Chapter 1 MCQs On Principles of Interprettaton of Statute

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1. There is no need for presumptions?

A. The intention of the legislation is clear

B. The intention of the legislation is not clear
C. Can be used in any condition
D. All of the above

2. Where in an enactment, there are two provisions which cannot be reconciled with each other; they
should be so interpreted that, if possible effect may be given to both. This is what known as the _
A. Rule of harmonious construction
B. Rule of reasonable construction
C. Rule of ejusdem generis
D. All of above

3. According ________ rule of interpretation meaning of word should be known from its
accompanying or associating words?
A. Mischief rule
B. Golden rule
C. Noscitur a sociis
D. Primary rule
4. ________ means that contemporaneous exposition is the best and strongest in law?

A. Ejusdem generis
B. Contemporanea Exposition Est Optima Est Fortissima in Lege
C. Noscitur a sociis
D. None of above

5. Interpretation of statute should not be given a meaning which would make other ________

A. In effective
B. Redundant
C. Dormant
D. None of the above

6. Rule of ejusdem generic is applicable when __________ ?

A. Specific word follow general words
B. General word follows specific words
C. Either (a) or (b)
D. Both (a) and (b)

7. According to which rule of interpretation old statutes should be interpreted as they would have
been at the date when they were passed?
A. Expression unis est exclusion alterius
B. Contemporanea Exposition Est Optima Est Fortissima in Lege
C. Ut res magis valeat Quam Pareat
D. Nosciur a Sociis

8. According to primary rule, the________ of a statute are to be understood in their natural, ordinary
or popular and grammatical meaning unless such a construction leads to an absurdity or contents
or object of the statute suggests a different meaning?
A. Words
B. Phrase
C. Sentences
D. All of above

9. If you were looking for the meaning of provision, the first place you would look is______?
A. A dictionary
B. The interne
C. The definition section
D. Any of the above

10. _______ sets out in general terms, the purpose of the Act and it often precedes the preamble?
A. Long title
B. Short title
C. Preamble
D. None of above

11. Which of the following is an external aid for interpretation of statute?

A. Parliamentary history
B. Use of foreign decisions
C. Historical background
D. All of above

12. When statute do not profess to make any alteration in the existing law, but merely declare or
explain what it is, then such law is known as ________ ?
A. Codifying statute
B. Remedial statute
C. Declaratory statute
D. Consolidating statute

13. According to the _________ the words, phrases, sentences of a statute are to be understood in
their natural, ordinary or popular and grammatical meaning, unless such a construction leads to an
absurdity or contents or object of the statute suggests a different meaning?
A. Literal construction
B. Mischief rule
C. Strict rule of interpretation
D. None of above

14. Which of the following is internal aid for interpretation of statute?

A. Long title
B. Marginal notes
C. Interpretation clauses
D. All of above

15. As per the rule of _________ meaning of a word should be known from its accompanying or
associating words.?
A. Noscitura sociis
B. Strict and liberal construction
C. Ejusdem generis
D. None of the above

16. Which of the following are acceptable extrinsic material o use in interpreting legislation?
A. Parliamentary committee reports
B. Dictionaries
C. Notes on Clauses of he bill
D. All of above

17. Generally ____________ are given strict interpretation?

A. Labour
B. Welfare laws
C. Criminal laws
D. None of the above

18. If there is any appearance of inconsistency between the schedule and specific provision in an
enactment, the ________shall prevail?
A. Schedule
B. Provisions
C. Both will be applicable as per situation
D. None of the above

19. Heydons case deals with ____?


A. Mischeif rule
B. Rule of reasonable construction
C. Noscitur a sociis
D. Golden rule

20. Non obstante clause usually starts with the word___?

A. Provided that
B. Notwithstanding anything contained
C. Save as provided otherwise
D. Any of the above

21. _____ is used to remove special cases from the general enactment and provide for them specially?
A. Exception clause
B. Saving clause
C. Proviso
D. Non obstante clause

22. Ut Res Magis Valeat Quam Pareat is also known as ______?

A. Rule of harmonious construction
B. Rule of reasonable construction
C. Rule of ejusdem generis
D. All of above

23. ________ contain the main object of the act?

