Commercial Dispatch Eedition 2-2-21

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Tuesday | February 2, 2021

Legislators split over ‘use-it-or-lose-it’ elections bills

Bills would require election commissions to send confirmation who has failed to vote at least
once in the previous two (2)
keep from being
purged from the
notices to registered voters who did not vote in recent elections years.”
HB 4 would require county
“From the lan-
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN ber of years and to remove them rolls just for skipping elections. election commissions to re- guage in the bill,
[email protected] from the Statewide Elections Currently, election commis- move voters from the rolls if it says that, and
Management System if they do sions are permitted to remove voters fail to “respond to the that’s wrong,”
Local representatives are not respond to the notice. names from rolls if voters die, confirmation notice and vote Karriem said.
split on a pair Supporters of the bills — move away, or are convicted of at least once during a period of “Just because a
of bills being INSIDE House Bill 4 and Senate Bill certain felonies. SB 2588 would four (4) consecutive years … or person doesn’t respond by post-
considered in Use them or 2588 — say they would help allow voters to be removed for update the voter’s registration card or does not vote within a
the state Leg- lose them keep voter rolls up to date and failing to respond to a confirma- information and vote at least year’s time, they should not be
islature that rights. Page 4A accurate, while opponents, in- tion notice, vote at least once or once during a period of four (4) purged from the roll.”
would require cluding the Birmingham-based update their voter registration consecutive years.” He claimed the move is an
election commissioners to send Southern Poverty Law Center, within four years of the notice Rep. Kabir Karriem (D-Co- effort to undergo a “statewide
confirmation notices to voters say it violates the National Voter being delivered. Under that bill, lumbus) said he is concerned purge” of the voter rolls in re-
who have not voted in at least Registration Act and risks purg- commissions must send the no- the House bill in particular sponse to claims of voter fraud
one election within a set num- ing registered voters from the tices to “each registered elector will require electors to vote to See ELECTION BILLS, 6A

North Atlantic MAKING A SPLASH

ends security
contract with
Lowndes County
Justice Court
Lowndes supes settle
LCIDA funding debate,
guarantee annual
$615K for three years
[email protected]

Lowndes County
is looking for full-
time security for the
Justice Court build-
ing after North At-
lantic Security ended
its contract with the
county in January. Erby
Justice Court
Clerk Linder Erby told The Dis-
patch that North Atlantic contacted
her on Jan. 14, the day before she
told the Lowndes County supervi-
Deanna Robinson/Dispatch Staff
sors she wanted them to hire new Peyton Jones, 9, rides her Snap-On Big Wheel through a puddle at her home in New Hope. “I have the need for speed,” ex-
security for the building. She was claimed Peyton. She is the daughter of Jenifer Simons and Tyler Hunter.
not in a position to respond until
after the meeting on Jan. 15, which
someone from North Atlantic at-

MSU archaeology professor invites public on

Beard running for re- summer research trips to ‘new and old’ worlds
election in Ward 4 Hardin began attending archaeological trips to Middle “What going on that first trip did for
me was to help contextualize what I had

Running as an East in college in 1986, has gone back every summer since learned in church,” he said.
Since 1975, MSU archaeologists have
BY SLIM SMITH “I’ve always loved history,” Hardin worked in multiple sites in the Middle
independent, Beard [email protected] said. “I can remember sitting in church East, including two in Israel, one in Cy-
prus and one in southern Greece. Har-
to skip primary Jimmy Hardin en-
reading (the biblical books of) Kings
and Samuel when I probably should din said his department hopes to join
rolled at Mississippi State have been listening to the sermon.” the research in Morocco at a site that
to study archeology in So when, as an MSU freshman, his dates back 40,000 to 50,000 years.
[email protected]
1986, but his interest in archeology professor told the class he The good news, Hardin said, is that
Columbus Ward 4 the field probably start- was going to Israel in the summer and you don’t have to be a professional ar-
ed years earlier, not in asked the students if they wanted to join chaeologist to join MSU in its work.
Councilman Pierre
school, but in church. him, Hardin was eager to go. Each summer, both students and lay
Beard qualified Mon-
Hardin, now an asso- “At that time, I hadn’t even been on people are able to join the MSU staff in
day to run for re-elec- ciate professor at Missis-
an airplane before,” he said. “I thought their field work.
tion as an indepen- sippi State’s Cobb Institute of Archaeol- “Once we get past COVID, there will
it was a one-time thing. That was in
dent candidate. ogy, discussed his long archaeological 1986. I’ve been going back just about be a lot of opportunities, both in the new
Beard has held career during Monday’s Starkville Ro- every summer since.” world (MSU also focuses on the Native
the council seat since Beard tary Club meeting via Zoom, talking not Hardin specializes in the Bronze and Americans of the southeastern United
September 2019, only about his work in the Middle East, Iron ages of the Middle East, at a time States) and old,” Hardin said. “Wheth-
when he won a special election to but how his work need not be confined that coincides with the reign of the Isra- er we are talking about our world in
See BEARD, 3A to professional archaeologists. elite kings, Solomon and David. See HARDIN, 6A


Classifieds 6B 1 In 2014, who became the first
Comics 4B African-American U.S. senator Today: Columbus
Crossword 3B elected from the South since ■ Tree giveaway: The Lown-
City Council, 5 p.m.,
Dear Abby 4B Reconstruction? des County Soil and Water
Health 6A 2 What 2015 Tony Award-winning Conservation District hosts a Municipal Complex,
Obituaries 2,3,5A play uses a real golden retriever free tree giveaway from 8:30
Opinions 4A puppy on stage? a.m.-4 p.m. while supplies ColumbusMS/
3 What celeb and reality TV star last at 2282 MLK Jr. Dr. One Feb. 3: Columbus
inspired a 2014 smartphone bundle per person. 662-328- Municipal School Dis-
game that netted them $74
WEATHER million? 5921 (ext. 3). trict review meeting
(virtual), 11:30 a.m.,
4 Name one of the only two ■ Lecture series: Missis-

High 48 Low 25
men’s players to receive the
FIFA Ballon d’Or during the five
years it was awarded from 2010-
sippi State’s Institute for
the Humanities opens its
spring lecture series with a
Feb. 8: Columbus
Full forecast on 2015? virtual event, “What are the Municipal School
page 3A. 5 What New York City skyscraper Board Trustees, 8:30
Sports Humanities Anyway?”
was the city’s tallest when it Featuring MSU’s Greggory a.m., Brandon Central
opened in 2014, at 1,775 ft. and Twietmeyer and Scott Kretch- Services
with 73 elevators?
mar at Pennsylvania State Feb. 12: Lowndes
Answers, 6B University, the talk is 3:30 County School District
p.m. at the institute’s Face- Jammie Duck, 16, enjoys Board, 12:30 p.m.,
141st Year, No. 277 book page. Free to the public. working at Food Giant. District Office


2A TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2021 The Dispatch •

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH 26, 2021, at Northwest Cemetery near Mill- Home of Reform is
OBITUARY POLICY Medical Center in Win- port, Alabama. Memori- in charge of arrange-
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
field, Alabama. al Gunter Peel Funeral ments.
service times, are provided Funeral services Home and Crematory, Mr. Hanna was born
free of charge. Extended were at 2 p.m. Saturday, Second Avenue North Sept. 5, 1938, in Tusca-
obituaries with a photograph, at Otts Funeral Home, location is in charge of loosa County, Alabama,
detailed biographical informa- with Jim Lumpkin arrangements. to the late Gilbert and
tion and other details families officiating. Burial fol- Mr. Parker was Pearl Baggett Hannah.
may wish to include, are avail- lowed at West Alabama born Oct. 25, 1983, to He was formerly em-
able for a fee. Obituaries must
be submitted through funeral
Memorial Gardens. Donald Ray Parker Sr. ployed with Marathon
homes unless the deceased’s Visitation was one hour and Vickie Schellnutt. Equipment and was a
body has been donated to prior to services at the He attended Caledonia member of Ashcraft
science. If the deceased’s funeral home. Otts Fu- High School and was Corner Baptist Church.
body was donated to science, neral Home of Sulligent, formerly employed with In addition to his
the family must provide official Alabama was in charge B & G Transportation. parents, he was pre-
proof of death. Please submit
of arrangements. In addition to his ceded in death by his
all obituaries on the form
provided by The Commercial
Mrs. Belk was parents, he is survived wife, Angie Hannah;
Dispatch. Free notices must be born Sept. 22, 1973, in by his wife, Lindsey R. siblings, Charles Henry
submitted to the newspaper Janesville, Wisconsin, Parker; children, Bran- Hannah and James
no later than 3 p.m. the day to Shelia Mansell and don Parker and Isabel Olen Hannah; and one
prior for publication Tuesday the late Donald Quade. Parker; siblings, Donald grandchild.
through Friday; no later than 4 She attended school in Ray Parker Jr., Amanda He is survived by
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
Wisconsin and was a Davis and Jessica Ann his children, Melissa
edition; and no later than 7:30
a.m. for the Monday edition. member of Kingdom Parker, all of Columbus. Norris and Amanda
Incomplete notices must be re- Faith Church. Pallbearers will be Howard; step-daughter,
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. In addition to her fa- Ray Parker Jr., Logan Cassie Barrentine; sib-
for the Monday through Friday ther, she was preceded Blanton, Eddie Camp, lings, Thomas Hannah,
editions. Paid notices must be in death by two grand- Kirby Dies, Mark Gann Charlene Sutton both of
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion children. and Benjamin Sims.
the next day Monday through
Gordo, Alabama, Betty
Thursday; and on Friday by 3
In addition to her Harley, Joyce Alexan-
p.m. for Sunday and Monday mother, she is survived William Hannah der both of Columbus,
publication. For more informa- by her children, Cin- VERNON, Ala. — Linda Woolbright of
tion, call 662-328-2471. dy Scott of Leighton, William Earl Hannah, Reform, Sybil Braun of
Alabama, Lisa Cagle of 82, died Jan. 31, 2021, at Queensland, Australia
Twin, Alabama, Angela and Carolyn Grace of
George Mitchell Cox, Heather Wallace
his residence.
Kennedy, Alabama;
COLUMBUS — Ret. Funeral services will
both of Guin, Alabama be at 2 p.m. Wednes- eight grandchildren;
MSgt. George Melvin
and Elizabeth Cox of day, at Skelton Funeral and 23 great-grandchil-
Russellville, Alabama; Home Chapel, with dren.
77, died
siblings, Donnie Quade Melvin Modecai offici- Pallbearers will
Jan. 14,
and Rober Quade both ating. Burial will follow be Jeff Honnoll, Tony
of Russellville, Ala- at Ashcraft Corner Hannah, Billy Latham,
side bama; and eight grand- Cemetery. Visitation Marvus Honnol, Daniel
services children. will be one hour prior to Perkins and Tyler
will be at Pallbearers were services at the funeral Priess.
11 a.m. Mitchell Christian Wallace, Scott home. Skelton Funeral See OBITUARIES, 3A
Saturday, Harding, Claude Wal-

Kenneth & Gloria Dyer

at Memorial Gardens. lace, James Gaddy, Na-
Visitation is from 1-6 than Cochran, Douglas
p.m. today, at West Me- Meyer and Tony Guin.
morial Funeral Home.
West Memorial Funeral Kevin Parker
Home of Starkville is COLUMBUS — Kev-
in charge of arrange- in Lee Parker, 37, died
ments. Jan. 30, 2021, at Bap-
He is survived by his tist Memorial Hospi-
wife, Lilla Mitchell; chil- tal-Golden Triangle.
dren, Anika Mitchell Graveside services
Perkins, Monica Mitch- will be at 2 p.m. Thurs-
ell, Pamela Mitchell and day, at Andrews Chapel
Anita Mitchell; sister,
Velma King; and eight

Patsy Howle
sy House Bell Howle, Kenneth Eccles Dyer, 78, and Gloria Joyce
80, died Jan. 10, 2021, Dyer, 81, of Columbus, MS, passed away Thurs-
at Lakeland Nursing day, January 28, 2021, at their residence. After
Home and Rehab Cen- a lifetime of being together on this earth, they
ter in Jackson. left to be together forever within an hour and fif-
A family memori- teen minutes of each other. This is a testament
al service was held
Jan. 16 at Mt. Vernon Dr. Wiley Hutchins to their 60+ year commitment of love and epito-
Graveside Services: mizes their marriage vows till death do they part.
Church, with the Rev. Wednesday, Feb. 3 • 11 AM
A memorial service will be Wednesday, Feb-
Friendship Cemetery
Gary Howse officiat- Burial ruary 3, 2021, at 1:00 PM at Lowndes Funeral
ing. Lowndes Funeral Friendship Cemetery Home, Columbus, MS, with Bro. Byron Benson
Home of Columbus was 2nd Ave. N. Location
in charge of arrange-
Guy Richards Mr. Dyer was born April 6, 1942, in White-
ments. Graveside Services: water, MO, to the late Elwin and Addie Cappel-
Mrs. Howle was Saturday, Feb. 6 • 2 PM
la Dyer. He received his bachelor’s degree in
Friendship Cemetery
born Jan. 28, 1940, in Burial Math from Southeastern Louisana University.
Lowndes County, to Friendship Cemetery
Mr. Dyer retired from Weyerhaeuser Co. after
the late John William 2nd Ave. N. Location
26 years as the Safety Traning Manager. He
House and Allie George was currently employed with East Mississippi
House. She was a Kevin Parker
Services: Community College as Technical Training and
graduate of Mississippi Thursday, Feb. 4 • 2 PM Instructor. Mr. Dyer was a member of Masonic
University for Women. Andrews Chapel Cemetery
2nd Ave. N. Location Grand Lodge of Mississippi, Knights Templer of
She was formerly em- Mississippi, Shriners of Mississippi, Yorkrites
ployed as a homemaker, Benjamin Graber of Mississippi, and Scottishrites of Mississippi.
a school bus driver and Visitation: He was an umpire and called games during the
as a teacher in the East Tuesday, Feb. 2 • 5-8 PM 1980 Little League World Series, as well as with
Mississippi Community Magnolia Mennonite Church
Services: the Southeastern Conference – Mississippi State
College Adult Basic Wednesday, Feb. 3 • 10 AM Baseball from 1985 – 1989. Mr. Dyer was a mem-
Education program. Magnolia Mennonite Church
Burial ber of East End Baptist Church.
She was a member of Magnolia Mennonite Mrs. Dyer was born September 27, 1939, to the
First Baptist Church of Church Cemetery late Willie and Florence Reid Rushing, in New
Fannin. 2nd Ave. N. Location
Orleans, LA. She was a member of the Eastern
In addition to her Star of Mississippi and East End Baptist Church.
parents, she was pre- William Langford
Visitation: Mrs. Dyer worked as a teacher for several years
ceded in death by her Thursday, Feb. 4 • 12-2 PM and at Baptist Memorial Hospital – Golden Tri-
siblings, Linda Joan College St. Location angle, Columbus, MS, as a switchboard operator
House, Clarence David Services:
Thursday, Feb. 4 • 2 PM from 2006 – 2010.
House and John Alfred College St. Location In addition to her parents, Mrs. Dyer was pre-
House. Burial
Memorial Gardens ceded in death by her 2 sisters, Gladys Rushing
She is survived by College St. Location and Gwen Baker.
her husband, Wallace They were preceded in death by their daugh-
Howle; children, Gwen Clarence LeBlanc ter, Ginger Rogers; 2 grandchildren, Jeremy Rog-
Sisson of Columbus, A family graveside service
will be held at a later date.
ers and Rueben Rogers; and 2 great-grandchil-
Carol Basinger of Burial dren, Caleb Bankston and Chase Bankston.
Alabama, Deb Koch Memorial Gardens Mr. & Mrs. Dyer were survived by their
College St. Location
of Nebraska, Charles daughters, Gina Dyer, Greta Miller, Gidget Dyer,
“Bud” Bell of Alabama; and Gawain McGuff; 8 grandchildren; and 8
step-children, Larry Jimmy Simmons
Incomplete great-grandchildren; Mr. Dyer’s brother, Keith
Howle of Brandon, Ray 2nd Ave. N. Location Dyer; and sisters, Karen Tullier and Karolyn
Howle of Columbus and Featherston; and Mrs. Dyer’s sister, Glenda Hol-
Bert Howle of Alabama; Sharon Beatty liday.
siblings, Ruby Jean Incomplete
2nd Ave. N. Location
Honorary Pallbearers will be the members of
Anderson of Columbus, the Masonic Grand Lodge of MS, Knights Tem-
Durranda Howse of Dianne Holmes plar of MS. Shriners of MS, Yorkrites of MS,
Lauderdale and Mike Incomplete Scottishrites of MS, Eastern Star of MS, and stu-
House of Caledonia; College St. Location dents of EMCC Systems Based Automation and
grandchildren; and Control Program.
great-grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the charity of the
donor’s choice.
Sandra Belk
BRILLIANT, Ala. Compliments of
— Sandra “Sandy” Lowndes Funeral Home
Kay Belk, 47, died Jan.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2021 3A

