1-S2.0-S1877705816325589-Mainnanofluid Viscosity of
1-S2.0-S1877705816325589-Mainnanofluid Viscosity of
1-S2.0-S1877705816325589-Mainnanofluid Viscosity of
Procedia Engineering 157 (2016) 404 – 413
In this paper a new viscosity model is proposed in order to predict the viscosity of the nanofluids in order to bridge the gap on
this issue. The effective viscosity expression proposed in this paper is based on the regression analysis of a number of carefully
selected published papers which covers theoretical, experimental and numerical results. Compared with the other theoretical
models that are available in literature, the presented model has a good accuracy and reliability. The proposed model has been
tested in 3D horizontal pipe and the results with Nusselt number show good agreement with available data. The model was tested
for a wide range of volume concentration and temperature and shows wider applicability.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICCHMT2016.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICCHMT2016
Keywords: Heat Transfer; Nanofluid; Effective viscosity
A Area
݇ Thermal conductivity
̶ݍ Heat flux
Cp Specific heat at constant pressure
D Diameter
μ Viscosity
ρ Density
ɸ Volume fraction
1877-7058 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICCHMT2016
Saleh Etaig et al. / Procedia Engineering 157 (2016) 404 – 413 405
T Temperature
H Heat Transfer Coefficient
L Length
f base fluid
nf nanofluid
s solid
eff effective
1. Introduction
In the last two decades the nanofluids have been investigated in many practical applications due to their superior
thermophysical properties compared to the conventional fluids mainly due to limited thermal conductivity. Since
Choi [1] first introduced the nanofluid concept, many researchers proposed models to predict thermophysical
properties for nanofluids. Many efforts have been devoted for modelling the thermal conductivity. However, only
limited works were focused on the effective viscosity models. Viscosity is an important flow property of fluids.
Pumping power, pressure drop in laminar flow and convective heat transfer directly affected by the viscosity of
fluids. The understanding of viscosity change is vital for predicting the heat transfer performance of nanofluids.
Einstein [2] developed the first viscosity formula for micro colloids in 1906. The model was based on the
assumption of viscous fluid containing spherical particles. The model was found to be valid for volume
concentrations up to 2%. Brinkman [3] introduced a formula to predict the viscosity of the particles at a very low
volume fraction. The model was based on assumption of spherical particles.
Batchelor [4] developed Einstein’s model and proposed a new model for rigid and spherical particles with
Brownian motion. The model was investigated by many researchers and found working well with low
concentrations. Boungiorno [5] developed a mathematical model for colloids made of a base fluid and nanoparticles
and showed that the nanofluid properties may vary significantly within the boundary layer because of the effect of
the temperature gradient and thermophoresis. He attributed the convective heat transfer enhancement to the
reduction of viscosity within and consequent thinning of the laminar sublayer. Tseng [6] conducted an experimental
investigation for TiO2, The number of data used in his experiment was only four volume concentrations. He derived
a curve fit model for effective viscosity. Maiga [7] proposed a model for effective viscosity in forced convection
using Al2O3 water nanofluid. Saito[8] implemented a theoretical model for very small particles with spherical rigid
Nguyen [9] conducted an experimental study for Al2O3 and CuO particles nanofluid, he derived a curve fit
equation for predicting the effective viscosity for nanofluids.
Grag et al [10] measured the viscosity of copper nanoparticles in Ethylene glycol. They found that the viscosity
increase was almost four times of that predicted by the Einstein law of viscosity. The number of data used for
introducing their model is only 5.
Wang and Xu [11] measured the viscosity for Al2O3 water, they highlighted that the enhancement of viscosity
was between 20-30% for 3% volume fraction. Three volume fractions were used to measure the thermal conductivity
and viscosity
From the literature it is found that there is no unified accurate model to predict the effective viscosity for
nanofluids. The present work is aimed to propose a new model to predict the viscosity with a wide range for volume
2. Problem Description
The geometry considered in this work is shown in Fig 1, a pipe with length 1 meter and a dimeter 10 mm with
constant external heat flux. The fluid enters the pipe with temperature To=293 K inlet temperature and uniform axial
inlet velocity. At the pipe exit a fully developed flow condition is considered. The fluid considered in this study is
Al2O3 water nanofluid. The properties of the nanoparticles are shown in Table 1.
406 Saleh Etaig et al. / Procedia Engineering 157 (2016) 404 – 413
The governing equations are continuity, momentum equation and energy equation and can be written as follows:
Continuity equation:
Uv 0
wt (1)
Momentum equation
w Uv
Uv v p W Ug F
wt (2)
Energy equation
Saleh Etaig et al. / Procedia Engineering 157 (2016) 404 – 413 407
w UE
v UE P K eff T ¦h J
j j ( Wv (3)
Unf ( 1 M )U f MUs
1 M UC p f
M UC p s
C pnf
§ K s 2 K f 2 K f ks
Kf ¨
¨ K s 2 K f K f ks
© ¸¹ (6)
TH TC (7)
k (8)
The proposed model was built based on a regression function from a range from available data from literature.
Ten different experimental and theoretical models were used to develop the present equation for predicting the
effective viscosity. The new model is expressed as:
P e ff P f ( 1 5) 80) 2 160) 3 )
The equation derived above is based on the models available from literature and are shown in Table 1. The
Nanofluid is modelled as single phase, nonNewtonian and there is no slip between the particles and the base fluid.
