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CT 01 Accreditation Process For Certification Bodies

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CT 01

CT 01, 8 March 2018

The SAC Accreditation Programme is managed by SPRING Singapore

© All rights reserved



1 The Scheme 1

2 Definitions 5

3 Organisation Structure 8
3.1 Council Committee for Management Systems and Product 8
3.2 Working Groups 8
3.3 Assessors / Technical Experts 8

4 Accreditation Process 9
4.1 Introduction 9
4.2 Application 9
4.3 Preliminary Assessment (optional) 10
4.4 Initial Assessment 10
4.5 Award of Accreditation 13
4.6 Routine Surveillance and Reassessment 13
4.7 Non Routine Assessment 15
4.8 Categories of Non-Conformities and their Effects 15
4.9 Prohibition of Issue of Certificates to Accreditation Standards 16
4.10 Accredited Certificates for earlier (non-accredited) Certified 17
Companies to Management Systems

5 Branch Offices 17

6 Safety 18

Annex 1 List of Accreditation and Certification Requirements 19

Annex 2 Scope of Accreditation 22
Annex 3 Witnessed Assessments for initial Assessment 31
Annex 4 Witnessed Assessments within the 4 year Accreditation 36
Annex 5 Witnessed Assessments for Extension of Scope 38

CT 01, 8 March 2018

1 The Scheme

1.1 The Accreditation Scheme for Management Systems, Personnel and Product
Certification Bodies is the national accreditation scheme of the Singapore
Accreditation Council (SAC) which is managed by SPRING Singapore. The
said scheme will be referred to as “Certification Bodies Scheme”.

1.2 The primary objectives of Certification Bodies Scheme are to

a) ensure that the accreditation of certification bodies are in accordance to

international criteria such as ISO/IEC 17011, IAF/PAC mandatory and
guidance documents, IAF/PAC requirements for mutual recognition
arrangements, and relevant SAC documents;

b) provide by means of assessment, the assurance that the professional

practice by certification bodies, are in accordance to international
standards, such as ISO/IEC 17021-1, ISO/IEC 17065, ISO/TS 22003 and
ISO/IEC 17024;

c) ensure that the accreditation processes are carried out with

professionalism and integrity;

d) strengthen and develop accreditation schemes to meet the needs of


e) build capability of certification bodies, assessors and committee members

to meet international standards;

f) facilitate trade and market access by establishing and maintaining

multilateral recognition arrangements with overseas and regional/
international accreditation bodies, such as IAF and PAC.

1.3 The Certification Bodies Scheme gives formal recognition to certification

bodies that have been independently assessed and found to comply with the
criteria established by SAC. Accreditation is granted for the scopes applied,
and is not a blanket approval for its total operations

1.4 SAC accredits certification bodies that can demonstrate compliance with the
following requirements and scope:

(I) Management System Certification Body

Programme Accreditation Certification Scope

Requirements Standards
Quality Management ISO/IEC 17021-1 ISO 9001 See Table 1 in
System (QMS) ISO/IEC 17021-3 Annex 3
Applicable IAF MDs
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Programme Accreditation Certification Scope
Requirements Standards
Quality Management ISO/IEC 17021-1 SS 524 See Annex 2
for Bunker Supply SAC CT 09
Chain (QMBS) (under

Environmental ISO/IEC 17021-1 ISO 14001 See Table 2 in

Management System ISO/IEC 17021-2 Annex 3
(EMS) Applicable IAF MDs

Occupational Safety & ISO/IEC 17021-1 SS 506 Part 1 See Annex 2

Health Management SAC CT 02 SS 506 Part 3
System (OSHMS) Applicable IAF MDs

Hazard Analysis and ISO/IEC 17021-1 SS 590 See Annex 2

Critical Control Point SAC HACCP Document
(HACCP) No 1
Applicable IAF MDs

Food Safety ISO/IEC 17021-1 ISO 22000 See Annex 2

Management System ISO/TS 22003
(FSMS) Applicable IAF MDs

Business Continuity ISO/IEC 17021-1 ISO 22301 See Annex 2

Management (BCM) ISO/IEC TS 17021-6
Applicable IAF MDs

Good Distribution ISO/IEC 17021-1 HSA TS-01 See Annex 2

Practice for Medical Applicable IAF MDs
Devices (GDPMDS) SAC CT 04

Energy Management ISO/IEC 17021-1 ISO 50001 See Annex 2

System (EnMS) ISO/IEC 50003
Applicable IAF MDs

Water Efficiency ISO/IEC 17021-1 SS 577 See Annex 2

Management System Applicable IAF MDs

Learning Service ISO/IEC 17021-1 ISO 29990 See Annex 2

Providers (LSP) Applicable IAF MDs Applicable
SAC CT 13 Technical Notes

Multi-Tiered Cloud ISO/IEC 17021-1 SS 584 See Annex 2

Computing Security Applicable IAF MDs

End-of-life ICT ISO/IEC 17021-1 SS 587 See Annex 2

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Programme Accreditation Certification Scope
Requirements Standards
Equipment (EIMS) Applicable IAF MDs

Asset Management ISO/IEC 17021-1 ISO 55001 See Annex 2

(AM) ISO/IEC TS 17021-5
Applicable IAF MDs

Medical Devices – ISO/IEC 17021-1 ISO 13485 See Annex 2

Quality Management Applicable IAF MDs
Systems (MDQMS) SAC CT 18

Anti-Bribery ISO/IEC 17021-1 ISO 37001 See Annex 2

Management System ISO/IEC TS 17021-9
(ABMS) Applicable IAF MDs

(1) IAF MD: IAF Mandatory Documents
(2) Please see Annex 1 for the list of above-mentioned standards.

(II) Product Certification Body

Products (Scope) Accreditation Certification Standards

British Retailer Consortium ISO/IEC 17065 BRC Global Standard for Food
(BRC) (Food) Safety

Building & Construction ISO/IEC 17065 SS 560

Various applicable standards

Electrical & Electronics ISO/IEC 17065 Refer to Singapore Consumer

Protection (Safety Requirements)
Registration Scheme Information
Various applicable standards

Fire Safety Products (FSP) ISO/IEC 17065 Refer to SCDF Fire Safety
SAC CT 12 Guidelines 1

Food Products ISO/IEC 17065 Various applicable standards

Gas Appliances and ISO/IEC 17065 Various applicable standards


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Products (Scope) Accreditation Certification Standards
Green Products ISO/IEC 17065 Various applicable standards

Personal Protective ISO/IEC 17065 Various applicable standards


Ready-mixed Concrete ISO/IEC 17065 SS EN 206

(RMC) SAC CT 05 SS 544-1
SS 544-2

Telecommunication ISO/IEC 17065 Various applicable standards

Water Efficiency Labelling ISO/IEC 17065 Refer to PUB’s Water Efficiency

Products (WELS) SAC CT 19 Labelling Scheme (WELS)

All Other Products ISO/IEC 17065 Various applicable standards

(III) Personnel Certification Bodies

Programmes Accreditation Certification

Requirements Standards
Business (Management) Consultants ISO/IEC 17024 TR 43
SIRI Consultant
Other Programmes ISO/IEC 17024 Various applicable
 Counterterrorism Personnel
 Financial Planners
 Medical Technologies
 Non-Destructive Testing Personnel
 Rope Access Personnel
 Welding Personnel
 Others

1.5 This document shall be read in conjunction with SAC 01 – Terms and
Conditions for Accreditation, SAC 02 – Rules for Use of SAC Accreditation
Marks and Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) Marks, ISO/IEC 17021-1,
ISO/TS 22003, ISO/IEC 17024, ISO/IEC 17065, the corresponding IAF
mandatory and guidance documents, and any specific requirements that may
be published relating to the Certification Bodies scheme.

