a. a collection of techniques for persuading people to buy products they don’t need.
b. a collection of techniques for persuading news organizations to give space or time to people or
products that are not inherently newsworthy.
2. Public relations professionals often deal with either internal or external communications.
Which of the 1following best describes those two types of communications?
a. Internal communications deal with investors, clients, customers or contributors, and external
communications keep company employees informed about the company
b. Internal communications always flow from the top of the organization down, and external
communications always flow from the bottom to the top.
c. Internal communications always are carried out by e-mail, and external communications
always are carried out through the mass media.
d. Internal communications keep company employees informed about the company, and
external communications deal with investors, clients, customers or contributors.
d. find out which media have been most friendly to their client in the past.
4. Public relations professionals should send news well in advance of the publication date
a. news organizations move slowly and need plenty of time to rewrite the release.
6. If a news release contains a statement such as “Parents are worried about the amount of
violence in our society,” that release is of questionable news value because it is
c. full of puffery.
d. reporting a contrived event.
7.If a news release contains a statement such as “Quantities are limited, so buy yours now,”
that release is of questionable news value because it is
d. lacking attribution.
8.If the most newsworthy information in a news release is in the middle or toward the end of
the release, the reporter should
12. Early theories of mass communication suggested that audiences were passive recipients of
media messages and thus vulnerable to manipulation. Which of the following best describes
current thinking?
a. Audiences are more vulnerable and passive than ever before.
b. Television viewing, in particular, creates increased activity in the right hemisphere of the
c. Active receivers are not uniformly affected by mass communication messages.
d. Technology has led to increasingly passive recipients at the ends of message
transmission systems.
13. Which form of communication is most effective in forming or changing predispositions
toward an
a. Interpersonal
b. Media
c. Group
d. Public
14. What is the major advantage of organizational publications?
a. Their ability to provide a revenue source for sponsoring organizations
b. Their ability to deliver specific, detailed information to narrowly defined target publics
c. Their ability to avoid the problems typically associated with two-way media
d. Their ability to give sponsoring organizations a means of uncontrolled communications
15. What should a public relations media practitioner do if she does not know the answer to a
reporter’s question?
a. Give the reporter other information she is certain is correct.
b. Say that the information is “off the record” and will be disseminated later.
c. Say “I don’t know” and promise to provide the information later.
d. Say “no comment,” rather than appear uninformed
16. The “internal factors” portion of a firm’s public relations situation analysis often includes
a. a communication audit
b. strategy suggestions
c. community focus groups
d. a listing of media contacts
17. The process of identifying publics who are involved and affected by a situation central to an
organization is called a(n)
a. exploratory survey
b. situation interview
c. communication audit
d. stakeholder analysis
18. Approximately what proportion of nonprofit sector practitioners conduct audience research?
a. One-quarter
b. One-half
c. Two thirds
d. Almost all
19. Psychographics refers to
a. individual values, lifestyles and characteristics
b. individual sex, age, race and income statistics
c. potential influence
d. all of the above
20. The Ehtiopian flag is an example of a
a. stereotype
b. semantic device
c. symbol
d. message
21. Which traditional news criterion would you expect to be most important in public relations
messages distributed through the mass media?
a. Proximity
b. Timeliness
c. Prominence
d. Impact
22. In recent years social media has had a major impact on the practice of public relations. In
of the following areas has the impact been greatest and experienced most immediately?
a. Politics
b. Retail business
c. Automotive sales
d. Nonprofits
18. Which phase of public relations audience research is associated with summative evaluation?
a. Implementation
b. Impact
c. Attitude change
d. Preparation
23. What is the primary public relations activity in financial relations?
a. Measuring investor opinions toward the company
b. Producing the annual report
c. Making arrangements and preparing materials for financial meetings
d. Writing and disseminating financial news releases
24. Which of the following Internet-related challenges is most significant in the public relations
a. Representing clients using new social media environments
b. Finding stable, cost-effective Internet providers
c. Training staff to use social media
d. Staying abreast of changing technology
A. Pricing
B. Promotion
C. Distribution
D. Product
a) markets are becoming homogeneous and media availability and choice are
d) markets are increasingly become more fragmented and media availability and
choice are decreasing.
29. Bad publicity for a company is more likely to be effectively managed if:
b) the company has invested time and effort in developing mutually supportive
good relations with the media.
30. The development of a creative strategy for an international advertising campaign needs to
consider the following issues:
a) positioning, appeal, tone, format and music.
32.Encouraging product trials is the most popular _____________ method used on the
a) banner advertising
b) publicity
c) sales promotion
d) personal selling
C. They send e-mail messages as a way of avoiding direct contact with people.
D. All of the above.
37. All of the following are tips to using presentation technology to your advantage except
A. Talking to the audience rather than the screen.
B. Reading everything that is on the screen.
C. Keeping the screen in view until the audience gets the point.
D. Keeping the text on each page to a minimum.
38. A distinguishing characteristic of a telecommuter is that these workers
40. All of the following are examples of blogs being used for formal
communications except
A. Communicating with consumers.
43. Which TWO of the following should be stressed when providing instruction
about the listening process?
A. The words “hearing” and “listening” are interchangeable.
B. Listening is a skill that develops naturally.
C. Listening to a message means that the message has been understood.
D. A person’s attitude can impact his or her listening.
E. People can comprehend faster than they can speak.
44. A speaker begins a speech by saying, “Today, I’m going to talk to you about
how to weave a rug.” The statement is an illustration of which of the following?
A. The speaker’s conclusion
B. A preview of the speech
C. The body of the speech
D. An introduction to the topic of the speech
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1. Suppose your are assigned by Hidasie Telecom S.C. to design Public Relations strategy for the
company . Show the strategy process to design the public relation strategy. (3 pts)
For effective implementation of the Public Relations objective a Public Relations strategy is to be
evolved. The process of strategy starts with planning which consist of:
d. Preparing action plans relating to programming, scheduling, budgeting, fixing accountability and
establishing rules and procedures.
2. State the basic steps in the public relations process in a proper sequence
1. Step 1: Research and Analysis. This consists of inputs that determine the nature and extent of the public relations
problem or opportunity. These may include feedback from the public, media reporting and editorial comment,
analysis of trend data, other forms of research, personal experience, and government pressures and
2. Step 2: Policy Formulation. Public relations personnel, as advisors to top management, make recommendations
on policy and what actions should be taken by the organization.
3. Step 3: Programming. Once a policy or action is agreed on, public relations staff begin to plan a communications
program that will further the organization’s objectives. They will set objectives, define audiences, and decide on
what strategies will be used on a specific timeline. Budget and staffing are also major
4. Step 4: Communication. Public relations personnel execute the program through such vehicles as news releases,
media advisories, newsletters, Internet and Web postings, special events, speeches, and community relations
5. Step 5: Feedback. The effect of these efforts is measured by feedback from the same components that made up
the first step. Did the media mention the key messages? Did people change their attitudes or opinions? Did sales go
up? Did the organization preserve or enhance its reputation?
6. Step 6: Assessment. The cycle is then repeated. The success or failure of the policy or program is assessed as a
way of determining whether additional efforts are needed, or whether new issues or opportunities must be addressed.
Thus, it is a continuing loop process.