Continued from Page 1A
tended, she said. new security guard. near the Golden Triangle “I’m all dress the issue of pay both existing and fairer
“His words were, ‘I just Since Jan. 19, Lowndes Regional Airport. for eco- disparity between road wages to present at the
wanted to let you know County Sheriff’s Office Supervisors have dis- nomic de- department employees. next meeting on Feb. 16.
that North Atlantic will has provided security ev- agreed for the past few velopment, “A few weeks ago, we The board also voted
no longer have anybody ery Tuesday, but the office months over whether and I think hired a person for the unanimously to grant
at Justice Court starting cannot provide full-time LCIDA needs Lowndes you’ve done depar t- permits for C Spire to
Tuesday (Jan. 19),’” Erby security because some County taxpayers’ mon- a wonder- ment at $13 lay fiber optic cable in
said. deputies are in quaran- ey. The county is LCIDA’s ful job,” he an hour,” two parts of the county:
Justice Court deals tine due to COVID-19 and primary funding source said. “My Sanders
B r o o k s Yorkville Road southeast
with criminal cases on others are monitoring the every year, and it is also concern is we’re enter-
s a i d . of Columbus and Indus-
Tuesdays, so those are county’s COVID vacci- responsible for all LCI- ing into an agreement
nation site, Sheriff Eddie for three years that sets “There are trial Park Road between
the days security is most DA’s debts. General fund
Hawkins told the super- a precedent for the port about five Columbus and Artesia.
necessary, she said. revenue usually covers
North Atlantic provided visors at their Monday LCIDA’s operational ex- authority, the library, the people that Smith Additionally, the coun-
security Monday through meeting. penses. For Fiscal Year sheriff’s department, the have been ty has received two quotes
Friday, but this was not Hawkins also said he 2021, however, LCIDA solid waste (authority), working there as long as to move the Confederate
enough to stave off “un- will talk to Columbus Po- asked for $1.3 million but all the places we appoint 12 years and don’t make monument in front of the
rest” caused by frustrated lice Chief Fred Shelton was only budgeted for board members, that $13 an hour.” courthouse after decid-
plaintiffs and defendants, about the possibility of ad- $285,000. they’re going to come to The board voted unani- ing months ago to move
Erby told the supervisors ditional support from the At the Jan. 15 meeting, us and say, ‘Well, you did mously for Brooks to meet it, and County Engineer
Jan. 15. Columbus Police Depart- Golden Triangle Devel- it for LCIDA, why don’t with Fisher and Chief Bob Calvert will negotiate
Security guards de-es- ment at the Justice Court opment LINK CEO Joe you guarantee us money Financial Officer Lloyd with one entity to agree
calate situations in which building. Max Higgins presented for the next three years?’” Price to compile data on on a final dollar amount.
those plaintiffs or defen- North Atlantic presi- the board with options for District 5 Supervi-
dants get upset, which dent Jabari Edwards and LCIDA funding. LCIDA sor Leroy Brooks said
happens most often on vice president Antwann pays the LINK to manage he did not
Tuesdays, and they are Richardson did not re- its day-to-day operations. disagree
also necessary to keep spond to a request for Monday’s agreement with Sand-
people at a safe distance comment by press time. provides $285,000 in an- ers’ logic
apart to reduce the risk nual funding and an addi- but did not
of spreading COVID-19, LCIDA funding tional $330,000 in annual like “when
board mem-
Erby said. debate settled bond payments to fund
bers take
She initially asked the The supervisors voted capital improvement proj-
board in January to hire a ects — a water rehabili- employe e s Brooks
4-1 in favor of an agree-
specific longtime county tation plant, a water line to task” and
ment to fund the Lowndes
employee, but the securi- replacement in the south- wanted the LCIDA fund-
County Industrial Devel-
ty guard position will now western part of the coun- ing debate to end.
opment Authority for the
be under the purview of ty, clearing and grubbing “I think we’ve beat this
next three fiscal years.
LCSO, which is accepting the Infinity Megasite and horse into a cow,” Brooks
District 1 Supervisor Har-
applications for the full- ry Sanders was the dis- possibly a speculative
time position, she said senting vote. building pad — said Mer-
Monday. LCIDA is a county-ap- yl Fisackerly, LINK vice Road department pay,
County Administrator pointed board that is president and LCIDA ad- C Spire fiber
Jay Fisher confirmed that responsible for land pur- ministrative assistant. District 4 Supervisor
North Atlantic terminat- chases for industrial ex- Sanders expressed Jeff Smith suggested the
ed its contract with the pansion, maintenance and concern that guarantee- county set aside bond
county, and he also said infrastructure building ing funding for LCIDA for money for road mainte-
the Justice Court budget primarily at the Golden a few years would create a nance, and Brooks took
includes funding for a Triangle Industrial Park slippery slope. the opportunity to ad-

Aberdeen mayor ordered to resign after his embezzlement guilty plea

Maurice Howard was accused of taking city funds Howard’s attorneys, Michael Todd
Sterling of Atlanta, told the judge
meant to pay for travel expenses for city business Monday that he had gotten to know
Howard the past few weeks. Howard
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ed sentence, which means Howard also works as a pastor.
will not go to prison. “I think he’s an asset to his com-
ABERDEEN — A Mississippi Howard was indicted on embez- munity, a dedicated father and a
mayor is being removed from office zlement charges in October 2019. dedicated husband and he intends to
after pleading guilty to embezzle-
State Auditor Shad White said at use his second chance to better his
ment by a public official.
News outlets report Aberdeen the time that Howard was accused community,” Sterling said.
Mayor Maurice Howard entered the of taking city funds meant to pay for The newspaper reported that the
plea Monday in Monroe County Cir- travel expenses for city business. judge also ordered Howard to pay
cuit Court. Howard had been set to White said Howard was paid in ad- court costs of $432, a bond fee of
go on trial this week. vance for attending meetings or con- $200 and the victim’s bond fee of $10.
Circuit Judge John White ordered ferences but then didn’t go. White also ordered Howard to pay
Howard’s removal from office. White The Northeast Mississippi Dai- $8,226 of restitution to Old Republic
also gave Howard a 10-year suspend- ly Journal reported that one of Surety Company of Milwaukee.

Continued from Page 1A
finish the term of former and agree with both sides fore deciding to run for Turner will face each
councilman Fred Jackson. without party affiliation.” re-election. other in the Democratic
He ran as an independent Beard said he wants to “I wanted to make sure primary, and the winner
in that election as well advocate for “a bold agen- I did a worthy enough will face Beard in June.
and defeated Democrat da equal to the scale of our job,” he said. Turner held the Ward 4
Kegdra Gibbs-Gray. challenges” if re-elected. Beard was cited in Co- seat for eight years before
“I just want to continue He hopes to focus on qual- lumbus for misdemeanor Jackson unseated him in
to bring people from all ity-of-life issues like infra- possession of marijuana the Democratic primary
aspects of life together,” structure improvements in January. runoff election in May
he said. “That’s my sole and work closely with all As an independent, 2017.
purpose when it comes to of the city’s department Beard is guaranteed a
politics as well. On a local heads. spot in the June 8 general
level, people shouldn’t The deadline to qualify election and will not be on
have to figure if they’re for candidacy is Friday. the ballot for the April 6
Democratic or Republican Beard said he wanted party primaries.
or Libertarian. (Officials) to get a feel for whether Retired educator Pat
should all be someone Ward 4 citizens would Fisher Douglas and for-
that’s on neutral ground support him again be- mer councilman Marty

Continued from Page 2A

Jimmy Simmons to Ethel Harris and incomplete and will be

MAYLENE, Ala. — Robert Harris Sr. announced by Memorial
Jimmy Simmons, 72, He is survived by his Gunter Peel Funeral
died Feb. 1, 2021, at his children Kesha Sneed Home and Crematory,
residence. and Travis Moore; sis- College Street location.
Arrangements are ter, Dorothy Ann Sykes;
incomplete and will be and four grandchildren. William Langford
announced by Memorial CALEDONIA — Wil-
Gunter Peel Funeral Sharon Beatty liam “Titum” Langford,
Home and Crematory, COLUMBUS — Sha- 95, died Feb. 1, 2021, at
Second Avenue North ron Beatty, 59, died Feb. North Mississippi Medi-
location. 1, 2021, at her resi- cal Center in Tupelo.
dence. Funeral services will
Robert Harris Jr. Arrangements are be at 2 p.m. Thursday, at SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates

COLUMBUS — incomplete and will be Memorial Gunter Peel

peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Tues. Wed.
Major 5:04a 5:54a
Robert Lester Harris announced by Memorial Chapel, with Lee Jaynes Minor 11:17p 12:24a

Jr. passed Gunter Peel Funeral officiating. Burial will Major

away. Home and Crematory, follow at Memorial Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

Lee- Second Avenue North Gardens. Visitation will

Home of

Dianne Holmes
be two hours prior to
services at the funeral
home. Memorial Gunter
The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Columbus COLUMBUS — Di- Peel Funeral Home and Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
is in charge anne Daniel Holmes, 72, Crematory, College Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
Harris POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
of arrange- died Feb. 1, 2021, at her Street location is in The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
ments. residence. charge of arrangements. Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip: [email protected]
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Mr. Harris was born Arrangements are
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Use them or lose them rights
he Mississip- elections and have At the end of Reconstruc- Holder, removed the clearance for people to vote, especially
pi Legisla- failed to respond tion, Mississippi imposed a requirement. Black people.
ture is back to a notice asking series of changes to election Chief Justice John Roberts We know that our state’s
to its usual mischief. them to confirm laws guaranteed to disenfran- said there was no reason to Black population is less likely
Every year, a their residency. chise Black voting strength at believe that those states under to be home-owners and, as
few silly bills are Supporters of a time when the majority of the the clearance requirement a result, more transient. We
presented, most of House Bill 4 and state’s residents were Black. should be still held to a differ- also know that Black Mis-
which aren’t really Senate Bill 2588 Almost immediately those laws ent standard than the other sissippians are less likely to
designed to be say keeping voter — including literacy tests and states. vote than white citizens, HB 4
signed into law, but rolls up to date can poll taxes — ended meaningful It has, and continues to be and SB2588, we suspect, are
offered to pander to be difficult, and black participation in the state a disastrous ruling. South- efforts to exploit those facts.
the base of the bills’ poorly kept rolls can government. Mississippi was ern states have continuous- I will be blunt. I believe
authors. Slim Smith make it challenging in fact the blueprint for Jim ly changed election rules, these bills are based on racism
But there are for courts to find Crow rule in the South. making it more difficult to and fear.
cases when it goes beyond mis- enough people for jury duty. The Voting Rights Act of vote through Voter ID require- The timing of these bills
chief and represents real harm. Critics say the proposals 1965 ended those practices ments, gerrymandering and supports it. When red-state
In this year’s session, two would endanger constitutional immediately, but also provided other changes that dispro- Georgia and Arizona went blue
very similar bills are working rights in a state whose history future protections against the portionately affect minority in November, it sent shock-
their way through the Mis- on Black voter suppression is kind of efforts represented by voters. waves through reliably red
sissippi Senate and House of well-established. the two election bills current- What Shelby County v. states, Mississippi included.
Representatives that weaken It should be noted this sort ly being considered by our Holder really proved is that These bills represent today
one of our fundamental rights of logic is not applied to other Legislature through what was clearance was effective in pro- what the legislation of the
as Americans. rights. For example, I’ve yet to known as “clearance.” tecting minority voting rights. post-Reconstruction era in
If either is passed into law, it see a bill that says if you don’t Clearance dictated that What has happened since Mississippi represented then:
will mean your right to vote has shoot your gun over a certain any election laws that could confirms as much. an effort to maintain white
an expiration date. It’s basically period of time you will be de- negatively affect minority While not everyone may domination at the polls.
a “use it or lose it” proposition. prived of your Second Amend- voting strength in state’s with agree on whether things It was shameful then. It’s
House Bill 4 and Senate ment rights. a history of voter suppression like Voter ID are a modern even more shameful now be-
Bill 2588 will allow election It seems only fair to view (essentially the Jim Crow means of restoring Jim Crow cause we should know better.
officials to purge people from these bills with a healthy states) must be approved by rule, what we do know is that Slim Smith is a columnist
the registration polls if they degree of suspicion, based not the U.S. Supreme Court. virtually none of the legisla- and feature writer for The
haven’t voted over a four-year only on history but more recent But in 2013, the Supreme tion passed by Mississippi’s Dispatch. His email address is
period that includes two federal events. Court, in Shelby County v. legislature has made it easier [email protected].