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2 Definitions

2.1 Accreditation
Third party attestation (refer to 2.8) related to a conformity assessment body
(e.g. certification body) conveying formal demonstration of its competence to
carry out specific conformity assessment tasks

2.2 Accreditation Body

Authoritative body that performs accreditation (e.g. SAC)

2.3 Accreditation Certificate (Certificate of Accreditation)

A formal document by SAC to be used by accredited certification bodies to
indicate their accredited status.

2.4 Accreditation Criteria

Requirements of Certification Bodies scheme expressed in general terms,
which address organisation, human and material resources, operating
procedures, certification and quality assurance practices of a certification
body. Such requirements are specified in the documents as listed in Clause
1.4 of this document.

2.5 Appeal
Request by a certification body for reconsideration of a decision made by SAC
relating to accreditation

2.6 Assessment
Process undertaken by SAC to assess the competence of a certification body,
based on particular standard(s) and/or guide(s) and/or other normative
documents for a defined scope of accreditation

2.7 Assessor
A person assigned by SAC to perform, alone or as part of an assessment
team, an assessment of a certification body

2.8 Attestation
Issue of a statement, based on a decision following review, that fulfilment of
specified requirements has been demonstrated

2.9 Certification
Third party attestation (2.8) related to products, processes, systems or

2.10 Certification Body

For the purpose of this accreditation, a certification body is an independent
impartial body, government or non-government, possessing the necessary
competence and reliability to operate a certification system and in which those

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with an interest in the process of certification are represented without any single
interest predominating.

2.11 Complaint
Expression of dissatisfaction, other than appeal, by any person or
organisation, to SAC relating to the activities of SAC or of an accredited
certification body, where a response is expected

2.12 Conformity Assessment Body (CAB)

Body that performs conformity assessment services and that can be the
object of accreditation (e.g. certification body)

2.13 Expert
A person assigned by SAC to provide specific knowledge or expertise with
respect to the scope of accreditation to be assessed

2.14 Extending Accreditation

Process of enlarging the scope of accreditation

2.15 Management Representative

A person nominated by a certification body to represent it in all matters
relating to accreditation.

2.16 Non-conformity
Non-fulfilment of a requirement

2.17 Critical Non-conformity

A critical non-conformity or a series of non-conformities which seriously
threatens the credibility of the relevant accreditation scheme. Gross lack of
technical competence and persistent violation of SAC Terms & Conditions,
regulations, gross lack of commitment of the organisation to quality or
compliance with accreditation criteria and existence of serious doubt on the
integrity and impartiality of the organisation. A management system
breakdown, as indicated by a series of significant non-conformities which
seriously threaten the quality of all activities under the system, warrants a
critical non-conformity.

Note: Gross lack of competence may arise from lack of competent staff for
critical activities, inappropriate environment for critical activities, lack of
critical equipment, lack of critical traceability, totally invalid test, calibration or
inspection method, total breakdown of the record or documentation system,
lack of or totally ineffective quality assurance procedures or other causes.

2.18 Significant Non-conformity

A significant non-conformity has serious adverse effect on the validity of an
activity, its results or the competence of the organisation or a violation of SAC
Terms & Conditions for accreditation.
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The existence of a serious doubt on the technical validity of an activity or its
results, as indicated by a series of related minor non-conformities is a
significant non-conformity. Furthermore, persistence of a minor non-
conformity for an extended period of time and without any plausible
explanation may be a violation of SAC Terms & Conditions for accreditation.
This warrants a significant non-conformity.

2.19 Minor Non-conformity

A minor non-conformity shall have no serious adverse effect on the validity of
the activity, its results or the competence of the organisation.

Note: Minor non-conformities have a tendency to grow into significant non-

conformities if not addressed appropriately at the time.

2.20 Observation
An assessment finding that does not warrant a non-conformity but is identified
by the assessment team as an opportunity for improvement.

2.21 Reducing Accreditation

Process of cancelling accreditation for part of the scope of accreditation

2.22 SAC Accredited Certificate

A certificate includes a statement by the certification body that it is accredited
for the scope listed. It bears the accreditation certificate number and the SAC
accreditation mark.

2.23 Schedule of Accreditation

A schedule issued with the Certificate of Accreditation listing the specific
scopes for which accreditation has been granted.

2.24 Scope of Accreditation

Specific conformity assessment services for which accreditation is sought or
has been granted.

2.25 Surveillance
Routine examination of a certification body to evaluate its continued
conformance with SAC requirements, normally every twelve month period.

2.26 Suspending Accreditation

Process of temporarily making accreditation invalid, in full or for part of the
scope of accreditation.

2.27 Withdrawing Accreditation

Process of cancelling accreditation in full.

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2.28 Witnessing
Witnessing of an audit is an activity performed by an Accreditation Body
whereby it observes, without interfering and influencing, an audit performed
by a Certification Body audit team.

3 Organisation Structure

3.1 Council Committee for Management Systems and Product

3.1.1 The Council Committee for Management Systems and Product (CCMP) is a
specialist committee appointed by the SAC Council. The CCMP is
responsible for the formulation of policies, provides guidance and oversees
the operation of the Accreditation Schemes for Management Systems and
Product Certification Bodies.

3.1.2 The CCMP is authorised by the SAC Council to review, evaluate and approve
assessment reports for accreditation of certification bodies through the CCMP
Review Committees. The CCMP may also co-opt individuals with relevant
technical or management expertise as advisors for the review of assessment

3.1.3 The term of office for CCMP members is three years with provision for re-

3.2 Working Groups

3.2.1 Working Groups are established for the development of new

schemes/programmes or for extension of the existing schemes.

3.2.2 The composition of the Working Group is approved by the CCMP. The basis
of appointment will be the members’ knowledge and expertise in respective
technical field or area. The Working Groups are to recommend criteria for new

3.2.3 The term of office for members of the Working Group is for the duration of the
development of the scheme.

3.3 Assessors / Technical Experts

3.3.1 The CCMP maintains a panel of assessors/technical experts who are

appointed from the ranks of government departments, associations &
societies, academic and professional institutions, and industry practitioners.
The assessors/technical experts are chosen on the basis of their professional
knowledge and expertise in a particular scope of accreditation and their ability

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to examine and evaluate a certification body’s standard of management and

3.3.2 The assessors/technical experts will conduct assessments of applicants and

accredited certification bodies based on the criteria established under the
Certification Bodies Scheme.

3.3.3 The assessment team submits assessment reports to the CCMP Review
Committee for approval, after each assessment on the granting, extension,
reduction, renewal, suspension or withdrawal of accreditation.

4 Accreditation Process

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 Enquiries regarding Certification Bodies Scheme can be made at the

Singapore Accreditation Council.

4.1.2 Certification bodies interested to be accredited may obtain the relevant

documents (except ISO/IEC Standards) from SAC website.

