Customer Technical Guide: Customer: Palmiye Corap Teks - San.Tic - Ltd.Sti

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:SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 1 of 71

Customer Technical


CONTRACT No. : SQY11-247730 / 2

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 2 of 71


1 WARRANTY CONDITIONS.................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 POWER CABLING: SPECIFICATIONS................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.1 Load demands............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1.2 Rated power ................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1.3 General conditions...................................................................................................................................... 5 Stability of the power supply .................................................................................................................. 5 Power consumption at cold start ............................................................................................................. 6 Conditions at machine start-up ............................................................................................................... 7
1.1.4 Electrical Requirements of the weaving room ............................................................................................ 7
1.1.5 Example of calculated mains cable section ................................................................................................ 7
1.1.6 General remark........................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 PROTECTIONS UPSTREAM OF THE SUPPLY CABLE ................................................................................................. 8
1.2.1 Overload protection.................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.2 Icu value of the control box ........................................................................................................................ 9
1.2.3 Leak current protection .............................................................................................................................. 9
1.3 AIR SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 10
1.3.1 Units for air pressure................................................................................................................................ 10
1.3.2 Compressed air quality............................................................................................................................. 10 Dry air................................................................................................................................................... 10 Oil free air............................................................................................................................................. 10 Contamination....................................................................................................................................... 10
1.3.3 Air consumption........................................................................................................................................ 10 Units...................................................................................................................................................... 10 Air consumption for the different features............................................................................................ 11
1.1.4. Pneumatic connection. .......................................................................................................................... 13
1.4 GUIDELINES FOR CONSTRUCTING A WEAVING ROOM FLOOR .............................................................................. 15
1.4.1 General ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
1.4.2 Design of the weaving room floor, directly on the soil ............................................................................. 16
1.4.3 Design of an over-spanning weaving room floor...................................................................................... 16
1.4.4 Surface layer............................................................................................................................................. 18
1.4.5 Installing Picanol machines...................................................................................................................... 20
1.4.6 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 20
1.4.7 Weaving room standards in case of QSC.................................................................................................. 20
1.5 STATIC AND DYNAMIC LOADS............................................................................................................................ 21
1.6 MACHINE DIMENSIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 22
1.6.1 Widths - depths ......................................................................................................................................... 22
1.6.2 Machine lay-out ........................................................................................................................................ 22
1.7 LOAD LIMITATIONS OF THE ELSY ..................................................................................................................... 25
1.7.1 Elsy LHS or RHS: ..................................................................................................................................... 25
1.7.2 Center Elsy: .............................................................................................................................................. 25
1.8 LUBRICATION: PRODUCTS AND APPLICATION .................................................................................................... 26
1.8.1 Definition .................................................................................................................................................. 26
1.8.2 Splash lubrication – Maintenance area and quantities ............................................................................ 26
1.8.3 Specifications of OIL TYPE 5 ................................................................................................................... 28
1.8.4 Specifications OIL TYPE 7 ....................................................................................................................... 29
1.8.5 Specifications of GREASE TYPE 1 ........................................................................................................... 31
1.8.6 Specifications of GREASE TYPE 3 ........................................................................................................... 32
1.8.7 Specifications OF GREASE TYPE 4......................................................................................................... 32
1.8.8 Important remarks .................................................................................................................................... 33
1.9 HEDDLES AND DROPWIRES ................................................................................................................................ 34
1.9.1 Heddles ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
1.9.2 Dropwires ................................................................................................................................................. 34

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 3 of 71
2 INSTALLING THE MACHINE – OPTIMAX .................................................................................................... 35
2.1 MOVING AND INSTALLING THE MACHINE .......................................................................................................... 36
2.1.1 General ..................................................................................................................................................... 36
2.1.2 Unloading the machine............................................................................................................................. 37 Using the towing hooks (not delivered as standard equipment) ........................................................... 37 Using the forks of the fork-lift truck and a cable .................................................................................. 38
2.1.3 Moving the machine.................................................................................................................................. 40 The hoist beams (not delivered as standard equipment) ....................................................................... 40
2.1.4 Use ............................................................................................................................................................ 47 Moving by means of wheels (not delivered as standard equipment) .................................................... 51
2.2 LEVELING THE MACHINE ................................................................................................................................... 52
2.3 GLUING ............................................................................................................................................................. 53
3 PREPARATION OF THE BEAMS – OPTIMAX............................................................................................... 54
3.1 WARP BEAM AND CLOTH ROLL SPECIFICATION AND PREPARATION – DIN BEAM ............................................... 55
3.1.1 Warp beam dimensions - DIN single warp ............................................................................................... 55
3.1.2 Warpbeam preparation (symmetrical width reduction)............................................................................ 56 Flange positions .................................................................................................................................... 56 Maximum and minimum beam widths ‘W’ .......................................................................................... 56
3.1.3 Cloth roll dimensions (ONLY in case of cloth wind-up in the machine)................................................... 56
4 TECHNICAL INFORMATION FOR COMPLETING THE PTS - OPTIMAX ............................................. 57
4.1 TEMPLES ........................................................................................................................................................... 58
4.1.1 Temple main objective .............................................................................................................................. 58
4.1.2 Components of the ring temple ................................................................................................................. 58
4.1.3 Basic temple types..................................................................................................................................... 58 Parallel : ................................................................................................................................................ 58 Progressive :.......................................................................................................................................... 59 With rubber or brass roller :.................................................................................................................. 59 With Contershon-arrangement :............................................................................................................ 59
4.1.4 Brackets for cylinder temple ..................................................................................................................... 59
4.1.5 TEMPLE RINGS ....................................................................................................................................... 60 Pin height : ............................................................................................................................................ 60 Pin shape :............................................................................................................................................. 60 Rubber ring : ......................................................................................................................................... 60
4.1.6 Available temple cylinders........................................................................................................................ 60
4.2 REED : SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 65
4.2.1 Dimensions 8 mm reed.............................................................................................................................. 65
4.2.2 Dent thickness........................................................................................................................................... 66
4.2.3 Calculation of dent thickness .................................................................................................................... 66
5 APPENDIX A - OPTIMAX ................................................................................................................................... 67

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 4 of 71

Customer Technical

Warranty conditions

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 5 of 71

1.1 Power CABLING: Specifications

When calculating the power requirements, please notify the installing engineers of the below

1.1.1 Load demands

Power consumption is the energy consumption during normal machine operation. The power
consumption depends on the machine version, weaving machine speed and machine workload. As a
consequence, each situation has to be calculated case by case.

1.1.2 Rated power

As far as rated power goes, consideration is given to external factors. These factors occur when
starting cold or in specific working environments (typically, for a very short period of time). One
important point is to always ensure that the mains supply leads supplying the machine, are sufficient
to cope with similar extreme situations, in as much as the rated power is frequently taken into account
when calculating mains cable conductor size.
1.1.3 General conditions Stability of the power supply

Supply voltage fluctuations must remain between -10% and +10% of the nominal operating voltage
(according to EN 50160). For example, in case the supply voltage is specified at 460V, the supply
voltage must never drop below 414V or exceed 506V.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 6 of 71 Power consumption at cold start

At a cold start, (e.g. after a weekend stop), power consumption is higher as compared to its
consumption at typical operating temperature conditions. Under most circumstances, power
consumption at a cold start is about twice as high as compared to normal operating consumption.
Power consumption will drop to normal within a 3-hour lapse (see chart). Therefore, the transformer (if
any) as well as the electrical wiring must be able to support this temporary higher power requirement.
An example calculation of the required power cabling is available on simple request.
Number of times of rated operational

2 times

1.5 times
power consumption

1 time

0.25 Hr 1 Hr 2 Hrs 3 Hrs

Time period after start-up [Hrs]

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 7 of 71 Conditions at machine start-up

At machine start-up, the initial power consumption is approximately 80 KVA (for 0.2 seconds = 200
milliseconds). During this short time lap, the voltage at the machine should not get below 85% of the
nominal operating voltage.

1.1.4 Electrical Requirements of the weaving room

The machines manufactured by Picanol have a rated voltage range of 380 Volts to 460 Volts. A
transformer must be used with voltage lower than 380 and in excess of 460 Volts. This can be
achieved through a weaving shed transformer or a dedicated transformer for each machine.
1.1.5 Example of calculated mains cable section

The tables on the next page give the minimum value of the cable section, for a specific supply voltage
and the maximum cable length from the power source to the machine. These are calculated, taking
the remarks made above on the cabling into account, for the specific case that each loom has a
separate connection cable with the power source. This calculation takes into account that the voltage
at the distribution point remains at nominal level. If the voltage at the distribution point drops below
the nominal voltage, the cross section of the connection cable has to grow to compensate for that loss
in voltage.

