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8, Issue 3, July - Sept 2017 ISSN : 2230-7109 (Online) | ISSN : 2230-9543 (Print)

Design and Fabrication of a Circular Microstrip Patch

Antenna for GPS Application
Zahid Hasan, 2Ashiq Zaman, 3Dr. Anis Ahmed
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Abstract and Antenna Training System (Man &Tel Co.). The antennas are
Nowadays GPS receivers are vastly used mainly for satellite made on FR-4 substrate with thickness of 1.6 mm [11]. It is found
navigation of vehicles, aircraft, ships, and cellular communication. that the performance of the patch antenna has improved greatly by
The two most popular types of antennas used in GPS receivers are introducing slot on the ground plane. According to the measured
patch and quad helix. Microstrip patch antennas are appropriate results it can be said that this proposed antenna will be a great help
antenna for GPS receiver because of their light weight, ease of for cellular and other GPS applications. In Section II the design
installation, single hemispheric radiation pattern and low profile. procedure of optimization of CMPA is described. The simulation
This research work is focused on designing and fabricating a new results of conventional and proposed antennas are presented in
type of inset feed Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna (CMPA). Section III. Measured results of fabricated proposed antenna are
By introducing a circular slot at the center of the ground plane, given in Section IV with a conclusion in Section V.
enhanced characteristics of patch antenna can be achieved.
Emphasis has been given on the optimization of the antenna II. Design and Optimization of CMPA
structure at 1.8 GHz by using simulation software CST Microwave The schematic diagram of the patch (i.e. front view) and the ground
Studio. From simulation and measured results it is found that our plane (i.e. back view) of our proposed CMPA are shown in Fig.
proposed patch antenna shows improved performance compared 1(a) and Fig. 1(b), respectively. The patch antenna is assumed to
to a conventional CMPA. be fabricated on FR-4 substrate whose dielectric constant is 4.3
and thickness is 1.6 mm [11]. The length and width of the FR-4
Keywords substrate are represented by L and W, respectively.The radius of
GPS Antenna, Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna (CMPA), our circular patch is denoted by a and the signal is fed through an
Circular Slot Patch Antenna. inset feed transmission line having width Wf . The feedline inset
distance is denoted by Fi. As a new structure, a circular slot is
I. Introduction added in the ground plane having radius Wf as shown in Fig.1(b).
With the progress of electronic communication GPS application The impedance of inset feed transmission line at the input port
spreads into all aspects of national economic production and is assumed 50 Ω.
people’s daily lives. Such applications are search and rescue
operation, path finding, military and civilian aircraft control,
missiles or rocket missions etc. [1]. The two most popular types
of antennas used in GPS receivers are patch and quad helix. Among
them microstrip patch antennas are suitable as GPS receiver
antenna due to their light weight, ease of installation, and having
less air-drag [2].

In order to make a GPS receiver work efficiently, a GPS antenna

should fulfill two main requirements; one is good radiation pattern
in upper half plane and another one is RHCP [3]. It can be added
that these patch antennas also have some drawbacks such as low
gain, narrow bandwidth, and low power handling capacity. To
overcome these limitations many designed antennas are proposed
such as U-shaped slotted patch [4], triangular patch [5], circular Fig. 1: Proposed Structure of CMPA (a) front view (b) back
patch [6], rectangular patch [7], irregular Diamond Edge Slotted view.
patch [8] etc. Moreover different substrate materials and different
feeding techniques are also chosen to overcome those limitations For designing a CMPA some parameters such as - resonant
[9-10]. frequency (fr), substrate thickness (h) and relative dielectric
constant (εr) are to be known, and some structural parameters
In this paper, we have proposed a new structure of a Circular such as circular patch radius (a), substrate length (L), substrate
Microstrip Patch Antenna (CMPA) which is designed for a single width (W) and feedline inset distance (Fi) should be calculated.
resonant frequency at 1.8 GHz. To ameliorate the return loss, The radius of the circular patch is expressed as [14]
directivity, bandwidth, VSWR and other essential characteristics,
a circular slot is introduced at the center of the ground plane. The
characteristics of the proposed patch antenna are compared with (1)
that of a conventional CMPA without slot at the ground plane.
Both the structures of patch antennas are optimized using CST
software and then fabricated to measure different parameters by where .
Vector Network Analyzer (Rohde & Schwarz–ZVH8) and Wave