4.1.3 The certification body is advised to study in detail the SAC terms and
conditions to ensure that it can substantially meet the accreditation criteria
before it lodges an application for accreditation.

4.1.4 The management system of the certification body shall be operational for at
least two months before SAC carries out an assessment of the certification

4.2 Application

4.2.1 All applications shall be made through SACiNet (online platform for
accreditation process). All applications are to be supported with documents
containing sufficient information regarding its staff, management system,
equipment (where applicable) or other information necessary or requested by
SAC from time to time for the assessment of the certification body.

4.2.2 The applicant shall nominate a management representative to liaise with SAC
on all matters relating to accreditation and the applicant shall keep SAC
informed of any change in the representative.

4.2.3 Upon receipt of a duly completed application made through SACiNet and
satisfactory supporting documents (including completed assessment
checklist) relating to its management system and equipment (where
applicable), an acknowledgement notification will be sent to the applicant
through SACiNet.

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4.2.5 A quotation for the document review, preliminary assessment (if requested)
and initial assessment, shall be sent to the applicant for agreement either
through SACiNet or email.

4.2.6 The composition of the assessment team will also be sent to the applicant for

4.2.7 Applications are valid for a period of two years.

4.3 Preliminary Assessment (Optional)

4.3.1 SAC may arrange for a preliminary assessment at the request of the
applicant. If a preliminary assessment is conducted, SAC will issue a
preliminary assessment report highlighting to the certification body on the
gaps identified.

4.4 Initial Assessment

4.4.1 Before the initial assessment, the assessment team shall review all relevant
documents and records supplied by the certification body to evaluate its
system, as documented for conformity with the relevant standard(s) and other
requirements for accreditation.

4.4.2 SAC may decide not to proceed with an on-site assessment based on
nonconformities raised during the document and records review. SAC shall
report the nonconformities in writing to the CAB.

4.4.3 The on-site Initial assessment comprises two mandatory components to

determine if the certification body should be granted accreditation:

a) Assessment of the applicant’s implementation of its management

system. A programme for the assessment will also be drawn up and
given to the applicant before the assessment is scheduled to begin.
The assessment programme will cover all requirements, including
internal audit and management review, of the accreditation criteria as
listed in Clause 1.4 of this document.

b) Assessment of the applicant’s auditors – witnessed assessment

(unless it is not applicable to the certification system)

4.4.4 In selecting audits for witnessed assessments, a balanced selection, based on

the scopes applied will be made covering the scopes to be accredited. Please
refer to Annex 3a on the number of witnessed assessments needed.

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For the FSMS Certification Scheme, the number of witnessed assessments
shall be based on IAF MD 16 Application of ISO/IEC 17011 for the
Accreditation of Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS) Certification

For the LSP Certification Scheme, the number of witnessed assessments

shall be based on SAC CT 13.

For the Medical Device – Quality Management System, the number of

witnessed assessments will be based on SAC CT 18.

Quality and Environmental Management System Certification Schemes

4.4.5 For management systems under the IAF multilateral arrangements, Quality
Management System and Environmental Management System, the number of
witnessed assessments shall follow IAF MD 17 Witnessing Activities for the
Accreditation of Management Systems Certification Bodies. Please refer to
Annex 3b on the number of witnessed assessments needed.

a In the initial accreditation cycle of each Management System scheme

(meaning from 1st surveillance to the 1st reassessment), at least one
witnessing activity in each technical cluster of each Management System
scheme shall be performed. This programme will continue until the
Certification Body has demonstrated sufficient experience and performance
for an enhanced programme. When this happens, at least one witnessing
activity in each technical cluster of each Management Systems scheme, to be
complemented with other assessment activities to guarantee that each
technical cluster, shall be assessed within two successive accreditation

b When deciding how many and which audits are to be witnessed, a balanced
selection, based on the scopes applied will be made covering the scopes to be
accredited. In general, SAC shall take into account factors such as:
i. the Certification Bodies’ overall performance;
ii. factors such as process complexity or legislation etc. which
influence the ability of the certified organisation to demonstrate its
ability to meet the intended outcomes of the Management System;
iii. feedback from interested parties including complaints about
certified organizations;
iv. the results of the Certification Bodies 's internal audits;
v. scheme owner requirements, etc.;
vi. changes in Certification Bodies work patterns – growth of work
within a specific region or technical area;
vii. number of clients within the Certification Bodies’ scope of
viii. confidence in the Certification Bodies’ auditor evaluation and
approval process; and
ix. previous or other office or witnessing assessment results, etc.

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c) The following additional factors may be taken into account to select witnessing
i. number of certificates issued;
ii. number of auditors;
iii. different auditors;
iv. whether auditors are internal staff or external resource;
v. different audits, initial audit (stage 1/stage 2), surveillance and
vi. recertification;
vii. complex clients, combined and/or integrated audits, multi-site
viii. countries where audits in the certification process are performed;
ix. result of previous witnessing activities;
x. complaints, customer surveys;
xi. interested parties and regulators requests;
xii. the technical clusters already assessed;
xiii. experience from other types of accreditation of the Certification
xiv. previous history of the Certification Bodies’s ability to manage its
xv. level of controls exercised by a Certification Bodies over its critical
xvi. specific scheme requirements; and
xvii. national agreements with clients.

4.4.6 All assessments shall be conducted by qualified assessor(s). Appropriate

technical experts may be appointed to give technical advice to the assessors.

4.4.7 The applicant shall make available personnel such as management

representative, key technical staff and auditors for interview during the

4.4.8 The assessment shall take place at the premises of the applicant and on a
representative sample of witnessed assessments as recommended by the
assessment team. For initial assessments, in addition to visiting the main or
head office, visits shall be made to all other premises of the certification
bodies from which one or more key activities are performed and which are
covered by the scope of accreditation. The key activities are described in
Clause M7.5.7.2, M7.5.7.3 and M7.5.7.4 of IAF/ILAC A5.

4.4.9 The applicant shall be informed on the assessment findings which include
comments on competence and conformity. During the assessment, non-
conformities (critical, significant or minor) and observations may be raised.
Please refer to clause 4.8 for categories of the non-conformities and their
effects. The management representative should ensure that the non-
conformities and observations raised are fully understood and acknowledged.

4.4.10 The applicant will be given one month to submit corrective actions for the non-
conformities from the date of the closing meeting. The management
representative should ensure that the non-conformities and observations
raised are fully understood and acknowledged. Once the applicant has taken
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the necessary corrective actions, the assessment team shall review the
corrective actions and if it considers necessary, conduct a verification visit to
verify the actions taken, and shall submit an assessment report to the Review
Committee within a reasonable time frame. For critical non-conformities,
accreditation shall not be granted. The applicant would be re-assessed after it
has rectified the critical non-conformities.

4.4.11 The Review Committee comprises appropriate members from the CCMP.

4.4.12 Appropriate technical experts may be co-opted by the CCMP Review

Committee in its evaluation of the assessment reports.

4.5 Award of Accreditation

4.5.1 The CCMP grants accreditation to the applicant upon being satisfied that the
certification body meets the criteria for accreditation.

4.5.2 All decisions of the CCMP on the granting of accreditation, extension, reduction,
renewal, or suspension or withdrawal shall, unless expressly provided herein, be
final and not called into question by the certification body.