For the calculations, the following resistances (in case of cupper wires) are assumed:

Cable section in mm² Resistance per meter

50 0,000387
35 0,000524
25 0,000727
16 0,00115
10 0,00183
6 0,00308
4 0,00461

1.1.6 General remark

When using one cable to connect the main distribution point with multiple machines and another
distribution point is available close to the machines, the copper of the cables can be used in a more
efficient way. As the cabling is already rated for the higher power of multiple machines, the difference
between nominal power and peak power at start-up of one of those machines becomes smaller.
In many of those cases, and because the voltage is allowed to drop to minus 15% of the nominal
voltage at start-up, there is no influence on the cabling due to the direct drive.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 8 of 71
For a stable power supply: (complying with European standard EN50160, or with the corresponding
standard in your country)

Cablesection Supply voltage (V)

(mm²) 200 220 260 280 346 380 400 415 440 460 480 500 550 575 600
10 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Cablelength powersource -

20 10 10 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
30 16 16 10 10 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
loom (meter)

40 25 16 16 10 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
50 25 25 16 16 10 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4
60 35 25 16 16 10 10 10 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4
70 35 25 25 16 10 10 10 10 10 6 6 6 4 4 4
80 35 35 25 25 16 10 10 10 10 10 6 6 6 6 4
90 50 35 25 25 16 16 10 10 10 10 10 10 6 6 6
100 50 50 25 25 16 16 16 10 10 10 10 10 6 6 6

For a power supply where sometimes voltage fluctuations can be expected (not exceeding 10% of the
nominal voltage):

Cablesection Supply voltage (V)

(mm²) 200 220 260 280 346 380 400 415 440 460 480 500 550 575 600
10 10 10 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Cablelength powersource -

20 25 25 16 16 10 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4
30 35 25 25 16 10 10 10 10 10 6 6 6 4 4 4
loom (meter)

40 50 35 25 25 16 16 10 10 10 10 10 10 6 6 6
50 70 50 35 35 25 16 16 16 16 10 10 10 10 10 6
60 70 70 50 35 25 25 16 16 16 16 16 10 10 10 10
70 95 70 50 50 25 25 25 25 16 16 16 16 10 10 10
80 95 70 50 50 35 25 25 25 25 16 16 16 16 10 10
90 95 95 70 50 35 25 25 25 25 25 16 16 16 16 10
100 120 95 70 70 35 35 25 25 25 25 25 16 16 16 16

1.2 Protections upstream of the supply cable

The cabling upstream of the weaving machine, connected to the main switch of the weaving machine,
should be protected against overload. The mean switch of the weaving machine can handle a
maximum short circuit current Icu. The power distribution in the weaving mill should take this into
account. If local autorities ask for leak current protection, this should be integrated in the power
distribution in the weaving mill.

1.2.1 Overload protection

The overload protection upstream the power cable to the control box of the weaving machine has to
protect the main switch of the control box. This means that the maximum value of this protection is not
only determined by the cross section and the type of that power cable.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 9 of 71
Independent of the cross section of the power cable, if the supply voltage is 380 V or higher, the
thermal protection can be done with fuses type aM (according to IEC 60269-1) with a maximum value
of 25A.
If the supply voltage is lower than 380V, this thermal protection can be done with fuses of the type aM
with a maximum value of 40A. This maximum value is determined
These fuses can be replaced by other circuit breakers with the same thermal tripping curve as these
1.2.2 Icu value of the control box

The maximum allowed short circuit current supplied to the main switch, is determined by the Rated
Ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity (Icu according IEC 60947-2) of that main switch.
The values Icu for different line voltages are given in the table below.
1.2.3 Leak current protection

The machine control has no leak current protection. If a leak current protection should be used, it
should be a time delayed type with a leak current not lower than 300 mA on every machine.

Voltage range Value of type aM fuse Icu ( A )

200 up to 346 V 40 10 000
380 up to 480 V 25 15 000
500 up to 600 V 25 4 000

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 10 of 71
1.3 Air specifications

1.3.1 Units for air pressure

The most commonly used unit for pressure is bar.

Sometimes bara is mentioned to indicate absolute pressure. Zero bara means absolute vacuum. The
average atmospheric pressure is 1.013 bara or 1013 mbar (millibar). The local atmospheric pressure
varies in time and with altitude.

All pressure indications in this document are the difference between the pressure of the compressed
air and the local atmospheric pressure (bar), as this is the case for most pressure sensors or

Conversions: 1 bar = 14.50 psi (pounds per square inch) (psig is also used just like barg)
1 bar = 10 Pa (Pascal, 1 Pascal = 1 Newton per m²)

1.3.2 Compressed air quality Dry air

If the compressed air contains too much humidity, condensation problems will occur in the pipings or
in the weaving machine.

A pressure dew point (PDP) of +2°C is desired. This doesn’t mean that the air has a temperature of
2°C. It only means that water vapor in the compres sed air will start to condensate if the compressed
air would be cooled down to 2°C. The lower the dew point, the dryer the air.
Note that the pressure dew point (PDP) is not the same as the atmospheric dew point. The amount of
water vapour at a PDP of 2°C and a pressure of 7 ba rg corresponds to an atmospheric dew point of
about –23°C.

For the type of dryer that meets this demand, contact your compressor supplier. Adsorption dryers of
the hot regenerative type for instance can deliver a PDP as low as –30°C. Oil free air

Not more than 0.1 p.p.m. (parts per million) is prescribed, or about 0.1 mg/m³.
The most efficient way to meet this requirement is to use oil free compressors. Contamination

For the compressor, a filtration to a particle size of 1 µm is recommended.

Conclusion: compressed air of quality class 1.4.2. (ISO 8573-1) is prescribed.

1.3.3 Air consumption Units

Picanol uses Nm³/h (Normal cubic meter per hour) as the unit for flow rate.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 11 of 71

Sometimes the unit scfm (Standard cubic feet per minute) is found: 1 scfm = 1.6990 Nm³/h.

Other units frequently met in pneumatics are Nl/min (Normal liter per minute).

Compressor manufacturers often use l/sec (liter per second) or m³/h (cubic meter per hour). Here
one has to be very careful, as the m³/h the compressor manufacturer is talking about is not the same
unit as the Nm³/h we are talking about.

It is obvious that the amount of air molecules (mass) contained by 1 m³ depends on the pressure and
the temperature of the air. So pressure and temperature should be specified when using a volume
(m³ or cubic feet or liter) to specify the mass of air. For Nm³ (Normal cubic meter) or Nl (Normal liter)
or scf (standard cubic feet) the air conditions are referring to the standard of 0°C and 1.013 bara.
Under these circumstances 1 Nm³ contains a mass of 1.293 kg of air.
On the contrary, compressors take from the surrounding atmosphere per revolution a certain volume
of air. That’s why their manufacturers specify the capacity of the compressor at a temperature of for
instance 15°C or 20° C or 35°C (may differ from cat alogue to catalogue) and usually 1.013 bara.
They often talk about FAD (free air delivery), meaning free air from the atmosphere. At for instance
35°C and 1.013 bara 1 m³ of the atmosphere contains only 1.146 kg of air. This is about 11% less
than for 1 Nm³.

So if Picanol predicts a certain air consumption, ask the compressor manufacturer how many m³/h
FAD the compressor should have for all machines. Mention clearly the N of Nm³/h. Spare capacity
should be foreseen, and not only for the uncertainty of the Picanol prediction. For plants at high
altitude even more spare capacity is needed for the compressor. Air consumption for the different features

The compressed air supply on the machine must be clean (oil-free: max. 0.05 to 0.1 ppm) and dry
(dew point at max. 2°C). The pressure in the suppl y tubes must be at least 5 bar and may not exceed
8 bar.

• Gripper cleaning LHS + cleaning EDC : 0.5 - 2.0 Nm³/h

• Gripper cleaning RHS : 0.3 - 1.5 Nm³/h

• PFL : 0.5 Nm³/h per channel (when the blowing interval is 1 second, being the minimal

The air consumption for gripper cleaning and PFL can be considerably reduced by changing the
blowing time (also depending on the yarn quality).

• Pneumatical clamp on the mechanical tucking in unit : 2.5 to 4 Nm³/h per clamp

• Air tucking in unit : 4 to 6 Nm³/h ( 8 to 12 Nm³/h for each center tucking in unit )

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 12 of 71

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 13 of 71
1.1.4. Pneumatic connection.

