Nine Types

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Nine Types of Curriculum Adaptations

Quantity * z Time * Level of Support *

Adapt the number of items that the learner is Adapt the time allotted and allowed for learning, task Increase the amount of personal assistance to keep
expected to learn or number of activities student completion, or testing. the student on task or to reinforce or prompt use of
will complete prior to assessment for mastery. specific skills. Enhance adult-student relationship;
For example: use physical space and environmental structure.
For example: Individualize a timeline for completing a task; pace learning
Reduce the number of social studies terms a learner differently (increase or decrease) for some learners. For example:
must learn at any one time. Add more practice Assign peer buddies, teaching assistants, peer tutors,
activities or worksheets. or cross-age tutors. Specify how to interact with the
student or how to structure the environment.

Input * Difficulty * z Output *

Adapt the way instruction is delivered to the Adapt the skill level, problem type, or the rules on how the Adapt how the student can respond to instruction.
learner. learner may approach the work.
For example:
For example: For example: Instead of answering questions in writing, allow a
Use different visual aids, enlarge text, plan more Allow the use of a calculator to figure math problems; verbal response, use a communication book for some
concrete examples, provide hands-on activities, simplify task directions; change rules to accommodate students, allow students to show knowledge with
place students in cooperative groups, pre-teach key learner needs. hands on materials.
concepts or terms before the lesson.

Participation * Alternate Goals z Substitute Curriculum z

Sometimes called “functional curriculum”
Adapt the extent to which a learner is actively Adapt the goals or outcome expectations while using the
involved in the task. same materials. When routinely utilized, this is only for Provide different instruction and materials to meet a
students with moderate to severe disabilities. learner’s individual goals. When routinely utilized,
For example: this is only for students with moderate to severe
In geography, have a student hold the globe, while For example: disabilities.
others point out locations. Ask the student to lead a In a social studies lesson, expect a student to be able to
group. Have the student turn the pages while sitting locate the colors of the states on a map, while other students For example:
on your lap (kindergarten). During a language lesson a student is learning toileting
learn to locate each state and name the capital.
skills with an aide.
* This adaptation is an accommodation if the student can demonstrate mastery of the standard on an assessment. The key concept is: Will the student ultimately master the same material but demonstrate
that mastery in alternate ways or with alternate supports? If standards are not fundamentally or substantially altered, then this adaptation is an accommodation to a learning or performance difference.
z This adaptation is a modification if the student will not demonstrate mastery of the standard on an assessment. If routinely utilized, these adaptations are modifications and require individualized
goals and assessment.

Substantially altered by Diana Browning Wright with permission from Jeff Sprague, Ph.D. from an original by DeSchenes, C., Ebeling, D., & Sprague, J. (1994). Adapting Curriculum & Instruction in Inclusive Classrooms: A Teachers Desk Reference. ISDD-
CSCI Publication.
Diana Browning Wright, Teaching & Learning 2005 NineTypes_inst05

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