4.5.3 A Certificate of Accreditation shall be issued to the accredited certification

body together with a Schedule giving the details of its scope of accreditation.
A certification body may request for additional certificates and an
administrative fee shall be charged. The Certificate of Accreditation is valid for
a period of four years with provision for renewal on expiry. For second and
subsequent management system schemes, the expiry date of the
accreditation certificate is aligned with the expiry date of the accreditation
certificate of the first management system scheme.

4.5.4 The accredited certification body shall pay to SAC an annual fee and a levy
based on the number of accredited certificates issued, and other assessment
and administrative fees as determined by SAC from time to time.

4.5.5 All accredited certification bodies will be listed in the SAC website.

4.5.6 All accredited management system certification bodies and personnel

certification bodies shall issue accredited certificates for all accredited scopes.

4.6 Routine Surveillance and Reassessment

4.6.1 SAC shall conduct surveillance assessments on accredited certification

bodies to ensure that standards of practice complying with the criteria are
maintained. The first surveillance is conducted within 6 to 12 months after the
award of accreditation and thereafter once annually.

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4.6.2 A reassessment which comprises a full assessment shall be conducted prior
to the expiry of the Certificate of Accreditation. The Certificate shall be
renewed on the condition that the accredited certification body has been
found to have maintained the necessary standard of practice during the
validity of the Certificate and is capable of maintaining the standard

4.6.3 The certification body has to submit corrective actions on the non-conformities
within one month from the date of closing meeting and the corrective actions
have been verified to be satisfactory. There is no need for the certification
body to respond to the observations. However, the certification body is
encouraged to do so. If the certification body chooses to address the
observations, the response should be submitted within one month from the
date of the closing meeting. A verification visit may be conducted to verify the
actions taken. For critical non-conformities, the related accreditation scheme
or scope(s) may be suspended or withdrawn. A re-assessment may be
conducted. Upon approval by the CCMP review committee (for
reassessment), a revised Certificate will be issued to the certification bodies
to reflect the change in the expiry date.

4.6.4 The certification bodies may request for an extension or reduction in the
scope of accreditation for consideration during the surveillance and
reassessment. For extension of scope, the certification bodies shall write
formally to SAC preferably one month before the date of assessment. During
the assessment, the extension of scope will be assessed, if needed. Upon
approval by the review committee, a revised Schedule will be issued to the
certification bodies to reflect any changes in the scope of accreditation.

Please refer to Annex 5 on the number of witnessed assessments required

for extension of scope.

For the FSMS Certification Scheme, the number of witnessed assessments

shall be based on IAF MD 16.

4.6.5 Witnessed assessments shall be conducted as part of the routine surveillance

and reassessment unless it is not applicable to the certification system.

Please refer to Annex 4 on the number of witnessed assessments required

within an accreditation cycle

For the FSMS Certification Scheme, the number of witnessed assessments

shall be based on IAF MD 16.

4.6.6 If the certification body’s certified client does not allow SAC to witness the
audit, the certification of the client may be withdrawn. SAC will also inform all
its accredited certification bodies of the withdrawal. If the client chooses to
seek certification from another certification body, SAC will inform the new

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certification body that it wishes to witness the audit. This would only be
applicable for SAC accredited certification that is mandatory.

4.7 Non-routine Assessment

4.7.1 Non-routine assessments will include visits made to consider requests for
extension in the scope of accreditation, or to investigate complaints made
against the accredited certification bodies on areas within the scope of
accreditation, if these could not be conducted during the surveillance visits.

Please refer to Annex 5 on the number of witnessed assessments required

for extension of scope.

4.7.2 Unannounced assessments are conducted for special reasons such as to

investigate a complaint against a certification body. SAC reserves the right to
conduct unannounced visits when the need arises.

4.7.3 SAC may conduct non-routine assessment for reinstatement of accreditation

for a certification body whose accreditation has been suspended or
inoperative due to various reasons such as change of premises.

4.8 Categories of Non-Conformities and their Effects

4.8.1 All non-conformities raised by the assessment team during an assessment will
be categorised as “Critical”, “Significant” and “Minor”.

a) Critical Non-conformity
A critical non-conformity or a series of non-conformities which seriously
threatens the credibility of the relevant accreditation scheme. Gross lack of
technical competence and persistent violation of SAC Terms & Conditions,
regulations, gross lack of commitment of the organisation to qualify or comply
to accreditation criteria and existence of serious doubt on the integrity and
impartiality of the organisation. A management system breakdown, as
indicated by a series of significant non-conformities which seriously threaten
the quality of all activities under the system, warrants a critical non-conformity.

Note: Gross lack of competence may arise from lack of competent staff for
critical activities, inappropriate environment for critical activities, lack of critical
equipment, lack of critical traceability, totally invalid test, calibration or
inspection method, total breakdown of the record or documentation system,
lack of or totally ineffective quality assurance procedures or other causes.

Effect: Organisation, related accreditation scheme or activity may be

suspended or withdrawn. For applicant certification body, accreditation shall
not be granted.

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b) Significant Non-conformity
A significant non-conformity has serious adverse effect on the validity of an
activity, its results or the competence of the organisation or a violation of SAC
Terms & Conditions for accreditation.

The existence of a serious doubt on the technical validity of an activity or its

results, as indicated by a series of related minor non-conformities is a
significant non-conformity. Furthermore, persistence of a minor non-
conformity for an extended period of time and without any plausible
explanation may be a violation of SAC Terms & Conditions for accreditation,
warrants is a significant non-conformity.

Effect: Rectification is required within a given timeframe. Related activity may

be suspended or withdrawn depending on the outcome of the rectification.
For applicant certification body, accreditation may not be granted if the
rectification is not satisfactory for the related activity.

c) Minor Non-conformity
A minor non-conformity shall have no serious adverse effect on the validity of
the activity, its results or the competence of the organisation.

Note: Minor non-conformities have a tendency to grow into significant non-

conformities if not addressed appropriately at the time.

Effect: Rectification is required within a given timeframe. Effectiveness of the

corrective actions taken may be monitored in the next assessment.

4.9 Prohibition of Issue of Certificates to Accreditation Standards

4.9.1 A certification body cannot issue certificates based on accreditation standards

such as ISO/IEC 17025. If a certification body provides such certification, SAC
shall initiate its process of suspension of accreditation. Further decisions shall
be based on the actions taken by the certification body.

Note: It is accepted that a certification body may have to assess

subcontractors to confirm that they meet the certification body’s requirements
which may include accreditation standards e.g. ISO/IEC 17025.
Documentation issued to subcontractors as a result of a successful
assessment should clearly state that this is only for the purpose of the
subcontract and is not certification or accreditation in accordance with
ISO/IEC 17011.

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4.10 Transfer of Accredited Certification of Management System

4.10.1 For transfer of accredited certificates under IAF MLA issued by other IAF MLA
members to SAC accredited certificates, the certification bodies will be
required to meet the requirements of IAF MD 2 – IAF Mandatory
Documentation for the Transfer of Accredited Certification of Management

4.10.2 For transfer of non-accredited certificates which are not under IAF MLA to
SAC accredited certificates, the certification body has to check on the
qualifications of the auditor who conducted the non-accredited audit and the
duration of the non-accredited audit. In addition, the scopes must be

a) If the auditor meets the qualifications for the respective schemes and the
duration of the audit is adequate (as indicated in IAF MD 5), the
certification body can grant the accredited certificate to the client without
further audit.

b) Otherwise the certification bodies shall conduct an additional audit (partial

audit of critical processes for Stage 2 only) before granting of the
accredited certificate can be considered. Stage 1 audit is not necessary.

