Dissipative Cylindrical Collapse of A Charged Anisotropic Fluid in F (R) Gravity

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Dissipative Cylindrical Collapse of a

Charged Anisotropic Fluid in f (R)

arXiv:1707.03666v1 [gr-qc] 11 Jul 2017

M. Farasat Shamir∗and M. Atif Fayyaz †

Department of Sciences and Humanities,

National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences,
Lahore Campus, Pakistan.

This paper is devoted to investigate the cylindrical collapse of an
anisotropic fluid in f (R) gravity. For this purpose, the viscous charged
anisotropic fluid dissipating energy with heat flow and shear is as-
sumed. We use the perturbation scheme to develop the dynamical
equations for the variables that ultimately lead to the disturbance of
the physical variables and the Starobinksy like f (R) model chosen.
The evolution of the matter variables is discussed with the help of
these equations. It can be concluded that the range of dynamic in-
stabilities depends on the field strength, density distribution, pressure
and the curvature term of the f (R) model. We find that our results
of Newtonian and post-Newtonian regimes reduce asymptotically to
general relativity solutions in the limiting case.

Keywords: Cylindrical Collapse; Anisotropy; f (R) Gravity.

PACS: : 04.20.Jb; 98.80.-k; 98.80.Jk.

[email protected]

atif [email protected]

1 Introduction
It has been depicted that anisotropy can play a vital role in changing evo-
lution and various physical properties of stellar objects. It is shown that
maximal surface redshift of isotropic and anisotropic stars may differ from
each other [1]. Astrophysicists are giving their utmost attention towards the
origin of anisotropy specially within the stellar course. Effects and origin
of local anisotropy has been reviewed [2, 3]. Herrera et al. [4] gave a de-
tailed study about spherically symmetric dissipative anisotropic fluids. All
the physical procedures and process that may cause deviation from isotropy
can be inquired both in high and low density regimes. At higher densities,
effects of short range repulsions have dominance and lessen the pionic effects
giving the multiple values for pressure [5]. Matrinez [6] pointed out that
nuclear densities are effected by viscosity of neutrino which ultimately can
change the gravitational collapse of viscous stars. Spacetime is divided by ra-
diating star into two different regions, i.e the interior region and the exterior
region. Junctions conditions for matching interior region and exterior region
of spacetime must be satisfied. These conditions were first formed by Santos
[7]. Later on various models of shear free radiative collapse were studied in
great details[8]-[12]. Moreover pressure, anisotropy [13] and electromagnetic
field [14] were also included to generalize junction condition.
The gravitational collapse of a star is one of interesting topic of discus-
sions. Astrophysicists aim to construct realistic models for collapsing star
with radiations. Complicated non linear equations are needed to be solved
to get realistic models. Most of the previous works only consider shear free
motion of the fluid [15]-[18]. It would be interesting to include shear in the
analysis as it provides interesting results in the gravitational collapse of a
star [19]-[22]. Collapse and expansion of relativistic anisotropic self gravi-
tating source has been discussed by Abbas [23]. Pressure of the star at the
start of the collapse is believed to be isotropic but presence of shear made
the pressure anisotropic. It has been shown that the presence of shear is the
reason for anisotropy in self gravitating bodies [24]. Dynamical instability
of spherically symmetric, adiabatic, non-adiabatic and shearing viscous fluid
were examined in [25]-[27].
In recent past, prospects of collapse with reference to dark sources are
worked out. In particular, the topic has gained much popularity in the
context of modified theories of gravity [28]-[31]. Sharif and Rizwana [32]
discussed the dynamics of spherically symmetric gravitational collapse in

f (R) gravity. The same authors [33] studied the effects of dark energy on the
dynamics of the collapsing fluid in metric f (R) gravity and it was concluded
that dark energy affects the mass of the collapsing matter. The possibility
of forming anisotropic compact stars with cylindrical symmetry has been
discussed by Abbas et al. [34]. Abbas and Sarwar [35] studied the stability
of the expansion free self gravitating source in the frame work of Einstein
Gauss-Bonnet gravity.
The most widely studied modified theory in the last decade is f (R) grav-
ity [36]-[41]. Some interesting works have also been published in the context
of f (R, T ) gravity [42]-[45]. Thus it seems interesting to investigate the issue
in f (R) theory of gravity. In this paper, we are interested to discuss cylin-
drical collapse of a charged anisotropic fluid in f (R) theory. The paper can
be divided mainly in four sections. Section 2 provides a brief introduction of
modified field equations in the presence of charge and cylindrical symmetry.
The perturbation scheme and the discussions of instability range for Newto-
nian and post Newtonian regimes are given in section 3. Final section gives
a brief summary and conclusion of the work.

