Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy: Case Study of Panic Attacks

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Iqbal and Bibi, J Psychol Psychother 2017, 7:3

hology & P
yc DOI: 10.4172/2161-0487.1000306

Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy
urnal of P


ISSN: 2161-0487

Case Report Article Open
OMICS Access

Case Study of Panic Attacks

Muhammad Zafar Iqbal1* and Saleha Bibi2
Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist, Islamabad, Pakistan
Foundation University, Rawalpindi Campus, Pakistan

This document pertains to the case study of panic attacks. The subject of the disorder was Mrs. J (Initial instead of real
name), age 35 years and the Housewife. Client visited the therapist along with her husband. Her husband informed that
she awakes many time during sleep at night. She complains about server pain in her legs. Her body keeps shaking and
shivering almost all the night. Her husband reported she has an aggressive behavior towards children, especially towards
to him the problem most servers among all others that at occasions she suddenly becomes senseless eyes motionless,
no response to any call. In this specific condition she could not drink even a single drop of water and spat it all if attempted
make her drink. In light of assessment and DSM-V, Mrs. J was diagnosed with panic attacks.

Keywords: Panic attacks; Assessment; Fear stimuli identification Results

therapy (FSIT); Treatment
After diagnosis of Panic Attacks, treatment was started in the light
Introduction of FSIT method. Five sessions per week were taken, total of fourteen
sessions were conducted. In the course of treatment, her husband
The major purpose of this particular case study was to reaffirm reported about the Positive behavioral change in different spheres of
and prove the efficacy of Fear-Stimuli Identification Therapy (FSIT) on her Mrs. J life. Clinical observations during treatment also indicated a
empirical grounds. It was also intended to use FSIT in order to eliminate gradual positive change in her personality. The difference between pre-
the symptoms of Panic Attacks Mrs. J was suffering from as the therapy assessment and post- assessment confirmed precision of hypotheses and
was already successfully used to remove the symptoms of various efficacy of FSIT. Feedback was obtained on weekly basis for a period
disorders in different cases [1-9]. of three months from Mrs. J family about any possible reappearance of
Hypotheses symptoms of Panic Attacks and this was confirmed that there was no
reoccurrence of the disorder’s symptoms anymore.
It is expected that the FSIT method would effectively cure the Panic
Attacks from which the above referred person Mrs. J is suffering. Discussion
Fear stimuli identification therapy (FSIT) Before visiting my clinic Mrs. J had have already consulted different
psychiatrists and Psychologist and was mostly treated by means of anti-
Fear-Stimuli Identification Therapy (FSIT) is based upon the depressants and CBT. This had no significant effects upon the client’s
perception that some of the incidents (mostly the sudden incidents) disorder.
in the early age of a child become stimuli for fear instinct which cast
negative effects over the personality of a child and become reason for Prior to write about intervention/treatment, a brief description
one or the other type of disorder. FSIT investigates and digs out such of a patient’s social and family environment is necessary in order to
events from a person’s unconscious, which play as stimuli for fear understand the main causes of Mrs. J’s disorder.
instinct. Whenever an affected person encounters the events in his/her Presenting behavior
life resembling to the stimulus/stimuli the specific incident which has
stimulated the fear instinct previously is recalled. The client was good looking personality and well-dressed rather very
properly dressed she was rustlers anxious and even a little bit terrified on
Method her first visit. She was much careful in her talk.
Participants Personal history
Mrs. J (client) Mrs. J was 35 years old and housewife, mother of Two Sons.
However, due to her problem, her routine was badly affected and it made
Materials her much depressed and disappointed.
No any specific material used in this case study.
In the first three sessions, semi-structured interviews were *Corresponding author: Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist,
conducted with Mrs. J her husband and her family. An assessment was Islamabad, Pakistan, Tel: +92-3349585399; E-mail: [email protected]
made in the light of these interviews and reasons/causes of the disorder Received March 21, 2017; Accepted May 31, 2017; Published June 07, 2017
were digging out. DSM-V was consulted to decide the nature or type of Citation: Iqbal MZ, Bibi S (2017) Case Study of Panic Attacks. J Psychol Psychother
disorder. 7: 306. doi: 10.4172/2161-0487.1000306

In the subsequent of seventeen sessions Mrs. J was asked to write Copyright: © 2017 Iqbal MZ, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under
on specific topics. Cross-questioning was carried out over the ideas the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
mentioned in the writings. source are credited.