5 Branch Offices

5.1 An accredited certification body shall seek approval from SAC if it wishes to set
up a branch office to conduct certification covered in the scope of accreditation.
The certification body shall not issue SAC accredited certificates unless
accreditation has been extended to cover the work performed in the branch

5.2 If an accredited accreditation body wishes to seek accreditation for its branch
office, it shall apply formally to SAC to request for an extension of the
accreditation to the branch office.

5.3 SAC may consider on a case to case basis the accreditation of overseas branch
office with Headquarters (HQ) in Singapore, if it meets the following:
 The HQ oversees and controls the management system and its
implementation in the branch office; and
 The branch offices must operate to the same management system and
procedures as the HQ.

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 17 of 39

6 Safety

6.1 Safe working conditions are essential to good certification practice and
management. The certification body shall observe all necessary safety
precautions to ensure that its certification activities are performed in a safe
working environment.

6.2 SAC will not arrange for on-site assessment if it considers the certification
body premises to be unsafe.

6.3 It is the certification body’s responsibility to comply with relevant health and
safety requirements.

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 18 of 39

Annex 1

List of Accreditation and Certification Requirements

ISO/IEC 17021-1 Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies

providing audit and certification of management systems
Part 1: Requirements
ISO/IEC 17021-2 Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies
providing audit and certification of management systems
Part 2: competence requirements for auditing and
certification of environmental management systems
ISO/IEC 17021-3 Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies
providing audit and certification of management systems
Part 3: Competence requirements for auditing and
certification of quality management systems
ISO/IEC TS 17021-5 Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies
providing audit and certification of management systems
Part 5 Competence requirements for auditing and
certification of asset management systems
ISO/IEC TS 17021-6 Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies
providing audit and certification of management systems
Part 6: Competence requirements for auditing and
certification of business continuity management systems
ISO/IEC 17024 General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification of
ISO/IEC 17065 Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies
certifying products, processes and services
ISO 22000 Food Safety Management Systems – Requirements for
any organisation in the food chain
ISO/TS 22003 Food Safety Management Systems – Requirements for
bodies providing Audit and Certification of Food Safety
Management systems
ISO 22301 Societal security -- Business continuity management
systems – Requirements
ISO 29990 Learning services for non-formal education and Training –
Basic requirements for service providers
ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems – Requirements with
guidance for use
ISO/IEC 50003 Energy management systems -- Requirements for bodies
providing audit and certification of energy management
ISO 55001 Asset Management – Management Systems –

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 19 of 39

HSA TS-01 Good Distribution Practice for Medical Devices –
SAC CT 02 SAC Criteria for Certification Bodies (OSHMS)
SAC CT 04 SAC Criteria for Certification Bodies (Good Distribution
Practice for Medical Devices)
SAC CT 05 SAC Criteria for Certification Bodies (Ready-Mixed
SAC CT 06 SAC Criteria for Ready-Mixed Concrete Producers
SAC CT 08 SAC Criteria for Certification Bodies (Business Continuity
SAC CT 09 SAC Criteria for Certification Bodies (Quality Management
for Bunker Supply Chain)
SAC CT 11 SAC Criteria for Certification Bodies (Water Efficiency
Management Systems)
SAC CT 12 SAC Criteria for Product Certification Bodies (Fire Safety
SAC CT 13 SAC Criteria for Certification Bodies (Learning Service
SAC CT 14 SAC Criteria for Certification Bodies (Multi-Tiered Cloud
Computing Security)
SAC CT 15 SAC Criteria for Certification Bodies (Management of End-
of-life ICT Equipment)
SAC CT 16 SAC Criteria for Certification Bodies (Asset Management)
SAC CT 18 SAC Criteria for Certification Bodies (Medical Devices -
Quality Management Systems)
SAC CT 19 SAC Criteria for Certification Bodies (Water Efficiency
Labelling Scheme)
SAC CT 21 SAC Criteria for Certification Bodies (Anti-Bribery
Management System)
SAC HACCP Document Requirements for HACCP Auditing Methodology and
No 1 Criteria for Auditors
ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems – Requirements
ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems – Requirements
with guidance for use
SS 524 Specification for Quality Management for Bunker Supply
Chain (QMBS)
SS 506-1 Occupational safety and health (OSH) management
systems - Requirements
SS 506-3 Occupational safety and health (OSH) management

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 20 of 39

systems - Part 3 : Requirements for the chemical industry
SS 544-1 Concrete – Complementary Singapore Standard to SS EN
206 – Part 1: Method of specifying and guidance for the
SS 544-2 Concrete – Complementary Singapore Standard to SS EN
206 – Part 2: Specification for constituent materials and
SS 560 Specification for steel for the reinforcement of concrete –
Weldable reinforcing steel – Bar, coil and decoiled product
SS 577 Singapore Standard for Water Efficiency Management
Systems – Requirements with guidance for use
SS 584 Specification for Multi-Tiered Cloud Computing Security
SS 587 Management of End-of-life ICT Equipment
SS 590 Singapore Standard on HACCP based food safety
management system – requirements for any organisation
in the food chain
SS EN 206 Concrete - Specification, performance, production and
TR 43 Management Consultants

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 21 of 39

Annex 2

Scope of Accreditation for Management System Certification Bodies (Except

for Quality Management System and Environmental Management System)

This list of scopes of accreditation is based on the statistical nomenclature for

economic activities (NACE Rev 2) 2008 published by the Commission of European
Communities, and is applicable to the following SAC Accreditation Programmes:

a) Anti-bribery Management System

b) Asset Management Certification
c) Business Continuity Management Certification
d) Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Certification
e) Water Efficiency Management Systems Certification

NACE Code (Rev. 2) Description Critical Scopes
A01 – Crop and Animal Production, Hunting Agriculture; e.g. non-processed
and Related Service Activities Fishing foods, primary products
A03 – Fishing and Aquaculture

B05 – Mining of coal and lignite Mining and e.g. environmental

B06 – Extraction of crude petroleum and Quarrying impact, health and
natural gas safety

B07 – Mining of metal ores

B08 – Other Mining and Quarrying
B09 – Mining support service activities
C10 – Manufacture of Food Products Food products, e.g. processed foods for
C11 – Manufacture of Beverages beverages and human consumption
C12 – Manufacture of tobacco products

C13 – Manufacture of textiles Textiles and

C14 – Manufacture of wearing apparel textile products

C15 – Manufacture of leather and related Leather and

products leather products
C16 – Manufacture of wood and of products Wood and wood e.g. building fittings, fire-
of wood and cork, except furniture; products rated doors, etc
manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting
C17 – Manufacture of paper and paper Pulp, paper and
products paper products
J58.1 – Publishing of books, periodicals and Publishing
other publishing activities companies

1 Activities involving manufacturing, production or distribution of product or services which have direct
impact on health, safety or the environment (examples in bracket) are defined as critical scopes.