2 Modified Field Equations

Here weP consider timelike three dimensional collapsing cylindrical boundary
surface filled with an anisotropic charged fluid, that divides four dimen-
sional line element into two different manifolds V + and V − . For the interior
V − space-time we take the general non-static cylindrically symmetric metric
in the co-moving coordinates given by [46]

ds2− = −A2 (t, r)dt2 + B 2 (t, r)dr 2 + C 2 (t, r)(dθ2 + dz 2 ). (1)

The line element for exterior region V + is considered as

2 2M
ds+ = − 1 − + 2 dv 2 − 2drdv + r 2 (dθ2 + dz 2 ), (2)
r r

where M and Q represent the mass and charge of the fluid respectively. The
action for f (R) gravity is

4 √
1 f (R)
S= d x −g − , (3)
2 κ 2π

where κ is a coupling constant, F = 41 F uv Fuv is Maxwell invariant with
Fuv = φv,u − φu,v representing electromagnetic field tensor and φu = φ(t, r)δu0
denotes the four potential. The field equations for f (R) gravity are
fR Ruv − f (R)guv − ▽u ▽v fR + guv fR = κ(Tuv + Euv ). (4)
Here fR = dfdR , ▽u denotes covariant derivative,  = ▽u ▽u , Tuv is mini-
mally coupled stress-energy tensor and Euv is electromagnetic tensor defined
1 1
Euv = (−Fuω Fvω + F ωx Fωx guv ). (5)
4π 4
Field Eqs (4) can be expressed in a more familiar form as
Guv = [Luv ], (6)
Luv = Tuv + Tuv + Euv , (7)
and effective stress-energy tensor Tuv is defined as

(D) 1 h f (R) − RfR i

Tuv = guv + ▽u ▽v fR − guv fR . (8)
κ 2
Here we assume that the matter is adiabatic and anisotropic which represents
dissipative collapse with heat flux and is given as [46]

Tuv = (ρ + p⊥ )Vu Vv + p⊥ guv + (pr − p⊥ )χu χv + qu Vv + qv Vu + lu lv − 2ησuv , (9)

where ρ, pr , p⊥ , Vu , qu , lu , χu and η represent the energy density, the radial

pressure, the tangential pressure, velocity four vector, heat flux, null vector,
radial four vector and the coefficient of shearing viscosity respectively. The
shear tensor σuv is defined as
1 1
σuv = [(Vu;v + Vv;u ) + (au Vv + av Vu )] − Θ(guv + Vu Vv ), (10)
2 3
where the 4-acceleration au and the Θ are given by

au = Vu;v V v , Θ = V;uu . (11)

Using the Bianchi identities, it follows that
Luv ;v Vu = 0, Luv ;v Xu = 0. (12)
Using co-moving coordinates, we consider the following constraints:
V u = A−1 δ0u , q u = qB −1 δ1u , χu = B −1 δ1u , lu = A−1 δ0u + B −1 δ1u , (13)
such that
V u Vu = −1, χu χu = 1, χu Vu = 0, q u Vu = 0, lu Vu = −1, lu lu = 0.
The Maxwell’s equations are given by
F uv ;v = 4πj u , Fuv;ω = 0, (15)
where j u ≡ µ(t, r)V u is four current, and µ represents charge density. Using
Eqs. (1) and (15), we obtain
B ′ 2C ′ ∂ϕ

− + − = 4πµAB 2 , (16)
∂r 2 A B C ∂r
and !
∂2ϕ Ȧ Ḃ 2Ċ ∂ϕ
− + − = 0, (17)
∂t∂r A B C ∂r
where dot and prime represents derivative with respect to t and r respectively.
Integrating Eq.(16), we get
∂ϕ qBA
= , (18)
∂r C2
such that electric field intensity E within a region of radius r and total charge
q are related by the following equations
q = µBC 2 dr, E= . (19)
4πC 2
For the interior spacetime (1), field equations (6) takes the form
2C ′′ C ′ 2B ′ C ′ A2
Ċ 2Ḃ Ċ A
κ ρ + 1 + 2πE 2

