Medical Mushrooms
Medical Mushrooms
Medical Mushrooms
cancer treatment, but also a very effective triglyceride levels and blood pressure,
cancer preventative. remove excess cholesterol from the blood,
reduce platelet stickiness, and even help
One interesting finding by Dr. Morishige was correct arrhythmia.
that the efficacy of reishi could be amplified
by combining it with high doses of vitamin C, Maitake
which helps the body to break down the
Maitake (Grifola frondosa) means “dancing
huge polysaccharide molecules. In other
mushroom’’ in Japanese. In ancient times,
words, vitamin C increases the bioavailablity
people who found the mushroom were said
of reishi, and therefore, synergistically
to dance with joy because it could be
increases its anti‐cancer and immune‐
exchanged for its weight in silver. Maitake is
stimulating properties.
a giant mushroom that often reaches 20
inches in diameter an that may weigh up to
As Dr. Andrew Weil writes, “Reishi is a purely
100 pounds! In the USA, they also are known
medicinal mushroom, not a culinary one, both
as “hen‐of‐the‐woods” because the mass of
because it is hard and woody and because it
mushrooms looks like fluffed‐up feathers.
tastes very bitter. But it is non‐toxic and has
been the subject of a surprising amount of
scientific research, both in Asia and the West.
Although most of the research has been in
animals, the results are so promising that I
think human studies will soon follow.”
HIV/AIDS was confirmed by the National Shiitake is also beneficial for soothing
Cancer Institute in 1992. bronchial irritation and inflamation, reducing
high cholesterol, treating liver ailments, and
But maitake not only helps with immune even regulating urine incontinence.
deficiency diseases, it seems to be able to
reduce resistance to insulin in people with According to one prominent Japanese
type 2 diabetes and lowers blood glucose. researcher, lentinan (a cell‐wall constituent
And if that’s not enough, researchers have extracted from the fruiting bodies of
suggested that it’s a good adjunct to shiitake) is an “immuno‐modulating” agent
chemotherapy, especially since it can help which may be useful both as a general
relieve chemo’s serious side effects. Maitake rejuvenative (for the elderly) and also to
also potentially benefits people with protect healthy, physically active young
hypertension. And like reishi, the efficacy of people from overwork and exhaustion.
maitake can be amplified by combining it
with high doses of vitamin C. Commercial preparations of shiitake are
available in natural food markets.
Shiitake Standardized extracts are preferred because
the amount of lentinan present is clearly
Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) is a prized stated on the bottle. Although fresh shiitake
mushroom with a delicious taste and texture can be a valuable dietary supplement, the
that can be found on fallen hardwood trees. amount one would need to eat for medicinal
The caps have nearly ragged gills and they doses is so high that it might cause digestive
are covered with a delicate white flocking. upset, so I recommend the extract. And like
Indigenous to temperate Asia, they are not reishi and maitake, the efficacy of shiitake
found in the wild in the USA but are widely can be amplified by combining it with high
cultivated. doses of vitamin C.
Reishi, maitake, and shiitake mushrooms
have many overlapping properties: all boost
immune function, all support cardiovascular
health, and all show promise in lowering the
risk of (and treating) cancer. However, reishi
promotes respiratory and cardiovascular
health; maitake is specifically recommended
for the stomach and intestines, as well as
blood sugar levels; and shiitake treats
A vast amount of research into shiitake’s nutritional deficiencies and liver ailments.
medicinal properties has been completed
and shows that it has the ability to fight And remember that all mushrooms must be
tumors and viruses and enhance the immune cooked to get the nutritional value. The cell
system. It is also used medicinally for treating walls cannot be digested unless they are
AIDS, Candida, and frequent flu and colds. tenderized by heat.