To connect the different air tubes to the main air supply, the customer has to provide the connection
‘air supply - ball tap - flexible air pipe’ .

The following illustration locates -depending on the installed options- the tubes to be connected from
the gripper cleaner(s), the pneumatic valve on the mechanical tucking-in device, the PFL and the
EDC cleaning :

►Connection for air supply : Ø 6 x 4 mm

The illustration below shows the air preparation for machines also equipped with airtuckers :

In extra to above mentionnend connections :

►Connection for air supply : Ø 12 x 9 mm

( Refr. D )
►The supply pressure must range between 5.5 and 7 b

For safety reasons, a shut-off valve must be provided at the end of the air supply. The handle
of the shut-off valve must be easily accessible at all times.

The following illustration shows some connection examples :

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 14 of 71

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 15 of 71
1.4 Guidelines for constructing a weaving room floor

1.4.1 General

In weaving machines, a lot of parts are moving to and fro. These movements cause dynamic forces.
Although Picanol balances these forces as much as possible, due to the high speeds of the machines,
it is inevitable that these forces also make the surroundings of the machine tremble.
Dimensions and frequency of these dynamic forces depend on certain parameters such as machine
type, weaving speed, configuration, shed forming mechanism, fabric type, …
The effect of these forces on the surroundings of the weaving room depend on the weaving room
construction and floor quality. The amount of vibrations allowed in the surroundings depend on the
location and the rules which are valid on-site.
These guidelines are merely recommendations. The calculation, proportion and installation of the floor
and the supporting construction is the responsibility of the weaving room owner.
The static and dynamic forces exerted by the machine on its surroundings, the type and nature of the
floor and the local and national valid regulations must also be taken into account. Picanol
recommends to consult a professional and specialized engineering office on the above.

Picanol nv can not be held liable for any problems arising from weaving room construction
and the resulting damage to:
- machines (reduced efficiency),
- buildings,
- third parties in the surroundings of the weaving room.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 16 of 71
1.4.2 Design of the weaving room floor, directly on the soil

The design of the weaving room floor can only be described in general terms. Soil conditions of the
ground may necessitate various adjustments:
• Drain the underground if it contains water. A filter can be used to prevent the underground
from infiltrating into the foundations.
• Provide a fundament of ground stone/rock (with a thickness of minimum 200 mm).
• Lay a layer of concrete (with a thickness of around 300 mm), with steel reinforcement on the
upper and lower side.
• Put a suitable surface layer on top (see point 4 of this chapter). This layer may be a part of
the concrete layer, if not, it should be well fixed to the concrete layer.
Floor plates must be separated from walls, foundations and adjoining buildings by using expansion

Wear proof surface

Reinforcing steel
300mm Concrete


Crushed Rock

Crushed Rock

1.4.3 Design of an over-spanning weaving room floor

If a weaving machine is set up on a storey or above a cellar, the load carrying capacity should be at
least 10,000 N/m². These values take the static and dynamic loads of the weaving machine into
Once the position of the weaving machine has been determined, it is strongly recommended to
consult a specialized engineering office for the calculation of the weaving room floor frequencies and
vibrations. Remember to also count the mass of the weaving machine.
For the load, one must bear in mind that the weaving machine induces dynamic forces, with a
frequency up to 6 times the number of revolutions of the machine.
Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium
Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 17 of 71
In order to prevent any problems, the weaving room floor construction should be as firm as possible.
The vertical frequency of the floor, with the machine in its position, should amount to at least 30 Hz.
If not, consult a specialized engineering office.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 18 of 71
1.4.4 Surface layer

The smoothness of the floor must comply with the diagram below:

2mm or less

Less than 0.5mm

Less than 0.3mm

Height differences on different machine supports (left vs. right, front vs. back) must be less than 2
mm. The roughness of the surface under the machine support must be less than 0.5 mm. The level
difference under the foot shoot be less than 0.3 mm.
Different surface layers are possible: polished concrete layer, synthetic layer (epoxy, polyester, resin),
The surface layer should have the following properties:
• resistant to high pressure;
• resistant to wear;
• resistant to different chemicals (oil, petroleum, common acids and bases);
• antiskid;
• tough.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 19 of 71
The connection between the surface and the layer below must offer enough resistance against
horizontal forces.
The maximum vertical pressure load amounts to about 100 N/cm² (localized load of 20,000 N on an
area of 100 x 200 mm).

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 20 of 71
1.4.5 Installing Picanol machines

For the installation of the machines, please see “Installing the machine”. The washer plates are
equipped with sound insulation pads. In principle, the Picanol weaving machines should not be bolted
to the floor. A 2 component epoxy glue is delivered with the machine for gluing the machine to the
floor. Using washer plates other than those delivered by Picanol is strongly advised against.
If specific vibration problems occur, please contact the technical staff of Picanol who will, in
consultation with external consultants, find a suitable solution.

1.4.6 Conclusion

The precise position of a Picanol weaving machine on a correctly dimensioned and constructed floor
will not only prevent damage to the building and complaints from the neighbors, low vibration levels
will also guarantee an extended longevity and reliability of the machines.

1.4.7 Weaving room standards in case of QSC

The weaving room floor must comply with the industrial floors standard DIN 18202.
This standard allows an unevenness of 4mm/1m and 10mm/4m.
If the floor is not constructed in line with this standard, problems may occur with regard to:
• insertion/removal of the module into/from the weaving machine;
• transport of warp components (wheels, control);
• safety (attaching the module on the warpy).

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 21 of 71
1.5 Static and dynamic loads

Left Back (N) Right Back (N)

Left Front (N) Right Front (N)

For Position 1 (48 OptiMax - 220) :

1. Mass of the machine including the control box, empty warp beam and clothroll : 4163 kg

2. Dynamic forces :

- Left back : 4002 N.

- Right back : 3577 N.

- Left front : 5188 N.

- Right front : 6231 N.


- 1st harmonic : 10,83 Hz

- 2nd harmonic : 21,00 Hz

- 3d harmonic : 32,00 Hz

- 4th harmonic : 43,00 Hz

- 5th harmonic : 54,00 Hz

The floor should be calculated and constructed by a professional construction company, based on the
static and dynamic forces. See also the chapter "Guidelines for constructing a weaving room floor" in
this respect.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 22 of 71
1.6 Machine dimensions

1.6.1 Widths - depths

1.6.2 Machine lay-out

Special remarks for QSC:

The warp beam alley must be wide enough to permit the smooth passage of the Warpy
transport truck loaded with a Style Change Module. The overall dimension of the Warpy
including the module, plus a little safety margin represents the minimum alley width. This
overall dimension depends on the type of backrest and the maximum beam diameter.
The minimum margin that should be used depends on the size of the module (length-height-
width), the experience of the operator, the length of the alley, etc. The absolute minimum is 2
x 100 mm. In case it is not really essential to squeeze an extra row of machines into the
weave room, it is better to foresee a margin of 2 x 200 mm.
In case an AGV is used instead of manual guidance, then a minimum margin can be used.
The minimum width of the head alley depends on the width and the length of the fully
loaded Warpy and on the width of the beam alley.

 Height clearance (and free space above the machine)

The module is lifted for about 125 to 140mm to remove it out of the machine. During transport
of the module through the weaving shed, it stays in this raised position.
The minimum height of the alley (and the space above the machine) will therefore depend on
the highest part of the module (or QSC equipment) at that particular moment.
Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium
Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 23 of 71

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 24 of 71
General layout

Without QSC With QSC

Minimum ** Recommended
A 600 – 800 600 800
B* (***) 750 – 800 750 800
C 1250 - WB Ø 800 1800
1500 - WB Ø 1000 2000
1600 - WB Ø 1100 2000
D 1500 – 2000 2130 2200
E T190 2500 – 3000 2430 3930
E T210 2650 – 3150
E T220 2800 – 3300 2730 4230
E T230 2950 – 3450
E T250 3100 – 3600 2930 4430
E T300 3400 – 3900 3330 4730
E T320 3600 – 4100
E T340 4000 – 4500 3630 5130
E T360 4200 – 4700
E T380 4400 – 4900
E T400 5000 – 5200
E T430 5300 – 5500
E T460 5600 – 5800

* With maximum cloth roll diameter, and depending on the size of the transport trolley
** The minimum distance puts severe restrictions on the warpy's maneuverability in the aisles
*** In case machines are equipped with Batching Motion , dimension B is minimum depending on the
maximum cloth roll diameter.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 25 of 71
1.7 Load limitations of the ELSY

The number of heddles delivered with the machine is normally:

 20 symmetrical heddles per elsy (LHS or RHS)
+ 16 symmetrical heddles per elsy in case the elsy is used to make an independent waste
 40 heddles per center elsy.