Ready for the
‘old’ Republican party
I believe having at least two
major parties capable of debating
issues is important for a healthy
democracy. If only we still had
The Republican party of today
appears to have veered off the
QAnon cliff with the election of
Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)
and Lauren Boebert (R-CO).
Putting aside Taylor Greene’s
public support of assassinations
(see how nice I am?), I would be
happy to see a Republican party
not populated with people who
have left the world of reality and,
to pick one of many examples,
who are convinced that the fires
in California have been started
with lasers from space — whether
controlled by Jews or not. NOt
that there’s any problem with that.
You’ve lost me as soon as you say
‘lasers from space’. I don’t even
need to hear what they’ve been
supposedly used for. Or who by.
I’m already gone.
And the suggestion that world
leaders are part of a ring of canni-

Proud of my vote for Biden

balistic pedophiles would seal the
deal. Well, all I’d need was either
pedophiles or cannibals — not

both — to immediately discount
the claim. Although I really don’t ’ve been getting a lot of sider whatever articles” of im- loyalists circulated a petition to remove
need a second reason to bolt. mail from critics lately peachment the House might Cheney from her House leadership post.
asking if I’m happy with move. Sen. Lindsey Graham National Review published a John Bolton
As a human, I am not capable
the Biden administration. expressed his disgust on piece arguing that the second impeach-
of using reason fully and totally all
They point to some of the new the Senate floor: “Count me ment was as “flawed as the first.” Too
the time — just like everyone else.
president’s executive orders out. Enough is enough.” Sen. partisan. Too hasty. It will give him a
Nevertheless, I continue to live in
— the one about the Key- Mitch McConnell said Trump platform. You know the drill.
the world of reality, just as I always
stone XL pipeline, or the one provoked the mob by feeding Sen. Marco Rubio said the impeach-
have. If something sounds too
rescinding the “Mexico City” them lies, and McConnell sig- ment is “stupid.” Oh, and did he mention
good to be true, it probably isn’t. If
policy withholding funds from naled that he might be open “divisive”?
something sounds far-fetched and
international organizations to impeachment. Rep. Kevin The infinitely flexible Nikki Haley
insane, it probably is. that perform or advocate for McCarthy said Trump was asks not whether former Trump attempt-
Ms. Greene thinks the Republi- abortion. They ask, snidely, Mona Charen responsible for the storming ed to steal the election, but how low the
can party leadership is composed whether I’m proud of my vote of the Capitol, and warned base would like her to sink. Appearing
of weak losers. Fine. Let her start for the Democrat. his caucus not to criticize members who on the Laura Ingraham show, she offered
her own party. I want the old Re- My answer is a resounding yes. It’s voted for impeachment because it might up the expected persecution narrative:
publican party back. Our country not because I think Joe Biden will pursue endanger their lives. National Review “They beat him up before he got into
needs them. Badly. a policy agenda I will agree with most of published pro-impeachment articles, office. They are beating him up after
Paul Mack the time. It’s because we just came within and The Wall Street Journal called for he leaves office. I mean, at some point,
Columbus a whisker of losing our democracy, and Trump to resign. Ten House Republicans, I mean, give the man a break. I mean,
this presidency is a chance to rebuild it. including a sulphuric Liz Cheney, voted to move on.”
A letter to the editor is an We may yet blow it. Matters like the Key- impeach. Even Ari Fleisher said: “At this See how this works? It was Trump who
excellent way to participate in your stone pipeline and even the Mexico City point, I won’t defend him anymore. ... He’s was beaten, not Officer Sicknick.
community. We request the tone policy are trifles by comparison. on his own.” The persecution complex is eternal
of your letters be constructive and My correspondents won’t under- Oh, but he’s not. Just a few days later, — the sense that Democrats and “the
respectful and the length be limited stand this. Rightworld is in the process, Fleisher was retweeting a Wall Street media” are willing to do anything to “get”
to 450 words. We reserve the right once again, of bending reality to serve Journal editorial suggesting that we real- Trump and that therefore they must be
to edit letters for clarity, grammar their leader, and in so doing, they are ly ought to move on, and that “Democrats ready to respond in kind. We’ve run the
and length. Letters may be emailed compounding the moral abdication that and the press are addicted to Trump.” experiment and gotten our answer. There
to [email protected] or mailed brought us Jan. 6. The Oregon GOP’s official position is that really is nothing Trump could do that
to The Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the The immediate reactions to the the assault on the Capitol was a false flag would forfeit the support of the GOP. He
Editor, PO Box 511, Columbus, MS attempted coup sound strangely ma- operation, mounted to “discredit” Trump. didn’t literally shoot someone on Fifth Av-
39703-0511. ture and responsible now that the right Graham was back onsides in a matter of enue, but he sabotaged Americans’ faith
has regrouped and settled back into its days. Having weathered harassment by in elections, attempted to intimidate the
accustomed posture of Trump-excusing. Trump fanatics at National Airport, he secretary of state of Georgia into altering
Our View: Local Editorials The new narrative is that an impeach- skittered back to the boss, telling Fox the election count and set a violent mob
Local editorials appearing in this ment trial would be 1) unconstitutional, News that “I hope people in our party against the Congress (killing one officer
space represent the opinion of 2) divisive or 3) helpful to Trump because understand the party itself. If you’re and four others). He has blood on his
the newspaper’s editorial board: it gives him a platform. How quickly they wanting to erase Donald Trump from the hands. But in the words of his No. 1 toady,
Peter Imes, editor and publisher; have capitulated. It’s a mistake in this party, you’re gonna get erased.” Lindsey Graham: “He’s going to be the
Zack Plair, managing editor; Slim febrile era ever to assume you’ve taken Like dominoes, the old gang began most important voice in the Republican
Smith and senior newsroom staff.
To inquire about a meeting with the
the national temperature. falling into line. Prof. Jonathan Turley, Party for a long time to come.”
board, please contact Peter Imes In the days immediately following the who’s been saying that impeaching a So, no regrets about voting for an hon-
at 662-328-2424, or e-mail voice@ attack on the Capitol, Sen. Pat Toomey non-incumbent is unconstitutional, was orable Democrat. I only pray that, with said the president had committed im- invited to the Senate GOP luncheon. All the reprieve we’ve bought, we can repair
peachable offenses and was unfit to serve. but five Republicans (Romney, Sasse, the awful breach in this country before
Imagination Library: “I want him out,” Sen. Lisa Murkowski Murkowski, Collins and Toomey) voted it’s too late.
Give the gift of books told The Anchorage Daily News. Sen. for a resolution introduced by Sen. Rand Mona Charen is a Senior Fellow at the
Ben Sasse said he would “definitely con- Paul echoing the Turley view. Trump Ethics and Public Policy Center
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2021 5A

Continued from Page 3A

Robert Davidson mond Davidson, James and Brandon Lamar Brinkley officiating.
HOUSTON — Rob- Davidson, Francie Henry of Grayson, Visitation is from 2:30-3
ert Lee Davidson, 51, Davidson and Denise Georgia; mother, Dora p.m. prior to services at
died Jan. 23, 2021, at Harris; and one grand- Nell Henry; siblings, the cemetery. Carter’s
her residence. child. Irma Jeffries, Angie Mortuary Services of
Graveside services Motton, Milton Henry, West Point is in charge
will be at 11 a.m. LeRoy Henry III Warren L. Henry and of arrangements.
Wednesday, at Union STURGIS — Rev. Stephen Henry; and
Mr. Bennett was
Baptist Church Cem- LeRoy C. Henry III, 68, three grandchildren.
born March 9, 1990, in
etery in Prairie, with died Jan. 26, 2021, in

Wiley Hutchins, M.D.

West Point, to Wendell
the Rev. Mike Wilson Jackson. Cortez Bennett and Annette Bennett.
officiating. Visitation Funeral services will WEST POINT —
He was preceded
will be from 10:30-11 be at 11 a.m. Wednes- Cortez Vonsha Bennett, Dr. Wiley C. Hutchins of Columbus, MS died
day, at Beth-el M.B. 30, died Jan. 23, 2021, in death by his broth-
a.m. prior to services Sunday, January 31, 2021, at his home.
Wednesday, at the Church. Burial will at Piedmont Fayette er, Wendell LuShunn
Bennett. Born on September 19, 1931, in Charleston,
cemetery. Carter’s follow at Mississippi VA Hospital in Fayetteville, MS to Harold Hammond Hutchins and Eleanor
Mortuary Services of Memorial Cemetery in Georgia. In addition to his par-
Robinson Hutchins, Wiley graduated from
West Point is in charge Kilmichael. Visitation is Graveside services ents, he is survived by
Charleston High School in 1949. He then enrolled
of arrangements. from 1-6 p.m. today, at are at 3 p.m. today, at his siblings, Kizzy Hall, at the University of Mississippi in Oxford where
Mr. Davidson was West Memorial Funeral Greenwood Cemetery, Wennette Bennett-Ellis he joined Sigma Nu fraternity, twice serving as
born Jan. 14, 1970, in Home. West Memo- with the Rev. Timothy and La’Toya Bennett. its Commander. He graduated with a Bachelor of
Houston, to Johnny J. rial Funeral Home of Arts degree in 1953 and subsequently earned a

Benjamin Graber
Davidson and the late Starkville is in charge Bachelor of Science.
Mary F. Davidson. He of arrangements. Wiley married the love of his life, Mary Janice
was formerly employed He is survived by his Morris of Macon, MS, in November 1953, and
wife, Mechille Henry; Benjamin Franklin Graber, 86, of Macon, MS
as a mechanic. shortly thereafter, he entered in the U.S. Air
children, Aleise Dan- went to be with the Lord on January 31, 2021. He
In addition to his Force as a first lieutenant. For most of his service,
died peacefully at his residence surrounded by
father, he is survived ielle McGowan of Co- Wiley was stationed at Nouasseur Air Base in
his family.
by his son, Antonia lumbia, LeRoy C. Henry Casablanca, French Morocco, North Africa. He
Funeral services will be Wednesday, February
Simms; siblings, Ray- IV of Atlanta, Georgia was discharged from the Air Force in late 1955,
3, 2021, at 10:00 AM at Magnolia Mennonite
Church of Macon, MS. The interment will and resumed his education.

David McCarty immediately follow at the church cemetery. Wiley received his medical degree in 1960
Visitation will be Tuesday, February 2, 2021, from the University of Mississippi Medical
from 5:00 - 8:00 PM at Magnolia Mennonite Center at Jackson, and while there, he served
David Warren McCarty, 56, of Columbus, MS, Church. Memorial Gunter Peel Funeral Home as student body president. Wiley continued his
passed away Friday, January 29, 2021, at Baptist & Crematory 716 2nd Ave. North location is in medical training in Memphis, first as an intern
Memorial Hospital- GT, in Columbus, MS. charge of arrangements. at the City of Memphis Hospital and then as a
A graveside service will be held Tuesday, Ben was born March 2, 1934, in Loogootee, IN. general surgery resident at the Kennedy VA
February 2, 2021, at 11:00 AM at Memorial He was the son of the late Elmer and Elizabeth Hospital. He completed his training with a
Gardens in Columbus, MS, with Rev. Al Hamm Graber. He married Silva Miller of Kokomo, IN, three year fellowship in orthopaedic surgery at
officiating, and Lowndes Funeral Home, on October 18, 1953. The Campbell Foundation. He remained at the
Columbus, MS, directing. Ben worked in cabinetry, construction, and Campbell Clinic first as a member of the staff
Mr. McCarty was born December 22, 1964, farming. He and Silva operated Golden Age Care and subsequently as a partner. Wiley served as
in Long Beach, CA, to the late James Lewis and Home for 25 years. He served for many years orthopaedic consultant to the Memphis State
Patsy Jane Morris McCarty. He was a veteran, as deacon of Magnolia Mennonite Church of University Athletic teams and to the Liberty
having served in the United States Navy. Mr. Macon, MS. Bowl.
McCarty worked for PACCAR Engine Company, Ben was preceded in death by his son, Timothy In June of 1977, Wiley and his family moved to
in Columbus, MS, as an assembly technician. He Graber; son-in-law Kevin Yoder; grandsons, Columbus, MS, where he founded the Columbus
enjoyed fishing with his grandchildren, hunting Brian Graber and Christopher Schrock; and Orthopaedic Clinic, P.A. Soon thereafter, he
with his sons, and spending time with family several great-grandchildren. became the team orthopaedist for the Mississippi
having cook outs. Mr. McCarty loved watching He is survived by his wife, Silva, of Macon, MS; State University athletic teams. He retired from
Clint Eastwood movies and was a big fan of and children, Lois (Titus) Schrock, of Camilla, the practice of medicine in 1996.
baseball, football, and LSU. Mr. McCarty was GA, Norma Jean (Galen) Schrock of Macon, All of Wiley’s professional and community
also a member of the Crisis Response Team in MS, Miriam (Kenneth) Schrock of Taylorsville, activities are too numerous to list, but included
Mississippi. MS Paul (Julia) Graber of Macon, MS Mark serving as president of the Mississippi
In addition to his parents, he is preceded in (Miriam) Graber of Brooksville, MS Dorcas Orthopaedic Society and as the Mississippi
death by his wife, Amanda Dale Sargent McCarty. (Randy) Miller of Meigs, GA Rhoda (Lanell) Representative on the Board of Councillors for
Mr. McCarty is survived by his daughter, Bontrager of Macon and MS Josephine (Jerrill) the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Brittany McCarty of Columbus, MS; sons, Bontrager of Macon, MS; daughter-in-law, Kathy He was also an advisory member of the National
Nathan (Cheyenne) McCarty of Northport, AL, (Tim) Graber of Macon, MS. We are blessed Athletic Trainers Association and a contributor
Gabriel McCarty and Jacob McCarty, both of to have Bonnie Maxwell (Richard) Troyer of to the Orthopaedic Research and Education
Columbus, MS; grandchildren, Dallas McCarty, Goshen, IN as part of our family. He also leaves Foundation. In Columbus, Wiley was a member
Kaspian Silas, and Cooper McCarty; and brother, 46 grandchildren and 85 great grandchildren to of the Columbus Rotary Club and is a Paul Harris
James McCarty of Pearl, MS. mourn his passing. Fellow. In 1996, Wiley was selected as King of
Pallbearers will be Alex Sargent, Otis Junior Auxiliary Charity Ball. He served on the
McNamee, Tommy Burchfield, Dennis Collum, Boards of Directors for Heritage Academy, First
and Randy Robles. Columbus National Bank, and the Friends of the
Honorary pallbearers will be the Employees of Library.
PACCAR Columbus. In his free time, Wiley stayed busy landscaping
Memorials may be made to the American Sign the online guest book at his yard and gardens or working and hunting
Cancer Society, 1380 Livingston Lane, Jackson, on the farm he shared with his son. Most of all,
MS 39213. Wiley loved his family and enjoyed spending time
716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
Compliments of with them whether at home or traveling. Wiley
Lowndes Funeral Home never met a stranger and he will be remembered