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 22 of 39

NACE Code (Rev. 2) Description Critical Scopes
J59.2 – Software publishing
C18 - Printing and reproduction of recorded Printing
media companies
C19 – Manufacture of coke and refined Manufacture of e.g. environmental
petroleum products coke and refined impact, health and
petroleum safety

C24.46 – Processing of nuclear fuel Nuclear fuel e.g. environmental

impact, health and
C20 – Manufacture of chemicals and Chemicals, e.g. hazardous
chemical products chemical substances,
products and environmental impact
C21 – Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical Pharmaceuticals e.g. drugs, medicines
products and pharmaceutical preparations for human consumption

C22 – Manufacture of rubber and plastic Rubber and e.g. hazardous

products plastic products substances,
environmental impact
C23 – Manufacture of other non-metallic Non-metallic
mineral products mineral products
(except C23.5 – Manufacture of cement, lime
and plaster
C23.6 – manufacture of articles of concrete
,cement and plaster)
C23.5 - Manufacture of cement, lime and Concrete, e.g. ready-mixed
plaster cement, lime, concrete
C23.6 - Manufacture of articles of concrete plaster etc
,cement and plaster
C24 – Manufacture of basic metals Basic metals e.g. structural steel,
(except C24.46 – processing of nuclear fuel) and fabricated reservoirs tanks, boilers,
metal products etc
C25 –Manufacture of fabricated metal
products, except machinery and equipment
(except C25.4 –Manufacture of weapons and
C33.11 –Striking of coins
C25.4 - Manufacture of weapons and Machinery and e.g. medical, surgical,
ammunition equipment weapons, ammunition,
C28 – Manufacture of machinery and etc
equipment n.e.c
C30.4 – Manufacture of military fighting
C33.12 – Repair of machinery
C33.2 – Installation of industrial machinery
CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 23 of 39
NACE Code (Rev. 2) Description Critical Scopes
and equipment
C26 – Manufacture of computer, electronic Electrical and All
and optical products optical
C27 – Manufacture of electrical equipment equipment

C33.13 – Repair of electronic and optical

C33.14 – Repair of electronic equipment
S95.1 – Repair of computers and
communication equipment
C30.1 – Building of ships and boats Shipbuilding All
C33.15 – Repair and maintenance of ships
and boats
C30.3 – Manufacture of air and spacecraft Aerospace All
and related machinery
C33.16 – Repair and maintenance of aircraft
and spacecraft
C29 – Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers Other transport
and semi-trailers equipment
C30.2 – Manufacture of railway locomotives
and rolling stock
C30.9 – Manufacture of transport equipment
C33.17 – Repair and maintenance of other
transport equipment
C31 – Manufacture of furniture Manufacturing
C32 – Other manufacturing not elsewhere
C33.19 – Repair of other equipment
E38.3 – Materials recovery Recycling
D35.1 – Electric power generation, Electricity All
transmission and distribution supply
D35.2 – Manufacture of gas; distribution of Gas supply All
gaseous fuels through mains
D35.3 – Steam and air conditioning supply Water supply All
E36 – Water collection, treatment and supply
F41 – Construction of buildings Construction e.g. site preparation;
F42 – Civil Engineering building of complete
construction or parts
F43 – Specialised construction activities thereof; civil
engineering; installation
of lifts and escalators
G45 – Wholesale and retail trade and repair Wholesale and
of motor vehicles and motorcycles retail trade;
G46 – Wholesale trade, except of motor Repair of motor
CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 24 of 39
NACE Code (Rev. 2) Description Critical Scopes
vehicles and motorcycles motorcycles and
G47 – Retail trade, except of motor vehicles personal
and motorcycles and household
S95.2 – Repair of personal and household goods
I55 - Accommodation Hotels and e.g. hotels, restaurants,
I56 – Food and beverage service activities restaurants bars, canteens,
catering; food safety, etc
Accommodation is not a
critical scope.
H49 – Land transport and transport via Transport,
pipelines storage;
H50 – Water transport Communication
H51 – Air Transport
H52 – Warehousing and support activities for
H53 – Postal and courier activities
J61 –Telecommunications
K64 – Financial service activities, except Financial * Real estate (e.g.
insurance and pension funding intermediation; property development;
K65 – Insurance, reinsurance and pension real estate; project management,
funding, except compulsory social security renting safety of buildings)

K66 – Activities auxiliary to financial services

and insurance activities
L68 – Real Estate activities
N77 – Rental and leasing activities
J58.2 – Software Publishing Information
J62 – Computer Programming, consultancy technology
and related activities
J63.1 – Data processing, hosting and related
activities; web portals
M71 – Architectural and engineering Engineering *(e.g. research and
activities; technical testing and analysis services experimental
M72 – Scientific research and development development on natural
sciences and
(except 74.2 – photographic activities, engineering, etc)
M74 – Other professionals, scientific and architectural and
technical activities engineering activities
relating to technical
consultancy, interior
design services,
quantity and land
surveying, etc
M69 – Legal and accounting activities Other services
M70 – Activities of head offices; management

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 25 of 39

NACE Code (Rev. 2) Description Critical Scopes
consultancy activities
M73 – Advertising and market research
M74.2 - Photographic activities
M74.3 - Translation and interpretation
N78 – Employment activities
N80 – Security and investigation activities
N81 – Services to buildings and landscape
N82 – Office administrative, office support
and other business support activities
O84 – Public Administration and defence; Public
compulsory social security administration
P85 - Education Education
M75 – Veterinary Activities Health and Health (e.g. relating to
Q86 – Human Health activities social work human health and
relevant activities)
Q87 – Residential care activities
Q88 – Social work activities without
E37 - Sewerage Other social
E38.1 – Waste Collection services

E38.2 – Waste treatment and disposal

E39 – Remediation activities and other waste
management services
J59.1 – Motion picture, video and television
programme activities
J60 – Programming and broadcasting
J63.9 – Other information services activities
N79 – Travel agency, tour operator
reservation service and related services
R90 – Creative, arts and entertainment
R91 – Libraries, archives, museums and
other cultural activities
R92 – Gambling and betting activities
R93 – Sports activities and amusement and
recreation activities
R94 – Activities of membership organisations
R96 – Other personal service activities

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 26 of 39

Scope of Accreditation for Quality Management for Bunker Supply Chain [All are
critical scopes]

 Supply of bunker (SS524)

Scope of Accreditation for HACCP-based Food Management System [All are critical

1. Cargo and storage

2. Catering and canteen
3. Hotel
4. Manufacture of beverages
5. Manufacture of condiments and seasonings
6. Manufacture of grain mill products; starches and starch products
7. Manufacture of ready to eat snack food products
8. Manufacture of rusks and biscuits, preserved pastry goods and cakes
9. Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats
10. Manufacture and processing of alcoholic products
11. Manufacture and processing of animal feeds
12. Manufacture and processing of confectionary
13. Manufacture and processing of dairy product
14. Manufacture and processing of fruits and vegetables
15. Manufacture and processing of grain and cereal
16. Manufacture and processing of homogenised food
17. Manufacture and processing of mineral water
18. Manufacture and processing of noodles, macaroni
19. Manufacture and processing of poultry and meat
20. Manufacture of rusks and biscuits, preserved pastry goods and cakes
21. Manufacture and processing of seafood and fish
22. Manufacture and processing of soft drinks
23. Manufacture and processing of soups
24. Manufacture and processing of spices and seasoning
25. Manufacture and processing of tea and coffee
26. Manufacture and processing of tobacco
27. Production, processing and preserving of meat and meat products
28. Production, processing and preserving of other food
29. Restaurant
30. Retail of food and beverages
31. Retail of frozen, ready to eat food
32. Wholesale of food and beverages
33. Wholesale of food and beverages and tobacco

