 𝐹 sc ) , (6-45)
1 𝑅2

which are taken into account in Step 12. Now, we can define the scattering gain from Equation
(6-44) as

𝜆𝑅 2
𝐺 𝑠𝑐 = ( ) . (6-46)

Further, it is assumed that the scattered power is also shadowed, i.e. it is reduced according
to the shadowing model (6-5). The corresponding scattering gain is given by
𝐺 𝑠𝑐_𝑜𝑏𝑗 = 𝐺 𝑠𝑐 (1 − 𝛼)(1 − (𝐹ℎ1 + 𝐹ℎ2 )(𝐹𝑤1 + 𝐹𝑤2 )) . (6-47)

where 𝛼 is the absorption coefficient of the scatterer given in Table 6-1. In order to match the
size of the screen with the cross section of the sphere the radius is set to

𝑅=√𝜋 . (6-48)

As the expression is reciprocal, the RX and TX nodes may be switched depending on which
node is in the vicinity of the scatterer.

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Figure 6-10: Schematic drawing of the scattering model (left). Random point sources
approximating a rough surface (right).

Diffuse scattering occurs also from surfaces accounting for the surface roughness. According
to [DGM+04] the received power scattered by a surface may be expressed in a similar way as
for the spherical scatterer, i.e. as

𝜆 2
𝑃𝑟 = 𝑆𝑠𝑐 𝐺𝑟 ∆𝑆(1 − 𝛽) ( ) cos(𝜃𝑖 ) cos(𝜃𝑠 ), (6-49)

where ∆𝑆 the size of a fraction of the surface area corresponding to the point source, 𝛽 is the
relative amount of specular power and 𝜃𝑖 and 𝜃𝑠 are the angles of the incoming and scattered
paths relative to the normal of the surface (see Figure 6-10 right). Reformulating (6-49) yields

𝜆2 1 2
𝑃𝑟 = 𝑃𝑡 𝐺𝑡 𝐺𝑟 ∆𝑆(1 − 𝛽) cos(𝜃𝑖 ) cos(𝜃𝑠 ) ( ) (6-50)
64𝜋3 𝑅1 𝑅2

The resulting scattering gain is given by

𝐺 𝑠𝑐_𝑜𝑏𝑗 = ∆𝑆(1 − 𝛽) cos(𝜃𝑖 ) cos(𝜃𝑠 ), (6-51)

The parameter 𝛽 can be either taken from Table 6-1 or alternatively calculated based on the
surface roughness effect as defined in Appendix E.2.4.
If virtually moving scattering objects, e.g. cars, are modelled each object has a path specific
Doppler shift parameter 𝜔𝑘 in rad/s. The Doppler shift may be either drawn randomly or
calculated based on a velocity and an incidence angle. A path with virtually moving scattering
objects has time dependent channel matrix

𝑠𝑐 𝑜𝑏𝑗
𝐡𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 (𝑡) = √𝐺𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 exp(𝑗𝑡𝜔𝑘 ). (6-52)

Calculation of the radio channel transfer function:

Step 12: Finally the complex impulse response between RX antenna element 𝑢 and TX
antenna elements 𝑠 with a true motion of transceivers is given by
𝑇 𝑗2𝜋𝑑𝑘,𝑢,𝑠 (𝑡)
𝐠 RX
𝑢 (−𝐤 𝑘,𝑢,𝑠 (𝑡)) 𝑒 𝜆 (∏𝑖=1
𝐡𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 (𝑡)𝐹𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠
𝐻𝑢,𝑠 (𝑡, 𝜏) = ∑𝐾
𝑘=1 , (6-53)
TX (𝑡))
𝐠 TX
𝑠 (𝐤 𝑘,𝑢,𝑠 𝛿 (𝜏 − 𝜏𝑘,𝑢,𝑠 (𝑡))

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where 𝐠 RX TX
𝑢 and 𝐠 𝑠 are the complex polarimetric antenna pattern vectors, of RX element 𝑢 and
TX element 𝑠, for the direction and frequency represented by the wave vectors, and 𝐹𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 is
the divergence factor (see [DGM+04]) defined in Steps 8-11 for the corresponding path
segment. When calculating a divergence factor the path length to the interaction point is
determined cumulatively starting from the initial node. With Berg recursive option (Step 10a)
the divergence factor 𝐹𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 ≡ 1 for pathways 𝑘 containing diffraction. In this step the product
operator of 2x2 polarization matrices 𝐡 is defined as the element-wise matrix product. In this
step the product operator of 2x2 polarization matrices 𝐡 is defined as the element-wise matrix
product. Divergence factor (see [DGM+04]) 𝐹 𝑇𝑘𝑖 ≡ 1 with Berg option (Step 10a) for pathways
𝑘 containing diffraction. The time parameter 𝑡 is interchangeable to a parameter indicating TX
and RX locations through their moving speed (except if moving scattering objects are
introduced having time dependent channel coefficients with temporal variation independent on
TX and RX locations).
In case of virtual motion (assuming the UE has a velocity that causes small-scale effects like
Doppler, but is fixed in the large-scale geometry) there is no time evolution of large-scale
parameters and the complex impulse response is given by

RX 𝑇 𝑗2𝜋𝑑𝑘,𝑢,𝑠 𝐼𝑘 𝑇𝑘𝑖
𝐾 𝐠 RX
𝑢 (−𝐤 𝑘,𝑢,𝑠 ) 𝑒 𝜆 (∏𝑖=1 𝐡𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 (𝑡)𝐹𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 )
𝐻𝑢,𝑠 (𝑡, 𝜏) = ∑𝑘=1 𝐷
, (6-54)
𝐠 TX
𝑠 (𝐤 𝑘,𝑢,𝑠 )𝑒 𝑗𝑡𝜔𝑘
𝛿(𝜏 − 𝜏 𝑘,𝑢,𝑠 )

where 𝜔𝑘𝐷 is the Doppler frequency in rad/s of path 𝑘. If both array antennas are small in
physical size, i.e. plane wave assumption is valid, the equation can be further simplified by

𝑇 𝑗2𝜋𝑑𝑘 𝐼 𝐷
𝐻𝑢,𝑠 (𝑡, 𝜏) = ∑𝐾 RX RX
𝑘=1 𝐠 𝑢 (−𝐤 𝑘 ) 𝑒 𝜆 (∏𝑖=1
𝐡𝑘,𝑖 (𝑡)𝐹 𝑇𝑘𝑖 ) 𝐠 TX TX 𝑗𝑡𝜔𝑘
𝑠 (𝐤 𝑘 )𝑒 𝛿(𝜏 − 𝜏𝑘 ), (6-55)

where propagation matrices are determined in reference to centre points of TX and RX arrays
and therefore antenna indices 𝑢 and 𝑠 can be dropped off from polarization matrices 𝐡.
Notice 1, pay attention on path segment lengths and their use in computing attenuation of
matrices 𝐡 in Steps 8-11 such that the pathloss is never calculated twice per any segment.
Notice 2, in the case of Outdoor-to-indoor each path 𝑘 is attenuated by penetration loss as
described in Appendix B “Modelling O2I”.

6.3 Simplifications
The complexity may be reduced by means of accounting only for diffracted paths, which are
within a lower order of Fresnel zones with respect to the corresponding specular or direct
path. If both the specular and the direct paths are shadowed then the diffracted path should
always be accounted for. This is illustrated in Figure 6-11 for diffraction around a corner of a
building at 2 GHz. In Figure 6-11 a) the diffraction corner should be accounted for, while in
Figure 6-11 b) it should not be accounted for. Figure 6-11 c) shows the effect of accounting for
diffracted paths within two Fresnel zones for UTD and horizontal polarization. It is clear that
removing diffraction paths outside the two most inner Fresnel zones has very minor impact on
the corresponding signal strength and channel response. For details more see [LB98].

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a) b)


Relative power [dB]

angle in a)

angle in b)

Diffraction angle [deg]

Figure 6-11: Illustration of the impact of Fresnel zone simplification.

6.4 Future work

The map based model is intended to account for all radio channel characteristics which are
important for any 5G mobile communications scenario. For this purpose the model has to be
validated by measurements. Many properties have already been successfully validated as
demonstrated in Section 9 where different scenarios are simulated using an implementation of
the model and compared to the measurement results in Section 5 and Appendix A. Work is
ongoing or planned to validate remaining important properties:
1) Diffuse scattering properties are being validated and calibrated. Measurements
indicate that the corresponding distribution might be largely spread out in direction (cf.
Figure 5-14).
2) The number of interactions needed to provide realistic delay spreads is under
3) The distribution of scatterers for different environments is being calibrated.

Planned as well as already performed measurement campaigns are being, and planned to be,
compared with model simulations in order to further validate the model.

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7 Stochastic Model
This section describes the stochastic model, i.e. a geometry-based stochastic channel model
(GSCM) further developed from WINNER/3GPP. Within METIS a multitude of channel models
per propagation scenario was proposed. A coarse classification of the proposed channel
models can be done by their requirement for explicit building structures or scene models
containing objects like furniture or vegetation. In case explicit building/scene models are
available it is possible to calculate propagation paths based on this deterministic environment,
cf. Section 6. Without these building/scene models propagation paths need to be generated
fully stochastically. Besides these two extreme cases, it might be possible to utilize explicit
building/scene models within the stochastic modelling approach in order to get more site-
specific results. This third approach is a hybrid of the map-based and the stochastic model.
Within this section we will refer to it as hybrid model, wherever it is applicable.
For all models it shall be possible to apply various antenna models. The channel models are
therefore independent of the antennas. Section 7.1 gives some basic information about
antenna modelling, especially on how to correctly deal with 3D antenna patterns.
Appendix D gives the steps for the WINNER based channel model approach including new
findings from 3GPP’s study items on 3D channel modelling and D2D, as well as further
investigations in METIS.
The output of the channel model shall be complex MIMO channel impulse responses per user
link depending on the user location. In some evaluations it may be adequate to investigate
only the pathloss and shadowing effect. In these cases, the channel model output is the sum
effect of pathloss and shadowing, which can be determined by PL & SF models of WINNER
based approach or by a total path attenuation of the map-based model, without considering
polarizations or antenna models. For some cases the time evolution of the channel is of
importance, therefore it has to be clarified whether the users are mobile or stationary or if the
drop-based simulation is used, when the stabile users are in virtual motion. In case of mobile
users, user routes need to be defined in terms of time and space.

7.1 Parameter selection and procedure

The GSCM shall be applicable to the METIS propagation scenarios without predefined
building structure geometries, i.e.:
 Urban micro-cell O2O, O2I,
 Urban macro-cell O2O, O2I,
 Rural macro,
 Indoor office,
 Highway,
 Open air festival.

D2D scenarios depict a difficulty, as it is not straightforward to generate correlated large-scale

parameters for moving transmitters with the original WINNER approach. Hence it was
proposed to use the sum-of-sinusoids approach in case of D2D, as described in more detail in
Section 7. Besides that, an additional Doppler shift was introduced at the transmitter. Due to
these shortcomings alternative stochastic models for each propagation scenario are given in
Table 7-1. The following instructions are to a large amount based on [3GPP14-36873].
Instructions which are on large amount based on [3GPP14-36873] describing step-by-step
which explain the procedure for the 3GPP 3D channel model are contained in Appendix D.
Steps in which the METIS approach differs from 3GPP are explained in this section.
Recommended PL and fading models for each propagation scenario are given in Table 7-1.

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Table 7-1: Recommended PL and fading models for each propagation scenario.
In/ Link
# PS band Pathloss Model Fading Channel Model
Out type
0.45 - 6 PL, steps and parameters: 3GPP 3D-UMi LOS/NLOS [3GPP14-
36873], except in LOS condition PL model is Section 5.2
0.45 - 6 Parameters:1) For small to medium
sized city: Table 5-2,
LOS: Section 5.2
For large city: Table 5-4
Urban These measured parameters need to
D2D [WIN+10-D53] Manhattan
Micro be complemented with parameters
1 /V2V layout with 10 dB extra
loss from [3GPP14-36843] Annex A.
Steps: [3GPP14-36873], except
Doppler as in [3GPP14-36843] Annex
O2I BS-UE 0.45 - 6 PL, steps and parameters: 3GPP 3D-UMi O2I [3GPP14-36873]
Squar 50 - 70 Parameters: Table 5-6,
O2O BS-UE Table 5-6
e Steps: [3GPP14-36873]*
0.45 - 6 PL, steps and parameters: 3GPP 3D-UMa LOS/NLOS [3GPP14-
BS-UE 36873]
O2O Supplemental parameters from Table 5-3 can be used**
2 0.45 - 6 PL, steps and parameters: IMT-Advanced UMa [ITUR09-2135]
(ℎUE = 10 m, ℎBS = 25 m)
O2I BS-UE 0.45 - 6 PL, steps and parameters: 3GPP 3D-UMa O2I [3GPP14-36873]
BS-UE 0.45 - 6 PL, steps and parameters: IMT-Advanced RMa [ITUR09-2135]
0.45 - 6 WINNER+ C2 [WIN+10- Parameters & steps: WINNER+ C2
D2D D53] [WIN+10-D53], except Doppler and
O2O /V2V (ℎUE = 1.5 m, ℎBS = AOA/ASA as in [3GPP14-36843]
1.5 m) Annex A
3 0.45 - 6 PL, steps and parameters: IMT-Advanced RMa [ITUR09-2135]
Macro BH
(ℎUE = 10 m, ℎBS = 25 m)
BS-UE 0.45 - 6 PL, parameters & steps: 3GPP 3D-UMa O2I [3GPP14-36873]
O2I 0.45 - 6 Parameters & steps: IMT-Advanced-
UMa [ITUR09-2135], except AOD/ASD
/V2V D53], page 75, Table 4-1
have same distributions with AOA/ASD
Indoor 0.45 - 6 PL, steps and parameters: WINNER II A1-rr (room-to-room)
Office [WIN208-D112]
4 I2I
Cafete 50 - 70 Parameters: Table 5-6
BS-UE Table 5-6
ria Steps: [3GPP14-36873]
Indoor BS-UE 0.45 - 6 PL, steps and parameters: WINNER II A1 [WIN208-D112]
Shoppi 50 - 70
5 I2I Parameters: Table 5-6
ng BS-UE Table 5-6
mall Steps: [WIN208-D112]

Highw BS-UE 0.45 - 6 PL, steps and parameters: IMT-Advanced RMa [ITUR09-2135]
6 O2O
ay V2V 0.45 - 6 PL, steps and parameters: Karedal [KTC+09]
BS-UE 0.45 - 6 PL, steps and parameters: IMT-Advance RMa [ITUR09-2135]
Open 0.45 - 6 WINNER+ C2 [WIN+10-
D53] Parameters & steps: WINNER+ C2
7 O2O D2D [WIN+10-D53], except AOD/ASD have
Festiv (ℎUE = 1.5 m, ℎBS = same distributions with AOA/ASD
al 1.5 m)
BH 0.45 - 6 PL, steps and parameters: IMT-Advance RMa [ITUR09-2135]

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7.1.1 Generate large-scale parameters

Generate correlated large-scale parameters (LSPs), i.e. delay spread, angular spreads,
Ricean K-factor and shadow fading. The definitions of the LSPs are given in [3GPP03-25996].
In order to account for the spatial correlation between different UEs the LSPs are based on
so-called LSP maps. Spatial-, cross- and intersite correlation can be incorporated as well.
Basically all LSPs are characterised by a log-normal distribution, i.e. 𝑋~ lg 𝒩(𝜇𝑙𝑔𝑋 , 𝜎𝑙𝑔𝑋 ),
which is equivalent to lg(𝑋) ~𝒩(𝜇𝑙𝑔𝑋 , 𝜎𝑙𝑔𝑋 ). Common values for the mean 𝜇𝑙𝑔𝑋 and standard
variation 𝜎𝑙𝑔𝑋 of the normalised and logarithmised LSPs are given in Table 7-2.
The spatial correlation is assumed to follow a decaying exponential function

𝑅(𝛥𝑥) = 𝑒 𝑑𝑐𝑜𝑟 , (7-1)
with the decorrelation distance 𝑑𝑐𝑜𝑟 being the describing parameter, which is dependent on
the environment.
The cross-correlation can be added using the procedure described in Section 3.3.1 of
[WIN208-D112]. A specific order of the LSPs was agreed upon within 3GPP (SF, KF, DS,
ASD, ASA, ESD, ESA), when using the Cholesky decomposition. This is necessary as the
order has an effect on the distortion of the spatial correlation, since the Cholesky
decomposition results in a triangular square root matrix, cf. [3GPP14].
There are various approaches on how to include inter-site correlation, i.e. correlation between
links of a single UE and two BSs. The simplest approach uses a fixed correlation value, while
more advanced approaches assume a distance and direction dependent correlation, cf.
Furthermore the azimuthal spreads of arrival and departure are limited to 104 degrees, such
that 𝐴𝑆𝐴 ≤ 104 deg, and 𝐴𝑆𝐷 ≤ 104 deg while the elevation spreads of arrival and departure
are limited to 52 degrees, such that 𝑍𝑆𝐴 ≤ 52 deg, and 𝑍𝑆𝐷 ≤ 52 deg.
An alternative to this procedure is the sum-of-sinusoids approach, which is described in
Section 7.4. This approach is especially advantageous in case of D2D and moving

Figure 7-1: Site-specified LSPs based on explicit building/scene models.

For the hybrid model approach there is also another possible option to generate site-specific
LSPs for example by extracting the deterministic shadow fading and generating the remaining
LSPs taking the inter-parameter correlations into account. Figure 7-1 shows an example
utilizing the Madrid map. The left figure shows the path gain in dB that was calculated using a
ray tracing simulation within METIS. The figure in the middle shows the shadow fading in dB,
i.e. the path gain minus the log-distance pathloss. Finally the figure on the right shows the
delay spread in dB, which was generated by using the inter-parameter correlation between
shadow fading and delay spread on a random map following a Gaussian distribution.
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7.1.2 Parameterisation (based on measurements / literature)

The high number of parameters, which are required for the stochastic channel model in
combination with the low number of incomplete parameter sets from measurements make it
difficult to find the suitable set for a range of applications.
Based on Table 5-6, which shows the WINNER parameterization for 60 GHz, it seems that
most of the parameters are frequency dependent. Since there is no knowledge of a similar
work that was done for frequencies in between 6 and 60 GHz, it would be careless to propose
a single parameter set for this frequency range.
Instead of proposing single values we rather recommend to choose values in a given range
based on METIS measurements (Table 5-2, Table 5-3, Table 5-4, Table 5-6, Table A-7, Table
A-8, Table A-9, Table A-10, Table A-11, and Table A-12), simulations (Table 9-1, Table 9-2,
Table 9-3, and Table 9-7) as well as previous channel modelling work in WINNER, ITU, and
3GPP (Table 4-5 in [WIN208-D112], Tables 3-12, 4-3, 4-4 in [WIN+10-D53], Table A1-7
[ITUR09-2135], and Table 7.3-6 in [3GPP14-36873]).
The parameter ranges for UMi and UMa are given in Table 7-2, while the parameter ranges
for D2D&V2V and Indoor are given in Table 7-3. MIN and MAX denote minimum and
maximum value for the respective parameter. The large-scale parameters are assumed to
follow a log-normal distribution which is described by their mean 𝜇 and standard deviation 𝜎.

Table 7-2: Parameter ranges for UMi and UMa.

lgDS = 𝜇lgDS -8.82 -7.19 -7.72 -6.89 -8.03 -6.62 -7.50 -7.03 -7.26 -6.44 -7.76 -6.62
log10(DS/1 ns) 𝜎lgDS 0.17 0.41 0.03 0.54 0.05 0.36 0.23 0.66 0.32 0.39 0.19 0.32
lgASD = 𝜇lgASD 0.40 1.86 1.00 1.68 0.53 1.25 1.00 1.15 0.93 1.41 0.28 1.25
log10(ASD/1 deg) 𝜎lgASD 0.08 0.75 0.12 0.39 0.10 0.42 0.25 0.39 0.22 0.28 0.21 0.42
lgESD = 𝜇lgESD 0.23 0.90 -0.69 0.86 0.13 1.05 0.61 0.70 0.38 0.90 0.54 1.01
log10(ESD/1 deg) 𝜎lgESD 0.20 0.43 0.20 0.83 0.19 0.52 0.20 0.21 0.20 0.27 0.11 0.44
lgASA = 𝜇lgASA 0.24 1.75 0.93 1.84 1.63 1.86 1.43 1.81 1.38 1.87 1.64 1.76
log10(ASA/1 deg) 𝜎lgASA 0.16 0.54 0.15 0.46 0.07 0.31 0.19 0.38 0.11 0.40 0.16 0.22
lgESA = 𝜇lgESA 0.60 1.02 -0.75 0.95 0.88 1.52 0.95 0.95 1.26 1.26 0.88 1.39
log10(ESA/1 deg) 𝜎lgESA 0.16 0.96 0.16 1.19 0.04 0.45 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.43
Shadow Fading
𝜎SF 0.30 3.00 3.00 20.6 4.00 7.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 3.00 8.00
(SF) [dB]
Ricean K-factor 𝜇KF 8.40 11.0 7.00 9.00
(KF) [dB] 𝜎KF 2.20 7.00 3.00 5.70
ASD vs DS -0.10 0.54 -0.60 0.40 -0.10 0.50 0.40 0.40 -0.20 0.40 0.10 0.40
ASA vs DS 0.21 0.80 0.28 0.60 -0.30 0.80 0.50 0.80 0.50 0.60 0.40 0.50
ASA vs SF -0.50 0.40 -0.40 0.37 -0.50 0.20 -0.50 -0.20 -0.30 0.00 -0.20 0.20
ASD vs SF -0.60 0.33 -0.40 0.60 -0.30 0.60 -0.50 0.10 -0.60 0.40 -0.30 0.20
DS vs SF -0.40 0.30 -0.70 0.50 -0.50 0.60 -0.40 -0.30 -0.40 -0.40 -0.50 0.50

ASD vs ASA -0.30 0.56 -0.20 0.59 -0.50 0.20 -0.30 0.30 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.20
ASD vs KF -0.50 0.30 -0.10 0.10
ASA vs KF -0.30 0.01 -0.50 -0.20
DS vs KF -0.70 0.20 -0.40 -0.40
SF vs KF -0.10 0.90 0.00 0.50
ESD vs SF -0.50 0.20 -0.10 0.10 -0.40 0.30 -0.30 0.00 -0.20 0.00 -0.70 0.20
ESA vs SF 0.00 0.30 -0.70 0.00 -0.80 -0.80 -0.80 -0.40 -0.30 0.00
ESD vs KF -0.50 0.00 -0.20 0.00
ESA vs KF 0.00 0.20
ESD vs DS -0.50 0.00 -0.50 0.10 -0.60 0.50 -0.50 0.30 -0.50 0.00 -0.60 0.20
ESA vs DS -0.20 0.20 -0.20 0.00 -0.40 0.50 -0.20 0.50

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ESD vs ASD 0.40 0.70 0.10 0.60 -0.50 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.20 0.50 -0.20 0.50
ESA vs ASD -0.40 0.50 -0.10 0.50 -0.60 0.20 -0.40 -0.10 0.00 0.10
ESD vs ASA -0.20 0.10 -0.30 0.00 -0.60 0.40 -0.30 0.00 -0.20 0.00
ESA vs ASA 0.00 0.20 -0.20 0.20 0.10 0.70 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.80
ESD vs ESA 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.20 -0.40 0.60 -0.30 0.50
Delay scaling
𝑟𝜏 1.90 3.20 1.70 4.80 1.40 2.20 2.10 2.50 1.90 2.30 1.70 2.20
𝜇XPR 9.00 29.0 8.00 29.0 6.00 10.0 8.00 12.0 7.00 10.0 9.00 12.0
XPR [dB]
𝜎XPR 3.00 9.00 3.00 10.0 9.00 12.0 4.00 9.00 3.00 10.0 10.0 11.0
Number of clusters 𝑁 4.00 12.0 16.0 25.0 12.0 12.0 8.00 12.0 20.0 20.0 12.0 12.0
Cluster ASD in
𝐶𝐴𝑆𝐷 0.50 5.99 0.50 10.0 5.00 8.00 5.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 8.00
Cluster ASA in
𝐶𝐴𝑆𝐴 0.50 18.0 0.50 22.0 5.00 8.00 11.0 12.0 15.0 15.0 5.00 8.00
Cluster ESA in
𝐶𝐸𝑆𝐴 0.50 7.00 0.50 7.00 3.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 3.00 3.00
Cluster ESD in
𝐶𝐸𝑆𝐷 0.50 3.64 0.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Per cluster
𝜁 3.00 7.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 4.00 5.00
shadowing std [dB]
DS 1.30 9.00 1.40 10.0 10.0 10.0 30.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 10.0 10.0
ASD 8.00 23.0 3.20 10.0 11.0 11.0 15.0 18.0 50.0 50.0 11.0 15.0
Decorrelation ASA 1.00 12.0 8.10 9.00 17.0 17.0 15.0 15.0 50.0 50.0 17.0 35.0
distance in the
SF 7.80 14.0 3.60 13.0 7.00 7.00 37.0 45.0 50.0 50.0 7.00 7.00
horizontal plane
[m] K 7.90 15.0 12.0 12.0
ESA 12.0 15.0 1.80 10.0 25.0 25.0 15.0 15.0 50.0 50.0 25.0 25.0
ESD 12.0 17.0 0.80 10.0 25.0 25.0 15.0 15.0 50.0 50.0 25.0 25.0
frequency range 0.45-63 GHz 0.45-6 GHz
UE height range 1.5 - 22.5 m 1.5 - 22.5 m
BS height range 3 m - 10 m 5 m - 10 m 5 m - 15 m 18 m - 25 m

Table 7-3: Parameter ranges for D2D&V2V and Indoor.

D2D&V2V Indoor
lgDS = 𝜇lgDS -7.71 -7.50 -7.39 -7.39 -8.28 -7.42 -7.78 -7.41
log10(DS/1 ns) 𝜎lgDS 0.19 0.34 0.43 0.43 0.12 0.32 0.10 0.19
lgASD = 𝜇lgASD 1.29 1.29 1.27 1.27 1.09 1.64 1.05 1.73
log10(ASD/1 deg) 𝜎lgASD 0.27 0.27 0.37 0.37 0.18 0.43 0.11 0.25
lgESD = 𝜇lgESD 0.32 0.32 0.13 0.13 0.88 1.31 1.06 1.06
log10(ESD/1 deg) 𝜎lgESD 0.33 0.33 0.73 0.73 0.16 0.31 0.21 0.21
lgASA = 𝜇lgASA 1.33 1.63 0.97 1.60 1.19 1.65 1.62 1.77
log10(ASA/1 deg) 𝜎lgASA 0.13 0.27 0.11 0.48 0.19 0.47 0.10 0.16
lgESA = 𝜇lgESA 0.32 1.36 0.13 1.33 0.94 1.28 1.10 1.10
log10(ESA/1 deg) 𝜎lgESA 0.11 0.33 0.11 0.73 0.23 0.26 0.17 0.17
Shadow Fading
𝜎SF 1.70 4.00 17.10 17.10 0.90 3.00 2.10 4.00
(SF) [dB]
Ricean K-factor 𝜇KF -1.80 15.90 -2.50 7.90
(KF) [dB] 𝜎KF 2.40 8.00 2.40 6.00
ASD vs DS -0.30 0.70 -0.10 0.50
ASA vs DS 0.10 0.41 0.00 0.20 -0.40 0.80 0.00 0.30
ASA vs SF 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.20 -0.50 0.20 -0.40 0.20
ASD vs SF -0.50 0.30 -0.30 0.00

DS vs SF -0.60 0.50 -0.50 -0.20

ASD vs ASA -0.20 0.60 -0.30 0.00
ASD vs KF -0.70 0.20
ASA vs KF -0.60 0.00
DS vs KF -0.60 -0.10
SF vs KF 0.20 0.70
ESD vs SF -0.40 -0.30 0.00 0.10
ESA vs SF -0.40 -0.40 -0.10 0.00 0.00 0.30
ESD vs KF 0.00 0.30
ESA vs KF 0.00 0.50
ESD vs DS -0.60 0.50 -0.60 -0.60

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ESA vs DS -0.20 0.00 -0.20 -0.20 -0.50 0.70 -0.10 0.00

ESD vs ASD -0.20 0.50 0.50 0.50
ESA vs ASD -0.60 0.00
ESD vs ASA -0.40 0.00
ESA vs ASA 0.30 0.50 0.00 0.30 -0.10 0.50 0.50 0.50
ESD vs ESA 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.50
Delay scaling
𝑟𝜏 1.90 5.20 1.60 5.60
𝜇XPR 9.00 29.00 6.00 29.00
XPR [dB]
𝜎XPR 4.00 6.50 3.00 6.50
Number of
𝑁 6.00 42.00 15.00 19.00
Cluster ASD in
𝐶𝐴𝑆𝐷 0.50 5.00 0.50 6.00
Cluster ASA in
𝐶𝐴𝑆𝐴 5.23 5.26 0.50 8.00 0.50 13.00
Cluster ESA in
𝐶𝐸𝑆𝐴 4.85 6.08 0.50 3.00 3.00 3.00
Cluster ESD in
𝐶𝐸𝑆𝐷 0.50 3.00 3.00 3.00
Per cluster
shadowing std 𝜁 2.50 6.00 3.00 6.30
DS 5.70 7.90 1.00 8.00 0.50 5.00
ASD 1.00 7.00 0.50 5.00
ASA 3.50 4.40 2.50 5.20 1.00 5.00 0.50 3.00
distance in the
SF 6.50 9.70 0.50 10.00 0.50 6.00
horizontal plane
K 4.40 10.30 1.00 6.00
ESA 3.70 6.10 2.50 4.50 1.70 4.00 4.00 4.00
ESD 2.90 4.00 4.00 4.00
frequency range 2.225-5.25GHz 0.45-63GHz
UE height range 1.5 - 2.5m 1 - 2.5m
BS height range 1.5m - 1.6m 1m - 6m

7.2 Antenna modelling

The influence of the antenna is typically modelled by its radiation field pattern 𝑭 or radiation
power pattern 𝑃. These metrics depend on the direction (𝜃, 𝜙) of the incoming or outgoing
wave. Whereas 𝑃 is a scalar quantity, 𝑭 is a vector quantity that gives information about the
directivity (complex gain to/from certain direction) given a certain polarization.

𝑬(𝑟,𝜃,𝜙)𝑒 𝑗𝑘0 𝑟 𝐹𝜃 (𝜃, 𝜙)

𝑭(𝜃, 𝜙) = | = ( ), (7-2)
𝐹𝜙 (𝜃, 𝜙)
where 𝑬(𝑟, 𝜃, 𝜙) denotes the electromagnetic field, (𝑟, 𝜃, 𝜙) denotes the position in spherical
coordinates, and 𝑘0 is the wave number. The radiation field pattern is thus defined as the
electromagnetic field at a certain fixed distance in the far-field, normalized by its maximum
value and its phase in free space. The radiation power pattern 𝑃(𝜃, 𝜙) in linear scale is
defined as
2 2
𝑃(𝜃, 𝜙) = |𝐹𝜃 (𝜃, 𝜙)| + |𝐹𝜙 (𝜃, 𝜙)| (7-3)

7.2.1 Spherical coordinate system

In the past there has been a lot of confusion since different coordinate systems were used to
define propagation and antenna characteristics. This problem has already been
acknowledged in WINNER+ [WIN+10-D53]. Harmonizing the coordinate systems, i.e. using
only one coordinate system for propagation and antenna characteristics, is therefore a crucial
point. The spherical coordinate system as specified in the ISO 31-11 standard was selected
as the one that should be used from now on and is thus given in the following.

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Status: Final Version: 1.0


𝑟 𝒆𝜽

𝜙 𝑦

Figure 7-2: Spherical coordinate system.