54 International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology w w w. i j e c t. o r g

ISSN : 2230-7109 (Online) | ISSN : 2230-9543 (Print) IJECT Vol. 8, Issue 3, July - Sept 2017

Generally substrate length L and width W are taken two times of S11 is, better the antenna radiated-power is increased [15].
larger than patch diameter (2a). So substrate length and width
can be written as The reflection coefficient S11 of conventional circular patch
antenna without a slot in the ground plane is shown in Fig. 2(a).
L = 2 × Patch Diameter = 2 × (2a) (2) The value of S11 is found about -27dB at the resonant frequency
of 1.825GHz. But with our proposed structure, the value of S11 is
W = 2 × Patch Diameter = 2 × (2a) (3) decreased further as shown in Fig. 2(b). With a slot in the ground
plane, the value of S11 is found near about -47dB at the resonant
The feedline inset distance can be expressed as frequency of 1.813 GHz. It is seen that there are no dominant
resonant peaks except the desired peak near 1.8 GHz.


where the values of the parameters are p = 6697, q = 4043, r =

2561.9, s = 682.69, t = 93.187, u = 6.1783, v = 0.13761, w =
0.001699 [12]. Using the above equations we obtain, patch radius,
a=23 mm, and feedline length, Fi = 14 mm.

Since Eqs.(1), and (2) are approximate equations, the desired

characteristics of our CMPA are found not satisfactory when the
above obtained values of the parameters are used in CST software.
After several trials, it is found that by adjusting the values of a
and Fi it is possible to improve the characteristics of the proposed
CMPA. The optimized values of the structural parameters which
give best results are given in Table-1.

Table 1: Design Specifications for both CMPA (a)

Frequency fr 1.8GHz
Patch radius a 22 mm
Substrate height h 1.6 mm
Copper height Mt 0.1 mm
Feedline width Wf 3.0 mm
Feedline inset distance Fi 18.2 mm
Dielectric constant εr 4.3 mm
Substrate length L 88 mm
Substrate width W 88 mm

For the design of a conventional patch antenna, the data given

in Table-1 are remain same. Main difference is a circular slot
loaded at the center of the ground plane in the proposed structure.
Results show that the addition of a back slot remarkably improve
the characteristics of the circular patch antenna. (b)
Fig. 2: Return Loss S11 of (a) conventional and (b) proposed
III. Simulation Results CMPA.
The design of conventional and our proposed circular microstrip
patch antennas is carried out with simulation soft CST Microwave The radiation patterns of the conventional and the proposed inset
Studio. The final antenna structures of both patch antennas are feed CMPA are shown in Fig.3(a) and Fig.3(b), respectively.
determined by inputting the data obtained from empirical equations From Fig.3(a), the main lobe magnitude (i.e. gain) and main
into the simulation soft. The substrate is assumed FR-4 whose lobe direction of the conventional antenna are found to be 3.0
electrical characteristics are also given in Table 1. The primary dB and 1.0 deg. respectively. From the radiation pattern of our
goal of simulation is to find optimized dimensions which can be slot-loaded CMPA (see Fig.3(b)) it is seen that the main lobe
easily fabricated by wet etching in our laboratory for measurement. magnitude and direction is almost same as the conventional patch,
For simulation of both types of patch antennas, the dimensions but beamwidth is slightly reduced. The VSWR of conventional
shown in Table-1 are kept same. patch and our proposed CMPA are found to be 1.1025 and 1.0089,
Generally the most important parameter of an antenna characteristics
is the reflection coefficient S11 which represents how much power The obtained simulation results of conventional and our proposed
is reflected or accepted by the antenna [13]. All the applied power CMPA are shown in Table-2. From this table it is found that
will be reflected from the antenna if S11 = 0 dB. So smaller the value the characteristics of the proposed patch antenna are better than

w w w. i j e c t. o r g International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology   55

