The Impact of Technological and Marketing Innovations On Retailing Industry: Evidence of India
The Impact of Technological and Marketing Innovations On Retailing Industry: Evidence of India
The Impact of Technological and Marketing Innovations On Retailing Industry: Evidence of India
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Amgad S.D. Khaled1, Salma Ahmed1, Mosab I. Tabash2,*, Eissa A. Al-Homaidi3 and
Mohammad Imtiaz Hossain4
Department of Business Administration, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
College of Business, Al Ain University of Science and Technology, Al Ain, UAE
Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Abstract: Innovation is usually linked with technology-based change. Retailers form a significant sector in the developed
economies and also are picking up in the developing economies. There have been few studies in the area of innovation
in the retail industry in both conceptual as well as empirical points of view. The objective of this study is to study the
impact of marketing and technological innovations on the retail industry. The sample of the study was drawn from the
customers who live in the city of Aligarh in India. The study is conclusive, descriptive and is based on a single cross-
sectional research design. Quantitative data was generated on the basis of the research instrument (a questionnaire).
The study concluded that technological innovation is more important than marketing innovation with respect to World of
Mouth (WOM) referral and satisfaction. Furthermore, the study revealed that technological innovation has an impact on
store image, customer value, brand store equity, satisfaction, WOM referral, and WOM activity. The study also
recommended that a retailer can take some advantages of introducing new technologies. This means investing in
technologies would help in increasing market share and competitiveness of the retail sector in the long-run.
satisfaction. There is a dearth of studies on innovation reflection of the store’s identity and is a reflection of
in retail particularly pertaining to technological what consumer perception and beliefs is about the
innovation which brings satisfaction of customers. The store and as such also their expectation from the stores
present study attempts to fill this gap. The main (King et al., 2014). Traditionally brand equity as a
objectives of this study are: concept focuses on the product (Rust et al., 2000), the
increase in value derived from the existence of the
1. To study the impact of marketing innovation on brand (Yoo et al., 2000) and takes place often when
satisfaction, store image, brand store equity, customer show a positive association with a known
consumer value WOM referral, and WOM brand.
2.4. WOM Referral and Activity
2. To study the impact of technological innovation
on brand store equity, store image, satisfaction, More recent work had been identified for
consumer value WOM referral, and WOM dimensions of WOM. Sweeney et al. (2012) included
activity. the cognitive element that refers to what is said and the
emotional component that reflects the emotions in how
2. LITERATURE REVIEW AND RESEARCH they are said to be (Mazzarol et al., 2007). Activity and
Referral are also considered to be dimensions of WOM
2.1. Technological and Marketing Innovation (Gelbrich, 2011). It has discussed that “both
dimensions may become salient when customers
The studies on innovation focus on two major experience particular emotions (Gelbrich, 2011). Some
dimensions, marketing and technological innovation of the most important literature are summarized in the
(Musso, 2010). Innovation in service including retailers’ Table 1.
services is an on-going problem and very difficult to
This study focuses on marketing and technological
define and measure (Tether, 2005). An innovation in
innovations. It identifies various variables of marketing
service of a retailer is a marketing innovation (MI). The
and technological innovations and assesses its impact
advantage of information and communication
on level of satisfaction of consumers in the context of a
technologies has influenced and charged market
retail set up. The study hypotheses are formulated
condition by giving access to new tools which add
value to costumer experience (Thiesse, 2009). There
are number of benefits that a retailer enjoys by use of Ho1: There is no significant impact of marketing &
such technologies like the reduction in cost, increasing Technological innovations (MI&TI) on WOM Referral.
in the level of satisfaction of consumers, introductions
of flexible job and ultimately in the areas of market Ho2: There is no significant impact of marketing &
share and improving the competitive advantages of the Technological innovations (MI&TI) on WOM Activity.
firms (Gil et al., 2014). Technological innovation (TI) is
recently come to the surface with promising benefits; Ho3: There is no significant impact of technological &
but it has such challenges which need to be tested marketing innovations (MI&TI) on satisfaction.