The spherical coordinate system as depicted in Figure 7-2 defines 𝜃 ∈ [0°; +180°] as the
elevation / inclination angle and 𝜙 ∈ [−180°; +180°] as the azimuth angle. 𝒆𝒓 (𝜃, 𝜙), 𝒆𝜽 (𝜃, 𝜙)
and 𝒆𝝓 (𝜃, 𝜙) denote the orthonormal basis vectors of the coordinate system.

sin 𝜃 cos 𝜙 cos 𝜃 cos 𝜙 −sin 𝜙

𝒆𝒓 (𝜃, 𝜙) = ( sin 𝜃 sin 𝜙 ) 𝒆𝜽 (𝜃, 𝜙) = ( cos 𝜃 sin 𝜙 ) 𝒆𝝓 (𝜃, 𝜙) = ( cos 𝜙 ) (7-4)
cos 𝜃 − sin 𝜃 0
Given a position vector 𝒓 = (𝑥 𝑦 𝑧) = 𝑟 𝒆𝒓 (𝜃, 𝜙), the angles 𝜃 and 𝜙 can be determined by

0 𝑇
𝜃 = arccos {(0) 𝒆𝒓 (𝜃, 𝜙)} (7-5)

1 𝑇
𝜙 = arg {( 𝑗 ) 𝒆𝒓 (𝜃, 𝜙)}. (7-6)
7.2.2 Vector field rotation / mechanical tilting
When an antenna is rotated around its principal axes the radiation field is rotated likewise.
Since this vector field rotation is not too trivial we will discuss it in the following. We define a
global coordinate system (GCS) with coordinates (𝜃, 𝜙) and a local coordinate system (LCS)
with coordinates (𝜃′, 𝜙′) . With 𝑹 ∈ ℝ3x3 being an arbitrary rotation between those two
coordinate systems with

𝒆𝒓,𝑮𝑪𝑺 (𝜃, 𝜙) = 𝑹 𝒆𝒓,𝑳𝑪𝑺 (θ′, 𝜙′) (7-7)

𝒆𝒓,𝑳𝑪𝑺 (𝜃′, 𝜙′) = 𝑹𝑻 𝒆𝒓,𝑮𝑪𝑺 (𝜃, 𝜙). (7-8)

Note that this relationship does not apply for the other two basis vectors 𝒆𝜽 and 𝒆𝝓 .
From (7-8) and (7-5) it follows that

0 𝑇
θ′ = arccos {(0) 𝑹𝑻 𝒆𝒓,𝑮𝑪𝑺 (𝜃, 𝜙)}. (7-9)
From (7-8) and (7-6) it follows that

1 𝑇
ϕ′ = arg {( 𝑗 ) 𝑹𝑻 𝒆𝒓,𝑮𝑪𝑺 (𝜃, 𝜙)} (7-10)
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The radiation field pattern as given in the LCS is defined as

𝐹𝜃,𝐿𝐶𝑆 (θ′, ϕ′)

𝑭𝑳𝑪𝑺 (θ′, ϕ′) = ( )
𝐹𝜙,𝐿𝐶𝑆 (θ′, ϕ′)
= 𝐹𝜃,𝐿𝐶𝑆 (θ′, ϕ′) 𝒆𝜽,𝑳𝑪𝑺 (θ′, ϕ′) + 𝐹𝜙,𝐿𝐶𝑆 (θ′, ϕ′) 𝒆𝝓,𝑳𝑪𝑺 (θ′, ϕ′). (7-11)

Since the basis vectors 𝒆𝜽 (𝜃, 𝜙) and 𝒆𝝓 (𝜃, 𝜙) are different in both coordinate systems, there
has to be a transformation from LCS to GCS:

cos 𝜓 − sin 𝜓 𝐹𝜃,𝐿𝐶𝑆 (θ′, ϕ′)

𝑭𝑮𝑪𝑺 (𝜃, 𝜙) = ( )( ). (7-12)
sin 𝜓 cos 𝜓 𝐹𝜙,𝐿𝐶𝑆 (θ′, ϕ′)
With the system transformation from above it follows that

cos 𝜓 = 𝒆𝜽,𝑮𝑪𝑺 (𝜃, 𝜙)𝑇 𝑹 𝒆𝜽,𝑳𝑪𝑺 (θ′, ϕ′) (7-13)

sin 𝜓 = 𝒆𝝓,𝑮𝑪𝑺 (𝜃, 𝜙)𝑇 𝑹 𝒆𝜽,𝑳𝑪𝑺 (θ′, ϕ′) (7-14)

7.2.3 Polarization transfer matrix

The polarization transfer matrix 𝑴 describes the change in polarization of a single
electromagnetic wave departing from a transmitting antenna in direction (𝜃 𝑑 , 𝜙 𝑑 ) and arriving
at a receiving antenna at (𝜃 𝑎 , 𝜙 𝑎 ). With the antenna gains at transmitter and receiver the
overall transfer function can be described by

𝑭𝑮𝑪𝑺,𝒓𝒙 (𝜃 𝑎 , 𝜙 𝑎 )𝑇 𝑴 𝑭𝑮𝑪𝑺,𝒕𝒙 (𝜃 𝑑 , 𝜙 𝑑 ) (7-15)

Note that although the antenna patterns are both given in their GCSs, they still differ for the
given angles.
7.2.4 LOS depolarization
In case there is a line-of-sight (LOS) connection between transmitting and receiving antenna
the polarization transfer matrix can be determined geometrically, since in this case it is just a
coordinate transformation. For parallel coordinate systems at transmitter and receiver
𝜃 𝑎 + 𝜃 𝑑 = 180° and 𝜙 𝑎 = 𝜙 𝑑 + 180° and 𝑴 results to

1 0
𝑴𝐿𝑂𝑆 = ( ) (7-16)
0 −1
The factor −1 is due to the opposing directions of 𝒆𝝓,𝐭𝐱 and 𝒆𝝓,𝐫𝐱 as can be seen in Figure 7-3.

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Figure 7-3: Deterministic LOS depolarization.

Due to LOS time delay there is a deterministic phase ΦLOS which needs to be applied,
resulting in the following expression for the LOS component:
𝐹𝜃,𝐺𝐶𝑆,rx (𝜃 𝑎 , 𝜙 𝑎 ) +exp(𝑗ΦLOS ) 0 𝐹𝜃,𝐺𝐶𝑆,tx (𝜃 𝑑 , 𝜙 𝑑 )
( ) ( )( ). (7-17)
𝐹𝜙,𝐺𝐶𝑆, rx (𝜃 𝑎 , 𝜙 𝑎 ) 0 −exp(𝑗ΦLOS ) 𝐹𝜙,𝐺𝐶𝑆,tx (𝜃 𝑑 , 𝜙 𝑑 )

Note that this is different to WINNER II, in which a random phase offset between vertical-to-
vertical (VV) and horizontal-to-horizontal (HH) polarization is introduced to the LOS path.
7.2.5 NLOS depolarization
In case of NLOS 𝑴 is the product of various polarization filters and coordinate transformations
according to the incident planes of passed interactions.
𝐹𝜃,𝐺𝐶𝑆,rx (𝜃 𝑎 , 𝜙 𝑎 )
𝑚𝜃𝜃 𝑚𝜃𝜙 𝐹𝜃,𝐺𝐶𝑆,tx (𝜃 𝑑 , 𝜙 𝑑 )
( 𝑎 𝑎
) (𝑚 𝑚𝜙𝜙 ) (𝐹 𝑑 𝑑
), (7-18)
𝐹𝜙,𝐺𝐶𝑆,rx (𝜃 , 𝜙 ) 𝜙𝜃
𝜙,𝐺𝐶𝑆,tx (𝜃 , 𝜙 )

with 𝑚𝜃𝜃 , 𝑚𝜃𝜙 , 𝑚𝜙𝜃 , 𝑚𝜙𝜙 being the NLOS depolarization coefficients. These coefficients can
only be determined if there is additional data available about the interactions. Such data
includes electromagnetic properties of the scatterer material, their locations as well as their
plane normals. With the GSCM approach this is not the case, therefore a stochastic approach
is used to randomly generate the depolarization coefficients. With the map based model the
depolarization coefficients can be determined by calculating the reflection and diffraction
coefficients as described in Section 6.2.
7.2.6 Modelling array antennas

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As of [IEEE13-145], an array antenna is defined as a composition of a number of radiating

elements with combined inputs or outputs respectively. In contrast to this definition, active
array antenna systems are defined as array antennas in which all or part of the elements are
equipped with their own transmitter or receiver, or both.
Assuming all scatterers are located in the far-field of the antenna it is fair to use the plane-
wave assumption for simulating array antennas. This means that we can assume that the only
difference in the array element’s channel impulse response is due to its radiation characteristic
and the phase shift due its location offset.
As the far-field distance is proportional to the antenna aperture, large-scale array antennas
are more likely to violate the plane-wave assumption. Dropping the plane-wave assumption on
the other hand requires the modelling of spherical waves, i.e. the electromagnetic waves do
not arrive with a plane wave front at the receiver. This affects the stochastic model
tremendously, as it requires to model exact scatterer locations instead of only their direction
towards the antenna.

7.3 Modelling V2V

A GSCM for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) is presented in [KTC+09]. The model is based on
extensive measurements in highway and rural environments at 5.2 GHz which is close enough
to the 5.9 GHz band dedicated to V2V communication. The basic idea of model is to place an
ensemble of point scatterers according to a statistical distribution, assign them different
channel properties, determine their respective signal contribution and finally sum up the total
contribution at the receiver. The scatterers are presented as three types: mobile discrete
scatterers (MD), i.e., other vehicles, static discrete scatters (SD), e.g., road signs and diffuse
scatterers (DI).

The complex impulse response for V2V channel is presented as double-directional and time-
variant channel as the superposition of 𝑁𝑃 paths, i.e., the contributions from the different types
scatterers [Mol04]
ℎ(𝑡, 𝜏) = ∑𝑖=1 𝑎𝑖 𝑒 𝑗𝑘𝑑𝑖(𝑡) 𝛿(𝜏 − 𝜏𝑖 ) × 𝛿(ϕ𝑅 − ϕ𝑅,𝑖 )𝛿(ϕ 𝑇 − ϕ 𝑇,𝑖 )𝑔𝑅 (ϕ𝑅 ) 𝑔𝑇 (ϕ 𝑇 ), (7-19)

where 𝑎𝑖 is the complex amplitude associated with path 𝑖, 𝜏𝑖 , ϕ𝑅,𝑖 and ϕ 𝑇,𝑖 are the excess
delay, azimuth angle of arrival (AOA), and azimuth angle of departure (AOD) of path 𝑖, 𝑔𝑇 (ϕ 𝑇 )
and 𝑔𝑅 (ϕ𝑅 ) are the TX and the RX antenna patterns, 𝑒 𝑗𝑘𝑑𝑖(𝑡) is the corresponding distance-
induced phase shift and 𝑘 = 2𝜋/𝜆 is the wave number.
The distinctions between discrete scatters are made by examining their Doppler shifts. The
MD causes large Doppler shift whereas SD causes small Doppler shift. The impulse
responses of diffuse scatterers are derived from the measurement data by subtracting the
LOS component and the discrete scatters.

The impulse response of (7-19) can be divided into four parts: LOS, discrete components
originating from interaction with mobile objects, discrete components from interaction with
static objects, and diffuse scattering. Thus, the complex impulse response for V2V channel
can presented as (omitting the AOA and AOD notation for convenience)

ℎ(𝑡, 𝜏) = ℎ𝐿𝑂𝑆 (𝑡, 𝜏) + ∑𝑃𝑝=1 ℎ𝑀𝐷 (𝑡, 𝜏𝑝 ) + ∑𝑄 𝑅

𝑞=1 ℎ𝑆𝐷 (𝑡, 𝜏𝑞 ) + ∑𝑟=1 ℎ𝐷𝐼 (𝑡, 𝜏𝑟 ) (7-20)

where 𝑃 is the number of mobile discrete scatterers, 𝑄 is the number of static discrete
scatterers and 𝑅 is the number of diffuse scatterers. The complex path amplitude for each
discrete scatterer 𝑝 (MD or SD) is modelled as

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𝑗𝜙𝑝 𝑑ref 2
𝑎𝑝 (𝑑𝑝 ) = 𝑔𝑠,𝑝 𝑒 √𝐺0,𝑝 ( 𝑑 ) , (7-21)

where 𝑑𝑝 is the sum of distances from the transmitting vehicle to scatterer and from the
receiving vehicle to scatterer, 𝐺0,𝑝 is the received power at the reference distance 𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑓 , 𝑛𝑝 is
the pathloss exponent and 𝑔𝑠,𝑝 is the real-valued, slowly varying, stochastic amplitude gain of
the scatterer. For each discrete scatterer is assigned its own values for 𝑛𝑝 , 𝐺0,𝑝 . For the LOS
path, the model for complex amplitude is the same as for discrete scatterers with the
exception that subindex 𝑝 is replaced by LOS. The complex path amplitude of diffuse scatter 𝑟
is modelled as
𝑑ref 2
𝑎𝑟 = √𝐺0,DI 𝑐𝑟 ( 𝑑 ) , (7-22)

where 𝑐𝑟 is zero-mean complex Gaussian distributed variable, 𝑑𝑟 is the multiplication of

distances from the transmitting vehicle to diffuse scattering point and from the receiving
vehicle to diffuse scattering poin. The pathloss exponent 𝑛DI and the reference power 𝐺0,DI are
the same for all diffuse scatterers.

The densities of scatterers are given by 𝜒MD , 𝜒SD and 𝜒DI designating the number of
scatterers per meter. Assuming the moving direction on the x-axis, the y-coordinate of mobile
discrete scatterers are drawn from a uniform discrete probability density function (PDF) where
the possible number of outcomes equals the number of road lanes, 𝑁𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑠 . The initial x–
coordinates are modelled by a (continuous) uniform distribution over the length of the road
strip, i.e., 𝑥𝑝,0 ~𝑈[𝑥min , 𝑥max ]. Each mobile scatterer is assigned a constant velocity along the
x–axis given by a truncated Gaussian distribution.
The x–coordinates of static discrete scatterers and diffuse scatterers are also modelled
through 𝑥𝑞 ~𝑈[𝑥min , 𝑥max ] and 𝑥𝑟 ~𝑈[𝑥min , 𝑥max ]. The parameters for V2V channel model are
presented in [KTC+09].

Table 7-4: V2V channel model parameters for highway and rural scenario.
Scenario Parameter LOS MD SD DI
G0 [dB] -5 −89 + 24n 104
n 1.8 U [0, 3.5] 5.4
μ 6.8 9.4 6.3
μc [m] 7.2 5.4 4.9
𝑑𝑐𝑚𝑖𝑛 [m] 4.4 1.1 1.0
Highway 𝜒 [1/m] 0.005 0.005 1
y1 [m] -13.5 -13.5
y2 [m] 13.5 13.5
WDI [m] 5
WROAD [m] 18
G0 [dB] -9 −89 + 24n 23
n 1.6 U [0, 3.5] 3.0
μ 11.7 15.1 14.8
μc [m] 8 8.3 2.5
𝑑𝑐𝑚𝑖𝑛 [m] 5.4 2.5 1.4
Rural 𝜒 [1/m] 0.001 0.05
y1 [m] -9.5 -9.5
y2 [m] 9.5 9.5
WDI [m] 5
WROAD [m] 8

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G0 = reference power, n = pathloss exponent, 𝑑𝑐𝑚𝑖𝑛 = minimum

coherence distance, 𝜒 = density of scatterer, y1 = y2 = y-
coordinate of SD and DI, W DI= width of the scatterer field,
WROAD = width of the road, NLANES = number of lanes of the

7.4 Sum-of-sinusoids approach for LSP generation

This sub-section summarises a method to generate jointly correlated shadowing and other
large-scale parameter (LSP) values enabling spatial consistency in D2D scenarios. The
method can be applied to other network layouts as well. As mentioned in [MBH+14] the
importance of spatial techniques, as well as the density of links is expected to increase.
Moreover, the mobility of both link ends makes traditional cellular shadowing models obsolete.
A six dimensional (6D) shadowing map enables consistent shadowing correlation for arbitrary
3D TX and RX locations. The generation of such a 6D map would require a high
computational complexity and extremely high memory consumption with the traditional noise
filtering methods. A solution described in this sub-section is based on summing sinusoids, or
actually waves, in a 6D space. The method has been described in [WTN05] and has been
further elaborated in a submitted paper from METIS [JK15]. The method provides consistent
joint correlation, and desired 1D correlation distances and standard deviation for the
shadowing process.
The shadowing is calculated for a link with TX and RX locations defined by a 6D location
̅ , in a coordinate system with arbitrary fixed origin, as follows
vector 𝐷

𝑆𝐹 = √ ∑𝐾 ̅ ̅
𝑘=1 sin(𝐷 ∙ 𝛽𝑘 + 𝜃𝑘 ), (7-23)

where K is the number of waves, 𝜎𝑆𝐹 is the targeted standard deviation of SF in decibels,
̅ = [𝑥𝑢 , 𝑦𝑢 , 𝑧𝑢 , 𝑥𝑣 , 𝑦𝑣 , 𝑧𝑣 ] is the location vector of the TX/RX pair in 6D space, 𝑢 and 𝑣 indices
refer to the TX and RX number, respectively, 𝛽𝑘̅ is the wave vector of the kth wave, 𝜃𝑘 is a
random initial phase in the range [0,2𝜋]. Directions of wave vectors 𝛽𝑘̅ are drawn randomly
from uniform distribution. In practice this is done by drawing randomly each of the six
elements of vector 𝛽𝑘̅ from a uniform distribution 𝒰(−1, 1). The norm of all K wave vectors is
scaled to
2𝜋 √2 arg(𝐽0 (𝑥)=𝑒)
‖𝛽̅ ‖ = 𝑑
, (7-24)

where 𝑑𝑐𝑜𝑟 is the target correlation distance in meters and 𝐽0 (𝑥) is the zeroth order Bessel
function of the first kind. For arg(𝐽0 (𝑥) = 1𝑒), where 𝐽0 (𝑥) is the 1D auto-correlation function, the
value 𝑥 can be found numerically.
The method is efficient in computational complexity and especially in memory consumption.
Only 𝐾(6 + 1) real numbers have to be stored in the memory. An example output in 3D space
(instead of 6D for visualization purposes only) is illustrated in Figure 7-4. In principle all the
other spatial correlated large-scale parameters could be generated with the method as well.

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Figure 7-4: Example of 3D shadowing map, colour indicates shadowing value in dB.

7.5 Ideas on dynamic modelling and spherical waves

For the simulation of very large arrays a modelling of spherical waves is required, thus it is
necessary to define physical locations (x,y,z coordinates) of clusters (Figure 7-5). In case of a
single bounce cluster (SBC) the modelling is straightforward. The SBC clusters can be
calculated directly based on the drawn cluster parameters such as delay and AOD (or AOA).
Then the direction at the other end is calculated by matching AOA (or AOD) with AOD (or
AOA) and delay. In this case half of the SBC clusters may be (randomly) chosen to be
calculated based on the TX-side cluster parameters and half based on the RX-side cluster
parameters and the originally drawn cluster delays and also powers and cluster indexing are
In case of multiple bounces, AOAs, AODs, and delays are defined based on the legacy GSCM
principle. The cluster locations are defined based on AOA, AOD, and delay. The physical
distances of the first bounce cluster (FBC) and the last bounce cluster (LBC) are randomly
drawn with the limitation of total distance from TX to RX via FBC and LBC is adjusted
according to the delay.

Figure 7-5: Illustration of FBC, LBC, and SBC.

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After fixing the physical locations, drifting of LS and SS parameters is enabled for a short
distance movement as illustrated in Figure 7-6. Implementation of the drifting is
straightforward and is fully based on the geometry (for each impulse response, phase, delay,
and angle of arrival is recalculated).


Figure 7-6: Propagation parameter drifting due to small movement of the UE.

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8 Guidelines for METIS Model Usage

In METIS there are three different models that can be used in the simulations, i.e. the map-
based, the stochastic and the hybrid model. The hybrid model is the stochastic model with the
pathloss of the map-based model. In this section the models are briefly introduced from the
user point-of-view. After that the guidelines for the model usage are given. This includes
recommendation of the used channel model depending on the propagation scenario, the
extent/ scope of the simulations, the desired results and the duration of simulations, for
example. After that several aspects needed for the deployment of the model are discussed.
Some practical examples are also addressed.
METIS project aims at higher carrier frequencies and smaller cells. Most typical and also
important test cases are the indoor office (TC1) and the dense urban micro cell (TC2). High
carrier frequencies and small cells indicate that the radio propagation becomes sensitive to
the actual reflecting/scattering objects in the neighbourhood of the transmitter and the
receiver. For example, in indoor office the wall, ceiling and cubicle materials, windows, metal
structures and furniture have a large impact on propagation conditions at 6-80 GHz. On the
other hand, these structures can be deployed for limiting interference between users.
Therefore, accurate map based radio channel modelling of various office types seems to be
inevitable for reliable system performance evaluation of 5G connectivity.
Most METIS test cases are defined in Madrid grid which can be used as a basis for map
based channel modelling. The more detailed the environment modelling is, the more realistic
performance results can be expected. E.g. in urban micro cells cars, traffic signs, traffic lights,
lamp poles, windows, and other structures which contain metal parts could be modelled in
order to capture specular propagation paths around a corner. This increases the complexity of
the model. An optimum trade-off between precision and complexity has to be found.
Measurement based stochastic models have been deployed mainly at carrier frequencies
below 6 GHz. Geometry based stochastic models have been utilized in the development of 3G
and 4G radio access but there is a lack of measurement data for higher carrier frequencies.
This fact becomes even more prominent when considering 3D radio channel modelling in the
frequency range of 6-100 GHz.

8.1 Model usage

Sections 6 and 7 presented two radio channel models for the different propagation scenarios
specified in METIS: the map-based model and the stochastic model. In view of the METIS
scenarios the map based model is seen to be the most complete of the models. Map-based
model covers most of the TCs and propagation scenarios and the desired frequency range.
The stochastic model suits best to urban macro and micro cell environments, including the
O2O and O2I propagation scenarios. Because the stochastic model is based on
measurements it does not cover frequency range where measurement results are missing. An
additional alternative is to use a combination of these models, so-called hybrid model that is a
combination of the two models above, see Section 8.4.
The models can be applied in different propagation scenarios as shown in Table 8-1.

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Table 8-1: Applicability of METIS channel models.

Propagation METIS Model
scenario Map-based Geometry-based
model stochastic model
frequency range covered [GHz]
Indoor Office / 0.45 - 100 0.45 – 6 /
Cafeteria 50 – 70**
UMi O2O 0.45 - 100 0.45 – 6
UMi O2I 0.45 - 100 0.45 – 6
UMi D2D/V2V 0.45 - 100 0.45 – 6
UMa O2O 0.45 - 100 0.45 – 6
UMa O2I 0.45 - 100 0.45 – 6
Square O2O 0.45 - 100 50 – 70**
Rural macro O2O N/A 0.45-6
Rural macro N/A 0.45-6
Shopping mall I2I 0.45 - 100 50 – 70**
Stadium O2O 0.45 - 100 N/A
Highway V2V 0.45 - 100 Kåredal model:
0.45 – 6
Open air 0.45 - 100 N/A
** range was based on measurements in 61 – 65 GHz
frequency band

The used stochastic models are discussed in more detail in section 7 and Table 7-1. The map-
based model listed above is discussed in section 6. The hybrid model can be applied in the
same propagation scenarios and frequency ranges as the corresponding stochastic model.
If the target PS can be modelled with more than one option the model user should make the
selection with his/her own judgement. The model choice depends also on the frequency range
on scope of simulations, and the desired accuracy versus the simulation time. The simulation
time depends mostly on the scope of the simulated system like the number of BSs and UEs.
The scope of the simulations determines whether, e.g. spherical waves are needed (with
massive MIMO) or spatially consistent angular properties between users (MU-MIMO) are
required, etc. These matters will be discussed below.
One aspect needs to be mentioned: in case of accurate link level simulations with large array
antennas in a specific radio environment the map-based model can be recommended. The
propagation paths, their directions and powers can be calculated efficiently taking into account
wall materials, windows etc., which is important especially when using high carrier
frequencies. Fast fading properties can also be obtained by coherent combining of
propagation paths at each user antenna position. This is very important when evaluating array
antenna receive/transmit algorithms, for example in 3D beam forming case.
Main differences in map-based and stochastic models can be listed as follows:
- The map-based model relies on the geometrical description of the environment
including e.g. wall materials with roughness and ray tracing calculations. Stochastic
model is based on parameter distributions extracted from the measurements. Map-
based model gives a possibility to model cases that cannot easily be covered by
measurements, e.g. very low signal strengths or signals in places hard to reach like
towers. On the other hand, the measurements can extract phenomena which the map-
based method cannot capture, like actually almost all real environments consisting of
plenty of details practically impossible to be modelled accurately.
- Frequency range of the available parameterization for the stochastic model is typically
below 6 GHz due to limitations of measurement equipment. However, the

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parameterization for 60 GHz is available for the indoor environments and an outdoor
- Frequency range of the map-based model can be extended up to 100 GHz, but care
should be taken when applying the material parameters, especially the surface
- Complexity is the main limitation of the map-based model. Some methods to alleviate
this are:
o Calculate only the path-loss for the users, if adequate.
o Remove weak paths in the calculations (e.g. take 20 dB dynamic range instead
of the default 30 dB).
o Remove the surrounding cars and pedestrians from the simulations.
o Disregard the movement, as in the Stadium Test Case.
o Consider pre-calculating and storing the channel coefficients in a memory and
reading these in the simulator when needed.

To ease the selection of the model there is a comparison between the METIS models in Table

Table 8-2: Comparison of METIS models.

Stochastic Hybrid Map-based
Valid Center Frequencies up to 70 GHz up to 70 GHz up to 100 GHz
100 MHz < 6 GHz, 100 MHz < 6 GHz, 10 % of the center
Valid Bandwidths
1 GHz @ 60 GHz 1 GHz @ 60 GHz frequency
Pathloss separate, empirical implicit implicit
Shadowing separate implicit implicit
Explicit building model / generic generic explicit explicit
Parametrization by measurements easy easy easy
Support massive-MIMO yes yes yes
Support spherical waves no* no* yes
Support extremely large arrays beyond
no no yes
stationarity interval
Support dual mobility yes** yes** yes
Support 3D yes yes yes
Support mmW yes yes yes
Dynamic modelling no no yes
Polarization modelling XPR XPR Ray-based
Maturity high medium medium
Complexity in terms of definition medium high high***
Complexity in terms of calculation of
medium medium-high high***
channel realizations
Public implementation available no no no
* Yes, if the physical cluster location is fixed.
** Limited. Spatially consistent shadowing, AoA/AoD/Doppler.
*** Simpler than a full-blown ray tracing. Simplifications are explained e.g. in Section 6.3.

8.2 Map-based model

The map-based model is a versatile channel model capable to fulfil the 5G radio environment
requirements identified in METIS deliverable D6.1 [MET13-D61]. As a drawback it is
computationally more complex compared to the GSCM or METIS stochastic model. Therefore,

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it is recommended to carefully understand the requirements set by the simulations where the
model is to be utilized and to choose a model option (stochastic/map-based) with an adequate
level of accuracy among the choices defined in Table 8-1. In the following we discuss whether
simplifications could be used in the following example cases:
 Massive deployment of sensors/actuators
 link-level simulation with a precise route
 drop concept and signal level evaluations
In the following we discuss these aspects in more detail.
8.2.1 Massive deployment of sensors/actuators
Antenna locations can be specified independently for each element in a coordinate system as
described in Step 4 of Section 6.2. As a consequence the model determines propagation
paths and path parameters, such as path delays, directions and shadowing, independently for
each TX and RX element pair (s,u). This capability is beneficial in the case of very large array
antennas, because antenna elements are not necessarily within a stationary interval of the
electric field and wide sense stationary (WSS) assumption of the fading coefficients may not
hold between elements. Thus when simulating very large arrays it is recommended to specify
an explicit position vector for each receiver antenna element, 𝑢, and transmitter antenna
element 𝑠. The drawback is the complexity of determining propagation paths. It will increase
𝑢 ∙ 𝑠 times higher compared to doing it only for the array phase centres (measurement
centres). Obviously antenna radiation patterns have to be defined (obtained from simulations
or measurements) per element phase centres (measurement centres).
8.2.2 Link-level simulation with precise route
Channel realizations for a trajectory of TX, RX or both are constructed following the principle
of true motion as described above. Step 12 of Section 6.2 is utilized for this purpose.
Trajectories have to be sampled dense enough such that the Nyquist sampling criterion of the
fading process is fulfilled. If the simulation system requires higher sampling rate an
interpolation in time domain is performed. In order to avoid tracking of propagation paths in
time domain it may be beneficial to represent channel coefficient in frequency domain, instead
of delay domain, for the interpolation.
8.2.3 Drop concept and signal level evaluations
For system level simulations with a high number of radio links it is typically not necessary to
model precisely any motion or trajectories. In this case the option of virtual motion described in
Section 6.2 is followed. TX and RX locations are drawn randomly or they are specified
according to a deployment scenario. To reduce complexity Berg’s recursive model is used for
diffraction instead of UTD, as described in Step 10 in Section 6.2.
If only attenuation (i.e. pathloss and shadowing without considering antenna effects) for each
radio link is needed, it can be calculated simply. Follow Steps 1 to 11. In Step 12 choose
Equation (6-55) and substitute it with

𝐼 2
𝐻𝑢,𝑠 = ∑𝐾
𝑘=1|∏𝑖=1 𝐡𝑘,𝑖,𝑢,𝑠 |

If antenna effects and fast fading are needed then Equation (6-54) should be utilized.
8.2.4 Parameter ranges and default values
Parameter values used in generating example channel model outputs in Section 9 are
specified in Table 9-6. Outputs are illustrated in Sections 9.1 and statistics of simulated
scenarios marked with * are listed in Table 9-7.

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8.2.5 Simulation modes

Different simulation modes of the map based simulator can be listed as follows:
- Simulation of pathloss
o Simulation of pathloss for one or more BS and one or more UEs is the fastest
simulation mode for a given scenario.
- Simulation without movement
o Simulation without movement saves computing time compared to the
movement included mode and is well suited, e.g. for the Stadium case.
- Simulation with virtual movement
o Simulation with virtual movement is less time consuming simulation mode than
with the true movement.
- Simulation with a continuous movement
o Simulation with continuous (true) movement is the most precise and most time
consuming simulation mode. (Section 6.2, Step 2)
- D2D simulation
o Simulation is otherwise as a cellular simulation, but the TX antenna and RX
antenna are both at a low height, 1 – 2.5 m.
- Simulation with cars and/or human beings
o Desired number of cars and/or human objects is generated with the appropriate
locations and speeds, a given percentage of the objects being in a simulated
radio connection to model the effect of the shadowing/scattering objects to
channel characteristics.
o This simulation mode can be very time consuming, if the number of objects is
8.2.6 Simulator output
Section 9 illustrates the usage of the map based model starting with the TX/RX scenarios in
Madrid grid as well as the locations of the shadowing/scattering objects and ending with
calculated pathloss values for example in transition from LOS to non-LOS scenario. The
simulator outputs e.g. the following parameters:
- Pathloss and shadowing
- Propagation channel matrices per path
- Propagation delays and directions of departure/arrival per path
- Complex impulse responses between TX and RX antennas (when antennas are

8.3 Stochastic model

The stochastic model is described in Section 7. The applicability region of the model is given
in Table 8-1. The stochastic model consists of different submodels for different scenarios. The
specified six component models are shown in Table 7-1. Five of the models are existing ones,
one is based on measurements in the METIS project. The model is specified for 0.45 to 6 GHz
and for the shown propagation scenarios also for 50-70 GHz. A subset of the parameters has
been obtained in the METIS project, especially the parameters for the frequency range 50-
70 GHz. In most cases the pathloss model and fading model are given separately for the
optimized operation.

8.3.1 General settings

When starting the usage of the stochastic model, the user should select the appropriate
submodel from the options in Table 8-1. In some cases there is a possibility for selection of
the parameter set. Then the user has to decide which option to use.

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8.3.2 BS and UE locations

User of the model defines freely locations of both link ends (BS/UE) for an arbitrary number of
links, as well as UE velocity vectors. For the urban environment these can be determined,
e.g., with the following principles.
An example of the 2D coordinates of the BSs in the horizontal plane can be extracted from the
commonly used hexagonal grid network layout for the UMa or UMi propagation scenarios as
given in [3GPP10-36814] and shown in Appendix D, Figure D-2. Inter-site distances (ISDs) of
200 m and 500 m for 3D-UMi and 3D-UMa respectively are common default values, cf.
[ITUR09-2135]. Default values for the BS heights are 10 m (3D-UMi) and 25 m (3D-UMa), see
Section 7. In the D2D case the default values of the antennas are 1.5 m. However, the layouts,
antenna heights and frequency ranges specified in this document for the stochastic model are
in many cases different from the ones in [3GPP10-36814].
Document [3GPP14-36873] specifies e.g. for the UMi case that the UEs are uniformly
distributed over the whole network layout area, while the heights depend on whether the users
are located indoors or outdoors [3GPP14-36873]. For the other propagation scenarios the UE
locations may also be distributed uniformly in the specified environment (e.g. shopping mall)
but in principle for the METIS stochastic model the distribution of the UEs can be selected as

8.3.3 Antenna properties

The antenna field patterns have to be specified by the model user or to use some default field
patterns. See e.g. [ITUR09-2135]. The directions of the antenna field patterns have to be
specified in the used 3D coordinate system for the BS and UE antennas. Some more details
can be found in Section 7.1 and Appendix D.

8.3.4 System level description

System level simulations should be performed in xyz coordinates. The x- and y-coordinates
define the location of the BS or UE in the environment. The z-coordinate specifies the antenna
or antenna group height above the xy plane.

Pairing matrix A is in the example case below a 6x3 matrix with values n,m  {0,1}. Value 0
stands for link BS cell n to UE m is not modelled and value 1 for link is modelled.
χc1,ms1 ⋯ χc1,ms3
𝑨=[ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ] (8-2)
χc6,ms1 ⋯ χc6,ms3

The pairing matrix can be applied to select which radio links will be generated and which will
not. Multi-cell simulations

The handover situation from the previous section was an example of single-user multi-cell
setup. Other cases of such a setup are for example found in the context of multi-BS protocols,
where a MS receives data from multiple BS simultaneously.
The extension to multiple users (and one or more base stations) is straightforward. Because
location and mobile station index are treated equivalently, it follows that all locations of all
mobiles have to be defined. Consider the drive-by situation in Figure 8-1.

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Figure 8-1: Drive-by scenario (with multiple mobile stations).

Here, M locations of mobile station 1, and N locations of mobile station 2 are defined yielding
a total of M+N points or labels. The resulting procedure is as follows.
1. Set BS c1 and c2 locations and array orientations according to layout.
2. Set MS locations ms11 to ms2N and array orientations according to layout.
3. Set the links to be modelled to 1 in the pairing matrix.
4. Generate all the radio links at once to obtain correct correlation properties. It is
possible to generate more channel realizations, i.e. time samples, for each channel
segment afterwards. This can be done by applying the same values of small-scale
parameters and restoring final phases of the rays.
5. Simulate channel segments in parallel or consecutively according to the desired
motion of the mobiles.

