8MySQL Practical Questions

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1 Create a Database named MYORG.

2 Open the Database with USE command.

3 Create a table name Emp with following structure.
empno ename job hiredate sal comm
Number Varchar Char(10) Date Number Number
4 Insert the following Records-
empno ename job hiredate sal comm
8369 SMITH CLERK 1990-12-18 800.00 NULL
8499 ANYA SALESMAN 1991-02-20 1600.00 300.00
8521 SETH SALESMAN 1991-02-22 1250.00 500.00
8566 MAHADEVAN MANAGER 1991-04-02 2985.00 NULL
8654 MOMIN SALESMAN 1991-09-28 1250.00 400.00
8698 BINA MANAGER 1991-05-01 2850.00 NULL
8882 SHIVANSH MANAGER 1991-06-09 2450.00 NULL
8888 SCOTT ANALYST 1992-12-09 3000.00 NULL
8839 AMIR PRESIDENT 1991-11-18 5000.00 NULL
8844 KULDEEP SALESMAN 1991-09-08 1500.00 0.00
5 Write a query to display all the records with all the columns.
6 Write a query to display EName and Sal of employees whose salary are greater
than 2200.
7 Write a query to display employee name and salary of those employees
who have their salary in range of 2500 to 4000.
8 Write a query to display the name of employee whose name contains “A” as
first alphabet of employee names.
9 Write a query to display the name of employee in Ascending order based on
10 Display the distinct job titles offered by the Organization.
11 Display the number of employees work in the organization.
12 Display the average salary.
13 Display the name of the employee with minimum salary
Task 2
Write and Execute the SQL command for the following.
1. Create table CUSTOMER as per following Table structure.
Column CustID CustName CustAdd CustCity CustPhone
Length 7 30 40 30 10
Constraints Primary
2. Insert 5 records with relevant information in the Customer table.

3. Add one column Email of data type VARCHAR and size 30 to table

4. Drop the TEMPCUSTOMER table

5. Add one more column CustIncomeGroup of data type VARCHAR(10).
6. Drop the column CustomerIncomeGroup from table Customer.
7. Modify the column CustCity as change the size 40 characters long.
8. Delete all the records who belongs to ‘Jaipur’
9. Write command to show the Tables in the MYORG Database.
10. Drop the TEMPCUSTOMER table.
11. Drop the Foreign Key constraints from the Order Table.
12. Drop the database MYORG.
Experiment No. 33
Objective: Understanding the use of DML command with MySQL functions. Task:
Open MySQL and load MYORG database. Write and Execute the SQL
command for the following and also write the steps/commands in your
Practical notebook.
1 Write commands to display the system date.
2 Write a command to display the name of current month.
3 Write command to print the day of the week of your birthday in the year 2015.
4 Write a query to display employee names in lower case from Emp table.
5 Write a query to display last 3 characters from all the names of
employee from Emp table.
6 Write a query to display ename alon with the position of ‘N’ character in
ename column from Emp table.
7 Write a query to display ename and two characters from 2nd position in job
column from Emp table.
8 Write a query to display ename and weekday on which they joined from Emp
9 Write a query to display ename alon with number of
as on today from Emp table.
10 Write a query to display ename, Job and Date of retirement (60 years
after Hiredate) from Emp table.
11 Write a query to find out the result of 63.
12 Write a query to find out the result of 301/2 (Square root of 30)
13 Write the command to display the ename and its length from Emp table. 14
Write the command to round off value 15.193 to nearest ten’s i.e. 20.
15 Write a query to display ename concatenated by job from Emp table.

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