High Current Vs High Energy Biphasic
High Current Vs High Energy Biphasic
High Current Vs High Energy Biphasic
High-Energy Biphasic
Which One Matters Most?
There has been a lot of discussion about “low-energy” biphasic defibrillation versus “high-energy” biphasic, and this
document is intended to set the record straight. The term “low-energy” has contributed to misunderstanding and has fueled
a fear that ”low-energy” means less efficacy. In fact, “low energy” actually means ”high-current” and “high-efficacy.”
The American Heart Association Scientific Guidelines for resuscitation clearly state: ”Although the defibrillator operator
selects the shock energy (in joules), it is the current flow (in amperes) that actually depolarizes the myocardium. Energy
is a non-physiologic descriptor of defibrillation despite its entrenchment in current jargon.”1
All ZOLL defibrillators deliver a Rectilinear Biphasic waveform that provides more current than the “high-energy” biphasic
others use. This capability is particularly important for the difficult-to-defibrillate, high-impedance patient.
This “high-current” RBW is the only biphasic waveform that was developed specifically for external defibrillation. It has
been studied extensively in over 7,000 patients and shown to be superior to monophasic. Both high- and low-energy
Biphasic Truncated Exponential (BTE) waveforms were adapted from internal defibrillation. The high-current ZOLL biphasic
waveform is the only one that the FDA has cleared to claim superiority* over monophasic waveforms.
*The data demonstrate the equivalent efficacy of low-energy (aka, high-current) rectilinear biphasic shocks compared to standard high-energy monophasic shocks for transthoracic defibrillation for all
patients at the 95% confidence level. The data also demonstrate the superior efficacy of low-energy rectilinear biphasic shocks compared to standard high-energy monophasic shocks in patients with
high tran-sthoracic impedance at the 90% confidence level. There were no unsafe outcomes or adverse events due to the use of Rectilinear Biphasic waveform.
RBW Is Superior for Long Duration VF 6 RBW Is Superior for High-Impedance Patients8
The results of the ORBIT study also show that ZOLL 100
in-hospital resuscitation
65% 20
Survival Likelihood (%)
45% <120 <120–150 <150–180 <180–210 <210
Defibrillator A (ZOLL) Defibrillator B (LP12)
In 140 obese patients weighing more than 135kg
(range: 155kg –194kg), all the patients were
2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (minutes)
successfully cardioverted and the average energy
required was also less than 200J.
Shock Success
p< 0.0001
94% 10.0
50 Ohms 75 Ohms 100 Ohms 125 Ohms 150 Ohms
90% Philips 200J 28.2 17.8 13.6 10.7 9.5
Physio 360J 27.5 20.0 15.9 13.5 11.5
ZOLL R 200J 24.0 20.5 17.3 18.0 16
A-Fib A Flutter
MDS 200J RBW 100J
6. Ibid. 11. K
oster RW, Walker RD, van Alem AP. Definition of successful defibrillation. Crit. Care Med. 2006
Dec 34 (12 Suppl).
7. Niebauer MJ, Brewer JE, Chung MK and Tchou PJ. Comparison of Rectilinear Biphasic Waveform with
Monophasic Damped Sine Waveform for external cardioversion of Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter. Am J 12. S
tothert JC, Hatcher TS et al. Rectilinear biphasic waveform defibrillation of out of hospital cardiac arrest
Cardiol. 2004;93:1495-1499. Pre-hospital Emergency Care. 2004 Oct-Dec;8(4):388-92.
8. Li Y, Ristagno, G et al. A comparison of defibrillation efficacy between different impedance 13. E
delson DP. Abella BS, Kramer-Johansen J et al. Effects of compression depth and pre-shock pauses
compensation techniques in high impedance porcine model. Resuscitation. 2009;80:1312–1317. predict defibrillation failure during cardiac arrest Resuscitation. 2006;71:137—145.
9. Niebauer MJ, Brewer JE et al. Rectilinear Biphasic: Defibrillation of Patients with Weight Greater Than 14. K
ramer-Johansen, J, Myklebust H et al. Quality of out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation with real
100 Kg. Abstract from the 7thCongress of the ERC, 2004. time automated feedback: A prospective interventional study Resuscitation. 2006;71:283—292.
10. Stiell IG, Walker RJ et al. Higher Energy Levels for Defibrillation in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest 15. W
hite Rd, Hankins DG et al. Patient Outcomes following defibrillation with a low energy biphasic
BIPHASIC Trial. A Randomized Comparison of Fixed Lower Versus Escalating. Circulation. truncated exponential waveform in out of hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation, 2001;49(1):9-14.
No One Type of Waveform Is More Effective than Repeating the Same Shock Dosage after a First Shock
Another up to 200J Failed Offers Diminishing Returns While Escalating
ZOLL’s Rectilinear Biphasic waveform delivers significantly Increases Success18,19
more current than high-energy biphasic up to 200J. The supporting data, which was not statistically significant,
ZOLL delivers more current at 200J than high-energy compares only a high-energy waveform at 200J, not a
defibrillators deliver at 360J. high-current waveform. 200J high-energy waveforms deliver
significantly less current than 200J ZOLL high-current RBW.
