2.4 Gunpowder Empires

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Directions: Using the websites and videos in this link, fill out the chart below about the Gunpowder Empires.
When finished, submit to Dropbox.

Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Mughal Empire

Dates 13th century to 1923 1501 to 1722 1526 to 1857

Location Turkey Iran India and Pakistan.

Religion Islam Islam Islam and Muslim

Society 4 different types of major At the top of the social The Mughal society was
social classes. hierarchy was the king like a pyramid on the top
and royal class. Below of which was the emperor
them was the nobility and and the nobility followed
after that was the rich by the middle class.
merchant class.

Economy exported luxury goods A major export was its Agriculture and trade.
raw silk and silk textiles.

Government absolute monarchy theocracy absolute monarch

Culture Arab, Islamic, and Sunni, and Islam Islam, Muslim, and Hindu

Key Leaders OsmanI, Orhan, MuradI, Ismail I, Tahmasp I, Babur, Humayun, Akbar,
and Bayezid I Ismail II, Mohammad Jahangir, Shah Jahan, and
Khodabana Aurangzeb.

Key Events 1299-Osman I founded Ismail I. 1501 - 1524. April 21, 1526: First
the Ottoman Empire. Declares Shiism as state Battle of Panipat, Babur
religion. Safavid Empire. defeats Ibrahim Lodhi,
1389 - The Ottomans 1501 - 1722. Battle of Sultan of Delhi, and
conquer most of Serbia. Chaldiran. 1514. Ismail founds Mughal Empire.
was defeated by Turkish March 17, 1527: Battle of
Sultan Selim. Khanwa, Babur conquers
the combined army of the
Rajput princes and takes
control of much of
northern India.

Key Cities Istanbul, Damascus, Tabriz, Qazvin, and Agra, Fatehpur Sikri,
Aleppo, and Cairo. Isfahan. Lahore, and
Shahjahanabad Delhi.
Decline In 1683, the Ottoman in the seventeenth century Much of its territory fell
Turks were defeated at the Ottoman threat to the under the control of the
the Battle of Vienna. Safavids declined. Marathas and then the

Based on your research, answer the following questions (type in the box):

1. What factors led to the decline and eventual collapse of these Muslim states? Did they have any problems in
common that would help explain their fall?
They all have in common that they were either defeated in a battle or were taken control over and caused their
empires to fall.

2. Compare the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires’ religious toleration

All of there religious tolerances were supported by islam and some muslim.

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