Typically, the links between the MSs and the links between the BSs are not of interest.
Cellular systems are traditionally networks where all traffic goes through one or more BS. The
BS themselves again only talk to a BS hub and not between them.
Multihop and relaying connections break with this limitation as well as D2D connections. In
multihop networks, the data can take a route over one or more successive MS. Relaying
networks, on the other hand, employ another level of network stations, the relays, which
depending on the specific network, might offer more or less functionality to distribute traffic
intelligently. The WINNER channel model can be used to obtain the channels for multihop or
relaying scenarios, as described below.

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Figure 8-2: Multihop and relaying scenarios.

In the example figure above the signal from MS2 to BS3 is transmitted via MS3 and BS2 acts
as a repeater for BS1. These scenarios can be generated by introducing a BS-MS pair into
position of a single BS serving as a relay or into position of a single MS serving as a multihop
repeater. The resulting procedure is as follows:

1. Set base station BS1 to BS3 locations and array orientations according to layout.
2. Set mobile locations MS1 to MS3 and array orientations according to layout.
3. Add extra base station BS4 to position of MS3 and extra mobile MS4 to position of
BS2 with same array orientations and array characteristics as MS3 and BS2
4. Set the BS x MS pairing matrix to
0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
 
0 1 0 0
5. Generate all the radio links at once.
6. Simulate the channel segments in parallel. Space-time concept in simulations

Channel sampling frequency has to be finally equal to the simulation system sampling
frequency. To have feasible computational complexity it is not possible to generate channel
realisations on the sampling frequency of the system to be simulated. Instead, the channel
coefficients are interpolated to the desired sample rate.
Scenario transitions are not present in the channel model implementation; therefore it is not
possible to simulate links of different scenarios within a single drop. If this is needed, the links
have to be generated separately.
Transitions between LOS and NLOS can be obtained by first calculating a set of LOS drops
and after it a set of NLOS drops.
FDD and carrier aggregation modelling is explained by the following steps. We explain how to
obtain both uplink and downlink channel of an FDD system with bandwidths of, e.g., 100 MHz.
The centre carrier frequencies are 𝑓𝑐 and 𝑓𝑐 + Δ𝑓.
 Define BS and MS positions, calculate the channel for one link, e.g., BS to MS at
certain carrier frequency 𝑓𝑐
 Save the small-scale parameters

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 Exchange the positions of the BS and MS

 Calculate the other link, in this example the MS to BS by:
o Using saved small-scale parameters
o Randomizing the initial phases of rays
o Changing the carrier frequency to 𝑓𝑐 + Δ𝑓

8.4 Hybrid model

Hybrid model is composed by the METIS stochastic model and METIS map-based model. In
the hybrid model, the pathloss (PL) and shadowing are calculated from map using the map-
based model. On top of that e.g. random shadowing objects can be generated. All other
calculations are performed by the stochastic model. To be able to use the hybrid model the
locations of the BSs and the UEs have to be fixed on a map, or at least on a xyz coordinate

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9 Simulation Results
Outputs of METIS map-based model are illustrated in this section with example plots and
propagation parameter statistics. The purpose is to give insight to the model output statistics,
like pathloss exponents, delay spreads etc., in a set of example cases. Model outputs are also
compared to measurement results in selected cases. Layouts of building and street maps are
not modified according to the measured environments. Only parameters like antenna heights
and frequencies are aligned with measurement settings. Thus a perfect match is not looked
for in the comparison. The channel realizations are generated with an implementation of the
METIS map-based model using the Berg recursive model for diffraction, except in the
transition scenario of Figure 9-6 where UTD model for diffraction was used.

9.1 Dense urban / Madrid

9.1.1 D2D
Device to device propagation is simulated with three different cases, differing in either
frequency or antenna heights. Simulation parameters are defined in Table 9-6 in the column
“Madrid V2V (UOULU)”. The resulting pathloss and shadowing parameters are illustrated in
Figure 9-1 at 5 GHz frequency with antennas below or at the height of random objects. The
statistics of this case are listed in Table 9-7.
Two other sets of model outputs were generated in order to compare pathloss and shadowing
characteristics of the model to measurements conducted by University of Oulu and reported in
the Appendix A.1 “Channel measurements at 2.3 GHz and 5.25 GHz in Oulu downtown”. Here
the antenna heights are 2.5 and 1.6 m in the different link ends. The frequencies are 5.25 and
2.3 GHz. The comparison of LOS links is depicted in Figure 9-2. In the model all random
objects have the same height, namely 1.5 m. Thus no object is fully blocking the direct path. In
the measurement higher vehicles were occasionally present, which might have temporarily
obstructed the LOS. In vehicle to vehicle LOS case the measured / simulated PL exponents
are 2.4 /. 3.0 at 5.25 GHz and 2.1 / 2.9 at 2.3 GHz frequency. Simulation and measurement
results for the LOS case match very well at both frequencies.

Figure 9-1: Modelled pathloss in Madrid D2D scenario at 5 GHz (left). Layout with TX locations
denoted with blue circles and RX locations denoted with green dots (right).

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Figure 9-2: Comparison of modelled and measured V2V LOS pathloss data measured by Oulu
University at 5.25 GHz (left) and at 2.3 GHz (right).

9.1.2 Micro cell

Dense urban micro cell propagation is simulated at two frequencies, 5 and 26.45 GHz, with TX
antenna height of 10 m and object density of 0.5/m2. A few tens of different BS (TX) sites are
modelled with linear routes of UE (RX) along streets as illustrated in Figure 9-3. Simulation
parameters are defined in Table 9-6 in the column “Madrid micro-cell (Docomo)”. All the
resulting pathloss data for both frequencies is shown in Figure 9-4. The statistics of the 5 GHz
case are listed in Table 9-7. A comparison to measured pathloss is illustrated in Figure 9-5 for
both NLOS and LOS conditions. The measurement is described in the Section 5.1 and
Appendix A.3 “26 GHz band pathloss measurement in urban area”. For the comparison of
NLOS condition only the links with single diffraction are selected from the simulated channel
realizations. This is done because in the measurement routes TX and RX were never on
parallel streets in a rectangular street layout. In urban micro cell type of deployment at
26.4 GHz frequency the measured / simulated PL exponents were 3.2 / 4.2 in NLOS and 1.6 /
2.0 in LOS condition. Simulation and measurement results for the LOS case match quite well
on longer distances, but with short link distances there is up to 9 dB deviation. In the NLOS
the results have wider variation, possibly due to limited number of measurement points.

Figure 9-3: Layout of dense urban micro cell with TX locations denoted with blue circles and RX
locations denoted with green dots (right).

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Figure 9-4: Modelled pathloss in Madrid micro scenario with a TX height of 10 m at 5 GHz (left)
and at 26.45 GHz (right).

Figure 9-5: Measured and modelled pathloss at 26.45 GHz in NLOS condition (left) and LOS
condition (right).

Cross correlations of large-scale parameters of LOS links are shown in Table 9-1:
Table 9-1: Cross-correlations of LS parameters (UMi LOS).
DS 1 0.735 0.5351 0.1809 -0.1017
ASA 0.735 1 0.5603 0.231 0.0127
ASD 0.5351 0.5603 1 0.3264 -0.002
SF 0.1809 0.231 0.3264 1 0.0057
K -0.1017 0.0127 -0.002 0.0057 1

Cross correlations of large-scale parameters of NLOS links are shown in Table 9-2:

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Table 9-2: Cross-correlations of LS parameters (UMi NLOS).


DS 1 0.278 0.2723 0.1731

ASA 0.278 1 0.5932 0.3673

ASD 0.2723 0.5932 1 0.4247

SF 0.1731 0.3673 0.4247 1

An example of a dynamic scenario is shown in Figure 9-6 (left). It shows the TX (red triangle),
RX (green dots) and scattering/shadowing objects (blue dots). The centre frequency is 2 GHz,
the TX height is 15 m and the RX height 1.6 m. The RX is moving along a uniformly sampled
linear route starting from the south and travelling towards north. The time evolution of path
length and angular parameters is depicted in Figure 9-6 (right), Figure 9-7 and Figure 9-8. The
number of paths increases in and around the line-of-sight area, mostly because of diffuse
scattering from the surrounding walls. Arrival angles evolve smoothly along the route, while
departure angles are concentrated to the two street opening directions of the TX location.
Simulation parameters are defined in Table 9-6 in the column “Madrid micro-cell (transition)”.

Figure 9-6: Transition scenario layout (left) and resulting path length with the colour indicating
the path gain in dB.

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Figure 9-7: Resulting AOA (left) and AOA (right) for the transition scenario with the colour
indicating the path gain in dB.

Figure 9-8: Resulting EOA (left) and EOD (right) for the transition scenario with the colour
indicating the path gain in dB.

9.2 Specific LOS/NLOS simulations in urban microcell

Since the dense urban micro cell deployment is based on LOS connections it is interesting to
study the pathloss behaviour as the user moves from LOS to NLOS. This also indicates the
degree of isolation between the micro cells which are located along perpendicular streets. In
the following a few exemplary simulation results are depicted in order to validate the
implementation of the map based model. These simulations cover two user scenarios in the
urban microcell (in Madrid grid) as follows
 Pedestrian micro cell users with relatively high density of human beings on streets
 Pedestrian micro cell D2D users with relatively high density of human beings on

9.2.1 Simulation parameters

The focus is given to the frequency dependence of pathloss over a wide frequency range (2.6-
60 GHz) in a case where there are LOS and NLOS users. Table 9-3 summarizes the main
parameters used in simulations.

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Table 9-3: Parameter table for the specific LOS/NLOS simulations with the map-based model.
Parameter Symbol PS1 PS1
[unit] Pedestrian D2D
Map model ‘Madrid’ ‘Madrid’
AP antenna height [m] 5/10 1.5
User antenna
[m] 1.5 1.5
Carrier frequency [GHz] 2.6/6/30/60 2.6/6/30/60
Object density D [1/m ] 0.05 0.05
Object height h [m] 1.5 1.5
Object width w [m] 0.5 0.5
Scatterer absoption
𝛼 0 0
Specular/ diffuse
𝛽 0.5 0.5
power ratio
Angle dependency
𝑞90 0.5 0.5
Angle dependency
v 3.5 3.5
Angle dependency
𝛾 0.95 0.95
factor (HH)
Diffraction model Berg Berg

9.2.2 Pedestrian microcell

The dense urban microcell is considered as a high priority user scenario in which pedestrian
user are connected to a low-power access point (AP). Here we focus on outdoor users in two
separate schemes: user connected to an AP and D2D users. Figure 9-9 illustrates the chosen
AP and user positions in Madrid grid. The access point location at height of 5/10 m is shown in
red triangle and 23 user terminal positions at height of 1.5 m are depicted by green triangles.
Blue dots denote obstructing/scattering objects, i.e. humans with height of 1.5 m and width of
0.5 m, with the density of 0.05/m2. In the D2D scenario the reference transmitter is located at
the AP position at height of 1.5 m.

Figure 9-9: Basic simulation test scenario for typical pedestrian user scenario with AP
connections and for D2D connections in an urban microcell (Madrid grid).

The simulation results are shown in Figure 9-10, which represents a reference case with
empty streets, and in Figure 9-11 and Figure 9-12 with shadowing pedestrians with a density
of 5 persons per 10x10 m2 area. Blue curves, referring to antenna height of 5 m, and red
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curves referring to antenna height of 10 m, are practically the same. The corner effect is
sharper the higher the carrier frequency is. In Figure 9-11 and Figure 9-12 the PL values vary
roughly 5-15 dB between different distributions of obstructing/scattering objects. The average
pathloss with AP height of 10 m is approximately 1- 6 dB smaller than with AP height of 5 m.

60 GHz 30 GHz

6 GHz 2.6 GHz

Figure 9-10: Reference pathloss plots between the access point and RX positions with no
obstructing/shadowing objects for AP antenna heights of 5 m (blue) and 10 m (red).

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60 GHz 30 GHz

6 GHz 2.6 GHz

Figure 9-11: Pathloss between access points and RX positions in the basic pedestrian scenario
for AP antenna heights of 5 m (blue) and 10 m (red).

60 GHz 30 GHz

6 GHz 2.6 GHz

Figure 9-12: Mean pathloss between access points and RX positions in the basic pedestrian
scenario for AP antenna heights of 5 m (blue) and 10 m (red).

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9.2.3 Pedestrian micro cell: D2D

The following simulation results (Figure 9-13 and Figure 9-14) cover basically the same
scenario as the previous one, except that the focus is in the pedestrian D2D users (all
antenna heights are set to 1.5 m). The pathloss values vary roughly 5-15 dB between different
orientations of obstructing/scattering objects. The average PL is approximately 5-10 dB larger
than in the previous scenario due to the low TX antenna height.

60 GHz 30 GHz

6 GHz 2.6 GHz

Figure 9-13: Pathloss between the reference point (AP position in Figure 9-9) and RX positions
in the D2D user scenario.

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60 GHz 30 GHz

6 GHz 2.6 GHz

Figure 9-14: Mean Pathloss between the reference point (AP position in Figure 9-9) and RX
positions in the D2D user scenario.

9.2.4 Excess pathloss

Table 9-4 summarizes excess pathloss due to obstructing/shadowing objects in Madrid
microcell grid. In the pedestrian microcell the distances of 80 m and 200 m represent LOS
condition, the distance of 202 m refer to the NLOS position just around a corner and 224 m
further down along a crossing street. The shadowing impact of human beings is rather small
with a people density of 0.05/m2 (5 persons in 10x10 m2 area) when the AP antenna height is
10 m. There is no significant difference between different carrier frequencies in LOS cases
while in the NLOS cases the lower carrier frequencies seem to attenuate relatively stronger.
Reducing the AP antenna height to 5 m increases the pathloss by approximately 2 - 4 dB.
If the AP antenna is further lowered to 1.5 m to mimic the D2D case the pathloss values grow
remarkably by about 8-20 dB. Again, there is no significant difference between different carrier
frequencies in LOS cases while in the NLOS cases the lower carrier frequencies attenuate
relatively stronger.

It is noted that due to the limited statistics (only 10 random shadowing object configurations
are covered) the simulation results have some degree of variation and are therefore mainly
indicative examples.

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Table 9-4: Excess pathloss due to obstructing/shadowing objects in Madrid grid scenario.
Microcell Madrid grid
Excess pathloss vs. reference case [dB] Frequency
Distance 80 m 200 m 202 m 224 m [GHz]
1 4 1 1 60
Pedestrian 2 4 1 3 30
AP height 10 m 1 3 2 4 6
1 4 3 2 2.6
1 6 3 3 60
Pedestrian 1 5 4 4 30
AP height 5 m 4 7 6 7 6
3 5 6 6 2.6
8 17 8 6 60
Pedestrian 11 18 12 7 30
D2D 11 21 23 17 6
10 19 19 18 2.6

9.2.5 Comparison to urban microcell measurement results

Table 9-5 compares map based pathloss simulation results from the Madrid grid microcell
case to microcell measurement results conducted in Hatchobori, Tokyo (see Section 5.1).
Simulation and measurement results in LOS case match each other very well throughout the
wide frequency range. The NLOS results along the crossing street near the street corner are
also quite similar. However, further from the street corner the map based model gives
significantly larger pathloss values. This behaviour is consistent across the wide frequency
range. It indicates that in practice there are more reflectors/ scatterers in street crossings
which carry signal power across the corner. For example, traffic lights and street signs may
have a significant impact in practice. It is also worth noting that the parameters of the utilized
Berg’s recursive model for diffraction could be calibrated with respect to the measurement
data in order to achieve better matching.

Table 9-5: Pathloss comparison between simulations and measurements in urban microcell.
Microcell Madrid grid
Pathloss in LOS and non-LOS cases [dB]
LOS NLOS Frequency
Distance 80 m 150 m 200 m 202 m 224 m [GHz]
Simulation 76 84 86 105 120 2.6
Measurement 75 83 92 100 110 2.2
Simulation 83 93 93 108 130 6
Measurement 83 90 95 100 110 4.7
Simulation 97 106 108 125 140 30
Measurement 98 104 107 120 125 26

9.3 Summary
The parameter values used for the simulations are marked with * in Table 9-6. The results of
simulated scenarios are listed in Table 9-7. All possible combinations of environments (maps),
frequencies and antenna heights would result in a huge number of result tables. Thus only a
few selected example cases are reported here.
Comparing the statistics of Madrid micro to median values of WINNER Urban micro large-
scale parameters in Table 4-8 of [WIN208-D112] we observe, e.g., the following. The delay
spread is higher in WINNER, in LOS 36 ns vs. 25 ns, and in NLOS 76 ns vs. 44 ns. The
angular spread at the base station side (ASD) is clearly lower in WINNER LOS, 3 vs. 14,
while it is at the same level in NLOS, 15 vs. 15. When comparing the pathloss exponent of
WINNER urban micro LOS condition in Table 4-4 of [WIN208-D112] to Madrid micro LOS we
find a good match, 2.27 in WINNER vs. 2.3 in the table below.
Measured and simulated pathloss exponents in urban environment can be compared based
on figures in sub-sections of 9.1. In urban micro cell type of deployment at 26.4 GHz

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frequency the measured / simulated PL exponents were 3.2 / 4.2 in NLOS and 1.6 / 2.0 in
LOS condition. In vehicle to vehicle LOS case the corresponding values are 2.4 /. 3.0 at
5.25 GHz and 2.1 / 2.9 at 2.3 GHz frequency. Further on, simulated pathloss were compared
to the microcell measurement results conducted in Hatchobori. Simulation and measurement
results for the LOS case match very well throughout the frequency range. The NLOS results
near the street corner match also quite well. However, further from the street corner the
simulation gives significantly larger pathloss values. In reality, there are probably more
reflectors/ scatterers, like traffic lights and street signs, in the street crossings which carry
signal power across the corner.
A very limited set of simulations are shown here and compared with a few measurement
results and to parameters of an existing channel model. Reasonable behaviour of simulated
output parameters can be observed. In principle the validation against measurements is
difficult, because identical environments were not modelled. The same applies to model
parameters of the existing channel model. Anyhow similarities and matching trends can be
found. As a future work outputs of the METIS map-based model must be generated
systematically in different environments, frequency bands, and deployment scenarios. A more
comprehensive validation against measured channel characteristics, both from METIS
measurement campaigns and the literature, must be performed. It should be pointed out that
many of the METIS map-based model parameters are not well calibrated, particularly at
millimetre wave frequencies. Therefore available measurement data should also be used for
improvements by calibration of the model parameters.
Table 9-6: Model parameter used in simulations.
Parameter Madrid Madrid V2V Madrid Madrid micro-cell Madrid micro-cell
D2D* (UOULU) micro-cell* (Docomo) (transition)
Frequency [GHz] 5.25 5.25 5.0 26.45 2.0
Map layout Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid
Diffraction model Berg Berg Berg Berg UTD
# TX locations 60 32 32 10 1
# RX locations 501 501 501 501 501
# radio links 30060 16032 16032 5010 2029
Object density [1/m2] 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.001
Object width [m] 3 3 0.5 0.5 0.5
Object height [m] 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
TX height [m] 1 1.6 10 10 15
RX height [m] 1.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 1.6
Scatterer absorption 0 0 0 0 0
coefficient 𝛼
Specular/ diffuse 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
power ratio 
Angle dependency 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 N/A
factor 𝑞90
Angle dependency 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 N/A
exponent v
Angle dependency 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 N/A
factor (HH) 𝛾

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Table 9-7: Simulation results for Madrid D2D and Madrid Micro scenario.
Madrid D2D Madrid Micro
μlgDS -7.56 -7.39 -7.71 -7.59
lgDS = log10(DS/1 ns)
𝜎lgDS 0.32 0.43 0.31 0.45
μlgASD 1.29 1.27 1.08 1.00
lgASD = log10(ASD/1 deg)
𝜎lgASD 0.27 0.37 0.25 0.39
𝜇lgESD 0.32 0.13 0.27 -0.69
lgESD = log10(ESD/1 deg)
𝜎lgESD 0.33 0.73 0.37 0.83
𝜇lgASA 1.33 0.97 1.37 0.93
lgASA = log10(ASA/1 deg)
𝜎lgASA 0.27 0.48 0.24 0.46
𝜇lgESA 0.32 0.13 0.69 -0.75
lgESA = log10(ESA/1 deg)
𝜎lgESA 0.33 0.73 0.34 0.85
SF in dB 𝜎SF 1.7 17.1 2.1 20.6
𝜇KF -1.8 - 0 -
KF in dB
𝜎KF 2.4 - 3.1 -
ASD vs DS - - 0.5351 0.2723
ASA vs DS - - 0.735 0.278
ASA vs SF - - 0.231 0.3673
ASD vs SF - - 0.3264 0.4247
DS vs SF - - 0.1809 0.1731
ASD vs ASA - - 0.5603 0.5932
ASD vs KF - - -0.002 -
ASA vs KF - - 0.0127 -
DS vs KF - - -0.1017 -
SF vs KF - - 0.0057 -
Pathloss exponent n 2.2 5.6 2.3 5.4
𝜇N 56.9 10.2 47.1 9.0
Number of paths (>-30 dB)
𝜎N 49.2 15.3 28.6 12.4
Note! LOS path may be obstructed. Power ratio of direct path vs. all other paths.

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10 Conclusion
This deliverable introduced 5G channel model requirements, propagation scenarios,
measurement results, and the METIS channel models. More specifically, the scenarios and
test cases that have been identified from an end user perspective in an early stage of the
METIS project were analysed and mapped to the METIS propagation scenarios. A new set of
requirements relevant for the radio channel and propagation modelling was derived. Those
propagation scenarios and requirements have been investigated by studying the literature,
conducting extensive measurement campaigns, and exploring several new modelling
approaches. The final METIS channel models consist of a map-based model, a stochastic
model, and their hybrid model to provide a flexible and scalable channel modelling framework.
A comprehensive list of channel model parameters has been derived for diverse propagation
scenarios such as dense-urban macro-cell, micro-cell, indoor, shopping mall, D2D, and V2V
links, with a wide range of frequencies from 2 to 60 GHz. User guidelines, including some
practical examples, are provided for utilizing the models in simulations.
The developed channel models are intended to account for all the requirements and radio
channel characteristics that were identified as important for 5G mobile communications.
However, due to the substantially wider scope of requirements, compared to previous models,
it is very challenging and time consuming to fully validate the developed models by
simulations and measurements. Nevertheless, validation efforts have been made in selected
scenarios by generating channel realizations and comparing the results of these simulations
with the conducted measurements. The channel model outputs showed reasonable and
expected behaviour in comparison to reality, in terms of measured channels and model
parameters of conventional channel models.
As future work, the METIS map-based and stochastic model should be tested systematically
on different environments, frequencies, and deployment scenarios. Based on the literature
survey done during the METIS project, it was recognized that propagation measurement
results between 6 and 60, and above 70 GHz are very limited. Additionally, most of the
measurements have been done at a single frequency band, which means that an
understanding of the frequency dependency of certain propagation parameters is still
emerging. More comprehensive parameterization and validation against measured
propagation characteristics, both from METIS and the literature, is therefore still crucial, in
order to improve the applicable range and accuracy of the models further. Another important
issue is the trade-off between model accuracy and complexity that significantly influences the
scalability; all the METIS models are designed with utmost conscious on this trade-off so that
they are usable in as many concrete test cases as possible with best reliability. Being able to
tackle this trade-off in a very general and holistic test case still remains a challenge.

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The following content is intended to be used as supplementary reference material. The
content is largely repeated, but substantially more detailed, information from the main
document. The material is intentionally repeated to provide a self-contained material. The
reader who is not interested in supplementary details is referred to the main part of this

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Appendix A Measurement Campaigns

A large number of extensive channel measurement campaigns have been done in METIS.
Measurement campaigns have mainly focused on Test case 2, including measurements at
2.3, 5.25 and 26 GHz for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and device-to-device (D2D), and link
topologies outdoor to indoor (O2I) and outdoor to outdoor (O2O). In addition, 60 GHz indoor
measurements have been done in an office (TC1) and a shopping mall (TC3) as well as in an
outdoor open square (TC2). This section provides the detailed technical descriptions of the
measurement campaigns conducted by the METIS partners. Brief summaries of the
measurement campaigns are explained in Section 5. Table A-1 summarises and lists the
conducted measurements.
Table A-1: Overview of measurement campaigns within METIS.
Partner Frequency / Environment/ Antenna Short description
bandwidth Test case setup
(𝑵𝒕 × 𝑵𝒓 )
UOulu 2.3 GHz / Outdoor V2V/ 1 x 56 Antennas on the roofs of two cars. TX
100 MHz TC2 and RX move simultaneously
2.3 GHz / UMi O2I/ TC2 30 x 56 TX and RX stationary, TX antenna
100 MHz heights: 5 m, 10 m and 15 m, RX on
the different floors of a building
2.3 GHz / UMi O2O/ TC2 30 x 16 TX stationary, RX stationary, TX
100 MHz antenna heights 5 m, 10 m,
2.3 GHz / UMa O2I/ TC2 30 x 56 TX on the roof of a building, RX in the
100 MHz different floors of another building
2.3 GHz / UMa O2O/ TC2 1 x 56 TX stationary, RX mobile, LOS/NLOS
100 MHz
2.3 GHz / UMa O2O/ TC2 30 x 16 TX stationary, RX stationary,
5.25 GHz / Outdoor V2V/ 1 x 50 Antennas on the roofs of two cars. TX
200 MHz TC2 and RX move simultaneously
5.25 GHz / UMi O2I/ TC2 30 x 50 TX and RX stationary, TX antenna
200 MHz heights: 5 m, 10 m and 15 m, RX in
the different floors of a building
5.25 GHz / UMi O2O/ TC2 30 x 18 TX stationary, RX stationary, TX
200 MHz antenna heights 5 m, 10 m,
5.25 GHz / UMa O2O/ TC2 1 x 50 TX stationary, RX mobile, LOS/NLOS
200 MHz
DOCOMO 2.225 GHz / Outdoor/ TC2 1 x 198 TX stationary, RX mobile, TX antenna
50 MHz UMi D2D heights 1.5 m, 3 m, RX antenna
height 1.5 m, LOS/NLOS
26 GHz / Outdoor/ TC2 1 x 1 TX stationary, RX mobile, TX antenna
< 10 Hz UMi D2D heights 1.5 m, 6 m, 10 m, RX antenna
heights 1.5 m, 2.5 m, LOS/NLOS
Ericsson 58.68 GHz / Indoor/ TC1 1 x 1 LOS and NLOS
2 GHz office
Aalto 63 GHz / Indoor/ TC3 1 x 1 LOS / OLOS, angular properties by
4 GHz shopping mall rotation
63 GHz / Indoor/ TC1/TC3 1 x 1 LOS, (Point cloud)
4 GHz cafeteria
63 GHz / Outdoor/ TC2 1 x 1 LOS / OLOS (Point cloud)
4 GHz dense urban
HHI 60 GHz & Outdoor LOS / NLOS
10 GHz /
250 MHz

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A.1 Channel measurements at 2.3 GHz and 5.25 GHz in Oulu downtown
The measurements have been executed in the Oulu downtown area. Five measurement
environments (MEs) were covered for METIS Dense Urban Test Case 2 (TC 2):
 ME1: Urban Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V), SIMO
 ME2: Urban Macrocell Outdoor (O2O), SIMO and MIMO
 ME3: Urban Macrocell Outdoor to Indoor (O2I), MIMO
 ME4: Urban Microcell Outdoor to Indoor (O2I), MIMO
 ME5: Urban Microcell Outdoor (O2O), MIMO
The measurement environments are summarised in Table A-2.

Table A-2: The summary of the measurement environments at 2.3 and 5.25 GHz in Oulu
Link topology UE-UE BS-UE BS-UE BS-UE BS-UE
Urban V2V UMa O2O UMa O2I UMi O2I UMi O2O
Centre 2.3 GHz and 2.3 GHz and 2.3 GHz and 2.3 GHz and
2.3 GHz
Frequencies 5.25 GHz 5.25 GHz 5.25 GHz 5.25 GHz
TX: Vertical
(dipole) /dual
TX Vertical, RX Dual pol. Dual pol.
Polarisations pol. ±45° (array Dual pol. (±45°)
dual pol. (45°) (±45°) (±45°)
antenna), RX
dual pol. (±45°)
2 Stationary
Oulu One
TX location / One stationary locations, on 2 Stationary
downtown, 0- Stationary
velocity location the roof of locations
30 km/h location
TX height 5 m, 10 m, 15 m
above ground 1.6 m 18 m 17.45 m (only for corridor 5 m, 10 m
level measurements)
Stationary, a) Oulu
Hotel room :5 downtown,
Hotel corridor: 7
Oulu Oulu spots/TX Stationary
RX location / spots/floor, Hotel
downtown, 0- downtown, 0- location //floor (vehicle stops
velocity room: 5
30 km/h 30 km/h b) Hotel for
corridor: 17 measurement
spots/floor )
RX height 2.5 m, RX on
1.6 m+ floor 1.6 m + floor
above ground 2.5 m 2.5 m the rooftop of
height height
level a car
20–250 m 20–150 m 40–100 m 15–50 m 30–200 m
RX az. ±180°, RX az.
RX az. ±180°,
TX az. -70 – ±180°, TX az.
Antenna RX az. ±180°, RX az. ±180°, TX az. -70 –
+70°, -70 – +70°,
beamwidth, TX Omnidir., TX Omnidir., +70°,
RX vertical - RX vertical -
Azimuth / RX el. -70° – RX el. -70° – RX vertical -70 –
70 – +90°, TX 70 – +90°,
Elevation +90°, TX ±80° +90°, TX ±80° +90°, TX vertical
vertical -70° – TX vertical -
-70° – +90°
+90° 70° – +90°

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Several long
Several long covering
measurements streets and
covering street corners
Number of
streets and 2.3 GHz:
measurement ~ 30 / floor / > 50 /
street corners 583.567 Hz 27 / floor
s, Channel frequency frequency
2.3 GHz: (SIMO),
sampling rate
583.567 Hz 192.99 Hz
5.25 GHz: (MIMO)
978.847 Hz 5.25 GHz:
978.847 Hz
2.3 GHz
30 x 16
(2.3 GHz),
for SIMO (1 x
30 x 18
56) (antennas UE in several
UE in several (5.25 GHz),
TX and RX (TX/RX)) and spots in
spots in different Limited
Remarks move MIMO (30 x different
floors, varying MIMO
simultaneously 16) setup, floors, varying
link length configuration
5.25 GHz link length
due to
only for SIMO
(1 x 50) setup
2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days
Amount of
89.9 GB 43.78 GB 43.67 GB 94.4 GB 4.41 GB
data stored
A.1.1 Measurement equipment and antennas
The measurements were conducted by EB PropSound channel sounder [Ele04]. The
measurement device consists of two separate units: transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX). Both
the units use the same intermediate frequency (IF) of 1.45 GHz and have replaceable RF
units for different RF frequency bands. The architecture of PropSound system is presented in
Figure A-1.

Display & Control
Control Notebook Notebook

Control Control Slave Control Slave Control Slave Control Slave Control
Master Master

Timing Timing
Code Generator Up Down I/Q
TSIU Modulation TIU Conversion TRU Conversion RRU RIU RSIU




Figure A-1: PropSound system architecture.

PropSound uses direct sequence spread spectrum technique and BPSK modulation for
channel sounding. Impulse responses of channel samples are obtained by correlating the
received signal with the same spreading code as was used in the transmission. Sounding in
the spatial domain is employed by switching through multiple antennas in the time domain.

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The antenna elements are switched almost instantaneously so that the channel response
remains practically constant within antenna switching period.
A.1.1.1 Antennas
Dipole antennas were used as the TX antenna in ME1 and ME2 scenarios. Their properties
are presented in Table A-3.
Table A-3: TX antenna properties.
Antenna designation Dipole_2G45 Dipole_5G25 (Modified 5G version of
AV1433 WLAN antenna)
Frequency / Bandwidth 2.25 -2.55 GHz 5.2—5.3 GHz

Radiation ±180° az, 70° el (3 dB beam width)

Antenna type Coaxial dipole
Gain 1 dBi
Polarisation Vertical

Uniformly spaced linear array antennas (ULAs) illustrated in Figure A-2 were used as TX
antennas in ME3, ME4 and ME5 scenarios.

Figure A-2: TX ULA antenna for ME3, ME4 and ME5 scenarios at 2.3 GHz (left) and 5.25 GHz

Omnidirectional array antennas were used as receiver antennas in all measurement


Table A-4: RX antenna properties.

Antenna designation 3x8ODA_2G45_T1 2x9ODA_5G25_T1
Number of antenna
28 25
Type of element Patch
Polarisation Dual (±45 degrees)
Radiation 360° az., -70° – + 90° el. (HPBW)
Gain of element 6 dBi
3 x 8 + 4 Dual-polarized 2 x 9 + 6 +1 Dual-polarized
Arrangement of elements
elements elements

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The RX antennas for 2.3 GHz and 5.25 GHz are presented in Figure A-3 and Figure A-4,

Figure A-3: RX antenna for 2.3 GHz.

Figure A-4: RX antenna for 5.25 GHz.

A.1.1.2 Settings definition
The settings for all measurement scenarios for 2.3 GHz and 5.25 GHz are given in Table A-5
and Table A-6, respectively. The bandwidth and the code length effect on many important
features of the measurement. The code length affects directly on dynamic range by giving
3 dB more gain when doubled. The code length must also be chosen to have longer duration
than the longest propagation delay to be measured. Increasing the code length deteriorates
the ability of following the Doppler effects and requires a higher data storage rate. The
bandwidth is directly defined by the chip frequency. The chip frequency has an influence on
code duration thus it also has an influence on Doppler tolerance and the minimum code
length. The dynamic range of a measurement can be increased by 3 dB by halving the
bandwidth. The most important feature of bandwidth selection is its influence on the delay
resolution of the measurement. Therefore the bandwidth should be kept as wide as possible.