(Renko & Druzijanic, 2014).
Ho4: There is no significant impact of marketing &
2.2. Consumer Value and Customer Satisfaction Technological innovations (MI&TI) on store image.
Consumers expected to find more supporting and Ho5: There is no significant impact of marketing and
interactive tools that increase the knowledge of technological innovations (MI&TI) on brand store
shopping (Pantano, 2014). The satisfaction of the store equity.
indicated a self-assessment that the store exceeds or
meets expectations (Helgesen et al., 2010). The theory Ho6: There is no significant impact of marketing and
of expectation had the extensive acceptance in the technological innovations (MI&TI) on consumer values.
2.3. Store Image and Store Brand Equity
Experimental research has been developed in the
In retailing industry, store image plays a very context of shopping experiences in electronic products,
important role (Jayawardhena et al., 2016). It is a clothing, grocery and furniture stores. Information had
950 Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2019, Vol. 8 Khaled et al.
Application of different ideas which Hristov and Retail Primary Innovation in retailing possesses a range
stimulate the performance of the Reynolds (2015) executives and of sector specific meanings and
retailer other industry measurement approaches that are
experts distinct from more generic
understandings of the phenomenon
Forms of modern technology used Gil et al. (2014) Retail stores Secondary ICTs develop store capability and
to exchange, create, manipulate , (grocery, competiveness
capture, connect, present & use textile,
information electronics and
Creation of modern Mihajlović Travel agencies Secondary ICTs develop efficiency, facilitate
Technologies (2012) activities and offer added value for
Implementation of a modern Bomfim et al. Industrial, trade Secondary Marketing innovation has ability to
concept (2012) and services provide a sustainable competitive
firms Benefit
Study in Strategic perspective Musso (2010) Marketing Review of Marketing innovation classification:
focus on competitive advantage Channels Literature Structural, technological and relational.
along distribution channel Study in
Operational perspective: offer of
new services
Concentrated on the usage of the Thiesse et Apparel retail Secondary ICTs could provide competitive
RFID Technology al.(2009) advantage by creating value to
Variations in processes and Ganesan et al. Retailers Review of Three trends: relationship-based
products which decreases cost or (2009) Literature Innovation, Multichannel routes to
increases efficiency, and improve market and global sourcing practices
customer satisfaction
modern common of Methods and Anselmsson and Household Secondary An important connection found between
ideas Johansson (2009) growth in the level of innovativeness in
the group and the retailer market share
in a group
Technological Four Measures the perception of consumers of retail use and ICT Wu et al. (2006)
innovation items development.
Marketing Three Representing one of the centennial attempts. This limitation is Homburg et al. (2002)
innovation items studied. This idea has new ideas about marketing or services,
which provides a benchmark includes number of approved
Store image Four Organization, comfort facilities and retaining access features,. Chowdhury et al. (1998)
Consumer value Four Adopted the economic concentration using the economic (Sullivan et al., 2012)
items measurement value proposed by Sweeney, (2001).
Brand store equity Four Evaluated from the purchase, intention or preference of a given (Hartmann and Spiro, 2005)
items store compared to a fictional store.
Satisfaction Five Reverses the cognitive component, and empathy component based (Gelbrich, 2011)
items on Oliver.
WOM Referral and Six items The behavior of WOM Referral and Organization activity (Harrison Walker, 2001)
WOM activity
Online 41
Offline 300
Total No. of questionnaire distributed 341
No. of Questionnaire returned
Online 41
Offline 276 317
No of incomplete questionnaire
Online 2
Offline 8 10
Total of usable questionnaires 307
Response Rate 90%
Gender Male 185 60.3 68 out of 100 respondents were males while 122
respondents were females.
