Tools and Techniques For Effective Communication Skills: 2. Discussion
Tools and Techniques For Effective Communication Skills: 2. Discussion
Tools and Techniques For Effective Communication Skills: 2. Discussion
DOI: 10.13189/lls.2016.040104
Copyright © 2016 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License
Abstract Communication is the lifeblood of any person to person, situation to situation and medium of
relationship: personal, professional or a temporary communication. What is good in oral communication or
transaction among individuals. People communicate every rhetoric may not be so effective in written communication or
second consciously or sub-consciously. People who want to vice versa. “Communication is thus a process by which
improve their communication and make it more and more meaning is assigned and conveyed in an attempt to create
effective with experiments, practice and variety of shared understanding. This process, which requires a vast
techniques. The techniques and tools of communication, repertoire of skills in interpersonal processing, listening,
however, vary from person to person, situation to situation observing, speaking, questioning, analyzing, gestures, and
and medium of communication. What is good in oral evaluating enables collaboration and cooperation.” [1]
communication or rhetoric may not be so effective in written Some of the tools or techniques of communication have
communication or vice versa. Some of the tools or been used effectively by many successful people, orators and
techniques of communication have been used effectively by writers. These tools range from use of rhetoric, intonation,
many successful people, orators and writers. These tools storytelling, poetry or couplet recitation, reciting shlokas
range from use of rhetoric, intonation, storytelling, poetry [ Sanskrit verses used in Hindu scriptures] or aayats [Arabic
or couplet recitation, reciting shlokas or aayats from verses used in Islamic scriptures], figures of speech like
religious scriptures, figures of speech like similes, similes, metaphors, pun etc.
metaphors, pun etc. This research article strives to answer This research article strives to answer questions like which
questions like which tools are more effective? Which tools tools are more effective? Which tools can be used as per
can be used as per situation? How can they make situation? How can they make communication more
communication more effective? Can all the tools be used effective? Can all the tools be used simultaneously? How
simultaneously? How should they be used judiciously? should they be used judiciously? What is the effectiveness
What is the effectiveness parameter as per the medium of parameter as per the medium of communication? How does
communication? How does medium of communication medium of communication encourage or discourage use of
encourage or discourage use of particular tool or technique? particular tool or technique? How can a communicator
How can a communicator inculcate the habit of using tools inculcate the habit of using tools and techniques for more
and techniques for more effective communication? effective communication?
Keywords Communication, Business Communication,
Personal Communication, Professional Communication, 2. Discussion
Interpersonal Relationship, Storytelling, Poem and
Communication, Visualization, Visual Effect, Effective We strive to improve and make communication more and
Communication, Public Speaking, Presentation Skills more effective. This is required in any medium like writing,
speaking, discussion or arguments, rhetoric etc. in
competitive world and to be popular among the social and
professional circles. The two impressive traits of human
personality, apart from the God gifted looks and voice, are
1. Introduction good communication skills and dress sense. When we say
Communication is the lifeblood of any relationship: communication, we include the words, language, sentence
personal, professional or a temporary transaction among construction and appropriate body language to deliver it.
individuals. People communicate every second consciously This skill is of utmost importance to professionals who deal
or sub-consciously. People who want to improve their with humans, deliver public lectures, attend meetings, social
communication and make it more and more effective with gatherings etc. The resplendent delivery of communication
experiments, practice and variety of techniques. The can make a lasting impression of a person in social and
techniques and tools of communication, however, vary from professional circles. Moreover, it also has that ‘feel good’
24 Tools and Techniques for Effective Communication Skills
Importance of written communication in business, purpose. “Most people tend to ramble on and on when
government and legal transactions is undeniable. Written writing a message. The reader becomes confused and
communication is also given more importance over oral communication is lost. You need to find the right balance of
communication owing to its significance of documentation words and the right words for the balance.” [8] Since written
and legality, impact on class and mass alike and challenges communication is not face to face there is always a tendency
in mastering this skill. “To write and convey your thoughts of misunderstanding if it is not drafted well. In written
clearly during a presentation are essential skills that are communication one can plan and do research before using a
required for success in any business. If you have positive story, anecdote or a couplet. One can also plan the flow of the
ideas but are unable to express them, it is very hard to be message, discussion or conclusion as well. If drafted well, it
successful…It is necessary that you use the right approach, may serve as a wonderful piece of documentation for record
right words and right style that most suit your message and and circulation.