+ + − + − =
C B C B C C B C fR
fR′′ f˙R Ḃ 2Ċ fR′ B ′ 2C ′
f − RfR
+ + 2− 2 + − 2 − , (20)
2 B A B C B B C

! !
Ċ ′ ḂC ′ ĊA′ A′

1 Ḃ
2 − − = κ (q + 1) AB − f˙R′ − f˙R − fR′ , (21)
 !2 
 2 2
C′ 2A′ C ′ B2
B  2C̈ Ċ 2ȦĊ 
− + − + + = κ(pref f + 1
f − RfR f¨R f˙R fR′ B ′ 2C ′
Ȧ 2Ċ
−2πE 2 ) − + 2− 2 − − 2 + ,(22)
2 A A A C B B C

 2 " ! #   "
A′′ C ′′ A′ B ′ C ′
C B̈ C̈ Ȧ Ḃ Ċ Ḃ Ċ C
− + − + + + + − −
# !
B′C ′ C2

f − Rf R f¨R f ′′
f˙R Ȧ Ḃ Ċ
κ p⊥ef f + 2πE 2 − + 2 − R2 − 2

− = − −
BC fR 2 A B A A B C
fR′ A′ B ′ C ′
− 2 − + , (23)
where pref f ≡ pr − √43 ησ and p⊥ef f ≡ p⊥ + √23 ησ. The dynamical equations
are very useful for the investigation of gravitational collapse as they provide
the energy variation of the collapsing body with time and adjacent surfaces.
These equations are also helpful in observing dissipative effects during col-
lapsing process. We can formulate dynamical equations from the contracted
Bianchi identities. For this purpose, we use Eq.(12) and get
 ′ ! !

ρ̇ + q ′ + 2q + +ρ + + +
+pref f + + 2p⊥ef f + 4πE 2 + + P1 (r, t) = 0, (24)

A′ C ′ A′ C ′ A′ A′ C′ C′
p′ref f + pref f + + + +ρ + − 2p⊥ef f −2
!  ′
2C ′

+q̇ +2 + − 4πE 2 + + P2 (r, t) = 0, (25)
where P1 (r, t) and P2 (r, t) corresponds to dark source expressions (see ap-

3 Perturbation Analysis using Viable f (R) Model
In this work, we consider the Starobinksy like f (R) model [41]

f (R) = R + αRn . (26)

It is mentioned here that for n = 2, the model reduces to the well known
Starobinsky model [47]. The viability of model depends upon second order
derivative of scalar curvature function. If f ′′ (R) > 0 then f (R) is assumed
to be suitable in general relativity (GR) and Newtonian limits. In proposed
f (R) model, n > 2 and α is positive real number for demonstrating accel-
erated expansion of the universe and fulfilling stability criterion. Since the
field equations are highly complex and nonlinear, so their solution is difficult
to investigate analytically. Therefore theory of perturbation is implemented
by assuming that the metric function are static and perturbed quantities are
time and radical dependent. Using 0 < ǫ << 1 , functions can be written as

A(t, r) = Ao (r) + ǫT (t)a(r), (27)

B(t, r) = Bo (r) + ǫT (t)b(r), (28)

C(t, r) = Co (r) + ǫT (t)c(r), (29)
ρ(t, r) = ρo (r) + ǫρ(t, r), (30)
pref f (t, r) = proef f (r) + ǫpref f (t, r), (31)
p⊥ef f (t, r) = p⊥oef f (r) + ǫp⊥ef f (t, r), (32)
m(t, r) = mo (r) + ǫm(t, r), (33)
q(t, r) = ǫq(t, r), (34)
R(t, r) = Ro (r) + ǫT (t)e(r), (35)
E(t, r) = Eo (r) + ǫT (t)h(r), (36)
f (R) = [Ro (r)(1 + αRon−1 (r))] + ǫT (t)e(r)[1 + αnRon−1 (r)], (37)
fR (R) = 1 + αnRon−1 (r) + ǫαn(n − 1)Ron−2 (r)T (t)e(r). (38)