A Biphasic Device that Can Reach 360J Can Increase
Rates of VF/VT Termination In VF Defibrillation, the Defibrillation Probability
The Stiell study, generally cited as proof, compares only of Success Increases with Each Increase in Energy 20,21
suboptimal dosing with a high-energy waveform starting Defibrillation likelihood increases not because of increased
at 150J vs. a high-energy waveform at escalating energy energy, but increased current. 200J high-energy delivers
beginning at 200J. The correct adult dose for high-energy an amount of current similar to 120J ZOLL. As you escalate
biphasic defibrillation is 200J, 300J, 360J.10 ZOLL’s high-current waveform from 120 to 200J you are
All this study shows is that if you are going to give stepping up current in the same fashion, and in the end
multiple shocks with a high-energy defibrillator you ought delivering more current.
to be using their protocol of 200J, 300J, and 360J
and not reducing the dose below effective levels. Independent Studies Show the Efficacy of High-Energy
Defibrillation in Atrial Fibrillation
Now that Biphasic Shocks Are More Widely Used, None of the studies typically cited shows a statistically
Clinical Data Shows that Biphasic Shocks Are Not significant difference in outcomes – yet there are definite
as Successful as Previously Reported, with Many shock protocol differences:
Systems Reporting Shock Success of <75%11
Kim: 4 shocks RBW; 5 shocks BTE on crossover –
Studies showing first shock success rates below 75% no reverse cross over data available. Successful
are ones which combine both in-hospital and OHCA cardioversion may only be the next shock away.22
data – that mixes two very different patient
populations – or comparison data against monophasic Alatawi: 6 shocks RBW – 8 shocks BTE before crossover –
in a single population.12,13,14 difference clearly stated to NOT be significant.23
In addition, studies cited with lower efficacy include Neal: All patients who receive the RBW converted by
patients presenting in asystole and PEA who are the 1st 200J shock – one patient failed 360J (5th shock)
returned to a shockable rhythm. Studies showing 92%+ and did not convert with 200J. Conversion required
efficacy are all in OHCA patients presenting in VF.15,16,17 simultaneous 200J shocks from both defibrillators.24
Khaykin: This study compares the monophasic waveform
to the high-energy biphasic waveform – it does not
compare it to low-energy biphasic.25 It demonstrates
that to achieve maximum efficacy with a high-energy
defibrillator you need to go to 360J.
16. Schneider T, Maartens PR et al. Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Trial of 150-J Biphasic Shocks 21. K
oster RW, Walker RG, Chapman FW Recurrent ventricular fibrillation during advanced life support care
Compared With 200- to 360-J Monophasic Shocks in the Resuscitation of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest of patients with prehospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2008;78:252—257.
Victims. Circulation. 2000;102:1780-1787.
22. K
im ML, Kim SG et al Comparison of Rectilinear Biphasic Waveform Energy Versus Truncated
17. Koster RW, Walker RG, Chapman FW Recurrent ventricular fibrillation during advanced life support care Exponential Biphasic Waveform Energy for Transthoracic Cardioversion of Atrial Fibrillation American
of patients with prehospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2008;78:252—257. Journal of Cardiology, Vol. 94, December 1, 2004.
18. Stiell IG,. Walker RJ et al. Higher Energy Levels for Defibrillation in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest 23. A
latawi F, Gurevitz O et al. Prospective, randomized comparison of two biphasic waveforms for
BIPHASIC Trial. A Randomized Comparison of Fixed Lower Versus Escalating. Circulation. 2007;115. the efficacy and safety of transthoracic biphasic cardioversion of atrial fibrillation. Heart Rhythm.
19. Koster RW, Walker RG, Chapman FW Recurrent ventricular fibrillation during advanced life support care
of patients with prehospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2008;78:252—257. 24. N
eal S, Ngarmukos T et al. Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Two Biphasic Defibrillator
Waveforms for the Conversion of Atrial Fibrillation to Sinus Rhythm. Am J Cardiol 2003;92:810–814.
20. Walker RG, Koster RW et al .Defibrillation probability and impedance change between shocks during
resuscitation from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2009;80:773–777. 25. K
haykin Y, Newman, D et al. Biphasic versus monophasic cardioversion in shock resistant Atrial
Fibrillation. J Cardovasc Electrophysiology, Vol. 14, 862-872, 2003.
Which Delivers More?
You buy light bulbs for the light. Traditional 100-watt incandescent bulbs
offer 950 lumens of light, while the 23-watt cold compact fluorescents
(CCFL) use significantly less energy but offer 1600 lumens of light.
Just because there is a higher number on the outside doesn’t always mean you get more.
It’s the same with defibrillation. You buy defibrillators for the current, but the larger number of Joules
doesn’t always mean more current. With high-energy biphasic defibrillators, you need 360 Joules
of energy to deliver the maximum current to the heart, approximately 16 Amps in a high-impedance
patient. With a high-current/low-energy biphasic defibrillator, like the ZOLL® R Series®, 200 Joules
of energy delivers approximately 17 Amps of current.
High-current, low-energy with high efficiency. Just like the more efficient CCFL light bulb.
A D V A N C I N G R E S U S C I T A T I O N . T O D A Y . ®
©2010 ZOLL Medical Corporation, Chelmsford, MA, USA. “Advancing Resuscitation. Today.”, R Series and ZOLL are registered trademarks of ZOLL Medical Corporation.
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