Picanol guarantees a faultless working of the elsy, if following maxima are not exceeded:

1.7.1 Elsy LHS or RHS:

 yarn count 30 Tex or finer: 40 heddles of 0.2 mm thickness, per cm drawing-in in the reed,
with an overall maximum of 60 heddles (using then at least 1,5 cm drawing-in in the reed).
The heddles are to be spread evenly over both elsy heddle frames.

 yarn count 72 Tex or finer: 24 heddles of 0.3 mm thickness, per cm drawing-in in the reed,
with an overall maximum of 36 heddles (using then at least 1,5 cm drawing-in in the reed).
The heddles are to be spread evenly over both elsy heddle frames.

1.7.2 Center Elsy:

 yarn count 30 Tex or finer: 40 heddles of 0.2 mm thickness, per cm drawing-in in the reed,
with an overall maximum of 80 heddles (using then at least 2 cm drawing-in in the reed). The
heddles are to be spread evenly over both elsy heddle frames and over both sides (LHS and
RHS) of each heddle frame.

 yarn count 72 Tex or finer: 24 heddles of 0.3 mm thickness, per cm drawing-in in the reed,
with an overall maximum of 48 heddles (using then at least 2 cm drawing-in in the reed). The
heddles are to be spread evenly over both elsy heddle frames and over both sides (LHS and
RHS) of each heddle frame.

- an overall maximum warp tension of 50 N per elsy

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 26 of 71
1.8 Lubrication: products and application

The following describes the responsibility between Picanol NV, the customer and the lubricant

1.8.1 Definition

This CTG contains the technical specifications that are required to specify the different lubricants. We
advise our customers to secure strict compliance with these specifications when selecting a lubricant.

In order to help our customers to purchase the correct lubricants, we have created documents to be
filled out by the lubricant supplier. In doing so, the lubricant supplier certifies that each lubricant does
meet the required technical specifications.
Our customers are therefore advised to submit these documents to their lubricant supplier, to have
them completed and signed, and to keep them for further reference.

Under the contractual guarantee clause Picanol explicitly refuses any responsibility if abnormal wear,
defects (or breakage) is a consequence of the use of a lubricant that does not meet the technical
specifications mentioned in the CTG.

In cases of disagreement on the liability because of excessive wear and tear or defects in machine
parts, and in cases of doubt on the quality and identity of the lubricants used, Picanol reserves the
right to have the lubricant examined by an independent laboratory.

The customer is advised to check the condition of the lubricant at regular intervals, through analysis
and/or spectrum analysis and to evaluate if the oil still meets the specifications. These analyses must
be carried out in cooperation with the lubricant supplier, as the latter has his own evaluation terms in
conformity with his product composition.

Picanol reserves the right to modify the specifications if needed.

With newly delivered machines, the oil in the different gear cases has to be filled up or checked in
strict accordance with the instructions described in the lubrication manual.

1.8.2 Splash lubrication – Maintenance area and quantities

Maintenance area Liters

Oil Capacity Oil change
present at
type in liters First time Next
Every 3
Circulating Non water cooled 5 See table 11 After 3 years
lubrication Water cooled 7 11 After 1 year Every year
Mechanical Tuckers
Laterally positioned tuckers 5 0.4 0.4 After 1 year Every year
Center positioned tuckers 5 0.5 0.5
Stäubli dobby or cam motion See Appendix C
Circulating lubrication oil filter replacement: every year !

Total Capacity in liters of the circulating lubrication

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 27 of 71
Type 190 210 220 230 250 300 320 340 360 380 400 430 460
Capacity 30 32 33 34 36 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41

Remark! When performing any oil change, remember to always replace the oil fine filter as well!

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 28 of 71
1.8.3 Specifications of OIL TYPE 5

Standard oil type for the circulating lubrication. Make sure to use only polyalphaolefine lubricants,
since they are mixable.

Specifications Standard Grade Unit

Type DIN 51517/3 CLP 220
Viscosity class ISO 3104 ISO VG 220
Kinematic viscosity at 40 ASTM D 445 198 < ... < 242 mm²/s (cSt)
Agma Nr. 5EP
Viscosity Index (VI) ASTM D 2270 ≥ 150
ISO 2909
Density at 15 °C < 1 kg/l
T.A.N. (Total acid number) ASTM D 664 < 4 mgKOH/g
Pour Point ASTM D 97 < -35 °C
ISO 3016
Flash Point (C.O.C.) ASTM D92 > +200 °C
New oil cleanliness NAS 1638 10 or better class
ISO 4406 19/16 or better class
Water content ISO 3733 < 0.02 g/100g
ASTM D 95 < 200 ppm
Timken OK Load ASTM D 2782 > 60 lbs
Four Ball Test EP
∅ Scar diameter ASTM D 4172 ≤ 0.30 mm
FZG-test DIN 51354
A/8,3/90 DIN 51509 ≥ 12 stage
Foaming Stability ISO 6247
Sequence 1 ASTM D 892 0 ml
Sequence 2 0 ml
Sequence 3 0 ml
Copper Corrosion ASTM D 130 1A/1B
Steel Corrosion ASTM D 665
vs distilled water: DIN 51585 A no rust
vs salt water: DIN 51585 B no rust
Corrosion test A and B no corrosion
Compatibility with sealings DIN 53538
Hardness changing DIN 53521 -4 < ... < +4 Shore A
Volume changing -5 < ... < +10 %

I herewith declare that the oil

trademark : .............................. type :


completely meets the indicated specifications of oil type 5.

Name : ………………………… Signature :

Date : ………………………….
Place : ………………………... Stamp of the firm :

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 29 of 71
1.8.4 Specifications OIL TYPE 7

This oil may only be used on machines WITH ORIGINAL PICANOL WATER COOLING SYSTEM !
Make sure to use only mineral oils or polyalphaolefine lubricants, since they are mixable.

Specifications Standard Grade Unit

Type DIN 51517/3 CLP 68
Viscosity class ISO 3104 ISO VG 68 mm /s (cSt)
Kinematic viscosity at ASTM D 445 61<...<75
Agma quality number 2EP
Viscosity index (VI) ASTM D 2270 > 95
ISO 2909
Density at 15°C <1 kg/l
TAN (Total Acid ASTM D664 <4 mgKOH/g
Pour point ASTM D97 < -10 °C
ISO 3016
Flash point (COC) ASTM D92 > +200 °C
Cleanliness level of NAS 1638 10 or better class
new oil ISO 4406 19/16 or better class

Water content ISO 3733 < 0.02 g/100g

ASTM D95 < 200 ppm
Timken OK Load ASTM D 2782 >60 lbs
Four ball test EP ASTM D 4172 ≤ 0.30 mm
Scar diameter
FZG test (A/8.3/90) DIN 51354 >12 stage
failure load stage DIN 51509
Foaming stability ISO 6247
Sequence 1 ASTM D 892 0 ml
Sequence 2 0 ml
Sequence 3 0 ml
Copper corrosion ASTM D 130 1A/1B
Steel corrosion ASTM D 665
vs. distilled water DIN 51585 A No rust
vs. salt water DIN 51585 B No rust
Corrosion test A and B No corrosion

Compatibility with seals DIN 53538

Hardness changing DIN 53521
Volume changing -4<...<+4 Shore A
-5<...<+10 %

I herewith declare that the oil

trademark : .............................. type :


completely meets the indicated specifications of oil type 7.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 30 of 71
Name : ………………………… Signature :
Date : ………………………….
Place : ………………………... Stamp of the firm :

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 31 of 71
1.8.5 Specifications of GREASE TYPE 1

Specifications Standard Grade Unit

NLGI Grade 2 0.1mm
Penetration ASTM at 25°C (worked) 265/295
Base oil Mineral
Base oil viscosity index (VI) 95 +/- 5
Base oil viscosity index at 40°C 120<...<220 mm /s
Base soap Lithium
Drop point ISO 2176 >=180 °C
Water resistance DIN 51807/1 0 (= insoluble)
Rust protection ASTM D1743 1
SKF Emcor test DIN 51802 0/0
Application temperatures -10/+125 °C
Timken OK Load >=45 lbs
Four ball test ASTM D 2596 daN
Welding load >=250
Oxidation stability after 100 Hrs at ASTM D 942 <=5 Psi pressure drop

 Remark: Ester-based grease is not allowed!

I herewith declare that the grease

trademark : .............................. type :


completely meets the indicated specifications of grease type 1.

