Medications Disposal and Waste Management
Medications Disposal and Waste Management
Medications Disposal and Waste Management
1. Purpose:
1.1. To align with the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) vision, mission and strategic objective, to direct resources to
1.2. To implement best practices, to improve efficacy, proper utilization and patient safety in regard to medicines
1.3. To mandate the requirement and specifications for identifying, tracking, checking and inspecting Expiry dates
of drugs and medical products to ensure the safety and competent delivery of pharmaceutical services.
2. Scope:
3. Definitions/Abbreviations:
Controlled Drug is a medicine that having a significant potential for abuse, addiction and/or could be
diverted for illegal use, This group includes the medical and pharmaceuticals products that contain any of
the active ingredients listed in International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) schedules Nos. (1, 2, 3, 4)
contained within the convention of the United Nations for psychotropic substances for the year 1971 and
Schedules mentioned in the Federal Law No. 14 of 1995 in respect of combating the Narcotic drugs and
Psychotropic substances and its amendments according to the afore mentioned Cabinet Decree No. (38)
Of 2015.
Expiration date/ Expiry date Reflects the shelf life of a commercially manufactured product when stored
according to the competent authorized entity approved labelling, in its original container. It is the date
before which the quality of a medicine remains acceptable for intended use.
Health Facility Any facility, owned and managed by natural or corporate body, provides medical services
Licensed pharmacist any person licensed to practice the pharmacy profession according to the provision
Medicine/medication/pharmaceutical drug Any formula that contains one or more element for the
Narcotic Drug This group includes all the medical and pharmaceutical products that contain any of the
active ingredients listed in International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) schedules Nos. (1,2,3,4) in
accordance with the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 and as amended in the protocol of 1972
,and Schedules mentioned in the Federal Law No. 14 of 1995 in respect of combating Narcotic drugs and
Psychotropic substances and its amendments according to the Cabinet Decree No. (38) Of 2015.
Pharmacist in-charge is a qualified and trained DHA licensed pharmacist or clinical pharmacist assigned
by the health facility. The pharmacist in-charge is the responsible and accountable person for all
Pharmacy the facility where the profession of preparing, preserving, compounding, and dispensing
medications is practice.
Semi Controlled Drugs: not listed within the schedules attached to the Federal law No. 14 of 1995 in
respect of combating of drugs and psychotropic substances and its amendments. Drugs not listed within
the schedules attached to international conventions of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)
and Drugs that have been classified by the drug registration committee of MOHAP as semi controlled
drugs (SCD) as they contain the following; Medications that have medical benefits, but with long term use
in high doses or use with other substances that might lead to habituation and addiction and substances
that have potential serious side effects and may affect the safety of the adult, children, fetuses or may lead
to abortion.
CD Controlled Drugs
DM Dubai Municipality
4. Policy Statement:
4.1. All DHA licensed health facilities should have a certificate of disposal from a contracted medical waste
management company approved by Dubai Municipality (DM) to confirm safety shelf life and validity
of the medications.
4.2. All health facilities providing pharmaceutical services must comply with the manufacturer
specifications and guidelines for the management, storage and use of medications and check for
4.3. Health facilities must ensure that all expired, damaged, returned or withdrawn medications are kept
in designated cabinets/areas, clearly labeled and separated from the active stock.
4.4. Health facilities must put in place a Medications Disposal and Waste Management plan approved by
4.5. All expired/unusable and damaged medications shall be returned to the distributing drug stores from
which they were purchased, and to obtain credit note for evidence, except for Narcotics.
4.6. All expired/unusable Narcotic medications shall be returned to the Ministry of Health and Prevention
4.7. Any expired medications that cannot be repossessed by the drug store shall be discarded by the
4.8. Health facilities are permitted to dispose drugs through DM or a medical waste management
4.9. Health facilities must have in place an agreement with the nominated entity for disposal of medical
4.10. The facility can dispose the expired CD/SCD medications with a minimum of Ten (10) different
4.11. All health facilities are entitled to apply for “Medication Disposal Request Form” (Appendix 1).
4.12. Health facilities must complete the application form for the disposal of medication and submit the
4.13. Upon receiving completed form, inspection team from Drug Control Section (DCS) shall visit the
health facility within 5 working days , audit drugs to be disposed and make sure that both parties
sign the Medications Disposal Request Form and to be stamped by the facility’s stamp.
4.14. All such transactions related to the disposal shall be documented by the DHA inspection team in the
4.15. Any CD/SCD drug discrepancies during DHA inspection team audit will be considered as a violation
and shall be reported to Medical Practice Committee (MPC) for further action.
4.16. Disposal reports and Certificate of Disposal Shall be sent to DCS for documentation and future
4.17. All facilities must ensure to dispose all the expired, damaged or withdrawn medications which have
been audited by DCS team within one month of the inspection visit.
5. References
5.1. Cabinet Decision No. (21) Of 2019, on amendment of some tables attached to Federal Law No. (14)
5.2. Dubai Health Authority (2013). Dubai Community Pharmacy Licensure and Pharmaceutical
5.3. Dubai Health Authority (2018). DHA Law No. (6) Of 2018.
5.4. Federal Law No. (4) Of 1983, Concerning Pharmaceutical Profession and Establishments.
5.5. Ministerial Decree No. (888) Of 2016, In respect of Rules and Regulations for Prescribing and
6. Appendix