readers.” [6]
It is also believed that mastering written skill is more Visual Communication
difficult than oral communication. As oral communication In the communication process visual images play a
has challenging aspects like stage fright and extempore significant role be it in the form of visual aids like pictures,
speaking; written communication has challenges like the charts, graphs etc. or description narrated by the
spellings, impeccable grammar and punctuation and setting communicator. Many a times description with words is more
of tone. An expert communicator develops both oral and effective to the listeners or readers as each one can derive
written communication skills. his/ her own conclusion. Visualization is important for both
There are various techniques and methods to hone the the communicator and the receiver. The communicator has
written communication skills but our research here deals to prepare and choose words carefully to create the utmost
with the employment of tools like stories, anecdotes, humour, effect so that the receiver can get better understanding by
poetry, shlokas or aayats. How can these tools make written visualizing and involving his / her own imagination at play.
communication effective? Written communication has “Just as in telling of the presentation story, the audience
primarily two branches: creative which includes poetry, receives the visual content at the level of the trees. And, just
fiction, essays, and captions and official or formal like letters, as in the telling of the story, the presenter’s job is to rise up
business correspondence and legal documents. from the trees and give the audience a view of the entire
The use of these tools depends on the individuals. We forest. As always, presenter’s mind job is to navigate the
cannot use the tools for formal and to the point business audience’s minds, but now the presenter can also navigate
communication but they can be employed if the purpose of the audience’s eyes.” [9] Visual effect can be used by
communication is general or the relationship with audience narrating, describing, telling a story or even using quotations
is not strictly formal. A manager or CEO writing motivating and poems. The communicator has to be conscious about the
email or letters to his/ her team mates may use humour or right choice of story, poem or quotation. A little self-exercise
story or poetry to bridge the gap and drive the point of visualization and sample on someone can be effective
effectively. “Along with its strategic value as a branding before delivering to a larger mass of audience. Once you
concept, storytelling can also be hugely effective in become a seasoned communicator, creating visual effects
operational communication purposes. One example is when will be imbibed in your communication delivery naturally. It
we use stories to communicate our purpose in a given context is a powerful tool of communication to begin or end
e.g. a simple anecdote that we share with our colleagues communication piece. It is useful even during the discourse
when explaining a point, or reinforcing an argument. Even to captivate the audience. Visualization captures audience
the smallest anecdote contains the four key elements of and reader’s attention and involvement. It also paves way for
storytelling and it travels by word of mouth.” [7] Storytelling further curiosity and intellectual stimulus for better debate,
is quite effective in motivation, management meetings, thought process and conclusion.
education and training. There are however certain limitations of visualization that
The tools are highly effective in oral communication one has to keep in mind. Too much use of visualization will
owing to spontaneity, situational usage, effective tone and appeal to the imagination and the intellectual or debatable
stress used accompanied with gestures and body language topic may be lost. Visualization can also misfire if not used
but if we compare their efficacy in written communication, properly. If the communicator fails to create the right effect
there are some daunting aspects of the medium itself. The with badly narrated or described piece, it will create more
fineries of narration and recitation like the tone, stress, confusion and ambiguity. It is also a challenge to embed the
gestures and spontaneity cannot be used in written visualization in the subject matter of communication going
communication. That does not discard the use of tools in on. Visual effect may not be so effective or useful while
written communication. The medium of written dealing with abstract or philosophical topics in discussion or
communication has certain advantages and disadvantages for debate. Here quotations or poems can be used.