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 27 of 39

Scope of Accreditation for Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
The scopes are as defined in ISO/TS 22003:

Cluster Category Subcategory

Farming A Farming of Animals AI Farming of Animals for

A II Farming of Fish and Seafood
B Farming of Plants BI Farming of Plants (other than
grains and pulses)
B II Farming of Grains and Pulses
Food and Feed C Food Manufacturing CI Processing of Perishable
Processing Animal Products
C II Processing of Perishable
Plant Products
C III Processing of Perishable
animal and Plant Products
(Mixed Products)
C IV Processing of ambient stable
D Animal Feed DI Production of Feed
Production D II Production of Pet Food
Catering E Catering

Retail, transport F Distribution FI Retail/ Wholesale

and storage F II Food Broking/ Trading
G Provision of GI Provision of Transport and
Transport and Storage Services for
Storage Services Perishable Food and Feed
G II Provision of Transport and
Storage Services for Ambient
Stable Food and Feed
Auxiliary Services H Services

I Production of Food Packaging and Packaging Material

J Equipment Manufacturing

Biochemical K Production of (Bio) Chemicals

Scope for Good Distribution Practice for Medical Devices

 Other supporting land transport activities

 Other wholesale
 Storage and warehousing

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 28 of 39

Scope of Accreditation for Energy Management System (EnMS)

The technical areas (scope) are defined in Table 2 of ISO 50003

Scope (Technical Area) Description

Industry – light to medium Manufacturing facilities producing consumer
intermediates or end user oriented products
Industry – heavy Manufacturing facilities requiring high capitalization
and consuming large quantities of raw materials
and energy
Buildings Facilities with standard commercial building
Building complexes Facilities with operations requiring specific
expertise due to the complexity of energy sources
and uses
Transport System or means for transporting people or
Mining Open cast, underground and fluid extraction of raw
materials and transport
Agriculture Livestock, seed or crops products
Energy supply Energy generation (nuclear, CHP, electricity,
renewable, etc) and transport (transmission and

Scope of Accreditation for Learning Service Providers

1. Information technology
2. Language and literacy
3. Manufacturing
4. Productivity and innovation
5. Professional and personal development
6. Quality, including management systems
7. Workplace safety and health
8. Security
9. Service excellence
10. Others

Scope of Accreditation for Multi-Tiered Cloud Computing Security

 Information technology

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 29 of 39

Scope of Accreditation for End-of Life ICT Equipment

 Management of End-of-Life ICT Equipment

Scope of Accreditation for Medical Device – Quality Management System (MDQMS)

 Active implantable medical device

 Active medical devices (non-implantable)
 Device incorporating/utilising/specific substances/technologies
 In vitro diagnostic medical devices
 Non-active medical devices
 Parts and services
 Sterilisation method for medical devices

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 30 of 39

Annex 3a

Witnessed Assessments for Initial Assessment

Scheme Number of Witnessed Assessments

Management 1- 2 scopes (2 digit NACE code or less)
system 1 initial or recertification audit (per scheme)
(except for (to include Stage 1 for initial audit)
QMS and
EMS) More than 2 scopes (2 digit NACE Code or less)
2 initial or recertification audits (per scheme)
(to include Stage 1 for initial audit)

Priority to witness critical scopes, wherever applicable.

If initial or recertification audits cannot be witnessed, then a

minimum of two surveillances or an extended surveillance covering
all requirements of the certification standard shall replace every
initial or recertification audit to be witnessed. The witnessed
surveillance which does not cover all requirements has to cover all
the key requirements (critical processes) of the certification

For the Learning Service Providers Certification Scheme, please

see requirements in SAC CT 13.

For Medical Devices - Quality Management System Certification

Scheme, please see requirements in SAC CT 18.

Food Safety For the FSMS Certification Scheme, the number of witnessed
Management assessments shall be based on IAF MD 16.
(FSMS) Clusters
1. Farming (A+B)
2. Food and Feed Processing (C+D)
3. Catering (E)
4. Retail, Transport and Storage (F+G)
5. Auxiliary Industries (H+I+J)
6. (Bio) Chemicals (K)

At least one witness assessment performed in the cluster for a

given food chain cluster.

A witness of an initial certification audit, including stage 1, should be

undertaken as part of the initial accreditation.

Product The witnessed assessment is only applicable to product

certification scheme with factory inspection (e.g. Product Type 5
CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 31 of 39
Scheme Number of Witnessed Assessments

Where applicable, an adequate number of tests will be witnessed.

1 initial or recertification audit for each product category

If initial or recertification audits cannot be witnessed, then a

minimum of two surveillance audits or an extended surveillance
audit covering all requirements of the certification standard shall
replace every initial or recertification audit to be witnessed. The
witnessed surveillance which does not cover all requirements has
to cover all the key requirements (critical processes) of the
certification standard

There may not be a need to assess an applicant’s test facilities

and the competency of its test personnel if the applicant has been
accredited for the same scope under the SAC Singapore
Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (SAC-SINGLAS) or under the
scheme of one of SAC-SINGLAS MRA partners. The same
principle will apply to routine surveillance, re-assessment and
extension of scope.

Personnel 1 witnessed audit per programme

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 32 of 39

Annex 3b

Witnessed Assessments for Initial Assessment for Quality and Environmental

Management Systems Certification Bodies

Application Date: 7 January 2018

Scheme Number of Witnessed Assessments

Quality and All critical codes to be witnessed in each technical cluster of each
Environmental Management System scope.
System (QMS Refer to table 1 & 2 and IAF MD 17 for details.
and EMS)
If initial or recertification audits cannot be witnessed, then a
minimum of two surveillances shall replace every initial or
recertification audit to be witnessed. The witnessed surveillance
has to cover all the key requirements (critical processes) of the
certification standard

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 33 of 39

Table 1: Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001)

Technical IAF Description of economic sector/activity, Critical Code(s)

Cluster code according to IAF ID1

Food 1 Agriculture, forestry and fishing

3 Food products, beverages and tobacco 3
30 Hotels and restaurants
Mechanical 17 Basic metals and fabricated metal 22 or 20
18 Machinery and equipment
19 Electrical and optical equipment
20 Shipbuilding
22 Other transport equipment
Paper 7 Limited to “Paper products” 9
8 Publishing companies
9 Printing companies
Minerals 2 Mining and quarrying 2 or 15
15 Non-metallic mineral products
16 Concrete, cement, lime, plaster, etc.
Construction 28 Construction 28
34 Engineering services
Goods 4 Textiles and textile products 5 or 14
production 5 Leather and leather products
6 Wood and wood products
14 Rubber and plastic products
23 Manufacturing not elsewhere classified
Chemicals 7 Limited to “Pulp and paper manufacturing” 12
10 Manufacture of coke and refined
petroleum products
12 Chemicals, chemical products and fibres
Supply 25 Electricity supply 26
26 Gas supply
27 Water supply
Transport & 24 Recycling 24
Waste 31 Transport, storage and communication
management 39 Other social services
Services 29 Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of 37 or 33
motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal
and household goods
32 Financial intermediation; real estate;
33 Information technology
35 Other services
37 Education
36 Public administration
Nuclear 11 Nuclear fuel 11
Pharmaceutical 13 Pharmaceuticals 13
Aerospace 21 Aerospace 21
Health 38 Health and social work 38