408 Saleh Etaig et al. / Procedia Engineering 157 (2016) 404 – 413
5. Numerical procedure
The governing equations were solved numerically with the boundary conditions using ANSYS 15.0. The
geometry was created in ANSYS design modeler, the computational domain was discretised in ANSYS meshing and
solving the governing equations together with the boundary conditions in ANSYS FLUENT. The CFD code is based
on the finite volume method and SIMPLE algorithm that solves the governing equations. Second-order upwind
schemes were used for the convective fluxes. Convergence was obtained with residuals less than 10-6 for the
continuity equation, the momentum equations and the energy equation. To ensure a mesh independent solution, the
maximum Nu number at the outer surface was used. The solution was taken to be mesh independent when the
percentage change in maximum Nu remained less than 1% to give a mesh-independent solution for all simulations in
this study. Table 3 shows the mesh dependency test for maximum Nu and it is clearly seen that for the mesh with
281000 elements the maximum Nu becomes insensitive to further refinement and hence mesh was selected for the
1 39500 3258
2 152000 4761
3 281000 4821
4 319500 4823
6. Validation of Results
The present simulations were validated and the results are shown in Fig 2. The Figure illustrates the change of the
surface heat transfer coefficient at the wall. As there is an external heat flux applied on the wall and the flow enters
the pipe with constant temperature so it is expected the heat transfer coefficient is expected to decrease from a peak
value at the inlet of the pipe and decreases until a point where becomes almost unchanged constant wall The results
as seen from the graph show there is a good agreement with Bianco et al [12] results.
Saleh Etaig et al. / Procedia Engineering 157 (2016) 404 – 413 409
3100 present simulation
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
0.008 Satio
0.007 Maiga
0.006 present simulation
0.005 Grag
273.15 293.15 313.15 333.15 353.15
Temp K
The relative viscosity prediction for different models is illustrated in Fig 5. The base nanofluid considered in this
paper is water where the relative viscosity is the ratio of nanofluid to the viscosity of the base fluid. The present
equation for the viscosity lies in the middle of the various models for relative viscosity, it is evident that the
410 Saleh Etaig et al. / Procedia Engineering 157 (2016) 404 – 413
theoretical models predict the viscosity in the very small concentration while the viscosity underestimate the
viscosity when the volume fraction is greater than 2%. Nguyen model for dimeter 47 nm is seemed to over predict
the viscosity compared to other experimental models.
the present simulation
12 Brinkman
10 Saito
Nguyen 47 nm
μ relative
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
volume fraction
Figure 5 Effect of the Volume Fraction on the Relative Viscosity for Different Models
The results of the simulation of the viscosity in the three dimensional pipe in the present work is investigated.
Fig 6 depicts the viscosity at a vertical line from the center of the pipe. The results show that the viscosity decreases
with the increase of the temperature as the temperature increases from the center to the wall. The proposed model
predicted the viscosity along the pipe with a reliable accuracy compared to the other four models.
While Nguyen 47 nm showed the highest value for viscosity, Brinkman model prediction value for viscosity was
the lowest among the models
0.00104 Batchelor
Viscosity Pa.s
Nguyen 47 nm
Present simulation
0.00094 Nguyen
0 0.002 0.004
The viscosity change along the surface was also investigated for different models. The results are shown in Fig. 7.
The viscosity decreases along the surface of the pipe, this decrease is attributed to the decrease of the viscosity of the
base fluid which is water in this case. The model that predicted the higher viscosity was Nguyen with 47 nm
diameter, while the model predicted the lower viscosity was Brinkman model which prove that the theoretical
models under predict the viscosity of the nanofluids. Moreover some of the existing models are based on a few
experimental data.
0.0012 Nguyen
Nguyen 47
0.0011 nm
0 20 40 60 80 100
X 10 m
The effect of volume fraction of the heat transfer performance is also investigated. The Fig 8 shows the surface
heat transfer coefficient on the wall for different volume fractions. It was observed that increasing the volume
fraction leads to an increase of the heat transfer coefficient along the wall, water was found to have the lowest heat
transfer coefficient
surface heat transfer coefficent
138 water
118 0.50%
98 2%
78 4%
0 50 100
The simulations were also extended for a range of Re numbers to study the effect of any change on the heat
transfer rate. In Fig 9 the effect of Re number on Nu is plotted on the surface of the cylinder. It was found that
increase of Re number promotes the Nu number. The simulation was carried out for different Re 100, 200, 300 and
Nu Re=400
0.00 0.50 1.00
Figure 9 Effect of Re on Nu
8. Conclusion
A new equation for predicting the effective viscosity is proposed in this work. The proposed model demonstrated
a reliable accuracy for a range of temperature and volume fractions compared to the theoretical models where these
models underestimate the viscosity at higher volume fractions. A numerical simulation is carried out for the effective
viscosity for nanofluids. The simulations also show that the effective viscosity model increases with the increase of
the volume fraction.
The effect of Re number on the heat transfer performance was also studied and the results showed that the
increase in Re lead to an increase in Nu.
The volume fraction effect on the heat transfer coefficient at the surface was also investigated. The heat transfer
was promoted with the increase in volume fraction. Water was found to have the poorest heat transfer performance.
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