effective use of these tools. One needs plan the message, use “We are concerned with the nature of communication
apt language, heed the grammatical rules so that the message implied through poetry. Poetic theories, a case has been put
is not lost on the readers or does not backfire in impact and forward where it is necessary to construct a medium for
26 Tools and Techniques for Effective Communication Skills
communicating what cannot be, to convey the formless others, and lead us to think in synthesizing ways, as required
through form, and to evoke an experience free from by its use of the language of metaphor.” [14]
space-time reality. The construction of the poetic medium, “The solid foundation of the well-developed story and
however, correlates strongly with the zeitgeist.” [10] graphics combined with Verbalization gave the apprehensive
“An endorsing quotation can capture your audience’s presenter the comfort level he needed.” [15]
interest and give you credibility at the outset of your There are innumerable advantages of these tools and
presentation.” [11] techniques. There are also many ways and methods to master
Poetry and quotations are the most widely used portions of them and embed them in your communication, drafting,
literature. The profound effect a well-composed poem or a presentation, discussion etc. The greatest challenge that a
flagrant quotation can make on the reader or audience is communicator has to take care is to be aware about their
unparalleled. And if the verse or quotation is from a great limitations and what can go wrong. A better technique for its
thinker, it almost becomes gospel. However, it is also much use can be developed with this in mind.
needed to understand and use the right poem or quotation.
A good communicator uses visualization sparingly and only
uses poems or quotations to endorse the point or create the
desired effect. Overusing would be disastrous to the effect
and purpose of communication. REFERENCES
[1] "Communication". The office of superintendent of Public
Instruction. Washington.
3. Conclusions
“Every communication medium has its own techniques [2] Okawa Ryuho, “Invincible Thinking”, Jaico Books, Mumbai
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flow.” [12] [3] Gary Soul Morson, “The Russian debate on Narrative”,
Communication being the life-blood of relationship must Literary Theory and Criticism, ed. Patricia Waugh, OUP,
be purposeful and pure. It must have a proper flow. One must 2006. Pg. 215
also not waste words and gestures but use them in the right
[4] Kapoor Rahul, “Work Wise”, Times Group Book, New Delhi
manner. There are many purposes of communication. The 2010. Pg. 206
first and the foremost is to clarify or satisfy. Communication
appeals to intellect or emotions. The medium of [5] Sanghi Ashwin, “13 Steps to Bloody Good Luck”, Westland
communication could be oral written or non-verbal. There Ltd., Chennai 2014. Pg. 92
are other purposes for communication like creating a good [6] Raman Meenakshi and Singh Prakash, “Business
impression, manifesting your language skills, knowledge, Communication”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2006.
level of intellect, winning a favour etc. Simple Pg. 234
communication in the form of oral or written piece would not [7] Fog Kalus, Budtz Christian, Yakaboyly Baris, “Storytelling:
serve all the purposes but accompanied with various tools Branding in Practice”, Springer, Berlin 2005. Pg. 50-51
like storytelling, poetry, quoting, visualization, humour,
[8] Raman Meenakshi and Singh Prakash, “Business
rhetorical questions etc. will definitely serve the main Communication”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2006.
purposes of subject matter and create great impact on the Pg. 241
audience and reader for the communicator. A seasoned
communicator will be able to tell you the importance of these [9] Weissman Jerry, “Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your
Story”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 2003. Pg. 158
tools and how to get equipped with them. The art is not just
in getting equipped with the tools but how and when to use [10]
them. Tools and techniques like rhetorical questions, poems, [11] Weissman Jerry, “Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your
story-telling, humour etc. must be well used to master the art Story”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 2003. Pg. 93
of communication. Let us see the references below of what
some scholars say: [12] Weissman Jerry, “Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your
Story”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 2003. Pg. 157
“For a short, pivotal transition, you can use the Rhetorical
[13] Weissman Jerry, “Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your
Question. Pose a question that grows out of your outbound Story”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 2003. Pg. 200
point or one that leads logically to your inbound point, then
provide the answer.” [13] [14] Zwicky, J. “Wisdom and metaphor,” Gaspereau Press,
“Poetry should have a central place in all of our lives, not Kentville. 2000
only for the aesthetic pleasure it affords, but also for its [15] Weissman Jerry, “Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your
ability to awaken our senses, connect us with ourselves and Story”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 2003. Pg. 192