This rubric evaluates narrative paragraphs on four criteria: content, structure, grammar and mechanics, and paper requirements. It provides levels of achievement for each criterion ranging from advanced to not present. For content, it evaluates the topic sentence, development of ideas, suitability for audience, and conclusion. For structure, it evaluates organization, unity, and use of transitions. Grammar and mechanics examines correct use of language. Paper requirements ensures the assignment instructions and word count are followed.
This rubric evaluates narrative paragraphs on four criteria: content, structure, grammar and mechanics, and paper requirements. It provides levels of achievement for each criterion ranging from advanced to not present. For content, it evaluates the topic sentence, development of ideas, suitability for audience, and conclusion. For structure, it evaluates organization, unity, and use of transitions. Grammar and mechanics examines correct use of language. Paper requirements ensures the assignment instructions and word count are followed.
This rubric evaluates narrative paragraphs on four criteria: content, structure, grammar and mechanics, and paper requirements. It provides levels of achievement for each criterion ranging from advanced to not present. For content, it evaluates the topic sentence, development of ideas, suitability for audience, and conclusion. For structure, it evaluates organization, unity, and use of transitions. Grammar and mechanics examines correct use of language. Paper requirements ensures the assignment instructions and word count are followed.
This rubric evaluates narrative paragraphs on four criteria: content, structure, grammar and mechanics, and paper requirements. It provides levels of achievement for each criterion ranging from advanced to not present. For content, it evaluates the topic sentence, development of ideas, suitability for audience, and conclusion. For structure, it evaluates organization, unity, and use of transitions. Grammar and mechanics examines correct use of language. Paper requirements ensures the assignment instructions and word count are followed.
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Narrative Paragraph Final Rubric
Criteria Levels of Achievement
Content 70% Advanced Proficient Developing Not present Content: Paragraph 42 to 40 points 39 to 20 points 19 to 1points 0 points Development The topic sentence includes a The topic sentence includes a The topic sentence may or may not No content. clear topic and controlling idea. clear topic and controlling idea. include a clear topic and The content is appropriate for The content is mostly controlling idea. The content may audience. Content has a clear appropriate for audience. or may not be suitable for purpose. Content has a purpose that is audience. Content may or may not Content is not missing any main mostly followed throughout. have a clear purpose. details and does not include Content is not missing any main Content is missing main details irrelevant details. The details and/or does not include and/or includes irrelevant details. conclusion sentence reviews the irrelevant details. The conclusion The conclusion sentence may or topic and controlling idea sentence provides a strong may not provide a strong ending. providing a strong ending. ending. Structure 30% Advanced Proficient Developing Not present Organization and 6 to 5 points 4 to 3 points 2 to 1 points 0 points Structure Writing is well-structured, Adequately organized with Organization and structure Organization and clear, and easy to follow. some areas difficult to follow. frequently detract from the structure detract from the The paragraph is unified and The paragraph has unity. writer’s message. The writer’s message. The has a clear central idea. Better transitions are needed paragraph lacks unity. paragraph is not unified. Transitional wording is to provide fluency of ideas. Transitions are missing. Transitions are missing. present throughout the writing. Grammar and 6 to 5 points 4 to 3 points 2 to 1 points 0 points Mechanics The writing reflects The writing contains some The writing contains many The writing contains grammatical, punctuation, grammatical, punctuation, grammatical, punctuation, blatant grammatical, and spelling standards. and/or spelling errors. and/or spelling errors. punctuation, and/or Language is accurate, Language is occasionally Language is occasionally spelling errors. Language appropriate, and effective. unclear, awkward, or unclear, awkward, or use is largely inaccurate Writing’s tone is appropriate inappropriate. The writing’s inappropriate. The writing’s or inappropriate. The and highly effective. tone is generally appropriate tone is generally appropriate writing’s tone is and moderately effective. and moderately effective. ineffective and/or inappropriate. Paper Requirements 6 to 5 points 4 to 3 points 2 to 1 points 0 points The writing correctly follows The writing follows the The writing does not follow The writing does not the assignment instructions assignment instructions, but most of the assignment follow the assignment and meets word limit some flaws are detected. It instructions and does not meet instructions and does not requirements (200-250 does not meet, but comes word limit requirements (200- meet word limit words). The appropriate close to word limit 250 words). The appropriate requirements (200-250 assignment template is used. requirements (200-250 assignment template may or words). The appropriate The honor statement is words). The appropriate may not be used. The honor assignment template is signed. assignment template is used. statement may or may not be not used. The honor The honor statement is signed. statement is not signed. signed.