Msse Software, Inc.: Test Plan For MSSE-Golf Score
Msse Software, Inc.: Test Plan For MSSE-Golf Score
Msse Software, Inc.: Test Plan For MSSE-Golf Score
1.1. Objective 3
1.1. Objective
This test plan describes the entire test activity for GolfScore Release 1.1 and
comprises of information on the scope of testing, how is the testing
accomplished through which test methodology. The test plan will identify the
requirements, assumptions/dependencies, test tools, resource requirements,
schedules, mitigation strategies, exclusions and risk.
This test plan serves as a living plan which will constantly adapt to reflect any
change requirements and the core team needs.
The MSSE software on golf score aims to provide an insight on the performance
of golfers based on their score results for golf tournaments. A report will be
produced showing who has won the tournament and how the golfers performed
on the courses played.
The program will be developed in C or C++ that will be run on windows 2000 of
later versions of it. A command line interface will be present for users to execute
the program as such there will be no GUI for this program.
The follow test will be planned for the project:
Verification Testing - To ensure the requirements on the key functions of
GolfScore is being tested, this will be further grouped into specification testing
and functional testing. This would include Boundary Value Analysis &
Equivalence Partitioning techniques to select cases intelligently such that
scenarios are covered.
Entrance Testing – To ensure test data is sound by verifying different parameter
option and input data file formats.
Regression Test – To be put in place once from the development of the first
feature. Every time a new function is added the previous feature have to be
tested regressively.
• Each golf course has 18 holes, and par for each hole is either 3, 4 or 5
• Thus, score and stroke count are not the same – “Stroke count have to be
converted to score”
• Golfer's score for a particular golf course is the sum of the scores for each
of the 18 holes. – “Score is based on Section 2.3.2 where by stroke count
gives a score”
• The lower a golfer’s stroke count (relative to par), the higher his or her
score for that hole – inverse correlation.
• Golfers must complete the golf course
• Score is based on the par and at least one stroke.
7.0 Risks/Mitigation
Change in requirement Risk
Test plan is planned and scheduled to be ahead of project timeline of 6 weeks. 2
weeks buffer is available for any potential delays.
System downtime / Environmental Risk
Raise request for fix through respective personal responsible, escalate if
necessary. Test plan is planned and scheduled to be ahead of project timeline
of 6 weeks. 2 weeks buffer is available for any potential delays.
8.0 Metrics
Passed Test cases percentage can be derived above using 2. /3. x100
Fixed Defects percentage can be derive above using defects fixed/4 x100
Test design efficiency using above 1. / 7.
Appendix A – Detailed Resource Requirements
Help information
Using command Key in Command should be
1 Help Info prompt >golf -h displayed
Generate the
Golfer Report +
Golfer Report Tournament
& Input is in file in.txt Ranking Report as
Tournament Enter Command per the data in the
Ranking Output is to be placed >golf -gt c:\in.txt in.txt file in folder
8 Report in C:\golfout golfout golfout
Course Report,
Golfer Report,
Ranking Report
should be
Input is in file in.txt generated as per
Enter Command the data in the
Output is to be placed >golf -cgt c:\in.txt in.txt file in folder
9 All 3 reports in C:\golfout golfout golfout
Tournament Assumptions
1. In in.txt file,
enter no. of
tournament s
2. Enter
Lower Range >golf -cgt
of number of Input file in.txt. c:\in.txt
1 Golf Courses golfout Report Generated
1. In in.txt file,
enter no. of
tournament s
2. Enter
Upper Range >golf -cgt
of number of Input file in.txt. c:\in.txt
2 Golf Courses golfout Report Generated
1. In in.txt file,
enter no. of
tournament s
2. Enter
Exceed Command
Range of >golf -cgt
number of Input file in.txt. c:\in.txt Report Not
3 Golf Courses golfout Generated
1. In in.txt file,
enter no. of
golfers 2
2. Enter
Lower Range >golf -cgt
of number of Input file in.txt. c:\in.txt
4 Golfers golfout Report Generated
1. In in.txt file,
enter no. of
golfers 12
2. Enter
Upper Range >golf -cgt
of number of Input file in.txt. c:\in.txt
5 Golfers golfout Report Generated
1. In in.txt file,
enter no. of
golfers 13
2. Enter
Exceed Command
Range >golf -cgt
number of Input file in.txt. c:\in.txt Report Not
6 Golfers golfout Generated
1. In in.txt file,
mock up a
golfer, input
some scores.
2. Calculate the
3. Verify the
Score Input file in.txt. scores on the Scoring should
7 Calculation output file. match
Data Input
2.Save file
Input is in file in.txt Course report
3. Enter Command should be
Lower limit of Output is to be placed >golf -cgt c:\in.txt generated with
1 no.of course in C:\golfout golfout right data.
1. In file in.txt add
five course
2.Save file
Input is in file in.txt Course report
3. Enter Command should be
Upper limit of Output is to be placed >golf -c c:\in.txt generated with
2 no.of courses in C:\golfout golfout right data.
1. In file in.txt remove
all the course data
Error Handling
1. In in.txt, enter the
characters * # invalid Appropriate
Input is in file in.txt characters. message should
Input 2. Enter command be displayed
parameter Output is to be placed >golf -c c:\in.txt report not
1 Errors in C:\golfout golfout generated.
In.txt file enter non message should
numeric data where be displayed
Input Data numeric data is report not
2 Errors input file is in.txt expected generated.
Time to completes < 1
1 complete Execute the program minute.