Assuming Co (r) = r, static configuration of the field equations (20)-(23)
takes the form:
2Bo′ 1 κBo2 2
 αn(n − 1)Ron−2
− 2 = ρ o + 1 + 2πE o + ×
rBo r 1 + αnRon−1 κ
Ro2 (n − 2)Ro−1 1 Bo′
− + − 2 − (39)
2n Bo2 Bo Bo r
2A′o 1 κBo2 2
 αn(n − 1)Ron−2
+ 2 = p roef f + 1 + 2πE o + ×
rAo r 1 + αnRon−1 κ
 2  #
1 A′o 2

− − , (40)
2n Bo2 Ao r
A′o Bo′ A′′o A′o Bo′ κBo2 αn(n − 1)Ron−2 Ro
− + − =
r Ao Bo Ao Ao BO 1 + αnRon−1 κ 2n
(n − 2)Ro−1 1 A′o Bo′
− − 2 − + + p⊥oef f + 2πEo2 , (41)
Bo2 Bo Ao Bo r
First dynamical equation (24) is identically satisfied in static configuration,
while second evolution equation (25) has static configuration as:
′ 2 2 Eo 2
proef f + (ρo + proef f + 2) + (proef f − p⊥oef f ) − 4πEo + + P2s = 0,(42)
Ao r Eo r
where P2s denotes the static part of P2 (r, t) (see appendix). Perturbed con-
figurations of evolution equations (24) and (25) are
Ao A′o 1
′ Ao 2 h 2c
ρ̇ + q + 2q + + 2πEo + +
Bo Bo Ao r Eo r

b 2c
(ρo + proef f + 2) + (ρo + p⊥oef f + 3) + P1p Ṫ = 0, (43)
Bo r

Bo  A′o 1
p′ref f
+ q̇ + ρ + pref f + 2 + 2pref f + p⊥ef f + 3 +
Ao Ao r
 ′  ′ 
′ 2 c Eo 2
−4π{(Eo h) + 2Eo + 2Eo h + } + (ρo + proef f + 2) ×
r Eo r
 ′  ′ i
a c
+ (2proef f + p⊥oef f + 3) T + P2p = 0, (44)
Ao r

where P1p and P2p denotes perturbed part of P1 and P2 respectively (see
appendix). Using the perturbation form of equation (21), q is eliminated as


1 n b ′o
q = αn(n − 1)Ron−2 e′ + e(n − 2)Ro−1 Ro′ − e o − R
κAo Bo Ao Bo o
( )
′ ′
cAo b c
−2(1 + αnRon−1 ) + − Ṫ − 1. (45)
rAo rBo r

Using Eqs.(43) and (45), we get

h b 2c 2 h 2c 
ρ̇ = − (ρo + proef f ) − (ρo + p⊥oef f ) − 4πEo + + P3 (r) Ṫ .(46)
Bo r Eo r

Integrating Eq.(46) with respect to ”t”, it follows

h b 2c 2 h 2c 
ρ = − (ρo + proef f ) − (ρo + p⊥oef f ) − 4πEo + + P3 (r) T.(47)
Bo r Eo r

The Harrison-Wheeler type equation of state describing second law of ther-

modynamics relates ρ and pref f in terms of adiabatic index Γ as [48, 49]

proef f
pref f = Γ ρ, (48)
ρo + proef f

The adiabatic index Γ is a measure to recognize pressure variation with

changing density. Putting equation (47) in above equation, we get
h b 2c proef f (ρo + p⊥oef f )
pref f = −Γ proef f + + 4πEo2 ×
Bo r ρo + proef f
h 2c proef f proef f i
+ − P3 T. (49)
Eo r ρo + proef f ρo + proef f

Inserting ρ, q and pref f from equations (47), (45) and (49) in (44) leads to
( )

T̈ A b
αn(n − 1)Ron−2 e′ + e(n − 2)Ro−1 Ro′ − e o − Ro′ − 2(1 +
κAo Ao Bo
( )
cA′o c′

b b 2c proef f (ρo + p⊥oef f )
αnRon−1 ) + − − ΓT proef f +
rAo rBo r Bo r ρo + proef f
( " # )   ′ 
2 h 2c proef f Ao 2 b
+ 4πEo + − P3 − ΓT + proef f
Eo r ρo + proef f ,1 Ao r Bo
( )
p⊥ef f
2c proef f (ρo + p⊥oef f ) 2 h 2c proef f
+ + 4πEo + − P3 +
r ρo + proef f Eo r ρo + proef f r
b 2c 2 h 2c
− − (ρo + proef f ) − (ρo + p⊥oef f ) − 4πEo + + P3 (r) T
Ao Bo r Eo r
 (  ′  ′ )  ′
′ 2 c Eo 2 a
+ − 4π (Eo h) + 2Eo + 2Eo h + + (ρo + proef f )
r Eo r Ao
+(2proef f + p⊥oef f ) T + P2p = 0. (50)