Table A-5: Settings for measurements at 2.3 GHz.

Basic Parameters Remarks
Radio license for 2.25-
Centre frequency [GHz] 2.3
2.35 GHz

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ALC / AGC enabled,

Transmit power [dBm] +23 Front-end attenuator
0 dB (as a default)
null-to-null, bandwidth
Bandwidth [MHz] 100
based on radio license
Chip rate [Mchip/s] 50 BW/2
Chip sampling rate
Chip rate ∙ Chip sampling
Sampling rate [MHz] 100 rate  Delay resolution =
1 / Sampling rate
Measurement distance ME1 ME2* ME3 ME4 ME5 Remarks
255 /
Code length [chips] 255 511 511 127
Measurable excess 5.11 /
5.11 10.22 10.22 2.55 Code length / Chip rate
delay [μs] 2.55
Measurable excess ~1500 / Measurable excess
~1500 ~3000 ~3000 750
distance [m] 750 delay ∙ speed of light
Spatial resolution
ME1 ME2* ME3 ME4 ME5 Remarks
Number of TX antenna
1 1 / 30 30 30 30 Dipole or ULA
Number of RX antenna
56 56 / 16** 56 56 16** ODA_2 GHz
Number of channels 56 56 / 480 1680 1680 480
Guard time according to
code length, e.g. 255
chips. If fast switching is
used, guard time
Fast switching Not used between TX antenna
elements switching can
be decreased and thus
array scan time can be
Array scan time should
571.2 /
Array scan time [μs] 571.2 34952 34952 2590.8 be shorter than channel
coherence time
IR resolution
ME1 ME2* ME3 ME4 ME5 Remarks
Channel sample rate 583.567
583.567 7.153 7.153 192.99
(trigger rate) [Hz] / 192.99
samples per 3.425 /
3.425 - - 3.02
wavelength 3.761
TX is moving to the same
direction as the RX with
TX relative speed
0-20 - - - - the same speed or TX is
moving away or towards
the RX
RX is moving to the same
direction as the TX with
RX relative speed
0-20 0-20 / - - - - the same speed or RX is
moving away or towards
the TX
Max. scatter speed Assumption for max.
20 20 - - 15
[km/h] scatter speed
170.37 /
Max. Doppler shift [Hz] 170.37 - - 63.889
Channel coherence ~1050 / 9/( 16𝜋 Max. Doppler
~1050 - - 2802
time [μs] 2802 shift)
Data storage
ME1 ME2* ME3 ME4 ME5 Remarks
Burst mode Yes Burst mode is used to

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decrease the storage

data rate.
Number of cycles, which
Burst length [Cycles] 8 8/8 4 4 8 are acquired during one
burst period.
Burst period [Cycles] 20 20 / 16 8 8 16
29.178 /
Burst rate [Hz] 29.178 0.894 0.894 12.062
Movement during burst
0.381 0.381 / 0 - - -
Storage data rate 12.716/
12.716 11.922 11.922 23.842
[MB/s] 23.842
~182 /
Storage duration [min] ~182 ~195 ~195 ~97 Hard disk size 136 GB
Data recorded /
measurement spot - - / 80 80 80 80

* Two configurations were used for ME2,

1. SIMO, RX moves during the measurement, recording was stopped after every
measurement route
2. MIMO, RX stationary during the data recording, the fixed number of cycles were
** The lowest ring of ODA elements was used (see Figure A-3), Elevation angle Spread of
Arrival (ESA) cannot be analysed
*** The fixed number of cycles was recorded in ME3, ME4 and ME5 scenarios.

Table A-6: Settings for measurements at 5.25 GHz.

Basic Parameters Remarks
Centre frequency
5.25 Radio license for 5.15-5.35 GHz
ALC / AGC enabled,
Transmit power [dBm] +23 Front-end attenuator 0 dB (as a
null-to-null, bandwidth based on
Bandwidth [MHz] 200
radio license
Chip rate [Mchip/s] 100 BW/2
Chip sampling rate
Chip rate∙ Chip sampling rate 
Sampling rate [MHz] 200
Delay resolution = 1/ Sampling rate
Measurement distance ME1 ME2 ME4 ME5 Remarks
Code length [chips] 511 511 511 127
Measurable excess
5.11 5.11 5.11 1.27 Code length/ Chip rate
delay [μs]
Measurable excess Measurable excess delay ∙ speed of
~1500 ~1500 ~1500 ~380
distance [m] light
Spatial resolution
ME1 ME2 ME4 ME5 Remarks
Number of TX antenna
1 1 30 30 Dipole or ULA
Number of RX antenna
50 50 50 18* ODA_5 GHz
Number of channels 50 50 1500 540

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Guard time according to code

length, i.e. 255 chips. If fast
switching is used, guard time
Fast switching Not used between TX antenna elements
switching can be decreased and
thus array scan time can be also
Array scan time should be shorter
Array scan time [μs] 511 511 15636.6 1447.8
than channel coherence time
IR resolution
ME1 ME2 ME4 ME5 Remarks
Channel sample rate
978.474 978.474 7.106 345.352
(trigger rate) [Hz]
Samples per
3.354 3.354 - -
0 km/h [TX is moving to the same
TX relative speed direction as the RX with the same
0-20 - - -
[km/h] speed], 20 km/h [TX is moving away
or towards the RX]
0 km/h [RX is moving to the same
RX relative speed direction as the TX with the same
0-20 0-20 / - - -
[km/h] speed], 20 km/h [RX is moving
away or towards the TX]
Max. scatter speed
20 20 - 10 Assumption for max. scatter speed
Max. Doppler shift [Hz] 291.69 291.69 - 97.22
Channel coherence
~613.83 ~613.83 - 1841.6 9/(16𝜋∙Max. Doppler shift)
time [μs]
Data storage
ME1 ME2 ME4 ME5 Remarks
Burst mode is used to decrease the
Burst mode Yes
storage data rate.
Number of cycles, which are
Burst length [Cycles] 8 8 4 8
acquired during one burst period.
Burst period [Cycles] 32 32 8 32
Burst rate [Hz] 30.577 30.577 0.888 10.792
Movement during burst
0.182 0.182 - -
Storage data rate
23.8 23.8 10.597 23.842
Storage duration [min] ~97 ~97 ~219 ~97 Hard disk size 136 GB
Data recorded /
measurement spot - - 80 80
[Cycles] **
* The lowest ring of ODA elements was used (see Figure A-4), ESA cannot be analysed
** Recording was stopped after every measurement route In ME1 and ME2 scenarios whereas the fixed number
of cycles were recorded in ME4 and ME5 scenarios.

A.1.2 Measurement scenarios

A.1.2.1 ME1: Urban Vehicle to Vehicle (SIMO)
In ME1 (Urban Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V), SIMO), the measurements were performed using two
moving vehicles. One vehicle was carrying the TX unit while the other was equipped with the
RX unit. Cars moved in different directions and distances, and at varying velocities within Oulu
city centre area. The measurement parameters were selected carefully to allow Doppler
induced by typical scatter velocities in urban environment. The TX antenna and the RX
antenna height was 1.6 m and 2.5 m, respectively.
The setup for the vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) measurement scenario is depicted in Figure A-5.

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RX antenna
ARA 118/A for
frequency spectrum
TX antenna


Figure A-5: Measurement setup for ME1.

A. Measurement routes
The measurements consisted of seven measurement routes illustrated in Figure A-6 to Figure
A-9. Vehicles were moving in the same direction in the first three measurements (Figure A-6
and Figure A-7) whereas vehicles were moving in opposite directions in 4th and 5th
measurement (Figure A-8). During the last two measurements one of the vehicles (either RX
or TX) was stationary and other vehicle was moving on the cross street (Figure A-9).

Figure A-6: TX leading and RX follows, vehicles move in the same directions.

Figure A-7: RX leading and TX follows, vehicles move to the same directions.

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Figure A-8: TX (blue line) and RX (red line) routes moves to the opposite directions.

Figure A-9: TX/RX (blue/red dot) stationary position and RX/TX (red/blue line) moves on the
cross street.

A.1.2.2 ME2: Urban Macro cell Outdoor (O2O)

In ME2, the measurements were performed for SIMO and MIMO antenna setup. RX antenna
was placed on top of the car (height 2.5 m above street level) and the TX antenna was located
at around 18 m height by a building wall as depicted in Figure A-10. The RX setup is similar to
ME1. RX moved close to TX location gathering pathloss information along the street and
around the street corners. The measurement parameters were selected to allow moderate
scatter velocities. The data was recorded continuously during the SIMO measurements
whereas the RX was stationary during the data recording in MIMO measurements.

TX antenna

Figure A-10: TX antennas: 5.25 GHz dipole (SIMO) and 2.3 GHz ULA (MIMO).
A. Measurement routes
TX antenna location (65° 0.647' LAT, 25° 28.987' LON, blue circle) and RX routes (red line)
are presented in Figure A-11 to Figure A-14.

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Figure A-11: RX measurement routes 1 and 2.

Figure A-12: RX measurement routes 3 and 4.

Figure A-13: RX measurement routes 5 and 6.

Figure A-14: RX (red line) measurement route 7.

A.1.2.3 ME3: Urban Macro cell Outdoor to Indoor (MIMO)
The RX antenna was located inside the Scandic hotel (65° 0.714’ LAT, 25° 27.919' LON),
which has six floors. The TX antenna was located (65° 0.715' LAT, 25° 28.175' LON) on a
balcony of a neighbouring building at 17.45 m from ground and 1.30 m from the exterior wall
(Figure A-15). The height of the TX antenna in relation to the target building was 16 m above
the ground floor.
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Figure A-15: TX antenna on the top of building.

A. Measurement spots
The RX was stationary during the data recording. The RX location was either in the hotel room
or in the corridor of the hotel. The measurement spots in the hotel room are presented as red
dots in Figure A-16. Five measurement spots were selected in the hotel room with two
different TX positions on the roof of a neighbouring building. The measurements were
repeated in the same vertically aligned rooms on floors 2 to 5.

Figure A-16: Measurement spots in the hotel room for the ME3 scenario.

17 spots were measured on the hotel corridor on floors 2 to 5. In addition, 9 spots were
measured on the 6th floor. The layout of the hotel corridor is similar for the 3rd, 4th and 5th
floor. Figure A-17 presents the measured spots in the corridor of these floors.

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Figure A-17: The floor plan of the hotel with the measurement spots in the corridors on floors 3
to 5.

Figure A-18 shows the detailed distance information of the corridor and Figure A-19 shows the
example of the measurements on the 8th measurement spot (cf. Figure A-17) on the 5th floor.
Figure A-20 presents the view from the TX location. Figure A-21 shows the layout and
collected distance information on the 2nd floor and 6th floor.

Figure A-18: Magnified floor plan of the hotel corridors on floors 3 to 5.

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Figure A-19: Measurement example, TX was located on the roof of neighbouring building.

Figure A-20: Views from the TX site towards the target building: from position 2 (left) and from
position 1 (right).

Figure A-21: The hotel layout and measurement spots on the corridor of 2nd floor (left) and 6th
floor (right).
A.1.2.4 ME4: Urban microcell outdoor-to-indoor (MIMO)
The measurements were performed within a multi-storey building in the same manner as in
ME3. The RX location was either the hotel room or the corridor of hotel. The TX unit and

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antenna were located on an articulated crane. The TX and the RX were stationary during the
recordings. Emphasis was on collecting data for the TX elevation angle spread analysis.
A. Measurement spots
Five measurement spots were selected in the hotel room and one measurement spot in the
end of the corridor facing to Saaristonkatu. The measurements were repeated in the same
spots on floors 2 to 5 in the corresponding rooms (room numbers 258, 358, 458 and 558,
Figure A-22). The height of the TX antenna was 5 m and 10 m and the distance in relation to
the reference corners of the target building is depicted in Figure A-23.

Figure A-22: Measurement spots in the hotel room and in the end of corridor at 2.3 GHz and
5.25 GHz.

Figure A-23: TX antenna distances at different heights in room measurements.

In the second part of the ME4 measurements, 6 spots were measured in the hotel corridor on
floors 2 to 5. Furthermore, one measurement was executed in the elevator, having the TX
directed towards the elevator. The measurements were performed with TX heights of 5 m,
10 m and 15 m (Figure A-24). It should be noted that the 6th measurement spot was skipped
in 5.25 GHz measurements due to lack of signal. Figure A-26 presents the distance
information collected from these measurements. Notice that the image orientation of Figure
A-26 is rotated 90 degrees CCW with respect to the previous indoor sketches.
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Figure A-24: The TX mounted on an articulated crane at a height of 5 m (left) and 15 m (right).

Figure A-25: TX antenna distances at different heights in corridor measurements.

Figure A-26: Measurement spots on the hotel corridor for ME4 at 2.3 GHz and 5.25 GHz.
A.1.2.5 ME5: Urban microcell outdoor (MIMO)
In ME5, the measurements were performed using a single RX vehicle in the same manner as
in ME2. The TX unit and antenna were located on an articulated crane at 5 and 10 m above
the ground. The RX setup is similar as in ME1. The RX is moving close to the TX location
gathering pathloss information along the street and around the street corners. The
measurement parameters are selected balancing between moderate scatter velocities and
maximum MIMO array size. Emphasis was on collecting data for TX elevation angle spread
analysis. The measurement routes are presented in Figure A-27. The TX position is marked
as a blue dot. Eight to twenty measurement spots, i.e., vehicle stops for data recording, were
recorded on the three different measurement routes.

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Figure A-27: Measurement routes for ME5 at 2.3 GHz and 5.25 GHz.
A.1.3 Measurement results
A.1.3.1 Urban V2V (ME1)
Figure A-28 and Figure A-29 present the pathloss for the case measurements where the
vehicles are moving to the same directions and the opposite directions.

Figure A-28: Pathloss, vehicles are moving to the same directions.

Figure A-29: Pathloss, vehicles are moving to the opposite directions.

The results of V2V IR analysis are summarized in Table A-7.

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Table A-7: V2V measurement results (ME1).

2.3 GHz 5.25 GHz
Parameter Statistics
exponent 1.95 2.18 2.02 2.13
intercept 48.0 45.5 45.2 49.8
𝜇lgDS -7.71 -7.54 -7.71 -7.68
lgDS = log10(DS/1 ns)
𝜎lgDS 0.21 0.25 0.28 0.34
𝜇lgMED -6.77 -6.69 -6.91 -6.79
lgMED = log10(MED/1 ns)
𝜎lgMED 0.27 0.23 0.27 0.4
SF in dB 𝜎SF 4 4 3 4
𝜇KF 14.9 10.2 14.6 15.9
KF in dB
𝜎KF 4.8 5.7 8.0 6.4
𝛿DS 6.6 5.7 7.9 6.8
Decorrelation distance in m 𝛿SF 9.4 6.5 9.7 9.0
𝛿KF 7.4 4.4 8.4 10.3
SD = Same Direction, OD = Opposite Direction, LT = Low Traffic, HT = High Traffic,

Similar statistic for the decorrelation distance of large-scale parameters has not been found for
V2V channel in the existing literature. Therefore, we compare the obtained results of
decorrelation distances to the UMi BS-MS LOS scenario in [ITUR09-2135], which is the
closest to V2V scenario by means of antenna heights. There are no significant differences in
the correlation distance for delay spread and shadow fading in comparison with parameters in
[ITUR09-2135]. However, the obtained decorrelation distance for K-factor is much smaller in
comparison to the results of [ITUR09-2135]. Since TX and RX are moving simultaneously, the
propagation channel is more dynamic and the propagation characteristics in terms of small-
scale fading are different in comparison with a traditional BS-MS scenario. Moving scatters,
i.e., other cars, cause strong reflections to the measured V2V channel, which has likely
shortened the decorrelation distance for the K-factor [RJM+14].
A.1.3.2 UMa O2O (ME2)
The results for UMa O2O MIMO measurements are presented in Section 5.5.
A.1.3.3 UMa O2I (ME3)
RX in the hotel room
The signal-to-noise ratio was around 15 dB in the measurements where the RX was located
on the 2nd floor and 3rd floor. Therefore, the spatial analysis cannot be carried out for the
recorded data of lowest floors.
Figure A-30 presents the received power for the measurement over the building rooftop in O2I
scenario. The TX antenna had two different positions on the roof (cf. Figure A-16). The knife-
edge diffraction and transmission loss caused by a window (cf. Section was taken into
account in the model.

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Figure A-30: Received power, RX in the hotel room.

RX in the hotel corridor

The analysis is divided into OLOS and NLOS cases. In OLOS case, RX is located on the
vertical corridor and sees the TX through the window. In the NLOS case, RX was located in
the horizontal corridor.
The CDFs for azimuth spreads and elevation spreads are presented in Figure A-31.

Figure A-31: Angular spreads for OLOS and NLOS cases.

Table A-8 summarizes the results of UMa O2I corridor measurements.

Table A-8: Parameter for UMa O2I corridor scenario at 2.3 GHz (ME3).
All Floors [3GPP14-
Parameter Symbol
𝜇lgDS -7.76 -7.52 -7.65 -6.62
lgDS = log10(DS/1 ns)
𝜎lgDS 0.2 0.19 0.22 0.32
𝜇lgASD 0.28 0.4 0.34 1.25
lgASD = log10(ASD/1 deg)
𝜎lgASD 0.23 0.21 0.23 0.42
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𝜇lgESD 0.88 0.54 0.72 0.88**

lgESD = log10(ESD/1 deg)
𝜎lgESD 0.11 0.44 0.35 0.34**
𝜇lgASA 1.64 1.72 1.68 1.76
lgASA = log10(ASA/1 deg)
𝜎lgASA 0.22 0.17 0.2 0.16
𝜇lgESA 1.39 1.32 1.36 1.01
lgESA = log10(ESA/1 deg)
𝜎lgESA 0.17 0.2 0.19 0.43
SF in dB 𝜎SF 3 7 8 7
KF in dB
ASD vs DS 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.4
ASA vs DS 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4
ASA vs SF 0 -0.2 0.1 0
ASD vs SF -0.2 -0.3 0 0.2
DS vs SF 0.2 0.1 0.5 -0.5
ASD vs ASA 0.2 0 0.1 0
ASD vs K

ASA vs K
DS vs K
SF vs K
ESD vs SF 0 -0.7 -0.7 0
ESA vs SF -0.1 -0.3 -0.3 0
ESD vs K
ESA vs K
ESD vs DS -0.1 -0.3 -0.5 -0.6
ESA vs DS 0.5 0 0 -0.2
ESD vs ASD 0.3 0.3 0.2 -0.2
ESA vs ASD 0.1 0 0 0
ESD vs ASA -0.2 -0.1 -0.2 0
ESA vs ASA 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.5
ESD vs ESA -0.3 -0.1 0 0.5
Delay Distribution Exp.
AoD and AoA Distribution Wrapped Gaussian
EoD and EoA Distribution Laplacian
Delay Scaling parameter 2.2 1.7 1.9 2.2
𝜇XPR 12 10 11 9
XPR in dB
𝜎XPR 11 10 11 11
Per cluster shadowing in dB 𝜁 5 5 5 4
EoD in deg 𝜇EOD -11.5 -10.8 -11.2
** Parameters taken from [WIN+10-D53]

A.1.3.4 UMi O2I (ME4)

RX in the hotel room
Table A-9 summarises the results for the O2I room measurements.

Table A-9: Parameters for UMi O2I room scenario.

TX 5 m TX 10 m All
Parameter Symbol 5.25 GH 5.25 GH 5.25 GH
2.3 GHz 2.3 GHz 2.3 GHz -36843]
z z z
lgDS = 𝜇lgDS -7.82 -7.87 -7.83 -7.91 -7.82 -7.85 -6.62
log10(DS/1 ns) 𝜎lg DS 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.05 0.12 0.32
lgASD = 𝜇lgASD 0.56 0.65 0.55 0.63 0.55 0.53 1.25
log10(ASD/1 deg) 𝜎lgASD 0.11 0.22 0.1 0.19 0.1 0.34 0.42
lgESD = 𝜇lgESD 0.8 0.87 0.52 0.49 0.67 0.7 0.88**
log10(ESD/1 deg) 𝜎lgESD 0.3 0.3 0.19 0.2 0.29 0.33 0.34**
lgASA = 𝜇lgASA 1.77 1.86 1.77 1.85 1.77 1.83 1.76
log10(ASA/1 deg) 𝜎lgASA 0.09 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.16
lgESA = 𝜇lgESA 1.52 1.52 1.5 1.47 1.51 1.44 1.01
log10(ESA/1 deg) 𝜎lgESA 0.05 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.13 0.43

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ASD vs DS 0.1 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4

ASA vs DS 0.8 -0.2 0.2 -0.1 0.4 -0.1 0.4

ASD vs ASA 0.1 -0.2 0.2 -0.2 0.1 0.1 0

ESD vs DS -0.4 -0.1 0.2 0.2 -0.3 -0.1 -0.6
ESA vs DS 0.5 -0.2 0 -0.2 0.1 0 -0.2
ESD vs ASD 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.2 -0.2
ESA vs ASD 0 0.2 -0.1 -0.2 0 0.2 0
ESD vs ASA -0.6 -0.2 -0.4 -0.3 -0.5 -0.2 0
ESA vs ASA 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5
ESD vs ESA -0.4 0.3 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.5
Delay Distribution Exp.
AOD and AOA distribution Wrapped Gaussian
EOD and EOA distribution Laplacian
Delay Scaling
𝑟𝜏 1.9 1.7 1.9 1.7 1.9 1.7 2.2
𝜇XPR 10 9 10 10 9 8 9
XPR in dB
𝜎XPR 9 9 9 10 9 12 11
Per cluster
𝜁 5 4 4 4 5 5 4
shadowing in dB
EOD in deg 𝜇EOD 18.6 19.8 6.6 4.9 12.9 10.4
** Parameters taken from [WIN+10-D53]

RX in the hotel corridor

Table A-10 summarises the results for the O2I corridor measurements.

Table A-10: Parameters for UMi O2I corridor scenario.

TX 5 m TX 10 m TX 15 m All
Parameter 2.3 G 5.25 G 2.3 GH 5.25 G 2.3 GH 5.25 G 2.3 GH 5.25 G
Hz Hz z Hz z Hz z Hz
lgDS =𝜇lgDS -7.8 -7.95 -7.79 -7.95 -7.78 -8.03 -7.79 -7.98
𝜎lg DS
log10(DS/1 ns) 0.09 0.2 0.12 0.26 0.13 0.23 0.12 0.23
lgASD = 𝜇lgASD 1.08 0.63 0.89 0.69 0.75 0.58 0.91 0.63
log10(ASD/1 deg) 𝜎lgASD 0.33 0.37 0.29 0.24 0.3 0.27 0.33 0.3
lgESD = 𝜇lgESD 1.05 0.68 0.87 0.26 0.76 0.13 0.88 0.35
log10(ESD/1 deg) 𝜎lgESD 0.25 0.42 0.38 0.5 0.31 0.47 0.35 0.52
lgASA = 𝜇lgASA 1.65 1.64 1.68 1.66 1.63 1.63 1.65 1.64
log10(ASA/1 deg) 𝜎lgASA 0.14 0.31 0.11 0.19 0.12 0.25 0.13 0.25
lgESA = 𝜇lgESA 1.38 1.32 1.38 1.22 1.38 1.13 1.37 1.22
log10(ESA/1 deg) 𝜎lgESA 0.15 0.22 0.14 0.31 0.12 0.45 0.15 0.35
SF in dB 𝜎SF 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
ASD vs DS 0 0.3 0.2 -0.1 0.5 0.1 0 0.1
ASA vs DS -0.2 0.2 -0.3 0.3 -0.3 0.3 -0.3 0.3
ASA vs SF -0.2 -0.1 -0.4 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2
ASD vs SF 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.3

DS vs SF 0.3 -0.1 0.3 -0.4 0.6 -0.4 0.3 -0.3

ASD vs ASA -0.1 0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.5 0.1 -0.1 0
ESD vs SF -0.1 -0.4 0.2 -0.4 0.2 -0.2 0.2 -0.2
ESA vs SF -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.5 -0.3 -0.6 -0.4 -0.6
ESD vs DS 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.3
ESA vs DS -0.1 0.3 -0.2 0.2 -0.4 0.4 -0.3 0.3
ESD vs ASD -0.2 -0.2 0.3 -0.5 -0.1 0 0.1 -0.1
ESA vs ASD -0.2 0 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.2 -0.3 -0.2
ESD vs ASA -0.1 0.1 -0.4 0.4 0.2 0.3 -0.1 0.2
ESA vs ASA 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5
ESD vs ESA 0.2 0.5 -0.1 0.6 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.5
Delay Distribution Exp.
AOD and AOA distribution Wrapped Gaussian
EOD and EOA distribution Laplacian
Delay Scaling
𝑟𝜏 2 1.4 2 1.4 1.9 1.4 2 1.4
XPR in dB 𝜇XPR 6 6 8 9 8 10 8 7

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𝜎XPR 10 10 11 10 10 11 10 10
Per cluster
𝜁 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3
shadowing in dB
EoD in deg 𝜇EOD 4.9 7.7 -3.3 -1.4 -16 -12 -4.5 -1.3

A.1.3.5 UMi O2O (ME5)

Figure A-32 presents the pathloss as a function of distance for the TX height of 10 m at
2.3 GHz. On the radio link there is a small mound with the height of three meters
approximately 150 m away from the TX, which causes diffraction loss to the received power.
The Diffraction model proposed in [ITUR01-5267] is used for the modelling of pathloss for the
link lengths over 150 m. Black dots indicate the measured pathloss before the mound (BH)
and blue dots indicate the measured pathloss after, i.e., behind, the mound (AH).

Figure A-32: UMi O2O pathloss at 2.3 GHz.

For the TX antenna height of 5 m, the SNR was insufficient for receiving signal beyond the
mound due to diffraction loss.
Table A-11 summarizes the results obtained for UMi O2O measurements at 2.3 GHz.

Table A-11: Parameters UMi O2O scenario at 2.3 GHz.

Parameter Symbol TX [3GPP14- TX [3GPP14
TX 10 m TX 10 m
5m 36843] 5m -36843]
𝜇lgDS -7.71 -7.54 -7.19 -7.29 -7.17 -6.89
lgDS = log10(DS/1 ns)
𝜎lg DS 0.21 0.25 0.4 0.05 0.03 0.54
lgASD = 𝜇lgASD 1.05 1 1.2 1.66 1.68 1.41
log10(ASD/1 deg) 𝜎lgASD 0.22 0.24 0.43 0.21 0.12 0.17
lgESD = 𝜇lgESD 0.36 0.23 0.40** 0.86 0.79 0.6**
log10(ESD/1 deg) 𝜎lgESD 0.43 0.28 0.2** 0.54 0.58 0.2**
lgASA = 𝜇lgASA 1.2 1.1 1.75 1.33 1.27 1.84
log10(ASA/1 deg) 𝜎lgASA 0.4 0.41 0.19 0.25 0.31 0.15
SF in dB 𝜎SF 3 3 3 5 3 4
𝜇KF 11 9 9 N/A N/A N/A
KF in dB
𝜎KF 7 5 5 N/A N/A N/A

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ASD vs DS -0.1 -0.1 0.5 -0.6 0.4 0

ASA vs DS 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4
ASA vs SF 0.4 -0.4 -0.4 0.3 0.2 -0.4
ASD vs SF 0.3 -0.2 -0.5 -0.4 0.6 0

DS vs SF 0.3 -0.2 -0.4 0.4 0.3 -0.7

ASD vs ASA -0.3 -0.1 0.4 -0.2 0.1 0
ASD vs KF 0.3 -0.1 -0.2 N/A N/A N/A
ASA vs KF -0.1 -0.1 -0.3 N/A N/A N/A
DS vs KF 0.1 0.2 -0.7 N/A N/A N/A
SF vs KF 0.2 -0.1 0.5 N/A N/A N/A
ESD vs SF 0.2 -0.3 0 0 0.1 0
ESD vs KF -0.3 -0.2 0 N/A N/A N/A
ESD vs DS -0.1 0 0 -0.3 -0.3 -0.5
ESD vs ASD 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.5
ESD vs ASA -0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.3 0
Delay Distribution Exp.
AOD and AOA distribution Wrapped Gaussian
EOD and EOA distribution Laplacian
Delay Scaling
𝑟𝜏 2.5 2.3 3.2 2.1 1.7 3
𝜇XPR 12 13 9 11 10 8
XPR in dB
𝜎XPR 8 9 3 10 9 3
Per cluster shadowing
𝜁 7 7 3 6 6 3
in dB
** Parameters taken from [WIN+10-D53]
Note! only the lowest ring of dual polarised patches in the azimuth domain used in the RX array
antenna, therefore the elevation spread of arrival (ESA) cannot be analysed, Note! In NLOS case the
dynamic range is limited (loss of some multipath components)

The ESD with respect to the distance between the TX and the RX is tested against linear
model and negative exponential model. Figure A-33 shows ESD with respect to the distance
between the TX and the RX for the LOS scenario.

Figure A-33: ESD vs. link distance in LOS scenario, TX height 5 m (left), TX height 10 m (right).

Figure A-34 shows ESD with respect to the distance between the TX and the RX for the NLOS

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Figure A-34: ESD vs link distance in NLOS scenario, TX height 5 m (left), TX height 10 m (right).

The distance dependency of ESD was observed to follow negative exponential model and
linear model in the LOS and the NLOS case [RHM+14]. The parameters for ESD distance
dependency model are given in Table A-12.

Table A-12: ESD distance dependency.

TX 5 m TX 10 m TX 5 m TX 10 m

A 21.68 7.52 16.97 16.29

B 0.02 0.01 -0.19 -0.17

𝛾 in degrees 0.59 0.94 0.88 1.77

ESD(d) = A∙exp(-B∙d) ESD(d) = A+B∙d

𝛾 is the standard deviation between the model and the measured ESDs

A.2 Channel measurement in crowded areas

A.2.1 Measurement system
The measurements were conducted by using the DOCOMO channel sounder [KSO+09] at
2.225 GHz centre frequency for UMi and D2D scenarios. The pictures of the transmitter (TX)
and the receiver (RX) are shown in Figure A-35 and the measurement parameters are shown
in Table A-13. The UE antenna height was set to 1.45 m and the BS antenna heights for UMi
and D2D scenarios were set to 2.9 and 1.45 m, respectively. A sleeve antenna and a slotted
cylinder antenna were used to transmit vertically and horizontally polarized waves,
respectively. The signal was received by a cylindrical array antenna, which has 96 dual-
polarized patch antenna elements.
In the measurements, the received power, the delay profiles, the azimuth arrival angle profile,
and the elevation arrival angle profiles were measured. In the UMi scenario, the downstream
measurement and the upstream measurement was carried out by reversing the TX and the
RX to obtain the angular profiles of both the BS side and UE side. In the D2D scenario, only
the UE side angular profiles were measured since the BS and UE antenna heights were equal
and the BS side angular profiles were assumed to correspond to the UE side profiles.
To obtain the MIMO channel model parameters, we estimated the paths’ propagation
parameters using the SAGE algorithm [FH94]. In the SAGE algorithm, maximum path number
was 40, and the maximum iteration number was 20. To obtain the intra-cluster propagation
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parameter spreads, we classified the paths into 10 clusters by the K-Power-Means based
clustering algorithm [SKI+12]. In the clustering algorithm, the normalization parameters of the
Multipath-Component-Distance calculation were  ToA  1.0s and  AoA (  AoD )  360 deg .

Sleeve antenna



Figure A-35: (A) Transmitter

Measurement (B)Receiver
equipment: transmitter (left) and receiver (right).

Table A-13: Measurement parameters.

Measurement parameters SAGE algorithm
Frequency 2.225 GHz Max num. of paths 40
Max num. of
Bandwidth 50 MHz 20
TX antenna Sleeve/slot K-power Means Algorithm
UCA (96 dual polarized
RX antenna Num. of clusters 10
patch antenna element)

BS antenna UMi: 2.9 m, Normalization

ToA  1.0s
height (hb) D2D: 1.45 m parameter
 AoA (  AoD )  360 deg
UE antenna
1.45 m
height (hm)
TX power 8.7 dBm
Delay window
1000 m

A.2.2 Measurement environment

The measurements were carried out on the square in front of Shibuya station that is a typical
urban railway station in Tokyo. The measurement routes and the figures of the square are
shown in Figure A-36. To clarify the impact of pedestrians on the MIMO channel properties,
the measurements were carried out during day- and night-time. While there were several
hundred pedestrians on the square during the day, there were only a few pedestrians during
the night.
In UMi scenario, BS was mounted on the measurement car that was located at P1, across the
street from the plaza. In the D2D scenario, the BS was mounted on a carriage that was
located at P2, at the corner of the plaza. All measurement routes were in LOS condition. The

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UE was mounted on a carriage and the channel was measured continuously every 1 s while
UE moved along the courses at about 1 m/s that is the typical walking speed.

crossing BS(UMi-Scenario)
(B)The view of station plaza
A4 A3 in the daytime (10:00-23:00)

A1 gate
measurement course

JR Shibuya Sta., Tokyo

(C)The view of station plaza
(A)Measurement courses In the midnight (2:00-4:00)
Figure A-36: Measurement environment in front of Shibuya station.
A.2.3 Measurement results
The CDFs of a number of propagation parameters based on the measured data of day- and
night-time for both scenarios are shown in Figure A-37. Here, the TX and RX polarizations are
vertical. CDFs of the ASD and ESD in the D2D scenario are reproduced from the estimation
results of AOA spread, since we assume the BS side angular profiles correspond to the UE
side profiles. In Figure A-37 (A), it can be observed that during daytime the received power
decreased compared to night-time in both scenarios. The decreases in the median received
power were 5 dB in the UMi scenario and 4 dB in the D2D scenario, respectively. In Figure
A-37 (B), the median delay spreads decreased in daytime. The reason for the observation
above is that the delayed waves, with longer propagation distances, tend to be blocked by the
pedestrians more severely. In Figure A-37 (C), there are no significant differences in the ASAs
between the day- and night-time. In Figure A-37 (D), the ESAs tend to decrease in the night.
One reason for the difference in the ESAs between day and night is the following. Since
during the day, there were many pedestrians around the UE, there were more diffracted rays
that propagated over the pedestrians, which caused an increase of the ESA.
In Figure A-37 (E) and (F), the differences in the angular spreads between day and night at
the TX are similar to those observed at the RX, i.e. during the day the ESDs tend to increase.