Female 122 39.7
Total 307 100
Age 15-25 131 42.7 131 respondents belonged to 15-25 yrs 126 respondents
belonged to 25-35 yrs 43 respondents belonged to 35-45
25-35 126 41 yrs
35-45 43 14 7 respondents belonged to above 45 yrs
above 45 7 2.3
Total 307 100
Education 10+2 54 17.6 Majority of respondents were graduate 126 respondents
were post graduate
Graduate 123 40.1
85 respondents were under graduates
Post graduate 85 27.7 45 respondents were Ph.D students
Ph.D. 45 14.7
Total 307 100
10+2 54 17.6
Occupation Student 150 48.9 Majority of respondents were students
Unemployed 100 32.6 100 respondents were unemployed
49 respondents were in service and 8 respondents are
in service 49 16 housewife.
Housewife 8 2.6
Total 307 100
Retail store Food 99 32.2 38% of the respondents choose textile store, 32% choose
food store and 19%, 10 of the respondents choose
Textile 117 38.1 electronic and household respectively.
Electronic 60 19.5
Household 31 10.1
Total 307 100
were computed. All the constructs in the study were five which the maximum value. The results were shown
measured using a five Likert scale anchored by the in Table 6 reported that the mean value for 307
value of (1) which represent the minimum value and respondents which ranges from1.8 to 2.3, revealing
The Impact of Technological and Marketing Innovations on Retailing Industry Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2019, Vol. 8 953
that most of the respondents where either strongly 4.6. Regression Analysis
agree or disagree that innovation on retail sector has a
significant impact. Further, there are no variations Table 8 illustrates the regression results between
between the mean score for the variables of the study. dependent and independent variables. It is clearly seen
from the results of Table 6 that all models are fit (sig.
4.5. Correlation Analysis less than 0.01).
Table 7 present correlation matrix and Regarding model (1) which examines the impact of
multicollinearity diagnostics. As shown in panel A there marketing innovation on store image, it is clear from
is a positive correlation among the independent Table 8 that the model is significant (P. value0.002).
variables. There is no variable which has a correlation Further, the adjusted R square is 0.56, which means
more than 0.80. All variables have correlation less than that the independent variables marketing innovation
0.80. Furthermore, as shown in panel B, VIF is less contribute only 0.56 to the total variation in the
than 3 and the tolerance is not less than 0.20 which is dependent variable. Moreover, the model reveals that
considered good values and indicates the absence of marketing innovation positively and significantly
multicollinearity problem. impacts store image; the coefficient is 0.22 which
MI 1
TI .628* 1
SI .475* .558* 1
CV .511* .557* .525* 1
BES .393* .372* .319* .641* 1
S .384* .498* .466* .473* .545* 1
WOMR .422* .446* .363* .434* .440* .486* 1
WOMA .223* .320* .264* .364* .333* .400* .587* 1
Panel B: Multicolinearity Diagnostics
VIF 1.723 1.723
Tolerance 0.58 0.58
*correltion is significant at the level of 0.01.
Note: MI=marketing innovation , TI=technological innovation, SI=store image, CV=consumer value, BES=brand store equity, S=satisfaction, WOM referral, WOM
954 Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2019, Vol. 8 Khaled et al.
indicates that when marketing innovation increase by as shown in Table 8. The adjusted R square of the
one unit, store image will increase by 0.22 unit. This models applied is 0.27, 0.31 and 0.19, for model 4,5
result consistent with Fuentes-Blasco, et al., (2017) and 6 respectively which suggests that marketing and
who found that marketing innovation has a positive technological innovation are contributing and explaining
impact on store image (P. value0.002). Similarly, the about 56% of the variability of 27% to satisfaction as
model demonstrates that technological innovation has the case of model 4 and 31% and 19% to WOM referral
a positive and significant impact on store image (P. and WOM activity as shown in model 5 and 6
value 0.00). The coefficient values suggest that an respectively.