The differential equation obtained from perturb Ricci Scalar curvature is

T̈ (t) − P4 (r)T (t) = 0. (51)

P4 (r) is given in Appendix. A straight forward solution of above equation is

obtained as

P4 t
T (t) = −e . (52)

Some other solutions are also possible using separable variable method. How-
ever the differential equation involving the radial coordinate r becomes too
much complicated to deal with. Therefore we restrict ourselves to con-
sider equation (52) and estimate instability range in Newtonian and post-
Newtonian regimes.

3.1 Newtonian Regime
In this approximation, we assume that ρo >> proef f , ρo >> p⊥oef f and Ao =
1, Bo = 1. By substituting these values in equation (50), we get

T̈ h n−2 ′ −1 ′ ′ 2 (1 + αnRon−1 ) ′
αn(n − 1)Ro {e + e(n − 2)Ro Ro − bRo } − (b − c )
κ r
⊥ef f (N)
h 2c i′ 2h 2c i p h
−ΓT proef f b + proef f − ΓT proef f b + proef f + + (2proef f + p⊥oef f )
 ′ r  ′r  ′r o r
c n c Eo 2 i
− 4π (Eo h)′ + 2Eo2 + 2Eo h + + ρo a′ T + P2p (N) = 0. (53)
r r Eo r

Inserting the value of T from Eq.(52) in Eq. (53), we obtain

1 ′ ′ 2 c
Γ=  ′  ρo a − 4π{(Eo h) + 2Eo +

proef f b + 2cr proef f + roef r
b + 2c
′ p⊥ef f (N)

Eo 2 c
2Eo h( + )} + + (2proef f + p⊥oef f ) + P2p (N) + P5 .
Eo r r r

Thus the range for instability regime is given by [50]

′ ′
ρo a′ − 4π{(Eo h)′ + 2Eo2 rc + 2Eo h( E Eo
+ 2r )} + P2p (N) + P5
Γ< h i′ . (54)
proef f b + 2cr proef f + roef 2c

b + r

This relationship implies that the energy density, the electromagnetic field,
the curvature term and the pressure affect the value of the adiabatic index,
which in our analysis raises the importance of these physical variables. How-
ever, heat flux does not contribute to dynamic instability. It is clear that the
range of instability increases with the inclusion of electromagnetic fields. The
system approaches the unsteady state of the Newton approximation until the
inequality (54) holds.
When α → 0, the inequality (54) takes the form
′ ′
ρo a′ − 4π{(Eo h)′ + 2Eo2 rc + 2Eo h( E o
+ 2r )} − 2Prκ
(b − c′ )
Γ< h i′ . (55)
proef f b + 2cr proef f + roef 2c

b + r

This corresponds to general relativity.

3.2 Post Newtonian Regime
mo Q2
We summarize relativistic impressions upto O r
+ 2r 2
. In this approxi-
mation, we take

mo Q2 mo Q2
Ao = 1 − + 2, Bo = 1 + − 2, (56)
r 2r r 2r
Using Eq.(56) in Eq.(50), we get
p⊥ef f (P N)
W +X + r
+ P2(P N )
Γ< 2 rmo −2r 2 , (57)
N′ − r 2rmo −2r 2 −Q2

where W , X and N forms expressions as,

4r 4 P4(P N ) h
′ −1 ′
W = αn(n − 1)R o e + e(n − 2)Ro Ro
κ(2r 2 + 2rmo − Q2 )2
2 Q2 − rmo n
n−2 2c n−1
− eαn(n − 1)R o + 1 + αnR o
r 2rmo − 2r 2 − Q2 r
2r 2 n
n−2 ′ 2b n−1
− 2 bαn(n − 1)R o R o + 1 + αnR o
2r + 2rmo − Q2 r
2c′ i
+ 1 + αnRon−1 , (58)