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 34 of 39

Table 2: Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001)

Technical IAF Description of economic sector/activity, Critical Code(s)

Cluster code according to IAF ID1

Agriculture, 1 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 1

forestry and
Food 3 Food products, beverages and tobacco 3
30 Hotels and restaurants
Mechanical 17 Limited to “Fabricated metal products” 20 or 21
18 Machinery and equipment
19 Electrical and optical equipment
20 Shipbuilding
21 Aerospace
22 Other transport equipment
Paper 7 Limited to “Paper products” 9
8 Publishing companies
9 Printing companies
Construction 28 Construction 28
34 Engineering services
Goods 4 Textiles and textile products 4 and 5
production 5 Leather and leather products
6 Wood and wood products
23 Manufacturing not elsewhere classified
Chemicals 7 Limited to “Pulp and paper manufacturing” 7 and 10
10 Manufacture of coke and refined and 12 and 13
petroleum products
12 Chemicals, chemical products and fibres
13 Pharmaceuticals
14 Rubber and plastic products
15 Non-metallic mineral products
16 Concrete, cement, lime, plaster, etc.
17 Limited to “Base metals production”
Mining and 2 Mining and quarrying 2
Supply 25 Electricity supply 25 or 26
26 Gas supply
27 Water supply
Transport & 24 Recycling 24 and 39 (limited
Waste 31 Transport, storage and communication to NACE 37, 38.1,
management 39 Other social services 38.2, 39)
Services 29 Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of 29 or 35 or 36
motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal
and household goods
32 Financial intermediation; real estate;
33 Information technology
35 Other services
36 Public administration
37 Education
Nuclear 11 Nuclear fuel 11
Health 38 Health and social work 38

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 35 of 39

Annex 4

Witnessed Assessments Within the Accreditation Cycle

Scheme Number of witnessed assessments

Management The number of witnessed assessments is based on the number of

system certificates issued per scheme per cycle,
(except QMS
and EMS) 1 – 50 certificates
1 initial or recertification or surveillance audit per scheme

51 - 200 certificates
2 initial or recertification or surveillance audit per scheme

201 & above certificates

3 initial or recertification per scheme

Priority to witness critical scopes, wherever applicable.

The witnessed surveillance has to cover all the key requirements

(critical processes) of the certification standard

Quality and At least one witnessing activity in each technical cluster of each
Environmental Management Systems scheme, to be complemented with other
Management assessment activities to guarantee that each technical cluster,
System (QMS shall be assessed within two successive accreditation cycles.
and EMS)

Food Safety At least one audit in cluster 2 (if covered by the accredited scope
Management of the Certification Body) shall be witnessed by SAC annually and
System at least one audit in each of the other clusters during the
(FSMS) accreditation cycle.

At least one of the witness audits per accreditation cycle should

include an initial certification audit.

The number of witnessed assessments is based on the number of

Product certificates issued per scheme per cycle

For product certification scheme with factory inspection

(e.g. Product Type 5 scheme)

1 – 50 certificates
1 initial or recertification or surveillance audit per product category
(eg RMC, fire safety products)

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 36 of 39

Scheme Number of witnessed assessments

51 - 200 certificates
2 initial or recertification or surveillance audits per product

201 & above certificates

3 initial or recertification or surveillance audits per product

If initial or recertification audits cannot be witnessed, then a

minimum of two surveillance audits or an extended surveillance
audit covering all requirements of the certification standard shall
replace every initial or recertification audit to be witnessed. The
witnessed surveillance which does not cover all requirements has
to cover all the key requirements (critical processes) of the
certification standard

Personnel 1 witnessed audit per programme per year

(does not depend on number of certificates issued)

Note 1 Witnessing of audits will be conducted on critical scopes, wherever possible.

Note 2 Audits witnessed during the application for extension of scope, if any, will be taken into

Note 3 Management system: For each scheme, witnessed audits must include at least one of
the certification standards during the cycle. For example, for QMS, at least one SS 524
and one ISO 9001 audit must be witnessed during the cycle; for OSHMS, at least one
SS 506 Part 1 and Part 3 must be witnessed during the cycle where the accreditation
covers both standards.

Note 4 Product: Witnessed audits must cover all product categories during the cycle. For
example at least one ready-mixed concrete, E & E, FSP, building & construction and
BRC must be witnessed during the cycle.

Note 5 The number of certificates issued is based on the last submission by the certification body
for the annual billing of the fees.

CT 01, 8 March 2018 Page 37 of 39

Annex 5

Witnessed Assessments for Extension of Scope

Scheme No of witnessed assessments

Management For critical scopes only
system 1 initial or recertification or surveillance audit (per scheme)
(to include stage 1 for initial audit)

The witnessed surveillance has to cover all the key requirements

(critical processes) of the certification standard

For new certification standard (eg. QMBS)

1 initial or recertification or surveillance audit (for each new
certification standard to the existing scheme)
(to include stage 1 for initial audit)

The witnessed surveillance has to cover all the key requirements

(critical processes) of the certification standard

Quality and The following witnessing rules apply for the extension of
Environmental accreditation of each scheme to be complemented with other
Management assessment activities to guarantee the appropriate coverage of
System the applicant scope:

i. if a technical cluster has only 1 critical code, the witnessed

activity shall be conducted in this critical code to grant
accreditation for all the IAF codes in that cluster

ii. if a technical cluster has more than 1 critical code, the

witnessing activity shall be performed:

a. in all the critical codes that are identified with an

“and” (on the “Critical code” column);

b. in one of the critical codes that are identified with

an “or” (on the “Critical code” column);

iii. if it is not possible to perform a witnessing activity in the

IAF code/s identified as critical, the accreditation can:

a. only be granted in the non-critical IAF code/s of

the technical cluster for one of which a witnessing
activity is performed, or

b. in all the codes of the cluster, performing an office

activity in the critical code/s, but on condition that:

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Scheme No of witnessed assessments
 Certification Body has demonstrated
its competence on a documental basis
in all the codes of the cluster; and
 witnessing activity in the critical code/s
takes place before any certificate in the
critical code/s based on accreditation
is issued.

However, in such cases, if the result of the

witnessing activity is negative, SAC shall consider
reducing the scope of accreditation.

If initial or recertification audits cannot be witnessed, then a

minimum of two surveillances shall replace every initial or
recertification audit to be witnessed. The witnessed surveillance
has to cover all the key requirements (critical processes) of the
certification standard

Food Safety For extensions inside a cluster, witnessing is not mandatory.

Management Witnessing is mandatory for extensions to categories in a new
System cluster. At least one witness assessment performed in the cluster
(FSMS) for a given food chain cluster.

Product For product certification scheme with factory inspection (eg.

product Type 5 scheme)

Where applicable, an adequate number of tests will be witnessed.

1 initial or recertification audit for each product category

If initial or recertification audit cannot be witnessed, then a

minimum of two surveillance audits or an extended surveillance
audit covering all requirements of the certification standard shall
replace every initial or recertification audit to be witnessed. The
witnessed surveillance which does not cover all requirements has
to cover all the key requirements (critical processes) of the
certification standard

Personnel 1 witnessed audit per programme

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