Carolyn Guist by many for his baby blue eyes, beautiful smile,
penchant for sweets and his never-ending

William Eads Jr. Carolyn Margaret Von Kanel

generosity with his time and talents.
Wiley was a member of the Church of
Christ, but most recently attended First United
Guist, 95 of Columbus, MS
William (Bill) Edward Eads passed away Sunday, January Methodist Church in Columbus, MS.
Jr. of Old Hickory, TN, passed 31, 2021, at Vineyard Court Wiley was preceded in death by his parents;
in peace, at the age of 90, on Nursing Center, Columbus, his wife, Janice; and his son, Jeffrey Stovall
January 26, 2021. Bill was born MS. Hutchins.
in Columbus, Mississippi, to A graveside service will He is survived by three children, W. Carter
the late William Edward Eads be Wednesday, February 3, Hutchins, Jr. (Patricia), Lauren J. Hutchins and
Sr. and Annie Johnson. 2021, at 2:00 PM at Memorial Leslie Hutchins Kennedy (Jody), all of Columbus,
Bill was a man of strong Gardens, Columbus, MS with MS; four grandchildren, Amy Beaty (Eric) of
Christian faith. He was a Rev. Curtis Bray officiating and Lowndes Funeral Memphis, TN, Cindy Krutz (Bryan) of Santa Rosa
member of Cooks United Home directing. Beach, FL, Wiley C. Hutchins, III (Courtney) of
Methodist Church and a Mrs. Guist was born November 1, 1925, in Columbus, MS and Bryce Kennedy of Columbus,
veteran of the U.S. Air Force. Bill retired from Helena, Arkansas to the late Paul and Rosena MS; and seven great-grandchildren. He is also
Mississippi State University as the head of Plattner Von Kanel. She was a member of survived by his devoted caregivers, Lucille
Property/Receiving Control. Bill loved sports, Schaeffer’s Chapel United Methodist Church, Cattladge, Tammy Buchanan, Rosa Lee, Elaine
but primarily, the Mississippi State Bulldogs, Columbus, MS. Mrs. Guist was a retired secretary Smith and Donna Merritt.
Tennessee Titans, and watching his favorite with the Civil Service, she enjoyed bowling and Graveside services will be Wednesday,
baseball team, the Atlanta Braves on TV. Bill being league secretary for many years. She loved February 3, 2021, at 11:00 AM at Friendship
was a very talented craftsman. He referred to his singing and was song director at Deerbrook and Cemetery.
pastime as “piddling around”. Bill had knowledge, Shaeffer’s Chapel. Mrs. Guist was a great cook Pallbearers will be Wiley Hutchins, III, Bryce
ingenuity and natural ability to create simple and made the world’s best pecan pie! Kennedy, Todd Gale, Strat Karatassos, Rusty
to complex items such as dog ramps, furniture Mrs. Guist was preceded in death by her Linton and Louis Sharp.
pieces, and cabinets. husband, Simon Guist; daughter, Marlene Honorary pallbearers are Mike Batson, Jimmy
Bill had a generous heart who took great joy Nanney; son-in-law, Stan Riddle; sister, Pauline Davis, Bill Gillespie, Jim Mauldin, Ralph McLain,
in helping others. He was quick to establish Butler; and brothers, Lewis Von Kanel, Edmond Larry Morris, Hilary Hunt, Billy Phillips, Bud
connections with people he met wherever he Von Kanel, Ernest Von Kanel, William Von Kanel Phillips, Jack Reed, Charlie Rhea, Walt Starr, Si
went. He loved so many things in life, such and Herman Von Kanel. Thomas, Jim Winslow, Tom Whitaker and James
as children, animals, and nature. Watching Mrs. Guist is survived by her daughter, Woodard.
airplanes fly over, feeding deer and birds, looking Teresa “Terry” Riddle, Columbus, MS; son, Memorials may be made to The Good
at the clouds or going to the lake and watching Dr. Steven (Deborah) Guist, Columbus, MS; Samaritan Medical Clinic, P.O. Box 661,
the boaters and other activities brought him so son-in-law, Bill Nanney, Phoenix, AZ; and was Columbus, MS 39703; St. Jude Children’s
much pleasure in life. a loving “Meemaw” to five grandchildren, Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis,
Bill “He Shug” joins his loving wife, Faye Smith Karen(Christopher) Meinerz, Steven (Jessica) TN 38105 or to the charity of your choice.
“She Shug” of 66 years; and sisters, Mildred Riddle, Kevin (Jackie) Nanney, Carley (Ryan)
Darling and Rosa House. Cutler and Neil (Lori) Riddle; 11 great-
He is survived by his daughters, Kathryn and grandchildren, Betsi Cate Riddle, Tyler Nanney,
Martha (Monica); and granddogs, Harley and Katie Nanney, Simone Meinerz, Tatum Meinerz,
Mandy. Ella Clare Riddle, Eli Cole Riddle, Emmett Cyle Sign the online guest book at
A Celebration of Life service will be conducted Riddle, Emma Caroline Riddle, Clara Jade Cutler
at a later date. Burial will be at Friendship and Chloe Zeppos.
Cemetery in Columbus, MS. 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
Honorary Pallbearers will be Experienced
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Citizens Bowling League, Members of Shaeffer’s
Cooks United Methodist Church, 7919 Lebanon Chapel, Eddie Von Kanel, David Butler, Carey
Road, Mt. Juliet, TN [email protected] or Mt. Butler, Ronald Karg, Rick and Edna McGill, and
Juliet Help Center, 3452B N. Mt. Juliet Road, Mt.
Juliet, TN [email protected].
Jamie and Elizabeth Lott.
Memorials may be made to Shaeffer’s Chapel
Help us help them,
Arrangements by Bond Memorial Chapel, N. United Methodist Church, 1007 Shaeffer’s The Humane Society
Mt. Juliet Road and Weston Drive, Mt. Juliet, TN.
(615) 773-2663.
Chapel Road, Columbus, MS 39701. 662 327-3107
Compliments of

Paid Obituary - Bond Memorial Chapel Lowndes Funeral Home
6A TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2021 The Dispatch •

Election bills
Continued from Page 1A
during the 2020 election. en off. It’s not a Democrat for those four years, and not look at voting records, dictions they no longer he would
“Most of it is coming or Republican thing to if they miss that card, except to see if an elderly live in. have to
from the Republican par- me. It’s just they need to then they will be removed registrant may require an “They’re also target- read the
ty based off the false al- be purged and make sure after a period of four absentee ballot. ing people now who don’t bills before
legation of voter fraud in that everybody’s where years,” Short said. “So While Smitherman did vote as much,” she said. deciding
the presidential election, they are, in my opinion.” if you fail to vote for six not offer an opinion on “This is younger people, whether
I think,” he said. “It’s re- years, and you miss that the bills in the Legisla- this is people who are a to support
ally disheartening that
this is such a concentrat-
Current process card, you’ll be removed
from the voting rolls.”
ture, she did say it could
affect registered voters
little more disenchanted them, but
with our political system. he does
ed effort to purge people for removing electors She said both the who simply aren’t inter- And that’s not fair. We not have a problem with
off the rolls instead of The National Voter NVR A and Southern Pov- ested in voting in every shouldn’t be punishing purging rolls.
trying to make it easier Registration Act requires erty Law Center encour- election. people who don’t vote. “The voter rolls should
for people to vote. It’s just election officials to main- age states to use the na- “We personally like Voting is a fundamental have to be purged regu-
the times we’re living in.” tain up-to-date voter re- tional change of address to get that trigger so we right. For people who larly,” he said.
Most local legislators cords but prohibits purg- program to figure out can move forward that say this is going to com- Sen. Bart Williams
said they haven’t read ing names under certain who has moved. way, because if you go in bat voter fraud, show me. (R-Starkville) said there
the bills, which were just circumstances, such as Currently, Mississip- there and start making Prove it to me. You can’t. is a balance between
released from committee within 90 days of a feder- pi election commissions people inactive because It’s not there.” keeping rolls updated and
along with dozens of oth- al election. send confirmation no- they haven’t voted, you’re
Caren Short, senior ensuring commissioners
er bills currently await- tices based on returned going to lose a lot of vot-
ing approval in the Leg- staff attorney with South- mail, such as jury sum- ers,” Smitherman said.
Balancing freedom don’t disenfranchise vot-
islature. However, those ern Poverty Law Center, mons, voter registration “And most races, besides and ‘accuracy’ ers unnecessarily.
“I want to make sure
who responded to The said the law also prohib- cards or property tax the state and county and Sen. Angela Turn-
its election commissions er-Ford (D-West Point) we afford
Dispatch’s requests for forms, said Sissy Smith- president election, you
from removing regis- said she hasn’t read the every citi-
comment were divided erman, vice president of might only have 20 per-
trants just for failure to bills yet, but she does not zen quali-
along party lines over the the Election Commis- cent to 40 that might ac-
vote. support purging voters fied to vote
issue, with Republicans sioner Association of tually vote. And that’s
A similar law to the two from rolls. the ability
saying they like the idea Mississippi and District 2 sad.
of the bill helping keep Mississippi’s Legislature “It sounds like it would to vote. We
election commissioner in “We’ve had small elec-
the voter rolls up-to-date is considering passed in Oktibbeha County. tions that only 8 percent make it eas- don’t want
and Democrats saying Ohio and was upheld by “Anything like that, showed up,” she added. ier for the to hinder
they worry about remov- the Supreme Court in that’s a trigger for us to “... We had one lady that election that in any Williams
ing electors in violation of 2018. But Short said that send a confirmation card had never ever voted in commis- way. At the same time, we
voting rights. “use-it-or-lose-it” law still to see if we can reach that 20 years that came out in sioners to want to try to have as ac-
Sen. Chuck Younger violates the NVR A. voter,” Smitherman said. November and voted.” purge peo- curate voter rolls as pos-
( R - Colum - “You cannot remove “If we cannot reach that Short said SB 2588 ple from sible,” he said, adding he
bus) said he people just for not vot- voter when we get two and HB 4, if passed, the rolls, would want to research
has not read ing,” she said. returned mailings, the would largely affect and I do not Turner-Ford the bills and make sure
the bills and Moreover, she said, clock starts ticking. And Black voters, low-income agree with they satisfy both those
can’t say yet starting with lists of peo- then we’ve got to wait two voters and young voters. that,” she said. “... I think concerns.
whether he ple who have voted is not federal general elections, She echoed Karriem that any time we start dealing Rep. Cheikh Taylor
will support an accurate way of telling which is two years apart, the bills were written in with registered voters, (D-Starkville) declined
them, but whether individuals have before we can purge. So response to allegations there is certainly the po- to comment on the bill
that he is Younger moved or died. Confirma- you’re looking at the earli- of voter fraud in the 2020 tential that people are before reading it, though
“definitely” tion notices also require est that we can purge any- election, despite the fact being disenfranchised. he added he generally
for “purging” the voter the voter to do the work, body is three years right that, she argued, there I would have to explore is against purging. Rep.
rolls. rather than the election now — this with return is no evidence of wide- what the current process Dana McLean (R-Colum-
“For everything, not commission. mailing, not just because spread voter fraud from is on how the rolls are bus) and Rep. Rob Rober-
just fraud,” he said. “If “It’s on the burden of they (did not) vote.” people using the iden- purged.” son (R-Columbus) did not
there’s dead people on the voter then to respond She said election com- tity of people who have Rep. Lynn Wright respond to calls from The
there, they need to be tak- to, and if they fail to vote missioners currently do moved, or voting in juris- (R-Columbus) also said Dispatch by press time.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

More veggies, less blues The research- a high-fiber diet.
ers from South The Cleveland
In 1940, when Franklin Roos-
Korea say this is Clinic says the best
evelt said, “Human kindness has
especially true for fiber-rich foods
never weakened the stamina or
premenopausal include beans,
softened the fiber of a free people,”
women. They lentils, chickpeas,
science had not yet discovered the
surmise that older barley, berries,
connection between a fiber-rich women may get Brussels sprouts
diet and a positive outlook. But less of a mood- and artichoke
we’re betting he knew that the boost from fiber hearts. Try the
fiber that makes up your good na- because once estro- tasty recipes for
ture is as beneficial to your well-be- gen levels decline, them in Dr. Mike’s
ing as the fiber found in broccoli the gut biome’s Drs. Oz and Roizen “What to Eat
and 100 percent whole grains. makeup changes. When Cookbook”
According to a study published Then it takes more — there’s Avoca-
in the journal Menopause, soluble than fiber to keep your gut-brain do Tapenade Bruschetta, Lentil
and insoluble vegetable fibers connection on track. Dumplings, Roasted Brussels
boost positive neurotransmitter To beat the blues (pre- or Sprouts and more.
functioning, reducing your risk for postmenopause) try exercise; Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of “The
depression. And the more high-fi- stress reduction practices like Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike Roizen,
ber foods you eat, the more you yoga, meditation and tai chi; eating M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and
lower your risk for the blues. The prebiotic and probiotic foods (non- Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleve-
research suggests that it’s because dairy yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, land Clinic. To live your healthiest,
eating fiber changes and improves kimchi, etc.); and taking probiotic tune into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
your gut microbiome. supplements, in addition to eating

Continued from Page 1A
the Middle East or here, broaden their perspective some way.” stitute’s summer abroad
it’s being done by people on things while they are Hardin said he’s taken program.
who won’t go on to be in college. Then there are kids as young as 16 and “I’m a big fan of the
professional archaeolo- people who took a class adults in their 80s on the program,” Hardin said.
gists. They are retirees, in college, really liked it summer research trips. “So I say, come do it with
students who are just and kind of got the bug The program is set us sometime. We’d love to
starting out and want to and want to participate in up through the Cobb In- have you.”