2 Q − rmo 2br 2 (ρo + pref f ) 2c
X = − 2 2 2 2
− (ρo + p⊥ef f ) + P4(P N )
r 2rmo − 2r − Q 2rmo + 2r − Q r
 # (  ′  ′ )
h 2c c E 2
−4πEo2 + + 4π (Eo h)′ + 2Eo2 + 2Eo h o
Eo r r Eo r
′  ′
2ar 2

−(ρo + pref f ) 2 2
+ (2pref f + p⊥ef f ) , (59)
2rmo − 2r + Q r

2br 2 pref f
pref f h h 2c i
N = + 4πEo2 + − P4(P N )
2rmo + 2r 2 − Q2 ρo + pref f Eo r
2c pref f (ρo + p⊥ef f )
+ . (60)
r ρo + pref f

The dynamical instability in PN limit remains valid in the region where
inequality (57) is satisfied. In asymptotic limit, the inequality (57) remains
the same, however, W takes the form

4r 4 h 2c
2 2c′ i
W = (Q − rmo ) − 4br + .(61)
κ(2rmo + 2r 2 − Q2 )2 (2rmo − 2r 2 − Q2 ) r 2 r

4 Summary and Conclusion

The purpose of this work is to investigate dissipative cylindrical collapse of
a charged anisotropic fluid in f (R) Gravity. We consider the f (R) model
f (R) = R + αRn [41] and apply perturbation scheme to the modified field
equations. It is mentioned here that for n = 2, the model reduces to the
well known Starobinsky model [47]. The model under consideration pro-
vides a viable alternative to dark energy problems and satisfies the condition
f ′′ (R) > 0. The dynamical equations have been developed to study the
evolution of cylindrical stars. Dissipation in terms of heat flow plays an im-
portant role in the dynamics of collapse. In particular the charge and its
distribution imply drastic effects on evolution of the stellar structure.
Perturbed form of second Bianchi identity describes the evolution of the
collapsing system and is further used to establish the adiabatic index Γ which
gives the region of instability. The results are analyzed both in Newtonian
and Post Newtonian Regimes. It is clear that Γ has a dependence on the
electric field strength, the radiation effect, the density and the pressure con-
figuration. It is mentioned here that the results reduce to GR in the limiting
case when α → 0. Moreover, our results agree with the previous work [51] in
the case when fluid is non-viscous with isotropic pressure. In the absence of
Maxwell source results correspond to the work presented in [52]. When we
take n = 2 in the model, the results support the parameters in [53].

" ( ! !)
f˙R Ḃ 2Ċ fR′ B ′ 2C ′ fR′′
1 2 1 f − RfR
P1 (r, t) = A − 2 + − 2 − + 2
κ A2 2 A B C B B C B
( !) ( !2

f˙R 3A′ B ′ 2C ′ AA′

1 ˙′ − A f˙R − Ḃ f ′ Ḃ
+A2 2 2
f R R − 2
+ + 2
!2 !) ( !
f˙R′ 3A′ B ′ 2C ′ 2fR′ A′ 2Ḃ Ċ
Ċ 3Ȧ Ḃ 2Ċ
+2 + + + 2 + + − 2 +
! !) !
B ′ Ȧ Ḃ C ′ 2Ȧ Ḃ Ċ f ′′ 2Ȧ Ḃ Ȧ
+ + − − + + R2 + + (f − RfR )
f¨R Ḃ 2Ċ
+ 2 + , (62)

" ( ! !)
1 1 RfR − f f˙R Ȧ 2Ċ f ′
A 2C ′

P2 (r, t) = B2 − 2 − − R2 + + 2
κ B2 2 A A C B A C A
( !) ( !
1 ′
˙′ − A f˙R − Ḃ f ′ A′ f¨R fR′′ f˙R Ȧ Ḃ
+B 2 f R + + − +
A2 B 2 A B R A A2 B 2 A2 A B
) ( !

f¨R f˙R Ȧ 2Ċ
 ′ ′ ′
fR A B 2B RfR − f f′
− 2 + + + 2− 2 − − R2
B A B B 2 A A A C B
 ′ ) ! ! (
3C ′ ′ ′

A 1 Ȧ 3Ḃ 2Ċ A Ḃ 2C
+ + 2 + + f˙R′ − f˙R − fR′ +
A C A A B C A B C B2
! )#
f˙R Ċ 2Ḃ f ′ C′
+ 2 − − R2 . (63)