Name : ………………………… Signature :

Date : ………………………….
Place : ………………………... Stamp of the firm :

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 32 of 71

1.8.6 Specifications of GREASE TYPE 3

These are lithium/calcium soap thickened greases based on high viscosity index oils. The addition of
EP additives guarantees effective protection against mechanical wear, when the machine is subjected
to both vibrating or impact loads. Is allowed to contain molybdenum disulphide.

Specifications Standard Grade Unit

NLGI Grade 2 0.1mm
Penetration ASTM at 25°C 265/295
Base oil Mineral
Base oil viscosity index (VI) 95 +/- 5
Base oil viscosity index at 120<...<220 mm /s
Base soap Lithium/calcium
MoS2 Allowed.
Rust protection ASTM D1743 1
SKF Emcor test DIN 51802 0/0
Application temperatures -10/+100 °C
Four ball test, Welding load ASTM D 2596 >=400 DaN
Oxidation stability after ASTM D 942 <=5 Psi pressure drop
100 Hrs at 99°C

I herewith declare that the grease

trademark : .............................. type :


completely meets the indicated specifications of grease type 3.

Name : ………………………… Signature :

Date : ………………………….
Place : ………………………... Stamp of the firm:

1.8.7 Specifications OF GREASE TYPE 4

Use only MOLYKOTE PG75 PLASTISLIP to lubricate the synthetic guides located on the ELSY
selvedge motion. In order to do so, press the button found on the ELSY to have it moved to open
shed. Apply grease to the front U shaped guides and press the button a second time in order to move
the ELSY to the other open shed position. Next, apply grease to the rear guide.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 33 of 71
1.8.8 Important remarks

After the trial run at Picanol, which means - prior to the machine leaving the Picanol factory premises,
all oil is removed from the circulating oil system oil reservoir and from the cam shedding mechanism
or the dobby, as appropriate. However, oil residues (oil grade 5 or 7) may be left in the various
gearcases and hoses at several gearhousings of the machine.

During machine transit, some of this residual oil may return to the oil tank. If considered necessary,
this oil can be dispensed prior to topping up the machine with the appropriate oils.

Gearboxes where oil bath lubrication is fitted, are checked for correct oil level.
During tank filling, you will not be able to pour the correct amount of oil at this time. During machine
run-in at the customer’s premises, oil will run to the various lubrication points.
To check the oil level of the machine’s oil tank, the machine must be switched off again after 15
minutes of “Power On” at which the oil pump is running and oil is circulated.
After waiting for another 15 minutes, replenish the supply tank of oil to full.

Refer to the lubrication manual packed with the machine for more detail on operation and

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 34 of 71
1.9 Heddles and dropwires

1.9.1 Heddles

Heddles are important for the overall productivity of our machines. In this regard we only accept
suppliers who comply with the highest quality and manufacturing standards and whose products
comply with ISO 11677 standards for heddles.
The use of heddles from manufacturers who do not follow these ISO standards may result in all sorts
of weaving problems for which the cause is difficult to trace back.

1.9.2 Dropwires

Droppers are important for the overall productivity of our machines. In this regard we only accept
suppliers who comply with the highest quality and manufacturing standards and whose products
comply with ISO 1150 standards for droppers.
The use of droppers from manufacturers who do not follow these ISO standards may result in all sorts
of weaving problems for which the cause is difficult to trace back.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 35 of 71

Customer Technical

Installing the
machine OptiMax

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 36 of 71
2.1 Moving and Installing the machine

2.1.1 General

Machines, which are supplied in a truck or container, can be unloaded in different ways, depending on
the local situation or on the unloading equipment on hand.

The transport of the machine to its final position in the weaving mill must be carried out with extreme
care in order to avoid damage to the machine or injuries to the personnel.

During these activities, the following points must be strictly observed:

• Always use appropriate machines and tools in order to lift and move the machine.

• Be sure that all screws and nuts of the used auxiliary tools are tightened to the exact torque
before starting the activities.

• It is very important that the machine remains horizontal in width and in depth while it is lifted
and transported. This prevents distortion of the machine which may lead to serious damage to
vital machine parts.

• Lifting the machine is only allowed by means of an appropriate lifting beam, ensuring that the
load on the lifting points of the machine is strictly vertical.

• If a fork-lift is used underneath the machine, the wooden floor supporting the machine must
still be present, as it serves as a buffer between the forks and the machine.

• When lifting the machine with a crane. You always make sure that the cables are vertical with
the cross section supports of the machine.

Never lift the machine with the forks of the fork-lift under the cross beams of the

The first time the machine is started, this must be carried out by a Picanol fitter.
The machine is started “running-in”. No warp beam or harness frame may be placed in the machine
until the Picanol fitter has given his permission for it.

During the first 14 days (+/- 300 hours), it is recommended to run the machine at reduced speed,
around 90% of the actual speed.

This provides the required time for:

- the gears to run in;
- all the internal components to be flushed again with the lubricating oil (to clean them).

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 37 of 71
2.1.2 Unloading the machine

To remove a weaving machine from a container, 2 methods are used, i.e.:

- by means of towing hooks (BE152658 and BE152659) which can be ordered at Picanol;
- by means of steel cables and a fork-lift truck. Using the towing hooks (not delivered as standard equipment)

This method is used for machines, which are positioned on a wooden sledge.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 38 of 71 Using the forks of the fork-lift truck and a cable

• Put an L-profile “A” on the forks of the fork-lift truck.

• Put a wide wooden block “B” between the profile “A” and the bridge of the fork-lift truck, so
that the bridge does not bump against the control box!

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 39 of 71
• Drive the forks under the pallet of the machine until the L-profile “A” is positioned under the
wooden block of the pallet.

• Fix a steel cable behind the wooden block under the machine.


• Lift the side of the machine max. 5 cm and remove it carefully from the container.

The towing cables or pull chains must be sufficiently strong. Their strength must be
determined depending on the weight of the machine and the packing.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 40 of 71
2.1.3 Moving the machine The hoist beams (not delivered as standard equipment)

In order to lift the machine by means of a fork-lift truck or a crane, an appropriate hoist beam must be

The machine may only be lifted according to the conditions described below.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 41 of 71
Picanol has developed 2 special hoist beams:

• The standard hoist beam ( for a fork-lift or a crane)

The standard hoist beam is available in 3 different lengths, according to the machine type:

• only for machine type T190, A0230183;

• for machine type T190 up to T280, A0230182;
• for machine type T190 up to T460, A0230184.

• The compact hoist beam (only for a crane)

The compact hoist beam is available in 2 different lengths, according to the machine type:

• for machine type T190 up to T280, A0230188;

• for machine type T300 up to T460, A0230189.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 42 of 71

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 43 of 71
The Picanol standard hoist beam

Important notes:

This beam can only be used for lifting “Gamma”, “Gammax” , “GTMax”, “Omniplus800” and
“Optimax” machines.

The total weight of the machine to be lifted may not exceed 6,800 kg.

The distance ”L1” between the centers of the suspension points at the beam must be set
exactly as per the value given.

The eye bolts ”A” of the links must always be completely screwed in!

Before lifting the machine, all screws and nuts must be tightened to the appropriate torque, i.e.:
- the nuts of the clamps ”B” with 80 Nm.
- the nuts in the clamp ”C” with 100 Nm.

For lifting the beam, only use a suitable hook to hitch into the lifing point.

The RHS of the machine must be lifted from the floor a little earlier than the LHS. If not, the
machine may be seriously damaged. When putting the machine down, the LHS of the machine should

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 44 of 71
touch the floor a little earlier than the RHS. The front and the back of the frame must be lifted and
lowered as equally as possible.

If a fork-lift is used and the beam is put onto the forks, is it recommended to insert the forks into
the recesses of the lifting point so as to maintain maximum beam stability (even when only the beam
is transported).

If a fork-lift is used, the beam must always be positioned horizontally. For this purpose, the
forks must always be horizontal when lifting.

Only use original Picanol parts for this assembly.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 45 of 71
Lifting the machine:

Follow these instructions to lift the machine:

• Fit the clamp ”C” in the middle of the lifting beam (determine the middle by moving the clamp
“C” until the lifting beam is leveled).

• Tighten the bolts “D” to a torque of 100 Nm.

• Set the distance ”L2” at a theoretical value according to the table, set the distance “L1”
exactly as per the table.