Columbus boys pull away for blowout win over West Point
BY THEO DEROSA Tied with the Green Hope. The Trojans took
[email protected] Wave 7-7 late in the first Round 1 by a score of
quarter, the Falcons 60 -39 in the Falcons’
This was not a drill. (9-6, 3-2 Region 2-5A) gym Jan. 15, but Colum-
Sure, the Columbus ripped off the next 12 bus coach Phillip Morris
High School boys basket- points, held their oppo- said he expects his team
ball team sets up the sit- nents scoreless for more to play with more ag-
uation often in practice: than five minutes and gression and conviction
down by five points, in dominated the rest of than three weeks prior.
need of a comeback, two the way in a 63-22 home “It should be a good
minutes on the clock. Of- win. chance for us to get bet-
ten, junior Willie Young “It’s a great accom- ter and try to get a win
said, the team’s goal is plishment,” Young said. Friday going into the
not only to take the lead “That’s a good win and a district tournament,”
but to get ahead by as good start to see where Morris said of the loom-
many as 10 or 15 points. we’re at.” ing crosstown contest.
So when the Falcons Columbus has won its The Falcons will face
found themselves in a past three games since Grenada in the first
similar position during an 0 -2 start to district round of that tourna-
Monday’s home game play, and the Falcons ment — which they will
against West Point, they finally have some mo- host — regardless of Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff
knew what needed to be mentum heading into Friday’s result. Colum- West Point’s Kobe Walker (3) drives on Columbus’ Mike Williams (5) during Monday’s
done. Friday’s game at New See PREP, 3B game in Columbus. The Falcons won 63-22.


transfer Mississippi State preparing for balanced
[email protected]
Arkansas offensive attack
Mississippi State of-
fensive lineman Bran-
don Cunningham is
likely on his way out.
Cunningham, who
appeared in nine games,
earning one start in
2020, has entered the
transfer portal a source
with knowledge of the
situation confirmed to
The Dispatch. Matt Ze-
nitz of first re-
ported the news.
Assuming Cunning-
ham does not return to
MSU, he would be the
18th player since Mike
Leach took over last
January to seek a trans-
fer from the program.
Junior defensive backs
Marcus Murphy and
Tyler Wiliams and ju-
nior running back and
Columbus native Kylin
Hill also previously opt-
ed out of the season due
to COVID-19 concerns.
See OL, 3B

Tampa Bay
makes best
of Super Mississippi State athletics

Bowl week Mississippi State freshman Derek Fountain could be on the cusp of breaking into the top nine of MSU’s gameday rotation, according to
Ben Howland.
[email protected]
day in practice that don’t get
to play much in the game. So
soon as you lose vision of your
man, the Hogs will back-cut
transfer Justin Smith (11.4
ppg), Desi Sills (11.2 ppg) and
economy STARK VILLE — Iowa
it was a fun game for our team
to get a resounding win and
you and burn you. They really
do a great job of that.”
Jalen Tate (10.9 ppg).
“This is obviously a very
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS State could have been 0 -20 for hopefully that bodes well for MSU has actually dom- tough place to play at Arkan-
all Ben Howland cared. us moving forward.” inated the series recently, sas. We’re going to have to
TAMPA, Fla. — Nobody was happier to fi- Regardless, the sweet taste winning the last six contests play really well to have suc-
There have been four nally be on the winning side cess over there tomorrow
of victory only lasts for so long against the Razorbacks, in-
previous Super Bowls in after enduring a three-game night,” Howland said. “It’s an
with the latter half of a four- cluding a two-game sweep of
Tampa, some amid war skid than Howland, regard- exciting challenge. They’re
game Southeastern Confer- the Hogs last year for the first
and economic distress, less of how many stipulations very good and they have a
ence road slate on the docket time in about a decade.
but none have faced the were attached to MSU’s 95-56 lot of talent. They can really
this week. First up, an 8 p.m. “It’s a little shocking be-
challenges this year’s victory over Iowa State Satur- score and they can really de-
Tuesday tipoff against Arkan- cause it is such a hard place to
event encounters be- day at Humphrey Coliseum. fend.”
Of which, there were plenty. sas (13-5, 5-4 SEC) in Fayette- play,” Howland said of his 3-1
cause of the coronavi-
Howland’s top two players ville. record at Bud Walton Arena
rus pandemic and its
fallout. only needed to log 26 minutes “I think the last three with MSU. “We’ve been very Fountain ‘close’ to breaking
Tickets for Sun- apiece. An already putrid Iowa games we’ve really improved fortunate. We’ve had a lot of in rotation
day’s game are limited State team was down two dou- defensively,” Howland said. good breaks.” Howland has never backed
to about a third of the ble-digit scorers. Mississippi “I think we’ve played the best While the Razorbacks have away from playing true fresh-
capacity of Raymond embarrassed Iowa State so three games, defensively, suffered a few blowout losses men during his tenure at Mis-
James Stadium. There badly it was historic; MSU’s than we’ve done all year. Any to LSU and Alabama, Arkan- sissippi State when they’ve
will be no tailgating. 39-point victory against the time you play good defense sas utilizes a balanced offen- proven deserving of those
While the usual fan Cyclones Saturday was the you give yourself a chance to sive attack, considering it’s minutes. Another member
festival and other side program’s largest margin win and that is always true, es- one of two SEC teams to have of the 2020 recruiting class
attractions are happen- against a Power Five noncon- pecially on the road. Defense five active players averaging could be on the brink of earn-
ing, masks and social ference opponent (the previ- is what travels. So you have to in double figures. Leading ing meaningful minutes for
distancing are required. ous record being a 28-point do a good job in transition and that group includes talent- the Bulldogs.
Most player appearanc- win against Florida State in do a good job in the half court. ed freshman guard Moses After just turning 18 last
es will be remote. 1951). “Arkansas runs a lot of mo- Moody, averaging 16.6 points summer, 6 -foot-9 freshman
Last year’s pre-pan- Nevertheless, Howland and tion and they probably do as and 5.6 rebounds per game. forward Derek Fountain
demic Super Bowl in the Bulldogs aren’t apologiz- good of a job as anybody in At his continued pace, Moody earned the most minutes of
the Miami area gener- ing for dominating the match- our league at cutting without may forego a sophomore sea- his young collegiate career
ated an estimated $572 up any time soon. the ball. So it is something we son with Arkansas and de- in the Bulldogs’ rout of Iowa
million in new spending “I think that was fun and are going to try to emphasize clare for the NBA Draft this State, going 3-for-3 from the
in the three main South we got everybody a chance to today at practice with the cuts summer. field and putting up a ca-
Florida counties, ac- play,” Howland said. “We got they make and not losing vi- Other double-digit scorers reer-high seven points.
cording to that game’s some guys some important sion of your man. A lot of times for the Razorbacks include “I think Derek Fountain is
See SUPER BOWL, 3B minutes that contribute every people stare at the ball and as JD Notae (13.9 ppg), Indiana See MSU, 3B
2B TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2021 The Dispatch •

White streamlines life on road to ‘22 Olympics

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS your world becomes clut- 13 months until the start burner because of the time,’ and it gives you calming influence she
tered that way.” of the Beijing Games. pandemic. new purpose,” he said. has lent to his often-hec-
ASPEN, Colo. — With It wasn’t only the White practiced at the X “I’m a snowboarder,” “But what happens when tic life.
the mountains closed and physical possessions Games and was planning he says when asked what, you get it, then you get it He says the pandemic
the halfpipes shuttered that started to feel a bit to compete, but hours exactly, he considers again?” has allowed him to slow
during a pandemic that overwhelming. It was before Sunday’s contest himself. “And I hate to Those were some of down. He’s spending a
turned the world and the calendar, too. White he said he “tweaked” his say ‘entrepreneur,’ but it’s the questions he came lot of time with Dobrev,
its sports upside down, struggled at the 2014 knee during practice and just investing in brands face-to-face with during “and hanging with Toby
Shaun White put dou- Olympics. During the was pulling out. In the and keeping the rest of a few days he spent last and J.J., and feeling good
ble-corks on hold and run-up to those games interview with AP, he the slate clean right now. year with fellow sports about things,” White said
saved his most intense in Russia, he committed said he came to Aspen Instead of looking at the stars, Tom Brady and of his buddy, 20-year-old
workouts for his mind. to trying to win two gold not so much concerned short term, it’s looking at Michael Phelps, headlin- snowboarder Toby Mill-
He’d be the first to con- medals — in halfpipe and with a result, but just for the next 10 years and see- ing a panel at a self-help er, and their coach, 2002
cede he needed that kind the newly introduced a chance to check out the ing things I might want seminar. Olympic bronze medalist
of break. slopestyle competition. competition and also “to to be part of in the long That self-help experi- J.J. Thomas.
Now 34, and gearing But he ended up with show the general popula- run.” ence sparked a follow-up When not working on
up for a run at a fourth none. He rebooted that tion who might think I’m Though he’s serious- visit, which, in many his mental/emotional
Olympic gold medal, time, too, and focused not riding anymore, that ly contemplating the ways, led to a complete outlook, White has used
White looked around af- only on the halfpipe for I’m very, very much still 2026 Olympics in Italy change in White’s mental the extra time to sharpen
ter his latest victory, in 2018. When the chips into it.” — which would be a tidy approach.
skills in the kitchen. He
2018, and saw too much were down in Pyeong- White came to the X bookend to an Olympic “I went there solo,” he
spoke of a truffle risotto
— on his calendar, com- chang, White had just Games without a snow- career that started 20 said. “I had the hood up. I
ing out of his pocketbook, he’s trying to perfect and
enough left in the tank at board deal for the first years earlier in the same thought, I’ll go incognito,
in the way he lived. a parsley-lemon-Dijon
the end of that contest to time since he was 7. It country — White seems I’ll go in, get a couple tid-
What has followed garlic sauce for a salmon
throw the best, most-dif- allowed him to plaster a content with the reali- bits and leave. The first
over the ensuing three ficult run of his life and picture of his niece, Char- ty that he’s closer to the thing (they do) is say ‘Go dish. That one, he says,
years was a reboot in the win his third gold. li, on a bottom panel that, end of his career than the hug 10 people.’ Right at might be nearing a “10.”
way he thinks, does busi- In the aftermath, he for decades, featured beginning He’s hoping that point, I’m not under As White delves into
ness and defines success saw his plate filling up the word “Burton.” He’s to approach 2022 differ- the radar anymore. There the trials and travails of
in a snowboarding career again — namely in a now tinkering with his ently than some Olympic were some awesome, sim- his new pastime, cook-
that, by almost any mea- quest to compete in skate- own snowboard designs. years past — namely, by ple lessons, and the big ing, it seems as though
sure, is the most success- boarding at the Summer He admits to having no acknowledging it’s still part was, you’ve got to he could just as easily be
ful in history. Olympics in Tokyo. It be- preconceived notions very important to him, work at this. Do the exer- talking about about snow-
“I know how it came too unwieldy and about where that will go. but viewing it more as a cise.” boarding — or business
sounds,” White said in a too unrealistic a project. He considers himself point on the timeline than A bonus from the ses- — or relationships — or
wide-ranging interview “I thought, ‘I don’t less of a pitchman these the end of it. sions: It’s where White life in general.
with The Associated know if I want to bet fully days, more of a behind- “You put so much ex- met his girlfriend, Nina “I’m just nervous — I
Press on the eve of the on this, and snowboard the-scenes investor. His pectation on a delayed Dobrev of “Vampire Di- don’t want to hurt any-
Winter X Games. “But was sitting there, so I de- guitar career has long future reward, and you aries” fame. They went body,” he says. “You wor-
more isn’t always better. cided I had to make some been on hold, and though either get it and say ‘OK, public with their rela- ry about something not
I had six cars. I thought, tough decisions and I’m the series of Air & Style what’s next?’ Or some- tionship last spring, and being prepared properly.
‘Dude, I only have one going to focus on snow- events he co-owns re- times when you don’t get during the interview, But once you clear that
ass.’ ... Our culture in the board,” White said. mains a working oper- it, it’s almost easier be- White repeatedly came fear, it becomes a lot eas-
U.S. is, get the big house, Now, the clock is tick- ation, much of that has cause you go ‘Oh, well, back to advice Dobrev ier and a lot more enjoy-
get this, get that. But ing. There are less than also been put on the back we’re gonna do it next has given him, and the able.”

Red Sox 2B, 2008 AL MVP Dustin Pedroia retires

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS play anymore. And this is of the Year in 2007, when mates called him “Pedey,” the greatest Red Sox to was my job to help them
the time.” he batted .317 with 39 befitting his mischievous play this game.” come along and teach
BOSTON — Dustin Pe- A four-time All-Star doubles, eight homers little brother personality, Asked about the play them things I was taught
droia, the undersized and and four-time Gold Glove and 50 RBIs. Pedroia himself gravitat- on Monday, Pedroia said when I was a young play-
over-achieving second winner, Pedroia batted Despite hitting a home ed toward another nick- he was at peace with it. er,” he said. “I hope I did
baseman who spurred .299 with 140 homers run that year in his first name: “Laser Show,” for “I’m not upset about enough and set the right
the Boston Red Sox to a and 725 RBIs in a 17-year World Series at-bat, he the line drives he sprayed anything any more,” he example in the city of
pair of World Series vic- career, all with the Red was went unrecognized around the ballpark. told reporters. “There Boston.”
tories with his grit and a Sox. He is the only play- when the Series shifted “I had a front seat to was a slim chance at a In 2019, Pedroia played
third, after a knee injury er ever to earn Rookie of to Denver and told the Co- watch the laser show,” double play, and there was just six games. He contin-
effectively ended his ca- the Year, Gold Glove and ors Field security guard: said manager Alex Cora, one guy on planet earth ued to speak of a come-
reer, with his mouth, has MVP awards along with “I’m the guy who took Jeff who was Pedroia’s team- who could turn it. And back before having what
retired. a World Series champi- Francis onto the Mass mate from 2006-08. “I’m you’re looking at him.” the Red Sox said was a
Pedroia, 37, was the onship in his first two Pike. How’s that?” glad that was a part of my Pedroia managed to “significant setback” in
AL Rookie of the Year in full seasons; only nine The next year, Pedroia life.” play in 105 games that the offseason.
2007 and the MVP in his other players have ac- was the AL MVP after hit- Longtime Red Sox des- year but had surgery af- Pedroia, who did not
second season but has complished those feats in ting .326 with 17 homers ignated hitter David Ortiz terward; he admitted to play at all in the pandem-
played in only nine games their entire career. and 83 RBIs while leading said Pedroia was the play- rushing back in 2018,
ic-shortened 2020 season,
in three seasons since “He was the ultimate the league with 118 runs, er he would buy a ticket to when he lasted only
is owed $12 million for
since a spikes-high slide team player,” said Terry 213 hits and 54 doubles. see. three games before going
by then-Orioles shortstop 2021 as the final season
Francona, the current “I was always the first “He played with a little back on the injured list.
Manny Machado took out in an eight-year, $110 mil-
Cleveland manager and person on the field be- chip on his shoulder,” Or- The Red Sox won a fran-
his knee in 2017. lion deal that also has de-
Pedroia’s manager and cause I needed to be,” tiz said. “The one thing I chise-record 108 games
He was the longest-ten- cribbage opponent for Pedroia said on Monday. learned for sure was that on their way to the World ferred payments remain-
ured player on the Red six seasons. “He always “I had to learn from ev- this was not about size. Series. ing through 2027.
Sox roster and the only seemed to save his very erybody.” This was about heart. He Unable to play, Pedroia He wouldn’t rule out a
holdover from the 2007 best plays for the most im- But his work ethic was was the whole package.” moved into the role of future in coaching.
championship team. portant time of the game. topped only by his confi- Pedroia made 11 con- elder statesman. “He’s “I’ll be in the game
“I never took one play He seemed to will himself dence. secutive opening day the heart and soul of this somehow. I’m always
off, from Little League at times to lead us to vic- After he was picked starts for the Red Sox, team,” infielder Brock going to be around,” he
on,” Pedroia said on a tory. It is impossible to 65th overall in the 2004 second in franchise histo- Holt said before the start said. “I’m always here for
videoconference with re- spend any amount of time draft, team President Sam ry only to Carl Yastrzems- of the Series. everybody in the Red Sox
porters on Monday after with him and not become Kennedy said, Pedroia ki. But his career effec- Boston won in five organization.”
acknowledging he would close to him. He just has ditched the usual defer- tively ended early in the games. Pedroia said he But for now, his son
not be able to return, de- that type of personality.” ence in his first conver- 2017 season when Mach- was better able to enjoy has a flag football practice
spite six surgeries that At 5-foot-9 — to be gen- sation with then-general ado slid into second base the ’18 Series because he will be helping with.
included a pandemic-de- erous — and 170 pounds, manager Theo Epstein to break up a double play. he didn’t have to focus on “I don’t want to miss
layed partial knee re- Pedroia was small in stat- and said: “Bro! What took “It sucks,” Machado playing. a thing in their life,” Pe-
placement in December. ure but he burst into the you so long?” said in 2019. “Obviously, “We had a lot of young droia said. “They deserve
“At some point, you can’t majors as the AL Rookie Although his team- he could down as one of guys and at that time it that.”