increase in technological innovation by one unit results
in 0.507 increase in store image. With regard the impact of MI and TI, the results of
the study affirm statistically both Marketing Innovation
Concerning the impact of technological innovation and Technological Innovation on satisfaction, WOMR
on customer value in model 2, Table 8 shows that the and WOM A (p‹0.010). Concerning the impact of
adjusted R square is 0.41, which means the marketing innovation and technological innovation on
technological innovation contributed only 0.41 to the WOM activity and satisfaction, the result shows that
total variation in the consumer value. Furthermore, the only technological innovation has a significant impact
model reveals that technological innovation has a on both satisfaction and WOM activity (p‹0.01). But
positive and significant impact on consumer value (P. there is no significant impact of marketing innovation
value 0.00). The coefficient is 0.32 which indicate that on satisfaction and WOM activity (p›0.05). Finally, the
when technological innovation increases by one unite results of this study reveal a significant impact of
consumer value will increase by 0.32 units. These Marketing Innovation and Technological Innovation on
outcomes consistent with (Christofi, et al., 2015, Djellal retail. This leads the study to reject the null hypothesis
et al., 2013; Musso, 2010) who found that technological as value of all variables is less than 1%. The outcomes
innovation has a positive impact on consumer value. of this study indicate that marketing and technological
innovation help to develop image of the consumer
Similarly, the model demonstrates that marketing
store. The findings of this study is consistent with
innovation positively and significantly impacts on
(Fuentes-Blasco, et al., 2017) who found that
consumer value (P. value 0.00). The coefficient values
marketing and technological innovation impacts the
suggest that an increase in technological innovation by
image of the store and also has influence on consumer
one unit results in 0.32 increasing in consumer value.
value and satisfaction. Further, technologies also
The adjusted R square of the models 3 is 0.24 which
improve customer satisfaction and consumer value with
suggests that marketing and technological innovation
the store. The results of this study contradicts the study
are contributing and explaining about 56% of the
of Fuentes-Blasco, et al., (2017) which find that
variability of, 24% to brand store equity as shown in
marketing innovation has an impact on WOM activity
model 3, the results of the study show that marketing and satisfaction. The study is relevant to retailers in
innovation has an impact on brand store equity (p. India who are in a dilemma about the role of technology
value 0.001). Similarly, technological innovation has s in the retail sector. The summary of accepted/rejected
significant impact on brand store equity (p. value 0.000) hypotheses is shown in Table 9.
The Impact of Technological and Marketing Innovations on Retailing Industry Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2019, Vol. 8 955
C Sig. C Sig. C Sig.
Variables Model 1 (SI) Model 2 (CV) Model 3 (BSE) Model 4 (S) Model 5 Model 6
MI Sig. (Rejected) Sig. (Rejected) Sig. (Rejected) Insig. (Accepted) Sig. (Rejected) Insig.
TI Sig. (Rejected) Sig. (Rejected) Sig. (Rejected) Sig. (Rejected) Sig. (Rejected) Sig. (Rejected)
5. CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS OF THE important than marketing innovation in WOM referral,
STUDY and satisfaction. Technological innovation has an
impact on store image, customer value, brand store
This study aims to go deeply into the innovation of
equity, satisfaction, WOM referral and WOM activity.
retail industry, both in technological and marketing This explains that behaviour of customer in India is
aspects, and their direct and indirect impact on
similar to behaviour of consumer in Spain. Therefore, it
satisfaction. The study gives recommendation over
is recommended that a retailer can take benefit from
consumer value, store image and store brand equity. It
introducing technologies and therefore invest in
is a different line of learning (Fuentes Blasco, 2017;
technologies which in the long run would help in
Christofi, et al., 2015, Djellal et al., 2013; Musso, 2010).
increasing market share and competitiveness. This is
This study is in lines with the study undertaken by from the fact that customers have motivations which go
Fuentes Blasco, (2017) who has done a study in Spain
beyond the purchase of the product. Marketing
and found that marketing and technological innovation
innovation has no impact on WOM activity and
effects the image of the store, satisfaction, consumer
satisfaction while it has an impact on store image,
value and also WOM activities. Further, technologies
customer value, WOM referral and brand store equity.
also improve customer satisfaction with the store. The
Retailers are at a stage where they are still assessing
study concluded that technological innovation is more the impact of Information technology (IT) on the retail
956 Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2019, Vol. 8 Khaled et al.
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