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UMi scenario
D2D scenario

D2D scenario

UMi scenario

(A) Received Power (B) Delay Spread

D2D scenario UMi scenario

D2D scenario
UMi scenario

(C) AoAazm Spread (D) AoAelv Spread

UMi scenario

D2D scenario D2D scenario

UMi scenario

(E) AoDazm Spread (F) AoDelv Spread

Figure A-37: Measurement results.

The spreads of the propagation parameters for all measurement conditions are summarized in
Table A-14. For reference, the large-scale parameters of urban micro cell scenario of ITU-R
M.2135 channel model are also shown. Although the spreads of propagation parameters
almost corresponded to the parameters of ITU-R M.2135 channel model, the delay spreads
are smaller and the ASDs are larger than the spreads of the channel model. In UMi scenario
in the daytime, there was no significant difference between VV-polarized channel and HH-
polarized channel in regard to the received power, ASA, ESA, ASD, and ESD. The median
XPR from V-pol. to H-pol. was 8 dB, and the median XPR from H-pol. to V-pol. was 5 dB.

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Table A-14: Large-scale parameters of measured data (same as Table 5-2).

ITU-R Small Cell D2D



UMi (LOS) day night day night

Polarization V-V H-H V-V V-V V-V

𝜇lgDS -7.19 -7.42 -7.24 -7.29 -7.59 -7.50

lgDS = log10(DS/1 ns)
𝜎lgDS 0.4 0.18 0.41 0.17 0.21 0.19
𝜇lgASD 1.2 1.86 1.86 1.85
lgASD = log10(ASD/1 deg)
𝜎lgASD 0.43 0.08 0.08 0.08
𝜇lgESD 0.90 0.90 0.88
lgESD = log10(ESD/1 deg)
𝜎lgESD 0.30 0.22 0.25
𝜇lgASA 1.75 1.70 1.65 1.73 1.61 1.62
lgASA = log10(ASA/1 deg)
𝜎lgASA 0.19 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.16
𝜇lgESA 1.00 1.02 0.91 1.16 1.07
lgESA = log10(ESA/1 deg)
𝜎lgESA 0.31 0.28 0.32 0.31 0.31

ASD vs DS 0.5 0.07 0.23 0.27

Cross correlations
ASA vs DS 0.8 0.21 0.52 0.46 0.41 0.18
Cluster ASD in deg 3 5.56 5.14 5.99
Cluster ESD in deg 3.64 3.53 3.42
Cluster ASA in deg 17 5.91 6.63 6.04 5.26 5.23
Cluster ESA in deg 4.50 4.57 3.72 6.08 4.85

A.3 High SHF/EHF bands pathloss measurement in urban area

A.3.1 Measurement system
Figure A-38 shows the block diagram of the 26 GHz pathloss measurement system, which
includes TX, RX and a personal computer (PC). At the TX side, a continuous wave (CW) at
1.29 GHz is mixed with a 25.1 GHz local signal and gives a RF signal with 26.4 GHz. The RF
signal is amplified and transmitted by a sleeve antenna. At the RX side, a sleeve antenna is
used to receive the RF signal. The RF signal is then down-converted to 1.29 GHz by using a
down-converter module. The 1.29 GHz signal is sampled and stored by a data recorder, and
sent to the PC for analysis. The transmission power is set to 40 W. For investigating the effect
of the antenna height on the pathloss, the height of the TX antenna is set to be 1.5 m, 6 m,
and 10 m, whereas that of the RX antenna is set to 2.5 m and 1.5 m.

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Figure A-38: Pathloss measurement system at 26.35 GHz.

In order to investigate the frequency dependence of the pathloss, the measurement system at
4.7 GHz was also utilized for a measurement at 2.2 GHz.

A.3.2 Measurement environment

To compare the results with the UMi pathloss model in [ITUR09-2135], the measurement
environment is supposed to be a Manhattan-like grid layout. Figure A-39 shows the map of
the chosen measurement area in Nihonbashi, Tokyo. The transmitters were fixed at the
location with circle mark. The receivers were installed on a car roof or trolley for TX heights of
1.5, 6, 10 m, while the RX heights were 1.5 and 2.5 m. The RX moved along the four targeted
routes, i.e. one LOS route and three NLOS routes. The street widths were approximately 33 m
for the LOS route, and the NLOS routes 1 and 3, while the street width for NLOS route 2 was
15 m.

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Figure A-39: Map of Nihonbashi in Tokyo (typical Manhattan grid layout environment).

Some photographs of the measurement environment are shown in Figure A-40. The
measurement sites are surrounded by tall buildings with heights of approximately 40 m, which
is considered to be a Manhattan-like grid layout.

Figure A-40: Photographs of the measurement environment.

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A.3.3 Measurement results

Figure A-41 shows the frequency dependencies of the pathloss. The solid lines are calculated
pathloss values using the M.2135 model of the pathloss model for the UMi scenario [ITUR09-
2135]. The marks of circle, diamond, plus and cross indicate the measured pathloss values,
which were obtained by taking the median value of the instantaneous pathloss data over
distance of 10 m (5 m before and after the measurement point).

60 60 60
80 80 80

Path loss [dB]

Path loss [dB]

100 Path loss [dB] 100 100

120 120 120
140 140 140
160 160 160
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Total distance [m] Total distance [m] Total distance [m]
(a) 800 MHz (b) 2.2 GHz (c) 4.7 GHz
60 60 60
80 80 80
Path loss [dB]
Path loss [dB]
Path loss [dB]

100 100 100

120 120 120
140 140 140
160 160 160
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Total distance [m] Total distance [m] Total distance [m]
(d) 8.45 GHz (e) 26 GHz (f) 37 GHz
M. 2135 red-solid blue-solid green-solid gray-solid
Measurement ○ red-circle  blue-diamond   green-plus  gray-cross

Figure A-41: Comparison of measurement and M.2135 results for multiple frequencies (same as
Figure 5-2).

From Figure A-41, it is found that, the M.2135 model shows a good match with the
measurement results for all frequencies, while they do not match well for the NLOS routes.
Especially, when the distance between TX and the intersection of the route is large, the
difference between M.2135 and the measurement results becomes relatively large (e.g.,
NLOS routes 1 and 3). Figure A-42 and Figure A-43 show the TX height influence on the
pathloss at 37 and 4.7 GHz, respectively.

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60 60 60
80 80 80

Path loss [dB]

Path loss [dB]

Path loss [dB]

100 100 100
120 120 120
140 140 140
160 160 160
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Total distance [m] Total distance [m] Total distance [m]
(a) hTX = 1.5 m (b) hTX = 6 m (c) hTX = 10 m
M. 2135 red-solid blue-solid green-solid gray-solid
Measurement ○ red-circle  blue-diamond   green-plus  gray-cross

Figure A-42: TX antenna height influence on the pathloss; M.2135 and measurement results are
compared at 37 GHz for different antenna heights.

60 60 60
80 80 Path loss [dB] 80
Path loss [dB]
Path loss [dB]

100 100 100

120 120 120
140 140 140
160 160 160
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Total distance [m] Total distance [m] Total distance [m]
(a) hTX = 1.5 m (b) hTX = 6 m (c) hTX = 10 m
M. 2135 red-solid blue-solid green-solid gray-solid
Measurement ○ red-circle  blue-diamond   green-plus  gray-cross

Figure A-43: TX antenna height influence on the pathloss; M.2135 and measurement results are
compared at 4.7 GHz for different antenna heights.

Figure A-42 illustrates the TX antenna height influence on the pathloss at 37 GHz. It is verified
that the differences between M.2135 calculation and the measured pathloss values are
reasonably matched for NLOS route 1. On the other hand, they do not match well for NLOS
routes (especially, NLOS routes 1 and 3).
Figure A-43 illustrates the TX height influence on the pathloss at 4.7 GHz. The difference
between M.2135 calculation and measurement results for a TX height of 1.5 m is large
compared to the other two different TX heights of 6 and 10 m. However, the trend of the
difference between M.2135 calculation and measurement results may be similar to the
observation for 37 GHz of Figure A-42.
All in all, M.2135 shows good estimation for the LOS while there are relatively large
differences in case of NLOS. No clear frequency and TX height dependencies are observed.
In order to evaluate the pathloss in high SHF/EHF bands, a different calculation method such
as ray-tracing similar to the map-based model approach may provide a better estimation.

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A.4 60 GHz indoor office measurements

This section reports the measurement results for METIS propagation scenario indoor office
(TC1) at the 57.68-59.68 GHz band performed by Ericsson Research.
A.4.1 Overview
The measurements campaign overview and description of antennas are given in Table A-15
and Table A-16.
Table A-15: Measurement campaign overview.
Test case TC1
Link topology BS-UE, UE-UE
Propagation scenario Indoor office
Carrier frequency range 57.68 - 59.68 GHz
Polarisation co-polarisation
TX location 27 test locations
TX velocity Stationary
TX height above ground level 1m
RX location 3 test locations
RX velocity Stationary
RX height above ground level 1m
TX-RX distance 2 - 80 m
Campaign duration 2 days

Table A-16: TX and RX antennas.

TX/RX antenna gain 10 dBi
TX/RX antenna beamwidth 60° in elevation and 30° in azimuth

-5 dB -5 dB

-10 dB -10 dB

-15 dB -15 dB

Vertical cut Horizontal cut

Figure A-44: Measurement antenna patterns.

A.4.2 Measurement setup

A setup based on a vector network analyser (VNA) has been used for these measurements. In
order to allow long range measurements an optical fibre extension of the transmit RF cable
was used. The VNA RF signal was between 2 and 4 GHz. In order to achieve 60 GHz
transmission over air this signal was up-converted in the transmitter end and down-converted
in the receiver end. Further the local oscillator was distributed to both converters using optical

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Figure A-45: Measurement setup.

A.4.3 Body blocking scenario

A LOS link of 3.7 m distance was measured when a person walked back and forth between
TX and RX blocking the link. The measurement shows that the METIS body blocking model is
accurate. The assumed width of the corresponding screen is 30 cm.

Figure A-46: Human body shadowing: Measurements vs. model at 60 GHz.

A.4.4 Office medium range measurements

A set of measurements for ranges between 2 and 20 m were performed in order to determine
wall, window and door attenuation. Moreover, NLOS loss for corridor-to-room and room-to-
room was measured, as seen from Figure A-47. In all measurements the horn antennas were
oriented manually to maximize the received power.

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Figure A-47: Measurement locations for medium range measurement.

Figure A-48: Measurement setup for medium range measurement.

The measured wall, window and door losses were 7.5, 1.0 and 11.5 dB respectively as
indicated by Figure A-49. The loss in excess of free space loss for the case corridor-to-room
(TX location 1) and room-to-room (TX location 2) was 29 dB and 48 dB which is double the
loss at 2.4 GHz in dB units. For TX location 1 the antenna was directed along the corridor and
for TX location 2 the antenna was directed towards the corridor.

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Figure A-49: Measured loss through door and window.

A.4.5 Office corridor long range measurements

A measurement campaign was performed in a long corridor of the office environment. The first
75 m was LOS and additionally 25 m around the corner was NLOS. For the LOS
measurements both antennas were directed towards each other, and, for the NLOS
measurements the TX antenna was directed towards the diffracting corner. Figure A-50 shows
the RX and TX locations for the long range corridor measurements. The TX antenna directions
are indicated with arrows. The corresponding signal strength was used to fit the Berg
recursive model [Ber95]. As depicted in Figure A-51, the model fits the measurements very

Figure A-50: Measurement locations for long range corridor measurement.

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60 GHz
2.4 GHz

Relative power [dB]

TX-RX distance [m]

Figure A-51: Relative RX power measured and modelled at 2.4 GHz and 60 GHz for the long
range corridor measurement.

A.4.6 Super resolved directional channel properties

In order to measure the channel directional properties with very high resolution the virtual
array antenna method has been used. An extreme size (in terms of number of elements) cubic
virtual array antenna (25x25x25=15625 elements) was formed by means of a 3D antenna
positioning robot. The spatial sampling distance was 2 mm, which corresponds to 0.4 wave
lengths, resulting in a 48 mm wide array. The measurement was performed in LOS in a large
office room. Full space angle directional spectrum is provided by Fourier transformation from
space to direction domain. In Figure A-52 the corresponding results are shown. As the full
space angle was measured the ordinary angle spread definition is not suitable. Instead the
following expressions, proposed by Fleury [Fle00], are used for the directional spread.
The power is normalized with

̂ )𝑑𝛺 = 1.
∫ P(𝒖 (A-1)

The mean direction is then calculated by

𝝁𝒖̂ = ∫ 𝒖 ̂ )𝑑Ω ,
̂ P(𝒖 (A-2)

̂ being the unit vector. Finally the angle spread is given by

with 𝒖
𝜎𝑑𝑖𝑟 = √∫|𝒖
̂− ̂ )𝑑Ω, 𝜎𝑑𝑖𝑟 < 57.3° .
𝝁𝒖̂ |2 P(𝒖 (A-3)

It is also possible to calculate the angle spread for a certain direction, e.g. parallel to the x, y,
or z-axis as:
[𝜎𝑑𝑖𝑟 ]𝑛 =
̂ − 𝝁𝒖̂ ]2𝑛 P(𝒖
̂ )𝑑Ω , 𝑛 = 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 . (A-4)

Interesting findings are that there are some distinct spikes in the power delay profile (PDP) for
which the directional spectrum also consists of single spikes. This is interpreted as specular
reflections. Between the spikes of the PDP the directional spectrum is rich and substantially
spread out suggesting that the scattering is caused by a multitude of small objects or rough
surfaces. Moreover, the directional spread with respect to the vertical z-axis and one
horizontal y-axis decay faster than with respect to the horizontal x-axis. The x-dimension is the

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largest and the z-dimension the smallest of the room which may explain the different decay

Figure A-52: Directional spread and angular spectra shown for delays indicated with numbers

A.5 WINNER II parameterisation for various scenarios at 61-65 GHz

This chapter reports the measurement results for the indoor shopping mall, indoor cafeteria,
and outdoor square at the 61–65 GHz band performed by Aalto University. It includes a
description of the measurement scenario, sounder configuration, post-processing and analysis
of the results. Parameter table is derived for WINNER channel model. The parameterisation
for the shopping mall is based on the channel measurement results. The parameterisation for
the cafeteria and square are based on point cloud field prediction [JH14]. The point cloud field
prediction simulations are calibrated with measured channels and the simulations are used to
generate a lot of channels for statistical analysis. Channel realisations from WINNER are
compared to the measurement or simulation results.
A.5.1 Overview and description of the measurement system
The measurement campaign overview and the description of antennas are given in Table

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Table A-17: Measurement campaign overview.

Indoor shopping mall Indoor cafeteria Outdoor square
Propagation scenario LOS/OLOS LOS LOS/OLOS

Link topology BS-UE BS-UE BS-UE

Centre frequency 63 GHz 63 GHz 63 GHz
Bandwidth 4 GHz 4 GHz 4 GHz
Polarisation co-polarisation co- and cross-polarisation co- and cross-polarisation
TX location 41 test locations 6 test locations 11 test locations
TX velocity Stationary Stationary Stationary
TX height above ground
level 2m 2m 2m
RX location 3 test locations 1 test location 2 test locations
RX velocity Stationary Stationary Stationary
RX height above ground
level 2m 2m 2m

TX-RX distance 1.5 – 16 m 3–7m 4.5 – 19.2 m

Rotation in azimuth 0 - 360° Rotation in azimuth 0 - 360° Rotation in azimuth 0 - 360°
Angular scanning with 3° steps with 3° steps with 3° steps
Number of
measurements 55 14 15
41 LOS and 14 OLOS 4 LOS and 3 NLOS 12 LOS and 3 OLOS
Remarks measurements measurements measurements

The RF part of the used measurement system is illustrated in Figure A-53 (left). The system is
based on using a vector network analyser (VNA) with an intermediate frequency (IF) of 5 –
9 GHz. The RF frequencies 61 – 65 GHz are generated with up and down converters and a
LO operating at 14 GHz. Both TX and RX sides are connected by cables to the VNA.
The up converter and the TX antenna are on a rotator. A 20 dBi standard gain horn is used as
the TX antenna. An omnidirectional biconical horn antenna is used as the RX antenna. A
photograph of the antennas is presented in Figure A-53 (right). The TX antenna is rotated in
the azimuth direction from 0° to 360° with 3° steps. Three samples of the amplitude and phase
are measured at each direction with 2001 frequency points. The 4 GHz IF band width leads to
a 0.25 ns delay resolution and the maximum delay is 500 ns. A direct connection back-to-back
calibration is used to compensate the transfer function of the measurement system. Both, TX
and RX antennas have relatively narrow elevation plane radiation patterns which limits the
measurements to the azimuth plane. Both antennas are vertically polarised. Cross-polarisation
is measured by rotating the horn antenna by 90°.

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Figure A-53: Measurement system and sounder configuration (left) and photograph of TX and
RX antennas (right).

A.5.2 Measurement scenarios

A.5.2.1 Shopping mall
These measurements are conducted in an indoor shopping mall Sello (Leppävaarankatu 3-9,
Espoo, Finland). The measurements are done on the first and on the third floor. Photographs
of the measurement locations are in Figure A-54 and the floor maps with the TX and RX
locations are presented in Figure A-55 and Figure A-56. In total 55 measurements are done,
41 of them are LOS and 14 OLOS measurements. In the OLOS measurements the RX
antenna is located behind a wide pillar (see Figure A-54). The TX-to-RX distances are
between 1.5 m and 16 m. The number of measurements as a function of the TX-RX distance
is presented in Figure A-57.

Figure A-54: Photographs of the measurement sites of the 60 GHz channel measurements at the
first and third floors of the Sello shopping mall.

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Figure A-55: Floor plan of the 1st floor of the Sello shopping mall with TX and RX locations.

Figure A-56: Floor plan of the 3rd floor of the Sello shopping mall with TX and RX locations.

Figure A-57: Number of measurements as a function of the TX-RX distance.

A.5.2.2 Indoor cafeteria
The measurements in the indoor cafeteria were performed in Aalto University premises on the
ground floor of the building, as shown in Figure A-58. In total 14 measurements with 1 RX and
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6 TX locations are performed, including 7 co-polarised and 7 cross-polarised measurements.

In 3 of the TX locations, the RX was visible while in the remaining 3 the RX was behind a wall.
The measurement floor plan is shown in Figure A-59.

Figure A-58: Indoor cafeteria.

Figure A-59: Floor plan for cafeteria measurements.

A.5.2.3 Outdoor square
Channel measurements were performed outside the Kamppi shopping centre in Helsinki at
61-65 GHz frequency range by Aalto University. A photograph of the measurement scenario is
shown in Figure A-60. The measurement floor plan is shown in Figure A-61 with the TX-RX
distance varying between 4.5 and 19.2 m and with TX and RX heights of 2 m. In total, 13 co-
polarized and two cross-polarized measurements were performed, among which the links Tx3-
Rx1, Tx10-Rx2 and Tx11-Rx2 had an obstructed LOS (OLOS).

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Figure A-60: Open square measurement site.



Tx6 Tx5 Tx4


Tx9 Tx8 Tx3


Tx10 Rx2 Tx2


Rx1 Tx1

-27 -22.5 -18 -13.5 -9 -4.5 0 4.5


Figure A-61: Floor plan for open square measurements.

A.5.3 Point cloud field prediction calibration based on measurements
In order to acquire more channel data for parameterisation of channel models, deterministic
field prediction can be used together with channel sounding. In this work, we rely on a point
cloud-based propagation prediction method, where accurate descriptions of the propagation
environments in the form of a point cloud are obtained through laser scanning. As an
example, the recorded point cloud of the open square in Kamppi, Helsinki, is illustrated in
Figure A-62. The prediction method uses a single-lobe directive scattering model [DFV+07] to
calculate the backscattering from each point in the point cloud, and the contributions coming
from distinct points are combined to give the total field. In particular, we assume that the field
consists of a line-of-sight (LOS) path along with single- and double-bounce scattering from the
point cloud [JH14]. The effect of shadowing caused by blocking objects in the environment
such as walls or furniture need to be modelled properly since the shadowing at 60 GHz is
severe and can induce attenuation of several tens of decibels [HJK+14]. In the prediction
method, we search for points within the first Fresnel zone for each path. If points found in the
first Fresnel zone, we assume that additional attenuation is added to the path [JKK+14].

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Figure A-62: Point cloud for open square in Kamppi, Helsinki.

The scattering model contains two parameters, a scattering coefficient S and a scattering lobe
width αR, which relate to the material properties of the local surface. Since it is not feasible to
obtain material parameter values for all local surfaces, we calibrate S and αR such that the
predicted and measured rms delay spread agree as well as possible using the same
parameter values for all points in the prediction of a single channel.
In the present work, point cloud-based field prediction has been used in two scenarios, an
indoor cafeteria and an outdoor square, in which measurement campaigns were conducted in
order to calibrate the scattering model parameters for the field prediction tool. For the
cafeteria, the LOS scenario was calibrated with 3 measured links resulting in the parameters
𝑆 = 0.9, 𝛼𝑅 = 20. A comparison of the measured and predicted PDPs is shown in Figure
A-63. In the open square, the scattering model parameters were found to be 𝑆 = 1.0 ,
𝛼𝑅 = 50.

-70 Measured
Amplitude [dB]

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Delay [ns]
Figure A-63: Comparison of measured and predicted PDPs.
A.5.4 Post-processing and detection of propagation paths
Post-processing is same for both the measurement results from the shopping mall and for the
point cloud results from the cafeteria and for the square. The radio propagation channel is
characterised as a sum of multipaths. In large spaces specular mechanisms represented by
propagation paths dominate over diffuse scattering [HJK+14], and therefore it is sufficient to
characterise only the resolvable multipaths from results with large bandwidth.
Multipath components are identified from PDP. Multipath components are local maxima peaks
in the PDP. Point on the PDP curve 𝑃(𝜏) is considered as a peak if
1 𝜏+𝛥/2
𝑃(𝜏) > 𝛥 ∫𝜏−𝛥/2 𝑃(𝑡) 𝑑𝑡, (A-5)

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𝑃(𝜏 − 𝛥𝜏) < 𝑃(𝜏), (A-6)

𝑃(𝜏) > 𝑃(𝜏 + 𝛥𝜏), (A-7)

𝑃(𝜏) > noise level + 3 dB, (A-8)


τ ≥ 𝑑/𝑐0 , (A-9)

where 𝛥 = 2.0 ns is the length of sliding window over delays, 𝛥𝜏 = 0.25 ns is the delay
resolution, 𝑑 is the distance from TX to RX, and 𝑐0 is the speed of light. The length of the
sliding window, compared to the delay resolution, needs to be selected carefully in order to
detect all the peaks. An example of PDPs with the detected peaks is presented in Figure
The parameterisation is done based on 20 dB dynamic range, i.e., only the propagation paths
within 20 dB of the strongest path are used.

Figure A-64: Examples of measured LOS and OLOS PDP’s with the detected peaks in the
shopping mall.

Angles for the detected propagation paths are found from the PADP after the peak detection
from the PDP. The path amplitudes are calculated from the path PADP amplitudes taking in to
account the effects of antenna gains and the windowing loss. The detected path amplitudes,
delays, and angles can be illustrated in a discrete form of the PADP, as in Figure A-65.
Only the arrival angles are available from the channel measurements in the shopping mall.
The departure angles are can be calculated directly from the angels and amplitudes of the
detected paths. Knowing the arrival angles, excess delays, and BS and MS locations, the
scattering points can be identified and assuming single-bounce condition the angles can be
calculated from the BS point of view.

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Figure A-65: Example of angular distribution of the detected peaks.

A.5.5 WINNER parameters and validation
The derived WINNER parameters are given in Section 5.12. The parameterisation explained
and illustrated in detail in the following subsections.
Due to limitations in the measurements, only 2D parameters are provided for the shopping
mall, i.e., the elevation parameters are not available. Elevation parameters are available from
the point cloud simulations for the cafeteria and the square scenarios.
The measurement and simulation results are compared with the results from the WINNER II
implementation. Delay spread and azimuth angular spreads are calculated from the cluster
amplitudes, delay, and angles generated by the WINNER II implementation. Same 20 dB
dynamic range limit has been used for all the measurement, simulation, and WINNER results.
The OLOS cases are modelled in WINNER similarly as NLOS.
A.5.5.1 Pathloss and shadow fading
The pathloss and shadow fading are calculated from the total power in the detected
propagation paths

Ptot   pi . (A-10)
i 1
The sign of the shadow fading term is defined so that increasing values of SF correspond to
increasing received power [WIN208-D112]. The measured and simulated pathloss and the
fitted pathloss models are illustrated in Figure A-66 and Figure A-67.

Figure A-66: Measured pathloss and pathloss model in shopping mall as a function of the link

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Figure A-67: Simulated pathloss and pathloss model in cafeteria (left) and square (right) as a
function of the link distance.
A.5.5.2 Delay spread
Cumulative distribution functions of measured and simulated delay spreads are compared to
delay spreads generated by WINNER implementation in Figure A-68, Figure A-69 and Figure

Figure A-68: A CDF comparison to WINNER; measured delay spread in shopping mall LOS (left)
and OLOS (right).

Figure A-69: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated delay spread in cafeteria LOS.

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Figure A-70: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated delay spread in square LOS (left) and
OLOS (right).
A.5.5.3 K-factor
For the LOS-cases K-factor is calculated as the power ratio between the LOS component and
the total power is all the other detected propagation paths within the 20 dB dynamic range.
Cumulative distribution functions of measured and simulated K-factors are compared to the
normal distributions generated by WINNER implementation in Figure A-71, and Figure A-72.

Figure A-71: A CDF comparison to WINNER; measured K-factor in shopping mall (left) and
cafeteria (right).

Figure A-72: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated K-factor in square LOS.

A.5.5.4 Azimuth angular spreads
Cumulative distribution functions of measured and simulated departure and arrival azimuth
angular spreads are compared to angular spreads calculated form clusters generated by
WINNER implementation in Figure A-73 - Figure A-78. The theoretical maximum azimuth
angular spread with the definition used in [WIN208-D112] is approximately 104 deg.

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The constant CAS that is a scaling factor related to the total number of clusters N and is given
in [WIN208-D112] is given only up to 𝑁 = 20. For 𝑁 < 20 simple linear interpolation is used.
For 𝑁 > 20 extrapolation is used

C𝐴𝑆 = 1.541 − 5.04/𝑁, 𝑁 > 20. (A-11)

Based on the CDF comparisons in Figure A-73 - Figure A-78 the azimuth angular spreads are
quite similar in the measurements and simulation results as the ones calculated from the
clusters generated by WINNER II.

Figure A-73: A CDF comparison to WINNER; measured ASD in shopping mall LOS (left) and
OLOS (right).

Figure A-74: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated ASD in cafeteria LOS.

Figure A-75: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated ASD in square LOS (left) and OLOS

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Figure A-76: A CDF comparison to WINNER; measured ASA in shopping mall LOS (left) and
OLOS (right).

Figure A-77: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated ASA in cafeteria LOS.

Figure A-78: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated ASA in square LOS (left) and OLOS

A.5.5.5 Elevation angular spreads

Departure and arrival elevation spreads for the cafeteria LOS and for the square LOS and
OLOS are presented in Figure A-79.

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Figure A-79: Simulated ESD (left) and ASA (right) in cafeteria LOS and square LOS and OLOS.

A.5.5.6 Cross-polarisation ratio

Cluster cross-polarisation ratio (XPR) is determined from co- and cross-polarisation
measurements in the cafeteria and the square. The XPR is calculated for each detected
propagation path from the difference between co- and cross-polarisation. Only paths within
20 dB dynamic range are taken into account. Results from both LOS and NLOS
measurements are collected together and analysed as one data set due to relatively small
number of detectable XPR values in each measurement. The measurement noise level limits
the XPR values that can be detected. The effect of the noise level is taken into account the
probability function estimation similarly as in [GBT14]. The fitted normal distribution is
N(29 dB, 6.5 dB). For simplicity, and because the cross-polarisation measurement are missing
from a shopping mall, same XPR parameters are used in shopping mall, cafeteria, and

Figure A-80: Measured XPR, cross-polarisation measurement noise limit, and mean (black solid
line) and the 95 % tolerance interval limits (black dashed lines) fitted normal distribution.

A.5.5.7 Cluster angular spread

Cluster angular spread (AS) is determined by measurements of densely sampled paths to see
how the cluster power varies over a distance of four and 12 wavelengths. These
measurements are done in the cafeteria using same frequency setups as in Section
A.5.1A.5.3 and two omnidirectional antennas. One of the antennas is moved a distance of
about 12 wavelengths. One example of the 11 measurement results is illustrated in Figure
A-81 a). Only clusters within 20 dB dynamic range are used. Cluster powers over the12
wavelength long measurement path are shown in Figure A-81 b). Average standard deviation
(in dBs) and maximum-to-minimum difference (in dBs) of the cluster power are analysed and
compared to deviation of the power within clusters in the WINNER model (using Equation 4.14
in [WIN208-D112]). Average standard deviation (in dBs) and maximum-to-minimum difference
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(in dBs) of the cluster power as a function of the WINNER-type cluster AS is presented in
Figure A-82.
The measured average standard deviation of the cluster power is 0.65 dB and 1.1 dB over
four and 12 wavelengths, respectively, corresponding to cluster AS of 0.63° and 0.38°,
respectively. The measured average maximum-to-minimum difference of the cluster power is
2.3 dB and 4.6 dB over four and 12 wavelengths, respectively, corresponding to cluster AS of
0.67° and 0.48°, respectively.
Based on these results we propose to use cluster AS of 0.5° at the 60-GHz range. This cluster
AS generates realistic variation of channel coefficients for each cluster and each receiver and
transmitter element over an array antenna that is approximately four to 12 wavelengths

Figure A-81: a) Example of a measured power and b) cluster power over about 12 wavelength
long measurement path.

Figure A-82: Average standard deviation and maximum-to-minimum difference of the cluster
power within 20 dB dynamic range as a function of cluster AS over a) four wavelengths and b)
12 wavelengths.

A.5.5.8 Delay scaling parameter and per-cluster fading

In WINNER, delay scaling parameter affects the cluster maximum excess delay (using
Equation 4.1-4.4 in [WIN208-D112]) and the slope of the exponential power delay profile
(using Equation 4.5 in [WIN208-D112]). In this parameterisation, the delay scaling parameter
is calculated for each measurement and simulation result based on the measured or simulated
maximum excess delay by approximation

𝑟𝜏 = 𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥 /𝜎𝜏 , (A-12)

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where 𝑟𝜏 is the delay scaling parameter, 𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥 is the maximum excess delay, and 𝜎𝜏 is the
delay spread. In LOS-case, the maximum excess delays 𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥 in need to be replaced by
𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝐷, where 𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥 are the measured or simulated maximum excess delay and D is a scaling
factor that depends on the K-factor (see Equation (4.3) in [WIN208-D112]).
The resulting single slope exponential power delay profile is used to determine the per-cluster
fading by optimising the associated distribution with log-likelihood function as in [GBT14]. The
dynamic range limit taken into account in a similar manner as the noise level with
measurement results. The average delay scaling parameter and per-cluster fading is then
used for each scenario. CDFs of delay scaling parameter and per-cluster fading are given in
Figure A-83, Figure A-84 and Figure A-85. CDFs of maximum excess delay are given in
Figure A-86, Figure A-87, and Figure A-88.

Figure A-83: CDF of delay scaling parameter and per-cluster fading in shopping mall.

Figure A-84: CDF of delay scaling parameter and per-cluster fading in cafeteria.

Figure A-85: CDF of delay scaling parameter and per-cluster fading in square.

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Figure A-86: A CDF comparison to WINNER; measured maximum excess delay in shopping mall
LOS (left) and OLOS (right).

Figure A-87: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated maximum excess delay in cafeteria LOS.

Figure A-88: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated maximum excess delay in square LOS
(left) and OLOS (right).

A.5.5.9 Correlation distances

Autocorrelation functions obtained from the point cloud simulations are presented in Figure
A-89 and Figure A-90. The correlation distances have to be approximated from the shopping
mall measurement results since the smallest distance between measurement locations was
1.5 m and the autocorrelation between all parameters both in LOS and OLOS is under the
limit of 1/e (≈0.37) when the distance between the measurement locations is over 2 m,
therefore the correlation distances are determined solely based on the correlations over 1.5 m.
Correlation distance of 2 m is used if correlation is over 1/e. If the correlation is between 1/2e
(≈0.18) and 1/e, correlation distance of 1 m is used, and if the correlation is under 1/2e then a
correlation distance of 0.5 m is used.
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Figure A-89: Simulated correlation distances in cafeteria LOS.

Figure A-90: Simulated correlation distances in square LOS (left) and OLOS (right).