J Psychol Psychother, an open access journal

ISSN: 2161-0487 Volume 7 • Issue 3 • 1000306
Citation: Iqbal MZ, Bibi S (2017) Case Study of Panic Attacks. J Psychol Psychother 7: 306. doi: 10.4172/2161-0487.1000306

Page 2 of 3

Educational history She heal swallowed all types of anti-depressant medicines but result was
not fruitful. Her husband a senior officer at a well reputed university had
Mrs. J was not good in her studies since her childhood but she is
already consulted the professor of clinical psychology at the university.
intelligent. However, with hard work and efforts she did graduation in
She conducted many sessions but no positive results. The learned
Education (B.Ed.).
professor was expert in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
Family History • The first stimulus to fear instinct of the client was her father’s
The client belonged to a well-educated family. Her father was an behavior as she was convinced that mistakes are unforgivable.
air force official, mother also educated. She was the second child of her
• The second stimulus was the severs sense of guilt for holding
parents with on elder brother and one younger brother and two sisters.
herself responsible for the death of her younger sister at the age
Her both the brothers employed abroad on good posts.
of seven years.
The client was 7 years old when she visited the river adjacent to
their city along with her younger sister who was at the age of 4 years • In addition to above mention two the third was even enormous
at that time. The client’s sister was drowned accidently in front of her in magnitude and severity. this was the sense of guilt as she took
eyes. If is worth noting that this event was alive in her memory and herself responsible for the death of her mentally impaired baby she
was not repressed in her unconscious. She was severely admonished and thought the child would not die if she did not leave her at home as
punished by her parents if it was her mistake for the sad incident she was already convinced that her baby needed her all the time
specially as this was advised by the doctors even. The extra ordinary
Her father was a man of strict behavior and never excused any caring attitude towards her infant was stimulated by the fear.
mistake without punishment to his children. Mistakes must be paid in
the form of punishment was the well learned lesson from her childhood. After taking all the facts into consideration I assessed that she is
The behavior of her father had already become a stimulus to fear instinct suffering from “panic attacks.”
as there was always punishment for every mistake. This was not only
Treatment plane
punishment but the guilt conscience also contributed to the misty of
little girl as she herself considered responsible for her younger sister Client was diagnosed by Panic Attacks and FSIT therapy was chosen
death but this was not an ordinary guilt conscience but a multiplied one because according to previous experience it is the best therapy for deep
as it aroused is a mind already believing punishment as a penalty for rooted disorders. All of the oral drugs were stopped gradually and at the
mistakes. end of treatment they were totally removed.
After this she was very much careful about her doings to avoid any Specific free wring (SFW)
trivial chance of mistake the fear of committing mistake become a part
of her thinking and become a part of her personality she grew up with Asked to write on specific topic, like father, Fear, mistake, etc.,
this mental state her father died after few years. Allowed her to write alone whatever she want to write. And instructions
were given to him to make sign of cross when on some point thoughts
She was married to a well-educated man holding an impressive became stopped or struck.
post at a university she was end awed with two made children in her
marital life she gave birth to a female child after two children. This was a Cross questing on specific free wring (SFW)
mentally impaired female baby doctors advised the parents that survival Questions are raised on the topic that was written by the client and
of the child is conditional to the extraordinary “care” knots of the unconscious are also tried to open with argument and
The client all the time carried this baby in her lap and never allowed discussion that are symbolically appear in the form of struck memory.
to detach herself from the child even for a single moment even the client
Analysis of resistance avidness on crosses questioning
became unable to perform her household as she had to carry the new
born baby round the clock in her lap. The mother of client was shifted in Resistance of unconscious is analysis in the client restlessness
client’s home to share the responsibilities of house hold. condition, burden on the shoulders but not pain, vomiting, sign of sleep,
temporary loss of voice, temporary loss of hearing power and to avoid
The mother and husband of clients tempted her to improve her
the topic.
education as they were already aware of clients’ eagerness towards
education. They asked her to qualify as a bachelor in education. She was Fulfillment of missing references
advised to carry on her education from a university which facilitated
home education this started studying at home In this session missing references of the unconscious are 1st make
on conscious level of mind then moved with showing the full picture or
This was crimination time when the client left home to appear in both side of an incident that was missed by unconscious.
exams for her very first paper of B.Ed. subject. She was informed about
the horrific event which took place at a time when she had left her Re-evacuation
home for exams. She was told by her husband telephonically that little In this section reevaluate the problem.
baby had died soon after she left. She became senseless at the spot after
hearing this sad news. Rewrite-on SFW
She suffered from theses traumatic attacks after every two or three Ask again to write on the topic on which written before.
days for more than two years.
Re-cross questioning
Medical/past psychiatric history Re-cross questioning on the topic after completing the references of
She had already visited variances psychiatrists and psychologists. unconscious .It make them strengthen in unconscious.