Bucs double up female coaches in Super Bowl with not 1 but 2

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS coaches out there.” coaching in this game trenches. Bucs defensive in Harrisburg, Pennsyl- ed, ending her gig as
Locust said she and means a lot to him with end Shaq Barrett loves vania, loving to watch the assistant defensive line
Maral Javadifar Javadifar have only one his younger sister having how Locust is always giv- Pittsburgh Steelers and coach in Birmingham.
thought Katie Sowers goal, and that’s helping muscular dystrophy. ing him tips. She coached linebacker Jack Lambert. A native of Queens,
making history a year Tampa Bay beat Kansas “To me, it is a spark to against Barrett’s brother After going to Temple for New York, Javadifar
ago as the first female City in the Super Bowl on my eyes,” Edwards-He- in semi-pro ball in Bal- college, she married, had played college basketball
to coach in a Super Bowl Sunday. laire said. “I can talk to timore where she was a two sons and sold insur- inspired by her mother
meant that topic had been “It wouldn’t matter my little sister and she training camp intern with ance. who couldn’t even watch
handled once and for all. if we were second in or sees me play and now the NFL’s Ravens in 2018. Around the age of 40, sports growing up in
Nope. 273rd,” Locust said. “And we talk about what is go- “It’s a blessing to have Locust started playing de- Iran. A torn ACL before
Thanks to Tampa Bay I mean, like we acknowl- ing on ... and she could her on our team and have fensive lineman in a wom- she got to Pace Univer-
coach Bruce Arians, edge the fact there hasn’t be a positive light to the her coaching in the Super en’s league until injuries sity helped steer her into
there are twice as many been many before us, but NFL and to the football Bowl,” Barrett said. led her to coaching her physical therapy.
women to help with the it’s not anything that we community, I am excited Locust cautions former teammates. She Anthony Piroli sought
ensuing media atten- kind of keep in the fore- about it.” against thinking she and took a job at her alma ma- out Javadifar, wanting to
tion. Javadifar, assistant front of what we do on a Arians, who had the coaches such as Jennifer ter, Susquehanna Town- add an assistant strength
strength and condition- daily basis.” first female coaching in- King, the first Black fe- ship High, as an assistant and conditioning coach
ing coach, and assistant Locust and Javadifar tern in 2015 with Jen Wel- male assistant in the NFL working nine years with- who also is a physical
defensive line coach Lori won’t be the only women ter in Arizona, said hiring hired last week as Wash- out being paid. therapist to the Bucs’
Locust follow in Sowers’ to have an impact on this Locust and Javadifar was ington’s running backs “Did everything that I staff. Javadifar didn’t
footsteps with the Bucs Super Bowl. a choice to open a door coach, simply sprung could to learn there, did meet Arians until her in-
the only NFL team with Down judge Sarah for great teachers. Arians overnight. every job that sometimes terview.
two female coaches this Thomas will be the first said they “worked their “There’s hundreds of the guys maybe didn’t “His first question
season. female to officiate a Super tails off” and are more women that are at various want to do because I knew was, ‘What can you bring
“I do look forward to Bowl. The Chiefs have a than qualified. levels of football, whether that it would help kind of to the table?’” Javadifar
the day that it’s no longer pair of female assistant “Inclusivity and di- in high school or college round out my experience recalled. “And, you know,
newsworthy to be a wom- athletic trainers in Ju- versity are great ways semi-pro,” Locust said. as a coach,” Locust said. I had laid it out there, and
an working in the pros or lie Frymyer and Tiffany to teach,” Arians said. “And they’ve been out Locust also coached in it was pretty seamless.”
making the Super Bowl Morton. The Bucs also “I mean, the more input there kind of doing it on semi-pro leagues, a wom- Both Locust and Ja-
for that matter,” Javadifar have Carly Helfand as a from different types of their own, and they’ve en’s league and youth vadifar hope the Bucs’
said Monday. “And, you scouting assistant with voices, the better output been earning those posi- leagues. She attended success leads to more
know, I hope we get to a Jackie Davidson in the you get.” tions on their own with- the NFL’s annual Wom- opportunities for people
point where all people are front office as director of Bucs defensive line out any help from anyone en’s Careers in Football who look like them. Only
afforded equal opportuni- football research. coach Kacy Rogers said else.” Forum in 2017 and again two of the NFL’s seven
ties to work in profession- Kansas City running Coach Lo has the thick Coaching football in 2018. Arians hired her head coaching jobs went
al sports because there back Clyde Edwards-He- skin needed for the joking wasn’t an option for wom- just as the Alliance of to minorities in the latest
are a lot of great qualified laire said seeing women among men playing in the en when Locust grew up American Football fold- hiring spree.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2021 3B

Super Bowl
Continued from Page 1B
host committee. This county data. Beyond that, officials Hotel occupancy in
year, the Tampa Bay After the pandemic say it’s hard to put a price the Tampa area was
region probably won’t hit, tourist tax collec- tag on the publicity the about 53% during the
generate even half that, tions for sales in March Super Bowl will generate first three weeks of Jan-
said Sean Snaith, direc- to November decreased for the entire region, its uary this year, said Visit
tor of the University of by almost 49% in compar- beaches and other attrac- Tampa Bay CEO Santi-
Central Florida’s Insti- ison to 2019 during the tions. Disney World and ago Corrada. Last year
tute for Economic Fore- same time period. the other Orlando theme during the same time, it
casting. Hillsborough lost at parks aren’t far away, ei- was 74%.
The usual economic least $11.1 million in ther. “We have suffered
take for a Super Bowl tourist tax collections for Rob Higgins, pres- over the last 11 to 12
is somewhere between sales from January to No- ident and CEO of the months. We also have
$300 million and $500 vember, if not more when Tampa Bay Super Bowl been very resilient,” Cor-
million for the host re- compared to numbers host committee, said the rada said. “Every month
gions, he said. from 2019 for the same region is looking at the has seen a slow and
For example, large
corporate and sponsor
time period.
Across the bay, Pinel-
Super Bowl as an unpar-
alleled marketing oppor-
steady increase in occu-

events will be limited if

they are held at all, he
las County experienced
a similar tax downturn,
Higgins said the event
It’s been a strange
sports year or so for Tam-
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 1 2 3 6 8 7 4 5 9
said. Bars and restau- losing at least $17.9 mil- will mark the most hotel pa Bay during the coro-
rants are open but with lion in tourist tax collec- rooms occupied since navirus pandemic. It was ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 5 8 9 3 4 2 1 6 7

2021 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

some restrictions on tions for sales from Janu- the pandemic started in extremely successful based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 4 7 6 9 5 1 2 3 8
seating and an emphasis ary to November. the region — some es- by any measure for the grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 3 6 7 1 2 8 9 4 5
on social distancing. Yet leaders in the timates say perhaps as region’s teams, except given
so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 8 4 1 7 9 5 6 2 3
“A lot of things you Tampa Bay area are put- many as 100,000 guest not having home games object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
numbers 2 9 5 4 3 6 7 8 1
associate with a Super ting a brave face on host- room nights — and that during the title runs and contains the1same to 9 number
6 5 8 2 1 9 3 7 4
Bowl aren’t going to hap- ing the game, which was flights to Tampa are fans in the seats. the empty spaces so
only once. The difficulty 7 1 4 5 6 3 8 9 2
that each row, each
pen,” Snaith said. “That’s initially supposed to be starting to fill up. First, the NHL’s Light- level increases from
column and each 9 3 2 8 7 4 5 1 6
going to have an impact held in the Los Angeles “We have an opportu- ning won the Stanley Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 2/01

economically. The cir- area until stadium con- nity to tell our story,” he Cup, but the champion-
the same number only once. The difficulty level
cumstances put kind of a struction there hit a snag said, noting that the last ship was played in Ed-
increases from Monday to Sunday.
wet blanket on it.” that led the NFL to look Super Bowl in Tampa monton, Canada. Tampa
Tourist development elswhere. L.A. is getting was in 2009, during the didn’t get to host any of
tax collections in Hills- next year’s game. Great Recession. “This is those games. Same with
borough County, where The region is thrilled really a platform to share baseball’s Tampa Bay
Tampa is located, show that the Tampa Bay Buc- how far we’ve come as a Rays, who lost the World
the hit the area has tak- caneers, led by quarter- community.” Series to the Los Ange-
en during the pandemic. back Tom Brady in his Still, it’s costly to put les Dodgers — in Arling-
This is a tax on short- first year with the team, together a Super Bowl ton, Texas.
term rentals, such as ho- will face with the defend- and its related events. Of- To top that off, the
tels. ing champion Kansas ficials estimate local gov- NBA’s Toronto Raptors
Before the pandemic, City Chiefs and their ernments and entities are playing their home
tax collections for sales young star quarterback such as the Visit Tampa games initially at Tam-
in January to February Patrick Mahomes. Peo- Bay tourist promotion pa’s Amalie Arena be-
were at an increase of ple have already been lin- organization are spend- cause of coronavirus
about 30% in comparison ing up at sporting goods ing at least $7.5 million, restrictions in Canada.
to 2019 during the same stores to buy team mer- not counting in-kind ser- Again, no fans allowed
time period, according to chandise. vices. inside at least for now.

Continued from Page 1B
bus will be the district’s No. 2 the second quarter and only two Brown had 15.
seed with a win over New Hope compared to the Falcons’ 28 in Pickens will play Jackson
and the No. 3 seed with a loss, the third. Academy (Alabama) at 4:30 p.m.
while the opposite holds true for “We’re trying to get it for four Thursday at the Cramton Bowl in
the Chargers. quarters,” Dixon said. “We did the state quarterfinals.
Morris and Young both said it that first quarter; then we lost
the Falcons have been playing sight of what we were trying to do Prep Boys Soccer
well of late despite a young roster in the second. By the third, it was Lamar School 7, Heritage Acad-
featuring plenty of freshmen and out of hand. If they’ll go ahead emy 0
sophomores. A majority of Co- and keep their eye on the prize,
lumbus’ players did double duty we’ll be fine.”
Eighth-grader Tallie Webber
Starkville grad Zeke Cook hits
in the junior varsity and varsity
contests, Morris said. was the Green Wave’s leading game-winner as Northeast
“That’s how we’re rolling right scorer. For Columbus, junior Mississippi CC men’s basketball
now, but I don’t mind,” he said. Tre Dismuke had 18 points, and squeaks by EMCC
“We’re getting better for the time Young had 13. Starkville High School product
being and the future.” “‘If we’re going to win some Edzerick “Zeke” Cook made a buzz-
West Point coach Gary Dixon games, y’all are going to have to er-beating shot to give Northeast
is in a similar situation, playing lead us every night,’” Morris said Mississippi Community College
multiple middle-schoolers big he has told the pair of juniors. men’s basketball a 70-68 win over
minutes Monday in the blowout “As long as they do that, we East Mississippi Community Col- ACROSS
loss. Once again, Dixon said, the should be good,” he added. lege on Monday in Scooba. 1 “Like that’ll
Green Wave’s youth hurt: West Cook seized a loose ball and got ever happen!”
Point failed to take advantage of Other scores a friendly roll off the rim to send the 5 Floppy cap
getting the Falcons in foul trou- Prep Boys Basketball Lions to their first loss of the sea- 10 Madrid mister
ble early on. Pickens Academy (Ala.) 49, Co- son. 12 Kitchen
“We should have just locked osa Valley Academy (Ala.) 30 EMCC (2-1) had just tied the come-on
in on that and continued with it, HARPERSVILLE, Ala. — The game with 6.2 seconds to go. Dan- 13 Eager for an
but that’s the mentality of being Pickens Academy (Alabama) ny Washington and Nick Walker acting career
young,” Dixon said. boys beat Coosa Valley Acade- had 10 points each to lead the Lions. 15 Soaking spot
He lamented his team’s in- my (Alabama) 49-30 on Monday Hunter McCutcheon had nine, and 16 Ave. crossers
ability to extend its first-quarter night to advance to the AISA elite Jakorie Smith had eight. 17 Golf peg
success to the rest of Monday’s eight in Montgomery. The Lions will play Thursday at 18 Flowering
contest. West Point scored just Hayden Dyer led the Pirates Coahoma Community College in shrub
five points to Columbus’ 14 in (9-6) with 18 points, and Rafe Clarksdale. 20 Crystal gazer
21 Bee attack