A.5.5.10 Number of clusters

The number of clusters is optimised with the WINNER II implementation based on measured
or simulated average number detected paths and average number of clusters within the 20 dB
dynamic range. Cumulative distribution functions of the number of detected propagation paths
are compared to the number of clusters generated by WINNER implementation in Figure
A-91, Figure A-92, and Figure A-93.

Figure A-91: A CDF comparison to WINNER; measured number of propagation paths in

shopping mall LOS (left) and OLOS (right).

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Figure A-92: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated number of propagation paths in cafeteria

Figure A-93: A CDF comparison to WINNER; simulated number of propagation paths in square
LOS (left) and OLOS (right).

A.5.5.11 Parameters
The WINNER parameters are given in Section 5.12. In the WINNER II implementation those
parameters go to a file called ScenParTables.m. In addition to those parameters it is important
to use 'IntraClusterDsUsed' = 'no' and 'DelaySamplingInterval' = 0.125 ns (= 1/(2·band width))
in a file called wimparset.m. Naturally, also the centre frequency needs to be changed to
63 GHz.
The presented WINNER II channel model parameters have been validated by comparison of
the cumulative distributions of delay spreads and azimuth angular spreads.

A.6 Simultaneous mm-wave multi-band channel sounding in an urban scenario

In this section we describe a measurement campaign conducted in a dense urban, outdoor
access scenario. The propagation channel was measured at 10 and 60.4 GHz simultaneously
at the exact same transmitter and receiver locations. The results of this measurement
campaign are also going to be presented at the EuCAP 2015 conference, cf. [WPK+15a].
A.6.1 Measurement equipment and antennas
The measurements were performed, using a self-developed channel sounder based on
Fraunhofer HHI’s HIRATE platform and external frontends described in [KKP+13] and
[WPK+15b]. A simplified overview of the channel sounder is depicted in Figure A-94. The
channel sounder supports a measurement bandwidth of 250 MHz. At the transmitter side, the
measurement signal is up-converted to 10 and 60.4 GHz and fed through power amplifiers to

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the two transmit antennas. At the receiver side, two fully parallel RF and baseband chains are

Figure A-94: Channel sounder overview.

Figure A-95 shows the antenna power patterns of the utilized antennas at 10 and 60.4 GHz,
respectively. Both antenna types are omni-directional, vertically polarized and show a similar
characteristic. The same type of antenna is used at the TX and RX ends. The commercially
available Flann Model MD249-AA antenna [Fla15] was used for the 60 GHz band, while a
proprietary quarter-wavelength dipole antenna was used for the 10 GHz band.

Figure A-95: Horizontal (top) and vertical cuts (bottom) of the normalized antenna power
patterns in dB at 10 (left) and 60.4 GHz (right).

Other important parameters for the channel sounder are listed in Table A-18.

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Table A-18: Channel sounder parameters.

Type Value
TX output power 10 GHz 20 dBm
60.4 GHz 15 dBm
Antenna gain 10 GHz 0 dBi
60.4 GHz -0.7 dBi
Antenna pattern omni-directional
Polarization vertical
Sounding bandwidth 250 MHz

A.6.2 Measurement environment

The measurement campaign was conducted in the city of Berlin, Germany. The area is
characterized as a typical residential and commercial area. The average building height is
about five to six floors, while the street widths are in-between 18–22 m. Figure A-96 shows the
measurement site, as well as the TX locations and RX routes (right). As can be seen on the
left picture, the measurement routes include streets with and without vegetation. The
stationary transmitter was placed on the sidewalk at a height of 5 m, while the mobile receiver
was mounted on a cart at a height of 1.5 m. The velocity of the receiver was 0.5 m/s. Figure
A-97 shows the on-site measurement setup consisting of the mounted transmit antenna and
the mobile receiver cart.

Figure A-96: Measurement environment including TX locations and RX routes.

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Figure A-97: On-site measurement setup.

A.6.3 Measurement results

The channel sounder generates a channel impulse response (CIR) every 800 us. At a RX
velocity of 0.5 m/s this corresponds to a distance of 0.4 mm between two snapshots. In order
to mitigate the small-scale fading, spatial averaging is performed. The window size for the
resulting average power delay profiles (APDP) was set to 1.25 m, i.e. 3,125 CIRs.

Figure A-98: Pathloss results at 10 and 60.4 GHz for LOS (left) and NLOS (right) condition.

Figure A-98 shows the scatter plot of all pathloss values based on the APDP results, divided
by frequency and propagation condition. The solid and dashed lines show the linear least
squares fit to the data samples. For the pathloss fitting the following formula was used:
𝑃𝐿(𝑑)|dB = 𝑃𝐿(𝑑0 )|dB + 10𝑛 log10 (𝑑 ) , (A-13)

where 𝑃𝐿(𝑑0 )|dB denotes the pathloss at reference distance 𝑑0 , and 𝑛 denotes the pathloss
exponent. In the LOS case the intercept was fixed to be equal to the free space pathloss,
while in the NLOS case both, i.e. intercept and exponent value, were obtained using
parameter fitting. As indicated in the right figure, not all data samples were used for the fitting,
since the influence of the noise floor was too big for distances greater than 100 m.

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Table A-19 shows the intercept and exponent values for the different frequencies and
propagation conditions. The main difference in the PL intercept for 10 and 60 GHz is due to
the different effective antenna apertures.

Table A-19: Pathloss results.

10 GHz 60.4 GHz 10 GHz 60.4 GHz
PL exponent 1.82 2.02 3.77 3.26
PL intercept at
5 m reference 66.42 82.04 60.4 80.4
distance in dB

The delay spread was calculated as the second moment of the APDPs. Figure A-99 shows
exemplary APDPs for 10 and 60 GHz. As indicated in the figures, a threshold of 25 dB was
used to remove the noise floor.

Figure A-99: Exemplary normalized APDP for 10 (left) and 60 GHz (right).

Figure A-100: Delay spread CCDF for LOS (left) and NLOS (right) condition.

The complementary cumulative density function (CCDF) of the delay spreads for the LOS and
the NLOS cases are shown in Figure A-100. It can be seen, that the delay spread for 60 GHz
is in general smaller compared to 10 GHz. Since both antenna pairs were co-located, the
difference has to be explained by the difference in frequency and therefore relative roughness
of the surrounding object surfaces. Another explanation might be the additional attenuation at
60 GHz due to the Oxygen absorption.

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A.7 Plan for 14-23 GHz indoor measurement campaign

It has been seen necessary to perform various sets of measurements to increase the
understanding about the electromagnetic propagation mechanisms at frequencies not yet
utilized in radio communications. The measurement campaign by Anite is already initiated but
the end of the campaign is at the end of the Metis project. Thus the report does not contain
the measurement results but only the here summarized plan.
A.7.1 Types of measurements
The measurements are planned to be VNA (vector network analyser) measurements. Direct
connection from the VNA to the antennae is used. No any frequency up/down conversation is
applied. An amplifier close to TX antenna (horn with maximum gain of 17 dBi) is used to
compensate the cable losses. The TX antenna is rotated using the turntable and two
polarizations (vertical and horizontal) for the TX antenna are applied. The RX antenna is
omnidirectional conical dipole. The elevation angle is not varied but the antennae are on the
same height
A.7.2 Frequencies
The frequencies are in the range 14 GHz to 23 GHz. The Finnish communications regulatory
authority Ficora ( decided not to allow using the
whole band because of reserved frequency ranges but the final radio license is as follows:
 14000-14500 MHz (500 MHz)
 15700-17100 MHz (1400 MHz)
 18100-18300 MHz (200 MHz)
 19100-19300 MHz (200 MHz)
 19800-21600 MHz (1800 MHz)
 22600-23000 MHz (400 MHz)

However, because of the relatively narrow bandwidth the two centremost bands (between
18.1 GHz and 19.3 GHz) are not used to decrease the total measurement time. The set of
measurements is limited to the indoor measurements.
A.7.3 Measurement locations
The map below shows the preliminary plan for the measurement locations. There are quite
many measurement cases and probably some of them will be dropped because of time
The idea below is to perform three different sets of measurements. The legends with the red
symbols and letters R indicate the receiver at the height of 1.5 m. The blue legends (T) mean
the transmitters at the height of 1.5 m (user is moving). The transmitters are in two different
environments; the open office area T1 to T7 and the open café area T9 to T10. The green
legends (S) indicate the case that the receivers and transmitters are on the table (height 1 m).

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T2 R4
T3 = Receiver @ 1.5 m
R3 T1 S4 = Transmitter with 0° dir @ 1.5 m
S2 S3 = Transmitter / receiver @1 m
R2 R5
S1 S5 T5
R1 T4
T9 R7

Figure A-101: Planned measurement locations.

Because most of the area is an open office area there shall be some cases where there are
moving objects on the coupling paths. These moving objects are humans standing at certain
A.7.4 Expected results
A MATLAB code to save the result matrix is used. There are the following quantities:
polarization, angle of the TX antenna in the azimuth plane compared to the LOS path,
frequency, pathloss (n measurements) and the average calculated by the VNA from the n
At least the following parameters are post–processed out of the data:
- Pathloss as a function of frequency, arrival angle, distance and obstacles
- Impulse response

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Appendix B Detailed Propagation Scenarios

This section provides details of the propagation scenarios (PSs) presented in Section 3, and
the mapping between propagation scenarios and test cases (TCs).

During 2014, WP6 of METIS project has refined the assumptions for different propagation
environments in order to streamline the system simulations for the twelve TCs [MET15-D65].
Table B-1 summarizes the assumptions. Efficient deployment of the Madrid grid is feasible in
most of the TCs.
Table B-1: Refined test cases.
TC # TC name Carrier freq. Propagation model Notes
TC1 Indoor office 60 & 3.5 METIS indoor office High data rates
TC2 Dense urban 3.5 & 2 Madrid grid High data rates, D2D important
TC3 Shopping mall 60 METIS shopping mall Large array antennas (64x16
grid MIMO), large data rates
TC4 Stadium 60 & 2.6 NA D2D important, high data rates
TC5 Teleprotection 3.5 & 2 Madrid grid
TC6 Traffic jam 2.6 & 0.8 Madrid grid D2D important
TC7 Blind spot 2 Madrid grid Macro cell
TC8 Real-time 3.5 & 2 Madrid grid
TC9 Open air festival 60 & 2-6 METIS model D2D important
TC10 Emergency 3.5 & 2 & 0.8 Madrid grid Like TC2 but ruined environment,
communications I2O important
TC11 Massive use of 2 Madrid grid D2D important, low data rates,
sensors/actuator wide coverage
TC12 Traffic efficiency 5.9 Madrid grid D2D important
and safety

Since one TC can cover several PSs, mapping between PSs and TCs is needed as presented
in Table B-2. Lower case ‘x’ means that the PS is for below 6 GHz frequencies and capital ‘X’
means that the PS is for both below and above 6 GHz. For brevity the backhaul link type is not
shown. Drawings of some selected PSs are presented below in Figure B-1, Figure B-2, Figure
B-3, and Figure B-4 [MET13-D61].

Table B-2: Mapping of propagation scenarios on test cases.


Test Case
Propagation Scenario
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Urban Micro O2O X X x x x x X X x
Urban Micro O2I x x x
Urban Macro O2O x X x x x x X x x x
Urban Macro O2I x x x x

Rural O2O x x x x X x
Indoor Office X X x
Indoor Shopping mall X X
Open Air Festival x
Stadium x
Urban O2O (also V2V) x x x x x x x x
Urban O2I x x x

Rural O2O x x x
Indoor Office X X
Indoor Shopping mall X x

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Highway V2V x x
Open Air Festival x
Stadium x

Figure B-1: Indoor office. [MET13-D61]

Figure B-2: Madrid grid for Urban Micro and Urban Macro. [MET13-D61]

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200 m

300 m
Figure B-3: Shopping mall. [MET13-D61]

Figure B-4: Stadium [MET13-D61].

The simulation region in the stadium is shown above as the brown 30x40 m area. The slope
and dimensions of the spectator stand are shown in the rightmost figure. Other data is given
 The user relative height is 1 m above tribune level.
 The horizontal distance between rows is 1 m and the seats are situated in 0.5 m
intervals within a row.
 For D2D transmission additional propagation loss, e.g. 3 dB/m, is added to account for
human body loss attenuation.
 Although no mobility of users is assumed for Stadium, a velocity of 3 km/h may be
used to account for small-scale effects.

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A generic layout of the highway scenario is shown in Figure B-5. Parameters for the highway
scenario (two cases) are shown in Table B-3.

Table B-3: Highway cases.

Unit Normal Situation Traffic Jam
Maximum BS – Vehicle distance m 1000 1000
Number of lanes 6 6
Vehicle length m 5 5
Inter-vehicle distance m random 1
Number of vehicles per square km 100 1000
Max. vehicle speed km/h 250 50

Figure B-5: Highway.

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Appendix C Technical Details on Map-based Model

The map based modelling approach is based on realistic geometrical descriptions of specific
scenarios and deterministic modelling of propagation in terms of rays. For each specific link
between TX and RX there are a number of path-ways which contribute significantly to the
received power.

C.1 Model
C.1.1 LOS and diffracted pathways
The LOS and diffracted pathways are described by the Berg recursive model [Ber95]. This is a
semi-empirical model designed for signal strength prediction along streets in an urban
environment. It is semi-empirical in the sense that it reflects physical propagation mechanisms
without being strictly based on electromagnetics theory. It is based on the assumption that a
street corner appears like a source of its own when a propagating radio wave turns around it.
The corners of buildings and the antennas represent nodes (See Figure C-1 left).
Any two subsequent nodes must be in LOS with respect to each other. Moreover, for any
three subsequent nodes the middle node is blocking the LOS between the first and the third
node. Along a propagation path each node contributes a loss which depends on the change in
direction 𝜃. The loss at a specific node 𝑗 is a result of all previous nodes and is given by the
well-known expression for free space pathloss between isotropic antennas where a fictitious
distance 𝑑𝑗 is used, i.e.

𝐿𝑗|dB = 20 log10 ( 𝜆 ) (C-1)
where 𝜆 is the wave length. It should be noted that the fictitious distance corresponds to the
real distance multiplied by a factor at each diffraction node. The result is that the fictitious
distance 𝑑𝑗 becomes longer than the real distance meaning that it accounts for diffraction loss
when used in the free space loss expression (C-1). An example with four nodes is shown in
Figure C-1 (right). At each node, the fictitious distance is given by the following recursive

𝑑𝑗 = 𝑘𝑗 𝑠𝑗−1 + 𝑑𝑗−1 (C-2)


𝑘𝑗 = 𝑘𝑗−1 + 𝑑𝑗−1 𝑞𝑗−1 (C-3)

where 𝑠𝑗 is the real distance between node 𝑗 and its following node (𝑗 + 1), 𝑞𝑗 is a function of
𝜃𝑗 (See Figure C-1 middle). The initial values are 𝑑0 = 0 and 𝑘0 = 1.

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y [m]

x [m]

Figure C-1: Example of a street corner acting as a node (left), Manhattan map (middle),
topological example with four nodes (right).

The angle dependence is given by the following expression

𝜃𝑗 𝑣
𝑞𝑗 = 𝑞90 (90 deg) , (C-4)

where 𝜃𝑗 ∈ [0, 180] deg , 𝑞90 and 𝜈 are parameters determined by fitting the model to
measurement data. The parameter 𝑞90 accounts for the amount of diffraction loss caused by
each node. A larger value results in larger diffraction loss. The corresponding frequency
dependency is given by

𝑞90 = √ 𝜆𝜆 , (C-5)

where 𝑞𝜆 is a model parameter given in Table 6-1. The parameter 𝜈 accounts for how fast the
loss changes in the transition zone between LOS and NLOS. These two parameters are
known for frequencies below 6 GHz but need calibration by measurements for higher
frequencies. Further, there is a corresponding polarimetric matrix for these parameters
expressed in terms of horizontal and vertical polarizations as described in Appendix C.1.8.2.
In order to provide the received power for each path the antenna gains of each end of the link
are applied

𝑛|dB = 𝑃|dB + 𝐺|dB (𝐤𝑛 ) + 𝐺|dB (𝐤𝑛 ) − 𝐿𝐽𝑛 |dB ({𝜃𝑗 } ) (C-6)

where 𝐺TX RX
|dB (𝐤𝑛 ) and 𝐺|dB (𝐤𝑛 ) are the TX and RX antenna gains for the corresponding wave
vectors 𝐤TX RX
𝑛 and 𝐤𝑛 , while 𝐽𝑛 denotes the number of interactions of path 𝑛.

C.1.2 Determination of propagation pathways

In a first step, starting from the TX and RX locations, all possible second nodes visible to the
TX / RX node either with a LOS path or via a single specular reflection are identified. Possible
second nodes are diffraction points like corners, scattering objects or diffuse scattering point
sources. Further, specular images are also considered as second nodes in this step. Then the
coordinates and interaction types of interaction points (diffraction nodes and specular
reflection points) are determined. Possible pathways are identified by checking whether any
wall is blocking the direct or single order reflected paths. For specular image nodes blocking
occurs also if the path does not intersect the corresponding reflection surface as illustrated in
Figure C-2 and Figure C-3. In Figure C-2 the nodes, which are used for the Berg recursive
diffraction model are marked with blue circles, nodes used for the UTD diffraction model are
marked with blue and magenta circles, while specular image nodes are marked with green
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circles. The corresponding reflection surfaces are marked with green lines. This procedure
may be repeated to achieve any number of diffraction and specular reflection interactions.
When repeated, the nodes of previous steps act as TX / RX node in the first step.

y [m]

x [m]

Figure C-2: Determination of interaction nodes.

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y [m]


x [m]

Figure C-3: Determined pathways for the Berg recursive diffraction model. Here up to four
interactions of specular reflection and diffraction have been accounted for.

C.1.3 Example of RX route

Figure C-4 shows one example of pathways between TX and RX along the RX route and the
corresponding relative signal strength (relative to maximum power over the RX route) over the
full route. Here 𝑓𝑐 = 2 GHz, 𝑞90 = 0.5 m−1 and 𝑣 = 3.5 (recommended values for V-V
polarized antennas) have been used. Figure C-5 shows the corresponding received signal
(assuming isotropic antennas and 0 dBm transmit power) versus TX-RX distance. Figure C-6
shows the distributions of RX propagation path angles and distances along the route. In LOS,
only the LOS path contributes to the received power (all paths with power 40 dB below the
strongest path are disregarded). In NLOS condition there are several paths which contribute
to the received power, cf. Figure C-4.

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Rel pow. [dB]

y [m]

y [m]

x [m] x [m]

Figure C-4: Diffracted paths between TX and RX (left) and relative power over the RX route
Power [dBm]

Distance [m]

Figure C-5: Received power over the RX route for isotropic antennas and 0 dBm transmit power.
Propagation distance [m]
Azimuth angle [deg]

Rel pow. [dB]

Rel pow. [dB]

Time [s] Time [s]

Figure C-6: Path angles and propagation distances at RX along the route for direct paths only.
The power scale is relative to the strongest path for each RX location.

C.1.4 Shadowing objects

Each path may be obstructed for example by humans and/or vehicles. The effect of this
blocking may be substantial, particularly for higher frequencies in the millimetre range. This
effect is accounted for using a simplified blocking model [MH13]. Each blocking object is
approximated by a rectangular screen as illustrated in Figure C-7. The screen is vertical and

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perpendicularly oriented with respect to the line connecting the two nodes of the link in the
projection from above. This means that as either node is moving the screen turns around a
vertical line through the centre of the screen such that it is always perpendicular to the line
connecting TX and RX. The corresponding shadowing loss is modelled using a simple knife
edge diffraction model for the four edges of the screen as

𝐿𝑠ℎ|dB = −20 log10(1 − (𝐹ℎ1 + 𝐹ℎ2 )(𝐹𝑤1 + 𝐹𝑤2 )) (C-7)

where 𝐹ℎ1 ,𝐹ℎ2 and 𝐹𝑤1 ,𝐹𝑤2 account for knife edge diffraction at the four edges corresponding
to the height, ℎ, and width, 𝑤, of the screen (See Figure 6-3). The shadowing for a single edge
is given by

𝜋 𝜋
atan(± √ (𝐷1 +𝐷2 −𝑟))
2 𝜆
𝐹= 𝜋
, (C-8)

where 𝜆 is the wave length, 𝐷1 and 𝐷2 are the projected distances (according to the
projections from side and from above in Figure C-7) between the nodes and the edges of the
screen and 𝑟 is the projected distance between the nodes.
The plus sign refers to the shadow zone for each projection (i.e. it is possible that one
projection is in LOS and the other in NLOS). When the link is in NLOS the plus sign applies to
both edges. For LOS conditions the edge farthest from the link is in the shadow zone (plus
sign) and the other in the LOS zone (minus sign) as shown in Figure C-7. Figure C-9 shows a
comparison of the model with measurements at 60 GHz. For multiple blocking screens see
Section 6.2 Step 7.

Projection from above


Projection from side


Figure C-7: Shadowing screen model.

A random distribution of shadowing objects has been introduced along the streets as shown in
Figure C-8. In this case all blocking objects have a height of 2.5 m and a width of 3 m. The
shadowing model is applied between all pairs of connected nodes and for all screens. Figure
C-10 shows the corresponding result on the received power for two different TX heights of
1.5 m and 10 m. For the 10 m TX height the impact of shadowing objects is relatively small.
For the lower TX height of 1.5 m however the impact of shadowing is significant (about 7 dB
loss). Figure C-9 shows body blocking loss for a LOS link (4 m distance) at 60 GHz. The

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signal strength was measured as one person was walking back and forth crossing the LOS
link. A model screen width of 30 cm is used to approximate the width of the person. It should
be noted that the severe shadowing loss shown in the figure is due to the high frequency and
that the blocking object is close to the antenna. The results shown in Figure C-10 are for
2 GHz and in average considerable longer distances to the blocking objects.


y [m]
y [m]


x [m] x [m] Rel pow.


Figure C-8: Diffracted paths between TX and RX (left), and, relative power over the RX route
(right). Obstructing objects are shown with black dots.
Shadowing [dB]

Time [s]

Figure C-9: Body blocking loss for a LOS link (4 m distance) at 60 GHz.

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Received power [dBm]

Distance [m]

Figure C-10: Received power at 2 GHz over the RX route for isotropic antennas and 0 dBm
transmit power for 1.5 m RX height. The upper curve (blue) corresponds to the case with no
obstructing objects and the middle curve (red) to the case with obstructing objects when the TX
is at 10 m height and the lower curve (green) to the case when TX is at 1.5 m height.

C.1.5 Scattering objects

Each path may be scattered, as well as shadowed, by objects like humans or vehicles. The
effect of such scatterers is significant when they are located close to either end of the link (TX
or RX antennas). The scattering is accounted for using the same model as for the shadowing
[MH13]. The power of the scattered wave is modelled based on the scattering cross section
for a perfectly conducting sphere as

𝑅𝐶𝑆 = 𝜋𝑅 2 . (C-9)
The power density at the scatterer, according to Figure C-11, is given by

𝑆 𝑠𝑐 = 4𝜋(𝑅 2 (C-10)
The power at the receiver is then given by

𝜆 2
𝑃RX = 𝑆 𝑠𝑐 𝑅𝐶𝑆 𝐺 RX (4𝜋𝑅 ) . (C-11)
Inserting the expression for RCS gives

𝜆𝑅 2
𝑃RX = 𝑃TX 𝐺 TX 𝐺 RX ( ) , (C-12)
8𝜋𝑅1 𝑅2

which also shows that the reciprocity is kept.

Further, it is assumed that the scattered power is also shadowed i.e. it is reduced according to
the shadowing model. The corresponding scattered power is given by

𝜆 2 2
𝑃RX = 𝑆 𝑠𝑐 𝑅𝐶𝑆 𝐺 RX (4𝜋𝑅 ) (1 − 𝛼)(1 − (𝐹ℎ1 + 𝐹ℎ2 )(𝐹𝑤1 + 𝐹𝑤2 )) . (C-13)

where 𝛼 is the absorption coefficient of the scatterer. In order to match the size of the screen
with the cross section of the sphere the radius is set to

𝑅=√ . (C-14)

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As the expression is reciprocal, receive and transmit nodes may be switched depending on
which node is in the vicinity of the scatterer. Moreover, if the scatterer is located between two
intermediate nodes, e.g. diffraction corners, the shadowing loss and the scattered paths are
determined according to (C-14)) except that the receive antenna gain is used only at the RX
node i.e.

1 2 2
𝑃𝑛𝑜𝑑 = 𝑆 𝑠𝑐 𝑅𝐶𝑆 (𝑅 ) (1 − 𝛼)(1 − (𝐹ℎ1 + 𝐹ℎ2 )(𝐹𝑤1 + 𝐹𝑤2 )) . (C-15)

Figure C-11: Schematic drawing of the scattering model.

Figure C-12 shows the pathways between the TX and significant scatterers around the RX,
and, RX and significant scatterers around TX. The corresponding distributions of path angles
and path propagation distances are shown in Figure C-13.

y [m]

y [m]


x [m] x [m]
y [m]
y [m]

Rel pow. Rel pow.

x [m] [dB]
x [m] [dB]

Figure C-12: Paths between TX and scatterers around one RX location (upper left) and paths
between one RX location and scatterers around TX (upper right), and, relative power over the RX
route due to scatterers around RX (lower left) and scatterers around TX (lower right).

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Propagation distance [m]

Azimuth angle [deg]

Rel pow. Rel pow.

Time [s] Time [s] [dB]

Propagation distance [m]

Azimuth angle [deg]

Rel pow. Rel pow.

Time [s] [dB] Time [s] [dB]

Figure C-13: Distributions of path angles (left) and propagation distances (right) at RX for paths
between TX and scatterers around RX (lower) and paths between RX and scatterers around TX
(upper). The power is relative to the strongest path (LOS or diffracted) shown in Figure C-6.

Only scatterers which are in LOS to either TX and/or RX or in LOS to the first and the last of
three consecutive nodes are selected. Moreover, the power of the scattered wave should be
more than -40 dB relative to the strongest path.
C.1.6 Specular paths
Specular reflection is described in Section 6.2 Step 9
C.1.7 Diffuse paths
In addition to the specular paths a set of random point sources can be introduced over the
surfaces of the exterior walls accounting for the surface roughness. A uniform distribution of
point sources may be used. Moreover the distribution should be as sparse as possible in order
reduce the model complexity. Typically the density of the point sources should not be higher
than what can be resolved by the antennas used in the simulation. Details can found in
Section 6.2 Step 11.
C.1.8 Diffraction
C.1.8.1 Calculation of electric field with ray-method
When the ray interacts N times (such as reflection, transmission and diffraction) between
source and observation points, let ̅𝑾 ̅̅𝑛 (𝑛 = 1~𝑁) be a dyadic coefficient which accommodates
the ray interactions, in general, the electric field of the ith ray can be derived as

𝑃 𝑒 −𝑗𝑘𝑟𝑖 (𝑡) (𝑡)

𝐸𝑖 = √4𝜋𝑡 𝑭𝒕 (𝜃𝑖 , 𝜙𝑖 ) ∏𝑵 ̅̅̅
𝒏=𝟏 𝑾𝒏 . (C-16)

Where, 𝑃𝑡 is transmitted power, 𝑘 is wavenumber (𝑘 = 2𝜋/𝜆), 𝑟𝑖 is total path length, 𝑟0 is path

(𝑡) (𝑡)
length between source and a first diffraction point and (𝜃𝑖 , 𝜙𝑖 ) are the angles of the

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launched ray from the source to the first diffraction point. The antenna pattern of transmitter 𝑭𝒕
is introduced with gain pattern 𝐺𝜃 and 𝐺𝜙 as

𝑭𝒕 (𝜃, 𝜙) = √𝐺𝜃 (𝜃, 𝜙) ̂𝒖𝒕𝜽 + √𝐺𝜙 (𝜃, 𝜙) ̂𝒖𝒕𝝓 . (C-17)

Here 𝒖̂ 𝒕𝜽 , 𝒖
̂ 𝒕𝝓 are unit vectors with the origin at the source point. In this section, calculation of
diffraction is of interest and the concept of UTD (Uniform Geometrical Theory of Diffraction) is
C.1.8.2 Propagation of diffraction
Figure C-14 illustrates canonical model for wedge diffraction where the spread angle of the
wedge is (2 − 𝑛)𝜋 with the incident ray impinges at skew angle. Unit vector 𝒍̂ parallel to the
direction of the wedge is also defined as shown. Unit vectors 𝒓̂in and 𝒓̂𝐷 indicate direction of
propagation for the incident ray and the diffracted ray with respect to diffraction point D,
These unit vectors are related based on the Fermat principle;

(𝒓̂in − 𝒓̂𝐷 )𝒍̂ = 0. (C-18)

Equation (C-18) indicates the extended Snell`s law of 𝛽𝐷 = 𝛽in . The diffracted ray should be
defined within a cone of the spread angle 𝛽𝐷 with an apex at D: the diffracted ray propagates
with arbitrary angles in a xy-plane. Hence the unit vector of direction of propagation for
diffracted ray can be determined by

sin 𝛽in cos 𝜙𝐷

𝒓̂𝐷 = ( sin 𝛽in sin 𝜙𝐷 ). (C-19)
− cos 𝛽in

Figure C-14: Model for canonical problem of diffraction

C.1.8.3 Calculation of diffraction

In order to consider diffraction, the dyadic coefficient ̅𝑾
̅̅𝑛 is replaced with dyadic diffraction
coefficient 𝑫 as

̅̅̅𝑛 = 𝑫
𝑾 ̅ 𝐴(𝑟𝑖𝑛 , 𝑟𝐷 ), (C-20)
where 𝐴(𝑟𝑖𝑛 , 𝑟𝐷 ) is so-called the spreading factor. For example, when the incident ray is a
spherical wave, the spreading factor is defined as

𝐴(𝑟𝑖𝑛 , 𝑟𝐷 ) = √(𝑟 +𝑟
. (C-21)
𝑖𝑛 𝐷 ) 𝑟𝐷

Here the path length between a source point (or a former diffraction point when multiple
diffractions are considered) and a diffraction point is 𝑟𝑖𝑛 . The path length between the
diffraction point to an observation point (or a latter diffraction point when multiple diffractions
are considered) is 𝑟𝐷 . The dyadic diffraction coefficient 𝑫̅ is expressed with scalar diffraction

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𝐷𝑎 𝐷𝑏 𝒖 ̂D
̅ = (𝒖
𝑫 ̂ in
𝜷 ̂ in
𝒖 𝝓)( ) ( D) (C-22)
𝐷𝑐 𝐷𝑑 𝒖 ̂𝝓

̂ in
Here, 𝒖 𝜷,𝒖̂ in ̂D
𝝓, 𝒖 ̂D
𝜷 , and 𝒖𝝓 are defined as

𝒍̂−𝒓̂in cos 𝛽in

̂ in
𝒖 𝜷 = (C-23)
sin 𝛽in

𝒓̂ ×𝒍̂
̂ in
𝒖 in
𝝓 = sin 𝛽 (C-24)

𝒍̂−𝒓̂D cos 𝛽D
𝒖𝜷 = (C-25)
sin 𝛽D

𝒓̂ ×𝒍̂
𝒖 𝐷
𝝓 = sin 𝛽 (C-26)

When multiple ray interactions (e.g. reflection, transmission and diffraction) occurred N times,
the dyadic coefficients ̅𝑾
̅̅1~𝑁 should be defined respectively. After all, the coefficients are
multiplied by the inner product as in (C-16) in order to derive electric field at an observation
Simple polarization model
In order to provide low complexity modelling of polarization the following approach is
proposed. The parameters of the Berg recursive model [Ber95] are generalized to account for
polarization by providing a polarization matrix for q90 i.e.

 qVV VH
q90 
Q90   90
. (C-27)
 q90 q90 
Each element accounts for the polarization coupling between horizontal (H) and vertical (V)
polarized TX and RX antennas. If the propagation path is elevated the V-polarization is in the
direction perpendicular to the path and the horizontal direction (H). The parameter  is
assumed to be independent of polarization. Literature indicates cross polarization
discrimination (XPD) values in the range 10-20 dB. For diffraction it is assumed that the XPD
is large. Lower XPD values are most likely caused by diffuse scattering and specular reflection
resulting in paths having significant elevation angles.