IJECT Vol. 8, Issue 3, July - Sept 2017 ISSN : 2230-7109 (Online) | ISSN : 2230-9543 (Print)

that of the conventional patch. Especially return loss, VSWR cleaning, SMA connectors are fixed at the antenna port through
and bandwidth of our proposed patch antenna are much better an aluminum mount. In Fig. 4, the front side and back side of the
compared to the conventional CMPA. fabricated CMPA are shown. Using Vector Network Analyzer
(Rohde & Schwarz–ZVH8) and Wave and Antenna Training
System (Man & Tel Co.) return loss (S11) and radiation pattern of
the fabricated antennas are measured.

From the return loss characteristics (see Fig. 5) of our patch

antenna, the value of S11 is about -37 dB at 1.86 GHz instead of
simulation resonant frequency of 1.813 GHz. It is important to
be noticed that no secondary resonant peaks are found in range
of 0 to 3 GHz in the return loss graph. Fig. 6 shows the radiation
pattern of the fabricated CMPA. The radiation pattern is nearly
same as simulation results. By comparing measured and simulation
results, both are found very close and satisfactory.

Fig. 4: Front side (left) and back side (right) of the fabricated
CMPA fixed with SMA port.

Fig. 3: Radiation Patterns of (a) conventional (without slot), and
(b) our proposed CMPA (with back slot).

From the simulation process it is also found that the ratio of patch-
copper and ground plane-copper dominates the gain of patch
antenna. As conventional CMPA has lower gain, the circular patch
region has been considered without any slot which may reduce
gain further. From the simulation results it is found that much
higher return loss (–26.92 dB) and resonant frequency deviation
are observed in the characteristics of the conventional CMPA.
But our proposed configuration reduces return loss (–46.98 dB)
remarkably with a resonant frequency very close to desired value
of 1.8 GHz.

Table-2: Comparison of simulation results of conventional (without Fig. 5: Measured Return loss S11 of fabricated CMPA.
slot) and proposed CMPA (with slot).
Conventional 90
Parameters Proposed CMPA 120 60
CMPA 0. 8
Return Loss
–26.92 dB –46.98 dB 0. 6
Magnitude 150 30
0. 4
1.825 GHz 1.813 GHz 0. 2
Bandwidth 39.7 MHz 42 MHz 180 0

Gain 3.0 dB 2.9 dB

Directivity 6.610 dBi 6.618 dBi
VSWR 1.102 1.008 210 330

240 300
IV. Measured Results
The optimized dimensions of our proposed antenna is presented
in Table-1. In our laboratory, the proposed patch antenna has Fig. 6: Measured Radiation pattern of fabricated CMPA.
been fabricated by photolithographic method. After etching and

56 International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology w w w. i j e c t. o r g

ISSN : 2230-7109 (Online) | ISSN : 2230-9543 (Print) IJECT Vol. 8, Issue 3, July - Sept 2017

V. Conclusion [9] B. T. Salokhe and S. N. Mali, “Analysis of Substrate Material

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having less air-drag, many researchers are giving emphasis on it. Feeding Techniques of Rectangular Microstrip Patch
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only one resonant frequency at 1.8 GHz. From simulation, S11 [11] Sayeed Z. Sajal et al., "A Microstrip patch antenna
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for GPS application. [15] http://www.antennatheory.com/definitions/sparameters.
VI. Acknowledgement
This research work was conducted in Microwave and Optical
Fiber Communication Laboratory in our department funded by Zahid Hasan received his B.Sc.
Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP). We Engg. degree from the dept. of EEE,
are thankful to M.A.R. ohi and M.S. Sadique, M.S. student of our University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in
laboratory for their assistance during measurement. The authors 2017. Presently he is pursuing his M.Sc.
also would like to thank technical persons of the Central Science Engg. degree at the same university. His
Workshop, University of Dhaka for their support. research areas of interest are Antenna
and Space communication.
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