• The RHS of the machine must be lifted from the floor a little earlier than the LHS. If that is not
yet the case, move both clamps ”A” on the beam to the right or to the left. Make sure that the
intermediate distance ”L1” is maintained. ”L2” is correctly set if the RHS of the machine is at
least lifted earlier.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 46 of 71
Machine 190 210 220 230 250 300 320 340 360 380 400 430 460
L1 (mm) 2,286 2,486 2,586 2,686 2,886 3,386 3,586 3,786 3,986 4,186 4,386 4,686 4,986
L2 (P+R) 730 830 900 960 1,060 1,320 1,430 1,540 1,650 1,760 1,870 2,030 2,180

• Put the braces “B” at 10 mm from the respective clamps.

• Tighten the braces “B” to a torque of 80 Nm.

The machine must be lifted as vertically as possible.

The Picanol compact hoist beam

The compact hoist beam is available in 2 different lengths, according to the machine type:
• for machine type T190 up to T280, A0230188;
• for machine type T300 up to T460, A0230189.

Important remarks :

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 47 of 71

This beam can only be used for lifting “GTMax”, “Omniplus800” and “Optimax” machines.

The total weight of the machine to be lifted may not exceed 6,800 kg.

Before lifting the machine, all the safety pins must be correctly fit.

For lifting the beam, only use a suitable hook to hitch into the lifing point.

The LHS of the machine must be lifted from the floor a little earlier than the RHS. If not, the
machine may be seriously damaged. When putting the machine down, the RHS of the machine
should touch the floor a little earlier than the LHS. The front and the back of the frame must be lifted
and lowered as equally as possible.

Only use original Picanol parts for this assembly.

2.1.4 Use

Follow these instructions to lift the machine:

The compact hoist beam must be assembled by 2 persons to avoid damage to the machine.
Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium
Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 48 of 71

• Extend the beam “A” until the required numbers of holes “B” for the beam is reached(for
A0230189 this must be done at both sides of the beam).

TYPE 190 210 220 230 250 300 320 340 360 380
Free holes 0 2 3 4 6 0 1 2 3 4

TYPE 400 430 460

Free holes 5 7 8

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 49 of 71

• Fit all the safety pins “C” correctly onto the beam.

• Tighten the seventh link “D” of the chain “E” in the beam “’A”.

• Fix the hooks “E” on the supports “F”.

• Adjust the chain “G” with the hook “H” to level the beam “I” with the machine.
Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium
Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 50 of 71

• Make sure the angles between the chains “J” and “G” and the beam “I” is larger than 45°.

The machine must be lifted as vertically as possible.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 51 of 71 Moving by means of wheels (not delivered as standard equipment)


The wheels BE 150865 can be mounted underneath

the LH and RH frame. Set the wheels at the exact
width (bolt “A”).
Distance “a” = 1,199 mm

Fit the jacks

In order to mount the wheels, the machine is lifted by

means of hydraulic lifting jacks.
Fitting the jacks Action
In front Fit the supports “C” in the provided
holes in the frame. The lifting jacks
can be placed underneath these
In the back Fit the jack underneath the warp
beam supports “D”.

The RHS of the machine must be lifted from the floor a little earlier than the LHS. If not, the machine
may be seriously damaged. When putting the machine down, the LHS of the machine should touch the floor
a little earlier than the RHS. The front and the back of a frame must be lifted and lowered as equally as

Fitting and removing the transport wheels

1. Lift the RH frame equally.

2. Push the wheel shaft under the RH frame.
3. Mount the wheel shaft to the frame.

Make sure that the stop “B” on the supporting plates is positioned at the
opposite side from the bolt slots in the frame. Consequently, the frame will
be clamped between the bolts and the stop.

4. Sufficiently tighten the bolts.

5. Block the wheels at the RH side.
6. Lift the LH frame equally.
7. Mount the wheels in the same way.

The wheels are demounted in reverse order: first the LH wheels, then the
RH wheels.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 52 of 71

2.2 Leveling the machine


The leveling of the machine is a very important factor for the productivity and the life of the machine.
The precision used to level the machine, influences the correct working and the life of all movable parts. This
also influences the productivity and fabric quality. Therefore, the machine must be leveled with extreme care.
At Picanol nv, all precision settings are carried out on a machine which is perfectly leveled.

The leveling is carried out both in width and in depth with an accuracy of 0,3 mm/m.

Auxiliary tools
The auxiliary tools for leveling the machine are:
• a leveling instrument with an accuracy of
0,3 mm/m;
• two hydraulic lifting jacks;
• a lifting hook.

The lifting hook is used to support the front of a

The back is jacked up by means of the warp
beam support.

Conditions of the floor

It is very important for the general stability of the machine during weaving that the floor space under
each machine leg is flat and in close contact with the leg. Irregularities of the floor space create excessive
vibrations. See: the ‘Guidelines for constructing a weaving room floor’ section.

Check points

In order to obtain the intended purpose, Picanol advises to level both frames in depth and then in width
with regard to each other.
To check the level in…, use…
depth the machined surfaces at the front of the machine “A”.
width the sley shaft “B” or the sley cam housing “C”.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 53 of 71
1. Mount the pads under each leg of the frames.
2. Check the level of the frames in depth.
3. Adjust the level by adding shims between the leg of the frame
and the pad.
4. Check the level in width.
5. Adjust the level of the machine by adding a same quantity of
shims at the front and back side of the frame.

The frame may not be jacked up more than 5 mm at one side

in order to prevent distortion of the machine. If one side of the frame
must be jacked up more than 5 mm, the other side of the frame
should be jacked up equally.

After the leveling, check the level again in the above three
points before tightening the nuts of the pads.

After the running-in of the machine, the level of the machine

may change. Therefore, the level must be checked and if necessary
re-adjusted after the running-in of the machine (e.g. after 2 weeks).

2.3 Gluing

In order to prevent the machine from moving due to vibrations, it can be glued to the floor. The parts to be
glued must be free of grease and dust and in close contact with the floor. Painted surfaces must be slightly
Picanol nv provides a two component epoxy adhesive. The setting time of this adhesive is one hour at an
ambient temperature of 20°C. If the ambient tempera ture is higher, setting is accelerated. Therefore, it is
advisable to mix small quantities.

In case of an ambient temperature of…, wait … before putting the machine into operation.
20° C 24 hours after the machine has been glued
10° C 2 days
5° C 4 days

Preparation of the adhesive

Mix a same quantity of both components in a jar until a homogenous mixture with an equal color is
obtained (about 3 minutes).
The mixing can be carried out by means of a drilling machine provided with a spiral mixer.

Gluing procedure
1. Mark the pad of the machine on the floor.
2. Lift the frame equally.

Make sure the other side of the machine does not touch the floor.
3. Apply the adhesive to the floor underneath the pads.
4. Lower the machine again.
Perform steps 1-4 for both frames.
Do not wait more than an hour between gluing both machine sides.

Wear appropriate protective clothes, gloves and protective goggles for eyes and face during
the activities with this adhesive.
Avoid contact with the skin. In case of contact with the skin, wash immediately with a lot of water
and soap. In case of contact with the eyes, immediately rinse with a lot of water and consult a doctor.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 54 of 71

Customer Technical

Preparation of the

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 55 of 71

3.1 Warp beam and cloth roll specification and preparation – DIN beam

3.1.1 Warp beam dimensions - DIN single warp

∅ 216

35 35
c c
35 * 115
a b
89 AA L1 A 35
89 L1 159


L1 = barrel length without adaptors

L2 = barrel length with adaptors
a = thread length left hand side
b = thread length right hand side
c = side flange position
d = thickness of the flange
W = drawing-in width + 20mm

Machinetype T190 T210 T220 T230 T250 T300 T320

L1 (mm) 2266 2466 2566 2666 2866 3366 3566
L2 (mm) 2514 2714 2814 2914 3114 3614 3814
a (mm) 625 575 625 675 675 675 675
b (mm) 925,5 1125,5 1125,5 1125,5 1125,5 1190,5 1190,5
Machinetype T340 T360 T380 T400 T430 T460
L1 (mm) 3766 3966 4166 4366 4666 4966
L2 (mm) 4014 4214 4414 4614 4914 5214
a (mm) 675 675 675 675 675 675
b (mm) 1190,5 1190,5 1190,5 1190,5 925,5 925,5

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 56 of 71

Dimension d
Flange Ø800 Ø1000 Ø1100
(1) (1)
Q1 88-99 88-100 92
Q2 105 103 102
Q3 90 105 95
Q4 95 115 -
(1) : Depending on the warpbeamflange manufacturer

3.1.2 Warpbeam preparation (symmetrical width reduction) Flange positions

The finished inner sides of the 2 flanges are located at distance ‘c’ from the warp beam tube’s extreme end
at the corresponding side.