C.1.9 Modelling O2I

A simplified principle to model outdoor to indoor propagation is described in this sub-section.
The reasoning for the simplification is to keep complexity as low as possible and to avoid
defining any detailed exterior wall structures such as windows. The model is divided into two
cases depending on the level of available details: i) no indoor layout is specified as sketched
in Figure C-15b ii) also indoor layout is specified as illustrated in Figure C-16b.
In both cases the paths are determined assuming that the building where the user is located
does not exist. In other words the exterior walls are fully transparent in outdoor-to-indoor
direction in the phase of determining propagation paths. When the paths have been identified
the building is reintroduced and the corresponding attenuations, for each path, due to wall and
floor penetration are determined. In order to keep the model simple paths diffracted by e.g.
window frames are neglected. There are two different complexity levels of determining the
penetration loss:
1) The penetration loss for path 𝑖 is determined by

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𝐿𝑖|dB = 𝐿𝑤𝑒|dB + 𝛼 𝑑𝑖𝑛 (C-28)

where 𝐿𝑤𝑒 is a constant for the exterior wall loss, 𝛼 [dB/m] is a constant for the interior wall
and floor penetration loss, and, 𝑑𝑖𝑛 is the path distance inside the building.
2) The penetration loss for path 𝑖 is determined by

𝑓 𝑁 𝑁
𝐿𝑖 = ∑𝑛=1 𝐿𝑛 + ∑𝑚=1
𝐿𝑚 (C-29)

where 𝑁𝑓 and 𝑁𝑤 are the number of penetrated floors each having the loss 𝐿𝑛 and 𝐿𝑚
respectively. Either constant values (frequency dependent) are used for each type of wall and
floor or the more accurate definition of Appendix E.2.3, where the loss depends on thickness,
material, frequency and angle of incidence.
In the case (i) of no indoor layout, the propagation paths are determined from TX to RX as
illustrated in Figure C-15 based only on the outdoor map. Then for each pathway the
penetration loss is calculated by (C-28) based on the distance 𝑑𝑖𝑛 from a penetration point on
an exterior wall to the indoor link end. Finally per path penetration losses are multiplied to path
gains and channel matrix coefficients.
In the second case (ii) it is assumed that the indoor layout is confined and located inside a
building block. Now, different to the previous case, there may be interactions with indoor
structures also. Again propagation pathways from outdoor to indoor are determined. Exterior
walls are transparent similarly to the previous case. The walls, floor and ceiling confining the
indoor layout are transparent from outdoor-to-indoor, but not transparent from indoor-to-
outdoor. This is illustrated by Figure C-16 a where the light blue pathways would be present
also in the previous case, and the red pathways result from interaction with the outdoor space
and indoor space. When pathways are determined the penetration loss is calculated by
Equation (C-29) or alternatively Equation (C-28) and multiplied to path gains and channel
matrix coefficients.

a) b)

Figure C-15: Example of determination of outdoor to indoor paths. In a) the paths are identified
with the building removed. In b) and c) the building is reintroduced in order to determine
penetration loss due to walls and floors.

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Figure C-16: Combination of an outdoor map with an indoor layout. a) Example of determination
of outdoor to indoor paths. b) Virtual office layout (red drawing) inside a building block of
Madrid map.

C.1.10 Modelling propagation over roof-tops

For propagation over roof-tops the vertical plane method is used as described in [LB98]. The
basic principle is to ray trace in two stages. In the first stage ray tracing in the horizontal plane
only is performed as described previously in this section. If in this stage the TX or RX is
located on a roof top, that corresponding building is removed. In next stage each paths is
adjusted in elevation with a constant slope so that the TX and RX heights match the path end
points. Then, each path that is obstructed, in 3D, by one or more buildings is modified inside
its corresponding projected vertical plane by finding all diffraction points at corresponding
horizontal roof-top edges as shown in Figure C-17. For each diffraction point the
corresponding diffraction matrix is calculated according to UTD or the Berg recursive model
(Sections C.1.1 and C.1.8). Reflection points from opposing buildings or ground can be found
utilizing ray optics principles assuming diffraction point as a source radiating to all directions
within the plane. Subsequent diffractions and reflections both in vertical planes and in 2D
(horizontal) dimensions are supported by the VPL. For details more see [LB98].


Figure C-17: Example of determination of over roof-top paths. In a) the paths are identified in the
horizontal plane assuming the building where the access point is located is removed. The 3D
paths are blocked by the building and corresponding diffraction points are found at the roof-top
edge as shown on in b).

C.1.11 Modelling of indoor environments

Indoor environments are modelled using the same basic principles as outdoor environments.
The main differences are the ceiling reflections, the penetration between rooms and screens,
and, that the size of the geometry is smaller. Moreover specular reflections and scattering and
shadowing by objects are the most significant mechanisms indoors whereas in outdoor
environments, diffraction is more important. In this document a detailed description is provided

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only for outdoor scenarios. However, the indoor scenario should be possible to model
essentially without additional effort as compared with the outdoor scenario.

C.2 Discussion on modelling non-stationary objects

In this section we discuss the vehicles and human beings as non-stationary (moving) objects
that may have a substantial impact on the quality of the connections of other users in the
vicinity. These objects have two main effects: shadowing and scattering. The objects shadow
locations behind them and scatter radio waves from the surface visible to the coming radio
wave, practically into directions not in the shadowed region. To accurately model the effect of
the objects to the radio links both these phenomena need to be taken into account. Both
shadowing and scattering are functions of frequency.
Most channel models so far have not modelled the non-stationary objects directly. It can be
assumed that non-stationary objects cause part of the shadowing in these models. However,
no precise knowledge about the effect of the objects and the density of them has been
available. The following characteristics are needed to define the effect of a non-stationary
- Size, shape and material of the object.
- Location, orientation and velocity of the object.
- Directions of the incoming and diffracting or scattering waves.
- Carrier frequency.
To determine the effect of all significant objects, the distribution and density of the objects are
C.2.1 The principle of the scattering/shadowing model
In reality an object is a shadower and a scatterer simultaneously depending on the considered
wave. Shadowing of each path can be calculated with proper diffraction formulas from the
geometry of the connection and the environment.
Scattering from objects depend on the shape, size and material as well as the direction of the
illumination. Human beings have their typical scattering properties, as well as the cars and
C.2.2 State of the art
To model the shadowing of an object like a vehicle or a human accurately is a complex task.
Therefore some simplification is needed. Different approaches have been used like diffraction
past some kind of plate or a simple structure like in [KP08; JPM+11; GTD+07; TIO13; MH13].
In [GTD+07] a cylindrical model of the (human) scatterer and the uniform theory of diffraction
(UTD) have been used. In [KP08; MH13] a double knife-edge and in [JPM+11] multiple knife-
edge have been investigated. In [TIO13] two thin plates with dielectric coating have been used
with a shape of human cross section together with UTD. Although the shadowing approach
has been applied more to shadowing by human beings, it can be applied also to vehicles
In a measurement campaign performed in METIS project, see Appendix A.2 a very interesting
macroscopic result was obtained: In the measurements during daytime the pathloss was
about 5 dB higher than in a corresponding result at night.
References [SBW08; BE10] propose a method using so-called scattering centres in vehicles
to model scattering from motor cars. They claim that even 10 to 20 scattering centres would
be sufficient to model scattering from cars precisely. Unfortunately precise data from the
simulations are not available.
C.2.3 Mobility model
The mobility model specifies the following features for all objects:

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- Location as function of time and the sampling interval.

- Velocity vector for each sampling interval.
- Orientation of each object.
For some TCs in METIS project the locations of the vehicles and/or human beings have been
specified in [MET13-D61], as well as the locations of the BSs. The orientations of the objects
are specified in [MET13-D61] or need to be defined in the channel model. The Doppler
spectrum can be calculated from the velocities of the BS (if moving), UEs and objects and
properties of the radio waves entering the objects and link ends antennas (see Section 6.2).

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Appendix D Details on step-by-step instructions in 3GPP’s 3D

channel model
The geometry-based stochastic model described in this section follows the WINNER [WIN208-
D112]. For urban Micro-cell (UMi) and urban macro Macro-cell (UMa) scenarios it is extended
to 3D propagation based on the latest findings in 3GPP, cf. [3GPP14-36873]. The general
procedure for channel coefficient generation is depicted in Figure D-1 and is explained in
detail in this section.
General parameters:

Set scenario, Assign propagation Generate correlated

network layout and condition (NLOS/ large scale
Calculate pathloss
antenna parameters LOS) parameters (DS,
AS, SF, K)

Small scale parameters:

Perform random Generate arrival & Generate cluster

Generate XPRs Generate delays
coupling of rays departure angles powers

Coefficient generation:

Draw random initial Generate channel Apply pathloss and

phases coefficient shadowing

Figure D-1: Channel coefficient generation procedure [3GPP14-36873].

D.1 Choose the system centre frequency 𝒇𝒄

A common default value is 2 GHz. The valid frequency range as of WINNER+ was given by
0.45 – 6.0 GHz, cf. [WIN+10-D53].

D.2 Choose one of the scenarios (3D-UMa, 3D-UMi)

D.3 Choose the number of BSs and UEs

Please note that in the following BSs refer to transmitters (TXs) and UEs refer to receivers
(RXs) since we are only considering the user downlink.

D.4 Choose BS and UE antenna field patterns

𝑭rx (𝜃, 𝜙) and 𝑭tx (𝜃, 𝜙) need to be given in the global coordinate system as defined in Section

D.5 Generate BS locations

In case of system-level simulations, the BSs are regularly placed on a grid. The 2D
coordinates of the BSs in the horizontal plane can be extracted from the commonly used
hexagonal grid network layout, as given in Figure D-2. Intersite distances (ISDs) of 200 m and
500 m for 3D-UMi and 3D-UMa respectively are common default values, cf. [ITUR09-2135].
Common values for the BS heights are 10 m (3D-UMi) and 25 m (3D-UMa).
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Figure D-2: Cellular grid layout [ITUR09-2135].

In D2D simulations, we need to generate locations for pairs of UEs for each link instead of BS
locations. This can be done by increasing the number of UEs and generating the locations as
described in the following subsection.

D.6 Generate UE locations

The 2D coordinates of the UEs in the horizontal plane may be uniformly distributed over the
whole network layout area, while the heights depend on whether the users are located indoors
or outdoors. In [3GPP14-36873] it is assumed that 80 % of the users are located indoors. The
outdoor users are assumed to be located at the same height, i.e. 1.5 m above the ground. For
the two scenarios 3D-UMa and 3D-UMi the environment height is assumed to be flat, i.e.
ℎ𝐸 = 0 m. The indoor users on the other hand may be located on different floors inside a
building. In [3GPP14-36873], the number of floors per building is equally distributed between 4
and 8 floors, i.e. 𝑁floors ~ 𝒰{4,8}. The UE height is then given by ℎUE = 3(𝑛floor − 1) + 1.5 with
𝑛floor ~ 𝒰{}. Before placing the UEs in the network layout, it has to be ensured that the UEs
are in the far-field (Fraunhofer) region of the BS antennas, i.e. 𝑑3D ≥ 𝑑f , with the Fraunhofer
distance being defined as

2𝐷 2
𝑑f = , (D-1)

where 𝐷 denotes the largest dimension of the radiator and 𝜆 the wavelength of the transmitted
radio signal. In the past this was ensured by placing the UEs at minimum 2D distances of
35 m in case of UMa and 10 m in case of UMi. The radiator dimensions are usually
proportional to the radio frequency, but they also depend on the desired antenna
characteristics, e.g. antenna beam widths. Generally, smaller desired beam widths require
more antenna elements, which increase the antenna size. The LOS direction of departure
𝑑 𝑑 𝑎 𝑎
(𝜃LOS , 𝜙LOS ) and arrival (𝜃LOS , 𝜙LOS ) result directly from the generated BS and UE locations.

D.7 Generate BS antenna orientations

The BS antenna orientations are defined by three angles ΩBS,α (BS bearing angle), ΩBS,β (BS
downtilt angle) and ΩBS,γ (BS slant angle). The bearing angles may be derived from the
hexagonal grid network layout in [ITUR09-2135], while the mechanical downtilt angles are
commonly assumed to be around 12 degrees. The slant angles are usually zero degrees.

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D.8 Generate UE antenna orientations

The UE antenna orientations are defined by three angles ΩUE,α (UE bearing angle), ΩUE,β (UE
downtilt angle) and ΩUE,γ (UE slant angle). The orientation may be completely randomly
generated or based on more realistic distributions.

D.9 Generate UE velocity vectors

The direction of motion of the receiver vrx in the global coordinate system may be chosen
uniformly at random in the horizontal plane. A typical value for the magnitude is 3 km/h.
Besides the fixed velocity case the magnitude could also be generated at random according to
a more realistic distribution.
In case of D2D simulations there needs to be a second velocity vector defined for the second
UE, i.e. 𝒗tx , which can be generated in the same way as 𝒗rx .

D.10 Determine LOS/NLOS links

Assign propagation conditions (LOS/NLOS) according to Table D-1 and Table D-2. The given
probabilities for outdoor UEs are based on [ITUR09-2135], while the probabilities for indoor
users were developed in [3GPP14-36873]. The different distances used are defined Figure
D-3 and in Equation (D-2).
For the hybrid model approach there is another possible option to determine whether a link is
in LOS or NLOS condition. With available explicit building/scene models, the same approach
as in the map-based model could be used to make this distinction.

𝑑3D−out + 𝑑3D−in = √(𝑑2D−out + 𝑑2D−in )2 + (ℎBS − ℎUE )2 (D-2)

Table D-1: 3D-UMi LOS link probabilities [3GPP14-36873].

1 𝑑2D ≤ 18 m
Prob(LOS|outdoor UE) = { 18 m 18 m 𝑑2D
+ (1 − ) exp (− ) 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒
𝑑2D 𝑑2D 36 m

Note that 𝑑2D ≥ 𝑑2D,min with 𝑑2D,min = 10 m

1 𝑑2D−out ≤ 18 m
Prob(LOS|indoor UE) = { 18 m 18 m 𝑑2D−out
+ (1 − ) exp (− ) 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒
𝑑2D−out 𝑑2D−out 36 m

Note that 𝑑2D−out ≥ 𝑑2D,min with 𝑑2D,min = 10 m

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Figure D-3: 2D and 3D distances for outdoor (left) and indoor (right) UEs.

Table D-2: 3D-UMa LOS link probabilities [3GPP14-36873].

1 𝑑2D ≤ 18 m
Prob(LOS|outdoor UE) = {18 m 18 m 𝑑2D
+ (1 − ) exp (− ) 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒
𝑑2D 𝑑2D 63 m
Assuming that ℎUE < 13 m.
Note that 𝑑2D ≥ 𝑑2D,min with 𝑑2D,min = 35 m

Prob(LOS|indoor UE)
1 𝑑2D−out ≤ 18 m
={ 18 m 18 m 𝑑2D−out
( + (1 − ) exp (− )) (1 + 𝐶(𝑑2D−out , ℎUE )) 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒
𝑑2D−out 𝑑2D−out 63 m
0 hUE < 13 𝑚
𝐶(𝑑2D−out , ℎUE ) = { hUE − 13 m 1.5
( ) 𝑔(𝑑2D−out ) 13 m ≤ hUE ≤ 23 m
10 m
𝑑2D−out 3 𝑑2D−out
𝑔(𝑑2D−out ) = 1.25 ∙ 10−6 ( ) exp (− )
1m 150 m

Note that 𝑑2D−out ≥ 𝑑2D,min with 𝑑2D,min = 35 m

A linear approximation considering the BS antenna height yields the following general
expression for the LOS probability of outdoor UEs

1 𝑑2D ≤ 18 m
Prob(LOS|outdoor UE) = {18 m 18 m 5𝑑2D . (D-3)
+ (1 − ) exp (− ) 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒
𝑑2D 𝑑2D 9ℎBS +90 m

D.11 Generate large-scale parameters

Please see Section 7.

D.12 Generate path delays

Delays are drawn randomly from the delay distribution defined in Table 7-2. Assuming an
exponential delay distribution the delays can be generated by
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𝜏𝑛′ = −𝑟𝜏 𝐷𝑆 ln(𝑋𝑛 ), (D-4)

where 𝐷𝑆 is the RMS delay spread, 𝑟𝜏 the delay distribution proportionality factor, 𝑋𝑛 ~𝒰(0,1),
and cluster index 𝑛 ∈ [1, 𝑁].
Given a uniform delay distribution, the delay values 𝜏𝑛′ are drawn from the corresponding
Finally, the delays are being normalised and sorted in ascending order, s.t. 𝜏1 = 0 and
𝜏𝑛−1 ≤ 𝜏𝑛 for 𝑛 ∈ [2, 𝑁].

𝜏𝑛 = 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑡(𝜏𝑛′ − min({𝜏𝑖′ }𝑁
𝑖=1 )) (D-5)

In the case of LOS condition, additional scaling of delays is required to compensate for the
effect of LOS peak addition to the delay spread.
𝜏𝑛𝐿𝑂𝑆 = 𝐶 𝑛 . (D-6)

The heuristically determined scaling constant 𝐶𝐷𝑆 depends on the Ricean K-factor and is
defined as

𝐾𝐹 𝐾𝐹 2 𝐾𝐹 3
𝐶𝐷𝑆 = 0.7705 − 0.0433 (dB) + 0.0002 (dB) + 0.000017 (dB) , (D-7)

with 𝐾𝐹 being the Ricean K-factor in dB scale defined in Table 7-2. The scaled delays are not
to be used in cluster power generation.
Note that the resulting delay values are relative to the LOS delay. In case absolute delay
values are of interest, the propagation time of the LOS path needs to be added.

D.13 Generate cluster powers

Cluster powers are calculated assuming a single slope exponential power delay profile. Power
assignment depends on the delay distribution. With exponential delay distribution the cluster
powers are determined by
𝑟𝜏 −1
𝑃𝑛′ = 10 10 exp (−𝜏𝑛 𝑟𝜏 𝐷𝑆
), (D-8)

2 )
where 𝐶𝑆𝐹𝑛 ~𝒩(0, 𝜎𝐶𝑆𝐹 is the per cluster shadow fading (CSF) term in [dB]. Average the
power, so that the sum power of all cluster powers is equal to one, i.e.,

𝑃𝑛 = ∑𝑁 𝑛 ′ . (D-9)
𝑖=1 𝑃𝑖

In the case of LOS condition an additional specular component is added to the first cluster.
The power of the LOS component is given by
𝑃1,𝐿𝑂𝑆 = 𝐾𝐹+1, (D-10)

whereas the cluster powers are not as in (D-9), but

1 𝑃′
𝑃𝑛 = 𝐾+1 ∑𝑁 𝑛𝑃′ + 𝛿(𝑛 − 1)𝑃1,𝐿𝑂𝑆 , (D-11)
𝑖=1 𝑖

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where 𝛿(𝑛) is Dirac’s delta function and 𝐾𝐹 is the Ricean K-factor given in Table 7-2 and
converted to linear scale. These power values are used only in (D-10) and (D-10), but not in
Assign the power of each subpath 𝑚 within a cluster 𝑛 is given by
𝑃𝑛,𝑚 = 𝑀
, (D-12)

where 𝑀 is the number of subpaths per cluster.

Remove clusters with less than -25 dB power compared to the maximum cluster power.

D.14 Generate arrival and departure directions

D.14.1 Generate azimuth angles of arrival
The composite power angular spectrum (PAS) in azimuth of all clusters is modelled as
wrapped Gaussian (cf. Table 7-2). The azimuth angles of arrival are determined by applying
the inverse Gaussian function (D-13) with input parameters 𝑃𝑛 and RMS angle spread 𝐴𝑆𝐴

𝜙̂𝑛𝑎 = √− ln ( ), (D-13)
0.7 𝐶𝐴𝑆 max({𝑃𝑖 }𝑁
𝑖=1 )

where 𝐴𝑆𝐴 denotes the azimuth spread of arrival as generated in Section 7.1.1.
In (D-13) the constant 𝐶𝐴𝑆 is a scaling factor related to the total number of clusters 𝑁 and is
given in Table D-3.
Table D-3: Scaling factors for AOA, AOD generation.
𝑁 4 5 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 19 20
𝐶𝐴𝑆 0.779 0.860 1.018 1.090 1.123 1.146 1.190 1.211 1.226 1.273 1.289

In the LOS case, constant 𝐶𝐴𝑆 is also dependent on the Ricean K-factor. Constant 𝐶𝐴𝑆 in
Equation (D-13) is substituted by 𝐶𝐴𝑆 . An additional scaling of the angles is required in order
to compensate for the effect of the additional LOS. The heuristically determined Ricean K-
factor dependent scaling constant is given by

𝐶𝐴𝑆 = 𝐶𝐴𝑆 (1.1035 − 0.028 (dB) − 0.002 (dB) + 0.0001 (dB) ), (D-14)

where 𝐾𝐹 is the Ricean K-factor in dB scale as given in Table 7-2. More details on the
derivation of 𝐶𝐴𝑆 and 𝐶𝐴𝑆 can be found in [3GPP13].
Finally the azimuth angles of arrival are given by

𝑋𝑛 𝜙̂𝑛𝑎 + 𝑌𝑛 + 𝜙𝐿𝑂𝑆
for NLOS links
𝜙𝑛𝑎 = { , (D-15)
𝑋𝑛 𝜙̂𝑛𝑎 + 𝑌𝑛 − 𝑋1 𝜙̂1𝑎 − 𝑌1 + 𝜙𝐿𝑂𝑆
for LOS links

𝐴𝑆𝐴 2 𝑎
with 𝑋𝑛 ~ 𝒰{−1, +1} being a uniformly distributed random variable and 𝑌𝑛 ~𝒩 (0, ( 7
) ). 𝜙𝐿𝑂𝑆
is the LOS direction defined in the network layout description.
Finally add offset angles 𝛼𝑚 from (D-4) to the cluster angles
𝜙𝑛,𝑚 = 𝜙𝑛𝑎 + 𝐶𝐴𝑆𝐴 𝛼𝑚 , (D-16)

where 𝐶𝐴𝑆𝐴 is the cluster-wise RMS azimuth spread of arrival angles (cluster ASA) as given
in Table 7-2.

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Table D-4: Ray offset angles within a cluster, given for 1 RMS angle spread [WIN208-D112].
Ray number 𝒎 Offset angles 𝜶𝒎
1,2 ± 0.0447
3,4 ± 0.1413
5,6 ± 0.2492
7,8 ± 0.3715
9,10 ± 0.5129
11,12 ± 0.6797
13,14 ± 0.8844
15,16 ± 1.1481
17,18 ± 1.5195
19,20 ± 2.1551

The above table assumes relatively coarse spatial resolution at transmitter/receiver. It is not
suitable for massive MIMO. More accurate way to generate the ray offsets is to use direct
sampling of the Laplacian shape as described in [FJN+15].

a) Conventional method b) New method

Figure D-4: Implementation of Laplacian shape.

D.14.2 Generate azimuth angles of departure

The generation of the azimuth angles of departure 𝜙𝑛,𝑚 follows a similar procedure as the
generation of arrival angles.
D.14.3 Generate elevation angles of arrival
The generation of elevation angles of arrival (EOAs) assumes that the composite PAS in the
elevation dimension of all clusters is Laplacian (see Table 7-2). The EOAs are determined by
applying the inverse Laplacian function (D-17) with input parameters 𝑃𝑛 and RMS angle
spread 𝐸𝑆𝐴.

𝜃̂𝑛𝑎 = − 𝐶 ln (𝑚𝑎𝑥({𝑃𝑛 }𝑁 ), (D-17)
𝐸𝑆 𝑖 𝑖=1 )

where 𝐸𝑆𝐴 denotes the elevation spread of arrival as generated in Section 7.1.1.
In (D-17) the constant 𝐶𝐸𝑆 is a scaling factor related to the total number of clusters 𝑁 and is
given in . More details on the derivation of 𝐶𝐸𝑆 and 𝐶𝐸𝑆 can be found in [3GPP13].

Table D-5: Scaling factors for EOA, EOD Generation.

𝑵 12 19 20
𝐶𝐸𝑆 1.104 1.184 1.178

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In the LOS case, constant 𝐶𝐸𝑆 in (D-17) is substituted by 𝐶𝐸𝑆 given by:

𝐶𝐸𝑆 = 𝐶𝐸𝑆 (1.3086 + 0.0339 (𝑑𝐵) − 0.0077 (𝑑𝐵) + 0.0002 (𝑑𝐵) ) (D-18)

where 𝐾𝐹 is the Ricean K-factor in dB scale defined in Table 7-2.

Finally the elevation angles of arrival are given by

𝑋𝑛 𝜃̂𝑛𝑎 + 𝑌𝑛 + 𝜃̅ 𝑎 for NLOS links

𝜃𝑛𝑎 = { , (D-19)
𝑋𝑛 𝜃̂𝑛𝑎 + 𝑌𝑛 − 𝑋1 𝜃̂1𝑎 − 𝑌1 + 𝜃̅ 𝑎 for LOS links

with 𝑋𝑛 ~ 𝒰{−1, +1} being a uniformly distributed random variable and 𝑌𝑛 ~𝒩 (0, ( 7
) ).

90° for indoor users

𝜃̅ 𝑎 = { 𝑎 . (D-20)
𝜃𝐿𝑂𝑆 for outdoor users
The LOS direction 𝜃𝐿𝑂𝑆 is defined by the BS and UE location.
Finally add offset angles 𝛼𝑚 from Table D-4 to the cluster angles
𝜃𝑛,𝑚 = 𝜃𝑛𝑎 + 𝐶𝐸𝑆𝐴𝛼𝑚 , (D-21)

where 𝐶𝐸𝑆𝐴 is the cluster-wise RMS elevation angular spread of arrival (cluster ESA) in Table
𝑎 𝑎 𝑎
7-2. Assuming that 𝜃𝑛,𝑚 is wrapped within [0°, 360°], if 𝜃𝑛,𝑚 ∈ [180°, 360°], then 𝜃𝑛,𝑚 is set to
(360° − 𝜃𝑛,𝑚 ).
D.14.4 Generate elevation angles of departure
The generation of elevation angles of departure 𝜃𝑛,𝑚 follows a similar procedure as the one
presented in Section D.14.3 except for (D-19) which should be replaced by (D-22)

𝑋𝑛 𝜃̂𝑛𝑑 + 𝑌𝑛 + 𝜇offsetEOD + 𝜃𝐿𝑂𝑆

for NLOS links
𝜃𝑛𝑑 = { , (D-22)
𝑋𝑛 𝜃̂𝑛𝑑 + 𝑌𝑛 − 𝑋1 𝜃̂1𝑑 − 𝑌1 + 𝜃𝐿𝑂𝑆
for LOS links

with 𝑋𝑛 ~ 𝒰{−1, +1} being a uniformly distributed random variable and 𝑌𝑛 ~𝒩 (0, ( 7
) ),
where 𝐸𝑆𝐷 denotes the elevation spread of departure as generated in Section 7.1.1.
Furthermore 𝜇offsetEOD is a function of distance and receiver height and is given in Table D-6,
and Table D-7. In addition (D-21) should be replaced by (D-23)
𝜃𝑛,𝑚 = 𝜃𝑛𝑑 + 8 𝛼𝑚 10𝜇lgESD (D-23)

Where 𝜇lgESD is the mean of the ESD log-normal distribution and also a function of distance
and receiver height, cf. Table D-6, Table D-7.

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Table D-6: 3D-UMa ESD and EOD offset parameters [3GPP14-36873].

The elevation spread of departure ESD is generated according to:

lg ~𝒩(𝜇lgESD , 𝜖lgESD )
𝑑2D ℎUE
max (−0.5, −2.1 ( ) − 0.01 ( ) + 0.765) for LOS links
𝜇lgESD ={ 1 km 1m
𝑑2D ℎUE
max (−0.5, −2.1 ( ) − 0.01 ( ) + 0.915) for NLOS links
1 km 1m

0.4 for LOS links

𝜖lgESD = {
0.49 for NLOS links

0 for LOS links

𝜇offset−EOD = { 𝑑 ℎ
−0.62 log10 (max(10, 2D))+2.035−0.07( UE)
−10 1m 1m for NLOS links

Note that the proposed average ESD is smaller compared to WINNER+.

Note that the parameters are the same for indoor and outdoor UEs in case of O2I.

Table D-7: 3D-UMi ESD and EOD offset parameters [3GPP14-36873].

The elevation spread of departure ESD is generated according to

lg ~𝒩(𝜇lgESD , 𝜖lgESD )

𝑑2D ℎUE − ℎ𝐵𝑆
max (−0.5, −2.1 ( ) + 0.01 | | + 0.75) for LOS links
𝜇lgESD ={ 1 km 1m
𝑑2D ℎUE − ℎ𝐵𝑆
max (−0.5, −2.1 ( ) + 0.01 𝑚ax ( , 0) + 0.9) for NLOS links
1 km 1m

0.4 for LOS links

𝜖lgESD = {
0.6 for NLOS links

0 for LOS links

𝜇offset−EOD = { 𝑑
−0.55 lg(max(10, 2D ))+1.6
−10 1m for NLOS links

Note that the proposed average ESD is smaller compared to WINNER+.

Note that the parameters are same for indoor and outdoor UEs in case of O2I.
The height dependence of the EOD offset was investigated by means of ray-tracing simulations. It was
not showing a common and strong trend and is therefore neglected.

D.15 Coupling of angles

The coupling of angles of departure and arrival are done slightly differently depending on the
selected sampling method of Laplacian angular spread (see Figure D-4).
The conventional method (Figure D-4 a)
𝑑 𝑎
a. Couple randomly the azimuth angles of departure 𝜙𝑛,𝑚 and arrival 𝜙𝑛,𝑚 within a cluster
𝑛, or within a sub-cluster in the case of two strongest clusters (Section D.18 and Table
𝑑 𝑎
b. Couple randomly the elevation angles of departure 𝜃𝑛,𝑚 and arrival 𝜃𝑛,𝑚 using the
same procedure.

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c. Couple randomly the azimuth angles of departure 𝜙𝑛,𝑚 with the elevation angles of
departure 𝜃𝑛,𝑚 within a cluster 𝑛 or within a sub-cluster in the case of two strongest
clusters (Section D.18 and Table D-8).

The new method (Figure D-4 b)

a. Generate x,y / x,y,z coordinates of 2D/3D zero-centric sample points (Laplacian shape
to all directions) for the cluster.
b. For each sample point, take the azimuth angles of departure 𝜙𝑛,𝑚 from the x-
coordinate and arrival 𝜙𝑛,𝑚 from the y coordinate within a cluster 𝑛, or within a sub-
cluster in the case of two strongest clusters (Section D.18 and Table D-8). Select the
weight of that signal component from the weight of the sample point.
c. For each elevated sample point (z coordinate), couple the elevation angles of
𝑑 𝑎
departure 𝜃𝑛,𝑚 and arrival 𝜃𝑛,𝑚 using the same procedure.
d. Couple randomly the azimuth angles of departure 𝜙𝑛,𝑚 with the elevation angles of
departure 𝜃𝑛,𝑚 within a cluster 𝑛 or within a sub-cluster in the case of two strongest
clusters (Section D.18 and Table D-8).

D.16 Generate cross polarization ratios

The XPR in dB (𝑋𝑃𝑅𝑛,𝑚 ) is assumed to be a normally distributed random variable with
𝑋𝑃𝑅𝑛,𝑚 ~𝒩(𝜇𝑋𝑃𝑅 , 𝜎𝑋𝑃𝑅 ) where 𝜇𝑋𝑃𝑅 and 𝜎𝑋𝑃𝑅 are given in Table 7-2. The XPRs in linear scale
(𝜅𝑛,𝑚 ) are therefore given by
𝜅𝑛,𝑚 = 10 10 , (D-24)

D.17 Draw random phases

𝜃𝜃 𝜃𝜙 𝜙𝜃 𝜙𝜙
Draw randomly the phases Φ𝑛,𝑚 , Φ𝑛,𝑚 , Φ𝑛,𝑚 , Φ𝑛,𝑚 for each ray 𝑚 and each cluster 𝑛. The
phases are assumed to be uniformly distributed within [0, 2𝜋). In the LOS case, draw also a
random phase ΦLOS. It should be noted that here these random phases are same for multiple
array antenna elements of a single user.

D.18 Generate channel coefficients

Generate channel coefficients for each cluster 𝑛 and each receiver and transmitter antenna
element pair 𝑢, 𝑠.
For the N – 2 weakest clusters, say n = 3, 4,…, N, the channel coefficients are given by:

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exp(𝑗Φ𝑛,𝑚 )
𝑇 𝜃𝜃
𝐹𝜃,𝐺𝐶𝑆,𝑟𝑥,𝑢 (𝜃𝑛,𝑚 , 𝑎
𝜙𝑛,𝑚 ) exp(𝑗Φ𝑛,𝑚 )
𝑁𝐿𝑂𝑆 (𝑡) 𝑃𝑛 𝑀 √𝜅𝑛,𝑚
𝐻𝑢,𝑠,𝑛 = √ ∑𝑚=1 ( 𝑎 𝑎
) 𝜙𝜃
𝑀 𝐹𝜙,𝐺𝐶𝑆,𝑟𝑥,𝑢 (𝜃𝑛,𝑚 , 𝜙𝑛,𝑚 ) exp(𝑗Φ𝑛,𝑚 ) 𝜙𝜙
exp (𝑗Φ𝑛,𝑚 )
( )
𝑑 𝑑
𝐹𝜃,𝐺𝐶𝑆,tx,s (𝜃𝑛,𝑚 , 𝜙𝑛,𝑚 ) 2𝜋 𝑎 𝑎 𝑇
∙( 𝑑 𝑑
) exp (𝑗 𝜆 (𝒆𝒓 (𝜃𝑛,𝑚 , 𝜙𝑛,𝑚 ) 𝒅𝒓𝒙,𝒖 )) , (D-25)
𝐹𝜙,𝐺𝐶𝑆,tx,s (𝜃𝑛,𝑚 , 𝜙𝑛,𝑚 ) 𝑐

2𝜋 𝑑 𝑑 𝑇 𝑎 2𝜋
𝑎 𝑇
∙ exp (𝑗 𝜆 (𝒆𝒓 (𝜃𝑛,𝑚 , 𝜙𝑛,𝑚 ) 𝒅𝒕𝒙,𝒔 )) exp (𝑗 𝜆 (𝒆𝒓 (𝜃𝑛,𝑚 , 𝜙𝑛,𝑚 ) 𝒗𝒓𝒙 𝑡))
𝑐 𝑐

2𝜋 𝑑 𝑑 𝑇
∙ exp (𝑗 𝜆 (𝒆𝒓 (𝜃𝑛,𝑚 , 𝜙𝑛,𝑚 ) 𝒗𝒕𝒙 𝑡))

where 𝐹𝜃,𝐺𝐶𝑆,𝑟𝑥,𝑢 and 𝐹𝜙,𝐺𝐶𝑆,𝑟𝑥,𝑢 are the radiation field patterns in the direction of the spherical
basis vectors, 𝒆𝜽 and 𝒆𝝓 respectively of receive antenna element 𝑢 , while 𝐹𝜃,𝐺𝐶𝑆,tx,s and
𝐹𝜙,𝐺𝐶𝑆,tx,s are the radiation field patterns in the direction of the spherical basis vectors, 𝒆𝜽 and
𝒆𝝓 respectively of transmit antenna element s. 𝒆𝒓 is the spherical unit vector defined in Section
7.2.1. 𝒅𝒓𝒙,𝒖 and 𝒅𝒕𝒙,𝒔 are the position vectors of the receive antenna element 𝑢 and transmit
antenna element s, given in GCS. 𝜆𝑐 is the wavelength of the carrier frequency. The Doppler
component in (D-25) is calculated by using the velocity vector 𝒗𝒓𝒙 , which describes the RX’s
direction of movement in GCS as well as its magnitude in velocity.
For the two strongest clusters, say n = 1 and 2, rays are spread in delay to three sub-clusters
(per cluster), with fixed delay offset {0,5,10 ns} (see Table D-5). The delays of the sub-clusters

𝜏𝑛,1 = 𝜏𝑛 + 0 𝑛s
𝜏𝑛,1 = 𝜏𝑛 + 5 𝑛s (D-26)
𝜏𝑛,1 = 𝜏𝑛 + 10 𝑛s

Twenty rays of a cluster are mapped to sub-clusters as presented in Table D-8 below. The
corresponding offset angles are taken from Table D-4 with mapping of Table D-8.