A. Long title
B. Short title
C. Preamble
D. None of the above

24. Heydons case, in 1584, was resolved by the?

A. Supreme court of India
B. Bombay high court
C. Barons of the Exchequer
D. House of lords

25. When general word follows specific word of a distinct category, the general word may be given a
restricted meaning of the same category. He general word take its meaning from preceding
expression. This is what is known as ?
A. Rule of harmonies construction
B. Ut Res Magis Valeat Quam Pareat

C. Ejusdem generis
D. Expression unis est exclusion alterius

26. In the interpretation of statue, an important role is played by____

A. Schedule
B. Preamble
C. Heading
D. All of above

27. While constructing a provision in penal statute if there appears to be a reasonable doubt or
ambiguity it shall be resolved in favour of?
A. State government
B. Union
C. Person who would be liable to penalty
D. None of the above
28. Which of the following is inernal aid for interpretation of statute?
A. Reference to reports of committee
B. Statement of objects and reasons
C. Dictionaries
D. Preamble

29. The rules ______ means the express mention of one thing is the exclusion of other?
A. Rule of harmonious construction
B. Primary rule
C. Ejusdem generis
D. Expression unis est exclusion alterius

30. Internal aid in interpretation of statute includes?

A. Title
B. Preamble
C. Marginal notes
D. All of above

31. A statute has been defined as the______

A. Will of the king
B. Will of the society
C. Will of the magistrate
D. Will of the legislature

32. What is the doctrine of stare decisis?

A. The doctrine of Parliamentary sovereignty

B. The doctrine of royal pardon

C. The doctrine of statutory interpretation
D. The doctrine of precedent

33. What is case law?

A. Law representing the decisions of the courts
B. Law passed by Parliament
C. Delegated legislation
D. Case law is not really law at all

34. What is legislation?

A. Legislation is law made by judges
B. Legislation is law made by Parliament
C. Legislation is law made by custom
D. Legislation is law made by the Law Commission

35. How many readings must a Bill have in the House of Commons and the House of Lords before it
receives Royal Assent?
A. 1 in the House of Commons, 3 in the House of Lords
B. 3 in the House of Commons, 1 in the House of Lords
C. 1 in each House
D. 3 in each House

36. What is the Committee Stage in the passage of a Bill through the House of Commons?
A. A committee reading of the title of the Bill
B. A committee debating the general principles of a Bill
C. A committee considering the provisions of the Bill in detail
D. A committee drafting the Bill

37. How long can the House of Lords delay a Bill (except a Money Bill)?
A. 1 month
B. 6 months
C. 1 year
D. 6 years

38. What is a Public Act?

A. An Act affecting particular individuals or individual bodies
B. An Act affecting the general public
C. An Act made in private
D. An Act made in public

39. What is meant by statutory interpretation?

A. The interpretation of a statute by Parliament
B. The interpretation of a statute by the House of Commons
C. The interpretation of a statute by the courts
D. The interpretation of a statute by the House of Lords

40. What is meant by the purposive approach?

A. The judge must interpret the statute on purpose
B. The judge must interpret the statute in the light of the purpose of its enactment
C. The judge must interpret the statute with a purposeful manner
D. The judge must interpret the statute in the purpose of deciding the case before him or her
41. What is the mischief rule?
A. In interpreting statutes, judges should look at the ‘mischief’ which the Act was passed to
B. There must be no mischief in court
C. In interpreting statutes, judges should interpret the words literally
D. In interpreting statutes, judges should interpret the words as they see fit

42. What is the rule in Pepper v Hart?

A. Judges can refer to newspapers when interpreting statutes
B. Judges can refer to other judges when interpreting statutes
C. Judges can refer to Hansard when interpreting statutes
D. Judges cannot refer to any external aid when interpreting statutes

43. What is delegated legislation?

A. A decision of the courts
B. An Act of Parliament
C. Law made by a delegation
D. Law made by a person or body to whom Parliament has delegated power

44. Which of these is a disadvantage of delegated legislation?

A. It is quick to produce
B. It can be flexible
C. It raises issues of accountability
D. It can be made by reference to specialist knowledge

1 The intention of the legislation is not clear

2 Rule of harmonious construction
3 Noscitur a sociis
4 Contemporanea Exposition Est Optima Est Fortissima in Lege

5 Redundant
6 General word follow specific words
7 Contemporanea Exposition Est Optima Est Fortissima in Lege
8 all of above
9 The definition section
10 Long title
11 Historical background
12 Declaratory statute
13 Literal Construction
14 All of above
15 Noscitura sociis
16 All of above
17 Criminal laws
18 Provisions
19 Mischief rule
20 Notwithstanding anything contained
21 Proviso
22 Rule of reasonable construction
23 Preamble
24 Barons of the Exchequer
25 Ejusdem generis
26 All of above
27 Person who would be liable to penalty
28 Preamble
29 Expression unis est exclusion alterius
30 all of above
31 Will of the legislature
32 The doctrine of precedent
33 Law representing the decisions of the courts
34 Legislation is law made by parliament
35 3 in each House
36 A committee considering the provisions of the Bill in detail
37 1 year
38 An Act affecting the general public
39 The interpretation of a statute by the courts
40 The judge must interpret the statute in the light of the purpose of its enactment
In interpreting statutes, judges should look at the ‘mischief’ which the Act was passed to
41 prevent
42 Judges can refer to Hansard when interpreting statutes
43 Law made by a person or body to whom Parliament has delegated power
44 It raises issues of accountability

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