L1 − W
2 Maximum and minimum beam widths ‘W’

Determining ‘W max’ (= maximum reed drawing-in width + 20 mm):

‘W’ max. = machine type + 20 mm

Determining ‘W min’ (= minimum reed drawing-in width + 20 mm):

The maximum width reduction will equal the type of machine minus the values listed in the table below.
‘W min.’ = type of machine + 20 mm - the value in below table

Machine type T190 T210 T220 T230 T250 T300 T320

Max. width reduction
900 800 900 1000 1000 1000 1000
Machine type T340 T360 T380 T400 T430 T460
Max. width reduction
1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

3.1.3 Cloth roll dimensions (ONLY in case of cloth wind-up in the machine)

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 57 of 71


Customer Technical

Technical information
for completing PTS

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 58 of 71

4.1 Temples

4.1.1 Temple main objective

The temples main objective is to counter-act as much as possible the unavoidable effect of fabric contraction
in the beat-up zone, caused by the interlacing of warp and filling yarn, in order to keep the selvedges straight
and thus reduce the rubbing effect of the reed movement.
In addition, a temple should assist in the formation and appearance of a good selvedge.
These objectives also demand that the cloth remains undamaged and without any alteration of the density
after leaving the temple zone.
It is obvious that to realize these objectives, the temple must suit the fabric.
The general rules laid out in the following pages are based on our field experience as well as on our
cooperation with various temple manufacturers.

The choice of a temple and its components depend on several factors :

- type of fabric, (weave)
- kind of material, (cotton, wool, filament, etc.)
- count
- contraction, (influenced by material, pattern, wind-up tension, weaving machine model)
- woven width
- weaving machine, (airjet, rapier)

4.1.2 Components of the ring temple

1. Axis 5
2. End segment 2 3 6 7
3. End ring
4. Segments 1
5. Rings
6. Bevelled bush
7. Head

For delicate fabrics, inner rings are replaced by rubber or plastic rings or combined.
Filament fabrics on the other hand have a rubber or brass roller, which replaces the inner pinned rings.
4.1.3 Basic temple types Parallel :
With parallel arrangement of the segments, the pinned rings are at a uniform angle (usually 17 ) over the
entire length of the temple.
Application: denim, shirtings, upholstery, narrow weaving machines in general.

Example of a parallel inclination 170 --> 170

20 ring17o

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 59 of 71 Progressive :

With progressive arrangement of the segments, the angle of the pinned rings is gradually reduced towards
the center of the fabric.
0 0
Available in 3 and 1.5 inclination steps.
Application: woollen fabrics, clothing, inlet, downproof, wide weaving machines in general.

Example of a progressive inclination 170 --> 80

5 ring17o 5 ring14o 5 ring11o 5 ring8o With rubber or brass roller :

The inner rings are replaced by a rubber or brass roller or a combination of both, leaving only 2 or 3 pinned
rings in the selvedge zone. The roller rotates freely on the temple axis.
The roller surface usually has parallel or spiral grooves in case of rubber and is knurled in case of brass
roller. Rubber rollers with a smooth surface are available for gauze fabrics.
Application : mainly filament fabrics as well as some light spun fabrics, industrial fabrics.

All rollers are colour-coded on the front bush

Colour Direction Position on the weaving machine
green LH-spiral LH side
red RH-spiral RH side
white radial groove LH or RH side With Contershon-arrangement :

These are usually the last two rings which act on the selvedge. The purpose is to give additional support in
the temple zone to the function of extending the cloth width wise.
This feature is generally not applied to pinned ring temples but finds a limited application with roller temples.

4.1.4 Brackets for cylinder temple

Only one temple bracket irrespective of the length of the temple cylinder is in use.
Depending on the length of the temple cylinder, 3 temple bracket protection guides are available :
S Short type : temple cylinder with 3 rings.
L Long type : temple cylinder with 16, 20 or 21 rings as well as roller.
XL Extra long type : temple cylinder with 30 or more rings.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 60 of 71
4.1.5 TEMPLE RINGS Pin height :

Our temple supplier uses coloured plastic bushings for easy identification of the
various pin heights.

2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


0.5mm 0.75mm 1.0mm 1.25mm 1.50mm Pin shape :

Normal : standard for the majority of fabrics.

Blunt :- recommended for suitings, upholstery, downproofs.

- a must for woollen fabrics.

NORMAL BLUNT Rubber ring :

Different types of rubber rings are available depending on the requirement. All
rubber rings can be distinguished by the colour of the rubber material.
- White : hard rubber, low grip but long lifetime.
- Green / brown : medium rubber, good grip combined with long lifetime.

Rubber rings are fully interchangeable with pinned rings.

4.1.6 Available temple cylinders

Please check the PTS document in order to verify if the proposed temple is for S, L or XL bracket (to be
taken into consideration when ordering additional temples).

IMPORTANT : as the correct choice of a temple depends on several factors which were mentioned before in
this chapter, we are issuing this list for your information as a guide only, without any firm commitment or
guaranty with regard to the application as specified in the column “ type of cloth”.

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 61 of 71
Explanation of table columns:
Type Type of bracket protection guide
No. ring Total number of rings on the temple
Part No. Picanol part number of temple cylinder without head part
Parallel – Progressive Inclination of the rings
Ex. 3 - 4 x 24 x 3 rings – 4 pinned rows per ring with 24 pins per row, pin height 1 mm
1 N: normal – B : blunt
Pin shape Suggested type of cloth
Type of cloth


Type No. Part No. Parallel Progressive Pin Type of cloth
ring shape
S 2 BE152517 2 - 5 x 30 x 1 N light filament linings with high twist
S 3 BE151426 3 - 4 x 24 x 1 N
S 3 BE155099 3 - 5 x 30 x 1.25 N
L 16 BE150691 3 - 4 x 24 x 1 N heavy filament
13 - rubber inclination pinned ring 20 - rubber
B45599 ring 17
L 17 BE152861 9 - 4 x 24 x 1 N bull denim
8 - 4 x 24 x 0.75 synthetic needle ring, Cr-plated
inclination 17
L 20 BE150166 1 - 4 x 24 x 0.75 N cotton, polyester, plain weave
19 - 2 x 24 x 0.75 denim, upholstery
BE150669 1 - 4 x 24 x 1 N inclination 17
19 - 2 x 24 x 1
L 20 BE150167 1 - 4 x 24 x 0.75 N cotton, clothing
o o
19 - 2 x 24 x 0.75 inclination 17 - 8
BE150680 1 - 4 x 24 x 1 N
19 - 2 x 24 x 1
L 20 BE150671 1 - 4 x 24 x 1 B Cord, upholstery
19 - 2 x 24 x 1 inclination 17
BE150672 1 - 4 x 24 x 1.25 B
19 - 2 x 24 x 1.25
L 20 BE150682 1 - 4 x 24 x 1 B clothing, wool, blends
o o
19 - 2 x 24 x 1 inclination 17 - 8
BE150683 1 - 4 x 24 x 1.25 B
19 - 2 x 24 x 1.25
L 20 BE150673 1 - 4 x 24 x 1 N Light fabrics, batiste
7 - 2 x 24 x 1 inclination 17
5 - 2 x 24 x 0.75
5 - 2 x 24 x 0.5
2 - rubber

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 62 of 71


Type No. Part No. Parallel Progressive Pin Type of cloth
ring shape
L 20 BE150684 1 - 4 x 24 x 1 N Light poplins, printcloth, shirtings
o o
10 - 2 x 24 x 0.75 inclination 17 – 8
9 - 2 x 24 x 0.5
L 20 BE150675 2 - 4 x 24 x 0.5 N Light and medium filament fabrics
18 - rubber inclination 17
L 20 BE152082 1 - 4 x 24 x 1 N woollen suitings
o o
12 - 2 x 24 x 1 inclination 17 – 8
7 - rubber
L 20 BE152859 1 - 4 x 24 x 0.5 N chambray fabrics - shirtings
19 - 2 x 24 x 0.5 inclination 17
L 22 BE155082 1 - 4 x 24 x 1 N inlet, sheetings
o o
1 - 2 x 24 x 1 inclination 24 30’ - 8
3 - 2 x 24 x 0.75
17 - 2 x 24 x 0.5
L 22 BE155092 1 - 4 x 24 x 1 N denim, medium to heavy cotton
o o
21 - 2 x 24 x 1 fabrics - inclination 24 30’ - 8
XL 30 BE150263 28 - 4 x 24 x 1 N corduroy
2 - rubber inclination 17
XL 30 BE152413 30 - 4 x 24 x 1 B woollen suitings
Cr-plated head - inclination 17
XL 30 BE152665 2 - 4 x 24 x 1.5 B corduroy
27 - 3 x 24 x 1.25 synthetic ring
o o
1 - rubber inclination 20 - 14
XL 30 BE152704 2 - 4 x 24 x 0.75 N backing fabrics
o o
28 - rubber inclination 20 - 14
XL 32 BE150690 1 - 4 x 24 x 1 N inlet, fine poplins, percales
24 - 4 x 24 x 0.5 inclination 17
5 - 4 x 33 x 0.38
2 - rubber
XL 36 BE151813 1 - 4 x 24 x 1.5 N Inlet
o o
5 - 2 x 24 x 1 inclination 17 – 5
4 - 2 x 24 x 0.75
20 - rubber
6 - rubber
XL 36 BE155084 1 - 4 x 24 x 1 B Inclination 24.5° - 8°
3 - 1 x 24 x 1
6 - 1 x 24 x 0.75
23 - 1 x 24 x 0.5
3 - 1 x 24 x 0.38