22 Casino figure
23 Boat’s back 43 Sediment 24 Win back
Continued from Page 1B 25 Stare in DOWN 25 Influences
disbelief 1 Helpers: Abbr. 26 Christie of
right on the cusp of breaking into the top nine (rotation), which is what we are playing. He is right there,” How- 28 Learns about 2 Arrangements mysteries
land said. “He can play two positions, he can play some four, he can play some three. He was the first one to 31 Swelled 3 Shortly 27 Warhol field
come in the other night among the guys who are not playing that much. He is probably deserving of more min- heads 4 Visibility 29 Do ore work
utes with the way he’s been practicing. So I am really excited about Derek, in particular, in terms of his future.” 32 Concurs lessener 30 Spooky
Howland added he’s confident about what Fountain can provide offensively and has put on about close to 20 34 Keg need 5 Cave creatures gathering
pounds of muscle since joining the program. 35 Genetic stuff 6 Screw up 33 Wise ones
36 Pilot-policing 7 Beat decisively 35 Woodland

org. 8 Led the game grazer
37 Rock concert 9 They accept 38 “My word!”
activity bets 39 Abbr. on a
Continued from Page 1B 40 First odd 11 Bristle at remote
With Cunningham expected to depart, MSU is slat- Community College). The Bulldogs’ 2021 class ranks prime 14 Theater
ed to lose three pieces to its offensive line after senior No. 27 nationally and No. 10 in the Southeastern Con- 41 Time being worker
Dareuan Parker announced he will enter the NFL ference heading into Wednesday’s national signing 42 Western, in 19 Gets up
draft, while classmate Greg Eiland is also expected to day. It’s expected MSU will add another player or two slang 20 Sub system
do so. The Bulldogs also saw offensive linemen Nick to its 2021 haul.
Pendley and James Jackson leave the program in pre- The Bulldogs concluded their first year under Mike
vious months. Leach with a win over No. 24 Tulsa in the Armed Forces
MSU did bring in a five-man offensive line class in Bowl. MSU has yet to announce plans for spring ball,
the 2021 recruiting cycle that included junior college but it was revealed last week that the Bulldogs will
imports Nick Jones (East Mississippi Community Col- open the 2021 season on Sept. 4 against Louisiana
lege) and Carson Williams (Mississippi Gulf Coast Tech.

Contacting the Sports Department

If you need to report game scores or statistics, you can call us at 662-327-2424 ext. 126. If you need to reach
sports editor Garrick Hodge, email him at [email protected]. If you need to reach sports writer Ben
Portnoy, email him at [email protected] or sports writer Theo DeRosa, email him at tderosa@cdispatch.

High school football coaches who don’t speak to a reporter from The Dispatch are asked to email information
to the sports department from their games. The Dispatch will include its prep football coverage in Sunday’s
edition, so we will contact coaches Friday night or Saturday to get details. Coaches, please let us know what is
the best time for us to contact you.
4B TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2021 The Dispatch •

Brady on playing past 45: ‘I would definitely consider that’

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS never know kind of when my sport. It’s a career, 10 Super Bowl trips, He has more than dou- right people come into
that moment is, just be- but it’s really part of my six titles, three MVPs, bled the output of any my life at the right time,
Tom Brady keeps rais- cause it’s a contact sport. daily life,” Brady said. the most TD passes in other quarterback after which has enabled me to
ing the bar about how There’s a lot of training “Because a lot of the regular-season history age 40, with Brees next keep doing what I love to
long he could keep play- that goes into it. It has decisions I make, I’m (581) and the possibility on the list with 6,777 do. It’s a lot of support of
ing quarterback in the to be 100% commitment always thinking about of passing Drew Brees yards and 57 TDs. actually a lot of people.”
NFL. from myself to keep do- ‘How does this impact next season for the most It’s an impressive feat Brady thanked his
As the 43-year-old ing it.” my football? How does yards passing ever if for a player who entered family for making sacri-
Brady prepares for his Brady still has that it impact my offseason Brees retires as expect- the league as a sixth- fices that allowed him to
record 10th Super Bowl commitment, working training?’ It’s pretty well ed this offseason. round pick in 2000 hop- focus on football, as well
and first since joining closely with longtime documented that the ap- What Brady has ac- ing just to stick around as his teammates and
Tampa Bay this past trainer Alex Guerrero on proach that I’ve taken complished since turn- for a few years. coaches for the help they
offseason, he said he’s workouts, diets and oth- over a period of time, ing 40 years old before “I wouldn’t say 20 provided on the field.
already considering er preparation that has which certainly didn’t all the 2017 season would years ago, I thought, Brady has also de-
surpassing his previous allowed Brady to thrive start at once. I think how be an impressive enough ‘Man, I’ll be sitting livered with his 40 TD
goal and playing beyond at an age when most of I work out and how I re- career for most players. here at 43 playing pro passes in the regular
age 45. his peers are long re- cover is very important. He has 20,776 yards pass- football.’ That would season the second high-
“Yes definitely. I tired. The work I do with my ing in the regular season be not the truth if I told est total of his career. So
would definitely consid- Brady said the days body coach Alex is crit- and playoffs, 142 TDs, you that,” Brady said. how long can he keep it
er that,” Brady said Mon- of being a high school or ical to the success that one MVP, and a third “I started thinking I’d up?
day in his first news con- college kid living on piz- I’ve had.” trip to the Super Bowl, love to play pro football “I think I’ll know
ference at Super Bowl za and fast food are long That work has helped having won it following and get the opportunity when it’s time,” Brady
week. “It’s a physical in the past. Brady post accomplish- the 2018 season in New to do it. I’m going to do said. “I don’t know when
sport. Just the perspec- “I think football for ments unequaled in England and losing it the it as best I possibly can. that time will come but I
tive I have on that is, you me has obviously been NFL history. He has previous season. Fortunately I’ve had the think I’ll know.”

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: information spending time together. Under-
When before telling me. standably, my kids are jealous
my boss I don’t know what and angry at their father and
hired me as an I should do. — me for putting restrictions on
assistant four FRUSTRATED IN them. But I am worried about
years ago, she OREGON their lack of social interaction
specifically told DEAR FRUS- and how it may affect their
me my job was TRATED: Many future. One of them has a
to do whatever companies have harder time making friends and
the person above annual reviews doesn’t have many things in
me wants. I for employees in common with their peers, which
wasn’t allowed which subjects led to spending more time
ZITS to communicate like the ones you at home when there was no
with anyone on have raised are pandemic. — WORRIED MOM
the job other than discussed. If this IN NEW YORK
the lady above isn’t the case in DEAR WORRIED: Until the
me. Even though Dear Abby your firm, ask for threat of COVID has been
it was tough one. resolved, it’s up to you as par-
to watch my During that ents to decide how you restrict
supervisor make so many bad conversation, tell your boss your children in relation to the
decisions and get away with it, that sometimes you feel your pandemic. Of course you want
I did what was required of me. efforts aren’t valued and why. to protect them, even if your
Now I have worked my way Remind her that you were choices aren’t popular. Kids
up and have an assistant of instructed not to talk with any- can be careless. They can for-
my own. However, my boss one on the job other than the get to pull their masks up and
has given my assistant much person immediately above you, stay socially distanced, and
GARFIELD more than she ever gave me and you feel undercut because the results can be tragic. But
when I was in that position. your assistant is being given there are relatively safe outdoor
Sometimes I feel like she acts important information before it activities parents can plan to
like I’m not valued. I want to is shared with you. It may clear keep their children from being
point it out, but I don’t want to the air. However, if it doesn’t, completely isolated.
be that kind of person. I love by all means start searching for As to your child who is
what I do, but I don’t know how another job, since you seem to less socially adept, this is a
much longer I can handle being be considering it anyway. subject to discuss with his/her
treated this way. DEAR ABBY: I am worried teachers or a child psychol-
Should I tell her how I feel? about my kids and their social ogist. Perhaps you can help
She constantly leaves me out well-being. I understand we are by researching online interest
of important decisions and in a pandemic. Our family has groups this child can join that
then tries to play mind games been responsible and socially will connect them with other
to make up for it. She is also distancing, but it seems like children — under your supervi-
giving my assistant important their friends have all been sion, of course.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. play to your strengths. only to you and others not even
2). You’re coming into a new TAURUS (April 20-May 20). known to you, as your subcon-
comfort level within yourself, Widen the circle of influence. scious has locked them away.
and it’s an un-self-conscious A business problem is solved LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
manner of being. What a relief it with a connection to another Stellar communication allows
is not to overthink things or let industry entirely; a love problem the team to rely on one another
worries stop you from moving is solved following the advice of and do what no individual could
forward. New relationships form an outsider. do alone. When the means and
quickly. You’ll bask in the accep- GEMINI (May 21-June mechanisms for stellar com-
tance and love from the outside 21). You’re uniquely equipped munication fail, the appropriate
that mirrors your inner attitude. to solve a mystery. Caution, stand-in is trust. Trust will save
Leo and Taurus adore you. Your though: This could get addictive. the day.
BABY BLUES lucky numbers are: 10, 29, 14, Nancy Drew kept on solving for VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
48 and 12. 56 books, and uncoincidentally, It’s as though the magnitude
ARIES (March 21-April there are the same number of of love you feel for one person
19). There are many ways to Sherlock Holmes short stories. has widened the channels for
carry life. Going gracefully often CANCER (June 22-July 22). love in general and, in certain
means being willing to make To the outsider, your actions moments, your heart overflows
awkward adjustments until you might seem illogical, but you for the whole of existence.
figure out exactly how to arrange have solid reasons for behaving LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
your various responsibilities to as you do — some known You’re looking forward to big
moments, even though you’ve
known the pressurized nature
of such events to leave blurs
where memories should be.
Most of the fun is the anticipa-
You are so focused on what
you want that distractions and
drama will not break into your
field of vision. If you sense the
futility of engaging with a thing,
you will willfully ignore it.
21). Even as you acknowledge
your history and all you’ve been
through, you can see how it’s
only one way to look at that
story. Consider tinkering with
the narrative so it supports your
new, improved attitude.
19). You strive to be the most
attractive version of yourself,
though you don’t want the whole
world’s attention -- that would
be overwhelming. Your lure
is specifically catered toward
catching the eye of a particular
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). A focus on the early hours
of your day will have a dispro-
portionately favorable impact on
the rest. Whatever you can do
to make your morning routine
FAMILY CIRCUS nice will set you up for success
in general.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Your talent of the day is
making overtures. The opening
move is always a gamble.
Whether in business, friendship
or love, it takes confidence to
initiate, and the rewards reflect
the risk factor.

Off to a flying start

The Dispatch • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2021 5B

Notice is hereby given that
sealed bids or electronic bids
will be received for the project
named below by Mississippi

Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
Letters of Administration have
been granted and issued to the
undersigned upon the Estate of
University for Women, 1100
College Street, MUW-1628,
Columbus, Mississippi 39701
Letters Testamentary have
Tammy W. Liebling, deceased,
by the Chancery Court of
been granted and issued to the Lowndes County, Mississippi,
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, undersigned upon the Estate of on the 5th day of June, A. D.,
February 25, 2021, per RFx Brian Mark Fedorka, deceased, 2018. This is to give notice to
by the Chancery Court of all persons having claims
To place ads starting at only $12,
#3160004136 and thereby
publicly opened and read. Lowndes County, Mississippi,
on the 7th day of January,
against said estate to Probate
and Register same with the
call 662-328-2424 or visit
Location for Receipt of Bids: 2021. This is to give notice to Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
Mississippi University for Wo- all persons having claims County, Mississippi, within
men against said estate to probate ninety (90) days from the first THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2021 n 6B
Whitfield Hall, Office of Re- and register same with the publication date of this Notice
sources Management Chancery Court of Lowndes to Creditors. A failure to so Pro-
1100 College Street, MUW- County, Mississippi, within bate and Register said claim
1628 ninety (90) days form the first will forever bar the same.
Legal NoticesMississippi 39701
Columbus Legal Notices date of this Notice
publication Legal Notices Apts For Rent: North Mobile Homes for Rent General Merchandise

to Creditors. A failure to so pro- This is the 27th day of January,
OR bate and register said claim 2021. FOX RUN APARTMENTS 3BR/2BA MH in New Hope. ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR
will forever bar same. 1 & 2 BR near hospital. $650 dep + $650/mo. and carrier for car/truck,
Location for Receipt of Elec- /s/ ALLISON P. WOOLBRIGHT
$595−$645 monthly. No pets, quiet area. Leave $350. 662−368−6779.
Call us: 662-328-2424 tronic Bids: This the 22nd day of January,
2021. Steven R. McEwen Military discount, pet area, voicemail with full name &
RFx #3160004136
Mississippi University for Wo- McEwen Law Firm pet friendly, and furnished message, 205−712−6697. Sporting Goods
Legal Notices men Christine Grace Fedorka P. O. Box 709 corporate apts.
Library and Educational Build- Executrix Columbus, MS 39703 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Miscellaneous Reroofing-2020 PUBLISH: 1/26, 2/2, 2/9 & PUBLISH: 2/2, 2/9 & ON SITE MAINTENANCE. CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL!
Columbus, Mississippi 2/16/2021 2/16/2021 Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12
SIPPI ON SITE MANAGEMENT. Utilities & cable included, Over 50 years experience!
24−HOUR CAMERA from $145/wk − $535/mo Repairs, cleaning, refin−
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Plans and Specifications En- IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF SURVEILLANCE. Benji & Columbus & County School
TATE OF BETTY WEST OLIVER titled: Mississippi University for LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF ishing, scopes mounted &
LAND, DECEASED Women LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. locations. 662−242−3803 zeroed, handmade knives.
Library and Educational Build- SIPPI or 601−940−1397. Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
JOHN OLIVER LAND and WILLI- ing IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Apts For Rent: West of West Point, turn right on
AM DRUARY LAND, CO-PETI- Miscellaneous Reroofing - TATE OF ROSIE GUYTON, DE- IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Mobile Home Spaces Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn

TIONERS 2020 CEASED left on Darracott Rd, will
Columbus, Mississippi DECEASED
CAUSE NO. 2021-0001-JNS HATTIE RUSH, ADMINISTRATOR For Rent: see sign, 2.5mi ahead

May be inspected at the office MARSHALL B. HOWARD, AD- Offices 4−Private + shop on left.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS of the Architect named below, NO. 2021-0009-JNS MINISTRATOR Reception Area with 662−494−6218.
or may be obtained from the Ar- 5,700sqft warehouse,
chitect as set out below: NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 2021-0004-JNS
Apartments & Houses paved parking. Please text