" (  )
αn(n − 1) 2 Ron−2 Ro2 nRo′ A′o 2
Ao 2
P2s = Bo − 2 + + +
κ nBo2 2 Bo Ao r Ao r
2Bo′ Ro2 Ron−2 Ro′ A′o A′o Bo′
Ro + (n − 2)Ro−1 Ro′2
+ + +
Bo2 2nBo Bo2 Ao Ao Bo
2Bo′ A′o 3
+ + 2 . (64)
Bo Ao r r

( )
e′′ + αn(n − 1)Ron−2 h
P1p = (n − 2) (2e′ − e)Ro−1 Ro′ + eRo−1 Ro′′ + e(n − 3)Ro−2 Ro′2
( (
Ro Bo2 b  ′′  c b ′
2c ′
b 2A′o 3Bo′
− − Ro + (n − 2)Ro−1 Ro′2 + e′ + Ro′ + + − +
2 Bo r 2 Bo r Bo Ao Bo
) ) #
2c A′o 2 ′
    ′ ′
4 A 3A B 1
+ −1 − − + e′ − e o + (n − 2)eRo−1 Ro′ o
+ o+
r r Ao r Ao Ao Bo r
" ( )#
αn(n − 1) A2o Ron−2 ′ A′o b ′
+ e − e − R + (n − 2)eRo−1 Ro′ . (65)
κ 2 2
Bo Ao Bo 2 Ao Bo o

" ( )
αn(n − 1) Ron−2 b B ′
e′ + (n − 2)eRo−1 Ro′ 1 + A2o − R′ + 2e(1 − A2o ) o
p2p = T̈
κ A2o Bo o Bo
( ) ( "
Ron−2 Ro2 Bo2 n−2
Ro Bo2
  ′    ′ 
′ Ao 2 2 Ro Ao 2
+2T bBo Ro + − + T Bo e + +
Bo4 Ao r 2n Bo4 2 Ao r
( "  # )#)
2 ′  ′
R bB o a c 4b Rn−2
e(n − 2)Ro−1 Ro′ + o − Ro′ +2 + + e′ + o2 T
n Ao r Bo Bo
( ( " # )
A′o 2

+ e′′ + 2e′ Ro−1 R′ o + eRo−1 Ro′′ + e(n − 3)Ro−2 Ro′2 (n − 2)
Ao r
(      )" # ( 
′ ′ ′
2b A′o 2

a c a
− 2 + + Ro′′ + (n − 2)Ro−1 Ro′2 + Ro′
Ao r Bo Ao r Ao
 ′  ′  ′  ′  ′ ) "
2Ao 3Bo′
b Ao 2 c 3Bo 2
+ +3 + +2 + + e′
Ao Bo Bo Ao r r Bo r
#"   #)#
′ ′ ′
2b Ao A o B 2 3B 1
+e(n − 2)Ro−1 Ro′ − R′ + o + o
+ . (66)
Bo o Ao Ao Bo r Bo r

" (
Ao 1 n−2 ′ −1 ′ b ′
P3 = − αn(n − 1)Ro e + e(n − 2)Ro Ro − e − R
Bo κAo Bo Ao Bo o
 ′ ′
 )# "
cAo b c 2
−2 1 + αnRon−1 αn(n − 1)Ron−2

+ − − 2
rAo rBo r κBo

A b
e′ + e(n − 2)Ro−1 Ro′ − e o − Ro′ − 2 1 + αnRon−1

Ao Bo rAo
c′ A′o 1

+ − + − P1p . (67)
rBo r Ao r

" ( " # "
rA2o Bo e 2c 1 a 2b 1
P4 = − − − A′′o + − a′ Bo′ + a′′ + A′o b′
br + 2Bo c 2 r 3 Ao Bo2 Ao Bo Bo
 # ( " #)
a 3b 2 a 2b c
−A′o Bo′ + + a′ + c′ A′o − A′o + + +
Ao Bo r Ao Bo r
( ) " #)#
Ao ′′ b′ Bo′ c′ 3b c 2 ′ b c
c − − + + + 2 c − − . (68)
r Bo Bo Bo r r Bo r

" ( ) #
P4 2(1 + αnRo )
P5 = αn(n − 1)Ron−2 e′ + e(n − 2)Ro−1 − bRo′ − (b − c′ ) .(69)
κ r

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