Table D-8: Sub-cluster information for intra cluster delay spread clusters.
Sub-cluster # Mapping to rays Power Delay offset
1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,19,20 10/20 0 ns
2 9,10,11,12,17,18 6/20 5 ns
3 13,14,15,16 4/20 10 ns

In the LOS case, determine the channel coefficients by adding a single line-of-sight ray and
scaling down the other channel coefficients generated in Equation (C-21). The channel
coefficients are given by

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𝐿𝑂𝑆 (𝑡) 1 𝐾
𝐻𝑢,𝑠,𝑛 = √ 𝐻 𝑁𝐿𝑂𝑆 (𝑡) +
𝐾+1 𝑢,𝑠,𝑛
𝛿(𝑛 − 1)√𝐾+1
𝑎 𝑎 𝑇
𝐹𝜃,𝐺𝐶𝑆,𝑟𝑥,𝑢 (𝜃𝐿𝑂𝑆 , 𝜙𝐿𝑂𝑆 ) exp(𝑗ΦLOS ) 0
∙( ) ( )
𝑎 𝑎
𝐹𝜙,𝐺𝐶𝑆,𝑟𝑥,𝑢 (𝜃𝐿𝑂𝑆 , 𝜙𝐿𝑂𝑆 ) 0 −exp(𝑗ΦLOS )
𝑑 𝑑
𝐹𝜃,𝐺𝐶𝑆,tx,s (𝜃𝐿𝑂𝑆 , 𝜙𝐿𝑂𝑆 ) 2𝜋 𝑎 𝑎 𝑇
∙ ( 𝑑 𝑑
) exp (𝑗 𝜆 (𝒆𝒓 (𝜃𝐿𝑂𝑆 , 𝜙𝐿𝑂𝑆 ) 𝒅𝒓𝒙,𝒖 )) , (D-27)
𝐹𝜙,𝐺𝐶𝑆,tx,s (𝜃𝐿𝑂𝑆 , 𝜙𝐿𝑂𝑆 ) 𝑐

2𝜋 𝑑 𝑑 𝑇 2𝜋
𝑎 𝑎 𝑇
∙ exp (𝑗 𝜆 (𝒆𝒓 (𝜃𝐿𝑂𝑆 , 𝜙𝐿𝑂𝑆 ) 𝒅𝒕𝒙,𝒔 )) exp (𝑗 𝜆 (𝒆𝒓 (𝜃𝐿𝑂𝑆 , 𝜙𝐿𝑂𝑆 ) 𝒗𝒓𝒙 𝑡))
𝑐 𝑐

2𝜋 𝑑 𝑑 𝑇
∙ exp (𝑗 𝜆 (𝒆𝒓 (𝜃𝑛,𝑚 , 𝜙𝑛,𝑚 ) 𝒗𝒕𝒙 𝑡))

where 𝛿(𝑛) is the Dirac’s delta function and 𝐾 is the Ricean K-factor defined in Table 7-2 in
linear scale.
𝑑 𝑑 𝑎 𝑎
Note that 𝒆𝒓 (𝜃𝐿𝑂𝑆 , 𝜙𝐿𝑂𝑆 ) = −𝒆𝒓 (𝜃𝐿𝑂𝑆 , 𝜙𝐿𝑂𝑆 ) .

D.19 Apply pathloss and shadowing

Calculate pathloss according to Table D-9 and Table D-10 and scale the channel coefficients

Table D-9: 3D-UMi pathloss models [3GPP14-36873].

𝑑3𝐷 𝑓𝑐 Applicability
𝑃𝐿LOS |𝑑𝐵 = 22 log10 ( ) + 28 + 20 log10 ( ) + 𝐴𝑃𝐿LOS |𝑑𝐵
1m 1 GHz range
10 m < 𝑑2𝐷
Additional pathloss < 5 km
default antenna

0 10 m < 𝑑2𝐷 < 𝑑𝐵𝑃 heights
𝐴𝑃𝐿LOS |𝑑𝐵 = { ′
ℎ𝐵𝑆 − ℎUE 2 ℎ𝐵𝑆 = 10 m

−9 log10 (( ) +( ) ) 𝑑𝐵𝑃 < 𝑑2𝐷 < 5 km 1.5 m ≤ ℎUE
1m 1m
≤ 22.5 m
′ 𝑓
With 𝑑𝐵𝑃 = 4(ℎ𝐵𝑆 − 1 m)(ℎUE − 1 m) 𝑐 , 𝑐 denotes the speed of light. Shadow fading
std in [dB] is assumed to be 𝜎𝑆𝐹 = 3 according to [3GPP10-36814]
For hexagonal cell layout: Applicability
𝑃𝐿NLOS |𝑑𝐵 = max(𝑃𝐿LOS |𝑑𝐵 , 𝑃𝐿A |𝑑𝐵 ) 10 m < 𝑑2𝐷
< 2 km
with default antenna
𝑑3𝐷 𝑓𝑐 ℎUE heights
𝑃𝐿A |𝑑𝐵 = 36.7 log10 ( ) + 23.15 + 26 log10 ( ) − 0.3 ( )
1m 1 GHz 1m ℎ𝐵𝑆 = 10 m
1.5 m ≤ ℎUE
Shadow fading std in [dB] is assumed to be 𝜎𝑆𝐹 = 4 according to [3GPP10-36814] ≤ 22.5 m

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𝑑2D−in range
𝑃𝐿O2I |𝑑𝐵 = 𝑃𝐿LOS/NLOS | (𝑑3D−out + 𝑑3D−in ) + 20 + 0.5 ( )
𝑑𝐵 1m 10 m
< 𝑑2D−out
𝑑2D−in is assumed to be uniformly distributed between 0 and 25 m. + 𝑑2D−in < 1 km
Shadow fading std in [dB] is assumed to be 𝜎𝑆𝐹 = 7 according to [3GPP10-36814] 0 m < 𝑑2D−in
< 25 m
default antenna
ℎ𝐵𝑆 = 10 m
1.5 m ≤ ℎUE
≤ 22.5 m

Table D-10: 3D-UMa pathloss models [3GPP14-36873].

Applicability range
𝑑3𝐷 𝑓𝑐 10 m < 𝑑2𝐷 < 5 km
𝑃𝐿LOS |𝑑𝐵 = 22 log10 ( ) + 28 + 20 log10 ( ) + 𝐴𝑃𝐿LOS |𝑑𝐵
1m 1 GHz default antenna heights
ℎ𝐵𝑆 = 25 m,
Additional pathloss 1.5 m ≤ ℎUE ≤ 22.5 m

0 10 m < 𝑑2𝐷 < 𝑑𝐵𝑃
𝐴𝑃𝐿LOS |𝑑𝐵 = { ′
𝑑𝐵𝑃 ℎ𝐵𝑆 − ℎUE 2 ′
−9 log10 (( ) +( ) ) 𝑑𝐵𝑃 < 𝑑2𝐷 < 5 km
1m 1m

′ 𝑓
with𝑑𝐵𝑃 = 4(ℎ𝐵𝑆 − ℎ𝐸 )(ℎUE − ℎ𝐸 ) 𝑐, where 𝑐 denotes the speed of light.
In the event that the link is determined to be LOS, ℎ𝐸 = 1 m with a
probability equal to 1 ⁄(1 + 𝐶(𝑑2𝐷 , ℎUE )) and chosen from a discrete
uniform distribution 𝒰{12, 15, … , (ℎ𝑈𝐸 − 1.5)} otherwise. The function
𝐶(𝑑2𝐷 , ℎUE )is defined in Table D-2.
Shadow fading std in [dB] is assumed to be 𝜎𝑆𝐹 = 4 according to [3GPP10-
Applicability range
𝑃𝐿NLOS |𝑑𝐵 = max(𝑃𝐿LOS |𝑑𝐵 , 𝑃𝐿A |𝑑𝐵 ) 10 m < 𝑑2𝐷 < 5 km
10 m ≤ ℎ𝐵𝑆 ≤ 150 m
𝑤street ℎ̅building 1.5 m ≤ ℎUE ≤ 22.5 m
𝑃𝐿A |𝑑𝐵 = 161.94 − 7.1 log10 ( ) + 7.5 log10 ( ) 5 m ≤ 𝑤street ≤ 50 m
1m 1m
2 5 m ≤ ℎ̅building ≤ 50 m
ℎ̅building ℎ𝐵𝑆
− (24.37 − 3.7 ( ) ) log10 ( ) default values
ℎBS 1m 𝑤street = 20 m
ℎ𝐵𝑆 𝑑3𝐷 ℎ̅building = 20 m
+ (43.42 − 3.1 log10 ( )) (log10 ( ) − 3)
1m 1m ℎ𝐵𝑆 = 25 m
𝑓𝑐 ℎUE
+ 20 log10 ( ) − 0.6 ( )
1 GHz 1m

with 𝑤street being the street width, and ℎ̅building being the average building
height. Shadow fading std in [dB] is assumed to be 𝜎𝑆𝐹 = 6 according to
Applicability range
𝑑2D−in 10 m < 𝑑2D−out +
𝑃𝐿O2I |𝑑𝐵 = 𝑃𝐿LOS/NLOS | (𝑑3D−out + 𝑑3D−in ) + 20 + 0.5 ( )
𝑑𝐵 1m 𝑑2D−in < 1 km
0 m < 𝑑2D−in < 25 m
𝑑2D−in is assumed to be uniformly distributed between 0 and 25 m. default antenna heights
Shadow fading std in [dB] is assumed to be 𝜎𝑆𝐹 = 7 according to [3GPP10- ℎ𝐵𝑆 = 25 m

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Appendix E Details on Frequency Dependent Propagation

E.1 Material properties
In the table below the electrical material properties (relative permittivity and conductivity) are
given for some common materials in the frequency range from 1 to 100 GHz, cf. [ITUR13-
2040]. With the relative permittivity the actual permittivity is calculated by multiplying the
permittivity of vacuum, ε0 = 8.854 188 x 10−12 F/m.

Table E-1: Material properties [ITUR13-2040].

Material class Relative permittivity Conductivity Frequency range
a b c d GHz
Concrete 5.31 0 0.0326 0.8095 1-100
Brick 3.75 0 0.038 0 1-10
Plasterboard 2.94 0 0.0116 0.7076 1-100
Wood 1.99 0 0.0047 1.0718 0.001-100
Glass 6.27 0 0.0043 1.1925 0.1-100
Ceiling board 1.50 0 0.0005 1.1634 1-100
Chipboard 2.58 0 0.0217 0.7800 1-100
Floorboard 3.66 0 0.0044 1.3515 50-100
Metal 1 0 10 0 1-100
Very dry ground 3 0 0.00015 2.52 1-10
Medium dry ground 15 −0.1 0.035 1.63 1-10
Wet ground 30 −0.4 0.15 1.30 1-10

The formulas for the frequency dependence of the relative permittivity 𝜀𝑟′ and the conductivity
𝜎 are in [ITUR13-2040] given as

𝜀𝑟′ = 𝑎 𝑓 𝑏 (E-1)

𝜎 = 𝑐 𝑓𝑑 (E-2)

where f is the frequency in GHz and 𝜎 is given in S/m.

Some materials necessary for the channel model are missing in Table E-1, e.g. asphalt, metal
coated glass and human body. Values for those materials and some additional materials
proposed by METIS partners are included (based on literature) in Table E-2. Values for
asphalt have been discussed in [Saa06]. Metallised glass has been investigated in [KKO+08;
KOK+11]. Human body material parameters have been discussed e.g. in [MPH06].

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Table E-2: Additional material properties.

Material class Relative permittivity Conductivity [S/m] Frequency range
a b c d GHz
Asphalt 6 0 0.075 1-10
Coated glass [KKO+08] 7.0 0 0.25 0 0.6-12
ε0 : 7.51
Limestone [LFR96] - 0.03 - @ 4 GHz
μ0 : 0.95
Sandstone [MEE+14] 3.15 - 0.0262 - 1-10 GHz
Human body 2.94 0 0.0116 0.7076 0.1-10
Note 1) Surface conductivity.

In addition values for the forest and concrete blocks (rubble) may be needed. Because they
actually are not mere materials, the appropriate information can be found in the literature and
should be discussed in connection of the TC10 (Emergency Communications.)
In [Saa06] there are measurement results from real asphalt roads. The author gives the
asphalt relative permittivity values 4 – 8 and even values 8 – 15, if steel slag is present, that is
rather common in many countries. Imaginary parts of the permittivity were not measured.
Metal coated glass is nowadays a common wall and window material. Such a glass is coated
by metal oxide and/or metal layers of the total depth about 100 nm. In [KKO+07] there are
theoretical results for the material showing that the coated glass is almost a perfect reflector
while the transmission coefficient is near -30 dB. In [KKO+08] the theoretical results are
validated with transmission measurements. In Table E-2 a surface conductivity is given.
Because of the multilayer construction the simple formulas should not be used. For reflection
the reflection coefficient of perfect conductor is recommended, and, for penetration the
attenuation from [KKO+07] is recommended.
According to [MPH06] the conductivity and permittivity of the human body are extremely
frequency dependent. For example, the conductivity σ increases from 1 S/m to 10 S/m and the
relative permittivity 𝜀𝑟 goes from 80 to 30 when the frequency increases from 100 MHz to
10 GHz. In this frequency range there were only few measurements so it should be utilized
with caution. However, the measurements are well in line with the other measurements in the
lower frequencies.

E.2 Reflection and penetration

E.2.1 Reflection and transmission at a plane interface
The reflection coefficients for the cases where the E vector is perpendicular (TE) and parallel
(TM) to the plane of incidence, 𝛤TE , and 𝛤TM , for the common case where the radio wave
propagates from air to a plane of slightly conducting dielectric material and the relative
permeability of both the materials is 1 are given by

cos(𝛾)−√𝜀𝑟 −sin2 (𝛾)

𝛤TE = (E-3)
cos(𝛾)+√𝜀𝑟 −sin2 (𝛾)

𝜀𝑟 cos(𝛾)−√𝜀𝑟 −sin2 (𝛾)

𝛤TM = (E-4)
𝜀𝑟 cos(𝛾)+√𝜀𝑟 −sin2 (𝛾)

where 𝜀𝑟 is the complex relative permittivity, 𝜀𝑟 = 𝜀𝑟′ − j𝜀𝑟′′ = 𝜀𝑟′ − j ω𝜀′ , σ is the conductivity of
the material where the wave is arriving from the air, 𝜔 is the angular frequency, 𝜀0 is the
permittivity of the vacuum and 𝛾 is the angle between the normal of the surface between air
and the other material and the direction of the wave.

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E.2.2 Reflection from a wall

This section provides results on reflection for a single layer dielectric material with a width of
5 cm and incident angles 0 and 45 degrees (see Figure E-1). First, the mathematical
descriptions of the reflection coefficients, input impedance and the complex permittivity are
presented. We then show the graphs of reflection coefficients as a function of frequency for
different materials in the frequency range 1-100 GHz.
E.2.2.1 Mathematical descriptions of reflection coefficients, input impedance and
complex permittivity
The reflection coefficient is the ratio of the reflected and incident wave given by
𝑍in −𝑍
𝛤= , (E-5)
𝑍in +𝑍

where 𝑍in is the input impedance and 𝑍 is the characteristic impedance (of air in this case).
The input impendence in the case of a single layer dielectric material when the wall material is
lossy is calculated by

𝑍(𝑒 +j𝑑𝛿 +𝑒 −j𝑑𝛿 )+𝑍𝑤 (𝑒 +j𝑑𝛿 −𝑒 −j𝑑𝛿 )

𝑍in = 𝑍𝑤 𝑍𝑤 (𝑒 +j𝑑𝛿 +𝑒 −𝑗𝑑𝛿 )+𝑍(𝑒 +j𝑑𝛿 −𝑒 −j𝑑𝛿 )
, (E-6)

where 𝑍𝑤 is the characteristic impedance of the medium, 𝑑 is the width of the dielectric slab
and 𝛿 = 𝑘0 √𝜀𝑟 − sin2 𝛾, 𝜀𝑟 is the complex permittivity (𝜀𝑟′ − j𝜀𝑟′′ ), 𝛾 is the incident angle and

𝑘0 = 𝜆 is the wave number (here, λ is the wave length in the vacuum).

Reflected Transmitted


Figure E-1: Reflection from a wall and penetration through a wall.

With positive real and negative imaginary parts, the wave impedances for transverse electric
TE and transverse magnetic TM will also have complex values such that

TE 𝜂
𝑍𝑤 = , (E-7)
√𝜀𝑟′ −j𝜀𝑟′′ −sin2 𝜃

TM 𝜂
𝑍𝑤 = 𝜀′ −j𝜀′′ √𝜀𝑟′ − j𝜀𝑟′′ − sin2 𝜃 , (E-8)
𝑟 𝑟

𝑍 TE = , (E-9)
√1−sin2 𝜃

𝑍 TM = √1 − sin2 𝜃 , (E-10)

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where 𝜂 is the wave impedance given by

𝜂= . (E-11)
√𝜀𝑟′ −j𝜀𝑟′′

The reflection coefficients for TE and TM polarisations are thus calculated by

𝛤TE = 𝑍in +𝑍TE , (E-12)

𝛤TM = 𝑍in +𝑍TM . (E-13)

The specific values of complex permittivity of particular materials are shown in the Table E-1
and E-2. Note that the imaginary part of the complex permittivity is calculated by
𝜀𝑟′′ = 17.98 𝑓GHz
, (E-14)
where 𝜎 is the conductivity.

TE polarisation
TM polarisation




0 1 2
10 10 10
Frequency [GHz]

Figure E-2: Reflection coefficient for concrete (45 deg incident angle).

E.2.3 Penetration through a wall

Penetration is discussed in this section. Here we express formulas for the transmission
through a wall, but the same results can be applied also to floors and ceilings with proper
parameters. For simplicity only single slab constructions are discussed. Penetration has been
discussed e.g. in references [SA03], [ITUR13-2040]. The penetration phenomenon is
frequency dependent because of:
1. Frequency dependent material properties: reflection in wall surfaces and loss in the
2. Interference effects due to multiple reflections inside the slab.
3. Frequency dependent roughness of the material (wall/floor) boundaries.

The loss through a wall has been discussed in [ITUR13-2040] and consists of the
transmission through the air – wall surface, the attenuation due to the finite conductivity of the
wall material and the transmission through the wall – air surface on the opposite side. In
addition it is assumed that the effect of surface roughness in both of the surfaces affects
similarly as in the reflection.

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If we assume that the building material is a homogeneous dielectric single-layer plate with a
smooth surface, with the geometry shown in Figure E-1, we can express the transmission
coefficient, 𝑇, of the building material as given in [ITUR13-2040]:

(1−𝛤 2 )exp(−𝑗(𝛿−𝑘0 𝑑)
𝑇= 1−𝛤 2 exp(−𝑗2𝛿)
, (E-15)

where 𝛿 = 𝑘0 √𝜀𝑟 − sin2 𝛾 , 𝑘0 = 𝜆 𝑑 is the thickness of the wall, λ is the wave length in the
vacuum, 𝜀𝑟 is the complex permittivity ( 𝜀𝑟′ − j𝜀𝑟′′ ) and 𝛾 is the angle between the normal of the
wall surface and the direction of the propagation in the air of the incoming radio wave.
The equation is applicable for both the TE and the TM waves when 𝛤 means the Fresnel
reflection coefficient for the TE and TM waves (which are defined as (E-3) and (E-4)),
respectively. Figure E-3 shows the penetration loss for a concrete wall of 5, 10 or 15 cm as a
function of frequency for three different angles of incidence. The material parameter values
are taken from the Table E 1.

Polarization TE, Thickness 5 (top), 10 and 15 cm (bottom) Polarization TM, Thickness 5 (top), 10 and 15 cm (bottom)
0 0
Angle 0 Angle 0
-10 30 -10 30
60 deg 60 deg
-20 -20

-30 -30

-40 -40
Loss [dB]
Loss [dB]

-50 -50

-60 -60

-70 -70

-80 -80

-90 -90

-100 -100
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Frequency [GHz] Frequency [GHz]

Figure E-3: Penetration loss for a concrete wall of 5, 10 or 15 cm as a function of frequency for
three different angles of incidence.

E.2.4 Effect of surface roughness on reflection

Surface roughness is inversely proportional to the wavelength. This means that the effective
surface roughness is proportional to the carrier frequency. There is a critical height ℎ𝑐 that
divides the surface to smooth ( ℎ < ℎ𝑐 ) and rough (ℎ > ℎ𝑐 ) when ℎ is the deviation of the
highest and lowest values of the surface height. The value of the critical height is [LFR96]:
ℎ𝑐 = 8 cos 𝜃𝑖
. (E-16)

Here 𝜆 is the wave length in free space and 𝜃𝑖 is the angle of incidence for the incoming wave.
In the Gaussian rough surface scattering model the height deviations are assumed to follow
the normal distribution. We can calculate the coefficient 𝜌𝑆 due to surface roughness that is
used to multiply the result for smooth surface reflection to take the surface roughness into
account [LFR96].

𝜋𝜎ℎ 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃𝑖 2
𝜌𝑆 = exp [−8 ( 𝜆
) ], (E-17)

where 𝜎ℎ is the standard deviation of the zero mean height of the surface and other notations
are like in the previous formula.

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In [LFR93] and [LFR96] reflection from three different walls consisting of different materials,
brick wall, limestone and metal coated glass, are measured and compared with theoretical
Two wall materials, brick and metal coated glass were smooth. Measurements were
conducted at 4 GHz for parallel and perpendicular polarisations. Agreement of the results with
Fresnel reflection formulas was good for both materials.
The third wall consisted of limestone blocks and had a very rough surface. It was measured at
two frequencies 1.9 and 4 GHz and for parallel and perpendicular polarisations. The
measured reflection coefficients were smaller than for the Fresnel reflection. However the
coefficients were greater than predicted by Gaussian rough surface scattering model that
takes into account the surface roughness. The authors propose in [LFR96] their own formula
that fits better in their measurement results. The method is simply to take an average of the
Fresnel and Gaussian rough surface results.
It seems that for the case of the rough surface of the limestone the reflection coefficient is
rather randomly scattered around the expected value at each incident angle. In such a case
the proposed method in [LFR96] would certainly give better results. In the channel model this
could be utilised by introducing random fluctuation on the reflection coefficients, when rough
surfaces are modelled.

E.2.5 Effect of surface roughness on penetration

Although there are formulas for reflection from the rough surface, corresponding equation for
transmission and penetration was not found.
We propose here that the roughness affects the penetration equally as the reflection, so that
one part of the power that enters from the material 1 to the material 2 is scattered from the
surface into the material and does not contribute to the propagating specular wave. Although
we neither have measurement nor simulation results this proposal sounds reasonable by
analogy to the reflection phenomenon.

E.3 Diffraction
E.3.1 Diffraction from knife edge
The power that the radio waves carry from a transmitter to a receiver can be understood to
move through an ellipsoid, named Fresnel ellipsoid. The size of the ellipsoid is defined by the
wave-length of the radio signal and the distances from the transmitter and the receiver to the
observation point. The formula is expressed below for the radius of the first Fresnel zone
(cross section of the first Fresnel ellipsoid). There is an infinite number of Fresnel zones of
higher order, but their importance is marginal [Ber00].
Radius of the first Fresnel zone 𝑟𝑓 is:

𝜆𝑑1 𝑑2
𝑟𝑓 = √𝑑 , (E-18)
1 +𝑑2

where 𝑑1 is the distance from the TX to the diffraction point 𝑑2 is the distance from the
diffraction point to the RX and 𝜆 is the wavelength.
If the first Fresnel zone is free of obstacles, the radio wave is received without extra loss. If the
first Fresnel zone is obstructed by a knife-edge, the signal is attenuated as indicated by the
factor 𝐹(𝜈) as given in [Par00].
1+𝑗 ∞ −𝑗𝜋𝑡
𝐹(𝜈) = ∫ 𝑒 2 𝑑𝑡, (E-19)
2 𝜈

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where the parameter 𝜈 is defined as:

2 1 1
𝜈 = ℎ √𝜆 (𝑑 + 𝑑 ). (E-20)
1 2

There is a good approximation for the 𝐹(𝜈) defined in decibels, cf. [ITUR13-52613]:

6.9 + 20𝑙𝑜𝑔 (√(𝜈 − 0.1)2 + 𝜈 − 0.1) , 𝜈 ≧ −0.7

20 log(𝐹(𝜈)) ≈ 𝐽(𝜈) = { (E-21)
0, 𝜈 < −0.7

Both functions 𝐽(𝜈) and 𝐹(𝜈) are illustrated in dB in Figure E-4. Parameters h, d1 and d2 are
illustrated below.

Figure E-4: Attenuation due to knife-edge diffraction as function of 𝝂.

Figure E-5: Knife-edge diffraction.

In [MH13] there is an approximation for the attenuation caused by one knife-edge. It is used in
the METIS map-based channel mode and the equation can be found in Section 6.2 Equation
It is also possible to calculate the knife-edge diffraction using UTD. The general formula is
given in Section 6.2 Equation (6-30). Letting the wedge angle go to zero we get the knife-edge
situation. This equation can model the two different polarisations. However, the knife-edge
equations can be calculated faster and this may justify their usage.

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E.3.2 Diffraction from the wedge of arbitrary angle

Calculation of diffraction from the wedge is compared with measurement at 5 GHz in ITU-R
[ITUR13-2040] where the calculations of UTD wedge diffraction have good matching with
measurement results. Material characteristics can be included in UTD calculation. In order to
investigate the frequency dependency of diffracted wave, UTD calculation from concrete
wedge is implemented for different frequencies as shown in Figure E-4. Here the parameters
of concrete wedge are selected as Table E-1.
Black: 1 GHz Black: 1 GHz

| [dB]

20log10|E / Efreespace| [dB]

Red: 5 GHz Red: 5 GHz
d Blue: 10 GHz Blue: 10 GHz
Rx trajectory -10 -10

|E / Efreespace
Green: 20 GHz Green: 20 GHz
0.75 m Magenta: 40 GHz
Magenta: 40 GHz -20
1.636 m
Tx -30 -30

Concrete 0.75 m -40 -40

-50 -50

-60 -60
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
• The heights of Tx and Rx are 0.75 m. d [m]
d [m]

(a) Geometry (b) Vertical polarization (c) Horizontal polarization

Figure E-6: Frequency dependency of wedge diffraction.

Figure E-6 illustrates frequency dependency of wedge diffraction. For example, the relative
power level at d = 10 m shows about 16 dB differences between 1 and 40 GHz for both
polarisations in this specific scenario. Map-based model utilizes the capability of UTD
calculation with frequency dependent material properties. The details of implementation are
described in Section 6 and Appendix C.

E.4 Diffuse scattering

As radio frequency becomes high, wavelength becomes small; therefore roughness of
material or surface roughness should impact the property of scattering phenomenon.
Using a Gaussian rough surface scattering model as described previously the surface
roughness and the reflection coefficient derived from the model are based on Rayleigh or
Fraunhofer criteria. The reflection coefficient can express power reduction of specular
reflection. Reflected radio waves from a building wall should consist of not only specular
reflection but diffuse scattering. In order to model frequency dependent channel properties
realistically in, for example, an urban environment, surface roughness of building walls should
be taken into account.
In [MEE+14], measurements were conducted to evaluate the effect of specular reflection and
diffuse scattering quantitatively. Building walls generally consist of concrete and window
periodically. In literature [PB04], periodic surface structures of wall and window is investigated.

E.5 Attenuation caused by oxygen and water vapour

It is often said that the curve proposed by ITU [ITUR13-67610] guarantees that attenuation by
oxygen and water vapour prevents communication at higher frequencies. However, we should
take the scale of this graph into account. O2 at 60 GHz attenuates signal by 15 – 20 dB/km
meaning, but millimetre wave systems are usually planned for much smaller distances (Table

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Table E-3: Attenuation caused by oxygen and water vapour (rounded maximum values visually
estimated from [ITUR13-67610].
Frequency attenuation (dB/km) influence
22 GHz 0.2 water vapour
60 GHz 15 oxygen

E.6 Rain attenuation

Rain attenuation is strongly frequency dependent, and should therefore be taken into account
in METIS channel modelling. According to ITU-R Recommendation P.838-3 [ITUR05-8383]
the attenuation 𝛾𝑅 (dB/km) caused by rain rate R (mm/h) can be calculated from

𝛾𝑅 = 𝑘𝑅 𝛼 , (E-22)
in which
log10 𝑓−𝑏𝑗
log10 𝑘 = ∑4𝑗=1 𝑎𝑗 exp [− ( 𝑐𝑗
) ] + 𝑚𝑘 log10 𝑓 + 𝑐𝑘 , (E-23)

log10 𝑓−𝑏𝑗
𝛼 = ∑5𝑗 𝑎𝑗 exp [− ( 𝑐𝑗
) ] + 𝑚𝛼 log10 𝑓 + 𝑐𝛼 , (E-24)

 𝑓 : frequency (GHz)
 𝑘 : either 𝑘𝐻 or 𝑘𝑉
 𝛼 : either 𝛼𝐻 or 𝛼𝑉
The parameter values are available from [ITUR05-8383].
Based on the above equations and the parameter values from the ITU-R recommendation, we
can calculate frequency dependency of rain attenuation (see Figure E-7). These curves show
the extra attenuation caused by rain and should not be mixed up with pathloss model.

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Attenuation of V and H polarisation


V-pol, 1 mm/h
H-pol, 1 mm/h
30 V-pol, 3 mm/h
H-pol, 3 mm/h
V-pol, 10 mm/h
H-pol, 10 mm/h
25 V-pol, 30 mm/h
H-pol, 30 mm/h
V-pol, 100 mm/h
attenuation [dB/km]

H-pol, 100 mm/h




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
frequency [GHz]

Figure E-7: Rain attenuation.

E.7 Vegetation loss

Attenuation through vegetation has been actively investigated, and several models have been
reported [Qin02]. In this section, frequency dependency of vegetation loss is described based
on ITU-R recommendation [ITUR03-8334].
In [ITUR03-8334], an empirical model of propagation through vegetation that is developed for
frequencies above 5 GHz is provided. This model was derived from a database of
measurements over the range of frequencies 9.6-57.6 GHz. This model has a dual slope
characteristic with respect to the vegetation depth. Further, different frequency dependency
with respect to the depth appears. In the case of shallow depth, the higher the frequency is,
the higher excess loss becomes. On the other hand, in the case of large depth, the higher the
frequency is, the smaller the excess loss becomes. For example, when comparing the excess
loss at 10 GHz with that at 40 GHz, the losses become equal at the depth of about 20 m. Here,
this value depends on the other parameters; the size of illumination area, the state of trees (in
leaf / out of leaf), and so on.

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Appendix F Discussion about Definitions & Terminology used in

Propagation Modelling
F.1 K-Factor
The K-factor or (Ricean K-factor) can be calculated as the power ratio between the LOS
component and all other detected propagation paths.

𝐾𝐹 = ∑𝑖≠𝐿𝑂𝑆 𝑃𝑖

This is the simplest way to calculate K-factor. This method was used in the data analysis of
60 GHz measurements (Section 5.12 and Appendix A.5.5) and the analysis of simulation
results (Section 9.3)

An alternative method for K-factor calculation is so called Moment-Method (MoM) [GME99]. In

this method, the m parameter of Nakagami m-distribution is calculated as

(𝐸[𝑃𝑁𝐵 ])2
𝑚= (F-2)
𝐸[(𝑃𝑁𝐵 −𝐸[𝑃𝑁𝐵 ])2 ]

where PNB presents the power of narrowband signal. The corresponding Ricean K-factor can
be approximated as 𝑚 = 0.4998528 𝐾 + 0.7622159, when 𝐾 ≥ 2 [AS96], which leads to K-
factor approximation

𝐾≈ (F-3)

This method is valid only for narrowband K-factor calculations, i.e. calculated values are
appropriate for frequency segments narrower than the correlation bandwidth Bc of the
channel, when averaging period is longer then correlation time of the short-term fluctuations
[GME99]. For selective fading channels, separate analysis should be performed per frequency
bins narrower than Bc. The Moment-method was used in the data analysis in the Section 5.5
and Appendix A.1.3. It should be noted that the K-factor is used only for LOS channel.
However, in theory it is possible to obtain K-factor also for NLOS channel by using the MoM.

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