Your Name & Email for
1 Bedrooms
Qualified Prime (General) Con- Letters of Administration have NOTICE TO CREDITORS
tractors, Subcontractors, and
more details. $1,800/mo
Letters Testamentary have been granted and issued to to rent. 720−635−5696.
2 Bedroooms
been granted and issued to the Material Suppliers are required Hattie Rush, Administrator of Letters of Administration have
undersigned upon the Estate of to register and order bid docu- the Estate of Rosie Guyton, de- been granted and issued to
Betty West Oliver Land, also ments at ceased, by the Chancery Court Marshall B. Howard, Adminis-
3 Bedrooms Ads starting at $12
known as Elizabeth West Oliv- trator of the Estate of Willie

Real Estate
of Lowndes County, Missis-
er Land, deceased, by the Bid documents are available as sippi, on the 21 day of January, Mae Howard, deceased, by the
Chancery Court of Lowndes paper prints or as digital cop- 2021. This is to give notice to Chancery Court of Lowndes Furnished & Unfurnished Pets
County, Mississippi, on the 8th ies on CD. Cost of CD (.pdf all persons having claims County, Mississippi, on the
day of January 2021. This is to Format) is $50 per CD. Bid doc- against said estate to Probate 14th day of January, 2021. 1, 2, & 3 Baths Boxer/Lab Puppies
Ads starting at $25
give notice to all persons hav-
ing claims against said estate
uments are non-refundable and
must be purchased through the
and Register same with the
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
This is to give notice to all per-
sons having claims against Lease, Deposit 2 males and 2 females
$400. 662−361−4081
to Probate and Register same website. County, Mississippi, within said estate to Probate and Re- & Credit Check Farms & Timberland
with the Chancery Clerk of ninety (90) days from this date. gister same with the Chancery
Lowndes County, Mississippi, Questions regarding website re- A failure to so Probate and Re- Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis-
within ninety (90) days from the gistration and online orders gister said claim will forever sissippi, within ninety (90) days
first publication date of this No- please contact our web sup-
tice to Creditors. A failure to so port line at (662) 407-0193.
bar the same. after the first publication of this
Notice to Creditors. A failure to
Probate and Register said
claim will forever bar the same. All plan holders are required to
have a valid email address for
THIS the 21 day of January,
so Probate and Register said
claim will forever bar the same. Apts For Rent: Other
Exc deer, turkey hunting
Good Investment
This the 13th day of January registration. /s/ Hattie Rush /s/ Marshall B. Howard
Marshall B. Howard, Adminis-
2021. Hattie Rush
Partial sets will not be issued. trator
/s/ John Oliver Land, Co-Ex- OF COUNSEL:
ecutor Proposals shall be submitted in William F. Gillis, MBN 4854 OF COUNSEL: Houses For Sale: East
duplicate only upon the blank CROWELL GILLIS & COOPER, M. Jay Nichols, MB # 10066
/s/ William Druary Land, Co-Ex- proposal forms provided with PLLC The Nichols Firm, PLLC FSBO: 4BR/2BA. New roof,
ecutor the specifications and must be Post Office Box 1827 Post Office Box 1081
accompanied by Proposal Se- Columbus, MS 39703-1081 new paint, fenced
Columbus, MS 39703
PUBLISH: 1/19, 1/26 & curity in the form of Certified Phone: (662) 243-7329 (662) 243-7330 backyard, driveway leads
2/2/2021 Check or acceptable Bid Bond Fax: (662) 328-6890 [email protected] behind house. $128,000.
in the amount equal to at least [email protected] 662−889−1443.
PUBLIC NOTICE five percent (5%) of the Base PUBLISH: 1/19, 1/26 &
Bid; such security to be for- PUBLISH: 2/2, 2/9 & 2/2/2021
feited as liquidated damages,
Lots & Acreage
not penalty, by any bidder who
When looking
fails to carry out the terms of

the proposal, execute contract LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS-
Bad Credit Options. Good
NOTICE and post-Performance Bond in SIPPI credit as low as 20% down,
the form and amount within the
Sealed bids will be received by time specified. The Bid Bond, if
Heritage Academy up to and no used, shall be payable to the
TATE OF ROSIE GUYTON, DE- Call us: 662-328-2424
$499/mo. Eaton Land,
662−361−7711. for a new pet,
adoption is
later than 2:00 p.m. February Owner. CEASED
26, 2021, at the office of Rod- General Help Wanted NEW HOPE AREA:
abough Education Group, loc- Bids on the Project must be re- HATTIE RUSH, ADMINISTRATOR
ated at 1100 6th Street North, ceived on or before the period +/− 1 acre. Open land with
Columbus, MS 39701 for the scheduled for the Project and
procurement of Category 1 and no bid withdrawn after the
NO. 2021-0009-JNS
DISPATCH seeks a motiv-
water & electricity nearby.
always a
$17,900. Call or text,
Category 2 products and ser- scheduled closing time for the ated, contracted carrier for 662−435−0401.
good option.
vices via E-Rate funding. A copy Project for a period of Thirty LICATION the Caledonia area. Excel-
of the Request for Proposals (30) days. lent opportunity to earn RENTALS
(RFP) can be obtained by email- THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI money for college. Must
ing Millie Rodabough at All bids submitted in excess of
$50,000.00 by a Prime or Sub- have good transportation, 1 BEDROOM
[email protected]. If a TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF
contractor to do any erection, valid driver's license & in-
response is not received with-
in 24 hours, it is the responsib- building, construction, repair,
and EMMA RUSH, DECEASED surance. Delivers on 2 BEDROOMS
ility of the respondent to call
Millie Rodabough at 662-630-
maintenance, or related work
must comply with the Missis- NOTICE TO DEFENDANT(S)
Sunday morning and Mon-
Fri afternoons. Apply at The
3 BEDROOMS Ads starting at $12 Five Questions:
0118 to confirm receipt of the sippi Contractors Act of Commercial Dispatch, 516 LEASE,
© The Dispatch

Bargain Column
1 Tim Scott
RFP request. You have been made a Defend- Main Street in Columbus.
1985, by securing a Certificate
of Responsibility from the State
ant in the suit filed in this No phone calls please. DEPOSIT
All interested bidders must at- Court by Hattie Rush, Petition-
tend a mandatory pre-bid con- Board of Contractors. Each bid, er, seeking to determine the AND FREE TREE GIVEAWAY!
Thur. 2/4/21, 8:30a−4p
exceeding $5,000.00, must be
CREDIT CHECK 2 “The Curious
ference on February 11, 2021 heirs-at-law of Rosie Guyton, Lowndes Co SWCD,
accompanied by the Bidder's

beginning at 3:30 p.m. at the Deceased, and Emma Rush, 2282 MLK Jr. Dr
Heritage Academy High School certified check or a bid bond,
Conference Room, located at duly executed by the Bidder as
Deceased. You are hereby
summoned to appear and de- 662-329-2323 328−5921, ext.3 Incident of
625 Magnolia Lane, Columbus, principal and having surety
the Dog in the
fend against the Petition for One Bundle Per Person.
MS 39705. Bidders not attend- thereon, a surety company ap- Determination of Heirs of Rosie
Ads starting at $25 2411 HWY 45 N
ing the pre-bid conference will proved by the Owner and Guyton and Emma Rush filed in
not be considered. signed by an agent, regularly this action at 9:00 o’clock a.m.
commissioned and licensed to on the 5th day of March, 2021, Apts For Rent: North COLUMBUS, MS
Bids will be opened at 2:00 transact business in Missis- in the Chancery Courtroom of
p.m. February 26, 2021, at the sippi, in the amount of five per-
office of Rodabough Education cent of the bid. All bid bonds
the Oktibbeha County Chan-
cery Building in Starkville, Mis-
2−3BR/1BA DUPLEX, Houses For Rent: North 3 Kim
Group, located at 1100 6th must be accompanied by the sissippi, and in case of your Apt B, newly renovated with
Street North, Columbus, MS appropriate Power of Attorney. failure to appear and defend, a bonus room. HUD COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES.
39701. Bids must be submit- No Power of Attorney is neces- judgment or order may be accepted. 662−425−6954. 2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3
ted in a sealed envelope clearly sary with a certified check. entered against you granting bath townhouses. $650 to
marked as follows:
The Owner reserves the right to
the relief requested in the Peti-
$750. 662−549−9555. 4 Lionel Messi,
reject any and all bids on any Ask for Glenn or text.
“2021 E-Rate Bid”
Bid Opening: February 26, or all projects and to waive in- You are not required to file an
2021 2:00 p.m. formalities. answer or other pleading, but
you may do so if you desire.
3BR/1.5BA, clean, modern
You’ll find the best deals
when you advertise
OWNER: appliances, dishwasher,
Envelopes not so marked will
not be considered MISSISSIPPI UNIVERSITY FOR Have a rental property? central AC&heat; carport, and shop here!
5 One World
Issued under my hand and the
seal of said Court, this the List it here for fast results. wash/dry hookup, fenced
Trade Center
As an alternate submission 29th day of January, 2021. back yard, 3216 Military Rd
mechanism for Category 2 1628 $800+dep. 574−8559

Service Directory
may be submitted through se- COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI
cure electronic submission.
Vendors wishing to submit their ARCHITECT: BY: /s/ Tina Fisher
proposal via secure electronic JBHM ARCHITECTS, PA D. C.
bidding should email Millie P O Box 9127 (39705)
Rodabough for electronic sub- 104 THIRD STREET SOUTH PUBLISH: 2/2, 2/9 &
mission instructions using (39701) 2/16/2021
QuestCDN. If a response is not COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI
PH: (662) 329-4883
received within 4 hours, it is
the responsibility of the re-
Promote your small business starting at only $25
spondent to call Millie Rod- DATES OF ADVERTISEMENT:
Tuesday, February 2, 2021 SIPPI
abough at 662-630-0118 to
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Air Cond & Heating General Services General Services Painting & Papering
confirm receipt of the request. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-
Heritage Academy has the right IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
Heating & cooling.
Ext/Int Painting
to accept or reject any or all
bids. SIPPI Home & RV. removal. Free est. CHAPTER 7 Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
CAUSE NO: 18-0111-B Service & install. Serving Columbus BANKRUPTCY Repair. Pressure Washing.
Publish by order of Heritage IN RE: THE ESTATE OF BRIAN Free estimates. since 1987. Senior $545 plus Filing Fee Free Estimates. Ask for
Academy. Call 602−736−4880. citizen disc. Call Alvin @ specials! Larry Webber,
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI 242−0324/241−4447 CHAPTER 13 662−242−4932.
EXECUTRIX LOWNDES COUNTY Carpet & Flooring "We’ll go out on a limb for
Heritage Academy you!" All Attorney Fees Through The Plan SULLIVAN’S PAINT
Letters of Administration have
Publish: January 26th, 2021 CAUSE NO. 2021-0002-DE
been granted and issued to the Jim Arnold, Attorney SERVICE
Special Prices.
and February 2nd, 2021 GRAVEL, $360 PER LOAD.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS undersigned upon the Estate of
Tammy W. Liebling, deceased, Local delivery, 14 yd truck. 662-324-1666 Interior & Exterior Painting.
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS by the Chancery Court of Backhoe & Dozer work. 104 South Lafayette Street, Starkville 662−435−6528
Lowndes County, Mississippi, Mobile Home Pads & Please visit our website:
Notice is hereby given that on the 5th day of June, A. D., Driveways. Concrete work. Sitting With The Sick / Elderly
sealed bids or electronic bids 2018. This is to give notice to 662−497−1388 Saturday morning appointments
will be received for the project Letters Testamentary have all persons having claims I am a Caregiver for the
available for Starkville Office.
named below by Mississippi been granted and issued to the against said estate to Probate NEWELL’S PLUMBING &
elderly seeking a daytime
University for Women, 1100 undersigned upon the Estate of and Register same with the position. Very loving &
College Street, MUW-1628, Brian Mark Fedorka, deceased, Chancery Clerk of Lowndes Clean in the New Year!
HANDYMAN SERVICE Lawn Care / Landscaping caring, light housekeeping
Columbus, Mississippi 39701 by the Chancery Court of County, Mississippi, within Licensed with over 20 yrs offered. Call or leave msg,
until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, ninety (90) days from the first 1 Room − $50 experience. Lowest rates in
Lowndes County, Mississippi, 2 Room − $80 JESSE & BEVERLY’S 662−570−8175.
February 25, 2021, per RFx on the 7th day of January, publication date of this Notice the area, Guaranteed.
#3160004136 and thereby to Creditors. A failure to so Pro- 3 Rooms − $110 LAWN SERVICE
2021. This is to give notice to 662−242−5005. Fall Cleanup, Tree Cutting,
publicly opened and read. all persons having claims bate and Register said claim Carpet − Rugs − Cars
Landscaping, Sodding &
against said estate to probate will forever bar the same. DAVID’S CARPET &
WORK WANTED: Licensed Bush Hogging
Location for Receipt of Bids: and register same with the UPHOLSTERY
Mississippi University for Wo- Chancery Court of Lowndes This is the 27th day of January, CLEANING & Bonded. Carpentry, minor 662−356−6525
men County, Mississippi, within 2021. Call for more info! electrical, minor plumbing,
Whitfield Hall, Office of Re- ninety (90) days form the first 662−722−1758 insulation, painting, demo−
sources Management publication date of this Notice
All notices
/s/ ALLISON must
P. WOOLBRIGHT lition, gutters cleaned, Don’t have time
1100 College Street, MUW- to Creditors. A failure to so pro- be emailed to pressure washing, land− to cut your lawn?
1628 bate and register said claim Steven R. McEwen
classifieds@ Are you a painter?
scaping, cleanup work.
Columbus Mississippi 39701 will forever bar same.
McEwen Law Firm 662−242−3608. Find help here! Advertise here!
P. O. Box 709
OR This the 22nd day of January, Columbus, MS 39703

Buy. Sell. Discover.

Location for Receipt of Elec- PUBLISH: 2/2, 2/9 &
tronic Bids: Christine Grace Fedorka 2/16/2021
RFx #3160004136 Executrix
Mississippi University for Wo-
men PUBLISH: 1/26, 2/2, 2/9 &
Library and Educational Build- 2/16/2021
Miscellaneous Reroofing-2020
Columbus, Mississippi

Plans and Specifications En-

titled: Mississippi University for
Library and Educational Build-

In the Classifieds section.

Miscellaneous Reroofing -
Columbus, Mississippi

On the web: • Or call: 662-328-2424

May be inspected at the office
of the Architect named below,
or may be obtained from the Ar-
chitect as set out below:

Qualified Prime (General) Con-

tractors, Subcontractors, and

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