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 63 of 71


Type No. Part No. Parallel Progressive Pin Type of cloth
ring shape
XL 37 BE151202 2 - 4 x 24 x 0.75 B heavy downproof
o o
32 - 1 x 24 x 0.5 inclination 20 - 8
3 - 1 x 24 x 0.38
XL 37 BE151203 2 - 4 x 24 x 0.75 B Light to medium heavy downproof
o o
32 - 1 x 24 x 0.5 inclination 17 - 8
3 - 1 x 24 x 0.38
XL 37 BE155088 1 - 4 x 24 x 1.25 B percales
7 - 1 x 24 x 1 synthetic ring
o o
12 - 1 x 24 x 0.75 inclination 17 - 8
12 - 1 x 24 x 0.5
3 - 1 x 24 x 0.38
2 - rubber
XL 37 BE155318 1 - 4 x 24 x 1.25 B Poplin, shirting
o o
1 - 1 x 24 x 1 inclination 17 - 8
1 - 1 x 24 x 0.5
34 - rubber
XL 39 BE152473 1 - 4 x 24 x 1 N Inlet,sheeting, shirting
2 - 2 x 24 x 1 rayon fiber
o o
8 - 2 x 24 x 0.75 inclination 20 - 5
12 - 2 x 24 x 0.5
13 - 2 x 24 x 0.3
3 - rubber
XL 47 BE152557 2 - 4 x 24 x 0.75 N Fine downproof
o o
42 - 1 x 24 x 0.5 inclination 20 - 8
3 - 1 x 24 x 0.38

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 64 of 71


Part No. Roller - Pin specifications Pin Type of cloth
L BE150693 2 - 4 x 24 x 0.75 inclination 17 N light upholstery, silk, voile, gauze
1 - rubber roller ·Ø24 - B76468 linings, dresswear, shirtings
radial grooves
L BE151787 2 - 4 x 24 x 0.5 inclination 17 N
1 - rubber roller ·Ø24 - B76468
radial grooves
L BE152382 2 - 2 x 24 x 1 inclination 17 N
BE152383 1 - rubber ring B45598
1 - brass roller ·Ø24 - B79197 / 98
knurled, right / left threaded
L BE152376 2 - 2 x 24 x 1 inclination 17 N
BE152377 1 - rubber ring B45598
1 - rubber roller ·Ø24 - B60988 / 89
spiral grooves, right / left threaded
L BE154736 2 - 4 x 24 x 1 inclination 20 N fine shirtings
1 - rubber roller ·Ø22 – BA204995/96
BE154737 - spiral ribs, left / right threaded
L BE152863 2 - 4 x 24 x 1 inclination 20 N
BE152864 1 - rubber roller ·Ø24 - B60988 / 89
spiral grooves, right / left threaded
L BE152123 2 - 5 x 30 x 1.25 Contershon N mattress ticking
BE152124 1 - brass roller ·Ø24 - B79197 / 98
knurled, right / left threaded
L BE155231 1 - 5 x 30 x 1.25 inclination 17 N silk fabrics
BE155232 1 - rubber roller ·Ø24 - B60988 / 89
spiral grooves, right / left threaded
L BE150700 2 - 4 x 24 x 0.75 inclination 20 N light to medium heavy filament
1 - polyurethane roller ·Ø22.5 - B94739 fabrics
radial grooves
L BE150699 2 - 4 x 24 x 1 inclination 20 N
1 - polyurethane roller ·Ø22.5 - B94739
radial grooves
L BE151605 1 - rubber roller Ø22.5 N gauze fabrics
smooth surface
L BE152668 2 - 5 x 30 x 1 Contershon N light dresswear
1 - rubber roller ·Ø24 - B94739
radial grooves
L BE152874 2 - 4 x 24 x 1 inclination 20 N open filament fabrics
1 - rubber roller ·Ø22.5 – B162953
smooth surface
XL BE152328 2 - 4 x 24 x 0.5 inclination 17 N light filament with little contraction
1 - smooth fix rod 325mm - ·Ø22
XL BE154473 2 - 5 x 30 x 1.25H inclination 20° N mattress ticking
BE154474 1 - rubber roller ·Ø24 – B164735/736
spiral grooves, right / left threaded
XL BE155241 3 - 4 x 24 x 1H inclination 24.5° N silk fabrics
BE155242 1 - rubber roller ·Ø24 – B165295/296
fine spiral grooves, left / right threaded

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 65 of 71

4.2 Reed : Specifications

4.2.1 Dimensions 8 mm reed

LHS 35 35 RHS
15-20 A 20


1 1

92 53



A = Maximum reed drawing-in width without tucking-in

B = Maximum reed drawing-in width with mechanical tucking-in
C = Maximum reed drawing-in width with air tucking-in

• Maximum allowed reed length in the machine = type + 70 mm

• L max = Maximum allowed reed length without tucking-in = type + 35 mm
with mechanical tucking-in = type + 70 mm
with airtucker = type + 0 mm
• Maximum useable drawing-in width excluding auxiliary selvedge = machine type
• Maximum reed length in relation to the fabric width:
= drawing-in width + 35 mm without tucking-in
= drawing-in width + 70 mm with mechanical tucking-in + 30 mm for each center
tucker, without exceeding the maximum allowed reed length.
= drawing-in width + 0 mm with airtucker + 30 mm for each center tucker, without
exceeding the maximum allowed reed length.

Reeds are normally identified by following data:

N: part number
Dm: number of dents per meter
N: number of openings
Lm: total length in mm
S: dent thickness in mm
Nr. Fab: production number of the manufacturer

When using 100mm reeds, the rear corner of the upper profile of the reed needs to be chamfered, where
the ELSY-devices are positioned. This is necessay to avoid collision between the reed and the ELSY-
devices. This warning is applicable for all reeds of 100mm (new ones as well as Gamma(x)reeds)
Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium
Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 66 of 71
4.2.2 Dent thickness

The dent thickness is depending on: - reed density

- number of ends per dent
- warp material
- desired percentage of air in the reed

4.2.3 Calculation of dent thickness

10 0.254
S = (100 − %air ) * (mm) OR S = (100 − %air ) * (mm)
Dm Di

It is highly advisable to check whether the reed opening is at least equal to or larger than the sum of the
diameter of the crossing warp ends ; otherwise thinner dents have to be used.

A= − DentThickness Coefficient to calculate yarn Ø:
0.040: most yarns
d = 0.040 * Tex →→→ 0.030: viscose
0.035: acetate
0.045: wool
0.031: PESmono
0.033: Pamono
0.037: PPmono

Example Reed : 1250 dents per meter– dent thickness 0.28 – 2 ends per dent – Nm 40/1 cotton

Calculation : A= − 0.28 = 0.52mm
Nm 40 = 25Tex
d = 0.040 * 5 = 0.20mm
2d = 0.40mm

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 67 of 71


Appendix A

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 68 of 71

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 69 of 71

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 70 of 71

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB
No. :SQY11-247730/2 9/02/2011 Page 71 of 71

Picanol NV Karel Steverlyncklaan 15 B-8900 IEPER Belgium

Tel. +32 57 222 111 - Fax +32 57 222 001 - - BTW/TVA BE 0405.502.362 - RPR Ieper
DEXIA Bank: (iban) BE70 550-2730000-25 BIC: GKCCBEBB - ING Bank: (iban) BE55 385-0072828-44 BIC: BBRUBEBB850
BNP Paribas FORTIS Bank: (iban) BE90 285-0427482-32 BIC: GEBABEBB - KBC Bank: (iban) BE73 466-7140801-60 BIC: KREDBEBB

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