J Psychol Psychother, an open access journal

ISSN: 2161-0487 Volume 7 • Issue 3 • 1000306
Citation: Iqbal MZ, Bibi S (2017) Case Study of Panic Attacks. J Psychol Psychother 7: 306. doi: 10.4172/2161-0487.1000306

Page 3 of 3

Feedback from family The parents were considered as an agent to punish for her mistakes
especially in the case of her daughter’s death. Butt recalling back her
It was required to feedback from family for at least three month for
father’s notion that there is always punishment for mistake was the
the stability of the client.
stimulus to her fear instinct. Even after passage of a long time as her
Treatment father had died already few years back she suffered from the fear of
punishment for the mistake she thought to be committed for her
A total number of 40 sessions were conducted to treat the client.
daughter’s death
The first seven sessions proved to be very cavial and problematic for
the client. She was asked to write down memories of childhood as back For all the remaining subsequent sessions she was asked to
as ranging from the age of 01 year to 10 years of her age. Her writing write repeatedly on the three topics mistake father and punishment
was clag orating and sequential. She informed that she suffered from during cross questioning she was repeatedly asked to explain about
shoulder pain and she wept while she was writing about the death of her the relationship between mistake and punishment all the positive
younger sister at age of 07 years. It is interesting to mention that scarcely association repressed due to fear instinct on the account of judgment
she mentioned about her father while writing down her memories but of her father about mistake and punishment were the client gradually
she frequently work about her mother. I did not need for any cross improved. She was finally recovered after 40 sessions
questioning over the writing.
Complicating factors
Second topic asked to be write down about her “father.”
i) Mrs. J was the patient of panic attacks
The sequence and continuity of the writing was absent-A lot of
overwriting and crossed worlds were frequent in the writing. ii) The causes of panic attacks were:
Cross questioning session was conducted this time. A strong • The first stimulus to fear instinct of the client was her father’s
resistance observed during cross questioning stress over shoulders and behavior
pain in the back of head was complained by client.
• The second stimulus was the severs sense of guilt
This explicitly indicated that she had negative association with
iii) Five sessions per week for treatment were necessary
her father in her unconscious the behavior of her father played as
stimulus for her fear instinct. Her unconscious magnified the care into Access and barriers to care: Only resistance of unconscious level of
extraordinary care on the account of her fear instinct. It is to note that mind was a barrier, but when it was sought out by free writing and cross
according to my own explanation the care has no independent status questioning that barrier was also removed.
but is created by fear instinct.
Third topic “was mistake “the writing was extraordinary brief it
consisted of two words followed by six lines of crosses these words were • It is recommended that a study should be done on fear instinct
mistakes everybody. • FSIT should be used for the treatment when the patient problem
She handed over her writing to me after viewing the payer I looked led to the fear instinct
upon her face it suddenly became flat and impression less. The therapist should focus on the reasons of the problem for the
He eyes were fixed over an unseen point I asked her that what the treatment.
mistake specifically she had committed is. She became senseless and fell References
down on the couch I called her husband to the room. She was brought
1. American Psychiatric Association (2000) Diagnostic and statistical manual of
back to the senses. She complained about body pain after becoming mental disorders. 5th (Edn), Washington, London, England.
conscious her senses ware restored fully in the next 10 min I canceled
2. Ejaz M, Iqbal MZ (2016) Case study of major depressive disorder. J Clin Case
farther questions. The 3rd session was cancelled; the fourth session was Rep 6: 698.
simply a session of that no conversation on the psychological problems
was made. 3. Iqbal MZ, Ejaz M (2016) Case study of functional neurological disorder
(aphonic). J Psychol Psychother 6: 243.
She was once again questioned in the fifth session about her 4. Iqbal MZ, Awan SN (2016) Case study of genophobia and anxiety. J Depress
writing which was pending in 3rd session this time she was questioned Anxiety S2: 013.
about the mistakes she had committed rather she was asked about the 5. Iqbal MZ, un Awan SN (2016) Case study of major depression. J Med Diagn
definition of mistake that what type of actions she considered could be Meth 5: 214.
categorized as mistake this time she did not suffered and panic attack
6. Iqbal MZ, Ejaz M (2016) Case study of schizophrenia (Paranoid). J Clin Case
but she manifested severe resistance through body pains head ache and Rep 6: 779.
other symptoms.
7. Iqbal Z (2015) Case of anxiety. J Psychol Clin Psychiatry 2: 00079.
Sixth and subsequent nine sessions consisted the discussion about
her writing over the topic mistake which she had handed over to
me in 3rd session. Client suffered by panic attacks many time during 9.
questioning this was revealed in fifteen sessions that the cause of panic
attack was not the only mistake but the fear of punishment as a result of
mistake or wrong doings.

J Psychol Psychother, an open access journal

ISSN: 2161-0487 Volume 7 • Issue 3 • 1000306

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